The Meriwether County vindicator. (Greenville, Meriwether County, Ga.) 1872-1885, September 10, 1875, Image 3

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pvwM'wmo tcvimv wnday,
A v r rout !*KK ANNUM. IK ADVANCE.
office South side l the Court floum:
R >ut f AAvrriWmi.
*pme i 1 wk I 4 wk- .3mo j j
T inch 1 l tht 5 SO. 4SO ~ ,w ‘ -f
8 mehe* V Si s OU fi 50 10W} 1R 00
8 intHn I jno. HOO 110.00 14 00 as 0"
i *iL i5 oo u> uu lao i AMi as oo
I ,iii ;tor n oft as no asoo oo •
l col |IOOO i3O 00,4% l! 00 00
tjr A litreral dadwrlMSi *d* O' Oh
tilVrMiriug by ike Mlh or year.
oWUIMti'V ... Js* w !innl.-
AWKIUFK... W M Favor
i I.KI.’K S. C A. J Hiubm
TkKA-WUEK I. M Adam*
HCKVKYOtt O R Mkcli-wr
f UXTf c<ni s4s:'*NRKH.
It T. C, Took. r, K M L vert- t;
Jesar Prtridi>e, H M Mct'aslin.
U. A Meant. J A Simoalur, Clk
hoard. oriuucATms
J tliu \k. Park, W.J.Barnw,
Mud.sou Reeve*, li A Patker,
At H. Ihwmn; ihe.
.-'HNATOH .tfi lt SirilH II L !*;>ivy.
tobwdiab Warner, w T K**vlll.
(J lOTU KTO THE Pi li n’.
After rtlw all advertise** mil*
lt>i the county <>l MVnwtTher, will tes Pk
h-Und m the Mtsaiw ovate* Oot'hTT VlhtM
~A T. .H . Jah w hawnino.
W H PAVRH, bhoriff
J air 4th. ran Clark Hup'* Omirt_
H< llluto (ks*l*e
rite f..!Wwiit* lathe Church Direclotty o
fh reu riile Sat OCA
3d am) 4th Babl>*U* Ml each month.
Pi„t Hev.J M Basle.
Shi Sabbath In each month
ttev. Httyh Cattnh hac
PldColik TKKI AN
—l*t SrtbkwfcJ-il* eaeh m**-ib
i . Lot JnoJoow
t lah.\V 11,1. h. kBUtAYMiPT
LWT Corvaapoadeht* modlug u* tv mi mo
n cations * >tus> u both shim urad uni
\|rt In have ll,*m published. I'n leas
p inly written the) Witt fn br rmi*ig-„4
t- ilit- Waste basket- Thar# will be uu *x
ciptloo l<> Oh- *l>nvirn|i- I
K inn ti<l ull<-i<ttliv ti'Oi *1) IVgal A'l
V. t( tM I ill Bl u**l tx> or in <ulr<tnm In
wmre *linr publicsti"m 1 bis wtif> l
itndcitsi imftrtmlUfly fwctraary In shut ul
the !,fgr amount* -tur os tT Work dons
during ll>* fm*l two v-*r* (or <JuniH*i,
AitmiutotiftM** u<t Kx*t*'*r
Ptnefm* BtvvrHSßg of this dmrrijrti'O;
route U|> ui not-*- and moiU T
uutw> I'm Wr A A ftevllL
. asta, <(a. '<!, 17, 1874
lUhow (i, J.-KK*. Ivy ,
!>**. >iu—lt hft. id* me pbwsorw <■
►„y tbi ft-iui tty own nt*rWiufl, and
Hi* ImUijt *-v ili-rwe the r*|*rUuir ul Mm
I,.,gun we Imn toMiid that rfwiletaiußi,
• purr ind cteillni article of Vinegw, In
•Hi* rani pin purchased from your tnsuufht
tor y H*i(i|r assured tht • large prop"*
Moo of the ordinary Commercial Vinegar
i> adulterated wltli su'pburlc **d other
nmiiiu* id'lnntl Hbw mlrfilt fcuftign to
acetic acid, you are properly l" ** ragarvled
In ih*- msoufsctore of pure Vinegar, a* not,
oiily entitled to credH u s correct barioees
man. hut m it heorduttor to the people. Into
w .ora dally conrMbption thin article enter*
<i largely, end who, M a rule, ere nueble to
decide upon the purity or other w Ira, or
w list they buy under tlie Mat ol Vinegar.
