Newspaper Page Text
*uMg u l u lluf#) M carta*! JIM*
far it.
v a. *ll wt* .
There i a Md| wA#,nto* f ' W
Hy hwsiMlkj muafafr >nt;
Til if. VWtkomW fl fair fWfailt*" •
Vf h*d ;
A t|> I*l never, tv-Ver E'l
T** *mYl n ntboto’ mom }
But m/Iwm* fa I I**4 ** faf f
I jpy Wjycjl#^.. __
TIiMvMMkAu faatf m*jr ciuw\
Mjmmm !<•*'* wrung,
t fa#! ir fall-
Ait Jpm?K fa Cifaii not tfaU
1 HsTnw 4 r t *•’ **>*• I
r M MM iiifa to nun • Min
A>, rt alMw >
ffe n#v*r fal****** bsueful ap^
JkwiSkttl* lTnraui urt 1
ldo fail UM# who fun. wa !
TNPw#ji |M>rl<w( dgyof t*ii*s
#1 MfalicwUeia 111 BftM’v gold.
TlAMtt '•III Kilim, lU* lip wOt lum,
An uiy Mid wWo j
lx tmnm i/ii, iJiajo* fill wilfc "
Tim* V*n anear If ghjft ,
Hat wbcu it U L Mill ihwui, l
Ido !• Mjt_k<i<H!U I .
!<• HNg Writeoff l M|#liy
CtmrUiy Vm*9 fa * /*** n H navel afSaar of
fair downfall null flu* pn.iuiec in liM |*io
mmi of lifa olmm. In; la In
lovdffahd lila KWMtilmait, A"ni Mi Wniur,
la ot drawled m a awoMbiMrl well aim lie
fat £MBJM* Uivura Uf AmOfaa oouki possible
tie ftajvjuer than- tttao* twin '
liul nut lung agfrlhuie citric near being
• ttrlotia reptura between tbm. If mm eij
toughton by this Ijiellliig epidemic which
lih lately spread Oder lim Uml.
Charley railmr pride* hlataell on hl nr
tfa/graphleal skitf/Owd Amdc, tbought per
hapaa abode uiwt diffident, In** always
boon rowdy eimiigh |o declare that she dl l
not go togahooralgbl wlfllaft fur nothing,
and road the styry pop r cunotanily ever
•In™. |
On* da/ this aprlug Charley fcwlied •
teller Iron uA> fit hfelbouuu'k:i at mi, ami!
I*iu* nhoat to pa/ a visit U> hia dulclnea,
be poetpOlted Its p#nto*Ji'il <
fear limiir Wltlta witnim In the permrha
availed khaacffof tee dternn to no what
bla friend baailHi§ , t There waa uoiidog
.nf Importance, however, and ho wa about
placing the miaul re In hta pocket when ho
noticed the word ‘aeptirale' In the p'>*t
eerlpt, b etiuck hint aa Incorrect, lint on
Mm arrival ol hia dear Intended the elrouni
etanoe wweatonee forgotten.
Aa we hare belore Intimsimt, Oman young
people were quite ar deoil/ In lore and wo
thcrelore draw a mil over ilia Inlet view,
until the litnaoetnc for (.barley's departure.
Then the miMpelled word occur rod to him
and he remarked ;
I had a letter trnm Khbersnn thin morn
ing, and bow do you auppoee he spalls
separate 1
I I can't Imagine, replied Annie.
Httrbapa not, aald Cliarloy, laughing, lie
spell* It aepurufe, arpurale.
It la no doubt a men alipol the pen, silt)
Atmtor Any wns would know bow to ; oil
ao simple a word aa that
How do /q apell It f asked Charley.
Wall, Lam not In school new, ahe play
fhlt/ replied, and don't want to go over any
ol the he'd llniee 1 uaed lo have (here
That'* a very good rictiae, exclaimed her
lover. Ha/ be /ou don't know how.
Anoka bridled np a little at this, anu
ribwtyispelled oal • ephr a I, aepirata.
Well, well 1 laughed Char ley, throw lug
bimeelt 00 the ante. That * the worat I
ever board. Way, Jtfhta,you are no but
tar than Ttobiaaoit,
Hta/ be 1 am no better than a great many
people, ahe retorted, redlining to the route
ol her heir, but at all event* 1 flatter my Ml
I knew bow to spell a lew steeple word*,
Sal you minted It on that one any way,
replied Charley.
