The Meriwether County vindicator. (Greenville, Meriwether County, Ga.) 1872-1885, December 03, 1875, Image 3

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t-i.* n :;■< I'li'inv,
oaa Soath *ise •flhi *V#rt
K urt n ,tilvrilWs.
H.ukw |1 k 4 rk- :l mo fi mo 1 ve:
1 inch II 00 3Si 4Vi 7cm I 12 cm.
J inches ' 1 50 j 5 (XV li 50 10 00 15 (*'
S inches 300 800i 10 .XI, lb 00 25 ('■'
i cl 5 oo' 10 (X) 120 00 2M*O. cHi
■ 1 q.,1 7 Ort 1 15 ft ) ! -2.~1 00 i I 'A 00 00 ■ 0
l col MUOO 20 o*> U> ,bO " I *UO
rtT A liberal dr hie! ion ma ’ed thus"
t lvnruaing by the mouth nr year.
Kc‘lijli)ilt Notice'.
TbO Mlowj . Ch crclt *>l
OrefUlHit for !27 >
2d uml lib Sabbaths in "h •* (' .
Pastor.... ... It-v. J II
Si! Ha haUi ill 0 " ' !t.. nil
Plor Rev. S, P. F.
Ist Sabbath iu > a. Ii ni Milli.
Paator . Rev .In" .1 "H->
AOlitT IU 111! I*l :?• M .
• Alter tbit dated at> irral s IvncwifO'
Ini Hip county ol Mi i iwi line, a i I
m the kthi.ih Cuujoji V i.\ui
(I ,! l.arv
w R Km ii. 5
A, .( lIiNTuN,
Jan 41li IST'! •"< k S-.ip'r ('■.!(
t.KKKN Ytl.t.K. i'll!!'\d and
Oat.s, < ). t
NolMoro Pmr !.
l i'll"*! *' i ; 1 ;’ ' t aa ; < ? ■• 4 f
\rt y r.iM .v< ih >- an < • it t' A <
i; Nm, 111 ' NMI A !••
g tin* 1 |!m k <*f nt.ili.ii' • . \h \ h i*i
b*ul. J • Ml!!I.
i 7*l Unya 1 -■< ;*
J‘ <*£> > 'i '•* t
r ffiif SST "" —
niiv t 7". i*, a— *
r*i I' • * • *1 Ni l
* ll* hjMMll • \*lt II 1 ’ .
J)(U * • 'll lit <>'*:. t
TWf ft•!V ‘* 1 ■ * -**■•••
J i 4* •
•If, |!. xt J* ;i* ri i ? •
Til* li*'**! %i Jiau* lit l
'I i.- It -1 Wool J„U ic '.'ll
I ] i ( i r< *< ‘i ivi 11 < k
ji'io hi ir<i.cai hmi i" "
\K Wi Were
•j jI £ FIRST 'TO KIDI ( I- MI.A I
olm m()i v i , ().
wk WTTX not m?
tv - < ~n rrr r t yrrmf y^■ ?- tr . ■ ‘t--
u , aiibtii uTT<ir"T7Tr b"Hi in'i '!in-e-
M| fHI to ham lln m | ‘
pß.u'y M fit ten 1 . •
to tin w ;rtr hu-lo* *T ‘l’ a ci, i *
copl,, Ml to the ah' It Ii -
I Adu ilM'>U
Yttm ’,d ! i . A
Vettin*an utit maV. I*c pmd ht u< whu ■- o
mi ur tiiHr put/-' tin l ■ eo r.- ip
t* tljl'lttl llllpi t- li' y t'" -• j v••v ol
the *crge amount* <)il' us hr w■ l ■ 'o' "
during the |m>t two yi ar> I r <i .-*" or
A-Ju>ltiittl(>r* am. K• < •
OT Will *ll wrr**, DV.I t(...••• I fli.i any
thing lor nivf tinif of this d<acrip' at
come up *t one* ami isttl,. *
\v r KK-. jr.r,.
J*no P.-t Mf. A A ft'-vill.
A very'* Improve! Hu*.c. Plow is Ui* l '
turn plow in tbit wnrH hull .by.
W C <.H01,-ON.
W C OHOLrON a Wagon Yard i* tin
IseT am; cheapest place for wagon* to "top
at. Ftock wiffljr; wefl cdabh and and duvets
have * good room mj<J stove lor tinii tu
I bsve a full stc* k if Lari') P au-r, Hu t
a or! Lime. AV< Bradley’* Dissolve ! Boric.
Bradleys A/id Phosphate. J 1 rad !*• >'► H>j
pc Paosptjale"l Lb". All good Ferti
iiaen tor ■mall km n. I am selling the
above at reduced prices.
==, ® *
— • I— - ■—-
Wamo.—A Good milker, who i|
willing to make bi-n or herself useful
“White or Black," can find a borne
with lair pay at Warm Bpring*.
Reference required. Apply to
o*ns4t J. L. Must;an
Positively the IjtM ( liunre
I wiil be in Greenville on Thursday ar;d
Friday, the 2d and 3rd days if D "'.ember,
and the FIRBT TUESDAY ;o December
for the collection of Tae This >a tl.e
last opportunity. W. G. POBT. TC.
All teachers ot public schools having
accounts lor 1875 again't ii.c Board of Ed
treat ion o' Meriwether Coo ,’y are :* j .ireo
to rrnder them in or. or before the H'.b da;,
of December lfe73 to be audited.
