Newspaper Page Text
T KeTII.T. hrH-rr- nn-i I't.rttrtM
iIt.ENVILB. kTuITvV .ln if*. 187';
J udge Carlton 15 Colo, ol Mko.o, D <Jt:ad
nged 7:i years.
Tbs Griflln News (jotilsin- Hr* announce
menl of the <leoU of Sinn* Neal. ag*<l 1)
~Mr.~ Meal ~srS a weti known **.4 sseni
tliy citizen ol Pike county.
|j|Cr.ugr liens*.
The Ut number ol the ft*i>or(*!‘ y t!l * 1
*>of handanms ftteiJ Mr Ge.orge J, Martin,
ol Meriwether, will come to LsOrtnge <'
casionally. Well, brother Waterman, our
Iriend Is over < n 1/tisinsss, you know.
Her. U J. EIH, rery tavorsbly known
to many of our readers, line entered on bis
labors os pastor of t/oup ilrcult, end - ili
make Lie residence nt M Win ty.yelacwV
• few mile* front Lsflranjie.
A o>rrt *|X>ndent of the Cl. ton tele and
Hr nlmrl thus refers t • Tli* Gcoigia S*W
brduilr|* Mr. Hill** speech in congress.
The OsOTfia members wr* variously
Hill. Unßant Phil Cook, who the day
Ix-for# bad Indignantly told Blslr# that
thousand* of victims of the suffering* 01
.lured In Northern prtwifi* rrmid tie Imnd
Jll "Georgia alone," when the noisy lunuth
ed deiHapogu# nod bhiolorcr had denied
that Confederate prisoner* had suffered, had
Kurrcudered Ida seat to Mr Hill, and sat
with Ida lace to Ills uni'Mil colliMjpic
Across Ihe narrow aide sat Hu Ridge,
cclin and erect, llairi* Ml 1 loan to HiH, to
-4<lp him with Ihe nuihorltiea he ra*| lired
in Ills argument; Bui till nal >o Ida own
seat, close,|y watching Ihe seem- with more
or |M anilely Hpon Ida countenance
lllrtunt nnd Gander, wlmsi, 4* are adja
cent, w*r absorbed IMflUtl and apuct*
lora— mount witli bla l>cd iijniii hi* Mind,
ids face betray Inc v<> particular iinotlon
and Candler, with Ida f<*< wearing that
curlou* equivoke id capreaaion that utterly
forbid* one to know *l. tic r he .* [.leaned
rat dlapleoacd, entertained or annoyed,
amused or disgusted l> iHdtnn nernpieri
Ida aceostomrid scat nndtl.e (I .or held no,
morg defabled listener to Ihti nohie 01a
tioa of Ids old cine, male
Kprcrli 4l Jitl||‘ Winner.
From the Allsnlrt Coioliiiitloii wr *lif'
(no following report of*the •|,ix h <.l J'i'lg*'
Witni'r lorniluec the per iliem ut mir lrjri
'fh Ar#t wnlmalei) dstmfc) of lira wciimi m
the house enme off yrsterdsy-
BKWJCtftO VIIR etui DtKkt
The llnance committee having reported
adverse to the hill Inlrodu'-ed by Mr. Wat
ner 1o rsdwc# the j>er diem ol membors lo
$6 der day end fH for every 20 mUe* *
atiletge. Mr. Warner addressed the houae
on a mr.flon to dlssst'** lo Ihe report of the
commlllce. Ho sitid that It was not
pleasant dtlfy {*> atlvrmnle meusuree <om-
Ing in diroel contaol with Interest. But it
was the duly ol the house to" con-Ider the
subject. He tielleyed tbe trill ono of public
necessity, 110 need not Inform Hit- mem
bar* nt tlio coodHon of fnx pay an. Bcoraa
•I bill# bed been Introduced to reduce tin
py ofaottnty nOtrcr*. Wont ! the hmw,
bating the purse strings in tier own hand
refoaa to reduce their own payt l>om the
publicgood demand that member* altall rn
Mtve f7 per dayTwltl there m t be ninnrdi
ability In the bouse lor $5 pet day * fur |I
per dnyT Yeara,*go when we had the Jack
annti the Cotibl, tlte Arnold*, the Miller*
and tba Jenkins In oui legislative hIU
they received $4 par day. Were liny not
tfce peers of the members of till* Uou*e, yea
not better than all of u. Will the public
Interest bo Injured by a reduction ? lie bo
bated that member* should receive tbelr
expencea, but thoy should not come bore to
make money. Ho dldn t believe ttisl any
n*m.t to make money. The member* seem
aaTtnng To reduce ftio puy of every one.
