Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County Vindicator.
VOL. 3
t* Soßlh ai la s| til* Court HtfkM
R->im of A4vrrHlii£.
S flwk i4 wkal 3 n. 1 6 inn l veii
1 inch I" f OU' 3 .V) 1 450 f 00 1 13 •'
* inches, 1 40 j 500 6 501 1000 i 15 00
3 iac iM itoo . 8 4K>| ld. I.VOO 95 00
jc .1 j 5 00 IP Ob '30.0H £OO f 8-5 00.
i cot*■ ’T’? op ii i**"*ro!:f(W oo <j
i.-oi hoooi so o&i&voiyitwoo' su*>
IW" .9 liberal .It'thictton mad# to UfoW’i
a 1 rmtorugby tbe mrroTtr tr year. “
couiiry ornoERS.
sheriff * R ”‘ v e r
?\X ItKOKfVKtt W. P Wh*etog*
** wUMi&M- ■ • PSJSi3S k *i , ft!'
THKA-URRR . ; . ■vrrfc: M- Ada m
SURVEY* VR o7¥. Mathew*
county coMina4HSßa.
R T U, Tucker. u. M. Lev ere l
J# Partridge. K M McGaalin,
It A II *r.i
J..Uu W. Park. W J B< IV&M,
Med .Poll lticven, !t A. pßtkt-r,
, A It. FW-mtu Rtc
bKRATOIt Jfib D stri. i. U L. Puavy.
Olmtlie*' Warner. W T >*• > H
~ . -
\Tl tVMNETAT LAW.; tie.
W T-t.r.rtß iu Meriwether ami tire ad
jkilllittg iwUlttfe*
liMHK'K L. FAA-Vl,
4 '\ tiniti-.NVIi t fc.Ce.
A II 1 ItKSM \N,
\ TfOltNt 5 AT I AM
J\ O*KWVtMJt. t'A.
Alt hm-im**. i-nUttOfl I" ewiw-wtleml
cd In pr ni(.l i etui UiUiluity.
tI.N L |{o 'KItT>N,
. \ Ukkjunvii i.*, G*.
Will |w Kites in tlir J *Mc's' *ml <>"H
In. , t ,tuti ..I MeM a'Hurt, end lit*
H i|ttf i c. tin i {rosin* ;
in* t.’.jtt tie Ik tiit
\\J 11.1. I ONTIM K lit*' |.i< thy •><
\\ Midl'tuf u t.i'iuitllf tt‘l 't.i
country a- Jv * t* l - A! i ..ll* !| • *i Hit 1 Io tie
fl tr ■ f l.i* tLtk't it' < !<*■ -W| H> ftli mini I"
Oil E ft AN I IJON V,
. V KKI HS I.U pMit.wi tuel *e vile" Oiilit
v /(. (i-nyi,f O-te. itte wr4 t wuOty,
Otll * l > J Auliuiuy A l'"' Di 'ie
fc ~t - - "°_
Tiuimpwu. < 010 & Cos.,
mir“ “-*■■■ -
Hitek Beditifcitl*, K'iu-,,i luu*. W ■*'
tr. tw' 5v . ?
Baby Carriafe*
~t (M t) W *ed t rr-H*- t' ! |ricr* Kx
mioetuui ol ♦'•lt* * '.
Ctrptuilio * • Hotlcu.
TUoaw* N WiwOica, tnnr U.t Wetirt,
H ( .n-i K . Ckii>|> Orootul. 1,. K leer*- to inform
I4 Utesd* •* **•*• ?• >■* . U*l tt ie prt
jmrci! 1“ exc'i< *ll Icti'U <i|
. * c VLPKNTtire WORK
tiUi Bcwlut'*#, liuinli Wtl il|>icli 1 ‘t‘
rtiioee Holin'wJ. i* l ' l *'*
p mii umipp
The Chronicle St Sentinel
Om of IW OlAwi Paper* in U Couotry
•Ht of lb# LfcAO JiO PAI'EIM in lh
Tk* Lergeel Cifcuietion in Rae'em Oeor
R'* ’
Th* OB ial ol Srreral Cimotie*
Delljr. Trl Weekly and Weekly.
JL TIN EL 18 Ailed with ittierenlina
ileadioK mailer ol every deacrf(NJO—Tele
graphic ; Local /Editorial ; Oeorgia, aul
South Cartpiißa aad Oeaerel New* ; Inter
eetlo*t'orteapondeoW. end Bpecial Tee
grante Itoio ali importaut pointa. mibecrtp
fkto, f 10.