2i0v.,24tb 1873 A E. Freeman. C £. C.
For tale.
I Oder for sale my residence in Green
villa Good dwelling excellent kitchen
and fine Garden, and otoer improvements
A bargain can be bad. Price S4OO ca-h Ap
ply to Mbs. F. A..Bec*w;th.
An oscplU* it youn. bane •! a
bu22.v.—-almo-1 new —for mV by (be editor
-- r; ; lc 'Yffririrr. rt
'V< £•. I oiu a ;w|'cr mi Ili ,rs !y evening
111 all aTilab'e spa with, noliic* o
cbri.'tnitis goods, n's, toys A a (tj)
An ad —Mrs .1 ini > \V. liumiuj; has
l-.s: c.'inii I'tc! a “very liaiidsomc (| liil ilia
vo inns 210 sipiar.a and 10 M 5 pieces
’ Wno call Real 11. 1> S
j TiTc'in 1 -- “ixt.n c.iiisriii ot TTic
I eoiioly itiio:m us that large sow ings ot
'tiiall grain have been made by . nr armors
ilpoll Iheil beat i.ilnls. We are e'ad to
hear tins.
41 1 i : . a .
. el |MJ loir I (in . . a ly a>- suk, gall
|* v a i ad Itoili ! be garden o- Mr J /.
I Isajei'H i- antot atljtl lllg in tlml
| ~nc in- have ever no. Mi ll.utott iep
i M 1- M 'g:.. It'll |> lily tine
. i sb> li'g unu-i ii.i) so. Flout the
| t it:r. lie nnv a bimnh of onts hea.led 00l
j ..lid itit a>UMng 1 all hl l ol.e mi h tu hi ightli
Pm si oats wen •. Wed ell i Hun land and
!, . u.i.ij it. ii i>t i.iu cgltii.g jl ibe eot
i:i lit A a :l. 'll Swygill’s It, gs t<
\ -‘ite nl :. taro st ..ud bteuls. lit!
:: s V V
Ihal Wii: hi one )t r oil the 2JHt ot Iht.
Trort-n and wtiirb, arnndittg t • nnnpeivitt
j 0'... s a in* o. lit HI |ti in. s till ()U w ha(
....I i. SI. ! _i—i11..? It. n 1.1 law J.
A t.i lii.llsi Is ll| Ito e lling eoin
|i!cli< i! ntill Uie.., via. n i you wtl?
iind uU-i an i i.ti.ty tl and kt i p one
■l'i ■t j . - u.. i. ...Uit tti'\. at h t ’lll omi (bat
t.ts tiii tii.i limy "be in.oiled to tiud him
Min.. V.oy i Hu- to low n on li'i.oneHs.
1 !.i f i-I .nllt v .1 11 11.\ eI It It last
M ii ,o hi: (i l .[till to a* lend e uilei t net ,
1 i.* ■ 'Only puHlliil Cos Lin Fl V In!- Ol
Ii in|H run e 1.0-t tin <\ eiiuu.g nl lit
4 v C
M * Ml. ilili ssav 1 • lilt vt* lx*< IV li Vl>
>i . ■ ytit i* .it*! > ii> 'U> 1 Ittik •>i n-s i \ 11st pfe
h r ; tii I* :- \n t." i. i:. l. ui>vt l'illcti
. 4 t \ .' n . i! l i pi U 1.-y 111*
.in * it * 1 tin' mid i. tii nil* ir
•.i • 1 Is* •.) | ■ li* c\j * I iWi. 4 Will'*
• •:’< ■1 • •! i,l H -\ JjJ sa.
' i •I■y lil t♦ ; hi*' il ill! J l Is* li iltl y
• *<* a ,
j • -t~ ; ; ■. i, a toTTT
* to . ! ~TTI Ml
A ...ii.i* i M l': 1 1 \ trti
| N 111 I 1,1 < * 1... I ..i.-. I.s ;tj. Ih pout
.: 1 : t'- <ll i- ( 1 * tj, / t;i t • \ • -11 IVi I)
! .*• ;\in t In- in tvv\j. :• I 1 t in i<-
\ I.MOi a,u , , Vt |i„l lolse \
ij ol In ' kiln . i‘ii pui }* i I two no;
~1. ri a'y iiii.f 1/ nh .! t li.i t).i- •. lit -I ip
in - paii In Ii . ......
II I.r I||. |i. „ i ti .. ,i . | on. l at,
' j-i ii■■ t . Il'r.'.c. • *, 1 J ! | ..p .'}' .1. <•* 1 1
H f< j • ■ ■ ' > I ’l** It .Mr or trf f III*
**>! r ? y i! Ijt '**• f .r t itf ,iic j tp; out )i
o/ ij.t { <>■*■ "l iMif rjnn! v* lam#* \W
> • I• 1 l‘h I h will M 1.4 VS
; ; i.m;o :y. N< • \ ■ n p. i h<’ > H iilH h:iM y
| r-ir,'U,jr~rr,-' f ’ V N-t thv )f1
1 rim t|i’ M< • • i ii' f.'<> \r\ HOf, <!MJ
fib <%•!, J; HU >-1 *• ■. J t ai*f I* ill Mil* |
i 'I t;r V - .li llt Vt-tiv"-itt. U**r
l: t . Vm* Jo > • #t ! Ii Ul< UilK: i, l
M untiru it , r v M l <ii Hi
i t f* '• io •i, M ’ I 1 .* i 1 N Y, ul .ii to II :,-r
K IMi iI t i u
Ip ’• < KII *r ICt 'j ’ li< . •* ' v 1,, t,*-f
(. W ilk ! tu *... >. ~m
V£*tk<a: * hH* n <>! out If m-ii |v \t,
In h<;\‘ i i.iiinn’t, A
*J| ‘ . in .i j ;ip r art A' * Ail l<>
)i<J |i V\ <lr Vtfi'Ji M|ip 41 111 ill VM;rk.
| r<>fr.!jiU!*ir*U! J
'V'liSlllliH :ivtl 4, i ( rolls'.
