Newspaper Page Text
r.i.finDß. Evi;:;v fRiMT,
-AT 4 t-■ {■Kit ANNt *\ :y A ')VAN<T. [
, , : r -+ <, . t\x . *, ih--r-*iri liwfe
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ico! Slow 30 oo :ss.o woo* turn.
tar- a ••'t-f-t Mc- '■ ■ 1
&.J.. it:- -', hv tV* mouth i>r year
|i : i|XA ,i ... Js W fUantrg
BMI-'HiPr ... u ■■ i'-t'-'S
<'I,IKK S. (' . ' I " *
T\ x : < M.t.tu t> 1 ; .. S ' • i •
T i \"l •;(■.!< '*> Ada.: '
g( uv KV*R i .O W lb** •
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i: . t, ?' H Lv.w 1
.... I It M Vll i Hllhtt,
ft A a .id. J A tIG
.: iAUD <>t i l)i s’ Vl’KfN
-j !i. \\ 1* oh H .! B mips,
X. : .. s. It A lot-
A ti. Ft • • Him iii
KVA i • >1! .'.(Mi 1> -strict. G L IViivy. !
' , l'iiU.'KA i Vii * 1
, , .. ttj,. I, 'V T Kevin
A4> IK I roJ UiU’llllC
g. ■ i ;l . . ..nil vn| Mi riwi Ui, "ii.
I I. i II I*ll Mt Uivv KTIIKH t’llt'NTV VIUIM
, A1 , , .t AS W KAN NINO, "
il* .
\V H FAVKIt. Hlieti.T
A i rtNIMN,
■ —. —: :— r i I'imil
11,. i . iim* .-sin ( I'iU Directory ot
4i- . >
M i 1 11* >DIS I'
■ I j .. .(. itiis .a i Hell month,
j .K v Tit iiaxtrr
s,, ■, ;j, i, n. Util
j.,.., , R 7T —rTTVtTrr-.-:r;i lini'i
I*IM- -!:\ThUIAN 0 .
i Siti.imiU til il llMllltll
| Hev .Uv .J finr
V.IIXJ.-4 r'UIiJA Vma*-T. 1 1 TmT
■' .
I 'fill • -.-BilTluV Us i.>*> nitl
It .uluiim written IHI b-'U. I <1 fill*
i u- ii.|Vt 4h-|n jii 'iti-bi i l iiltrxj*
.... \ \vt.' .'ll 11 n-‘\ Hill ill-in Is i iil.f . ' *
. 111. w Ilf l*- I -k* I 1 ill'll il I'*' If • '
. . ptl. to till !*”' r r-ltes }
l,rg:t( A ill ■! liK
I' mu ,! n(lit il ill. !,■ A. I
\i I I IsCllO'll 111 1110*1 1/1 C ; 1 1 fill f'l ril f i-r 'f f I-”
n. mi i1,.-Il )i(b'ii>li i- "f v i*
!• r.ii-Mil 14U1 i*i-i"iii |l. Vii It lif
Ita- ltgr amount* lui m' I'i vv-.iK done
-iliii.ilf the 1 - -I” liiii >1 iii* I 1 Goai'Wll*.
A1 r. ”-iT*trr*'rt~ *) Kii- " -
fy Wt , itil I* 111. . HI- Mil I 111*:'" illll
ll.iui Im mlvi- 1 Itti ii*> ”i Ibnr itini 1 ■”
ii uii -1 ;t: ■ ' * and- * ‘Ov v
V. I !" i !!.!.,
| ii-*0 I' i M "A. A Kn ..I.
M . m t 1.-.. • 17 ; -7 1
IIA !■ • lit I. .I-'ll** K > t ,
- Hr-t-it Hh t* -l-iini imi^.-|.':i-wiiiiii4.-Ux
—J -I - If; ' j ..ill n 1- .
