Newspaper Page Text
thk vim)h roR ;
rch:.t*;tg.n KvM' VR!OAT ’
gY wyf • REVILL,
Jt rg? uo pg;> *A SI M. IN ADVA Nt' 1
,_atL :ie •! the Coart Route
*••<-* of IrtvcrUMu#.
Siji-j ti tk 4 wks |smo j # in"l 1 vent
I lack tOO 3SR 4V T 001 IS 00
|„ch* Iv> 5 I*o WiIOOO. 15 no
11BC.I** 2 *v. ■ 00U *0" 150 * 25 uo
*c-.l 5 00 10 00 *3O 00 *SUP* 55 00
tc-4 .7 UO U-flJJ|s(*_ 85 oo 00 ;<>
Jeol lIUUU 9*) 00-,3506 |0 00 |W
HT A liberal deduction mwd* to ltx**
a tfertning by ilie month or year
Mr-ttgUnfs 3Mcr.
The Wloi.v i-Ut Church D nfi. n o’
©reeutlHe for tF5#
St* amt 4th sr.fv4tU' n each month.
f„„r R v. J 11'
S-. 1 Bat-battl if* rui'li m-M.'li
.. Rv, Fit* 5 t amitelm*!
Ht Sabbath at car JUSUuuII
Puli.r . Rev Jn- .Tone*
tlirißv JtW *ft *<vs o Cot' :
Inr the C’Wnt v .1| Menw clhv*, W S l“t pub J
tiitird in fhr Mt-RtWt-THRit Cot-N FT V INIt! .
4 Ti dinar)
W R PAVER. Sheriff ]
jai, 4tli. rS7S Clerk Sttp'r I ’Oii
OHS iSv’llAi, fl >VV l '<*? IOTA
fgT C'*frr,Hiiiil. iit aewdmg u* •••'innirr
n t*ttor** written uu I*aide*. ucvd not
ripect t* l have tbetn publiahad L (e*a
plainly written the) Will ahto IJr eocalg cd
It* the waatr basket. *1 lute will be no * *
. jiUuuKi th* aboverule*. J
F nm and nfti * thoi Uote all A—
. Uiseoietita limit tw paid M in 't<haf* '•
Hturt ttietl pub'Uati l flits l-.niro o
11 lt ;*"!*•• 1 1 •• •j ft miTvt i) uu* iy i“ 't* V3 4ft
l!,r jiuOtißh dut M f 1
dcnirjf Ui<* P ' ait f t iaiwdh-,H
A 'lllliLl*' *<! I'ATtU l^
IfT Wl:; alv' it * \'4 to-* f•
I 1 lx#* h)I *\r u> * U.ln J m tiplit i
f u*# up ai ou* c* arid *ro ; y
V\ i H! II.I*
|,BBO P t Mu ' A It- ni
\ Tor*ri , Ba, Ho 17 I**4
I>C WIN f) J *v K* E q
ih AH hilt- U fl Id'* lit* J O UNOI4 TANARUS
My ha* lro** f.y * * oho vHt*ii mi***
rkr belief eVidvnel- .t,e < • ■ertei.e* ol M• >
1 ifii-as 11avi I nml thn* di ide'a’uO'
a ~'iff wild eic*‘i< 111 i' te <• "I tO'.i if"' ■ "
I * satilpTf* piiirtmei" 1 tt-m >‘“U man l In*
t. iy B.lug as.UMtl if>*< K !*-• I *"P 1
t.on "f tl.e ordinal) t . limn H nil V meg it
U adult rfnteij Wlfll an ptulll aid olle,
*<.*hiUs aiut-o ■! dbaf mat' rl .]• • >• r' m
aietu and. )on sir | H (. i ) •■ t >• .-ariFf-
In th*’ manufactuiv ot |i*ii Vinegar. ti'd
vui) iHtilied Hi credi' ai entree* tmooma
b,mu. tm* aa a train Im rot to tint |>ropl* nt.
an .arge'y, a*t wl.r*. a* a 10* l ion unable 0
ntcuis irprrn the purtey r mlw. • ol
what the) buy undei the ban e “I Vu egsi
Very lep<a*tfutly,
J P L'>*N M If
Th* above Vmeg*r can I* *••‘1 *' *h
tit) "011* At |.aM a VmiKOaU <a a
XI Broad Mime
Darwin G. June*. Manager.
