The Meriwether County vindicator. (Greenville, Meriwether County, Ga.) 1872-1885, September 10, 1875, Image 2
TIIK VINLMGATcm. - --i-J -r . 'z- . W M T. paydl*, it iWd Propi fa-luf <{ I<KSV&JbWtOAY PKPT lW A KilliotP iKBTU**^ v. Ml I * I'c i CIO fhVil I K ..O ib* 3r TTJiaBMYnr OCTOBER D*teg;aia>its ln<M A/i***.*, h mnriljr, Warn* nd Kiycrtc . „i:nt anr ti>pa| and napi l ** l <o Im> (MOM *l. K*>l*"*y ' Mdrlw <5 1< Ti <3 r desired to HW<G A M.rlwirib* fmn “<* nuln-id •< ** \m... f.vitU- • tb’jp.mvtH* r•* 1.1 Mm I.** II \y f| wt.nly lull.- [KianMfii N Jli#** 1 , 15< ItoffMi, doff* f*rofto iiMbb# in'<* Dur wnnnioiii< rt don't > antdhirH*I**** 1 **** of an n,t Wdahm,U>4 <<<*l y itf h-j A. Rented by Amo* 'I.. Akeniian. fS.ltiK u b" l '- l.iswtv n** ll * s h *’ w ‘' •Vamp rtf !" IKmMkli" * H uron, Barron ! wby vt< Asd. ircrr |a Uh- lut tasue ol tin- Vimik'vn>* *•’ slat#*’ fbai ib*>r w* no until in*liiatloi in Heorgl. arOfcffotl VrHt/t* ; Wto**WW '*** Yrai.klfn News *ny “If Uii* i* "• ~M' gj|a*Taierriidy belied." Ii is K"'"'y f -T K*| up witu litotiinr New*. ~ Pl#* r *t#r Woilts IB Atlanta tisv* c<ut %IKnm t far, nm> toi bond* Ui In i* Mil'll Ji*. A corrmpomtonl wants mUnwil but u front Oieenvilla lo HMgai.avUl*, “'"I *>• l Mill la* dour for #IOO,OOO • We sen Ih.i oh* might difficulty In ib ' wry, rod ibi n tbe tJOfI.OOO |L .Orange Heporkr. Our coneajHHHlenl proto**'* "> f’ I*' 1 *' "I* that aum < Meriwether, Hru Waf>i!i>.M Mr. Jhhmtie H mil'll tow fnwi rlirii >! 1“ Hie (imlrol Ofltmnriwif-fK-n *y •* • ui Vuuoni l<y tin f n nf: fi *o*■ fmtuH ri, tor S3mmwHEK&'* *l< t>.io rot llfltnl by plurklltjr, Tfcfi* di'toocritk dm wr *lrotd, rim] llm fowHi U In ilo'd't l lie ilemocnU b*wm|'lurlHy In the ~ IrTalur* and pndbly n Th tMMIWMTa TICiIBK'i FuTUIIK On llita aal'Jnct lltf new Bep tern bur l Ibe MvrtiuUle A#ni y of Dan, llm lon A tin., nl Nw York, cm the Immediate littal iuim future, line the fiilbjwdnj.Wbciboi the eapeclalUma whkh luave Inner enter mined id mi Improeetl onaditbm !■ trade fur the preewit year are to Ini reallmd or n .1, the neat ninety dara will d..ier 'Dial there bnpea of ferlrirl hare u-K b.*m nangolnc U true, but tbe dlanp|Hilnlmrnt wbleh may billow their bob fulfilment will be none the leaa ret loua. Alter derellbn U|m the imimrianrr ot the crop mnrwnoii! to ibe ru ..vny i l HP laeea, tin* authority gore on to any : Thiongh U may lube many month* to ten! ibe Ihia wenllh, the vi’ernt* ,, b y wlildi that tealifcitioa wtU be cairte.) forward ought eo m to be m cnileat * and the proba ble reeiitt pretty ib’ltnltefy autkifiab and. It ie im. leu table lliat llietr e I late now a very unorilaUi ami tereiHh condition of tilings that buaineM In ftrel hamla la almogt—*t a Mill, attd that to luduoe puidliewirs, some thing htneeded mcuriitangllfle than bright prospect a, which bard too olou proyeil (te Itrslre. Wear*,therefiire, o die ere ot a most important and critical amend la the oomieordal liiel- rv of the ooontrjA rod cause obherveta wiU watch aI lb noma ana lily the width the next r ew weeka will aftord.