Newspaper Page Text
Oftc* *cLb Ma af th* Court Uoua
U<n r AAvertHiwtf.
Spaci 11 wV 1 4 wk! S swo ,O mo t\■ s>
1 inch jt 00 2 .'>o" 4 Si) 700 1 12 <*i
TmcUrx !-**? A-0B- 6 z
S inches 51 00 8 001 V* 00 IY,*> 25 V>
j cot i \OO 10 00 >2d 09 31 <<) i ,'ti CO
i oat .: *l 15 00 ; 2.V00 ASOO 00M)
-Iwl ■- 4 :o-o0 I-duMAfr-An. mi-fill LK) 1 1100
l<F~ .4. liberal deduction made I- t^t■>•
ndvarttonig bv the month or v< *r.
Kilijiiiiio Notice.
Tim hdiovxir.g lthc Chinch DirrcUrv ot
(Sieve vide for i*76
5d ft; -J 41It Ssruathft id earn month.
Pastor R.v, \\ A fJSJKJSH
;>d Katiba'.U in ca.tnr -Mlt
f*Utr . Rev. S 1‘ Callswi.x
Ist Sutilxilh iu cm!. month! (
IVwr . n- • jt 1 s •,
. —.—l
horn K ro < lit: k‘‘i ifi'i-H .
AIUt thlft .ist r, all legoxl wlvd- • -*'. • "
lor the countv <>( Met wether It pub
lioliM i t llit Mi.riwkthF.k i'ih'mv \ rrcrrr
,t), dinary
IV. U FAN I If. Sliriit!
A J WIN rt'N,
Jan Ith. 187:4. O erh SiipV C.wnt
m" " ■■■—■■ ■"■■■-'■ w *■
Coat !>>&.< * M> e i‘ ■'>’ v** i *
WU’oijfii’* wnlUli nM &j*l< > <■ * r ‘• I •■ 1
• llid 111 l!> U.i 111 |‘ ilif|s! -i "
pUllliTv WriTtflJ thry tv- 1 : t--U tut. . aii.ri, t
If* Uiv A itM# Uukit 'l* t ii*ri|Aw ii•: t r !'' ' '
cc|*liuti lo Hit* lit)** vi* mi!*t I
M tCfi'tiytr .ha *'•
l Lib )aau*7 ~~ -— _ j
every U nn f ft at ;•: V<- . ■■(, .in’
in Uitf p.Aj)ci (' i ua I .1 . r i f’ r-
If oi.e Ua’t tha? pN * aiu* : ( r•*
Jif tliif Ik-il -tt*: l 1 •-f .t) It'* ft Ur !!i r f *. in i
t £1 t*‘ ff •' S Tr h i
M ' VV ’ tIC r. . v < i ♦ ■
itthti ItckatAi aifkft* k iu! h’: ))’-*■ '
d4*4lift* 1 al! 1..* nni{ l is I>/*t l . -i
i ttiaki a ncio -t (kn bi.u ■■ l
COfdt ftff •*
Tbv nil e ilicsn 1 . }r’7T* rf till
c I t (
tA lb* <!Hf#whj£ n#*w .o*t *-0n r*iu
Ki imi Woo*Mu* y i Jctikfimvii f*, J ■;?
I'mmtkh's Ink - I>i. Tomrl! y t
ovltor til Utt InUriiti'i'i to i sti" >;• • !-t, i
tKllltU to |MOCt)’ lulllbt’r Vt 11l W..l< I| i
(ItilKlt U;(jh< Itw litliMilijr II 111*" n> i-111 . !
antm tins airrnt luO a inwl >•:* < •
a iiml u( Itjiit l " i'<it til ” ” '
lani fie .*i fi
Kll ti util •!1 J,‘ Alio 111 ■■■• Mti.--
i! i-wj r -
Hal t irfl rat .i l tjr tup • i. 1' '
I ihKit “(;ttii ito ial'iittss' iiis t■. 'i.< ii
.ot 11I tj' v tin. iiyii -tti’.ltir atii 1 t 1..
StfM- T'l.“ waU:i i.'i • ..•;>) ,;•<■ i.
t 11■■...i y i,i an<l tit at y all I t
tti IK. t tiltiT V uts UiOTft V I i y y -s 11 Hitii' .l
71.< Riot i-Bait) t" U Xhkli' i ••’> U
in B numlasr (if yrsti I*r t m ii .
fttl iltal tli>. our it | ;*t*t| will nut > ii|
Ml Bt-t'/.Ulil t| lU ucwitf nml Ii
tiiiiifd tan*.
Ei.t'lt>*i. —Ain li Waiaun *1 • <■ t
last “BK’l ,f >J I" Oil ti.f vim < y ill i.<
Boanl t>| CtiruuiiW'iiii'tv uf Jn 4 Is n-
Htfiimvm. 7’ut of*., no xtiiuiw Ijuicl ..iu..
a* billows;
Allen II WaiwiD, ifil
Joim **. Grant, 1 A
I'obert < henry. 111
Letj I’ Blount, ■’ i
7he a ere D(tcr.ed in H e < '
troth and elt ihniii.ts irji t i u;. n
which wtothl not have ehangeil to. itm m
Itf riot ftceived in time for conaololati n
X O t.. )fit wf . re ho-td in the er ritii an 1
upper nicto.
An Ot.o ActjcAtNTATOia. ®*ut/.. w lrnm
the LaOrai.** He porter K< ',oh Calls
wry, aon xrTtstrr or+preceptor, Hie Hew A
If. Callaway, has graduated in M> i>< n>
We whh our young friend the great ii(-
Oas he dererees ill hi* rtu'ile cal iuj.
