The Meriwether County vindicator. (Greenville, Meriwether County, Ga.) 1872-1885, October 22, 1875, Image 1

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    The Meriwether County Vindicator.
AT . |/ „
tv>L. 3
by wH T. REVILL.
if f*m) l*ESf \ ;\'t M ’N ADVANCE
iMto* Vais *il* * CoW Sm*
K-"i • f Ailu riNliiii.
> ns. ! -vk ink* Hni'i,B in- 1 V<*
1 -.nrh ! 1 >0 V> 4 Vt T 'Hi <’<
•i •<*. Vh |J
a : u,-.r 100 ‘•OOilftOO \*> O' I 28 '
f c ., 5 ini 10 0" 12"'10 i'i'Hii :i-*> '
, ' 7 op W4-> 2MHI 00"
V rtri ! Hi cKI 30 1)0 :r 00 'VH" 1 P"'
X4T A TUem! dtdiif!. u made to A
a bv .he month or •
< ftfH* O \* . ... J** 'V 3(it .■
BHKidrp v'Vu l 'T'n
. LKKK < ■ ' J H.nj^
T \K !(F.C‘-TVuI! w >’ " ll
r.u ( t * *; > >"
r FA URF.It 1 A.tu >
6URVKV ■>R " 1
C ii.NI V Cos M M ISi U •>! KU X.
It T r T-vkr, 11 w L- vvit t.
JmrNn-r. H M MU
K a H aril, J ■' . *■ ;L
RHAKtI or I 1 * t‘ T * A I 1"N '
.Mill \\ l*.,rfc " 1 lUU’i-a.
ii u ■■ A 1 :
A tl Hppuiih Sc*’.
vfiSAToll .W*l. 1> <> 1 r< vy
■{! Util-FN i’ATIVfcH
()t.l m.W <ni'' U T Tl v * ,
JUII A 'A 1' AHiV,
A Y tiiu KNVII I ► , t,M
■* vrpf iCTIfp n XtuTWi’iliw U*l til-'
j.ilutiiif l'UUlcs.
I. EOIU.E i. l'KA\ \
.C fl l 1i1.1.M AN
2 \ giim .v 1 t.i.K *■ a
Ail -* <• It I-1 I
All t f* ' U il ] y
( II KM 1 \ I I A".
J \ <A
AA | !>!*<•!<-• In If ,1 "I U :i
imT I'.nl'rlA <*' M. H' ' •••'. '1 *1
huprrpn t .’TtrlA’rl tin
111 a Ciio to i<‘iit
—Dll .1 i: 1. I*■ 1 t:j t.
\\ j h i. ' 'Mi.: 1 * ,t
\ V w. ... . , II *•1 ■ • ..Mill HI 1
rtJuutry •*)• 'AI • •' 1 " " '
h ..Ml ... ...l.lill • . ' '•
nil 1,11 1,11.1
i \KFfK ■ lil.P .Mml* (.1 I ll*
'• ’tH* 'il • ‘ 1 ‘ "'{
arum •••-■ '> '.Cm,
. t .'JI =— ;
CatjMn‘or* Not* <*.
Tli*mn N Mudemi. >•< ,|l “ s ' : > "
ftp, 'rgM‘"V . .1"'
w tl, ti . •' • . It >** anil K
y utX ~• „:ui, MuM .’MEN'I Al. Tm-n,
i, f. slaughter.
]|m openm! 'h*
Kiuvfc " :‘,lU
and i Agm' l; m
MONUMENT L 0| t ! Ml I> MM' "
•nd other
Coal and w 00r> hla i no ~iovj.e
Bill] J. aching tillin at
I-ow Prices
sTercbar>f anpjdved wlfh Hn ware o mol*
Roofing, Ounei’g hii' 1 julyM'trk of even
description un pr<>ti j* y • ' <1 leivonsbly
Generally on hand *n<t nil'll rim flr*t
Of November will |*.i'ivelv t**- >l<l si
Cost. S 7 hLALOH EK Ari
thT Kennesaw Gazette
Devoted to'fUliroftsti ntesH. Literal tit- ,
Wit nd Humor. Fifty < enls per Year •
CHROMO to erny sulicr:ber.
At) < it t ft
Schaub's Gallery.
M specialty made of fine Pool !
graphs of all sizes and kinds. Other kuxi
01 pictures of every de.cripi.oo, Old pic
tores eopisxl, enlarged and painfed in l
My Mori wether lrieods are rexpcctluljy i
Dr. J. Bradisli^s
'\voman s i>k-t fuusiv’
\\ .11 !.1 i t ,m tlie Mons*s lu‘n 11.. v
.11 Iw t'i esinli iWi-.1. !<(> w hen !l ry
l.i n sui>|''*sm A Ir.'in nnnamral ns*
Wih . ife ll*••-•inaiUin and ''rnnt'eia n
G l>fF i1 wnnih. \A ill me Piiiiln'
n.ilur., lit ii. ve H e In aI, l> u k
m.t .it 'h.'-t *iMre"inc I'ains hiwl
.Is.-. \Vii i Gt. W ittf.v f.h-e' .* '.tm*
-vt H w ’ Wit: l ure .u J lallin^
! iiu ml., \?t. tri! i> ill i. suit >t iiia.x .>r I hi.l hca'Ui,
1■ i ? n sure cure in M the lmve liin
t ><*- a (I villi, f 1- in ( hi i> -Iml Kt i r
1.1 I t'. * it i":'* tin*.i.m Iv.! .*1 Ml Uh
altt.v. ili't-itM t. *' h v uiti.c p.i u
c ..tii-Uii.u .i. .> ir*fi. wii <l. ." ''*)h
t>* titti I‘ "t..'