Tm TRI WEEKLY Zutvjftei.t e*W
ilioiTiKU. it iolenrted for . oiula cotiveDieat
to a "Ph-Weekly mail. It containe near y
c . which appeale la the
Tuk WBfeKLY Chk met* **i> ifcirri
kl in a uiMiDOH/th *t*eet. rotten up e*pe
]|j lor our auliecriber* tr> Um: coanUjr.
it bum ot (he i*r**-t iwjirr* poOHMed w
'H booth, and give*, beakk* Jtdiiorial., ]I
iHe eorft-Meew* ot the week, • tall and
■J-caratt review at the Augusta Merkel*
w*t Price* Carnot. The Commercial He*
;Orla are a special feature ut tfce edition.
a-iMeflpUaw |k
bpec>auto c<4riea of ail/ iaoe vent free.
W&M A WRIGHT, Proprietor.,
Augueia, Ot
Tfce Kcuesaw Gazette
* Mownn r ram, Whhbid at
Devoted to ILU/ue j oteala, Liikralunfc
Wit and iiamor. Filly Ccnta par Year
CHBOMO to war aahacriber.
Dr. J. Brai&eld.s
Will bring on the Mentis when they hare
not been eelab ished, also when limy he w
been stippieased Irom ttnna'urai Pauses
Will cure RhetmtalLm and Veuralnie o I
the back and wtuk Will rune Peinlu)
Menstruation. tf l relieve lli heal, beck
end toiil< ot tlnnie di-lut-sing paius amt
et bna. Will chock mt'iu.rricuj! or 'exces
sive Bu*.’ Wilt cure ‘Whites' aad falling
of the wmuft. wUnt il is Ibc result ol relax
etfCm or bad ti Nil Hr.
It is . sure a cn/o ift 1 all UtO above dls
asea as Quinine is in Chills and / Fever.
Ladies can cure themselves uf all lire
Iroyo theea-es levt-abu* tbeir
.•’Uplaints to any yafsoff, which is always
mortifying In flieir pride and modesty.
Il i, m'ommen tetl and used by the best
pUvs plans in their |* iva'ti practice.
Fo< a history of the übnte diseases,
cei uticiiipy ol its wond. tfql cutes and
uluKct or
Ptf aiul add by
BHADFiPR.I) .% c 0, AUnnta, Oa.
Hki'U 1 Hum H* Hurry
Wben do l to tnirrr “ Wed,
’ll* Wle to dirpule with late ;
Hut il you cno<*e to hear me mil*
l’.ay listen, while I fixe th date:
When haste, with eager tret,
A Mother’* daily toil to share ;
Can make tin* pu.ldmgs which they eat,
And inctd the stocking* which they
w ear ;
When gentle lai'.te* who have got
The ofier of a loVur'* kWid,
I', usent to sharp hi* “eatrltly tifr,
, And do it t mean hi* bo of laml - t '
Wi.en wbres, in -Imrl, aliatl fteely give
Their lieatH and t.auds to <.il tliPir*|iu
And live * th'Py usetf to HvC
Wilbfu they sires' onc story liousea.
i ticn, inadani"il I'tA uoi too old— —
Ihja'icwl to n dt this lonely die,
f'li brush my liesvcr, ceam to aoold,
And look ntawt me lor a wilt!.
A T> pugritplur 1m TrMil',
An eiaaperatnd and saieastlu “black
riu rh " wdiu sets type In Cairo, wriVk -
\l'ti cVei heard of Mil cdilof maki ,g an
error durpig bis whole edilotial cartel? No
one. Tin merchant awaartfat (lie prluter |
so does the is i aslousl col reap- udciit hum
bug, win* wiitt* sliout th' people, aoyt'l
iijrotf.eoni tno it Wealths, burden ol laxea,
11 r**tlty,-e'e ; m does that cbiertul hhro
yljph.tal iilotlgy, the associated press
agent , and those intolerable irmU, the
(wa tuss .t. <T | oet ol (lie eily ; the tnau
i.,.. i,... .. tioit lie ttitvuld Ire
ii. iyot ; ti ( e inrlivk'tul W lio Pt Cclfcd a Ih-Ii
i-tit and a atuftutl WBfCb KH hi* briiliaul
MaiPiitr, and in hi* card ol lliatiks list'd the
glltlyt ing commonplace, tlm aothpiaturl and
ext catvciy vaio protiotiii thus, *i’; In
lat, tin printer yeU bourn td on aloe*.
The pettro-f r ho r rnlmiym after utltnli'l
tlgib’c (Met-am ol on til, who correrfs, oh an
avcia . ■ , übotU li.Uteri vdbeimua tuior*. an |
liour to eumuioti w ords, and mako* prohu |
tiiy one thunder In five ihon-Rii ! words, is .
fl t<( ii i.tiy a*l. id to step do'-*P. and put. No j
and lieer, and talk* alsiut the igno.aru3: id
the leta’s, tb-ml.J'lte clast'*, and a'l
ottUo clasar-s.