Many tanners think a toe corn that
wm planted early Will have u, I,* ;> u jgiie !
up and flanted over. Worst and oaU are
Jorikiag wall.
Too Mrcu rtsi.i. —The heavy
rain seerni to have given some of our ri'i
vans a dlatoate to water, if one may jud/<
irnen the quantity of whisky they wr u>-
prd *betDielve* ar tand last Tuewlay. N’-.
diorder ! y ro duct was '.e result, s'una o'
the jolly tel lows ‘ptecti ie-s, or, it,
the language of one of their DHtolerf, dead
AstmiEii C'iPC'CKi The ladi •'7 the
towD, aided by seerai ol the r friends
Irwtn lbe criur.try, intend f sirg amti.'r
ctiDceit cn Wedntfdty r, git. tbe fit at
week of court. They wiil spare no cSi r *
to itakc lie evening a j one to &1
wire may a:tend.
1-& Frank Base sg bag re'Bmed froio
piuket and haa hiiut tew notices snu.t
--w beie is twta paper- L>A,k lor tbe notices,
look up Frar k s More. ) k at bis griods,
look at prices and in thus looking you will
find a handsome, accommodsUcg gentle
man wbo will sell yon bargain* ; ate if i. t
Dei tiHTts --Acccrding to prev ions no
lice, a i.ui! iu ol the tietnocraft ‘ jmny of
Mt r wrtl 1 1 asseuihieil iu Uic tV ml h- use
last Tuesday to ulcvt dtlegutea to tha ct n
ve-lion at West Pom!, ou the 26th <>!
Api jh On motion ot Judge NN arr.ct, IT i
J 0... L D.xo-.t was called'o the t han and
tlm gf J llatun svas rtiiuenM U* act a>
Sei rxlM v.
Till, f.i'lowln’ rpntleir.eii. .1 ;.l.”’ W rfiicr,
i : f.v. U. apt J \ Roae, W. H K< '
let, Eiit) an.l W 1. lUviUwere i.pyi: l
fd a cuiivaiitlt i to >t'.t > I iieiT ate* I'' i*iM
v-tuivetitioii, who i.p uU ! the ti.iiit'* >1
Jn,, 1. DiX" ii. K D Runlet, N\ l Ivt v
and j ') i'-it ;t’l tt2S Ml-ii
P W. Mil till. A.l lliutoii, j*. 1 l'
tire . tnl D j' iiiiJ AAItJ as rnloiuatee
II was ordered tlial Ut* pri'Cie'mgs ul
the r.iT'Uug hr published m the \ iNtm \
r-'H and that mid ;. ■ * "Ue ornishl-l
ed .t firms! u> I iu’ \o till* dr < gaU s uf tto ii
wppi-iiiliweu 1 rte tuteli-g thei,i aj>m. .1
int iliA.
U J Mar'.lot 'J :t> l '• H A
S jci'etntv . t"u ul m.m.
Thu Fttß-ui i Eat. r iul •unut; "i goes
J*o show -the rain ■*. idiv *n-i
■ >u ll .ul ene ol tin limviisl h‘ 1 'u lo:
. i.. eof) yea ha <' > t ttrrn p HeH
.> \N .. t w•< hu lii-r tbicir :r h.t
; n 111 ■ .pisHu •'!' i'ii in v 7' I lid-f
~, ; ,on :i( Aii Ur. . .he, ns * ell •
fCTFr". muT I. m triir;rs rsimrin! w ashed
i -r ! I di hi mas Eliul liver at
the PM •••'•> Tm -hii ' r uur
11. ill ill ilk, beyond lha k> M nil', is
•,\.ia.llo ill. 11l The l.lidto l I lird * hik
ur.,l Hi • s .I.' diT is : .ut'v .1 on I-:. 1 , if,
on. 1,1 Jon. :' Mdl - hits its i till, ill ill hi
-11,,-vr |, 111 iol 1,11 It 11, whi;r 11|. 111 1 lip a I
- | lPj . , nrl and iiCtl ill Red (, i
~ir, *i oil. Niitrli ni'iy h iduc i;l lll*'
ii.iilH.Jn ■ -U.-H i.i f It.: Ihi Ur l.r-lir! *0 .
l ... j" ;r hi i. ■ —u.——un.k;
;- or iniV-j this , Hi—, Hi h.igli * f
I>;ii .1 All. 7 ’.o Jl.i' I'' li.: fir' Ilf *•(<
i ol .id Hoik I*l we ii * l.<, I .li
-tdi.l*.u.l.._. u. a bavr dies’. I In' llolll" Bl
‘ ; i;.T rt! o f m m 41 f11 <■>—■4.4..oi
IVr Mui In ..III..: c; i.'ii Hi- 1 a>t"!h> 1 co
! -
t 1 ■ . it- i t 1
,u ■. ■. 1 1 <k. 1' 1 i*-. * being
Milt w, • 9 1* a* hoe Ur* i’ll.: HMe >1 • 1
; lu have gi/."! if-td. i ; v I’ l • nr- toil.
• ulhrgioup .| *ym|mt o", ll .end-, It t
HT]’"■ w' ♦ - ~vy 4I Hilt EMit* AH iliS |
M ■lm HHi •
If .i 111 j 111 cihi* ii If ii I iii-.iis sh ail m l
f 1 . llj 1. Jij! i if* ,U>V a •' **:nt
•WM u!M,’ Lu .W, W' ha ' . "• 1 wa In
~ s .7h-xA*', 1 .. . .... ~ ....
H 1 . CM . ' ami 101 l r • I’O Up
pealing I 1 111. J, HU H'lJ. Ul null l Hs t’H*
t O suiiiii liai Ihe lasyei-ft wile giuin ,
. bill Imii.K. t iltlci'o : V ie-W .and and. IC
!Ul .! ' 'I !1 .1 a V I’d hu id * sid 111.
