Newspaper Page Text
~ 'MK'hiY
.. MfUy. ’
i did ni|l'>ve Mm. Lung *V'‘
Instead oi y <—, I gave litta o*>.
1 *Hd no* Urto him ; tl ta day
- I mad W marriige < f f Pr.*y,
Why *a J and, wlien- nrvei yet
Hi* iny heart kii'ittu the had nyfcl
Sn (Dflyi>l ear) trui >* ihi cauw
A woman'a rMwon * U**
Hnre. I am glad tr know tne wound
I .'(live la lira '*d, lli’ li' tirt“ lutirid
1-oyy'a bir*<d i' * *"■' i* *'; *d >• 1
A maiiir rirver < iii fii'v t
Tim 1 man wh *n' Ira# lovtd lie* and
To dll} I Mtlll !*• fee hill* stand,
Willi every *li*iiC untie rare*#,
Ktill ple.nU l*n tlit longed .<>t y<*.
Hi* tuf'.y (nve f"! me i* iVnd
Another Uvea i lh l *"*;'*> •“'id ;
A ml If lit |nve* Imr well a* mm
Hlmuid love their ii H i-, why, then
ile njiiat lie gl i*l (lint I*m; ago,
i'Ultad id ye*, I gnvy him me
I'i'lhaiia Unit la tin- fi'kaon why
I rritilfie mdf* t ill* igh
Drum af JMitgn •unrhornfitfli.
11a tinmefriim frlimhi lit .Ju ly* J J
SSearborrmsli 1 till* al<. ami they are
CtMiHiMid In im |ieeUl ,mrl nl It, will !'*•
ij ay I y (iuii mil In f >wi Hit aoniKifl 1 ■■•*>' H* "I
fflfilisth a*rotiilined l'i Hm* M'l.wlnt' td
itmfal cll|.-|ieil lifMu (lit Ht I’.kil, Minn.,
I’ionrrr of Hi*) 90*It ult , | JiirtjK* H wa *•
native flfcfftfglri * mun <>( unfiillled iFiwnr
• natfioaufKl lawyer an abm ll*
re*Mml longmi’. nl Perry, ll<ni*l*m roinAy,
fin frntti vilii nre lit rerun vi *1 t** A mem 'l*
•nil <0 110 Willi Id* 1K dii!iiitiU.ia and -tbfci
f a ill (fit'll 111 liM,i!i'i Inn M )"■'* In B "Vml lfl
Hi. Pdil ami t fieri: wo ee, lifeathed In*
liih! mtrnumM !iy lU children ami grand
C lilWren :
Attlllne** oM* week* dn**tlnn*fe<lilii"l
in tMi’drnth nt JiidgeMan.ra .1 1 kann “rat
Boroughi' ii ~'mdiy n i mug la*l. Bfc#he
nflil * •'it to 'aw li>ir*ie 'I hoiiy*
aori, Kir|. Till* vmtrahle ami caiinmlA*
ggctdvniwii wa# k nnttvr ol (itoryia, wliri*
ho dHtkk UaUOi !Te‘w r< It lent r<l in I
t*M oltavltm ol law, and wa admlttod t* l
Ote har In IR2U. Hl* (iint'.ln- wnnjint I nn
iil.ith aitjnns till) mlmly nl In* !
fttatO. l uml lia nerved lur eltjlil ytal* with
üßUit)' and 4l*llnctk*ii a* iuil({ >1 Mn
(fotftlttdn rthitflrt nl flenfgla, Vniii|[llalng M
ntitnbtr nt Cntinttfi* In the amnlurti (>< >i t i* ii *
*| that Hate. Juduo rtmnveil
. Wk®. fnul adme huH a down yaar* ag*>.