It i' ue.ißutit-n ie.i mill nn-.l i.v the. lit*.
I vsciuU.i in UH ir || HA e I'f lU 1 •
F I h Insierv |.| 111 • nil '<• iliM lilt"
c i ilcuiM i.i ir* it ifii uiii- sriit
I iln ti linn, lliv li'.viler in it fill'll in 1 e
wr, |'t'r i.rnu hI il.e bolili M mufm’Uir
i,i.:i <.if ••
nir.tuw'Kom. tov ai !u. <.<•
, 5..1.1 • i .it 11 -i. if if !' Pn-t Ail lain ilciltl Il* t.lUf a
ll ilie s'ltf.iii w i"i|. r I'lV,
\i you the a. ill > li|.lnvny,
-.'ill nj!' linsl ttiem In lively tun le,
tl >|n' mill IhU .i -I.v In tiny ;
Pd le-t iiuVrui-vH-iU.i i A lit. Vet
I liti'i u tiii.diiiit .n i ilni,
And ui lien Win.l nl ai'hl f,
II .and )..UI lie i.i Up Idn mini.
It ii 'ii. 11l I .di illl five vml,
Ad sltaill.l ti. litll i l'.l'i |>nrl,
Ni hi -M iita Ll lush ill jiiatr Mill,
.1..-■Rt.'iijj wuu iivtii'iii-qit'iTf .Tri
I'.ali.Hii (~■ , l,+- I*. I** a e ..Ailing,
li . din I.- in Hi? yliiU,
11 .pi.ij l.d ii Ih'Ui'l da A UlniL,
II id imu In a'l "I 1 like n m ill.
KtfHi thnnyii i’< ran ftrh B'tl me’! i*
Yield- in.l |. Ilie in l lile>* til l ne,
Uul i,n !,.,iii mid i, lilt ii I ilni*',
lie i all lid’ ami li and uimie ;
S,'iuii Ilie a. av enl tvi ry I'aii'dl,
A hum dll lilt Inal J Oil tall.
And 1 o multel wlta joU. alaU 'U,
Hold y linadbp n% 'dim'—
11 l"ll Ll -1 hi
M.uiv Litii.k LaMu A iviiiu .n tin*
*pt nghWti Keptilt-)eo tin? had H
ii.le'vu nn with tlo uul Maty who had the
i„u: u4o; w-h** r'-*4T‘iuhim Cw l 4r
, i\ t .is nw liH i tin: inuii'.i iul t ':m w4N
i m.u*d The Umb was u-i", thrust out
Trt tiir pe by its u r. 'ur t mot hei Mi )
iM'k it iioilit Hnd > U <d ii Ut l.) Well, alt
|i, u.itutii'ly grew into agr ut pel <>n
I'iuMiiUa w h'*fi ll w .i* lg' a► usual to tin
•Astute • could not tie louud, and whin
Maty W 4 IP binging o . lup wuj lo hcl Ml , j
if;. . we— lu-l uT—ha-U b'• dr*o*e iMU dtr
tip him! m.inaeed t rmry tl s<
i•. (•• j v to 4ier and *K, whi fC*d < 4. v< ted ll Up
rli tiff di im i Mil vn hen cap'd out t*
n> t lld i Uhv Ihe lanih gill lip-XeaiT—alai
i .it | t t t ling -. I* f he, who h mad* the
< bddreu hoigli, I" * a *•.**!# at s tiool
H hi; ; *'Tju Tt'TTTtr:lt uimi t g a piuu h
man .f hn f( w >t.n._Hji; of m
ttuicganastirxc wtm w-** hW'Mv
hirit aft l<y) UtiVutd, tlo x'tefol a,f
a tf'W u*i*B niter pt• iiiniT' tT7 TT 7 ! Vcim htf
th** j 4>en II •vn it evi l t nail■ to tie pulm(tt
*cl Mny did not know, bn tin* yung Mian
m<J m **n "ef, 1,. n tai l ot U. unm-uta i
tv Mh. vi;iM i. lint the lamb liv'd ami
pm' f> v4-I an dig n • ■ f ft not i!*- th ail
>an Diigry "W Ail*lrn hs m< n.<.i .
11x® ri - ol it. the re*idne "Ia
irtioo’ su kmg. niiK’h m gf4dually, "inv
' eg t . fumoth ii.*’rrt*tioi’-1 t r the innv
1 1 uii, !,* cl M f ;• ‘t fer Ift t far lamb
M liHl’i 111 .1 IlK'illll
J, i* Uii' eiiM'il tho-g 111 'lit woil 1 to d*
r) iii*' i-iijH'i "a ! i■< i ; m dlapoae of ii" |<lm
I iiiuij* uit with iiipmt inn • •! hi<i*d"
t i ; liijt li< u i‘i kuuy Inf you to ■t . m"
A woman ol Hkowhegaii, Maine. i
aMiltlit.ii two ago that htr Winter in. Hi
p*u! M 11 ii**<<ia, ul ahum kla- had l.eaid
itliv iu eh vrn yearn, *"•* tiiii over hy
i Mill and kil l'd. At be-ulat "he Gi .J
her dream 'v \t*' husband, a lid laughed
■ 'lie hiipieyatufi .and left on tier mind. A tub
; ol Intel an J a dl .patch • ll&O'lt J to tin •
'rein tiling woman. Sh" hulked at the date,
M via- Si. Paul, She n.-arly footed when
l,er buvtiand, looking over ber ebouioe .
read that on the vi;*y night o! !iu’ dream
and the egaci liour and minute tbcreol,
Hi k nit re ti.M.w u dof I- 11,’Hn Mm
matt' li. Hinueaota h id—become Hie bap
|.y mol In r ol t aluk.
