Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether Countv Vindicator.
■_ - -"• ' - ~ ~ 1 ’ ■— I.”.rr: =:.iMsgaa-a ’ CT' l * <na —~r ~ ...... ~~ - . . . '■■ " - -- ' * . . . .
vol. ;t
by WM t. revill,
Oflt.-s South -iSu •( th Oosrt H n*e /
••* of Ad\ crilstiig.
Space I1 k| 4 wks ;t mo ti mo I \<-ar
i inch jiao: *j f.u: 4 no : -hi- :-i <•>
* ~ - v, *■'
S inches 300 H0"-I ano i<o 1 25 00
j col 15 00 10 QO ’ 20.00 25 001.85 00
i col iff? 00 15 00 ! 25.00 j 3500. CO . 0
; col 110 <0 20 Ik) , 85.00 CO 00 1 SIOO
iff V tiff rwl deduction made to lhos“
+nrrtiiing by themonth or year.
ORUINAHJT. J-xs VV Hanning
l I.KIiK b. C 5 > llmton
TAX RECEIVER.... W.l* HVheo’w*
TAX t'OU.KI roll VV G. Prod
*URVMCYoIu U-K. 51-:.Li j:a
C-v l NTY COMM l?4Sl N KIT*.
R. T. C, Tucker. R H LOTUS k
Jesse Partridge, li M. McCasliu,
. A Herd.
Jaliti VV. Park, W J Bamw,
llid soH Ki OVcs, K. A PaltvCf,
A. H. Fieetnau. H<v.
FENaTOR SCtli District, U. 1, lVavy.
Hiadiah VV u, W T It Vi;
John W. I'AltK,
J \ Lit. I.SV II I I <*
Wrt i-ni. lire - t tt MmyrThrr r.s.r tt.* btL
'milljt I _ :
l.j;/ti(.L L. FLA\ \ ,
J\ lilil IMHU.IU.
tillHMll.l It, La.
All bu> i ess enlitiMed to lib < .is M und
rif In pr mj ’ i ami In t li• ! *
A I I It M.Y A f : AA .
linn nui 1 > Oi— r
AV~T pT lu'ldce Oi Hit' ,1 ijSII* i •>’ nml i
likttt t nut I* of M'IV. 1 i", in,,l t),l
h pel ,i llA■'y iMIn i Hs , * ; W..
11l t.MUt# Its Hit
OK I 1. i, li. ihl I 1
11’ II,L < ONTI I K Hii nt-: • ni
\ \ Ml lij, , 11 )• l I thi
• •unity \ < 1 t!*• ■ <*i .
. h'ut'i I I liin ll ■ d* IM j I ’:i *• > lUi tuli lln
‘ on i; u antuon y.
i 11 *>.!<& bI- I rwteewnjm,, •;. UTSS'n I*l lift'
foi'itwflie *ud vUiiiily.
|#Ofil<*ai O.J. Anthony A l -A- Drug
JmmL. l?o
bchauba Gallery.
AmKHAI.tV* rn-vh- •• t--e l'-,-
JffTjltl* U>/ a>4 1U ; i*. I r '•'i *' t
>i p CtUMr* < f I VC*Jf *it‘H lip' H , Oi l l'i
<<>j Y<7, til i* t £V?I ** 1 J•* Trr \ ■:
My Vf•• i*w • t!i i > ui i >;•<<'■l*.• • ■
irTTtrr* tnf tHt
XIiOJUI ( ole A!i(Jo.T
* < . \ f
M\ N1 ' " nr 1 ')
and :a j IN
1 nun 11 vm:,
h’J' I) HJk7* > *'J', l‘ ( LMtiy MA?
V*, &A>.
Baby Carriages
Mu'! itjli-t an! t riiH'iri S ; pie*" I.
ruination <>l >i'< I •! , m 1
Caip<mlei'*i NoH’i-.
Thomas N. Afitcham, near llii* Wsrtii
Hjiii ■ir<! I <inwtfl, l/tt; 1 - leave in inform
bis friends end the pub:u , Oust tin i jr<
jred to execute all k rrl**d
with Btati.i.", finish ami dispatch Pat
ro'>*y* Solicited.
ihl AIL,MHO lit,
The Chronicle Ac Sentinel
One of the OMeal Papers in the Country
One of the LEADING PAPEKH in the
The Largest Circulation in Eastern Geor
The Official Organ ol Several Countie*
Daily, Tri-Weekly ar.d Weikiv.
1_ UNLL in hi *-d h ith iatere-bng
Heading matter of every dew rption—Tele
graphic ; Lrcai ; Editorial ; Georgia. aid
South Carolina and G-nerai New-- , Inter
eating (.orie*[ :. *-nce, an-i >,“ ■■■.. I■_ e
grain* roin ah important ,-i.v.tnp
Hob, 910.
