Newspaper Page Text
CUB ,v Ausith *! lee! !h. Coart 11 t.e
of AdvtTiixlu;.
Space jlwk | 4 wks j3mo* ti m> 1 year
1 inch j I (Vl' 3 51; 450 7 00' Vi 00
S incite* 15 ’ 500 0 3i ln .'> on
I inches ■ 3 t|t> i S 0*) tIQ 00,15 0 ' 05 nd
t £3l *-V*Si3s • uu
*ci 4 7 Ci*j 15 00,35 On 7iV.'o'“ SO *•
i ciT * 7.^00,30 00-05 K) 00 00 1 SIOO
V A'libersl dedmti** ulsda 1• 1 1 s*-
*4vi*rt\*in2 by the month or year
Itelistoui >otter.
The following istke Chare a Directory i t
ttreeoviUe fur 1976
fU aud 4th SuPoaths ir earn month.
dealer Rev. W ASIMMO.NH
8d Sabbath in each month
Paator Rev !*. P. Cailiiway
Ist HabbaUi iu each month.
Pastor .., Rev. Jno June*
orn e miin: p Bur.
After thin Tate, all legal advertisen riibu
for thaeoursly of fieriwvll re, HfIII tw pub
lished ju the Mfrniwenriia Coin i r Vindi-
W It PA VER, Sheriff
Jan 4th, !97:1. Clrtk Siip’r Court.
ukkksttllk. rmi'.w Ja.. as t-w;
10~ Cones,'* a/hding ii* eommn
U'CaMons *i Itlru ini tmlti allies net *1 not
4 1 peel to have them iHibllshnd. fuioi
plaiuly wiiilru they will also Up ioiia%i<tl
t# ttlP Wre-fts-lmel), 1, -Thcly .tiiLCIT no ex
fcatifhm to the }
I.cyut Ad v i lUli't:
T (HU and alter thi* dutr uit l-egal A !
Urri<!Ut* UtUal be paid 1,-r •* u*/fu net to
aecurr U*W,i piffdteul i. ui. T!.> h eour-c *
rendered imperative y iiccrviiy in vt- w ■■■
tk* lalg* ailibiilft* due tl* fr-t w-o4t—dn.c
--4tiling the |mH tMo f in tit.(ii
Atnitaiatralor* ami uimi
UT Will all wuo owe tfru nrtl. * at to
tbnj Lu( $ leeiltainy ••! th., dejufiptee
*;* up at all i TANARUS, ’
■ W I RB\ it !,
JatlSQ !Vi Mr* •> A It* t i !,
Al#! I I ill |I'II > i )’!* ' I' >lt • till* t i* l !
'ill J.loW til 111* Wo||d. Sohl !.
\\ ( t;iiui>oN
W C - 'M< f'I.HON H \t , 1 111 ~ 111.
Mt and c).ripest | •■.it' ("i n>.**-i.<i- in ’in,
At rtin * wain* w- 11 atV.V.I a .'1 .litvi*i
Save ag. . . i-.< in ami it TANARUS" !<>t the- n
t'larumiai urn
I Ha** a (nil atm a ol L*>> ll' a* <■>. at
anii-mfl. Aai it u liej a D.aa < li*’ll
"If idlay a'"".V'-ii I’li' vli.ti*. —)ln ley a Ku .
per PboTp'iap* ill I,llll* Ali '*l Poll
hrar* tm a nail gialu 1 am aa.i.og tlii
at. i a at it*dii< ed pi . *.
W ( <. It' N
Rnaa A Bov Inl 1 .rtf ■ *t“< Mi
fri ttnrT H ill* •! UmiWflljii I
ill*:i la,g lot ~! (i ittr *ii w*n ‘ ,ii.l a
A *l|.ar llsd.'.!!:':?! 1 '.JI I !’■ *•"*!
-*n l ti*-wi.i- t ' i- . t. ‘ i : **.' •
fU napHltr aif.J i: l’u>* 1 t'i II I*l/ 1
Qjai'i >/•. .. . .< 1 tV ii .*
*. - • • • ■■ t• 1 Ia 1,. • > '
# jmiti- * ( 'ii fj.iauwa nut vet ■ ur [itii **
(iii.'Uu d*c Till. HIILAAROYI'
11* • ni'eitlirtied ha* iVi or <0 11 ,W< '► nl
fli at fin* variety it I ( mu kin i. • lii<:
wbicli be anil tl \'l I*' Bushel, o*
• *(.!arigt !“r coOiinuu torn at ti*- ra !< '<l
two liualn-1* ul touixa'-'fi Cn-n for *<ii* of
Jlajganj. Ail "ini irate Iti'il th* lUk
garlji apeak in tii* ti-glitiat tent** ul it. A*
b ear i) corn it if '.n'orpaaae.]. Tim c ar*
are large and letfy Apply U>
JfU I>. W. J. liAKKBk
IS r^>lice.
