Newspaper Page Text
- . - ~ - ,
Wx. 7 ftlK*r >al fc*". ■ |rl-t- r
o .it k4l av > r
Hhi a o"i*wThfc papd-a are getting up
ft preiiiat re iHaeo*>d"u t* prnpflcty *>r
ftlwiliabdtg the f third# rub- in 'lie gnb
rrinrl*l cdtiv/alloit tu-gt I l * 1 ’ The
Mumu, baa Wnl t *x.r diree
linn rh*l flitfgfnnr Bni-ith ws n'm-inf' 4
in 1073 under tit- m-J ui'y ru’e Tin# i,
gnat mUfiak*. * all tnwmbera <l the c-m
vent Inn can tcalify. ov. Btnith * * '<*
‘tutted h.r re eh*'lino f.y arc • on. with
out'll tingle tiaUutblg We Ir >*l ".,r ilrcn
M-.ftt'c Ut*-tO,-n .till t .p tlmii dWput'is -ri
rht ti|>ic. N't g>ni <n route b'' Hu:
diseuwi n ; .tltesdy oolite ibrnt* <<f t >l' ng
|,uve teen 111 u’e 111 the lical l the argu
mentt advanced- I>t tii nmvcnli n *4:1110
the raa’Ur; it Utn Ik: presumed that *
membctl will have retitte emaifrh I‘. d*tetr
mine nit q .tall n beb.rt item m
douce with democratic Usugra.
Wlilrll VTlift *l.
Cttl, ftevill, <)* flic Mefi*other ViMtK A
dm*, sva in Atlanta lUc ttlliei day It *•
adt aaccilalned whether le *c"l t‘> ' ■ •>u-
Unt’A Uf icon to pm ni hi* radt-'-'d. “* u ‘
#en iho ( Irnu* • { Datfuihgi Hi p"fl 1
H e neither went In o. e tin- ih':"> r I"
cuntttu t lor raiiroaii Iron, but to II nl '•' it
the liiietneoo men of A'tlali'n tin light n
ville after lh': editor of tile Metinrier tiftd
to impracticable l/t do mi *' present Ho.
Blit. Waterman wilt ' * knnwr tin ro iit -t
onr tl|VMlJgatbm 7
One week agn la#'. (fridey, tleofge Hpeer
negro, tea* linug m Jfayrllcvtlle lor *"iu
niltdng ■ iwp* otva little w.titn gir Ift
wHiek tdiwk (, Id* Inotli i. ' 'no
olitleil Ilia mime otb nee mid m-r-ojx:d In
Atl inift, where lie w ftiffeted amt * nnm t
to Jurteelmru. On B.tonlay flight Disrk
wn Inkm f> in the | ill in Juiieai* ro and
llmti/ open Ibe eame g?.llrw# limn which
kia brother llmt lately aw umt
The Mae ni T legraiih pm the inaea of
Hie Culled iet- l 7 <**. 'y*
llila tft drapt rule slewing ileinanillng a
* tHifvaiaai•nt>efls' : *-tdniie-|*ri>rfe toe ’*#ol
Hon of lam • Yet llila ntni] paper net red
inb"YlHltli AT'iK aoine nine ago wnen it
tiklliftmltxl a ruiltielbin of Hie anlailn of our
•tale ftnd national offlen hoUlata. Verily,
ceftaiateucy la a rar- J-w al.
In Ailnnin.
A day |>enl in AiUma laal wtek, cm
yibred II that tbs Ailnnlnae ha ! lost none
of- llielt lortner et.etsy am! i'lMtlieatlaiive
neaa. Tim gteat t lieu* hnniglK many vi i
tora to lit i tdty, the crowd ami Imatie
r. niiielinjf line ol the stfr a|ul confti-lun
l.ti Itfi nl fo the opt lilng nl Hie tpg • Intivr
We didn't vlait the olrcua, Ihotlgli the
first man we met alter leaving the rnr
on* 0 W. Whlilhv.a tonstliull n mmi—
greeted u cortlially anil with-greet warmth
aaaurlng uatlialjonr mi rival ItatMiei n nmtet
lat ml. tin taking why, he tut Id the eiri us
tvaa In town. Tina etuei aell on the |> t
of WUiiiby made ua 'eaolve nut to go the
ghoua, ftud, mueti our lnr|tn.ttT m.
we aloud by nut re*olve.
Viahing the offl ea of Ihn I>i(tei and
(Uonatititlloti we had a kind leeeption ;
Would U*v twns drtadty tcc ired b> thr
Heralti editor*, no doub*, but when we
ca!i* ino one waa in; all gout) to Hit
circus pcrbupa.
N itwtlhataiidlng the alir and ru -di In thy
city, trad* w* thought to he dn.l, a we
(ailed to ohaiu any mu* a lienl*fineut*.
although we trmnood ft on. hour* to Imuae
on llroad, Wliitehalli Decatur, MhikHh,
Pntehtre* and Ptyor atraeta. All with
whom we con versa. I expreaaed gtnat ileairi-
M> have railroad cominuntcaiion with Meri
wet tier, and will aid ua to the cU*nl ol
their ability.
