Newspaper Page Text
A t'uniuwi UwWU't .
Tfii; nfrr worked n tit* ol “.Mudv. <
UftZtitUT \
H*l Winnie ting -HH ui ’
ft Ui* llfll VU WOtllJ ever be tt'cafi&i 01, • :
Willi til* tlri'ii * “I dr j-! iruVy tiv-l.' ~
When the tread l >bl UmtUer .ws I; •
nit ilm- Ki -iir
An I h SetMfiaf in'o li,' l‘,om.
Willi o‘k. ! w (til tin: '! iii i 1 we V
- jroit’mir,
Which tin bore is apt to twamn.e
'•lT'iw tf* y<> TANARUS" The editor ruse with a
* in fie
\ry\ plet*.>*i'iy yi-bl-l lii’ eh*>i
t'ii. V!4liir' aiilv unit- mlTlul ti*i;
(Wiii It e*W**fred irt'n.n* <.f went)
On Hie l' i of and ‘d( iilimr '!<• In* *#,
(A tliHCki. . n!ii - b.'.tlie wiy )
And flrn * * ra'iiicr i.U*Ht*U^i*
*• Call wed' :yt 4 il'ig I t yon to -!.
Ua-liwl-CAme <" *-!. >’’ vl S "-L
►Kiti ;
“I'm * (fiend 4tV w •■**.a;*et wan'
I fun, I,*, rid a r<-1 timikerf hl-f 'Hr hi* l<-*i
"I’ve ri'ill di" (tie* * ymV t*l’ '
* your i li<-' t,
A'l't ’.||l:y V" utrui /llt In 'll'! t.l'ill'. 1 I niitfff
ifttlW KiltO TO" rW ffereef-- w—
_r. .1 , '
V 11 ’re B'T ornyrn ■** ?;*, h~ H.- (-**.- -1
*I *W a’-t V ••! KM I'd- l ‘d," and
writer, in 1.-e.!.
Kit yni |if >l* •in l in 1 1 1) 1 1 >' by ! n r
Jilt seltu l*in e' bin j ‘lid f'i '"<
I .it* m in t i.
And while ret I it t i*. n y iitbji i nc‘
lly Ihe way. I've a iMtbn I '-I m f * 1 ’
I VI! been kerpin? (t rtrol- ' " -
If. it hcnilty, air, fit In- an a r M • <
NeW, l(;illl|n } lilt '.vlll riiUb ii n '
Then the .tfftriyei rni’nl up lot a '
nr mw n
Of the clinti <• ' i * '• • ? I " I
Helped him" ft <" Hi- b ' r'tr w It,,
rind* (in Hi- II I'",
O (I trig I Tie ii i iTTTtri g HIT Tti.
and J-wa-Htiii ill, l- r i‘ . i ill .1 li '(!.! '■ " ' .
‘ I’n n M*liner nrienfiimnni v
An hn wi|Hi 1 bl i led linn I v m> llm ■ u
i;i in!
Tliiit hun/ hI lite hi ]c nl the Inlil
"ft / the wny. fee n <bm*i-| l. n-k y<-
Hftlil 111'' ►<■ dhe lllli 'lmu•' ‘' ■ ' i
"'I hnf * I. lnH,’ lie M'|ilied, I I'm A In.nil
It ini",
Tim liiive he'll' 1 ’ 'll >1 until" I nji, • '
Pm a livin'"lit Lott! ''li Hie T'l 1 i .
i eky
AV here I "#n II !' •<> lln n ' ■* >i■ I1 ■,
Tl He/.'He get I‘fi'd I' in wim < .<-i>
' k
I’m tliO cnilfilni Ulil leader you’ve (',<>! '
‘Ahlmn'erh It mu ” mtiw I Hi- fb u
•'ll mn<
allure Id. uticHt ft eb-w "1 hr-.
"Iwill" -
nm sony to ny your mellfflimn noun*
Domn’i biH'i'ii I" bonni mv li
•' H|) >• ll"'.'’ Wft* H C ft i mm ; ".in Ijm-ni
it ftlinUld,
Knr V * ■'■ Ij i <’ !l, l ii ii Hill I’rlui
11-' it r-tf' iir Hlb n ilbt'r mnl |>'y v in
And I b irry your |>B|i i o' him"
iScrVni-e'. /tmil' r [-
pi( TTlmniiiMil V, in <
A no.
