Newspaper Page Text
lhacuig the little hats u i in ir-ittr,
Ready fir church on 'U: rn mo#
li'iOW ,
Wailiing wee taco and little him k
Getting l!i';tn P id} Nod ff to V • ki<: ! ,
Patti I? Uj' Ht int ' 11-. in :•
White ■
~ TrfiSt “t wots* til rHi-i(=*;*• .Liilg
flpytnz tut It'll' • ifi ill'-' little WO.'II hone,
/„ay isi-jf ly lmos that are warn til. - !:.'
L lo'nitii' o'<;i ;; tiffiClH* i<> fvfed :>n4 tb-m—
- butt'll *• (ov'-i.- it li.ok i 'll*
dial in v lint rt.i/.liris eri-iii„i;..; u r, j it.
(.'ail big Hi ■ li'li'- coo nil r -nr, i Iter cli **-
-rife*£gg-aM ist. bitllHlif.-i-tvlt ■ j.
Ti lling Uiiutrslofi': -"! >■ '<l K
WllO loyrn ri gaßirr •• ! moist 1U JLa ho .
Water, mg', tit**/ I i*.i.ii ”.’-li i liil'l i*. i 'lft
TTiirfS* trtnrtTnrTrtTrnrT^n — ---i-ns in-fdrehV
( Vci l.lfttf HO C'.l’jy 'll I ft 1-e II I I*t | ' Cjt,
Af'.4t>! fIS Uttji! 'lit ' •* VC aalanp--
AnaUiUk. to iuT-vV ll tills GiUiJieil .in war'll
Tucking tfw WBfe;-'-mcw4 v-o iit. -
fbrrn j
K lining evil iilllo f"-, rnv eii I In i ;;M
'f Iml I* wbttU uiotfici
Km I' inic die.! ll I'l l , I.< ■I . 1 Hi< ■ .
In and,
Ismjy iuJTTiii i kly e.'.u n-.w <. '.n i.
Pfaylnj i
•<i®d guldo end It''* ,' Ilii-m linni
*itilalt l.iiini i.
copy the |iU<MtlfK Irtißi one of •
_ngftt_tiHglilei)'. iiiitnw eoi.ii imul*, t)i
mnKr good TSTbonia no I !• .ic< In e, ll,rn ,
llicire inoyry ill* !'- in ji|.ij,i iiliini 111 !! •
labor ; Icsss latmr is Wetiti .l Iver, itihi ■
kept in t i Iciw tlin'' 14 went' >1 , more in c I
t© the acre, bc*tb Hi i■. 1 I. i , ; L
jrtift.l in wit k ■[it jn wo: f) ,it !( -.V, .11. | .
Jrct nil till! Hmn ntreii {•..•' m • >i| i
There I* not so n,u< Ii fear hi n 'll'■ '/i,i ill
Uie weiiUinr.
Thorn' let no littieh in i.i,l t • h" [m l mil
ti"tntpJr'nmb>. O*** win* t.w.:
buyn tilin' In n'ii'l m and ioi;.' •Hn i, W", I
A spittll horse It nnn < 1 11 1- < I I ** ■'
on n tnnll Ini ill l* al way* t>u hr I hn wa,
jn acaaon.
Olte rm nmnll f innn Ini <n nl i t *v> '
five iwrau.l l*unn lor iifotll.
(I time* are hft•! *lo(i your |ni[>rr, hut •!"
tint ahnilnn your nllownm i * lor whwki-y
and A jji,!!:! pH|iei In linliy a
front roiufnrt tn a w Ite mi'l chlhlrpn, mil
tin; anitrro nf great tmprovrmrni mol i i Ii
Mtttinn ; hut that I* no reitaon why you
ahuuhl pmvide thrin with wrukly luxury
at the oxpermo or n dally nmi xity.
IxOntwitlr 1 i 1 1" ioi anii ’ try a row h
a fnuhloimh'e liomitliif hou*i>, A tr.>rdrr re
iUHII to cilln i pay lu* hill, or y., ntt iv u i
111 the mouth lor wlih li hr had hargnii id
hal oiplrrit- - The ianJUdy wa tn;d hy
the Uwyrra that tin* nniry w n not hupil
ly dtir nr 111 the rod ol Ihr inoiilh, nnd
that aha umot Ji|S6| tyi part oi ihl cnniraci
Imfor* nhoendW nth! hull. Kim in vL
the cnae Into her own linn ’■, ynt —dntnp
aheefeefi tlfi licit, fed Irm mt Hie poo' -.1
vianda, am) pnl a whlninir puppy In Ihr
room next to lik. Hr nlic tlid alter thru:
♦lay* of endmanre
l*B, are you lit favor of the Bible in pub
Hr school* ? naltsd a Wot Mid,' yoiinfater
at the hrcokfnt table Ihr other n, niu.'