rttrem Vhich tlßi* 111* Jih *ant and kindly
1 nmintonant*lia* Ift- entile lamTHnr tn n iare
pdrffon of tfi> lof.muiiltyl II" an* n
rnrifll and f'C).ti.l<'Pt . ferWliitn ; mir|wliii
rU|iUivi) lw*t iho vli t uts muU dim no
_ twifttlotHif theplil school gentleman, mid
absence will be deeply W* (ft thr
circle pt iclatjtes of whirtr hr
mjui liumited inrmhrr
*The Bulletin, lilcli i* mor*
wtid-'-iroly toyal than the Inter'
(Vchm nr 'Washlngffln tUironlrlr„,ad>Tift*
Uni (at lentl nrrim "f (hr thiffy tnUikm
shpifi whftih are antiUiiily appropriated' log
ikitefnna have b*en *tuUii wry intent
year liy means nf ft toil* pirpcirßlcd liy
claißi 1141 rt'.fc Ihr Hallcttn demands that)
Ilia rnueala who lifyvc fattened upon ther*
theft* -halt Upd,il*ulr way lo lUr priiilrnli
ary. Hut where if the iwiif eniiaiy that
yogld hold them nil * lie! the hi* thieve*
Be first Wo are tiring of the
purtut o| the m*ir fry.
Kf-Spenkri lllnimi wishes to rett'c llie
achool question by a ronatlluflonal amend
pl which shall read t No W ill! shall
he any Iftw rcsfkcllng an caftblisliiurnt
ot religion or pioliiWiing lire Dec expaise
bhetaot, and no m ney raised by taxation
lb axy State lor the support of public
gthOolsor derived Irom any public fund
llictel ir •brail ever lie under the control ol
My religious *<m t, nor shall any money so
raised ever Ih> divided between re ljUms
Berts or tUfftotninatlona.
-MB I atm* ■>- m
Freedom ant edncatl'Ui don’t aoeiji to
Help the nigger much Nrar Atlauta re
etatlv one ot thaw wlo had been Mtorlwd
conßWtefably by stray dog* t night, cun
oibdojl be,would pal as end l tbe rumpii*
ft once lie took down bit atiot-gun,
cocked both barrel*, end advanced ttpoo
the eraefej. Gatling near, pe " two ot
lhem cllyched In a .tight alt 1 instead of
aluK'lmg dljjbbtdthe gun and nneot
then the over tbe bead. Tiie. og bow and, the
g vaoarf elk and the nt*ger-~weil, there's
no dke hating Into (fetal!*, but tbe Coroner
bb lie paper dollar remarked
that it was a <niecr way. tor a loan to com
aiU-awdeWe- ■
•GWfAmets. of Mississippi, has found an t
Mlooked Wjhcuvocate in Jefferson Deris
who ibe proposed .impeach
meat proceedings, asserts that the tloveno
1a honest, add attribute* ban. official ‘mis
tb<* ** the bad advife of bi folfowerS.
,f ■ < " 1 '** ** '
A TJtgrwts a Tillage in > cur Hampshire
bb* pibduced twenty six editors
and i*a! hJ’.uAjn to this akcamstanee
that a. pious old deacon tbere remarked :
‘ Yes there were twenty si x on ’em, but as
they’ve all tefl town* 1 radium the Lord
won’t l*y tttt|eglau9i'
Atlanta eommaictal trsweler, hi a
(tore >n tTsOrange, tba other day, slipped
ami fell, bts cheek striking on the edge of
a marble slab roanter. Tbo dab waa bro
iken in fear piece*, and the drummer, wip
or out a particle ot dost tha had got into
waked how much the dam
age waa.