A Wiiintriiiu UK|trli w)*: Tere i
authority for the statement that <i|> to Hun
day laat tlte Preside l htuisei w wit see
i to i* ho ill lie eretar- of llj. ii.iertof.
U,. to dial dale, lie ti, \tc nmv inter 1' at
ttie apjaut t g i.pOW.'f ft* * kill n|M'o JO 'ibb
A gr*ic*i ID Piduesb. Keu u< kv , eiliili
it* a piece o hard-tuck iued by Genera'
Grant, at Vicfcsbu it. to '.he Confederate*
who liU lieen *ub-iting o*i mule lie*-1,
thu otitic** of fat bac>>n a day in
wtncb to fry tbe meet, an J the bard ta< k
Mu* a great luxury to tbe ball ta> veil
troop* at ibal time.
We clip tbe ah ve Iron, tbe New Yoik
Pout. We commend the paragraph lo tbe
perueal ot ihoae Noilhern ed lor* who aMr
•ti 1 howling Ibem-elves hoaiae because
J 0 f>a*t* did not provide tbe Federal piia
pseTt with total beef and plana pudding.
% Word to F.irniciN Wlio llitvc
Failed to llaKo Com
|Fiiu the n Horn Jiuriml.]
1 ■ t\|\iin4 m th * year 1819
uul cmtiitutM until m.\ n forties vmu
rn .l. Dii
I uile I twu*ti t in ike corn
vi * me th in tho ni mth
i.t May. 1 so*e<i wtmot, hbJ wh uit It*
ijitn t*> s.-iy tho Ikjulh tmucl yellow,
an i U.i fe ratn t.'inunl in the r*'iij;ii atutc,
Uh: >i:ilk ami Ct.t u- is ili jt'tvu, I hut it cut
Htul Cured. Itf ppcd *i C >rn And
ti.i i the wheat cut up with n cutting knile
c Huuiuucing at the hcnls nl tltrnwine
% pOlUun ot the hut! -CITII.S. M v
i ! . >'i i m m 1” I working .n hi. fof 1
them h o l> nrtoiin iy wch cn. # kimw
mg ti.jri 'he hill .1 kvtnk !u*l the clne % h*l
:h ii Ihe l i*zii w ‘i huji u tsi the wb .ii
. c.iU* in I t e.liu 4onw it vt,
| the \\tlk being the tu, U lu tUnlly
nnprovcJ, l .ii I not iiiive lo hi> 4 hu^iicM
•Iv i.l Mm. J\| ;n i■>on X it> ilii• *1 i">
:*.* liiiM: heat itx iiii* i SVts j
led tintVdi ut tmrfy Jrmn mtsui tn igemrut
h to hi>> thing t ine thnt they l ill- 1 uchhun
i-vci lai il, mid give tuy |don Ftinl, Uit*ik
up my ground ''itii h diauumd p dnted
o*cr live IB* he- wide; plow ve7y cb">sc
I .a as i.i pu!\t iize the gumnil thorougtily
! ni'i eHi.v, inhN plow My ptiiii
■ i-O jUejmt l tig the l'T.! la to liiiVe two ftih'
ill stl'itlg hi iiu; ujyM'l.g HS Mt ll n ill 1114 k c
i< 1 i*ui to a Mtj.ik ipianuty at a tuno 4U<t
4cii<lv mu, iliiow ni out nil tliHl will ll .tC
j I hi u mm in lu tlie lirine Imm thirty nix
| o tiirtw eight hour*. Wlnje you me
| no a ifig ut ! uni tub the nih< i in soaking.
. Cni-th®-wtu 4V in ♦* Inotkel tn drii'i, ail ft
I w hi!>’ dr iinrng Nprinkie vvuU Uuo- untU U
.ill eo.lied. ii lilt" I lilt? la MllCliy CM I'l led
njjt y.m v\ 111 IlcVcl lllul 4 111 :id Ol hUUII.
Mv id. v\ is line peck mid u hill to tin
c ir 1 < liver'd with li Wood | loolli liai
I i"W (Iv% ini id iml me tin inn) tootll limiovV
il "in \\ 4Agu<ii im ) ij. hoios v%ut>
, m.uie and thn< |ii<t(H"l MtiiiUmg th'Tc by
j loui no In n, pul t g tin i tiiaogUTTrTy, v\ Flh
j ;iugor holen one im h and i null lot the
teeth live lOt hm rtpltcf 111 till’ buck pu* *,
■ nml the 4me numher In the *Me plece^
| a hirh wUrtTe InTlTlvr MlMtri 111 *bu ll <CK
, puce rite let til Hit* folll IlielM’M IHJIUiie.
