Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether Ccunty Vindicator.
VOL. 3
the vindicator.
rum.lMlXb KTEKY FftIDAT,
by ww T. EEVItL,
OSttSMtk *iile ot tfe* Cobh nun*
K.m<h I MwlLins.
ft-tace 'lwL 4 wfcs too ft m !>
1 melt ! \ 1 36! • -ML' 7<® 1- 00
2 incite,-; 150 t 5 00’ 1 50!10 Oft IVUO
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i UllAu ■2Mj t 2‘ <*> tx>
* c.a it(> -, i% 0 1 33G0 -
I col ho AC 20 (X! 00 00' ii 'O
tV~ v liberal dedarrtiott no be D Thu-.
advertising by the month ,r j ear. t
OHDIN ANY > 'V 3.n-.i j
SHERIFF. .. ... F..ur
CLERK H. C ' •< Wirt
TAX RECEIV ER ...'Ll' VVheU-.,*
at KV KYOII O F Ml hewn
Tr l'. I-U-, II „
Jesse Psitri i(i, 11 M McCxeiin,
■ -
John W Fik, VV .1 Hu >.**,
Midi. *U HWYdS, H. A t^rnCT,
Ali. Kii't'iu hi S i\
SENATOR 2fi !, l>'xlrh"L G 1. I*l ivy
Obadnv'i H i ft. r, 45 I H >
.lulIN \V. FAUN,
A ttohnev \ i' law,
J\ (ill i FN \ 11. li . O
\V ill practice ill Mrn.v.Di and. i .< id
joining ooooile#
l, Roßt < E 1.. FE FO,
v ! TOR iRV Al ' 1
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JJtt .( E O. Ir. ini- 1 li
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yV Afe.ll.nm* *** litii-,.,ii.l liii '■
country Jv ■ m -Aden,. o. ut the 0
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•V yrn-u. i,i F*. ' :'c <'• "■<
’ 4 /{*jf /.CO? •f f i *'* ID i- I -<l v .citti* t
eiU. J. Anthony .2 1 • Dn ;
Hohaub’s Gallery.
GRIFFIri < * A.
A SJTv' I H.l Vhi.l "Ii *•"• _
gr o! t*. r /‘ (
tit IjtrltiAfcg oi ■ f : r a '-—-A - • *
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My Men w Um f >< *• ‘ *‘ > '
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Thuiup.oa, t o
S ,v • t ' '
M a i ,41 '4 i-atl-IL- Ul: > '
rvHis/i'i mu:,
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Baby Carriages
ol.*il atjUw an ! ' t ••'*' - - ‘ I"' j a
ndnanotJ o! *>t< <!• *" ' '• _
Carpenter’* JWotier,
T\ t ,tu* 4tW i iiam, i *** ' ** -
Hjßj g* Cudlp ;* lV< ? '■/
hi* Bj 1 tJ jh if', Ihiit h ; '•
|JX£U lr>,fcl'< i 4 ; hW K'b-'> ■ !
with Dtatlut;#*, bfiJ if J‘a*
rooftyc boliu ! H „ j**o 3 •*# f
fcttTAbLibiih b arto.
The Chronicle Ac Sentinel
Go* of lb Oldest f'ap< is in U>* Country
Om of the LEADING PAPKKB io the
Tbe Largest Circulation in Extern Ocor
Tbe Official Organ of Severn' Cocatiee
Daily, Tri-Weekly and Weekly.
X TINEL IS fined with interesting
Leading tnatier of every description—T<ie
graphic ; Local ; Editorial ; Georgia, and
-tooth Carolina and General Nans , Inter
lmg Correspondence, and Special Te e
grams irom ail important points. bcbscrtp
lion, $lO.
Skuthcel is intended tor; emits convenient
to a Tri- Weekly mail. It ooounus near y
everything of interest which appeal e in tbe
Daily. fMbscrmlton, \o
The WEEKLY Chk esc tE SEjtTl !
lit ia a Uiemarotb abeet, gotten up e;j |
cuuly lor our subscribers in tbe country. i
It ia one of tbe largest papers published m
tbe South, and gives,* Editorials, all
tbe cum nt news of tbe week, s lull and
accurate review of tbe Augusta Markets
end Price* Current. Tbe Commercial lie
ports are a special feature of tbe edition
Acbacriptaon $2.
Specimen copies of sny issue sent free.
WALSH * WHIG LIT, Proprietor*,
Augusts, Ga.
————— —rriw-i-mi rswt n —irrif ■tna nirr-mr—rim .
Dr. J. s
• WOM A S's BEST FUI e.N O,"
Will biii'i; uft 'lie Menses when they Lure
mi tieeri eiiah Dheil, *lsu when they l.ay. sups, trom luu’.n'fira: causes.