— [lhivaoriatlvN'ewa. TN Nnl INwwa Upnn tke Dtir fcryte Monty Tlre twenty hundred thundand dol’an. tidleu from the Southern nr groin by the engineered Ute Fried rweo'e Btnlt h-wrlng marly ran out, the next more to bo mC agaiusl him called the Union Longue, or ret her a revival o< tint buttons organisa tion. Ills cotton wU won be ij tlie mtr ket and auld and t tie- money in his pocket. Northern bjffnafvw, religious hnwmws Mid deed toWare now plensm raid* iv < him.'-' 4 ' We togged that theap bear rented'by the police and aheriaff when they come leer* under pretext of or*rnixing ae cret polllioat aodetfvbot realty for the the purpose of aw tad ling the poor, ignoran t oe gro. The %io i uu friend,. amt we should protect him from the cruelties ol had men hie we usid. to do hi (larery time*. The rimple-mhukd .creature bus no power U mitt ‘be oily tongue* of abar prra who inveigle him into dark roonpa uu dor the i-rctfW Wgallh ng Uie Ripobtt •an pet ty —protection truui Southern white miu him) the whole tiring of familiar false Imm-da Jut for Ibo main put paaa el cheating him out of hla liardearned tittle piles ot money. II te time tbe Southern people were arresting unit *ppiylog the fall vigor ol th. law to > o*c U i obi • tggert and ahar para. . ,| y , * f Ag Indiana admul boy baa written Ida naa*e high up an iba scroll of fame this time. Ilia leecber wasted to boow the number el sums. “Fu©n" wae too reply "the horrid, (ho frigid, the Umiparato and the intemperate.*' He aHI enter the kc ture Arid thi* tall r.tpnnl inert l^cber. Vt* to,rv.frfl#wi'W*i t t!ire. frurtUly 0.-flr. pl •€ 3b.ith Jfoolioa. •* U*r m eeoisrtt * t-atroa. l Huin.iry , by !,:* V /. Ii VsMCr, ie toil of plif. CO. IIIIHI ** • and punl .-b; and u-Hul i im >a* up. in ibe sobjecA ot rmpi.W ai*.l kl#el to u. Im-i* u aoy padwta* •<* ttw* ‘ Kan Uf i oor ; Uiboe ih.ii y. ong sj'l old, esfn. ialfy m mat ! m* (aiUiumg Oi W*4*-o'c •< mink owed ÜboiMs as a pioje-r nllli.-iH-n ’.d lhal <s bare. loslmd of sowko.g r reucb ,-V cbt iiegoors, t r!i/ofl rk • lit-- lie in. /• onrielyes At retry dejaA **"l i<s loads in lb* (Male, you way •>: soy dsy i rosds of alieia slsrirlittgaiontnl I.him slot I leg Mo** HO.* spoil g- SI S u Slh. abusOig lb* iH-gtn ui s Irtlron-r, IsMoullog mnr ily ol ii .m.-y, son bf 'list I>.*inr 111 til IJOb.HO ol Ida .'Mil* .J in ogress and t-us M-d tisewharfc, 'I Ih i.' i i>ally M. gr oniiil l< t <lc|Oi. J i. u<:) „oywl**-.e. N>.twlthsidfrig our fcr.s*. iittoSs l.j* wai orboiHiiiially all llct * bad I elore Is fa. re. t)ur ni.dl.r-i eallh is bile. ,7d our ii Ur* to II are iiihl At tubed , 'b* ■rally sod UUer r*oi* s'lli Ull swiofdu g u toe jmonline, and tbe pwilul roo.lbuv silli wait..