Newspaper Page Text
Wm. T Hkviu., K liu.r aftl Proprietor
NEW VOlinß.
VulMlill! IV. Mo ••
For t res years a* lt*e iraidour w- k, .
vUilato the Rom*** and <f our
,>trn>s. P.eigbted "lib all •on* "I i'-V
Jtgeace ami Chronicling **•■' "I -Hv
charade , our paper ha* ma le many warm
friend* while it* enemies, if any It h •*, art
kind enough to ray .'"Bring of ID !*"•'
Eirors p#lp.M*W b-R* *-*". have b*"-n
e oflrmltted. yet a generous has V* >
with these Jirintake* and thrown over them
the mantle ol charily and alien'-*. "*' '
truly a-, that as edlinl', “our lines h-*<-
been cast in pleasant places." Beginning
a r.w year we can only promise our Irirn !
that we snail earnestly strive 10 make the
VtnntCATon Of IH7I greatly anpeilnr ’< i
predecessors. This promise, we think out
yast experience will sn.ble u* lo make
Kood. Thankl .g our friend* for tl •>■
generous support ami hoping to retain their anliuh.*!a llgl ytOUKUCEIW:
lu vlt> hjiurs, am' heartily wishing theo.
• Merry, Hl>tr Cmn*i***, with seahien
trial year bfbnttri of proepei-HF and h-.pp
ness we enter iffton 16* labor* of ano.ti
•r year Ur* public’s gratHul servant
The New York Mm. Is an ably and < are
fully edited paper s"' l published at ve.y
low ratea. Th* Mon alre nly has a large
circulation In Me.Ue’her tec pro|i*'-f
lor IH7D in amdbnr column
The number of prisoners lo Dough-tty
county JH average thirty i- r day.
The Columbus Times says We m< t s
youn-' planter yoaterdsy who isonioi.l-b-
The result is Utat he made (his year two
thousand bushe’aof oil. on one |oo, 1.-
B(l( | nfiy acres, corn and meal enough, and
twelve hales of rollon •!* only c.nplayc,.
two regular hands, hiring others wh-n
necessary hy the .lay. Il ban made won-y,
and hat been annoy* '! very little. M “ays
If be had hired eighteen h inds and planted,
his plantation in cotton the prace wTTuTT
bavu been very heavily Involve I In^hda,
hrrf n is tl.s rs‘,y*ios!r n |.rt>all.*n In
Alatisms legislature. It is bring rwi< ml sUn'b'r
Om of ths tw * repress"tsttvs* n**"< ‘
ty tu tbffS s<.itsiw*d (.. Him *l**o* K**K ••*
~tnsr bos Belt (esvuld trrrst.
A rnmiir prevail. th,l lbs- Twswt ps-eat
through Atlanta last Malnrday nIM <m th.
West I'olnt trrVijj.
Ths Oonslllutlon ssys lb* lt -•"■ w
ttstdt has yurehssad tb Frank Wrl *b*i e 11
Ocfs'B. lor *3,001) curt w.'l aoon nuivs 'hr.s.
WftKft Hv'ialor Davla ol West VirgoiW
aillimiltud a resolution clilug H> U’* u "*'
requlra* reports U> bn mado to con-yrmw '*
nual'.y of persons Indebted l*. U> govern
maot, the Ist of dalkttltars, the amount of
dafoleallons, ate-, aud calling upon tho *c<
rttary ol the treasury to Inform the senate
why tuah repott* had not beoo niada, lhwa
waa a flutter indeed among the •Uml**!*
tratlon sen a’on. Mr. Dsvl* tM hi n|‘lo
of hl resolution that h" '" v
menae iw ‘u '' e K-f‘"* pnl l T
delaulter*. It was atated last yoxr that
the preparation ol '.he list would rcpil.e
several mouth#, on account ot the sr™‘
number ol default*. nr
mar and lloiitwcil o,ipi*ed the *th*P
t |,a resolution, and the f.nmor
that ho would move Us reference "to the
proper committee" as soon ait i* printed.
Thta means that it i* to Iki emotherid to
death hi the senate. It will rise like Ban
quo’s gtioal in the house.
BnlM OClTln Si. foosal*.
ABp Louie pwl*i ot the 18 hto the
Cincinnati Commercial say:
U Is known to a revy lew persons In this
city to night that General Babcock arrive.
