Newspaper Page Text
yf*, T. Kmum, KJRor *n l| Proprietor
-ovllK F lt pjV v ' T> "‘ 17 l|,;^
Otar Ti**e-
Piur (am )[nmi far* tit tfe w*i *qu*reiy
„g bead when 'hey •** " r
“di*u.*iur ly burdensome.’ 'Hi*
’wonts oro broed. but •! <•* t*y‘ " 1
aegtpl itirfr irotbfulne** In their full*** ex
The great pfublata *ew K* b U)
gavlae plant whereby taxation may fo> rca *
dered iMI •'dlvtreaalngly bu/d. n*om* ”
Only (think of it; Meriwether county has I
paid, In round numbers, I hi* 7*** 930,000
utM iu* man or eel of men who will j
ba Instrumental In securing a redact ioa So. 'j
(baaa burden* wll' not only ”fe entitled u>
but will certainly rewrite tbe (bank* <
every ottitum M the Hate. Many plan*
hove fe*s suggested. many apaaefca* made
la Uyor of ratram li mem, but no king effect
td. X* plan baa auamud Uu* *ri practical j
aa* MdtKdion of salat ted ibwi in the
tpatr, Iront Iba highest lo tbe ioniKH. Aa
tbe salary of no officer can be Hicreoard or
dlmlsiabud dm lug l.ta term of offitai tbia
suggestion cannot take definite, tangible
until tbu present tolMat# *o <>ut of
pflfo t, but tba people aJioold aae to h that i
■tap* are taken in time to reduce tbe pay |
of all offlotala before new one* are Itivtrlled. 1
Kitnn one knowledge ol lb# prraetit leg
taintur* #e tblnk im< m< aure of ttiia kind
cat. pate Hint body uni#at tba people dr J
mand u< b togUlalfou before the aaeembllrig |
or dating tbe eitiiug ol tbe legislature. To
tblaend we would suggest that tbe people |
of Meriwether coooty, and every other
coanly la Hie Hute, aaurmhle on ilia Oral |
Tuealay In January, nr February, Itold a
mane meeting and nan tnt> that their repre
Mtitailvfelake action upon a reduction, ol ,
our taic*. full theinln thunder loner that
you want, me speech#* In favor of reform,
but law* that will f -rte taros lower. We
#an,aay thla If you iigrev with our taal
grand Jury and really duaire to have a
lightening 01 lb* dUtreaalng uunlen.
Mkata. Wat*. U Aaad. raon.
The Marietta Journal e.aUln* a card
Irom tbe above gentleman announcing the
resignation of bia aeal In tbe Georgia feg
Mature 00l Anderaon, li will he rameni
Utned Joined the Malhodlvt Oonlerem* du
ring Ita lete aeaalon at (Irlffln. Wltle we
Wtab or friend all poaatble aunceae In hi#
new (laid of labor, wa regret to lose him
front oor legislative ball*, Ibf no trner,
earnest, more fenrleaa, watcbtul memfet
occupied a arat upon the r*prrr< ntatlve
Soar, The otnr.pncr ol the 'aadlng mein
berhla resignation I* a loee to the entire
mm CarafWl In forming hla opinion, he
stood firm aa a rock when nnoa he had
takda poalllon. Willing lo give Ida opl
on all to idea freely, he wielded e great
wea an eameat advoente ofeoonomy, re
irenebment sad reform la our *t*> expen
see. Though a young tnan, being about
thirty right ream old, lie had made an an
tiable state reputalton and might reaaona
biy have lonkeil forward in the htghaat po
Utica) honor* within the gill of the people
of hla native t*te.
Chairman of the oemniittee on Finance,
Col. Anderaon'* absence will lie felt by
every member who paitlclpatee in the de
11 lie rat lona of the Flou e during the ap
prnarhtng arselon White we regret to lose
UM aervtcee of our triend a* a legialator, we
raj idea to know that tbe Acid of his labors
la not In be dcomarrlbed within narrower
limits. and Ibel confidant hit life will lie a
living Illustration ol the truth* he preaches.
FruHeat’a Wwwage.
We cannot publiah tba document, it la too
lie mye oar llberth*# are still unimpaired
Whattflrnnl'Ty !
He wants all dtafroneh toad who cannot
read or Witte after 18M. Why should ig
norant nagroe* vota new t
He recommenda public schools and no
- religious aect lo control them. This la *1
ready in the cnnstlluiloii.
He gooa back on Cuba! oppnaws granting
balllgerwt rights to the patriots and **v*
ha has proffered Intervention, fay* he
may Intel fen sad that the Iron clada and
COMt dr fences arc ready.
After flooding the country with green
Hyinbeaay* bW paity and himerlf want
hard money. This la lo divide the demo
Wit!nhe balsam ol the world we are at
prt a. , Jhau
It In rumored that Mayor W. A- Hull ol
Macon, has suspended.
hi i ■ iwiflaWNMMa—— ■ *■■■■■
Tweed, the boas tblet of New York, who
whds Wa mWflnos ad at last fall Into the
ehmhaaof the law, bn* escaped from prison
and la now supposed to be ou foreign trrri
Uiry, or aboard a ship en route for other
dime*. His money, doubtless, unlocked
hla prison dootw
Robetl Bonner Of New York. has • lead
ing weekly story paper celled the Ledger;
fee le also the poeeeeeor of one of the lent
M tre>tmg home in the world, named
Dexter; puttingtheee two fissts together
an exchange say*. Bonner manages the
Ledger Dexter-oaslr.