How do you spell It yonrsail, Mr. Rniart
nM iMlnlnd the young lady, now
- thoroughly Fried.
Why, l tf|ll it the only wtty It can be
■pulled correctly. Beperate, separate.
fo that’s Jour way of apelllag the word,
tail! Weil, my lad I yon may be a very
good band M spiking ropes or a'lnglng tar,
hot wlen it Mates to spelling fou crrtslrly
ought to taks back seat Why, you aim
It to teach agfeimer data !
U I ain’t II to teach a primer class I
’ didn’t have tiSrcrk every tutnaher before I
could go to aifeooi ta th* winter, tike watt
folks l know 4g>l 4 thousand Miles Irotn
this sofa.
'Sou mighty well have worked winter
and atHwiaer bulb, a*tar a* learning any
thing te ooecsMjed, replied the awry Mias
Bbt aa yon ttm to have come here this
morning onl/Tb insult me, I tball retire
from the room?* .
So saying sfe* started to leave The parlo*
with that kadetffibahle awing oMier skirts
whtafemnly aa injured tamale cagsgive, but
at the dourshemel ber Uther who was jest
onmiag to taaah,
Whyt, AM wltfe tbq matter!
mid he, yen taqOMT fo* ww fe-tag fnro
a fit of klgh strike*
Them’, notfeing tfee matter; tbk
Irate girt, except that Charley thinks he
khowa it all, aad I knew that be don’t
know enough u> h tat aa ambmfet when A
Hoity, toity I cried the old gentleman,
entering the room. See hire, yoong fallow,
whet here you been going aad .doing *e
my little pet ! I’ll fling you mit npefe UfL
bec+a if you come rooud nr
It’s nothing at ail, Mr. MeWeetof, fold
l C'itrM<, depe eating ly,* xerpt flint re liivi
disagreed alrtH lhe trelli g <>f * word.
Id-tn'l 4 eat U> he*/ a**fl mum* W*t •*
* *fr, • :ie f Annie. Iw 1 iit y l . fii nri n**-
Mty t'hnlnglapli nil I Mfirt'a 10-Ulrrot and
j t’il elfip yon .ii liiellilng em I**l* ynw g-tve
me. as warn u- I *-.*o grt thciu togirfl*cr.
j O/i eluw. AOufe *ln afuw, iij lUft Old
'g< niiKiiue. lam afta'd f* *fh of y*>u baec
ics'ii iryl-ig pi klf lie/ Ihc maikct on a|*cil
| tug. and emite np short What’* di-: W'l/it f
| Tip ii n i I lie *nu4 hip ejialiing in my
y*i***t-$ d-sya.
I ’• a very airuplc wind '**♦ (-Ini/ley. If*
- --n.y
W:l, well, will 1 i-ti Otimed the old
1 deman. Aim ym* two li**e i*u and gone
an t hail a mt-hnfl fHiiniage about aueh a
ihu goa ,flnt V*<ny, l* h*w n"l yon
leith are ! l/i jingo, 1 '•.a* adnmt mnell
tirlma'one r lim anal bulb* r } jnilgnnii
Js how yfMJ *< r (Mine to diaagraa. That’s
line of the s.wt-sl wnrds iw the KngiUh
dafignage—im ol st' ery easiest:
*' II >w *Jo yon Udp i v a*l*€i| Ajum*.
, flow do I *p* A4 t MWI the f*i ijoiM*-
lean Why I aiadl it flie'olify way It aliooid
dn- a, eili-d , e|i wp pci f*< / M>p|n;i rate
rabf. i:|ifieirate.
And MmL's your way ’ Mhl f/’harlsy.
| V- s, sir. 'l iiai’s dm M*yl> spell it, ao I s the way every ulhnr *s*l‘ I man
jpalla sepwaato
)iloo*l More If they do, said (Iharley.
tIH-y apeij. U isiniig
fUiv Iteia. yutiug Icilo#, i.fml ihoulii gen
fantnan, turning a red in Uia lace as a Itefa
ed In-at. t•* la**: a kind ot thinking for
OPiin- lime dial you are gal!ing tno hig for
Wall mni.acred te.y aevnral year# ago, ba<
you're g/owed mil of It awlul All tlrarn
ntitoy button* has toftted y~ut*t +o-t-l. ?<--w
If you want Ur ajx-ok to my dewier T'>o’ll
have b* cunrt) down nut nl yoar onoealled
rices very conndcfuhle, Vott must remcoi
tier them ia other lolks l>ahi*w you that
knowe a Ur lug or two.
