The Meriwether County vindicator. (Greenville, Meriwether County, Ga.) 1872-1885, December 03, 1875, Image 4
POKTKY Divorce. The I** Haft spoken. The 1 iw ha* bt'iken. And men hiiv*: hiM.kre-1 • ’'< :u ■■ •' ~ Tie' ltri-ai world tvomitre 1 ; Two lives ate windered, .Two ilreimia have tl oved t'J the in., •: wm. The (ianl i In iuhr \ Ami memory .la-a Tlioii'ye > that war*: I# tu • ■ ' * (if Hie year* : - -1-tftr’irTTrram ttpw T 7-- : - r • 1. >ve' lamp is i yin;/ ~ In !, Tile lot ile i.i i v l in <••••' • l t ■ Death’* | > mini ( ■ r F< iTcver, I'li' <r. To brenthe in a 1 ai l .v.i -j f* ■ . or bloom , ■ • Death* parti- • ■■ j : 1 Atone ami to pn.o i> i O'er drewtii* that lie b.m 1 in mgm • am! g " in. What (h moil h*l <■:. till: I Where angel* have ( enteie I. Where life Waa .. 1 ”• the it*. ' •! a child ; Wliat d*m ha* o’er(Kw< M and The love tin cinlmwiTeil, i'he heauiy. (lie h* -,**;, a;, i Sail!i dell led ? Ah ! bright w* thc-bhirnim r, When every new ennn r , P.yirv l irla )iie*a iu. boiPHlii .Ll.Jliidi. a") i:u a i.l buJe ; Ah I f> lit. Wl4 ‘li t Hi • lie < Kmil ttuJia an In , •*i i.;. Kch tear 111 I v.e n 1 **ee ei In <0 In ■ * or of inld*. Their II (i* tinii'iimih. Tin trßyi -n- Tiiuy tmn Ironi die p.,th tha! i> nt' t in men ; Hope weary ttfid . J.nve hitleny ilyin,/, Tll vialomt (hat ’Kn 1 i nine I''"," again. O Jll tl! I ' '"I ee [in a 1 1, i-n. Oner Wltlieied thd ah.n.r 'l liy world in l.eii J i a • alianie ; Cold pride may 'i*tn n lln > 1 Ttvlll hfnlai! thee all'! r hale II ee, ‘Twill liio'k the' with lii" t.i.-'n * '* uniat not leelalm, I'iinpi c I ariih. Tim Covington mar, in a e i eln min I' •dvoe'de* tllfie ulilluliinent liy U! in me) of a county bum, "n wh'liiu • i , n. el pauper* nh)i| lo ill!any kind pi an n int/J Work. H i- 1 im li lii in ; n h.< -it* of rciifnm.y, hy wlji*j*i th". cip-n l and jin vhling Im tli auppmt 1 1 lln’l'i'i!"' in ■ y he greatly diminished. H um < nmilh * lim it led tho ei|teriiuinl In H*n csliuit i.l givm ' employment to III! penpi'ia c oil! 1 1* fi llt, I', do the wink, mill utlt&rn (Vliiim mumm thrin, W believe) In the eatmrt rrl rn iwirK • portion oftlie inipy-Tii iu'-iTlrd"Tor I licit Minimum*. 'I Im o1I >oi inu’iii iptm m auoit canon licoii sat! slit dory. Thom In another way in which we think ■uch lamia may ho made of oven more ben efit then nn n meant) ot *ii|i|>rliri|f Urn peraons *enl them ns “pauptrr,” Lot Iho Vagrant lw la: eulmco.l an thoy nhouiil be, anil tha vagrant* 100 he mwlu to work lot tboinaol vea. Modoiiht a chiol reason why tho lawn ngnlnnt vagrancy e.n not on torcod In the. xpe till i SLBly til can: vlcllng thin t’lann nml keeping them in J id. Hut it they can ho Inrooil In work lor (In ir own imtlnlotninro, nml llionmiikt; the u tK-mlon of lb**Otrw rm-xprnsiTr tir t+ir tniunllpn, we~ ‘hrriPT* l rfrrrtr fttihrht-t- of vagranli—ifttcaat ol