Oid laablonod marrlrigr'*, bin bog until
dPadi do ns purl, are likely to glow Into
disfavor Already tome atrlAy minded ft
maiea have intialed on the elimination ol
the word •’obey” from Hwr marrl ge service
| and It lias been done In it.any instancea.
| We upw b*ar of a marriage in Mb l.igan
I where ti*e coup!* ignored the injunction,
• What O. and haa joined together let no man
! l,it! STid put in their uiamaio:
’ conUat I the taring clauae; ‘lithe liniojt
I and harmony that now exisla le tweeu u
vhnald continue through our natural llvoa.
then thU contract Iv to remain in force ;
otherwiae to be nail. and void." Tkia l
motJem (xogreaa. and with the tondenr y to
innovation ii is imponsioie to aay where it
wiil end—probably In a regularly racog
niled ayslem of limiteJ matrimunlal part
oetshipa lor any period atrpuaiated in the
000 tract.
The industry of tbe late William B. A*
tor In diligently attending every day to fils
private businem from an early boar ie the
morning until four or five o’cjpck In tbe
alternooo it held up a shining example U>
young men. But to what end f la there
not something IwrUer lor a Irnmm being Pr
do in ibis world than to tabor so many
boar* every day to increase an arcumals
lion already 100 great to be of any ate to
its owner f Mr. Astor was a highly ed rew
red man, and bad pr* jeefed great schemes
ol learned research, bat reliirqutobed them
to beoome bis own business manage', and
si hie death left a tort one of 'roe hundred
millions, mostly real evute. Now we reef
fy do not think that any considerable num
ber of seusHße men will we any valuable
tomoo in each an example There coo 15
be no greaw caUmiry to eocb a country aa
•run than to cultivate a race ol such mo
oopoiwts aa hunt.
Christiana wb? neglect their church du
ties because an unpopular man to Hie min
ister, do despite not to him but to Him who
sent him. Aa old Scotch tody fete a
pointed reply to a minister who knew he
bad oftuxded her*, and expressed surprise
that (be ehoald come so regular to bear
him preach. Said she: “My qoarrel’s wi’
you, non; ito na wi’ the Gospel.’'
Stealtaag Crj*.
The State Oranfte ol cla tram a ia now ia
session at Montgomery. Part ol the uptu
rn* address of the master ia detmed to that
sE-pra valent evil, crop *t paling, and the
is what be said about il
At the last annual session- a readuihm
was adopt* i mate miming th* LegNatnre
.ijmn sever*! matters oiLimpeittnce to tiro
■vgriculfftrtfi interest of the Bi*tc. Among
tin Sc w*tp two on which I dcSitc’to ca't
your si tent inn and InKtkc aome additional
action to relation thereto, The dut>f<tlt
tion* to wtiicli our growing crop* S'C ex
pod by midnight thieves hr ihms H the
urnst neriovn evils under mlitfth au at*e sut
leriug. To ch ok ibis the Legislator* enact
ed w hat ia koowu as ltie uWti 1. *udavwtfW
taw, anil *l*oran set nrakiug it grand Isrcn
ny k> staal any jvart <d a growing crop j
butts aaaat aaAiiagy anantmyiu, and w*re
tailhfully enforced anblir e!rdc<wif*jr put;
a r>tup to this crying evil Ifuf the ddH
cutty iusa been (o carry Ukimj laws into cx
eeottna. i*ia uptrtvthis (mint that l deairr
to make aome tuggeations for your o m-idet
at 1011, *
1. Il (a necessary to create a healthy
public opMMuii, Uml will ausiaiu tire spin I
and thus tWIp to eu'.ofce the letter ol tin
law. The face ot ave.y community In tire
Stale kboilh! lie rd agaillsl llioae W tin ale
engage I in Ibis i licit liallic, and it* Irowns
should lie visited U|mn tlurau whs* etmnur
age Uielt by any dbaciljiitna ol
larin product licrw.-uu amidowtl and sun
rise. Wtills tire Uriel who fob* our corn'
Hird cotton (iulda miy lie imUfiurt at to tire
got>a uppriTm of bra Id low men, tlreie ar
not hrairy owuulaui tluae couulty trading
c* la hi all men l v who have ihs hardihood
to d.arcgard His universal condemnation ol
tire communities iu Wlricli they ex'at. Our
Order tUrougliout the state should make it
sell btMid an I led tn giving crpteesioti to
ibi ir cuudeuinaouu., i.ot only of tire ihn ve
but or llroas who abet them by violating
Hie law intended lot 'bell puuLiutieJl'.