(.! In ;‘::t rvi Ii E£ ■- 1 1-r- i-Tt i l'.x :.:r trfSf"
—in. m_a. iiail.ii Hurt '-- ii - ijf”.
n jw*- nt r>! Mire V **•£*, *•
-t£ 1 1 k."i 111 j 1 1 1 -ii |.i.ii-|t*ii-i-i‘ ifi'iit titm mariulur
llll) !!< it If B llfl'l ill"' U ilUgl j.|‘/|l .1
fiii.i ii li.i mninury < lull.nit itini V 111*111
1* s<hii i-iatod >% ilti *u |'i mi li.i) ollit i
Hull -i wl'inuial lii.ilili .i. I in--yi. I”
aeeltc *•< and, y 'Mi '• (injt D> I'-im M.yaitled
H .iyii; Mil V. i.rfiiH u a euro el buwm *■
II If), Illll' ll H ■ H 1.l i< till t") lilf | ‘HI ill’. Illk.
h).'-. I dally toui>‘i|di 1 iitMn
mi largely, end Him, u. a rule, unable l”
deci *e upon lire'purity or oib'-rwiM, mi
wii it (hey bey under I|| 1 hiiii- >tl Vim,'*f.
Vmv respectfully,
J P Loos*, Si D
Tb* I>ove Vinegar can Uii bad at the
• fh*e Atlanta Yiwloak Womk*.
31 Broad I in?;l
Darwin O done*, M-u>u*'‘' r .
This i* l notify the public that my cook
Living llircaii.ned to leave me without a
j jet can->e, 1 ahail oettarniy use all legal
menus in obtaining iiilitm from any one
employing or harboring said freed woman.
For further ltiioiUiaUo.i ajipiy at this
office. *
< oitoit Tic*.
I will sell Tie* by tire single bundle at 0
*-uts pet pound. Ten bundle lot* at 4f
• roe hundred Hal in*. i, Plow blocks for sale,
fciegie sve*, $4 , bin jo a lot 12.&74.
bIUAIt Ad*o C< iFPEE.
Sugar from 10c. to 12je C> flee from
2.X, u 274 c.
I am still giving -from Uic. to 12 c. for fruit.
Hung on your chicken*, butter, eggs,
Btcawaz and other produce,
103 t LaOrunge, Oa.
Let every citizen oi our ooouiy attend
tbe railroad meeting in Cvcetrvnie the brut
Tuesday in October.
tight pound* bug ax s*w SIOO at
He art u w Orwunia me first
1 ueaUay. in un inonu. to the railroad
Wt Ait- pained to hearalia! Mrs J W ■
!>. yI, f-'iuit r'vli ie>\l. nl ot this piscr. rr !
i a sivt-r i’)ury Ifi.Ht t'
iutk by bnse a iow J*ys “OP, r>n
1 e *t:pe\s i*f Griffin. Tlip iniury is a
>td piiufal net, and her pbysuiaji
iicfvarl'.)l <>f its r*->i'its
T •tlp S-xia f>>r f 1.00
t ii 'i>i.NSt)N * HBU>.
A '.vrr’ti ircstii'n r>( citizens tr>m At
iit I*. tVilmul u>; Sen i, aiai Harris ami
Fj etto oitiulits will uth n<l lire mili aU
ic in o”arn 1 tile the first TMoii.-.v
:i> iK-ta’iiet - tin 5.h
Un*mE Out Aale,
Frst tf/.sitsie the t >prem r.t st.-ck nl
U- .ts u : hu.(.ni{ in trie csinU' of J. L
1' iininif, lira'll, i'l lie mtU til I’OS I’. fins
i> u< 'biarKrp" i r **?..tie in " We mean
e -trl snj~A r (.XIST. Give •US ti Cs‘,
, fl< uau wiii Ih? ctHivmetvi.
ililtu. Ul fvw lH t ll 7’ TI Ht
RofltNsnN tV UKO-S.
!( *ht* < ii/ T<s o! MeriwcHicr wmt a
j.uUuul iiry I only iiuvr U> tome to
littt'ikviilv ii.if s*it ot Octvlt;i an<i subti l Ww
'i >ma*l amount the North A S -uth KH<i
u’.it hiivr* Ai v% • coin mu i cwtiou '\ith At
Unta afi i Muruhvis.