-but tbemaelves, while there w<M no public ;
or private necessity lor |7.
lithe amount of the per diem is fixed by
atatnta It goes unto the general appropiin -
Hon bill. The constitution require* die t>er
diem to be fixed by law. lie would reduce
tba aalarlea ot-the government and Judges
of the supreme and superior court*- The
state bouse officers perliai* do not get more
than enough,
Mr. Peeples— Your bill proposes to wake
tUc reduction begin with ihe session. I'
that not retroactive awl uuconslltutlonsl ?
Mf. Warner—lt to within the power ol ilia
legislature to control tho pay of her own
members. The legislature of 1871 made
the reduction go back.
Mr. Bacon, of Bi'rb—l mote to recom
mit to the finance committee with instruc
tionat*report it in the general appropria
tion bill.
Mr. Revill—lf I uitotako not, tlic speaker
pro tom ru’ed last year that '.he appropria*
lion act could not change the law.
Mr. Bacon—l held that the appropriation
net could not change a salary fixed by law
Mr. Warner called for the yeas and nays,
and the rote stood yeas 17, nays 01. The
yeas and nays were not called, aud the mo
tion to recommit prerailed
Mr Revtll-'To fix the compensation of
the treasurer of Hhmweiher connty.
Senator Peary addressed the senate at
L length, favoring the bill, of which he was
k the anther. ilia speech in lull will proba-
Bbly be printed at some future day.
B B* Senator Peavy—To authorise the
Barnsty court of Troup to take Jurisdiction
of tbe will and estate of Joseph L. Binning
oi Meriwether, and to allow James W.
Banning, Orbinary of Meriwether county,
who ia one of the named executors, to qosl
ily as such without res : g> ine his office, and
(nr utoer purpose*.
Atlasstrt Ixller.
hfir VirtdiaUrtr ;
~ i"t;" inyr-'i'-'icd ho-frsfy fr-imxl fiode
fmli with my styling you Mr* VisOiCATuU
Ul week, although i think him bypocrit
j/.-l, ye: I will change my lortn ol address
and call you simply ‘ Vindi/saU/r<"
Tiie legislature has lieen quite busy, dio
[atd.iur business rapidly. The mwot
ol local legislation is unusually large
Msny, rery many “dog-Hawa haw tweu -ttt
Iroluccl Among the fell la on tbi* auh
ject :> one lioin Judge Warner declaring
that dog* thsll Hot lx; property lor the pur
pose ol Imposing an ad mb/rem tax. < n
M onday the subject catna up in tb seriate
win n that body replied to tax the dog* by
a vote o! 8 to 17 Mr. Hester of Elbert cade
a labored epecr t> la favor ol dog* declaring
them to lie protector of our poultry, sheep,
and property. He thought the *.|x.ft in
hunting to tie ennobling and eatd the victo
ry gained ov< r i|. lint.ill at New Ori'tto*
tty the “Hunter* of Kentucky' was one of
the grandest a< ItieVeiiients on record Tut*
speech ui u,ni£U ang else, in luced ihe ttru.
ate to reluae to tax dogs,
Jgist Saturday Mr Petvy made one ol
. hi at.ii-st [awclt’e fn lietialf of lit* Jury till.
H apokc nearly two houta and covered
the whole ground. The bid [.awed iii
senate ity a majority of one.
Mr. KHpatib h ol Harris proixtsex to
amend Ihe Kxle by |.urttlijng ‘.'>r*c steal
jug vti'h death, wlt.h Mr. wants
to declatc it criminal to purchase g'X/dt
and 1 battles at <: salt sale and w- il llt< *n.'
willioi.t payuig lor the aatrtft-
Judge Hj.tcr wants to change the Hcboo
law by abolmh tig the ofll e of ti/dtrty
..cltool connnUaioiicr* and .caking tilt: Or
dlitaty, 1 ..u.i'y 11 i• . 1 tjt and .lu i'i.e ol the
IV n.i: pel lortn his dudes, [laying n.<- >.<> in
ty treasurer 1 j;.er cent on the. sct.ool fund
re. 1 , ty. and Iy him.
-j-ttoftce-dtet-dbe last —l,ag*an/it—Ih-noto
puluplaias that HtitHLiat le#/hjy a fs< U
mg the •: >.!>• Willie 11-T 1 ! 1 regrets that
his legislative I ill ir fall to met Watei
man's approval, yet lie is cons'.led hy a
let let from a ihsUrygulsht!'. lawyer and jn
list of Western (inorgls. Warmly eormiiei
ding Idi ronrsc, arid tießng cim. Ifevid, to
go oil in the good W‘ ik ot to
fedu u our t I.‘a l.y a 1., luelh.ll ut the ila
lies o| atnte • ffleials. It Wtilennsi. annoiinc
vi I mi i'd a champion ol lilgl. silarie.r I*.
him go ahead, bid We had ratl.i l ham him
i.U bur Soi*’.