* l tin -ow ej lolioW Ilie piovV ml ) luC
iimfow lolitiw the plow uud the Inoiow
j 0110 a lire mowef. lim |*r htt rowing with.
| the pin*.,
li I wen: I aiming now, 1 would how
wheat Ini my Flnck to IciM on 1 could
h i) e i't ui totveiMV li*'** ceijlß it Inidiel
!u htcl 1 helieve it might he piiHtibili t
I h and niyjh .i! in Hiinmei mid bli t oili at
i*♦ ■'‘'“iJWjp 4, 4'**tiih, loi .0 tint limn | the
i yia* Man;*4*y U iiouy wtih h great titiny
I hiiiu u, I uiwnyai prelemfd putting
ui C4lJuh [Mild, 14n li | CM'dttl’ prepiUCti.
r.rMf i>l jgrrtm net llihmkm fly. Tlu l.ut l
“ Oiy tum hi N vein imm . 1 gin
j em|ly n *wi'd win at. I tlillik the fault ;
well tin tcobt hi m i • m Unit they don't '
■ i j•.? • T ANARUS: - • ill i glit ii fori <> A h ■ inn
Ik \ put too llltli h to the tCle, itfld a gliut ,
,■>."tie put a buHiel to the m:i*, and il lie
'ui k ten leisln l llu > ihn.k il tu -4 v-tn-w j
i ii'K' u. |i, wlmi fentiy they hv made on \
♦ow LiOl ll ui A Ll -ui Xu- 4o*4;h y-f-rdn j
*oW > and (*llppi>M|f|g *4' ll gl .tOI to pi'iiijiui j
>m loin to and gi in ) Ihit ail In' iim i
- w that and one grain in h. mli e <rl j,i h!<i< ,
ling <vi ♦ fiv i.undied r It) one bn b f
ti mid him; five hundred hu
A imthi u lot ibey riv i too d<*t>,• Whe it
will not o. nje Up if tuVcml JI ul \ inch * j
deep the root- at tin grain iVpnved ui 1
light, hat arid l . Ohhu 4 very now j
too 4 til. Tlifim* rooth have p -npj oit th' !
j in k on i 1 ll pciodtl iei|y Ftiofig to j
ui ru itM Hr the RMi.'a* !'; win n tliu tk* j
! i ho* ihe lowr loot* and >Xeiii* pr-juti ,
< # Y/fl iI * 1 111. l I** I oIJ Uljfi tilt
'*'!> ft< *: f <Hft , Il<J Ipllijpf, Hit! Vl*l >
• out l>y I ro*t. fni'llor wtij i'i
fl)i'|t. < Mat ll ii hUouM lift'
|r< a /„• ii iiHH lirtfi fiM Jim.’ hr'lrr O'lt, Mikl
unit |iiri>iiu(‘po oitii 'T Uo wli m i<
Ihv ' pro lr*m fjv<* t twi uiy
I tit; hrlmll'tw fovi'M?'l out i Un;
Ur< ptniiiiHuf l hihl iiHH Im<l firm
it# l>u*#rli ond out, ho-i iii lio (jntw t
ol ut 'ty Uw iront, sod will
produce (r**iu liv to twenty ii it in
not l4*o much c:rn*dt<J. TiiMiinol cliiru
uey co inn ihu trv, l#jt lumi hiIUhI ckjic*
ncucc itud obtry+l ou of ore* fifty
J IK Da vih.
Perry. On . ft i
it'd hehela uliij xupft oiliiWft oie hald in
EngluinJ. Ii i not mi veiy long ago since
an Ignorsit Yurkriiire yokel would ofh r
up, along sl’li hi* ordinary jirijel', the
I.blowing pel H ton . “Fiotu w licln ■ and
•* lizard-, and tong tailed huzza'd*, and
c. • i.’t mg riling* ihai fnu m liedgebotlonia,
k<a*J Lord r.edvtr u* " A coioner’* Jury
nave returned a veidict ol wilful rnnider
agam-t one Hay wood, a laborer, of Lillie
t orii|Aoii, (youth A aru.ksljire, alio, a lea
<l *• va ago, •Hacked an old Woman, aged
eighty, named Ado Tennant, and stock a
iwo-pronged fork into her, became, a he
lold the C -url, abe “w as the pro|ief**sl a hen
l ever knoaed." The aged portion of Hie
icruaie |x>puiatioii of Little Compton have
t-veiy reason to congratulate th< in-e!ve* on
Mr. H.y wixid’s leuip*. ary removal to a
more tin umsC'ilred theatre ol action j p.r
oe confided to the oor mer that “ti,etc were
sixteen uiore in the pariah who *b<;uld he
Uoe away with,’ and that mere were also
a good many vioagern quite aa t'.fl.renttar
and intelligent a* bituaeil who snare l hi*
Miine a nat uu compromising opinions on Ure
subject, <
i:piMn|>| iltimi io
A|M(hr Ktl lTKdill,
AtUoßgNt the intutesting ij ics'i mis occ 4
-imally rained in relict ujh dincusNiojis n
thitvofinmrrm IvcTt/eeu tifu EpTeo, alia -
Hlli 1 I lie M ‘•lllnil A'S, ..r, lls il iv ti llll'lillll " I
I'U', Wiirn ..| th.i Uv r to the cliurrli
trom wiiifli tlii'v st’|iiißio,l. . A writi i in
ilie Trilui ii' rni nily tin.
cnsi' in tiv.'l' ol onion ivith (joort drill r.|
fti v fi\ lU'Toiinjt Ii mol i,, ti,!> nljt ,i ni'
slmi.lnJ Mi'th ulislt llml llutu slionM In
no insy.'ir(il. t'dlisuilcs in ilie rt tplir
menu of tUe K|nsco|.iil ( Imii'li Hmi in
"Ill'll a evt'iil 111 ir iniiiisii'is Itinsl ln> or
•Uiuetl This wthci look U>e imu.l Ejii*
'• I|>al ghmni! 11l ll in Lite ...*in ft*.