YViil Cri Hln unmtisni ami Neural ;i.i of
t b I .a, •■•'! iv.’inT*. sVrr i’ .uo IV.nluT
MenstoiCi-.ti, au l n 'ieve the head, back
:;t>,l loins 111 ‘i 1 o M. lii’ 1. I >Si : , o p.UOtlv*
.. !i s. Wul i lict k men .i ior vine
-Ay flow.' \\ .11 cure * \Yb;' .m’ an ! falling
■ ! in" c .li, li >n is lb, i ..I of icU.v
i 1 . a ot.ic u i!I he tjwve iIU-'.
a- . a o .i.i ( i • .mu Ft vcr.
Lillies call cot' IlicniM 15 1 3 Of all the
Dive iloe.ces .1 boot it va'.'.aj (heir
ot lints lo any r-oi, ivii on s Rlwa.ys
lien 111) ini’ (0 tbfir jr :.le ami moeesty.
1 i< recoin nMTOae.) am usul by llie la st
■ l.ysiciaiis in Iheii' ji u.i e jwaeiicc.
|? T ,f m bl*.oi> ol Uu' i.'n--\ e iliseasca,
ce. liheale* ot its wonrt-rhil r-nrs ninl
tiileilinis, th leader is le cilnl to The
ivi.iji(iei ..r.'ir : i,i riit* buttle. Mautifacluf
tfei aad s- '-M by
Uii.YDFiELI> .t l<>., Atlanta, tin.
mi -i ,n "Wl,
A Utilr. t-i ill lir-i
A a .tin i uui above tin' *|>re i,t.
A .it,.' I. tick 'niiiail Hie door,
A lithe sli 11 on tin fl mf.
A II ■' !a,l with dark Frown Intir,
A ;tl Sc fl ,e i j e.l iiic out lair.
A 'it e nee Hr .1 i a-1* te si UiXil,
A mi ic | cm u, slate ion I m.u.
\ !,t !,■ ti!:F. so.ue, ■tin -■ nne tn iji+j
A i . o rttrfn
A i-l 1 ii' e.ei .i,", aCie* I-*r,
' \ i . ..1 , a :U,I Sel l'.
A t e jjt- ilj, u imn.J ;
An ii*- tlr l : o.i. il.*■ it iii'iiv ! nr-nmii .
A on'., a.l,(vat to Ids sn:l
A ill; ,i o l tin.u hai a I l ’ii.
* - FT 'A i
A in lO' .* *■ ■’, a. I e i.V i lot.: ;
A ■ i 11. lt i eal tiiitTtl'toojll ~ ,
\ o. , . O' • in the tom .Y* '
\ It ol lii'i il Dull, y ,
\VtU >1 M J . ,t‘of t> *. jVlu<l t* * A (' (t , /.v’l l
liH- t4iu~i daY- L.I A iililr ii Uint‘
M • •■ • j
.1 M - f.-i ’> -■ Vh.f " .! y. >ll VY iS lUi V
\\ i i t* l ,{M l .. tl' y t t!i ITo li I .
V m< S-
M""."! ill'll ! Vrbr —Vr4r-ri bt- U+
t,. , j . t
b "
j- ! 1 till . M Hi. no
; t I ,j, _ I. . .t, i■ ( | a ( , ;| lis
\\i II ‘.DM Ji ' y I- H • ,“TT T nOTT
♦ *■ Mi. 'Vi.r fhifoiiiHi
N<t, I’ • in. tln M t !- HIH ?<* up fil)
Hi.nd ‘)m* ■‘( • I uu . i1 * M-Hilly ’a I
I 4 t ’ ■ f. l.cit },
h>.> |H] 'VV • ; IJa iE H■'.****
1 ' |,;,f •yI J, ft >in ill F\i ;.:i i* , flUli It i*
'''lff (f 1 55 •fi r I {. , N* * A i % lit- I
l Yb> II hj'i J lit* Tifu r tliChl fciTHK rip
I?l ' A V? ;t-idit It Yll ;< u 11< t? Ji ilM.'lh' V
l’! 11i .; i' li . • i • f . v' HM lft HI !i•!*
i<* id • i, >. * !*; 'ti fi 'Hu ■if ,<■?)
j Hl| l tl.‘~ ft! V <IF . • toil 1)1,1 IJ< -I U |>y Ih
rirrirr .:.r xti h: I '”’’ ai v ■ ;T.-- .3, >.ipka
|Hir,;• • , ID, r;;, _ ~\J -■ t ,*\ fi
I liThiN b l Mj\ >•! •! DA l> I Hill, I'iliti
t.iiJy h* uu liti jj| lit-in mu I .' i hr/fi
bifai-lxa—a •-*•' •* 1 ift -i • ■ J' ft fc
'• * and :<) ! i>‘ • •' ' ' 1 ■ ! 4' i Ml J
- V* I >H* 1 1 {| ’’ • *1 I rt ‘f?k
A 1 la* Ml > ill i ‘ t l-r ’VI!* \ ,
■t : a 1 u.iv<* many i i>* ’*m m *.