I : ,rrr V — ”,;a' f-w —TVa.l.
; ticiir 1.. , r. , .... ' . ■ V 1 <•*••
'mgll 1 udx 1 .drip tiou it ‘itl he couirU v
: thncLhcll 1:1.11.-;-)- ! .-.of l 11.. ii w■: 1 lull rtc
' ~t tic ah*' id talk alaiut the < ilapn <1 the
<k iii’"'.
r;< \ u.i.ia -n rt .’i 1 i.giuri I" at
■"I I . Id the fnitcd
4k.ta.Ula UltL (J. :• 1;• <• IC 'i.e Milt • I IK
j . lute r fb'iyii V lie t WHfti laiUuao
and Hank r ,; <mp 'iy. 7’lie <■> 1 iuvulvcs
the 1 .plit ul the state to nssefts Hie i un t 1
. .cty I 1 slab-ps.p r. s. to e. A
!|' LiwtuU will ui'p'ar fu U.u fl!> f.dai.t
| (i< iii ral Banning *< hh v* 1 <401!" ri\(n
0 ,|ih in tic ;eo<• "I ln inruy hy.’ u > ! )
u,,. v ,,|. ahoiftmg that he 1 uuiinioi h-d lie
..... 1 noi only ul Iho den, ml •. t>Ul
I ,loiii hall the o | rcdicuu n* ! 7hH
! refiiii bun '7 eaUliCB ••r.}X**d by the bid
j w , ;r, . t JN HU XI Uhomy Ul lit O.U t Hv'/J,
; ‘>oo j * r un .um.
One. hull- eayv the 7 ribucc, U cm ugh tn
e|i! a liif'em. The nuiueme 1 unit finds |
rejt un huh: m the ent ncenient act, but j
that out llr ijlli'e euuugh t* make to* err- ;
,rc . t |,oweii*-x BOi practically void;
l.rlt ix * flaw in the wetinns which lr<
ciit>e pena.ucft lot the cuuiuiunirMi ol
it. 1. ~, , . ihjiij unun the hUxtute
..iiouk, lo_ rumiud luiuM gar tratlu. ft ul
Auierfr an* tliat no cuuxwivnbla ai/is uf
the r niifttiiutfoc by one paMy can Juatily
disr*grd of the coimtitutioL by the other.
Thft fiery U' 'art e l cuinrnnniil, William
Muga* Ti ii'is‘l, U ii‘\mrU‘<) to have reoiv
* toiiv :' t f'-r carry ing Hie United S'atej!
ti.uii ly*-t a •-*'ll Coiufnbua ;tn ! i’eaeant llil 1 .
I. i’. |,'j i-d-l* that tit# aatbor of “Oi lfu,"
the a,-o*t.e ol h'jiiitn hteTly oreJ ti; right*
' i Blr;, the barntfc! V &rer of { iUjity and
tf*t'::!iity, the euhi(fht of llww . in now
le tide b y/tehn ku! in-J.e mJ carry Uncle
w rnh. men b;f- * V -rbid it, el.-ulm of the
C- Jumunc ! [Uuronitie i bentmel.
IS* brock >• ianin the newnfwper*.”
,-y< C' * lie.knap, at:'J JhrUno. h:.i| Jt'.fw. !
vn, end Or*nt. and IS® l '* bheherd, *af?j
Jojt*. and McDonald.
Ti e ir;7e*ti(T*!!on of official aba*et rst
tV■>;>!• gt*-n C ! *t ..nonictuiiig, e|etia!!y
•Vn every oUuc.e i* throw i iit i’ way,
and h te*f officer* who Icaow too roach
ate oca'icred to the cnda o! 'he earth by
the adwioisiiati' a. The Washington ct*r
re-pondcit >f the <. iocicDtuS Time* an in
tt hu'y lisdcai organ,' reports a Republi
can fy-n'or a# *’ig that there WiJ! he
conaidarabie drfllctilty in getting the bill of
fcrpcnve* through the Senate
unites it: Hotire modifies to a material ex
tent its reto uch men 100 the ordinary a;>-
Driiiocrniii' CcufeMrthl 4'UIUII”
thues for PrexideHl
- -The- Sew-V-rii-1 It rwl*l pr>rnu tltn f.d--
S lawing lit o! Democratic Ceuteuuial cart
!id:;te.ii*tor Pirsident :
I—Thomas E. Bayard, o! Delaware.
£—e'amue! J. Tildrn, of New York.
B—Allen 0. I'hurman. ol Ohio.
4 - Dsv and l>vis. o! Illinois.
s—Tliouias A llrr.dricks, ol Indiana,
i tF’-nWitriTm -Alien-, rn Oliio.
1 llorntio S ymour, ol N"-v York.
8 dereiiiinh 8. Black, id IV i.ntvlvania.
8—8aiiloi(l E t imiclt, ol Vi'ii York.
10 •tieur„c 1! MekHeilatt, ot New Jersey
11 - M ll liaei t . Kerr, ol Indiana.
13— Asi Packer, n| IVnnay'vania.
!,S Jam sK. lcugiish, of Coiuißclicmt,
There is not, sai s the Herald, a name in
ihis list which do°s n t Siam! 1 in
gun nil public esrtntarfnn rtrnrrtfef l*oik nr
P erce when r.niMia'od tor the Preshlenc y,
am! the average ability and political ttand
jncoftha whole list fa aidyast eijual lu the
average ol o.rr Piu-ilcuU I ir the” isl loily
y ears.
