Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County Vindicator.
VOL. 3
fl'Ri r*llt> KVEKY FRIDAY,
by wm t. revill. j
o S. uth aids ol Ui< Court Home
Kki a! A4vrrtl<4w.
■,ft II w-k j 4 wk* 3 n<> |ii m<> 1 \
ft inch 1100 3VI IV) 7OH 12 >
i 2 inches l ■“'l ft i" '• v * WiJI, 15 W
‘-Smehrs 3 (kl OH IW *k> • WkW 37 on
I r „| j 5 00 10 001 -30 (VO 35(41. Hft on
, 4 ,-.*l 7 oo 15 00 35 00 H 5 00 n <*
{ Ilooo■3ooo •35 00 fio 00 ftoo
rtr A Itltfcntl dean. ti-m. made t-' Tftpf
mtwrtwnc by lli? month *r yt*ar.
CO UN ty officers.
OU 'INV v ..-. r 'V 35HT J
i LEfjK S (' \ J lr>ni<*n
T\snsEcKivku w p wn.nw.u-
Ti.’KA -UUFU I- M Adam*
, _ and . i ■ i' y,j>Vl \t I <>>! < * Vi I{.S. J
II t!c. TANARUS" fcUn. _BM I* vet. t, I
J,.sc I**i irMi <-,- |( M McCaahu,
u. X It rT ,f A t-wmnr, l
J,.|m W Park. w J. Hart.ea,
Mad.sou Uttitti, l( A I aiker,
A H. Freeman—K-u.—
J-ENATOH 35 It W-s'nt L U 1. lV.i\y.
ill puE- i:\ rATIVEM
_OU*.!ili W*i wr, _—M I B<*' -
JOHN w take,
i TI'OHNKV at law.
t, uit mi; ii w*
\*ii pro-lice in Mc.nwcHiei Ho- “and
Joining cottulhu-
Glv tlit.E l. T’fc vV V,
Y tilt VV * VIII t- *l*
A II n.r.UI it.'
I r KN 1 A I !A¥
• (.1,1 , 1 . '
All bUMtwwi entrn t> i" In* cm* hUj nd
ml |.• i.i. mi.l.y amt J.ll<lu !
CarpeaUT’v Notl.'3i,
XhOITVH* N Ml ? chfti!., h' r Mil 1 *\ iii l
tl u|i ( ibt| Ui iUini. I<' J* a> i l<t inlot in
%l IrtriMto •il ill* il**t lii.ii* jm
-(J 1* *ii i lilt ; k n>i> ■l
( \ m/NTi::r- v ohu *
• s - ■ . *
hMi rt<ai aml ilikjmuli 1
lumn.t Csuliiii'A 1. > •
•I .IreJleMe HOKUM KNTAt m*o,
■ lln Mj I ft' ! !■' ,
I IJi . .r)V 1. 1 OHK,
>i,, l i! I, l ■ L Wt.UII n.M.M' n
• •! • (ho*
■f ( OK y.TO vr s
t s ■v\ OOJ I" fAttN f. MOV I k
. an- M I l‘‘|. 11! l !lt
I -ow l?rice#s
mnimA iajtk •Iwn'nm l" " 1'
. 9
, Hoofing, j '• '•> " l ‘ ' l: ';
<J. _* (ij In 11. I. ' .!>> | t ■!' i'' * ' '
' KAMI'- *> and LASPCM>1 y !;!{ d
A*rmralljf on h<l and urdll Hm Art
M < Kmdbw *tU prerttfvely b M 81
•+>>) w H* Oiia. I°r
b f>, hIUdiCM ftiW ***'l
' wlira' ; FUmefl he, chela WudM )>:'') .
F x lmndred boHielt Prim* Edward Nland
! Data. price Wbe' fB set Nkd •id')
12 per taahe)—Oat* ft |H bnafel.
A. J HNfcL'ON,
*2O ]rti f.j mile- ** L. ol Greenville
W**Ht Poiiit
( tOLdJEGIATKy-v f"- 175 * begin*
\j Wedt w-l.y, Bill dsy of September.
K -ard. lodgms, la* I and lights famished by
Uie Pft kieut for VJ
l J er Aloiitli.
Music idiUob pet annum $-Vi. Plot Fre<l
He i. a thorough and accomplished mu
nkkn. ha* cfn-rge of this de]<aftmcnt. I
have been in West Pottrt si* year*, •M
have another six years k-sse n the build
mg A P- MOCfTY,
,13 in,* fTwtmut
I The Eennesaw Gazette
I I>* voted io Railroad nttst*., Literature
|W a ,r,d Honor Kilty lent* j*r Ymi
tIIKOMO to eei/ soiree, i per.
