Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County Vindicator.
V,GJ*. T
ifcbvirt®"rr inv miuAY,
*t> *i4* w tha Court H.'us#
* rtf 44rrrJl.lliL'-
Bpa<*r-'ll wk*j 4 wks! 8 tuft I6 mo l rear
i ;** - m a&i *io j iso :oo \ i3 oo
S usctnwv i 60 [. 5 00 o SO IS 00
S inches' ‘4 00' s Uojl<#.Wfts<!& 25 oft
i cei p 6 *1 lUMa'idOd JfutXJt ss oo
|c) |7 00 IS 00 i 2-5.00 !W oo GO . 0
t usd 110-00 ,so oo 85.00 ! 01) oo 1 SIOO
tJP* A Sitwrml deduct,mi ui.i t thus*
airetlUtnz b th* mantis or year.
county officer.
OMIMNAUY J*s- W 3*B**lrf
UHLIUKK.. ...W, H Kavtr
C'LEKK H. <5 A. J. Hinton
TAX ffßiTtVdctt.. r. —. W. P Win elrs*
THE A."I !U K 1- >1 Adam*
K T. C 'i'.H'ktr, it M
J case CarLiiige. li- M. MeCasdn,
R A H-arl
Jetia W. J'ark, W. J Barnes, Reeves, li. A l’atkir,
A, ft Pro train Sre.
SENATOR .'.til!. District, U. L. Heavy.
Crt-*r hb W
wrrr. s
JOHN tv. i'AIIK,
Vtid iridice iu aid ad
joining coTiuCTcs o
* GEoHGL~I . I“K\\ Y,
tin In N VII i K.< ■ *
\ lort-.hN vn i r, t l.
All liuaiiiri*:* etdl unit'd to If if i hi*' ?*( ti'ii.l
il In pti li.] 1 > null It* twin iy
• !, RoiiiiL’l <iv,
\ 'I TLUM.Y AT Law.
OltfcaKVH 11 ; .
W ..: t -r . J MU- * i
kmi'a t mil 11" I
f- * j i*l it >j t i'..' 1S * t ill* c* "1111 "* * ' li.]" l--. :
t. t,neia in nil
DR J K O. I Ji*t I I I*
X l/ 11 I, I' /NT IN l J* * I*' 1 (■"•“ “ "
\\ 4lc. |i cc til toc'ivi • ami 111*
t . null) * ;ja- cut A1 < **n* I- *‘l l“i. O' n.
I* tsi* i tr...en<- |•** 11.1-ll> "•< "I i'
DU b It. AN J IF >N 1 .
j ■ bKKHrt Jrrt Prulrsctutiai "x- ttiTu tU>-
\ i, ~ .i, of HI..J Vien.Hy
yg < fti at (> . J Anthony >'. t < Dm,
nil *>f ('■ ft <!* | "’*'■
|, M . I I'll It -111
i'i It,l ' 111/* I * ' I l.* •/<* *•••
I .uodlty iftl l | * >fii< f** • >" It
miiit '■ i i *>t* p-’ *jjtf_ ******* .
Thontp on, ( ole Ll Cos.,
L. j ■■
in si rAU i;i s df try-
1 UR A/ 12 vui:,
| u ,.|, (I, I'.r <• , Ji'l'f jlif,* I ill, Ml
fcrx*, Ajc.
Baby Carriage**
Ilft , .> r* >;l . 111 r< •’* n>b ’• J I '** J *
wn.init#'-'* of *1- r h * • .* \-
inn I ii< i**x
\ i. A Wtfi TH-H'l FA'rE Wet-itr
J\ Organ < I *ti' FsptNl Dcnominat'or
Bl.miM Vin * very Baptist f mPy in Un
land. It i* the pap* r nor children ought to
|i i* I},* frt>f*-r (nr lit who would
know itii fru<fa !ii it i* in Jean*. hub** l .)
l'<r it at ' rn.f indue*- your friend* artd
lirijditrf:m In ,!< like* I*-. If you haven't
I)k> money, *i tof the paper anyhow
—yoii i aatur wilt idak‘- the srrar.eetnrnt
fur von. Bend t**r *;if(.m eit Th*
pric e of the Index is
&3.00 A Yeui*.
A't'rer a 1 ur<Jei to—
J>< 24, AlUm*, Oa.
Id romD€tloo v*itfc th* X w*br*, j> rh*p*
IU iargevt Dcd zr.<*rt rompteUr Ik/jfc *f>*i Jot* Print
if? * Ifi !b* HtTOllft, kcrti •* t*M PrusKifD
Prtottug H m* ,at n ewrj variety */f
Ik*'* MaccD&Uic, and liaiJwajr Pr! m!i*g i*
exrut4. iv *xl* V-rv'-j *>l mmnnet, jrr*>DD;,tb**
mtlH rb* ; rM W* <i*fy *V
Oar JV/'i HahQl*eu*rj *, I ktw>a. *•'!
Order* afA-iCitfcC lor *e<7 ( > of
ifi t)ii 4jtu;efiL foot ty ofßr ai# wiii fiorf
It to faeir u# c* a* to F</ns
Bo*Jc, Hort§ Minutes. fttauk*. etc
?bic k* MW;# v *se tbor r*
fitted and reform*****?, ftypafal*-** of vrJtfc
rrarr variety of N#r Ikx * and JoU KmiUfiz *U
tertal. t/xri*r witJj afoiJ eocbp*eaMrQt o! btJLLKD
WoKM K2f.