In Ft Louis on Saturday I*, eince wht< h
ttee he he. shown his face In n*> public
place, and has kept bb where.tx.ut. a pro
Lind steret to ah ante few ol his inti
mala friend# nod attorney*. At to what
prompt* tide strange proceeding on Bab
cock'* pat t one can Only conjecture. lli
aost plausible theory Is, ol course, that it
it a pert ol hU programme ot detence. It
Im ertdent that the severest fight In the
history ,*| the Ring prosecutions b to be
n,*4* over ihe cie of Babcock. The lit
tle faction of supporter* ol the Pi esident.
|hlMgiw*lTe P°lk;y i the whisky bus
iocw, are Utter on Babcock, and will ut
terly Ignore the President's sPl™ ym
pathy for hi* household tunc lion ary. Ihe
came of tbie division w the Urant faction.
Upon the inattar of Babeocks indictment
|W t approach log tilal. is thus to be ex
plained: The President, lor acrcral
•oaths, hat beeu in receipt of a daily let
ter ot advice a* to occurrences here. Tboee
i. tiers were written by a couple of bis inti
mate friends. Now, these latter, incline
Tery etrongly to the belief that Babcock, to
bia capacity of Private Secretary, took cate
Vhat the President should see bo lettc s
containing intimations that he (Babcock)
*as implicated, and was to be indicted,
whereby it to claunct that the President
Itaa long kept ignorant of the true state of
the case in i' bearings on
Baboock. Piually the daily letter was ad
dreseed tp Mi*-. Julia Urant, instead <a his
Excellency, eince whiclt tlnie uo interrup
have been corn plained o*.
hutw-- william Henrj Pm* la to rtellwr a
laotare shortly before the, Toan Mon e Lthrssy
. Tba Direct w h T ® appareat'y tor
tottaa to remember that Prerfsreor Peck la a geo-
Ucmaavrko te sot now and baa aerar berm rery
mack in love with area t*bs Wmbrfl
(BsTaasak Scwr.
Never Tetwpl w !*■•*-*
Tire late celebrated J ohn Trumbull, when
h boy, resided will, his lather, 0 .vert.-.1
;T.n‘hn'!- at Lit ItAhliJlCiLM-UlnDiJlU
(Jo rn-cticot, in the neighborhood of tl>e
Moh-gao*. Ihe government of this .tribe
as b-re.|ilary in the family of die Ce.c
--j I,ruled Cue** Among the heirs to the
j rliieftaitis' ip was an Indian named Zv li
arv who, tihjngb a tr*v* man and an ex
len ti ei was ■ ' acd or h *
ian Indian as ouut J we’,; Ire found. By the
.t at. of int-rveni-.g heir s Z icbary loun.i
himself mlllled to the royal |*.wer io
this moment tl,e b-'ter genius of Z .chary
ass*.roc) sway, and he reflected seiiouily,
flow can a drunken wretch ah. I aspire to
!**• chief of this noble tribe f What will
my people -av f Mow sl.-ili the spades o,
my gloruni ancestors lo k <l-*wii in
upon au< 1. a ruccesw.i '■ Cat. ft su.ceed to
Hi*, great (’iicasf Aje, 1 will <it nk no
wrote t And lie solemnly resolved that he
would drink nothing st-Ofiger than weter;
and he wden.idy kepi his r#aolu'lon Zu.h
ary cur crrclcd U. the rule l lira trilg-, It
was usual for the Governor to a erel *t the
annual election In II *.tf*,r*l. an! it was
custotrinry lor the Mohegar. chief ala** b*
atle.rid and **n Ina way lo stop and
wrti trie ttrrvmnjr.' Jnnrr.Tße OdVerrn.r's
son, waa but a boy, nod on out ol U. *~
Cisions oreorr-d a srene wliidt I wid give
In Trnmbutrs n9l da
One day the mischievous tinight sttin k
me to try ti.c sin eritv or ti*e <>M rrtan’s
ternpei ance Tits lannly were ceat-d ai
•llnner, arid titers was e< client home
(newe l ale r the table f thus addressed
Hie oh) chief:
Zichaiy, this beer is very ftn-i wld jot.
