Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County Vindicator.
VOL. .3
at t*vo re* annit.h. in apvanff.
tMfea>hua*k M> nf the Ob*.* Boua*
IHni mf A<vmMit.
dper* 11 wk I4 wk IHmo j f i I v*m
1 inch 1(H SSO4*T Y*> ife 00
i meter* I t to | 5 00 6 50 Wo# IS TO
tfinchenl f to! f 00110 no, 15 on as <*
foot ! 6 Bl H? 00'40.00 25 •¥). 500
| col !7 00 IS IX* WOO *so© e o
trol 110 0# i9OOO jBO (JO i flO 00' #K
ar A liberal deduction itd to
ndvcrttshMf by the iboilK or yrwr
ORDINARY.... J. W S^noi-v
< I.KUK A. C. A J Hinton
rt*KVEYK 777 O r Math*w*
eutrimr younissioSKlia,
R T. C. Yfefoar, Tf "WT "Leveret t,
Jreac rartrtdg*. R M McCeaUu,
H. A. |hyf.. . I JA. Hmoetfif, OH
John W. lfor*, W i B*rtrea,
MadAon Breves, R A Parker,
A. H. Freeman, ftit'.
SENATOR toil. D.airi. t. 0-i. Feavy
Obadinb Warner, W T ftaviil.
jolt# W RARE,
OKKKNVn i k, Os
Joining caointM*
(iamvii 11. U*
Attorn y at i.av
linEajrvii.r.R, o*.
Alt business entrusted I" few <-ic attend
*d i.. |>. mj.iiy and Wii l |y
Cm jKtutrr’:. L. 1 *i4w,
Thomas N Mitcham, near the Warm
Camp <ii omd. in.** leave in Inform
ji|. friend* rim) 11 >v public. Hint lit it* pte
f„.ed lo earcuie ail k’ndv rf
wih ueatnp**. finfoh and dJapaicii I’d
t . .are ferdtrbud J<**il •
trimes STOVES!! -*
T .at ..Id icllabw MON CM KNTAL .min,
lie ~|*ned l|i
l,„r,K uses WOVE ETOWK
and iv Agent fW t
HostML'tTvL col.l Mi;l ViMUCIL
lktk watchman
Joining couniiee
•ltd * m liii'K llM'in a!
Low Pric*rt
M-rabat-t' 1 *uiU‘!ted with w "'e '* nioli
bf Hoofing, Outlett-p no* l ) ;, *J 'rk "* *'
d#*a*- \>t' m *“' **bu
I,AMP“eod lamfooouh, kebo
hknk OIL "<1 home klk-
” Generally 00 list'd sml >#•11 the Hr*t
#,f Koveutbaa will pnaiiiseiy he m*d at
Coat. * y htALOBTKR, Agl
Pot* Hale*
Heed KM, Rv!<7 and Qt* Inf ale
Ora buodrtd busiiel* purple st'sw **ad
Wheat , Fifteen bushels winter Burley ;
Wi hundred bo*tiel Prioee Edwsrd Maud
OmU, price Wheat H per boabei—Earley
tt per
*2O lm M miles 8 fc. ol Greenville
ALL PEKBOKB desiring watches,
dacha, sewing machines, pieces, Ac.,
-paired will dn wed ip tail a* Cep*. L D
Aelitie, at ledge David KtAe' MtM Me
bad aa eiperieeca of ten yearn to We bust
•ess aed aaaa ao akkk; to Ma practice,
which jpaera* laerem. Jewelry repaired
Piaia jewelry ton.'# to order. All work
jpewutefci. MMaWh* wart to* oil
the tost hi be world.
i woirrwLT ranta, rown at
Deroted to Railroad a MU, Literature
—~ *“
= Atlefa.Ee
wwin Or. lobm,
31 RKOAB STKEtT, Atlanta On.
- *4
i • rani. tM* awe **
0 I*l iJIVa/i
Dr.,J. Bradfield'i
F£KAI£ bjegulator
Will Wine on the Me.wes ken they forte
,toi necn e*tab i-hed, *l*o when they have
w*-u suppiesaei! from unnanirm) cktNnv.
