Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether* *County Vindicator.
Y oi..
BV teM t. revill.
Al' i' 'k l I’EH ANSI M IN A \>\
, utn t.U* of th<* Court Honsr "t*W“
ll'tir* of frtvcrli.lllS.
•i nr ih<i: li lip; Tvcar
1 nph |l 00 ‘J 'iM 50 7 00 ! 13 00:
o i.u hl** I 50 ! 5 OWjWSO 10 00 j 15 061
g 11. 'e> 700 S fuiyPrxl 15 00 *35 00
i C .,I | 500 10 001 30 00 35 00! 35 00 1
j 7 00 15 00*3500 :1566 00 • 0
Iml 110 Oo 30 00 55 in* to 00 SIOO
jfT A libera! deduction made to tfeo*
a Iverlising by t'ip month or year^M^
OKPIN \ ' v Jaa. \Y H mMe*
SI IKUIFF •• \\ I*. Fiver
< l.K'iK s <• .. .... \ .1 Ut*
T\ \ HK<-VIV Kit ... Wf r
i \ \ . ill.l.Kt lOH w U P.*l
T S.\-l liKlt I- M Adams
St li\ K\OH OF Mnh*ws
O CNTV X nMMtSSH 'NTtt*. |
IU U id -f*—ls vewt.
J,--. lOHfi.U.p, II M M<‘ 4)P.
U A 11 rd J A JyuoHSVr, OH*
iioAKii uty-nu^rioN.
W Park. *#.
... li. loHA-Tarkcr,
A ll man, Soifc
M.NA I*li i: I* 'Mi. I
' f^is ’]p\ ** w^'~,' ty'
J\ Omrkwvim.k, Pa
wn'd in .. l:. •• -u Memnlbei and lire uP
jAiinuif rAUIIiW
OK iHUE i. Il.v \I , A
\ rrihnin \i *
J \ (1 It KK M I I I K, O A
\ rroHN i V A l I.AW
• \ I.KKkM l! < *M GW
Alt tmOiHn* entrusted l' l*b 'ic atl. iUI
c | 1.1 pr un i \ and tali " *
: —hm i-. a aJi liion v. jg
< |}•| •J ' , | •*! I*s til flp
fmr • 1 .a. • • J Aulll '•) A 1 ' ’ GIUJJ
. , M HO
l ill l‘
Carpont r’ t
Tln>m*\ N M.liliam, nm the Warm
Hi.i iu- < nut|■ <ii > .li l lav I' ft' i to lutnjM
1,, fit, i. 1 ;T flit p'lblir ilia! In
11 * ~l 11 .-x. t all .il
w i'h lijiutli mill i:mpalrti Pul
uiiagc aoio iu -l jrnt 15 il
J uai .mi i. lt ilib MON I VI K • I A!. man,
Il t* j,< fit ' *•
U(iU V % +4iK &.i uV i.-! < *11!.;
nn/1 i> Ap**nt f*f tl*
M-. K*i r\T7Vf#T.! M :l •
\,V. r\ WA'K II M A >
hi*.l oil** r
COAL and W'OD HEATIN'- I‘>Vi •
nr.ti i- m tiifig wt
Low Pric<*rt*
Mi k -uiuj'i'.! wi'li 'i* i" ' l,
,-H>><%•(, Job work of *ofy
(*,• rj|,ii'ni and leasonsbly
LAMP* >ftfLA>lP <NfODH, K F.R'f-
Generally on bsnd strd until the fir l ' l
of November will piwiiively I*- sold at
For Balo-
Peed Wbtel, nd Oats for sale.
Ore hundred bushel* purple ft raw *eed
Wheat; Fifteen bo die la winter Rtriey ,
H t hundred tmuhels Prince Wrd I*lnd
Oat*. i'r.oe Wheat $! |<er bushel Harley
$ [*r bdtfeJ—Oats *i' r*r bushel.