i;< i.’isc <)l and yiif. Ihi M; i * fi-? I h V
j*4 Ut j hta tij of !. \y iik a
.** ff•: ii m'i'l. ah i yo u im
p i djj . I-' u't !o>: lit*- fa • *>l an out I fund
lot w . I*ii •• little tifhn'i* ii af ti m FPftpef
lime. - “jfjjji
i ,'. ;i ■ F, lliu mr.- ile ia a
Jjtm (,}■•■* i, f t and n0 tot 111 in Month St.
t* i -ni. k ho itcieil lttUi Itn nil
■ ■ ‘ nt r toll itito A cba:i
.'. * ■ * :•; imufjhe tftnftlo*l teckf ol
.. ; ' , I .r, uml t<-clUlfSUnflU tot tl*
moaned out :
Oh ! dear, oL ! dear, I ih mine A
Vat i iir malti-r, Jaeob, akT<J !d ym
pathiz.i.g hr id ei in trade, betiding over
Y-our 1 men,her dal I paid bii
bit* for os yesterday ?
Ye# I remernljer idm.
Juit now a man from tbe o untry comes
in and arks me bow mui;tojja|j3iaat- J tells
bitn dree dollar , and wo'RWy ouAwuc vt it
M oe*, be puls bis band rigtrt iafiO if* pock
et and pays de full price wf liWFSt word—
'•ere be lowered bis voice to the lowest
whisper— so help me gracious,
believe bed jwid me five dollar, jujfi
mm. —— •'
Jacob, bowr yos var. swindle yourself.
Dat & rot mikes we bate mine self so
much as never van,
And tbe old man limped back Into bis
own establishment, and doubled all bis
goods at first call.—f fit. Joseph Gazette.
An Indiana gent.emac buried one w ife
on Tuesday, married another on Thursday,
and was divorced on B*‘. irday. be want* to
knew if a bigger week’s work wasever per
formed by one men before tbe panic.
Tbe Grand Jury of Jasper county, in ac
ecordance with the charge of Judge 'Hart
lett, appoin’r >1 a committee of three in each
district to look oat and report to tbe Grand
Jury at the next term of tbe court any and
all vagrants tbst may be in their respective
districts. Good 1
Wh it to Tea, li our Boy*.
Not in toast boys or g:t’,! older tliau
the '.isclvc#.
Wheu tlu ir p'ny is over for tho day to
ivas’i tl.ftir fat.* and lends, brush the hair
"Hud spend the its! ot the evening ill the
Inline. •
Nm to take the easiest chair in the room
and plaqc ii directly in front of the tire and
to offer it to the mother when she
I'omtii in to *H down.
To treat their mollicr ns polite’y it' il
she M if a s ranerr indy, who did ti n spend
her ido n their :cn ice,
‘ T ...he .s kind and IWplui to their sisters
as they are to oilier boy a’ sisters.
N . to grumble or refuse when asked to
.!■> 'Bine errand that must be done, and
which will otherwise lake the time ot some
one who has more to do than themselves.
To nuke their friend* among good !>oj s.
To take prill* in having tluir mothers
and s;*n r tor llieii host friends.
To try and find amusements tor the
evuiing which all tha family can join in
■iiM'jH* anil tm-ill.
TANARUS" take pride in being gentleman at
home :
To cultivate a chrerfitl temper.
To *ram m sew on their own button*.
It they do anything,'to take their tnoih
,ui into cuotijmico, atid ahuvc all uevet Jiv
about anything they have do ie, <
To mail, up their ti duds not to learn to
", to chew, or to drink, remembering
i ml Hi. i* lhin ;s laiutot I . unicained, and
Ful thei arc u-itilde diawbacks to good
•HCIt aim Ui Cl k- Ities til bud ones.
P•I ro e iiii.T ttint t .ere was never a
vagabond without these habits.