Very respectfully, ,
* P, M D
The above Vinegar can be bad et the
city • See Aruarm/ViheiMU Worm#,
81 Broad (street
D.rwin G. Junta, Manager.
This to to not My the pobtt that my cook
having threatened to leave am without a
just cane, f •bolt certainly M all legal
meant in otftaiofag tv-dram from may ooc
employing or harboring Old freed woman
For (urttoor mwillii apply at tbw
.awen <m .
I wiH eeii-Tias by the esagla Ml* at •
cent* per poaad. Tea boodle ktoa at? d§
ffaa hundred Itkiman Paw Stocks for sale.
Single ovehyf+t W**s a lot fLOT*.
Sugar front 10c. to Cufce from
83c. to*7*c.
] am still giving from lie. ler Ink*.
V Bi mg on yonr chick eae,* Utter, eggs,
iatawuwaud -other produce.
j o rauirr,
Oh* liaGraaga,G*
Hr. More ImA living ia the second die
trrci, had hto kitchen destroyed by ire laat
weak. It to aappovad ta have caaghl from
the storm
M r Edge bar seat ta oar oflee xeUlk at
floe cotuw, mama ariag ahum three aad-a
half feet high, aad containing one baa lred
lull grow# bulla.
Tie-hacks were all the rage at the camp j
tiamial Uo Howday They n-mrarfrtt u- ;
•I the following :
The liiccwsi ha* a bushy 'ail.
The ’puav inn ns tail is Imre,
fa in'esse* and Die sinner* all
The stylish tied-baek ware.
B- sine to read attentively th- advertise
uieiii ol Jttwn Robinson and Brother and
then go and hark at thro new garni*.
IB'' J*.- M, BiatweU ami Ml-* H. C. Kali
•vete mat i led las' wea k t the residence *|
rite hi ides, lu tiid by \V. S Willingham,
Twenty five prisons Join'd the church s'
he fit nip ground laat week.
We reluni thanka tT. W T Wil-on
! ii*q., living near Erin, tor a tao.fc.eiol nk*
rppu-a and |ieachea
O.atir Comm —Mr Jr C Anthony, one ol
-Htr youtre tartneta; brottghi to .town a low
dtya ago a basket of own coiitai'iing thirty
.is Urge ears, which he gaUtrred trout 'id
.lalkw TUU com wat ruiced on upland.
Who oau beai ih f
DKaTH*—lt i with no.row thm wexhron
tele the death ol Judge John A
which oetotfrer 1 at ht* restiicoce tm jesttr
day tnoruing als r l o’c oek lie will b
tuned Una moruing at up o'oloek with
U taouic honors.
Judge Biutoulou had been a oitfawi ot
Uieeuwtlia lot many yeata; and- in whose
noueaty attd integrity a!t wltn knew him
had unpin it coufideuce. He had been a
tucmlH'r ol the Meiliodiet Church lor mnv
year* and waaever a conahileut and aoatoua
i hrUtkan, and haa only gone to receive ilia
■ •ward. Ue haa held auveral official poai
'hma in our county j all ot which he haa
filled w'th honor to hiniaell aud to the eu
tire aatir-taetlou ol our ciiiaeua. To hi*
1 family, who grieve 'a cause ol thin, Uietf
gieateal bertWVemeuV We lend our heat!
lull ey lUpuU te*.
