Newspaper Page Text
prm.naK) kvkkt KRtD.xv,
BY Wl*f T. REVItL,
Oft locth si le *1 til* Cart Hou**
K**><> of AAvcrlWlMH
iias-js ss ss
. I * Oo • to 00'3000 M 00 I Bft ot>
1,, i- iio l lft 00 1 ‘-ft 0o IS3OO . ”0
c®* A liberal deduction made to those'
|dv*ttUiug ly the mouth of year.
f" iieitgtons Ikoltce.
The f-fttfwtos l' ,,!e Fbfireh IMvectorv ol
OteeoVi'le for
3d and 4th BiabMiths in each month.
Pastor... R r y,W A SIMMONS
8d Bbbitli in each month.
p.uUtr -B*v_ Bl‘. Callaway.
Ist Sabbath iu each month.
y r ..,p t ■ ■ IWy. Jno.Jana
Nonce to Tin. piUiK -
After this date. *ll legal advertisement*
for the county of Meriwether, will be pub
•Wired in K|||lUltMltT*ftHCot'!tTV Vinui
catoa If Jas w Hanning
Ci Ot dinary.—
ty H FAVkR, Sheriff
Jan 4th. 1*73 Clerk Sup’r C-nfi
local topics
Oats, Oats Oats-
Ho More Pom' Komi !
T HA VE NOW ON HANPfffW bttshrla
I choice rutlt priMit winter wet Oat*;
?*)> fine, will nrll Ia Call iiHifi liAfi
r, vt; -i ji s NAtt.s &r . InALdeit. A
irmniiliHk 111 trerrhambw* n'wnv* tr
hau<l J * s MI 111,
.i>® M'lttH iavil'e, tt*.
fy Correspond* u> Miiding nf com mu
ww-alloo# wrlliun mi Until side* need H"t
expect to have them published. l <>!*•••
plainly written ih-> wdl aio • con.tgc , ' t
ipy tniskut, ’I ti'l* will be Uo ‘ I
crptiou to lliu above mlc* 1
l.i'UHl AtlvirlMug
F'Oin i'd alter 'l'''* 'ln l '" A, ‘
VetltsruirMts DIUI lie (Wilt Inr inii'lxniit
secure then yttWlwW l *. tin" '••'■' •I*
reudeied nniM tHlivi'lj' iu-i f-f ii.r n *'• *"I
• lif large aoivUllit. due '** w" l ’ d ,,M '
during Ihe |mn i ><* r |,,f *>••* fl '''*’■•
Adti*loi*>rs.oi* end K*ccti'of
Vlui ail wu > ue litis—office 'Oil
1.1.1U* U*l *••• ’•"' 11 " &*** "i' 1 "' 1 '
ruins tt si <'*'*hd slttl ■ *
w i KKVTtX
£& Eg Mrs A A J| vW
Arm's r "’" H,u "‘ , “‘ l
•urn pjow in tUf world t ‘ T ' *’V
W C OH* N B Wagon > rd i* Hie
fx-t *nd cheap** pin**" *** **goo* to Slop
st. Huck will be sell *ublul and
Ijss (p*nJ fm-fit *l *i 'e lor H.elf '
1 have * (till Stock of • P!a-r, Hall
•nil Ltror. Alt- Rrsdb-y'* Dissolved Bon-.
Bisdlcj’s Arid Pb'isphste. Bradley* Hu
l*r Pboffdislc "t l-"n-. Alt food Knii
11sets MV rrtsil rr*n. I *■ selling the
abuts st reduced price*
To oil irtrmwA
Hit' money belonging ' tbe Public
Reboot Fund f* now to tbe b*nd ot A H
Freeman, County School CommiMKWnr,
■Bd alt having claim* a,<iniit **!■! Imd can
obtain their pf- rnU share bv calling on the
Com mi aioner, who C*n tie found at hi*
nfllre *1 alt time*, Set ur<t*y* excepted. The
load k MiJßcient to pay torty cent# oo the
ri<rtiar. '■**
For tale.
! ofier for sale my residence in Oreeo
till# Good dwelling excellent kitchen
and fine Garden, and other improvement*
A bargain can be tad. Price 0400 ca*h Ap
p;y u, Mm. V A BtrawiTii.
Itbea A Boyd of Grifßo dewire to call the
attention of Ibe people of Meriwether t<>
Aeir large let of Goano* now an hand and
. f rtre. fta Btaao* we of the **ndanL
brand* and wfil be mM off good term*, for
cither money of Cm+m option*. Ober'*
pi o*ph ate and Eureka Phosphate in large
Qisu’-i’ies kept oo band. We tfuM all our
Meriwether iriewd* wW give ua a call *Wd
rfamine or 9nM and get oor prices.