I Atlanta, Us.
*“ I d *J l ti<®r
V-A iei fit 5 tree. A a
* CO., Portland M f m
r*. J. iiicf t c t
Wilt Lri' C < n llte Menses when they b*vr
no! been eslsh ishetl. elso w hen they Isvt
tuTIi —sirp:'’ euKf.-* trnn tiwuniMl eswse- ■
Will Hire Kheummism siut NVorHlpie •>'i
the Itecfe Hint wmtih. Will t lire Psitthi
Mn,sirtith>n, sn't relieve the he<l. Inch
mi 1 Win* nt those Oolre.-inj plw *n
■ii ties Wiil eheet men. rititii’l iirHi-i-s :
siie ft.iw ’ Wtßrnrt- ‘Whiles' ami. I.tlliu.
i ! the w mile when it i lh rinull ol iclux
ation ■ r Imni hewllh.
1’ is h“ sure m core in all the almve dis
esses ns Q , nice is in Chills and Fever.
Ladies iso core llieo-s. ivis of nil tin
ilhivi- iliseases it venting tlieii
cvmi'lsints io uy. ptr-nii, winch is always
nmrlifying I*' Uu il | rule and mmlesty.
Rj, rrc.nmincn.u\l alul ased bv Ihe Ltee
Itl.v&ifia** in I heir |> iva'c 1-rnclice.
F..i a hist-try ol tin- disease*
■emiflFales ill its w.m* rial emes and
dirteti-ns, the reader is retried t-i (It
wrp|ter nrouutl the UntUe. Manufaclul
e,l and -anM by
BUAIiFIELD vV ( O, Atlantn, oa.
"SntTTvy att T>Mit r gr?rg. Free fl ft&.
'lhe Kei|ileitii lloum Re-|H r.
JtV Oils V D. B\UK.
I ... .—, I. I 1. .. .1 .. 4 .is i, t*a ir a
I W INTT I T:T| t t It rit ** Tt \’ rl * n
Ol, ibis very minute ;
Id soon put all these things to rights
Tte vriy deuce is In it,
IB re’s big washing to be tlone.
One ps |i ol tiapd* t-> thi h,
Sli i t.-, thil ls and stockings, e- it'* ftnd pant
H a wil! I e>r get iliroujli n ?
Dinner to get |.ir six oi more,
N-- Inal lei' o'er ir-ini JSumlHy ;
A J liiby cnuv ns lie can live *
11l 's always so on Monday.
And there*!' the eresnf, 'its getting sour,
Aid must loMliwitU lie churning.
And here's Bob wants a luill--n on
Which way slut.l I be mrnuig 1
i'is lime Hie meat a in the pot,
I lie htrad was Wiifhed h,l Itsiilfit*.
Tlit- i'lolhes \Vcic taken Puin the bnio -
01, ..icai ! ihc baby's v liking
I lush, baby deal 1 tloie, Imsh sli th I
1-g lab.he’d .licp a Hull!.
J pLj -i i... jmi and gel s-iinc wood
To hutly up that k l ie.
IHid- si ■ it l' comes home,
And find illtllg* 111 llie polhel,
He'd Jual b- gin and Veil me all
Aboin hhsTidy mother f
11.. w aiee hsi kiteben used to l*e,
Her <1 uitie*i always lesdy
Ksaelly when the mam bell rung-—.
Bitth ImA I <tos w Wnmjf'
A-.d thin Will c inc some linaiy Word,.-
Ui hl Ml! boh-re Till llliriking
They sy tlt bs ’y words Jrom wives
Bet h)si:i (i,u U< dib king.
Now isn’t i hat a pieat 'idea,
Thai ito'h itiOuTfl 'nkr t" steoirg
lire hum- n souj, If 11-slek wile,
Cau l alwuy smile so vnnntng f
VVbctr J “r voting I mud In earn
M \ ii\ fi. w ilhout I •■.Utile,
llml < Willie* urn} |n Krl lieuiev, too,
A lid If 'ir- . .1 MMIN double.
| nn i'T T*ra f Ti*' r ' *i r Kttt*!. ft la' **,
W lieu |, n Im * ! waa com Id
Will', mu..ln i, nu in Kimniri'N*. <:■•< w,
Uoijvi Ur* |<f , t:liii.ln r imuit iniimllCV .
daily M lliMt and itl)‘l Mil till jjlllt-'l t'ly il'-inj
: .. . *
Fot Igc i • "i • b*g leu 1
Nil rtlglfl <tl H Holllfl'N Love.