On Er day last, ->s t'is Nr r Y irk Sun,
Mr. White, a Kmuiti'i ’an mrinJo, from
; Kent tick , uu.-xp . i 11 * In .nigh' down Ihe
liouae I** ins oivo oo ;t.:-1 n .in 1 inn grrai
oi i ir Do * ■ rtile id< ID
; A—s U-Uodl Hint iIQ -.V—ro! liu!—l- 4-1 11111.
; hill ami round n. Mi Uandiiii with hi* fig
v, ii r. f4' ; i'i).lril!y —IT 1 tl —IU i Ulillll Ttrrf- pa
sioti as he m ht ate J .u auu li.l'.'in< eii •
nut, lie ill Ut -d .
\\ lot, the Rep •’ i. an I'nrty was in pow
ei <M t f.m h ' tff- </ir.-if, tor
V. aw. ir I'vn ir to liieak its. Now i/o.t
.. lip nitty, iiui you ilrv hh j Ti ig to
ifu , id i .
lln i was i r>u o| Ion; • mliuirsd
l.i ithu a! this h i'!, uhn li llit' member
to in Kill'll. k\ f .:tr~i—tn -stt—tainl, -nml
I■■ I;iei In iM '■ 1.1 s ,s*‘ II oil illOUt 1*! Whs 1
lie pon'gMnrfd a siftßi-1 j c ell Finally it
-—.I tlii. ..git i. in tlial In in 1 shiil llir
\r * V IlliiUt ul i'll ol h"t l w hit ll the Dellio
nr ill.* til o* t(h I tied, [Old i lie ll thy 11 wasHl I
iio ii * jro, loii o’ ini'i rii lien!, H lie ll tie sup
.rs-t .1 .. in I an rvt ii-tiishor a,j
pllt >1 I" ll l/.'li-.’ OiHti
ITT ■ ' ;i -sT-ithci... <— ~y p* .i! r In
liiii.dion whuli we ihrm irl r lifts
unhr 1 m tbit tlie inert hauls ol Milled!'*’
vli r nit* ri a I ij.. • p Ihe I iii'i.'il *7 lota uitd
odhniUim L.oni,tica 41 .*!' .* f ■ . * I* * ci>i and.
nr’. Iweitv< ’ls a |.hi ml I 1 local, on
tom , tln dr!it I*eii g*. cn 11* Iby luo 1 tgagt:
. n ■•Kips amt si'ii U slid 1 1 en.Is to left! m
1 uti llr\ ; ;ln *i I urging iihinil nine
II jei I'ritl. p’lifll. 7'id . looks <X 11 bitnl,
tart ii v' ml r;nr:- : ni.-n-.! eottou pianlers,
tii.i ih htk ng msl llnin me *tiy I. iky.ami
ll i* mil l.ji.llluu Jllilt ll thi ll lin o
1 illicit enimgl.' In pet their inuriey hick
i 1 li* s will tie f. tUiußlt. At least this i*
’ 1 *•* un tifina'ol out im-i liaills hei e, w Ini
I.av r ridinut 0., 1a 1 npim 1 iiii*, 1, ,
t, Uni,! ttiat 1 m-. ol Mien piuVrnoiJ*
(mi* I tjtffn'y injip-nrc iii lh< luitll• I IH,
U ftt tint IjuiMsl, RMlUhllioWH lilliu, WliO| *f V
f. 1 kfhiit .hr I. la, 1* is Id p• y I>r lli- l>•>**>
ai' (.tii.E.i t*y ttir njpti rrbu cn- ltlw ln>
' :! .ii . 4 gift * M i^hlior
j 1 .ip. i; I. l’niV
r 1. 1<9 ll <j*4ihit| rHti**n
• Mi** i,t;- imv j>| *r* #pi in t 100 bill, mi
Holt v\ i<l Id- n**<'‘* lo i< viv*t tho fi tiiUiu^
I '<l iV • lyt. roftipltiifl tt/flt l’ is IH
ji* l l ijnf Uo 7 y /’iit-1 't>*' r'iiTii C'A.vl lo friY
| i ’.-' igr on |QiVi' and ■ . uit'd-. ItiiJr l id
j till: r X pl’li rul Ihi (i. ml lillil- t. H'-yr 11l
i ini llOii I * hi 1 I" any tun** 1! t'liii their pns
'dye lull • 11 f• 1 1 1-h duc’iru' da l it sr-tiini
will iilbo IM to tnmr ihnu tin pinjioxc.l K
<lu ( tnrii ni suiar y. Fanil hi* brt*i! i nnid
with lli<’ i-x 1 1 aV*l ft am,* ■ <l lin; <Juv< rnlnriil
pritUnig • lib .’, and h**th It. nn.* iulic amp
Republican nr. in icr- ray that l r a Irr7
| *lnp lu have lu jiay fur eu ding away puli
rnrßtinriv at then* <>wn **, e*, while nn
i ecunuinir'al aihiiiiiii'ni l . ii ul. Uie prir,
mg njiicft aunt 1 Uick’ Him i jmy lui tin; eu
~ e nl the in..;! .
(Nuttim'a rniN nr tiik W ciion HitenK
TAItV K UK-.UI \ Wh 111 .0 111 <J . ;.a'< and
1 . -ij. 11 la y Ruue-.un Inn li un bam
Hi rdtßlßga.U, ftU*l ti.i-> U ll IJT >t O’y ilur
boniii Zt nl : irruplluu ij*-vrt**j>
merit*. Auiufrg the Charge* bruit ;;ht
syuinst him is oim hi ; isiny hint nl Irung
die:■***try ti, a fraud involving at |es*l
IvVvhty infK.Ou nl tlo.lnr.a Je yn;id Ilia 1
qiiagaliuii,Fumes the uinre gtaf'.lius niie
that KU. j'ig the. iil.evail jiailh i'.ants in 111“
swindle, betid' . Itu!e .un, are President
linin' and arret Secret iry ul the 7 ceasury.