•rtfAo dec 7th. KHEA A BOYD.
ci/rTfIOK;. hats boots and
K.ORB Jttet received at
liM—mi lb Bro’ie
Partleniar Settee.
w The Patron* of the Greenrilie Ma
aonk laarthm who we indebted to the on
denigtad, will pieane c> me torward at once
and M*U* their aeeoents m l deair e to re
more from Greenville between thia and
IheSßthef December.
At - - : . JOBK UyWV-WAMS
Pkhw sal. —Hon. H. it. HARRIS, Con
gressman horn this district, reached home
last Sunday evening, and Is in good health.
CbTHard ]■ ~rwy s the organisation of the
House has been ftilljr an! satisfactorily ae. 1
*ompliahed. Mr Kerr, tba. new speaker,
remise* to meet the expectation of liis
most sanguine friends and aidcnt supper 1
ers, the only apprehension luting (e't is in
regard to his health, which at present, is
treble. Randal! noqnlesoe 1 mit graeeiui .
ly and magnanimously in the preleri flee
expressed by a majority of his psrtv for
bis great Western rival, and so hearty is he
in support ot Mr. Kerr, that many ot his
supporters feel that the elevation of the Ist
ter to the Speaker's chair and th* retention
of Mr Randall oil the floor was the wisest
course that could have tieeil pursued
The party at tiie ry.threshold seem in
timed 'o do everything to reconcile differ
enecs and to harmonize so as to ’eave notli
fttg undone to secure a democratic triumph
n the Coming Presidential election A T I
are impressed with 'lie responsibility that
atiacht s to the party upon this, its first ad
tent to power t.>r flPeen t cars The Georgia
delegation are ail in their places except Mr
Stephens, who Is still detained at home by
sv tme*s, Tmr tie exnee's t* bepivnriii <-•• F\
in January. Mr. Hill, four) wle-m Htc-ft.wm -
try expects srft much, has tareft wafifl'v greet
cl l>s admirers frortl rtery *ectto t of the
T’liton hut It t> so far bee t a silent but ah
tentive listener. Farly in January he will
doubt lew, hare an opportunity cd irtvtn* tti.
country htsviews at length, and to fh-t
event all eyes are turned in eager, noxious
Little or nothing lias ben done, as yet in
the w av of T.egtslat'on Kon.e atrategicde
! inoitstraiious lusve been indit'ac', in which
I lie democracy have put themselves liofotv
th country ns nnalterublv optwrsed to vot
tag tlte people’s money by way of Ride-Id
iea, to mammoth Bteam Ship companies
and heart leas Rniiroa t monopolies. The
party is also on record in oppos'tlnn to
Presidential Third 'Termors. Tne latter
vote produced no little consternation lit
radical ranks driving *om* front tlte Halt
tn svotd The isstie amt forcing others to
vote for it in oppoaitii/j) to tlieir own eon
vietion, as welt as llie policy they felt to
tic in accordance with the wishes ot their
Thr IJaty'fX'k Iml>r 1* mvlMhrt **'i h
ttiAttr nnrt rnrtnt rnilfnftdTPTTtonia *n<l
iriil tttw imwlih* * l*>k
r*<l lo f ifli lotlcituilf, If hr* i# C'*n
It *lll lw turning lli# (imt fv#® of r
lihjjc flio of vHtnifiirt*. which, wli*n rthfi
ntic! iimltm’on.) Iv I lie rminiry. mw Imv® no!
••♦!)<* I'rttuC limit !■ <lllV* flirt tniHtTJihlr
• rrn\ 'ir®* of tfawl nn! corruption fimn On*
liiuli plwcrti* !I * y liitvr no long fl < l**l t* fu‘if
own ilinl.onoi *<l lit® iir<*nt injury of llit*
Ain*ri<*in |>eoph\ lie* t*tl (he hour
wli< n 11*#* i;*hf of tlay hIihII brum upon Ili i
ilnirS <*f <!urWn** ami infamy. *<t tin- ( <>l
orwl In roitrluaU>n ( to wlilrli **vrtry pHftloiic
lnuf M*Hpoti*lH with h hearty Amen,
i 'o' |Ly MI remain aliiomi*—hut a ft-W.