Ihe TR3-WEEKLY Ciucostcue a*.o
SlsutfEP inteo e.f |or . - -.ter.ier.t
to a Tre Weekly nn> ' it rear, v
everything of interest which appears in the
Daily. Hw*/tenj>'ion, fS.
The WEEKLY Cut: *iclf. asm Se.nti
vel is ft sh?frt, gotlm up* e*j>€
cially lor our subscriber* in the c i .'ry.
It W one of the largest papers publ'.J 1 "*n
the South, and gives, oeeide- Editorial*, i;
the curr-nt new 3ot rue acek, a ta*i tt.a
accurate rev.ow of the Augusta Market*
and Price* Current. The Com tire rci! lie
port* are a special feature 0/ toe edition
Sjiec nwn copies :f any issue sen; free.
AL.t>H A W RIGHT, Proprietor*,
, Augusta, Ga.
Dr. J. JlradSeld.s
| VV*J4 briny on the Menses when -they have
; uut been eslab isbe-1. Also when they have
1 be. u upt>ie>set! Irani unnatural causes.
I Will cure UhcMmatUm ami Neurit-gin of
t the back am! womb. Will .lire Fainiul
i Menstruation, an I relieve the heal, buck
and loins ol those distressing pains and
nriinc IV til cheek menorrhagia or v-xces
sive flow.’ Will cure‘Whites’and fu 11 injy
ol the womb, when it is the result of relax
c-aion or bail health.
l! is as sure a cure in all the al> <ve ills
ascs a.- tannine is in {.'hills ayd Fever.
Ladies can cute themselves of all the
b -re —di-e.x'i s wlthrr.Tt Trvenbny —ttictr-
om-ptaints to any person, which is always
mortifying to their pride and or -dr-iy.
It is recoinuiemied and used by the best
physicians to their piivu’e practice.
For a Itistory ot the almve diseases,
oeriiticates ol iLs word nil cutes and
dire*lions, the reader is >eterred to the
wot; prt around the tunic. Manufaclur
rd and sold by
- IHIADFiKU) A CO , AtUuta. n~
"Mini” All is Ltlcl
in j vttv t< ukcn.
’’ 1 hr r’ ait is trier f—Nee sun sinks down
! ■ shine upon-a la- iter’laird,
And ‘uphill lat ‘lutii jeweled crown
its w ails iorever stand.
'‘There” u’l i- 1 1 1 rIN > sorrow “there’’
T* bft'Hß ulii V &ciiil)£ hctitl ;
Hu oh ' li* iit v* I Oiu t. u'-lt and (Mic
FiifU 1 tiui’t, but itt’Vti prtifa
"•I’hfrv’ angt-la t sit are M'.tkJ round
Tue tiiof*b>riu tljinn*
A In h; ul v> iif * >wct*i 1 v N.iumi
i lu'Ji l U-i ali-jR*.
Ib ! *i is lilt! IN Rr< sb‘ 1
FuTnnv ’!•< .ti \miui tui llily >vtn
*’i Ut it' > btiupul is lor ibt t.b u i,
A jdl uu ih^h
-1 ItFiF ;i - i till-! N' night thCH!
i . 'ill! Uru f'U’l n.ii <l* v i
“TUtn " h.*w no nttui x-I j i;s>
- < 4 f ;
A . Mn I i£,*i' n, liif-y - \i u >\ pia\
j Km/U UK- Vit k>bu’j* ii i itU) |
Mlp I Il4* Ihl'HH.
< bit day lint lung agu uu old
br inb i ot, u< in jm, ,'> ■< Iby ii \y v\ 110, ill
’ii irii ;i V > <]|\ j, o"ls 4&lo|r f uix)
Jil t ill- Up! !-;| ,5 tUOUIf l t SJii'l *■
bf t If li.
I ii I*4 -t Uh i‘kj i (Icvmi i*i ru ith.'ic
nit ,b i Mi . ixl . uiif* it. <Jn i*
Af tiif* jot t* ■- i*c L.h’f'ifbiWn lit* (fn
M - nidy 1 !>* < u |u11y * *<>| thin Hinnrnfi
hmi: if ! i)! v' ■ !)•' I the hi‘Ft Ka.i
iu l in !,M t-.o* .
.'I lip dki mutt id Ui<* J U i c.S
kite *itr itami h M ovrr, *f*ti UnttUy
(hey on mr pkxw tud hi?
Cnl tii’f i fTiTTrii- ywrdfi o* that.
b*sl ! Ninir ytkfdtt ! nhi nd tlic wllr,
1 llftf'h Mint 1 Ml ||, M r , I '! I
Ii Hfi'l ni tnl ilil,i-r dies with ii |ni |i
i hiitni 'L t-- ' ni' (;t !■ wll h J it.ay.
Wit* i anything about looitn h lie in
'jtJiMil J Liven t ; u'.Hnyn (,;ot ti kfillku
■lft o’l' if • ; i \■ ' ' ?
