Newspaper Page Text
p<)KT I l V
Mill II tiUMM.
_J&lfcicia j ’>*l ilfi fa 'll MX.JJU# likiLl
Wlxiii. j v,tty lit iii iv> ■/ g-ty. 1
Cultdl 11-C .HU II l*> *H ' )"'l ‘ ■><*
An l >-.ij i' ‘be *•!•■*< *i*> .
>f ~i im ti"r* *'••*< 4,1 ,, >*f
J;im i i-4 word hi !.*>•* ify >i* <
ji. Bull it >IJ ■( ‘i.
p *rl#.,.yir>;-* aplutt ng tr/i-r i |>.. <.
V(li' H \ couple "I will ’!*.
\..i imrui t“ |ni i‘i m. mu i*. y-.u •••
1 11.,i fi,*. bread l.ioki plain > iti*Ujiij ;
ff , y*h‘ >‘ tftiU h-ngl. a iluM I*' lm* ! ,
AiJ w.. A idle I i*t**' mvix*Ur
T I ij*hl >1 i: * • #55 ,,! . * ■ 'J!I
•' " <"'■ _JM< UMU4M..
VVli >i w .itiusC ii mhek I 1 i I l ' |jh
Ah*, oof |>in<** <•> v* i j-*i •*>
Ti.ant • y* uf thought* ill Mini* At*-! no*'
■A" i iturn* '• 1 r ■"* ' •'/ .
A*.#J i*< i* iinili.*f .in*! j*> • '•H'!"*
b , i . ■ 4 .Hr ltol>,
14) I . i |I 1, l‘r ,; 111 *** 11 * I*
H.. 1 it I'* •• ii.
(<*, ( , ,|fl..f .An mif it. t" (it mt
a * .nii*.i* iii/ny
A “J lli* gruci .and ic ufei do* '-h-** •'*•“:
ffi jn a *ijji|i; *il y- r, l' '<l •*>' (' ,
Bfe gltMier y*n wU* ji* ilf .. * * I** ‘i,
__|i yuu w*uii a little imu Aii,
Am) nifiny t!**• >"** wtiu .*> !11 “A.
IJni.' H •£**
A HiiM! V litl
\y(. nip n bl ur iif 11.4 #lnartii< ■ * *l*
uii-. inn ib I'liiiiwm 4 ' •}'.< A '•■■■
l|,,it Uii' k*i iiilHWB ol ClmtUiUli .Hi* 1 it ' 'l' 1
At, In behind in U< li iimtW. On* ,l " i "
n peAlt-r, wim tmee tbrrmgl' Hi*
county Iters he vblltd ib bouse **f ■
tin||ty tnrrtur who lunl Itie reputation *.i
in )ii|( Hit mtmucal wt* uubu'-K* 11,1 J:
lml ng tormcr f*u ***•_
ii.tiiK t*> <ei, bo'*'beJit'hii i' l' 1 ' 1,1 i'" l "••
litul imlblm * u l *‘ ,! I* ol4 **'* ' 111
I* re glvu noUiloK.
Iluvuii'i you * iiimli “ t l ***!' i.i *
mill rtf kilt tttr P* ,ft, r.
v> 11, in till Hull *uut.lll, I ruli-iil ill! yon
in , Unit ii liiimv rhiries i,H >•* • >‘ i-< . < 1
yntl Willi I in tmli it, 1 ml*'l I•* iiulA'iii
1 will ti:l y.iu ln*il It in my wti'V*i
Tlmtikinjt him wltli imajk ti *** Y. •<
jirnturcii tin* sttuit not! plnml tr iu pot
iivi-r the flrr.
Now, "aidin', il you wii! bring t. .<• r
<iuait rtf milk, 1 Will . show you how to
make ai U III! I'Udrii ig,'UU! of the I I
iii and i henpi l ill In ii you ever Uli .1
’1 lie b.imsi being onions, brought the
atllk, whicli thn Jew pouieii into tie pot
W hen it l*'guu to boil In .ii I
Now 1 waul two cup "Ii lee, nod two
egg* Utid !l Clip of SUgill.
Tin e groeeilea wen bioutflit try the
siiklmw farmer, who grew tnoiu and mon
exulted over the Invention and Ire watelnd
Uio stranger nervously a* lie rlinod tin
cun Vents.