*lmV> * 'ofit’iei-A HiAi*.ml*inK ayiiin on III®
*i|i ol .f .itnmrv
fjfint’# fltij'Hf nny )tv fi#*'i fll
s:i. .fc osl - tt l lot*i ii* zsxxjztrr pmrt t bnt
K'M# A Mh< r* *• til *K f'u uttvtowly 1* Ur*#i*
k I'lo 4 Ml) titan tiny wilt M-fl ti) •
No pwp' r riMi w* .k **<•' pt an ndvcftit
1 j PC
l*tplC' t> •! T<'*rd nt j # '‘*'nts of
M H< vli! i* wt of town, thf *f >• I >ieljr
>nt KIM A: Moorr f. t irrt.f 4 *ot r o|><*
And will mill ) lb** f N AI IM for * do'lar *^ry
HftAvenn !> • Ta**day H#nry M ffAr
* I*. ol ti' lid ifUlrirt im; **n{y*nl*d by hi* nn
* ImrlrF w*ul to Liitl* IM Oati nwr tb*
of Jo<if Mlin. lo trap fWmrr*
W*dw**Mjny aoriimf Ciiirlw !••>• <! town
wi b tli rw* lar;?* *h*' wlwwt w**i^filft/
pound* <mm iJVt n4 n Murlirsf. A frith4
inform* a* <hit tb# *kla of tlw Ottf f* ffnMMA At
$7 in N>w y. rk, i 4 tm> lfwa**r* from on* tf*4 a
half lo t o 4diAf. I'rapplnif m*im to b profit*
Ma Jo Mrfiwrthrr til* rn#r mcttUoti of
wbU4* wIM fMil fo thr* mta4 ri l oar o)4**r
tb*r m* mory of Jwig* Abt/T Pu'hAßf as4 hi* §o<
'••• m ibitlfßA forty y*wr* • yo.
BIT Yol'hXori,
Prencnti rimM
We get out a paper on Tbi.r Jay evening
preceding chrlatmaa eve; let oar merchant*
fill all available apace with notice* of
Christmas gored*, preaeot*, toy* Ac. (td)
C.H Bide* a'. 13 cent* *t
Kili* and Moor* will have a larve l"t of
toy* tor Cbnatoia*. 2t
An excellent young bore and a good
boggy,—atm out new—for Bale try the editor
of the VnvrrfCAToK. tf
Our jail t* D-* v*ry *~e*re. bat Kill* k *w
ha.e IM largest roe* la tow* —4 4*<y —fluky*
ft All.*.
Our subscription lint thi* year ha* reach
ed nearly 550. WiH our friend* a*ei*t os In
adding a C< np’e of hundred name* to thi*
lial for 1374 T We aek the assistance of
the ladle* in oor behalf a* our good lady
expect* to lake a half intcreet in the paper
next year. Help u* everybody and you
a bail not regret i*.
jy We revpectlutly aak all out old
paij-oni to renew their >rb*cnpton* fo oor
foorth vo’.ome. We will gladly receive the
name* of new pair*-ns also. <or heart ha*
been gladdened several time* recently by
assurances If m oor friend i that they
moat have tbe Vindicate* Mother year. I
at Robinson * bro
HntfKSTTfAtr Notick.—A Tsther who
thinks the hat'd titoes have dosed dowff on
Christmas presents scuds us the foil owing
no* iccf :
Mr F.wtoh : Pleas* say to my young
friends that they need not expect much in
their s’oCkiftgs this Chtistmas, as 1 am
compelled to take the homestead. 1 do not
do tliis to keep froth paying my debts, but
will til! your stockings next Christmas.
Truly yours, . S.ctr.a Clads.
Death.—Died in Greenville, on Monday
the 3lst, little Johnnie, infant sou of Capt.
J. E. aftl Mis. El’a Shuttles. To the be
reaved parents we tender our heartfelt
Good Double sole Bro
gans at 1.25 at
'I o the publisher we me bubbled lor
copies ol G tdey for D.-oend>er and Jar.tta
ry. These numbers are fully dp to tlte
'tandaid of this favorite Magashte, Pub
Itsiied i,i Philadelphia, the ceulenaial cert
ler r 4 witi tmtbmbty tnrerrsttng and rtioutd
be In every family ill Utc laud where there
is a w ife, a mother, sis'er or daughter. All
orslfrs should Ire addressed to I. A. Godey
Tlte Legislature assembles on Wednes
day, ihe lltlt of Jwuwary.
Clilicoqw t Sot*
RObinson A Bro.
Married in the tlth district on tha t4th
inst.. hyW.S. Wtllingliatn, Ksq, W. H.
N.i(| an i Miss F (' Braswell.