Wfcn* |*i- *** _
!'t 'ii tliii tlm Nt vii.t.n lleiaid I*
tin (*)!!ing inr.ii k-
New e, ;i|if it: ye . i<< in*t r tl* 1 ! *e dmA
* i-arjt- >} thing no l .*■ foSliwliag, whic-*
we tive in view <d ll t appnmrMmg **ni*n
Ilf til*: Is'J’tiHire Kii*t aid HW'*t inijtnf
Uril nl *’>, tin- |k o;de‘ t i *-ed i re|.al *m
f ot the itom* tie <1 I* *. Ttifc
( fetynt l ilravayn/it iX< infdi ri !i I etn
‘nl iiitaii utahlt inj'iry tn the ftnft! < ,l t
niOfiil 41 ni ,ii4nui-*l imtrwln id
jile. VVtmn men know ftiey w.i liive u*
(*3> their debt*, limy will he more can-hil
in wntia/'ting them, and when Vreitractei*, ■
I A i : not IUI lew lMy atMSdoil at! <lf nts to
(ii) t!i in i.<ll)i- i Keflij iion t- fedkindj
ilo i,i,t li<Mi ami dot r. They iked hi-- ;
I iniiial nvMiiia nl lm Jaynlain iu, W*
haVi-tiwi n ts/h I yidatioii. mind, **l whi h
U me:.* ye, hi* 1 amins tt***i'jvely injuriom*,:
Te> many !•* at Ind* (>n-td, and Wi mneti
iiiin* *(t<-tii liy < ne f.tgidaturc if. 0 i)i4nf
t ie w oik of their |irieamr*. ’l>e> min h
fiiu *i-rit in d' l riniiiiiiK what pay they
j*li*ti f i-i-ef vc. let I hut tie fifed by the
L(hmatitid on nt tin- Httw, Tuty need fewer
MiiarMni < fhri rt Ttitffre i*nh rtHKoii ".by
the ordtiivry nl the Ootinty sbo**M not dl*-
; I liar e. Itw delta of tiea*nrer, ati.l o Oman
rtf 11 the ii(fi<. ,f ta* myir. r ami cnlleei or
* nitre hnldtoir ii and offlco w*kiny,h iten, r-J
in f i< mUnoiwMi arid Hie lewi-r ,
nfflee* we I, iVe to Ims H ie 1, tlij; htLe/ il wit! i
he for our |*onjil,and the in rr nu;u we
wi i haVi engaged ill other [mrauil* that
wifi tw rienl, lid only lh* in*lve, tail ti e j
wot td at large We fnnit leWwV On ntle-
| and a tin at ter rej.ien wtatwin, or we need m
: leiut iid mine new eountna, and no i .u*ae
lof lej/f*m ntatlnn And tl a iiiitatityiniiiaf
j tiinventmn ta naeia ary to tliu Men nj*li*h
ninni nl tin at iking*, tiK n we nml * inn
! VfOlnni, tin inall r win tnr it mitvea tin
i ujiltnl tntek In Milieilgevttla of |int
i i mini nlmg upon yw *WI wpurt <i
t'ollimU-ionei j 4 I, the A |*U*:* hr In
rteenyi n(TiifThl•'reVirtg faeta an i 11/me,
an* giftta in rioatinfi m the (nodnetlo.i and
!i*t nl in inn, a* eorii.nireil with ntln r
Cinfia, wl.l .'ltalinw how mni li Ilia |i*o|it* of
Hit* Htale t.aye heart liijniii l liy thetr in
Wlitfi detfnlioft Ui the"wtaydw." Th* ecttnti
inn: nttiaw if etnaild read them, (inndei.
and *anno, a fu.lioy 4emh* *-e fttar^rt
to laiikni|*tpy. Tin* fdim iii *t errtiog i mji
in Uenrgia Inf III* piaaein ytwi i* fotir hmi
.tied *h'n(twd tiafe*. wlilcu It ha* ... .
eleven I flit* |o r Jv/intd til (Ifndne*, **i
twenty nH'IIOft dnl'a * inni* than the i roj.
ill tiling ..ii ttia linme unit kit. Anri
ni(t In lhl allowing tii*. idantoi* nt lleofgi*
have lutually pitd lti evil)mnrti sum ol
i*i ily mlHlnri* nl dollar* !m the ]* mr |n v
leg* "I ftirttiiltlng f.oUoii to Mnrlherti iind
Kiirntirnij aplnner* I 11 ih'*y wrv uhl* t*.