Ity '.nit time Mr. McWnrtrr whs prsMcfng
up and down lu a towering passion while
Annin alltnnaicly darted tonka ol atfeciion
nl.; encouragement at J*. and gJanw* ol
deep disdain Ot Char Ivy.
'I hot young gentleman now Itogfn to pet
on hla overcoat, ri marking scry ualmly tu
the inciinwhile lhal people wfio were a)
ways wrong, alWaya hated to lot told of it.
Than Wishing the family every aoccese nr
lile, he was about lu rctiie with oxceasive
dignity, when Qlhu should enter but Mis
McWorfi-r, with a dnfdtJtig biuatt in i*si
right hand, and an ample white cloth
around her bead.
What's toe matter of r<" all ? she asked
lu astonishment Any body would think
there was a Ulal going on up here before a
police J uatlce. Annie, if I waa you I'd get
some fee and put It to rny ftion, perhaps It
would cool yon down n lit* r. And ao .Vila
ter McWortrr, I suppose you’ve been uted
dlln' with something that dua l eonooro
you, aa usual, ol course.
Mu, said Annie, It's all about the speUiiiu
ol a word. Chat ley lliinks he's s.> awtul
taleuleil lieoauae he can uniat a lew pool
sailor* around that
Oh noiisenan I broke In the old lady.
iWi.JuU have au uiurb palaver. Wna'
Is the word f
The word is separate, s>dd Charley, who
Mill stood utarilie doot with bis overcoat
on* -— —: _ _
A ad'that's aMg thiug to have such a
whirligig about, atuT it f Mow don't you
feel ashamed of yourselves f t ilare say
auylxMly with say sehoolin’ hardly, would
slip on aurb a plain wont us (foil
Buppoae yon ape'i u for us, Mr-*. MeWor
ler. sahl Cli*' ley*
Well, 1 don't mind, If l It'll settle any
trouble, said the oltl lady. Hole's my way,
and the only right way ; ti e p eep per
topper e t et, eepperel.
OU, mother of Moses, cried the old mnn,
spinning around on one but yon ate
such a sweet speller —you ere. You ought
to have a contract for poliabiag up mem
bers of C’otigiees on orthography.
Mr. McWoilcr. 1 would try to havw *
dignity In my owu bouse, returned his
wlfo placing her anu# severely nkint
bo. first! if yon head many advan
tages in early lile, i think that keeping
company with reapecuble people would
have made some Improvement in your
'Manners he switched,cited MbWorttr.
May be 1 slo t got any manners; bat 1
know how to spell a plain, straight word.
In my opinion the compulsory education
law ought to he applied to ell nf you.
Tbete is no saying bow far the quarrel)
would have gone, but )ust then ■ spruce
tookingyoung man we* shown in, and he
prempiedMi McWorter with • gas bin Thhi
‘fie Uglier having been settled the nobby
ttdletitor was about to depart, when Char
ley ...remarked ; Fetfcap# this g&nfetnan
can Archie the matter.
Ml bet matter T queried the stranger.
disagreed abeut the spelling of
wur and separate, said Charley.
on the gpall, said the nsam passing
Ote, took ia the fitettanary. '
That’s a tact, oMmed in Mrs. McWorter.
Yeu might have done that long ago. But
you'ltJhid It Just as I spelled it, for aepper
irt is teppenct, any way yoa twist it, and
all th* world over.
- taffoant, old woman; you don’t know
iMßrst principle* of spelling, triad Mr
llcfiVorter, but bring out the book, Annie.
W>ll see what Mr.Websler has to say,
although I’d bet forty shares of New York
Central agiu six of Kansas Pacific, that be
tagaak j*st like I had.
Tfe* still aagry disputants now gathered'
round the oentee table, while Charley tnn.-
and the leaves ot tee big dictionary. At
’ fetat feta forefinger fifigMid at A-eefr*W*
r Kn, i J b,r*w cm*
l ii at S■award'* and ge* Madid* psraaol,
1 and t’leo Fee
lJu b-d T on, VO *n r rtiun, cited ill Me
tV rffT, arrt rW f-nng to Bod that
. *urAl --
- Ob': (aid Charley, ntnviag toward the
d'Nir. U’a a nr niter *d aifakt laaportenee,! am
oblige to he in ffcooia—
Jiev- 1 d-i io i mind ataujl Brooklyn, ye i
ed oos M>. .UcW/,>ngr r rMiiig and p’.acl'ig
nis back egsjnst the dv.f. A:. lilt Kiub* H'-
Wirer, do you he k that word up, and
; spirit a .ui ; t-iser i’ve aren the trays
: dungs a w. vkaig, f‘J two bundled
stiarea of We* tern Cuton to six Waboab Tin right
Anme now ran her huger down the open
imge uulii M viopyaai aaCitartey’s nas) doo".