Chri tmas Titietc -Old'Santa Claus is
ssid to fie a Dutch Sami who tills thn
► lockings ol good children with handsome
present' but to naughty gi Is and hoys
lie brings a handful (if neatly trimmed
switches, w hich In the handaol faithful pa
rtnts generally prove effectual in eliuilna
ting 111# bad from swell characters ns arc
luscepLihlc ot iujtrrovciueiil. fed all our
iiiiie triends go out to night ami gel Ihe
gills Hie obi Saint ahull Vouchsafe unto
them, lithe e.lilor is shl* to (jet Dill he
will scan clowly the character f the pres
ent. to m‘(l illh-ra are any lld’y Children
for whom the lurch is left. We hoiM' lo lie
able’to note that all IJieensllle . hildr-n
air khkl and ohedlenl, sil l aa elicit, hafe
lieen auitahly rewarded
An the ediloi has lien uncotnrnniily
a<)d this year h hopes Hanla (Units will
it' vr him a am k lull ol ( hrlstmas prtutents
to ni)(ht. lie sure now you other little
not to take the *• Vindicator’s pres
In It F. Hall lisa an autiotsnnemetil in
this isauc lo his old Irteuda and the public.
I urn to it
llt'itNKii A Mils rash tit was burned on
she p,a*oaltott *rt John AHnrd ol the. flrst
itlati'h't tal Kunitav. two children and llt
conlenia <1 the cabin were consumed.
lIOIJKKHItKAKIN . W# I.siim Put •l'irttli ttn
lisru' -ot Mr. Jtiui'i K.iwi* nail ti a wi , Irani
!*(.( Tii-wtay. hi* hnusj *uliruL' U lulu Mot
all lit* n-tiling Sail hi. wile's wrrtrd nf
'*••• l ouiS ws* r ... 1..1 in th* wood* li-ar III* hosH
ruPiNid, ’v#iii4 a. and rifl*d of It* mmtaaia Hr Itow*
win, reside* In ilin s*. mb dUirtot* ban all of Ht*
• I Hliln*. lb* roulsoi* or the truS and shoot ss*-
“tt 4<>iUm In mottmy.
ffrt W A mmm T)M will , rciili At t|)H llotbo
dial ebracti iu <lrM)iivlllA u**t HnUJmtfi
W# rtfral to l*ru Uit Jud|f*t Marlin Andrew*,
wbn lift* Im *u no !**tfC And pore!) *fl!u:U'4, hA Ixwu
1 gr**wfiK wora daring lb“ pA*f two or thro** 4n),
Alid It I* bou#tii <nnot loll# •nrvlfi*, II • hit* bn
-p<-*WfiiMk* l)Ot retloriAl *lo<4) l**t ril4tt/.
The fji ilfln Nows iinlisidtalinyly asserts
that Hpahlinx county t carry In j( too miicli
Ofllcial ballast It pays under the present
law* $2,4W to three officers to annually
wllect and handle $20,200 in taie*., or
nearly ten per cent. Tiik* U too much, ay
'lie News. The whole work should lie done
by one man fur SI,OOO, The News adds :
We are assured is case ol a consolidatlob
of these office* that the uomplli gtion In re
turns and in the husineas of ccdleeting Uses
will cease. The office will (all always to
capable men, who will hare It under eye
and systernlae It, as ii should lie, and re
here us ol the cumbrous mschinery ot the
present Wheferer the ex [s riment ol coo
sohdation lias liheo tried the system works
well, and eren the larger and richer couo
lies arc c4sue>ring lor this new retrench
inetit. These offices can he consolidated
in our county, and we doubt not a further
look and investigation Into public affairs
will discover o'her excmcenoes and expeu
*as to be scaled that the relief so much de
sired will lie afforded Not until we com
mence at boms can we manage a
raiorin. The work Is a great owe, tr.otiici
fial, state and county, sud the fieople should
awake from their lethargy and demand leg
tslatlau to meat the issue. We must do
this or parlorce meet the late ineritable—a
general' bankruptcy.
The presiding Bi*bop at the recent Con
lerence of the M K Church, at OrlfTln, a*
•igned Rev, George Patilfo, who aai *ta
tinned at Sparta, to MiltedgeUille, and Rev
H. J Adam*, pa*ot of St. James Church
Augoata, to Sparta- A change ha* *ince
been made at the request of Mr. l’atillo.
Mr. Adam* g<ie* to If illedgeviile and Mr.