early no thi* w otk of i harll) |)eiliU|>* no
olin would have a rlyhi to oiiin(>tmn, tint
limy me not ii ll—Um—vofy—(>n*.f, rti y
alum Id eiae to he |ilil>an ftt*i(.!**t, an
laon.iin Imiiiiii* While money | M (i< t ,
lost 011 rollon |t Inis !If I’ll I made 011 nlnr l
rvrryild gtlm Guitar 00m baa fiat 45®
7<s pet a ore, trod baa brought f Ido 3$ a not
profit 01 s' vnity alx ilollar* mi l mi) cla
Morghom Una given n net profit of twenty
ftairr diilhirs and seventy four cents per
‘Htrr. (Wo fat an nvrrngr proftiVllTim ijf
nine bushel.* to flir acre), peas and lod.b r
Inivr yk'lJciLa Ml profit of eight dntfan
and thirty two per or re. All lb-*** figure*
*pv*h for then) selves, and it Is a*v woeh
for a farmer to pacertaln how much lie I,as
lokf by cultivating cotton to the exclusion
if every thing else The true theory ol
planting is to innkn ftoUon a sUrpttTi Crop.
When lids Is done the price will go ip,
ami the money for which it la soldi hr so
much clear profit in the pocket of the pro
ff*etX Parts tins o.une lu hard linn, and h*
fhshlonithlr woritl of Ills gnjr city is tn.,ll’ Isit.
Worth, the min milliner, hss lost Tery heavily by
tbs pr*s*ni* upon hi* bstlnr-s. Anil It I* reportsd
Ihtl lie t- flnsneially emWsMNnt. Hi* lueses, |t t*
•slit mm■ mainly Ihron-h >he foliar* nf foablona
ble Am rlrsns. The ntaa whose Inventive skit
vansed so much ws.te, is now tseling its jum el
The t’lironiule and Sentinel I earns that
“last Tuesday night a most brutal nUompi 1
was made by two negrbi-a at Milieu to
murder a young w hite man named John
M. Conn*-. Conner, who 1* about sixteen
years ol age, is employ'd at Mil len On the
night in question he was walking between
the store and Mr DanlelY house, w lien lie
waaael upon by two negro men, who
knocked him down with a brick, and then
struck him two or three times with the
sme weapon. They Inn# from his person
two lotlars in money, and Were searching
for his watch when they tee frightened
off, A oung Conner is dangerously wound
ed, his skull having been fractured. If* it
a very estimable young man, and is liked
and teepee’ed in the ocighboiliood in
which he lives. The negroes who com
mitted the foul deed were arrested yes ter
day and fudged fa Jail*'
Book Aftente
Kiuf Good* Salesmen
Are ‘ COINING MONEY” with tbe |*
> , j -"; .
Bida Designs,
The French’ Edition of whfch sells fhr #16.1,
and the Londou Edition !or 2tt) Oar l\>p
uhtr Ktition #1 ,’>oj (utitMuinQ oner One
llundrfii full pttge quarto plate*, is the
m AwimtCA, and tliff UE3T TO SEEL
Otltie* rW> with each other in praisiug it,
and the masse* Aky JL
Agent in OirarlesU'n. a. C, reports 97
orderr; one iu Ninety **, 8. 0., 104 : one
in Va.. HI ; another in Memphis, 900 or
ders, taken in three weeks.
J B, FORD Sc Cos„ Publishers,
#7 Park Place, Naw Yosk
|_ NBW A DVtKjmpf KXXA
- ■ i ■ ■
| k!S s .
ltw IMt
Iwm Wm. *i| aatv tout.
* , ) Hollar* a day in h<(me Agent* w ant
I Jj id. Outfit anJ term* f. ee TlfL E
ACO AugtW*.