*i • - I . i
Util ilt V 111 it In li;J V'• liUJ'illji
any lot rti'i.ii yot• I
Th*is ymi won'l '
Not r I lie lot if
Von firr tc on! into r ' i. hoi fy i xilaiin
0 n’t Ii I wi'h Hi*, a'liiot'or, MiiHti ly ,
! 1,. warm-!
Oil I yi vi )■■ i In ',o r \i ly in r tin;
It*c, ("it in t o i *, to oiaki;
; [v n o
Ihuif'l I -f '? ;,o- ’Aii] me i H man.
1 i w., in vS,i in 1 down the store
H —tnrr
< • p iso . n njir> itf. Wllham.
\S hat y r want ? he u.*| >irrel.
i tin' ‘hi-, I.rii fj, I want to\infjmr to
you, i),< couth)-.e I
lie |-,|i' wed hej {.ut among the boxes
JJer lace wore a smile, end he euspvc'ed
nothing. Wjien he wa* clear 01 the door
she tore") ard vzed him t.y the wind
ppe, rushed Liiu backward#, and Hopped
j him over a pile of hone*.
, >J randy, I'll pound bbikca out’ri you for
| tills, hoarsely v, hl'pere! tl>e man.
William, it don't ly in yer backbone I
she r plied.
Take that I he gssjied, tiying to knk
He made a be* v y tfniggU but she clung
to hi* throat and flopped him as ollen as
he partially roar-. Alter realizing that he
was fool, he faintly impured :
>1 rarely, wha; * yer object ’ ,
A kailker dress she prompt.y responded.
Nice yards ? he a*ke h
J' imp fourteen ! the rupended.
Hay twelve, Mirsndy.
H rakbt fourteen end no gouging ! she
He made a grnd effort to throw he' off,
but the cacged him down and landed a
bi<sw on bis nose in addition.
Mirandv. he s-a-ped.
Weil. Wi i am ?
To lhat young man to cot off that kali
That’s right, William ; tiiai’s purty ! she
!*iJ. loosen rig her grip and extending her
*&n' and.
You won’t say anything, Mirsndy.
Not a word.
lie scrambled offtr the l ark fence, and
abe want in ano had the lull number o!
yards-cut ml. Whnr*dyto go the old
man -Bias 'lt b-r with tbe mules,
Shaile of wliioi upon hiT brow, but Mill
willing to admit to the clerk*:
Mirandj took me by surprise, but it’* all
right ; charge that kai.ker to my account
Ktlnii|t>iiiK >* Bolther.
The post cfll o at Obo: vtlle, a small
western town in the 1 iicd States, tv is a
important place. The worthy p -tm tste:
kept a coantry store, whete he diajn-useeJ
co.i,'s ol every description.
The disliici comparatively new. and
fotttieel one of those prairie Yiii iiiiti
spring into existence miles aa ay from other
towns, anti stU’ a.sort oi nueietis or trading
post ten a large extent of ectu try. Suoir
day was the principal ti ding tint ; and
xi . 11 irmon, the- jiostmaster, utt 1 his as
.-slants wete always uVcrwhe '.t c and with
btrsmeas on that day.
Hut on the particular Sat”: day .oernoon
ot which we w tsii to a, e ak, t.u :c had
slackened erlier than usual, and the pro
pt ii tor and his men were e me a hu a lt
tug time, and chatting with si r ;.il rmeh
Irs’king-deHoivs w)it*r had gil rPTeu about
Ihc-stove, many of them tu-ing i-traiigers.
lor a stranger atiraeicd but liuie notice) in,
that community ol new c-uneis.
Herr comes Chnrtry tnlbcrt, tho very
man I want to see ! remark, and Hannon, ms
a horseman dashed up to the store and dia
Ho was a tail broad shouldered young
11. rcules, and the large 1*..% lior.-e he: rude
I Hiked well adapted t>> carrying such n
weight, and exhjhfie.i < -p:; >• piiiie., in
H'lvrtig Ins young mush r , !i..Ui horse and
rider wiue well known mid nsptx’UM
thlo lphcut tin’ settle.u.ul. Ju’.vUi,; his
ac 1 tra ineel animal shunting Unhitched,
t Idhci l entc!eU the ah u e.
V oil UIO JlUl till j.i I 011 1 W.'llltl I to Hit'
t.u o\ I lml Mi Haiuioti
hntunliir, Mini Ti.Oiil, I hot,,i| think
ton it, .TiTJ I ill Ini in t o oio, i, yn 1 liiittw
tin: ohJirl til my tot". I'. '[l al'e gem'ral
i) toil hi, wiliomi' w Uvit i <>’ i 1 otto h i
IVi If, laman tt pi ion in ti ii n l am i ,
ini I mu mihioili In : , I II I nl Hie nuoilill 1
wr ) III!. Fail Th, Hill' five ho ll Lit 1-J
Im ■ hliuiil mill they Im1I"hi oih Into in)
lin hi,-I niyIII, lull tn to It ultimo ,1 unity ;
m, 1 jm'l, r \on ivni.,t hio I ihi, uioii' y
anniiitl. in,tie aißi.taalul aUciUttia ol Un.