ibm; "lying at-mml looro’’ — would loon bo giea'ly dindni- hu4. |Io was a nharp limkins !iU;c roan, who had offered to go on tho Imil homl 11 a . Thecon me I f"i UurpTHpln ll’M auspicious, and mil' I hinii|uito ii,ly-* Du l understand you to awcii Hint you aro a piopcrly holder in tldai • uniy f You do, lieunnwered, |>inndly, I own Iwoloin In a bitryiu'groun I lr*Vn 'pnittei mile rrom here. Brown shootings me now produced and Bold at 8| Cl'tlls, agnlunt I> rot,la ill |H(ll , print cloths ot 4J fonts, which wan the phi price, and mldillintfcottmi I I • i-nl , ng'd'.i*! 10| cents. All thin in In layer ol Southern cotton factories. A Card. Tho following racy card wc-cllp from the Carrollton Times : Tli* undersigned who lias applied to the Ordinary for exemption of {personalty, takes this method of informing his nodi tors that he Intends to pay the last dollar he owes by the 33th day ol December 137(1 and that he will pay what he owes in Car roll county, during the r<v days, lie owes some money iu Atlanta Hint ue can not pay now, unless ho can collect tor the goods he has sold ou time, but will pay all bo can on them this winter and sign notes with lawful Interest and give good collater 11a, payable 33th December 1370 for the remainder. Poor collections force him to seek protection for his family iu the law and not a desire to avoid paying his just debt*, lie also no titles those who owe him to pay him by 33th December next or lie will be compelled to sue every man. A. D. The other day, as a Detroiter was riding ob the Pontiac road, he came across an old lady seated in a buggy which bad been baited within a few yards ot the Grand Railroad track. She seemed to be uneasy about something, and as he drove up she aaked: „ ■•Bay, mister, baiu't you the engine ?" He politely informed he was not, indeed, When sha;ooiuted to thesigu which read: “Look out for lire eugiue," aud added, "I’ve waited mor’u two hours for the old engine to go by: but I've got tired, and if It don’t come pretty soon I’ll drive right on and gs home." Men who are used to going it pteUr fast —The locomatm Engineers. TV a tan :md Cubit. * J ’ rJ - . . The Veil !, 'live isin 0 ' at : iin' lt that Fiesh Inal O-mi', n h • Infl.P'lh'ljf "| In' iro.iad In*/Pie Spain on t.'.i < i An 'pie* i linn that l'rtiiiei.t J-ir'k*' <h'i to’.vs/d --1) II In 1 .in.* -OI e.i tli’o 11 lej.i ,i.J‘ I! ■'! 'i ei- : re- .i iia’-tl iy oo I he la"e! p -hot , ') i.e 'lt.'..- inritriei 1 i- ,o h'• he (Hit it: j J'nl, amJ tie ii.depeiide of Texas war j sell eyed hy the total dc.V.i ■>! the M'-siuiO n •!• i v 'e.'a .’ i an i ti.e < ap' H .if he a"' I, ' HHi It' ..n'i, nil 1 e Vi- An.,, !*.,•; ’I lia!! the w .p in .M amo lever t'c; war 1 it.v > ‘ I u-.ttj j In; y .'I 1:11', i i , -lie til i'l Jlp fe s;J. ' i ' ret I‘"i In .'.belli ~n leta/i I' . i'l ';/: 'rare i , • • .;/• -f—r |V.