Presc iption Free
Of U,* •ifUfiiy ewMsnf apreba) tn<**i ’'* < *'u
mnn to th<? y. ong Mid middle aye ! N*-f
, v<Mi#, n.enla! and (ihyatcwl lee
ot nfemofy nd energy, ;aju in in* Uv k.
ilf' lliHUkl. and idinne** it
eikitoMon ui htewa, and o' faev <H.ntiov ol
h* Servo ayntei i no vario it
bn 1 .-it - I list tower tb ytralhy of the ayMt in
Any dm/gIM haa ii.rhigfeiJienta Addrrea
Mr. V. II MH-TOH. Cite inoatl O
*• I>aVuiol4A>icf iTu m/{T
1 i lIAHMIN j." How aither trt may
la-i in* e ami gam th* tova and atlaidion*
*d aiy twrfDo ItKV tLynmr, maiagjji Xlii
all ail l ull (ewa #a, ir*r, by mail, tor 2-1 it- ,
i..*udiMM - ili) mi irtlmipr ifntilw. feveyfr*^
; Oral ■■ . OieaUMS, lliiita li< bad MS, me. i.g‘
(ygr Mild. A lunar luu.k. Ad.ireaa T
Ali.l.lAVl Abtl* i'liii’a I'uiiaih H-hia,
“T’ A ITKKIC r'taraoteed to Ag at* ,
I | Jlal* and Fein*!*- in lln.i n,.
uuatily Tern,, met OUTKH FIlf.K
\d Wl*o VK KKTV ACO . A li -o a
■ O tfi DI / | I* r Out
\)* ) I " / honor I lit* and ml*
live AgoU ftnted. A .d'wn Maii- ii
hipfily On, Marlon, Ohio.
\OKNTH, Ui.-Je real, a oliulo - *d
age AdiflMw, Wlth a ainji, Nitainai
hkyay log ( ■ . Ajlupim, tja.
L'rJiL CA.luiimw, r*rd
Ffcb’l lilUhlMt lor |I,. In niare o'
p.m TTtrr nnOFrsro and hlnt.v.
K,,r I if< nt if nd Miinjile, addf. vt.J rA V
S"T hi C*. > / t IVr d*y ai
' > O ' torn* tie. \
I .-.* WjlVwui A (ft , I*.d| and M, ■
.. v-'_'o‘*y lW f
AiltrnrtUer’i Oniott
A Jo.if. a : nt Inlofina'nnr h/r A lv> t
•Hta. Kll IN'll, tr tfbft I3l|||* ’ t'uhiiao*.l
weekly Talma, f'l (w,r annum, In giHrane*
Five “iiietiflen ' . iti (ditfa*isrt ( nii| f m
mil aifdre ' fof ‘i9 •t fllfi -e, /* i ii C.i
rtn V.N n V .fit 610 I' HOWKI fi ..
t ‘, Kdliora nod I’alHMicn
OH 4 V r
Southern Mii-ic
JL< > l si :.
KNAHK M Its oh,
ftf.v faoo, rnt ♦w FT\ Mr
<>ii<i a nsTI
Solough 6l Warren
<>HG A NM.
Ml 6, 85, 110, 125, 1.10. 200 to *->OO
Musical Instruments.
ad We bajslag) snd pay casta. U.r*bj ehalle**
imnpe itino In auslily at ft sn) sn.l prices
Will sell plsnos on Installments lake oi l plane*
and nfifan* ‘tbper t payment We soUctt enrreapos
deuce. Send crd.irs .Hred to
Southi ra Musk House,
Atlanta, Oa.
zr'v* Pirrot offers his amkes in
iuning and reparns Pianos, Leave order*
at the Muic isiorgol
I hall V i teuad to a*rr* my meads la ar i
weiher tnuury So deaira to have ttttir property
secure *mln*t loo* or damage by fire.
To tbneewt-hiag to **u a tnberttauoe SirtUe
■•LOVBD 0!*98" taoy a>ay Kara beWad, I ahafl
be deU-'hted to aersra them with ( UV Poiiw ia tbo
or aay other company or thrlr owa aeioeMaw.
0T 1 am workioa dtreetly lor tba-“ALAB&M
OUD” and deaara mr Irwaßa to "JiM me.