Aim! Ml. Illirno It jll, i, ii* fl'il In ifn'iltl
ui ti l it j.‘p. mil nt onto-, whiiTi Mi! I.nil
|> ,u oil i Hli'.llllly in Ilia |*o, I*l.
Ni iv, CliUllie, mu,l i > 10, I,ni it It, olio nl
ihii |,aily mail'll m ui t ti *. • ive j you
liuil In I', ! keeji , I,' fk out, < mae toBW OBe
it, jj|,l hioj, y,,u jo
.tom < h mi',oil.
Tin iiliuslitn in i Mi.ton I inn-ht a slight
hltmii to Lu th j i Ui', k, lot ii wo will
km wn that h was on ilia I HIMII kalutiluy
Vn<>m i**t *• Otj"***' aeliiH*'
uilatreah, who Uwiit In i(jm nil
flow llojot! kllnW I Hill K' illJl to Cl lIM
ion Hfkii'l i Timf,y.
VV, 1 1 , 1 ~i y t-.ii|,| i,M Ho, Yulian lio licsf,l I
wld you iln iio that w vab ut ll,in limn o|
lulls;lu'il ; mul * 1 1 n \ lii lnul, not wol, j
my.ln iin Utjj ll O' Jo 1 (UI 11,1 r, Uft Ijn J
*h, i, Hi and iiioniit 11, old 11, in, \\ ,o in ii
skliL !
Mi h'y line ill i|>, l If,l ii i bn l i*. ii *, in
.Id 11.1 1 If, h. , I . i-• i ‘ nlmo .n ! lii-n..,i-au—Um_
mmy und wo., 1,.- way, m.d ~o*> In: I,a*
ilolnn.'til nl in, I out In'M*, nml wl i * ,on
have •nin'of L,r ll ■.< ' fa in' it, t in eountiy:
IT,, uhnri t 'Oij, d,yi nm , to •. , on, ■
and ll wiiis h nr; mh-r do Is ,• n 4J,L,• ,i
i‘-M in'd Id t ■!' ■ 1 ii ,1 n-n, amt ro’i.ivi-fi ill*
inmiil heaily w'i m:*' iron, Hu ifi !>, dnu
Bulurd ,y f ,-1. l. w ll.i hi L'lit I Ii in
In r dull 111 u* ,| *, hooT,i ■■ Ir> in, I wen*
huh* 'o to ii n Inn <' . ,!: OM J!■ tod had
car: h and hi* ' > r nv, ii i,o load • , • :t< .
that he kiu".v j n.l wind was ii*i|ihii I oi
I itn, Kiel rn-ed* I no u>.di>/.
ll ivj, la', -i :i■ 1 i ~..tliy lo> k hi, 1' :,vj
n| hi . wo 1 11.
Nj,w, hi f i ! and,. .mi- 1 ■ Ini 1 ant word*,
for you kt on linn n,.,v In; , | uns;'*r on the
V „id, o ir r,y fold,'in have l„ <II eoiil
milted lat< ly.
Never I ii.Hinl, , oi<l llmo wiil lake
run h on I y.
And, wi ll y o!-!,y k.-x, ho ni itiled
and rode away.
The yl.l won- drill, -00, light raycpl Ilia
b'uih that j nrk.'e-l < ri J |i!y flom a i.'t: o hk)
Hut had ft ie-efi i ymjao and ,rk, it woo'd huff
made no ddh min to ( li irfey. Ilia tliou.di'.n
were of Sin tweet girl lie had left, and tray
‘rig in* ttU'-n'ion in hi* horse, In; role alow
1/ along, luteal !;>■> , p una l"r the Inlur ,
Tlie money I h e receiv* l to day w. 1
enable me to complete my home ; th r n B -
rah w, 1 my w.fe, an 1 wcuilnill live on
ihe In raj n.jeii a happy life, In; Hi'lU: 1 .
Al'-ng, dmk patch of.! real l.onud
ahead, thr-ojgli which the prairie road rsi ,
and n'l until In; had entered i<* dad. rhaf- |
'ii. ,i.d U,*- horse nan aroue Ironf in ;
hhaalul revrie.
Whit il I '■lioold In; attacked ? ihough!
he. I have nothing to defend me, and
enough money lo make it a good haul lor
■uth gentry. ll'imhug ! I don’t believe
thers- i*. any daujer
Haft !
Ar and two dark (• riiu xprsng into the *l,
aeize'i his biilie, and the utie'y gllth r of
piatotu levefe | at him, wilhia a jew lee! of
hiv, ** rile 1 him.
Like * fim:i, t<L good right am: si Pick
the vetn-rni Irom the hand of the robber,
and I*ll heavily on the aboylder of tin* fel
low ; and with n sudden jerk of the pow-
Cffil arm !:<; vra* hauled orer toe saddle
bow. while old Hero, in response to a dig
of ihe spur, sprang away, jerking the other
robber o3 bis feet, and causing bia bullet
to spread wide ol its intended victim.