Stepping Into the Bupri-tni- Court' room
we ui<tth* judge* ah weamt were pat lieu
lhriy p cMe.I lo sre'he Oemii ailmm-d wiili
men of an great purity and leg>d ability
That the court, as nmv constituted, in
supcrl >r to any since Hie day* ol Lumpkin
Neablt aud Warner must Ih? apparent tontl
The patient and* hard working *u|>ertti
taudent of education and Tienk'urvr were
the only other Stain ofteer* we saw. T<>
Dr. Lawton, one ol the aoromplUhcd
tor* of the lodes, whom we met in different
parte el tbt city, we are under many obli
gations,** be took much pleasure In Intro
during utto bia friends and arqualn anoe*
ntrt speaking klu<t words iu |a*r ol oursell,
•minty, paper and people. We stopped at
the National' <l cutise. Just where all our
frtenda oeo alwwya get good meal* and flr-t
clase accommodations.
During our visit we weft* mo e forcibly
impressed than ever with the ,re.t a ivan
tage that would result to the ciii*ns of
Meriwether by connection with Atlanta by
raiL *F all we would aay let ua never tire
until this great end u c eautnmated.
Not OOU/m —Several months ago Mr.
Mobley, a pi eminent cozen ol 'larrisc-mu
ty, living near Whlteaville, was allot liy
Mr. Morrison, a teacher in Hie same iwkh
borhoott. Mobley dying from tha w nml k
Morrison was (tied at Hamilton la t week
|or in.inlet. L being prove i tlia* Mobley
tras advancing <m Morrisuu, rock in hand,
and that be was a tear!** man in a diffl
callj, and that he admitted iu hi* dying
4 •iafalkm that he knew b*> way for Mot*
||M to have etOtped aceept by shnotuie
him, the Jury hr-eight in • verdict of ten
guilty. A. H Cos. Esq ,ot U Going* waa
oounael tor the priannt-r
Procmatuiati m toe thief ol time.
A Carreeti.M*
Mayor M'lllenny an I "ttiev wiVi al
lamlel lie la'e rai'roa<i cm*- at 100 at
Orei-nvllt* report 'he issn-le <•( il n'wu'to r
most *n*(ot: to have t .e JtmVi and A‘>utn
If ad r* elide! a,, ut a* Chip ey, freyood
Ihoe mountain Tliayr c*bu>: a , itit
do-o" all hey e* to the very <go nt o*
tneir aktti'v ii securing die r-at l It- tieo
eftl* V‘ t.'affumbrj* are (liCaiCul.f).* M :l .# cmwiu ialty a whne mao 1 # county.
it} !>• r people have it ty t Ss.iloe-l toiiav*
tietr ls‘die iio -e vn-l coirttr b- ill tin
>Vnl It IS nil < Xlentuvc fruit lg!o*l, Art-1
the fa-op e w-ml-l leap large ret*vrrns by
I • .lj<Mini g -* mantel. TANARUS l*aip.ige#wo j i
t- veiy .rent to < ■■■uinhi-, aid mg as u
aoUftT'iti rliooMtiiJ bate v of cotton |<-
Hioiu.n to lii r receipt*, and give l-r lio
uije ol a vain line aei ta-ui W>tti gi*',t>.i4y
in cub the road c-’h be xte-i i. and t-< dot,.
,ey, lie Im|*v 'iu-|-|a-d -n l ao-tirfi
i iiutiia.' 'I [ l until •Ki <{ i-<-r
To. K i•• if < i iv mistaken when il *} *
Hie people of VfeiiW*-'b-:r a:i: hii-al an*
t u- to UiVe tin; N-Ut:. and Bn'llU rr !
ea-ei <|ei| in ( tipley, beyond the i'me
to ftiu’ lit ' 'I ni: ,i'- pie 'if Mermetbtf |
v4;f * *i4 \
tbi I'f.'l U# < bljHfeV, l iit:r't!iX u.
<fi4P4.'UVill<', Hit' rtidl III* mnfitii. t;l
i‘ 4 <j trUfn Ut tny< lim N rrt * * Mft J •
t . i fit# rfj fl iriifli m ijao&jMf*,
ti ill U {JrbUVy , !• Vl4
(ipi ii vi.|* tU* line mrcsyetl f*r t/i* A%r
laii* rowl li iji'it) 'i Hut It i
A i rntri v Mryo \UTpK~i*.yi w#* *r
rf tTi> CriOi nTITf-i' I* |4M(
iny liar ififi a*#‘ive fcc ilc i. od Vo f
i• *i \\% inln, t I/ft. Ji outfit t r-Mi* I*fy to In'
kii wil Mini ( liijtlpy \s fol f/f t*•• O/ l C ill
tiic lrl iu i ia: if|TTTug In • * *> *t*i
ttifto ill'll ill 4! jr*ll U* >it \h liMtll** ! t#k*? n*
initrt*i in b ilia! i .*■< to loo* lj t|nMi
i DUtliJ, ttti'l w;Hi*frk *Hi f*H
oiM'( cut (o rr i tui I'M W'4r*? t***i*s
It HA lo U|- r.lilMi4<l Uiftf* V 4 t* Wf'Ji'l **♦ il
tin; y tnM ml H nl> a .*
i nfi<s il An cin r*i*f
l|t.|| y I< I (llli)ll 1 firlt-l In :!•{ Jr* 'ill *• *
l/ 10*1 Hi lit/.*'* ?u*f 4%Hl** y i/l K *Hi/
; !4,a. U4--*f*4Ml idl'.-ffd-l pO-c*l,
L"' U* ir J 111 I tnfli IO til** JJIOfW
1 tl* 0 • 11v<<i** >** |mo, Mi* -i !*
In II Afl colli nti* hll'l II A4i * * Ml** 'l r 111
till Mrticof rib v u | lr • n n t’otutn .