. of Kentucky, la clerk of the
ngllnniT House of Hfspneeatstives instead
of Tytet, ae we stated last week. We were
Md Wte eseuo hy a dhpstsh in an exchange
Pot the f rat time in eighteen yuan the
democrats have a majority in the lower
of Coagraw. With good maasge
menl on their part a democmlic preaidsnt
wiU be elected next year. Boase writers
eaf Mm It no InaUnne where a president
hne been elected of different political taiih
from t%n House ; while we doubt the truth.
of thle statement we ere inclined to think 1
n demoerstio president will be ineogurated
on the fourth ot March IB7t.
Matr Triwserif —W- M fcawe.
Tk* >A /au or
tum. lha J*. * **w.O m ut hi
i —sr~ —*rt- ‘V- 1 -*— .sa*bt.)Mi.iiai
•b* week* sa ■■■ #■! Stmts** •“ pveeesw* .
’ icading citutru* uk u.ka* Ho atuma as to |
whom Uu iMUm thul bta riwaUMier M<wf
Om w. wuUas Ik* ***# <**
W H Uaw. e-4 U.adl> mssHte*tataasas
■us el stasis, it Mas*** awSSHass*, tateg
rUjr sa4 aMUSf SIS -o toi ukea tat*
c mmU. nf to*. Cetasel Lews wttl S**bt *m ba **
HU vMfaf (imaa Oe fee wa* luswwtf * CJUWS
; of Ora<arlHa wa may fe* |rar*o* fu gfitag Use
1 foltowtag to-ufc ef hi. v*M earrnr
Wllhna H. Lews was feus* te Orssarttls la l*tS,
nataa Utriiwa tt|*a feta as. rawwtoeaa 0 aw So rtf
a*a so* kastng to t ifHlat attfc wfelasb to bogtM Mis
l seat i. Nsw Yortt while gults a buf. sntartna
Usa to|< u .eiunl.l to.,.as of B toe ■ h Cj. (a
toasihaa< m fsarsfes M worfeaS hlaiwtf tots the
I,'xiUOk of fsrtucr la ssla toaaaa. Iks fena Baaae
i-tae wK, Siuaa, t/*.SU. Tfeaa, fes
(•aa lee -aa tw.alf yeara aid tills ywr Oastgta bf
bat aaaitalaat fef hla owa s*rt ( sanirada* W
tarsal la a taadtog Wsw T<wk bo’W; an t was ytacad
•head M sww eartisara that had ferns neawtowa at
tba *na fsr SAm* rsses.
Mr Iws rstwali.a* la gw Vtdfe aaUJ tfe* Mar M
ttu W> at was toed into off < feartosto*. eawaarf tife
teat. 1 hat etght fes laM Maw trh, easaa fasms,
penal ttor soar, was w msdrS ar*< mlt saw, tf*. s
priwuar mss* and tost all fe* feadaaedn In Maw tsrfe
la <y.n*>ts*<*n, laasiag Ihs Hu fe and salSßl g
Iks towthsrn sray surun* a 4k tfes war ‘*fe
ut Mac tort atop. (ftn- h, femtaast a/iatlfesaSt'ifea
and credit, ha haa If rOadf dar<Hl <n to hn lasa*
; wxwoaletad a twhdrvm* tortwn* *#•** sas tosa
, Irsd Out tsaad <U.iUrs sad is* fe* fesad vt enth at iha
1 leadlnc toitlness tanas'* nfAUaata 'lbrareb Ihs
I—Uis to akis*i suataaf rtoneg #<• all asef ih*
Uetott went a.wa, opt Wteed's . rsdlt lamatiwd
S n* sal aa fe .hast. InthaprtaM olllfe.s* tut *(a,
Sa*ncier, ss IS Sto/WM h( hi* tsiaarkaM* aascsss to
mens log hi* fert ats afslr*. iuU*iilf asua
|H<AT J sl.le his Win.l tstr.ii'.M ol ife rtsle s Buaacs*
wuaid dwatrttss* redee 1 sddllhmsl>n spas
biinssir *M he t*r sseff etilsaa ut j
~ruffle We Im.t hs wilt *.. a , .saint Is In Hie
pis. iUttli alt 1 laelUrs '.hltthf (.fCleiat ./. stout j
The New York TilVuue noth*, loir of
(Iterrgla’a new Congres*m< , u < lollows :
II Miritiii'iK Jut.tAH lie U a lawyer by
pr apseuhrti, <t a reahlent ol ft**itn*h,
<* mrgle ; served as a “t(lter t(i tt caante I
erst' army ; after the rehnlHaiii l.e fititorn l
lnl< pfillih'*, *nd .i electtol la lh'4 a rep
resiiluitvH from <1 ur'dlit lo tho forty fownh
cotigraaa, l :lluwd to Inform thn '■'fnpl!
rr win n and where h<i wa* lertn, or la. gl*
any pfeftlptilaf* leapactlojg Ms idrtce'lom
ff Mete, lltMUis 11. Horn in j*par
county, lanorgu, in
Uttivi-rslly ol OxtKgU iu Hit l , atmlieil taw
and went to the ar In IH 11 j tu 1411 ho
was i Iwtrd to the #UUe iaglslatuia n t a I
in KJ.IU, wa# oppotuitl lo tu twi <n ho*, wrni
with his stale into thd rebellion atul was
eln t*<l to thr conlederatu atmnie ; and In
llt?4 hr wa* rim li Ia repremintaUf# t
the lolly liiu iHi tong res*.
Cam triad, Mtt-Tow A.—Horn lu <’amp
helf cownty, (leorgM, Janusry 11, 1417;
g aduatixl at the Dnlverslty of (icovgle lu_
1A44 ; am.lied law, went to -ha bar fn IK"W
ami arUle.l In fVca'or, le Kalb county,
where he practic'd the protssalo i ; was a
to I MUM ; Of the staln^const 11 it Inin I cottven
thm In IhfW; eleC’ed to Ih* stela aminta In
tHftU for four yum a ; and in 1874 ha was
a tactual * represent stive from Georg** to
the forty fourth congnaa.