Mia Fannie Hawk Jeairei to Inlorw the
pchiic that aim. ia prepaiftr] to n.ake Mniiea
and Lariie* rlreame* in the iai<at aiyTw ; Getllrn.ta end IPy* rintbing ol
etery deaciiption. ALL work will be dorn
on reaer natil* terma and
gnarardeed. She cen tm found at !ie r<*i
dence ol Mr M J. Ileuder on tbe Taihot
ton road. Patronaje aolkited. tf
An young itorae arid a good
tsggy,— almost new—for ante by tbe edi>o r ”
of tbe Yispicator. tf
®s.- 1 mm '
X3T~ Parliee ba*i: g butinew* with Urn
Vimhcatva r flic* wifi And our eot/eerip
lion nd sdtm.t Ui 1 % at atore <>l
EiiU & M 'ore, Mr. H. N Kills Laving
kindly agreed to trenintt bcaii t** I r i:
d<Hk-g lire abMnt* * / tbe in
Atlanta. Ail reef ij * = and ent,j. • u sde or*
♦M bl* ka Writ I>e 1 rtmUmg on th* lnln ,
<’*> w. T. IIEVJLE.
tizlt, OI- p [ W y^w cr,
OAHDRjr OJ JjJ /Qt e<_ ii
W e i.ff our. iismi larje and comple'e
embracing Uie most <ie*irab.*.
TarieUtt and of l *ttt quality, S'li ma!
riucao uit, to any address, on receipt < f
aiamp. Seeds oi all kinds by packet, ounce,
ptr-td, and Cfusrt can be sent by Oian to
any P- O. in the L\ S.
Einru j evans * o>.,
Nar*erym* c and Seedsmen York Penn’*.
TO __
And Customers
. Wishing them larger crops an ! Ir-lter pric
c* than iu the yr jus*. passed.
orn trims for is: are
No Book* will bo
K#pt —We WILL CONTINUE to keep
Largest Stock
IN Greenville sad our MO E t'O Si'll. I. IS
j*n7 tun ELLIS A St HIRE
Till' billow ing Ortlo s w o- e I■ I ( u
First Pogie. (irp-MViU I .: C ,un jp. U E i'.
lat Uic Urt regular trceling, lot lire leuu,
couuueuciug January lit and einline Jane
| jotu 1970.
ii U-V . - y ~ w r
; Sliu Aide Alums W Asi
[ J K Adams W Chap
U Aril.or If diinso 1 li Scribe
| Prank Manning E SnniF
Ir. 5f Miudm in - ' C..U i.iy.t
Hs# Failflii II mi-. Aaat. Colt
I IV Ciamnce luilmjom liiasUici
James U Uhl In. Gould
Jt’sepli M Terrell OntUnai.l
. Mm ilu ill* iV P
Tut- mem ben ul “Oiceuville t’ni.icil,"
l- E. l'_ an; iaiuv.-tU r•|.r s . I to be
pii >< i,; at the U ert tu\t,
iv. mng, itiu 3 Idi .it 7 1’ M lup u mi.
tHMUesS on luinl, Hy order ul
1 It AN lIiONV VVoiiliy Piinnile
J A U hins .ii l{i*coidiii< .Sonhe
We liavu iiHiuvi. I 1m- P.hliu.y N.i. u|
TTmTi'Y rfrcTCTi' 1 'll Jrrsll rl l Hrst ‘I t-rta.f-l
Tat; | *.
■uu-ivsi and die cdil"i Jal dcpni ipipul con
.on* nincli ilia! i, ns M and instruct \c
11 is n"t iot~!te~m —r.nt)..i; il>>> 4m. tl idi.y
s. i, I cl i-. 1 * i;d ii'M aii li tio c’iat in
e t 'liroiiio cniuli* I** pi.- 5! niiiii t * ii, ”
V o gin Wi'li, la-i'.f-'dfii|.—a; i.. I’ll '
(' ii > ill : Is ahi in PI u I |li mu and Is' w• 1 1
ti) id u |dac in any
a .\ /;u st m.Y
A o*i ONION sets
drop of*iNs!.