not Uste tl f
Tint old mart drop!** *! his knife, and
1*5156*1 for ward with a st-rn iniensllj <1
rxpiissioo, an I Ins I*.i vet eve*, sparkling i
wilh angry imiiguaiion, were tl*->T U|,**n
John, said lie, you don'l know wind yon
am doing. Y.m are serving in- d* vTT,boy r
1) , ) oil know Hint lam *l* lodiactf D -+-
should last*, your beer 1 should never stop
till I got t<> rum, and l should been.n
ngam the same drnnU-i. colilempidil
wrelch your laMi-r rrru-mb-'S me to have
been I —Jnlin urivi'Migain, stiiiir, pi'i I.*-,'
U-inpt a loan to break a good resolutinii
Mueratna never utWriwT a better precept
l) cuUld not bavu giver* It with
iiioie solemn ehirjuen-tt I was itoir der
sirnck. My parents weis deeply alb t-d
They 100 l erl at me and the* turned tin Ir
g/.e upon the vtmrrahle chlefiabi with aw*
and rn*|**cl-~ They alter war Is In.ju-n'lv
rrmlndt'd me ol tin. icene, and charged m
nev-l lo forget 11.
"Im** ’’ In the M-Diifth* Journal vigor
ourly ntt.icks “Ihst m insiioo* outrage on
property rights commonly known a* th
homestead provision,” Pun not, he say*,
th* legislature hillbte ils cvilsT And then
h* adds;
Trim, whiteonr consti'utlon exists as ai
pi-sent, or until a decision had by the
United Slut,-* supreme comt, the lrgll*
lure cam. it neglect to provide for s-tih.g
apart mid valuation ss directed, tmt In th
*,***..* ... j t • - ■
It can coiisritottnnallv render this CttHg |
Under the ronathution it oiav
and slimild pass •l w reqowing (he ixdi
narivs or superior court Judges, sluing as
chancellors, to appoint trustees, not the
husband, under bonds in double thx amount
,ul Ihe u.opciLy cxnmi*U*l, t*> tak* charit*
of sircli lruat pioperty as other trustees. It
should fnriber et.act that alt hom--stetd< or
pcrvonalty herotofo e set apart and valued
should t vacalwl unless within (wo
months Iroeleei trader bond should Ire ap
pointed, and that the statute ol limitation,
as to creditors, ahnuld cease to run from
Ihe liegiauing of homestead proceedinr,#
till the detei rnlcallon of irusl estate. It
thotrkl also protect innocent lama fide pur
chasers fur value, slier a certain time in
possession, giving tire beneficiaries a civil
action, by themselves or next friend*
against the seller, with a criminal proceed
lug lor fraudulent conversion.
Iu the House we uote the following in
(cresting particulars;
Mr. Randall introduced a bill removing
All the disabilitl** imposed by the third sec
tion ol the fourteenth rticle of amendment
to the Constitution. The bill is set fo r
Tutalay 1 1 next week.
Immediately alter reading Ihe journa',
Rainey, of South Ckrolina, introduced a
bill to abolish the Committee 3 Fietd
man’a Atfoire, of the House
Mr. Ilolnaan, ol lmliana, offered the fol
lowing resolution ;
Resolved, That in the Judgment of this
House, In tho present condition of theflnan
rial affiir* of the Government, no subsidies
liu money, bonds, public lands, endorse
ineut*, or by pledge oi the public crodi-,
should he granted by Congress to aosocia-
lions or corporations engaged, or propos
ing to engage, in public or private enter
prises, and that all appropriations horn the
public treasury ought to be limited, at this
time, to tuch amounts only as shall be im
■ iteratively demanded by the public services.
| Adopted ; yeas 223, nsjs 20.
Mr. Springer, ej. Illinois, ottered a restlu
tion declaim* that, in the Opinion of the
' Moose, the precedent established by Wash
mgton snd other Presidents retiring from
the Presidential office alter their second
t term has become, by universal concurrence
a part of our republican system ol Govern
ment, and that any departure troin that
t lime honored custom would be unwiae, un
i patriotic, and I rang hi with evil to our tree
! institutions. Adopted by yeas 232, naya
l l^
A Reform HovemrsL
Tbs l idasei.s ot Wuilfi!d, tollow ing ths
l-ad of ibcir vigilrwt pros*, are particularly
iu earoett it. dcn.acding retremdinent io
"gx-itTVspc^bturiu utl reform* iu the state
government. From ivery aectioD of the
..isle mine com) Uinta agatasl the mulli
phdty of ofil'd*, and the Iretpumey of
election* which ti.ey cauae ; but in Whit
field ah>n has the movement assumed
prac ical si*pc lo that county the people
.re publicly requested to meet at aix.m a
*io/.c. diifcrent |X>inta on -lays that, for tii- pilijrn* of aigiiing a *Xrtl
(ion d<!rosJrd to tl.c legislature asking lor
certain govern'fleet change*.