*2O Ira 6| miles b. K. of Giecoville
ALL PEKJSON3 de*inns> witches,
chicks, sewing machine*, pianos, do:.,
•repaired wßpdo well to call <m Capt. L D
Rc-.i.le, at Jodge David Ellis' “lore. He
had an experience of ten years n the !>*ji
Sad uses no whisky in hi* prac’ice,
which ibsurCi nooces*. Jewelry rejraircd
Plain jewelry fkade to order. All work
guaranteed. Beiisie’e sew ing machine oil
the beat in the wot Id. at |1 a pint
Tke Kennesaw Gazette
Devoted to Railroad nleU, Literature
Wit, sad .Huauit. Fifty Cent* per Year
CHROMO to evejy subscriber.
Dr. J. Bradfield’s
Wi'l tiring on tlie MJS when they have
noi la-vn i-slali islual. alsti lieu tl:c> li.a. .
lita'O sutipiessi'iL lr<im ummi iial panso> !
WW cnif Klitauuytoi a" i
MenaUatii*>n, in-uo. in,
and ltiinn <>l -•
irbM. Will
ov-flow* Wilinp,
. f the 1 taull ill it ia y
attain ■ >r l);nl belUli.
It is A* swe a in all lb*‘ nbnvr >li>
i.~ wQ inbii in Cwlb i • F i'pi
LviUM CH 4.'11 q a ..I nil till*
ab. dist'ai-M *ithont iiVfabnit tluir
c.>n|4inU In any <r'ii, winch ia always
m. lili !<.-• f > i " i'l If and nindcsiy.
Tt I- ICC' imnVn ',l ,n ' us. ~ln ihc bes
♦'tvsicinni in ib| s ivu.' * I‘i'K'i •
y r a lii.iii'i "nl lltf all of ilisi ases,
te'Uiflcatta .it Its w.intlrf il lilies and
dlrt'Cli 'i s, lilt* reader is re ‘erred to Hie
wri> nrountl ibe- ItoUle. .Matiufaclur
e.l *utl sivbl bv r
a . A—UX-
I 111 sli ilia a I*l' ee $1 50.
ii t
AVIi-n yon n eft with one mi|vied
Of w Mctrt deed of sloitne.
tin* in nil i-i ■
—ln .illrss blame;
*■'till gif’ll \ llalllt
I Tliinli bis emniilion,
i W uti-ii aJiiti’i wtjrd bn u tain f
m cold US|ii. tl'n s
b.ii UO’ 11 UI It ngnbi ■'
tbal U ill Mb''
NnJßft. ause UmsoitP bittl,
Uat rhow.
j Jf. \W iii ir bfims'inis
lb lit an acrrtm ktudly
|>t nwß sfnr.eiimrs nh dndnin,
LPuau by yu.iyuiK olUum bHmliy T
1) min Atic inuni eut u> uaiu e.
agdflft Sit lit >t <1 I^l^^
in i^i
an e "it
,JL: i M
1 w
\ i ■ ' ■
P|HH|pPHy[ | i ■ e
rfc MBK-aBL a
i "i
' ‘I >
v f
1 Mj|>p at H wiUI •naojitlll u>6'i'flb.
, I
: ~s.t->i ■H_.ti*-jime.- tit ben a tmtffcetrfettal
mill a-Ulntt him I • way hi I Oily 11 til.
[ami tin ii'd
• till* lam Will (Dill 111.: .atmosphere,
Ia ■ ■1 f*
i, „u,rn •"•'’ 1'i n 3 s
! xiii: !i: 'i-a led Hi. lx in. 1 man,. Ui. wxuu_
• .... :j ~ iii'iii-. in.| biting |ii'ii holder.
!\% n;i uiii'i J r imji.i'l into ill** 'l* nr, shook
himself n,i. 1 i mil hi k-o : •
I ,ii min will cool tin: atmosphere
won't M r ' s'
N , -ii ! VI tin 1 offb <•' ri‘'> &' the
| top ill fit* vii'ninl In- and fif'd w'iillop
! tin* ii .t infill wji'i mi l '\yyf tn I*kHi. Ili’
1,.v luiiml hi. Mo rjefer when along earn*'
h tail y nut' nine With lot*g no*-. ll'-
ooked into >tJe office, hailed, ami * In
toodfirTfie door and shook lilt umbrella,
lip *lll ill
Don’t you till ' rafn will cool tin
Xq • ti)a(t your Wbit4 eyes, I don't! yell
<•<) tin; man who wan writing, and lie threw
down his pen and made ready lor the
iwxt one.