~HfT> n •ytp<*; , n.ii >IW 4a iUiv >rt >f
i. I H > *V‘ A 4 W'-w k if i*iin‘fUiiprl
•' m f Mi#* jh -Hit* t( u t ’jifHti'y . w l!| In*
>. ' 1 1 >; > r >•! II I- A' I'uPrk‘t -i i< ' f
i1 * I 4. t fj it |f' " ~ —-r=
j.-i vgi*. ri{\M<
j•* X 4 iIHiOH I\' -" I ihtlr
!:' r; •Ii 4i ’*l b<| It f’ if) fi * i*< n
i ! ' i' it ’•• ft' ! t* • <!'• ' U’* y < nt
Tf ft f ; 1 • { \V \• . Hi / ;*, f *.’
Li* r |e*t M l t h*-*’ J lit r i 11 *
!{ *n S iff'i ff,r . Jo “
‘A . Fiijr.t, for ..... “
!fi-i (> f!e - 2*5 “
\> v pj m Orient)* flyrtip 7*i *
!4‘ i t tNa Or’iMOF Syf u. Wi
r Ii iw- Mo t-•*■ . . *>o "
\•/iN i! . . “
I 4 * f**-*it 22*;Ih I hm In Trvr.
I li<• JO '? I*i ! in T'Mii.
f I.** lif t Allirool J4:>fin it* l
TH* ft* -wt f 2m v!i** i Ttwn
MELAM#HT*nd OttKAPB ft 1
S f EKL I’L'iWa iri T-mi
Tbr (beapem PLACE
In Town to lrty all aorta of giatds i at
JtOHINSON A. HHO, bareJiist receire 1
a large lot of MEAL at f! ( KJ ,jier bualml
While we were atterdlhg to our office
lutie* luM Thurrday—a little bird flew in
and a-outnl the -dike, we acppoae in aearcli
.1 Hie lamiiiar face ol the editor, but lad
i"g to find hi* old liiend flew out again.
Taibottori Standard : Jnt acre.** the
liver IrorA Taiixji, ir; L'pioa county, Jive*
C*>L Übirlea Dull gnon, colored, la'e of
bj aT) and other foreign r " fntrik The
Odonel hy actual count ha* lived a d*n'u
ry and a'jttarter Ujori till* vaie of tear*.
Ilia lormer ri.a-'< r, C -l. Ifuliiguon, who i*
re w dead, wx a witr ** to l,r* k;*” The
old fellow is a* agile aa a kitten now arxl
tread* tbe earth * ;‘b remarkable vig-.r
Or, :*M W<dr nday be w-j bapf red by
imr.erxi, n in K ;r.t It v*r, i.eving reeently
joined the fiaptmt church. A liiend ol
our* ia; [a -d to be pa-in;* tbe finf at
*)ie tiiuv and wltnefv;d tr.e norl rxxur
ratite, ,
M‘riwetlier ran boas' *fa more remark
ab.e color*-*! (*!:'. * man than Untie Chari* •
We ai!a !e to Uririe <'* McClendon, who
•avahewa? a b ody servant of Centra!
• itorge Washington. tier's says he h
ei, *i*n. Washington rot <fl the heads oF
o,n s at a *i->g'e t!o*r w ithoul eeu getting
s drop ol bfood upm hie sword. When
tUe sword was *‘.a i ’ecl by an ii! directed
blow. Kwa the dotty ol Guw to wipe oB
;be traitors hi e-*!. Giss is hale and hearty
and bids ftr to live a score or mere years
Ln k j ci p e who advertise sell at bottom
prices, bee whlrt RUE it- Mmue sar Hit#
week about low price*, and don’t forget
their mules, Mty ate hunyi-y. Robinson A
jjrownd W. C.Who sob are in the Wot lisi
also listen to Irhal tfP'y 'sT,' TTdrwrcft. Htty
Irmn our ndvertiaers and thereby help ua
l, i Y stop • ir t>iu-, our miiios netd corn
ire humray right rr You borrowed oar
corn, w netii it fight rune P.ense pay us
hat you owe by Pcb Ist, we are in wrs
is Jdo, El.u* Mi>>HK.
lXOOLI) CLOnil 'iW.
1 .un piVjini.e ! to do all k mis of i<*otk
in the Hub ol dyeing ami ropahin; Old
j cloUilajj,'hals sh ill betmjeto look
* almo-l as guod as tt.iv. Work warrant
j cd to give good a.Uul.iethm not and imaging
nor in* iring the goods, R'ing up your old
fade 1 clothes. This is the thing for hard
linn*' A’l prices leas nahle. Oft!-e liy
i I, l’envy's office in iJreenrPle.