Tin honvcnllon Mil comes up in ihe
(Toiise neat'l hurarbiy. It is wmafkahl# ill the lixgiiiuti g nl l it* li iussion many
rin-inliei s, fthis lim* Urge mnjority, )< mne
Pi Atluntn stro ugly <n f.vof nl ending
(-..rivxiil on, lint nfler rcrnnlnltig Imn tt v*i k
or two, it elntngn I* |i*feeptihle hi tin
min,ls of many. The Irtiih is n mejorlty
of tlie people of Atlanta seem to think the
advocates of a qoiHrni i*>n want such s
body to asMmblo only to remove Hie cupi
till ol the statu and Bins every mn In the
city Is u self consHtnfeif ci.mmilteo to pm
rent legislators from doing tvhal their con
stitnvnts desire I lie leers ol 'tie timid roe
nppeitled l*i ami tliey nre told Itmt mn li a
(muse will lose the democratic mi trot ol
tlftrstate ami tiling the ra.lii eU back into
[iiiwrf, ntid give Cti.-4i-g'iTi t-. tj-al [rt/fy
the next presidential election
A motion to repeal the hilt ol iaal ara
aion reducing the homestead lod to an ani
mated discussion in which, it tccllUal, all
attempt was made to place a gutter natorl
nice manaeverlng was seen an 1 the battle
was, at least, a liar ran victory.
Candidate* for Governor are working
quietly, but actively, and by the first of
March Uie ••State" will be fixed.
The contention bill re|>orted by the coni
mittee mat ; the body iihi urge, and pro
poses to bate the election* in March and
Hie contention assemble in April.
The treasury Muss is being stirred nvrey
day in nttcinpt to obtain more light.
Must command you lor the excellent pa
per you elite us last week. V I. N
Tribute OfHdSpect,
[For the Meriwether Vindicator,]
At a regular Communication ol Haralson
Lodge No 142 F. AA M held In the Lodge
It<Kim Janui.ry tilth, 1876, tlic following
preamb'e and resolutions were unanimous
ly adoptc i. :
Wiikkas, obedience to the mandate of
tlic Grand Master of tire Uniyerse, whose
dispensations of Providence arc wise, but
Inscrutable, oor much ss termed and worthy
brother, John M, Callaham has been “call
ed front labor’’ in tho quarries below to
refreshment in tire Lodge above. .
Therefore resolved IM.—That in the
death ot Brother Callaham, this Lodge, the
Christian Church, ibis whole community,
but more especially the family iutrusted
to his care, Uave sustained an irreparable
loss, but we bow in humble submission to
the will of Hitn, “who doeth all things
well,” believing that our loss is his eterbal
Resolved 2nd —That we tender to the
bereaved family of our deceased brother
onr heartfelt sympathy in this, their sad
dest afitictioo, and commend them the care
and mercy of an alwise Chid, and the pro
tection and sympathy of the craft “whitbao
ever disposed around the globe."
Resolved 3rd.—That in tnkenof our cs
teem, the Lodge be draped in mourning
and the members wear the usual badge tor
I thirty days.
Resolved 4th. —That a page of our record
be inscribed to his memory, and that a
copy of these resolutions be sent to the
family of the deceased under tire seal of
the Lodge, and that a copy be sent to tho
"Seuoia Enterprise” and "Meriwether VtH
hicator" lor publication. Respectfully
fj. P. Taylor
Committee. -(J.S. Elmore
L 1W >V. Addy
I N THE District (-urt St the United
1_ States tor the Northern District *1
(jeorgi* in l.’ankrujtHcy, in die tnaUer ol
Ateo'.ui Turner Bankrupt By virtue of an
order of the Hoe. Black 00* ol the
Hegistery in Bankruptcy ol said Court,
granted at Atianta April fifth 1174, an 1 io
i.ursuacc? ol a .Jndgeinem of Hon John
Kftkiae Judge ol Mthl Cuert aJ&rmad bv
Jmige Word in flic U.jibrable Cireu.i
Coon of the United Dta'e*. I wild hU on
Thurotey the 1 7th 4jy of February
between tbe bosir* of fen a. tt and four P.
m , at public out cry be*, re the Court H
d.e.r m Ihe b*wo ot Or# nulla and county
oi McnwelLer and Htaic ot Uatwgia the
following pr <j>my *>l the estate of Atiaaioo.