Along came the man who Vim an office
*l.ove, and Is a very good man and a wor
thy citizen, and lie stuck bis head in the
door and called out :
Ah I *e’H ai! Sleep better to night! Don't
you think the rain will
Ho, you old liar I yelled the door with
wicii sad dense** thai the inquirer tell oil
the step, rolled over his umbrella and ant
down on hi* hit. fie got up and said lie
wanted to lick somebody, and aa'd be
tliirßted for blood, bn', the rain calmed him
down, and the office man locked hi* door
and hong up a sigh reading
•Not a blamed hit color than befor ,
[Detroit free fheaa.
With the exception of the Harrisburg
Telegraph and Pitlsburg Commercial, the
Republican press of PenusyiTania *t>e*k of
Judge Perbing, the Democratic nominee
for Governor, a* a candidate of great in
dividual merit and of peculiar strength a*
a competitor of Gen. Hs’trantt. On the
piatfortn there is a wide liver sity of opin
ion. The New York leading dailies, with
out excep'ion, condemn the financial plank.
However, the adverse criticism within the
party in Pennsylvania is very lirnitci], while
a portion ol the Hepnbliuan j/apers of the
blate rather favor it, and no more than
half of them actually antagonize it. The
Cincinnati Commercial, an independent
Republican journal, despairs of the Repub
beans standing up against 'be inflation
simoon, whilst the New York Times, an
administration organ, confesses the
danger of the people accepting inflation aa
a remedy for financial ill* is imminent.
Tlie lumfly IHiyiirlttn
If any wh*te there mrc to Ik> found
inion•; men a lmrallel to tlrt* U.vt 1 StW'i>
herd, bow iusiinrtivcly stsonlit wc all linn
lor if it tun lamily |>tnician !
W lio j. there that, like him, aetjli* ti
s’and beiwecu us and ibe outer darkness ?
Wit., is ib. knows our
e -ll .
' *
• I lilt' and deal i ; we bang tijlip bis wind
(or seutt iiec or repiiere ; when lie conies
in at the door wc though lie brought
satrty In with him ; he goes by the
window we muhl onr hiesaim; niter him.
ile is 1m a man ; be pursues a science
Banded mi sbillbig sands; bis work is!
largely experimental, and in
many places be gr pea in a mote than twi
liebi gloom. But lo our ignorant helpless
10-saHiia bmUcd know ledge seettrs to be the
.dear siglit of *goti, bis slimiest avttnniuH
a tkiug. m&o _—Sjwrc up
and consider itoro 1 truth,
.ilia.decision an a* tin
Sjjifs of the we die, we cling
0 bia hands as we iMtiutu the daik river,
while be is likdtbe Whforllng rod aiitlslull
Of St-lipture live, wc feel as though
t'l Jits
E ?tI that we igii means,
I'leni and merciful Pcf£39niiid him ; but
wc rta'i igniayhhn as the agrtilof that l > ow
er, who has fol into his hsiulS, as It were,
the issue dypmt and the grave.
The swans to us unlike
all olhcrTtien. He is impersonal as a spir
it Wc n'tfi for him in our truublOs ; wc
go lo him with our erievauces ; we ocufess
to litin the ailment Wc would hide twin ill
Bnore try to "pul the
itti blui than we would
it, tor we are aware
i wc a-c ho can nttord
i*tl, and no other, is the
lie is aetpiaiiiled wiili
oi boUieUid-’ls, with
the brstories ol tortured lives; lie knows
ovi i what home pctn t broisls ; he' knows
uHi-H 1 ll..!;t Ml I ■..i1.-1.1i.m
...t,■. ■ d<> is
lot"-.! 'll!