DlUl! list* TIJKH VIMJWAToK KliVlI.I, ;
1 !<■■; run; )|,II will allow me a little
• pace to say wold or two about iny las'
vini* o Gnet.vide, at whkh time 1 did not
►< f you. W < ii: you away “vindicating"
• 'no body > I enjoyed my 'ast, as also tin
tu-t visH to f our pi ace —roly 'mb thing to
mar its pleasure, and that was tU btevilv.
Let me through you return sincere
thanks lor the co-operation extended rue
tu my < tfictal work The handsome turn
• I fid tinder the circumstance*, war really
v. ry good. Home envelopes w ere hentry
had silver iti them. A young friend—Mies
F H,- ret jtued au envelope well Ailed.
My last visit to Greenville added many
names to the large number on my contri
bution Iseok, ‘.hat wiil be cbeiished by me,
and i hope each one wiil cail on Dr. Terrell
and get one ol my Mew Vear's circular*,
in whicb they wilt And some thoughts that
1 trust will be of one to them. And Bfo.
ViamcaTOK, will you led my Irleads in
your dominion to send me somet-ring, snd
ask the pastor* to set apart January to our
work, and that will be the Visojcatoh’s
part, and may the arrows never—well,
you know. W. M\ Cm acc* nr,
Di*. becr’y.
ILran h i Jeers, one of the original pro
prietor* oi the Boston Herald, U now a
type-setter iu the office of that paper. A
few days tgo he had the pleasure of setting
a “take" irom an article ou finance by Mr
Bennett, printed in the Mew V rk Herald
thirty-eight years ago, which he recognized
a* having been set try him when it brat ap
,cared. The "la e" came to him the second
tim* in the Usual way—by lot.
The negroes of Brook county are so much
dtssattsOaU, and are emigrating *. .rapidly,
that s me of the more neustb.e ot the race
have caiied a convention lor the purpose
of talking mailers over.
Artfvrimi’ Oitircr Ti'unipi'd.
Tl s e'a>s of governmi nt offieials bas gen
erady made [ue,unenviable repulation in ev
ery section of ihe egiuatry (bey have visitwvi.
The citizens have but' liule sympaty with
1 •d'letri, in J look u|k)ii tbeiSNR a selol scaV
i ngeis stilt out to han&'S anil r inent the
people, rather than lietieflt the government
An officer with his squad had been eiAstir
ing the county of Meriwether. day
t ot long since tic y rode up to the residence
ol Mi Jones, and alighted. A lew raps
bix-ugiaLihc- lAdy ol the do The door
This is M's. Jones, 1 piesume said the
Yes, that is my name.
Is Mr. Jone* at home 7
N ~ he has gone to Macon, ami will no'.
be at li >nic t. r - V vi r i ij s
lam a ceieiufe oilieer in smirch ot i’.ieit
or .i. 1 ! avi been inloriue iby a very
nhab'i piny, lira' Mr. Jones has a still,
aid 1 am suit no license has been issued
nl his east*. A(te a ildige. 1 seiich to-dav
all over Ins pieniis s, 1 have not been able
to li ii. 1 the su! Wi 1 you, madam be
i amlid enough to tell mo whether or m>!
Mr. lots a stul 1
Well yes, he has a still,
\S ill you (e!l me where it is located ?
I don’t think that is any part ol my du
- (y. - ——' - ■ “
1 th o't know (hat il U, hut it you will tell
rmc, tt-tnighi save a great deal ol triable,
arid jou know l will find it anyway.
Y u w ill have to iTcdTl, I h ii.ll> think
I . .11 led you, luili-iS Mce.l tin!-' so.
1 tl.'.T rm power (■’ ton, hot 1 t..!;
vou w hat 1 w ill do, 1 wid give you a live
dnllai bid .1 you w ill tell me.
W ill you v
Yc, a five dollat hill.
Sat ten, i.nJ J will led you exactly wheie
II is.
Weill will give you leu, so saying he
hail led hi i a li o dollar lull.
I hi lady pointed to a building a hundred
■ i iiioir distant and lemaiked, you
wili it and File in llio rear pac t dl Ilia! out
woi k sln-p. Whole it lias (as n lot several
years past.
Hi tole the officer had lime lo recover
Ir.uii hi. 1 1 pi i> . the ih ‘oi elo'-ed, and he
departi and muttri mg hitler against
mlit* Jones’ .uil (hat se ll.m ot Meriwether
. t.iUUy • | ihess ntid F'nUivaloi.