Ohituahy Died in .Meriwether C • nn*y
on ttie 38*It t>( Dccerahrr lSi.'i, M 1 ,I‘din llf
Callahaui, at Ihe r 4 di uce ol bittjather-In
law, Mi, (leorge Cildwell, llis illness was
ol short du’afi'on, ffls ties till briny; good tin
Ii! D 'O.eudfr 2nd, when he had in ntlack
of pi. .slys a Mr, Callaliam mil TiooVto
-.VbNnrrdc-D-sSi-iw-H O mint
mined loikis si. ,ic in IS Id, imt eel'led iu
the tipper It'll Dlsti ic. ol this county, Where
he resided up to the time ot his do tilt.
ti it !y Ttl irtr hr —a ■tiled —hhosoff—ui tdoi
li t ti-1 Oiiti i'li, of which !;c was a worthy
and failhlul membei ;o the end. II ■\t, a
noble chTitian man, a loving I/uslitml,
iudu'gem lath r an l a k ..d iieiglihor, who
was ever reidy to inlp in every time of
Mul while we mourn his loss, wft rejoice
to know, thit he died m the l.iilh. When
(take La hot minutes liclore he died, il lie
wit* tiouhlid alionl SMylhii g, lie repin'd,
uotliin; hit my iittle elili.lren.’’ He wav
iat lonul to-llie !ud, was sensible ol (lie
••• ii tpp.'UAi h rii nti am it feitrlesi
.y. W nlr iiuiiaveinn; luitli in—hi* It,, local
!. ■i.
i lie was buried with Mis mic honor*. Hi*
| l-lovla! ia Uilrl w,* piei, ~p| by Ij, C
Horn el ay ol Meiioia
M,y (io,I, aiieiml w h se.throne lie Is te
v?-*’. ‘ Pt-w-at, h ,ivri| pietiad. un t t.lyiSs h<s
■ w lie and iddldien. and may lliey at last
:wi*ee. an unbi-ki'n lamrty io Heaven,
wio : i jail,- will 1,,, no nun o, * \\
A k—i-a.'i*pi p 1 ;’ 1 '" 1 ! iipoii a roll ot
. a.pidirigTn t’y tiiH ot Mr A K. Ildi *
resiil, nee mit town, Tiesdsy night, w.n
ho and. doir by ad ig A< dry
wa oniy pievi'iite lby jn > upt ly sniothtir
tug it with a rutppl,
i'koi.iim vmin: n.Mim
i OH V.
| I'li ('nth i-x !i 11iy . tlmr f and In. a I L
; l !}<• r I\\ u wi \ * rtfhin loin li.c chiihiiOii
Oijiivmy ilift* . $ ova from A
{ *' 14‘Ul-i Ilf ill Ame ,.y NV* lj'. 1 * 10
'*•• • l.n <0 mv• i \ hiinili. This <'y ,n
i<**k Ui** |H*nn mi n( (Im* H it*l'ny (4muy
f- i l-*ai yi-ti, lm flu? “gmt't*!. ymll M A
<• o h >, .on 1' iil \\ if'i n.* :ii 111<* () *l. hnr mom
Mt-u t44ii ti. Itu ml (Viml in v< h an * t f
iux iiiiarfLiiuj CD/o. if tin
wv m|{(! nl to If iaiM-lo (in* til.dlli, JA'of Ml
ii • i!* of lOf J fM)I)fU lo tfi* <r r i cmiii
HIM*; !mm4, fill i <'.| | lilt Vl* MM* Mil MH|(ii]>
4 VV •ft iMt .) I<r MivV. I ill ill Ml) A'M'.N 1
Vi: l -#'*** -T* 4.tul ;
*1 •Dl •*'') J.ri I nl ' ♦VI 1 y II lll'l' till fi\l*
f. ;.'Umwml4i ovi till*, will 1 mill •
•V* ry , t rp iy wm** jI * o'joo l*r t-OvlU^
uJ r ,
_)*!•* I Kir*, k hn<-i<-, ru.VI;
'• •• • |rw, "’O' Si,.TV, ffotrtr En-b
d l ' I' rc-iirs.ien* idle, i: tit l. —all *' I'll aaut
’•V 111-lit, til!*' 'rrnrwisr rl-MO'te’l I Will
1 y til'* I '■ ! t,; i\ li'ilgi lirdeia W ill tin M ill
'.y fcX|Tt‘ l eor!re t< 111. A -i_v 11 •• i -on lii, 1 g
'i’iiii n> fill Ik) ivortli wid Im lurniidm I
WII. I K i|\ (•• b'rw, W llil Ij t' I1 | 1 ill 1 m
Ilia' p. 1 p i- inny M.C It 'nm liUnihilk.