I *W|
i ini
mg those
phyifctauf VJjhaseenifßWc tic
uctua! % ol
' ft M t il’ of evil ? BkiW be
1 leii v bow i, how he nifl
- aftb e--, and We U ex* w:th ntr tor -I=s
ilk In 'he otmil/bt, peril up, to
:i!U (eohat -■> =o
I 1 1 iv * . miiets in flWig whuty wind*. Digit t
j.• •uiv- in with him then out of the thick
I dar*uiiH.-. In ilie morning lie tiling* In
the dulsjje vigor ol the healthy world lie
in Mjrft'io come and give* us-oastrauce font
cWhen the run la departing and taking all
our little cheer with him us the dreadful
night Bdn in aguip Arid when the balance
hang an • hat a hub'* weight may incline it
either way,- up happy light or
down intdf the dark region where all nban
don then be spend* sleepless Itlglil*
beside us, discard* liw* seriou* rnaltcrs, Is
sway only on dying visit*, make* our woes
hi* own, and iiianifcuta on hi* errand ol
mercy all the devotion ol love.
An 1 what motives are they that urge him
to lid* suhlime unseiflshriea, this work and
suffering ? Not money or the love of it ,
lor he :* paid at Irent but a pittance, and
seldom collect* the hall ol hi* dues. Not
lame ; for when hi* day i* done, and he
l|e, down lor his longaud we I aerned real,
hi* name soon follow* him, or lives only in
the grateful tecollection of the gener itiou
he haa served and ttaved. In almoat 'any
other path in life he could acquire far more
of either of these perishable things,
with infinitely lea* cost to himself. It can,
then, tw only Uie love ol science and the
love of fit* fellow Dien that Ipur him to this
heroic duty, b> this unfailing sell sacrifice ,
and, beyood his success from dsy to day.
the chief rewaid he has Is that his very
work at once refines and enlarges hi* na
tore, and gives Ills soul all the time a strop
ger and nobler existence.
Never, then, can we pay or attempt to
i-ay to our family phystciMMhe ohligatiou
of gratitude fhat we owe Biro His steady
labor, his enthuaiaatic research, hia utter
•elf forgetfalnesiyhis spontaneous sytiijm
.thy,Jus htthhttntijfccndcriieaa— neither gold
nor gifts, neither words, act, can • ver make
the account even with him lor the abnega
tion and surrender such things imply ; and
all that we do is with our whole hearts to
acknowledge the debt
The Alabama Constitutional Convention
met at Montgomery on the fith. Genera! L
P, Walker was chosen President by accls
'nation, Republicans and Democrat* ail
voting for him. Hia lather was President
of the Convention which adopted the Con
slitu lion hj 181 b, under which Alabama
wa* admitted into the Union, The Noith
Carolina Constitutional Convention met at
Raleigh on the same day. Dr. Edward
Ransom, Democrat, wa* chosen President
on the fourteenth ballot.
h anfs Ri |ilrta Ames.
The Cry of ftr troo|is Inis si lust
been answereil h> Onial, partly in bis own
wools an I pa. Ity throu .b bis atoirncv. —
lir.utt's despatches it Ibe iit |s>nt si Wash
ingtou, use liMigioigo that ’ends more like
l be bheitldhirsiy t diet ol a tb'spot Unci tin
exprcssi trurol Ibe president ol a irpulilii
Says the Dictator, “1 shall instinct tin
commander to b ive no child's play, it then
is necessity for m litari intctl.reiuv." ti n
be rs still 0> hlpcllni to m km'ivli dg- tb.d
the "great majority rut ready now to cm
demn inlcrftsr.-nce on <hc p.m ol the g->\
crnnmnt.” The truth is til last forcing ii>
wa,Vot I'.illfotni-i has .Its iated il, 'Maine
indicates it,!and t> tin will soon UiuntU r il
We the present 'temper ol
the American people, it this lordly edict ol
tlr ntdoeanotllielb.ii' indignation, and
ibis bold Ujdk ol bavotU'ts, ol w hoso gleam
the) have long sim e tired, does not sw ell
t lie i auks ol the host that are rallying to
i himivcrif.lliW iiT s utlliiarj? despntisin.