lit till* crm?*" TfHwtmmrphmT* ton* be- Hr*-
ancient ruin* of Egypt, Gen Andcnmn. an
ffiiglMunim traveler, tmiiiil, fnclu-rd in ft
sarcophagus bi'*iU'n mummy, a f<‘" dry
p *a, Which hiywesci'seT carefully, "ml
liln rnlDili InTTri'jf TffHftln, p’ftfTtett In ihr
tlrh mil nf the island oJ -(J >t , rti~t*y. The
seed* germinated mill whiii tv.o lit!to |"ant*
appeared, frtim which, nf mulmity, iufil
deal pt a* Were galhctc.l to plm' quite n
largo tract ol gnumd In tin’ billowing ’*
fin, glome ol the plant* thu* mined have
ati:iiihml n height of over ,I"I, mi l have
been loaded unii. 61* a■ms of exquisite
ml or, mnl pi h diHiat,’ rose lint, Iti■ pc lit" giowtli !• Ihe st* tit,
which it roo small lu tir the root lull in
cna'-ck greatly ill G/*’ ns li au'i’iiil*, tiipiir
log n fcuppoH to suftiiiiii 1> upright. I In’
polls, instead pi trial? disbtbvMeil nun nil
nil jwutlnnx "f Hip ordinary p'nul, arc
grouped alwuit the upper extremity. Tlip
VM'pptulilr, ll is Ruitl belong* In the nr*l;nvy
garden vurlrly ; but from it presenting the
very distiective differences above noted. It
aaetus vroitliy ol close Ix-'anloal ohserva
tlon. The pea* are of icm atkably fine fla
vor, r.welling In delicacy those cf the chol
cest known varieties.
No tensible person c ti oxnmhnt the tea
timony In the whisky fraud eases in St
t"tii* without being forced to tiic conclu
sion either that Ulysses S. Omit was the
head partner ol (l.e ring, or else that the
■aid Graut was and is a very extrawnttnary
kind ol fool:—[N, Y. Pun.
Grant sent word to General McDonald,
at the B inthtrn Hotel, in Sl Louis, on re
eelpt ol the latter's card, that he could
hold no C'uinmnicatlon with a nan under
indlci meal for defrauding the Government.
And wow there's llabcock. Little by little
President's social enjoyments are curtailed,
and he is becoming a lonely man nud mvr
tyr. -
A Law YBlt. —l* is related of George
Clark, the celebrated negro minstrel that
being examine j as a witness he win .rure
ly interrogated by the attorney, who wish
od to break down the evidence, “You are
in the negro miostiel business, 1 bri eve
inquirad the lawyer. Yes sir, was the
prompt reply. Isu'l that rather a low cal
ling ? mandril tbe lawyer. 1 don't know
but what it is, sir, replied the minstrel, but
it is so niucn better than my lather's that
I aiu rather proud ol it. What was your
lather's calling F He was a lawyer, re
plied Clark, in a toue of regret that put the
am;:mice in a loar. Tue lawyer let him
alone. _
I(um- iind I-l lor kale.
. Jvt’iri w. Hyd• il* b'f tsle llil vsbift
',|.|: li n-- it and eii-l-'/li I-yn. in 11. It a
Six;,-, i.nv reel 'eft. I Ci- I iftce* i. m e i.f llj*
)■,. i- I :r.:li’l i:. H ■ null of 0 recti v ie ;
111- 1,. , 1,-. -. kfl i ri,{m<.i'hi*. < Idftwr 1
>lt ;i*nr. ; ■ til li-"i-e b .Mi l HaiiM in eji; e
li|.|if, Till HI I*l * a'l I IS the On ie-'
1 .m ! ; r—' H<- l< n. and the t'ur 'eit
. nri'fjii .lie.’l iu iy ,‘hr. ti'iui yvrJ per
~ j.i iy i-v-1. hiliia. mi I>e.n H e My: 'ift: yet I'fi'/tigll I" !> M/1 l aii b .'I e 111 'I
rurhfty i ijl ~1 H.e Ij It, r !■ I any nntr i!-fi
•V.y a'itvne- li <irei t T< run •"J a
:in e t ixj in* fur | ait -v • •• i ■
;ii. i< rsiymu al tjlfifflil, Hi.
joti ;'w. i-.ov.i,
(']ll • i li;i f i 1 111 ]< * x
•, * . j
\ I.AfUil. I !bin pw.K w < •
;i , j .. .; r . .••!• <!•<! i.i •• ' ••
t J. )- V, i ii . Im ilf who *< • ’■ r l
ii i •;- -b- .1 1 - * ‘• ' ' •
ire ' M , ' ’ 1 - •( nr tfiel :
|. ! , 1,1 . fr- In ,*. llv : • If ■>- I 'I 1
'll trtn, M. He Ini the I. Hf 11 •••!'■ ' ■
> r i. n it. i.Le .mi • m •hi I
%r ' i'. Vi ■!,,1 It 1 -{u iini fi r-if/ie r 7” *
~xxi..c.r/l !Lr h lifcs . : .i. 4
s*“n 3.(ro j \ •; t }
*f‘f Jf ••• ft 1, f- ft f/(
,1 \ I' ll.UtW* N'*v ( o
ii -A M u 1 '>
!tv m- villi - thf> *•>-. i
- }f*y : r#iw‘ *r,.l rt f* I -,|rtj I fir.* ii 1/4 •< 4 fl' •
J • pit -‘I li- It S J> ;'♦ •* t''*' V(•
WUeitfM |rt>; r|llf I * ft *ti ' *■ •*/ tA
| | k, Ve Ifhli f I* M } AI # If* !#• V I • r >
t !l'l < *eftl *** tif f* • Id < lt’l lb
t r. t f 111if)f I*,. ~ v| .< uiy * ii* • ' *
a- | rrr*4'fl — frrrtrr-i rrr : fur —''***
|| r Itfti -If Jfl >♦•■ |.MI . I Hi" -ft • 'O. • I
j l ' T■ rji- 7. * Tjr^r: —t cfdii'rt rr a? f;
i,. f vi • f r ••
I. l'fe •..1,1,1 U* h : 1* <IJ ' ' ' •
i* If • | Hrf rtf.'. !*.f <1 ‘I '•' f If {-' if ‘
Sti y No It ti mu I
l *1 ! , r . if iwt'l. I fl: I < >l* * i.tiliLlil WK? 11l I'
VN * If!' M t *1
r.| I n.l’vi'lb l. W alii •’ • *•**.’