All in ll"ll>M><, tlie loiltltHlt Klfllfl.
nirtell*’ Mini Pari* crie*>|e.i.i|iol of tin
New Yurt. Trilmiif, lelaica 'b!* incident <• I
Hie !ie it ri ibe flood* in the awulb of
Kuitit* :
'l'lh- Jotirnan* arid the telegram* barfioHl
yuii all hlf ill llitrtt* ini<-tr'tin'*", but ]/""
know iittlt almiJl ilie [irirale 1 n|fr; I if*
w! it'll In*vt' ri.ejifd * Veit P-triti l" tfai" I
I wj:| tell v"u tiii t< ry bhihui? tinny. A
j \ niotWet i* rh rti-' ii* , i ny tin iouDdn Mu bat to t Wldifti *t lti<
: brtßkl, alm able llllie (jirl.. The water in
vade* ti<r U. *iHf ; it is-f ijflit ami tlif hour
if Wib ol b tr'.r The take* < i."
lit )|ifi.M*i| aiitl oiouM* on tiif root, l*'.t
the woman think*, only <ti her children ;
■ |,. itl.tii. HI, tirrarl vu’li a itn'l, 'th
a *he is about to *w itn irotu tb botue fcbe
.think* llist the bread trough w ill rerve as a
boat. Tneliotme ito let MR a 'in rooihet
euiUtka in tier trail Intal Hlie in Moarrelyr
out of the b'fUie* when it got * to piece..
The iiual anti diaapp* ai* in the rulo*. Tht
iittie boat* 9 ale away, but tTrikea itain-l
a tree and ie oVertuened, The potr woman
M'iwb a branch and clitnha into '.be tret
nitti ill' strength of Hour.ha foi
lier young. Bui the ttec i- young ,it bend*;
il will not bold eh three. The mother see*
that the et and ha- some, bat her motherhood
h sct toixj'Kfie!. Bhe tie* her children to
'he strongest branch, she kisaes them agwij
and again, she signs them with the sign oi
the trot#., ,r,d cries 'To the mercy oi
God r
The piteous drams was witnessed by
spectators who could do nothing in aiu
until a quarter of an hour w gone. The
mother was drowned, t/irt the children
were saved Ilk- M'te*. They were adopted
by the Bister* of Charity o! Carteisarrazin
The mother’* funeral wa an occasion <J
mourning io the midst of the general sor
row. H r face seemed sand tied fry her
action. One of tny friends aaid to me, “I
never saw sash a beamy.” Her eyes were
naif closed, her lips slightly open, her bands
crossed above her breaat. There is .no
-pectacle m<T divine than that of materili
ly in teerifice.
The heat expianati*n yet offered lor the
disappearaoee of Donaldson and his fellow
balloonist is. that they moat have bad a
felling out
A (iiMirl Joke.
[F-oni tlie excuisiou notes of Mt. M M
Cooke, published in lhe Montgomery Ail
vwtlsw, we exlret Hie toltowing ;|
In 1557, when quite a youth, L possvsseii
; Hie ait ol wri'inga period feminine hand
ll s-i bap|H neu that during iTial year a copy
j ->! tlie National Era, published at Washing
ton City (one of ihe lew ab ditiou publi
’ cations ol that day! fell Into mv band, and
oiiong ibe adveitifements I found one for
a wile signed "L\ Geneva, Ontario 00.,
New Yolk." Connectuiing that “L.” was
■ n alto!itioilist, and, iheretorc, lawful prey,
1 resolved to make use of my gilt in pen
tnanship (o “rope Inin ” Anaweiing his
advertisement 1 told him that l was an
orphan, lorn and educated in Ihe North,
and stirmgty imbued with a hatred ot tbr
peculiar ins ilution ; tliat alter Hie death ol
my par. nls a bachelor uncle living in Mari
i on, Ala., had taken me to Ids heait snii
- home where 1 had a Ia and more than all
l that could minister to lire vanity of human
j wi>-hrf; that thus uneieol mtlte was n
[ large slaveholder and very wealthy, with
othi r living rehi’.ive than my wayward
sell who mverceaai'd to toirm-nthitn with
unU|H iident views freely exptosacd uU the
subject ot slavery, that the youug men o 1
M drou were all or a[H'lnglßts
of slaveholders, with whom 1 could find
no common bond of synqiftthy, and from
wlu.ui, ou that aceouut, f was forced to
turn sway with a tceliug Isirderlng upon
disguat ; mat judging Irom the medium lie
lias selected through which to make known
his w istfCFon the subject of matriinony 1
knew lie must lie in sympathy me ou
lhat ve-y liiqiortanl question, and tbat as 1
wasoi u romantie turn it tutted me of.
pursue my matrimonial fortunes In the
ehamiel lie had so torlunately opened. In
due time an answer came, tilled to the brim
w ith lulsmue laudniion ol Hie heroism 1
had exhibited in vt muring fbiuth and o!
hut devotion to principle widt h could ron
del me insensible to tin- charms of wealth
nJ luxury got by unholy menus. He
said 1 was correct in the conjecture w hich
ranked him wilh the abolilhndsta, and
wi ole glow lugly ol “the sin and jibumlnn
lion ot the Irnfllr: in human flesh and blood.”