Patiilo remain* *1 Sparta
Dwckptnes! ■ cl pt'i.g rlrhbM* la n
rant tu tke ClilCigo tevJBKT ot lb* Wb'aSy ring
r* pron-taed 4*j*. Lao. VamiTuria it
reported a* aajrtbf that U>-r deveiupaaewu wSI
■uke fo-o **-/r gotta Logan • pot deal eteker than
h* la hi* rcoeof attack of riMaautisai of the
Let everybody aatweribe for tba Jimm
ckT'U in 1374. Pobeerlb* and you won’t
- -=aNO 7 ——
UAYB JUST rrcrtvcd a large hit ol TtfYS aiftl Wnuliful CitRiSTMAH 'll FT3
Also a fine assortment of
CUE GUIS, pineapples, fga cithon, raisins,
variety of fancy CANDIES,
K )W |>'.iriiicrs Wit tc Tlictr .H.*
The Crop Report* of the' Georgia Slate
Agiicutrtrd Depaitineitl arc iaX'ructive
document*, always tsmtainlng, in nddi'ititni
In c qtff.dtdsmtl ictnma trom all parts uf the
State, sme uaelul information or stlgges
non*. Here is what Mr. Janes, the nine
si and efficient Commissioner, ttav* in hi*
SepUmbCr RviMirttr, on the waste ol ma
little :
It ii a matter of aurpitsc, that only fin
teen |ht <wnt. ol Hie farraer- of Georgia
saw, under shelter, the manure from their
stock. TMffe* record of deliUTato and
uiipatdoitahl" waete Animal matune H
[gtsed to the Ift tftltlfig efleclx of rain U<l the
eva|tt>raiion ol the sun, lose a large part ot
their soluble plant lood. Experiment show*
tliat nearly one Inllt tlrft value ol animal
manures are lot by such cx|u>uie. Fur
inert will consult economy by sheltering all
the manure *Vet! <t> tlieif far at a. In com
posting manures that have been exposed, it
w ill lat necessary to use mote concentrated
matetia! to supply the waste thus occasion
cd Ry composting such manure*, at leasl
six him tied |HHtods of acl I phmphale and
titty poiliids ol stllphalß of aitltlioui i should
be used to the ion, or six bn dred pounds
ol an sinmonltled sn|ii pliosphata, com
po.tcd vvtih one 'ltousaml four hundred
pounds ol manure and eo.Um seed.
.ICi-AfWtlOr Join) 11. HriulrtMiH.
Thu upright and leurle** course of cs
Senator llbcnd-rsou iu the prosecution of
the Hi l.nut whts'.y rl ig Ihievcn, hin
tmi'lyht him again promiii-nl|y Imtore the
puhli, Me llelldersou, It in iy be rumen
Ikik'u, was in the Htnale Iroin Mhaiiuri at
■ lie tiittu uMheiiapuacliiiient ol l*i<Nii|ini
JirbiiNOti, amt voted wim KnbSeitdcU, <1
Maine, OrlineN, ol lowa, Tiunibiill, ol il l
not*, urn! Kowter, ol Tuniieastie, lor a. iplil
lal. A* lie had previously hi-n a htimrn h
Itupublicuu, ami was coiitiiv I un it tain to
v.<)ta lor tuiovlcihm, his action jeovoked a
hiUul hosilhiy lit,hill), which h a*-iihc,l,
rightly or U) 11 u 11 illur m l Den
(Jianl, end which ti*uli<d in liin liuliig
ahelv el by llio Missouri Itcpublio ilia ll
.luuuuiwuut Urml ami Ihttlor pabh. ly and
ill IIPIH, Mild Imlug HoHiawlytl vindiefive.
possibly he 11u- not yet foigotten Ills irullp.
athy. I’erlia|i tlieiu collection ol life own
wiongs was not without elici t in Inspiring
ill-So#-eh which Caused los diauii-i (I n>
ufsinunt goveinmciu couinul in the whisky
W eklv Bun
mo NEW YORK 170
- o
K'ghteen hundred *nd seven*V *l* l 'h
(Vnlennlal year It is also the year in which
an Oupoaltion llonse ol lt-pr 'a-nialivi s
the ort alnce the war. will lie In power at
Waalilngton ; and the vear ol ihe iwenlv
third elecllofl of a President of the United
Hiate* AM ol these events are *Urc lo be
ol great inierest and iniourligice, e ecially
the (wo latter : *nd all of them rd every
thing conneets<l whit llient will he full v
and freVy relented and expounded In
The Onpoalltlon House ol |l-pre*-nta
tlviiN, taking up the line ol Inquiry opened
years atra by Ihe RUN. will dernfv and
'diligently inyeottgnie the rorruplinns and
mMer-ds o| Dranl'a administration : and
will, it Is to Ire Imped, fay the foundation
for anew and lietler period *n our national
history. Of all this (lie HUN will contain
complete and accurate accounts, furnishing
111 readers with earfy and trustworthy In
formation upon Ihe e absorbing topic*.