Ill) |! • 1.1 n • *.r;, jT 7 . jit if 1 MI.I ■ I.r rr^T—t-r
..-I I . • .. 'lt-.-i- t-r ne, t *; j r>. • -t
, iV/.VMTi V:' , • H rjmsmm' —ft*'--* ’ '
[,,,. M. >• Tfr h ••
it t„ ~ .i tit it. i mu*n-i *■
~fj, i'lf, all i,. 1,1
ii- i ii -.uwl-iijr nmi i . .I*'
ii, ii,, ,i • .
V liiUUi! 4‘<>i"n initial tr !-(-•-
Tin <;•ui * v till i‘t >•
* n irvtnu Vein'
mnn • i fdnilv He u 1 1<• wl'b'i’d "
li* W |‘l*| 1' I 1,11 - 111"' l flil '
i lilctUutttng vi il- r 1< nny h n''
1* Hie !.< .1 nl ftll idueiil. i li, <,.‘ u tl.i
adii.iiled Inrf, tb-ri —m- i-mi and iii.nMTTrT
IVib-ijn i-i Ji nr < I the lint bud Mid n
li I I.Mii dti jin ft 1 ' I e- udib niat td t I 1
r int ii dll' ii y I'.'' tdi tif.ti v. ill Hu
y n|i| r,,i'n !i, .• i.i I’ itmn’ i . '-ii
b-l, Hie lul|i mnbi: itl (liMMi. 11l- <'• n
leu. i,il in ,1 . dm II" 'it Hvi r i tun • |dte.
—A TiTTf. TThT: ■,l TTI rtie tnnrr. Hi-
IlttM.t (lull'll iri tbiblirtl.d HI ".e ' ftp
| Pal ol tin S'il>, It will lie lorem-C ip tin
n,ui k i g ~i nil Ni ws, I*i lith it, ton
III' 'I i■ I. A: 'll ' illl'll'. Cl ' c l ' <~."i I r c 'i
litres in and Conventh-tit. A Hem
Journal, It. is 11 .1 r p* ti de*. 1 ot all I'oliitcu
in Pinuiiiul Ii (In iifit. rmil K fur to dr
vote it-i 11 to the Red Interests ol tl.e I’m.
j,;,. ~i ii- . r i-i ntid Cir tillUtll it hi hi 1 j
trrl thrmrgt out Ih** Union ft* the ItCpreM h
tativc Paper I-I Cb, Ki*.U* Itu 1 '*.ri-t;iuu*;i;
is kn >w uas tin IVopVs Taper. It has
Hlloiin il i pru| rity a* such seem! to m.
paper in the t*'"'li. Asa faintly Journal
containing r.iliilcn! and l.ilernrv
General News, Stu* t-, Do* by. numot, un ’
I’mei il liilormwiinn, it I* popuhn in
in any Stale*. Additional feature* >1 inter
cat have been hitidy added, making it- -s
--stlll more we’'ome visitor tocveiy hmii*
Tbe Corst union. having been the me i *
k ,,| opm Ills’ up Nm 111 Georgia to tbe | eo[dp
of thw country a* never before done, t* u w
• •rgai'icing un L.x; edit oe for lb* Lx; I I
lion ol ilie great t'kcfui'kee Swamp, Un
Ittl i i"nl.'o ot Gioigia. Severn! Bl"Utb
will tie di voted to rite work w hich wiH '■<
ol service to tin S'ate, and mark an era in
its bi-dory. *ub*cripti"tis should l>e niadr
at onto u> secure full rsporis of tld Expo
iti, it, which will furnish most rateable it.
lotniation and rb b adventures.
A niHtked leatuic ol The Con-titution
! vrtll be itv Drpaituient cl Humoious Head
i.,g, ('ligin and mu] selected. No pains wil
be spared to make ii tijual in this respect
to any newspatier in thee-nwitry In tine
ll,e Grave tin! the Gay, the Usetul and the'
Enteitsming, w ill be presiu cd to its read
er. Upon a basis ol assured prosperity, it
will be able lo fully execute ail its uudti
svßCMtrnoN vhicr
Tim Daily Constiutien is fuinishetl, inis
tftge paid, at #lO CO per annum, fi 159 h r
six tuonlbt; lor thtee
lor one montb. The \mkly CotSfitution
made up iroin the Daily, is ti Mammoth
Sheet ol rOUTT COLUMNS; price, in
cluding postage, *3 3 jwr anaum ; #1 00
fur six months.