Ajioslolif Mifieisior, imil lirr.i tirokrn, an.
lie levs mci'i-i',lt'll in t* ii ii in ; u reply fiom
liiaUop.OiilHH ijitfinli, of Lire M-lii nlUt
H-p>'o|'l C iilli‘l., N -rill, iv ho unset!* n
. oiiipieli Ap isiolic "irot*'"ion tm in
i ImiC .’ie lllitkeu oilt Join We.l.iy t.i I.i.
eiJoye.fliJ Ilie BUtllority mu' presliyi' ol
IJish'jjfof Utc flnjtik Ciiurcti. Mi'iiop 11.
ven rites :
It I**ltmi"l It liidnrlr Certutlty th it li
(.W'l-'lnyi fifive I set’ll orbimilion Iroin tin Ol Erasmus, Ilie Qieek llislmji i 1
lA'clo, Alm.y intiUuis g i to j,r. ve this
Inti. It is iissciici! in creJible imtlioiii,
llml Blieii the li ui pTt'irf t.itit Kp fcnpn
niahop viwt i K ijinii i, to get doxMu'inled
hi* eu.led "U the Hiviop w,.0 deodimU t<
< rve him, Maying he was icv< idel by the
u‘t ot Ihit limtten. liul he at) v ised !ilm logo
o John Wesh y. Huying ihut Mi. WiaUy lint!
the saim rgh 1" aid hi ns hflha If. T'h
liisliop elec t vi*' h i Willey mill no In He.l
Oill f*vur, .md Weiley dedluud hu th
minut'd. It these anil olh; spiti-me its m
une ft is in -ie than pn habhf that the 10 <m
copal ads ol Wodey, h |*.i h weie xt 'inh'o
..vci ttliu.'Ml a scoi* o| )oifs, had a histoiii
eceicf l is'ieal us will as a mi pel i*l and I>i
viub Hull*. ♦iy ft ih is he so, thru o’-;
Pro>tetaut HpfM opal blether mi in iy he
yei erki yli if Ini'.'ii ,1 111 ■ M -111. >ll* •- ’
•lafids, IC>p< :i il y, as in the late I’onh i
tin e at H .1)1), tin Click ill in :t IH ol je-ted
tv* tut* Anjocan "tdmuth-urH as ttregtflrit,
which tin*) could nut hiy the M tlfdis
oidiu.atioii, it |lie\ had d<'Ctiub'd noiu mil
ot their own patriarch*
A l*H'faUich
Thu N iipl'iivu (I'li } Jletnhl has this .
\ ffubiu iHa i in tlt4‘ 4 onntiy semis us a
giMphie a e-. int of u thrilling and l idtvronr
i undent that Inippetie lin hi ucighlioi lioo'l
hint W4*| k A he hi'.U ihh illy gill CMIII'
out to visii bin sUt'in. She woie a jntiiit)
hat. a ci.q itttali spit cml, and the pull
t)afk*4wHyil <al • tinll-biiiik iiiem. O .
TlfunHlny iifa lw > yipfurv find flie city ghl
If ' Oiflcte l out iii thu shaf> l ine In dunk
tle fMlaiilh’H 4>f Ibe neeie'i y, an ! t ilk about
i hi* Ik!4<i x. l , i4*M*iilly aloud bellowing wa
heard, and a mud bull w.tssien pawing lh<
'ut nt tin* ollm*i end'd the lan*\ umi t om
•.t 1| .• a FH*3 Ti <■ C ouutl j -i'
mmonishing limmr friend lo “him j nek,"
mg field w 11ti tlii' agility, it ii"l the g '•<:* ■
0 a ciii u* urto . I If. i ifo Juiii?s*-:l aUi.mpl j
"ito ian ipiii k. hut it w ,i8 a inouinlu
t .riiia faUi., win only lo*m tfo* ‘
feiK 4 . but-' li* longiMt nip she I Olid aellit* VI
ovci mi a inehe*, uiid her n unlu
. Itof 'M I e ipiHlf lilipeildlug thiugel vN l l
, annul to'Wiiies I In* hull w a-i cotnlit;
nMier mid n him, wioi iniuelnet in hh*p
id Ins tail Mvvilehing oiniii ijhly. Kn a
in mile ol two din m.lijiUui Wai Mu'll n-
Annul liuvi* filled the wiul ol a m vta|iti|i;i
icpmicr Midi J iy. lint tin; lulmm ibiy
licm I ymmg lady pi lived etpial to lie
< tnerg. u-y. Hill' )|I I .lid down nil . mile-!
ui Hie h-nee, mi I dy an overwhelming
. (t ilt, "tin te.J” die limit atiiiii|>eiii m.
uel went over the Inure fegarl’n*i < I
ei h) ini Ur, or anything eUe, aril die .nili
(et ed on wi haaimpte ol her dree* on
inn liortt*, ui’M'ennt all the wlilm alioni
tie 1 ntny "pelt, of aoni'dlling Hut way
I led ' ity girl aaya the next thiiti "lie vent"
ihe country she will wear akirta cxpimovr
enough to permit tier to slep over a bay
wagon, diould nenekklly or a <:ron hull re
quite it.