We are ple.iaed to know Hint the liberal
pi in Ine accorded Dr. K U. Anlhouy by
oil etiisru* ka induced biui to settle per
maneuliy in our midst. A graduate ol the
mat molten I aollcge in the L'nhm wu trust
•mr hVud UMTI eoiUluue to receive ttie n
tended pi a* hoc be an rh Illy descives Bee
10a ( aid in ttuotUel column
Mairieil'.u tlu B*nf Ilk, by Iter. Mr
Uuly, Mi Wilaou MoreUud Lo Misl Mn
ry Itoever, both ol MartweUter count).
Tbe tn hooka tbow Uiat Meiiwetbvr baa
lI.MNJ white roUrra ; ItMNl t MN while tJiildieu
between the age* lit 8 amt 18 ; aggregate
.ulue < I all pio|y ity iiiurnid, |!,7tM ltW
• Matt va t'lidk
The OiwiiAtym* lieiabl tills till* goml
tie on tlii' lonner probutlottery ayateiu ol
the Metbodbr f.'buit b'
In the <:ouie of a doriilual raruion
itrearlifd try n aabte brothir before the Col
oreu liapttai A-ima ill*.ii on Inal halibutb
(lie leveteiul f i i.llfiio n drew a ionliaul In
-1 ween tin Itupilat end M>*'>bodiel Üburcfiea
euinwtnaiitig the lomn‘ t In- * .-•!■ ryuLcin
•nd < lie iat'er Ibe credit ol icliglou, and in
i Inal lul ion ol uia |hMiou rebitnd tbe 10l
lowing ItM-tdenb
tP me )eur* ago a man Teaaed 'ligion,
•ml'idled or jlne de Buptht’ f iitlicli. Me
flu l- hla 'eperienoe and waa 'Jected. B<r
.i* went light atralglit and (tned de Mofo
illa’. Borne time alter det a brudder Bu|> 1
• it'ai'd him:
"Ho* die, we wouldn't bab you and de
Meliuir done llik y*uP
l>, raid he, you dam old Bnplla’ want t
make me |wy de caali dbtro, end, you aee,
•te Melodic' gin me ail iiiuuta credick.
Her. L H. lopkiua, late proleaaor ol Ni t
ursl Beteurw In Bnory College, baa taken
'be tame ebair In tbe Hmiibern tfnlveraiiy
a! Ureenabori,, Ata. Dr. flopkloa Wooeol
tbe ableat usm-iiera In the country, ant ! we
don't like to loae bim (lorn Coorgia,
Commodore Vanderbilt bold* no real ea
Ule labia oiMi name except the bouae be
lire* in. It waa ell non raped to bla wo.
W illUnif tor tbe cowelder at ion ol one dollar
no the ere <M the old moo'* marriage.
The New YL/rk Tribune publishea Judge
JoLna-m’s chtrge to fba criiad jury In the
uouspiracy caaea. and aaya: "Its dirvcitess
sod simplicity place the duties ol the jurors
fairly before them, while its Impartiality
betrays oo if ace ol prejudice* of caate and
color so often unjustly escribed to tbe lead
ing ritizens of the Bonthera BUtes. *
The progress made by the Comte de Pa
ris in Ika third and fourth volume* of hi*
history of Hie American Civil War. iadi
earns tLat the work will not be completed
under eight volumes, sad will form the
aaort elaborate treeUae on the • object yet
ail at Had Although a member of the
elad of General McCMlad, tba Ofiesohu
prince pieces Sherman above thaf general
in rapacity. Indeed, he aeema to regard
Sbertaan aa superior to Grant, Lae, Johns
loa aad Jackson. Yet with a atraage fa
Lully. Ibis Flench work oootradicta fiber
man’s Memoirs oa a may ami material mat
The Blakely New a. reterriag ta the re
cent exhibstwa of brotherly (wring towards
Mr. Davto by tbe Illinois Winaebagocr
wys: We hope, if them to aa editor or
public speaker sow ia Oborgia who ia ear
charged with abirdtaeome amount o( con
‘gtrsh’ he will stick bis bead la
some bole ia the ground aad let it oC Ua
lab! *
Lata advices from the Ka-Ktax infested
districts of IMaoia my thet dWarbassets ot
militia were acooriac tbs woods aad occa
aruoeliy takiap ig p JVMQSK
Mts'Wtrwt RtmuctN RtrrrwtAToiw
—The plaOuißi adopted bv the Republican
fit ate Coaventh-n ol MHaiaaippi, which me!