Sample copies sent free on application.
Ad iiess W. A. Uttoiphrt A Cos., Atlanta
a1 * KSTFUN 1 ufler lor Mile far 00 day
,\Y LAND 1 siwne tutluablo tracts ot
tanning and timber land fo a thriving and
ntpidiv growing W esltan State. On ac
count ot railroad*, teceotly cun*wuctL
and immigration, these lands are how rap
id y iiaing iu value. They will be sold very
low tor ea-k. A Clear and Pcrlecl Title
w ill be Guaranteed, with every tract su’d,
with dents ol Will wairauty !** respomi
hie glamors. I‘aAies tlesir lug to purcha*,-
lands, lor an early rise in value, Beal Estate
. adt-nu and Trading Men, wui Siud :t in
their i.ctcrest to addroa
hi GI MP,Heal K>ts.* Dealer,
176 William S. N, Y
! Book Agents
and Good alesm?n
Are COINING MOXKV ' wi'i. Hie la
Bida Designs;
Tlj* IV ii. K Ibioft of wbiedi *■'.;► t’d f'**T
ind 'be Ijfin Uti H*i i"li 'nl O 1 l'u
i, Li/ Kldi i.t y i .Mi MhJ' ■ b "
HvriHnifJ-i'l puj* (ji/trt'A j> -if** i- 1
cist. >i*K> r tMi a -1 i t Boaftti pi ►.:•>< .m• '■
(K A I*t4au.ft sin- I'.THT -Tii- --1-—L
I ii • - ri v. Uft ertf li other m f.iai n, •'
; l; - rasen, buy it,
' AjS'i. l ii <. ~1 • 1,. S (,! , r" 1 '• *
forder*; rme in Ninety Hi* h. C 1 ■'
i I, V:i 2IT :.n f In M topi. - d", r
"-M ’aki-n to Hiee mr*fqic
11 pm-11 i. t imrtum t*w
J B. FORD t’ Cos.. P
• Xi I ’ .ri, J' . (- -i
i.■: ’ 1 . -
iI, U. Afn .‘.I'.TiVI Mi .T
- Hit, /wtetUKs
I .1, ,f ,f M K*l! ,el i‘
! Jrt ,rft A ic-. *mJ* i • m-i, ,' |" ••
■e i ■ .si iter I.f t'-d) A-'lu e Mfd
.. m; mm". ~ * , .. *m* t e■■ • i-. di
' "• •• 'it -t. ,1
dI, - It. I-. It: l lie .1 4 . .. I
ii , ,n.i :i in -H,e ; . nl in''e’e", and ■-* ; (
*l,i liftie, leu *tl I y tuti Il,e i.i Ai 'I , id
(.. 11, <r ski hard kt-c < (ui *^i-,n
I iii. <- THr Ti dy t-r veir
fi J ; 51 hr W hitiKLSO OMr
"■' **■•*' —■■
r/ olioia M < ->*i; v
t * J\-'t :<i! -, 4 . |f > tt ? '*J if * r
f-T77.i7-~TC:T‘'JIJSi: jti'? S :
’if . i.f'i* k# iai! ia uf ft- •' 1 1 ii H *
■■ •
.- , ■ , ft -• ii' - 5* •• •
* ;*1 r • 7t f **! im .at ii *• *
;q t J v. isA.N.Si.So, o r <
1( t J • j : If i -l - - r i.
W i * ' ivBJ f !>* h i -*■ * ■ '
n ! ’ \%t ); \i ■ f j#r • i. i.f l \ ■ |* ;' * 1
•' - - '.'i^
r lir d* ;u :i ‘t '>si •’ ! ' .>* H l ••* l'4'f r f', "* -
1 ? if *• f-Y ff-fi'-i t**l. '•! i > Ifi i' ' Uip
tt‘ .M t'tir. y ill .J 4#<m-X > i■' '
Uttfii t.Hi **•• u - i.ft- vi -''•!* i’_ t * # f > ■■
-i.r jui t> , : - r .*
p t v; r;..'
~ ... w.,.1 uwr-
AtituinUirnltit iittie..
id. .*il ■-■ Hi! 1 (~l* "and. .
it. vit <id i.f, ‘'id* i", ii; I I ft
M_ ; .... ,—u :■ ' '
■I • ... fi T . 'f VUi , Uiiil,.
j t>?> fjo s'*v twi-'W ift <i *'■ Hi i#
! it--* niti: ,it * t? v-. j * fcf biti 1
, I: 1 .and, III" •iI J , lift ! I .*
, (• ~.j 1 > I
HftT-d" f-.. I, , i,d ft 1-In..’, I * nd -d i
i .dll! id 1..i1l ini :• n 1 ■"
,iij. Jn .ii . tie it- nr k in H.e
f di-U !■ I"I (up i ind> -I M> Hy •■ ’ - *
ii. 1,, ip ini H*e rt, ,iin■'i, ■ i*
! I ~i. It and ill l i H'U it ."
dVI tti. nr .