3 Again, then law, arc llupienlly net
enforced Upca.ou oi . the Ox
prataw and soIIlio) Ilncc lnVtlivliei In Hit
proai culion of the oltciuli'is. Itvilisr Ilian
put tlieniaclyck to UAi IrAonvt ni-resr, cx
piuin- and iiwa ot li iiu lucuirtd in gning be
lore tlip gr.iml jury and atlen.llng the str*
ion oi the threu t Court, larmtT* wink a>
Hie vioUii-ma ol I*w w filch .h-ciii rtn tlieii
preutisea and tbits tin: inununify ol crime
ioiconr* .'i-k it* Coiiiniiakiui). Home provia
(MMI alMHitd l-c made try which |M>lly nlleti
erm, al lend, ali'itiM tut tried In tire nclgli
and iSm-aavti Ur j.iatice, aud al tbu same
time avoid (lie cost, will* Ii la becoming a
aertows bur len lo UprSlsTe, ofkPcpbK "MV
Jail* filled w ii!■ ctiminals awaldng thu slow
process rd a irlsi in the a< mi anuual session
Of tire Olreult Court.
TmrtP ir tttr rmpcntlivtr and rucmnrtng
ircickkl'V tm some CufccUor of llioae tvils
Tne lows to lie agriculiural tasks rot by
iheir idiin i a largo pi-rcentai'n tßion the
capita! I|iyi'-|c'l, Capital I* dcleiied from
. osotdug LrUr **Ui ilubi becaubc Ibers scorn*
to be lo pruteclloi) againat theft. It L a
rusftor therefore ol infetevt not only In 't*
w liosr- fi Ids r,re robbed, lint pi the public j
til* ts III'- n aan* k|i u'd be. employed (or I lie
anppraaaliMi ol this evil, nnd it will hCcotne |
i* to direct the attention o! our lawmaker*
to it.
• —— rnrnmm* *• —
Many well In for me f <*bHo*> ;4ncn esti
mate llie pr<'it crop of dial staple at four
and a ball mitUocanl hale*, ol 450 pound*
each the largest since the war. The v*l
uc placed on the crop* of cotton,
uS'la*#** and tic* tuaca tbU year in Hie;
Mouth ia alsmt Ibree hun Ire I million* ot'
diil'ur*, while ol g'aio, me*t* and otlß'f ar
lh le* of crioauuiption In r. tofore |mr<:lied
in tire Weat. tiicrt aid lie. * saving of at
,',e*at 15 0111)000 to tlie Hotnliurn planfei*
on account of fliS Incfteaaed home pioduc
By a private dispatch from Atlanta we
“burn ilia* the Hu|<reo*e U-oirt, on Batur
day distnlaaed the case of Tmrla (1 C*m|i
be'l v. to*ie ol Oeorgl t. Thl* affirms the
•bersiou ( the court below (lire He Inlosl.
Buper'or OouG>; aad Campbell will now
have to serve (be '#'m lo the penitentiary
fr whlcb he was aetrtenced. Thib Cal# to
aa enlirelv diff> rout Che from the one
whicli Fsifow, Thoms* and other Radical
leader* are endeavoring to have moved to
the United B'ttea Corma, so aa to have Ute
Governor uf Bi. Catherine's oa head to
rstoe> row in Mels tosh county li Um to
s'fing eleettoas.'* . .
The Ciudnnatl EK| lirsr says: The
moat significant evidence that Grant to -fire
inevitable Kopubitoea OMdidato lor tbe
(Presidency next year ia found in tbe fkrd
llrat ifi) other candidate dare assert bimtttl
lot ike (roMikm, nor have the frUnxis of any
other any hope. The ofipoaition to Grant
* slight, and he will go Into the
with enormous strength Tbe oppotltion
to every other candidate ia hitler and puw
eriaL, and no wilier candidate will enter
ibe Coaventtow with any bat a local force
behntrt him. ll# to douhttoa* the strongest
man betore tbe people theTiepubliesu*
can notninvie
. A tody asked her Buie boy,'“Have yoa'
caltod y'rur grandma to tea f Ya. When I
.went toesß her she war aMeep, and I didn’t
wish to halloo to grandma, nor .shake her;
•o I krased bar cheek, and that woke her
very softly. Thaw I ran info the hall, and
told pretty load, ’Grandma, tea to ready,
Aad she neret knew what woke her up.