Eli* detail* of tiie invevtigctino in this
arid the production* in tin; way ul
evidence, are jealous!/ gisrtftd in Hunt
at present, Ij tit liai brjeu jirnniol lug,'
tue whole uflair ifi ‘.j< fsa‘ir jaib.ic wtU.p.
a few days, from the pie-Vut uo'i mk it
seeiri* that the Proi icul liA be ’u cwigti!
in an imtiieu,i; ftw iu lie. It It likely bet
bel'WC the clu .-e ul tio- cu ; .try
will kn iw whether the snrtnisen wr.l
take ftueli definite ha;c as Oj ie*VJ uu
room fur further en.-.j-cture.
7'iie fight is growing intensely hitter in
the KepjtdicßO cnrr.n. Jt see-rut to la; 7-
cid.e'i that the M jrtufi uti.i Cutikiiug uc n
will figirt liiaiue to Pie acrimonious uiti,.
make, ll nuunds ufiilkfliy, hut it ia xtate i
tliat, il the wont cAtrCa to the worst, rath
er than go fur TPai’ift, tho New Y'urk
tj-iek. ugess wi.i nail in for Uris.ow against
The “iady curroftijoudtiiU” at vVanhing
tan have a good deal to answer lor. One
of them (tau Ja charge-.’ now with having
been caught in the act of a'teiopling lo
steal ph'itograph ot Mrx. lieikuap from j
Mr*. BrUtuw’v album The u iject of the
theft was to get one hunJrel and tweuly
flye deliars, which oae of the New York
illnatratcd jraptri had u3t'J for the pict
Impr'Helmirnl of (Sell,Hit |.
TU# articles ot impeachment, reported to
Ilia hr.Uftß Isftt TJiUfiiay, ate tu-o-l on the
we'l known facts piesented tn tha teatimo
uy of Mr*h and Rvan*. They are five in
mnubar, hut e&ch is to a great extent a
cei>etition af the hslnnce, and ad are in tin
prolix torna that aenaraev In'legal plead
iocs is supposed to require, -Thase five
at tides of iiiipeiu-limeid me in'tael an in
Ttciruemt tmiivJ'ljy thr h use ot ri'p-rr-rn
• atives *ii"ug ns a gtand Jury for the rejniti
he. The liouftg a l ,.me pon-sses tti pomu
ot iuK'ieai hment, an i tin' senate alone pos
ses-t's tlie paw t i to try an itnpcMchuicu*
For that puipiur tin* latter body resolvi
itseil into U.e most aupusl c.pirl known t
oui !*wy _
’l'lie ill tfeles * I iinprnehinml are hroud
tielore the semi to hy managers sell etfd 1
ttie house The demoe'.atie ru uis on Fu
day night fteluited live democrats an I two
republicans, as toiiuws : Scott Lord id
New York, Proctor Routt ot Kentucky,
Judge f.yndx ot Wisconsin, J. A M. M i
lion ol Oh!. , i; a ,| nka "l Penn , and NY.
A. \Vhce!ru! Ni w York, amf (1 F. I lour
< I M JSS.aciuiM Its. 'I lie selection ol Mr.
Hoar cawed more ot a 1 ancle than nl! tin
oilier nig, many pielerring Mr. Rank:. Mr
links is I’egauted im the host flivver in the
house, and the entire hat Is a strong one
rin re was 111 ii 11 ■. 1 an urvin.moils lee'ing in
the cauc.ifs that Ruidolph fucker of \'ii
“in s should lie ..|.f "I Uo UUXI lljuas, hut
tho doclenMion of ml t lie soul hern denim
1 rats {ioprivtd him of an uppb tnnily to
use his In il iitnl p .iris iis an advocate.
As [soon as the sc iiite idiilves itseil into
a 1 nurt ot iiapi'.tclniletll ihmlilleMS the ex
-11 Itlafy'ft li'ivye- K7Tf . ITjrct to iis Juris
di-fion, on the p'lvnn.d rtint an otlhci who
has relinquished I i" . ill r :it.| whose res
igiiatiou ■ heen illily m m pled, <an not
tn; impeached. Tuts ipm.-dton n i'l tie ai
-g-imd at ci iiaideiqli'i 1 f o' 111 *1 .1 11 wi l l
I ro.tnddy | love tin- 11.. 1 inoye iTiig ipmi,
lion of Uw 11. i’io vl|oi*■ , Hse. The 4:n)l! 'jf
H<V U*fi| !A hut 4k iidtl'p (f
thH nglii *> 1 Uu* t> ctitivis4 li) 111 m.