O-i loJiiA* *{•!*♦' *i li‘ii in iU ty <%'> nl
f> ()00 in mJ illy , l*oli tirmiilo* *i ’l* I* if
ift.muir Inivtf n Mitmil ra*lkl iii*Joniy
.V lii * Hiltlillitßltnf loft iP|)nliiic*cß tUfiy 11l
t Wtin'tu ti*f fe • liminph Ur*-
< )riNAtVs
The Xorlb mi:il ftwwtli HiUlro.i4.
The Cnlumbii* prognini'na *Jiff ln
•oiiii 1 renpirt* iron* Hi* plan* Hut
villi- nnd point* UHlmr on III* lm**
nf it'* i r)i'rinl road l>•*-• ii>rin*'l, twit w
.• n*>t wi llim there i* any enntt ci ■ I'll*)
tin, In tact, iinrinonixl li“ te-np'e "I < *>
Iniuhn* prnpoee I" *ecil*e It* rntnitietiuu
tioio** Pine Mount-tin. They ibmk >l*#'
Uil* vriinlil .#!• Mii'imtlw irate >1 M r w*Ht
up, mill hich'iik lb* Ir lectipiaol imii* rt i*>*
llii>u*iiimMmlii. Tiicv etilnmi* Him 4*VOOo
ifullnn i'i mt*di *ul i build Hip i<XL'en*hm. Hitiy v jiiip ii. Ti■ jiim a* fH*ctowrf
*1 * ’*li ■iii i'Mim hi Hu l.iiluttHiii* rii nth i
ill dm iifrjc nut*: ii~ tbllnw* : I* ly li** >i
pleled i'" .'*• nf roaddrontlin **!**!< liv u; e "
l-**tf *ojl*v h-r *vyr-* In >ily. '-Mq * * **o i;*.*
immy headed lor lii cxli'fiston *iv U'kinyj
Me IwidlnT to nly ten llltuititnd doll**'. ,
Tmnp Mm! I Imii* fcii tin unuml yl"lUt*.
mill i: dihilliu* t it. hitanni*. Till) aiibj :t
win fnoi" 111* .ii Hi • nut m>***Ho r **l lh*-
C'lluinliti* Ii ii* r Inl U nit', lie iilw ' *
I*l*l It definite plum til 111' iiijri'Oil 01.
We liopp til ''miiiliih will build tin* road
In Unipley. \Vn Ii '!•*• li*‘ wi I remit*! nl
iln- benefit' -I* ■n il ii:i|n*i>* Ir-*n* it, mi l vvi
ti.liik hlii l will I ll* jtnni extent, lint i*iiii
an the f"d lenehe* Cuipley, nr lichee. ii
will Ii • nu ll i.licih on ilie town* and conn
lie* tins >-i I** nl Hi it tv mu In meup in Uni
M .mu ml strength, nrt'f pusb it mi iinvur l>
ItH line objective (mini, rtliiclt i. Atlanta
nln *t Cliipley. A rmrrnw gm*;e road
Imlrtcin (Jnlunitiii* amt A Haul* would
emu good divi.lamla. and no one who -nl*
ni r.lie* tor its hioclt need tliink lliai in* Imh
donated money. IK* would pm ii wl.eie i
would leliini In In Inin alt t a while in n
liain ium*' mannt i. la-l Hie Columbus pen
pie, then’ftiM', build to Ctnpley. amt altet
Inal l*t the rest ol n* lake hold *U the mat
It r ami bnfld llie balance, The Cul iiutiu
pewple wait surely build better than they
kilo**, if they wend toe r>ad to Clnpley.
| Atlanta Cunantuliog? '
[Fmm the St. Louis Keptfihcau.
Nr k|tenkrr.
Mr. Kerr is a tail, strongly built, broi
shouldered man. lie i*‘not, in the schiail
girl acceptance of the term, handsome ;
but he has a tine, trunk counle aoce, and
Ins manneis aie impreasive and agreeable,
lft-* voioe ou the floor ot C<*ugrtsa fas 1
tnqieutly beard it years ag< ) is eacep
itonally i tear and distinct. Mi* liaei C
Kelt is a native til Titusville, IV, wbeie
be was born inn quite a half century ago
—March 17 k 1847. At twenty-tour year
o' age he graduated at the Louisville
University, and iu 1854 organ the pr act le
nt law in Ibur city. Two years later he
was elected ciiy alio 1 ney, au-l in 1855 he
was chosen pr< vecuti g alioinry id tills
County. In 1858, the year ol Fiewum's
i‘ievidential <aih) atgii, M . Kerr was elect
ed to the lauiaua Legfaielnie, and five yeaia
.af.ei Ilia lepialaove sc. vice he waa chosen
on die D.-moc.atic 8 aie iwkel, m 1884, as
repcMter to the Supreme Corn tot t.e &tle
in which office he edited five vuiuuiea o
the reports. In 1884 lie was first eiecte.i
to Ccngiea*, beginning bis service in iliat
t,.-*dy m Decent* r, 18t>5. Iu 1885.1388 and
1870 U. Waa le Biet leu to He
Ual.tus served eigtil years in tire Nati-md
Legitlatute, and tu Deceuider cumipcnceti
I hia filUt term, or lea year* m service.
f ( <>rn4 ttrsrgfa EMergriu—
■ The Oreaf Ihmatv tf Tfce
C snaiaig Year.