* nod ffui;iifl‘s id of oUJ, woilat ibe yiHitlnesa of <bd m_ijt U-stow* liiil JiIWCIMr- Tbe *in i.gib Mill image ofour py pb nr* Win w ill. ibe m sod IhooJilL .3bl! f WtttjL i,l nr lonvrst Rfid last nre r.ol here, yet nil If.e glwlburs n . •■II. elloo* of on* liiMoly M ninfo iir cbeerami bleM ui And the Be gro. bods tiers, as g ,M *d v.f. hsSUf tllall J‘* no* Is tore, II s know bw to soilc i.lirr floo't .Im*|v*u of . ding a way * do Vil try be won’t work toiler* lie f* c/Ul , pettco Mrery sell, nctilier wiii s frrtr no n, flilt iWHifruialon I# of .Jlflerelil r<iits, Kur marly you eompcHed bio. by vlilue id ire log Ids n.ustei i.rrt*. ii lWpel him lo work by fmor ol !ns i.(f< s*l:lw. ftl’Oic Urn Hint y..u lire wfiboot blm, pul your bend to th* plough nd *y io him. If you will help, sell; H not, wrl! ag •♦*; etthrc# tha fawa a galnstyng iHunlage, ami be is UI Kindly wmk whin be nan do no Urtiei, At present b. Umibs be run make a lit lug by yoiu.g, but bn sill lOine i-at m tl at In dur moim.ii On tb sbote, I sin Inrllnc.l to Iblok be Is Hr* Ih hI Üb.'ier sa af llk.el) to gn In tb Hauili; ns lie ' the bcl mol s bare with 1 w I,lull ii, eiiiiivsie tbe mil, blue tkaipeuj IIUI | Implore him In r reiy possible *itj 1i.,l Im ibta go al Abgto B.l* n |a-upie. blood l.e* filled ll.a nsrtii With UK j most Ur.ifieont *nd tiUllleilaii eiviiiasuuu i ii lies ertrr *iiitM.sial, anil su. wtd tin wlmies ol its means with mlgh y tlllea, in iicnlsied Ha surlaec with sleaht r.Ut, oov .red lire w till seas will. Ibe ttbHi; wings ll lomnitut'i!, rod eviti Invsde.T IO known depibs wltli tl.c iron *lio I pathways ol the lightning, l‘*r ibe.a n eo Umteknorwl erlga thsl the wkcelt of (hair progress are Mopped bta-uliae tho negro*'a won’t w.nk and Hap contract* l n Miny ajn in dins) I hbnuie to nail tc ts So t And as to capital, Hie want of Wtikh make u ooropUla at. londly—aie wo real tv him* > I *•)’ P'W IVh •** j >nff. ling from a want of In n -wlmt we bare, rMber. What rebel would a Hi alt lesiie ol gorerumen* currcnsy do ... nnliM we bad Ibe rqulralenl lu give Id. 11” Huy poaa lluti Urrtv-lour were gir hf us, how long would a a keep il. If out l onaomption anmially exceeded out ante as fat aa 11 dee * now ? btke water wklig Ila level It wnnld Mmn find Its way tu ibuew si... lead furplua la glre for tt. What ibe use of au Idle Mlnw .'oui.jpng arvuuei with blsTtasds In Ida pickets* without a thing in live world to sell;, but Who buy* his rciy axe bundle and Ids Cabbage Iron’ ilie North, abusing KasUrn capitalists tor grabbing all the currency T Let him raise a bale ol C'ttou, and ttoe Ii Ire clou’t fob I but Ya nkre ol some ol Ids ill-gotirn gains? Let bin. grow his ow u penk, Hour, corn, nod hay, and see if Ural bloated boodhokl er dun’i have hr shell out ? To girt you acuta blew ol our condition aa to capital ) would telcr you to two or ibrea points in our Btsio. In Charlotte, which is rhe Ug geet lawn of Its stxc In lire United Blataa, we ha Vo five chartered banka, with a cat* ital paid in of #350,000. Their dejawHs wtll excecdf#l.sUo, OW, on which they pky A per evut.