A* a freight train, bound Wml, left liry
no, no the Union i'sciflc, e lew il*) ago.
the engineer lieaid a singular cracking
sound, and thinking there might lie norm
thing wtong wiili hi* locomotive, klopped
the Pain and examined hi* engine, which
wa~ found in goml trim. An examination
of I tie train was next made, and in the
< anire *x found a car containing some
kind ol fluid, which whs leaking 1 1, rough*
tj|M>n the track in drop*. The car wax
of. *ud ■ a side were discovered a mini
her <>f inr'ge tanks la'rcled glyeefiftie. The
c-.r wa- side-tracked aiGrsnger. In moving
it a wheel passed over a drop ol the sub
xiaiice, when it exploded with a report lik>
:hal ot a pistol. The car wax consigned to
aoiiie film in Kan Francmco, but the com
p,ny hxve ax yet been unable lo Hud who
snipped it It U S'Vpoied t.i be uitro gly
icriue 'l b# raiTloai men have le*tcd it by
P ucing a dfop of It on Hie track and S'tik
mg Ii with a hammer, which will cause a
loud report. A lew shavings that bad been
ly in '5 hi tbe car became saturated witb it.
-rid were laid on the ground and siruck by
a stone, which cau-ed them lo Oy in every
direction. A track has been built sway
(torn ilie main track, and the car run out
on it. w here it now remains, every one
haring to go mar it. What to do with it
puzzl e every one. Tncre must he trout
I.UUU to 1,800 gallons to it.—[Denver
(Fi in ilie New Oilca *s Pfi t\unc.j
% * Joliimy licb” ft.i Pcjiii yJViiiiln.
A ( w !>< ago m group of old cmfed
e*nf<s weie -itfing on one of th gaPt tUs
and ti fav iiiu hike ►hotv W vt'iinc |thi(V
Rpitiliing \ lirnti of p>‘U*-o(ihI titlv'liliU' i
during the "m vohni u At>#r several i
bai lu‘t‘u spun ou i. Oluh* the ttHti of M !
quiet, dcucuie gcfd!t nitih. who had reiVod ;
wth onu of l.iUiiMiiiift's best repimentH m j
L'l’a Ml my. Mad with t'.nt wimy had hum |
Ml* i ns\ IvuiUh ile s:lid ;
‘YoU Me vm* (pissed ihe Pot >Oi iO, Hint j
hoe 4ht We shoiihllT’iVe a UtCe time help j
iltk out sei vi o buttri udIU, <hikn h 1
titich tilings that had plftved rmf r<nnphud\
in V’7 c hit a ; het ttre vei \ first liilhg alu :
eiossit.g, the idjutiii.t out tegument tend
t' lls Oulti lHi’ei ol'fk I prowling,
and thr-ate ed ti pnnidonenl 10 an)
- tll> ei "j private eaught i.cprcdA' upo
tin people We thought it was r.lin r hatd
the Airtertenn cttirenH, "hut ''rauT
M ssa KobiUX-knpwt) bus*, if ue sa\h
pay as \ou go, why. we Will do if -ill am
edc ate moyy.
It was near 0u UCMsfle when I and fw<
eoinr.4les of my mess stiaggled and
In ought tip itt a form h‘nM', where
Ho le w iht 'eiy evidtu e ol p’t n y in the
eating line. \Ve Wile met at tio* door by
4 VCTjyjßfttl OUij imy, lit Xc'dl po.'uun.c. j
Alt ! we said lo nuts .vs, tir. in luck ,
o • l<i a tpfare mi al. We and tied out ,
giii\ k j'i' and tPeiia| tin hoiif* ni \ piled j
out Idh > tM'iCOltiel Mit, Is od. w
are,-M* yoi ktt"W, thmlediMate sobib is, uud
4'onsi <pi4 ntly liungi x , ean you g*t us up a
iiu < 'dd fofchioned hicnl annething ihxi
will leimml us ot home an u welt*, Home
San ert HollM , W lie e ) oil plohably W Ihll VN t
til win- jiist ul tin- 111144 r T e la ly lit:
i laied that time was t ot a at tap Hi tiie
house , all had been rent uw ay Uj ll lie'm
iiig tout the it lit*fa w el4i coming to rot*
burn and steal. We lemont ..ted, w<
aid why, M.efrtin, We e rne Imm e Vo ffaltl
like met), liol to liiolt mV women and bea
ill- il bie-4 I. T Ill’s vvlial old U >1)0.1 says,
mu! we stii hli it Wc me g‘tg to pus
lot e\eryt lung w eget. hiven I hi* aiiuuUhce
f ttieot ttmt ate bird tt t m t)**d‘-Pr~r4|t*id0 —pay—
! meiil w old not move JLCI —tlieVo was
nothing in Ilie house, absolutely nothing.