Hmitii. William B.—Born lu Augusta,
Georgia, March 14, IW; remov'd with
his lather lo Albany in that state in 1843 ;
received an academic allocation , studied
law and was admitted to tba bar in 1040 ;
be wa* elcc'ed ordinary of Dougherty
county in 1888; In IW# was made solicitor
general tor tho southwestern circuit , lu
18C1 he oulmed thw army In the fourth
Georgia regiment as first tlei tenant was
e'ected rapt tun In 1809 , he lost a leg in
(root ol Klchmond, which caused him to
retire Irom the s- rvlce, and rtturn lo the
practice of lew ; in 1808 wee elected lo the
confedeiatc house of representatives and
continued iu the) office during lie existence
and then engaged iu agricultural pursuits
and cotton planting. In 1874 declined the
Judgeship of '.lie Albany circuit and was
elected a repicsentative lYom Georgia to the
forty fourth congress.
The Albany N**r prints ■ hill In psst
•top to the traffic In seed cotton, etc , that
iha people of Bouth (Carolina, have petition
od their legislature to peed It ie in sub
stance fee follows:
1. That is slisll ha unlawful for nny
country store, or any known or secret part
ner thereof, or aoy trading person or poet
whnteyer, in any case directly, or indirectly
to procure, by purchase, trade or exchange
any cotton In ths seed.
%. That such store, post or person shall
In no case procure, as mentioned, any grain
forage, or other am icoJturai products, be
tween the hours of sunset and sunrise, aad
that for nil such artistes procured between
'the hours of sunset n book shall be kept
open to the public inspection. In which
lhaU be recorded ths kind,Quality, condi
tion and rnlue of such articles, the data of
the transaction, ami the party thereto ;
that the burden of proof shall rest on the
parties so procuring that the articles are
not stolen goods, and that the parties no
tirocuring shall be held to be partieef* trim
mm in all canes of theft.
3 That all such storm aad poets shall be
closed at usual bedtime, or at any hoar not
later ihn & o'clock at night throughout the
year, not to raopeu earlier than annriae in
moralsg ; that nay violation of thu rule
•hall be prime facie evhlence of a larcenous
act or intent.
4. That such prompt legal
' process shall be provided, and such penal
ties for violation attached as shall he effect
Ot the twenty-six who have held Me
speakership ot congress only six are now
living vis r Hunter, Winlhrop, Banks,
Grow, Colfax and Blaine, Hunter is state
trmsnrsr of Virginia, Banka and an
in congress sad the others are in private
Tito' bill fntrodoewd during the l*e> *
stofe <4 the k-gfoiaffe prop* ring to rm\.
mttrtm •pYesttrm nraKtmi atrdselitutloo .1
Gowvewtton lo a direct vota of the people
wee odwiMy killed o€ bp+tkrfi of feder
al Interference bine* that Mott however
several of tbe booib*ru Bulan have bebf
conventlomi and snrwlsd theif Cosatrtu
• lona, and not on* W'end has beam heard 4
Federal interlerewM, nod nobody anppoeed
there woo Id be any tuck hsteilareoc* 1
This hog hoar having bava Aapeaed of iu
qwr* lon iceurs, and will corn: op at tbe
apswoaebing Htwsio* of tba Iyagfoiature
fUia,h the voters of Georgia be permit 1 e<l
t>a rsprea* their ophstoß for or #*i>e*t a
i-sanrentprti V" Tin we who prefer Um prea
eat ii,trument, wtskh la iba work of a con
veotion eompcaad chiefly of likes and aa
gro*#, town# frasfefed by ami for (he people
of Georgia, will, of count}, opfM m ti mm*
ora* lookla giowatda tba tall ut a nvea
turn. 'lba preaewi consibartim aowtsws
a>m vary good feature*, bat meoy wJhieb
are ial^cuainable. Oaa **< tba* If 'l* ® B
reos.iu.bly taiga hoaamtaad ... attemptk
which into left the great mam of par paupi#
practice ly whbuwt eradttafol foomf tbe
u.asibieitt'l iha naaaaaoafoblsr saattinaa of
the hungry Ismlebarb#, wpu afowrth *b
(heir clear prufl'i *d brtag them in debt
entry ysssr.. Lrt the tfttooUof bomeatrad
he reduend to tbfe prhfMrf stands rd. and
prmt|witty will return lo our bard-wmking
f.,imr*. They wh 1 Jbs no hiogg*
to m rtgsge tbe* gruwlng crap* U pr
•:time saipiattea at such rates of iaferesi **
i will aiwvb tho pronto of any ba*f*s in
me world. We feave mn oead of eaauoj
seas! an lOf tbe Legtstatore A abange to
‘rfconlsl to* wit! save upward* of one
hundred thousand dottsw* per naanm A
iarthsr saving may be sflactad fey to
•luring the n Jnpier and pay of mam’jers of
il. lx:gisl-t,.r. Wo hero nos time nr
room to p'liut out tba nsany chaegs*
ed, bat a contrfeutb.rt to mid ntokA all neadaO
sllrnlions to a Session of ten days or two
wa k* Taar* h nos mltrt wstwr of >
jiairtsn ' c inoxeted with this tßlr WS
mmau the loc*tl->it ol <)>* i.-tpksi The pc<a
pie ruled uruler <Juroaa in oAoMiog ib
present ron<*liOthß. We W*#t lUra b>
have a fn- un'ra intiled vote *a this n*e
lln, * tu-tj Hity setilc It, it they *r
Atlantis, brt M tie to—if emito Other plto < ,
tel, that plito- he mtablksts*.! Ms Mto repftai
—(A li'u* WshHstsn
Jar Haft.