—total, #I,HSO,OO<X Haleigh has ’learn, over #OOOOOO ou de|aii, and Will mington wnue #BOO,OOO, and tbc’o bat hing capital la abouk Lwll iheh dc|H*iti— total bsafc oaphal in lira# Wwsg about #1,530, 0(0; di*auta #4,500,000 Now, seven tenths ofuheee deposits, belong to our far inert—s'tah men as you, down ou middle men, and clamorous lor uioie cwpiiai. What do thay do with It f WrL they lu#d to theft ashrhkws who are ia- straiia Mil haven't got well on their tail tince the war, and secure It by a mortgage at •, 8, or 10 per ceot T Not one hi ten. You baveu’l confidence m your neighbor, though he mortgage* lira larta ; but yon pot it iu out fit these bonks on long carl at 9 per cent. and your neighbor* go to the trank and borrow tr at 19 per cent, to raise the wiod tar the trust crop. <t he goes to a commission. merohant and buys bw uu a credit,ot• w> euet ol over SUper cam ov r<ab prices, nndnioi t gages bis crop in advaoee to pay lor- them;, and wheu that mortgage t'h>tckraedgpur crop gone, no mppiK* am bantt, sad ilte tame process to tie gone, .over agate tit* the uett year, you aay, iu want ol more cO; iter. O tny brother, lake uu otfiaae, I pray yon, at uie wounua ot a -lucuu, wlteo lay tl is a want ot common aenaa aaj common cos my toward each other. Make your own supjuiee, and you will uot have rrsbaffow au much-money, it yea have any to loan, let your neighbor bare it, aw mw you bad ratuer see me I tanker apeuu late uo- your money than bun. Nubody btaenes the banker ur-Uie wmitnisMou mi r chant II they can run a aiachbaa aw yoor money, who should abuaa Urcai Mr k Mot 1, lor one Laaru to use your cuutai wUaiy btlo.e you otarnor for untie. Pour uyor surplus cash ou yoar farms, or tom manaLrcmn g instead of tbs banka, and and you will kuuck out a u.hl.i*wuuu tee y to*. i Vt b* the sMleors of the C | d'taibu ¥m ' .juiitr iua ’!•’ tired <4 prating H MSaU' (*i.yi r t#* dij n ajarntM sat tn .lA*#l. %jk<*MN .iH' oßltvg i**e IMMh awd I k <liKXTi.ak<i, ibey vbwiid have it set t<> i yiuusfcTw. ib-t ibey cm go rtwiot wbistifny it. W t say Mist Ailsffis a ill. at tbe prop tu lit i e, d<> ">< U rug << w Wd O/glpkllf^lb*. M rib a. and k* nib rowd. but saidltsii ■ I iiuw a liiti g or '. wosboahrbe tesdeof this ' oU n sf.d they want • direcl line to | 4 oi>.|bt.u van Vf'.eWVfUe. 1 be t oluesboa 'I mes doe* lots regard ti>* . i.oipi r* as a oliiciiy '‘otinalHft adsir. It 1 Uiiw s> il.* < XMu aimi w.orhf benefit alike j tbe le.tumal it isksa a broader view f of il* o.ifipnvo. and urgsa ktolutabwt to • I point dt . gsl ie (he Oranrrtlle cewveo v biiii il b. jM wiU Lad be rsoxilim; a .til lb* j **(;..- of a Im *4 fe oofs'mil*, nil wd! lake t),* ttejv ti marls a*> x ; iMi*.<m . I .c road Ui Allwesls.—[A' sora wiimtion Tli. N' w Ii oik hull is a vig> too#*/'ilk ■ k-i.oru <.' 