Ine changes desired by many v. Uru*-
briefly stated by the Datt.wi Kut-rnr.-c
‘To mskebf-nsia) v xioutll nitsal tc thirty
diiyr i l prol, let class *r local Igoat .* n
and .’fj*oW* r ' ounty arttUoriUes to U-.
act th-ir */Wr, bueinea* and I*o increaw t.n
Jui)*)icit'.u ,t justices of th* p**c*. thereby
*\v;ng tl.- c*p-n* of pr donged sesstoi s
.4 14* superb* court 5 to la* tkijrtion in
oid* rip cause the • itwrUMr of th* *•>*- l! *
:,c paid by liens- who Cause it; to i.huvAi
dale state arc! cemty **fftces gtviag U> the
a dn.ary tl.* b Csiuess ol tai receiv-r *t.d
collector , I o red in* the nundxr ol side
ffini'i , modd t tb* komssteisd *7l
■no won tidy a.stain a syateto .f !*<-
..I. n.l i.iuca nm, to !t* aurnbci
of representative* lo both l.‘i*TS of line
lagblstui* , in the aid* jw> tna!
iawys.s can ut.d< iMAd H fd rtfae* the
rtmit of tassToo to Vi cefst* on the bun
died dollars by retgmi. of lt> ah *vs u.eii
U.n-datnl t, t.eeileJ reforms,
will lx- lui;y *-i forth in ihe etlliun ''
In a very loUrvs'iog c>opu*!nn **a
“.Newspai—-is," read try Mi** Ante Hen at
the dosliig .'lMtUac* of the (JraW|of ll!!e
Academy, November Will, and pub >*!.e !
11l the Ma.! icon ib.lri* JiUitual, W find the
folio Slug bn* tribute lo he* af,*, -f n
g- ~* i| ‘ Ytiftt an utcxloikift a ‘
)! How full of philosophy, tuu. in- ■*. *!:
aud lium-r, to *ay out. in. *,f iti*-*r.. n.*e
-Wmt a bonanza rk-.i.--* t
bring* U llmi old, y*> mg ao*l s(<)!!- * r ;-d
A n-wiipap-r m a ml tort <-I tl* w* ri-1, *'
it* 1,11 ry day **''(*-* WMboot ft, Uieim
can lx- no win.U thing s* f*al -r I-rymant oi
lit-. Win* would ‘x wlthoMt one !■ * U.-
111 l e piuan. - paid for I*s not*** *i;i*Wi; nrirwt
i wonM to.- i au. iur*. It i* *Oi|4. .i *'iy
the institution *d th* day. which r-* *-Ti
pualal .u*n, . f.ily oao *d >rd tr
im wld. -i* I-* 'hi* ngx ot '-sm. tet-grapti
lid hallrx.l**, n-wp*;*wr l*iy*m *>n- ul
the prims ii—*ili* ol life , U tea-!*-*
whit i* going on In the outskla W .fid—
w'jn pr-achea grand sermon*, who mck
the I**■'*. i*-r cht** where ttioxl tab*-* l * •*•
w found, what l**hlon*bte Watering ;*l*r
wiil t> mo it vtit*<t, wlrere the tm*t .*
groaii and s*ld, wl.ststvi-* ot dre** wr,ll
1a rood fashionable, wUat hala, what b.n
nets, what atioea, and, buk-01, ah arik t# of
•iuli sad every safety making nj> Urn ap
parel uf s well dressed gcnilnroart *r la*ly
Quest tons ol #**<-- t!iac*t*sed ( h>islnes
out l**oks present!d, And a’l tin* Itiforma
lire, put 111 such simplified form*and shapes
es to roaks on* wonder Why every body is
.. * *o—l Hwsuetev, sjrielser. WI-
j J „, ~ dti>** maker of inllllner.