A T“‘ " ‘ ~ t-i-n f
Ti* tfarahi hi.* tlcmHwariag:
A wnmigM -Midkdn* }t*r a aht
war departing her vote last eteeftow *ay.
waasurpßgjAmiKdra rough vMee ting
mil t * - "
I cbaikhjii (hat woman's Ttrth, - ,
t Ok* wM*%imand sbf
hn hadh't heen-iang enough in the Ta*"?-
rttor-y.- w-' f • • , j
rt 1 sit dnwrf and try' nv. jr
R 1 L to be recordf*), Her finfnty
Mitkl h*wSr%hdrrl into the (old* uflrtfr pnll
brek, antFdPfirst thin;- fawft > trtae o n ci#*
kne4 r b’Aag*ffn t at the mujgle off a Ahi
rtnger; wMk lha M 4 vrfter saUlT'' '
flte l *rSeen in ttfc
!*•* *m vWiif-M.i|#t. fkif etwed
Ymr fSii^’pHail mS itlekn
ftthasltwi lit the krmwkft !*!**
Ipofiif Hrrt me other way. Tfl Nek th#
lylh 1 thief Hai’mys you hatcirt HveJ right
herein tlii*t*no tor teif yerf*s. f vw.i’ar 1
Hv scooteil anmod the c.rrnrr, and she
smilingly tuwaed In her liekat f
Just a* was lore told Th CenUmulal
inaiiauera, tknuglt they prmniaad at Uie
alail n4 to,a*k G ivoramont aid, are now
asking ic Thia lartit *urpri*iiig. coneid
aring tba iuAui ncaa ibat have ruled in Phil
adelpbia; but it la aurpiHiug tbai Journald
liku the Wigid, which do good service lor
ictrettOlugiM. should lean isviiriffiily l<
ward am it appropriatimi*
B*rrda aiea.i a ul paper, and lli*
impr.r N mamifacinrci! 1 inmy wl*l straw.
Tlie*# barrel* have wilhstooif IPIIT flioli
*and pminU* liuide preasure. Tliey arc
made cyllu4iiurl In liirin, wbicli snvrs fif
leen plf ettfif In at.iwugn The t*|*er ir
ma le inti to’nlror moialuie, which
prevent* I os* by leakage or damage by nb
In lint life sot ilm ka.M.-bi of u* there arc
bright days When wf fuel w n wu cu and
lake Hi. - grant world into mfr aVum TuOn
come gloomy day* when the fire will nclili
orliurD ort mir licaillia nor li, mri lumria, and
all w llbili fid wllliont I* dlamal, cold and
dark. Believe mu,every liaarl ha* itseecrei
sorrow*. 4!i Ich idiu wnild knows nol ol;
*ml, oHentbiny wu cal! a nun cn!d when lie
11* only sad. -
The Imil frog tarmt pi lac lower pail ol
AUhnnta, werud#klroyed by last summnr'a
drought, ant) aoytu id U.o widlulgh ruluail
gophciaaa'im'cjii lm-i clianeo.
Xu Vpatlaail sruluaa W SMu-rla#- Mtu*4v
• b ail*# hj k r hu.liau.l na'SatiOty mhtu.d anil dr
>srtdb/ Wn Mond*!. *#d nn Tu.:<Hy driven
„al uftha bnntr- will' 11, tbruuft. tb* pruVf.fb" of a
formnr tiiui*And's will, sli" btsl b'n slit It In if to
uuill fi‘lurrty^^
o*ll Ibrnla only ** fTBhIMI. and b"f Intarnnl
Inti rovnikie*. wbtfti arn lnM for • *'ili miir b
tnorV Ih.n Mist ** gfsnsl*o *w*. */W,i*V| :
wbll* N* VorS, with <ml Unto. Iba poyul*
tlon, owia lort/ Horn* Muu h ai')p#T-
Ok' of lh uvul forlouktk rtr. iim*4k.i. ™.iw -
I*4 Om> SVkVorr "f fWHfornt* t Uik fwl llial
I.ab.a i-.olto r laklioui p. Ikiniirlr'lj. abnndoard. It
l.kvlng Inei lonbff atiprofiisfil*. Oaltfen.lkii* rosy
; .-ofigratst*t* thsinaklvo* oa oils sisal
i Tl.e la*t Gruud Jury l lh cnunly rccum
on tided In ilielr prcaeol.nenU tliai Hie Oi
dinry ol the cminlv Iw made a® ofUu>
Jndre of the County Comt at a salary nl
41,000. him) that Id* h*'t s* such It# turned
Inin Ihe tre*ttry. Alan, that the ofilue* <>i
Tax Cnlbvtnr and Itucelver bo wmscdUla
led, and llial lb# olfira ol County Treasurer
i*e merged in that of the Clerk of the 8u
i [iwrlnr Conrf. They also reeommcwl the
j api.'iniftiu'iii of a Inmrd ntc ountiy ci.niriil*"
The ekulvloii of the hi*e that carried
Urn. Hhcri lan on his historic twenty mile
rid# P Winchester, V*., duijug Ills war, i*
owned by n IPai'bst'-r, N. Y,. mao, and is
to be exhibited at the Centennial:
'I be aliow will never be coinjilete w ill*
out the skeleton'of (V rider and tlie gliast
ly rcjioi of re fevf tliou*and burnt larin
liurw u'seal lured around.