Wlien the rite snd stone were well boiled
the Jew cm plied them upon a pinto, the
stone In the middle nud the ru e all around
it. Then & sUewed some ctuuamou over
it and quietly sal dowH and begun to rat,
all the w Idle plaining its excellence Tills
ho conlluudl to do until lie bad ealen (lie
pudding nil up, leaving the alone alone ou
iii. plate lot the farmer. _____
Now, sir, said die Tea, the. next time yon
have nothing whuUiVi r in lliu house to eat
ami Jct-i as Imngi.v as 1 dirt, jiiat tndl a .tone
as 1 have and you will have a good meal.
I assure you it was very-tl e, lie added
snwu king Tils lips, iiiul leaving the house
ano its asimiisiied owner hvhiud.
A will to ilm> .ni in.ns.
Oue Alexander White, it noted Alabama
scallawag, li\iii({ icceiitly beuu appointed
Chill Justice of Utah turrlto,-y, Uio Mobile
Register, miller the above, him
this handsome "semi off.”
Till* is the White wlioilashed in a bob
tailed cunt upon a boUUiiletl pony against
tiie Yankee host* who buried ilioir minion*
against Untidy and hia ensanguined war
rlors. This la the White who, when victo
ry had spread hut wings over the grid iton,
rose upon hia toes in the convention of
1005, and argued against the abolition of
slavery. Then it was that lie appealed to
the llonnie lliue flag, and swore that 11 he
ever proved laithicss to liie cause might the
live thunder me hiiuwhere he stood. This
t the While who in 18ft7advised the people
ol Alabama to spit Upon the Heeoustruc
.Con acts, and to touch not, taste not, and
handle not the uncleau thing. Tiiis is the
identical White who then flopped over to
the negW) side, and persecuted her old fol
lowers worse than Saul persecuted the
Christian*. This is the W hite who profai
soil and advocated iho last Foice bill in
Congress. Vaiu as a peacock, cratty as a
fox, treacherous as a cat who purrs you to
day and deserts you to-morrow, cold
blooded, calculating, ambitious as Lucifer,
preferring to reign in hell to sprinkle the
steps up wbivh he ascends with the blood
of those who nursed hhu, he is a tit subject
tor the lavors ot such au administration as
this which now rules us. The tact that
the whole country repudiated the tonx bill
is sufficient reason tor the Prseidcui to ap
point to high office the author ol such an
execrated measure. Let him go to Utah 1
Perhaps in the filth and iouiness ot Mot
uion life he may be regarded as a great
——• #■— —ii .iii.
The memory ol ex-President Johnson will
be honored at Nashville on the second day
ot October by services as imposing as those
which were held after tire death ot Jackson
or Polk. Ex Senator Fowler wi ! deliver
the address. Every sect loir of Tenue*sec
will doubtless be represented on Ilh* iu
tereiting acevdon.
I til; H ill <4OO .•*. Ihl' <IMt4 bn*-
Afi it Was *;ii‘" ifirii* in tli
'i .uiitiy, sai.j Mu !>.<• y. H**;*r *ii* a b“U
I .i nil*-, lUAr, boiii f , t,*.-/T JW i.iTty a ml,
’ .-he h lll|’ ia‘n Ifl--,.-' in V-' I.i *1 -iJ
ta.ili id tlit-m U(J Hit au*i ir..-i*Jl, ini' on*
ill On- lit t<il*i*i nut !*.*.; lliti'lriy. A * **
Auy ray s nil*: hi iiiul, i" > * * , l*t ■
I'm y ’ri'n ..n.i yuui ,v.i* a* i* I .rt aa iv* *
I , in, ami it ... you ii i* ft * *ii “lit ii t* tut'
V*i yl: Wot * I I* -Ilk* ; •" l*i *LC.