Tarn*', Bankrupt, aitoate in tbe town of
Ore* 1 Vila aud wunlv of Meriwether and
! rtteie of Georgia, kno vll in the plan of
i said tow nas whole iota of land nBu.O
’ fool (4j u. nty eight (28;. nu. <<
twenty nine (•;{?}, mimte twenty-eevan (g7,i
and num'x-r five (5) cewitaioittg on*
halt acre tuuie or ju, esctpl that pair ui
l<t uni be* live, descritiwd in a deed to * >
I, I'esvy Iroiu j 1, l Mv“ on wjnen Is
,it> ated the !w iffi < of <> L. I'eaVy, a;w,
cxispi that i.arr or Tf'. Ti .e rfry~!xt ■■near
(lie) try J A tj.moufon on winch i* !.**<*•;
a,*to* house. And eXe''[d' that part '•
N ..five <) mi which 1* tocatid li.e;y.i \trr:iyarf*i,. ■
lai * XT.ce, ado alia. ■ swl Ia * ( Atef oil]
wl.cli i hieated tt e Jaw offi e onea*meeu j
pKC by K <; Mohtey, and *;•*< ibe whaste o* t
lots number One hundred and eUVeil (llljl
mrrummg rmr and one tialt acres U*ot *0 |
l* a, k.t nurr.lsar one hoodrad and tewtlHr)!
it b* lug li.- old M: diodiM (dm*, bl it
t lining OV and one foJmKtt|; acres more j
•or ba< At*** fi‘.) tore* < "fj a-.d j
fifty lour i,U each cirotaiuinJng <(gir~bs.
acre more or less The whose tx-teg h j
ill I Howard Dotwf pmpert :c ted by * !
<i Hows* Ito V A '*,H, ap t V A
fiaslnll to M A Bell and fully described in
a deed If w >1 A It Ito Aliwahsoi llt Hit
le.oided P, (.bias ~!! : ol JMefte '■ Ivf
.1/1),t il'll I slit, It e<k ‘*l p*g* f&k ld/ j
(Merited lie no Ail ot s> J (.lopekv s
lice If".n ill Si, bens’:
1 l.’ilH, Uillg If ,f.a*. f.ed Wl Ibe pf.S".i*
ill aaid talc, —rsvr.f to —trr —Vend . - -
lien ol \l A It. j. j- it in- pure ha*# (p-. xy j
I e.ins nat'l sal.; (.ush Jsu, (
1x,,>5 |M AMI ItfcEM kJ*.
ill * A 10. kmal t*i|a'
Mhfvriff Halo*.
i i ■ ■’.
fji I A M4‘taHfH-ir *
W r ILL he 5..11 hr ioi* thi Court W |?
,|,i r in tlie town nl OmswriUa a(
■si I county within til* tftjwt hours of sate
o the Oral I ~evl*y lo Fahroary W*V tha
following tract of land Iri"* l lltele#' nth
district of said murßy , *v'tl4‘*riwg A*a ho
.[[ [ iMfiety etgt.i snd a bad si nr 4*r m
ms, hi wit , h.ts Nos t.TO srv t f-M mis.
|III te*pf s arosn portion <.ff of US *'
ern [sifiM-n el No. 9? S)i
leyle ! .m *• ll.e propriy of John N Its?
Unit by virtns ol * ft fa lr*>nv rrmi(.
Hupei lor < jii't In Invor of H. M MFsn
v John W Ragland and Mr*. -IT ' W
Hag ii„t alias Farniix . Bek
tsiitf. Fr*man Martin snd JahaiWnnd
srd, fcnlore'l,) are fn [e ss.sskei ofwki I sod
Kiel lii'llis*-1 iu terms rif tsw, J,rh#W Itig
tan. l on! ol the defendants serymli withs
written nolire l.y rtiS!i t *t fraGranfli ff‘ ,;, p
roiiuty, Georgia. This Jsn. 7th RfJ6 *d
AliHO t tlie tamo tims sud ldscs .wtll te
sold die following IwOdi, tiTwTT: ***• *♦--
126 and No J 32 each w.rdalnioi' s#‘
and aJvr. the aof b h*t< *4 I*4. No FJ o
isinlng 101 j acres, ab t on'aining 7,6*4 t r, ‘'
sit situate in die KXti district rtl si*i,| (gun
ty. Levied wn as tho property of Wnl A
Tinkers'm to s-idsfy (I t from MriW*her
Hoim fior Goutl in *v rof J#l‘rs K'oyit *"
Wm A Tn*m tn pr.gssirm
notifhd according to Uw Tlds.Jin, 7th
187 H *•'♦{
Administrator Salem.