OotlKough the ei.snny woinD and out
ugaU upon the open prairie, dashed tin
horsfl with his double burden, while the
i oho r strmi,.led like a child m tho power
fu! tfrattp < i his .Mp’. r. A ehwi.t * of ll;e
tlngfliu ovtrjiis me k reduce 1 him t
quiet ; and. hi ! hi this in. unre he. m le
•n'h w, captive, and, at l ist the lights
ol Oberydle appeaued, and they wore
in the mil u: k .
ALa word ; ell hi- 111 I ter stopped
jin ftfU.ut oft , iosj -otsp fro i) the uin low
wliieU of u ehc iv hght sieiwu denoting
Hint the ,o.- ; lams wci - still busy lepiueieg
the gbods tit it had l-ecn tuiteu .lo wn
iIU We d’C. ’i l :Ul'.c
iiilio. : ctii ; t.oh
A head appeared tit the door, and u
Vxteftn**w. • !. Dillon ! Who’s tlu>r< ‘
ItfUi , and dm, and.. I’ve something nice
here j com.: help me in with it, answeted
I’ t. - . n -ddn-ssiug hi ft I
•T Willi’. ITmt you’ve got,
rria.l. ? .1 <id.l><'asked Jolnr
ns hg appioitch.
iluth-r than th it, John, li’s a‘"real liv.
dra-rv O’mie lilt him down, hut hold Inin
fits', St.i'l Oil lie i(.
The rut. unshed s’o.pmen ahonl,
and {lhailey Id.l ilieiu ol Ills a Ivonturr
}Lmu-tl.e i- Other w:p rricasr-d trom tits On
pleajflnt position on the s.i.bile and taken
into the store, where hi n tor billowed,
llsi f* 111' is Milo!y, Uotltl<l
1 think I h ivn himmi tbiH Itulovv l>cl>rc, !'*•
mnrkcil Jnbn, nn br buik a stnvry • ! Hu*
rnpt|?f. lit is 1 In: sli'aiigcr \ Iml v\ sii
I.LOgJi-Ulic M'ove li. i-e w lira Mr ll'irinrrr
paid V"il' Oh Dio.
Let's S. 11. 11l (.lew hat of I Inn
■' h- ha about him; mi ggi uted 0110 ol the
Ahopin ii %
Tin pri ,i::**i' j ,>, !,■■! ivveuled ii hiiihI 1
ll i-k o| | ,|>ioi', ,||| nil ~l i ni,l :,:mii; hill,-
tlnnu-y, a ,I ,i mi\ ■■, I.,.*H• ki.iln
ILf ni ! ',ih.'ii’f this f n\ T.imird Uilhyrl
l' kingi i ],ipper tluit fell on
till* Hour, mid il,i, .. :}, MM,I uIIC Ihnll
saud ih,lima mu npjji_. r Hi■ niptim of ~n,
Wil Ltio L tlkitl. the suji;.. :. and ha,tec „
gang of rol 1 i ! f lealurs. Tp,-,
liilhiwi ,| oih ;p'l hi , ' the in in
Answer t i 'd, -ii,, mil to tt |*. hiol.e iu
J dirt.
Ah iA, ,1. t, n, nr ( ',,<! v lidl ;| v,
*iSid )l ii. u Ch'.tl 'y, y.iii’in ,t, hlrh '
Till* Jill ,W ifc :| |l| /., 11l fil'd f midod nil'
o( the ,I‘,,‘i-lfiul .
V 1 fids pi card i* ll "ll llu '-In ill, I ' I
Joe, S"il il i* dull'd only ll Win k ngn, mii I
L'liurky: Hltui IlnL.tilng i)n< r,Hiding.
Oswtihrncn, said the lobhur you i, tve g,,t
Um-Mylaal ftirtsy Hilt, and win n you .!•
lir r mi* *I|I you will ,el (Jml rewiird. I
:iul ill J our power ; 1 1 1 11 tin m b| i ||,,/a ii re
h' 1 11, I "ollud 1,1 \ M l e'v nm l III;r,i-r* Kuilv
• : /lit • with a giimiicc ol pi,n. t'.in’t y,,u
Hi!" il f,, make 'i tn i , n t v
TANARUS, x, let them o I mu' Ih' I , t ,
-*r-S-Tr-el*'g hie iidli,iv.mrjrowwif." M-flie (InhiT^
it tint in,l too t ij* lit, find J will '.vutih Hie
i no .iu übth.
