Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether C ounty Vindicator.
oawi‘>tii *! t sf tbe fvi-art rrcn
of At vrrti*lMg.
Specs \lwk ! 4 wks 'i n.o I fimo , 1 vfi
I inch 100 350 4 50; 7 (XI 1 13 00
Unche*. 1 50 5 0(1 (i 50 HI 00 15 tt*
I inches 300 £ (XI | 10.01 i.-, no ‘35 o
|eo! . 00 : io 0013000 35 001 S3 ot
$•! i ; 00 13 00(35.00 35.00 0(1
l eel 110 00 t2OOO I 35.00 i6O 00 1 SIOO
tW~ A liberal deduction made to tks*
advertising !>v the month or year.
ORIILN AHY .... Jas. W. Running
CLERK K. C A. J. Hinton
TAX RECEIVER '.V. I\ Wheel®®.
TAX t ot.r.KC run W, H Post
•URVEY'iR O. F Hnthewe
R A Clnigii, Axon Sibley,
R L R..HK, J B. Buchanan,
11. Watson. t
feba W Park, W. L Baines,
Msd.*on, R. A l’aiker,
A H. Firemen, See.
•RNTATOR Still. DiKriot, G. 1,. I'e.vy,
llF.l’litibto r<.i i\ r itn
Obtain) Weiner W T
r--- 11 - ■ — l -t-
Attorney at law,
OnKKtKVf] i k, Ga
Will tractkc' -ia Meriwether •ml the ad
(.Lo7<bK 1, 1 T,A \ 1,
T Giisssri! i ,<>*
—-(iKKlt.NTll.llt, C,
Al 4 #titiu*lsl to Lit utie alleml!
•4 to pr< iiiplly ®ml faithfully.
Owtmim. Oa
Will J it. the J riurn' ar,! 01111
Wan’* ImilU nt Urn-well IT, slid ibr
AspenOi l i urlli-l Ibr cuUUile* (<>iiqi*iiis
the Cowata I'li, mt
ll< J K <1 TKUKF.LL
Tiril.f, I'WIIMK Ihr* ol
VV Mrdh in in Immville •ml liie
•ounl ry *cja< rul All calls left t the llt ng
|n<* , ( hi* rrrutrni r promptly atterded to
lill !. H AMIiuNV,
r\ I J I lit hti I‘ioloi(onl rrii*i to H r
JctU/rt •of (jrrvovil.v i>tJ *ir llltty
(V * -MT! • at <•. J Anthony A. I </* Drug
ftare. _ rtilO
bu U K HALL,
IT aving derided to Ui tr permanent)*
1 o l,rrn t r trmlfr* bi pfwlwi-louiil
•' i,r ti, Iho< it i/i i'i Hit rrv*ii ui7d i,i
founding •< .nl' > Oflh mi tilt Not lb
• Idr 1.(1 ti, p,.bl< **j’lHir
Thorap-on, trie 4c Cos.
AXWysa. OA.,
i# am: rar7c i•r j •* <> ran and
1 VliJMll. VIIF,
Bw.b nr Bedsteads, Bureaus, f'hif,Mv-
Baby Carriages
c? *1! *tjl<* n,<l *1 teimoiabl# price#. Kl
• ■irJfcWon of stock solicited.
Grand Turkish
—AHD— ‘
Corner T/oyd and Wall ~r*c,) , .r*c , ) Opposite
| J *rr.jr'f Depet. Al!>u, o*.
The Lathis the ru-st delightful luxury
and ;rr**U-l i and Tftvcstivs ol
disc*** ever discovered
Bevidr* the bath I uh, when neceeary
Electricity !
the 1 Movement Cure, and all tb 1 Wi!
Cura IVami the Hfgfaak Btaadlw
Hu one Should Despair of Relief until Try
ing these, for tbe.tfTucta s/e truly Wuudet
Open from 7 am, to 9 p m. Ladies
Tuesday* and Friday*, 10 to IS a m.
Hygienic Board—Direction* lor treat
ment at Home.
Ho charge for office consultation.
Atlanta IPaper
All sizes and Weights
Address JAA. ORMOND. Proprietor.
Refer to this iacue aa a Specimen of bit
paper. if.
griffin ga,
THE PATROHAGKof the many citl
reta of Meriwether county visiting
Or,lEn tt rerpectfoily solicited by the un*
otraigntd proprietor ol tLe abora well
muorntt apd titeoiire m*r
aaou. SB ext. Hent table, tidy anl
good beds are a specialty. Prices moderate
**■<> total* the times. Give itia at-ial
Dr. J. Bradfield's
Will brinp on (lie Menses when they hate
not hern wtih i-I.ed, slso When lhy have
1 leieh " suppTi*e<T''rro(i\ urrmniTsi
Will core Rheumatism nnd Neuralgia o(
(he liach ami womb. Will elite Painin' l
Menslrtialhip, and relieve (he head, bad.
.ml loins tX (hose distressing |utins ami
.. he*. W ill ehcek menorrhsgis or ‘esces
ve ftftwr. Will cilia‘Whites' and lallinj,
f the womb, when it is the result of relax
eaioo or bad health.
li is as sore a cure in all the above dise
ases ns Q iinlne is in Chills and Fever.
Ladies can cure themselves of all tht
bovr diseases without levraliug thei
c-o i|<iaiut. to any person, which is alwny
mortifying lo Uit-.r and niodesiy.
It is recommenoed and used by (he best
phvsicians in their ptlntt practice.
For a history of the above diseases,
certillcntes ol its wonderlul ctites and
din* ti-uis, the reader is re'erred to th
wrapper around the bottle. Manufaclur
ed ami sold by
UKADFIEU) A CO Atlanta, (is.