<.t am\ I • lokl.
j I Ii ♦! I |
i i:c. L\’i icnttf; i • t ttszAi 11 i *•' f v
M. l> II 4tl i fc'Hl l I I Hit ’ t IHf Iht*
;t v> 1. i! * .1. .Ty 1" l Ti- , 1 TFT I 111-
.1 tM u ill\,Kit i tin* l tlit; .tVp
i ,r jit K t oil i i‘M \N . Ki)ll, I; t V\ i|UM* tic 1111 l
I uHt, tv\ i) ytr I !<■ w litilr rily tno’irutul
li*- I I**- ol 14 mM U jil iy lit tit i/.i 11, U t
\ imjMlt .itivl ||H OIIP I lllf IlMhi'l' 1H HUtl
ill mi 'it) a <iJ Utj W lii U v Km# Il li l*n
•I' lit Iu ! ill' 'riJiii'Miy Uii_iut.f i ;.u i
u r.lay hihl tr* u < tin* < ift-mir Uiu t;>
• iHihf'rlrtj Wr i* M*. I'lll ti’M jm*l VV'ililttllt
i it uy t 'Mivihi’i ti of lii-* roiiH>ii<*ny
h>l)lm iy • I tlit* Ot)vrtiinn*, AnJ Unit Im i
I * tin itrrijt ti t l XplantiUWl
of the mdacity of till? fltiy* Ii ii cfklcnt
I lull it lit ft 1 ouiti lntV tinK*tl li i:UU’llti
VSPfrp. r ition*, (jiiliino' ii- oignujsKnUou umt
ini Mu !• f.“ !■) .ii'iinitii p iimlrr as it iltil mi
ni It y In I ,iuii- II I'oitnmi-I, M'omt pov
TtiTi'itrnt 1,; pAgp) oritiit-a.——fatatg
— lint lot curtain iftppoit nit I aaliMy liom
•I . ion Fopl K'|nMcnlp.| tiiia impor
t int O mi i t m tin r nr, by tlm rlmpltc, tin
•foutbO tart tlt Uia ml tliutsa with Vital
Oi nl tliani welt, of tlii* most iuihnitu t on
'.••ltutlT rr, ir trtrr i tiPrn t= nr-nrrtiy any
wi'll iiitnrriiY I |ml,lic in 11 • iw city <n"ni
wlioiithii iloui.t, or dtny lliui
Ml. f old Ii id lliott! InllucUlX-W .111 lilt* I’ll-h
idi'lit tlniii any ntlitr c ti/.< u of Hi. I, mi*
ilia ii|ipoiiittn>'iil it' f.ootr.l Hlit'i-.Colli i tor
•l this didrict waa ona of tins very litx
(iriiut mane niter loa iiinnponatjon made,
too, let it l/< icn einln ic I, ■!< apite Hie In t
Dial Fot i liiid in vi i In an In illH of in poli
tica, huh not even knowii n Hcjiublienn
Ueloic Unit time, anil deapiti: t!i<* troteal of
ilia two niitora (Drake and
Hcli'ii/) and tin' entire delegation in lire
lloose —Not iiiity Him, but >rnt'a ronfe
tierc e or Iris interest to Ford was so gteal
that he lb i<-d Inin api ice in the Cabinet.
For it Is auotliet well known fact that v
-erytbing *e artaug and lot Foul to take the
ll> e ul Delano as rv-< rctary ol the Interior
w'u n be nnld< 0 y died iu ll.c lust week ij)
Octolier, 18J3 Whether the cornmoa tu
mor k true w hich attributes his unexpected
death be suicide through grief and guilty
conscience on account ot this vety whisky
ring, nr**! not now be discussed. But it i*
sufficiently clear that the most Intimate
friend of President Grant, who but lor an
accident would 10-day sit in his Csbinet,
was one of the very founders of this gigan
tic system ol public plunder, and without
any doubt that particular member of the
ting upon whose influence with Grant and
the Washington administrator! ail his ae
complices mainly relied. If ever a person
was morally guWty it is President Grant,
who not only appointed all these now pros
ecufed persou to the offices which they dm
graced, but also maintained such intimate
personal relation* with them that their in
fluence with him u[on the departments in
Wastiogtoa conhLhe considered a matter
of course. If ever a person was morally
guilty of the robery of tuilli* ns and mil i
lions, of the dkg'ace of the American
name and the shame of a republican gov
ernment, it is the Ptetudent who appointed
a Ford, a Delano, and a Douglass, wuo i
surround at this moment by'a Babcock, or
Orville Gran', the Dents, the Luckeys and
the Casey s, and who it probably to-day en
joying the use of the property which the
very officials gave him, who, to-morroir or
the next day, will be found guilty ot a pub
ik theft sad corruption and be sentenced
to a life long imprisonment iu the fpa'a
swul!n big u Cent
Dr (Jibbs, one ..| the editors of I! ,11's
Journal ot llaaltb, who is hmisidf an edu
i-Ated physician sa l, while on a
railroad train the other day, was consulted
by 6ne ol IheTTOployeds on the tFTTiTTiTFe
lation to his little boy, who h i I ih o morn
ing swallowotl AV hat havepc. done,
lor hiui f asked the doctor. \\ e give him
a dose of castor ol , was the r. p'v flood
pricjlce so tar; aa soon as ymi reach home
give him the while ol ilnec inv eggs d.ii'v,
h t hi< diet be bread and mil.', and i.othiiiLj
sour. The directions were i l owed lai:h
'fully, the whites git the eggs Ti . i ai, and him
day, and the dose of oil tit night; and on
the fourth day the cent was discharged. 1
was one of the new copper c ii sand con
siderably i'-'lV*‘lr-1 by ihe ■; .*! i -o
g rasli ic juices Sure fatal results ot’ei
billow the swallowing ol a i.i i oi-i, the
judicHHis Irealm nit advised m this , , ; :i ~
should be remembered by all w hoi av, iln
care oi children. The c.-se .1 1 1 pi'uuis to
be borne in mind are simply the . : .Mini
men, or lilt) Whites of egg*, .. bland .’i- iy
tree from acids, and castor . h.