His rard, w hich was enclosed, lac e the
name qXLeniider M. Lyltolf, as also—A re
quest Hud I wi plil send him iuy umbio
type. I raid, in reply, Hint it was unusual,
and would be diemed Indelicate, to send
my pte.lure belure tie had sent me his ami
requested Ids a.nbrotvpc by return mall
lu due time the ambroiype came—display
lug ilie features of a rather fine looking,
daik haired man, apparently 3ft year* of
age. At Ihe same time, end. indeed almost
every other day during Us “flirtation," ,1
roci taed large bundles of periodical liter*
lure, uiag*iue. newspajierr. Inchi'Hng
the Chemung County Itupublh an wMiich ha
boastr and was edited by ills bri iliier in law.
t had >tgicd my letter “M A. M mety"
urhig the name of a noble young man (now
alas ! no rrotr), with wlioin I IrOatded ami
whole game • I droopUmi Lytroli, eat< 111 ig
at iln initial,,, tie knew my narne w -
"M -t) Ann, * alul wits glad ot It, tor M -rv
Ai-u was a nsuo4 lor ha-t always u-tou >1
trut . t rim rtmiinatama id rw tnr hi:
• • inton • tf.r.i o|tno which i on
Mipiiai*. My iimne wa indi'eil Maty Ann, that it had no fully, nlid rliicctiy npp* iil
cd to an iMnali lot t/i' K ol lii. heart wa*
'‘eonlii mil ion o| ihe den'iny that
Kuti bad woven lor tin. Him next hlte,
wan a model ol tender devotion. Kiom
li< j{iniiin(f hi end It told ol “love Mill
jove," and ln‘yjfi-4 lliH' 1 would no lonxei
w ItliholiJ Irotu hia ardent guru the counter
li it pri'a* n u ent of my “lovely and adorn
b < ti aturca." Tbi* wue coming it mo atioii..
tliHt 1 ihouffht It lieel to cool liia ardor with
a few 'day'* auajieuA* ; but it -*o liMppeued
that one day'a delay succeeded, another on
til more* than a month bad panned bclore J
(bought of writifiy ayalD. MoatlWilTic hr
wrote me another letter cbtdiiiH my coin
iieglecl, and aaked the teaaon ol my loi-c
kib-a* ■■ Uouitf h,i Wuulcy A*. M iwU-y-V-
book ktore ] procured some mourning pu
per, envelope*, Ac., and tacur*;d tny long
silent* on the ground lltai gnei for (lie loss
of tny dear old uncle had so overwhelmed
my heart as, lor the lime being, to • Had
•II other recoi actions, Then came lb
point. The death of tny uncle bad lelt me
heiress of 1400 or 000 slaves and a vast
number of broad, rich, eutloii'pioducing
acre*. What to do with these war now a|
problem ; as he tat rlie destined partaker j
of ail my future forune*,good or l/ad, to
him 1 applied tor advice. Jl 1 followed
the dilates ol my heart 1 should divioi
the lands among the iai'hful families of tin
old plantation servants and vt them up in
life, free from all danger ol waul; if 1
followed the dictates of ruy judgment i
should merely mauuinit them an J after
wards hire their service* at a fair remunc
ration, lor the cultivation of my lands. 1
had also thought oi ftellmg all my piopcrty
—staves, farm and all—and devoting Hie
proctec* to some eharuabie institution in i
the Northern siaU-s.