~ r ~;jr 4~mtr*tTTs -firtf Hi--* ( K r \ H\
Ai V. . . .’. i \ V IfUJO mu N " .J y\ t
Kobt i la*>t, Hii vUiUug hoi Hi
Nt a nan, v* asihtown irom a last
*tM k anti hid Hn km‘‘ joii/i tfTMocaXutrr
\\ 4 iiu; iajl)y to st at* t toil Ht HtcounU
I,S it v\ ;if, tir4 ii UV eouill t)C t*X
jKH t it under the vit u . t m .•>.
at rurnh
i x s U<>oda, WutRHWi Whin Goods,tie tjts
iiUii Hoys Huts, ii<ota aud hhHS, Gents
IV iiiU r C loth tug, tel IK and Vi*\ct Hihbona,
litchei y t DiiijJS,, SIHUUIIUIV,
Hi>ii<ll, IWktler) *vt ,a.
l' 1 <lllll ■:. * < ’ lillllliy. 1 ! Nil e C.’asi lull le '
Situs I'll fid Oil til
K >ll IN SON a HUO'rt
I)• . *.*.| rt-rtr+t X Irli.t.-U.j — 111, null Met l
l 4.el l. 11l 111) * k' s ; I'tll ImW W 111 m K l '!
..lit- t’i mi lii tiii'ertv llle lie Itt’rl I'tieaJs)
"77Tpr tt>mTT Thr- rnfi* rail mi rti'n; yxil tie
..u i. ..f. ail I.H'U.I FiTiSJ I lie N'.iili .'.
H Util IHI I "It" iluHl It* i'lttseul leriuiil 'int*'"
A Mi .
’• .iiitii 11 iuii] Hrfwei! Oitll li‘III! ft> itt)
,l lioIUNSON A imo’fci.
Wit n'jjii 1 to iuru 1 lint Mr. J. It liiii*
Mail, IlflUg 111 HI town, i* t-XIM *tltllg low. “
Tim prospects Ini a raTioud through our
,1 moty an; lieitiu imw limn evci la-lorr
t'• <l ll inlmim ituil Al uiiln knowing tin' va!m
.1 Mi-i iwi'tlnr trail ui • willing to Ij 1 ti* ,
-1 t'l-iin- In tin- rnib mid meeting tin Ath nl
■ n *; in. ntli in .) do yuui pail.
imi : :
• iiMir fttglil Ainnt- !! !
<f if |)!l*M-fil flnl;U 111 OIHKIK ftiVHt 111)0
ViU Ih *ulil '.if 'l U‘*tr iJ J ptOjU t Inl - 1 nri)
nnf m ini 'irri-.')at w liflf- tlfoy nrn <;*!t-fMij,
I I.f in n;■ Ii -in. “I :n ■!', *11:1 • 111
i Mr Trar.k t'.antiing-in rtf. rtnp tin) mttrr
I link I (liori ih Imiging In Um I-Bltli- nl
•Imltfi .1 1/ l{ tinitit’ at r.nrl Now is tin
-ion li (ji I g'td i:|inu|i,
Tin- Wi-ati m< l;| tin Amvi tHtn/ti will
- nun 111 II: Oin nvi!llj to ninrrow,
. <7-iiiil 4 1 Ulefcr liii.j; ul 50r- pi.-t yurij at
K<tJilNh<;N &. liU /H.
* -
JT tin- im-ril.anl* <<l <lri-i-nvill< watit to
.cl tliuii gomlH from Hor Ilium iiiflrVctn '
a Un- '.it’ll U.aii the freight* tl.ey an
ii' h paying, let theio go In the r&llroinl
ijm-Uiig to be iieiu io the wurt liock- tin
OHi ol Ui.-lolHti ini not only tuvor but hid
in extuudiiiir the North Ac Houtli road from
iU pre n-rit Urminua to Atlanta
<>ur devil i*ltl Mr. II 11. Ur:vill ol
the uwouu dhtnet, lat.l week anil tin: next
utoruing all of Sfr. ftevili’a meat aa rnba
uig. A clear cane agnloat the devil
It wiii be seen by reference to another
column iliat the cminibJfiueni have tu>
,#aed tbs tax lor this year.