1 -
UtCtitttliA Meriwether C mntri :
Wdl tie sold on the first Tues-iy In Fth
m iry ncr< Irclm - * th* court houfi door In
tho town of Greenville Mriw*r county
Georgia, he<we-n the legal hoiA of sale,
500 acre* of land, to wit JCff >r*a- more
or less, a-mie l>eing lot No. 104 it tba 11 1 li
district ol aid ciinty ; bound*,! east by
land of AII Tlwunuapo, south I It
Pidltip*, north by latffis ol Mrs. Tritnbl*
west |,y J H C itinig Also iHV>fi*<t* more
or less, asms being part* lot* Jfoa. 181
and 183 in th# 10Ui district ol sskl county
of Meriwetlier and known ss ,he*T'ltn*n
Puliin old place." These lands are sold
under order ol th# court of Onfosry ot
Troup coumy, U*., as the piopaib of J.
T. I’uliin lata of Troup corufy die*!., for
tlie item fit of ths heirs and credit#* of said
deceased. The altnve described property
wilt be sold at the r**k snd entente ot
Frank Word homer purchaser failed
to comply with die term* ot sal* Term*
cash. This Jtn. 7ih lS7f>.
8d WM. HOGAN, Adnr,
J. T. f illinjv-cd.
GEORGIA Meriwether County
beamier J. Mtlaui as Extr., M tie es'ate
of Marv Ann Mood, deceased, eprm nts to
the court that tie has folly idiuuistered
said estate, and petitions fer.diimission
from said trust.
This is therefore to cite anddmieh all
coucerned to file their objecllijns, if any.
they have, on or before tke lat JfctoMy tw
under my hand and oftll signs
line this Nov. Ist 1875.
’ i . J
GEORGIA Meriwether Couutj
I will apply to the Honerat* cou* o'
Ordinary in and lor sahl corAy on the
first Monday in February nextor lease t 0
sell ail the l,anu belonging tutu estate. 0 t
John Pearson Deed. This Ja|Sf lbli
3pi \V FiORRlt.
GEORGIA Metiwelher Couut
Reuben E- Strozier has appM tor ex
emption of personalty and Sling apart
and valuation ol HamesteAdmd I Till
pass upon the same at 11 o‘ci4t A. st. od
the 81st day of January 1876 my office
in Greenyiile. Thia Jsn. 19 J? 6.
2* J W BANNttdO Mt
The Kennesaw Gazette
( ; |
Devoted to Railroad inter*. Literature
Wit and Humor. Fifty l*r Year
CHROMO to evetv aubeert.
Atiaata Ga
Masonic Institute
x i pny f/ ) \ AU y wl*n 1U ttni
w i C>tiituu<: fof
F*iva AIoritIiH
AFTKWWAMD' th# it >fi w be
LIKE W I'vJb= Acade oy ~ ■ zg re
fia.ret rtow and by Toil tuna w. be thur
{'iViT'V Kffoi*t;
;VV hr iry*‘U •* * <¥*’><* *' •••- # *’’> <y> Uj I
TO'. k?t. AH * I
‘ - '
*V p- V;. (Y U- TO*. . !.s Atl ft #<J
S', i .1 Bl'llcJ up •*
js-,7 1., E W If TO" 1 I*, s
T,t K f*. * li'til AI K
4 lhn t?i%nv U '<u !• *?f it- !%
!*>•*' l*>‘ • no 1 > 1 fist r% r .
• ** u*ai H-I| til Ummlf T
wr ‘ ! • iC T 1 m ai* iv •
4. | IhINMI I*: r * tD J wOf
;ii in f'irm, a* Mtowt
Vocal Works
Piano Aooompamment.
Mo*ti*r Ooohp llniotiia*
llaarit lullt ill M*r* ft (Alt l;-f -fin**
In’s-Kdilion, or t <n wld gst * c ap pb
towraph oopy ) ft ’<o in board* , fell .
rid. %t 50.
Shining * *•' nm ■
Ftri,..T S-.ite* I’ 75 Tri Ti *r , floti
snd gilt. |1 ”<0
Golden Loavna V -is. I. and 11. i
A collection ol H-mgs and t Siomwe, by '
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ctotlt and gitt, |d3o
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Peters'Household Malndis*. Vol. I. Con
taining all the latent and treat snnga by
Hays, Phtlks, Thomas,
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German Volkslfeder 4luum 40 sotig*, with
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Mendelssohn"* 78 Sings. E egant folio
edition. Full gilt 850
The tame (or a deep voice, in 2 tola, Bto,
each, 3.50 in paper ; cloth, 3 50.
Lchumaon's Vocal Album 30 songs, with
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gill, 8 50.
Sunlight ot Song. £ collection of B*ere
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I?iaiio Works.
fr-i'jy Ft laers. Pearl n ops. Magic Circle
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easy Plano Musk, suitable for young
players, most of the pieces being w thout
octave*. Ech voL 1.75 in boards; cloth
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Musical Recreations. A c-dlec'i >n of Danes
Music. 1.75 in b’ds , c?bth and gilt, JSO
Golden Chimes. A choice collection of
Parlor Music, by Ch. Kinksl. 1.75 in
boards ; cloth and gilt, 3.50.