YtddiagCMrdt of new zd deaths, rival
lot leatrtlfal grodNlLtiJi u! libsshyxiirr T iiiii
Bi*a Letter nnd of tb* mo*t SMMPcaved *t> p-,
WwtrWlk halm. Pro*rrnjro*.i JM *; sv-s. tata
btuea, he* ka. fiailroDd T vMa/Lm. aerentbiiitf
U*t cbe jiioiaL Trj li*e fraakiiA, Addis**
kii oHttnokkJfiuM to
JAh, I*. HAHKIhON’ A CO., ProprtHr/fi,
P. O. Itnw-r 24 Atiaou Oa.
anted Acrents.
\ T E.'f ANU WoMSS. lu every city and county, to c*ovas lor Wn.
ifaainefkr'a Patrol Lightning Reciprocal
JO* Improved an J Egg Heater. beds
m HiL l and pays Lari e piofil*7"' Sriil for
‘ocular lo manufacturer, W 11. ( HICK A
CO, II!-Second ti4 rjra
Dr. J BraaSali’s
Will Iwii p on Sim Manse* alion tTicy fiavf
iot btvu f.-tsli idictl, Tso wlifH VaW
lie*-r s(t|>|MiiaC'i Ri/ix unani*) Cua-y -
Will cure iiitcuiuali.m .ti'il Ntpttdpi of
111 hack u.l t*inl. Will rtUC Psluiui
Mciolniatjot). no.! relieve the Lead, back j
n*i lout* el lln'>r di-lrci.nuj jvhms attii !
uctie*. WLil ihick n . t or v\. •. >■
•ivr It >w. WTH cure ' Wkil> and IsUii'jj
-il the w,nitb„ when U i* lire rvcu.l of relan
tiou or b.i 1 bcaitii,
ll is ** aure a cure iu/i l Uh’ above H
sci. a> Q t'mine iii in Ol.ilb and Ki v or.
Lsdtek i-an cure tticnisctm ut ;.ii ttu
bovc tlWakC* aiiboti! tcvcalioK l‘icn
,iini'iuii is to any |i>i'!i, tvlucii is alt. ays.
iir rliL '"U to 1 1 *v 11 i -i. -1 1 ii in* in .Hie- iy.
It i- rtcoujni* u.'i and and intd be (tip b- .-t
oi.vsicnius in tlici. ]i. iva.c J/MicUcc.
{**>r a bistory of tlie wh ec (iiscnsei.
-eeHifidt+t-i! **l *o*—tv eti —fin i;t —mrrf
ilirciUntil, Hie leader s u trie.l to t: i
wr]i(Hi around the b iuic MnnufacUU
ed olni aoili by
HUADKIEKD iW-4-D AviarltgrDv
A iiuliv born Wolvci iue can't lie crush
cti net by aliyl*mj{ nti*** 10l death X no;
terday ail old man acvciai yeuis of ngt* j
. illctl on Ui< i .hi ol Police ami a'-n upth
My ilc hat. mu rittsy.
Hat. cL f
W < , Mill.
A * and 'ttiu ii all my m mey.
j Wt J, that's bad.
A lid uT the liomrhoM joints.
W lu w !
And iji' look tin i hi:, ii i, iih hi r.
Will, r'
And file mu ut ni !i: tfrovr',* n.hi
M.c did !
Alul 1 Mt.tu'l have n | l*i_r I" lay lit)
lira,! nllc! to tins m ,|. it,* in'll tin’ nM ii. Hit j
-Wi 11, wl.*l *h.i!l Mi- itii i.huul il 7 li.-kcii j
l :r*- I life |
1 ku<> w lint I'm guilig ti> ilo, r Icpllidj
hr ii il him! in ii ill li in nu ll It 'lit , i ’ll mm j
ty tvill'i In li H 11, n a Wvtk, In Inn
ing I‘II. have u 1 1 tit l l rioj ili'lUif ill till
IliW in il, ml, hi 1,1 it Hni 111 1 l man, wlm
Imhl uil tl e nVi iini i I I,n> count I y to tin
yli I Ii H I H|>< I ill lilt; Jlii ’ | ill - lll'W | i
I lull \ til I H i,! il fli- i 1 i I p' Curbing J mil
It, III! -It' lit ill llirni In 1 .-.IIM* | , ,'.|.||, I
•i' n ■ ii. 1 'or tin ii,, ’ Aa J, fir, il ji. tli.'itjui.Jit
; h*in 1 1it. .11 1(1 inti them, litt iv ll.) y, U think
| ilia! v c i fin.