‘"- ■■-' t' I a e . . dn.U >'/: -•’ i; e in >-ri ' '|. i.t -■ * . I I-X'i •- '. y . ne S' ,ll •< Will II- Vla '"he'niy ilifiteh ■. ell' ■ i-1 i,. a f v V .11.10' ill. 1 e nhh nt !'■ • ro.. ... the ! i l.e- In til'll ;liI: I h it n.'n of an IP ■•-rp—nr-H’p - " rr ;vr ;c DcaSffltiEr mg j. .1 <i n J I'li '.on 'i.t HI it Itpeei I I ID'' iv," . <l"pre'.a i g p < ■ ' : n, 'it an Ii!(in! ' la v' n"',le .' V . ,' I he lonise J oi. as jn lidahie e.a.) ' 1,1 War, an-i urging !i .'* lend eaolino- *''•(.* 11l tlm Hiatt* f, * only .1-I** M' I‘. p. h_lto xl.lehi. (In, 1.) t -<.).•*-# ffvrfft OOWOfHr |,.,J..,1 nl ..-IJ, Ilia |v*-tfi-l<iiit‘e was *at e-v-s --;.i.T p,r(,;h!. I! .1 fill, ly, i.f-ir wVd >u . lO'i no further tnovi mi I ’i.r t!;* pfn ai. ,oi n! the War .i.niliiVt the --I—n-r—r*e —ip '.'in ie ly >1 i ■% *h t ill ji i !".>i I- el I ' II V' lip <* * hy the ! ' Irl! 1 Pi' < ■■ ■' '! I I ,N iW, 1.0 the. ' ' •i < , • ■ !•" ! nil y prnaiieu'thg the -a, |( lei: ' * vielprlou* IIH'V. ry m.y oUlil a' oi wi .* III*. !li 'in' 1 I *'i! n. far Irnoi tih.jinh.i, f •'I I it'll yin '! .'i' , I !I in nni' till (mi lit : ■ tin h ii: ■a. ■ .i ‘ ■ V n'e t in I ( one " : I ■' ■ ' |I !, ■ ;. <. 1! Ii! J • .11 till- '- • 1 1 J i<n! J Vc.k ! nooCoha it rn ■**. n vi. tm *hi nr | the atoa'h ii.ti rvi". e.n, a’ .1 il.e attempt l*< * v* r hi11,..e1l ip ml. one with 'ln p. n.ln < I <*. |(i Inl y ll ahi Im liV'-H il n| ) '■! I *■ l nnlili I .in n hit'ever F HI hi •. <. V [ifomiin'iit (i'i mWorii.i < oi i * Wl: h .v< (•!' l! I nil ii ;h 111 I', 'lll'll III' Win h lint! ill pi* "jr fTitn'lg'l "nt <" i he lioliei || anylliing hot .a ih' iil'ti. : i p, el ah' ml oh'ia, Iv'l' U J' it the <e . ! : j tloim me a;"io : s hnwn ni"i'.an ! m ■ thn yield growing If -■ m I ic-* - 'l h' !' I *o hir from loipr-'vlwg it iahi.n-i, : *. u.,.LiZiiq t.u4..-iinv, Ai,hi. Ui—lLu Li— piled tlpori 110 ihyoloil lii- 1 'a ol inn jin t.'iit mmiiil.iiii lih'.li uni ootion o' iOffß than the <n and ol ;i il'ir'i 11 , an i tlo fiitnio outlook in gl uju> o. Ced, 11 - that tin * ■-* Mjini lliiug ;h 'him Im the n • i o| our planter >, • ■! 1 1. at 4< n, hui-Uriph , and mill la "certainly U" pi nth D of lie inassfs. What wr molls a e iili i| no 1 n 'llithlo 11's o| In! or, snml!'i IHo , n•• • money an Ia "no fi in <" iv V Il’ * o rot a pic mo ol I h!lo: po ue o , liol o' i vny coiioty in Hie ' ii, Ijvinii ini i’.\ i In ii day; I" h nunrieil nn-l oi' 'f i!"p ■ iv ■ 'qqli 1 ' V . hllt'hrlitl Du nee—‘o-r.l h as Mouldunm li'ive at •dli ,1 a inn i -u lanilly ; nn I tho husband mid hilhti h 'pun ioi iiis single htmaeit i the mean* >i> < twtirLy veora nee ooliL-Larw -oppmo i two WIIRTU'S, if I'.