Th* .lodge Advocate GrttoTbl who ra
tired, the o bar, was one of Ifejwdn id ••
siaainiof Mr*, fturratf. It* ami Aadfww
Johnson had a oontrovarßy Aa foot .object.
11l II of elimination and rroiiaafnation, fei
it tit.lde.ily dropped, printlpaly * p
po ln-< <• It wa* a tvltdef Vbema for forth
of them. Tfe World Wdablm a<llei, ihua
Among Iha polltlfel rmtogadva of 1881 fe
tu ’ to 4a • *
kiantnn, hot fe was more malignant than
Ihe one and baser than the ntfer. For
years pari he ha# aha Med ant nf tfe eight
ot turn. In a rlmid *# Hto (Hfs making
ah tinned and ava.klril even by suck a* are
left living slow! h'.m of the men who u ed
him in thvli day of power lo trmmert aad
torture their teUowa Ha rettrva in* that
he may avoid fjwtia* by a H<*aa of Rep
reaenfetoea wlileh will realty rrpreact) ll he
American people. But It will b* tba dutv
of Rrpveaantativis to tea to It that be car
rfaa with him Into hi# retirement nothing
but the livery ot sbama which fe fosa woven
ami shaped and fitted to bimsall forever.—
f A ugosta Chronicle.
Thm WoahingtoMk c**rraapoa<tont ot the
Anguata Cbrunlals thus daacribea th* Inca
lion of our delegation <*u lire fhir of the
, bouaa (N representative*.
During tfe drawing for teals on Tuesday
a majority ot th* Georgian* were in the
feat ***** Me lack. Blount, Candler. Cook
and llattridg* were among ifeearltaat call
ed, aad they are in altnod whispering dis
lance ol each offer and nearly in front of
tfe sneaker HmHh la tfe compapion to Mr.
Crittenden to New York, and their desk*
almost conlrout tfe speaker's stand. H 11,
Harriaand Faltoo wen among, the last to
be called In the lottery, Mr. Harris being the
•asapo as Wnitehouse, to New York, was
the alpha of tbe (rawing. Mr. Hill wa*
promptly tendered several more desirable
seat*, but retained tbe seat allotted to him.
which i* tbe aeal occupved by Mr. Randalf
last srsaion. Dr. Felton stts rear him, and
Mr. Harris not fai ofl, in what fe evidently
considers Ike least desirable seal oa Ibr
flo ir.
m ■ law. ir* 1
The North Georgia. Herald aforwa a
snleadklly level bead o tfe bom aa* aad
law, aa follows:
Confidence, in one another, ban beemdes
troysd by this modern "ilomtsfesd law
distrust in each other ban heea created by
it, and the result has proven to be extreme
ly damaging to the prosperity sad best in
terest et our entire State. But we have
been told that without this liberal "Homs
stead Law," so many men wooid bn brok
a up. Well, if it breaks a man to pay his
just debts, we know ot no legitimate reme
dy, and wni'.e he may be entitled to our.
sympathy, yet we must say—let him btesk
This "Homestead Law" has deprived a
great many mea of their Just rights. It bss
turned ths aged sad deerepid into paths, it
has seot the ot plum out into the world
homeless and penniless. It has deprived
meu, women and children, of their bnrd
t canted dues, and now Justice demands that
it should be blotted bom Use code of Geor
gia laws at as *.. ly day as possible.
Now it is Lieutenant Colonel Iked Grant
the son of thn president, who is becoming
entangled in Mn makes of the whiskey
frauds. IXx* the preside.™ at ill say, “Lrt I
no guilty man escape r—[Madison (W>.>|
The planter* uf Burke rowfoy recently
*m&a tim at'
tbe ibreccia*#**of labor tbe wage* System
was tbe best; ibal tbe #fi*r**y*itm will do
If property iupervtwd, and that The tenant
system should be aftandoaed. They atac
reaoived tnet form labor in a cotton count
ry it neccaaarily ot twelve mootin'* aerrice,
and should he ao eetuged. The giving ot
fjo.uid*y a* a rot. day are* pronounced
mwebeviooa and demoralaiog. oat. ao wa*
ijie practice at emtala metctinils m pwr T
chaaitvj seed eotton. Tltwy then pledged
.beoMi-lvm not Vi plan* over feimea acres ol
crHien to tbe pUw or pay more than asxty
doflara a year Ur a fedd band.
GEOMiiIA Mm wether County.
fouler J Milhos a* Enr„ of the vatate
>4 Marv Ana Hood, dcceaaod, represent# to \
ue omrt that he U* Miy Admmisf*--ro: j
psid mao, wad prtkfon* for dteuumtoc j
iftjm in sj umt
Tbi* la therefore hi cite uui odstoalsh oil'
eoeorvned Ui flie their if any]
they fcavst, on * batata the iat Monday ut j
February neat. _, . . I
. Uhea uader my kwsd and official (Mgn*
tar* <bi* If v I*t 1173
Gl.OlfUlA-Medw v 4 !jvt Qauuji.
It Fhy*etoC*t**r *• tfes • tno4 at OuOmn ]
fssk Wczrr, Watas. erases, ttswl. Lewis on* 1
Uuu** a*o*m •!* t n.iasH , m—fee 4*A. |
Sf*tSM tut gsasiwi'e •* yrntmoOt stawee
epsrt **. aW.wrta* at ttmtesssed jm* t wto *e*.
upuu (tot >ssta* um i to. Mlk tor <4 ItosstSw ton
.hut >s) s( at stfes* to toesesavut* Ml It o' tooth A M
3}d J W BANNING. O, M t
UfcGtttiiA Mwrtwetfem
WtiltoC Jeakltsa fef<piMe foi toltws <4
gitofatihi.'liip <-f tbs p*>*.i- and property *M
J.aiu.l* M Free .ll mw mitsor .nd orphmt sd
Msdi* F.seesaw fee and Ttos to ifeeretort;
U cite MSSaf M tissaantsb #il 1/ **olo+l W SbtiW
leuu a*! fliv Hsetr rt><s Way ’ty
hate why sfel totter* ot gu*rd'***
(btrtlid fi and tut grsuitot said tpptu sal ut""
the first MaadaUy te J*o*'r
litvse under toy bowtl etui uftu.m. stgfea
Uirv, Dm. •:l* IB7S
it J W HxmttHU ft M -
l.fcOMolA Menwtofeer tv....nty.