* IIOM.M .<*V IWiMII.V I .
ll ton v, aMI fcn*u>* ytvrinmt’nl f,,y l.lif*
i...i 11 ,ilAt j- Itj 1i,,; . t 1 i'i ji till. Hi I' lllli
I nn imrty tn titi-.vrr..'' I tlrrt n f Wirtiiu
’ t t nll I, Ii r lUIII 1)1 loti Hill Tn-n-ui
i'i ilkit *o, k< 11. tliirf I! '|iti! ,i in i
|ilf- ' I'l ' '■'.'if: , liHit lull '.ill, I,| Hi i
If ,'i -.. I■ n !l' m III! HM'lft* fl'lliH '! flit'll ; till' j
Iti'j ill) ii in '! i< itMiii-r ul kuiuti
-N'-m Virlil -hfrx rrh-mt;tr'-yiri"''-tF'fT"';
■li tn t>. ,( nil uinift Id I'h am t.nt ul i*>y •:
000 I** 0I 1 B*, ilif Hi t, fati mi 'llloi ul
N inti, . lul* liiin la (II *li.t'i ihu tj lit-In
mffi-r }rr ffcni.’-tt Jlytly If ■ 4.) r
1 ■ i. ■ ■ 1 i. : i t 11 i•. 1
li— ] III,'II'H'I k'f}- : l n gi:n:f r:J iieffi'o;
It) v i,,n itn*), l.m in;.’ !• In. If ItVl.'V') oil
| , ,"j '■ ii,"i,i y < nli n iii’t f.i i :
f|r .ii I'fj ' ’ .1 *tl t ’ I 1), tt. I k< ij i
jfl.i-ky ("lit* v . i u lii'i'iili a all ii .<j't It ;
:i toff'll,, r i~c if)v iffT'it* well) !l.b
In tj (• tilni, "I it,m tii y 1
lift,mi tiHtii i- Mi" -li tI ■ IM' m'<"l !
mm:'.|i ) 111 I't hti'l"M,; !,!.!■ 'I ll' :
11. n*n < of tlir l.o# ill hr.g o('|H tn'iol).
Urn J ft,' ill I- ■ ! fco.d;; tunn.l ,n I Hnn I till :
I Hii' y > tVy lii !y If tit) (xl k'lMul lllil nil*' if
~,n,j , to rrr'. 1,0 piitltitM If until U> j
t.( ji frotn In nv,, I* tiiiMiluti'ly in<l<y;< it ,:
Hint ought t" 'll- 'J'lfor.iill’ll"! Th ■ logmif • j
Ilf til- (Inin f T d ill I tl*'; ‘l>rn >.ii|i)il fi |
* :
APi * Full Newspaper advertising
;, r,i; v rri-'i/fti/." ■ l>J*hus-i , i<■" "I' 11, tixvilif
lu 'n in't •-ii ii< w "re* h- l) " in" l - 1 1 !!<: t
irt means of M-gurlr/ tor it" if* w "1*
recognition ill iln'r mi l• .
Now;,jmi advertising ini|wle j cj-jiry,
aii'l when .the tribe i flered i* of pool *<ual
-51 y mm! * Hir jir'c*, tl <- i alural foulla e
ißtteiH;(i male*.
New*{il:r adfeHi ng i* a |n;rman;n!
addition !<i replication of tb good* ml
veftiawl, because it i* a |x.rinanerit influenc*:
mlways at worts in tinsir intercut.
Ncwe;>jx-r a<lvi-itiling is ilie ino‘t ener
gelic and vigftant of sa’cMiian; addfcwiug
Uiod**ids -ath dy, always in t!ie a tver
tier's inti red, ceaeelewlr at w"ts necking
rasiomers from ever* c'as*.
Newspaja r adver'ining jiromot/-* trade,
tor even in '.lie dullest time advertisers se
cure iv t r liic Orgeat share of w list i* iie
ing done. —John Maiiniog’
One bundled Georgia new ijispi-rs and m;v
en Georgia grand jurors want a stiorlsniog
of criminal liiai*, on the ‘core of economy;
good wasron reads; a dog law, as a [iro’ec
ion a, ml.**'■; (H-e,'-;-. and le.i.Mj.idalion —of-
county offices, for Ike purpose of e.dv-’ii g
economy in public expirndilurea. I be latter
propostlion one wriooaiy to be consider
ed by statesmen, as is si to .an additions!
cme to coii**ilidste weak counties terriioria -
ty : _[S Y lfeia and
jfo Norwegian gi : is allowed lo have a
be.u until eh- can bake bread and krl:t a
pairef stocking*; and, a a consequence,
every girl can i/akc bread .-in-j laigc* ---
tore eiic caa f(-d <4 ’* : '*
The Iraitui '* Eml.
M *e than liaii a ctufturf aeA, a lerrlbb
swept tirer Ihc city of Lnjdoa. L
ya.*> !. wr y*,Aen. -liiSi -dsfl’i
ivan hcatuig piteously, ilia't* . njfcd e.cfgy
oian was mouse ! by n pitTjins cry lor
Tie Ip. lie rose, threw aside his curtain
| and behold the form of a ruJu man, who
j iipi'farcd as a cuutmiin, slici t -wecjK'r.
| Vim j. tiled in loTieiiU, tail the in ty i,cuts of the call ihe
plcac'l.Ci to lake Ihe ill in ol 1..* yilidc. un ,
tlmajiiiii his way through na: r.>r at ccts
•u ! shotoiit* iiiaictt he airivnl at a rtule
dweyinif tt herein lay u man.