In N .iru to have tin r luoiu y and inves l
it tii ui Uu- first penny they earn, and they
in ijv r to Be rich man.
t o I’lb ci iTndt tin su rule* and you are
sun: !< bo .1 pcnllencu.
litdit He.iicNisibillty.
ti l duds ii Uus s.iii.iy, mi I we must
deal with tlod singly VV# iotyc liltb*. con.
of* do, but cveiyiblttg
nidi what wo no ottifci lvi-c. Je t ua live,
.Old ' i.d., and t .k, utid a. Insit we ami
hiu.l won. a., tie, and n hi Uu wlu !c tv. In lit
and t< si-oil !o iiy > I tii# work upon edit,
,ly iI . I !■; ■ ill’ l.p 'll Us II do. to ihe
; . •I. (.O'.Vil to I." Hi 11. W Alt'
i 11 -. dde h r own s.'it 1 " ami lor the roul#
ot ..riis-n*. 4 -.uml) tool tu what very.
ell i.l sl tt.'iiie Clmicl, uml the world
W P, j l.< ,it every mol who is culled a
i. .rtsdaii had to. lu. il oi) fil ' wilii divine
love, uud, In ,! liie (Juristtun* ot apostolic
■ lay-, went every wlieve pi aching tlie Word,
i,m ■a me oi Uie'Tpcaaing' iu public to’
m*By. vOMeb tumtt ihe gift. ird
ciit log of a few , but 1 mean Hie flunk, can
• !h> spool,,a. .ui#, liiiulliictcd spfech with
w l,n.h one w h‘* hi' a Flu ist may toil no
ortli-l lit III)' tie.,Uty of nil Mantel. VV etc
‘ •I I t > Act, W Ual ;; i cum
! ~, fF p.wir w oii’-d fie ut to work, and an
u, i i.i y w io, u hoi.U a on. e in Is 11 md# a!,
, oi- n . uml ill fill l , li< o| oir V ust to
! OTTrt-rc-c • Vetmt-st-zd*-*: - !.g- - liiT Lie.
. 11, .ui ~l>ve il i very lit n did'wlml
, c ■I o I ii; 'I o llie plii a-,
■ , ■,, b. cstl'C I am Mir. taut God puis
l , .. .: po WCI to I nl.Ut tloj IU Sl|!|l|. I,
i 10, it ioat •: is i.'ul !.g n va,ii, left in
j Hi** lsi.l e.i o 1.11 V .i I W US'- 1(j drop ol
waei oi a •> and < J, Ua, not glien time,
liilent, nio|,ey, po iiiou, ortho; ce, to he ■
| l toow oa w ..y VV c only Odd tt.e //.'!il
■,uu in sun givi llie "I 'lie fi.Frll -tli all
onto i ■ tiling, all subduing love of
(Till.Ca <d IJiesslilg.
Bril i t,',l In flic kmnv.
A w’i 1. 1 ii i.s a k'ory of u runaway . otiple
Who I'd" 1 tin | .or.' Il'* hoose in the ,)■ ml
yf v , 1,, ! the snow lay on the ground
fttt Jln w it,id th.el# bow ed an autin m
for Ihe .. ■d. ng march They succeeded
111 ■ ■ !',<■ lO'ion, Who lilt I IlCei.
. nugiy iti* di i lo- warm bed for BrvaraT
hour*. The good man ttlucianUy raised
fbe window and asked who was there f
VVi b chattering let th the would-bo bride
gro< m anuounod bis ertand. Not even
tbe piety of the psirvuj prevented him from
utteimg a few impatient growls at Ibis un
reasonable in ter ruptiou of bisdieams. if a
dig not tarry to put on the w'tiding or any
other garment, but in tbuudering tones or
lie red tbe abiveriug couple to atarnt well off
in tbe moonlight atrd clasp bauds. Then
he demanded their names. John Williams
be said, do you swear in the-presence ol
God, as you will answer in the day of
judgment, that you wtii take Eliza Cathe
rine to be your own, your only and true
wile, and that you will freeze to her so
long as you both shall live L The promise
was given, but the cold was growing so in
tense tbst the lady was spared the ques
tion that had been siren to the man. 1
pronounce you man aud wife, and tbe big
gest fools 1 ever met, concluded this bred
and all sufficient ceremony. The banging
of tbe closing windows intimated u> tbe
loving pair that they had nothing more to
expect from that quarter, aud they won
disappeared, wondering at the atrangents*
of the i-ltuation, and doubtful if they were
as much married as they might have been
under more favorable circumstances.
Ilartrsnfl carries tweuty-aiue counties in
Pennsylvania, while Pershing has a major
ity in thirty-seven counties.
'!■■■ I ~1
A New Hampshire postmaster says
Polks are making a great funs just ’cause
1 broke a paupers ribs. W bat wan I hired
tor, I'd like to know—to sit around aud do
Tlie tr|l Hours of Stonewn!! !
Jack sou.
- B ,v ir.ur in an ucc-tiq 1
*1 liiYurg, says : About ilaV'-
i<ht 4>u SApKv Mrs ,):k k>on in
torinth! his m'ovory was doubtful,
ntul tlmt IvrMi r ill:t should Th*
prctviroii WF c must. He was silent hi
a moment,fed then said, It w ill beinfluin
giiin to tie lUredated lo Heuvt n. lie *,d
vised bis wife, ia the ,v,nt ot hi* deatti, i,
rilure to fig lathi,'s huuac, and added.