Cheese ! Cheese ' al 20c per pound at
It N. E!lw, of the hem of Kilia A Moore,
left dor New York last Wednesday to buy
a stock of fall and winter goods. JJe w ill
let yai know what he has through the
ViNOiCATon -when tbe good* arrive.
borne people aet a* if printing debt* w ere
like cotfe*, and would settle by ataethug.
brxtee* pound* of Nail* lor SI.OO at
If the tinners of Meriwether want to
get their produce to market without killing
up their teams hauling it over had roads*
come to Greenville the first Tuesday in
October and subscribe a small amount to
help e wupiete the North <k bouth railload,
Mugcogee county has one hundred end
hiteea sir cep and five hundred acd seventy
■eWßß dO^*.
From the'quaniity ot gonls rooetTrxl try
’iiat eutviprisiri:; E. u>, R hinsun & Uro.. it
wnri.; seem ttrpy rnringhi ot £ into tits
whoiewtle business. Go ami seo them.
Ok’lit ImlMvlthw,
Woatan can I’.isl myuv-li herai'l; in every
i ntijijinse an 1 imUisiry ot emlk. i! h* a
matter .it rws>r<l U.a! she lias ili.n so. We
eaii tiiui females in our telegr tjili offiiv*.
withiu busiißitt ri!iui;s, at me heSni ot
1 ••is establl.ljmeiiu ot ooii.tlicree mill rt
nante, fritting |w|>ers ina making books
—i *1! situations repial to the la st.
Ku 1 there are eeruttn kin.’,* ot work that
. awi:abhs-lrir -the.hraln ami houy ul
-.vrunaiiktiHi ttian others. Tilings that re
mirearp.iok wit, a Selieate percepltoti,
i ;■ i.i-. lett r xeviliil.Ji, nueeeeit better in
her liamls. I'lnre are always wottu n, too,
i Si. iln jnit ~ta i! - .ti that (jlatie ot eJuea
Uou m ee.e<..ry to emimaiui the higlies!
furms ana rewards of lab >r.
Ihem.rking of lace is a work which
seems admiral) y suited to woman's lingeis,
and .mo in which she has evoi trund picas
till ami sho r.i ki!l. At a time, when Ire
ami mi nia lea land ol orphans by lamina
nne n| the ladies aiming the gentry and
nobility thought it this j inn to advance the
geiierai I el.el Tiny took the orphaned
; ehildnm and taugtil them the art ot !>ut
j making with wott.ietlul sttet’Cas at. Ut
e■ MlttS.
a\n ixi liange gives ; nme inteiVoting in
e *rt tii 11—;t ht ■*ynld ti - it, At It..limit a
't t.iXft Wet- lo,md*‘d by iieuelady made spot 'linens oi old Spanish and
Italian jhiinis iu tine imitation. At Clones,
in the county ot Mongl am, at) imlmtiom ot
Hritrards rtt matte, nmi rtl C ntifneHiom i.iiv* a
guiputs Ot tine ipiitlity.
fichoois hi tenth the ail exist at Lishna
tti'tt amt MalVhl lin -< seiiools :11 ■ • in t jor
lliti HtipctlnUmJeiiCe ami pull ouage ot ills
tingmslted and noble ladies. The tiisl lady
w ho established a school w ushydy Di Vcto,
aod lii l itl*ill* have been sutauiAdtal by
those oihoih, to the great tametit and pros
( i icy ot Ireland.