No man or laatily *h -U/d he without a
: u •wvpajrt-r It is the rKI mtelUgetit an-*
atert:!og ruiw U* arty h 'Usetooi I, and
iis lite he| o| all educal -ra. Besides Ibis
a-Jmiitf t tact, tficie ere now ed:iu->aai ie|
‘ ".it' foe nobscribing to p -<f ocwsiiftpci.
I'erb tp* n i year of the iast half century
t iriibhi-i .. g:eaer c mbtnatim of Lnpoe
tvut and Thruling Everil* tbvU wtfl tfte
; y.e r kjrproaUpfi • TmC I'-esl t-ni isl
tent, the <iiljeriia!o:!! election, the Ceil
ten id aud other (Jrett Kveuta traosftire.
A* ’■ the |>at, s-. in the luture, the K>-
[ Uu's C Mi-ttrodiin. Pulilbbeil at ttie Cap
; ci ol lite H .ie, it wt-f td- t-wemofti in tf.e
( tpoiiic lug of ail N- i'.iiil.tul, Corn
i Uteri 1.1
otic- a- t oiv u*i"ii. A Democrat!!
J eironi, it iv (iidept-odei.! of mil f'orlticai
m Persona! fi fl leticc-s, and is Piew hi (Je
vote to-d pi the Usd oftUe Pvo
pie of ijrm, I* and the S >ulb It is sc cu
ed throibrf icit in- Uuiorjt a* tiie Hepreu-t*
move Pipi-, of the lAtap: I lie Oirti.lit ift(oC
ii Mi sin! Ii P: -p’ I'.ijer ift hat
a'taioed a pf.*| rit; as sm Ii s>-<md id no
paper in tlie no ,i h. Asa family Jrtipos:,
! ( ojtiaiuitig Pjadib .i anJ..ioUtdfcfX- Itsustliu ..
tieoer ,i Near*, rt-ni e-, I'-atry, fi |
TT. C4t ti.l'wm* ton. rt Iv popomt r.
ia*y ittri Aiiui-mai IntWli Wi B
e-,1 lm V-- teen irtli-*/ * l-fed, losSlflg H V
till) I, sr* W in* visi'ox iii iwry 00400'
The C.s‘ ( ill.-o, having le--n the n*ev
nl 'pen in a uTTSTutIi tie-ogia to toe javo,-'*
of this < * .■' try as M Vt.- ta: bite done, •• ft -
-irgan /. an'oii fif the Kf I u
tii.ii ol lit* s l ** l t!kf o k.c Ha amp. 1 •
<*,./ i of Utangfa, rv< vet.. m-.o ••
*lO 11 0. v ti-. Jli lue ar./tk orlikll wsu- ‘a
ul si-rvi'i to tiie w>t, and mark alt-era in
<>* history ui< cri,iti .a sii ntl I b* ta >
vt • .a* i .i vmm! lull r..or * 'if tilt' K *
■lt ton, <* iKb wfb I irlllab in xt valuaOw r.
it ir o. e—i arid rich adveotnres
A_iUiia;:d Isaiur* ol Too f:-m*tft:
•all, lai it# 1 tcp.ltui'tut ot ff .oi nous ft i ■
if oi git. <1 a.l s4 i' e I No p-loa *..
in -pat i•' lu i.-!.hi I', I'pt il In tills r ip*i
... ni/ n a spaiisu la die Miuuiry In fi *
me if. tv u inn tlii li iy, the he til *li I lm
Knlciinu.log. sill be pleat a ed klklftil
•is l, p*ui s lans at -ssllitil |il"Sp:liiy, t
sty lii ,-ti'i, li ex i:oi* aii iO tlii if
t .king*
itacttfn n ratts ——
Tlp 1)4(1; r.. •Miuir>fi lynkiiiH,
'Mti | ( *1 |1?) 00 ja-r -HIIHHH, f ‘ (
til ill ’ll 1 11 V* , fa Oi lu 'lit** ilMlttOW , 1 ‘ H >
lu *•!• hi fU* lh* WAvkijr C*#—lm *'
♦Uh4: IJ* Im*W lh I# 4 M rlftH#*-* i
K<> lV X ,VI HrA, j*tu v u
tor tit iiioniiM
fcUinyl#. ( • JlltJl fl’lll flee-Oil 14jjij UdaiiOil
A'i A A !I rnjdtiU (• * , iu*i ! >
*7 hi * m 4
O’llUmirtM (ViIUBrUM ta t l* .