Well,said Mr MeWortor, Iniiaatiendy,
.iu’i t rigid.
No, ii,ynu ain't right, repot and A nine.
The dung A rmusn 1 ain't. Wuo the
iniaeUlef is. rip id f
tom* .4 ns ia right, was tire meek rejily.
Isii*.ne r sra. CM .aimed tire old man
/usiirng np. a* Iks l*a>k and wjua'ing his
glaaw>, I .lo.i'l botieke any of you can ajieti
**ru * lien yon arc rskl. gt and.
'I be * Misuari>!.* wms brief. And then
Mr. M< W .Her strsigidiiued hransoil up, aud >
iciU*ly iosied. is ho m.jhsu his eyt-ginsa '
•a: Hap *r w-t-s. n pa)ate
thd womnti, a* Ist t- “ if.m h ve uiy lor '
giv. lu-ot, t wee's new knots tie apaiisug as
| wet! a irvirryttMng idae. Wbi wutlfd have
| ihougtu Mjejf could iwtsMd aepperate iau>
e I'is ate. Il IMI them cnaood infernal
Jim erac french mAtobt. They r trwp
trig into, 'A man can’t gat a
without nailing for’l.y itiod'la da pok* woi !
k‘ nr Suiße mcli Hugo.
Mr Ifrlt vy><ridy ftw-j ii4\ j >ri ' :
Me*. M*. Wnr lor having soon luflowod him, '
Mu; iso. y nng; jw-.ple were again leU to ;
Annie *• on <aie cod of the aofk, and
Charley woe by the piano toeing aft bts,
‘ Me ws.kshl to tad fro awhile,
ami tbrin hu uu-h a seal on the otbaf'eii.l jg
the sola. A# mom <*• it* oat down Annin |
inrned her hank uiwn/d him, onl took lag j
oittota** snwKVj- >raked -over tom
A null, sail) ha alowly edging up toward
her, Wu a/s .table to be mist often aono
te, <■ *, end wm |>"pta kre flabt*
to Im I*h>*s *ll the time. . o.oUmhml the you maw, laying
his head *t*ully or U*r sboeldesv i won’t do
mi soy m-'iw. f y ‘
1 had wii bus I
nee* in Brno felyn.
Ob I bang Br"dt'yo I Annie, let ua
make op I few aatd*ohly aa for slipped his
arm **< >Wid her.
, A hoot teii lalnufee later Mr McWorter
toitciH >|t p*ri. ouit* ahrup'ly for hi*
uiHi Wn ml rii'i sey wwat he saw, but
at si I cvauls he S.k*d eooehlerahly
t ilt f you v*g dcoula, be cried. You arc
awhti mod, ain't yon t Ifow ian you beet
vaeu ttier’s company f Ah ! yes I You
know wliat I helfovx uow 1 t> .you know
whal I Iwlleve f L Iwliwva yon young folks
up ait tfowe litre saavy pyroiecfeatm
just to have a t hem etn make up attain
(Jink! morning 0 rt!V>y, my turtle doves,
The nett Unit yon go short spoiling don't
• owe to we for talp ——
To the <>eet ol wn it* odw lem, he eat au
Ark niisa nlergyman wil l had b on ancha
l’d ol trailing lit* "true iu*a dticas” m the
company piths wrung >hm Coder three
|wlnldl drcumtaiir<; In* wife was Ire
quenlly oompared tn ~a tjol.U ttoioau met
ron;’ - bat ebe d|o not seem to miad H, sod
liruily'di'flarcil her brllel hi her buebend's
taupcam e. W hen the day of trial arrived
she sal in rourt benhle him, and moved the
Jury to tear* by arranging a Ally cant bou
quet In- the billion hole of hia coat. The
o*o*e wna at last opened, and the witnesses
for Uie prueecutfon railed. There were
thirty or forty ol them ; but before half a
ifeW' U had testified, a mighty change cans*
over the lace of the wife, and.getUag right
up and addOWiing her remark* to tea
Bebcb, she said :
Bar here. Judgel'm saticArd, if you
are. Won't mind me ; L can stand K. 1
rvckou it’s into me. Judge, lo get even.