Will cure RfeetiaiaiKui and NeuralHik of
she hack and womb. Will cure Painful
Man-tniattwi, and relieve the beatf, back
and loin* of thoaa diatrevsin* pain* and
übee Will check manorrkaci t v*oe
•lee llow.’ Will core *Whlu'and faffing
l the womb. ban Kis Vlte reault of relax
ation >r bad health
ii la a< sure a cure iu all the almve di
-ase* a* Quinine i* In Chill* and Fever.
Ladie* can cure tbemaclvea of nil the
above disearea wliboul lev'iaKu# their
coin plaint* lo any J*tf*on, 'Which is aU aj*
uaamfyiiiK to liimr pride ami modesty.
ti i- recommemieu and lived by the be*
,ihv*ietaus In their p< iva'e |*ractice.
For a bialory of the above diae**e*.
nerufleataa of tt* wonii'-rfd twt* and
directhmv the reader ia re’erred to the
wrapper around the bottle. .Mauufaclur
fi] fkii ljjr - —— —■ -
BUAIiFIELD & CO, Atlanta, Oa.
Sold by all jDnrgjiata. Priw flfiA
Ce**ago *• do MigiH,
AV way have courage, all of r,
To start at be nor'* call,
To meet a loe, protect h friend,
Oi lace a cannot) ball ;
roafettw the world oae hero live*—
Tire lofeMoVt h* the ftght—
But do we always man ileal
Tba Courage to do right.
fo answer tfo, with airady breath,
And quick, uufallenng tongue,
W’ lien Ih ti* uenyKartona, evai aear.
Her ayrea auWg few antic t
Vu .awe go /or the bauierh.* tone.
The )o*t.or studied alight;
Cop teal If: we can only have-
' TT , <%Trgi¥ Td7lo'~niY i T
To ateji aeWe firm, faahioii a course,
Oi cuvtoiua favored plan,
Vo pluck an ontoaat in in the atreet,
Ot help a It tow man 4
ft inn, ili.n lei u* nobly trv,
HeaeeMlii, with all,our might,
lit every t • to tnuater up
I tl cuuiage to do right.
A Caiared Mllov*phr.
| W him Hulphur Spring! Cortespotidence 01
the Ciuciaiinti Coina r< itil |
Cotiiirvin.l a tlh thin totrmits weierinu
plane i# a flue old dsikey, who ailM on a
plue plank "( the rbalybiipe spring and
.lit*- up anterior invalid* au<i inliert, re
• living riuii trilling min# a# the vbltor*
ui - y choose to aiva him This darkey would
noi be wliited an.a-'g a million lot beauty,
lie U a# turn k a# any ciow that ever (lew
ntn-r acm Held. No blacker being ever
ived, for they coeldn’t. Till# cltlaep i
•plug abiMiiilnred and bow typed, and him
lingers that look Uk- li op pole* when
•irvt< bed out trpoe hi# inf. Me weal* bru
gan ilniti nguieen luClie# hmg, which look
t a itfrlaiii e like gootaiat model*. Home
body lia given him a pall ol tight legged
irouar, *<> liwt, aa heappn aahek you lioin
i dl.tanee, you too hi# teet lielore hi# lega
.. i line w . •*. j 1 e-i aa a canal boat hravti
in tight betore the el tat tod rope can be
Jnu, hhid I, where hi creation were those
iu4m *
In the penitentiary, aah , it #de only
plan I eould gt a IH.
What i> ti e ir.e \
No rose, aah , d-y Just put in w hat leallr
er day bad on band dal day Tou rny word
.uii, elierybody exes ’bout deni stoivs. *>ey
wouldn't be mi large, hut 1 ve got a lirap ol
cor it* and bunny an#, sad 1 h>* to make
i iowanee lot deni in having the ahoea built.