WfESTKRN 1 offer tor sale for 99'dav
\\ LAND-1 swmc valuable tracts <4
tarroing and timber land In a thriving and
rapidly growing- Western State. On ac
count ot s laalnirfei
and umuigratwo, ar* ouw aap-
Id y rising ia value. They will be aoHl very
low lor oah. A Clear and Perfect TRMe
will be Guaranteed, with evnr* trwet aWd,
'with deed* of fU warranty Iroaa tfsponk
ble grantor*. Parties desiring to purchase
lands, tor an early rise in value. Beal Estate
agcnU and Trading Men, will Red It Ug
their ictcrest to addraaa
E. GUMP,ReaI Estao Dealer,
176 William tk,T
Aix-eptiag the aioiatim), ofb.rd time,
nod no H oney, mil gp</:IJQg lu n.dL
nil acy |fti( Iw't te i'e, . -
i large alock, U Might is ,
New York
triNß lin (K*rU-r*. hug* Ifealera and Mini
aitur* r-—n i ttf*4 ■ ta*> f.mxSa —al Sery low
(nicer Heat WHinls
¥ v. T-rraF ttrVyTKJSESPUSTIOc."
heavy iI'i.ME'PUN rthiriing witiib, 8:
AM graue- 11 ea bed ttemeafrtrn, very j
cheap. Co’nUii* J Jeans ai •**
J it leibL g-pooerfa vV re /• rrignTT i
f! 16 I-Itliid* nl Sails si r I
llafe 18 *fi>_ - ~ - ~
3,000 H>s. Null.-
Axes lor ft Aie Wurfaiifet not t
X3reak Hi -‘Jo
J(,n4,M .* 9tk:. jaer ga'Ou. A arge ►' n k
f CbontlNO very biW. iImJ li,U An
(.Jet ieta *Se Gram Hmi* 23*' Ait #■>. ■ :
(duwa at M .n!*et<i tf*'
P R 1 C E S.
Jg<(xct thtt weak Klour and ken W
lain amt will ae!l u h,w a* any rein fji tl.n ■
( rnaftef
i id* wmii '( wlitiea r ’pi 1 in .
fli# y -h J* tA fU a— ~
J'iaji'< J'-.t-t -> Ut -j * j bdb Hfcefc i’r
V'IMC U*4t AI<H rff jf i(n%i Ur *! v
**hl j $ Wtg Wfj m*fk *
t if# !at 'Wlioij *1 fit*'*# f'W*-E* •fJ c.fSr/
(~ OB il* Urtttl, w bnUtW*
rVocal Workri
Piano Aooompanixncnt.
Mufht r Ooo.c Mstlmlit •
tea iffy • . •*••( Ak !• N
‘ b/s Rißfbm. >.r ■.■ |ft g* t *h<-wp
1| yyfi|iti ' Jiv ) ft ity ia
Trtrpnir 1
Shining LiieiU Ar " 1
eba> issst A <•* I'. It* (roant* , cir -rtl
* gn‘, f t sft
Unlilso L*vm % •'* 1 *"•* 11
A i ••!.••• (!•• >•! B digs ao- :
W h || ~a Kch f<.| ft ?.t In l ,
■ h.lll *',! gilt fU *#
Himrth and Homn Swi nt
Hfiimflft IWi'sib Le !.<•* * Tine*
*i.|s id cipitce II Hi' tA-nun, t,v llay*
,)M>k , i|c Ksw 'i *"l f! 75 in liesrvt*
detli and gib, *4 StK
Prloelea* ' 8 •- '■
-i aig, i.y W ail S'*'. fto .<* K s’*
iyl in Ivnatils ; cloth an 1 gift. 2 ’0
iV-ef*’H wdiohl M*bd' * Vo! I < o
i dnlng stl the !*'il *n<l hmyt songw
'(ays, Itaohs, 'l>i< os, Hiewan %!*•
I oft s*>ii/i 3 •‘n.laSi io Iwnsfdst chitti so 1 1
fiifl, I .loTiitrm,
Tlie Opera at llmne A tWleetioo o( S a • ,
il*yd 11| Cts H..OC* • I'Ctad IW’O* livnt 56*
Operas 3'toflirs in lent,!*, doth and!
gilt i (todars
yfi-rrm (ft songs, Will, ;
ling, sod tier 1ex',350
in'* 7fi Soiics f cesnl fqlhil
mfilTorl. i nil gift MV) |
The saUic I>r a dri’p V‘'‘Ct., ii 3 V'd*. fiin, i
each, 3.50 n paper ; cfotii I oft.