-l |t|io Dan-htocs nn 'H‘ t" f~-trmii:d‘lo iu..!;;‘rio-lIdWE" cost, n.i ••• to iam extras and, in ’ oil. In Im opto !, ol ' for nnylhlt'u; but to I t'c.un" wivm ol pr i men. Soils are ruilu and w ilhuiiliiuile Ipm k ol money, Into h airs, mi l n'ioo>t total all senee ol pfifeinal t outin', I'tiin we not on ly Waste mil <>W ni si !o, I'll! perpetuate tlo vi ein on; i ltd.ln ii. 1 iiv ry vvay we aro livtng 100 f.i4. Tiik Kru > tic: A .N. vki, Itmi ov V Now II itnpßliiro piii'opa n a that t10’5;.,.. lost way to euro the ep r. mtie mid make a • te ' " tie"’i"i-'-d > " bh'V ts in ,:lU' ll til lons. In the proof whereof the cue of a Portsmouth horse is tiled, which hud a e veru attack ol the di -en e, and Ins owner placed d<.,< n onions in his crib i* rrgn r ar food. The Dor -e tackled Mirec of the on ions immcdiati iy, and by the tiino he had swallowed tin m began lo cough and snci /.c and prauce about appearing quite itnlig naut aud refusing to touch the remaining onions. For full live minutes he wept at the nese, and then he was a cured horse. He has uot had a cough, a sneeze, nor any symptom of the epizdolic since, but he did tug hare the courage lo cat lire onions re tnaiuing iu the crib the next day after the cure. Pork in Georgia. —An exchange says : The mountain counties will produce large quantities of pork this season. The tnast is good, and corn in abundance has been raised, which can be put in meat an i made ready for market by the ini idle of January The hogs in the mountains always get fat on Ihe mast,-.and it takes but little grain to harden their flesh and make them ready to slaughter. A three-year-old boy asked his mother to let lout have bis building bricks to play with ; but she told her darling that it was Sunday,'and therefore not proper for birr to have them. ‘But maiuma' I’ll build' a church. He got the bricks. A wicked little boy iu the Fifteenth Ward S. S. was asked by his teacher if he had learned anything during the week? Oh yes, said he,. What is it you have learned ? Never to lead a deuce when you’ve got an ace to back, was the reply. THE Oi.DJEWKI.RY and KaNCY fe'iOHK O! l af.range, PerMgia. ALBERT LEHMAN nJhA— iii.e! V. iii koap bU'i at hi* old atiuxS, Janat -fit Ot ’li: pahi.i w ; -'r, • good *ttd wfci.i. '/r.hfcei M) btoc* or Ji.WU.lii AND FANCY COOIS t Mi?, ii part, oi OOUi i, .1 Will he- ~i£J aa! ii ry - •■■■ ni h rr, —m ii, ... 1 i ..ner h i'i li, t.■ ■ CLOCKS. ol all inaktra r.n J j-rh,*-. dn,-i i'e.'n. an . kit'd* ol n ' ' .1 •>, E, ■*• - r-11. h;. >'< Sii /Dr Piuto W^ih \ i !a : • a,, ; >.ly u i’i,. tv' t, si’,lf tlfl* r. A it / Si li, > . ■:: . 1.1 ■.■-,! ' liOD''*L!t:4 e m 'li’jl'Jrjy W -// i H-H.M* * '\-i . imPATIZTINO . I nrnr rtirt repairing *fi ?nri(M nr-m t® T n irn . • it;/' ',i el M ’Wi ' ? . ; ■■■; 'i- 1 :ve WiiiL— i*•, .<".* ■! I Irnoi me ato the i hat 1 tm 'lf Vr! ’*, hnweiirr sinaiit -a I ' J ... f 1 (ififiy <!.-.