Ho J, 1,, .* pri and cautiodrly to iem
1 '-" '■ I,:- I --■ !. , !I.mV,Ji! .(J| l '■ j,,
"’■‘■i, whip* the utlni'i gHtliercd uioiimt
' lil.ii- ""
'A f h Hudsle.n jio kol pin liglmis st Ii iijr* I,
furfy lli’ I fl Ills I, tuil'i bee, die lied ho
llsl Iu ll:- 1 Is, e~' .1 ,li 11, m, | ~pong lo lie
door, M I , ii Ti 3 j oi. | lint h( ell picked,
Mo mi ! feu m i* the inoveim t, Hint ei,
' tlii,' r h' I lie j rotlp ' nul l eniiipri In lid tin
S m-cm*, In was cletir of the idol'", m. l •
! 'Ldicrt le iclird !|," door. In env lie rob
1 r : pr. i • ,: ‘oI he :l, i., on oil I Icin'
bill i. H,' I 'pnh 11 l ,y
I’ur.dl WU‘ Iml 'O l;c • hot I;'fit of ; f lit (; i
rt | need |il, fliigei -t, , lit* moo Ii jnive ti
il l ' whi ' le. li' .'i'ing w hieh old Hcio, d< a
in ■* Ll rrTU,gO'g ni hi i I'ji'i, w.lirr !!,-),y,-w
ly, and ' the a .me wiPI g iliop. marie I back
In Ihi' m e.ter.
h<, iug t.i , (fur|y Hill ;*ti, tripled lo throw
hhi.“M | it urn tin uad il" ; leilprn so doing,
h *> Iu i) i night lii the stirrup, and he wu
dragged heiplezsly ov,-r Ihe hard road.
Foituna'cly lor the poor victim ol this mis
bap, the diuliiiieo was not groat, nr.tlie rey.uft
m 'glil hav been I ,r in ire acrio'H.
II ,w often is it that the lii* rest trifling tied
h.ut omtrihute* to the c:s*!s ol justice ! Vll
liate, may -lie* e-dully carry on their work
lor years, and iu their fancied security forget
Hi *■ fate that n, u>t t v, ntualiy ovi rtake tin in
—a slip, an accitbJrn, and tlie law claims her
O llw’t hardened low* tc his hors**, and'
H e iasensihfe fi*rin of Cfuily Kill was cariici)
i to the-tore, where an cxamin ition reveal
ed a biok*::i head anil ab * lured leg, w hi' I,
wo rd iPUa'n their prisoner as cllectuslly as
•Uiackle and chair.
In a lew ilay.; Higher if! came up Irom Hi
I for*-, it, and tM*k charge ol the inaiinrii
! 1 ao through lbs eontaalon, many of his
gang of d,-peradons were taken or killed,
and thi ' ;itry freed oftheir ptCM.nee.
I !.alley o:ilH.rt received his wel -earn' and
ri ii ard, and the money * nah'ed him to eoru
p’< 'id his house ban,lsormly and stock tit*
farm, over which Surah Oiffiertprc idei a*
nisrtresS. ' „
Ttf-re tnay fie silth a tiling as love s'
tir-t fig,id, r marked a Detroit girl a ,rl *.
t i*t*<! a ‘'lii*' around Hie curlittv iron,
Ini' 1 don't bthieve in it. There's Fred, 1
f*:* -v hi h a hundred limes before I low
Idm. In I act I should >'t have fallen in
I' Ve w nun | dh| if UU father hadn’t given
him that ,ou* and lot
Mcc who are used to going it pretty fast
—The Locomotive fcoginreri.
|Ftvu. Dtunswick tMcn.) N. w |
IT 1)11)5' I 55 tilth.
Mis. bn.tiles has hid Ueue troiibh: Vii'h
-Lycalgos,.guid-li4S Inou s! ivi|.;t!reud ih-Htt
ht-hfl th it he is totally unhke other men
in fin I, tectotallv unlike ma iv of them |je j
iIM biietl i)n a long sober stretch up to n|
Couple of weeks ago. All ml thv tune In
iftarued that his only oitit, n licit oil I.oh
m h s '. I. ntia, hid died and b.’ll hi n an ini
inen-e loriunc to get, |f no conld. TP,is
was a s ate disiippo'itltni nl to mu linn.l
f-.e h ■ h id t xpee'ed to in- ilia le,-u i ii h in ill
'••y the ib .i ii ot drs pane ies|ieci. i!) u-la
live, Nevin was toe new. ot an aunt’s
deadi t.ud w ith more poignant g: el 'n
surviving kin A posts . i,.; to a
conveying the ad stated Uiai
the good old soul Ii id licq io ,thcd her s-u
lire wealth to a b in volenl ti“liiulion. Plus
was the rusty to I ol iron that pi need his
soul, and made nmiltv tin: lunnmin m hopi
11-s h.tat tire letter to ]TT'CCT, iJn.t tnriTV’T. is'
lultering steps to the ucaics.t saloon. He
drink—ho foil.
M|s. 8. was In despair. She ha i thought
his ri'tormation was cumpleii-, him i.ow
"the old man was .lilink w ith no
signoii vei h-Uing up. Finally she dm
thonght her ol the sy stem in v gun at err
tain inehrmto iisylntns that. u| mixing liq
hoi w Pit every arltch' ol food until tlm p,.
lent ucipiires ala Ini ; ilislix le lot ale hoi.