Lr( linotanri * Vocal Alhmn W*>**i.-s. wr]i a
Kfit Shit tier text. ToO lit (>a|> ; fid
HotvttgM ot S tf. A col!ocit*,o of HeerwriP
a id Morsl hesitlit’ilty lllnstrt’isl
by the Bio*. Oslsiel. Full gilt, f4
Piano W< >r'fc>
Fury Puiecr*. IVar! Iftrops, M ig r fircle
and Y 'mil ftlini*.'. Pour colladluns
easy Piano Musk suitable for young
I'lsyi r*, most o| the piece* hetng w .thooi
ocUves E cii vi l 1 7* in boards; cbith
and gib, 3 .TO
Musical Rerrmitkins. A collection of Dsnca
Mus c. 1 7it in bVl# , c!o(V an.l gilt, * 50
(iohkfi Chimes A choke collect!on of!
Parior Musk, by Ck kin he I. 1.75 in t
Imtrd* ; cloth and gib, 2*50
IbillUnl Gems Coot uniag nio-k of me>!i i
um difficulty, by Wyman, JRnkel, etc.
1.75 in boards ; doth and giK. 2 V)
Strso**' Wabiws, V<*l* 1. A If. Ak for
I Peters’ Sdkion, the on'y nrnph te copy
giving lie lull waltare as played by
TUinuaa' Orchestra, i' in boards - r doth
4 dotfara.
Pemlsof Meloly. A collecti•> of Dance
1 si* I Parlor Music. 3- in boarw ; full gilt
4 dollar*.
Prtor*’ Parlor Moots, gat- Oor tatrwt and hoot
inaao Mo*ic .>( mo4entod>a.a!ly £3 in btwrlo.
UUnnaWbCmm Vat. I and W. A <*TVo
lion of cboice Piano Me Me, by TbAbtr*, I i-xt
IbUor. one. Tfcra t dooMoaßy lb boat mllortlon
or boend aaair in ibo muWoA lock fa in
board*. ft
Wi rthnoaa’a Baaatta. w* . (WTt rCt. ft
“ gotio. •• to
Cho- io'a Waltaoo. fUSC, Poionataes Sit, Mooaroo
f BaOaAa. as. PVoln.roa. Vutu fSsu
All in suff paper mm*.
Stm.l aooobo * Oaplota Piano Worth Klcaant
a*lio Hkaa. In 4 v<M* . rack 86.3 t; S o nli
tk>n. tall gilt, 4r01*., n c*. f *.30.
Mnaart’* Sonata*. Pnll fill, SUA
Wahsr'a Piano Work*. PUB gill. 4
Mailed, peat paal, on iwawpaot price. A iders*
and SUck Tards
I HAVE enlarged my Yard by an addi
tion ol Stalls and tMieds, with
conveuieD*. A ceod sulwiaeiutl enclosure
end watchiuau at uigbt, making it one ot
*the most secure and conwnieut in the city,
-in aiß*edi-Hi I hare a weft sotvdlied FAli-
ILVGKOCKItY, fer the sale
of Country Prod me.
Grangers and Farmers are purlieu ins', v
invited. Charge* moderate.
OTSieK—Wheel and Plow. East ol
Plau’.era’ Wareboow and J. A J. Kaufman’s
Wholesale Grocery li>o*e.