Talk about eddeicating a nigger, naid
Jim, blanching <lt to another iliie cl
thought; an'*e<lden4ite<* nigger ain’t UU#u
lor nnytl-kug- !'•> agio it. lor w hen a nig
ger get* book lurulng aludod into him lie'a
t<wi awelleij up to do anything. Me atl;ka
a lead |ABCiI In hi# Wool, and goea around
mnklng Mgg< i* on alike## had (mo* and
call data high ‘coMiplUbmeul! Me la mi
awell op that yer cant get him between
plow handier, w bar he beioop# Itoaa adder
cated Digger* ia poor aticka Tlaeir nddeioa
Ui4i ain't blend and mewl and ’laaari they
can't eat It nor sieep on It, nor make a borne
apun abtrtouluf it It’ll dolor, while |olk*
btit nigger# a lot pH no tidal wee# being ad,
defeated ; spoil# Oem. .
leaatlfal and Tawafalmg.
[Greensboro Moms Journal J
On Thursday tbe venerable add truly
ifaverend Mr. Writ Freroa, who to spend
tog a tow day* wtoh hb A any tofaftve* and
friends la tbi* county, ran dared dear to him
by year* of reaklewoa, labor* and wnnafe 1
•tow* with them, paid a visit to bis aid
triend awd wowtempurary tbe Hen. Thomas
Btocka, at fan niCdeerr, same sight mile*
bom Gveewsboro. Judge Btocba to am
swath tbejuetor e*Dr . Plercw—botiebateg
ia tow WbMty flrto year of thstr agw.
Tbe —we of them vrwasehb awd dbbo
yubhad taeo are MatoricaL For nearly
Uwawdfito or * Wlito/ they have been
worthy ao tobeoar* too too pWMto weal ;■
pw mere toaw half a century, to different
sphere*, pteotiaaatfy to <k> Ohs to aa am
kWa* fan iiil*n mioVder, tbe other aa a wise
aad cooaervaiive Christian Wan erase
fbougb beirrogtog to diflereut braoebea of
Ca risks vkiMe eh or eh, ia.pireA by the
same bwtbaod hope aad tore, they havs
worked under the same apiritnsl bead ia
Hte.aa* will not Snag Bk soadeaad in
The re union these anckak wortAfa*
oa Thursday most have been beautiful aad
touching, sj* impress'va illaatraWoe of-ebrb
tiaa ftwfaraity.
The tThcitihilT Snq .irer explain* the
of the ‘li'oster" in politic* |t aajrv :
It wa* not *t late a period a* IMO ; the
the year ot the “log cabin,” “hard ctdei,’
and “conn skill * campaign which reeulied
in the election of Genera) Harriaon, that
be flrat made bis appearsnoa. Indiana then
had her State elections in August. The ed
Itor 0* the Indinftap riia teutinel was was J.
IV Cbapthan. In those days ioemttolion was
slow and ft required days, and even week*
to get the returns trum tba back counties
It st happened that in aonrt (.articular
county in Indiana, the Dcmoerwta made a
<in over alactiou*. An enthUShwtic Dem
ocral wrote tea friend in Indiwupolia the
the uewa. and not knowing Mr. Chapman,
the editor of the Beittmnl, personally, re
quested bis friend to communicate tn facts
utCtia)>man, adding ibea.t idgntncarft wards,
“Tell Ciiaimiiut to CKiwJ'—Catching the
inspiration from bis second-hand cor rev
pendent, Übapiaan did -Weww r In his pa
per, and as me busiuesa of “crowing" Is
usually and me by ilie chunticleer, ha brought
out one of ibow Hue targe Mrda at the head
.f hia columns. * £_
This was the first rooctwi aver placed In
a Democratic paper to rejoice over a I Join
ocratle victory. Aathegeweral results of
that election were agateal m, it was a mat
ter oi der bdon lor the Whig papeia, when
any Whig victory Was obtained, to add
these words, “Tell Chapman to crow. 14
This araisihe to fix the matter ia -the pop
ular in I mi, and lo nationalise Hie emblem.
No better one could have been adopted.
The rooster is probably the moat brave and
gallant of the btrdr. He ta never conquer
ed as long a* be has life.
Ucneral Lee an OwMlaag Ready
lor brsakhast
(From the Richmond Dispatch]
l)ui ing the late war, while the army of
Northern Virginia was encamped around
Orangud GouM-b 'use, Gsnmwl Let called
niton Mr. Joseph Hidei), and asked U Mr.
ilideu ermhf entertain two young lad lea at
Ills house, winch was situated just outside
the village. The general said Le wished
to hav* these young ladies near hhu lor
awhile, that he might have Uie privilege of
visiting ihr-m ocemtkma'.ly.