Why, of roular, I ant, ro|ionJr,l tin''o r,
plrnsed that uch n i l<nportaut ut p" l
aliouhl rngifX'the uttcniion ot i, * y-mth
ful oilkpi inf. \\ hut inako yon n*a *urh *
quealkm, my non? O, nothing, njolued the
young hopetijl, only I though I you Wn-n'i
ft* had oho at homo. The inch
in dodged hut wasn't ijuh k rnoiigh.
Haro on Kiktohs. So n alter Chit I
Justice Chare nranmed the (luhrrnatorial
clinli in Olna, hr ik?"ed hi* proclamutioti
appointing a'l hanksyiving and iv. To make
sure ol bring orthodox, the (Jovcrror com
posed Ills proclamation almost entirely ol
passages from the Bible, which lie did not
designate u qiu iidh ns, presuming that
ovciy one would rccognmiicm, and n l
mire the fitness ot the words as well as his
taste ol selection. The proclamation meet
ing the ryo of n Democratic editor, hr
pourc*i\ at once upon it, and declared that
be bad read it before—couldn't exactly say
where —but would take his oath that it was
a dtiwndght plagiarism Iron, begining to
end. That would hsve '.icon a pretty good
fair joko ; but the next day Republican ed
ikor came out valiantly in defence ol the
Governor, pronounced the clmrge'libcHouv
and challenge any man livinc to produce
erne single line of the proclamation that
bad appeared in print bcfie.
Tm? > r\inKU On*.—Tho singular piop
erties of tbe number 9 are well known i>
■rllhmstici ns. The fviilow iis*£ is one >1
the most interesting. Il ilii* cardinal num
bers from 1 to !) inclusive, omitting 8, tie
u*ed as ii multiplicand, an.) any mho of
them tnulfiplied bv 9 lit' : ( 1 ismi
er, the result will present a succession of
figures the same as that multiplied by the
0. For example, il we ’wish a series of
fives, we take 5 tones 9, equal to 45, tor a
, 4 5
493S 3 7 1 C
■* 55555 55 5 5
A similar result will he obtained by us
ing >ll the other numbers, including 8 (72);
the multiplicand
'i ~■l . t :',<rilr- V':rg, :11 say- 1 v*ili : V
H- ,ry ( lay lie., !,.s preo -.t t.ic ,u.'!l to
; tix L. ; o. j '.tb--. >--• •• ■ some years
, ■ ; !i P. Wrlu-rn \ •:
, .preaching • a church i:u*
nl a low i,i; leak <i oiit fa nnoTut, ills, tvu*
• !,)w l hy the ii tMiii-i in nl hi* i.ofigr
StAiil.-l : 11. .il'cv'- i .’ .1 i;{ I' 1 .-- ! .and
' . -II "A ill C'l'OV .. Ill' . * . O'- •'
vor/ difliriiH Pi ; -u ii . *hu ihl-l ■
t. .* !. S. ft to I It, < , tlh i I
.. o . . than . • , b*
• -i i . if ' to is k ;i,s.k
.< r Tl ~--Ti'-'.T~^~rpr--... ,~t fh —o-i. 1:y
- ... until :II l; :*i V; ;11llt5 -' t
Ibid,"‘ i**i* ' r *i -r. While tbs'
b, .• : . .1 ■ , i in k *
- • ‘ ■
Ill,! i . r ;•Ifio '< mol- .
j - .i- *.o V '
in other I Alio t .o.Hf -Hill Miogf. • I
y.* -,f, :.t . i . ■: / ■ ;•? •"
rr; n s* • *; A—.— ‘.U- u ii-
W? 7-. it Iv,. ' h*t '>*. f lh,h'\
V.i -r\ i -'i n-.i-f *'■ ''f i ; id r
#<>* llUMtfd l‘* I iirit*
Ii l!.<* <■{■’•/ V< •' H V fi. .
r u JTif 'A u* '• /7|7-J'.7T; (lit j a:fi*f. J7~T7T ~jrrt ”7
lir+M- • • Stf ►, i'Uf in }:ir • fiift A'i.p
1 h* ■< 1 • ( : ?