’ 1 IHM ( A 1111V\ i I hi
, -
ill oltulA Mi't’wi ili* r t *>i.idy
It. i'*-i .. ..*•;. *lc in lli*’ H'u ' •
: ~1,1, i ~.|*l if ti,. iftsiv iu ami I* * ***
. i,,*ll.iy ail b* *■>■! t *'-'"(* 'll* ru'itt l i*U**f
. |,,. iin ’l.*- *.f * n V-, !r f mftffii (hr
j, . t lull* ..f ,|T. t o ii,, ,r*l I .*’.,r*V ir,
1 Iftmi ifv next the Mluvnuig and* Im i-m*
Ulg In tin i ni' ui (Vliii r'un J ]{ t*cftso©
hlm |.t*.,d, Vi/ i*<l> i.m lu'Oi In'* N- • 127.
[ uj.• *. : t N". r:u !t"'t
u it,, |II, • hutin ui ** hi c-ni i v Im ms
j, ~.t, i... I** Hu, t#;** ,ipl*
L A I U-1N I t'N.. A-.U:-. li ■ l *sn tuiri
• GJ.UUGIA MLltwi tber ('• iiUr
i |’.l Vir ur |J ' >ldbT irwn-iie t osrl rr
. < iy.x.l ,\J *' n.-trt I p
, * f,!: -1: * ’ft H—ia*-
t,r■•••tlile * i • county ! ' wrw <lr !• ;.!
1., ~ * ,ii u the tint Tuesday in
"January "M V - firtlnw
i, g lots tun! ( '.ft* of I- ’*"l hi- I. all vhuftti
mu? S' lI"
Ur t r 111 vlu wi> . I t‘< ft,.' l ! : "t No.
1.. uig'r.ll a -ni ! ! t ' Me; I A0 x i'sin *' U Ir
.1 1,, ami 0 sir. ,i- utl.t-sM rur
mr. r4 T Mt* -u Id N" 220, am! * n noth
Gdud i'in !"u , u*i ,:u eigto an c more ,*t
tut 226, on v wbieit is
,p, ,I \\u, l Fac'oT) ;an Umtivhinl m.c-,
tuu.Ui iru,"e! iu l .e vit bait u( l”l Nu
■ill. and another one b'llfth lnt< rsstlin the ■
liuiliei npun rh,-, ad half ut wM bit .41;
uiiii i2.-i im-’ <-'rt oI |! "' w'*,t *’ ; r v* i
No-lti l, ftbi l • r-nuumler u d>-v,er. in
„nd to the filth, w lU' pars -f lets, aheftt"
until,>Him “I the dh, estate of 'be wi,."w
,1 ip ; *n ii Hru lx, then in. t< writ, ou
■.on sill nf die i i’liwuM cotner of lot N
•y.7, au.i g acres * it "I flic amt Iwt e*rici !
o< .ot 22-1. ati S wtifes 20l the ntrthewn ;
c .r•i ilti t 222 *ud aa un tinled i* ft in
Iciest in .'ill tbe balance of mi l lot 222 Core ,
tai ling, 194} acres more ov We, ar.ti ttpoa ,
whi, ir is an t xee.lent Merchant Mill ; •'#<>!
(he ti inaioilfi iifteiest in the loliowiog lots
utll ., .y - i-t rwtnmii,m ui the life estate oj
M e Jane fampt'cl! tenant in dower tin *
iu to wii, Nne Si.i 04. nml one hml oi OS
try 100, 120 and m. Allot the aforesaid
'lands imbtacitig atmut ISOO acres, sr usted
111 till. 2ml District Ol said county as alur,-
e.ud, ud eo’d as the property ot llte tstale
ol Hubert H. ttrooks die and, lot the bebcOt ;
ot creditors and distributees. Terms cash
This Dec., 6ir IST.A JAS. M. BHOOKb
14J Ib.\DELLAIIU,X>KB Adinu.
limit sUtRIFf SALKS.
• ■ "2 .- 1 "'
GKOIIUIA .H. it wether County.
Will be send belote tbe court bouse do, r
in the town of *n*envilk', Ua.. on tbe llr.-i
Tuesday iu January next, w ithin Ike 1eg..1
hums ut sale, tbe following lands, to wit
The north ball of lot No. and him ami
pans nl lots Nits 5.1, 78. 83 and 77, ai:
situate’ in me lrwii disinet oi saw! couuiy
and coiitaining 700 acres, more or less, it;
being ilie ,ntire puntaliuD n wbirli VV m.
Matiotn now i-ves. Levied un a* tke prop
erty of said 5' ni MaK'nilt to saiisty ti u
from Meriwether Bnyasiiui C -urt tn lay >i
ol the Peeiple s 15. ink of New nan vs VV ui.