Just hold on lo him till called for, and it
tuny womau wsau him, he's and ao
quest ions asked. Then turning to ha
husband and snatching the floral lok am
Irotn his button bole, ahe bitterly exclaim
Hemertvtoe, hem tfeta time IbnrM toy
hoaM’a a den of rmgia’ lions, and you ain't
no Dfeiiel.—t Brooklyn Argue
A Furally Wlthem • Memmpmgter
Northing present a aadVJisr commentary
tgm tttc present (****** •-* of
our once loved end prosperous county than
tl.e large number ol families both in dty
and country, but mere especially tn tec Ist
ter that sutterttbe Vo no-paper at alt Hue
ilreda aud thousands of lamlliee are thus
np in the world ignorant of the
■nighty vents ol tha day.
But who can teH the vst'amount of in
jury that Ia inflicted upon Uie rising
generation—those who are to take om
place* in Ihe busy world at no distant
-growing ap without any knowiedg* of
,the present, the pust, or tut are end igno
peace, tow being imbued into them by tee
sanction of thorn who should, and, doubt
less do. know better did they only think of
the injurious effect* ol their insane ouurm
Let the head of every family iKfo% of
this and place in Che hands of toon* tar
whom ha is responsible, the means of aa
quiring a thorough knowledge of tee star
tag panorama in which we enact odr
Uuuud trip li<4at*truu> Nashville fo New
YiA'nie’ooly git. Cheap riding :
Albemarle Female
Charlottesville. Va.
Nj/tcfi.t>< i. K< e.icuiac giving Kaeufli
*id eipen’*-*, hMios
* H MAW UNO'*. M A , Principei
mM>AX?ijLH K&MAiiE f OLtftUK,
Iflerte Wintlsaefer ttoyvt'n Kwmate fnatituli-jL
liny JL J. If vuj*. !'riiitiniM
A itn s tub corps ;d isetinctom, coidum-d
ces its filth yes*/ on the §r-l of Hcpiemtier
next, with lisa most encouraging pr.wpect.
No h.cation con! i tie more favorable to/
; u- *llh. and ttic refl.coitv an t sneiai advsn
£ lags* sre unwwpaS'ed—r.unmedift(> iUelf
feSl’to I\ILY TOHOCTHERN Parent*
■Jf y.s oridrtae llie Prewdasu
HT CLEM ENTH Ukl-L, Mfierdt Chy,
MC Fve owing to stoto/gtiueb
-Apply ol o-ipe
i i>r, Wa/d’a Hevatno/y i-*/ Y> ang Ladies.)
i :*4*vd|e Ten ii , ia the largest in the Routk ;
I *ni nnb in the t'. R ttonji f' f new c4a
i ...gca. Fail Baal.wi Hepu latwc it-t.
'skliß rors DiCuHTttihi To ins.
Oeorgia Fomoln Coilnge.
It f o Howe Hcbooi, bcotlkhai ami ae
eaaoibie. The Esp- oeae o/a Leva than in
•oy ortuo afmitoa setoed, and the ins_rur
: (i'lti Eiwnryaatoesf. Fatnlipg and Music are
; iiss pMn. Circulan ffca. OJBO T
! ~Sa.
Wwfaleyan Female Colle*
Tl>a kfah Annua! tMaion i.pena Stoj>c id,
1*)75, with a lull corps of p/u*-aa.>ra owl
■r.u.h*ia. Tl*e sridswt Farwafa Cotlege in
die word Em do/aml by tfaa bsisl natron
age ia the Mouth, Health laso/d unaur
fClosed ; mat’UCfton tbmough ; curriculum
Bt the *,igb*a< i/fder. Ad/Ifeas
He* W t. ItArtH VVK.'t , ,/
He,. C. W- ffMlTtt, fi It rtStoVy-
Fi.easawr *er Forrr*inji Ks.-u i
asst - Heanlitut F ‘Cko/miag f Nth, how
foyuiy T 1 What ore thiq/ wivlk F far Hwrii
•re eS'iam.ltona by then* wtw oec the
large el eg mi We w fliAewne produced by
die Kurope.o and Amailcaa Ch/oino Puli
hsn.Dg 141. They ora all pettont tjsrn s of
Art N*> one row neead the toaaptatioa u.