The t*enty-UdH Uresldentlal election,
with Ihe orenarstkins for It, will lie memo
rable s* deckling urmn Grant's aspirn lon*
for a third 'ermot power and plunder, and
still more ae deckling who shall fn the can
dldate ol the party of fieloim, and as elect
ing that eairdhlvta. Concerning a'l these
subjects, thoae who r-ad (heRUN will have
tbemeaesol lieing thoroughly Inf imed.
The WBBKLY RUN, which hMatUlne.l
a clrculatbm of over elgi ly thousand copies
already ha* Its renders In every H'ste an 1
Territory. *nd vr- (mat that the year 187
will are their numbers dntrtilm. ft wkl
continue to be a thorough oewspaoer. All
<hg gengr*J,nwa ol tbe d.y will be found
in H. c mrtiniaad whan unimportant, at lull
length when of moment: and *lw*y, We
tract, treated in a clear, iotereatiog and in
(rtructire manner.
|i i. ouf aim to make the WEEKLY
SUN the I rest tarafiy newspaper in the
world, *n<l wr (ball continue to give in It*
column* • large amount of mLcclUneout
reading, inch aa stories. tale*, poema, acira
title intelligence and agricultural Informa
tion, for dlilch we are not able lo make
mom in our daily edition. The agricnltu
rial de|ia!tinenl especially I* one of It*
prominent feature*. The bullions are also
wguUtly icported in it* column* > nd ao
ate the market* ot every kind
Tb* WEEKLY SUM. eight page* with
54 timed column* is only |1.20 a year,
|i**lagc prepaid. A* thi* price baiely re
pays the coat ot tbe pa|>er, wo discount c.n
G* made from liii* rale to club*, agent*
PiWutWffr. or anyone.
The DAILY SUN, a large tour page
utwapaper of 23 column*, give* *ll toe
saw* for two cent* a copy. Sit/scnpti -n,
pMtage prepaid, 55c. a month or SO.OO a
yaar. Sunday edition extra. 91.10 per
Mr*'- We have no traveling a/eut*.
Address, THE SUN, Now York
Sfrilmcrs’ Monthly iSTfI.
The ptibli'heis invite, attention the-bd
ItlWlog list ot some oflhe attraetivo articles
secureit tor K-nbiiets' Monthly for the
coming year. In the Ii- hi ot fiction, besides
itttiTO-tntm noyclettcs and shoflct stories
itv American whiterh.
The (lest of these, now complete in our
Begin* In Hie Nnvnmtier number,
and will run twelve month*. This is\Mr
Har'e’s first cxten led work. The scehc?
and charaeters wliteh tin* nulitorha* chosen'
Irom his Invoriie tletd, C tblornbi. are ptin
tod willt charnrterixlli! vtvitlirras aul pow
ef : am! life work i(t wltlioiH ihmlil tlie
most graphic record o' eitr|y.Ca!il> fula Ido
tita' Iras V“t a|i|i'* ire I.
We sli HI also begin m the Jatiua y mini
on aiio iF yoifn n.isspoHrA"
Tile scene ot this story ts laid iu the
territory, trow dnrrtring the
States of I. uisinnn and f* x ts. ul tlift time
of Aaron Burr's treason. The Gturaef'-r*
llvetl In a section which was nrtw Ameri
can, now, ait I now Hpaoish, ami
this record ot their adventurous lire* mnkn*
a story of intense am! iinfltgglifg interest
IU C-l (Ikh 14, " Altl.NU, Jr.
Fol Waring l now in I'cimpc, visiilog,
In a row In ml rid- nl two hundred mil flOy
niiics, one of Iho inust fertile mid Interest
ingot ih- vine growing valley* ol Kuroie*
Tills second series nl pspci* prninis-a to l>e
-veil mns interesting 1111111 Hint with
ttlilidi onf render* ate already fmnl iar.
K ih and liy John Vance t'limicy.
A l aic colli clt ni of U-v ikitlmimy le t
l-i , in iinly Iron stores In 111- hand* of the
descendants id Col Joseph Ward. They
i lull <d Interest, mid will he lead with a
fte lidMr ttt cotinrrtiini with tllrf CtThTuh
li ii ml iilchral ton ol ihe year.