tradietl ntj that we aft not gllru Hint Ibe*
tuosl apjvWprhtie heading tt> this mlitoiial
would Ufcye been “Drunk Again.” Certain
il is, tbid they Ant leil Atttrs tie must abide
tbe constitution, calUho leg'lslaiuru Uigetlm
er nxhaust other ttnsfßios, Ittihne be ts ui
t ill*ti to troops, be cm h-assures
him that the
those lawless traitors to human tights,
() miserable ellort to help a sinking yjit
tisan cause. But instead of hclputwytli.
lepubllcaiis til On io, Hi is deymiie, bTOod
thirsty, falsify Hg^ufismd mlhiibstit,!' will
beat lUettt dowit 10 afj|i deeper infamy. ,
OtunMUrntuiiiv, Fioritj i, sltovvS M goTiil
stnfo ot afftiftPPA ctirresp imlent ol He
Unlou Mims up (tins : A! tbo clime of Um
war there were not e\tnedtng fast wiuls In
Orgltge county. Thu last ceiisii- 18?.'i
shows a rusidmu |t.i])uliltltni ol ovtu S.tSill
white ajjl-3tk> blacks There art unw over
Ulty tOpft.'UiUlu houses, ■ ton bote's and
houwl*tj|b"Use, twenty schools, six ohureb
(on 6 We prettiest in Hie tit ate,) neatly
five Imfenntl acres r!r tre.l ami planted in
orange trees, neatly a million seetlHng
rnangfl tf* rt, twenty new post nlttcca, anti
mow iljttti a huutliiiil weal Illy mm-rcuuU'iiU
planting and preparing winter lioiiu’h, hunl
about fffly Invalid physlviaus, hut not one
ifectqr hving by tits pr.>tti,,ii, Wc have
many wrtliers who cmmi hero without a
dollar who il u ivv woith friun mm thou
sand to tidily tbousauil dnllsi*, and tin
llnoav court house in the Htaie. More Ilian
■l^oMploglev ha* been tuude in two
the.cioi'. a. i p,
BEBpi.'S, y.-ai m. ■ ***<•
PM it tnLi "o' n i". 11, .*
I 1 " I" *
111 '
enmunl pi’c m olii
coining 'm ft wTH uli be tali u piciiy moti.
A l.lrt ig Pit M tlABI) hk flv o OH"
know* that e ibbtge vvid not grow Inst or
l]?etd out WOltoßlih'"* rhe'y lit.! hoed Vi
u.iFly olteil JTo- l lihvii also learned thin
lion crop does the b' st il h'H''l i -.i ly
in the in lining, while the dew in on tin
gro in I, llorrlng later in the day, when
ill,- dew Ii is evuporateil, will not h ive tin
stniiij iID< t. flic reason* appeal to be
ities" , The dew being covered w iili oil Is
relumed, and help* keep the einlli iindai.
11 coutapis a large nuiouiit ol oxygen, w lift h
it tool. lioui Hie nil. T/Son acts to Uecoiii
irrise tin sill, and to hasten the glow 111 ol
plant*. It gjno libsoi d* a Urge q laid ily 'I
umiiiuniii, w Inch ladiioclly tak. n up by tin
plant* .Novv'tffi- name eu<t*C ought to pro
sllii e the on the other plants
whd il list been found by observing lafiutis
they do." Market gardener# pieler to
ban |s.(utoe* lined eitfier when Hie soil is
wet with dew or alter a slight ralu.
Observation* mad vAjytmo i>i (lie best
farmer* in Wwcog|Wii, extending tlirougli
tnmty year*, convimaid him that llnre was
great land while it
was wet Especially ws* this
the case or gran* wa* ploweu
under. Ipwas found that tho gias* aud
uiucft aoonvr, and that the sue
were larger and of better
What Tn no IN Cask o y Acciobnt.—.