Mho ih ltiinincd to try that plan on Lyctir
bln- pi'ieiircil a gallon ol tin- worst whis
key lo lie h id, ami put some of it in the
oh| muu’t- . oil, e,-|o begin w ith. It bus In-eh
ills unvarying custom to <l l iitß hut one cup
a a meal. That night ho passed Ins cup
Lark lo lye liliiicd, sayTiig' as ho Sin ii i,( li
his Up..:
lli-llc-i c.oliee’n u.atml, ole gal.
N -.U moMiitig she hicieascl tlm and tan.
Ile ilinuk' tin tie i tips, and hill Iroin his
.hiir us he was reaching lor a lonrtli
H-- r'rpt vtn tt 1 iwi:i, an V Went Till In (TTTT
mr. Tin ic was liisl soup amt w hisky
hall amt hall. Hu 1 111 - gtn H all, ael said,
as Ini w iped Ids nioutli :
Voii'ie glt’n pi he a hitter coeVu any
ti idy, lu’iie.n. itut ycr didn’t make s nip
A i-- ipp< I every th ng was snlnrat' and with
win ; \-, and is i .Illi- te until in- lii-i ame
In Ip-css, imd las w tie had if dr.ig him out
Ot Ill'll, , -
Tue l-.lion o( whiskey was omil gone,
amt the only c.liaiig” that Ml b. teUircd
in le r hushrml was that while It, lasted he
o line lo Ills meals with gii nlei riypdai ily
than usual.
Hie* la not the woman to give up any
thing without a lidr tied. Hhe got another
gallon, and eitnia nt nr starving riereen to
death wliili In'fed (i lobnillles in every
-rtrlng rti it fre n’n nrrd drank. fits r>j■ jc r 11 1 ■
ieased at a hai In) f it' , mid lie eompll
■iii ii)<-■ 1 Inn <-V'iy day on hi r newly re
i| died - Uii"in i miking.
1 ":■* M-eoed r'lTn-i M'oti vnnil the irnv „t
The lit t, und alter I ivo or I hr, e lie fits had
|,', ■, ,1 without llu* M-i.aordiig ol whicli
b.TH hei b, e "ne h, toon, l,e H ,id, il,
t, ~ mI '< I, ivouUl have loildiel the hctsll
o' ■ , , * ' e'et ■
Mli'eid, t, drat ; llie wlfttiala ih n'l taste
ns j Hoi il.i y used ter. Heeins to l„'
viiiii lls in- ~ ’list’ll* i liitn-iu'.
1 I iy sv,,' and r that I Iso p tor w oinui
ntVe lip 111 ll" pltil ?
(lnr*Shli'il n* 11.
A writer P, the 1’ ipnlar Hideiiee Mouth
ly -ay*; 1 \va". ouc .■ t.'i gin a enol utl
deigrouml suit,, ill id le iprie, wlii'u witlionl
pioplcsvere ,i ady to die from Ihe liiud,
,vh* lt ti ne v pile t I'tdeie 1 and look a seat
appm ih ni". I Tie rolle I 111 gnat
ill "pi It him hi: 1 lace, and In; vv-.a kept bury
' '.I 1.l- 11 11,1 eri be f I ill 'd 1 IT. he llilllof
reliel it, Hi" exe aiiei'i lioti, F'e'iifttffy hot!
1 uurtl.ul him Httßiitiyely as he called lor a
coo! dunk, p r Ii xuectcd every liioimud
that he would (all (mill hi* chair in a lit ol
apoplexy. The man iiiurt have notice I
j that 1 was ol,serving him, I >r ha turned
toward Tlie r.uddculy, eayliig v
I ties, u ctn.kiu* noil of person, am I
not ?
Why? I asked.
Ifccsurc I peii,iro only on the right
And so it 'ii; the right check am! tin
right hafl ol Ilia fi rahoad wcue as hot a*
lire, while the left ride ol his lace bore lit,l
a tracer,l per-pir s' ion I had never seen the
like, sil l, in my ailonlr.liment, was about
to cuter conveination with him regard
trig Ids pbysialogi *' eu'i i'y. whim hi
in l;’lsl*or on tho Iclt liroks In with the rc
mark :
Then w* me Hi" op|n*lte* counter
parts (or each other ; lor I porpin) only on
the left side. ■
Thi*, too, was the fact. Bo the pair took
H::,t* op!„,Mte t*r I'ttcl, other, and sliook
band* like tsv.omdlk who Lad jut four**]
i hi li hi* o h* r liaif.
Comm')’* coal oil i* an excellent inov.pii.
to bar. Droj, a little <tn a jitcce ol cotton,
an ! rih - over th* * |"*s., I putt.oil'
ol tlx; V/ !v. The *n "il *li*appenrs in Py*
ininijt* ard no ue tpiito wi 1 slight uj on
the j lace.