Are 'hey your daughters, Gcntralf asked
Mi HhJen. Nof not daughters, but nieces,
i hough 1 fuel very much as if they were my
danuhlera, raid General Lae. Mr. Hlden
readily consented to entertain the young
ladte* to the best of hit ability ; sod in a
few .ley* they were at feoote al “Montpelo
oi eourae, flrey fecchrod mm-b alttmiktn
i ons snnv nlps. .ml al. filshl IS* r—
was full <d (srmpawy to a foie hour- line
.lay General Lee mul Mr. Hlden on the
sinet, and asked, How are the young ledfer
getting ou f Mr. Hlden replied that they
were quite well, amt seemed to bo enjoy
mg their vt*H, lam afraid they give Mrs.
Hlden a good deal of (rouble, said the (Jett
• ritl, Nut at ail, said Mr. Uiden. They
l.nve h good deal of OHUfmay, and are
kept up late at night entertaining their tis
Horn, but I have no:lced that no mallei how
laic they sit try at night they are always
ready for breakfast when the Ml lings,
and never keep the t aid* waiting for them.
< ill, yea I said Gkttera! Lee ; tktp hum toen
veil mM. A. L.
#uM#l toe Blared
A cnuple o| kofaaoMA coming into the
city ibe other day Irom the lolansr, over
took an old mat and bla wMa aaated in ttoe
txillom ol * n*M Cart reeling in blgl.
rplrita, on* of lb* men ftdEwd oat I
Hello, uncle, how mack WtH yaw take
tor your wile, cadb4nwaf
Ob. I dunao, be iio*iy replied.
Wit, name yorif price.
How much'll ye give ? be netkNL'
Ten dollar*.
Take Iter 1
The horaeman didn’t know what to Shy,
and wna gathertog ep the totM, when (he
old woman jamped to the rotmd end eg
Caroled :
Fast wewr Ei dweeks, mister ! I like the
•■ld #aaw, and he like# am, bwt we ere a
family which can't be MeEed by no man
The Waft* got on* of Em scrap# by
riding oC at mil #p##d fTickburg
■ow le tlep w Paper.
Lto no* tab* ynwr paper UTlton poatonnater
and tali bid to wd bank ;la nine caeca
owl a tan paw w4M fill to atop it In tbb
way, IXi woe atleapl to *atwrn tt yowaell,
nd write an Ik* wrapper to dtoeouttana;
tbe tow, and lap* T*** opao
to a fwa* Before yowr wMcriptlow u
ptrea, send to tbe editor apeetoi card, rny
tag yowr aOtoerlpUow eapitea ew aaeh a
data > ptoaaa daman bn aa at (bat Bata Wgu
yowr a#ton, b toa ton tad tot*U wbara
yowr paper b aaat la tod. U tbe paper baa
bow saw* tww wetoa or thots* oent tb* tods
lor wMto t was paid' don’t send a postal
card :It will do ao good sal be* will* •
toner and lacier* wbat la doe tor awnarggea
always aliening that one aurwbar will be
rent bafuce toe letter raarlito the poMbber
'and bb list b corrected. By ohasrvUg these
dwpbfdwytwßtohh wiU at way* lx.
prumgdy aneadadim
Uor. Alton retoaaa to ride "dead bead”
on the Ohio fatiibattr, a bleb ft as example
that might be ioiiowod at Wash in gw*
'Fancy Gram fumbling arooad to hb pock
t to* money t*bh? a rtritibed Wtfaet.
rjj T~
Divid Dlckw’m, freofgta, who
baA the premtem at Ow Swe Tafr In
i teorgia, in Ifitft, lor eight hale* ot cotton
on six acres, who, be ore the wet, made
SOOO,IXIO la ilftvea years l.y fhrmlntf, hav
ing begun with tba capital of only fto.OOO.