Io response Vo this my abolition lover
gondoled with me (very slightly) on tb
death of my ‘laal relative,’ bat strongly ad
vised againal eiUier oi the comae* to which
I had called his attention. Ilia letter, a
long oue full of traa, stent sophistry and
hypocrisy, ended w itb the emph .tic rerun k,
T would neither /ell the staves i or Ir e
■ hem.’ ‘ll you el!,’ he added, ‘the of fleer a
of your charitable institution’ will pocket
the proceeds and grow fat on them ; if you
manumit,,the poor creatuie thus set tree,
alter a life ttme spent without cue on ibtir
-wn acoonne with no idea ol business, and
•with niroue to guide or couuntl them, will
toftn f*M * prey to the wor’d They will
not know how to take'cure I I bruise ves
stlH lese h--w to eare tcvt a Isitdly—and tin
truitaof JOUr mistaken gei erosliy will Ik
more uounduiahk- th m their first.’' ’The
truth ta,* lie cominueil naively,‘we ll never
know how we’ll acl in this world until eir
cumstaftiOs have liitil ns. We open liUinu
others doing Jim what wa would om
*el\ us do hlo eiicunistances ’ 11. o
then, i had lltcsmn tmal ot aboliUon him
eidy *nd sincerity done up m nutshell
ami tfeat was all I sou.|>t ol L; holt, {to
l held my nose,kun tin red my di->gusl, and
wrota'htm yet once m-iie. 1 was not U.ei
nuuly fcr m\ revurgy.. Tiowt mn-1 be had.
and to gall) lime inuniter letter must t
aiittca. lie I)ml asked me lu ‘name tin
happy day,’and agin bagged Rir Miai
ambrotviw.’ I tokl him tliat 1 had no nn
hrotype, just then, appropriate to my cli
camsUuea* ul .momniug, -ink w-m 4 o
‘la., a, As ti-e seddittg day I named Bepi
lft Itewauoeccding, (it vviis tiien jmi. j aim
said I Should look |oj him Ihe muining ol
that evcuttul day. Sulauq-ientlv he prom
I sett most faithfully to be on hand at Hu
appointed lime.
In thf town ol Mail' 11, at lhat tin c
there lived all old negro by tin; name o
Aggv. She Was Juki's lect 7 Inches high
and 7 Iftel 5 itielies in ciicomleienco Hci
lat taCO, much bin*, lei llmu it was long,
outvied Krebus itself in daikncas, while tin
inch thick .lips, which curlkd both Wiy
(Tom the chasm in which ah e>i<ya wiled hn
batou and b'ead, displaycil two rows ol
brill last ivory extending almost iiom tar to
ear. Her no*e, which occupunl a position
but slightly elevated above the level of tjci
shct>k% spread its greasy dimensions at
large aver her countenance and neadcd
o-mtoilably down upon Hie curling inch ot
her ÜBciuotn- lip. At i act) side (or coltur)
ol Iter feroa-l face, jjist la’iicmh mi over
Imngikg lowering brow, roiled a 'urge rest
less black eye surrounded by a with mar
gin ufTyttrc whim which gleanw i in the
inidaffir her dusky to. < i l.e a tilvei skin
tied oiilou tu u bur.el ot tar. B i<m-iuuii>ig
her luaf blow, like a ciuMiioi gl;.y, wild a
Clwhiif wool, 0*t:l whlrli hlit'
wiHQk iiliUM n.j4liti ;n l>y wfiy ol mlorn
HMUti wa ol L>|lK) o*>ll <llliiiu
ucfcteued b> nit the waist wit It a stioug cord
Whhih ftln led ii iu still loida u.d gave t"
heradipostt loim tlie uppeaiam-e ol a lea Hi
er bud (titled and tied around the middle-
Yu tide paiagmi of her race and sex l re
p*iiv‘ with an urgent u q-ie i lor her ainbro
fltM sito iutiglied ms tu scorn;
btit’iiabiiig mat 1 was iu earned and Wi Iln,;
to pay loi i, t.ia aim. ioi one lot beiMfll>abe
finally ayri-e.l to, amt did, me the next
day at WaahhUlb'a pttTiyi di.iM.l ami
ad. .lied im 1 have ibaa iileil In I almve. —
i Ih'ttel kltlll, .-lie waa NO wi ll pli-aaed Willi
j .*.,*• goal l.ulnae that aim inmd nee, ►
ii eultie tier leal urea tido t. uniita ami lie
'taUeu’ Wliilts tin: l liloilii.n w..a on Im i',
in.ub to Wiiklibutn'a alimw.'im'iit f wic
■ * hi.*J*le.T l* I* **i if * T I I In-m IF im i.i.
jut anal The roll ri|,iem:e via. 111.1 In
i |.u tun Uitiktii .1 im Il.oig 111., aalor.n fl-.u ■
1<l li .an ki.le lo . i .n l.y a b.nli.n.
lii“ii ot w liite rnmom i" tigtitning. 1 aimed
my pm |ii>w , however, hikl 1 muited u i
Lyteili togctliei whlia ‘dikhetlittion'
ill wl.ub 1 t aik oecaal ui lOl'elllaiU llitt it
lie waa bom at in In* m ill nm uU lily eolo.