Brilliant Gems. Containing music of medi
m difficulty, by Wyman, Kinkel, etc
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Strauss’ Waltzes, Vols. I. A 11. Ask for
Peters’ Eif it ion, tbe only complete copy
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PeethoiTen’s Sonata*. Bvo.. fall gilt, *4.
Folio. •• 10.
Cbo: in's Waltsee. *1.50; Soctoras
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Alt in stiff paper covers.
Men.tleeeoha's CctapMe Plana Works. Elegant
folio ediron. in 4 vats., eech. fASO, Sro edi
tion, fall gilt, 4vole, eacb. *4 JO
Mcsart's Monetae. Fall gilt. I SO.
Weber'e Plano Works. Fall gilt, 4.
Mailed, post-paid, on receipt o* price. Ad ireee
J L PETBft*.
S4b Rr-jsdvsy, V.
-J TO Drt'iara a day at home. Agents want
-1. aL iul—Oiitflt au,.-: lfiitaa Let — TRUE
A CO., Augusta, Maine.
TO-x'-r A WEEK guaranteed t. Agent*
TO | j Male and Female i l . tiseir .w c
locality. Term* au i OC If it FREE
Address P. O. VICKERY A CO.. Auguita
Cl to ul TO /. i'er day at 1. ,uie
\) r ) TO —■ ’ Term* :ree Ad
d-e-a ATINfB>N A U,l , IVud.a— Mast
MESMERISM, aud Marriage Guide. *h-.w
ug now either aex may ,'aacicat* au j gaia
rt# I ,ve and eCectiou nf any penson :ft#r
chooae itistantly. 400 fteftsa. By msi! 50
eta Hunt A Cos , 18V S 7th St., Fbita.
A brENTS. the grevrr. chance *f tt*
1 \ age. A fdreaa, with a a*B|i, National
Coj-yug (.■ Allacia, tut.
TO yr W I*. P i !>ar*
TO'A TO I hot."* diV- aad lucra
•.;*. Aswan waGtwri A mm Ms,, r. .
a pj f . Mari a Ohi*
Religious and Agricultural.'
II A I.F-i’Kit Mv
t.-.Mj mm ,i k carai/CVa
Fur intermaikw, aßmi .
GEO F ROWELL A CO., 41 T*rk Rowj
AUYfcH t i N
Hsl loi* ‘c2.~x (s *
totli'K ovu cariu-hi'K
* K I id: LIB r I’l.A T
Yi* fiisi.-u *i it a
lif. I T. It*(WELL A t <* .1! Talk Row
NEW Tutil;
JjfrtonErß asitWy lijia
— j>
I■r j. . ..oh. > * ♦ Itl. '.■.•Ut. li,! k
•- * • I li** *’t* * <(* ft !*-
At 4 . f*J t*rr* P*'Tilmrf' V* iue
OfLUlng •'* ■' Iji Utr ftalti <>i lie *• •#,
ft tii' f• * *#’>?<-.*},{< * a* j i*of rr ivfiri
li/ MMiJ* v ' WHi *
lu t'. *1 .1 f '.!•*' li - W * -L - . r. E
11 ’lift* **f L*• Q f *f til' t te-T |
*r*J a- ; rvio >r !-f ft. ftrLs * t M
illf *•' flri( (I'M v I Wet If T * fir ft* *
•*]< i*** >tHI Wiittli ’ ’ -'•<.'iif |,!i‘t l '#
hi 4 f Ifid. ( * |fft
let WiU. > 'CHfo.'lerolle ■ w and p.w
rt %r, \ Uj* *.A it WSI libt.l u
l> at DfTO I *tf rfltr < .'f * Ilf*
fhai fi 4 *a
VVe Viuli 4 't tf) J •■% J * j-f*
V’f .
fri i:n 1 >s,
o i v/fvtT y,jr i'RTn 1/ >
Hy RiJivtid) 1 tivt.l:
I'M <>? :, *• ty is *• 1 *? tK*-
B i h F*rrn tr.rril n n, I r t *■
•R*4 t fJ* 11VAU .OTO t* *' _• .TO jy fft*
■ f \if fi K ** *r- *■- ■ T f' i ;.#•'
tfarj \ **■ 5 • Will ■ Wsi* r> *f \ TANARUS, 0f r
-vi. nr* Kf*n ■, si I m> * -* • a
. ■ • i . t 1 v. j r• > fits kt
• *Ljry of inle .v* %,J j ~*! to 'fr#--
ifcisaitoßL ... r j
By fb ! (**■> K •' sure. Jr.