I'll I gt, ♦ M Adf, ilKtl ft ituf •> 111 I? W***4 <*l**-
X'oil ul ftt’ t'rfilt't! ki .klitl ll* W k
* Iv*d*\ cfii tf, c*'Uxi k. j uji 4iiii ti h**i
Ika.rft** in th* < ’.ii'inn t h*n h*
•kou i ui'ni I Ih*. II 4il**4 h in^
fli.i. In* Aitk vkrtM’Uy AG Gi ruh'tiii4 *u i
t urty n4 hr xoi Mi jimir-i to iiinkr linn
♦nrr Otic airrtll -A— xttyAgdd-
M'l (ltd* Wi If MIUHi HloUtitl 11* 4 rx<* * • ti♦
l'‘Vl/*s|m t.iljitftlll .11 ll'* fl” ’ ! I (•' ■i'l
VIM I H’}'|t‘t* n DO'tor t J** 111 tf K f•
*♦*♦ h *♦ Vsihhtt t*fl r
s.:. j rgut'fTivi, tint C t;> :-i J m ; ?•
li4*l triiul Um ui mII I h 4 r^oMMiik-.
•\o •*1 i-1, wiiii) a •
v% in* graft** tclluw, a >iw k.i‘ > h
its UUk,** oil aCCUiit Uvw ht
(*'g *-• Tuiy locjj, hli I lint jir<i|Htfiuotfril to
ii* , r m- mm.l io mii t> u ( ' in uim i
ii i, VvJau'iii J<vm*. tin! >•'! tf)
..util ¥ Ihi ij irry WH#rtoi imtcii for t.j>
imo Miiil hU v* * < *y'Anioj'*, anl a jf I
lunii limn wi iv w ists lm
CifllJS ll‘l *‘vH;lit l).( k.” t)Uiifi4t Ilia rr*ccj
non ot ln> query wo 'utfutM,
Ikotiiiih On n.i-mugisii.
[l’ ll Gieeii in the Atlantic M*-uiuiy t.u
O. i |
lit (Washingim) Is themoe' amiab e. kind
near ed and up'lgld oi nn n, but as tseuei
al, lit- is too indolent, too -alow, and tar too
weak ; be-ide-i he li *s a lioge o vanity in
Hia o>ni|Misition slid ovciestiuia'es hunaell
In my opinion, whatever aucces- he may
Have will l>e owing to good tuck and to Uie
hi'undera ol his adversaries,- rather tmu to :
his disabilities. * 1 may even My that lie
docs not know l.ow to improve upon the
gui-seat biuudersof tne enemy. Me has
n >t yet overcome nis old prej idiceegaiusi
die Fiencli. This lao/uage sounds strange
y as applied to Washington
A le* weeks later hi-(DeK dh'a) opinion
ms materially modified, tie it ibe bravenl
and truest-ol m*n. he writes ; ha- me best
lutenthusa and a sound j idgment 1 am
convinced tht be wouni accm diu sub
slnnoa. resnlts il ne would only act mme
up n hi* own re*)H>u*ibtliy ; hut it is a
pity he is ao weak, aud nas the worst ol
-dvhers m the men who e* jwy aia confi
ii-nce. He has already wrtoerv *lt i* uu
lortuna e mat > a-ho* bn is ao east y led '
Till-, is nearly tne language l L-e aud
Used a year betoie. They had nil mw .k
--n lor waul ol decision >be se i utasrust
which arm-troui me omsciousuea* ol iu
exi*e tenon. It Was not I*mg eelore I>-
Kaib's opiuKiu WaS sill! luttuer modified ;
He must baa very uuslest nrau * * * •
lie did and does wore eTi-ry day luau
c .hjl.i be expected lorn any tc'erai tu tne
wo/id tu -ha same circumstances
and ************
1 mink nim 'he only ptoner persuo * *
Uy b*s oatu al au I acq toed eapac- y, h •
,g-av r.. g ■ -J * n--, u *iiju i,.j..u ii.i
e..y, io keep up tne -pH! a tl Its— army sit I
.■c-oplr, *.iU * * * * l t *"k <hs*u uitu
,UC sole de.endei ol ol- country’s- Oauae
tuustua-.u l Ui -ilgiil m_. sell ob.ued tosay
ouluai UCad. 1 Oioto ouly Wi.., iu my
, 1 ivate optunm, ue wouia lake atoia- upon
ut.iiseit .nJ au-l more t*> uis own eacci
lent Judgment loan MUNIuUa.