( .bull wl.leli 1 bin' hiitoiu oig.illuii to a.iy
aiiyUii up) would jno Vi no Im to out unh.ii
and Mint i waa ready to n< C mipuuy him in
C*i mva a- Ilia blii-lilug l>t.*l . In tilix hlb i
1 line tv Oil the diagulau ol my wiling, tin
teaull nl Wblcb waa dial lie ibougln aniit
blend ol mine bad diacoveied our mm.hi
ami in.tiled him ‘Dinah a ainbtolypo* flw.ia
Hi lie lie irieveiendy at y led |i) by way ol a
joke. Moan w luh ,ho aevi r, 1 had uad lb
w le.l.- ii.c....... mi* ii.iua. pob'wbed ui t
M.iilom ami atilt by Ibu acoie to
Cil 4en ol Uuiicvu Unit lime 1 liearo
HO IIIQHJ ol lit 1|,.|1
■Tic TuwitSiictii:.
[From the Ciucluiiaii OuSciU'.J
A gen'leman any*, utter aidenug ex cm
eiaiiug pan Jioiu tootlim ii-, ami having
tried in van to obtain relief, Hull/ told me
a gciiiivui.tu had been wailing a/.lie tune
pi the j allot, wpo bui.J liu Would not detain
me one minute. II ; cam ~u lueud 1 hu i
ii >t teen for year*, flu ■yinputli /> and with
in*-, while I t/rie'Jy told how sadly I wa
ill h.led.
My d>ir friend, exclaimed lie, 1 can cuie
you in ten minute*.
“How 1 how 1’” mipiiicd 1 ; ‘do in piiy.'
lusutiUy, aid he. Betty, liave you any
Bring it, anl some coin non *all.
They were produced ; my friend pulvei
iced ti tm, mix' and iu equal quantities ; then
wi t a small piece of cotton, causing the
mixed powder* Ui adaerh, and placet! m it
my hollow tootle
There, as id he, if that doe# uol tore you
1 wii! forfeit my lirad You may led inia
in Oath, and publish It o* AwKelou ; the
r medy is n.lambi)■.
It was wo J . ape iepced a nenraliou oi
coiduec* ou apply lug jl, whicli glatlua'iyi
subsu e.i, a*Hi .viih tt toe toimeil ol 1.. t
. - ——- W ♦ ' in • -
Cuiw-siikc clucteua wid tome home
to rotiet.
H 'ir.eitung that wiil aoci* be leaving us—
the icav .a. ,
Kclitiion of our
The question lias been misod vvbelhe
any out ol our I‘icsidents was a common -
ealit in a Christian Church. There is tra
ditiou tliat .Washington naked permission
o! u I’-esbyterian iniuixier in New ,lt- sey
to unite in Hie communion. But it is only
a tiadilion. Wa hinglon was a vealiy man u
the Episcopal Chinch. Bui that < lllco it
quired no more piety thsu to be unite of a
ship. Their is no account uf hisC'iuilino
ing in Boston, in N w York or l’l, •
phia, or elsewhere during the Hevou-uiii .
ry snuggle. Adams was a memiit r tin
parisli in Itraiuitcj. He was a High Aim
Hi* ailondarnM at waHsnip was not vt-n
constant J tleisou was an avowed skep .
tic, and a devout admirer of Dr. I‘rteslly.
Mason and Mdimie were mojeiauiCimreli
teen, John tdiiuey Adams was a protest
tai UiiitHiian, and nUclideil the m-iviccs in
the Hcpresi ulrtiives’ Hall during the ses
'ions ol Congress. In me a'h rnooii h.
■woitliipt-d in the Second Congreasi
Ci.ureh when-, ho had a pc-, VVlieu coi.
gloss was in session, Mr. A usually
at tendril in Ihe moinuig the Unilarim-
Church. Jackson was u revereulial liearei
He aiUttttled ciiurcli liall tt day His pet.
in the four tiud half street (lmrclt was on
LUe IcLL hand aide of the prcju-lu i ; he pant
close attention to the termou, and made u
profound bow lo the pulpit w lieu he tt-lircd
Ile joined the Presby U=flau Church aftev be
Icliofli.ii. Vim Boren, was traimt-l in tin
retiinnud Dutch School, ntul al'uuduti tin
Episcopal Clinch when ho alien.led a ly
His Monday allciuouns wuro devoted to his
poliiicul Itit-nds.