iu Jackat'n laM week, trtßral on the cur
reucy“question, and fa prhn fjtnlly devoted
-to local iwues, eapecially fwvotlng JtVee
: cboola. On the epe-arton ol the payment
by the Slate ot the repudiated Uni# and
Plan’ers’ bond* Imnl at' many year*
ago, the couveuuoii |>aaad. the lollowlny
i reauluikm:
That we aiV rppeweti- to btirdenlnit the
■eoonslmeted Stale ol Miaeiaaippi ailh tin
wyinuit ol the old repudiated Union and
'l , >aniera'Rank bonds, a dtbi (it a debt h
•an be called) contracted by the locoloco
v ikm.xrncy aud by them repudiated, and
e pledge ouraelve* by every Utwlul means
. our power te resist the assumption by
e St at. Goverutueu4 ef any and all such
teh uded debit.
8n the pieaeaf- •Moyel” Republican* ol
\iiaaisip|N aud ita burner “rebeP Demot - at last ac
curding to aliou lug. The one really in
. otsca the other.
Conciliation.—Ai a tecent meeting ol
ilte Norlola (V r a.) Light Artil any Hiu,
tlett Win K. lljiiy. omnunwwlaoi of For
tees* Monroe, was unanlnouaty elected an
ttonorary member of the companv In ac
know lodging the ctviH|dlen>, (let. Barry
expresses tit high aptvrMliitoA oTlhe Iwn
•>r conlemdt a* well at ol the Rluea. He
iudulj.sw tlie* hope that the-bitter memories
l the late dvil war may speedily pees Into
ibttvtou, and conclude* : A* brother anil
lerymen, let ue h<>|ie and pray tliet our guns
may never again lie pointed at each othot,
twit rather, should al each other, but rather,
aheu'd'dtre neceeally ever again draw Us
dpou ihe field of bellhw, may we lee I as
uml mat our 'guidoua' will be arrayed up
on the same line and our guns pointed on J
ly at a common enemy.
It ap|*oaia that woman auttrage In lie
Territory of Wyoming baa not borne ri
urarksbiy good Hull. Tbe H>iuky Mom*
Uin New* aaya that crime and the social
erll have iucreaaed during the |taai yeiA
and lu regard to tbe Jury quoaUon, It adilak
tlila alaiement; When a jury, oonalating and
men and women (Are of the lattei), waa
long detained and locked up lor savor*!
hour*, tbe reauillug incontNinienoe waa ao
great, and theegpqnae ao much tncreaaed,
tliat both aegea were heartily aick of the
experiment. Now here la an axcelleut text
tor Mra, Cady htaubm, Miaa Autbony, ami
all tbe other ajiuaHea ol Uw new faith.
Explanation* and coutnenta are in order.
A emiotia peoskm case baa Jtt been' de
fidefl'Ut- W aaliinglon. A colored woman,
loiuieily a aiave, applied for a penaioa.
Aid non culiated J*nutty LU IM4, and
died on ibe t7th ol Marsh of the earn*
)ear. Tbe Conunbuiiouer decided that ih
upplKMut waa not Irea at tbe data when the
|u mien ootured, and that II any one* could
really taka a penaioa Ik would ha the maw
ler ol the lor mar Mare, Hlr mother could
not be coimdered a dependent wdellne, be
• uiMit the waf a ala re.
—a— wOUgMnwm-wi.