You have and good hither, hut thorc
i# no et>.’sd find ami ,1 as y r 11. . v
enly Fattier, tte still expre sc.l a hope ol
Ui* rceovcrr'imt rc.ptc-ii and her, il he bou!d
die, to I hui.eil ii Lexington in the
Valley of Virginia, ilis exhaustion in
erea-ed s.) ri pidiy that al dawn t.Viock
Mrs. J;u ksod knelt by his bed and told
him that hßu'e the sun went down he
would L':> ed his Saviour. Ho replied,
Oh, no. X/fcjf ttt Irlghteatd, my child.
Death i.- .*o near. ' l may gel well.
She fell mm tiic bed, weeping bitterly, and
told him again that the Physicians said
I here waft n-hope. AH. r S moments pause
lie asked in* to call me, Doctor, Anna in
forms metW you have V*hl he, that 1 am
to die fo-day, J is :t s ? When he was uu
-w cl i-.l he t'■ j i . ,1 ids cyi s low uds the ceil
iug and ppisrd lor a moment or i wo, as il
In iniense ibo"ghl, then u p e 1, V cry g. o 1,
very good ;A is all light ID tlu u tried
to comfort KU almost henri hroken with,
and then I*3 !u*r he had a good deal to say
to her, lwh|e was too weak.
(tolouel ttfiullct.’ii came into the room
about oneM.'.io< k, and he lisk. and him, Who
ai* piiiu4(g at li. nbjiiarteii lo day V
When toidfluit the whole army was pray
trig nTT tmnT.e replied ; Thank ()ol I they
itrtHmy kind. Unsaid It is Die Lord's
day; toy wish is lu'tilled. I have always
dsu#d lu dl# on Sunday, Ilia mind now
began tu fall slid wander, and he
Iv as il in command upon ,tho Held, gvno
o,dels in Ida old way , then llie s. cue still
Usdfttnd be.A'a-4'tClhc me** table in eon
verslion With incmhi is ol bis Sturt; now
with Ids with and child; now ..I prayer
with his mjlffrtl family. Oc usioiially in
t*rva)oi wuin i t Ids irdud would appear
and during ”e.e til litem I . timid him wna
brandy and atir, Imt In- tie. dm lii s.iyii.i;
It will only 4vi“y U 'V depailure i.nd do no
gun! j I Want to pres* ive my mind to ll •
last it ponsibjn. About bail l ast olte hr
wa* loH thR ho had lull two hours lo live,
and In* nmnycd toebiy hut llmrty :
Very good ;K Is all right. A lew moments
betoro h tit. and l et cited out in bis Ueliri mi
Onto' A-TDililiJo prepare lor actum !
P#*# li e FT lo tipi front rabidly ! Toll
Vfsjer •iU-ppfe, •- v •)-
sentwiqii urifliiished. **,. aeutly a amllo of
hi, flabje siventnus* spread itself over hi*
pile fare, anil In add ipdetly and ami with
.{• uaedutt-aa of relief, Let U ei"'is over
the liver and rest under the alrado ol tin'
n. a ; and time, without puiu or the least
struggle, his spirit passed from earth to
Do t w li anye it.
*• * •
Bnrile,l Tllioilgli III,* Wliulow
A ihilgvmao FfiCSOlly waited lot II eoilpie
. in Ijl# parlor one ev< nlrig, mid, a? lin y did
not keep I half < n.'.'igrmetil, fm went to lied.
.lost atioiil (.all pant eleven o'clock the ,10l
la:II rang violently lie put a cap and a
wrapper bn, ami, In a iHe ol gem rat in,
dress, opened the second story window
and looked out. There stood the tardy
candidate# for matrimony.
VV'I, it's 100 late’low, *aid llio clergy
man, and It'* too cold,
Vo", cal'cd u i the man, hut wo missed
tin: tialrr and I rail to-mo Mow.
Well, then, go to bo rue other minister,
io. ) vi red ihe iruf. parson.
We ca' 'I. now.T.otli shouted up from tin
gulden walk, IFs too laic.
W- l! f can’t msTI-y you now, b<; said
Hie servaat ha, taken the bout door key
and Its, gone to sleep.
Well, iheii, marry us out of the window,
came up from below.
And so the minister took tiro book in
hand and called out tho dirc< lions from the
second story casement, and tlie parties
complied with the several orders, and final
ly left the fee iu an envelope under the
boat door, and went out of the garden
gale man and wife.
A Radßtate of Affami*. —Nine-tenths
of tbe girl* who eat the bread of Idleness,
when they ought to wotk for a livelihood,
remain Inactive, not through Indolence,but
because they know die penalty which “go
ing outto work” bring* on women, who
are naturally tenacious of social position.