: \tf ff I'll I ; ;: I ' ? •In thv ‘ *?• ' ; ;*
(f it .hny Vi ill /, tt I ii (>hdl iU*/ ft ti t
ifm da)
if Ji I ill. Ir t lir h ;■ -I t >t ■ !■
fljft'il Ilf l.'-M hj'T .%: 1,1 il l' ' I . I,f ;
ni iwiM tfV in; l.t w\n a h‘ -x ;,y n-,/ 5
vltOt.j t‘# ] iis t. • .ft ' I
rjown *1 r nf •{ '■ -ri ' i >i y . !*■ *•
liUriy h* ill •''' It''* w<s; '1 it, f 1 ;?
yo'i I !|‘ . 1 v T7.k n ■* I t T /•!!. '.'|T • "
fi >' f iilT ii TiTT fl li rTTTTWTTrTTT- r•“ 1 :. • j ,
ih If . j-;> l' . -a. • ?;.• ! :•."! •• *
fi-iuy <1 y f - • in i< , # >' ■
1 I ( j f! I
ii ti) ! f,f < ! * H y ti ' . ■ 1.
nr llfllj Vi ' U' nf :■ r U>, - V. life
"ft >!■ i in,' ii' a f 1 " ■. t i ! —t-,!. . t~.i-Lk.A-:
i,, ' :
‘■ki Kti! in evU if*- in;* ‘tirvtii mih-ii*
viiiitii _if ii'- jt •• v < ! i i-i >
|till' ' ■ln: i<l A!n ‘i J.< na > i < ii *i, *' ! •
y\ ill) ;:i I ! in '*! ■" * 1 'n V, ! * i-t
, -ill) -i i> ■ v wlti *' i-' ■*f >* J i " ■'* >j- -ti
'r”'i < ' >'■' \ '■ ■ i tT ki—
f> t iit ff t I wlf]• n Imf*r• r \ft i ii
M ) fill-. | r.'lirv, .}n,;i 't .1 'i: !,••!.
A iit < fil *r n|n 1'4-*? !*i ' ‘1
T 4 !oiu< ‘,v!*Mt nl’ * i Mtiif ’. i ‘.v i
Jtcrfcf |t Imvr f! '! n . I: ■ *r-** •. ♦> !t
--pi}!)Vi .!i Hi it w 'k , I Mil H vi ’rrl *U>i m ;•. •
V rntr ( thr %\r :] H~ tf* •
< k hini If, f l.f* | i'i' M- r v t*f ‘ I, i-ii'l
a•’m rnnlintfl v < lit* r ! "4 of ’
,1 Isi ltl I ■••Tr'JTT tt-tcrj>rn>"
Tilt- IJir:il llVCltll o| I lie
romin;’ Vriir
N u maiuur * in.Uy j|, ■ I ! wrli- :t n
ITi - jTfffr r —h
riilcil'iln 'ii'X v !-.!■ T nnv I uii .!••, mid
-kJ.'- l.aal 111 nil nl'll lit lQ[-kn tin
admitt< dIII I, there iirr lion nd ■' in. 11 M’ l
-•••I- - |u| • til.- ! ■ • .■:
I'rrlnp* !■" y' r nil li' i 1 Ii -i i ri ill •
tint uni Thi lllltlg I"• : than Will I ■
yi’nr 'I he I’m -i Irn'.i il on
lil, tin.’ <ln lir i nnii'M' '!■<■ .in, Ur-* * '••n
iftnnlil isd i !• tram
A* in tin' pi- t, i'i m II I- Inlurr, to*’
liW'lh (* >ti-lit>l ‘i• i-i 1’ i1..ia|i...l .it i>,<. ii,
itiil •>! till' il I I In l I■ ■ i’ni"si in 'll"
('ll I "lll*' ;nl t'. Ni 'V , I’- I l!( il, t'-.'i!
lin n i 11, A'.iinillmil, K*' i •mm, 1.-. i
Uirt’* Hinl Ci'mti niii n* V Rctm i i.vic
Jouriun, it is Independent nl nil 1 s'. .i!
or Personal L lbn iiM *. find is I' or t • i!t
volt' ilsrll to tin- Hod Islricsli i>l tln> |Vo
Jilt’ll (I' "f In and the S-nitti It i*in■ •i p
led llnoiurl'oul IK'' Union it tin* iCt'i'ri'si n
I-litre Piper "I the Stn'n. Ti'.i't.'nn rtitittion
i?• kilo iv uUs ll: l’o'p * Paper It lot
attained n jir.aijn rily as such second lo no
/'-’As I! Ii V* afa :
rpntwmyitf Hiliti.-V oi l I.ii'Tirv I’fAiiintr,
Gepfrnl NiAt *, Sioi-irt, I’.ii try, ll ii'.vr, ati I
Prnci inl lu!iriiirtiion. ii is popular in
ninny Stale*. Additional features ,)l inter -
est Imre been lately added, making il a
slill more welcome visitor lo every home.