In one c-atnuy there la a mmUl lium
solium, ,11 Ni tV V Oliu InY It i- nor w ell pn
lionized, li more atbnitiou were given to
- --, si — leap It.,lll —U—li.o. n—ptolH,
Mundreda o! young women might find
menu 01. Muhsislenee through Jiybor atiiied
to their natmai l-le and skill
W ,i may not soiito of the l*dto of our
Houtiiern tnnd t .k(‘ some ot thclt flue luces
lor a pattern, to> did liiuly DeVere, am.'
ih ii and s.'iiMW. the Ml V Behoofs might
he iti rem; It at! over the land, ami lorn lab
■ mptoyiiii at, in an art that wmridpay its
wi.ikers-to many [AUatiUt Herald.
If rr.ll Allen if otcctod in Ohio ami the
ii tliiiiouiaU capture the DaiDocratfi party,
Grant Will run fin u third term to aavo the
the country, any* n enri-oapontout ft n
adili-.l thill In: will ho aupporteti by tin
moneyuil Inteiuat ol the country We <an
only any that we devoutly hope no We i
peal, we jiiuyerttdly WMh such u htali
-I thing* inlghl traiitpin V/.- know of noth
mg th.ii woiild in >re certainly aavu the I'outi
i/y than for Grant to mo for a third term
wTthiiftl support oi tin; moneyed luluroat. I
-wnnM-hcrdtiti for, tire country —Rot woai
would hi come ol Giant and the Hioneyud
luleii .it* r | Cincinnati Knipiirer
Tub Con-in. Ti* rtt)i'itiviHi. I'ln Ai
.miin tl.-rßld tis* thw trrray relative to ti:
u|ieni<lon ol the coilec-lloii of (lie oil I! m
la* dfe 1 liearllly tvimmiuul the in lion ol
the Governor In auapundiug the celledimi
ul utxus on cotton itch! latjrr'ejmior* nutd
tin- iiieetiiig ol the IcigiHlaturo, W'Tlfctv wit!
moil- filliy define the Inlelil kml Im aiillo
of li.i law*, ’l i.e Governor aannmc* ihal
the net did nolconteiisplate a disciiininalion
agabitat the producer ol ei/lton, im it* opera
Ilona under the construction of tire Oomp
troller General iiraclically does, ioicing
hill- lo ill la-lore a apeedled linn, or ehc
übUx;t liia pioduee to a tax. We cannot
any how lar the Governor U right to Ini'
c-uialr uotlon of (he act, hut we do know
that he i right In the principle dnunciatod
In hU order, and Ida action wii! Ire austain
ed by the |reople.
Alluding hi (ha anpiiltal ol the negro
(Jorday H iri le, indicted for parlleipaumi in
the lute attempt to incite insurrection i j
Uiia H ate, the New Voik Joutual ol Com
meroe bays ;
We are happy to nx-ord the pleiiaunt
ending of an allan which at on* tt-ui
aion*<;d the upprehenaiona ol the friends of
peace and harmony between the two races
Thu nf-griM.K ought to be abundantly satis
fieri now that their 1/lends will act justly
and fairly by them ; and the cal) which
has been issued urging the colored race o|
Georgia, for their own protection, to seek
a'honie iu srsue other btate, will probably
tail of effect.
The Washington Chronicle —bloody
-.hirt organ—wanls to know if the time will
ever come “when the bouthern press wdi
manifest some tense ? Wc way*, to know il
the lime will ever come when the Kaoical
pres* wii) manifest some regard lor the
truth in speaking of the Bo'Jfh and her peo
pie r . .
Senator Morton haa been snubbed m..d
ly by the itepnblioan press of Maine. They
inform him plainly that his disposal of the
currency 'location as a side issue is uat the
sort oi talk to suit the latitude oi Maine |
and that bard money is to ire the main
plank is tbe next national Republican plat
An exchange suggests 'hat the name ‘ln
disc frauds' aeould be changed to “While
mac's frauds," for it the white men who
steal from tiie stealing. A vciy appropri
ate suggestion, but a better suggestion
would be one that would clop the sieohug.