The ii nil id tin* s-fpenliue wtdahy *s-m
lo (,u over the whole country VVc *re new
promised stait'ing devvlopmenr* siamtu
neously at Bt letufs, Imilanapolm and Uhl
-ago, ami the kiv.dvh*g a large haul. *>(
•t®cW aOd polllfckys. AtStßiiit* to
some account* some five United States
Senslors, a nnmhcr of C •ngr*ineu and
tw** **r lliree eni-nent Chicago -diton have
lx cn caught in the toils. The lit timers
Ghw-Up think* if there are uo more emov
dt rrf (lersonal lawyer* by a Fresut of
delicate uaceptihflitlo, tha z’braetripetl
caravan promises to be materially potracl
I.rtml <|*ros Ttir WhHkyßtaf
In Hn rtnlM nrk.
The intelligence given in our Waringtnn
spechl this morning show# that the prose
cnlton of lb* St. Louie whisky ng h*
broken down *t last. Itenderw had
pushed on with terrible persWteoc, con Mce, McDonald nod Aver in sue
cession, n<l declaring on the it Irt that
be would gsthhfMl the guilt ol hbcnck
With wonderful **l the grand Jut bend
ed over to him, one efter eoothef, Ire va
rious victims, end htd just commissi tin-
Pi evident’* \alHtary scribe to hi* teler r>
cies when the order came from WAinjton
diet Henderson’s coonectioo with)* pros
should ceaae. Tnue the resident
counterchecks the indictment todtre.y the
lorceot the prosecution. Hendersoihal the
courage, the ability and the kuoweslj ot
the facts requisite to posh the cist ofibe
government against the conspirators ''the
bitter end. Had a conviction been rcqunl
he world have been retained fflha***
will understand that an acquittM is wbss
required, and will art accordhrfciy. 'k
President’s representatives, in the Prs
den'.’a court, can so shape the case as to .
the “guilty man escape.” The pretee
that Henderson is removed from the pro
cutioa becsi se some ol his remarksjbefl
the jury teflected upon Mr. Grant, ia a h<
low one. H's earnest denial ol this char
should be taken as conclusive, for he oof
to know best what he said and what •
meant by bis utterances. We repeat, t
the prosecutiou of the St. Louis whir
ring is broken down Mr Grant, act:
either through conscience of hia own gt
~r through unworthy adectioa for a tub
dtnate, is primarily responsible tor the I
ure ; and Mr. linttow, who should k
refused to turu back from the furrow,
not altogether blame’ess, The tragedy
( St. Louis ia over gentlemen ; letdown
t curtain ; we have go desire to took upu
tarce.—[ World.
We understand that Hon Thus Hard*
man, who for several years has bom con
iidered s condldate for Governor, is now
said to be out ol the rare. Ii this report
proves IfSTfSe contest is canowed down to
Cokjuttf, Smith, James, Gartrell, Wofford,
Macoti, 8 oirnous, Wright, Mclntyre, aril
Felton and one or two other* whose names
esc*;* u* at the ! writing. As the
Bed lx come* smaller the interest increases
i-ri .. . Hite,
{I asioz decided to Icseate permsnently
1 in tender- hie prufcwioua;
*ei v to til- citizen* **t the town *'m ’*•
rotind.rig cfw.ntfy. Ofßce uo (be North
scie ol the public trjuare.
(,I.<M!<ri’A M-riwether C.xjuty
W Mstooißi spplfci for exempnou ot tier
m ...! so— in mrlofi ol' flweaut ok t sc
I;au— ujx,a '.i* rstr.s at it*; “Ift *a to Ors. .e ov
, Lba I*' Bar of jasivarj ISTT® at II o'ejocii
A M Tbit *l*l 4* of Itet . lets
' 2*l J w BANNING,o MC.
Beeks Sr Whitcombs
fwmlinr Wwerooms.