A talc was hue T iatvciyd-i) a
rtrangin', advanpedln Rfi’.had lattcu tjvKcb
, ij'ss tit Ihe s* awngeii nor. I lie kind
I heallctl scavenger Ittti iiflod Uiut liviu She
■ pyfi i opened for bid) hfc* bud, warmad
| hit hit, adminhteivd a oitdial,— ami now
ho tt:o living 1 'lYic apa tnirut h*us indeed
K ii It’ll iy on.-: —T'p a t'.'itht nr; —-ny Kt-'ios,-
liis *ti- n U”<>r half hiugi eva, pa n niurovv
pallet o' sliair, lay this sune Strader.
'l'i.e l.mi(i burul dimly on a Uiokrii chair,
pt tew lait'ug eitil’t-i-,* acre tut you iter
health; a teapot without a handle stood
.upon it. Tire luiut tt na. UcttUtig.. JU lire
window, and in sumliy yams writ* slutted
ciimse nieces ol t histiui: A u i u sl*sid
t*y the lx and side it was the only property
wi.nn ihe* sirs k< i brought with him. was in > hull (il'Jssi'd, his mil
as tlinnvn , hi. lurk mn meased
ithiu a low h’jiil collar, but upon Ids
legs thuie wera a pair of large luililuiy
h* iota 1
I list face 1 tliato was nil • raproasion
Ti c C tthieif, oiicc Tented upon, would
imnnlwHSi incmory torevert Trolt f.ili v :
lo ad, tj l i mnl snuuiy ; fnvtr slightly
hanged by age, lip* . ninpi * s -sed, tint ' *’'
moving, m* li tile wem lolli to quit its hold,
snd huge, rolling eye* that beamed with
sii nucti iisly giai c.
What ttj’cdaile, liittee arm* ate
tilandishcd )n the air, that (eriil* elciu'hlng
a.W ild, <l| holding a title,, it damp', cold
meat *n,its liom Hint limul, and wildly
.Inca In-ins* I4miscT| fruit idc lo side on
m i *>• < fidt. I lihdi and brat, tfitoli
.uni In nl alteii illclv, want the pool: limit’s
hi ait, lot l.r mix dying. The clergyman
t. . k hold ol that c’eiivhn! Land, mid gent
v l.suding his head, impiirc J, "My friend
OTomlio'i n t lit ivtistt lalth 7
< 'll) i lull v k" ,'V lit It'll, 111 h lull 1 void! for
tl i- hid thin? it ul In ii liciti> lull'*, wliii’lj
tiiiili! th*' |in adicr Itimtltlc; Will (ilirit*
i uiir.y give im Inn k my liun.vr f Uo ivitli
mi: u\lilt In: b!iu w uIiTK. I.iMnu I We
li\" nr.ivpil Thn' Is my imUin vlllajjS
'in re U tin'' fri < n iKTOi’ysrtt In wHti* my
to,ytuiod jimyi I, lliorc is the rout <*l Illy
|i%lci tml in nii tiun, there is 'llie jtuvn ytilil
TftTrltrrr'brthr tta • Ttidt tuw’il ItT •WSVfT
\ n lil'i't 'intiyii is llusiiii(t, my till a iii y tv
•11:■ rtl ( tin mintin 'ot i liihjli'll, |)nt'Cllls
mi Iniijilit in lus'li my memory. Oil' my
I .... 1 |||)t i ~ . ..! I .1,.,: O. 11- ll.luhltllf il
II nrm* my t <fi it | iiufi, iu4|metii* me impre
. aii tl |iy ihti k t'l'iii'iiis, u l'U ui In I mime, a
ilni, s m.litTni i, lin i-iirsi' uf util) nil
<•!.itit-, t vin n<.w ting tluungh lay soul.
7 +:e mintrlrr ttnu wntrhi-tl -the kcdsiili'*
. I ninny iiuj i-niti til ‘ jiuiet*, many trliols,
I," i I uinT-t w i'i ii staii i 1 'Trti lituhiT, hill
ivi ■■ lit im ciilli'.'l tu i I-li a (ii'tttij-
H'liiih rily Hit' man nruye. Will),a mig’.ly
,in iyv 111- |iac<"l Hal nenkuiyf llinr. If
l..i' tltjiin v.isw '.’.nut, so was,it within In
i|i In-tn' lert:li<; luttii lln so wl'lle, Imtiy
tl' jun !si I hoi 1"1 tin* fttlkrTnTnclj stiHi.l
l,y t 1,,. i,i tl.. .|. a ,'l ilti'W irntn tkenre a fa
ilcl millUty ' "'it hn*il villi eilyur, tl 'hi
i>nr< )i)■)>*nt. m n pi'** "f <lHtn(> cloth, thu'
in .k"i l l.' '.I, wM-ck -I a likltlo fi ig,
hot, r: i I .the Htnihjnr, tin', mat is *|ol
n 1 ii l i'iu i, -tit con* (lays Ma tin'll tu
tint is Into him,- tliiv mst (a.vered uut
wt en I In-trt-l >7 the hal'le ol fi* *7tylni,
whi n ! pl>iti il the tlsg '*l trininph >ni Ti
I'nich'ing* ; that Indict hnl* was ilrivi-ri
thru Igh k! the si-ge "f *m! now
|,|i,k at !)I<- ■ I am -let ms wliOlWtr softly
in yu fear-h, hey ail if;*-. Om li mu
wool w>> sai l ily •Hie. Now help me.