.Viacom. Wro. Malc-un. tenant ic pusses
stoil notified. This Doc. Sib 1875. sftl
"XLScbwt tbecame lime and place will lie
aotd oh acres ofi of Uiv uur thwert Corner
ot lot Nu. 26; and dtl acre* n0 ol he sot;tlt
east corner of leit N>. 6, all lying a*J be
mg iu the Ist disiitct o sure county.
Levied ua as toe property of George V\ .
Bid.ey to auisly a ti la issued irair, Meri
wetb<r buperiur Com! in favor ot Wm. D.
Alexander, Adnir. J .naea M. Pmker
mu George' VV. KiiUey, Tenant in pos
esfsu n notified, J id
AleAO t ibe ‘note time and pWe will be
itn imiitviiied two-Utirda it.teret in a
ceitaia *te*m sw mid kqi.l fittiure* : *ai t
ii,, |..ti> tiy o'* ari i-y I-sse Crn-ney, dwA
and kuteta !;► the old Hltenev iv mill.
!. ;i -I win li e i—ier'y nl* W I. <ii .
TV t. IJi.m. aiul J. A brii,, !■ >n!|My ft h
•a ... il' itti >ftr wtli.i.r Ifijperiii' Qw tl
I, (lift iref S’lhn Chre-V e> al fir 11-.
-* if .vi V.du I, tiiii, \V . y M- : its. J
V 0i,,, el nl. Finja-dv puifited out hy
iC t,l WJ AVhHV l> -
8 herift'Sa le .
; \\- TLL ¥7:7-Y*J si,*"r :NT
- ti' . y v\ ;Ut eja !*<>i : ♦ t ta'f.
l#i Uii I AVa iV in Jttii-j iff i..,. jl\
i 1-!.' r ul.iiA* .an.#
- • ♦ . !i'i i.'\ ? ■ M-e *J o
7TST r'-rjr. tp t >4 tp —VV-r—*-sr
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SK? ~ ‘ . ,‘il * m&’l i” •ii
) - >' is M J .0 e . • r,U. I'
;r- f. f , A -ftf* U •►HI* j |.. ,M I (
f ' !? h - K- b.( •r “ M-om
* I < I • •!*. Ml VV ?•' . iO*.? ; rt
j *!.■ f .r< !** J’f iii*’ Iri b’-f ,M f . i ■•yj its t i T .*
! r I *f.filt u“ m a <;
III# •• ? *• •! iVfIS ! I;!
t <{*<? fl ■ C I ’tO.-i.T' /ti Off O*. t SV
llMf*ii ’• ■i • ‘ * - ' i 9ft-.* ;t. nil! 4- • - -
■ , H : ;- ■ -?, 1 ’ if !) il,
■; •:_ A it < f M M M iMr __ S A
b * '-'I Uli *’Ta ■-- - 1
.i. Ia .vT. jV. o 5 -i 11 ii.l
-n -:-*:rrT r ■ ■
ii h ?f M 0 - *ii • i>?3 li,* t ; .vf o S. *
% j*rr— u~j-ii~rr ts rrr ; *
l-w,. O ( ',wt. *tj *li L. lli .
it. •'I *' :I* < f fi < ft < ■
f* t I r S F Om ' V :. t. a e
•v Hi ‘ i.. ’iy tf*r j ih >. H k *+■< f-b
i* : V : ' 'JI tty J' •' ► _A *
't l‘jf 1 If f‘ ff * k••
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si . c o'..4rn.i *►£ ’ a Mi! I'i-t? * v, '
V / * *;
I O - J *-1 1 J I N ' liftfclt.'i' i-lfFAft
(ft • kit*, titjtiii h+U #i A , ’v
ai -L iAU.Ai £ .. il .'4
i. u ■ X ' ■ - •' if O.
—r .T- -ry f *'TTT'ttJ cc? Jo | t ivt 'Kt-U.
A ?'• ii. .#*4 'm .■! f> fi * ft.-id M*.rr
f 1 ■' - *■•*! --1 f i* • --> ♦•>-> J i- :
~Wu,;. \ * 'Trrro a r- - ?v./ I *►.•* • -4
4 t < <l?.*:* |? !' . 5: A f J.. 4?-
.;i . iVoe a 1 ?• j -
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t 1;.. •' i' V 4: ”• t .ii
% il t 71, * L- r'M ■ f<J* U‘ s• i * 15
Hi M-• . i , -
i.i*"; r-TC. .J. .j.f Pa ■, p it-x - .- -< *.
' I■, V. . 1 . .
1 )- ‘ ■ ■< • t , -if .. ft
I|:,i Il! ’ P.IV. (. .y 4. n .
I ll) . I.tir , . * !j.., ,I. , ’
.. ~l .It A ■ Mill, I, . 'I- 1 I , I .
vit t /ax. j(ft 5!. . 4—dtV',l* ‘ i.f - iM? ;
t ~r, f I , /,. ‘I r.* . t*.- r. ;
i.i I , I! ■ • -
VS I, ■,. i ... i
•rt •' h I eUvjld I ...
A 1.-.,'* '-I b *mtt Im' i -i J ft e . * . In
•■ id ll.ii h i i ii * : ■< 1, 1 *i! , ■••?■ '*.
iit. ltd iit in in* .wd H," 'ne,i > i.