and hwa beeWegHally succussfitll since the
war, thus lay* down Ihe rules by which he
was governed in lltc cultivation of cotton
(. Ijiy ofi mws him lan a|>*rt wilh a
-hovel plow, diMiblc fur>o*, ami put in ler
liiiaers eight inches deep, *
'J lii-lge with a king scoter, five fetches
wide. Make Hw fet'd with a uniting plow
nd subsoil the turn ptow turtow : split
<> Um middle with a shovel plow. Piani
with cottonseed smtcr, and with board or
warrow. Ffevf |ilowhig—run twenty-two
' 'tehee sweep vßth right wing turned down;
hoe out, to iww or three stalks evury nine
inch** tea dpye after plowing, Beoomi
|dowlug— urn|he feme sweep, the right
wing tori H-d v* w fettle more. Third plow
ing—earn* f run third in the mkltfle
to level.
Cos Won standing fhfekhig in the drill
wHI be muctrniorc Au wrff.l h maturning.
4 Guttoil Otl.y requires distance one way
5. Be careful not to cut the roots ot col-
*. Uses * deep Water furrow in the
spring ; work flat hy hot weather.
7. Ou level ln*l rftn the rows north and
south, „ ,
8. A cotton ptant,. lo sland two week's
drouth, imufi have lour iuchvs soil and aix
inches mfeaoil ; four week* -sigh Hitches
soil nud the as me sulnsul.
♦. if yon prepare your land ami carry
out thla plan well, and manure liberally,
you may expect from lour head rial pi one
thonaand pounds oi lint coitoa per acre.
10. Fertifelerv bring a crop of I sills on
the cottoo early,
U. Ta Improve the coitoir plant, aelecl
aaed every year alter the first pit king, up
to the middle of October, taking the beat
•talks and tk. bolls on tb tialks.
IS. On all farms Ihete are some, acres
that produce cotton heller than others;
sued should always Iw save,l Iron* those
IE Manure every where you plow and
plant j your labor will he more certaiuly
rewarded. Ii pays to manure, ami 1)
pays beat 0b land that pays l*c*i without
14. ftagn the lOih to UOth of April is the
beet time to plant ooiton.
15. ApfeiY one-halt ol all Ihlhu Hml Inn.)
to mak* fall supplies ol nil kinds that me
needed OB the larm, and enough to spare
for 1 hose kfigHge In other pursuit*, and you
mill lawva H|f((> wium j llirest If fliJ NIigIC
waa employed in making Mlon.
10. LMivt no glass to hunch and chiimi h
future ba.l stand.
17. Flow every three weeks, nnd let the
hoc* come ten day* bebh.d, clear Ing the
cotton perfectly.
18. plowbife fid Uie 15tl. or
•Jbth of August. Drrrc cr twice daring the
middle with * lurrow, to keep the ground
IV. Thu plowing of eotion requites one
and a f<*uili d*ye \itt acre.
2b 0 .lion plants commence, when small,
to lake ou and matotu bofls and continue
unffl they cthatlnl aoiuahlc rnanter, or
raueli the foil ca|Htcily of Ihe laud. Two
stalks will do that nrucfr sooner than one,
and will avoid the lute drooih, ealetpillcr,
SI. Cotton wWI grow nfier cotfow * bum
Iforol year* to sufeeris with plenty of nre-
• 18. Make Ju#f tlnr attontuf of CnMon Wan
ted at paying price#. Keep out of debt, be
•he credllora, make your aupplioa at borne;
Itfkn, and only Umpu will you hve power.
JH Ifo'at 100 <m empa, deeper and deeper
plowiitg erery year, Incorporation of V eg<;
kable mould. lAuruiag tbe proemla of (be
cotton, • xoapf tbe lint, to the toil, m iking
a* much manure a# possible, comprise* my
ayatem of improving lauds.
M One ahjuot In culliration la Pi
keep lb aurtoet brokew, #o uto let in Uic
light, beef wad air. Mover tooptbo plow*
(or dry weal bar.
tO My Policy ha* bean to make the moat
money witlrtbe toast labor and caplui,
eras If it appear* to be wastrfhl.
M Than oottoa planter ahotito make bU
whole supplies j everything aeceatary te
run bw farm.