If a woman goes out to a trade, take* in
srwtng, new up a shop, or doe* anything
*!e she i fitted to do, she Is considered to
have fallen, snd consider* herself fallen, in
the social scats. Yet men may step -down
Irom master*, become almost nervsnts, and
•l|)l, in a large measure, pretit. re their
standing in society. Rut the moment a
woman begins, lo labor with her hand*
for her 'hilly bread she sis'* begins to de
scend the rounds of the social ladder. This
is the reason that women so invariably fly
to leaching or writing to gain a subsistence
They do not undertake these departments
of work because they have any talent or
fitness for them, but because the Idea i*
prevalent Uiat in following cither of these
profes.nn* they do not lose caste. Is there
no way in which manual labor lor woman
may be made as honorable and respectable
w it ia for men f
T he N|ir:il)ri'vltlp.
The intrrest in the speakership <picslion
I* tnoreattnif. Tim pressure biouglil to
bear upon mcmliers e ! .ct is very, and
lioni tin I. ice o , ucumsiai.c s it wou/d
swill as if iiice.Mlisl wasnioiowi 'l down
lo Rand !, • I Penns) iii. ll. ;md h. ir, ol
Indiana. Kc,r has tlie ,om ic * c.i ill
eastern hod mo u \ mru with M'.iliciing
votes from llie wist uml soiidi. lint Ran
ail t< not i n!i strong in 1“ nusylv u.i i hut
ilstl in ti e w. am! o il'a
Fetnami * \\ m4i. ix mil in . a iNi ,
the mint'ci n noi in< I to nin i u.ueii
linger tllioi iics _v n li.)\ tu ~i soppo-c i.
Ilul liis eia lid u'y is w ik'.-ocl bi tie sin
piciom that a I lie is rc y am i; u) i*
not the I'll U i'sllip ot tin; lime, till llie
chairmans;!.p ol llie comm Fee ol ap,Mo
prialioiH or wav'siial mem*. Every‘i Il
mini Is Mr. VViio | wool l
in lPc lm i*c mill gli al dig,lily and alii
■lo know , Fim .utea , an 1 bi* go al wealth
would allow him to ti ! theofh u w th Uon
or to his c. nstluteney. Hat prejudices ire
excited ii gains.! him on ce not cl ids cn
ner a* mayor ol Ne > York, an i tie is u*
p. i icd of c.iioi; molt fo f’cTi'ando Wood
than for iti y litln i | o iti, inn.
Mmtst i is pr i< ia ,fd) m.t of the
race ; indi't and, h * candid icy m vur come to
miylhin..'. a•;. i niu’n icaso .oiuimr fw is
not very popuiaV wilii i. s fellow -in, inhe s
who tlunk Idm 100 etgci m pursuit ol
new spa. a a upplause. Ilisstie.gth ii as al
way s tic. u m the newspaper ollDcs and
not in ti c ■ e tin tiic 'pair lie is in Ii A
. Igli! p! i,a , Imt lie w ill not g'l the spi uk
ership, mu ev. a be ciiaiiman ot any ol tlm
ioipoi iaiil i* mmilli cs. Hul lux is limmsi
and selves lo relieve the and liate. liy 10.~
humor a , t,n i inu ss.
*Rululali is tint in 1 irV'id to la ovci
putolis, and it is ttiOilglil lie would li.itc no
objuett ii tifhoi oigiug lot tlie organ;/.,iiiou
ot llu* h.'O licioie elcci ion.' 1! " wilicca'
tamly go oilo the culic.iis wit . a toty inm y
as wet! as It a oicl oUs tl oop ol mliinreols,
It is ic i iiei.evc.i tlie orgaui/.d on
will lie i lat cir cc II is not miproba
liie Ilia! Hie spoil between lltu haul ami soil
money dciiiuirili may develop ilavll io
caucus, in I pci haps he (allied iljio tlie
iiouse iiseii ; .ili l the icpulilicans umy ye.
liavc lo decldu wluce id Ihe two democrats
situ 1 line tiic *| ; i 1 llie house.
llie hen pcoplu i lialge U.i.olnll with
tieoig * oirsip!. They, say licit ii lilt Finn
> Ksidau heroines : pc ikvr 1.. e committee*
will be pai he Ih r nil manner, ot corrupt
yob* J that they Wi.uld lie liadmg with ti e
adtninUltnlioit, th“l lie w ould commit the
party to a suicidal unit money iiolicy. It
Kerr ha., liacktsma i> may tcioe io submit
lo the dc.nociatic caucus H )m know a vital
tt Mrav- 1 ft kt 1 1* A ! s*’i*e to Ida c-ailUs, wad
appeal to the lionta wl It liSpea that lm
umy bud a sufficient number of i(.‘publican*
willing lo hack him op m ilto evorit ol a
Within Hie last I, vv day* auodier candi
dale baa b< cn some ti .1 w I ,ciy discussed.