The Constitution, having heflti the mem*
nl opening uji North Georgia to the people
of this country as never before done, is now
organizing nn Kxpeditiou for the Kx; ! r.i
lion o| she groat Okefi in kce Swamp, the
term ineogHita o| Georgia. Several months
will l>e devoteil to the work w hie Infill !>e
o| service to the Shale, anil mark an era in
its histoiy. uUscri|di< us should he mnih
at once to secure full reports of Shis K.xpc
ill ion, which will furnish most valuable in
: tornialion ami rich aiiventnres.
I A nnrkcil feature of The CimstiUUion
will la' its Popailmeilt ol Humorous Red'd
i g. ami seaclcii. No pains w
be spared to make i*. equal in this respee
lo any newspaper in the country. In lire
the Grave and the Gay, the Useful and, the
will he presi ti ed to its reail
less, Upuu_a,U'.isii oPteyUKjUfJttSßStity* it.
will lie able to fully execute all us under
. takings.
st B-cKirn ix rurcK
Tiie Daily C 'nstiution is furnished, pos
tage paid, at *lO fit* per annum, ft m) I t
s \ mouths ; |2 05 for ttuee months ; 100
tor one month. The Weekly Constitution
made up troiu the Daily, is a Mammoth
Sheet ol FORTY COLUMNS; price, in
eliidiug postage, $2 29 per annum ; $1 00
L for six months.
I Sample copies scut free on application.
- tieorg a.
Sottfko-Pir Mu-ip
llOl’Sfv. '
K > A Hi: i'JAXO-i.
<, i)i.HAN I’lAN'oH aM
$;-yi, i-'r-'/'i, an J ft® ttAA'/f.
f> f! N s .
A. Warrftn
1 ...m.*f; a xsIL
Pi:B !■■ -
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A*. I,' b i fiA i.,r
r>‘l'tki a I I MbfruGi tats.
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Al l /I O/l AT I (7 1)1,1)
I IKK. IN -l H \N( K ’'l I’AN V.
dp liftv riiltvr f'-'.'tnp •'*** *•
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old) .11, VH.ItV art I'AVt'Y KTOIIK
t)! ! ,C.range, ♦! - •
My Kt MV, ml will keen tllri]
hand at <m,d ! srand. Fast si tr rvt
lie public wjttare, a g<>' ii* •
wt;t.i rru -i . x .-r
Omsiv.'itig, H nart. ot
l#~ COLD and SILVriH Watches,.Jß
Stem and Key win lers.uf the best make,
bp’endid Gold and Suvc: Ugai. i:,
til ad styes, tr.akets and prices
|' !old Fens and all kinds ol bolder*; bolt!
; Silver A *tel S.ieodljtes A E\ e-GUsses.
SilvcT Plate .Waie
ot ali k!nd> and steles;
I’ocket. faille ( tith’rr. A Rato
by the very rej< vi;< ! •. .’<ers. It >SEPi ,
1 am Hill repairing all goods in my line
T o many citizens *4 Mci wether an 1 and
i unties luce tested my work to
reiptire a word from me a* to the Chirac -
ter ot it. I will, however warrant ali usy
work, if properly used, as 1 have always
done, and respectfully ask a continuance or
the patronage l have received froth my
.friends in Meriwether
] New P'uiiiture
: —'•AT—' - .
) .
Beeks Sc Wrutoomb’s
Furniturc Waxerooms. *
V ■ 'fi- j 1 -*1 r * i-.- t/t y :. ■
: < '■ r __
I >* >j i it .~;i i< • Go< >■ i-~
i >-n I • v i’ v
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Our til’ircjiidc
kiii- i-- ■■■,'■ ' - ■■ -r 5
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|bi i <• i*i a- Tu !■-,.•*' -> *
hr -air: t - p*v , *n -1-.