<*?,• a* 1 have a■* ■■ '•:e-n-, itn-i-Tr/T.iritTiify, ask ■ , j ,i| : I have "' el ye.) In ", ; fi hi : •' Met a* *hef am*.: \ ,Md! - 1 ii i riri 'v r f Ti<* * '? ; ' ' - 1 •> r* fly f . • . ..a *rf 'MI 'a | i;: ! . i.j.; iiht kill ~ (i cJn i 14* Tilt r rill ’ It Uni \ . V I 1.1. K, HEDItDIV Ji : i , . > did 1! ogam* .r* !t ' ! !, : 'iii- ;*it f j::i,n. : Ti l . CA'I lllN I I'! Ihh'tej.i ,i„|, .l: ( ..!i,i. p ,r, iII I e lln lfii* .ti .-Mie J:it,<r"‘g Ht' i i . i ■ . h ill ‘i.ilUli 4 H ... : j- - • i •) ■ • | , .'r ■* f l ■ '• f Hlf ii'fx r* i. f ~1 ; ♦, .-- ft - * f l-tim-l, Mrtt j'.--tg i*;; i ’ , ~U x.. j- Ai-tjj t v::-~ ——rrr —T".-.—..:-J ); . * i ■ Ml iH fr^ STOVES f STOVE P >: I .-,1 hi i, .Inhle 11 UN I .Ml. N I A!. Hi* i J, 3’. SLAUGHTER, 11 is oprnriil (he i i.l'.' •- l; • ioVK K.roiiK i ! , A, . >t, !i>! the Ml.; i Ml h I 1.l otXMHIA. MAIUI Id. and. WATI.;4|MAN and utho. COOK 6TOVi 'S COM. ■ I.d U 1> ILLAriy*) HfoViia and - acliing them at I < >\v I > iic< *s —i ——i .. .ii mr — r —m—h It i, .a . i.tol - ! 'o. joti wmk f ere. > tlerdi i|>i ion i,"to- j■ r *in; ‘ > ted lean,' ih'y '.ll'' vo I. V Ml’ I ■ "t>S. KMM K 45114 nil- wwA iimhM 4 i' H ™ M lUNH HOO ■ (irr.r'a:. v nn . n.i and nntit !*•• fi's 1 h l a ■ : |. -I 1 ii, It • I*l Cp rt. 1 ; (>j'ri ft, A. i , V \ | V i'tiHvW: S -nitl>MU \ I own • !’> !. • ‘ ror v w :’t •: iiftowo . axn r vfXtt i <r , , , Mill. 1 itKoMD •J.)( is. r. ham i vlhitt |Tißa ?Eal! tsrn trlMl CHI Mil VI VM>r >STAOF, IM I I I IN‘ 1 I‘KFMH M vv*r> roSTAOF. Our CwiiFiresido ./ Na ll me Journal lor the Fireside. Fight large page*, wi'lxijhigtradons. N-rw m ; F-mfth Year Price SIOO i > <ar. i m teals extra must b<- nl to pay i > -rage. Every subscriber has choieeof a Premium. Kvuy Family should take Onr Own Fireside FOB ITS GOOD STORIES. Foil ITS FASHION ARTICLES. FOB 1 TS MISCELLANY FOR ■ rS.HPCSEHOLp NEWS. Addre-s: Our Own Fireside Will lain St., N. Y. N. IV—Canvassers Wanted.—lf a reliable business man will accept the agency to control canvassers in "his vicini ty, we will pul his name to this advertise incut and give Wfm special inducements to wet as our agent. A Champion Printing Pres* given for a ciub ol 10 subscribers. Send 3c. stamp lor s unpie paper. Address, Our Own Fireside No. 17ti William. st., N. CTIIAMPION The Bi-st I’Tesses Made yPHINTING j aTTHEY are WELL PRESSES I BtTLT. For impression comes PRINTERS, up true, even aud firm, BUSINESS Men aud cannot spring a par AND tide. AMATEURS. Do the best of Work. tSTLarger Sizes, Self-Inking. ALSO Job Typo for Amateurs AND . PRINTERS’ FURNISHING ARTICLES '"Of Every Description. Pend Ten cents for pamphlet. Address M L. SUMP, 173 William St, N. Y. W. C. GHOLSON LaGRAKCE, GA a „ 1 t 'AHMKH- ' ANVOT Sal a 1 plm.eto*' r* Lsarco - : nth .a W (h <>:. jl/nu's New if* : road ROCK W A REHOUSE. / ; ; i’. ,Nlt i; . K <!.•* 1’ i• .Month li w A* m h vi- -ifM- i.i-'-i 1 a - N me-- T (-' 1 ■ . v ••! '‘i I-• •*' ■; DA i VV . < . U ' ‘RAILROAD STORE. ii *in ;.,nl .i !. ; ■ el* 1 ‘ ■ >-. 