Axi old Merman proverb tall ua that war
lenves a country three armies—an army cl
a ippiee, an army ol wounera and an army
ol thieve*.
Tbe late civil war dM'mons ;• It left lie
•idea ihftee an army of carpet bagger*, an
army of hypocrites and an arm/ of llare;
[Bavanunb New*.
<> A uvwnnnmo. —The New Orlean*
I'tcayutie in enewf Ha flnanclaJ articles aay.
Tli* (iceple who (H nervously In ooonttng
liouae, or behind their goudat wafting for
cusiotnera to take them by Mormi and
making no eff rla lo let the woMd know
■ lie bargain# they have ft* ofter, will And
the season very napropitlona,
The h-eMeata ol Kbakpoit, Tessa, and
neighborhood'an galkartag tbefr own- salt
in large ijuatiUllaa off the fl ,u on tbe bay
coast, near by. The bet, dry winds have
produced ao much evaporation that tone of
Hue salt have been deposited aad- await
in Dougherty aad rdjoining OOunties the
long dronlb baa rut off the corn crop SO
per oral and tba cotton crop probably 30
perosnt. or more. Our corrcapoodant
liters now, writes ae aa follows : We arc
haying 100 much rain soft rely beta, and I
think orope wUI be very short. He is welt
situated, and 1 well qaallOed bi judge of the
condition of Uw uaopa. ffte truet the true
condition ol the scope may be made known
be lore they pees out of the baud# of the
Tbe Rich mead- Whig oeations Southern
mao who thfebseafo-fn-tbe nest Congress
ta ha moderate and temperate in manners,
aad holds ap to thorn tbe examples of Heo
aom, Gordon, Lamar, aad erbwa.
i Try Tour Look.
Wo want everybody la the Dobed Stales
to sea oof largo, eight page, - Ittefhry and
selvas, we wfi) aood h, oo trial, six months
-w Mammoth PraWSndiySMa ooatoiaitig
Card Photograph of aU Urn PisMdnNs ot
m Umtad ftataa, and a aios Prsahi of
Jewelry, worth Hum 34 earns to %V IWt
tat this pass yoa, try ooa package Every
body to aara to gat more good# thaw they
ever bought before fur the price, sed tbe
faekieat gat from iva la tan times tbe vsl
aoaf their money. The fapar alone Is
more than worth 30 cants, sad we give you
this magnificent prise extra. Uemember
ibe paper Mid the Packet tor only 80 can to.
Agents wanted. Address
P- O Bax M Brwiot, Term, 1
UKOBGIA Me.riwciLcr County.
Born* T. Crouch applies lor letters ol
Administration U|„.n the e-lists' of Vtesey
Ifuller, died., an i ihis is tltetrf r‘ t>> cite
and adlmteisli all e..uvetmA to show esus.
t any exist, why **td letters should not
nr granted on or tn-toin lie >si Mo■ day in
* tcmlter nest.
Given under my hand and ■ fit ial signs
ttre this A'W Hoih IBW
♦3J* JAS. w. uamninu. o m. c.
(IKUROI4 Meriwether County.
James Av Hhi.hissry md O. 11. t?ill ap
pllea tor lefers ol Administration u,s>n ilte
’estate ol Kobett Watson, iteol.
This Is thvrvioie l>> cite and admonish all
concerned to file Iheir olijeciions, if any
‘hey have; tut or before the Ist Monday in
. k lobel nelt why said hluna should not
tie granted.
Given fouler nty leind and offieial signs
ime ihis Sept s*h lAtS
.1 W. BA ' NINli, O. XI 0.
Of UhUIA Menwr tlui County.