I'liia I# N. F. Hit uk ,n 1 pl'oici spvskcr ol
I| IC 110 II . ii W ill) wa-elc I. .1 ao
tndep.'it rent-c-v hoeral ;....ns, ;,,vn:.
nothing u> ill ii publican j.,n ty, and Id#
gi cal * ,l '* M m * ale I Ids t,o '. i:i oe.ill ng
with mem and i vent# may make him a very
iji mid Die * mupt umi •<; cuiiiLdalc. II'? i,
,11pp.ise.I to be .Idcclvd v’ ilil the inlidioii.
)|, I'.'ey , l.inead-H-m I a-i, ■■■— Ui —U.U luoVC
rnelit tuy he i COII ilil u U;,i to the ii.bu bond
selicm, and the lien hanking notions oi
Unit cl.i -. ol |> co.non s , but .till
Ills ant* ceden ts would not repel from loin
the bald 111 as y dcim/cut*.
filer# m a universal ugi, eineiit a* lo tie
moil cn i iiupui laneo ol Hus election id
epCEitU -irp'nt H wi.l hahgjjip |i in ten
li.d con), ni. A iiUlttke ou tho pot of llu
ileiuoci its wiil 11 ■ 111 thcill.
If the lepul/ieans thould sue, eod in the
nest prevnluoliid isleeiion it wii! not In; on
account oi their own iuhercjit strength,
'Mil. tie'CTT'c ',! ti" 1 wniSiic.m, "4 tin'll silver—, and 'die dii*uuton in Hie dmiereiutic
It. Lamar, ol Mi# i s’pp's will jiiob.'thljr
hi; electe I to the seoato, so that he is out o
the conic t for speaker.
Ex Governor Walker, of Virginia, would
be a formidable candidate were it not that
he is anew man and enlirel)ruucqmiutcil
with the rules of tlie house.
Ren llill, ol Guorgia, will bo one of lbs
foremost men of Ibo house. Hu Comes
here wi h u great local reputation, snd sonic
ol the democrats regret that Ren Rutlcr
will not lu iu the house nest session, so
that s spirited contest might lie got up Ire
tween them.
Hpca'ring of Rutlcr, it may he mentioned
tlust he will ire very powerful in tho cast
congress, though not personally upon the
fl.ror. lie will reside in Washington du
ring tlm *• salon, and will have a great deal
to y touching the hSgbrlation which may
Ire undertaken during the eoming year.
A Methodist preacher traveling in the
back settlement ofa Western State, stopped
at a cabin where an old lady received him
very kindly,glvLvg him a warm supper,
and asking marry questions:
“Stranger, where (nought you be from ?'
• Madam, I reside tn BkcJby coun'y Km
“Well, stranger, hope no offence, but
what rnougbt you bo doing out here ?”
“Madam, 1 am looking for the lost sheep
of the tribe of Israel”
“John,” shouted the old lady, “here’s a
stranger all the wav from Kentucky a bunt
ing lost stork, and i’ll just bet my life that
old curly-haired black ram that came into
our yard last week is one of hiscu-’’
VOLTA'S Fl.lil Til) AND
I i/VN I>S
me TmTctr-e'd liy ihe in NT eu.t.u'fil |>Tfysi~
ci .ns m the world for tiic cure of rheum t
lion, m uial.i i, liw r eomplaiut, dyspepsia,
kuliii'V ili'iufs', .n lii's, paint, nervous Ji*
oulerj, his lema'e complaitlts, nervous and
i io.i! didiiht.v, ami oilier chronic diseases
• o tin- . Ic . i, ! f ,i, !■ v, i. stmimi li. kidtieyit
ami m.i.i.l, ft... I. with full particular* free.
o\ V til. l V lilll.T (JO , t 'lnciucali, <).
| , ) I * ■ . I is j day at home. Agents want
I id. Dollii and terms t ce. TRUE
Alt', August i, M due.
1,5- A \V F.EK .;itar intecd to Agent*
•fe j | i| dc o.i F. in tie io their own
I,colly. Id ms ail ill, IFI f FREE.
\il ticss I'. ('.YH'UEUY A Ft), Augusta
Maim .
Mind reaijinu, FHYutuTjiiukNUY
. FASt'IN Al 1; (N, Hi mi Olisrmiug,
JSesmerism, a..*i Marriage*, showing
Oimw. r.isi olale and pain 111,1
five and a !e. li >n ol any person • they
.no cm instTnrfp lm'|ii)y. Hy mail 60c.