!t I# not grea' baiuh s, a'nne, that build
ibe world's Idslnry, nor grasi poi'ins alone
ibat ihegeoersiion# grow, Tliere Iv a Mill
small rain frnm*Hwa*m-Gtal haa mot* lo
do with the bldsaedneaif .! oatuie, lh*-
the migblleai ai Utqugk# r the lurtlicsl
Ckrnnlele'* CaHlon llgarm
The cotton receipts reporlad by the New
York Chronicle f"!* the dfeven days ending
last Friday night, wero 157,880 baler
again*! 175.A4A for the corresponding days
ol I**• year, showing a lom no the week ol
17,05f (rale#. Recel|r* of the coltnu year
lo lliai date, are 1,MK>,85 bale* 1,457,005
to that date laat year, showing a 'net in
create 'if 133,378 bales.
The mte’ior port receipts of the week
'were 85,021 bates, against 80, 9 H tbe cor
responding pffrtod of last year. Shipment*
89,22A, against 59,“A59. Stock*, 133,05 6
against 907,0VE
The Chronicle's visible supply table
snowed c Frid-ty, 2,393,150 baits against
9-383 500 af tbe *s me date last ye*r, 2,094
077 in 1873, and 2,117,.588'1d 1872, showing
increase of A 550 bales oa tbe supply of
1875, 328 (I* oa that U 1873, sad 214JJ77
oa that (8 MB.
While Tennessee to receiving $30,000,
and Georgia a>ut SIO,COO, a year for their
respective convict labor. New York it
taxed at the rale of forty-aloe cento a day
(or tbe support of each convict ia her three
•'urge priaons, '
< I>roai the Bk Tim w.
■ Tto Anton's Wvgtmrv
Atlcetl A Mnldon ft >ah and (1)4 Whip-
Mouse ataud* refeali-d in h RgPt shame
toi cawrnjHtoo ami pollnil.m. To read the
feBlHoti of yesterday In Hie Avery irt-d
*nT Ibe ekoHted lip viisWe. ft i* fco i
ai m# G*n, lfkbtwk ffto. to p,
Ike eyea of the SsAoto nation, tt ia n.if alone
The moM hMhnate pTw-nal ami {wv.
friend iifThe hfe#(f ril lb 4 gAvurmni ui, th.
executive, of the executive ; it |< nut etme
Uc U Into Mouse amt tu neo?mto, wvm
tbe poliihal |wily iW clerat.-if Gunfind
swhi tMhc prrehle. ey, jrp ,J Bab
cock a)i*l liil'VVUui uvory upla.i>, whai
elp'l bi* pasjy. iihiv -ore itfo •slant At |g
tiarU*antod|x MM feel grieviil nnd ash am
cvf Whenever be torus 'hie lir jp,
r* trf tha Md toimn-
Afrer slj w# ayo American* betnr.
we ere itomOt rate, mi I we c inndl ttttpp- rti*
a tonlmgof Indignant Immlballon at the
thnmeleM greed of ihe pi‘cm<n>,)i)CuuibeuPi
of the White House whereby tm- lu.fiVir m
the hrproatiiutW m the eyes
of tbe wliohfjworld.
It ih no longer surmise, .uvpicion 01 a'au
dcr. It is sjl.rtfrciyikblu tnc.-t eMib'islunl by
legal rvhienco, Dial tlm |Hiwortui mutor
•rem which wu* fom nuiilCaloJ all the
lower to th# cnhfmit combina i. i> ol
robber*>>i the i.ali'inul lieisury an I de
tainers of llie ivuional li.Hu.r was located
next door lo Ibc treasury tunldi'iig In J
luglon-lh# While liouae. It is ineyideuce
Him lleyrifF llabt'ock, dll! luesiiUnt’* | ri-
Mill- icerot try, Ida ri#lil hand iu laul, was
secretly in league with tliu moat hoiinrlaa*
a well a* li# inoal active ol tb# acuitudrela
in Rm ling; that lie fratpicnlly receitud
from, gud P'l ffatifjir telegram* lo J iyev
conveying Ihe vital infoim-iiioii mdi*pu
ilbte I..'.my mu llie ayglerrfhtiy.ed ml.I. iy
of III# government. That lie used lie in
fiuenre with ffrei'lent Grant mid C’mnnii*
hmar Dougin** in bring about the revoea-
Hon of llrUtnw'g order irunMering the
m -ervisora from one dhirbl to nnolber
which hrtendel and undoubtedly wmiTd
ba*e efioeiwil tho ov'rfrirow of llie ring;
that while under dohblu n*’h', honor and
pay. ftia'.as the c< nftdenilal private *'ere
lary of llie exeen'.lve, and nrxl * a general
(J the army ol the Dnltnd r latfl*, lie viola
led muli, an.l honor, uod disgrac' and Irtisi
api at*"ton by regfi'ifriV aoatlng will,
known and to him uoio. ious Uiieves ami
peijnrer*, lii# spoila of liu it j iitii Infumy.