'be a i of January t+M, pi oka* Ti gio for and. i.ou*pls>B of (*<•. {wyiwefi'v or If!4 s a detbeVsl* Inns*,, (0i.,;. i led by tbe Uep. bibsiwa U obtain IMiiil owl B| i-al U I*eio imftMMt*. ssy* ibe spin, wet. real y prrreiuiMl lor t tb* No rman sham, snd t- ..ofding to lira lb ■als Whi.b it*' piattTit itM#> aTofas. it would cost ibvrer-rrftfy IsiSIU S>f rmoe miiik os raw ysrsr of tbsaew Uaes rapay the in'wwt . u i bs u. ad* to fe pr riled ami iui;nt. ’t Im i. tps ngtr at T*r sewowr ■ vro.' < j *) eoiiaMered Irmn the standpoint ,r 'l.' | li is v, I, , piiaJs.i.i a pablie d*b( n. h. s | ui*H I. < ung, le> are large MU in nl i1,.-la .• a n losa us laMllnne tj la L. aai.taa afi-l enjoy itn ureotve* M ?b cal of lb. toiling | nopte. ft wntiUl in IM lbs) Jmrt Oia.iri ag* aes'ly ,*e<y Otlm ctliAr in th ir>(arksr of Ibe Hi ate has s eei dklata ’a irstmng for Uov .rm rl tb* next elet ilon, while so. of j llieui sic, pitting tbt it men bit llv* Uniu-. ,tvi*fe* fi wtiep Mr MflVß'>'*i‘* nr m esplrea 'fber- is Wrmething ly ludM-MUa hi sit tins It rem'tufa ou* of prepai’.l.ons for a ‘rlrfrkro W*j . all lurog Its Ibe buy* gfttltftrig Ss#ad wf nets Willi 'heir Ills kehs under lkaV aims nta f, r hr ki'k tf*|ll In Ibo ermlswt This wift of 'hlr * Is bed enough, degrading sod u. 4 bli v. n* *w gh M any time, but jaat „,.w it l ora' (O hvfolrlrV Now t m ilsm mu i'd l i< si cotk Ogbtfuf. wrorgts. the Hr ruth a -l the whole w-uirtry h* *** inu. b si lke In .h* grrml wiiit* A & l vltai t principles, * h'l h Is sooa t*. ralssr pigs, ha her pnflrtr tana to Ik geulng up’ rivalries Siili party rttrouiona ll lire 1 lndivlrt.isT*t>lrsm* tor (flkr - |Avnnsh N*wa. Dm Ki.riavtll* i irrimtel* MnrtO Horn n.fivefsani with ri Ihmlderrl JhHw . n | riie ailnirs tint Ml* mH known m >ct lb*, be mniln will pcwkwin bis death, i*r>rather tiro nnyisneh dtMMß##* b in.w )n i xWianca. It i* blkwrJ ! hal he terwtv n UTK t3IWT UHCi hill HliY Hire 4>f is in fo- It •• known rliat U’ iwcuirid lwavy kaa trom ibe h.thimuf -ley Cook**, atul it i prswHd# that ibb abate* in* UWr roaia •**• t' i.iXcefeiy Mint b sbouhl clung* any WIP t,c brut madrprrotow= r.rttoit nwMh , is |irt.khi ihwt Ins uevnt mad* a wIM sfier wnidi owing tu the uniirtinty'nrkn w hat hia-actual l.wecs would U who Imvc ihe euetmly of ht* ptofrerttr arid p* per* bn’ w iwibisg ol Ui eiwuwavr *4 an hnautaßc* policy <>n Mr, Jobufrir* tor, rovY ihcy Jo no* hriinv* that hw bad nny each (Hilicy, Mr. J.dmsMiiV laiste is out krgn, but suffleienl to kiwp Ills surviving family nb’<vv want. 