.'I k.. * - -a . 1 fi I'roneaiu
I,V ■: V .m * y *. ; ’ll-
Our Own
■ roiUK-H
K* It ITA KA-i!!"N Alii It :.!■
r< *;t II- Ml-' kl.l.A'v’i
fob rr-* ;i"> -i.ii'U.d m: \ ■
\ Our Own t irosiflc
l‘l! tV. on St,, S V
• vs- %- it _ r i\vsF.r.* WxTr> If*
r"’fable li sir"-- man will ;d the
ageii.-v to control •an rawer* In ,th : s r
>, w will put lo* name lo ti.U >.!" -e
liar* m ’ give him spoetal ir dueemerd# t
ad as our agent.
\ Chnmuion Printing~Pfr given ?-r a
<.’ sof IP subscriber*. Send 3e it amp for
sample paper. Adores#,
Own Fireside
N >. 17*' VN *iim. st ,N. V
f* TI VM PION Tl e lht P" -- • Mi’-
For mrlmpre-si n r rrTe*
PP’NTKIiS, lup true, even an I ft< in
Wl SINF.SS M n i am! cannot spring a par
AM) i Ucle
AM A 1 UK' i i* '*-• "f
If I-arget S>.-s S' 1-1 kieg.
Job Type for Amateurs
Of Every Descnpt n.
A nd Ten cents tLr pamphlet
.V - ires* M L. HUM 1" V
174 \V. h*a*S;, N. I.
-w. ■ *•*'_- . I
Darwin G. Jones,
1 31 BROAD STUFF r. Atlanta Ga.
Wln\e Wine Vine jar Cider Vinegar and Wbita
(ider. Be*i •teutUrd food# and \owmt “ e?
i Wevhmted -
_ X K \\_ J !•; w >•: i. R y
GX-iGCIyS' 7srTg, the-with a Urge stuck of Fin
33} ur NSW,' '• m wins Diam mis. Jewelry
Y ' 7. ". ". . . CL .it K'SR ,:if's L ii-keik'll.-acelew,Buttaa. Charm
da'v tJr't KS a etc . a the very lowest price*
■fj i 1,01 Ii 4 • > i>r ca*b, cun be 1 med at
M:.? ks low.™s jewelry whs
Office ”... ti.o.'KS) East Side, lliU Hreet,
I. - . _
Kucnea .... 7 I. 1 '■ £ ' GKIFFIN GEOieIA
Cudmo .. i ?, K. K'
Mmt’e '•'.."UEtr
xr ’I * •. - Ilia u 9 * 'lir* VC** tO h'AYf VOilf A AICUiIS
a ... i:. ... o > CU.Ls and Jewelry
• . 'A - ... 1 I- ' . . a
A* iiuvea C~1...
V •- .. u.. . ‘ • IV -k .-k a j l
t'', ■ acted. Kraetnberthe plaee at
;7 , X f* l** 4i Jm LOWEU'K
... i U" KK , .
FA LL .\ N1 > W iJN'XER
•'K '
... ' /
._ ■ ;,r .<• :. -. .... i' rr. ArTt Arrt~ iR. itoitt’s Wnibiing
A V r.S'iii A r.SW AEi> t-ELfX i'ED OF Z
I> f Y ( .• .
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Notions, Ciothluig r Boots, SuotOjilata, Dresd-O^oJvl*
i i. _i f 1 v k ) /- ! Ii S'/ • Jl I A* U O O‘J Jf s
-i, . i■ . t . r, i . ' * vtk - f<Timr>m i erprtw <rr ii
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■a;tr a* ‘ 1U f< -a u ; "'-y oi a*- ,i! jt/'>uag< which it TANARUS
>, • l ■ wi!' re*-; re. Some new feat- res w : he ;r,tr<l'jre.j whab will add greatly to
the iaierest ol t e
L( X 'A 1. I HbPALiTMENT. "
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Ne w m!i i k w * iaj to the offi e fr< <n time h> time, which wiU itnpror* ihe
As- -La ,-e r, isf ■co prt raieed fr ir. • ■■■ . rg hienda of 1 'crary n.rp'. who will d# if t i!-J iasttuet nr re . i'-ra. With * •'ex*rd rna : fac .ii *we shall he able to
_ive the latest new -up to the tin eof sp i:tg to press. The legal advertiscrnentj of ih
c : u - v w tat .-t:■lt jri -fed ir if VISI'H AT( S R, s *d| *t m *<e< irt < f
.p : itt eve s lranpiriaff iu tiie coitn'y. Many h:nd fritoi)# haveentonreged u# Iba
pvt y. ir : w they Ind a helping hand at the beginning of the present voiame. Th/
VINDICATOR ;s est ihiishcJ u; u a firm basis,
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The circulation o{ the paperis far in advancacf what if was .ast year ; whi not e*<do
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