A sad pictlil# llivhed, yet lliuie i* out
minu |>ainlul a id, .Oil# dtSp lioiu General
arrnnum of our tutliouai uigrnov. and we
an: iu ihe priValu olll‘B ol lln- plCoUciil o'
Hie United Mi aid*. To- day llib eyes of Ibe
whole uulion ar# tuifiidTo him iu sbanie
and fepn uidi. Tbyte iiu sii* —itolid, sm
[ldid, gill len. I* ii uotaiblb to hblleVo Gen
tt-|,d-0-"!,'n H'de.iiu ff-Mifafiee of faiill In
1 irant's entlrfi Iniiiiceuce 1 There is but one
ground upon which it' cart lie pn Mimud
mi l Hint i* Ins utii 1 linbei.'ll'ly, I’Hil llial
:| pi'.vi 11, nnd nujil il i- denied llial Irom
Hu,' very llii day oT hi* iuaiiguraiion, up
io Hte pte*r-ttt limn, Grant linv invarialily
ugMoclalcil wllli tin: most r.nrnpt sedtm
dr'df and li.i'Jnevi r appoirded, *e honest
lM> ml “wliere it could be avoided ;" mi
til til* ii.■ i'y with '.'icej', wllli Tom
Miilpb) , w-|lb L"'l, wDl> ' orbin, with Hus*
■■hepbn I, w llli Bkftf:'' k, Joyce and Al<;
D niv'd I* explained';' until id* appoint
mi nt of neatly all uf liiese In high ptacea
ol powet ami pr fit can be justified—until
li# has I'rdallul 1 ram' r .from Cos; eohsg#n
and Einma Mine Hcle nek from tlie emu ul
81. James ; uuHl be remove* lirollicr in law
.Hoi Casey from robblb'g the revonui! in
New Giiean*, witlnliaw* Ii * Imilbnr Givd
from Ibe Indian ring, and ignominlouMy
kick* Hwbcock out ol llie Whim House—
we shall not lielieve tifru free Irom the
woo A ledge ol what Ins mi>at imlmate c<n
fidnuls daily pracHec'd lielore bis 5Ve, ami
larg'd/, il not endieA', by the irt# ol lo*
■■sine and |iowir. Thera are eonat Uul local
governmeae* la wbieli-minister* rsaiga tbe
v#.y mou.ent H*ey litod the donfllleo a ol
the [leoplo ‘foe Uundredlh part ol the
disgrace ol this whisky ring would instant
ly drive the cabinai of any c< nvillutlonsl
xovernmcni lrc*a* powar. II Gan. Uranl
lias a spark'of sliam'i or honor fed, et khn
•how it by vacating the White House which
he haa so long dtobonored. I art him icslgn.
■ Ob- O—- —I m ll—l *!'.■■'.■■
kind Words d* not •: Much.
They never bllaier Ibe tongue or lr*.
And we have never heaid of any meoul
irmible ar ini >g fi' -in that rjuarter.
Th ugh they do not ooat nmcli, yet they
•ccompiial: nioeb.
J I I Ircy help one'a own good nalori? and
'good will, roll wrtM* sofiea our own
oul. Angry words te fuel lo tbe flame
of wrath and make it blaze nxora fiercely.
3. K inti words make other people good
.natured. Odd words Ireews people, and
hot vrirrde acorcb them, and b'B wefrna irrl
late them, and iHtier word* maka ibem
There to such a ru-li ol all other kia<ls of
words in ur days, that it aeemr desirable
U> giv kind wordWwebaMto amonf them.
Thfere aie r*in word*, sfr a!Hy wntd*, and
Ua-ty words, and em|.ty words,and piolatie
words, soil boisterous words, and warlike
Kiod words also produce their own
Image os mea'a soul*. And a beautiful
Image it to They toMhe, one qolH, and
comlort the bearer/- They fP+mc him out J
of btosoor, morose, uokinl feelings We
have not yet begun lo use kind word* in
sock abundance as Urey ought to be used.
OVD mSwift.
(Jl I ai i raoiw, flaiwgik. 119. m
ALBERT f/CTmrf top- *
I I‘AriNoWanJ vcWTSpMpn (&
I I band at ni* nt.! iflml Eaa'f Ada of
the put/lic vrpmrv, a good *.f • '
wtn.l, SKl.tcrKn STOCK Of *” '■ ‘ ‘'lY AND
CmmhJJikMi -. .. 1
{Sr*GUI.D *U(J MUtVodi Wabfkaa.Mß
totom and Kry-wtinlar*, of Wat aswke.