11 oi is.-n cured veiy little lor religious
inatlMie. Tyler was hose ill regiml to
Bnnday mid' worship. Polk, though not a
prolcHscd l In istia 11, w as ul w i ys in Ids plan..
tin rode lo chin. Ii on Non.lay morning, and
occupied the |a w next to tlie one Jiukson
Hat'ii Col Benton occupied tlie Jack-ton
pew and would not give it up. lu the al
lit noon Mr. uuil Mis. Polk walked to Hit
Necoml l* cdiyieriitn Cburah, wliii-h was
tunr the While House, Gcnefttl Tny 1m
arddum went to ehnreli. Killmorc, mori
than uuy oljier ul I lie I’u-aldeuU, was an
optui mol decided Ui ilsiiuli. liegitvo hi*
influence and support to lhat seek Piet.:-
was at ways at (Tiurrli on Hu ml ay Hu inlay
moiuitigs. lie atten-kd the Piesbyioiian
Cliuuli. lliiehmnin was an old Helioo.
FrtSCyTeHn - the cb-reli was near his res
tdeiicc. 'Tin Imthh g Was small aid thi
Coligregalhui both sit i 111 I utid poo', lie win
not a very icvetvulial wuishlppor. II
walked toihuicli, went up Ibe ulalu al u
a milling gall, dodged Into hU pew, ami
aeauiil in the corner wcmctl wrapped In
meditation nppuieniiy to the cud ot tin
acrvlee. Airolau evur could not bill w belli
or Im waa aalehp of aw ake. He hiliHtd
away aa ll 01 1 .ti,1 lo be udill) aseil.
lilii. nlli al lill,led Mel Vice once a day. 11,
ui .t uya aeeuicd to be in agony wlnlu in
church. Him bgs wem long, pewit liairow,
and In: olieii relieved hunacll by
TrwdervnT;r=r4e'ttre d-cir, -irctrn'Ttg rliem
idear HipiiMH lie; iible. Ilia I‘aalol', 111
i. ii let. hi I Hie ‘gilt of eonl niliOU'e.’ anil
Hie I'n I,h ill wrilhed ami npiilimd, all .
. J . ..., ■j. m e .>( liijj tort tin
In f. ihiii and Ol uut b u Iniat. em a Aledi
i I ehini h, Imi ITi.d Offl. e dm - not liffpiy
a plot* itai'.ll of |i I'auml ei.llkeelullou.
Won't a.iy .Nnfli.i 'lAtitit it*
An old colored man Iron) Hie lower pail
ol the county came into town ycuter lay L*>
piirelntae aollie a'pllua. While negotiating
with a (uawlmd mi reel feed ineicliiuit. In
oba rv* u a alcuk, oily-iook'ug darkey
walking down the opnaiio aide ol tin
no, al, w iih a high beaded aijxlocialic hi m
l> ir'gout dit lei low no.v, mud (bn old
man it If • nviey.
Who? M.til l'ie cletk, lollowlig do old
bn key to I lie door.
l>it fum y i gwiun down the ii.*e -
yoiider lie think tie * mighty grand It n
we took tin; swulb'i' outeu him down at
It.. v _
The old dinkey laughed a pecullur bort ol
*<;lt nil lulled i.nigli, mid coniinued :
He ctfitie down dr to de inueiiu' and
wanted to InaKe_a speech. I>; liml llijug
lie done sai l wu dal any nigger dit vo cd
de ilcmocraiiC ticket otter be tuck out ami
w hipped to delf. Home o’ e-t colored men
did not ‘ike Jut kind o’ way town uiggei
come talkin' to on, and we just lurk him
down, and rent him back home wid id*
back btinlercd.
The old mt"l paused a. moment to curt
tii* lip b < of flic “Piwt. nigger,”
a ltd then added, “But lie amt gwine to tell
iiidHn 'iKiUt dal (VickbbiKg If. iwld.
The <j oi. ia Ifa troad I. doi g well. Af
the inneting of the dir. clot* on the 10),
'rial., the report td the receipt* and ex|ieu
ci lor the four months ending July Ulal.
lgid, show s >hai the grot* earning* were
*#57 090 30, *nd Itm expenses \'Mti li-jd 07,
I.ll Vill r the net earning* O'i!) ‘£i. A
■ hi* rate itieee<* ol net eanijnj'* ove
those “t the cor., upoi.dv g pethid of la*;
t eat, lor tix in’ ult.s, will !or:e In: scfWcien
to p.y Uie unat four per cent, dividend for
that |jetiod.
Eugene, a p/ t, to Amelia :
“Com* *it down nu the (belly shore,
Ami loar lue mighty Otnirr Writ.”
Amelia, a lasinouuble young lady to E i
g> tie :
T can't ait dow u, you *;liy goose,
B- catne I'd but my pul d/a'-k looae.'
Wutu Ua wUJ la ia4/ th lo.t li*aa
Sout lu 1 ni Miu-ic
l hi it'll EKING PIANOS,
OOI.'M iN PI AN< S nd
*i.tH), and *250 IT A Mix
(> li A N S .