Ill'N i A CD., HSB s ;i, ,5i., Finlii.
and to VT f r V I’d" Day. Ho-mie#
Or) rjV 1' ' liouoiiliie mil luerit Agciiis wanted. A .dress Mai ion
TiipidyTu pM rrton, Ohio, "
S.*T to D t )| I For day at hoTOft
n ’ ) fj) i' / Terms free. At!
doss STInmoN A CO., Fortlan i Maine.
Murylauil .Eyo and Ear
1 1 iinto,
till N r . Charles Street, Haltimore, Md.
(JEOIkUR IIECLINO, M. 11, Die Frof.-of
Ey e ami Ear Surgery in the Washing
ton ITiViv, isily, tiargmm irt rtiarge.
I'lir iarge tiaiulMinw rtsideneeol the Into
Charles ( and roll has I teen lilted up wilii all
tlm hupiovi incuts adopted in the latest
Si lioois ol Europe, lor the special tioat*
mi ni ol tins ches of di'sena. s. Apply by
icttei to (iKOICOK REELING, M. J).,
Surge mi in Charge.
AVERIIjI* paint.
Il coils less, and will outwear the best ol
nny other. Mend for new Price List and
Sample l '.aid to
Hor'ing Slip, New York, or
132 East Itivcr HE , t’lcvelsnd, (J.
EYE and EAR Inutiiuto
No fi,) Kiimk.hi St , Haltimore, Md.
.11 LI AN .1. t IllSOli.M, M. l)., Prolesanr
ol Eye. uud Ear Diseases in the Uni
versity ol M lyland, Murgcott
in Charge.
'1 his lrtltuUou ia tuoroughly organi/.eii
ami fitted up with every 'em wm it mm to*
tin ticaluieot ol Eye and Ear Dlsoaac*. *
,W Foi further luforntativu, apply to (lie
Advortittor’H Gazette.
A .Journal nl liiloruitdlon lor Advil ll
mu. Edition, '.Miuij co|iica. Published
ivicltly, TANARUS, uni, $3 jmr iwinum, in advance.
Ijvi |)((irorn cuoura tittlierciit date*} to
"Hu fuTdiuiii hii 3-5 cts. Oifluo, No. 41 Park
Ituiv, N. w York. GEO. P, KOWKLL&
io,, Editor, uiul Publlaheis.
Book Agoutis
and Good Salesmen
Are ‘COINING MONEY” wait the la
Bida Designs^
Tlii- liiik li Edition of which sella for 9195,
uiul ilni I/Oii'l'mi Edition (or 300. Otir l\q>
nhtr I’/Ww/i (if i.'ih.) aiiUaininfj uwr Una
11 nil'll 111, full jhif/n 1/ Hit rln jUulff, Is the -
lllK t'J'.nT SMI 11. 1,1 KhKOAN I I'OttLICATIUM
in A mi.iiii s, mill I lie KKHT TO HELL.
Gill ten tun with i other in |i|alaihg it.
mul the itiits-i i lull/ it.
Audit in (Al iiii-stoß. 8. 0, rr|Mirts U 7
mill i1 ; uni! in Ninety hi*, H. (', |IK) : olio
in Vu.317 j uiioUioi to Mciuphia, 3UO or
(li;rii, taken in three weeks.
J 15, rORD & Cos., Publishers,
• 37 l’ttik Pi see, Net* Yoik.
is td'J-P.
I h*!l 'll! vivnmA to I*rv my frin<l* If i
wet hr county who <hmire to hmrtt Umjl/ jrup*ftf
•wire agfiirmt lom or by fif.
To wMiiiitf toeifikUt n Hib4frUn*Coe ti*
“lAJVKU OMtttt" tby umy Uf hrbiud. I h*ll
b<s tu*rre ilmtu wltb % Li(v Policy in tba
or a/i> otbt'f company of their own Mtl*> t*ou.
%W~ L niu w'srfctotf diroctly fot tho “ALAHAK
(jLI) " md drlr my friend* to “Jin* ■.
WK.VI hUN I i liter lor sale for (10 day
LAND ! some valuable tracU of
tunning and limber land in a thriving and
lapidiy growing Western Btule. On ac
ciiunt oi' railroads, recently constructed
and immigration, these land* are new rap
nl y iiuig in value. They will be sold very
low tor catb. A Clear and Perleea Title
wiil be Guaranteed, with every tract sold,
with deeds uldull wanauty lion respoori
bie grantors, l'aities desiring to purebaae
iauda, for sn early rise in value. Ileal Estate
agenu aud Trading Men, will find U to
their bitterest to address
E. GUMP,HeaI fcstae Dealer,
17(1 WifhaßiK. Y
* NO 50