tlci' ilf riivmn >1 iii •. - tk*! n1 cl c.i •. Till*
quj'aUofi mui nil ' .idt*iß cn t tc. lv i wil.'i Iho
4 iTifill Vfill l>*t j'l ill V ‘t ish I f'! I l< U‘ (il'scil
-nt rm Leal ].ox%et ur net ca.tily
! Is* in un link t Out 'I j*. 1 1i 1 ic t 11 Tvv 7k v In -
<v r<‘i*n 4*. iii I>l ii 'juiut^iU) l ro in mui iiii*
pi titi! i*l hi iy Ik: * jhh:Uu!, | Allan In
“ l ilt* l.lut *. j j• 11 ti i'ii,’ hityn t'.* ("uvo
SpilX Kltli'i , t-ii*. ' lo I'C' ipilZ; I lit*
nti Ingi'Ufy ol lit** anti a* a <*olll ITO
dnhng III* in < \cj *'• Mo* rihi kIK)H •>I
INmy work inn * vvn l.i<ly oiom* *lhti lull v
iumJ rt'iint/ini/.i* limv li H"i tliun lin y have
• IcUiH iinc# they wrre • I irre,
of them uro wilhoul mui, In**, Ihoy w*fiM
!>• MHD'tflilxa thelf tii pciktlviicr upon Uhmc
who HIM lo lull tulpllAC V!B 11!* \u II i*H
fllOnl- ** * 4t tIU h,l pplM *, all BOftll Lu
,! uiMUHgtoihif, “ini ronforni lo (ho ruh*M
tuii n ilati'"’" ol piojM iflo/ <i iiruj nliihif
(unjiiit n luhht ol th. ill ami iu hiNiiy
\ hit h nrn Hip mm c lore 1 u"in , i ol hid a fSn.' 1
t v*nul t ifnti'iaU a ih| iMy HiulU
tly in tii*? kix Ii lihUit.i. (‘ol. I ysfiiitH <•
I/OVvri ia Lilli 1:kti...l A 1 1 }h I'l il IIM‘
In, Ar.('' fc ‘ph lean 7 liovifTt TTif
ie Hfi'll uol Mr. UJo inV Jr* vio -*pei
tinr'f U til yn il fiilutj fiii i advanla. i*, iiml
*h iiigeuii'icr oitiino.iy <‘ii< '*•
iitd pti ; i v.
ai l taawßßiißK | i' flp '**■•••* 1
Preferred Localw
A (fAujee lot ol Ladies lAmhuntaiiU Draft*
Hi.d Btrcfl lists, hlm, a, lit' Fur and Wool
tints til Atlractfoe Htylm at llaiu< 7 imk
I'c.u "ft Mt
A lUmixla—7'lie hnrte uflt'ieil fur •• I'e
l,y Jj,e x’dllor is young, ei-ily kl>t, a flisi
• ■■/ifrttui." m**t—Uiaa<4yf--kj£sm_c' i i'‘'
j./iwft |dn)i’.Ußy ami wnikii w*li i77~TTrv-
WftgOtl. Jle haft h< ell owned and drirvii bv
a man now eighty yearn old, fur the pa t
Imp year* arid hectlcied fur **!■' un y ha
uahae hit owner km* la;r nine tuuleeblc tn
use him. A l/ettcr faiuily and plaiilaiiuu
borne vain not hu found iu the county. II
i uu want a 11’utn: cow i* the Line lo secure
a bargain.
A vti'JF good buggy will be Bold with tb*
burse ur separately.
Alsu ft good .bridle am: —ditto. (tfi
' ERF: I! am. CHEAP.
A large lut ul JJuwUone Dre>s Prints,
/SouHti/tU clieckial Jacune>, at and !*ce check
ed J'npie and eAe/yv. A flue iine ul
Bleached rr I ItruWli Homufttaift, chruptr
tKan Lter. In fv;t, anylli.ri;; Irum C<>*U’
Uireud at 75 cU dux. to Hose at Hh t:
j.r,, can be bought at
FKft.YK BANStS'i’ft
I bare a full stock uf Land Plaster, tia.t
anil Lime. A'ao Bradley' Dish'dved JJuue.
Bad ley’s Acid Phutpbale. ilradie/’H Hr
per I bo|>haUiof Lime. All good i’eni
d/a:r trxr fcutaii grain. I mu ftedrug the
aU e at lulcced |
Oen’tine Kip Brogans Irurn 1.25 a pair, tu
ilandoem* line of Ladies nd < -euto Fi mcii
C#R, Barge, sod Oiove Kid (>u*r, Klip-,
per' quartered Bhoe
For anything you may want in thg SHOE
line call at
Faft-’ fl BftA-'tso t.
Robiaion &. Br o^
PIIU'K t UdiltKX r.
CIIUtKN VII.I R, (ft., \
April 7iu 187(1 )
Rest Calicoes—New Sly’rs....-. .8 els
Rleached Hmm-spun— yard w idr lOctft
llrown ITomefttioU — yard wide.. 10 "
1 Himvn Homespun- Shilling a “
Sea Island ll unespipi —yd will' to "
!ti isi* 11ml Hiracli IVr dting... .13 t
n ■turv mniail. 1 :.:
Tick iigr l-'l
Osnrtliuvga 131 O' 1 1 “
Troup Farlorr Yams '.’N
Coals' Spool Thread 7.1 ets d* k
''heeki’d 1 bn dmrgs 14 lo l-k 1 lx
*)euyia ClieekiC P3j
Ixeuliuky Jeans into oil "
"rogaa.x. ... . ikl 3N ift t.AO
Woman's Kip Shoes
t sl Rio Cofiee ?A etft
Ilia’ll Tea (Rest i’d • 1
) hile Bu;r (iranidated. .. . 13J •’(*
j (trown Sugar ..10
Rest English Soda 8 “
MEAL. .. ■ tn) els
Rill 11> " _
Clioi e New t >rle ins S. lup .i.Sd
Fair New Ofienn* Svrup 75 “
New Orleans M dnsses '0
lies! Vinegar ... t ) “
Nalls —All .*ives 5 “
Iron R uiml Haines 75 ■*
Trace Clift ins 75 clx
Plow l.iueii
Ames L 11 Slnouls ...
tleuuine 1). Jt H. Hiov'il H iss
N’a. 1 ~——7Q.els
No 3 1 75 *•
Ttroyil PH'dilTll Hors Ni’*. in . *i r l “
•1 •• “ -3 ...70 “
Notice To ( inilittrhrrs.