M iti*-i I v.i/;, *tyt. i*
An' Will yt- tait.J ,1 l||n l ak U,*-*.il
•ii a lilil* ... .a* au n.*‘. w- * -. ’i. a ? -ay*
Ila: iiiy< * aka-, af t*;, li*r,
- > ..In a t/i' uaii'i *ui i i.'scii !j:;u,
HI. i iMf w iut away'' iau, !i u’. ify ami by
t,< . nut t- riiioal a fcj.. :iij{ ill (lit woodb nJ '
srtt A .niiT. ;,t. r.. . CT*ri7cfi/fl liii a*.-, ami
~ -11. i i,t ... ii'lu a' -n : li‘. • ! r ;.i ’>• lilt
<i j v'. jiit :t ! /J ' ;<il ♦ t/k*. jit l *
. .11* . ill ili 4 ’ li' , ■’'.*/*C -id*. , illlU i*C
Uj .t til HIM, '/ JI?'iSV ii* lii'tr
i. • ... ' U tf , y ii*a
i ii* *i i-ii* J* ♦** * t *!•
• iilHlj.' uJ*I I r 4 /lit *' * I IL #>i .4 .i’ 1 K, <*!■•
u'lii .lAi, *. 1 ill 1 Ik' /* • Ali'l A ..;'
A *rl- ' jim i•-
rtlCTiii i < ak*r
b . ii*. iA y V<;fj
.tt i# At <l4/ UK si *i, V‘- / I* y
al 4 l-iJ m* In t; uU l *
yi*<: • ‘iVr R,
fi' A*, ti*. J is L*‘ t * jC 'i' Lf.s ti 'flit l^c
Mt h: i' rv * f i.K *<> i-1
rtn h 4i inti j ‘
istm itaU a .i*l
M<it (i 'Ail .It !i><; “<>*:, If loM; ii'intiUUU
Ur -a I*J i t’ fcjkjxs Up 1U .am Mm; <
Mi W ill Ift M,i: <;J'iVfcf #> m <>yl * Mfiii•%
ki Mil jitjii ruintW him Ur* n mi ‘
n.'i<{ iiit|i *i.i, mi*: ii a t.j the fctiM
ol iit U*<i
Ami i<y i -*' w jil y< i Umj
VVM|jl4li, -h'' •' ; I*l * it*' A*iit
*. Mt •i . 1 ** '< <u( *t) 'M 11 i<: Afjjj*: WifHl-i!
.m i .ii.ywuj Imtiiui', i t l* in hnj < yi
Il> I * , *
M lit* i, Ia ni t n^j?is h<
An vf lU /mi li*k< 4 ii|/ < <tk<- vtl*l fm
Tm <•, </ 4 Tinii i .-k* ‘.vrrrti.*--, .• * fc '
I ll* Mill <ai i) •, Jmv
H<< Uu it iknl i m oi*ij liiiii hri
r:<s MMt, ai l hi- h’Vty, ml ■in 4
a1 < j'in' itlih* 1 him Ji‘ii<- ni! I<< *U Ami
\r f fiii'l l) h*' <Hl<’im !h *inr> |j.aij/ i
Hir'wrririJT wtnTrrTtTJrtmTt 'iiTii .1 Tt* r77r
him, aU*4m< * hut<: iiUl'iiill 4.'. Ml* MU
I lie rM ‘ fit \t (T—
-iim * |>/t <l yi r < ftjiM i. U-i ii*t IHUt
untA 111 tilt! M wl, - 1 . i);. In'
i will, JM> Ik , find Jit. lii<*h <dl a |mm
|l( fft ml mli dljipi 'f In r lukn in 1 1*#
nml lo<irnud a lato ...hi *m<> , hm<l
a lii n lin bit lit** 6ttk<-, liiif*' .mi‘ *lif iff*,}
tiniTimm! it into lii** pLttU* 1 ke 'iiUirly, mid
hi: ut ami .if .11k 4ii<l wiiil, <>ii In' hi
txl. Ami 111 X t l*j Ulil.M to lUr liliiMK
VV ill ytr ti.<! liir n.i Y '*\y* Hu
1 w i'l v h) * tb? iott*
lU* wfm *<> • f!#* winner .<* will, i*ir tl<
clover flt'Ul Ik?) mil * lM'loru;i*r i'm the
tin' M ) -’i la vc in' I It* < A
li :ul
Never Ifm ' *>■' il I on , 1 don't
stupe id mn wnrrntk.
And he g..j i .mi it,ln il,.■ j'U’lif and hi ■- n
big stoue up In Hu: tVce, nud thin *iud* iv< iy
: COW Inf out it* ibeCtm-r -ftet-is, ad pm-:
bark ag’tn In tin- tn e. A till out mines i|.e
gisnl a r.>aiin' so tint! you cnib! Ikdi the
Foars ol him n mite away ; slid when In
tinds tlic e.ow-tv, he goes under Mi* in.
to shake trim down, inn the good li■ ti-- son
•tips nut tin tog stone an’ it fell down and
hmfen (be giant's tread nittMy Ho the
go and son wint running aw ay to die giant’s
hollar , and it In in lull to the cave- ol gold
ami silver and splendid things I
Bee, what Hue Iqck comes to ("iks dial i*
good ami h<>uct! All’be went h.nuti and
filched liis old mother, nud they lived rich
arid continual, and died very old wnd
rispicted. [Santli, Hi Nicholas.