H ilWndr.l Gold and M*v#r WskA vAhf
of all sites, makers and ptteas
'(♦old I’em* Sod wit ktodaol HvMetoif BoW
driver A Mt< <d tf.ieetoctoaiA J4va-Ul*<aaa.
rr-!= . ■ T k <"C kvr^a*
of all kin'M aimi *kyb'*i . ~„ „
, Puck I*l. sYxUle fulb'fr, A Kntp;
by the very reiwyp&l maker* RJSEPD
rod' iEittr and geOroe wosyiwf
lIGLMt* .V .Vt
p rrw-' r ' T. •>1 I'S T o ..I
I I nm HII rcp.tlVing nfl gAfifllt 'in toy l!W
Too uuny oltixun* ot MailwrUfor awfi
I'Htilng cmliitUia have iculcd my WrArk ♦
reijulte a w’or I'from'' mc'ai to lire' dbafat*-
j'Tuf "fit, 1 will,'howeVcf warraueatf toy
li work, If plopctry ns'rd, a* l 4l*#kys
.lone, and rusiieclAiiffj ask 4 cofillmiaOce of
Hie patronage I liiivu rrcclved from 'toy
friei.ds In Merlwcflici
■ 4J-M-AA
The undersigned desire* io call the ar
tetUimt rtf the i .iiy,i!ii4 ol Alejlwvilrer antf
Tmnfi to hi* lar<e aifit well asicrtotr liock
Bierohandige , t
in Dll V GGG|>B iliirgam* are nfkreif.
1 1 I'AMILY Uli'iUElUjC.H and PLAN
are o tonic I loth* |Wltoi Ragging surf
1 Tic* m u bought iu larga (foaiitiuua sod
sold I'iieap.
„;in r iltot Tie* by lire QtJA'jrtT
I Y cun Ini' I'iiuglrt at my liottoe at ir. mty 1
10 iVeirn* |wr ponod. McH .veihar ptoroto
•>gr lcl>epU'4t!y relielHvi. 1 ,
J ui ;
'1 liai old icllsbh! MONUMMN.TAL toraar
un.ii.xNur/ Mi)l miut.
and I* Agent fot the
M t.ffi U WENT \ TT, TTiT.! ’ A. MATCH
and other
Hil lis X4Ming Hibm at
I'OW Pricofe*
Merchant'' npphd with lln want on nwrt'
Rooting, Guintrleg sml job work ol eyary
de'ci Ipliou ''.one pritoipriy aud icusoiiably
LAMI' 4 and LAMP GOOuVi, KJCifcl-
Generally on bawd arid nnttl' tHh Wrl
,0 N'.venibcr Will fwwtHvely Iwj sold Sf
CONI. .1 F. bLAUGiH'Ktt, Agt.
/ \VT ! V/ roufrAMPt-R cMßturo'
\ ) i\J Ij I AND I'AI'KIU j
IHB I ¥ilft i , r
tKt t.rrniNo PttKMniw AKn roTAd*/
Our OwitFirecid#
J* a liojuc Journal lor Ibe Fireside.
Eight large patter, Willi Illustrations.
If rw lb Ito Fourth Year.
I*l le# sEof> a year. Tun cento ex Da tuu4
Ire sent Ur pay Ldttage.
Kvdry Mllracnbcr Ini* cholctofa I rctulOlß/
Emuy Family slroulil take
6or 6wn flrcaldfr 1 *
Addreae: Our Own FfTMide
175 WiJMauilH., N. Y.
1 111 j* t
Xgr N. H Cabvaiww** Wa*TVft.—lf to
reliable bueiauea’. W* will accept tbe
agency to control (-ebynWcr* In fills vicini
ty, we will pul Iris name Ur this advertise
meat and give trim special inducetneoto to'
act a* *rr agent.
Aflhapipion Printing Pres* given for to
club ni 10 aatwerlbera. Bend 8<: stamp lof
sample paper; Address,
6ur O*# Timid*
No. 175 Willtom, Bt., N. Y
CIIIAMPION Tl# Best Preaaea Made'
IHfcrtfilHJ BLILT.
For IWlmpraaslou arnica
, PRINTER*, up true, even and firm,
.EUejNEßsHkn and spring a par
ANO* i fkde.
AMATECHB - I> tbe beat of Wdf*.
OT Larger Sixes, Sell-Inking.
Job Tyjt for Amatoturo
Of Every Description.
Head Ten cents for pampbtoi.
Address M L. GUM I*
175 William St., * r
NO 53