Mra IJetA with has )n*t rereived tor new
Fall Pailern* aod I# pre|mred lo < l tl ak*
and (It dresae* kw h o**i me n h.e laieai
atyhia. Cualoni eereoanfidl) ao*u it-d. 2t
App!", Orange*, Italian M
Ergtiab Dairy Cbeeae. Pm* App e*. hn
mot!, No. 1 Mea* Manke'el. etc. j'it IM' IV-
• i
Averv's Improved Hn Pm* > (In- I e*t
t Tt plow in the world. H.d! br
POBIMbO** BBCP •Mr W> iViu/ N*
C them h call It ;ou Want
b*\ ain*.
W C. OUOLhOS 8 W f*> Yard is lb*
•' ; and cheapest place lor wagon* lo stop
a*. "Hock will be well stabled end driver*
live a good room and atove lor their ac
entc tnodwSton.
W are aifil aeliing 18 |r.ti a- f R>e* s f r
fl ,18 p-ruod* N*i# for ft ,4 po s’
b.n Coflee 6-r fl . • j. - vt ■
for *; G-nvinf Cos ins’ At - i*r fi.
Bes‘ 9re*7i Carina. IB (to r (>*■ Ik and
Batcbetiirr'e - rar Brogan* •* 1 A©
RoBWfHON * BH >.
I hare aft *tncA of Land Pj*t- -•
ted Lone. A'** Bradley’* Dt*a. ve B- ..
ri'ad'.ey’a ArJ Pbowpbate.'* So
per Pbo*pbattot Lswse. AH good Fer i
lisr lor s**a grais. I mi aeutag Ute
above at reduced price*.
Prm* Team S*u —Ao .ibtr W* of
2few aad late>t ay e Prln't Just opened at
adair 4 or tsra
BdeXsal uA Ktanairw fdm just re
z*rrti et ' - ADAIR * GRAFT S
TVe have teceive.l the first nuniher of the
than .j i Ext mi ft, I*. F Jones editor andl
Charles O. Peuvy publisher" Ti properly
mataintd, the Examiner will be worthy o!
he enierpriaing lowu whose interest* it i
.esigned to pr nnote. Success ;u tne new
Aiii'ttcii Btpi st t httreu has cilieJ Rev
E. S H atria to spend tltrtn next year.
Rev J H. Weaver, lor no ri v pastor l
fhe Baptist chinch in Gre-nyilie, hut in<*r>
recently of T<xaa, has been unanimously
c<* led to An rawt ire oi UM3M Baptist
church at Atlanta This church tvs* toon I
led In 18T0 anti bow has a iiieiuh r*htp cl
We a. klio-att- ter the I tent .tiou o 4 N,o. It,
f the Lamp, anew semi weekly, phbll-h
et! at Genev*. Os.
Gh.'l.'o.s That ente r |'iMiiit merchant
of LiOrmge, W C. < hoUoii, makes an
a (art! |.>r |t*lrongt- to the lietiple of Mert
weUiet Iradiny in that city Hy all means
<te him a cal when you visit LaOratiiie
and he w ill give the VtMJICsT H anolllet
Car t neH spotlit, and hi* 'ctnlottit-rs |T<s.n!
oar. ii s ill the nuie
It I> ks I'tV -Wliil pays? Why alv.r
* Inei.J lot I u> >taxi. lay fhal a
wi'a.* , t i t.n n and teatler ul Ihe Vi.m>i
t *T. It, vvtirti lie sees anew adve tl*t ih i.:
-in our Ctilitmtas, sends hi* wile and Mm* toi
low ii iin til* dl.-iVi > . (tint he in iy jirt the tain
f i vety tliißk he hei (is ta tore it is |urlnil
ofet. If a mau lias trafjjaio* tm tl*•• puli
iic this sniue iwlhllt; wl I .laik up the liar
kains. if a 111 le 1 1 later'a mk !J Jtttliciotlsl.,
used We wuut ;ri murk, l . passi ,g iNwf
mk i".itl I- r in Ihf* oltice is alw.t' a Judl
i lmiaiy tiaed
t'ANSki) v.Miis l i well go uts are in
active demand, i sjafiatliy tom tine , (tesches
1 atnl coin II the |ieopie ol Miiiwrlhel
I weie (irt pated? to enter u|H)n this l<uitic.~s
• ilte It mi tt#t> ol ti.e tuuiy Wotutf .'rva*
-that ol colt'tl .in Its value W ton wi
! once fa gill to Utlhte the many | roducts
i ur eliriaiv psiahnn-s with seatceiy any
lift It. we shad tallnlio tie ill!1.1 uiosja'i
{ ous thtl happy |Kiip e ill the world
, L * Wc litis rvt fi *| ilit* V| ;S
i* ’*ai l dt *. ’ ■!* iijrnrroi •■inf w. u
* 4l pi**|jtT it t cvt*y * ill ilu
i tr>* ntntT-TT-Jnt 'IH l uMIh 1 Sft t.>
I ii !*ub* • ll* l tfit* iliviit'il l- fall f||
1 Üb.