Origin ol slit* t'linnier's
A gentlewoman in England, alter bury
ing six hu.-bauda, found a gentleman hardy
enough Ur make her a wile otiec more. For
several months their liup| lues* was mutual,
a circumstance which teemed U> pay ho
great compliment to her Un met partners,
who, as she said, had disgusted her by
their sottishness. In the view of knowing
the real character of iiis mate, the geutlo
uian begun frequently to absent liiuiselt, to
return at iatn horns, and when lie did return
to appear as il intoxicate J. At iirst • re
proaches, bid rdterward menaces were the
The gentleman persisted, and scctnet!
every day to swig Ids liolile. One evening,
when site thought him dead drunk, site
unsew<xl a leaden weight from one ol the
sleeves of her gown, and, having melted it,
she approached her husband, who pretend
oj still U> be sound aakcp, iu order to put
it into his ear through a pipe. Convinced
ol her wickedness, the gentleman starred
up and seized her, when, h&viug pictured
assistance, he secured her until m irniug,
and conducted her before a magistrate
who sent he. to prison. The bodies of her
six husbands were dug up, and as marks
ot violence were discernible upon encti o!
them, the proof ot her guilt appeared so
strong upon hot trial that she was con
demned to be executed To this circum
stance we aie indebted for that uselui reg
ulation by which no corpse can be iulencd
wilnout legal inspection.
Wa need the means tor organizing the
Democratic party in this Hiatts, said a lead
ing politician. A Western man responded
promptly by tch-graph: WHI ebip to-day
one barrel w and one orator ; invoice
l>y mad.
Peru will pay ot! her bebt with guano—
accui for cent.
A W‘*** M*m Who Maul. Ad
Jr wa.- i.a; atctoii} uuie hr ba-i utc uipa
'nrcf-un 1 J'oi'mt fa Af t, im. "limmi uu* *.I
y.,'-?*: i, * I !*• Ka-la 1 I til- ;■ ; a-i, j!v I L*. i.
up to t.iiug t.ii ) beaut a -t* j brnitr hi
■ 1; < ,1.11:1.
Wbon ii.- y rear;! *J !bt ri.e ask'd
hii.i ii !*t au.iiAu'i cotlMr ;n 11*' eai‘i to
w . i!U, a*J i i.u f ii**.wcd bt r .nto If** leauae.
I 1 Wi- a airu, liU it gb!, amj lb*; ..OUT was
***> \ 1.1 lii !;c ii Al * |mi ; v f oi -t't'.'lUg tii.*
•ni.i k.ik- S.a'< suit b k bal, tol'l iiiui '•>
il Anwi., a*. . t,.*; I.'it ?la; :-hilli to .}
iior ihu,Sie was barciy* gte la-lore
n*;r. im.isnT *. one u, ittihvxi aweeliy, aid
Hopping Ibe y/U-.g mar. i*
said :
t . way • Til sy *R*l f . ; .or but" re
I S'* I-.',': , ulj-ig roll. l<;Ji . . ~5; a.!:, t>-l
. iii i-*.- ji.uuiJ bake toy * s t*t rs .u..
...<l 5 would samirh.e Ibt r i.a igutel s
happi'ie. ;or ricUct, but ! aru u 4 '/at oi
•* *t < •.a.
I 1..; jml ,g ill 11 IWJ a,l I|T 1 il
liUa L ltt*.a W'Uof li* I.w*;*I rv-iiti o* :.u ;
ii.d in ..a ir, mum Aoi n* . a ' >*
n..l I ) illg,
*Srr*r in- arts-; rsrt d;/*r T t*i ' it r.n
. v: ** you . > *iic lm*i*r, am. wool Ini I.i 11. |*|..*- *=- Il*:U*
'l*l.*; j r.ii/ ii..*ii iw>. :-0 at a.will*
ifcbdllN ..n , i.*- ,I us * i.ti-'M grow pa,.