New style I) e-wring Uss Musts ol a!’, the
ihe Uteri vtj ie#
Domostic OrxxJLr*
tu endiasa vartetv
• H&tf
ol every itsareripsknu O.r ue -A iiurtst
Cac- a- <1 t oflli.s is erßp.ete on ’ h '*
h'glr-et trijtlie I'.sei jrf * *s
W wit! d..p;v*<* Allanta ft •** ;JB
. n. - uf !in*TTr - *'t ad te<)
dr .10 arn 7 :
ja:i:v/:s HOTEL
r | ’UK Vt I H *’* t<* k. I n.r m.- v i t
J art., .and Mertwrtjirr - rap-, ilii
<lr IB', is resp-cffii'ly w,l i ita-f t,y *..<-
.lersir-sd. pr<*l*. ' tiaf >d toe t>.. .q W£i_
Xn <*' ii • I' au-l axsNtt- c acr
v„nis. an • t-• in nl t, tidy r*-,ms a*>
..| lx a- a f - * a|xai t. I‘* 'imKl* 1'
a '.! —T •*li l ll.e 1.111- IJite m stria
rJPt Bit,* J A Hf'AI.KY
'l'h >i t- MI.M tl i.M Al
lias <*{wti* <1 'he
and i (<■** for the
Vf< NI, M k.N r \f. f. 1,1 M t M-V4- H-
J,E*M tv t HUMAN
CUAI, v.l wood HKA riM'l HTOVtaH
ttifoi t* utmimh thrm M
Xtow Pineea
Wnjxwti Wiatl ill- wa>. ti I.r-^X
IP ...ring. <TrHen~g TTT -I y-TTi W-ifi ,f
!e.< •!; ■ (tone if ,>• r and NMMab ,
LAM! '' and i.Af Utxlllfk K KH* >
MKNE OIL and HOXI fl it
(kenwratly on hand sp-J iird'i (he first
of Noveiidier will p.4ii,tplv be sot j at
Cost. J E Ml.ArtiflTEß, Aet
/ VVT I V rone AMPLE t'HH'.IS*.
\ / *_\ 1 i Ia n pst-rn-
a at * P ai-tR i
vwc tnlra aaMPI.B r tlß<*M<>
2oC /1 S r **-' ,L v * rk
11:18 i mi \
tvci.cntau ptutMrrw awn prxrraoa.
far t.piuaw rußwiru awn n**T<ia
Our OwuFirecide
Is a H-*me Journal fur the Fireside.
Eight large page*, with Illustration*.
Now in its Fourth Year.
Price SI.OO a year. Ten cents eitra must
be sent l*. pay lawtage.
Every subscriber has cboieceff a Premilm.
F.veiy Family should take
Our Own Fireside
Address Our Own Fireside
176 W ikia*n St., N. Y.
3T S. B —Canvassers W*st*b..— If a
relitble business man will accept the
agency to <o itrol canvasser* io this vicin -
ly, we wib put h* name to tbis adverti-e
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act its our agent.
A Champion Printing Pres* given for a
club of 10 subscribers. Send £*• stamp lor
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Our Own Fireside
JLv 176 William, rL,N. Y
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Send Ten cents for pamphlet.
Address ML. GUMP
174 Williamßt., N. Y.
Accepting the sitattion, ot hard tiroes
and no luourf, not exp* l inß i'° tnakc
jooney but barely to lie, dy wfr eftbJSj
large stock, bought in
New York
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r prices. Best brands
r.„ H-",viTi,wK-pr* io.
Heaw HOME-xPUN Stiifling wi i.b, §c.
AM grade* Be* lw*i Hsmespnn, very
cheap Colombo* Jeans ai low
price 9 [votlnd* White Sugar f *
sl. 16 pounds ol Nat’s lor f
I Have io store
Axes for fi. Axes Warranted ti and io
I3reak @l**2o
Jkf .-•- a* VO." ;ierg-a!l wi A large sloc k
of CIX)TIHNG very h.w H B-.Hs do .
t::e.t* iAt? G-aaa ltcriia2s..
ph.wsal M ti ti lac la ers’
r it i c e s.
Ei;*cf *1 * week Fl-uir am Bc* n We
cal! ail*! win a* ii a* - was auj Hike ill this
tfip qn'stTtw*. tni
Ao*i“ the irsanf Us ttsand* of Ballads
a* 1 Fiario Pteees that . pub iril, there sie
vt n,i ;hat a.e noted f*r H eir great be.uty
a*, I Ia 1 fli We have made a
. *re|.il ii"'. ■ ) -a a*,d *.fi*T
t.,m ii* b***k f<ri ft* fi ilowa
\ r < m “fi I Works
Piano Aooorapanimont.