in* I* .111 Nlß'llli 1 tlit It M.ltlniil'h l Htm-I
tl unit ii l . tilth, lit in.<!ri l *
•tnrt topic i;Ht aa t i hrmfT nh tl' ttn h
lit .te.i *i I k A' Ml tl t til#** it* iil<
\*-iI f■ ST i'ltlu*' * tii il l.dr:,- ll liicy ,fr
j rilicrK l< 111 Al'olt ? It lin
H'.eHC l ill ) *, M til-slltllLstr Ui lit#; R till! lil*
; f *i-l * ti* pH; him Mill* tut I 11 l In- toil
’ ll mi* Um Ii li) , Hi Nwtiiii Niy* iv |,5 i.u* u
• ttliv i *gr, h li*jh t-u i dht- JS‘llniij4
j In It VV v- l|M ri'lyVl Isvit *** *. 111- i *t* l A
. * in #:iv* Uit- |'* f.i li.w Miking j |’ in" in
lit tj* t • r*jl.< Pm I, I Jill \tsuir
T ll* H WltiHU MU pi H ll 11 11 ’“giMlllt
'*' ***) tiling in Mm it iw* *l*-ll.tth ul
Tin- *. ||H* #•* | Ilti and | !i* | JlHl
: { *; s***-*! M LV t V =lfelJti.H..
i,y lii< |ot •* Mint i %up * iiif ki ird
r.i M i > i \ n* • * < ih
I7| n nl! out 1-nnl market*.
PttKVMUM* tin* premium*
h warded at t!itr O * tfT? ti fiif U*? wt
rj t• • 1 1 I hi fr*l I/v* M, ol M *i + r
*v <I ft H. fun* i;u!i Ihi w• eu 1 Hfi‘l 2
irar* JO and Haft ; I r ll- b* *
10d<dln*; lr l.- bt:r, 5 <l<*^**r*.
AMR* Mi f Kumliow*-, r*-<t?iv*d
If lll** Im* ffi<iU- •'! 5!• li#*** I,#*! .nr
|M riw**’ h* t hiw t\ if I y M l ’*> lH.r
• |f* I • a I’m if f IJr if Wi- vim i 1 li'i
| i ir- ar* —-ftr* —ptht***. ♦ —did
| I Kill# •! 1 ffltt
I 'X’ltl Vf iih i. H ’ M-.lor I: jrt I**
! _• t •*t Vfoo 111 .1 .!*'? it I I.hUhli
il !. \ J if ni. ■* ir f and
fU- i- ( r, • tk. i.*l<r*i- •• h#f i* w • ■
li tv* la> n f• I *i' •**' * t* tli • ItriiH of It##
*• nr*, v % Comm i* *. 10, M tii M * 5,
Ap;H*n! !£ , um, H , iii>, 4. *ll#*.*
/ifIHHJ 111 o o|d *• Ih* 1 ‘J *' kt't \t
r#- *# hat '**# rt *ld porlwif#* ho **
uh 4
Bfnjerir V-t# rUy meruit.*? About W
mi *•# khi it I nt'/ftt Kir 1 fivi; f ym •
*<l. *be da'lgli'ef of M \ tJfinni
wi4 Hu n t abin *o tbo l<#i i/| 4‘t *•
iMwi), perhaj.#* fatally burnt!* B tl# j/n
rent* b*j |pne ##tf ii#e< hiid ahme
Mr*. Gretnam **• angrily ourn*'d ic#
putting *#ut tu‘:
Pi< Tl*** r**i fc irz #f
i . j.r hi kiru -> r t —*#!*• ‘h f :i#o
*/;- 'i*- A ‘;i i tfi • u* 11/
H ■ ,
to #- Ir m it* #-■ r * '* **♦
ff>f> fU ; - 'l -j • ■-;/ a‘, • iir is *'X* {, A ;ig
i. v.MiCj <* 4- "*ii* * # #t‘
r Un * i. . o* •nun T.ii* would
u.xe an acre on g m WfO’ b‘i*<.rla of coin.
~|tb iMie fi ia ire-i no *•*.
Mi. Ltwii Cumin, cesr ft’.nd'ow i
uj k D< • la'ite qn* Oily of a rup I nun Utr
iiiu- iw, uK!i ;.e i* excii* ng iog for
•ytfu —a gall-m for a buabel. Wiib r-CeO<
irapmvemen a io tbe marofa lure of ai'uo
a better arncat U bem i mad- fmu thm *.ane
iban ever lieiore Woo and it it-"*. be wei.
'enough f>r ii lir .n-r- rsiv: mom ■( ’.be
♦ If4bu.ll t ae!
Rev Mr ( armicnaet be 33 uoaoie to
-erve tire Bap l-t CUUPC’i Dext year the
member* will meet 10-iwarrv* to select a
The Gifftu lair last week is *rid’to hive |
r *i n a dec.d-d succew*. Amonv th curl
o-ities on exhibition was a S•* tng M cdiTne
run by stejin. the lhßfe engine an 1 Ml
•hine catling 100 dollars. Seven! preuti
'’> were swarded Meriwether (fibn
What say the cdtirens of our connly to a
Meriwether lair next year T We could get
ip a sph n ISr oiie
Pi r sons’.—Hon. W. T R. vil', nf tlm
tjreenvi ViniUCAToh, is m the *ipy Ttie
VIKBICATi K is a (1 mriahing sheet, publish
al. tu a'y that tr,td<- . almost entirely
wi h Atlanta. Our meichanta would do
wi-41 to vend their advettisemeut* tty Col.
Rev id for Ids patter, it they would revei in
Meiiwet'er's trade—ftlh r is!i*i. Index.
Ti.tbtsANT Pahty -A friend, who was
r tnt infbrms ns tuat a pleasnm evening
w.* pastd at tl.e lio*|iitnb!e invnsin if
Mis M. P Martin by the delighted guests
as! Tuesday t veuibg. An elegant V 'P|ier.
ili'i (nng mu-tc. aliutidaiue ol flower 1 ’
tastV'fufly aiiaugid, and la a Icons maidens
vtie promitictil among tli delights ol
the evetdng.
IbKA-TA l.’ hide .folill Wilhuite, wlm
lathed only a lew days ol being fid yeats
•lid, tiled 111 Ills icsidthce in the seventh
j a a a h.h r in the war ol IfikSJ and wa
;in lie fteire t, indy’s l.aue near Niagara
Pa Us.
IT f Hir Arv la alltnding Oglethorpe
rumf i it- ease o* the Slate vs i berhearl
tor the tmildt'i of Dr. Slrililiug had not
twin tried up to 12 o Cowk Wednesday ;
Ids coUn.r. *f. ornha and 11 111, endeavoring
to ptf TiS trial*.
[Cimiiliunieated |
Churs-lt Haisiinr*.
KlllToil VINUICrTOU : It is 111 lie lioptal
that a lew suggestions n legard to el urt h
niannem may not lie Inappropriate bias
oil i as the pres* can bt a grant moral lam
iind iiiuioer To tils Mm* as well as *he
ojsscifiinatorof news and the unquestion
able vehicle ill progiess
There is a cetmill e'ass of people to
whom this Hitlelv is nppllrable. Those
eoin|'omg this i by. *rt* Hmiliar to ad
Y"0 tfmi them crervwhfie They are
most minieioua however, in vUinses an I t
country tint relies Tin *p l* 'IIM R|‘ ||<H
tMl' v on Hi PVfl v plltllU'. pprak Hit/, lull
t. tli* ii k Him*, lx* il H.ifii, ni ki* llirin**i*lv'N
M* II Htl'i IM'HT i Hi till >1 ,<*• *1
tin s4 iiiMti in io (Mriitiicnc • h*
ill V*• u'clot'K, t tll'HM f M*t *• *IIH M*f*l to tllillk
i hi* t 1 1*4 \ Hiv *t mi(n r iiu re 1 1 Ht Hm* limit
iin 1 Mm*i* Ii *v*• pit tit . thin* t lour fhi*
moon II tin v #Mt to t lintrh in tiim* U 4 >
t.i I nil'l 111 fiH.'t’tUuTV hilti) 4 !* Movin'-
'4 111, ft) ill l||4- It lOO.riH I’llMltf ' I till* fl"
hVion, • r
I t4-y will ctihgit (tutu nt llit* trout '••*
*iti h9l *1 l t'luji *o ton lus to il*Ht|4y min h
I ilie tlrowii th** voio ol tin* min
I *‘r %%’lt§!#• hi ptHyur, t .1t < luitliy | iwvrin
i tio* tl ntitti t of tin’ ti ai firxj tin
* AoMtium *l tin tfiM oin •'
Htp-Hlti not mop hi* <■
l‘*i • in tin* unit* tlt nt th* pi< * i hi* r Himoifii
•on liih text tin'll hi* i- hull th*
< riH* i tlii’Hi* p*op)i* iimko ii 11 j**ti, ii| it\H
!• t t I'm Bull Kin VniiUii Miftiprdi
' into tlo < !j!|'i It trying, mi tln*y ntruf i'o\vn
th** Ml-th-, to i nh lit i \i l\ fat v hi tin it Ixiol
n Im trT i rtrr tl* >•*-t H”Mim ft*itvio-* fr**m
j <t flu* . v* i tin pin* k tlo*r of a Hvt;ry “th'i
"T’ot iiMt n itlfi gqfcrc. 'Fut lt* HOtV
1,4 i| .nf ojm* int , Mitli *mU llir rtmii h.
t?nt ioNHl i >hiy nit OAieiA
tlm i * i|it ftoin th' pulpit, v* lli
not 4 IUIH* cpiiflly him! ilt)l'M*l4*Hly on 1 ii*ii
t'M h t h*1 1 j 111 1 y n. h'K IniMly fin* ;* i
affivaiton ant tunp t ht \f **y mr h
tlii* Vi lioh* !< ii/i)i l tlx* 4 hurcli Wuy tln*v
•lo ‘lon. Ii anruit mil, Uiila-H ii li>tii Mm* r
i*i.4r ox t,
I IlHVl* f|oi44 4'.| tllflt tIMP fflnul MU!
H4 t utl -iiij, fiil. Mild liy fnr tin
Vx-iat I toiiiujf, •r* ittri*iy guilty of nthh ron
'Jucl Karxf f4 nhooiit rnlmr ti*Hrfi tti#*ir
4;|jihJn n t>* tt#*r, *r #*t th*ir •clmol l4*H<itu;t#
o -Jo it lor th rr'. Jui ii#rn* a wft#! to
U'4ihfN. A**!'!** li"*m hiving ilott.
nt i-uni. trwfd.U* U act* iim tiiru!*?* f
ii #4* fi< y it W’t* mv y.MxI !\n:k lo limv4*
•m n l<*arii*' the pr**4sot ** lion f till*
.atom. Ih* I ri4*vef f |i cotfi*M
ti ii v.f . n>i!ir olli *r thttlie tni#rt(
' i**, 1 cl r*'|>* *t* tj|\ an‘*l l h!<kjhly
iim l<h hi fot iiH. inHtfly 4i*|H>4 tmciif f ei
-4-T iaiit i4i i;.iO*nn< Hilenliy tlie Imucf o
Og I, mkini oft i te Ii t ai \iie ilo4r ao*l no l
pM:*OX ,l tmu len'l j<ain till out *l
iiUM h I ei* h* r ( te l the ebiidieo lliia.
il th*>*; fH-rMWMI Who Cit.lte to church.
v;ih y lot **hoM)i*j( 4,jp* can
not tjt-lthve pf4|>erl y it it hut rigtit that
t’.iey jfet up a fubacript on ntnunt Iheru
•clveg for Ipj v Jittf ihe im* k at p4.**ihfe
9 Hfj'J Mir I, A |r, pr*| one l**Ot thick un-ho
it. • rid tnCll thifi upoti the ft'eirid ihe nir-let
•u 0.*41e • tint |H*#p!e io netve iJod io
* jh- nod le eot fHxuner, may not lx*
t lo ' *'if a /vn p * ffrrh vip "
•* • -
Lhk Mat. m —Aj toe Onffia fair lai
a e till ,ar<e Wati-rili* - otj’, weighing
eurly *lO jxein.U A .Mer’welber mao aee
H a it’'aid tbat Ib~re *• a Ma|>li*t until*
ter ißOiit county who could always dm
piicli any ration that be encountered ao 1
mar be Mould lie aiding lo pay tue {nice
of two *uch mei-m* to aae bl Ksv. fiend
nack tbe Onffl r iduWst. I trove wbo
know‘.be melon eater av be conn] b*ve
met ; Ilia melon un launledlv add ader a
at Uifyle liavi exclaimed. Perry lik< we
lure uiet Use lamuter and be i* ours.
Rjbachivo—Dr. Miller H. WliHe will
pteacu at ■Concord Cuuicti ier VV-ei.iburv
on s(u Siutnlb’ot ,tbia tnonlb. Bub
jed, 'Tee of 0 iri*t’ ineJiatiuu.
1 %
The rtlttml* lure excluded
that nrtthirttf cn lx* towards ex'*ntl
wnu* ynti mm 8 u.flt rattmwl nntH thr
maker* Twone m>q of th
stateV piece ol il otil! the Ertqiirer aa> ?
“the ho| e an.l < % >ec are ilmt il w i
*e c rnpletetl to Ohij h*v. hey. n l the m ui
tain, hy the next enip. Many rea)Mnail> •
m n nre IsHviny: tt rn(e for the enti tpi iae
—1 Atlanta Cn>“
4- -
[>AsTAkat-y OurHAOK.—Tne New O
’enns limes din‘Cts attention lo an out rag*
'*Mom exeellftl in btschen and^wantice
Many hetpli firk havt’ of Intr been earn
i* ir hreuti uy mak n ht.xoa for a match
laciory irt that city This occupation, ii
i*4 ins % ni*t hotmrab e enough to suit till
'.rev 4. t young men <t flu ir arqnain
*nrr, nho waylay lli* in in the tUieU, amt
ri hMe and alcri te tlu-m Inr tnaUhTg an
honest |tinr, of theae potif cirla,
•av the Tim* *, have been act ially iliiven
from work h\ the yr |T?iuf of cur r .-
the hrutca I The CommtmilV wonhl lie
itemfited by putting tm*m to breaking
st m s in the penk**nt*nrv.
— - : --- T
V / li l A'i> PAPYRI
X/'d , mrt HAMPI.K I'll HOMO
ft I * ANt PAPKK,
\m ms i ~
Onr Own Fireifde
Is • Hume (nr Ihe Fireside.
Eight large pacts, with Illustration!.
Now In |ls Fourili Yeiil.
Price fl (XI a year. Ten cents extra must
be sent to pay postage.
Kvery siiliscrtber has choiruof Premium.
Kvei v Family should ‘iiku.
Onr Own Fireside
Ad dies# : Onr Own Fireside
lit! iV ill mm St., N. Y .
fW N. B t'ANVAs'KItn WANT'D If-a
n liable husme-a mau will n.rept ilu
sgi m y to i oiiiiol lanv s'eT' in this m ini
ly, we W ill put I|'S name 111 Ibis ailV. Him
meiil ami givs iiim spin ml ImliicumuiiTa t s
act m our agent
A Chatupion Prcas uiveii for h
4*uh ot 10 hi.ljm tit*4 rv Hfinl It* Niump lot
n tupie pi* 14*1' Ailt I. e-N,
Our Own Firebido
lN , 1 l'l| n Ii I lon,. M , N. V
/ til AM Pi* *N j Tee liesi P eaan Made
Km Ilf linpn se ii com.
PHI N’lKI-S n,i Hue, e'en and ll'ie,
l "l Nl'l 'M■ li an-1 e .limit spi mg ti pu.
AM) itelii
AM A ! i-.L'RS | Do the In st of Wolk.
iti Large I M/.ih, Sett inking.
A L"*>
Job Ty pee for Amnicuro
Ol Kvei) Dercili I mil,
'end Ten cind . lor pniopjilet
Address ML, UIJMP,
1741 WldnonS ~ N Y
Only On3 D>llir !
Wl lie awn lid srty add e.<s six nioluhs
nn *M|e Dollar. is one ot the cheap
e t week’ji pnb'llkbed. Ii Is not n lil inked
sheet In wldeh nil sorts ol innfter is pr. *
1111*. "nAtsfy iliiowup It is a neatly pi'lliled
loin-;iag< paper, ounp.i' lly nniilw ilji, and
ndlte.l wilrti geaf care Nulling of „ dull
oi heavy„ibiiialder I* adiuilltd intii the
t o limns of the Weekly. Ft is all etaboVaie
\y l o.i'plled ta*inpelitiMlm oi the ben! things
lh*l appear lii ilr.. Dally News Tim fide
grnpnie eapaiches ot the week are re
, lined and nifvlully Weedesl of evi tilling
Hud Is not slnetsy of vri ebaim-ter Ii
dso uniitttnia hill report* of the irt irke's;
in. m, thow who have not" Im hi mil. ge i,i
,a daily mail, can gel a I tlm news, lor six
iiioiiin , try *• ndlng One D*di*r to tne puli
usi.ei ;of log one year by aendlog fan
D nuns
Tfie Dally M- rning Newt Is the ontn*
tellable organ ol public oplid rr that It ha
al a ay* teen—vigorous, th-aigldful and
naeivatlse in 'he <|iacuas|oil ot ttro ioane*
if ihe day, and ikvely, sparkling and en
lertaihißg In M* priaw-nSaehin ol lira news
In galheiing and publishing the lab el in
m mat ton and hi diaeu emg qhesflods "I
public pohey. the Morning N.-wa is fully
alrriaai the mo.i enlerp. ising Jmnnaliani
ot the'imes. KiTce, $lO for 12 motolis ;
#5 lor (J month*.
The l ri Weekly Ne#* hex the same fea
tures ** .he Daily News: Pi ice, tor 12
iiiMiitii ; ♦ho 0 months
Mouc) mi eilMer |M|<ercau tie rent by P.
D order, legiaiered letter or Express, at
jrubdahef a link.
Mominfc Now* Printing
fy the la'lle*t fe- me B’ aie. Every dea
npiHrn of R!in'H*o dime at Hie ahorleal
corn*. Hiatik U-.ka nr all kind* made Pi
iioorr. B* "*k Biodin* and Beliueexecuted
dtb diapalch. KaMmaiea for wuik prompt
li furiiillieil Addre* nil letterv,
J H KBTHX. Baan mil Ga
EiTfcfW 1 oder for sain tor W 1 day
LAADlai'ue tract* ol
arm uj 4 .itid tinnier land io a Univim< and
rapidly growing tVeatern Htate. On *<
count *rl railnmd*, recenliy conalructed
ami iinmlgr itloir. tberc laiei* ale ■)
and y riatng m *Hie. I'uey will Ire *old very
nvloret.b. A Clear and Per vA Ti le
ill ue 1) iaranteel, vnb e.eiy tract
HU jurlr u fill arwrniy from rea,ro:iii
le P irtie* P> p iron nr
n 1, pn an e irly ri* j.i a*l i Ei tm
ge it* a.i 1 f .It 14 d.ea. wni did It t>
eir Lot>iret to a t Jre*
E. OUMP.ifeat ana.-. Dnler,
178 Wniia® !*, N Y-
*■ O IKIWAIMJ, TROW M. Woi Br. an 4, usStl
Late of Jordt.n A H. wan! Bata with 0* k Itn.
NO- 1J RF.ffßLie BLOCK,
Action ta.- -■ * Opwgia#
T IIIZ MEJ k’ 1 \VK PJB Eli..
Tll 1 RI) VOLU Mli
a cciilinuance of Ihe literal | sin nj.l w| ;,li Ja, i, (t •a<f i* •. |).
**Wo Firot Volumes
During til* licit year th* i roj rietnr will tJefolc his mln time aid allvntlr n fo tha
paper inul a ill lie enabled to render it w orthy of the ilicreaved palruuage which ll la
hoped it will receive. Some new feultires w ill be iuteojtu ed which, will add tf**#ly tO>
the interest ol t a
■ . n
New' nialctlal will hr* atl ld lo the olflee from time to time, which will itnprora tha
AKiUtm.cft has b*en
InatiiKM om W illi our inn eared mail Udlitici we alia)) be nble to
i*ivt* ih intent tit'ww up to ilk* tin ot to prirMM. TJie aiJvcrtlMeuiiTitii of |i9
. minty mil ('nmiimf to b*‘ puliliilicd in lli VINDK ATOH, nn vs rll OH hli t ccount* of
iiiporiitnl r vi* util imm piling in tin; foUnty. Mnny kind IncmU have encourHged ui tliß
pu-i y*nr , will lliey bful h helping hand nl tin* h ginning of lh< pK neni volume. Th#
VIN*4)J(!A I OH n* eatuhlMied upun a firm butia,
'** il Hi** |‘*->>|'lr (i I Miilmilmr rmitji y ill <.gjy xiMnin it. Tie jirlee of cub'
i ii|>ii<>ii will be .1. her.', TWO DOLbAWH |iermuin IN ADVANCB.
I'lie i.iiciilnlioii o tin) |mper U (m iu advano cf wh*t It wm lat y**r ; will not each
Cjii'L ute oiio iiioro B übci*Jb©i*P >
v ' bl lhi we thali be* Mtinflt'd, Tlnr attmlion of Ihoat* tnuJing ivith dtit \§
allod to Hie advaniagCH offered by Die VINDICATOR a an Ai'vortiain|( medium,
W* N ," W ,U . VK Btor " ,l '" 1 w '" ie recelvlni? r.'Kiiliirly throuirhout tbe Maaon 1
> V m lrge umj VMifeil miW:k ot *
ISOOTHnnI II VTrt for Dull***, Oen' mid Hove ; C/.OTHI'NO an>| If<>Tlr)NM
IIAIOSWAUK, WOOII iiiml WTI-LOW Ware; hadOleiy, llrug* and dUlhincry
C-in|ncihM,.rt. n.l Oi.Meilea ; Kl<ur. Lard, Hyr.i|>, Htiga.s, iiac>ri Pearl Or ICI Halt
i olfi-ei, T-iiwcrd*, Ci*fri<, tu:, Ac., A<- '
Wi- aolidl an eimuluatiirti nr our atotk, Ihilli aa to Quality eif) FrioOh
Wagon and Bt*ok Yard*
I HAVE enlarged my Yard by an addi*
. Hon of 8UII" arid Shed*, w ith
convenient. A food tnlMianilal endloaiim
and a watcliman at uiglit, making il one ol
the inot *ecnrt and rionvenient In tbe ciiv,
I . m.(inoci|"ttl have a well annplled RAM
ILY OHOCERY. for tbVpurcliaiieanii ale
ol Cojntry Piodiicp.
O'Mijuera *nd Rarmerti are parllcular'y
invited. Cllargi-* rnoderale.
tWBIOK —Wheel and Plow. Krat of
Piaii er*' Warelioiiae-and J A J. Kaulman’*
Wholesale Oiou-ry Ifodse.
IrAN’L, It BIZE, Prop’r
Columbus, Oa. Bept24
ALL PERbONS desiring watchea
clocks, sealng maclilnea, piano*. Ac.,
rep ibed w ill do woll to call rm'('w;il, \r Ir
R-liiir, al Judge David Lilia’ *Prre. He
bad an expoi i* uce of ten yeara in the lni*i
nC'B and use* no whisky in hi* praciice
wiiiCli mru'ej sttr;ce*. Jewelry repaired
pain jewelry mad* 10 order. All sink
ira.lined Bedsle’a newtug machine oi
liest 1.1 the soil I, at 41 a pint.
VVaiitedt A.g<mtH.
MEN AND WOMEN, lu every city,
10 ri and < otM'Jf, to < anvajra UWIII
..e ~.ider' Patent Ligli'ning Reriproea!-
lmpioved Cnuro andE.’it Boater. Hell*
ai *iyul and pay* Larve PioflW. Sen-1 foi
circular t-* manufacturer. W. H. CHICK A
CO ,111 N. Secribi Ht.. B. fc-mta *2l 8m
w w w c/oixa. j iV'S
dMirriN, oa*
e\ khv itylioß
\l*<>, the celebrated Wuodrnß
and v
All alieaof the WETERn THIMBLE
SisKlN W VGON,and all tine? of Rasdhf
t, .
•Vhcel buggies, with a nne wsorttnMf Of
e.;ia ! order* Ailed promptly and aIP