Jo 4 K Wiuule* baa p|siwd for .sru.p
j Lfoss uf psTtomaMy and Mrtlb.g #p>d hd
' *Ju*tl..i< id If .ow-ww! Mod I will )**
rims* the ssms a* 10 .t'etack A M m i
i ’mi fey aifOeeettofeev (;hj J 1*75
s< h f ■ ffit -
7j5 J w BiJINING, O M r
A4xainitralur Sbl.
•if.GHGlai Meriwstfev ifowwty
Jly v tt(M* of an a'afatsaf trtww the Crt >.l
Ordm*fv of sat t rmmv. wtti be Hi
thr ri.Mi Tuesday in Jatumry m iwtweea j
ih' legal hour* *f In 'he to n ••I 1
• Oraawvdtw. the f*4b>Wirg laud*. t 4 |
Wirt Ol lU<l. m.-ra laf laws. o*l aaf lot H"
47 and ratendte* tbroogh *•! hi. ''>>h
*O,l orauth aa.Jit Itoteg 'be mt'd*
ttoft ol wshJ
■ o*#o a cm, no te nr baa In Ms* 3'
4hmt t "I said county •’* Meliwetbsv to 44 ,
h.f the bem-hl *el Uto *'*, * 7'*!'
•f Nosh Howe, deed. Tbl# Ibw. mb f*<o
Terms cash , , ....
GEOHtiIA Merlwetbtw Cuunty-
By virtu* of sn order ihe ll.aoi r
a hi* ( wort of (tr.masy in an-l t * •**-■
nmnly Wl! tot aobl bvfaare the cowl h‘.ow
draw to tbe town ol Otaenville t-owrTf thr
leg*) h*>nr* of sale "n the Trst T t's.fsr in
January nest tfe* fothswibjf ab beltolg i
ing lai tlie e.l*t' ot PefedlfMoa J H r'l
itartwril, r f- flWacfm* from Wf* N-w fff. ]
and. *H and JU*i aerm.-fot Jf". I*B sHoata.l
to the ll'b dtotrtet ol **H orwtuiy. Terms
cash TTti* tW MUt 1175 B*d*
A J IIINTGN, A-lm.. defeats mm.
GEOUniA Meriwether Cdaaiy.
By viviue of an offer from Use Court o’.
TTrtlto try of said county, wifi be *ol<i be j
toy*'he ofjrt houee da>r in tbe town of
Um-.t.yilto *i.l eoa tty between Ihe legal
hours of eale on the first Towatoy m
January n**t the foftnw
tug lout and pans of lots of U'sd, all silustp
Ivin* and being in Ue *rJ dinricl of sal I
coumy, to wh . 14*1 *•<• “I hrt No. JfcKi
being all o' said fed except 50 acieain stmib
wmt crnef, ami 8 acres I' a >utl>ew*i cor
ner ; 441 **va ol l-rt No. 18, and B nndi -
vktod nail interest lu eight acres more uf
lot *W, ou wbwb to
S'gond Wmd Factory ; aa ttnilirided one
fa.ii th interest in tbe rest half of ht No.
*Bl. an I another one femrui inter Part to tbs
limber upon the eaat half ut aai*i lot **l .
ami l'Jrt| ad.* ufi tl tfe Wtai asua of 11
No 18J, *iai U.e rvmji’.fer la t>>wer, in
and to the ftiif wing pwrtaof mis, alter tbe
termination ol the IHe e*Ule of .the wtduw
of Ribert iL Ur >ka, ibareio, m wit, 50
acres uff of ihe northwest cswuev uf lot No
3. '7, aoil 8 acre- ail! of the n.u.beast corner
of lot Jit, snd S acres o!f of tbe n .rthewst
corner cf lot 84 and aa umßsided half to
toroat in all the balance ol sol I lot **B 000
tailing, llf acres more of too*, ana upon
eiilCll fe*u exceileut Mcvcbsul Mil. ; also
the remainder intereat lu iua follow tog tot*
alter the terminalHm of tbe lU* estate ol
Mrs Jane Campbell tenant in dower Usweg
tn. to wo. No*. Vd. bi, and ooe Unit oi l.
W, 100, I*B and I*7. All ot the alurcwski
lands embracing about 1800 scree, situated
la the fold District ol nM county m store
mid, and sold as tbn property of the fatal*
ot Hobart U. Urooba feud, lor the benefit
ot creditors and titotribuieea. Terms cash.
This Dec., .b 1875 JA?. M. BKOOKB
uart/ri antMirr
GEORGIA Meriwether County.
th ill be auid before the coon boose door
in the town of Green v Mis, tin., on the first
Tuesday in January next, within the legal
hours ot sale, the lol.owing lauds, to wit:
The north half of lot S c 78. and lots and
pens of k-t i Nos 31, 78, fit sad 77, all
rituals iu toe lthh district ot said natal j
and coo laming .00 acres, more or leas, it
being the entire puaiati >n on which Wio.
Xmcom now lives. Levied on as the prop
erty of said Was. Melcom to satisfy a A ts
(rota Meriwether Bnperior Con M tavor
of the People’s Beak of Neweaa va Wa.