"f fl'KJl’f * Ir |Hi 'i< . I >iti 4tlf'■ t \ * •' (
nr; - Til .ft i t - in**—
!xVI > J frwv..v., • w,* u>l <•*
jft Id m< 'l'fi-J ft ft- < It'iL ti lit* U I r >■- i.
I I M‘ %* . 41* ff • m v * -*rv. v
' M ’ •♦* Y ' * ? * -f i
■ “ i t ’ . j-* * -P
' 'Gtt I* • tVV . ; ft* U \
i.l l hilipn (ki! ,v Jhn \\ !l*ft' *
•t g l>t i diVU. | h lft lkr,V * > t
' AL A ?* i ti ■ . rut- Hitii* an ! •-<
—:r-erj ■* -t’.f tyrtri —n • It fkrl r r-±
Htf j. \: )#i t*fltf t* I >| TnJff Ih ? < ..
ffa *-* t a*- --1 -* f- , ..-?-t
; -r| I A4 A’lftfA: *♦! J ♦ .4f l
■ rtcr-.fltA br* lr •*-• '•
ft I'V Vf'tW t| I) Ii M*’ r * * ‘
rH#| 11*' < h in I tVHf oi S h v
!*, <■ M ♦l . .V i* * ' •
r ( t ru, He >1 f ’ -.Tt? n t ** •
!•<, !'*>• I hi- i * . H J K .• •i-
AisNM Hit* < titn* a t I* iV i Ui
- t DBilki NNi l- ai; ' rf 1 -’ f!, .V ♦# ICftl
tf i-i n .f. irv r flf ' Hi ’ ■**: -♦ r♦ *
nit i 4if svHvl r*trHv, n* %t tiie \V ." >]
,‘lmr BfJ'i tj', b l inded by .ir !••!* f Mul
I.ns, r*■ it;* 'I.. 11. mr. Wr •i h I gm'f,
Lee, Mia Nance a'.d l K. VVy n- r,■ i
known * the h f J Ppti(ir,**|,rings fats.
un a the |l> .petty of A ii i*n O
Ittoime'.: to utisly an ! dln in
M " ptriur C* n’t in lav ■< ot M
<’ Jhnstoi' a*.am I *wd A <> Trinimili
P.op* rty [si ti eJ ‘ nl by Pti a Ally can
tenant in p>■**•.-sc>n tutjr i.uatKd. * : t t
AI..>G a( tin s rule time nL| I> * w • if
s.4*i ail Dial tiaet or par ad <>l land ‘ ' >a *
ui the 10t d.i-t'K, i t >V-r|wr.'lir C o ly
Ga ,i ; which Wm. !* IVii.r ighani rmu
resides, c nlaming 2‘it'i acres more or less
and bounded un 11. eas by !ar do“ .Mark.
M rgau ; on the west by lan * <>! Mrs.
Martha Muncraf; nurtb by >' nr Aiitrnu,
and south by Atari Ful tr, and known in
lire plan if sard 10til drill let as had r*l int
N 00—*a*t trait if h-t Nu. 102 mid Git
acres lad oil ol l-t No 01 by a fine r.n
r ing inst am! west. Levied . n as the j r ,j
erty nf Wm. W iltb.gbrm b> aa’.PMy 0
la bum Meiiwethe; bujwnoi t,’<*urt in t.v.jr
ol Peop.w's Hunk o New,-an for Use A
ign rut Wm. S. \Vi Pnghau. • Wire N
VV rlingbam. tnoirt in p ae.-*ipn, trotißtd
Tbi* D,s;. 7Hi 1870. 7d
ALBOat it* same lime and place, w;
tie sold two dark bay bur art, one -bout five
y ears old, and ti;,- olbar tight year-old and
1 i.iso one and haru,.as
nis'- an o'tdivrdeU thirdi in the t wit
ot, ol inn 1 iu the town •*! Greenvi, e. t>eor
g:a, Nu*. -.tranUai and a!! that 'lion ol
1 7 t tu; vr, e,t t*| E VViftti-a —* J t.- Ji,a
hiug exenn a slnp *tf Uiswd N. ,
List and West 18 m hes w ide whertca is
situated l. f tei, huu- J E tv.u.Pes A C,
now i ttnjy and black smliit strupoc u[ ieu
!i, iiaiui Galea—all id sard pr, leiI ei yb v ito,
ou to tuusly two h ids irum Mvriwe.hi r
I *eiii*r Dourt in tav*’re*i Ii Haune.l s.v
VV d.iams LaugXon an,. t-;;,ae against Said
J L Shull es Dee Sll, lslo.