By virtue nl an order 'loin I foil. * R .aid
ot C'linmianioners ler die county ol M ii
Will he let out nl public, outcry ou the
flint Tiifftil iy in May 110x1, lo ih* lowest
I ladder a cnritiuct lor .1 epairlng the Jail ol
fMeliivelher TfTiwiTy' C.infii lei uTcdlilillg
lo llic tollowing spivillciilioiis :
lit Th;it Inwn ru li ot the thr* wiu
tlo’Na nhovi? dul Imm tu • Vw l) lovr, e*v
("ii r iuht ios k hi! t *U• 11 out Mini Uvi*clt*il
IxO'lluu will* i 14141 piini, HUui | oh to he
\ waive l'ng ti| tttttj kurh thick mm I
jrI jo llf* fork Tux ilichcvi
Vi!111. One in i) imck hi* [TTI o i t* c iriNirlt*
u| (Mill wimtovv uni In* !m'|c.| iii iukl |)lnc
<<l in [roto lion mr the ridk iuo doMclril to
grd. The north or piirlitivni wall id uvr
un the nr idc “I tha run 111 lin bdccn duwu
nr util till ciiuugh, in urln tu.fiavaall * li* 1
luuac ruck ialb’ii 1 mi behind ilk- -tunc and
M cuielj fas'i lied to tin) main pti liltmi
4th. Tliul mi i xHa duur I c made lu the
,Su;ddu ul the piitliliuii wall, ilmu to lie
Hindu ot irun- luftew ti Inches wide and 4
A!:WH l l*; r t If’arf. -I’.t*.,*
am to he liiinlftli' and lor hi id door by cun
hlli. Thu present inner door to the room
.hove hit I'ilk ii down, Hie middle hinge
mended mi 1 tlm iinii piece- ou which tin.
TTTripm ale suspended —hn drilled —Hitungli
and hr Idc I ou tlie outer side.
It. I> Reiidm. i
i' .v Htrcxmr yOommiaftkomrft.
AI .b, *n Reeve*. )
Ajn and Uli UtHJ
I>i 'solutto.l of ( o|'iirncrilt|.
(HTTRi.I \ Mi rlwctiicr County.
'iiu Film Emiwn a- At Prreninib
is tin duy dlft'u'vi it liy mutual consent and
ngiei nieiit. Jus. W Hanning tieeoining
leepimiable lor u.l *tli llld< hteduess ol said
firm if any, and receiving all tlm us 1 ers
fixture &c., belonging to sai l firm. This
March'fill 1873. . Ja* W lUnnino,
lm % Buj-R. Fjii.buan.
Thnnking our fii- nd lor past j atruna/
I will cuntluue the business at Hi*- ftsinu
placenmEask ull who wish to puiehuse
good* i heuper than they euu Ire b* tight a
any "Rail Road Town" lu roine and price
Ua'r/.ruu UJHY. and buy BARGAINS
in ai! kinds ol MercTrafritnm--itutL Family
Un ...lie*. J.\s. )V IL\N NINO.
Aviv’s Improved Kivu Plow is the ficil
rurn plow in the world. Bold by.
Bl.ea A Boyd ul Onlfln ilesiie lu call the
attention uf the |*v)ple uf Meriwether fu Inrge lot ol (iuauos now ou band and
to weave. Our fiuiniui ure of tha ft'andiirJ
bisudtaod will be nul l on good tcroi“, fin
either money ni Cotton options. Obcf'i.
)*tophttt< and Fuieks Phospliale is large
(Quantities kept ou hand. We trust all uur
Meri.yather friends will give us a call nn I
axarrioft uur Uuitjiok an 1 gat uur |i nxA.
Utiflln dec 7th. RIIKA A BOYD.
I aui prepared lu do alt kind* uf block,
Mliith work, working up all old irons Ac
and t specially any ki'ld nl sl-gcl plows, will
he lone iri the la st stile. f warrant nil
work In Stand and sritihfy sd parties Usving
work dune. Huoi un Huuth side ot public
ipmi ■, hack ul K i>. A lairvaJui-u. <iree i
wide. Da. IIAM P UATE-i.
—i —• e
The x asieist way lo plusjiciUy is tn sow
Der man Millet seed fi.r kale by A. C.Died
sun LaDmrige (j.
W. C. DUoL’-ON 6 VV'ftgmi 'laid is the
be t and cho:joist (dace lor xvagnns tu stop
at. Pluck wiil h Meii ntahlxal and driver
liMve g'sei rreita ard Hove lor their ac
cununudai inn.
Iteud Tim,
If you w ant good Meal and a heafiui
Ue*d your corn lo
rnSl 2in
f, ) DifTara .Uy xrtioina. Agent* wn
I _ ed. Outfit anj toruis free. TUUA
A l 0., Atigusu, Maine.
AUKNTS WAN I 171) ! Me tail and Diplo
mas A \! n'ded bo
Isi jo illnstri liu .s Address tor new eircu
Ad IH rI.M A N J* ti;)., D.tU Arch
Mieeb, Rtirln.
irTo Philadelphia p1,251.VA1! J
Mf iu*rt tfaim u> |knu! la U. h. r*'t af iJtu. Mj
MV AKvi U li Tlt'kvi (*i *!•*< m4<- n*
B MUI.i •IV nn k 1 iH. niiiW (ftiouii'liv) Amf
W :*) #M tn*ih kly ••flatly turninl pnng**itn Am *
V fmoiir Idii t p |.t ttirofl, A Anyti wly it.
p tix'utt* h fr*f tNt'r.x! u tlryedt mi |w| lc*r<l. Jsm
V T 'ltroß rojivof |v|isr tftlwo. t ftctA. Ai- Ajf
\itix-.* inti It it n ntAirn Wkeii.k, Mr
' No. 11 !>i > M., Nvy* Vark.
v" \ WKKK ifuiitnt<.} t*> \-rrw ta
O i j i l ' n i Fi*• u r i* ;• flioir own
i *litv I'lTniN vi I •HJIVI T .’IK
\!in ms I*. 4) VlMiv K-t V vjv> ,
I PA., Kmn v Wlim Unn I .M icliinery. "
Ci *O. 1,1 Ci*)/Y Per day at linnrw
rpe ) 'tH—i w Terrns tree. Ad
and .css NT I NS( >N A t.'( >.. Portian 1 Maine.
u 1 ysATitmTANry. or swt
I Cl IAI !M I Nil" "How either m x
may laseina'c and gain lire Invn and nil a;
"on ol any |i’lson limy choose, jnstantlv.