Sc lough A. Warren
oi ta A NS.
bo, r„ Mo, no, lob, diH) Ul 4500
Musical Instruments.
tf.e We hay lew anil imy .aali, Uua* hy iliallinga
111111,11. iWon in .(iiuiUy .n h iidenud |iri. ~.
\\ ill mil |,inn,a. mi liialaUiif.iiU Inkn ,il<l plnui.N
uml iirgaiiH In par I pay nieiiV Wn milieu r frit UpOfl
• It'D* r'. Hoittl nriik*4 rkkC) Pi to
niiu.ii's.etoiw & fhkykh,
H nitlieru Alusie IduiiSe,
Ailttitla, Oiu
IS Ati - Parrot olferx —trig scryteeg —[ir
tuning.mid i *nat* lug i ‘tiutoM, Leave orders
'll Hie AlilMe Store ol
Only One Dollar l ~
Will be nentli) ally ad'dim mix monlliM
lor Onu Dollar. TbU ia one ot the cheap
eat weekliea publlabcd. Ii ia not a blanket
Mlmel in wliuh all MOIU Ot miit'er ia pr,-
mlacumialy thrown. It la a neatly printed
lour page paper, compaelty madu up, amp
edited with geat cam, Nothing ol adult
or heavy character ia admliunl Into the
ioluiihim of ilm Weekly, ll Ii an elabora'u
ly compiled compendium ol the heat thing*
ilm! appear m llie Dully New*. The tdo
graphic i.eapatclicu ol the we*ik are re
••’ittred and carelnlly weeded of uvciylliini*
that la not atlicily ol u uewa diameter, ll
ilmo coiituiiiH lull report* ol the marketa :
I'iiim, I||,me w'lfi have un| die of
k dally liiair, enn get all the new*, for MIX
monlliM, hy h, mling One Dollar lo Hit; pub ,ui 1.,r one \car by aendiug two
D dlara.
lim I) illy M,li ning New* ia Ibe aamo
Ic la'ile uigau ui publu; muni- n that ll Ima
nP-vnyg licin vig.,nniM, UmdglilTul ami
• oiiHe.fvalivo in ilm dlMcnaaiou ol Hie iaauca
•I Ilm day, mi l lively, aparkling and cm
mil tilling In lin pr< aenutlou of ibe newt.
In gathering and pub.ldling llie Imlchl in
im mull.m ami m illxcti aug i|ue*lnuia ol
public policy, llie Morning Nuwa' ia fully
ulna umi ni ibe mu.-,i enieipualng kuiiualiaiii
Ol the tiinea, Trice, fid lor 12 luoutbn ;
$H lor (I imuitba,
I Ire in W' fitly Nwa lias Ibu hwmo leu
lurca iim dm irally Nona. Price, fd |m 12
uunitbk, frllm Ouioiilba
Money nn eiluur paper can be aeiit by P.
O. order, legialeicd ItUei ol KxpicoM, ut
publisher'* iibK.
Mm-niuic News Piintintr
I* the Inruoai iu me State. Every dea
cripimu ui Pouring done at me aieutt-nt
nonce. Ibaiik Hooka ol all kind* made lo
order. II >ok and Ituling executed
nn tiiapalcu. hat bmtiea'loi wink prompt
■I 11 ESTILL, Savan,iuli Ua.
V u xDJ iJ .i, \
■ t *
I .lial ■ lie j/l<: i.- .f fomrve ray lrt<n.!* In M> rt
weih-.r uvaiui/who ilculre to hav* then property
Mini mi io*. or Uanaavw by Sr*.
To tr, v **t l.lri,' n luhiu ititioa for Iha
Ot**H” they may lean, br-hltwl, I .hall
be toaerve theiu with % U'<c Policy in iha
or any oth-r oornganj </f tln-lr <nru ■ l/.aioc.
ir l am w/rklr.g directly for the ■ wl.AitkMA
■ ttol.LP' aaa Utwirw ray fnaail. to .Hue e.
Al-Jr Pr-'t UaNo watches,-
clock*, ew n.g loacuinta, phaaoa, Atc^
.1 p.tiwo *i.i do MINI to cail oiaCspt. L. li.
B-.iiim , ui Ju. g* t/aikj Bi.ia atoru, lie
aa-i an ol tea years In tb taut
ueaa and use* no wuiaky lit- Ula pi act lee,
wliicti inauie* *uucs*s. Jew, try repaired.
Piwiii jewtliy lira. to oioer. Ail work
guaiwotcsaj. Beilale'* sewing In .oUUIc u j|.
me o j. iu '.tic WuliJ, at f 1 a plug