'Hip Atlanta Mt-liUl {lublleltee * forcible pnmronetcsttim extend I lit- Nortli Adouiii IMrusdl naif to * com.eetlon with tbi Atlanta A Weal Point road We are rati>fl<:U that the in o n at* ift Columbus req'itre either im com pletion on i lie route wigiualty deaigaed, o* Its cxtcnelon to Atlanta m a.e*tv*rsi mate ibrotmli thnbntMtiaw W Meriwether, fay •tu>, Ac. But it It cannot be extend*! aay ftir'lier, Its completion to LaUrange oo the route selected am) partly graded Waok) take It to the point on tins A. A, W P. R. K lean likely to divert trade Irons oar city. A connection at New -an or GntntrsMe would be apt to brat ft Atlanta more Warn bus ; Mil tlie toad w< aid rtill be ao abaft a one, iM>e> dependant on connect iocs tor .its tiadr. je to re'tmbmce any advantages cape dad font ita-OiMlnt litre uaroggaaga Oar peoj.k may-out at prcatat M ntth te do arty Utiag towania the cample linn ebrt tension of tbla mad, but iu late is aa iater eating question wt\h tbem, sntldiagabusßd study all Its {-oesibiUliee sad ooctiagimCiSs —[Columbus Enquirer. Tins, butcheries must cease, even It becomea nwrwary to put the whole South again uudar military' conuul. Tba Ufa ol the argru ia ae-aaiiwd ia the eye of tba ConatUnti* a astbwMhol the white man, and it must be ao maintained.— [fliicago Inter Ocean. Tbatk tin- Yankee kick of a free giotern meat; and it indicates Just what sort of * 'government has tccome. Coogiuae aad Yin l'rokieut oan any day turn any Stale over to-Uro military. One Stale to-day, another- to an mow, and all in the end. Yd we are loid that it is disloyal te call this S' miktary desputtom —[Rroumoud Unvoteh. Tba Billimore Sen stiles that. Uawarwl Pemberton, late ol the 6-nledareto. Stolen army,la now in the employ of the fknea sylvaaia railroad to eelaMiab iron works at Amboy, New Jersey. Governor Amea so ceiled, of Mmstafppi,, ia of the opinion that a- goveromeal aep ported by mimia. mured with Rewr mg.iou nil.*, ia U*e in toe world. I _ General fyn niter J f • 'of Juaptft- to dt iHMIMt he vttemp 1 0f the jadfoi'darestiswi lit suliMHuie fcovvir for t’vmctmy Sa* a lioo-ps-ant humbug He **-erl thai every dollar llios paid uwt will r-MBfdy go Iroui rim treasury vault# w theaMlHwg uw snd ctwlkle atlver am is Worth b dajr Ant h*We, W- Ttrf, more than paper Irscikroi un )is ary ; if* 4 nil Km -pero gae eli ueeo v have ; opg sistge siiaesrderi srtver a* • niesme of value, and that tbe reatsi -writ t% if tte> Mgr fg wntedMieT, ttial both ti’ver sod tract., na) euuemy a ,tl go oc; of ci'iofattou and the ptpk vs.ijf be Com pelted to resort, as race befbtr, to poelagt sump# ss s currency 145 me* Ibe icquir* um Bis of trade The General --barge* that Hie pesssperd ibe id f- UHesla n waa a. {jewec.-rl by Ibe Oliver prouiUMbt smotig boo. was Jones, rt Nevada, who iiad u with tbe pietident adrj Serretvrv Bridi*. ft rmi, rfeat Gwr itarncßt* of Nonb (Jarobci# are btc.aiiy takU# p nass. i m ol< the petiikwiuuy of that fVtte. TlseHtleigh New* says; Kiery 'fain aimoai turn coute* *• hr logs si. oJdir oos! (part* of emmet* io itoe ja irr.ia.rj, attd ra int cases our i/I mu they are woorsd There is r.o site gst n u ibsl U,.y are not jgstty punished TUo I.iai. have Un tab and impart*', Tfcelf i . ova if** J.rst swrl rnrvb*>l|e WTri, a jaipu'siaw wr tb* Btfe e-f a hftte sabm I baa uae tkirdof ttsst