Dougias J'-rri l.i nys, in lit:'. Tle’goli g
'el* r-,' rat ‘r* sp-.'h.ahly itj,; *ey
well I'.r'l. r- wio * a have it lor teml*
ttiofiey; bu* not l*e ooiigeTTli* r i;i I: j debt
for it is enough to !s."ek the heart ol an
Take care of tlie poor Indian and lie’ll
Ukc hair of the white* mas.;
OLD 'iAVi LRV and FANCY blOllK
Oi I .Pda e, Georgia.
n .VS NOW , and will keep always oil
hand at Ids old si old. Fast side ot
till’ public -ip ire, a good nil 1
t'onsu in •; it nmt, ot
;?y- and bll.V till Watches, (fr%
Sic-n list ivc-y-w in, has, of the best make.
Splendid ti'dd nil boxer sVtch. Chain
oi id - --s, makers and prices
. I old i 'in • .ii I all kinds of holders; PnlJ
Si;,, A let I H.ieetiU’les A. Eye-OUsnes.
Hilvci Pint.) War
ntTill lihi'D amt rtxliis;
I'tMtkt’l, xi’alie <dll< i-y, A t£ iron
by the very rtmmvnrd makers, fOSEPII
I am - Mil iepsiting all goods 111 my I 111
T"o main Ot reus of Mcliwelhor Slid an
Joining cum,tics have tested my work tu
t'Spiire a word Irciiil me ns lo lho clmrac-
Icr nt it, ! will, however xvutrant all my
wink, if nrnpeily us( i|, ns 1 have always
done, and ies|i*ii'i fully ask a contiinmrH’C <*
the patronage I have ri reived from my
Ii ii iiis ni Mt'l'iWl I her
I ; iixizl ii L’ K r r rios.
Ihe niiden-lgiied desires to call ttin at
trillion nl the citizens id Meiixxether am)
I'roup in his large and well assorted (lock
Gt mrftl Merchandise
111 lion V.xbV 110/10, GEORGIA.
In DliV (JOODH Rargaina are Hiorod.
TATION b|i(*l 1,1 Eb special indur.vmo.uln
are idli re.l in tlm piitilie Ragging unit
lie mi, bought in large quantities amt
Hold i heap.
. ’V Iteim mhi I that Tics by tlm CJUANT
I V can lie bought lit inv house nt from
to ft ci nls per piiuud. Alciiwctlmr pair
"ge ii pecipidy snlicitoil,
"I•'t .1.0 bM 1111. liogiunville, Ha.
'I iat u-iiiihle MONUMENTAL nit
I Lis ope ned tho
<i4 * let* ( f. ll I Itn
nml other
=STfd i ratting tJwm ii
I < >vv Prices
Mni hat i ni|.plied w ills tin m Slu o moll-
I to* littj',J uti *■; dr and J*‘f work ol < very
d*'n ilplioa ci.M j loinplly and ni,suitably
HL.NL oil* m.d iIOMK FUH**
(leu* tally on I,mul Slid until Ihu llrst
ol Novcmhir will positively he s*ild at
r* <;p;// j # .1. K. PI.AUGHTLH, Agt.
, I\l I \r Lou AWt’I.K I'UHoMO
U \ , I AMI I Al'l U!
' * V Foil ram I'l.B (,'IIUOMO
y ami i*a i'.cic i
t ) "I E'lls ANi. l'Al'Kitl
1:1oa ¥IiBI
iM i.nflvi vm-.Mtr'M and rowTAOB,
f\ I t l-INti I'UKMM'M \NI
Our OwnFiresido
L ii Home Jiti,until lor the FilesideT”
Light large pager, with lllurtriKloiis.
Now in ii - Fourth Year,
lhiee f,| ()0 a year. Ten cents extra must
he M nt to piy postage.
F.very Mthserihet bus cholccof a Premium.
Evei v Family sliould lake
Our Own Fircnide
Address; Our Own Firo.iido
I7 WilfiamHt., N. V.
;gT N. It. — < ANVAs-Bits Wakti?d. ~lf a
leiiahle liumiio s man will accept the
agency in mull'd 1 unv.u.-er* in this v(dul
ly, we will put Ids name to (hi* advertise
mini and give him special inducements to
act us our agent.
A Champion Printin'.; Press given for a
cluli of 10 side* r lucre Send .'J: stamp lor
sample paper. Adiftcss,
Our Own Fircitido
No. 17 t William, M.. N. Y
7IHA MPION The Mart P.csaeTMado
Knr VH" Impression comes
PRINTERS, up true, even and Arm,
Ul IN EH.i Mi n uud cannot spring a liar
AM) tick-.
A MAT LLitA. It. the best of Work.
OH*Larger Hikes, He'd -Inking,
Job Type for Amateurs
Of Every Desciiption.
Send Ten cents for pamphlet.
Address M L. GUMP,
17i) Williams*., N. Y.
NO 6,