1 t i..,'i*' , t.n at. laliieiMl, Ui.
ahe in: :
17177 '.-* 1*1; 1 i t k'i--. w r oil ii a
U4-..1 !. iuuioy. i*. - Ii u*** you'.i t.v*. w.r,,
(~* *** - .. uu iii tsaultftr, i.J i mi
■ ■ 4-Si ai. .I.ui
i; w . /* * *i .... .oi., ft*; I,an' l *-*i.
i.. . ; il a.-a I. a-.'* .' ~,n- Uii .it*. ,
,un* I*.* .11,* ... ;.*;.'
I , 1,0 liiai* bt.. ol .** *•■• ntuKt
■A, At.*..u .ln. tofctC uy hti i.m.: ■'•
.all. . —-i
i m*w you M,) b*i Us - (ifl t,
VV . i. you* -a aan*‘ami wbwl t..*. ....* . in
n. lug . . • I.l*;* get a jjo.;L. !. ua_v
II # lug
ISiA. 111,1A iii. but i>u! ——
A- 1 a-ii. ,- (hut you tw I*****.} t* i.*;r, .u•
Terr ij.ltij U., oiuiini i .lvtia. . n.' r
ura'Tan.t s ToViug rial.iu*, and iT hU tboui.i
tie i.i.,,a arid ugly it wniiiij breaK her -low*,
w ittiiu w w<;> a.
I'*,•. young ,*■*-.'a *-y*i il**>,d out like f<>
• u.iii.uta in tliuw wiml.-w, am) im fo• up
*l*i till Ito *iy ivijliutllllg lie Mkid .
• 4trra* 1.l u.aii- ; 11. ,and .111, | len t 1 !
.S’l.y.r till ml rils.ut Jl**- <jy*, el.e 0. (*•
rwiitwl. I ';i,ii>|a*J*jrn iu ipUM CuMtiskll-*
my Mill, **i(l let Ini' aUgguet an er.rljr
Sof III' 111.1i riage 'f lu; HU* ol -j, * mtwn
ia my bhlbday, end .1 wild Ilw i ii* tut
you i tie rum 11**.| iui thot day.
II l hut - bill —Ait gaaped
Tlm-ib, I beta, 1 don't e * (wel any |m-ili
in repiy, aba iaiti-fi***! Yoti and Ha, ai. ft *
it up i*i night, *ud I'll advei ti**i lor Iwt'ltre
iM.iirip rs right uw-wy. lil try aut !w ,<l
*d moiiief in- taw. f Iwilirre f am g*ui
u-rnix rd and kind Iteurtait, though 1 did
• •■11:1: inline a young Hum two bi|*lr*i
uii’.ai and alimil 'lie t*.p ol bb bewii nlf Hit
agreeing lotlinfly Samli MU llmm jumping
... . ."inly I
Hhe par Sri him mt Hi* bead *n.| sailed
nn and now Thd want* advice,
ile ws'iU to know wnether he Usd l*U*-t
get iii Uis way of a locomotive or slide efl
the wharf. . ... ■
1 Deri •> t tfrin '.{TieFd*y a [>•
troll Inral'and was reading in a new* pnp-i
chat Vbo-pnni' iii "ly vympur-u*-ot TTrmmtty
v, ore a wjld look (i xtied lace, thkk Spec, ii
and *! for Hi. ami hr naode-t and ns hi* wit*
and i email, id M uy, ii I ever Come koine
loualiig that wy -juUMf k-ttrw what tl
mean*, ami you'll .know what to ik. Ye*,
tint-png, *hr wdtly refitted as “She laid the
paper down, 1')! hare m emetic nud club
waiting tor you.
A merchant who does Dot advertise can
no more succeed In drawing custom, Oian
can a young lady, without bo-tie aad a
few pound* ol hi 1m- hair, succeed in draw
ing beaux.
lITE NOW HAVE in Store and will be receiving regularly throughout the season
V V a large and varied stock et
BOOTH and SHOES; HATS for I.a.lies, Oen and Boys ; CLOTHING and NOTIONS
HARDWARE, WOOD and WILLOW Ware; Saddlery, Drugs -..ut Stationery
Conlectionerie* #nd Groceries ; Flour, Lard,Syrups, Sugars, Bacon, Fear! Grits Sail
Coffees, Tobaccos, Cigar*, Ac., Ac., Ac.