THE CFVroli; 4k Ue'IOV
The Upfttrd* Ataignsti-sn (Pifmit s# Bap
tt-dj ut svii'ti ia Maine, gee <stuuty, G.
ior**ied the following mnwapoodiDg Ic
ier to her sister A-socistion, the Er-bwai
na. which ia to at Bcvvur Creif
cborcll, li Uktoa Cel tIV t > wi' ;
Dkak Ba:iHKeM-We are grieved !•
, svy that laiaifu'osov l<> the cau-e u! < if
‘sfsrived t-or j, and the yie ice of ojr cb .re'' -
*■_ ri-quire u* to sen J a lOimuittee of ou
icl Msiamry. Pa'i-iria ol liu-bandQ
soil ejempti m by law to delay or 4na.*a|ie
! die payment ol deb*, to w l ; We are cfe4-
. Italy inf limed by two of our churches lim'
■ v-ifoe of yietf ch-'C*tev fe-ts-u tn tbmf 4e
, ; iwshtp active Masoa# and (i angei-s. *< and
I [Mvl neie I* at least one < 4-e i t It;*- te
tead ibar has urdefpo >e no ii re- gsti- t
bv the ehmcli a tueMM*" '*f tbe “Inircfe a-
Msrsbaffvithr, woo is at*-- an open and
v use.) Mason N 'W, brethr*.-i, we do
UIC p:f’ ikr of these t:—if■ :efv o: run
••utMCbes, (i'll ta,g 'iifcia.-*!. h->.i<4- Sf' lf 111
cnotcti ui- rstjerw ; and )•- -iwv- i ~ tilth
ero-. be I d,i-oj mh* Wrr>i/ A dae * e
cmi; ei'Of t iswel-rr to ea'i vo-r vil e
vftii pniu :u-t at'eeOin to theae thil g
and la-.-efi ti l <c; to return ! , Ih.g ;i:.l —i iql
to a loch v have a ioflg aa fct.l l gi - r
!-i :-;7r * dryor. fin* we rn-rr rr- e ■ ---T
./<- s.'mii" , 'lim i a t*a ae ill *i TTii,
;-e!re , leiwev-r Ht tvh fa Ousts gr fe e f
iii sits P- ij-i e', to tudraw ior eorre.
piimli ice ft- n yore Nor most you think
ttm' We S>ai i laili -l by any pr I ! s i.hi
lam u P ta'iofl in wiiat se *ay o C 4, t l
m.Je- 'list wa are l/f-.MJ,! and by the sfiitil ol
,|r ,n*' p i' e
Y .Us in I'efoe ass tbs
•i v Pioald -nt who went oil of > ft! all
* ( .billet as ort I'ivl‘v a fmm * i,
1 -w. ' tv ** "* c
I 'UiJIKH t IAN NO I Bo ! di-
k ; ■ 4*. .* ■ w <f- —t —rtr frtlrt# tn-fti. IV
• r . Virfi s lt* I*l*l
r.iirge-' >ly I W . N f . PI V K <-n •
I > fi* \Couth
; ~ ~
Jt viM b* °n
K m >'! < HK *’
r Oil* r. .rtQJTrt
JI - _ I : J
Tin i iii am 1 • iTfifiTi. —vr r ,iwii.vrr-mr.r.?-.---Tii.aid.7=r.j
Vini can find a lull *t- ck of ( <’*la, c >ri!' •
nil id
HI l,k MEAT. St'i.AU ( I*HEI>
II * M . I,AM) riFH KMlt'll,
MjnAlltOf'rHr;, SYtL'P,
UiiAA • A ( LOYEii SEKIi
bigots *nd shoes,
Ijarve A-wortmew’ oIC tEf. KS
and OSN AllL'HtlS. ad in lact
everyititug touud in a Hr* t claw
Groo-ery Store.
Speiiti iaducements ioIJ <, A.SH buyer*.
1 will al*ay bayf y>*ur cotton at ibe
I injat reapecUaliy solicit .* cdl trn.n ait
Very Mespecvlully, c
-23 4.n W. CjOdDLSD.V
UtiAL dtlVKIt toc..*lEN fs.
•" - ■
UiA)i*liil*t Jie. iWeuer Uuiunj*
J. E.auk A'tliiMut in. applied tor ex
e>t*|Mi*iD oi and wiiiuj{ a par.
*ini va.UaUoo ol u nueatewd ot fmuty <uu 1
win p.Sa upo ' U*e auuc at uiy office In
viteruvtue nu Friday lik ttiu day ol Oft.,
lu j’woca a .**
nfij*t i a aidiWduer C miny o, c*. Loan applies lor*.Xeti) l iUou ol
,la UJ ijr mil * *.*4ab<iUg <l, ri dUU V liU.Sa.toU
Ol uVUivVtC lU Aral 1 AIH pAVi iiiC
.mmk> U ' A.Htk M C iliJy luc .V Uuy api
Owtooci, lS*o at iu. offi e
*u ot. .n. i idio
J.itoon. itaMiSLNdOiit;
| GEOtiGIA 6fer;wet*n r Coutpy
\ a jll M q urn Isi ftws , XAsoas* ,4oaksot (-s if) * 1
tt r wttt BJiftty n*Tn’ , i , ''X c-**w
*uf Ordinsf? in *ei f*r ismid cn?y i>*
j ktvt* to m-U *]! the laisdf* betoflgmf
Ntte <♦! fi'*tn*rt d<*ed, D Uc ft
is NkPtc'mber next. T.U Onobti
4tb fyri JAvS A HARDAWAY,
lEOIiQIA Hcrivtttef C JDi).
1 nil- t’ ply to th<? fT C *it 1
Ordiojiry m **nri i r ru< t county c the fir?
-dy lu X*> vt'faljer im x f*> r to
U ?h \*tub ttfhfigir4f t' th* e t-*c of
3, f ' Miiliß4B T CaOtCH A *lmt
GEORGIA Mrrikeih<*r Couctv.