By virtue ot an order from the Honors
ble Court of Or dinary in and lor said coup
ly will be sold betwivm Ihe legal hours ol
sale on the Uu Tutwday in October next,
brfotc the (ami t house door lit the town ol
Greenville, flic lollowing land* Itelonginu
o the estate l Bu-an Mon'ip'mery, deed..
vl: Three handled seres of land; '.MWi
.•u rea laud lying and Iwnnj In tlw 7th lh>
lict ol said county, lot ff ■ Til and
south ItVrSI lot N" 8 9, in the ttth dis
trict, ronmntngdftt} atTiW nine or less.
There is about 80 acres of gtsal, well
limlter*** land, and about 75 aertw in swamp
land This tract lie* nm- mile west ol ilic
llogaiisville road about 8 mile* from tlreen
vide, ] dnfttg W P. TrillUeas'.U Thojiaon
north, Bimeoti wont ami If. B.
Montgomery south. Good dwellings aud
• tut lionsaaaad tenant bonsea Well water
hI. Term* Cash. This Bept. II h 1875
UKORUIA Meriwether County. \
By virtue of an older Irom the Hlmw
.able ({hurt ol Ordinary in and lor *aid
U-owniy. 6 will rii helore the oomti house
door iu Greenville between the legal hour*
of sale the billow lug land belonging to the
estate of John W ilton late ol sold county,
deed., vis ! Wist hall ol lot ol land No.
388, lying *d being Iu the llp|>er Uih di
irlct of said county, coinaiui'jg 101 J actual
more Ol lew. about 3) mile* trotu Waruet I
vlllt*. DsMiiug In. ac stid out houter/
About 15 ncrcrln Ui witoils, Ualsm e oja-fi
Used. Term* Cash This B<spi fiili isvo. /
\ |s* I.AODIXU WILM)N, K*ts J
JroMgla Meriwether Chifutyt
W beress It appear* to the Ooori that Uie
estate of Peudloton J’. ilobei* >ti, deed,, i*
unrepresented uy leason ol lltu mail tage ol
the Admlttislrix, and uo pi r~m having ap
plkml lor leitu* of A.ltiiiui*iratlou upon
.•aid estate,
This U therefore lo oile and admoiiMi all
conoernwd to file tin ii oppallion*. il any
they have, to show cm me why letter* ol
Administration, ite Aear* firm, vliould rtt be
giaitiad to tlie C.eik ol the Ho, erlor Couit
or some other fit and pro|ter |Htt *••!!, on the
first Monday Iu October next.
~ Olfhb undei* my iialid uhd official slgna
UUOIIGIA Menwelhet County.
WbHM* it appears id the corn l Wmt Hie
estate uT Hi..ton N, Jackson Is uurepre
stuiUrd aud uo person applying lor le'.Utisoi
AdministlaVlou upon said estate.
| ht* it ttiiinrtorc to atu and ndmonisb sh
oor.cerued to file their objection*, it any
ihey have, why luiu-ra ol A.liuinUlrall.>u
should nut be grau'ed to the wle.k ol the
Hupeilor Oosrt, or some oilier fit aud prop
ur person, on the let Monday m October
Given uade tny hand-and official tg .a
’ Jitk W BAWWN#. 0. M C:
UIUBUH4 Merwerttoer Uuunly.
John lit Jones applies lor letters tH Ad
tuluoiralien upon tke estate <l Wtlllam W.
Jarrell Ute of' said county, deed.
This U i here tote tool e ami atlmomali all
concrrued to Hl* UieU' ohjectlous, It sny
they have, to show- oauae why letters ol
Admlnlatraibru should not be granted raid
applicant upon llm uiirepiswunted eeWlcoi
said itnceased ou the til Monday lu Dow
bet in XL
(Aiveu under my hand aad eMctel aigoa
Sheriff SAto*
UKDIUAIA Muriw ether Uruuty.
WILL l)Esold before the Uonrt House
dm* la the towu ol Ureeuvnie ol
saw couiiiy whbin tbe legal hours ol sale,
on tbe fim Tuceday tu tXUiber next, oua
lot ol laud Mo. UW, amwining Jhtt* scie*
moie or less, lu uie Bid Ulttnct ot raw
oottuty. Levied ou lo satisfy a0 la Issued
from Meriwether Ou par lor Court In lavor
ol K. it. Maruu tr Alteo Mfchanlaon.-
leoant uoidtad according tu law.