Ihe Mobile Hegistet truly i uvs s tm
people estiniate tile ability ol m-wspapeis
and Ihe la eiil of its edior by thn .pi,unity
ad ulUJil,Liin!i.U'.’(', li is coiop UMlivoly an
eiiay task tur a Iruthy writer to l onr mil
■daily a column of words—wo ds up u any
ud all tuhjecta. 11,s Ideas may flow in
one week, washy, I ter'i. ling flood, nmt
the coin in a lid ol ltis.langu:p,e may enubh
lino U them logcUuu ULc huunii.Cs
• I onions, and vet his paper may he a
meagre and poor concern. I "deed, the
.mere wihiitg pall ol lahuu, a p ipiii 4a tiul.
a email poi uon ol the. wmi.. I*h e.o \ the
lime employed in seleellng, i. fai more no
port"nl, and the lact ol a good editor is
better shown by his selections lion any
thing else ; and that, we know, is It dl the
bailie. Ihil, na we have sai l, an editor
ought to b.M'Si'ilia led, and hi < labor umh.i
'tn.T.tAod uppr. f i-aTrrt ' v rhe' peneral eon
and iet ol hi.-. I'sjier—its lone, I'h unitoim,
enntistetil course, ils umnagemont, its dig
tlity, and It. propriety. I ■ p'. -i" ve these
as they should lie prcsirvi n 1. enough to
m’cupy telly the time ami iiUetitnm ol au>
limn. II to UllS he added Ihe p’ neiitl sn
■iFei Visloll ol | lm; io eslMlilisiiiuciil.
which most cdi-ois have lo encounter, ih.
wonder la UuVv they li el imio l . wip,- at
ally, .
'ftie 1 , ntifte i (s!rrt'..r. ■ : r itt Pie In \t
|| uise ul Hcpli Kilalit. will e\e'e,| ie
mitn!>nl L liitM 1 id nuy —p ; • . >l.O ii. ion f~‘t
II any ypara 'l'tllM'terl. rtf-Mm lIoOH 1,0
nil 1 dy received Ip it I.j (liefli 1:111. 11l
taunt, and tin' pa, ■ is in 11 on ol tin' 1
Irave already In cn fill'l. ‘I In* 1 nnti ala n1 *
In the lollotvleg dotiu Is I t and :■ ,1,1,1
111 A laliatllil ; second, '.liiid mid ninlli "I
Illiuoi* ; lliifft e 1 Hi id 1 diner ; ttiutli —nt
KentncUy ; tliild, limrtli m and lllt'i "I I,out
si mm ; leinth ol Mhhsiu bun 1 ; ftial and
aei olid ol’ tyo'Kll Curoliim , e,,i,d o| Y’li
itlllln. slid 1 Iglilli ol VVinenlisin. I'lif lari
ease IB otli! of pOCUllur Inieie, t, loi lei
a-iti tlial It is Uie Ural nf tim kind iiiill
neenned. It t.'itll hardly Ii" e.ille-d :i eon
teit. 11l |t pri'al.llt 101111. I in' e ililldllte -
well, Alexander IJ Dll l , Kepi.ln i ni. nil, 1
ileatu, but lire ca*k w <i* sent to ifie^
rout in mi Mime local qiiiotion llod tmai
ngrradS t Hdk hy the die,, e n ol Liic
Supreiiie Uouit of Iliu Hint I lie eniirl
1 idnU lit tivorol Di;!,. n;tlrtgffr 11 t*r
Ime atute l, (.‘ate ln;ld (lie (i ,yei inn a 11 1
tiffcttle of idia.rhili. Did has cine!' diet 1
'l'he ijiiealiona lor tile II >nac to die and, ate
wlicltier ( ale U eulitled l, the scat, to
whom the salmty baloin'a l<> the nine <d
itill'd dculh, and whelhet 11 in w eiirbou 1
TlfE PUKrtIirKKTIAI. t>> < * I-.• tot 'l'm
||| tftii ol the Vice Pielld. nl Ii 1 .died al
ten troll to tlm rrn tliod id |I|,VI rill,; In tin
am 1 c,,|,>11 to t|,e I’n si I, i,io m ease o| tin
death or diaabilily til both tin Pie I lent
Bird Viee-Pjeaiden*. 'ldiia discloses an a !
dltlonal eYidenm, ol I lie tfros- 1 leli c*m ■
with whkh the revised statutes were pie
pared. The only provk on in the revised
statutes is that iu case •>! the death ot <!i*u
billy ol both tlie President mid Vice I’n i
dent, flirt, the Piesident |ro turn, ol lire
Henate and next the Speaker ol the Hou-e
should succeed lo the Preal lency. This
pruvlsion was made by lb old law of 17th;
In case of tliero being no President pin
lem of ike Heuate and no HjMiakcr of the
House, (here would be no one to assume
the dHie* of the Presidency in the event
ol the death of the President and Vice-
President, To provide against any such
contingency as this, congress about si*
years ago, passed a law providing *lw f the
•accession ol the Chief Justice of the bu
preme Court, and alter him etch asso- hue
justice,according to the older of seniority.