I *p{ly iu u e H * C ;r* of
ff* *H-4 fr-rf -rag—4 V Of* t tttr ft * '
M N :*%'♦' >-r fvr>i tm ipef II) -t!
lie .if) ! - if! f If *• *'* *‘t i
fTi t* Ni. k* u TOc 4 IS*'. (
8f H F It a•.
OM)H iiA M- r r • ( .)'>
I vk t|l up iy f** rbt* If n* G *:rt of
>f •’ in !i v. ii.t-f it, i f } f pnv*- t** m '
* tht- !)!'• ifl 'di/i c 1 * t:* •-' '
a. < •
A J II IN lUe\, Is -A
A 'ru r
<>K* ‘R i!A Mif'WHhrt twenty.
B* kin *of of 1 1 fruiu ,♦ J 4 r, ►fa*>h
f ’ a* 47i <ir h 1 *i-T f- / mi* } i .
* 1 gv e, Iv < * : the • *4l h •-.-*• ! • r ,f.
(> rrf ■ > taiatig ' hr i < -if *5 f >4l h *
t ? &i -’ T K-'w-'ftV i N Vcffihrr |it a l! r
tu O * i • J ' n/ 1 ?)/ Ni f-Nl ,ft- ‘ r
\*r. ii Ty F '! * c um r k . Anl,
v i ls*i ■‘t i* t N IVS. fr iojg't-tJ m
H lti*4 H “f J * . OIU' Vi, ‘iOij .
* |i
Ala ft?#’ {t *• H* P Hff'l jvfljf'r (<*T
ri itu* % U> the ftfttix
r-# ft* e i U In* Mi *1 .
lof, w T Kd >y /of $ 57 *2 tor Uh
Ii •*, KAh H fc*r **oti tff sz?i tot itNfe
I> fTHi'hf
T Qf rntt .-,vi if tt . T -foT" c
Jtkzt£*L >!,i!!SS :
t i,.* ;*► icy *#*-**l fv>f t 5 cu'ift’i dur
i **ot* ♦% A • WkiflfMi |ur i/ur
i l rrtSHkfv l^r?
t ' t; VV J-t o>fv ;t** 14? ,‘H iftl k
* **r I -A*
tr——w—— W G H*r iVf 'tW
lib *%■ ii *>♦ It*f l-MAI i7l
J/l and VIAM i iWII
) n- .rt' J rtf* % J{ k rf * 13 lur_
Iftih JftUUft’ ) !
Iti • 'ii A J Ii 4t*fcft f't I *f Wi’.d!,
as- u ty t*r 1?* .ioiuii .ov 2/5 fi**
I fjirt *f! W I* I lit rift m<M) '1 on k 1
p i>M> l ft* sl3^!
I t* a* 4,f J |<*f 4 *) +*• H + Njr .
IK i mix ( *fg>l r * ?**♦ u*rl f
lu* n k Ike * IM‘
i *#**♦. -O J | W ihfTj sfrl A J |
<s iy I*#* |H'i! Vi * h i*#* •i * *•- l‘ou* 2>' *< .
II o
i H. t .ft J L *>(•..hff f 1 S' - ? Jotlflfi ft fl ’ .
1 M tfll* tlm l*' J h igfy l**os
tO'•• ft '*A< i At* Md * 4 l'- *4 4<' i*f* kit'-
“*i> **<]' *l#f IA .Ikv hWi
l Off nlt ii” ita iff ‘i . r (lav #6O '
la .'etinw
Inu 'B HV ssti; fur I 4 mj I *U%ft iiw ii
-# *i *u t j MS
l n aOn C If ftnd
*> F-fmift* 1 tr
I•> ron\ (| W tvt Uwif< r l*G • d*-*
1-J‘i* r fii tj*i mftt
\ m ift fv* A ft*** *i ‘*f •*** !** ’*re w ? 4 fts
• - * i-.sft Uil M rf **\ if • •• *:
trF ! TOTy ; T ; r'-r7' , fk- *y-
I K Ft ft? I h'M Alt *'*- r i * aM# u h
rft *tt* r * T*rm mi* in
Tfif TjTuf^TiTrf V* T¥6 Ahgu-l
> i
i .
W M f fiABS *t
octft A J lfl>TO>#
Aferiwcther County,
j ily riflijif nf sn >ud*r f'OfJS tha H '
I'll** C- or "t O )i*i*rv it* an 1 l“ f -i.l
comfy la* • b*tore ".* e***rt b*m**
*of in lioenr. *e le rt**n tl.e ie,'**l I o'T*
of *al oi the l*i In**. '*? in N'orn* **
i #t> the ti'Jort ink * an. J •. o*'h< l" ,l “*'
e at-"f fnlin AMwtilai* *d * >4 c*> imy.
.ter*. ~ i* . Vtert hill < I*4 ot !*’*) N
232 lyinir and ttemit in ibe Ui>;' 3th d'*
rt* t of sai I ctHi*.l , con: aim * 101 j *r *e*
m ss 1 r lew. a'*ii mi **a imm V*n ei
vdle. Dwbllif** b< u*e and out hot,*—
Ao*it Ii ere** ii ibe w.u. iainre 'jpeo
land. T rn**Cah Thi* O l Sl 1 *7S
< * I.AOOi CIA A tLfON. Et'x J
SUariff Sckle.