ef the wLlges the j rupovrton id ribwe on ibe pari id the o>g>< r. a, tour to imr. ft W knmrWfegitg t* u ia t.sasliou* that fbw criadoal efetnetr i.subi.ii srilk i Jkn butAnsn rod a cterimm i. isos ill i.inieM but iaautMsdenitt withes .hood Uto eighty in coat foiling dead mJ* ol ttir H4IS SEW ADV*MTI*#MBMT 1 - sms ■■■ Shan Orv# PoUoum M*d kins ICsadevcd L'wlca* 1 VULTa h KI.Ei.THO BKI.TM, BANIbf a.e tmtoroed hy the most *rr,inenr i bysi elans in ilia wid for the core of rf/uutM liein, ee.ifs'gtsi, I vet I ossplstrn, dysjwyais, Xldfiey dioeass, notoe, pm**, nv. u do ... >l*l r im, tpmabr Uonp!ai*l*. tot V>.. sod genera) ++nhir. and 'ther ihrotoe dksr*** > ui the * lots' liesif, llvef, KwiU U, kbtoey* snd Mtaal |J -,k with full pniticnisF* 'tee try VolU Ik*! t 0,, C'hsctownlr’ O. 3 Dollar SAMPLE FREE* Ami r.fcf fstv lir i*le and female **- .im. A lil;- TflK L'NKIN I’t ll < . New k N I ' 1 *) |rMrv * day a 1 home Agen's want 1£ mI lb,mi swn * nwu.s fee 1 111 K, A t'()(, A ugnau. hUiiMv iffl I Tl I fto,o7>o Ifsa team iiives'cd In bWa-h I’rivtteges and (■aid UOU £i PIUJFIT 'llrvw p Ik. It,’ a B-a-k iw Wall H< 4 #*ni fane. „ TUMBRIIbiK At <r lidnkff* A Hit flirts W*U*t.< Y iisisn woti-xisv ItilYAl. fIAWANA IiGTTKftY TW’inirwjlM*^ prfae #HW/a0 ; t prhw #.W fl< . * p*v^* kBk.OUU emit W,fO* #molitu| 10.... .. ,3to l*W Whole kt-ai, l^tt, qnailarn, #5 . ts -tklbfc |h Ihiouiavs at free Pi fans on lMrd. A. DONAU .* CD. Parrbers. P 0 t 30KV 3l Pgk ow. f*.Y. Kkyal Saxun atnl Bronx* Wa Uuvsjs utswl lelt*i lev ew*tirll jr on hsnd. Dioi— t Cotton Sin Cos. M ImBS- NKW LONDON. CONN, Mermflcßtnas of Gattam Gian. Osttaa Oto Feeders, Condensers and Cuttoa Ote Ma tePtorof tieri iWmifpgt l *. Oof Gina bare barn to use thirty years, and have an eattb Hatred repor at we meWptMty. %braa ; nibt. durebilriyjmd U* nastily aad gnaatby ot lint producer!. Our Feeder anialy as inched to toe Gift, end easily opera* 1 by eery Jad ! ot ordinary ts possible by band, increasing the uetlorn sixl giving a dsottersucMieitar aautpto. As all Fairs where cxhlbued and tor P*ntetn having them in use. they have been accord ed toe highest aaeamtoma OW (hiM * we ate w#.l made, dure Me and vwpb to nowar is required to drtVh fhe WaJteor Condi riser, aad ac fit* Hews* la ttobpMe -without vbetu. We are. grfpamd* to wnh ro, to toy reasonable e*tejt,ijiiifick- **- Wwcriim ho nei/ (Wfclnser. ChncuUra, iwtoea and to totormettea farnlibed.— A4UreM “bSwSIITSu W>BY& ' B.rutstiiie, Ga. TEA&.2&-fS& —Laraeto Usaspany America--a aple article —pfewaga every berfy- Tsar to caatoa unity I rcreaaiaf !■ wentod toe^r Vasey St_, N. N. O- Uhs TWT7 •-- Y - - ■ H&T7 A WBKK. gcamnund rMe 3) i 4> • Bd Famale Agenta, te their b>- caiity. Coat NOTHING to Ratb utars Free. P. O. YICKKRY A CO., Awgo*. *■ _ iLK to (&QA Per day at bonse SO tPZIVj Terasa tree. Ad - STISaOH A V°, Mama. fTTmTfS,*, 1^.14,Am N E W - Ff- I- Just Receired At KOBIJStSOW Sr BRO’S. r CKHAP GASH STOKE ! 