Maicom. Wnt. Maleum, tenant in peaaaa
mon notified. .This Dec. Bth 1873. • s§<J
AUO at the sense lime sod place will be
aoM SO acres ofi of the north wl corner
vt lot Mm M; and M acres ofi of the south
east corner ot tot Ms*. i ail lying aad bn
lag in the Ist district at said county.
Levied WMIM property of George W.
Ksd cy to satisfy a ft ta issued Irsta Meri
vtUtr Bepertor Goars In taver et Was. Lt. I
Ainxaadei. Atlssr. Ac, vs James M. Pfoher
sad George W. HtcLey. Tenant in poa- I
carmen notified. *id ‘
ALSO at tlie same time an f psc> wiil b*
sasaßSSspe .o'
mill fcvmnrty owned to IsaacCoa*y,deed
end known as tt* old Cbroey w
lie vied <>o as the property of W L Gt'v-
W f. Morris and J. A Gift, to satisfy a B
fa issue i from Meriwether Superior Court
in fetor of Joku L Cheney e< ai tor the
am foe ,vs Wm L Gift, W. F. flub i
A Gill, et a-'. Prupertv fow*** rml
PM— jgtlfeW.
GEORGIA Meriwether County
'fTT’ILL BE told heiore th' C >ort Hoo* 1
Y\ door in the 'own of Greenvt.le of
•akl cmiaty wi'bto tlie Imral hour* of
tbe flrst Toeatlay to January next, tfe
fi.Rowrip.c V.*s aad parts of tot* land, an
dtuate. lying nd befog in tbe Sand jdistricl
ot sahi o-uety. ite f the White Huinhr.r.
Borings to wit : AH of lots N*. I**.
I*2 188 and 1l; a*d tb<<ee porvoua of
U At No. J*l I*2 and IW Umt He on U 0
[wmrb tato of M.w* ! *to cisefe.
Rwtova erewklt Ato'a anmil port of >"*
i No. IS4, iua* le-tms tbe fcwd them* Mown
! lain crei*. at White Sulphur Jtpringa ; ahm
*iß of that |wrlkw >4 Ini No. 18* that lm
I eart ot the public rued running *voßi R b*
L Dunla*'*to L L Hardy s MU*. Aft the
afnreaaki ’ots ai'l |rts • f l>*t* constitHllng
! ihe ptace •* pfatilsttoo ol Wm C* Bray
I the rto toe treet or KtUsnsst com :>• mine
tome t* ot 1 400 acres, more or lew- am*
WdefeaMtaowth to tow-to ,4 P H
! Muiriiis. Mr* A E. tir+rtn.l Mrs N A
footm, Ob Urn w eel by lands of—
Striek'*d. J,hß W. Shepb-fd swd R
' L Don top , on 'he south by lands id H
L Powtof* H H Magvwfer, J.O. *%ristt<to
■a t H ii Mark*, sad <m tfe awxi fe land*
.4 D It Muilma, to hna uiphur fc'rings,
■ J*tr w* O Chltoftoa aad Mrs. L. tt. Tigner
The wlayde tovhd on a* 'he yoiiwrif
1 Wm C. ttfy to hMife a fifa ta*oi £•**
Meriwether to- iwilawC-fert in fa or if W iu
f'rth. iJaw*™ V. Ggtotrr* WtSfetW). v
■ Wm C- Bray and John 8 B *’•* kaecurity
(Vnprtty tnutitta.l out by I'tT* Any , mid
Wm t Brty, Ifetl in * th **W tonant to
daly naatilied Ttito Dec. l*t
1 ih7s Ud
A Id* i at lbs same tame *n i ptac* w'.H be
I u 1 tfe fuflowtog tot. t. to wit : l. l N
1 I*s and No, I*2, an * ca.ot*i u.g
I irrea, and asao :fe a< rtL b*ff ot t—i N W
;. IU Ul'tog *4|| acre*. ‘l Ct O'ai i">g S*MSJ
w tea, all *>koa* Mi Ife Hkb dtetrh t at Ml :
. t.itoi* lerlad o. m tfe proj*wiy ut W.
A. i prkwrwsn u. aatiafy afl U Luoi
—rtfeo Sv;igfittf CaWft 'k laV'rt o' J-to*’
! Knight V* W A Feah.ere. il Tenant "
| ,eaMW#a*a MMtitkd *.*< ! tot l I tab
IIJ it 1t075 1
Afjvrrwtter same rime and ptacc *
-a.1.1 *;t that ttatl to to-il where***) Wm
to.veil now frwMes,shoal*, jvmg *.<d b. i
us h ltrh d**'fn4 to and a*
kria su a* pfevta ol i'ri S '* tO. Ai. 41.11, *1
and 74; and te mud* I r i tfe *' *) "•
, Sands *< HP Ai m*v n' M'*. .*t- o- . >f.
... . ,rtu jr tba lr Is *t K.ah**ta Hi'ick
' ,nd , #wnt by tfe land* of I* ' K Bukh
land, Z. M tcklafid. Win. t'iwtiaw .!
Tlaaw H-W. Amt •' H ' "•Util. ia l*
•at Mold. Krill and J M R’. e*W'atalny
HO a* "t Jwvto t o*l a* th' I'Mwwety o
thr ewl t W. tom L-vib. u.'e and hi
virtue aaf a 81* iwlri ft ool 'he *v .j rw
( ,iri to **kt Ciwiute of Hdlartfe. I*
f**i*t -4 the pwih'i ft nk to Nrsoaw v>
Win Lave'*. Wi. Imvvit *rt*at In Jo*.