heumesa. We suggest a Democratic victo
The people ot CVtdoruhc have just selee
a newspaper talttot to la- tSMr^ovcimo,in
the pfr-am o! Mi. Win Irwin, uho h i
comiuctetl the \rwks Union duo* tsiiii 11 1
is a native of Ohio, and appeals to be a
-:uii ol Tjntse ronr-p-orr.-tT-m, as Wtli ns
tin ! pii vipios. We trust lie wi.l fh ikcii
tlist iatc G 'Vetß"t , and a* the unitor ol a
C" n'lv ncwsp.ip'r air. nmh iron to attain
lit il ■ li!ce may hi j ofilV. lint rt ho ietrt
Utm the Conductor of a leading tnctropi
iitan jon tin! of latwei and itillnei ee, n
would be a satrifi' e |.n linn to assume an
admir.isira'.ive o|il> e It is l*.iirr to rule in
lho domain ol ideas, rather tlmn to l .
sway iu appointments to office, n pat,ious,
-and iu vetoes. .
WUou Andrew dolmson was Freeidcut
seveiat, insurnne* eompani, s otiered him
pohcii* bn his life gr.ilo , hit li telu.-ed
ai'. sit 1 died, e m , i' - . .era! c-sseitiou,
w itliotil being in -med lor a single dollar.
Tax Axsosmout
45 t>er cent on the rt ao- t\ lor county
purtosus. 1H pel lent "II the Mato tn\ toi
paitl>ct fund. 27 per ivnl as special tax
H. T. t’ Tl'C’UKK.Ohm.
U. M. Met ’ASLAN Si c. l’ro Tam.
YV<\st, LN>int
/ lOld.KtJlATFyeai |.* iMT'otf fwipliw
V /_ Weihmsday, Hog day ol thipiemimr
H 'in i, ToiTgliig, luel nail lights furnishod by
the l*rtdetitfot fiaso
IN i* Month.
Music tuition per annum tap Pwf
ITeiz, a thoronepi ami accomplished mu
liieian. has cloirgit nl this depart meut. I
have Im'i ii in West Point six ycitrs, ami
-imye iiii.glii r si.\ yvartt lease om-ttm ImiU
' A 1“ MOO I V,
‘l'l ll ''' I*n si,lent
Only One Dollar !
Wi be sent lo any adihesa el* inoinhs
lot One Dollar. Tills is nue ot thiv i-heapfi,
,i-t wii'ktle* pulillulud. Ii is no) u lilanlo-l
•ill eel in which ill si iris ol mallei is pro
miscuously Ho own. printed
loin page ptipi I , ounpin Ity up, god
edited with m-al care. Nothing ol it dull
or heavy character Is admitted into the
ly compiled cuiupemlium ol llie befit thlllK''
that HPpem lu tliv Dully News. The tele
grapliic deapali lics of the week aro rc
- illicit amt eaielully Weedi-d ol eveiyllillig
that is not alll< tly of a news character. Il
also coiititins full reports of the tnaikeU ,
thus, iliosc who 111 VC not the advanti go oi
i daily mail, can get all tlm news, for ns
months, by sending One Dollar to the put) , oi lor one year by Sending Two
The Dully M -rnlng N- wm i* the sain*
eiiablu organ of public opinion that It Inn
dwnys been *-vigorous, thoughtful ami
eonsurvaUve o the discussion ol tlfß Issues
of 'lie dav, and lively, tpurkhog and en
iciialnlng in Its j>reMi-npiiion ol' the new*
In gallniring and pul)i|hing (ho latent In
loiinatlon and 111 illscu-aiug qm-stlims ol
public pottery, tin- Momtng News is hilly
tlruahi. of the mut-i eiili'i piising Joumailsm
ol tin limes Fries, fliT for TIT inonlln ,
iff) fm Ojuntdh*.
lln Iri Weekly News has Uni mime leu
tons us the Dally Newt, lb Ice, f't lor Hi
n enllis , Im n montiib
<) • i hr, icglaicieij leusi or £aprii*i, ul
ptlbn -her'* lisk.
r~ "v~
Moiuimc Nuwk Priutiuic
I,i Ihe l-irgisil in Ui< rtlule jOvery dea
erlptiou of l’rlniinu done at Ifni aboilisl
notuie. lilank H -h of nil tuinls made to
ordei li /ok Uindmg and Holing executed
- ilh .'isputeh. Itallmalea lor wink prompt
!y I'uiilhU'd. A idu "M nil letters,
.f II KHfIDL. buvaimah Ga.