H'*d Unit. I.ilii tin: Mauler • I tut IU and
■> I nlMny I btillge i TliC Klt-llUi Klont
* ‘iiti ia tli*- iii .-.1 ►ut sl.i'iiorilv white yrtim
1 1 ' I liavi: i-vr r*•en t it'ie I 1 r;ri ily (tint
be it iela 41 ii'iotort ->!ehi .p> tin* at tik i
b ('(Hid ui/,. i| ena ai'nl tb it M tin: large-1
■in imy on* ainik , n1,., that J -elected IW
tu k (lull iiuki, ove( thtee btlaiiela ol
ahe.lei coin A, K.
Addrew 11 orib rto W. h 111 * I')N
i CUwUta‘l TiTTn,
Mr* a Mexico isidrw knock big at tbe dooi
*** ! b* niori lor rnl ne, o*i ns n Htate, u
bid bnviiig Imco introdm * i into tlit Senate
■hi Tutaday, f'lViog tbe pf >pl ol that ter
d'-ry tin privilege o| u con* itutlon
amt aHi Ac goto in n- Ut Wlierj adnfilte I
aim will In tin tinny ninth on the lie', lie
fori Hie year llrdr, WC elia i bare url le,a
than 11 fty IvnUr* n prcrcnio 1 in (Jongrcei,
toil poe-Udy n’vcta, more
fu order to introduce our Urj,. ,euclit
page. Illustrated Id * e ray 'iff. *f Win I ty'i ,tfT f
The .SotVKMB, we will seuil it *iri trial, six
ffioulha lor only O') cts., and to eicli subscri
ber we wiH mail, post paid lour elegant
Oil Oiion.o-, L‘Ui(! Ited i£i ling Hood. 1 be
Ciiildreti’a Hwn.ig Peak a b-o Motri
n's Voy. Tbeae picture* are not coni mo n
print*, but genuine oil ebromos in sixteen
colors, that are equal in spjieirance t*> fine
oil painting**. dust think <>f it—four fine
cbloinos aii*i an excellent literary paper si x
mouths lor #9 *;•. Iry it. Make up a clo b
l of fice subeftr iher* an*f we wiif sendy u ait
extra c<sy *or sik nsbntns and lour ex ra
cUroOios No dang* rof loosing you rincrr"
ry We fefer to the Post M .<rter, Bristol, us
to our resfionsibdity Uarh re*pnrc-d in ad
♦ No samples free. Agents wanted
l*i t ike subscriptions and sell our fine pict
ure*. From (and to $lO a day easily made.
Ad .rt*x.
W M Ii L itKOW
iW Mam M Hr islol, Tcuu.
Gassi A OaiSrT Bi.aikk. Oecsra! Oralit
•**: 1 <>i h:s tit outage, 1'47-i ; 1 icnew my pre
vi u rec tin neu iaVin to C tiigresi for gen
eral amnesty. The .*! imiter engaged ia Hit
late rebellion yet Itboriajr un ler diti'ii.ilies j
s ery small, but sitoug!i to keep up a con |
staol initaliou. 4o pjjsibic danger can
acciuc k> tbe government by
to eligibility to holj i.fDce,
I,rgislaiive ftlfwv.
rgnnntU'ir BiarmnTtoTctTdo rcemsaler the
bill to pntilled "ai; act to jiruyide for the
adjusimeut ot the lights of panic* in cases
whrmjHopeirtv which Ims been act apatt.
Under the homestead and exempt Ida laws
o! Itiis stale has heretoluie been sold.
Senator Biance ma ic an earnest argii
ntent in review ol the lull abd to prove
tiiat ths l.Aw. undsi a recent decision ot the
supreme court, would hr rfnility, and
work the .prostitution ot i court of rqni y
to the ot tl- women ami ehlldten
of ihe state,
Semtor Peavy urgiied thitt the objec
tiouis .if lltesenator from the Thirty Eighth
were iml well htff*i, Ttie decision of the
supreme emir| |a (erred to was grounded
noon the tact that Uu> existing law jirn’vid
log lor the sale of homestead? had no pro
vision requiring tUe inYcairaent <>t tit# pro
eceds in another homestead ol like eharac
ter. Tilts net pr.vvTMed only fur the pro
tection nf those honest men who had !a
--1 Imre I Itard and bought tlterb a homo, by
pmting the fir lecofery in a court ut
equity whore the purchaser may allow
that the purchase money went to b.ty an
other homes'ead for, or was spent tor the
henrtlt ot, the family from whom till*
i.oui. uffd w,u s i aw iv
A liill to repeat an act t.v amend the Con
sdtutnni-lkthe Stnte t>V, the snhjert of ihe
fedu. lion of the homestead and exempli, if
Saws, apyiroved TVnimy 3Eh, It<7d.