• mar.'m ■— , ..
Tbe Augusta tihw wieto, a Hud In* to Judge
McCutclieou'* febukn of tbe Grand Jury,
parUculera of which was pObtWiad in these
columns, says:
la oar opinion tbb act of the Judge was
a palpable vioUUoo of tbe prirliegea of a
gland Jury, and a gitoaa outrage upon tbe
rurhis of tbe cHikeai ol Bartow county,
lib ooadoet airnuld be called to tbe ettea
tlou of the LegbiaUire at its esetooe no xt
Jaaaary, and that body etootdd gin* k #
thorough mvettgaMow. r fraud Junto have
right* which even a Judge of toe Hu par tor
Court ceeoot ia'eriara with of deny their
exercise. Tbe statement of the Banos
Jury shows a moat depforaCto sfata Of agUtre
existing is Mat Oounty. ffbeo ciugeo*
And that one-half of tbe awtira county tax
>ta aapatiwrd in paying Use eapaasea of the
AupeMor Court. il time that they should
complain, and it U time that tbe ciliaeaa of
tbe county were protected.
/ Radmod B’itHe, of Brookryt* Bo( ouly
left bw wife all kb property, hut erota hb
wilt in poetry to her. Tub b Hi. Burke*
wiU waft appeared in Mia record;
I gj*< kwd baqtkth unto my ’x<U>ved wife,
Mary Burke, >- _
Ail my workfty g<*xbßhera in *torr;
1 give tv ny beJoreiPvftfe and her*, hrrev
er fauna.
I give ail Waiy, 1 no limbe Bx>
Tbb bmy WUI, sod aba ia my a;ur(*
law Kef YmHm* Afelped ike
Bn MM infer*.
There ts no foolUimcat about some of the
lathees nf D dmqnv county, lowa, who
have marriageable daughter*, and thav
know how to ptcflpiUie htt-me-tr wtu'H
die fruii 1* ripe lor |>luckiug, and hang,
wasting its sweetness when It sh mid Iw
plucked. Malhira weie brought to a di
max with a rush at a ceriain Urmcr's rvtu
ihmcc in Verno’i town-hip recendy. A
young tiller of too soil ha,l lot m.,. lit
platen |Mvyhtg nsrt aaaidUous alien boos io|
one ri his daughters, but lie waa -u h a
bashful, lilt'd eel cha(>, uovur having Iwan
much hi (he company ot girts, cxirqil this
■ ■no, that he Imd sever laeii alibi to raiac
i hie courage suffeciwitTy la -tCF lies afe
impoitani question.
Hu had gone tot he house hv whah his
admirer lived, upon at least twemy 81 tier
ent occasions, resolved to krtow hii fate,
but when ushered into the presence of hie
fair one, into w hose keeping be had placed
U heart, his coferags woukl invarlab'y \;o
back on him,’ and he would return lo Ms
lonely room in greater suspense than he.
tore. U|an the evening in question he
had determined that, come wliai would, he
would tell his Mary that he loved list, lie
would once lor all decide the mailer, hut, as
upon each other occasion, he could gel the
proposal m> fnrthv)i than hfs UfeoM. There
It stuck, and he hat) just determined to
gulp it down and givfe up ihe siege, when
Ilia door opened, aud in stalk.d the gill's
•ather. wfeo advance.! to where tl ey wore
-Hiing, and tbm widreasad them >
l came in lo pul a Mop fo (lit* infernal
ftmlishnca*. It-aln't the courting X|>ettwea
that I'm looking at, for coal oil’s cheap an
wood can be had ior the battlin'; but fm
sick and tired of this billin' and cuoiu' ilka
a pair ol sick dovtm, kaepiu' ms awake ol
nfglifs, an' it’s got lo fee slopfieii right here
Mary Jane look ti| here. Do you love
Joint Henry well uuttugli to marry him t
Why, father, I—l—you musl —
Hton liiat dan foolfelvin, yelled lit* old
man. Answer, yes or no, sad mVht.V quick,
100. It's gol lo he settled now or it ver.
Weft, frrrt fat fee i, rhiu’l yttu know -if
you'd only wait, aud—
thy up ; answer yes or no. K, uk,
roared life old genl.