I'rof. Wilder, ol Cornell Univeraiiy, gives
these short rules for action in case ol acci
deut. ft would not be a bad thing toWnit
them out atid tarry them in one's |KK:ket
b >ok, or comnijt them to memory ;
If choked, go upon all lour* aud cough.
Kor apoplexy, raise the head and body ;
tor fainting, lay tile peion fl it down.
If ag artery is cut compress il above the
wound ; if a vein in cut, compress It below.
For dud in the eyes, avoid ruldnlig, dash
cold water iu Uieip ; remove cinder*, etc.,
with the round |>oiul of a lead pencil.
Remove insect* Iroui the car jy tepid
water. Never put a hard insliuineut into
the ear.
For siigirt burns, dip the part in water; it
the skin is destroyed, cover with varnish
Cincinnati woman, says ; 1 nc-yer knew
but one worn in, in my me, who chore
to make her huvbainf’a shirts, an J confess
ed she liketl to do it ; and she had nothing
to do ; could leave them any moment, had
someone else to make ail the button hole*,
Lad ready-made bosoms, abd when stie
finished her hail doz:n waa presenleJ by
bar rtrifchfntl Sjioise wftb Twenty dollar in
greenbacks. No liked it. 1
tt lint lo 'lViieli Out f IlililiTli.
Ttitli I 111-11 l m!| ItlitflhV
IVtii h lhMi lo tiiakt- In al.
Traili llx'in Hi imtUr skills
Tt 8T ti them T, A T !U} bum* lails
IVacli Hum not lo \trai lul.wo lutir.
I l .tl ll lilt*lll H tUuk. \\ (tl Iff*
'lt>ch Ihciii U| iii tliii wa) liuy slmul.
I*oi li Hi* in littw lo wu.'li anti iioi
l\<u li l Ucm Row to make tilth owi.
tirt s f'. ~
l f.n ii llttl 11 ilial n ilo la.l is only ilm hlh*
I > irh I lie u U) ctuiK ii m't), I mtdi n{ vli t
Trach llifm ii.svv hi tl.on aloi kilims ami
m:w on 1 ll Hoi its.
Ti ar llifin tVfiy iluy iii). Imul, [ iatl
f t! f •11)111* >ll SyUhO.
TVttfh tlu*m to say no, an.l it , cm
jfCt anti gtfck t< n
TtMUcU litem to vvui c**lico Urc-m to K \
do it ii% queens.
Ahmch them tlift' a gimd rosy rontp i.-
iv or lb fifty conNumpii*vue,
Teiielt ibeui to regard the lum.tls anti um
Ibn their lieaux.
TnCuffmi ,fn tin- in t ..I kill lieu,
dining room anil parlor.
Tench tlieni not to bavu anything to do
with intcmprntnHTilTr dissolute \ ouiig lit n
To eft tliafti them the lit rt hot ouo lne
latyoutl his iueonit: the nearer bo gula to
Hie poor Ini iso. .
Itely upon it that upon ytiui teaching tie
pcmls in ngifiii ntciiMito the ttutl or W"t
ol I hep ai4i Mitc
- "Tcclr•them lied n. MBueady ineibauit
!■ worth a tloz iii t loth.
Teach tlieni the iiee.onipb limt tils inusu ,
painting, tlraw ipg il y oil bavu tune and
money to tin it w 1111.