f.iiy when seeing that bromoa Cmvosm-/,
Agent*, and tailtoa Olid genthrOMfU out Id
enaphiyowat, WMI IHto tfvfa fata Boat open
lute vm efawed to ran
tc*idenial*,aartd at*n>p tor cohßitontint r
?ntar. A tdreao f tif.KAHif AU> , tm
Woahington to , Boston. M*a*
Brown Cottott Gin Cos,
ifw ijwnw, rrNJf ,
Mhaitfkctiireva nf Cotton <Mna. Cotton Oin
raaden Ctinfienaos ted tfoUofi nfn M
tortal* of tvery ttoecriptino. t*ov Mn fcav
him IB use thirty years, aad haca an uataL
tiafead repot at iwi for efrnrpidty. Ighl rur>
alwg, darsbintyjsad for quality aad qn*nt ( tv
ot lterprododk. Ow natter arraury at
tacbed to & CUo, and aerfto operated by
say hand of ordinary mieUigeooe They
an the elmptaot Hid Htoapest reader ta the
market end teed With amretagnUnty than
ta poeeibta by head, lausaetaag Me mittam
and giving a ( tanner aad batter sample. At
all rain when exhibited end ky Planters
having them In oar. they baste bean accord
ed the highest enenmluae. Ota Conden
sers am well made, durable aad tarn pie m
construction, and do what ia required of
them rapidly and well. No addhiuoai
power is required to drive the meder or
Condenser, and no Ota Moose ta complete
Wftfitwt them. We are prepared tn war
rant, to any reasonable ax test, perfect sat
isfaction to every purchaser. Circulars,
prices and foil information furnished
Address as above, tm apply to
Baratov tile. Ga.
Has been invested in Stock Privileges and
000 £1 PROFIT
‘How to Do Ik’a Book on Wall St, mt
free. TWMBfUDUEdk CO ,
lankera A Brokers Wall Sc, N. Y.
, r PU A O —The choicest in the
X _E>XXO -Importer*’ prices
—Largest Company ki America—staple
article—pleases everi body—^fertfteMWßßD
•hete—beta* ,i mdooeuaeat* -doat waste
ifene—send for drcular to ROBY. WfcLLfi,
48 Veaey Bt-, N. Y, P.0.80x IW7-
017f7 A guaranteed te~M*ta
p aad Famsde Agenta, In thefr lh
ulars Free. P. O. - Y
Augusta, Me. •
ONLY fit 90 A Y EAR.
A Paper fofeWll Seetioni
• -*
The Sunday Preee,
Pubitahed at Qrifite. Ga, a tot clam week
to advoST ers of aup paper pukitahad ia
Middle Georgia Those wishing to reach
a large section of termers, merchants, nae
rh-n 1 aad in teat all etaasae of riejiaas
in Middle aad Western Georgia, caa find
no hrUbr mediamr thaw- tea hCN-DAY
PRESS. Semi tor sample copses, fekmey
tor subscript ions aad mlvertisiag aaay he
senibyP,o. Mousy Otuer at onr risk,
fo# toirasjtea, a.idieea tee pabhaher,
_ Griffin, Ga
Alkaliufa FertUittwr.
I 'I'HE VERY iw price of tn* above
J. csuicd ij.mjsiiind, which" is aiu.ue
nir-.feiy minrrwi.rt.ahiaec. with ife uti mj
’ siogty grsust lertiticing property*, hits al
ready gained tor it a popularity ev t ttofoie
i iwxiurtd in to short a time by any sum.*/
i article. The gresl and rapidly w
crea iug demand wii. uecCsadate egtenSive
addition., to the Works.
C61..T. Hying Eton.
Cha.rtnaa of itie EarcuMve Couim.ltcc o!
tiae (icu/gia Hutie i . i..any a :
Ottobei gg, 1(174
“I have ueesl your Als..iim F>tnis-r Mm
se-aeoit mi on turnip**. ■ aii Ufa 1 ”• <hree
staaniaid teruiixers. /’toy sear *7t) per lorn ; '
jr--' faifr pee few lVwrt a agasaf tm pro
to either of the Aly-A proMlftT VMer* '
He ah) v again .
January Pt, 187"
“1 terti teed five hi re® .<f wheat hicti tm
day is ihe moit pioimalng I h*ve ig
“uutHKfH u th I U * ti-e ctoMpeet Ftrtiiisrr oh
the nvrrket Jor ivrm Twin uw; It tnc ear*"!
rent year o both Com and Colton, and
witi lcport-’’
EdwarfLCox tsa
Lttmt ol the Lead Iqrmrr* lie lh EolU waaiy 1
writ** ,
jtMober 5,1874.