W li. F-i V r.K, > X 1 ( .
taJOUHGiA Ma*va ether County
W ill be sold i a the I*4 Tut-day in J o
uni) next tie.ure ll.# eouit-truuse door in the
tonu ol Greenville Georgia within I he legal
hours ot a,e fiby acres of iatih u.J id lot No
20—the aouthcwsl corner pi said Tot; aeJ
also ten ten* uti oi ?. utliwest corner oi
sftld lot. No i.W. IU lire MiudieUth diatiic'. (g
said couuiy and Stale. 'l.ivied on as lue
pr; periy , f Nancy Jobos>'W lo satiaiy a
fi lu lioin Menwelher euperior Court in
in, or u! A. 11. Fnetnaii vs. Nancy Juhu
Ison anil L-aac Titiash. Terar.l in I>’S
session niiified. W. R. FA YEK. SM. 0*
L X E AV__.JJE \V EL R T v
, ti?'f' gi'her add, a i trje stock or F.n
:> beer i i Iv> W m .t*. Chain?, liirmn utis. Jewelry
- , *>V -■ y ■ i. L* ii h"i tl v*, I-'Crttis, Ui:?elti? Buti"Qs. CU*rai,
< 'L’ n
•id dsv i l.b 'Kv -tried y fir cadi, can be I. end at
R-? i a’.or (TAK'KH
P.r:or .Cl-O K > fci*t *-.iv, Hu*. IKiti,
[M ... .CLUCKS —^
TUW Lr- -mm m VfttcLea A
. U u.:. „ i XL-’ft run K.-v ’ sni JcA ly 1
New Htv n c ( (.(it K> "v" • i a
i Aft.- ~ t: K > N lcely l JepQiredß
, ti , w
... I CoOt 118 Lhe tM ito I-mWEB’S.
■j_ • I- I m n, iivs dl:Ic J it. PeoU* AKartfci.hM
■*-- ENTmiT NSW A Nil bfcLbv. I Li * MOt K uF
\.. iIdV (;oni)>, •
Notions. Cl'vtlxmg, iiovts, f ho3S;Hats D-res^GoOds
hi ■ / 1 J M } \ ti f{.\ !frtit Ait U OUli S,
: ' 1 1 t,uti lllitu £ i .* tut IK A rslt'l < t.i J Jtli 00.11* TpK
' • l it: M '■•. I t C I net, ( .‘i, ,uIIi iiiVil* Ui'
' ‘' • - “ ■ • * - . mid eaoui i it t: k k Iwfor* hujr
* * i '*► , * ? wl,*ihr.r m m / ~r rot. Cali and
' > '•''• ’• p- ii i. W' ItEK At CO ,
W’l C. IHI, Georgia
‘ - - -. •' jot-suraasto ‘ ■*
• * • v ir Mit ( v.<|. v.m ictlU
j ha *' I ' - •'•' * ■■ 1 s I
!l M \\ \ ft IA Of) I) h\ ( ()a
v. ijiyj.; .-alt nr all: a IX-
T> >ll At < > (’ICAHS. ihTC.
.Mr UM Id BUI IU * ,i,
ft\ fl.iniir, - - - (*ortj
mii i; mi;i;i wi; im 1 1: i;
r l .MV Vl\ IkU AT( )li
% ' '
- M-H f-H f > V<M , U JSdr-E
7 A
{ ; -I.L 111 i/f s*i nr
M i. I* I vv i; Tim; (or n t V
M, '*■ "''' .*
■ : ' ‘ 4 -iSf ,
* I l!i •; i* ■'}, r ‘ 1,11, It* III' (tftMVr) li> tint
rTwO Firtt Volumes
Ida £ I *e, M;,•:<• . ■ ; • 'r r . >t •i? . •< *p <• *rd IMmlint > H'fti
tp, rin! - I ,■ .* • ’ rep er tt w ■ .A •* : ;j!rrnge ln(|j Uil
. . . .. t y
Ii ; * i :* wiii NT%tJ. Bont stir iHMfi * etrolofi b friesllj
lUc rUUTiiU ’ i-U
id < al department.
\W *
N-if maicii-i! viM \r r* the olhx fr- .t. U;j*e V* lime, miiirJj !; la*
]} .7 * s’Y'
Assistance 1, V.-er prrn-htil Iff m itai'lrg f:if rrJ* of liierary merit, who will de.ight
imuscai:] instruct oof readers. * With ot>r increased mail fati'.ities we. shall bo able to
srive the latest new* up lo the tin cof g'dne to pre*. The legal advertisement* of ib
C' i ntjr * ill contict t- to be j nb’vl ra in ti t t INDJCZTC IT, at vffltr tt [artiei tr f
in;- riant events transpiring in therennfy. Many kind fries*}* have encouraged u the
past year ; will they ti nd a helping TiantT at Oie' tJcglnnlDjy'of tire present vninme. Tfa*
VINDICATOR is established ujoo a firm basis,
o succeed if the pe pie of McriirtSbcf c<\ rfr will fn j MitUic it. lie J rkc of it
scrip! will be as heretofore, TWO DOLLAR* fer*nnum IN ADVANCE.
Thedrcolatfo® o the paper is fat in advance of *baf ft )s#t f** v%iil do* each-
Get vis one more SuToscriberP
With this we shall be satisfied, The attention of those tending situ our peep!*-
called lo the advantage* ofiered by the VINDICATOR as an advertising medium,