Teach Un in that Pod made I Item in Ills;
own image, ami no untuunl olli-Hit lacing
wtil Improve ibe model
M Inn kqiiliri'l* trill flu. "
Tlti' lollnwingnver true tale ot the sipib
lel by the Sloekion (t 'ill. Indi peinh ul ot
•111 } 'll-I < > I'. K Kailrnlindll m ill.* a
laid a lew dti\ ago on the tji|nw,.|* which
abound in the '" ighhoiiwMi.i of Kicucli
damp, and pley m|*m iRK wheal fields
born which they fire gutMving their win
lir supplies, 'k inlunußi: th it jjrpre i*
all army ol III!' Jcst liioym
llalis|ioiling till: wbeuUroill the,
Ill'll ill'll One ol
army ol were
.Il.tended lyxrti shot, and limn
In* niiiiilli small liainllui: ol
ofin iortliy to i)i grain* mid found
they nnmhcrtu! I welched a few
grain* mi r one ounce. It Is cit'ciilutcd
Unit mi uhle ho.lie ! o|i|lrrel tlml will 111
lend *l l ijily to hits,) rs, and not wash
lime in diseiiasbig poblienl ipieaiio is, wid
steal and Uilnsporl to hi* uudeigrounil
wo*l't |l'’ il —pmoitl ot wln al-pei tOy
U Mil Ins n laliviw lie would gel uwuy with
a ton, woilli to day iplJ A | croon, lioni
tnis, inn loi,r> some idea ol the damage lh<
uilbion* ol rodi lit* are dong in Ihn conn
try, pa lin y an- all bnltiatrioui'y at Woili.
| I l.e te t mu 11 gin ii Is ale gi ay, llki
"..l ..i • i *i i, y m | 111 l lie, me I "I III'
Minin hi/,e, Imt they live 111 thu giouiul
llkaljl'tKlil. Answkiiv A puplil ol Ah
he HiconJ gave tlie following exliaolditmry
uitswer* :
What Is gratitude T
flriitilude I* tin memory heart.
What is hope
Hope ja the blossom of hu|ipine*.
Wlml I* the difleieiico hetwem hope and
desire f
lie iye ii a trge in lea l , iiope is a tree in
bloom, aiei 1 "XjT l " I* It I foe hi tied
What is eternity /
A day without yesterday or to morrow ,
a tine that lias no end.
' Wlml i* lime ?
A line that lout twrt ends, a pa'h U:
gin* in the curdle and cuds in the tqjpb,
Whataia Clod
Tho necessary hiiiii of eternity,
the tm reliant ol uatutwjllie eye ol the soul
of tho work).
Docs Clod letdßh I
Man reason*, because he itsml.t* : ho de
liherates, he decides, tiod is oiiuilscencc :
lie never doubts ; ffo therefor* uever icu
sons. \
Would You I
Would you keep your io*y complexion ‘t
Wear thick soled shoes.
Would you enjoy ipiiet content I Do
away with sirs and pit tehee*.
Would you have others icsjn.ct your opin
tons ? Hold and never disown tuoiu y oui
Would you have good health ? Uy out in
the sunshine, bickncs-* is worse tbitti Dick
Would you re*]met yourseli I Keep your
heuil antibody cle-au.
Would you retain the love ol a friend ?
Do not be selfltisly exacting.
Would you gam the confluence ol busi
ness men ? Do uot try to SUppolJ the style
ol your employer.
Would you never be told s lie I Do not
ask personal question.* r' /
Would you steep wall a**4Yi-ive s goon
appetite ? Attend to your owu business.
Due ol me Methodist Episcopal ciiurches
io Troy, If. Y., will hereafter use grape jel
ly dissolved in water lor communion pur
pose*. A committee <M thiee ladle* of the
church has been ajqoitned to make tin. jelly
S- >ii ill *i*ii Nhu - it
tit) l J Sic. ”
t Hit K | |(, Nt, |; .\ N* S,
H *t• Ai v,\ l*, .v.\i p |„|
1* .'-si y ; .tk), .tmt > 'ott Cl t ADS,
O U (i A N K ,
oittm Nti,
S C.
ivi usi
* > y i v
illuli I iI^WmI
Wltl Mi'll |HHIUMOII IllMlflMtllPfitN lMl! trill plnilt'H
Hii'l <rKMi In pai l imi>ui -nt vT.-I,tilu ii corithptm
l‘>ii* v. Hniitl 11 ti I -is lnvt I to
fck'UUn l':t Music II itise,
Allan la, Ua.