1 le.; -f nt EK Mi. hi. -1 ** ’•!! < C :<!::* HW-M • I. A ftp n-jj Fi. n iC _ r.l’ieUi, < OiTKi., ' V !fU'. , , ; ■ ■! ■S ?’ 11, ■ - ■ A Hi, il~ -EVE :—; , i,i a- • i !.u ii.: -t U> A LARGE STOCK OF f KEN !E*. - Y J! AN *. a I • A—'. -in •< 'll. Kt Irelyt UIO g I t . gm-t •* -f iTnrrry Ti lih;. . . hj: •ti.' HU ' \ i Ifs 1 ; J . man i:s i • ph ion I t " ii . r. v - fh ■■ f ■ !■ , ", i 12 Chromod vAiul One Own Firrsirt. - F r tin V .r Km ?' " V ' !U;< MO V, IT ii LV.-;-y M *, ;l I\ i-. • M- 1 V, .ill i V K|Li j\ * Hlit/JlO ‘VII ll K\ Kit V Nt HOBIt K>lf I J <> A VI .vI! ■ K‘ >1! H‘H A i r. \ti • i i>u "u t i r.yii ’ m' * I *‘-lt < r < V and .•!*•' t' \ .Hf . iv* i"n j* * *t, 't. *• * < v th* n'll -J.- -f> *!*> |r> y l nl |.* IKI, S4 . tf .f l Ml I ; t f ; 'fir * • ‘iT * r ! I • ♦ !' • Mi tii hy i U *'f v,j.uf,rs, *! *v fjr f-rv v*. *ui r* tr ;* U w (- ■■ ■'■' U Y..J v ' •' i.,’ -i u• * ij.'t ; * I♦" i . t>i. •< ’ A ; ! rn rrmv.% mu^inTT. : v i 7t'. ( st . • Y.. rufc. " UK A NiITTHS Slew cash i; oo 1, Silo:; A N > ii A 1 ST ORB, _ rMUNKS t t. \ . ( Alii’ET- K i r. L L BRICKHOUSE SICO TURLX\r>KHS OF LOW Pf?K E. WZ. T!F K? i '•'•ru -v , | * ; t, m> ♦ > * n.of th nty AtlanU thpt tr* v. t,<.*■ ? r.til <ti<’ 'Oh f t Mr- l>. . r 'f - r ■ ■ ■T- v, 1 . U • -ir,; ■ *:i f k'rt U * Ur N*( w •’ k ot B- Ift. Trunkf lf-4 < *•'; f-l-Kw. ** •h%-- rtfor rrr ;r *■ • ►* vk, f* ’ . >■' !- f>. i’f.- m i t. \<y m .1* rtom our } h%t > i to pet thi* All p*rton vlp'kipg a *>-<! or ziiwr iAvl > to *ll t >' ' 6 t <*i 'kf Grangers New Cash, Boot, Pboe ac 4 Hat L L Hrlelh ow dt Cos. We guarantee to eel! treats, etioea aud ha lift at a neer price tfcvi pin*.i.'arftrtic es c*n be in ihe city of AUnnta. Boots and hoe* o>*de <JT LEATHER / neither rape? or ahovfdy ahoe* a>KS hr * r*eaa jji re u* a call ami examine our stock <f Shoes Aud lints, aud we promise tha: ir we you in style and r* wc can in pric-v we are determined to sell goovls, %•> and n* hope that the ettisene of Meriwevher wili taTer ns with a cad. at No, 76 Whitehall Street, Atlanta Os., at the Oran get** New Oaeh Boot sod bhoe >*ore. L. L. BRICK HOUSE & CO. J. 1L WHITE, of Griffin Ga, WITH HENRY <St JOHN PARET Mt ii’s. Youths *%. lio) s Clothing at Wholesale 370 ct 373 Broadway BWITEBT New York W anted. Asenis. A TEN AND WOMEN. In every city _i\JL town and county, to canvass tor Wm Ke.’hcffers Patent Lightning Reciprocat ing Improved Churn and Egg Beater. StU* at sight and pays Lar.e Profits. Bend for circular to manufacturer, W. H. CHICK A CO-,11 IN. Second St.. St. Louis. .-24 Sa FALL AND WINTER ’ ' o LOWEST PRICES FAIR DEALINGS. <>.. a BEN. K. TUCKER &. CO e • H._ n't .• F. • rt re, rext ’ >r t-J R, Scott’s Wartlioase o AA rXTA'h NEW ,AND SELECTED .STOCK OF I )i{-y (iiitfDs. . Notions, CioUiin/. £oots, ■ jioes.H.\t:,, Dress-GoOds p v i : •/ \ - 1 i: a.