2b. Vl* < LTKY GOODS BBOVi N BA IB Tl *od jiHKCT-fiidS,, BKOWN and BLAGfiKO DlilLLllfG. BLEAI'BEi* ad SB A !81JkNI> HU ffOHY ST 11PEd, OSNABU!*!*, THwbl* ad K AO*. CHECKS and tH klfO, KEttfcffcS' LiN'EYs TVt KY JEANS, PLAifJ Ol’ Kit A PLANNELB, CAScIMW**. BLACK ALBAi A, ou A Beawtitui lot <d FALL PRINTS AT lObta per Ya*d, NOTH >NS. _____ _ HOSHHY. GLO\ EtyLAIUES nff.K St Af’Bw, O-liLAHB i T6. C!i**li tiling MadltY up in liie la*ates<t | srj’Yl.Ks. ! <!itr..vrblt TUAN LVER MKBOUK BOOTS AND SHOES .. f-ZIZ ’ - . .... ... 1 Bui 1-adlus, Mtssni, Qtnu taarttoy* All qualdlrt‘itnT“prievw HATS Sr CAJPS, o/Y Large Ta*ot of Crr>ek^ryv Hardware, Wood end Willow War* MAIL* AXfilTft tCKg HAMEB PMfWUXBi, f. tt Httnrmji BPADfcI, PoWHBH sllol C.MTs, TAHf.fc AND FUCKirr CUILMfY, jiLcKt l b, BBoOMtS, Tl IIS. BTC. T(ijlnict *o and orr< '<• i.i:ii:s = AknUM.C. M WO** * < Il v M l.Altl* r*ALI NL'iAti, r*.A lOKKbh.t A DlJJra, UJU K, I’.ltftMt, s U. Ivat r, M'lLAk-lti, ’TOUA. ,hc tONfc’KCTIO > I R I F. S . CASK V*. fUKON NI T* ‘*k 41 Ilk, HAIIUiNK-w. fH kLKU, CHAGKi Its. till 4*ll anti f.r CASH. th#nbe * H very si*.wr pn4l’> Hive u* a r*ll and' i,, er wtomj (*( if 0.1 w j It* lu fbiN Jk HBO, THE M EUIW i : I*l LK It col ,\TY V I N I )|( ATiK UPON ENTERtKt ON IXB : Tltt It D VO l, UM E ' _6 AVrMTp |V THI rtr M K It I vv E L II E U CO V 5 I V q Pot a i tali nan Me ot tin lit el t** KT'f t O. I* tin iVift id Hi tie / First Volume*. \ Daria* the arntt year Ikr prof rtHnr will dhMr Mae* tret bar <t Mrnmi pi tbw |paper and wifi be euatoe*Ho reader rt worthy or tb iacreeved fmtrmge wtnrb rt r hoped it will receive. Nome new Hswrcsc* will ’* iotmlw J th *<M greatly 0* •hr Interest of th* ; I/JCAL BE PA RTM-ENT. Mew matci mi watt ha addad * the ofHee fn>* Mine ta time, wtncb'wUl taepeoee tb* I | MECHANICAL APJPEJUXAXVCZE j- ■_{ .... t has Been promised tfoot leading irwmde of'Bflrary merit, who wjildefigi* abweaodiaatrnctons nadeaa W**oaPreasegßilUeilitteassa ftaO'tft aUe im jyjtt das iaMt a*# op to thertf* e oigiamUi pram. The*pWadeWfl —* NMf wfU crmtloue to ba pWliuhsd im the WMBfCATOR, aa eeil >rsa mannat of j mppyl *n| i—t~*t traaqilil *. In 11ir rnatj- If aay food frieadt bTt eaccmraged aa thw a—l yam; wRI they lend a helping hand at tha hapmahag of the preweat rninaaa, The yCTDICATO.It ia timhUifed npen * ra basis, i *■'*' - , ■ *• .. . v iiyyi i *v: OWES HOI BIN a USD IS BO&ND ksa . # ' * ... w.. iK fo —aw if if the-people of Meriwether coooty.wiW<my sostsra *. Ti e pMew of aoV SerlptioH wil be aa h earn afore, TMfO DoU.AH* peraauom HI tiHitlCE. * . < i 9*l r ' r Thaciiciililhta o kbe paper is far in •! wbat h waa hat year ; will ao* eaah# • '■ r Qet ue one more Siiß>scirflS^l*P^ * Widi thfe ww *mll be satiaOad, The attention of iboee- tradia* aha one- pnopte i caUed to the ad ran tag** oflired by the yiXOU’ATOR aa aa advertising taedinm. W. TANARUS, REVI&i*, Pr oi 1 • i 9: