Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County Vindicator.
VOL. 3
AT s*>•> PET AAV u in an >.
0* •* I. th * H.nvn*
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Thump > . o' r
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in .V
Baby Carriagt-w
fit T■l* •' ■ ;> *, ' fl T ’f ;• '.. ;><(•. J. .
i‘> it! *r., j c 4 :!.< t !,
Schaub’B Gallery.
A FVKI-IA l.i V 111 1 !r; 'll iitn i'lji.t',
trplr- of ni /i- miT kr,T .• nil,, ti.u i
ol piCtWM of m on, OM | U
l|)i* 'OJ i-it, (I ; . ;< i I,- |,.i i>l in in
My ,'feiiHi tlii i Irki. Ji un, n -T \
Tho Chronicle Ac, Sfentiml
Om of the OH. •,>. l*4(K;r in tin; f minify
One of Utc LKAOiSO I’ATKHS ia tlm
frju Ji.
Tb in KuKtern Otor
* l? ia '
The OfE'.KI Oitn ol Several €o".sfi<*
D*ily, Tri WeeWy ami Wo-kly.
1. TINEL IP fliei niitli !';t-:*--iin j
lleadini; ni*!Kr ol every r ;Hj ,u —i ■.■
grapluc ; I>cal ; fcJP-'f'Hi ; OtorjfH, ar, .
Heinth Caaoi ni auii O '.erii * liter
eatinj; Ooritip<*n hoK<- an 1 * << .! T‘ • .
Un,ibi- ’jam all imp'irvact - TrMiup
tion, # Uf.
Tk TIJI-WEKKLY On Hosier* a■ u
IwrOEl inleu ie-l lor .:T • < • • oienl
in a Trt- Weekly roa, . I' couUid* uear.y
everythin? of injere'it which ! in thej
Diuly. tPilaerMin, f i
Tub WEEKLY' Cub siclb asti Sbnti
Sel is a Uialuiii itn ahett, notlen 0,/ e*p
ciaiiy lor oar I
It b oae of the kr?eU [.aptrs poUIT e l
Booth. anJ girt#, htniOes Elit ciaia, ah
tbe current oee ol the week, a l.i nno
••curate review of the Markets
and Price* Current. The Cotmaerciii lie
porta are a special feature of the eJiUon.
Sahacriplion $A
Specimen copies of any iasae sent Irec.
WAL6H k, WEIGHT, Proprietor*,
Augusta, Osl. i
Dr. J 3r.\i'i3H s
A J. _ O 1 : it* My- ? j:\J-ijtaj_LL JL l.Ai. ■
ii m sili) )• i.i t', *iso then
b li MM'M ,'rM ‘ ■••ilJir-,’
ii.-iv - n-f
Ui liftt-a*Tii.i. vv ■, \\ s i irt* P.tiulul
an l U'.ufVv' :i,f 1-a k
.♦ l
— It-T W*r ftrrrk r r tl -jt vt '
•;f) . i \\ . i ~.r
.1 .. > w.nv fv i lit i ' ’. : re: \
< r bad
1 .V AS w lt . ■! i ;! t ,!5 lij ; 1,. Y
'••s is • • T*. . ,i v-i Et vi r.
I t ■ yui'i**: <• tlii oiM ivt s tU ..11 itn
- t t > a . ;*. *.{ I. \ .* ._• Tt< tl
- my '.KLHU, At; fi t> i
I—pt-rr1 —pt-rri —nrrrt* nrr*rl"*TT.
I in .mi / ii T*nlu: < m iv iDt* best
. t,s ia Ifu ir {> !\ -. t
l'.;i 11l s. It t*l lilt 1 SlUifU' tli'llltfs,
; C*. lilitatf s l.i lU wouil. it'll (Hits aiui
i ’it'ii c .., tf .it i > it a 11 *•> l i i i.i t i tlty l- .1 M.itjufarHii
< if i"l s. i• | it
rrrrr: ii. *\ iii’j a uJ** ,<• -
3 Im* la tWVvI t ill the . KrfilO.b
i <} j i • ■'.n ( iV\ ; - ! .’.l hist nu lit
t b
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\S 1v . • I y>"i • • t t’i.’p l t * If.’ •Hi
A VfiUi i.'. v* .i'r.'VT iU' iv.'.t V- . -u 1 ,
ii . t 4 t.-i )f I lil (’; ilf ,
lit lit 'l !.(•. It IftiiE U-? h b) 4 u t at !>r l,
1' t\ p. i 4 .\ 1 J l .ll l I■l\\ ft > l.t* 1 1 • .
ii i/imM ii.
r I-i • IS T ! Mist yc-u> tj j r.ui
h > ,i*• (.• ,1 t .. t . v .1. \ Bp 4s’ . 1.-
■ if \\ -H■ c ! r tin }>iipiMi J"; • )
l t i ' . _ri \jw t- •> v i.7 r *>: jTTT-
T 4 * . '
i ‘ .. 1 , A !! j I
r. : ■ '-X-; X- ■ \\ , i • • lit Hi-* V : t' ’ * i
1 ' •
c- ’ -' *i ,j v ( i- h
of ~jv g , • :i . i 1 1 .v..
-. . . ii i* j , i 1 T { ii. ..
i I-....!. - <•, ;t ■;• a s T/.r-r. (i, i p
; r . . J . 1 i r
f l. , I i { ’, I 1 lV\ 4
I.’ ‘ 1
c • • • —-U- jLIT
,* < II I, Inl-i li .. i • ft!
I .... i "i * .-il <•’ H ,
~ •_ . | } own, s' h'*l - j u, i
■„ : V■ I .' .it .'u: ' i et 1C "til
I hi i * i .1 hb (U 4■ "
, him ' In: v. I .w'.le |ai inking oi
, :1,01 e, W hicll
... , I’,- . :< JoaO l,‘ n I in; Io n- . 1(
! ,,I l) |lt o'! ft'lftll J h'S W4‘ I
. y. . - ),4 , ...a -Ui oftMi.' boo.
' Bio lli! e |o S'Ci’l'uio the CIU C ol ft.
a ./'J l. lie I : .eib’d lift’ door
; |ft| ..i I. ;.IT Mi w iftway off 111 li.e
iieillOb tl,*: In a*i ba I Inn s'un.-c moke,
j Ifi ; 1 ./.■:] i., hat an , lan to lift; place
j “<j).'iitleu eu,” j-. T-l I.e, ha*i
si)U k allCvU’d i! Il <-li lil 1 ’, and the bud c oiiiliinriic.iUd to my ieU'.v
xr"'ii) l toy con.flcid, coma uiug übo ii <fW)
b'-hbcU ol corn, l ift: file had ( on-umod
• bont a 'lot 'U panels T Ic cing sod lerciftßJ
* bn.Dcb. My hoi “V, wliru I sriived w m
t'anding iu Hit* hianc*!;, cigp.ii! her tail
into (he waur, nod throwing the wa er on
the hurning Ic-me.” Tue crowd looked
irj'.iiT i on*. The dim ou i>)i ), “gentle
mm. ii you don't beJkve it, you apk .Halm
iy.” ■
A l irrner in Hartael! pl*n!</l one kernel
Td Soper,of corn last year, *ud gathered
tioio it five <ia r s. This year he plsnleo Uu:
fi-. e ' urs, and a short time ago he gstbered
B,e crop, which aroounled to Hit! j-outc'*
ri iLe ear, or al) iut leu bu-k- l). I or pr >-
iucl is a very Cm? one. Who bay* that
we can no! raise or own corn ?
I* acver iubiE hut it poor*. On top of
ibe iftiic’.mea'b of ibe Pnaidcni’* friend*
mi Ht i/mi*, sc; the possible impeaclimenl
• t hi'titelf as a ;ar'y to the vrlikky fraud*-
.her* we hate Mr. Lane, the newly elected
Coogrc--, ta from Oregon, cckectiag nta
U’fil for what ia etoinxecHtU! be
exp i-e to be mate at the npprmching *e*.
ion T ’he con ition ol affair* in Alaska
under the manage wed nf the Aiadt* Com
iueri UI Compft'.y aod the military author
itie* there take the place of a Terri
torial got‘-ri! men*. Theball i* rolling.
A Pr:tcl!:tl <)nrttlit.
A ir-vv Rays sinoc peominont ift'aen of
Align'ia metit Brofc! er.t -t a V.rly isom-
JLn.ituu.ltxitU.ik k'*.- aj 41 tv-; >:i il fftitwt
i' i:i i‘ i. Ttit- rit r. n .mn ;tt>lyfta k\.
’■ h i .in i >ti l, '1 -ii", i't liit-mi, have ych
.in liitiu-r hit V '*,)!), no," was tint'
' rijU ; "I have jukt bought this at a store
n" "\\ hat,ytttv Jh'ii't make buna
\o-:r firm.?" “No, i,'i U*#,! anaweml the
an , ' I .an Inty il • r Ilian l .an
i. " “All, i.l.;* e, 1 , 1, tinn.
ii t . i iisit u.> 'ii y.mi plnee nil the
;i. .... that V* ■ tibc ' 1 “Ati, cult bay it
iluafii "J us. so. you tuaku
.'ii. : ii.i u ihi ii to s.u(i|.lv \ou V '*N.i. I can
out iliiii.iju lii,in 1 luuliit i.." “Well, i!.i ion iniho ?'* “Oh, 1 .uiiike cotton.”
; ’'Now iii,i hKii.l,’’ toii 1 the ciiir.i*!!, “you
-hi thit i’ i '-.ii buy btuter, '.Mo.ut aiu)
. l i.oi.j el In.i.i you o:iii m ike them • >ti
i io.ii :i hum. -Wh it vvoi.l 1 ion think il
I 1 tom i ~ii y .1 yooTl Imy cotton
: * i.tnptii litaii y. tl e ut'timlie itf Amt yt i
; s;u.h u il,.'i.ii'. I riio to Bcii y-nn
j ill tlie i, Jtou y oil ivill.t next yc.ii a hull
; , |on ml ejlhuya r th.ui you c tiiulu
Tl. W I laul n:.y then ?* This
• mi4h,.,i t • s-ftk- the countryman tbrctoly;
In ii. ol tLat/' suiJ ho, “1 will
i.e .ii.l think uiio st u’liiit you ii .ve
L !_ T . - . ... . .. is it an u lieji-
O'l i ■ the ru.i, 11.i.i mhiiy mo theie in
i <*< ...ii nUo |.ol,lute on lliHr tin mu
■ pi ", ..‘Us any U, Ins; that ihey iiki* V
i ,i lit i .illy kin?, a in. his sceptre is
i to lo* non, H,i Ion? iih |il,oitels persist
, . ri iyihi i jji.-tsu ion? will litsiy W
■ ~ ... .-L .. the ; 1,0 e: Jy o|
, , i.J .i.e :• ,ulli ith.i li,l. Tliei e
. ■i. u'i l.y iiu vpi oiler 'll m',i not
-i! e ii i ill: J In lie uay ol I .hi
• r-saH-l ,st hrnratr VV e- h iv.r ie en rlv
. I • . , : > ii ■ 1,, i on lhe West I ’r mir
rum ,i a-irf-bremt —f.rT iTF~.trrt.ue tun hole.
~ . i.e, it oi a piue it al
.. iu i ' | Vu,: i >ta Om ouiele.
‘ ' Ii l (Oil). 'lll, I l". 11l 0 'Villjilotl
i . iu' l eu. o K 'iu the above head i>
I ■ ~ i ..I op,'. >•-.? policy
i . e m 'uiuniiuiol uuiti r the
,i n*u Ii . u.'h.iii an.l iue.ujiiu trod in
i *hi loi I ii,. ii; ov uv by
ufl ! , Il 1!,'.-el hl'tll **l|
1,1 li.e ihlul,l?i*'lt people uf mtf
\ i ■ ~ rallett a t
ii i> ii i . ■l. i It);.; utfioir,! ui , till't ii.l X
' ■ Pi,( it I |V 1,.. Out' ; hut he! liiol'u lint
; i Itl i.;ey e-ei. I !ne I, ait.l then
! i*jyGi ' > .i-l .tj■■ i ullit Vsj./
. , ; niejp,, 4 popU al ,'ovei illtiom
, .... i,. .<ir.l l U"I a 'il 'ullou iu lilk' u
,- , ..I l y ■ Ii . a .1' Oo.)i
ilia i, .. i.i-ue- nolav,—'l; n i . s—l
i,. i .u, ~ , n is ol out p , e
1 1. , lu-it iMiieh I . • " I' tti 111 I to 11. In. I
• rvlo- Ii e'-h tio no Ti lt lit" i epu
e , r i- .. u uv t' .Tl I. y 1 lit' lii t that Ihe si;,
~, ni'is, l>e e* ll - jeui. 1 1 oy ei. iimuisiy 11 . j
. o ,--a 1, not only ill Ill'll y Ihe
. *a,-v," t nos 01-she rr.'"iio* <-H —I-ito- e'l.iti' p mr;
i u mo 11 * Use, boi by the pi ipou ■ I ini
" 01. meal tas-a-l.ia- --1 11, nhi ail
i imt nil ' le.l by il, havi 1 i; no
.' ■ ill oo i -1 1* *ui W ill uppi.. i l oiii ihe
,i >• . • iii ui '• lil' *• I sir jd; I t;i< til rr aii 1
'(’ , I*,ui in ’ !'?)• i , vvbicli Hiii *if ii in
• ••I*‘ Nb I 1,1 .4 | y |i(l V ! is- i| I I h
‘ x t. - )y, tn a>) "U 'nc thi 1 ! il.* .11*i
; [ill i' I.tilii i-f* in* </ 'i* 'ii liMr i"r t' Ii .v iii ty< In ••tit ti fnij'li’ f#
i t iiv ii v |tiffj<“•' ii f m\ Him tiiuiM j '
t) If allm 1f * iuiiGtjul u;j)i apiiiiU' 1 It/
. j; , -{4 Hi V\f[r to UlO Y
. x ' ol Up Mi * ; IriW lii'icli M it !
a■ Hii'i b :i!"f l*J \o our over
A f'ei ilium m iflujorfly.
I : ■ 1 . n ll . .ii I; i■ iT ■f- iy • t will lie a
;• ' ,n<- b hue lie Ik poh'm ui party will
alls hale a n-.iijoiliy in the UoUgriS* ol
Tie l ei e l , iky It- 'Ptempt to make
the tio . V, i.1..U, in the H uitli
.ii, s.uf, ( ley its in.pi o hnt iffba h-te.uu; in
tl.ell e I ell n, iilllt joV |(h euppoil
j oi the Carpet hag c.inH, it has foijeitej con
| liilruce ami bupiicrt. N'T ariy Oue lmli oi
the white people ol the HoUth w*rl opjio
ed to the IfctooualiC pal ty, an much boas
the J'.epubiieahS They have hecu rtps i'i.'ii
by unjust legittlaiioo. The old sirteeu
Ylave Bute* have one hundred un i m:wu
member* oi the iloose of Repreweotativwe
Of these, hut l iuru ei) be-loug to Ihu He
pubhcarj organization. Nearly nine tenth*
of them ate I> ;m<>crate, aud it is altogether
likeiy that hereafter the I)jinoerat ian
count upon a hundred vole* from that ace
l.ou. One hundred and forty-tight rc a
majority, and ft would be fctiauge i jdued ii
U.e Jffcinoctacy iu al! the great Blsles of the
N' llh cuuid not eletl Joity-eight membera.
Very toon, a the term* oi the pie*cnl
Beaalor* expire, the whole KoiPh w ill be
re-prew.ntwi.i by thirty-two Democraiic Uni
led Ftsle.4 benatori, which ix within oeven
ol a majority ol that body. The present
voter* of the Nation are against the He
publican party, it may now W<l a lerng
farewell to it* UoDgres*ioni predominance.
The Trench vintage ia of enormous
value. No lee* lhau 3,000,000 of acres ara
planted in vine*, yielding 12 000,000 toll
ed grapea, and affording employment l>
0/AM),000 jwron. The money product ol
the wine crop is aitonUhing, being no lea*
lha* #400,000,000.
Why i* * newspaper like a toothbrush ?
Because every f. tsen 'should have one oi
hi* owa, and not be brjriowiog ti* neigh
\ Ninoiy-nillioii (Pollni* Law.
{t aim the New York Sun 1
V.v ui-Si.Ti N, cVtol,i i IS. The ease of
'‘ ft and. s • ri, Kmi i in i Tex is i;dlmad
•'mr;' .!! ,- Rgstssj fRe United Btaua and
ihc ■lllei's t’.jioii the o|.tgo cutciud lattda
tvill'h-argued in the United S ates Su
premcf .\pi ibij wo.k. The ease'is me
ihird cl their Value to the aetth-r?.
Hu Uaaro :d Cm puny is reprcauied by
S. nnui'i Edmunds, U.mkiiu? FrTi.icl'ii.
si ii, .ti.d M.. t’u.lips; The l ilcu t s, r.i s,
hy Um Ato u't (i.-ii. ait 1 tie aetUer* by
.! udgi' Bin, k, Judge Law tom c at l> do, un i
t).#.Hptr SUmiti'it of ita i-.ia. Till* CUSH
vitaliy atKcis me houu'sicad uud ii>c mate
rial interests ol a Lugu ctnuauiiiny >u pro
. It coHOd tl* the reservation eel aside.,
by fcie Uniu-d S ales in ISOS tor Ihu mo ol
lint;yge liuUan-, ail lup m Which they
—• -t ■' >■. i,~c -artn tJrn tP.'ms iiT
ilijtyaly made by them wiUi Um Uuiketi
' : im ■t'beUuda wcfcthua sold
by t- e In bans Pi the L uite.l Slates on con
ditto* that the United Si tr ivoirtd sieti 1
lltefa aoeoi'ding to the laud laws, mid would
appi the pjrocee Is in the term ol fund and
cloff ui? tor the benefit oi the Indians.
Tue Government by its piopm mileeis
nnide Site sale aecndingly, and a laree
unuibei pi pci uiiis pm chased, due coini
try was rapidly settlid, and is now oecupi
e | by ft thi lving, hnlusti ious aud iuiulligeiit
population, iKiiitbi ling several scores ol
llioU'*n l. Eight or nine counties have
hcea iislab ishid, i’hey_Uayo chtuolfts nexys
pUii'is, 111 .Ulli il I,si ill I'lioie.,! •, a I
tireiftsiiuntoiis ui a prosperous community.
The t’uttc 1 States, by the Altoine) lieu
uiftl. iCul tlrc Setihis by lln'ir counsel, deny
utSciiy that the lands, which, at Urn lime
I the_gla ,1 j lien' in the uccup tift'y ol Uiv
lihjiac -, but wl.i. h h ive mitee come into
’lnfp, i■ "I LUu scllh'-is, w•'!a tit-
C.-ttdnl v.i iiia Un' j, I .oils to tilt'
I'aUioa iby any lair miorp eta iiu <). tj.
CMUlraty, lift l mled H üb'S uud f tslUeis ii s
sort that li;i m lands vvmu i-.xpia ss!y i \
ccpttkl out it iu.' .'imr.-tiious ol tini grant;
lift' In y . I the I .le:i"i liowoven o.Vei
ruled lift uha i, aud coiitl.aiy to the opfii I
inuol'l.u.' At'.ollfty Ueueial, decide I ill" l.i
vorot ion iu; otd Coin, He even
guvs,. tin: lalll'uud company pateuls lor 111
muds ti; nil which this l.i popiiliplon
WCfv lltlii.;. I'll ; BMels in.-ole I Lli il they
haV'tT .e .mill i. by ol (Jungles I, oi All'll
IWi) io.ui. 1 ,1, id tin i‘l sldunt ol I lie ’.'ailed
>lcs, and *u all 'd tlftl dll els ol tin: liuY
eiiiiiiennip'.i) llicir bi le, and iliut ihu aci
oi4l l ue iui Ue, aipitcnil in ii •tonlilU’ lli
'ilhS 'iMa'.alirb.m Wo tJitm
mi, it not . o.iu tuitig woi.ji... Ilul ti rail
I'.iU 1 .'ouiji i’y In ids in tviill li'O -U.-U and I"
i it- i y "1 s.i in iv up' u I .on i. it u. 1 a—a.. r-—ft— U !' v and W'UO HOC ll appal Tl pi ol'
lb, dy,
I’ niuld tI.L • nil ,' I ivuirli lli 'ia ,ilw■ i‘ id in li. u "I IhO < *up uiv, Ihi
'fci'T.TTtTv urr ulli 4 pUJtuioUf ' j|UUlUill!y ,
111 I aui p lie lift t.iule IHi a l ' ,In 1 In' un
■ Ui' isisnt ut il n Iu -U -Tntvrrr; s)H - lau hi to j
a ii.e.i I 1 liu- 1 uo Iu i .
1;j~A. '■ ft' 11- - : Vt- a'.- *l, .■' 1* ..‘V— I '' 1
United |*U p" u sut ii an tlrlpii ■ i
'il in. .etbers, Ice bro'.igbt tin ti nulls will.
Um inject ol bavin,' a deeie,- enleu and I"
earn s/1 Ihe pala:id|ssued by Lie IS aUetkly
ol the lulul i .hittu fill usl In t fie claim nl
lie; I i,lrutt I Thu claim lifts In on In-uld ill
in (.lucuil 4 -mil Ini lift' DnOllct ol K iinas
uel ue .Mi. J isiico Miller an I Ju l.p- I) lion
wlio codcuriod iu di' lifting that lie- claim
■d ihu J*fTftni cmipmy wrs wi'.nini
lound /l iu ill I i'-v or cipuly. Ei'iin this
■Ucn/i tins railroad company appealed, and
now insists upon a levetsal ct tin: Uiiciiil
' unit’s decicc. Heuiftuis lldm lnds, Eo
Ins;■ tl I '.■*' II ami Me; —pnillips' urn lo II I'll
lift) laiiroad. Beiiwtor Uoukilug is delaiuia]
on jHitilicil business, hut is booh expect
inn magnitude of the property interests
involved, a* well no the nature ol tin; c aim
c*ci'*v much in’orenl. Th* railroad
claim* tho land under tin; scc’ioii ill the
general grant which give* to the company
every alternate *ectlon of land on c.*ch side
oi lb*) mail) road and ft* b)a<drft<*. Tlft-
UniUf i Btatc* and lift; V-Tlcra claim Ilia'
the Indian landn tlien occupied l/y tho Big
and Little Usage* were expressly excepted
(rota iMs grant. Th* IttOUMffl for the
laiiroad seek to avoid that exception by
en(Ji.avojing to prove there cat) be no res
ervation* oi land* occupied fry Indians.
Upon thi* technical question of law, the
case necirtH to hang. _____
Col. IL H. Hardaway, of Tboroa* county,
write* : It gives me pleasure to promptly
•tunwer your question it to the cost per
J nund to raise cotton. I give you the 00*1
for seven years, to-wit; \WI, 14:’/); IW7,
12:./) ; WjH, 12;25 ; IWJ, 10:90 ; ld7o, *L6O
1*571, 13/01 ; 1872, 10:77. The average is
and 1 88. Thi* include* interest on value ol
land, repair*, interest on team, taxes, fertil-
IzeiH. labor of cultivating, picking .and
packing, but nothing added lor personal
tup- rvi*ion. The lat'er would lie hard to
estimu’e. Thia year’* crop ha* not bum
marketed, but will ant exceed ten c<,ri'. I
a record of my oop annually, and it
•imply !*quirtd the copying, a* the c*icu
lalioa wa* already made and enteied on
my memorandum book,
111 I 1
A Duicbma* being adviseiJ b rub lib
limb* wed with brandy lor the rheums
tt(m,*akl h heaid of the remedy; but
added, “I do*b petter as dat—l drink* de
-p’sndy, den I rub* mein leg* mlt der pot
Montivelh) Il :iiti r : tVe were mh i-e.i on i
Tu silay last < t iho death ol .Mr
Kolrtuls, u paitiVr bv Ir.ule, w hn, nthr]
-p> U lift? sejoyil weeks in nur limn, in :i
stale ol cunt hun\l iinuxi, alum, 'nil mi Su.f
day lit'i, iu con.p'iuy n ith a 'ki.ui ivinipm
i.m, iv dnuiken pi imer, f rot her pat i'- : . Hit.
poor old man, tus f| .mo wns 100 I. i Ido, his
emaciated body too weak to mult .a . il.cj
fitigue ol llie journey, and, loisnlo u by Ins j
ipioinh.m bieiftl, lie laid Inin down on the j
loM.lsi e)o oic. Some -\ uiputn /.ing"j l at r j
ob't i v ing his Minks n Jenluics in* I lud.n;
e ill Jit i m, enliied him lo lint rod.Kmco i*
Mr. Whill ii ;enr by, whois*, on Tut - tay
moiniug, ne h: eutlicd his Six-1. Bn , i,
yeara stgO this same <o ui \V .' nb, avy un
traeti’i, and linpienlly ha 1 as many ns nil
hand* srfld UpWuids hi his employ, Bm
be took lo strong dl uik and till Ibe ui cuuui*
liitbmsol moio two sc leyeaiu have
vanished imd a pwupei’s gravu now bolds
•Mail ‘>l I'iimviy mv.uis, liob.uvd and be
hind by nib Great God ! what a hrnble
warning to our young USSR, and yet—and
it diiiis our lips town )t-i ii - -ttit’re nrr sn in.
iu our town who urc loliowii.g riipnily ii
Iu speaking of tin’ lavoiuhle report con
ct'iniug the emnlilioii ol s. iilheni ero| *, j
1..n: Nauuu- ii*.w-pao.-t- tminlvra m tin:
lovvtng irony (hut our rcattcra tVfli to; iipt lo
m j iy:
At Hie noflli We arc ueeustoined to iii/
t.'ii upilons ol industrial or ugiieulUiml
*, erulious liom strikes, lia kolils and oilier
.diUh-uUo—4*-tw eon om pltr; rnr THTf TiiTjiliTy
. .1, i.ui a,i,probably ; rrn frciH these
lull a slight t-iiuiutc ..I l|iu eiubaitassuiunt
niU'iidnig the production ol a large cutton
ciop whiluihe whotosalu alaugliWr ol ibe
t ihoflng nopiilailon by ll.cir employers is
...•1)0*011. In A'ubani.i, Mississippi, l.oui
-siatui, Georgia, and most of tho otlui
o itfou slides, tiro brui *i mid igum ..ui w lofts
nu tv be ii Giii 11, in u' npiiul dib lon (lie most
dieCll |>Ci lo.U ol Ibe p ist ooltnti year in
hunting down uud ina miuieing the i.olbbd
blacks, ( uigi. a .imml hate
found tin soil of ihu son ii Grown with
corps s, and tho United Mint, a was foree I
lo do Mbutlliing in muse ihu clop hy re
oigllblziug Bio leghduluru ol inuihiaini. re*lm bo l.ta been, howover, tb.
laitli!ul negro lias dragged bimmli buck lo
Tic collou Held, and hoed and planleiliuml
picked witlijiut a murmur, Tlnue Hie it
lew more touching InsUuoea lhau lb in on
n cold ol Ibe lore.”, of habit and 01l ichuftnl
to ihu Oieupullnim ol il.o pawl. As uu
economical leal tho production ef tho eiop
~1 I 1.1 -i. -•>- I 1.1 .. .
it la cmioii* to iioiic bow sinUuigly Ibe
p u sent con.blion of 4lit; smith ha , boeli
iii )> a tul iu lbi| lillol* ol Ibe Now ft’T) Tullil
Di Cl ( thiol) hive boon Un night tluintci
ihb ) expo ingibe u ; h uility ol Iho ‘Tod
• Irryo, who ’ LU.nk.i lo; Guys," and llie II In; J link bo b Minin. ’’
I omul liable in tattoo ~! nu of moil
loi Um pail oJ a Gt* r l .tu nl a min oil wnT
■s leliiel by iln S'. I’clerubiirg pnpers.
A !.... I lie i i„| i,I lust tntiltlh the Uiio-dib
Win Ii i;; ib Glal, wii it’ll had n u oinpaniod
tlnr yvii-ht TiUhr lizarii- Vib Ii 111 1 '..j.'i.iin..,.))
wan lying at am hor am dig Imnliodt ol
oilier Blip; in tin I arbor wlieii a (lie wm>
ib covered in a coal collar Inlow, wlihh
wid only a lew bol flom tin p<w <l, I 10 g
a/.iuu. Tuele was no llllie lii put out the
lire before il could loach tin mag i/.inr, aud
an explosion ol tl.e largo Mioses ol cur tridgi'M
and gunpowder contained ill It w ould proli
ably Imvtul'strayed not only (lie Ulul mid
ibe surrounding ships, but pari m Gopcii
liageii. Gaplaln It hbiuder, Hie i'"iniiian
dor ol tin Ulul, saw al om that iho only
thing lo in: doin' lo prevent a catastrophe
villi 11, ail,l, 11.. ship, A-I'l,l.i'li’lilli.; towy
tbo cii w with the ship’s papers, cash boxes
and most valuable instruments in bout*, In
ordered the carpenter* and engineer* to
make a leak in the vessel, and hull tin
bout afterwards she sank iu not very deep
water. Next day. #hu was raised gain )
and alter mne provisional icpuirs was
(ukun lo Crenstaiil, where she is now lyin.
tn dock (tending lier complete riwtoration
lor service. The ilamaf don* I* itatatl to
be coin par iii vely trifhng, and th* court
mariial held oil ‘.lie officer* of the vessel
ii nntinously expressed tiie biglft-t prsiiie
oi the conduct of iln; Captain and I,L
aubordiutte*. Thu Kin purer lias nppoinbxl
him hi* all-de camp, Whleli i* owe of the
highest honor* conferred on lfussjau naval
oliicci*, aud ihe olllcor* and men under him
have received gratuities from the Emperor’*
privy purse.—f Pall .Mall GazTie.
1* it poMibl* that General Grant is ex
|rieucing the pressure ol tho bard time*,
or is lie only inarmc jvcriug lor another in
crease oi salary ? ft w ill lx; remembered
that, not long nince lie sold all lit* blooded
stock on hi* .VKssotui larm at ruinously low
prices-hi* old family hone going for only
ten to twenty dollar*. It wa* announced *
day or two ago that ho had mortgaged the
Long Branch seat of governnicnl to raise
ten thousand dollars, and now wc iearn
from the New Y'ork paper*, that lii*
Quoguc place of one thousand acre*, on
Long Island, wa* advertised to lie sold tor
taxes, and wa* only saved from the ham
mer by a New Yorjk lawyer stepping for
ward at the sale au& paying the tax ar
sessment, which amounted to only twenty
j MKftft*rrK rnniinEn TTEtKirf
me iii iiir-ed hy iliu iii >sl cir.iuent physi-i
ciaiis in the world lor Uu: curuol rlmum
li.iii, n yi i, livor coniplsiiit, dyspepsia,
l.i.bu y 'Ciiso, uTic's, pain*, norvous di*
ordci>, ills. Icmalo complaints, nervous am!
i’.iu i 'ui le’iihiv, uml oilier chronic disoimsv
,U Iln; i host, he 1 1, liv'r. slouttcll, kidney*
and Idond. Bi u, will) 101 l p.ulio ilars Ireo
bv YuI.TA liKI. IT:u , Uiiehjuaß, O.