>a ia a <; o ol> a, --- , n .j- ilttlrttr;', - : : v ii PT I'i *. R‘;'T I I \ - PUY Geil'iDS JT RE. /: i Ur f’ ..4 n C-n-'-ral-T. iiVlie list lr - . : . ... . r c.a . ii t i".!-;.. ~'jr s'.nek tiefprebuy i• •• ‘ - , * ■ h ’ i,t no!, (‘ail and .v, J i li. h . 1 U KElt A CO.j, ■h i _ Wm lh im, firorgla WhM POWELf. * ' i ’ • : *- i. ~. ;• .11 o\V A IM>. W a o D \ ( o VU "!/ r-AI.K L>l A1.1.1d !N Ti i*! >. <R. a i;s, l-ri'c. ' u . ; hi.l'L HI„D ' in.< fi, A (iin iu, - - - Ct ‘oriria r*- ■ _ _ aga zr 111; m i .i;i \\'4h n 11:it m . _v, . " -*c i V IN OK AT< li UfIJN ENTERINCS ON ITU T H I 14-0 -V ii'ti’llUl t ■. —.—k~.. \i i■'■* i .•rTTTp'u. nr M I. i: i IT li i.i: i oi: n t y ■' the 7 wo Fir; t Volumes y H ding tto; writ I'* :y.r ;y- • e ... .—■ m . - - -trr-|. rh. tfc* ' ’■>*' f: ' . t■ . •• . I ll j-'r winch It >• •■> ' ■ 1,1 < ci.: h w lii ••!<! • really to T •■*** t e . 1 id and ;.M, hKi’A i;T\i KNT., TT7 I - i zr> * T •> —~ ii a f#kr;rTr7-rr \flQ AIIJ Cli:l AlO /l Jj AVi>VA It A JSJ CU. . 4 Who Will dtllght - MihUlbi aui ■' '*'■ ' ' omrm, .y, *- ' ' ' A ■- •••-..d: . ~ ,, t ~f • - ' ■ - pwol voJhm The V iNI )I^.■ A rOH <*y? >\ . - . t f; 1 ... .^ OWES JNOiHIJSO AJNJJ IS BOUND t 6 ramtd if the |ti j• <i m * thcr cu r *‘l! rn'y M.srain it. Tie pte ofnb *<’ iptiop will be as i.en lof re, 1 H ij DOLLA H- per anti urn IN ADVANCE, The circulatjou o the paper is far in advance cf what it was last year ; will cot each Get vs one more Subscriber? 4 ess?* With this wt thall be aatisfied, The Mint ■n of ,bo*e trading ait u OU r people i , ailed to the advacUgea ottered by the VINDICATOR as an a ’verging medium, TANARUS, REVXLL, Pro Excelsior Alills. Dunn Watson Sc. Cos DESIRE to inform the peop'e of Mu weibcrthat they are turning out a very superior brand of floe :r at their Ex relsior Mills near Woodbury. They can grind from 13 to 23 bushels, of wheat per hour, so that no one need wait for grinding to Ire done. The mill is new and ejerv thing is in excellent order. Give as a cal! Chu Flour is for sag by Judge J W Ban uing, Green ville. Ga. ocr7 DUNN, WATSON otCO To ."Hent. One of the best places in Meriwether county, with three comiurtablc settlements, situate,! in the 3rd district on the Sulphur Springs creek, two miies from the WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS. The above place ha* liii) acres of good bottom land, WELL DRAINED, and 130 of good upland. Apply to o W. McGehee. Waruerville, or to MRS. MARY McGEHEE, 029 4t White Saif hur Springs. w w WOODRUFF’S CIIIRUWE REJP OSITOR Y UKIFriN, CIA. BVKRY tnuor QARRIAGES, BUGGIES. PH wTONS HACKS AND JERSEY WAGONS S> Also, the celebrated Woodruff' l CONCORD BUGGY and PLANTATION WAGONS. All sizes ot the WESTERN THIMBLE SKEIN WAGON, and all sizes of Patent Wheel Buggies, w ilh a Due assortment ol HARNESS. & • tf o* b*7 ff Is 1 pronytl7 ai all WORK GUARANTEED