—“1 pill 300 p.dMi-1* pc. were aw a top draw*
mg im my wheat in Match task It (node
I3y, per acre on ion-1 that wotild
1 fl<H hart made more than si* to eight
*Fjyfefll IT pi iff —— MHPJl —PWT —tijf —
4 fun land from X.tojt to HJMtttm of the ktm
OruA y .<iss (/.,.£ I etet n teh J -mUiVnU
to the use of poor 1 triCioet. My Mightanrs
sroutsd me used other guanos. Lhiee lime,
.# eustiy as anus, t<wt did not matte a* much
• heal, and tailed u Use glasß crops
Cor h crop u ryU*oM - bettor i ban aev
t ever saw grow in iAKafbcounty, atxord
IHf X J tt'c t..d, fIM mrtSJUJ Hit fu.f7y
eh,it me mted ta Urn/rpm.
1 Col & A Alslfafag,
(he well k sown wl tor ~f the AdaM
Uoa‘4, o: iai l iy g Hi e feii-.witi
.Uu'iyf Uaaliiuniy, .j/{ r f tog rml ta
tKu,ouyhlg ;
Arts ret a, <i* , Jtoj4 t, V#74,
M. A E Lxno,
fo/Or hail hip tele, at Dccstiif
n* , twenty lone of yiwii.Alkaiin* K rtil.
aer. / <W* triad bWonpAfar U ■■<*.■'. *i4
by aide with ail the bs* bra. Aof letU io- 1<
wild tn lies market, on OOlfN, COTTON
OATH ASH WHEAT, and i hs*. i*..
iiesttaie to efatana the! it no* FAlff ME
AIX. Betid me flra tofta at once tov wy
wheat Very Heap*. t’ufiy.
ifawid tor Otftatwa Jgi
Ali liAOO. Agent.
Mo. * Heoto fkiwt,
Ai onu, Us
*'W I^f*raajt*,Tl<to’tei
nAr* M)W, and wilt keep *fwv* <*r
hand at hts old stand. K( a.ite u.
■ tea puW* * ar—l *wd
nu tuxefts uromt or
Coneiting. 11 nart. of
GOLD and 81LVK W.u-b.-*, jg:
a •
(Mem and Key-winder*,<d the hate make
fiplaodid Gold and Suva Wtoe; C'barn
of ail at ana, makers aad price*
I Gold Pews and all kind* ol holder*; Gold
Silva A steel Spectacles A Eye-Glaaaee.
Sihrer Pl*l* % m
4 *
of all hinds sad styles;
feskft, ■Table latkrv, g Mwewr
rerv renowned makers, JOSEPH
-1 am sttii repairing all goods in my line
Too many absent of Meriwether end en
joining cobs ties have fasted my work to
Inquire a word from me as to the charac
ter of it. I win, however warrant ail my
work, if properiy need, a* I have always
done, aad ask a continuance o
the patronage f have received from my
lends ia Meriwether..
- 4 xt T V rout e cvSom
' f IN 111 h'b PiFHI! -
. 7 J 1 ioxi jsaMmj: coaoiur
AJti> rma t
~ . SA VPI F. <*fmOMO
* "> ( i S * * * SL
li:!8f ?liii
Our Own Fiieside
a H c.e Jon'iia! hr the Firwide.
} Eight lari- with !li*tratios*.
- rji iw iu it® Fourth Year
Frire |IOO a year. Ten cents extra must
lie sent to pav iciSTage.
, Every mitwcrhier h>* chnsceof a Preuiiuui.
! Every Family should take
Our Own Fireside
litres. Oar' Own ire Ride
I7t> vV ilium, si., S Y.
jsy n. b —Cak v a -s*kk* Waktid —lf a
1 tuUK*n man will acceyd the
ogmey tr. Control cahVaaseni in Lina vicini
ty, e wiii put hie Haute to this adverti-e
incut and gilt him ajmciai iiiviuce in tails to
sci ae oar agrn’_
A Cli imi-iou Printing Press given for a
c.ub 10 Acbscnberi. tnsud 8 siaucp lor
: .Muj.'ie pspei. - Add. (so,
Our Own Fireatide
-A-*, 17A* it Ittlstli. CH-, M, k
Al HAM PI ON j Tie Heat Pwse, Made
V /PHlMTlfaq i nr TfaKV ore WELL
1 UKHStiS } Ul'lLT.
F‘>r _1 ty Lnprtaatou Kune*
nnff FERfi, up true, even and C iu,
HI stMESd Men and cauooi apiing a par
AM) tide.