Well, yes, then ! Tlittfe, no#, End Mary
ngain lit 1 her thee.
That's hu Jnoss ; Unit's the way to talk.
Now, John, look hcie look up here, or
I'll shake you all lo pieces. Do yon want
that gal <t' Inina tor a wik: I Hpcak out like
ti man. IWW.
Why, Mr. , ain't this rut her a I
mean, can’t ymi* -
feystwb ff nvit„ nr rmt of this Itotnui you’ll
go head htremosi. I won’t wait u mlnu c
longer. There’s Ihe gal, and a likelier gi
ain't in the state, mu’ you Just Iscurd her
say site wpnted yon. N nv, John, I Won’t
stair Ia feTt o’ toiling ; once for all, yes or
Well, yos, ir. I have b on presumptuous
enough to totpe Hint I —. —
U, ct*a* y<"tr n/iff bilk , thing'# ire settled
now. You two blasted luub would have
been six tiiontlis mule si tlmt Job tbsl I've
• lone in five ntlmrtrm. 1 never saw such
foolin' ns Lbers b oAtoftg young people
iiowidnys. Ain’t like it wsa Winn I Wss
young slid now good night. You enn
talk tliu thing nv*t, snd yon and am, John,
'ill go to town and gft the IIIrna: to mor
row. Rwon hr- DWiS tf< go 10 plowin’—on
lime for love making ttoti. flood idglit,
gissl night ; hope I wasn't 100 rortgli, biR
I was dwieruiifiMd to Ax tire thir/g up one
way or 'fotber ; and the old man went
liaeb to lied.
Now that fit* fce WtW lifoßau, the young
people laid all tbelr plant for tbe Imurr,
slid Jobn toll just a little bad at the com
tort be bail lost, when Mary looked up at
hinr shyly, arsrt said ?
TldU Would biVVn bOrif aft ffghl four
months ago, John, if yO • hadn't linen so
skeery. I knew’d all 1 Hie lime that yon
wauled to ask me ; but it wasn’t my place
ui aay anything, yon know.
Hint wet me*.
The itomaclf siionld never lie overload
ed Bread btlie staff of lib aMf b very
auukdouCa* well as digestible. The beat
bread b made of unbolted wheat, if ahould
form a part of erery meal. Bread and milk
b the beat diet far children, aad b g*d for
ada’U. T< much salt ftritkfe* tlih Abas
ato. CoMe (ftd pftvWftdd By
drinking hot tea and exposure eberwards.
Late au pper* induce beat t dbaaaa I’ss
try cake and ttne flour bread constipate the
bowolb. Boiled potatoes am not so heal
thy aa baked one*.
Fruit* ark tirbb eaten at bteaktasr snd
dinner. Tbe stomach 'tout rest b> be beat
thy ; puagaliv* ramlicinea weaken bo;
liowells. Cheerful coevcrse'ioo pcomouw,
digetUuw, and fatigue, sorrow awd anger
prevents Ht
i -
The Chronicle b also ol "pinion that It
wi-uid do good for be tienersl Assembly
to pass ao act r'-quiritig the difh.-reat Ordi
mariea and rximvly Judges of tbe Btsle to
make an aoauai ie|*rt to the CouipUoUci
General, showing the auiouat ol couuly
tax levied, the jier ceatage upon the btale
tax, sad the per ctuUne ami aatoutit He
q-iiiad far ttie supper# of each depertmaut
vf the co*:aty goveromeat, end requiring
the Comptroller Oetteral to publish a di
gest of (base returns in bb report.
'~Mi m am
Why be drwbkatd like a bad politician ?
Because be b always poking bb mac into
maasarta Urn# apotb toe euaMituUom
! —Tjttr 7?Ta
Mohilk-iti Mu-k>
(MUM tN FIAN' .ml
4;Mki. ami FW FI VN DA
O II (. AMS.
[ “* -
Solougli it, Warren
• ——- ; —„ ~ ‘ •
Flllt KB.
•’>o, fI.S, BA, life, IWS, 150. JfeO to ftofi*
•Ai.r, ftfSDfeor
Musical lustrumenU.