ooritinue'l h*. to) pul on t’lis cos', for I
liavo tin wife, no ( fill 1 to wipe the CoM
sweat ir if. my brow, f ttiltsl die alone;
lot me die tu, on the hslib field, withyUt u
tear. ~ "*
And while he sat srrayeil in Hist tarnish
■1 v. oat, the preacher spoke to him com
U,rUig words of ta’tli in Christ, of hojie
fur dying jienitent*. of mercy pleading with
justice, ' f Mial faftii which lifts off K**
Irnwn, and eimws us a compassionate Ho
dceflier. *
I'aldi I again re-echoed the dying man
lal'lj t—the dcatli chill was on bis frame—
death light too, wan in his eye. f-'’**- !
(hers not f icorg(i Wasliington over lie bite
waters relating pleasant stories ol bis si;
L’es * Js-tbef* not Ouorge of England wil
ing over lost colonies * Asm! hcie } arn 1-1
the firat that struck the not# of free inn, j
the first that gave the blow lo that king— '
h<r.- am I, dying like a dog howling o/er :
treachery, lost in pangs el remorse, I
The preacher rt\>\r \ back awestnek. j
Who wav lielqre him ? Again rhe h*art ]
throbbed, the death watch was hctr 1 in ! I
ti.e and eat Its rattie aeeoied hard y suppressed
in the throat
fiiience o'*inf the lines there! mimnur
e ! tbs d'ia? s'ra-iger ; not a whisix-r ; no'
one, lor )>.r lives are at stake. Mn gom
cv. wc will meet in the centre ol thetown!
Ti" re ate sleep rock-—Sl'ence. eyrrf m*n f
-e; -nr V- >?;• the height". Huv, come
„„ ||. .* the flag of IFecdon ! iiurraTTT
NoWj dw , one Wow i.ioio and Quebec
'is HAB<y,y >s rturs 1
A ghafTy Lin, is sir . The jnß* check
tue glaasy'cya. tba halving bson*,Lie wild
...rl C, tffa TLtUb rail In. the tuttc. hig st ep—
a i(l L gf-Tb tiial n lire limn I
this strange man dying in a gar
tW ?—Utis mark ol nobility ctasih.U like a
, moth fL- Ibis w rclchcd'uuuisc, still cling
Ii n; to p.S faded fl ic an t lii ni*!y nnilormf
Wluwcc cuinr Uiese flivi of lennirse*
j this tmtfftHian tear of hell ? Whcie the
I jviirchflbrilt--tt'hctc the flag ?
Lit o* uiuoll the Lag. It is a Moo tun
ncr, with only thirteen star* upon it. Tint
what < t the j.aicluuanl f It is h colonel s
comuii* i ili the continental army, ml
drcssj*ilo Ih'iicdict Arnold.
Dillon i *d and unwept; there lay the
traitor J Lis corpse was h) a rude liour
he l Hkn mi.l unpitied, save hy
str.vngfis, Vet that light arm had struck
many a Jo tv for tucJom ; hut lor one art
or - r: ~k J r.Tillkwr - ki<iwn r
Q. iciuicdJs the light at UU turws r glory ;
ruuoisk bangs Lkc u thunder ImII over hi-*
*v>ul t ■ lid his lust agonies uie thowo of u
l! I) J Mil 1111111 TTfl ii might hnvr hs’en u
•ucreMb ' hero., in dimlydighte-1 rooin*. when civil
dren bfg oi aged grainlsius lo tell them
tu'es of'the nvolution, Arnold, the traitor
is to re most in thcii thoughts ; snd then the
drr&dbil clf-cu of treason am nwtrated.
Wc ari told th it lie Lit tho tnclropolia,
that hy engaged in eommeive, that his
tt nieUiiijscs were in N v* S :.>tia, that his
shijis vilre in many ports; hut in one night
his *Ui*ly Warehouse were lui I in iiihcs -
the ott iicf was suspected a* the inecudi iiy.
fix* cl.tlre I’opul itieii ol tun Hutisli prov
~ .. ALemil'. .lieu ii i , ;.;i | lo !-1 ili Ili
Ids vvjio they hung an t !li ;y, wbcnm tt ns
iu< i(l>d, '“A mold, the liuitoi ! Wlnm lot
stood'sjaide kings, when in Lin house ol, all luces were mine 1 and nil fingeia
laiscG, oej veiieii'tile Imd atoae, and J<:
elarodfbal ho cmil l not *|.ek to Ids w>vi i
iign ill tile | rcsence ol a tiaitiu.
OAfcdsy sy an histoi'ittn, from whom
we U*'tf g*lh.Ti'<! the liwult tg taels ot thi*
hi' tAfJkt'i 0 ahsilowy room mil a nioliicr
urtil feif tWnia tK iUns, all attired in llm
wndapf mourning, grouped in a a.ei cireli
n pictun shrouile,! in e:ii|H'. A
i lln hands ul a servant, nud iin
dau®|#W licivf 1 lii* iittuie, -tii), rai l that
njulh4 tiling w.Ui a ilusheil In whiles
took ci' ll liaml, y; ian I ti 1 thu
inun tM ttty tlitcslml'l can never he cmus' il
hy thwHltdcrn' ul my sun, Am ild the u.u
to'l t
j Ti-twss tli liljyl.lual vrlio wah tsld tn
am .ns .-"Tty insn ism
■ lie new Wurltl that mu ris-i hk hand tn
\')d and any, I have not one friend— not
|tu: In sii A'liui'-i
S'l‘uni ilui guilt iii"l mii'li iclillmtlnn
ftlO M.tii'H r.l ion • cii*i 'in gnnd'nt him.