Tins art all can pmscss. frci, try mail, (of
'.'s co ts ; lo u’itiir with a Mtriiagi: Out le,
Egyptian riiach’, Dreams, Hints lo Lidias,
et<'. I .IKK) (Hit) sol I, A ipteer hook. Ad
ilresm If WILLIAM A CO Pub’s Phi’inlela.
Ten years ago Me* rs. (lon. p, Rowel! A
Cos., citahlished tlrwir ndvr rtifting agency in.
.New Viu il Ci Iv. Five years ug 1 they ahj
hut| Hu' Inndimss c-mduet!*d 1y Mr. John
11-mpor, wlm whs Uie 11 rut to go into this
kind 'll cnterprUc. N' v limy have th
tlliduct.nm ni . ■nlrullim' (Ids most exlim
hiv I: mi‘ 1 i omptoli! advertising connection
which Inn rvi r boon Hiiii irn l. undone
sv1 1 1 1 :1 1 wmiiil In* hardly possible In miy oth
ii country I'iit this, 'l imy liuvo sUtim-da J
in \ • irU| l l d iwii n complex business inti*
tui tin n‘mi4 lily H ayHfPlTmttr m<4lw4 thill JJO
■ ‘lciilj*** in Hit) linn |i|n r (ivstisin id Alimrl
H l iltli t’ in. ’ 11 Id nnlli li, wlnltl tllU Widest 111—
Ini ilit*liihi 1111<111 nil l.illicit inlvresting to ad
vrri ism, is placed lea lily at tins disposal of
1111< pld)lie.
NM'.V YOKIv TIMES, June It, 1871.
\V l.Klv 1,1 Kli II.VUM’UIUK. Bead toy
I 1-n..' v .11... I .lS I" 1>1.4 XT •*-- ’
listiiiniinn, addles*
<JKO I*. HOW III,D ACI )., I‘ark How,.
fHi/r.IS AVI) J4Pl\ PKAV.
The Introd iclloii of crop* throttgli
out tlm mncli will enable us to keep our
stock and fltt nor smoke Vaises as cheap
ly i' Cull Im done ill tins Weal. Tlil,Uliula
m pliinlod in a ililitu Ilka potatoes, yields
ou COOIIIIOII Und 200 husllisls pur acre of
tlm rlclm-t lei’d, uni'ij'iahsd lor laHsuing
liokh, poultry —and children One sola will
itioui inoi i. h‘<* HiAft tim am a a iil the heat,
nun, besides lornlshing graining all sum
mar Kii I'm truth o| tbpsa claims Wo ro
Im in (tonpiilnsliiniT nl Agrlcuilura*
at Wat .Illusion, or do any agricultural pa
par In Mia k’outli. Price, by mail, pontage
paid, 20c a package, 40c a pint, 70<: a quart
by ax pi css ft a peek, fll u bushel.
Tbs I’i-.i lully established Us merits aev
inil year* ago. and I* now ill uuivcrsal du
maud. It grows uprli'lit like a cotton stalk
is cultivated like corn, und yle'ds front HW
it. dot) hushes an acre on ordinary land.
Sti ck ol all kinds relish it iind jlulve higTi
ly Oil II without opTor (red. Also excel
isiit lor table uae (altar bllini{ about it
wn-li.j Ibice by mull, portago paid, a
p-tekaye, 30c a |tnl, We a quart. By ei
pitais f.'l par peck, fit) a bushel. These seeds
ro s<i scarce ami costly, that w cannot
make any discWut to wholesale deuhrs or
Wlmo Southern pl.iuters glow their own
► lock lei and and Isttea tliu.r own hogs W
bciir na moic ol haul times and middle melt
lor ibii will put an ut Jto both. XI you
leaf to Invest l.irg'dy it will cost but a triflo
to try these seeds, and uuless your experi
ence . ijilfsr* from all others you will be for
ever thankful lor t'i* trl-tl, Address,
ui'l lm rsssbvllle, Tenn.
. ... . ■ ■ '■■■ ■- ——■ ' I- ■' " *ss ■■■ w 9
“I in-. Is art' Causk.”—A magnificent pic
lurc 14 x Is Inches in algo, licacliful in de
sign ari l aitisiic In execution. It repre
sents a confederate soldier after the war
teturi.liig >o nts home, which be Amis
lout ly and desolate. In front of the ruin
ed ooUage. telling s sad tale of the miser
is and war, nre two graves With rude cross
es, on otic ol which some friendly hand
lias hung a gatlsiul. To the t ight the celoa
rivi-r and tin- rising moon indicate peace
and rest. The start, seen through tha
tic.-, represent tlm B-uthern Crass. it is
a picture that will touch every Southern.
lic-ar'. and should hud a place ia every
remit hern home. (Jhis copy sent by mail,
mounted oil a roller ami pint paid, u re
ceipt nt 25 cents, or three f-*r 00 cents.
Addisss John Burrow A Cos., Biistol
Tenn. Agent* wsntod everywhere to sell
our cheap and po|iular pictures. |5 to flO
|ier day esedy rnadr. Mo money required
until pictures sie sold. Scud stamp for
u aUloguc and ttrrns. uirtbpH _