Mot hw O >*.* Melodies
|W*-. * • -o* - : Ak I*-. N••
E* I.r twi wilt K'l lh* ft ■ pl.o
—h r * 4 ' ' ;, . V VC* To !” *•' , lull
j-i * * V
h Ini ng l th' A ‘" >rt "
H--l S ..if* $1 '.** in bnar-; , ch.h
and gilt fl Vi
Goldoxi I,eve ’• l 1L
A r..iH*rtl.-.n • t A t.f> a<l 1 ’ ’
VV Haw K- * f! -5 0!x *r l.
A f> and git* V*
Hearth and Home Hwi-tit
Sound* : F*f—. t lxi -* ! ’•'-*•
i, , L'.K’e II me snr bv Hat
rtr K*h *** ( 73 it* lx* f.j*
cL.iii *ll |i v>
Vrtoel®** i,,u “ A Uh'-ri'h.'" '.-t
--ti njr* hy IV at lace T h ca* K- r*
1 ?** .< ! ~*’• . rhttb and gMt SV.
f*> (ef H " *h ;! M- ‘--t'e Yi! I <•"
leifiing ad the latest and ** •* * H• In
ll*,. Dank*. T'",m.
J.ii armgal 9 lobar, in ’>•*. !•; -I 'ft at t
gin I ;..r*r*
flu Diwws fit fl-fnf A •-I— •*
dard Ul*ra Wf.-nx*. as ‘ f irci, ~ee 2A
(I ~*'.ra in lx.f •, H,
gi-t < I* I art
*. * ■ " ‘i- tse \ l<.;i;n 10 mot' wilt*
Ritg *f,.j te*. *ee. —i.
tf. i Ti'T. c- rr'-, 7*f ra r.gJi T e ir■ ( r . e
<*hii..r Fnit gib kV.
The asm*. Ir A !-* u vines, in J!
each. 1 *v. n |. ' *>". 2 Fl
lx'er*,4nn* fm* Z/J ; ‘h
Eng and ti- f Wtt 1 W "* i a-. r. fn
gill. S .'O _
ftonMrht o* Army A fntt-cti tn uf 1 red
Sod M -ra ho if*. l *e s**i f-iby iihiatriv*
by th-Br - D*ix- F' id gilt. $4
I’iniio Work-.
F i-v F"'(er* (’■ If! Dr-os. M igie Circle
an i Y "leg Tb,n>*t Feir r* xo.ii* n t
e*y Piano Muse-, sooahie ( r y riing
plavers mist *1 the pi— -he g tl-.-n
octaves E -b V.*l 1 7A 'fi ts*vrds ; -iotl*
i end gtli, 2.58. %
Musical Recreations An 'VctT-n <>f Danes
M'.S'C. 1 75 'n b'ds , C*"th an-1 gcj. f V)
Grd-len Chimea A rVA- c/>r)erti*m of
PaFtor Music, by Ch. Kmkel. 175 in
Iroard* ; chrth and gil’, 2.V).
Brilliant Gems. Omimltg rnu- of me !i
um diScugy, hy Wyman. Kmkel, etc.
1 ?S in boards ; cloth an J gilt, 2 50
Strauss’ Waltges, YVi*. I. A 11. Ask for
IVtcr*’ Edition, the only complete copy
giving the tall waiiz-s as played by
Thomas’ Orchestra, t in hoards cloth
4 dollars.
Pearl* of MeToly, A collection of Dance
nMI Parlor Music, gin boar** ; foli gi t
4 dollars.
Peters’ Psrtor Maafe. Tot -roe latest and *>—t
Pima of mederftUd !9r tilt: j s3tohrrJ*.
foil fi. |4.
L* C >mw A* \a * TMnrn T.m j nd 11. A eoU#r
of eMcfi PUbo Maitfp, hy
**r- Th •i dreidßdJf he ornl^eto , *o
of bbum!-: n tbc n#srk3t EAch $3 io
b<rtiw. |*
PBctbrrßn’ SonßiEf irb ..tell ?f!t. M
_■* “ Foli*#, *' U#
ChJto’9 Wilted; Pok---*'N-r* nrDt ;
si. pww n<*—, t ls* SoMJtf. $2 sft
A4 Miff ',mprr
Pybdo WTrtt K7eg wut
ftMio pfßran. fc 4 4rh., #rh, fro r*-
Mob, 101 l ipE, 4voi., em *b. si.&)
M *rt Senate*. Fnii fill, 3Kk
W<her' Wotlp . Fnl* gStt, 4
Mmiicd. pt. paid, on Tramp* nt nnem. Aiilf -
attln4te;.N T.