AM ATE IKS v 111 the l„>; A V,.
Of Laigei Suae*, Seit -lukiag
Job Tjrpj for Amiteurk
Of Every liew-lijltiuu.
Heud Toa cants f-.r panipiiifeL
Atdrew MLotMP.
12 Chromofa and
“Our 6w Fimida"
For Uat Y i*i ><m 42tk)
At lilt' i vf'l WifU EVERY MUHHKIt
FuJt g/uu A Y EAR I
K*lt y/tom TEAR '
lei ksa idler* litoi Own Ftl>i.liS’,i*v.|iiiig
* t nraaan wiafa easwy psper, will receive
th* same t.'tmn thg ftayraeat of gSUO, JO)
stN*.l of |t 1U
rutaw tmiwpat are Ttf tr am! ..f Win
I**o than Itiusa uord t.-y .>i her poidishets,
l I every 'III* worth inure than Us* tub
sciipU' ii |.rae
Haiiiji’* iit!iu l *.r f (lie papr r wi h s*u;i-
Cfsr a*, sard ' any s.tdre*, u(*m racrij-t
ol i-) crut* A nirvwa,
;i/tr V iiitoiii Ml., M Y
Choice Piano Piece*
1 M rnrfy: * -PutlKnrT W
s\ <igsj
W nr *mn W 4 4*)
i ‘ A - ■ ■ •<-, H Umm M
•Km v * ( ‘>ru'+ . ,
HhAstgLU’ V+frs-b art4T"?rrtnrr
A Y->t Uffisn Mg i loft ~. Witeon.
Ever .True ta TL.-<- tl-x rk Wagti- * :vt
tfeitiV* Jd-jimt rrisr f Yri.
... Wj w ;gt
On >bp t V.W
B a ...... Wegiwf Hi
. “Bttum Regstta Mxiceeu,... W 4 ne, pi
*M:r>y F f.i<- K i'v Kiw Wsiurr raj
•Kch'W fonn tin-
•ffogar l‘>i's Poika .hiukei AV
*.fe**l Ht.t Hetx.Uisfb . ... EieaaLAV
Mad C 4 |. K Kfkfl ')
1 deatita. the Flower of H Mik.
Icsnqioii Kinks) kV
I I* Hsrir AngtiiUde. Muiwa*. Kmkel tT,
I *Angei Visits Ihimaoce K.nke! 51*
i Otitrnnial March Mayia'h W*
I Lily of the Valley Nocturne. Mavlatt. m
i Rocking Waves Heverw MaylaUi 40
j * Dream-IMtid. tatom M y lath, fo
‘Awakening of the Uirde. Hi.
metice Maylsth 4b
Rosuaoce MaylaUi. 4<)
New Songs-
Made lain* Grey. Song and Cbo. Hay* 35
Put the Right Mn at the MEB?
Snog and Cho. ..-.tiwK.V. Way*, ta
Dora, Doting. Song and Cho Hava. 45
Barney Mhebrne. 8. and Cbo Hay* 85
Maid of Aveodale. 8 and Ob#. ...Il*y* 35
Wbrte a my Laved One Yd ■
Iftg’it Bog atad Cho. Hay* 85
Stag, Darkies. Sing. 8. and Cho. .Hay* %
When UtttaM amle fHed. g, Cho Hay* 35
Afotm and at Home. 8- aad Cho. Hays 35
Jennie, tee Flower ol the Dell.
Sfong and
The achnoi-booM on the Hite Luar
aad Cho Hays, 3jl~
By tea Arabov or MOT.LII, DARLING.
AUta, Darling. Snag and Cbo. Dank* 89'
Why don’t yoa Write ta tea,
me Bong-tad Cho Dank* 80
Bj the Author of SILVER THREADS
May of Urn above mailed, note nm and, no
aeMp* of ten marked price Hete mark,
and than* have ptottew tide pagan.
Addrsaa; - J.L PETERS:
843 Broad tray, M. Y 4
P O. Box 5489.-
Laadreth , i Veer Crop.
Hate-Bag*, Fiat-Dutch. Amber-Globe,
Pomeraneaa-Gtabe, Seven-Top
Seed- .
W anted
-500 boabela bright dried peeled peaene*.
Dark one* cot wanted at ali.
'' : LLT-1S * il' 'cßL-