OHIITIN, <;/!.
KVXiOf r'XVI.B Of'
' -
t .
Alsri, the oelel/rated Woorlruff
Al! sixer ol the WESTEIits I HI MULE
fJKKfN WAOON, and all sixes of Patent
Wheel Buggies, with a unc assortment ol
11 Alt N Ebb.
i ( ! 1 til •’ * I *t!/ t; I
Wt>:.ii Do .* st ANi Lcsfi
Alkaliao Foriiiizor.
• - •
' nFIF. VKFV i."W t'lwe >f the ifx'V.
i iimno.l i "Ul;'MOil, whlill is Itllli":
eiouelv mini td, cotnbiitcd wdli it. unpi*
singly cieat >nihaing (fotVitnn, ha* id
ready gained mr il a |a>piri>iiil\ m V t 111 lon
sis iired to so shoit a tune by any sfirtiiai
artielw. Tti'a'.UHoly yjieat Htnl i aphlly !
Cien. in.; ili'iiooid wilt neee silaio evloitsive
additions to tin Works.
Col.. F.TivlncsttMi,
V'*ahm;u ol it\ FvrnmvF t'lmitiiith-u o
iiiu ihtii iu teiutc Nay>
Ot loU X\. hS V 4.
”1 luiv* H>v t jfoi AIH :>tl t F u •/. t titiH
Ht’titHrti ii *n •!
Mftuuturil luliiii/.t i*. J' v t*M s7ll f*) :m ,
your* i* * t*m. \\mr a nj’t.ii in jno
<4#k tbHi (<J (.ii/ir t' tj u‘i HL'jU r il-lZiil *
lie! tui a ;
Jhiiuuiv lit I^7-7
4 *l It'lli'ilEOtl ti Vt Hi III" ‘l VV I4MI \\ lilt'll It*)
.!hv !“ m-‘.u piomismn l h vt. y
oinnit>n in th iil is )At* /• rtilut i oo
t\g for Com Itv Hi ust: u Hit t,i
K ill > Oill oi* bolU o**l II •*“* b\iUll, .ii.ll
t> 111 U ptil l. ’
Edward Cox. Es|,
I .me ot the heal tufiueis in Dliilh county
a : ii'
() tohel ISJ i
“I pul 300 jvmnda ji t.u- e as i top .be, s
tug on my w heat lit March la L It made
ltd 4 hushela per acre on land that WoiiL
not have made more than six to eight
htuihelsat host / /i.iee iiii-ii cut oj /rum
t\ut UiHtl fmm J.tKKI to li.OtK) U>* oj i/n I**
Ci'itb yrtuiz that I ever n teiue A / <tUrilmUJ
to the utu.of..yautJ'xr(Ui*ir. My m ietilmi lue ub si iilhe'l gUauoj, Itnee ituie
iis cosily as mine, hut dill imt make as much
win at, amt failed o The glass crops
Mt/ Corn cro/t lit upkiiitirl -Ik itui' than any
1 evil saw glow iu lh h.illnoiint),aeioiii
tug pi i|,o la.ul. / • a< tUtJud It n ktwCdjr
tohtil ill, 1 ; ./•.* •! fif • A
Col R A Altiltm,
ihu well known editor o the
Herald, voluntarily gar- he billow in
mtrom; icaiimoiiy, ajio stay Hud iu
tUotvtnjhly :
Atlanta. Ga.. Hoi it. 1, Rtf 4,
Mn. A C. Laud,
Pair Air I’le.ise ship me, nl I h cntni
Ga., twenty tom. ol your Alkaline Keillh
/.i-i. / huik IrM lluiravghty thin si nsrm side
iiy elite wllli ad die In-sl In ain lit ol 101 l Hi/.- Is
.sold in the market, oil t'OUN, ( rITPON,
litre it ai fm in slating that it has I’All) MK
V *4 7Or iA tiL'iii 1/ M 'i' All flVir |!