WM. j; AVEHY, D B.
Dtt. £' U. AM i'MONYi
( \KKE4tB bla Froleasioawl aa. viaae to tbe
tiuxea# of Ureeuvitio-aud vwiuty.
UfOlßce at U, J, AnUMMig ft Co’a Drug
More- •*!'
• 0- s-
J- \ . A
Ibsfli**p!eaw! laxerrs sty rH*s4i ia Merf
Siimr iII T vhAdeSl/* hive their property
sms sgela-t lee* or Sen- by Art.
To these rriusss to eieeti i a l..l*riuoe fur the
••UVlMrn*e"tsy map hare beX-M. 1 shdf
be 4sMgMad isavrt umms wif* >P a *Wiw ia *s
<*> . ■
er say ether cocapser of their ewa eetectlee.
0T law werblag Streetly for the "XUltlli
Omjy sS deetre ter trweda to “Jlee bm >
1 ilk
j! t
H.O Ktl i> E *V NO 11 .W
SJOR±l r
rIHIN-liS UMB IKLLVB;. w:v il’lCr
-11A GS, Kl'tt.
L. L
W<. Tltit'mi.a.w* •. w,.u. I imamn.M W”
.:i U.-11. ,#i the i ii) ~i Atu it* an . y ICIU
itial ft\tn ana tint*! itf** ltttli i*t Hatch, .r IPt
ih i SU .lay*, i nltl we cossntenee ei-tiltia’ In
NrwNpitue ana It ut IVanr,Sluice suit lists, 'lrmikr
Uui trial iu*. Ill) l si, il lines we ehsll ufler uui
,* resent sits**, consl.tltlg lit HiaWs, hlwes, list
ate! Umbrella-, si c.rsl. to St ■*' twou ht >atr New
sprliiK ''UK-k ihst we propose to eel thl' Ipint
Ali paiw-Kl."wishing s giant bia.l, or itsitcr
woul.l .to wsll ill udl si. No. • Whiielisli Mrsoi,
ut Ike
Grangers New Cash*,
8001, Kh<v Hint IlMdlnr*. L L. Ilrl. kh ueo A i'o.
W l* soil Uhe, fillOffi Mint h.ils. Ml ■
lower |rico ll%n si in lUr *lit'ie l>** • tiiybt In
iUr of AUuuU. Boot* nU -b.Kie uisdttot
neither papei' orsh.aWy stua-r wld her.' I’less
give us a earn suit eesniine our si talk • t Ihans.
Shoes Slut lists, su.t w. protplss that It 0 pleaee
you In style SH) 'tiisiny. we 0.1 li Iu |ir)e. • west.-
•WtsrailuHtbo sell g S"tS. S' and . hi.|e thsl Ihe
rlltaons of MeHwwHsr will Isvwr u. withs rail, si
'.or 76'Whitehall Sirvotl Atlanta Us., at the Utsn
Mars' NuwOash'BiMrlaait alios store.
The Thirty-founli Annual He**hii pprilS
The 84tit ol August, with the old cur|i* ol
eight thorough teachers:
Ten PtaniVums fur cxcttlk-ncn 11* Mhsir,
I’muling anil Drawinq warn ssennltal mi
pile of thl* onlluge at Ua, Htalc Fair within
the iaat lour year*.
liniitd, with Whittling, lUdun iitid find, |icr
tniiuin. *155. Tnliinn, |<fo Kor caiiilogut'e
iddress I. K. CGXi l’rea,
WKHTKICN I oiler lor salu for Ut) day
LANlhl some vuliuhte tim:t* td
imuougsud tlmliel'liiud ill a Uitlvlhg anti
iapidly growing Western Htate. On ac
'ouul ot railroads, roc Vy cohstrutTe*!