■Ail inis nut tic iii*s| ijcuh', nrelch w lincsn
tlk| turn tiaitoi imnln in* uwit putidemnii
aul-H a n.ii on * a.Uif fait stiverto- itoorif
wait krill’
ijt9<uant ul im* tarn ut meant; to imp
itori jp and m liuuls hi ili- >pa rely in,
lutial •u! the stab*, the M
I lumcj outtial |i , ':urnmeuila euuir*
lu lh|tw
Kla! tin ,wi think, could remedy
this e I hy sim rilling ti c •< t u ns tu nu
tho'iafhc C'.uiity < ""vmi*' ii rr to , mploy
nne ftfitoußhly lor’iiw'im ii'ftchci Im
l'Vc(; font Mlc n!s ul P.l* '.oil, w li" | (luiliy
Iron* •• Mis' i,it t" finuilict, will in* tim*
emjlit, ' : 'im tvliule yat tml i w, tin
uiav llm! f"'ii el tiiisc itiietlor teacher*
wui 1 ,; i, r' i ■'', V id, * t lint ( v*T lie CiUild
maiv l>> ", i' ul l ontini't w llli hii patrunn,
Kufiii"'" a i "'inly eoiitalns loti school
(li*) '* , iiiul* i thn law, lh<*l most In
twisty " Hnpp'iie Hint clidil ol
llitV s< uuih i mployr 1 tli*ir own Icscliere
loKfir ymr. They w ill, *#| course, rceeivc
thii pin mtn olthc tun I. lint the remain
d*fe! the mm i , Ihu-c fifths nf the court ,
appropriation:-: will rvtnain In the ham’s ul
ill c utity r mmissioncr. b' l him t rnplny
Hi citn; ctent touch' *s aj'h this nmo'mt
tstos'h ilu lAtlve s< li* n!s that arc untililf
torn" uy th'*if own ttachef. We lLmk
Uit i longs in the a, t wnii)i| pfatly im
gir t ; Im a neighbor In-oil would li
►tier li iritiiout a SCIKKri than witli ku in
fist pi tent teacher
if !. Maine it at picaetit n line picture ol
t|e iy fox. fie is pejpery and sully
Ik, i. i tb( hair. M il the r.iow’e feet arc in
lib yes-those eyet in the ‘hspe ol giti
ten spheres'll amiici and Jet, which stand
out ar cut ugh lo see across the bridge ol
ios He has n long, Irish lsei~!hc
Hit of the beUertyi*: ol *q lire or hunliug
gci euin,i —and when h': *i ev or, his legs
hi< ieaaly f.ta tur is nut the lesst < IT'-ctirc
pa of him. Tlic iiest legged men I hsv>
evi seen are the fiisli stock. What
'.ij rb thanks has Andrew (i. Curtin!
IJ. ie's mental >jua't arc the suhtlie, in
sli aneotis iMiwer you tee In a base-bail
pii ir who can catch the bail over I,U
*.h ikr, no matter who hat* it. In the]
-poof <brhi'>g out the other side tie ;v \
ut ra!<d. His intellect is more Volatile!
tli voluminous, sod at a;i editor, apeich
in ir, uebater or m hen.' r there is no pat
tii ar giniiis or tomi ass m ho does
| —", A I own-end.
if H 'ti>- Judkisry (Jorn-oit’ce on ]
I V ::c-dy contiJtre'i the bill making ti,* t
i 1‘ ieientiai tc/m of office tosi* yeai with ■
1 u’e-e.igihhity wiien a cousi ter,h'e di- •
■ v ty ol opinion was manifested. Finally t
' a itormal vo'e ww taken.wiieu tL" prop-J
|c on oq'i caticd by sit to !ivc
Tlio UiKM'i'u.tKnrial Issue.
Italifax, the All ol tin
Augusts Chronicle and B#ntine!, writ** a*
follows of the Cf tibcriut’u ial is in—to bn,
Tlie ennvusa- lot the (loramorsliip contio
uw unstnitod, aud ifuubtic** tho eiluaiion.
ttill d.iilr become m*ue lulftl'csting uujil the
meeting ol the convention next Summer,
Col. Turn Hardeman's namu is seldom vuuji*
li iiicd 'mu*. aud it is sunpusod liy some
iL it he has ruli'cd from the race, it* w
fet vvicjectuivd by other* th*t lie lisa let
go only to tithe llett 10l l, If Col. llaidiA
•Msn |a*ri*t* iev remaining a oamlidutu hit*
chauees ol success will depcrtvl in ft decree
oti hit courv.c and policy as bpcnk*r ol the
Home glu ng tlgc api'ioftihiii" i/sioti of
tho l. 'givlaliirc. WlicUieror not ho lost
ground hy hi* coure as speaker this year
.1 sm nhatil* io iH*y.-b'it that* um.Ua*iuuud
vety lew ol tho present li ma#
who will undcruko to prove that tire Col*
one) I nip loved his chance* of aixrvs* by h s
wvecvlou so ■>( it, I l.niav, 1 hcar^
a ceotic:nun, who I* iu • position to oLwcve
snv Hist tk ncral Cnlquit i* Dot to strong
as hodja* bwa, anti that both CkiMwl Gi
tit'll mnl Mr, Jmnus are gaming strength.