This hi!l having been reported bek to
tliii Hon e by die Judiciary Coinmiltee, Io
whom it had 1) en referred, w ith the recoin
mom!,.lion "that the sums do net pa-s,”
Mi McKinley, ol llihlwln, moved to disn
greo with flu- i .poll ol Ihe Cm it mil tee.
Till* led .pllle a s iliited diseussi ill,
participated in by Mi. Speer, ol Spalling,
Mr. llibb, Mr Warner, ol Mori
wether, Mr. f.awtou, of Chatham, and oth
em. The nature ot IIP? bill involves funny
fntrical and q iesti inutile points. It pro
pbWf Tn amend the -4*-ottmlli.Ht oil IbL
s*tb|e,4.ig the homcjleild, ledneil' : ll |ro*ji to $1,00) In order to nm. inl ihe
ConstitUfhm, it Is neceKsiirys t!iat Ihe pr i
posed atl#n Imiiit should piss by. at two
iTiTrds vote ot tw-e-tnreiaissite le gish.tnies,
and then be r ilifted by a vote ol the
'The amendment above referred to piisavd
the last se.ssfmTof the legislatuTe by the ye
quisile two thirds vote, ami In that stale it
was sought to lie ie,.ealrd .
Werner nt MenWcther, attd Lrwbni nl
t’hatham, l;o Ii look ttie gioum) that ih*
House lisd lio mltlioiily to entertain the
1)111, and alw in idi spV;i:i;iier; io anew et to
Mi, li.iSOi: ? argument.
On ttie question ol In tliei or not the
House had tlr.r riglil which wu Hubmllled
In it by tile H *aki , In enUslder till) hill,
II mui o!
unys, wliieli e iil was auvt ilnf'it ami I
suited yeas 71 nays nil.
The Vtrwebirigtoii et.iit *|Mnttb lit of a l.mi
ierlllo exchange raya Mi, Hill is bunked
lot a aptyet) In i eaiieniilnl lull.
A uuuilrer ol Iniuliiig rliTijtbera we at" work
tn Brett re n* iitte-n n volt a, |um,i
trio b*r tiro in< aaniu At pies.nt, owing to
the row-illinmil oce laioii I by llir’dclmit of
Urn uui ncAy bill, many ot the ifiemitcr* from
rloorflla, Ttfgblla, Kuuliicky an I iitbora
win tea drcoird rbcTl pufjeike ro vATtiii "tlrfp
i eg a 1 ii • lint Mi. IT j i tin Wl>> Ik n grind J Mgr
or Hi e* lioutP, f ronlnletil that the bill wil
!> • - Jc '
Til*' followiac c*r.| lion tli; e)i tl-iii in ol
the Hoard ot Tt .n't-1* ol tha alatr II urmai
Mr Lbiroii —in a recent i*n to of yo'm
journal, |*e oh *rve an editorial ntating tlmt
iiiin rre 'jnlur')ial)lc to the condition ol the
1. ivßrrftty of Oeorgbt eati*r.:lilly with rof
CietieC to |ta r'laeiplior, In I re n lie ! yon
We bug lenvr lo aiy licit nothing h 1 ‘>-
cm red ta tile present colhg at< year which,
aat all uo in tlie l,ito y cl colic.'ck
conduct of lU men ha*
1 c n ao exemplary llial rjo ea"C d'd acip ino
has heart iici ess i /,
We ffriie yoirunTTrttrT-H-jM*m :e that
you wotil l not i'ltentionally >Jb inJuaticcTo
tlie L'nirc-rtity
Hy order ami tu bc-hftM of tin Frudafitial
Ww. L Mjtcnk il., Chairman
Athena, (*
Tba honae by a role ol 112 ycun to 17
naya refuted to impend tin* rule, 1,, p.tas n
reHolution iuatiueting tlie committee of:
ban-ire; and currency W, report a bill lor
the rc|K*i! of the rcanmpL'm ai;t pnaaed l>y
the la*t crju-rca Meiara. H'.ount, Cook,
Felton, HitTrU, llArtri'lgß, Hill arul Smith
ruled x. favor of aurrpending tlie rubs. Mr
OandJV vote ! ajaiunt ijaf ending the rule,
l iie r dc of our delegation very thirty rep
ret :nt the pro|K.rt! ,m ot public acfttiineril
on tbe (jiioatlon in the slate.
Toosibi —ln his recent Sfiecch, Mr
Blaine made the lollowjng reference to
(ten Toombs : 1 uudersialid tb it Mr.