aud imililgr.illtili, tin-ac lamia are rniw
idiy rising in vain*. Tliey will Ite sold vary
•ow lot caU. A Clear mul Hetfecl Tillc
will be Guaranteed, with ttvory- tnwt add,
with (lootl* ol lull wairanty Iriioi-rstyNinvi
ole umi nor*. I'o lit* desiring to purchase
l.tiuls, loi an early rhwt tn’Vallle, Real KalitU
Again* Slid Tlmtlng At t*is will find It to
tnuir luwrosl to addratti
WM. K. OUMI’. Real Estate Dealer,
170 William m.. N. Y
—J. 1L Wifll'K, ol (iiUDu Oa,
vVi'rf i*
WeDa. VesHk’s * Mrsy’a
at WhoUftole
81ft iITH HroadWay
w hitk aT., JXgw York.
A P AJM# for al Beotionk:
The* Sunday PreM,
I* iblisbed at Urlfllo, Oa , a firm clam week
ly newspaper, oilers the best induramsmis
Ui advent ersol any papeW tieblUbed 1 In
Middle Georgia; Tfrtsaf wishing to react,
a larwa section of lar iters, merchants, me -
clianTca, sod In lact all claaaua ol cltixens
In Middle and Western (Jeoigra, can And
no beltr medium than the HIJNDAY
I*MA>B, Bend lor aample oopkft. Mooey
ior subei rlptiona and- advertising may Is
rant by P. O. Mouev Or lar at irur rlk.
For tarma,4M;.,addeas Uni publisher.
OHffln, Ua
Inrtaa of School Boohs
"TbS ewer glory sfeeery people erieee Iroetlt
Tbe SevlevCoaelew- or
Uetmee' ReeSert. Speller *, liitabr r
History. Veasbie'e aatSMStic , Maury's Oeoafs
utue*. UttSereHere'e leUtsberWe, Sr. ke.
UoxS Atis O
Darwin-- O. Joo-,
wans wise Viarear. Oder viaeasr aad sweet
cider, had etaaderd paode and Urwaet
■eiaai red
I GEO^ 0 W ** , ' ris.T H
w w wdjaas7i3"
iMi.irtf, 4ir.
MViIHV i TTlrlhOr I
\I no ihe i clchfaUJd t^uidfiifi
• nd' ........
AH *l/,es ol the WHWFBHN THIMBLE 5
KKBIN W.VfloN, aiM all ol Patent
Wheel Buggies, with- a* hue assortment ot*
ii u . 11, -i I- ait tH
WOHK OlJ,\R\'irKlM>'
k* r
irsw oYjb) for symnia avo sumjlsil
t i\; E Now HAVE in Stcre aad will be rwcairiitg ragmlarly throughout the aaaaon
l V a targe aad varied Mock a<
•SiAPLE * PAMCT DRY 00003,
ftHONS; H ATS for LadSM ea aad Boyi CLO THING aad NOTIONS
HARDWARE, WOOD and WILIdW Warn; Saddlery. Droga and SuUoacvy
C ratecuunenes sad O->eeriea; Flour, Lirfl, Syrnpa, Bagkts, Bacoa, Pearl Grits Ball
Coffee*, Tobacco-, Uhfara, Jbt, *c.. Ac.
We solicit at eiiamiuiu ol aur stock, both U to Aftftlitf *ad Tg hlllft.
i/i-uiiAs. .g. aawMto
ioxpax hHQWxan.
I. TOBA( :oo [■
* . W
OnuMlwtoi MdftlsEti/
Atfuifld, tik,
' A'sPfK/’iALTY mad* of' fish AafF
grspbk of aM sines and%tod*. Other Mads*
of ptotorad of wary daseriptbyn, Old pie
tufas copi* I.' aof argwl sol p tiuled ia !'
*r Meriwether Irk-mls are rH-petlftlllyi
Idvitef* to Call.