T’iiv sauie gentleman said that Geucial Ual •
troh’s rtrengh was greatly udder eslimiitcd
that he was a lmrd rr.ftn to beat when he
w as le&olved on u political cauipuigu.
Tint WakliingUm Chiou cLe c, derated
the slander that (Jen. (1 inloii in Opposed to
giuiiliiig antnesly except where tha parlic*
come tor ward and ask il. Wc hope Senator
Gordon ill tpnok'.y aipielch this sluuder
ami thus prevent it lumi'liavlag lliu cflicl
intended by its vile autliora
H okes, tlie slayer ol Kirk, ha* been dv
iiird a pardoo by .Governor Tihlcn, ami the
refusal has luokeu Ins hem t. Tin* Isi psdw ay
dandy ol four yeai* ago Is luokeu down i *
ImulLi aud pi* its and is last Healing lit* end
A Wnahiuutuu ilLpaU.'li to the Roatou
port says: 1\ la lUiiUid Ihafthe I‘iuidenl bus
decided to appoint ea Couiptt .illei lJioud
head to a foreign mission, and Mint (inner
al Kutlrcfool, late Auditor, list k to Hie ai my
A Detroit hoy pal I bin first Visit to ottc of
t n union Schools, the other day, a* n gcl.o)
hi ,und, us lie canto home at night, Ids
uioHn'l imptiie ! Well lletrry Itov do you
like going in action!; Rnliry he replied, 111 an
exclcd voice I vaw our toy* licked, one
girl got n-'i eat puli' |, ail a big acholai
burned Id , ulbow on the stove; 1 don,t want
to u tiny. —| l’iu 4 Mfirul l,
Tlie royal lamily of Kng'.and is said lo he
a llltio mixed in its nsllghin, Q ieoa Viclo
iin dislikes llm Uilualist and delights In a
•itnpl* form of worship. The Pduot of Wa
lev, on llm contrary, mtj > jr*r Hie turmsaf (lie
clmri'li whenever he alter) Is, which in a
buiheiuh Lord bur tin is a Fiesbyterisn,
1 lie Duclies of Udluhui’gh la a member ,of
His lii'ceU Cltttruh, and her hushand
luw C/liurifh ttpi.icopiiltan*
New th y s.iy that llm J’lcsldent has iov
so much iu aliicks piat lie Is poor. YVaa it
■ oil Woudell l blllipu alio said that the
I’resident hud mu in l,000,f)t)0, and would
out Iu: rati lied milt! lie had made I,fyOU.OOU
more ?
ill pn dd cieuira lie has made in ire
money out ot the I’tesldcnfia! ufilcu than
nil of them Ti'igcTlier.
Voting Indie* who arc accustomed tu
tend tiercpnpsf'i Htn always ulsnuvad to
p ),.'' w inning way*, mo*t smiaiilo dl|w
i-11intis, invutitily make good wives, Mid nil
select goo! hus'iand *.
Matty s man livw wltti a womsti hall a
li<- -lime without ever susyiscllng tliat llift
wits u| Its tiovnn h i* *al!y f rgulton more
tlian he ever knew. Many a carpet k uigltt,
who plumes himself npnn his wonder lul
skill lu, sin ash i.g hosrts, it lining mentally
mr,v- ttisl and iiilcilrxlyftjly tarried Inside
out hy f yirls Vi win m lielhinke
In i cuptlvaling. Many a veteran hcan
who pulls on his gloves to dspari, feeling
proudly eonnekms ol having made a pm
found irupne siuu upon the susceptible i>pl
of the In lie who ba* endure l him fir ua
evening, would lie wonderfully enlightened,
il nut edified, could lie hear lini sigh of rc
iiut which rscupeij her lips when 1 tic rdaug
nl tltc dour announced hi* departure—Hi.
I)i It Hepuhliian.
Msliimouy Is: liol cakes, wu'ti* ‘xsls,
com foil aide slippers, smoking c<illce, round
arms, red lijis, kind Word*, shirtii cxuUing
in bnUsn*, redeemed stockings, bootjacks,
ha;>piov*s, etc.
ftingie hlevscdneis is : Hbcct Iron quilte,
blue noses, floaty rooiMS. Ice iri the pitshsr,
unregetieraled linen, heedless sock", cofiee
sweetened with icicles, gotta 'pireha ht
cnit. rtisumatios, corns, cough*, cold din
sere, colics, rhubsrb, and any amount ol
misery M - E.