%U~ .I- .f) (•*! ifled. 7J
A DM) at rhe name time *d fdare w*t t*
*M the HUtot' i Un4* I ' **B , H* N**
>••.•* .<*,•••- 7.| |OH roril7*<M.
in all er*.** li'indfed anti ei#i.j n*> f.k i
**rs* m ifts <‘t ><••. sad kn-<wn * fiw Pul
let. HkW-OHi WIMVM J*kt> W Hl'4
wav J*-, r—lie.' w D*r fHrk *+
* tu*isd I) tng aad beiag in tl*- 1! i* )*-'h >
■.I Mrfiwelb.-r Ua. aid cupi
! during tbs y*nr WJ4J. W F iHo*. d-l
I u>m< ily a9 fa linw Krtiw*"lii f >**[it i
I (j'ti in I**o rf WUltaa utn Amw ■*-
: * T Prbii W., n intirj W If **.•• ay
IJr Teuaot in powwow* >o m titnii accord
' ingloUw 1h !) <,*!• 1*75,
! Al f) at llk mdk iin*e aad p-er* * ill tit
jv-ld Ui* went half ti I■ ( •>! lan I !< ll*,
, In U>< 10 h dis*j*3 ef Menae b outtit..
' Oa, Dried on ** Ute prop* Mr of us
; e*.te of J*r*.i. Miller, deed.* I* u * !*•**
jiT Carolina W>D* m Allan. aal J■* b
Miller, deed* to be sl ttiti i*r*<l i.*ie I
oo by rtrtue >*f a ft f* ‘rom Mphi*i
Cwm to larnr of N >1 R#u a
again at Carol nw Miller. Ad u* o| Jacob
Millar. Canilraa MHJer. tenant in (want
•ion, notified. Ttiia Dec, Htii l§7l *f l
A Dio at tar taail time and p>e>* will •*
sol I an awrltvided hall lolrren iu AV) acT' •
of land, more or lent, lying in Uie 4t I di*
Ufct of anal county, near tl Hal
|Aif Hpilif l , lenmlel b/lit ln i* of Mai
lint, H-wiwm. H>nnT Wu.isin, Tiguer,
D*, Mr* Nance s> and F A. Wynne, an<l
known aa lie White Hu pliur.'Vrioga lain.
Dried on aa 'b* (f'*pe>t/ of Al< tan O
Tr unmet to ailuly a U la iaaowd tf-na
M'.’Hwcuier Stop* n>c c<>nfi in fains tn W
(J. Jobnuton against >anl A O. TromiueL.
Property po wad oh by Pfi* Ally ami
tenant in t>i*afei'>B July courted. 4+-t
A DM) a< the mm* time aod place wio be
•old all 'bat tract or (mical of land situate
•n tbe MH i ttiat'iet irt M-ri teller euonly
Oa.oonbich Wn. A Wildnybam now
reaidaa, c olatatnv acre* mre or lean.
a.i leiamlnd on li>e t. by laod ot M<rk,
Morgan , <m (be weal by Ua la of Mr.-.
Martba Moncrief, north t*y Wm Allman,
and aooth by Albert Fol er. and knonn iu
ibe pan f said lUUi dutficlaa bu ol nt
No 9*l —east bait of tot No. 102 and kAj
acres ia-d od of bit No. tl by a line ru i
ning east and wet . Dried .on as Ibe pr >p
erty of Wa. S WiliingAam Inaa'.hdy a b
la I rum Mertvelbnr Court in latror
of Peopw's ManA af Neauaa for use Ac,
again*! Win. & Wiiliogbant Win. jj,
WitUnghaaa, tenant iu p ■ mkina, notified
TMa Dec. 7tk 1K75 7i
ALHU at tteaame lima and place, wit,
I* told tare dark bay tiorsea, now .bout fire
ye ji oid, awl tbeutbe eight year* old and
.lao one buggy aaJ bantes*.
abo an umltrided rbird interest in the !••*
lot* of land ia ibe tone of OrenTil<, Ueor
gin, Xia JO and A1 asd all urn* portma of
,ot 7 cooreyed by k It inaiov kiJ L Ban
ning except a atrip off of mid Mo 7 niaaiog
Esi ami We*l IHinebaa wide whereon ia
attualsd tl*eat< re bouse J A Sbu.Ucs fk Cos,
now ucrnpy aod black amuh tu>p laxapteu
by Uainp Uales—all olmid property leriad
on to *ati*fy two fi £as bom MenweUter So
penurCourtinfbtrorcf Vf H flnruteu aou
Wdiianm I aangafim and Crane gainst setd
J £ Shuttles. Dec. bib 1875.
7d W, U.rtVER.6 H C.
liEOKO iA "Men wetuer Cuaaty.
Will be sold ua Ibe Ist 1 ueaday ia Jan
wary neat be lore lie court bouse door ia Ibe
to* a oi Gieenriile Georgia witbia ibe legal
boar* of sale fifty acre* of land ol uf lot Mo
20 —tba southeast corner of mad lot; aod
also lea acres iHf ot (ootbwest corner w
said lot. No 20, m ibe Middle #th diatrici *:
said county and stain Dried on an tbc
property of Nancy Joboa-m to muafy a
Ala Worn Meriwether cwpenor Conn in
inror of A. tl. Pieeman n Nancy John
son and Dane Thrash. Tenant ia po*
temtuu oiuAcd. W. H.FAV£K,SMC*
A not Art Mofftmgo for foe foenj.