Wihlen fuapcrtlvrly try lbir blends, will
appear during ih* year. Tut rtftcd hi
ieri In ('olhig- Ilf- makes llietii paper*
ep SI dally tlmaly, and will aecur* hit Iheiii
imuit! i i< niloh.
o/JiNKW Yollß
K’epanrly llluslraled arliclea on Old
Nbw Yoik. hy John K Mines, will appear
at once, ami will attract the attention ot all
Iu city or country, who mg'k with In'aresl
tli- development ol iloi great iiivtropolli.
mid u(le< lioogti ly reineinTrwr tlie ipmlnl pu
cull'irltles of ith olden linle.
Kvin v nundier I* piofusClV lllualrulnd,
Dili* enabling u* to give lo our descriptive
mill umrallvc aril. )-*, ar interest and |air
inaneiil value never nltalned in a n-n ilius
trilled period hail. Under ft. accustomed
nimingcmoiit the niaga/Jno will In Ihe Iu
lure b- devoted, a* H has b cn In llie past
lo sound literature an I (Tli rial ion progtesa
occupy uv-r taeuiv pages ol eucli number
and contain* I) ■. HolUiid's vig uoiu and
Hui ly -diiorlal*, ss welf as Keview* nl Ihe
laiest work* in an, Luoraturc, and
$) 00 a Year, iu advance ; HU cent* a mini
The 10 vote, Complete, Nov: IR7O, to Oct,
1473, bound in nfariron c10th...... $20.00
do do. bound iu halt mo
I rncc0........ ... ......... 0.... S2O 00 I
Vola. i-egiu in Novemiier and My. Any
of the earlier volumes (1 to VIII) will Is;
supplied separately lo parties who w Ish
1,-m to c<,iaplete set. si tliia rale, i, cleth
$2 00; hall morunco, $9 o®.
IkHikschers and I’oatmastcra will lie sup
plied at ralca that wih suable lliciu to All
any ol the above offers
Hubacribu-r* will please rcttiH in P. O.
Money Order*, or iu Dink Checks or by
Uralts, or regivteiod letters Mousy In iat
ter. not r-giatered, at sunder** risk.
HCHIBNEItH 4b CO. 743 Broadway, New
IGarlv Mav Oat
Maxunmth ProliAo Cotton.
T CL AIM for tbete |ofci* that Oiey are
the beat variety known. 1 warrant
them against rurt. mtrt and b!a*L They
are the MO HT PRffLIKIC wnd EARLI
EST variety known—ripening uauady by
Hie 24>b of May. I will All ell order* for
another year at f2.GO per bushel. The
Mammoth Proliflo Cotton
i* also tbe most prolific cotton io Ihe South,
end will yiel I *t least one thin! more than
the ordinary CoU/m. The boll* are double
the wmal •ize, enabling a band lo pick at
least as much again p-r dar aa he doe* <4
tbe ordinary varieties Thia year I will
plvr them in the reach of all by putting
them at $2 00 per tmstiel.
’VOrdera for seed or further information
should be addreaaed to tbe undersigned.
and. w. McClendon.
19 Wn Woodbory, Meriwether 0., Gw.
Ths tint ha— mads Brad icts. far OsSsfsQs.
iUMi domestic sawnra MACiarx co.
Assets Wims. t* W TOOK.
1,") I) i.lars a day at Home. A gems wanl
etl. Outfit an ! term* fee. TRUE
A CO . August a. M tine.
Prerso iption Free
1 for the speedy erne of special troublca eom
toon to the voting and Nef
vous, mental *n l physical depresitou, l< v
of memory and energy, |rrtin* lit the ba'k,
elf listr ist, and y.ttnco, dimrre** <d sight,
contusion ol Ideas, ittftl ffilittf diaor.lcra of
thu nervms iydtetn COfWtlueitt rt Variola
habits Hint lower (he vitality of (he sv*teiu
Auy druggiat has tlte ingredient*. Address
Dr. E II IfILTON Gtn.-iunwtl.G
--1 JIYCiFTmaNGY Git 80 UL
1 t HAUViIN l. ,v How either aex may
faxuuale ami gain the love ami wffeetioeia
ot any person tliey choose, instantly. This
art all ean ram* as, Iron, by mall, tor 31 Cl*;
together with a ft! irriago Guide. Egyit'i n
Oracle, Dreamt, ifiot* t-i fndlei, 010. 1,000,
Otto sold. A q tear book. Address *T.
WILLIAM A CO. Duo's Philadelphia.
.- -. . * - - - --1 ~m
ub —~ WEEK guaraureo.i t> A|ente
r?Y l ( Male and Foutsle in their own
locality. Terms no I OUTFIT FREE.
Vd lie** IV O VI.'KBiIY J*GO. AigUita
Idttr 1" and& 4I \ Per Day. Ilusioed*
|rj)r ) (J) IV honorable and lucra
tive Agent* wanted. A idress Mstlon
Supply Go., Marion, Ohio.