Koltert Ti.oriibs lias made sjx-cial loa*t
at av tfertog place** iu th's country and in
Eui ipe tnst h<* v.'onld ■ • v* r ask the Unite-1
Mates lor citizenship. Vciy weii ; wo cin
stand that quite n .wed as Mr. Koltert
Toombs. -[Laughter.] An-1 ii Mr. Robert
Tooml* Is not prepared to come into the
United Hutes Court and swear that he
mean* Ur he a good cifz-n, let him stay oi.l
I do not think that ought to raise
itself or tit resolve itself into a Joint coni
uiittoe t*t embrace Mr. 1 totter*. Toombs,
gu>hingly,an*t l-6g him Utlioucr and favor
us by coming track.
There ct-.-i he no question that fteu.
T't*tintt tikes prfie iti itcing in-*ng the
'outlawed, and promptly envies Mr. H*vis
ti e prominent honor nought to be confer red
on him by Mr. LSlkine H iilaiue it tiie
type of ‘a good citizen,” Toombs can glory
iu dediaiu; to Vi keep hit comj/a iy.
Hobinson &. Br o ’m
Pntim (JuuuK.NT; —
liRKKNVfM.R, Tla . )
En 3XI h IS7O j
Calicoes sto S cts
Drown Shel ling—yd wide 10“
Drown Shit tins! and “
White Dsnahu'gs. 12j to 15 ”
Troup Factory cheek? 15 “
(leorcia Cheeks ... 134 '*
Troup Factory Yarns $1 25
bleached Homespun—yard wide JO it?
Hrmiiteville Cot. Prilling ... 12* t*
Kentucky Jeans ... ~ .15 to ffti *
Men’s Ibogans ... $123 Io $l5O
Coates Thread 90 cl* do*
Women's Kip Shoes SI.J3
Axes $ 1 00
Erabe Chains ... 73 e.ts
riuw Liues.A.' . . , , . . Hit
Iron Bound Haines ..73 “
Rest Rm Cofleo 35 eU
White Sugar . 121 ’’
llrown Sugar It) '• **
Rest English Pods M “
C. ll Hides .ft “
Deal Lard ..........’777. .. .17 *'
!\ennes:iw Eiout Choice ...$l!t(l ewt
Meal ... $| un
Choce New Orleans Syrup ...,H3 “
Fair Ne>v Orleans Hyrup 7? “
New Orleans M Passes'. ...... 50 “
White Wins Vinegar 40- —ft—
Ainos’ LII Shove's ... $l4O
Nails-All sires ft* “
Alest Parlor Afatelies. ...... IIH “ U-'*''
Itabirts Bstf -Fotssh-. .■ ~.-r ~1-5
Hama String# 10 “
We hsve just reemvcl a LAUUK lot of
Full I'apris id .3 eta a piipnr. Every
paper ’arianted Ere-li anl ilenriinu, and
Io contain as much as any to bn lumuljih
(Ireeuville or els-wherc,
ItfHtl NSfiN A HUO.
Tlio holel al Grant vilte cant# near liaing
i> true! Mm lay At four n’ctneh,
isAtne nl the Hands ou tlie np h eight train,
w hit h had slopped lli"ie, * iw a (lie ea (lie
rool ul mi ellot Hie Inm-e. The.a*arm was
soon given and tire ili pntuut; Tim main
put ol ihe liot' l it two stories high, and
ilie nil only orn , ttie tire was found at the
-idwce where tint ell joined the main MntlliT"
[iug An e vain Inal toil ol the roof wliare
the (Ire was, discovered si pile of kindling
wood , ami the well rope broke w hile Ihe
tincket was first being let down ami il was
supjiol. and to liavv l)eep cut by the one who
kindled the llru, I lie u: tai ls pi duly slinyv
I .trend; in on due ItoHd is owned by Dr
W C H null, ami kept by Mr. F, F. John
A Cn vic.niicnt Siiiismt: tic -It ii re’a
t* lien Trt*Tt Brhool r x'iiiiiii'tikui a elripy
man iita c a Uriel iidilreae to hi* pupil* on
'ln* neie ity ol olHiyiiig their (giti licr anil
glowing Up an.r u*e|u| eltlXfiii To
siitplinai/er the lunotik In- pomlcd to a huge
I n'Mnl 11-tyi ajiruail un on* aide ol Ihm-rrrOin
ami ii.i| ilietl, Hoy i, whit M that ling lot?
A i.t:i' liie.liiu, W'.rnnt.ritnod the rrrmil
lioii ol tin hoi.Mj I elier than' tho apenke,
very pniniptly answeie I, "l'o hide the illit
1 hare ia > and ttwral nttnohsd to that
fno radical rgpiibii :an* have no-d Hid old
tli ■ ip hid'* tlicir illll, and it,e people alioud
rew b tinier of the t.'tllon finni its
iiiiKitvery cm|ilotmeui at their iiuinla.