M v < , nmta'le, \N iihon, h fitlliei >T tt (aiiilly
down in K ipi'lei., had ifavotiul bupac:!l m*
non as be bad enleiicd the hotl**, to piny
ing witliu little bub) in the ci.idle, ili
now ai >s< an I saifl in tint politest tnunno
powible : Have you any halt!' 1 loa was
evidently legHtih and as a ipieer ipn'sii *n. mid
In* replied, Oh, y<M ! I 'have sail ; inil what
1 under tin* *.Mir-dn you wai t wit i sail, liav
ng ndl lug io cat V )l, Well, Ha hi \\ ition
hiine the sfh.umi u I .tit wan at uiuu Jim -
bleed Wilson veiy (himircly c , i4llleii tin
bag to ftp* ctiJh\ tnmrrf down tb? Wifantib
hi'd clothp g and pjoci'erfcM t l'n!>, rigid
then ai|<l fin* i', that Im by all over Ha tank
and front, and a M an ' bile th<* matron
tf w I h< \ 1 W ilie •;if 1., VN at lo 11 tin
•p< iati"iis o'. Iy, Finally hlm* eX'd iiuui.;.
io xln *■ Haki'M, w hut am you doing with
in" t7n'jy > X>ir | T 4 iy'a" AVtH .ii, 'pit- ITy, you
have nothing in the house | > cut ; wo ale
iomg y , win evnuu fio .t a Wav J-tal to
m*i* yon ; we unut eat, and when this b di)
t* mitten hllftl f>frrty we Ulf- g'itnig Id ia
him. 11 is neeiHehM to add Ikut in :i i<
iii t k idly dioil Mpueu o| lime that hub)
.van iaiisoiU'dhy a- flue aiii t Im lii.
eived us f vei graced (Im; h.aids ot a
lb* ob)lvaicu la indinipi*.
4 tunin'" l.igeiinlty.
A I ifuier attending a lull wit li u hundred
[loiuei" iii lie. |iockel, look the pieC-iiilhe.
le,ioniimg u ih the hand* of the landlord
.| the public t|nUe at wliieli lie "loop, and,
* J
Having uecmloh tor It aholtly attei Wald.,
he itufiiled to mine ho .1 111 payment. liai
die lipul lord, ton and ep lot Hie Country mini,
won hoed ivdial lie iiemil, and Was |uit ■-
niie n i "m il "inn had ev r In en lodged in
id" hand" hy tin-iiN‘oh,"iied in.ln . Alter
ini lleelnal inipnal" to the lei.olh eliou, and
linaliy to dm guiier ul •-|Jude|di, the la
he r applied id Curran lot udv <:.
Have patiei.i e. my liii-nd, tald the conn
Mil, pek to the land!oid\civilly—tell him
you h ive lull your money With Home otliei
peraoli fake U Irleud willl you and lodge
with him another liuipfred iu the pieaeuct
ol yout friend and Come to in ■
lie did to aud retimed to 111* ltg:
And now 1 cau’t see how I inn going to
lie the better oil lor this, II 1 get my second
bundled ba<;s again , but how lb that to tic
done T
On and axk him for It when lie ia alone
said Hr*: i OUnaeh
Aye sir, ashing won't do, I'm nfrld.
without rny witiie**, at ai.y rale
Never min 1, take rny advice, xai<j tin
counsel—do as 1 hid )u, and then fe-'.ufu
tc me.
The linnet returned with hjs hundred
glad Ui find that safely iu hi* possession.
Now sir, I must he c<>nteut, but I don't
*ee Inst I'm much belter oH.
Well, then, Kurd the counsel, now take
your frien i witfi y<iu and <t*k the l*nd.or<!
lor the bundled |n.ui.ds j our friend saw
you lease with him.
VVe need u<il aid that the why laud bird
found he had Ih-err taken off lux guard,
while our honest liiend returned lo thank
liixcounsel, exultiugiy, with ho b hundreds
iu his pocket. ,
Hoe*king ot crmikeJ whisky, a Western
rural editor stgi.ific*ruiy remarks that it
“ought to 'a: pul and iwo." He’s doubtless
been putting it down aa often aa oppurtu
niiy of!or#d.
NVw Bofigfs*-
'Vti.'ii ! It M nn't-nisi, (), Clt'i n*y. 99
.Ii ni . rtiH FI >h ?r of tJiB D!l.
9 ’im if,l C1i0.... Hay* 98
l lir Si li. ol 11,ms? <>n ihe fflll. 0
mill Clio
B s io, il! y.i.i love me 8. & < 'ho. 8-1
Mv ,'p*r old Home. *. and Cho. Maya. 85
N'ddiv < A’dl, ft mi? and ChoU. Hy* 83
Uie I, Hip Ij h . i• Hoftie
tilief nil. S.'ia 'nl (Miornr, Hey*. 18
|( M -tin r Ilure ? S 'lHf nnd GK' l . Uaji. 83
Uii* Cr 11• • (> .■ r—Willi-’a
nt'. l. H, ni)* and Cltorii-. lfnya.Bß
M'Uinp <,pv. S *■.w mid Cho... HayaHA
Ilirnt'v M.'line. S. and 01i0.....Haya 88
Dun, n.irlinij B"'i({ iu I 0i1".... lliy. 94T
wtTiT-vr. inf -nfobtf s & ctr. *§.