\GF, NTS, Hie gre .It*, coaoce *t tne
age. A idless, With Stamp, N tUOIISI
i I !opv ing G>, At lama, Gfa.
raitiLT GAHPE I’INU, 80 eta tmr yard-
I 1 Felt rpJf'.fNO fifrrooin* in piicffof
pi ta ct. FELT HOOFING and BIiHNG.
For Chienlar and Simple, add res C J FAY
New Jersey.
dr," to mein day rn howl
r*>) *|J) Terms Re*. Ad
iliess aTISttON AGO, Portland Maine.
AdfortUer's iett.
A Journal of Inloriiia'iou lor Advert!'
vet* E lltiou, u iMKI coplns. Published
weekly Terms, ft) (>er aanum, ill advance.
Five -|i . imeu ebb Tim ( dab<l to
.me tf Itcss lirr JN ets (Mlm, No. 41 Dark
Ron, New York GEO. D, ROWELL A
GO.. K illin' and I'.ihlishar*.
A t<\n" Art .Ift /niiw fr ik* Yo'tnj.
SI. Nicholas lor
Alter two y(tars’ pros\K>)l(y, tlnexamplatf
hi the min.'ll* of Jiivcnllo llteraiorc, dur ng
which Hr. Ini* consol'diiUxl with
it-clI nil li* * rongert cumpalilors, the pub Hml tbcmNclvn. In a position hr
promise (hat Iha'fiiird Volume, .beginning
wl'h (lie innnlmr lor Novimtbcr, 1H75, shall
iu it* n*iml ftttrstlloiiw Tot Dlfta and Bovs,
surpass even Hie prccewdhig volume*, la
itihmion locorn Hmllon* Imrri
TlfK Plßßt wftn Khh off amShica,
there will be Btorlea, Poems, sml Hketcliea
t.y some irl the Most Prominent B igthm
Aul hors. Ari angeiiienta tiave bush ind*
lor a very nit* resting serius ol papers otr
wiNsor OASTZsE.
% liy Mrs. OI.IPUANT.
Treating oflls llislory a'id the Ohild-Lllf
of Huccessive Royal Generation*.
W 111 contribute to tlie nvv vo.ume.
Will write “Maijorle'* Birthday Gift*," and
.rhef short atml a.
goma article* op Astronmuv kit Young
People have lieu if promised liy the popular
Kirgllwli Astronomer,
There w ill bu a continued story of LU*
in Iculsnil hy
In ihe November Nnmb-f, tlie opening,
ol the new volume will bugln an
By NOAH lilt (OKH,
Giving Hie adventures ot party ot liotri In'
the early days ol tbu Child Feyar.
Author of Ihe “Jack Hawwd” alorlea, Wl‘
contribute aome highly Inturcating aketebaa
of a>iveiilura at “BasaCJova "
By leading aihor*, will be a prominent
feature si the new volume. Espaclel atten
tion will also he given to
With spirited pictorial illuatration*.
The various depertmrnl*, “Jack-In be
Pulpit,”Tbe R'ddle Bo*. and Letter-Box
and the page* l >r Very LUHe Folk*, are Vt
fie more alii aettye tbau ever. The French
Latin, and German aloitca for translation,
which have proveil popular, will be fre
ciueul in Hie now volume. Some ol tbe
lineal work* ol the Greatest Painter* of the
On fury lissre UAh engraved expreeely for
St. Nicholas, and tbe Brat ar-laU of the day
will contribute fresh ami original drawings
for thia Fine art Msaauae tor tba Yovag
Definite announcements of many iaterta
ing and novel feature* will be made la the*
Decern tier Dumber. St Nicholes will MS
ttuue under Hie successful editorship of
And no eAiris wilt be spared by editor and 1
publisher* to maintain and Increase the at
traction* and ytlue of the mag* * toe.
Subscription Price, 9&.09a year ; Sing*
N urn tiers, 25 cent*; Bound Volume*, fd.Ofr
Them volume* beglo with Hotnwber'
The two Btuw ready for 1074 sad 1935 ara
elegantly hound In red and gold, and forts
tbe Handsomest Gift-Book* for Children
ever issued. We will tend the magaaine
one year, beg inning November 1875, and
either of tbe volume* bound a* above, post
paid for 97 (W; or, * subscription one year,-
and the two volumes, lot 919-9° Alt'
news dealers and booktelwr* will receive
oiiecripti on* and supply volumes at t h4>
above rale*. ,
745 A 745 Lkuadwav, N. f.