(5,1 Waring ~ now in K ifoj.e, *i i g
m a row-boat ride "f iro hundred an !H y
mi.ea, one of ibe most te’l . and i!,t*r*-*i
mg of the vine grow ing v*,;ey* o: K inr,e
Tut* ■econo e*i<trof pspcia ((founsca b> b*
**en morn ii,leieti ig than Ibat ai’b
sbs.b >ur readers >i aircadr fami *r.
E iiteaf try John Vance Cnet.ey
A rare ,jo|lec'i mof Hetolntionary />-i
ters mainly trim. r ire* in ib*- of the
desiwodantt ol Got. Joseph Ward. They
•ra full of interest,aofi will be i-a-l w t ,
rare relith m conneition with the ctnten
naial ceiebradan ol he year.
Written respectively by their Irian la will
appear during tba yaar. The revived in
terest in College life makes these papers
•specially timely, and will secure for them
usual albntiot)
old’new tore
Elegantly Hlnstraie 1 article# on O'd
Eew York, by John F Mines, will appeal
st once, and will attract the attention of at!
in city or country, who mark with interest
the development of the great metropolis,
ami affecUouaUdy remember the quaint pe
rntisrities off's olden lime.'
Every ntn’tier is profusely illustrated,
thus enabling ns to give to our descriptive
and on;relive articles, an interest and per
manent value never attained in an >n ill is
trated periodical. I’-oder its accustomed
management tbe magazine w ill -n tbe fu
ture be devoted, as it has t>-en in tbe past
to sound litcrawra an ! Ciitist to progress
occupy over twenty pages of each number I
and contains D-\ Holland's vigorous and
timely editorials, as well as Review* of ths
latest works in Art, Literature, aod
4 00 a Ye*r, in advance ; 35 cents a tram
The 10 vow, complete, Nov; 1870, to Oct.
1875, bound ia maroon cloth (dttOU
do. do. bound in bait mo
roceo. S3O 00
Vois. begin in Noveroter and May. Any
of the earlier volumes 1 1 to VIII) will tie
suppi k*l separately to parties who wish
ibcm~to complete sets at this rate, s' e, ciatb
%‘Z 0>; halt morocco. $3 CO.
Booksehsvs and Pngtmasters will be aup
piled at rates that wilt enable them to fill
any of the above ofSrs.
Subscribers will please remit in P. O.
Money Orders, or in Bank Checks or by
Drafts, or registered letters. Money in let
ten not registered, at sender's risk.
SCRIBNERS A CO. 743 Broadway New
Weeklyßrnp' ~
17*16 NEW YORK 197#
, E’ghleca h-tii Irtxi and swveoty-ai* M R*#
Cenunetii year Tis :sn ttte ye*r rn wbye*
ar, *> poaMion lUwae t lie/w Aectativaa,
the nrs; shut tM war, will be in powwr W
tVsahiiigtba , ano the year <*4 tklt twenty
tnird election of a P eaident tA tbe United
Sutea All ot ttreae events are Mire M b#’
of great miexe* and impertanoa, aai'eeiaiiy
’tie two latter ; and all of ihenJ apd every
tning connected with them will be fully
nod fresh’v repoited and expounded ia
The Oppoeiition Houae ol Representa
tive, taking up the tjn* ol inquiry opened
years ago by the SUN, will sternly ansi
i ibgeri- r iirves:.gate ihe coiruplxma and
/bin- :• ~! Omai'a adutitiieiraifoa; <rht
* ;L it uto be hipcl, iay the f-iaulstfo
t>.r a u.-w and belter period >n ,*ur uatioua
nist .ry Of al! this the BUN will contain
aud abcufale acc..uut>, furnishing
r teadeia with early and t mat worthy in
i I-.ruiatmo upon the e atworbiug lupici.
The taeciy-thif l Fteaidenlial election,
' with the pieparg'iona’lsmlf,'wifi he memo
; rab e as and cidiug upon G.ant's aapiravions
: a a ti.iru 'eru.ot p>.e' and piuSder, *rk4
j at t 7 i.M.K aa .te ..ling wg.. abail bt the US
IhiaH "i Ik* iwrty ol lteioun, and aaeUci-'
:mg ‘.ust can miste, i> i.icermng art ikm
i•" ‘.jes .a, those aho r-ad the BL N will tue#
[ the ■* ol being Ut..roughly luf >ruieT.