,\ IM M i mnt nrl I nvtlY m f
ALL. Mend me live loith at once lor my
wheat. Very Kcspci Unlly,
It j*. Hcnd lor .Oirculata Jfcl
A G. LAIH), Agent,
No, IT Hlrei-I,
Atlanta, Ga.
- - - - fi
Ol LaGrunge, Geoigia.
| I Ad NOW, anil wil hop alwiiye oi
I I tiandatl Ids old stand, l.aul side oi
ilie tint. la Lipiare. u gooii an 1
W 1,1,1, e'EI.Bi i-kIJ Biol M nit
Ooniiutlng, n hurt, ol
,fT GOLD and fciLVCH Walches, JfcJl
hlein and Key winders,ol the Irestmaki-.
Splendid Gold and huver Watch, Chain
< | ‘ ||M, nMMI• * ,k l u^
Silver &
Silver P!at4i "Vt aro
ot ai) klutjH and vlyic*,
Tucket, i'ulile Hh/.oi
by the very unowned makers, lOHEi'li
I am stilt retiring all goods in my line
Too many dtixena of Meriwether and an
joining emutic* have teatfed my woik to
fc<piire a word from me a* Cos Ihc eharnc
profit, I w ill, however warrant a!! my
work, if properly used, as I Irvve always
hone, and respectfully ask a continuance o
the patronage I have revived from my
lends in Meriwether.
1 tPif
n W Hwoe, w U 3
OFO/^q’ > -‘*“'i. r***' v !*o \874,
m: \ AI
1 ii< /
|< D S?;\
Huutliorn Musio
fiOKMAN I’l ANON and
$250, S3OO, aud $250 I’IANOK.
oba;1 Wtfraa
60, Ob, BA, 110, 1146, 160, 200 to fIOO
Muuicai Instruments;
**- Wu luv ins mi.l nuy i'ssk, thereby challenge
eeia|snitten In ipi*lMyail h-kiili. mnl prlCo*.
Will h rsiiim*on lunlatlmuuts takenlUpUßwi
mn! nr|!n In |mr I pnyiuoul. Wu solicit cvrroagoU
iluncti. nrij jrs direct to
Houtheru Music House,
A t lab la, Ga.
jyf' Mi Parrot offers his anrvice* hr
tuning and ruparna Pianos, Leave order*
at the Music Htorgol
* .ale Winchester Baptlai Female lustilule)'
Hev li J., I’Teaidont
Wil in lull corps of instructors, corn men
•i a :U tilth year on the flat of Meptetaber
next, with the uniat encouraging proapecl*
No location could hd'more ikvorahle for
health, and the ruiigious and aocial xdvnu
luges *l+ utisorpassod—commending M'
DaUlogue, nrldriig, the Pre* 1 enf
MT. CLEMENTS It ALL, EllicoU City,
Md. Five vacancies, owing to enlargement.
Apply at once.
Or. Ward's Hetnloary for Young Ladies,
Nadivilh Tenn., Is the largest in the bouth
and fltth in the U. b bend for new cata
logue. Full rteasioo September 9d.
at.jiD t</vu PAVuuntu to Tna b
Georgia Female College,
It is a Home School, healthful aad ac
cessible. Tb# E(|iense# are Less than in
any oilier similar school, and IM lnslrac
non UnMirpaased. Fainting and Mcaic are'
sreTialiier. f llicular* tree. OEfT T.
BUOWNK. Freaident, Madison, Oi.
Weinyan Female College
The I/blh Annual {Vvwlon opens Kept. 1 r>,•
1P75, with a full cl.rps pioPssor* ami
teacher*. Tim oldest Female College In
llie world. Ecu torso I try ifie Wfef patron
age in the South. Health record us cur
pass*.■ I • instiuction thorough ; curriculum 1
f the highest order. Address
If. v. W. C. fIAKK, 11 1) . IWt, o*
Lev C W HMI Hi, I> 0 , Kec’y.