OEoillllA Meriwether <>*nnty
T T T"ILL BE sohi hef re th*- o<r,r t flnose
YY door in the ’own of Gtvcnvdle ot
sal i county w i bin the legal hours of aalr,
on the fir*' Tueaday in November n*-v
•be hi’towin* i**t *t !aoi, to w.i ; Jf* 131
In the Bhdlsfrict of nriginallv Tr-m * n-**
Meriwethercminty. c< •maining 202 j *c>v
iimik "T less, levied on as ttie pr . eiijr ot
Leroy Fuuik Blalock to *at<y fl fa from
Meri- ether 9tipe'i*r 6 >uri in tavor of
D<nirl K* ih vs Le*ey Pr*nk idah* k
Properiy pointed out by P'aintiff nd Ten
ant ootifitd in erm-ol ti e aw •
M a F.iVEK. SMC.
t the same time set! place will he
-• .i 73*< rvsot land, mor* or less off of
'o*- Nos 6tsod Tio the let dimrict of asid
i-oooty. said lari-l comprising the iract or
(tarcel of land whereon James M Parker
now resale*, and whicl. he ha- recently auk)
o -me George W Riddle, and which U de
er d-ed i>. the deed or bond 'o 'be said
Kiddie. Levied on as the pr. ot James
M P-irkcr t<* s disfy two fi tae i-esed horn
Meri wii tier Superi-ir Gmrt in fawwof Hyde
Gregg A Diy vs James M Parker, principal
.nd J Li liuJsoa, saoirity and A W M a
gan endorser on one. I hr* October 7th
1875. sß} per levy
AL3O at the same time and place will be
*->id three thousand pounds, move or lev-,
ol cotton in tbe seed ; also 7,000 poands.
more or lew. of c-tion-ungatbe.ed, in the
field, which I shall t>r.<ared io gatiier ; aia
-156 bu-iu Is . I cor , m >re or leas, a.igairn-r
ill IU ttie fiel u l-ich 1 sb-ll pri<eed to
gather ; also 3 OOti [SiUiids nf fodder, ni >r
ik iea : levied ou ,s the property ol Kicti
ail Koun, Sr, to a 'tsty a ri-wnas warrsut
issue by Win tl B r ay, J P *4B Mdaariet
iu iavor ot D H Mutiiua vs Uicbard Koon.
fie w*.r -ul being made rciurnatM: to
Nove.rlier Term Meriwether Sa.c 101
c<siti 1875 Property pointed oot by Piaio
it£, D H Mulaoa. "C 8 54
WM. J. AVERT, D. &
>1 i ! S n l
. * '
F .
: -_W*
Every Body I
COAmSTO r! !
■trrtr rTTvrrrA ESHlcriWftAfc
q. J Ai Jp UANI-_4L rC| A IKiN vriti
S ' 4 boot ■•li.i ug -SlilUleoi a4
■Vacoi (is hr !: tu,.iaj- uu lucsU.j,
Oot.-STiiJ, 187 5,
•ude-'nihunp fits day a.
I'. pctKHfi um have boa ■ i(J*rcd by the A*
•• mall'i-and by piivate individuaia, eu
' tub swing pieu iuots for florae#, d-mn
Jaiks, r.itil, Mieep, ftaine, Poultry ol all
a...'!-. Iter-, r lehi lichard and CiatOeu
J> r 'A" ,s a nd ealing. P.alii aft,} |Tv4t£y He*w
-- . in ftlM ft* *ol a tlmCt 11 Ug k n li
lt g Pa-ul mg aid I>faw ing, K.iwy stork
i Molu, | .in, li# Impirmre ta rad
I-EATUTIt. W'MiK Vi-incl, H
P vßlto JPUP (iKt/HlslA ifA.NU
KA* I l ill,
an I bu-d'-l, ul otUM tiling# <bwt rann-i l
! u.eutiolisd It. .m a s, wf *, -g vui u tU .ei* t
Tb People of Coweta
•-* , rw-f < t€ uti ftiio < to frki)<ii
4l*hp ftij>hi4 C C#iti *#
•> tt*4<U h },.#♦(* h tir.r •f! -ru I t iuat
.UkJK-lUA • i-a f4.4 ttli|
County Fair*
> i b. and *p d.e htaie
\ fr
1 ' /
I \ /
/ /
ii A Cl KG
Will be arranged tor each day of tb*
No Pool Selling
wdi beaikJ, but u*e pfesaivuns oflered
by Uic
lor fast runoin*. tnonfcg and pacing boOea,
Mfuptjr iuleoded to eucx>uri|v mi \wk
pruTviueut in ibe obmrwtitr of oar eiock.
will be afforded wiMtoen from a dkWMoa Hr
oar bote's, boarding hooam sod prirato
1 end wooes. - --
Arrangemwnrt will be made vridrtbe raß
rot J*. w hereby visitors will ba aimwej to
pay full la.' e ci'iniog asM ~ - ’
3 nf lo Wootteo A rVeich. Newoan, Ga>
tut a pamphlet copy oi premium list.
i D. IMM3, Pnsdimn.