*T Wf hay low sHfepay rash, marshy nhaHaags
losß.iatlints t .Silly of (nods and pries*
W ill soil pianos on inatallasuta -daks old ptaaos
sod organs la par t payment. Wa aottsit oortmpon
llanos. Hand otdira direst to
Boirthero Music How.
HT Mi Parrot offers fvto services Is
limfeyg .1 I I iH,.arn i'< ni l*, tigafW urdf
lit the Mil'ic felor^o 1
Only One Dollfltf l
Will lie sent to *nv address six tnoiWftf
lor One Dolfur. This is one ol tM aheap
est weeklies oiiMlslnd. It is not a blanket
sheet in whtefe all *qm of matter i* pro*
mlwmofesiy iltrmni. It is • Matly printed
lour page |taper, compactly mala ap, amt
urlltcd with *caf eare. Nothing oi adult
or heavy character Is Admitted into tba
columns of ih* Weakly, h ia an elaborate
iv eonipilad compendium oi tire beat (Mnga
ilia’, aupear in lbs Daily Nawa. Tim Ms
graphic despatchca of Um week are pe
.•4iig4 *4 gfeivtlullj wet tiwi! *#4* ty v v*|
ihat hi not strictly at a news character. It
ulr cnnlain* full reports of Ihe market* ;
thus, tfeoar who have not lire advanUge of
a doily nrAsR, dan get all the news, for its
inonlhs, by smilfeig One Dollar to the pah
lisher : or tor one year by stmiling Thfe
The Dolly ltfofiWrtg News hi thv same
re la’ila organ ol public opinion thtstß free
atoaya been—vigoroife, Ihougliffbl and
conwervattve in be dlfuutfelon oi the ireuee
<tl tiic day, awd lively, .park ling anti vn
terUifting In IU pfteieritatluu of the aewa.
In gathering mt.l (loitllshiug the latest ID
lormatioa and In diacnssing questions of
Itulnie (Miiicy, the Mtwitteg News is folly
abreast of the rhusl AntenWtstng Journalism
<ti flift flutes IVlfee, |f(> lor lit months .
fur A iiioiillis,
I'lie In Weekly Ncwtr has Ihe eme ls*-
inres m the Dally News. Price, ft) lot til
inoitihrs , $A lor STnontht
Money no either pgjter cM be Mol fcf I*.
(X order, tefcisicfod tetter Of Express, at
publialier's ilak.
Mferning New* Printing
la lire largest in the feiste. Every des
cription of l'i lining done at the shot leal
notice. Birth Hooka r>l all ktretfo mafle tqt
or 4cr. Book Riuding rtnl Ruimgexevuted
kli dia|micb. Kathuate* for Wolk |trompl
iy lurniahed. Addtes|sli letter*,
J H KfeTILL, fenvannah Ua
Httitjß ANCB
WMlllwplritril loom toy fr <■ In Hr
wthlUt ooubt/ "to Ml* t hi/ til Hr proper*/
••hub *• iaH to or tom b/ tro.
To Umm vl'hiag Umtoilbtorttaae*to* tto
U/YKlt OKtotto/ ma/ too toftlto. 1 •ton
to toHtot to to rr> ttom BHb rWMf l tto
or Mb or tor Htopto / of tb-ir mra Mlartlaa.
nr } am "vftiagdtramlp toi tto “ALABAMA
OOI.D" to 4 dtolra mr trUtor to -/iM am.
i I *
female cditco^
( 10Ll/B<ilAT£ >mt (H ITS fl br-niti*’
V y Wmlt.tUy, f)it da/ ltot<UMtbt!r'
*> •**'. nil unit ligin* lornmheil Ur
Ute frmutotit tur $U til
iPer Mcnith'.
wuric Uitto'U per attauut *tu hoi fred
*t' *. • tourv/uf u aod *uuuiapU*haJ iuu
nkMO. I tto charge of Hit* Ufimrtjiicol. *
liavo bmw tat W*i P.,iui .11 >ur, and
bve Knottier >lJbytai lca*u u Uw l>uiUt>
,n * Ar t. MO<J I V,
NO 38