I'ue cent* n iial uppi ~.nation hill hi cm*
io have her ii Ici.Tiy otiarnirtild ill it, paaaage
\ cl r .)' n i r On i i-pli Llainc, ol .M oi.e.
Tho Proftont soAnon
has Tin svm.wn a?
V/. O. Qholovn’s „
And I'ltiC .-l loi which they will be rwtld :
Hii .Ired ii me I “in 00 ui LuGningf) I
r l7imO l J ric;t3
with freight paid in advance O').W cotton
option lot
nji -r I'nosphstc ol Iprne rime Price 00 00
r ollon option 154
Acid I’ti'ispliu*: Cash 49.0 hin LaCainge
1 into liuight m a Ivan*--- ok 00 No option
Ntttps 2C(‘.quirod
*Vit:r ljtfiioo* i*r dciiicrcl. Kluc<*tl
‘.ii/iu ir.'df* %iv*n wim iiu* c/tto.i ojniocj.
Tucv; arc first claso fertil'zers
100 Tmw
bj m% lat nc-i fttn arid cliVcf fully paid
Monroe I>vi*laon And A F Hill of Mer
wclhcr County, Who have u*ul them.
173A HM BRB CANNOT find a H-Hje .
I plaeoto store their eoUouthwri ft L
Uliolsoii N#w Railroad
Charge* < feen'frf
Month *
It will in* weighod on fits IISIT Fsif
hanks Seals*.
Farmer* ran buy their goodkOitßAP
Ton can find a lull stock of goods, consist
illg of
i bw,vti, coffkk. RTRirr.
I tuoacco.candles, mmp;
HUo'ts and SHOES,
Lsrga Assortment of CHECKS
and OSNAUURUH, and in fact
o v a r y lh i u £ found in s first class
(ironery Btoi^e.
Him isl inducements to all CASH buyers.
I will always buy your Cotton at III#
I most respectfully solicit a call from air,
Very Respectfully,
12 Cfcromos and
y “Onr Own Firohide’'
for One Year For $3.0 •
FOR $a noA Y EAK*I
FoR *aoo a YEAR I
FOR #2 <H) A YEAR ! m
Hubacrlber* ol Oui r>wh Flrealile, desiring
ajjmmmr-wtni eyerj* p|>ef, will reoeire
U) Minin upon the payment of $ii.UU, ia ol g| 10.
l h*Ke ciiromon are lurgci and of a better
Ita-iB lli'in Hi"’# i|ke,l by other publitber*
and every one north more than liiw auh
hi i ipihm price.
Hatnplu mtnibtr ot the pe|x i with aample
Clin,mo, aunt to any addrcaa npoti receipt'
ol Xi i nnu. Addrcaa,
17H William St., N. r.
Flower 1c Vegetable
ate the treat the world prediice*. They
are planted by n million |*:ople in Araerkce.
and tlie leault is, beaut ijiil Flr.weix and
•plemlhl Vegetable* K rrififed* Catilogue
aeut tree lo all who cnbloM the (X>alsge—•*
'i cunt atiunp.
Flower & Vegetable Garden
i the moat tioautlial work of the kind ts
the world. It contnlna nearly ISO psces,.
n,ii,died, ol Hue illustrations, sad jvmr
Chrmtio I‘o,lc* of Flyuert, IrrautHully draws
andWndorrd trom nature. Price DA cUI
paper Corel* ; OA*emit, Imnirnl Is elegaal
Vlek’ Floral (jilgt,
Tlii* n; * licautllul (Quarterly /mifoal,
finny illualratsd, and conUioiug ss ele
gant odored Frontianiece witli the Aral
number. PricA*. only $3 ct. lor Ute year.
The Hint No tor I*i7fljual i willed. Add re**
JAM EH VICK, Rocheeter, N. Y. .
Grand Turkif b
• >5 =
—A ND—
Uorm-r L-iyd and Vs'an aUces, Opposite
Passe i gor He pot, Atlanta, Ga.
Tbe hath is the most
and greatest Curative and Preventive of'
disease ever discovered.
lieaides the hath I uae, when neceeary
Electricity !
the ‘Mov* meut Cure, aud . all tbe •Water'
Core Processes amt the flygientc Keatediee
No one Bhnuhl Hespair of Relief until Try
trig theee, for the effect* are truly Wtoder*
Open from 7 a is, to 0 p m. Ltdhl*
Tucaday* aud Friday*, 10 to 13 a 18.
Hygienic board—Ditectione for treat
meut at Home.
No charge for office coninltation.