We solicit an exauiinatiou 01 sur stock, both as to Qauiity ‘ Price*.
j "tobacco"' 1
Commission Merchant* ,
Shim Dreg Poi: ons
JfoSmtu- Reiidrred t’aeies*
Vtr 'i .a. ft &.ki mo hf.I.TtnJXMI? 8
bin snilor .-.J by the moat ermneot f.-byai
ciar.s iu the w* rid for (Ik- cure >t riiuma
linn, neoiagia, iiver com) iaiat. dyspepna
aldut-y .1 i.ou.-a:. ache#, pains, .uerr,us dr
order*, ti's teinate t.nai adit*-, ueivour. and
.I’eitM. 01 i ; tv. and **tlir-<-br*iaic
oi the ib*J, li**ad. liver eou-,acl, ki*ineya
and b <*>!. H.k with full* ‘fee
by V du Bed Cos . Ciucißnatr O.
And wg pat to teiaie sod female even
wl.ere. A idreae THE LJSUIN Phß CO ,
Newark. N J
t IJ> , . r* a day a* bum*.- A.aeni- wan
-1 'Ji od. Outfit and lertiw i et* Till K
AtO Au*u*t, Maine.
.sso TO I <JJi< i< 1
H *s been itivtsteil rfc 6u,ek Piiyiiegei
900 ' . FR< >FIT
'liv W to D lL r aB <k u Wail N-, aut
14 ;-.. .A itrower* W ail >t N y.
51b,MJb iVti.I.AH.--.
. 4Hpp
J Hill
4.V4 ythum, Mbm.niing to
*V now nekevs, s3tti , quarter*, f twee
le’ba, f!. Ciitutat* oi .r*4vfui*U"n irei
Pi lAtat
A f}OS AC & < O
I* I) IH 4 lAr4, ii para lto N V
—rtiy - * e>4 "
Uidfcl iw.tial u 1 ooslautly uu baud.
Brown Cotton Clin Co
s VdH
NKW PHlkil cnNN ,
M'V.'ifarlltfera of CotloU Oitt*, 1 ,ttr, <0 .
P...|.ra, lo,u*l*-uw4l and 10-ium <ilu tia
mala ut rtf 1 \ deattipiPm. Our Oita .*
Ix-wu lu i**' thirty yv-wta, ami bate *<■ e*Uh
nbr*l irjiufttuMi b>r imnpifeny, Hght '**
nlng, dutalwlrtyjm<l M wowllty and quaUlty
.1 ;,i>t prvdurr*!. Our Krr.lef ,a e-aa; y i
•wrbeil tv the Okrt, wnd wdy operated by
ay 11*1,4 ot Old Hilary tr. I* 1 - gin* T 1,* 7
ar* Wm b.iiiphoi! ard eheijaat frmimt in lli
matket rd lee*l with m -te R-gui rpy than
! [i.irMi by hwnd. It i rra-lu the outtutn
etui % 1> ilg • e'rwoel a*;-J Urttef ample. At
all Pur* when; f jbihUed *ml by P anUr*
tuaviiig them lu **. tiiey ham been ** < <ud
i the high* a* be- otnruma h*r < <wvHm
;wu *r we ! inttle, tttifnW*'ru.l *.mpl in
n**lne.4*, *MI *h* wi**t ia re*pnre*) *4
them rapuily *nd wt-P No additional
pnwgrtTMf(Hret to at,- the P>* vy or
Cumbmaer, ami no Om HoUi*i U *oojpl t*
wtlhoill liter. We am ptepored Ui war
raul, t-> any •• laooahb: **le it, perfect *wt
i-lacl- ,a * #fi -y putuhaeer. Circniar*.
.a tut* *jLid_ lui. mluimfiiiya —for a libed
AAdrw* as aim**- or apply W
I'owy u, a mohphkts,
ftl I " t ' -Th eli.ileest in ft'
1 I'i / Vr’'. .or, t Importer#’prim*
t mnpwny 111 Am*ri- - apie
artirir j dr-, -r# ever, fsdy - Trade vouUii
wit y iicn ii.g-Ageuu warned every
whirr - taint inducement# —don't waste
time send for circuiar to KOifT WKLLH.
.i VeM-y Hf., N. V , P O. Mo* 130?
hi-si-r A WEEK guaraiitetd to Male
and Female Agents, in tkcir lo
eJTiny. tkwi NOTHINO to try K. Partic
ularr Trie I’. O. VllKikil & CO.,
Augusta, Me o
ii to Ci .) t \ T >cr ' a . v Rl home
tJ'J _‘ ' firms tree. Ad
dress HTINSON & CO., Portland Maine.
Try Your Luok.