Out deril says liie folio win* urelhc
true iiiclures:
Matrimopy i : (Jr-eery hit's, dry g(-'ids
h!!l, millinery hilis doctors’ hills, dentist.'
bill*, shabby cloUit*, parigo/le, rej flannel
sleepless nights, frowns, aud curtain lcc
5-nglfe hlevseducas I* : Thestrea, ball*,
parties, oyster-sopp-rs, Havana
iced cii*mpMti. a hore and buggy 4 “good
clothes,"the strides ol tlMrgirl*,quiet nigh's
and ahs'i'u'c Incdoin.—[Our Mounluip
tfo-ne , Taiia lc'c Ala
.1 WtiU! Art .IfiigttiiM fitr ths Youngs.
Sf. JSf iciiolics loi*
After two years' pro?pertty. uue.vvmpte!
in the anual* Qf juvenile lUcratiir". during ,
wMiJi Sr. Nrcn vt.A* has cortofnht*>| wub
itself all MS ammgest eoinpeuto*s, Uw pub
llshcraAnd Uietm.elvns in a potitrui tp
rimiiso that Uie Tuird Volume, he yin ifn *
tt idi the littuilier lor November, 1875, aha?
m its mud mtracti mi. for Unit amt Uora -s
JI|IS*S even lUU |V. mu;* ting V.iluuw*. t.s
niluillon to couiribuliona Irotu*
there will 'mi Stories, lWma, and Hm/tchs*
I*} some ol the >i *t PTomineut Euglitta
Aulhrirs. ArrangvmefiUi low* been tnada
lor a very interesting series of papers mv
liy ilra. GUPILAJFT, -
Treating of lt lllatory ami the CiiiULLths
of Hiiecewnve ItoyA) fienarntlonA
cmusTtNA o. itossurri
Willconlrihtile to the ntw vo unto.
Will write •'.Vtmj.irie't Ifirtltdny Gilt*,'’and
other shall alcrie*.
Home article* on Astronomy fur Vouug
I’eople liavu ticeiv prouvised hy the fttipular
English Astionouier,
Tliero will lie a conlinued story of Lila
ill Iceluml hy
In Hi* Novemticr Numher, the opening
nl the nett volume will begin an
Giving the adventures of a parlv of fmya hr
tin early days ol tin; G dd K. ysr,
Author of the ‘ .Ii k Ila/avril” stories, wo
contrihiHe wane highly iulerotllug akctchea
ot aitvoulura at “lUsaCovo ”
“TAi-Kfl Wlfll 01111*8,'*
Ily loading Withers, will Im a prominent
lenttirct al thu new—volunto, ltspoeial atton
tinn will also iiu glvuu to
With spirited ptctnrial illusHraUonr.
The various departments, " Jack-ltt-ih '
Kulplt," the ItuK. i lfux. and I,etter Ihx
and His pages fur Vury Little Folks, ar to *
Ik) more attraulivn than ever. The French
I,atin, and t+erman slmtsa. lor translation,
(illicit have proved so |H>pular, will bo ire
ammi In th# new volume. Bomo ol the
finest works ol the UreaiaaV Fainter* of the
Ocntnry have been encravad cxpwssly for
Si. Nicholas, anil the first Anlsts’of thadajr
will contribute fresh and orlgjual drawing*
tor thia Fine art Mairasintt for lha Young
Dvfiniic announceun uts of many Interxat
lug and novel (iistuius will Ira niado in tho
IKccmln'r untulioe. Hi tficholst will con
tluue under the sucoosslui editorship ol
M.i fi T MAPJfH IM) DO ft,
And no eflorts will ire spared Ity editor and
puMtshers t maintain and increase Hie ate
tracliiius and vn)u of the magafciue,
Hultscrlpthm Price, SB,OO n year; Singe
Numbers, iifl cents; Bound Volumes, f4,00
—Tueao Vuittmtr-i Imgiti with NoVCesirer
The two now ready for 1874 and 1875 are
elegantly -bound Iu rs-l and gold, and form
tbc llsnisomest tkilt-lhetk* for Dhildreti
ever Issued. Wu will sand thu magaxino
nun year, Uigitiniug Novimhcf 187a, *ud
uilher ol the volumes bound a* slmru, lioat
paid for $7.00; or, u anb*crtplloinrne year
and the two volume*, lot #IO.OO Al,
news dealers tud boirkscluts will rocaivl'
uliHcnpllous and attjrply vol uuut* at the
alrovu rates.
■Nil <4. 74 n Breed way, N. Y.
U i'i M < VA IL
Tho Oranfer
Has (removed from No. 87 iVUiUnall
Htrnct to thu rtoi#
No. 4. PeoohtrM Street*
Under th# National Hotel
Ws now propoN re>luciog our slock
goods, which is entirely too large for tho
season of the year, and to uiaka a very ios
terial change in our liuilncs*. Therefore
we will Mil at PnHU Cbsf, at wholesale, and
at ri-Uii Uva to ten per cent all fresh goods*
and all old sVick at cost, or lets.
O ir slock consieu ol Lo<lies’ Bilk, Alpa
a, Gingham aud Cotton
UunHainan’s I'mlrclt**, Silk,
Alpiu*, Hnggy llrnhrellaa, Ladies'
f.cati '• -tit i Enameled
’ < ' 1 *' :, ’ h - s *- ,;, i
i and , u !n i nd vv;
S t Peat tree Street, Granger
ul BLoe Btort,
NO (>