l*tAN') IHi-YlN’D* '
„ ' Mi Daunt ollci* hitt service* nr
lulling an.l iiipiiins fenye ordela
al tile rtliM-e fvlnigo i
ITM iiJl ’r t RltW i I'TIKYMt
;fi* IvA N( J lOluS
111) OT, HIM) K AND 11 AT
JLi la imiuinuucti OLI.U
I ■ -
TII.K I.KA fill lift pfr Li>W fItICKH
WK, TIIK HMlfx. rtlMir- w fftlUl h Hint line
t 111/d iih of' flu; oily ol AlUutit n ml v n i
I lot l from m*v% iiitlil ilit* Ktlii ol Mum h. *T I<■ *
llt.kl .Hi !<•>, Ii 111 1| U i<t|lllUt‘llO< yitllnu In oor
N w Sjirlti;,' k ol lltHtli*,Klutrt tud llt, I'riiiil.H
L'a Jill W Klltftl Olfff *t* if
jift iMTiI of UooU, hloMin,
ninl Ittilimllttr, Htt'/hl, lo link it it<’iu for our N w
Hprtng iturt m to IlfU
All |K rnoiirf v* ir-hinj/ r<| boot, mlioo or uniter
won M st*l| lo t ill ♦ f : t 4 *•!,’
m fkr
Orangorn New Oash |
liottl., Hljom mol Ht ii'iv I*. 1,. Hrtfkli umt A, t'n.
W j. iimnut4 o t.i Hull I.oolm, nhocN nut! loitu, nl *
lower |iH*:c tli*!! MimMui rirtb’lcm tkifi Im bought in
l lif; city ut A Ll.i ji In. Iltmlit and ohoefl Houle of
i Fia|tr or Hbol/1y Mlomrf i |rf' hnro. H*t.m
i* Ivc ijh a • ull and ci mill be our nio#h <f lion h,
j N|ii mu hd Illal m, mol we (#rofiilMi Unit If wtt pimoff
you in xlylt fiml >. w< •an In price, n w au
• l<-h-rfiiifu *ll om il jToodx, in and w<> hope tbul Ibo
rfilX'MiN of M rlweiJu r will Invwr tlx will* n call, :*♦
No, 7U WUilutMill Mrttfif, AUmiila 4in., til thu Oran
Kt-rm' Ni w 1 <i lt*#ot •nd Hho#
COl.Lr.Gfi, !
Ttth Tlnrly tmirtli Annual Ntrslbli
tie * .in n| August, with the old oorph mf
ii ,l llii.ri.ligh leaeliul*.
ten f'rctuium* li.r exccllvnie it' Mutftfi,'
I'uinldig and Drawing were awaiylpd pn
pit* of ltd* college at Da. mule Jroff wl* imt*
the liuft low'year*. "
UoiuA, with WH.liiug, light* and fu \ per
auuuui Mbb, |no. Dor catal 'g'n.*
uldres* i. K. (!dX, I’ri's,
WKH'l'hltN 1 idler fur sale lie '. •) .
LAND ! wiiuu tra< < l‘
ia.iniug and limber land in a thriving u..d
lapidly growing Western Hlate. On uc
ii.unt 01 railroad*, Mrcufy cunahuClvd
and immigration, these laud* are now
id y rising in vulue. They will be sold very
low lor Casti. A Clear and f’erlecl Title
will be Uuuranlecd, with every tract sold,
with deeds ol lull wairunly lion. rcafH.ti'i
hie grantor*. I'artlc* desiring lo pareha o
laud*, lot an early rise in value, lteal Estate
Agent* sud’Tuuling Men, will find It to’
their kiUnVst'to adibtfc*
WM. E. OUMF, Heal Kstam ealer,
170 William f.K V.
Wetst 1/oint
/ tOLLEGIATKycar fur INTO fl Is, in*
V J Wednesday, Hist day <u tv, teii.i-er
ii -aid, lodging, tin l and lights furnish**, bi*
lue Fre>ideut l- r
* Per Alou th* 1
Music luiltoti |>cr annum fAJ. Prof Fi ctf
He z, a tfiorougii and accomplished iuu
ukiail. Itai of this de|irUnCut. I
have been M West Point six year*, and
have another six years lease on the burnt
mg a p modi y
*l.l lm* _ Ffeiir.n
NO 40