We want everyt>dv in the United State*
to see our large, eight page, literary and
family paper, 'The Souvenir,' and iu order
that ail may judge of its meri's fot them
**lve*. w* wiil send it, on trial, *i* months
for only M) cts.. and every subscriber, we
will send by mail, poelage prepaid, one ol
ur Mammoth Premium Backets containing
10 goo’ Envelopes, 10 sheet* extra uote
paper, l gHd Penholder, 1 Iwd Pen
cii 2 steel Pens, 1 Menuirandr.m Book, 1
Card Photograph of ail U> Presidents oi
the United Slates, au ! a nice Premium ol
Jewelry, worth iroia 25 cent* to fl. Don’t
let this pas? yu, by one package, Every
body is sure to get more goods than they
ever bought lietore for Use price, and the
luckiest get from five to ten tihiea the vai
ue of their money. The pa. er alone k
more than worth 50 cents, and rrc give you
this magnifii'ent prize extra. Remember
•he and the Packet lor only 50 ceeta.
Ageuts wanted. Address
P 0 Box 53 Bristol, Ttnn.
A< Paper for all Sections-
The Sunday Press,
Published at Griffin, Gw, a first class week
ly newspaper, offers the best inducements
to adverti era ot any paper published in
Middle Georgia, Those wishing to reach
a large section of farmers, merchants, me
chanics, and in tact all ciasaes ot citizen*
in iiiddle and Western Georgia, can find
no better medium than the SUNDAY
PRESS. Send tor sample copies. Money
ior subscriptions and advertising may be
sent by P. O. Monev Order at our rink.
For leims, etc., address tiie publisher,
Cidhn, b
Nli W P' ALL GOO I) s
Just Received At
into* s Mimnsros.amiHarEKTiami
A Beautiiu! ‘orrtf ■
FALL PRINTS AT lOcts per Yard.
Clo t liiiiyr Aliulo U|> in—Him —fjiiti 'st
Foi Lad!**, Misaee. fieute sail boy*. - Ai) qualities ami prices
A. Lot ol'CrockiTy.
Hki dttttre.Wooti and Willow Ware
VA RLE ANO P'X’KET Ct 1 life Hit, BtCKLTN Rtt wrMft, “
Tt Ut, Etc
'l. * I >ac* :* > nil. I Ciu;.ii'r~.
y\A ii; u, c. R HiitEh. -c it, Card, halt.
VAA aa+PFfcE, r AfeieUsP Wt C.irKSE,
S O el Rl I’. M*LAs.-L-i.BUHA, Au.
c<)NFECII oa\K R I K .
CAN i)% it \iHiJk-, Nil ,iiVS If it, hAKtWNL-s.
PiCKLEw, CHAiKi-iin. Etc
Wf ell "1y for CAtMI, Mnsreioru UMW Ii !••! v.-ty si.i*M go *w Olvr us * sal and
bar. osaii'i h*(iti9 Its.) Ifirfil I#* >N A liitn
- .... *
TUT Id MJdlil W KIT I Kit
TANARUS! I ILi o V<>l. U M K
M EI! I W E T n i: I! nil' ,\ t v
• coiJtmoaiKc th* m 1;k tl* *> **•
& p
'Two First Volume*.
Ikiring the next year the proprietor will devofe bis cadre time and afreafV.n U, rtr
l<aper and will be enabled to render k worthy ol the increased patronage which il i*
hoped it will receiva. Seme new feature# will l hit sobs ed htcA wffi-s**
Ihe iQteresl of Uis
Nt w material will be addad to the office from time to lime, which will improve the
Assistance ha* been promised lr< m leading friends of literary merit, nrfco will deiigb
imase and instruct our readers. With our increased mail facilities %e shall be aWe to>
rive the latest news np to the time of going to press. The legal ad Tertis* meets of >be
county will continue to be published in the VINDICATOR. as well as aa account of
important erects transpiring in the chucty. Many kind friends have encouraged os the
past year, will they lend a helping hand at the beginning of the present volume. Tl*w
VINDICATOR is established upon a firm beets,
to soccxed if the people of Meriwether county will only snstaia it The price of xh
scriptiua will be ae heretofore, TWO DOLLARS per annum IN ADVANCE.
The circulation the paper is far ia advance of what it was last yeas ; wMI net each
Get us one more SuTjscriT&erP
. —• rJ*"
With this we shall be satisfied, The attention of those trading with our people in
called to the advantages oflered by the VINDICATOR as an advertising medium,