H nne v and <'old Hon** atid Oh<. I) ifika 8<)
Sbail >wfl of long g". 8 an 1 (Tho, ft'iultfwi
\\ ie. fforlihg. 8 * and Ci<. Dudlis 80
Oft in D'. trim* u 8 ' et Vn|ceci|f!a
me. Song iiitt Clio Dank* 80
t ill (Joldi'ii Weddiiic. 8. rnd 0. Dank* 80
VV I.v don't j"" Will' lo 'ini, j.
Si-tir S ril> iii.d Clio. ...Dunk*. 30
riii- Wither® I Itop. 8. and I’lm Dank* 80
You’ll f'ljpt me, Ivy aril’, hy.
8 na aid Clior.H Dank* 80
p mills® you'll '.if true me
S .no ..lid f iliorne .. Drnka 80
I, uie llu.lie MaV. Non# and O. I).uk* 80
Sinol mv .soili, Hat'M'd f>olo aud
Q . Daukv 80*
liy HANKS,
-totalling Keinah ft tell, fterio
t’l.mle Song. fttawart 80
,Aegel <3 thriel. Knd Hmg ftlewarl 80
“Ingau" to el".|i.—n Utm htaw.rt aa
J.idieM U'iil ill Toivn. H and C ft ewart 80
I Itie aw rtlee!. Pictme. Kerin
C hiiii Song. Htrwart 35
Sin mu n Hong ol my N >tnh, Hluwart 80
Wol**l 'ui H'V* I hri io
('<iiii it! ftlewarl 80
Kit a- Hear, for yoti l‘m wnlftng.
S mg huh Chorus Blewait 80
Don’t imget tu love me. ft A C. Stewart 80
II t'jI> <n- Annllier. l*iclure.
S.oio C , H.,ng. fttewart 85
- ywi'. i M-ilSit. Miiotj. a aril C. ftiawatl 80
K I it! ng mi Hie Htreela, fteflo-
C unit’ Snug. Stewart 80
Utile Glrile’ii wiili the Angela now. (
Hong mul Choin*. Chriatie 80
KolHitkeii Itdlnd.... .Chriatie 80
Waiting, I,n>, lor Than - hmi amt ChO CbritUe ikl
S him- one Idsae I me. in my ft,cep.
Kmg amt Cnortia Chrlatln 80
Lillie II imi" we claap no tunru.
ft mg und Choi ua. Chriatie 80
Ity ( Hlllft l IK.
riibiianau bum "■ <•>
H fO RloU|LvV, N. Y.
I O Hoxs4W
The Death Bed Of An
drew Johntdtt.
\ ,\1 \O dIW' KVT Engraving. Juat
/\ pnhllalied, on heavy plait paper.
14x10 inches In Site. 1 J "'“ 0 " .
i,,gi, iioi 11 H >n me hut uiomeiiia <d the great
-lull "mail, w nil lainlly, Inenda and pliyal
eiuii", gum.-ed "oi tow fully around Inin. It
i" n gem ol ml, lieuuillul in detlgn, and ar
mti m execution, and aliuuld hang In *♦
.-f-y home and collage iu Ilia laud. Ageula
! a i:,ic I everywhere at o, c,e to veil Una and
, nliel | ni(iu Imi piei me leu go Pay. No
( mout y in) me iun il pictnitli ro aold. Oua
j i o,iy ol me it ••tfealli-bed ot
I A 111 lew Jolmnmi, ‘ witu torink and mulruo
lion" to Agent, w ill In* aunt by mail on a
ioln i, and jio-l. paid on receipt of 80, of
iwo copie" tor IX) centa. No terma aent un
it-." "ample copy la ordered. Addieaa U#
Puhliaher, , ' if
bOU l lIEHN Pio ruitK CO.,
Na iiviUiK, d'gwb.
12 Ohromos and
I.° . ~
“Onr Own Fireside*'
Km One Year ForfJOO
a < nrmvto with kvbry number
A ( IfROMO with every number
FOR |3.ho A YEAR t
Folt **<)') A YffitK'
FOR $3 00 A YEAR V
Subscribers of Our Own Flresfrfe. desirm/f
I Clirotno with every paper, will r#Celva
• lie Mom- u|nm the payment Of S7OO, IB
■ift’a'i ol $1 10
flisxe Chrofnoa sre larger and of a betf#r
It*** ilnit) those useil by other publishers,
tnil every one woitb more than the aub
sciipthm price.
Burn pie numlrer of the paptrwftb sample
Chfft mo, *ent to any addn-ss upon nfcetpt
ol 35 cents. Afldrexa,
17fl William St.. N. Y.
Excelsior Mills e
Dunn. Wataott^Oo-i
ftSS 1
Df SIRE to inform tbe people of Meil
weibef that they are tmuing iMW •
very sopei ior brsud of fl”ur’ at tUfeir Km
cel*ior Mdls nesr Woodbury. They uc
grind from 18 to 88 livsMlt of wHHw# wf
hour, so that noone'need'welt ttf frtMifcf
<> Ik done. Tue mill w new aod svtcy
Ihin/ ift in excellent order. oiv# u*n pul.
Our F.oui laloTMieby Judge 3 W Bin
.on*, Gieejivide, 0
oct7 IH'NN, WATRO* A CO'
NO 44