Wagon and SUck Yards
I HAVE enlarge*? my Yard by aa addi
tion ot Stalls and aheds, w ith
BOARDING house, blacksmith
convenient, A good substantial enclosure
aud a watchman at night, making h one oi
the most secure an 4 convenient in the city.
In ci.nneclt'>n i Uavea well supplied FAM
ILY GROCERY, for the purchase and sale
of Country E. ce,
G<angers and Farmers are particularly
invited. Charges moderate.
r Sign—Wheel and Plow. East ol
Planters’ Warehouse and J. <k J. Kaufman's
Wholesale Grocery House.
DAN’L, R. BIZE, Proo’r
Cohaibre, Ga. b|A24
Sonthbi'u Music
s;ho, and I'iSO PIANOS:
OKGA N 8 .
Bclough Sl Warren
< *j;c;A2srs
SO. *1 f, lie. K‘\ 150. |mSHbm
SHE El Muf
Musical Instruments.
Asr +* tow still |F4> cesb, thereby ekeiWftg
. u u. ei g **4 *jb4 l*f' m
VS *V J M. to, U:#iel rrtFliU leas tdf |*UH*e
xt. ; ,* *u \-xr t j.*a> ix.t-Ll W wirree| ed
C.ei.Lri*-. flUi .1 W
emu i * crew a PiterKK.
►a Muaic Hnu*c.
Adaula, Ga.
f VI P,ri*>! tiers his arnUe* in
>.g ' ■;* > Pi-* tun, Ixarl itf-latx
■ in* M . b* ■ *'e . t
I’M i, I.IP* ‘ RKW i FID SKM
lin Li AND DJI Li
HcuMUsVILLK. <;a *
7 (' *®fl frtww. t* I<#rl
*>-*?. *i -■■ y mto.riMßtr* to It.r* !)* fWJpf*7
•* •# #i -• fit*.
7 „:iLSt. ■ rl 'K'- > to
]/ VKI i ink* Mm-i ttift? l*4*w 1 lh*TJ
H .••. bffcfvr fti#Ol • 111 • *> !*•
■ t"j tier *tl Vi If '#•**! ft#l
%9T l ar.. '♦’/•.Till Jfl lIM 4i.AiJA
•77# ■*>•# 4• •I*'* * r fr •> n#l* U JfoMmp
~ Tine
Ol Uiirwio, Georgia.
Albert lehmak
IT Ad NOW, and will keep always on
I hand al Ins old stand East sids ol
be public •'piare, a good mf
ir.i.i. ir.i.cci *d eToca or
Cons*. ting, n part el
;y GOLD arul Watches, Jg§
Stein and Key winder*,.-,! tbe beat make,
a • *i!di’o<dit and bnver Watch, Chair ,
ol ai! sires, makers and pneus
Gold Cent and all kioda ol holders; Sol#
Si,ver A steel Spectacle* A Eye-Glaasea.
HHtlDsilver table warm
Silver Plaate Wat*
ot all ktodi and styles;
Pocket. I’Nstslw Csmlerv. dkltwr
by the very renowned maker*. jOSBPh
I irrn tt!l repairing all gmd* in my Tin#
T-si many citizens of Meriwether and aad
joining counties have teatrel rey work Ur
require a word from me as to the charac
ter of it, win. however warrant all my
mmk. it pr-ipeily used. a PM*P
done, and respectful!} *sk a cuntino*nee ef
tiie pa'forage 1 have received from my
friend* io Meriwetbnr
Bagging <fc Tiesr
The undersigned desires to r i• at
tenth>n of the citizens ol Meriwether aad
Tioop to bis l*rs e we}l Mock
General MttrdniUM
In DRY GOODS Bargains are ottered.
TAT ION SUPELUSB speetsl redressments
.re offered to the public Bagging and
Ties are nought ire large <*■*** and
m id cheap. __ , „„
jy Remember that Tie* by the QCANTI
1Y can be bought at my bouse at troaiif
to 5 cents per pound. Meriwether patron
owe respeetfidy solicited.
sMt *J. C. SMITH, Bogaanßia, Ore-