St, for
After two years’ pr *pentj, unemmpkd
in tbu Sana's rvf juvenile literature, during
which Sr. Nicholas has consto‘•dated with
itself all itr rrmgsN competitof*. tbe poto
utwi god Umswirw tan pewithwi to
•romias (bat tfe Tuird V.'lume. begtniMag
with tfe autnbsr tor November. 1875, shall
in its usual Attraction* for Giria and Bovs,
mrpass even the prarxe ling votuosea. In
a lumen to eontritKM
(here wilt 'te Bu*ri*at, Poems, sni B* eu-hts
by some ot the M >st Promineut Eugltan
.Vuthom. Arrangements bars been made ,
lor a very iutrresting series of patient on 1
Trealiag of He History and tbe Child-Lite
of R jyal GeueratiOn#.
VV id cueiritafe lo Uta new vo.iiuml
W ill write “Ma jorm, Hutfelay Gifto,” ami
other start aturtoa.
haaoeamclcv aw Astronomy for Young
Pe >ple have bern {*roaki*d by tfe popular
English Astro 'tamer,
There itl be n continued story ot LU*
*U IsMiAihl by ——
In the Njoiiilki N.uutor, the opwniog
ol ihe new volume wifi begin an CAN bii'ilAL STORY,
By NOAH liR oKa,
Giving tfe advent urea to a |mrljr <>l boy* in
tfe a*riy day* of tfe odd Fv' r
I Aulbor to tfe ‘ / *ck 11-igord" aturkn, wll
[ contrtbuto some bight) iuU-rvwting akatufen
af a VMltulie a,l "IRh C'.ive ”
"Talks with girls,"
By tea ding HUlh .r* w 111 fe a fMOßOneul
| feature at iha new volume. Eepwial alien
: 11-. U w ill aUu be t iveu lo
15 Ith i-pir he*) pictorial ffyuelratloe*.
The vr|aa<t dam*ri,ii< ut*. ' J o k in 'he
lAjlpb,” Tfe R*ddb- Boa. *<l Letter tfes
and tba- |wre* for Very Ltltle Folks, or* V*
■w ma*re !t<acttva- tl*ai-ver Tbe Fivoch,
! L>tb*. vad Gernmn atanhw l*r utualaii—i,
which hove (iruva I #* feijmia*. will be frw
•it'll' iu Ihr new volum< Some of the
liaia-e Suit art tit# Gf* aalf Hatnlsfl -ft lit**
Cenirv bar# bnua rtn rateal aI) teaaiy fair
*m both-tlaa. a>iat tor ftrai artlata of tha day
aili tou t but* It*ah -and orlgm.ll drawing*, u.i Fi> e Art M o-arinv l<r< liae Y.aUug.
tbiflioi'aii.uwoieenu •( niouy
in< an*l **"**•! Iralnra , wdl fe made IB the
f>. coili'f n-mb". fe N.< i.oiiv will cot.
la*ue undtaf l|*e Ml*-a r-.f'al 111 ita a*-till* > f
An 1 '* *8 'rtv will I**- spared toy sKjl'or an-}
iidUuli-ri in main tarn amj InCTimae the at.
11. i ,<••! * mi v litre l the m *g*> rue
FUi'awi tpl *n* P*K', 44,th) 1 inr , Stngi e
N .aria, 25 .t t , B <Uml Vaiiun,'-, fl4,tM>
w h
These volumes fef at with N- virifer
Ih iw., w rernly f.a* |t?4 s4 1878 ar
. 'v bo*n*i| i- ra i and gold, an* form
•*' 11 ,n t o lj,u |J „ lis tot Children
! ' Vet l—te ! We wi<l sen 1 Ihe m i**m
| na ear, •-. I.o on* ,N ,v. n.fer JM7B, and
. liuer oi tur vu*ua--' fe.air-i.t av >.toir, |am
e'l 1 * 4< 'Xf, *ar, a a*t!* cr*(.rkant ...te yea 1
. all I ib< IW. V I OU'. |.|| gtO.tfU Ali
; * de*i*f* n.f li'it*r in w, | receive
''..we npii.'tii n i supply Volume* el (fin
! >wt*• r 4U 8,
7U.%7A11tr .4iav N Y.
*N T < \v PurniEUi'o
-AT -
Beekfl Sr Whiioomb’a
Fornitare Wbrr*oau.
New rijie n ewwtug Cam Sutu of Ml the
the tolest atylea
L>omestic Goodw
In en l.ew" variety.
j a apeoa.ty.
ot erery de*ripimn (jur atcck ol Buri.l
i 'aw*. amJ C--4B is ■ oooipwie, aod lion tA a
j btgtrrwl lo ins iusteat fsms
W* win dniskmos Ailsnta price* iw
erry thing in „ur not, Irei-bl added
dec 10 S a
r pHSPATU IMAGE of um mmg
J. Utu ol Meriwether county tkms,
•it fflu u eoiicuni by tbe ao
bwwgwed, prop.-ietor uf tb abo sa wen
an-i*u ii-HSI. Polite aod attcatire aer
rai.ta. an iKixttsal Übie, tkJy rcuoM an i
g.acj bed* ate a *pee*lty. PncaC matter ala
a-d Ur soil luc LMfi. Ui*c am a trial
.;1U Am* JA.BrAX.EY
Karlv May Oats
T CLAIM for them Oat* that they era
the beat variety known 1 warrant
lbcno against ru A. n*ct and MmL They
B<T variety known—ripwfag aacly by
the kith of May. I will fill all order* far
another year at $2.00 per bateL Tba
t* also t .e m<t prdific enttoo ia tDSooth,
aaJ wit? ytef 1 at least one third more them
the ordinary Cotton. The bails an doable
ibe naua! *t*r, enabling a bawd to pick at
least a* mack again per das a* ha dnos of
tbs ordii ary yarietiea. Tail year 1 will
place them in the reach af aft by pull mg
them at |2 00 per bonbef.
|T Order* for wed or further teliirakafim
-b‘>oid he addresaad to tD oaderwenad.
n!9 Tm Woodbury, M enwriher eos Go.