This was thought to he, and doubtless was
amply sufficient to met all contingencies,
but the compilers of the rev.wd statuies
have left it out entirely.
Dentil of Col. Crocker.
Col K. W. Cmcker, a well known young
lawyer died at bis residence in Fort Val
ley at m o'clock yesterday morning of ty
pin'*! pneumonia. Col. Crocker was the
immediate predecessor of <>>l, C. J. Harris
as tfoliciter General of the Macon Citcuit.
He bad l*j*.'ti but recen ly adoritlc 1 lo the
bar when he received tne appoiniment
hut he discharged the duties ol tin: posi
lion In a manner whicb gave promise for
his future career as a lawyer.
Tt*‘- Isntirili* Ckmrjor Jtmraai *bti dU-fw*-? J‘n
yjoj’loo durih# tho OUrt wrrj'ju :n : We b%4 to
diMFMiot tb# r** bubT, or ib* Oni.t policy. W ,;
were, twlwd btwwj bji idu Uj Iron work*
Hla CfJ urUaritv of th <**, fid W*!j
JH' lu Jiutr more mppuimu
by its &iUt Utaa tit fif.
Robinson &, Bio’s.,
fiHKKNVII.I K, (5 V . )
Dee. It’d, Isf.'i t
lies! Fiiii.', e y ..... 7 S els.
1 iriitiilev die 1 sp"ii, y and w i le 1(1 els
I’.iciiehed Monu'spuo—y ni l wid • 111 els
Fhe.kcd limn, spun , 12jds
1 r tip (isiialmrgs. to e s
' iianitev Ile ltro. Diilling ... 12j'S
and elins . . .lo lo ot* its
t’loi.p Fu-imv Yams fl ’
Kcd Flannel 25 els
A'.-’inps-Tnirail> ; o .0-
I .allies’ i ,iyois oO . Is
I.a ms' ItooVvur.l Skills f I 2o
Black \lp lea (0 c'a -
I .allies' S Ik Se nI ■ A.I e’a
I.adios' ItiMkiii-i Shoals ...lets
It tlebclel's ltiogi.lls fl .‘ol
\ o's K-eO STto. s . f i.2-1
o's pi;io we 't tii.,.,', f,, .01
It ! It o.Coth e 2d els
\V hilC-Sngar 1 2. "
Brow o Sou it' . to "
tte-l Icily*li'll S ’d l . S
I! • I Fleam l b .sC . . i*. •*
M..| V'Ses.... ~, , . . . .... , V.i "
(ho ee New . 1 and- nis s , tup ... ;ui "
!•'el N-w . * 1.-.tHs Sv iop .. . . TANARUS. **
V lute tf oe \ itmgi.r -|:> “
-. F II mis. “
F ii Sid -11 l '
Deal I .aid IS “
.View' flip
N nls tl ••
II S. Noils 2b
TTbibe"aTiiTM'iledStiofS. Ht “
lt.imc Httrlilgs HI “
I ’low I does ;h) “
Iron Hound 1 lames 7,5 '*
Trace Mini Ins i>
Ax'cUrrasi Id '“
V (hi 2d
Am .t-.t . 11 riO —
Mali lICS p. I‘ I>. 1. II Jilt * “
Ames' I, 11. ! 'S:,ovela f 1.4(1
Am. s' Sp oil.s s | lo
ltal,dill' |{ ,11 I’ot is'l . t,d "
Sleid'l’lo a s ul alt l.nuis, iTTF.AI*.
MAKE A l’l'Hi il’Kl AT K
niKsi*;N f rs,
A tn>U.llm* m.iny 111 i * of lUH i •
and I*imim l‘uti tih il At* | il)lisk, \1• ic hh
■k iiiic Mini hit noi* <I for |in ir !<• i*ily
and- ! fl i ’ g *1: li l i*’VW 1 1 :i v** hit* I* * m
111. lid M I i*i I toil of I !,<*.**(• |■ mid nfU i
Hu in iti h * and% form, - l*dl.ows
V'OOJII W< >l*k r
Piano Acoompanimont.
Mofhi'r Gooto Moloilios
lL'miH i , , i, i ;ii t Ii A It li -i Novel
!<'• I . ;•’.*■ , *•* V‘-'l '■ i l •( l. \ cTi•:ij 111 m
t * ,iiil •11 p\ )“ tl ‘>o Hi I♦:! Ih ; full
y ill, *V).
Bhinlnu; Llichlx a roller lion nl
'S.ieied SdTlgs fl. in beti’lH ; eloili
ami gili, 42. rm.
O old on Lo avf w v "'' 1 H.
,\ < il.*.. t*n -i R iu'* tvu] <'liufiiir-4, by
VV . rt. lt.4\M, ivU’li V•) I. It 111 liuaiilv,
i lotli ill id gill, 0.
Iltditi tii and Home. Sweet.