1. ) I > i.lars a day at home, Aguuls want
_ cl. u itiii an ! turiua Lee. THUS
,k IU, August,i, M lino,
v_- * A WEEK guaranteed to A'on t
j j M ilo an.l Komodo in their own
I. by. Ti Tina an I irUTKIT KIIEB.
Ad Ircss I’. o.VIOIvEAY Je OOj, An uita
'Atu'ni'v . ~ .
KAMt’iNA IT Sniii Charming,
.Mcsnioi isin, m.d Mar luge Guide, allowing
liia *• ir I i*i mm\ may Kseiimto mnl gain iho
hum uud h ll've ti. >ti ol any person they
cliooso I UM? mu |y. I)0 ji ago-. By mail 50c.
BIN l AT < * , i: H. Till Hr., Knit#.
S' '*• to vi* j / t IVr Day. liusiuoss
' ) yL' ‘ lionoinblu uud lucra-
TiTir —■TTi’ctir wauTvcT A .Uro** Mai tou '
Supldy 4 M irtnn, Uliio.
S'- Iq C*v)l V l‘or day at home
fj rjp —V ' Turrus ilea. Ad
.IV* - H l’lN.-ruN A CO., I'orlland Jlaiuu.
Maryland Ey and Bar
(I*l N. ('harles Hlrivl, H illlmorv, MJ.
• iKorc-E UKULINu, m i> , iu Prof. oi
l\j :•>.} Mm Sni ry iii iijo Wusuiug
’l)ll Ullivcmily, Burgeon In charge,
i'lui 1*141) handsome rt sidonce ol the luU>
Chaim Carnal II I* tXMill tilled U|) will) all
ilic imiH iiv< iiii'ii(x adopted in tlm latest
-i h.'iila "l Europe, lm tlm special treut
iiH'iil u! this els s ul ill.-u linen. Apply by
ui'ci in (1 Mult iU UKI l.lNil, M. !>.,
Burgeon In Charge.
Il in,it |i*H>, mi 1 will outwear the best of
uny other. Huml lor iii w I’iico Lint ttiul
'(iiit|iii■ i 'hi t lie
A V l.ltlLJ, i II I.MICA I. PAINT. CO.,
Il u'lng Blip, New York, or
IIW Kant lit yet HC, Cleveland, O#
EVE and EAR liiMtUute
.It'Ll \s j. ( 111,501. M, M. D, IVolemor
~| Eye noil Ear DUoim* in the Uni
versity ol M irylrttiU, Burguoo
in Charge.
Till, Inn il ill ioli la thoroughly Ol gftfllMHt
anil lilleii up with uviiy convenience lor
tli j in itiiu. ill ol Eye at ul hit Diseases.
Ko liirUe i iiih.iuiatiou, apply to Iho
ltd *'tli. i. '■
Advertiser** Oasotto.
\ .}• mll usl iii liiformu'iiui lor Adverti
., , I , u ion, II (kid copies. Published
hiy. T. ■tw)-, per annum, iu advance.
Kivu ; pei iiin u co uea (dillercul date*) to
.mil Jin lor &'/tK oitioo, Ko. it lurk
Uu.ii', New Vuik. UiiO. !*♦ liOWJfiLL ifc
cij. t Jvhi‘ri iiicl PubHiUni^.
Book A*c<!Ht
and Good Salesmen
Are ’COINING MONEY" with the la*
Bida Design*,
The French Edition of which sells for SW,
sml the lioiiiloit Edition lor t*<S>. (/ur hq)
„1,,r EAilitm If ", AO.) eunUtinin# over OM
iUinitrnl full li'lijr. quarto plain, la thu
iii Amkkica, and the IfEHI TO HELD.
Critic vie a I fli each other in praising il,
mid the masses buy,it, . „ . n*
Agent 'ln Cnarleatuh. ft. 0, report* V 7
orders; one In Ninety Blx, H. U., t(M : one
iii Va. H 47 ; another in M erupt)!*, !4w or
dent, taken in three week*.
J B, FORD Sc Cos., Publlehcra,
g 7 I’rti U Place, New York.
oci!iU4'. , *._
inhalin'pteasM to *rr* my Mitt'U ln ® r ' '
wether comity who ds.lre to has* their property
secure against loss or d*m*xe by
t o those wishing tocrsstst n liibcrttanearor me
••hovttbu:sKo'’ Urey mr k’ r l ' ,ebi, “ l ’ ,
he Itslighud to serve them with a Lite PoUcy ln the
life insurance company,
or any other compaw of thcir aw lt.on,
I#*“ i*m working directly for Uw ALABAJ*
(fLD " kud dc*ir w irittdd to
NO tf