1 tie WEEKLY BUN, winch has attained
a i u • f "cf eig .ty tirouSWu-.t copies
s "rsly :..s its re* iers iii every (stale anj
i e- 1 t- ry *<! ti -iei that tit# year IS?®
* ; see iiwir numbers tiob'ite.l. It wbl
c- *it lone bi be gii-r,cq[b ifuwajiajw*. At
hr genera, tisw* oi the and f wsf, *>s frniwvl
n. i. i- vust . wive •<n:iu[x.rtaiit, at lull
te g4t wtna ..f ut mcwil: anJ atwaya, ws
tr U- .c i:. a c car, interestutg aud ta.
atrjrMive itisiimi,
I is -rr iflm t make the WEEKLY
rM N . ti.e best i m.y new spat wr Ay Ut#
- 1 1.: and w shall contlniM to give is its
. a large a.--*nH <f ntlstieiianeous
■ fv. ,si 1 1, as si.iriee tales, pntim, wus
*:b •(, gciicc and agricultural in for .us
i- * which we ai not able to uutaa
i ot in ■ .1 dally odiUmi fha agncutlu
i , i*i , -i ,t esjw. ulty oa at tt*
pi-!io-nt li-Uiic* Tte- lastipma are ahx.
iSgufsr’y it-jr.itcd iu Ha column , and SO
a , ll.* ii.4ik.Cs •<1 ***’% k:itj v
L l. a M EthLV BLN. eight ' **• with
4 '•* ■* . ■ -.ns is "iity ®1 BO a year,
p * age •, M As this (WH* taoa f rw
pays in* ot tba pa par, no discount cat#
,• m* tr b m tins rats to clutis,
| T stii, ■ I r-. oT a- your
I ... DAILY ~V * \mtg Rmr paga
■i..s, .* 4 1 fr - ~,n s g,sea all tue
sin W: a■ vtu * a v y.y ts.' afipU .
. r -rL.ig- , ti^l. .*?>_ a li, 'ill, u: fe
list ' Ity r I "I, ra |t i<J pal
in: *A e .ikii laing *grnO
ii !as I'IIE.HC a Jtaw York
I *# l,\ *:*•- n% !r*<uM \j 'w vy
\+ t m ru**f .<
Brilliant Anonno*xn<*at!
(a t-FK' IMKM t niKM UIJ
i fMfff |<f *4l ♦mM# (f#
1 r ■ •■ '4, ftf } • i’i lli M*4
•j if I r ‘l ■ d.tfifTfi )flp IP
f*ijfp-5 ' • A JfidfOAl
i. I A H<# i OK .
A Tiffn iiftf It cfiftfr'p ;*•#!! np
>-• M i -^'“♦iff P "l l#nt I, n
n in iiikm a bt ¥vn
M't b)f fft i w UkV* •riiifij <>y * f l*
P TP*~***z+~*P~
vrnms i* ni/xjd;
run KlhFlh HT FI KltdK
A 44 "*y <4. h* I .#*t *•. r r • —
Ilf >1 {jt, Ah, ol Ur€ M' r h'*c* i f*i
ALo.v/i jy run w<>nu>
A flri Se t- ry rwrwU. *w rein nsr
•Hj tlr* Ms'y E B*ya. wb'. it tea r-a
e*l N.tyiVri r ol tee Age
TrmtnUoni of a F<MsU>ry (JtrL
IJy a I'opeiar Novelise.
— or TUB
iMfidfiratf Ufciftfkl.
By Col H I) Capers, Coo-f Clerk (4 Tress
ury Ueparlmeut under Mr. Jfemmm
tW This will be a deeply inieresliog se
n*- of giviug tue early irrais. dis
advantages, and many amuai ig accident*
of our |ee>|ile in tlit-lr etfo*t* i j esUnlish aa
jam (4<>eer,ment.
ZW A numlier of unutuady Brilliaat
Short Hurriea *|>pear in ecn issue, with a
variety of Sparkling Miacellaaeoa*
Matter oc at! subjecta;
Bp*:rip(i9* $3 60 a Tear
Clubs of 4 and upwards, (2 SO each.
do of 20 do 3 35 do
Ki ra copy FREE, one year, for a clob
of 5 at Sdoliart. Address.
J fl SEALS. Atlanta, Ga.
11 ' EsT ERN 1 offer lor sale f>r 90 day e
\V LAND ! some valuable tracts ot
tarimog and timber Lod in a thriving and
rapidly growing Western State. On ac
coirit oi rahroads, recently constructed
aod immigration, these lands are now rap J
id y rising in Tliey wiM be told very
low A G ear aod Perfect Title
will be Guaranteed, with every tract gold,
with deeds ot foil warranty from responw
bt grantors Parties desiring to purcha**
ibuds, lor an early rise in value. Real Estate'
agent# and Trading Me a, will find it to
j f to
E. GUMP,ReaI Erta* Dealer,
176 Wi:;iam ft. N, T
ts otice.
opened a splendid
in Atlanta where pictures ot all kiadr can be
obtained Meriwether people visiti >g At
Isnta are cordially mvl eJ to visit their
ji n44 ltn fCUAI'B A PERKIN*-'