&011Iu1h ,in Kohots. Tii rue
vh of i liofcO Homo H by Jlhym,
[i nk , * to. I) irli vul. t1.?5 in b-mifU ;
• (olii nn<l f'li,
1 h “ ,M A duo < oHr< Hon ol
rt iiii*c* by i\ filbu <•. Tfioiiiin, K •dl**r f irfr
I 7A in Jionids ; eiolli mid pill, li fiO.
p. T.| ’lf. . etTotd~At i|ll,|,' S v 111. I- t-Vm
I .ti ili jo' ntT tnr iTtfsa ',4ii4 fc
11.,v •, I) .nits, Thminis, A art (iilninl
Kid on: ) •'! dollurs In Inin I ; < 1, ,1 Ji ami
pill, i toTlai 1.1
Ihe 11| n 1a at llouie A eotlei Holt of Him -
• aid I J j-* la .c. acto, tec lrolll oval 2 ~i
1 ipc 11 ■ and dollaia hr liiMith, eh,llr and
""K l n..lairs.
liiiiiiiniV lii -In b r Album. 10 aiings, with
linjr. and Dei. n xt, 2 ftO.
M, ' ,|, 1 • ■non’. 76 Hegrint folio
edjiiuii. t l nil gill H 3d.
I he siiirie tor adt ep voice. It, o vol i , Sum,
e ieh, 2 ,V) n pnpei i 1 loi ii. it .nr.
In Inin Brin A \ ot at AI lot in. ifO aorigk, adtli
Kngi.n l llci. text. 2 ot) in pnpi 1 ; lull
gill, if :/).
dill i *lit ol i"’> up. A n| H.eied
and M„ml H<nig, liexntilnl'y lllnnt rated
|,y li,' JP. ox. D ii/.n 1. Full gill, ft.
Pi;i no Worlvs.
T’.oiy I’uu '-i", Peril 1 Drops, Magic Click,
and Vming IVniisl. Four coilectinns o!
,iy I'nno Musie, mitable for young
playtr*. I.nos* of the pieces being Wlllinul
octave*. L" li vol I lu in boards ; cloth
and gill, 'i. so.
Musical |l"i icilion . A c .llee.tlon ol Dili"
Mm c. 1.75 in b’ds , cloth an I gilt, 3 50.
Gold'll Chimes. A choice collection 0 <
Parlor Mudc, by Cli. Klnkcl. 1.75 in
board* ; clntli and gilt, 2.W.
Hiillian' (Jems. Conlainlrig mu-lc of uie 1|
um difficulty, liy Wyman, Kmkcl, etc.
1.75 In boards ; cloth and gilt, 2.5 b.
Htisuss' Waltzes, Vo!". 1. A It. Aik Ini
Peter..’ Kditlnn, tin only complete iMiiy
giving tbej full walizes as played by
Thomas' Orchestra. 2 in lioarda ; dull.
4 dollars.
Peal Is ol Molofy. A collection of Dance
ant Pallor Music, 3in l*iai t ; lull gilt
4 dollais.
Petars’ Parlor Music, V'.l <>ur ]st* i nail bent
Pisan Mu*ic ol nj‘>*l*u*L*'l ltl til'/ gs Hr b'.srds,
full gilt. (4.
Iw C’rsio* da Is '‘rs'"S. Val. Land It. A rolls';.
lan ol choice Puuo Music, by Tfaalbcrz. hirst.
Ilrllsr,cl*. This I* CccS'ls'tly lie-
of Ic.uii't mush; iu the uirket. e.S' U $’S la
, b'rsf'l* ; lull llllt, Si.
Pectbofsa's Hanihi. Hro , full vUt, sl.
'■ Polio, ••ID.
Choi la's Wwltsoc. |1 ! jir, j'',)',’ ,;i'e Moctaras
ft, HslU'ls. S' I'rclu.lcs, %tj* nouatas, |X f/i
AU la SUIT pic r ' over,.
Mco-'llcssohri's Caraph's P'.sau Works. Klrsst.l
folia cdltou. .la 1 voi*,, . vli, gh.> , Svo cl*
thin, (all glXi, Avals , cs.-h. |lio.
M'seart’s *rjnst*s Kail gill, 3 SO.
Weber's Plano Works. Pull gilt. 4.1
Ms;lad. pcst-psid, on receipt"! art'*. Address,
J 1. PKTiJItu,
IWlllrnidw*/. N. y.
The Kennesaw Gazette
Devoted ‘o Kullroad iitesls, Literatuic
Wit and Humor. Fifty Ceuta per Year
CHHOMO to evtiy subscrilx r.
■ AtlnaU/Ji.
r I ► AbL \\ ll> (!r .i!<* to nviku money I
I oft i* tor .sue* luo foiloMiiiif pioptrty
"•m.iUd t
rocky mount,
Meriwether (litiuijr, vie ; Oi Dry'floods
s ro, one Drormy .i .| F iinlly Groctiry
si, ho, on.. Wood Shop, one Blacksmith
Shop all coin |-| t > Wish the store 1 will
•el a si, n! ol (1 lods it ten percent, under
cosi. 1 oil r abo tor sate one
St oai u Cxin
1 1 1 v nni'j*‘b‘ t v\ li a h Ims not boon Miniiin>r
in* *i.< * il'.iM ft\< ot > ims ii Vi*! wTici|vTilT
ii' tu I* IVK to 1 Uii 11 IA L Krt uf col tun
: o- o e* i .* * |> we i 9uflld<*nl lo grind
iioiii ii oic l,f> i* 1I sl <• 1 s of Biirn daily, or
iw a. m I** V *()0 ifct uf lumber jr
i *y, T ai * j* nHHiI i pi cf of maclrn ry
HI br 1 • - 1 :} Ii Ii flit! Stall if If i (Jut be t.