DAN L, a BIZE, Prop’r
Columbus, Ga. HafOd
. Xft w__ J 5 ]^iL L RT ■
( j IiO( y leH' rH#--T .‘Wtlii* aadtk-w+vrge at net ot F
faohour. CLOCKS Wkuftes, Chain*, Diatfctafc, Jeweirv.
g ’ CLOCKS it ogs, Lockets, UraceleU, Buttons. Cti&rma
I lad,7 V iCKS SpecswUer, tie .at the *rry tusceat,
JO day ***.'' t. LOCKS s uicily Ln be Imind at
ttSs ilower? jewelryhoke
Oftk-e Kist Siia, Hid Street,
i'.lkrt CUK-KS
— .... . . 7.0 .w ... . ‘ Cu’Alv
At ant e CLUCKS t
(never cL'A’K- ] t l 4 the>lnce to have your, Watchea
; ->elii Tnouak*‘ t ~...) v LOCK©o cks un( j Jewelry A
iH N Wttdu A Cu'a. CLOCKS , _ J
r S2rr.^r:::• iok-^Nicely liepirecf|
K r,,a ‘ • • , i 1 IM lo u 9m LOWBU-'i
. a . ; eg war'a of ... I id* KB - _
•Hwf'jTßt .VjuMied at Crnft'i i.te FornrttHe M re, m at door to J. 11. Scott'# War. ho*sc
Notioua. Clothinf, Loots, fhos,Hat, C^sWOoOdn
o /. a / /. k vi a .* frii y i yji is o coops,
wan . n ff**r iTr nrrm*!# fi iahbl u.-i i# s ruet i Uii nav *<u i*
M. k I ifei', i Paiti.ei, and .Im 1 a. Ku* * msn. I.' : dtaliy.- isvita t#w !i
Mien is i, and . • .r *•.■■ want id - •mi atoek btlmabuy
mg li w it; afford peaaui'* to lnr otn . ... Ahothrr we sel? of not Call awi
. t*u j.-uit* ..* IJ K. 11'( KKIf A C<> , Sin „ \A .at IV, int. Oforgta
* ~ 7* ~—— ■■ J
A. n. kntri vti :. r H WIMiP, w M tfl% Eh!'
ljut K-f J* t Hi* 4'l LuM* won i 4 Had
II <) W A U L), WOOD A: ( i).
Vs 111 *l.6walk m. \l.tlk IN
/X\>BACt:i. (HiAlis. ETC.
,V). iILPI HLU. UJsttCk.
AUn irt j, - * - (i forprin,
'Pi i k m i-;ui wi; Pt i i;u
(’t )l N'l’Y VI N DTr,\T( >l4
UPON E.-nttßirO ON IT3
y’l II IR f) VOl. UM K
ArVK.iLH ?ijy IK' !TlAf.Vt* 4#*-
M 15 It I W E T II E K CO IT N T T
V 'i ft u.Nti!)>>m ucl U c 111 tit) i if!* r itm l ti'rndH hf
Firht Volumes’
During the next yeartbe proprietor ill devote bis muire lime and attention to Ibw
lanwr and will l> enabled to render it worthy of the increased patronage which it i*
hoped it wifi receive. Home new features wdl lie introlnced whkh wftl add guaatly tm
ibe imertat of tie v
j Sew material will be added Sb the office from tim* to litre, whirh will improve tkv
i Aseistance baa been promise' i from leading friends of literary merit, who will delight
.muse and instruct our reads**. WWi oar me/ eased mail fac-ilitka we shall bo ahio to
give the latest news op to tbo tkr *: ol g< mu? to pres*. The iagal advertisements of the
ooswty will cowtino to be published fei ike YIiiDICATOM, as well aman 'account of
important events transpiring in the count jv Many kind friends here encouraged a* lb*
past year ; will they lend- a helping hand ax the beginning of the present votnme. Tb*
■ Vi N DUCAT OK- is established upon a firm basin,
i \ f ~-,
to sued ed if tbe f-eople ol Meriwether ccccty will only sustain it Tie price of sab
acripik.n will be as berrtofnrr, TWO IkH.i.A ltn per a* btint IN ADVANCE, or
The ctrculatiou o the paper fat iu advance of what it wax hat yeur ;.*!l) st euetr
Get us one more Subscriber?'
, With Uwa we shall be aatieffed. The attest ion of those trading viln oar people 1
called to ibeaffvanfeges offered by the VINDICATOR aa afl advertising ■adiaia,