1 ns ill nl. o M il
- ><)lluiol i'ihl
so os ol Itn I e > il t-itoi-* tlnve gOinl dwul
nogs Tiiel as wo a inipcYi and as any place iu
ihe county,
I’,.ilt.'s d.-si mi to p ean call and
cullin' Ho above pi.ipcrty or ad,IHS mo
at Uo. Uy Mount, Meriwether county ila.
obi; ii UAViDc DUNLAP.
\ Oeorpi Rllerprlw*
Idle lilTilt livcllls of TIIU
* Oiiiilt; Vcnr
No man oi lain Tty "lioiiM he wlltiOUt fl
ijevy.spnpe:. li is the I ami inlelligcnl uiiif
entoi UsiHttg visit.•! to any boiiH'liold, and
t tin- lw'Nl ot all educators. Ileaidca this
adoii'te-l lact, tin t;- tiro now atldiU.ltfttl UM|
.■•us lot'i thing lo a good newspaper,
i’l l Imps no > eat ol the last half C( lltuiy
lurnished it giea'.rr combination ol Impor
tant and Thrilling Kients than w ill the
year approaching. The Presidential coif
H*-I, the tilth in .Uniat eltelion, the Cell
ten iaijand ulln i (itctl EvcLts trauHphe,
As in tit,- past, no in the Inline, the At
lanta pnnr.tttutnm. Published at the y’arp
iial ol tlm State, il will he toremoal in the
t dtiontcling ol all News, Political, Conn
in. icitl, A t;i it nl in* ul, Kcligious, ol J.egisla
inns mill Cot, vi iiti’ ns. A Democratic
.limiuai, it ia 1 udepmidcnt ol all Polhiua
or Peiwiiitil I idhu nee", and ia Free to de
vote ii" aio ilm Host Internal!ol the Peo
pie ol (> ~’ la and Ihe Hmilli. It in uc.oop
la and tliianishouj ilo- Pnion as Hie Kopresen
lutive Paper "i the Htaio, The GonaUtulioir
in kil iWll mi the People’s Paper. Il lma
.ilaim ,1 a* rity ns such second lo no
pap. t iii llie >utlt. Ah a family Journal,
containing Political and Literary Heading,
ilnnml News, Biot ,i , Poetry, Humor, and
Pia.cFinl Informal ion, it la popular iu
many Htaies. A.ldiiioual features ol inter*
•cl have been lately added, making il a
till mole wei anna vi-ihn j id every home.
The FonxtlluUoii, lmving been the mcatiif
"I opeiung up North Georgia io Uw people
of Hui luntry as ihv : before done., l now
orgunUlug an Expedlllon for the Kxplora*
lion ol the great Ukch nokea Hwamp, the
(l ira iito/ynit'i ul Georgia. Hevoral utonlha
Will he devoted to the work Which will 1)0
of aervlcudo tin S ate, and murk an era In
its Iti doty, '■uii .criptlons should ho made
at nine to hi.cine lull lupbrU of this Kvpo
dilion, wldcli will furnish imsl valuahlein
locHiiclion ami i icli advrntUl'fts.
A Tit, rHert trntTTrrr ot 'Phr and .'owsUtulkm
will Ini in Hepiirtmenl of itnnioioiia Head
tog. orlgitnl tifnl selected. No pniim will
lie a paled to linin' it c,|ii il in thin respect
to any m-w-p ipm in the country, In lino
11,< timvc tad tin U iy, the liselul and the
Knleitariilttg, will lie prcßtnted to turcad
eii. Upon alnls ol in, tied proapUllty,'l|
wif In I,hie lo lolly IX. cole all Its umlcr
sen > ittr-Ti *N i’HtCE
Tin It.nly < oi.stitilmn la Ininislied, |KIH
t ig'' paid, ai 410 <SO per aiimrin, f.Y 69 lor
o.x moiitlis , $2 lid fot Illicit itrottlha ; 1 00'
loi one liionth. I In: Weekly (JonaUtUlioa
made up innir tliu Daily, is a Mammoth
-init il Y (JOKUMNB; in—
-l<i ling |ssl.i;'.e, {'i 2U | r minttp ; 9*l (M>
lot six months.
iiiiiiple copies sent tree on application,
Ad ip W. A. Hemphill & tio., Atlauta
i le'irglß. "
Ktuviy Winy Out^
Mntuiunth Proliflo Cotton*
L CLAIM fur these Oats that they nr
the last variety knowa. f wairsnt
tlicm against ru-t, Hinut and blast 'I hv
EHT variety known—ripening usumly by
the 2->tli of May. I will fill nil orders for
another year at $2.00 i>er buahcL Tho
Mammoth Proliflo Cotton
iu also the moat prolific cotton in the Mouth,
am will yield at least one third more than
the ordinary Cott.n. ’The bolls are double
the usual size, enabling a band to pick at
least as much again |>r day as he does of
he oidir.try vaiieUcs. 'lh;s year 1 will
plai e them-in tlie reivdi of at!’ by putting
'hem at IJdl i>er bushel.
yf (bn|, rs for se< dor tuither informstion
should be addri imsd to th# undersigned.
ulO !m W<*Klbury, Meriwether CO, Oe.
Darwin G, Jon©,
White WJjie Vlruzir Cider Vinegar end 4we*
Od r. Bed mu'Urd goods sad grlcM
wssrsots'l. . .