8 dd by all Druggist*. Price $1 50
Ueedier PrMtehrra
When gostxi preachers stoop to folly,
And dud too late that sin* hstrar,
Wha! charm etui soothe their, melancholy t
What art can hide ll.eir gmit away *
The only war their sins to coyer,
And keep o.— nig |rm mortal eye.
Their sa. ied standing to recover,
And keep itsatelv ia to li®.
Now corn is scarce and bread is cheap,
And meal's as *■ ai. e as inaiina,
And not a filing s tm sale on time
Unless it i guar.o.
Then wljat tti we poor farmer* do
For food to make it "cr|i,"
Unless (i.i*e ■ ur proitiiMd note*
Fm Peru, or Patap. T
We ll hoy two tons or o oft Id#,
Tin lo' ul) Inj trsrh, -
Aml w-c iur hall lb* other (it II
For hall .It* pi lee in i ash.
] think be ie h sorry elf
Who, with n note of band.
Will not fain emr to teed himaelf
Wilde nooi udnnt,' hi* hind.
How u S.ihh'ii l.iid) kelteiird
on l* Koldler.
Dili tut, the war there lived in the rlelnl
ty ol a eity a solitary maiden ol aixty anm
mria, who had no one to protect her
iigaicrl the rude bullets < -f the wot Id II
any ti.oaerol alfi'eliou lor tor o' tr r had
till and lieaillifird her llis.'lilii
heart, it bloomed ill ink tel and ''wanted J.l*
iwet tne** on tlio desert nlr. At that tune
whirli ‘Tried tneri’a aouTa" alie continued to
lire alone dutentiled by tho eyils of civil
war One day while the city was occu
pied by Faderal troops, a went into
her j,elalo patcb, coinineneed helping
|i mu If to the polal w-r.
TtHiT aoOTi "FTTweTiveTed hia |in srucw, -fctd
ni*liing out she scremnj. In u high, alniil
ksv ;
lil t out ol suy potato patch, you yaga
ilVlld. “
Hoidlrr-—1 shan't do It i your OB sr*
in the artry fighting against us now, atel 1
am going io haye all the |wtalo** as I
mt it.
Maid,— You ara a liar, air. **
Soldier. — Well, i( your aor,g ain’t your
I,n, band If, and 1a in going to haye ‘there
Maid-You’re a !i*r, rlr, I've got BO
I, min* nd.
goldiet - Weil, if your. liUsbarni ain’t
yot|r eelbearl la.
Maid Well, I declare (aoficnSay) who
told you I had a aweeiheart f
H..ldler Never rntnd.
mi.l do weli. 1 rei kou you ran have a
lew |>otto a, but don't lake no more'll you
need to. your own uee.
A *li For Noise.
Oh, Johnny 1 cried a nerv >ua mother,
<io bare anrie pity on mv poor bead t
Can't you play without shooting *vf
- Poor Johnny drew tape re nt
with which he wu driving two chair* Un
detn, and called out in a loud, hoarae wbis
per, •‘Gef up who* ! But at length, find
ing litlla pleasure in this suppressed amuae
ment, be threw down iiia reins, and lay
ing hi* band on hi* breast, acid with a
Song breath. Oh, mother, it’* fuil of nows
in lure , and it hurt* me *o to keep it in I
I>on't ail liule boya make a notae when
they play t
Ym, Johnny, I belterc they a'i da, re
plied the lady
Ob, then, mother d*v, cried Johnny in
a winning tone, p.ease to ial me be a little
We will join \>oor Jelinny heartily in
this petition. P!ea*4 mzrtbers, lest your
aona ire lit'le boy* while tbey may. Time
ia bringing on apace iile’a toil* and caret
Let them hare a free amd bap y childhood;
that wbea your beads are fow jo the grsve
they may point back to tboae day* and
any, “We were happy children, for there
wsn always tcruhiae where our mother
TLe Hew York Heiahl haa aaid that both
Curtis and Conkltng -hare hewn wood
and carried water for Grant erer Biace be
came into the preakbacy.” The wood sto
ry may be tiue, but we can’t imagine why
anybody should cany water for Grant [—
St. Lotiii Times.
l tell you what it is, gal,” said pld Sir.
Lawson to his daughter Stian, Pm deter
mined ueyer to have nu rdicated feller for
my son-in-law ; that’s a fixed fact.
Rut, father, said Susan, education chrrrV
make or unmake a man, any mare than
riche* do. It’s the soul, the principle, that
oopsiiiute* a man.
Very true, Susan, rejoined daddy Ijiw
-<>n, and Fee Proud precious liltle prlnci
!e in college bred teller*, I tell you I’ye
got along well enough, ami alius made my
maik. As the old inaa said this his eye
rosed out of the window over hi* broad
and well Improved farm with u 'look cl self
Susan’s Utuer was no exception to men
of his eIsHS, who when they tmbileati idea
aie big-headed in their sdhereuce t-> it.
Susau understood this trait ol her father**,
and letting the argument drop relapsed in
fo silence.
While old Mr. Lswsmi entertained such
uolions of letters, and by the way was,
always taking pains U> inform everybody
concerning them, lie had deviatad some
what with r tap eel to ki* Only child Snaa n,
who had Improved the ad.autagos bestow
ed by nn exce'lent rrhool, situated to a
small village adjoining htr lather 1 * fa rnx.
Her mind, Inn, lariug naturally el a studi
ous cast, she had it with au unusual
ly huge amount of inhumation which dis
played Itself In re.lnod conversation and
well-bred vivacity ol manners. To
graces oi the intellect was cam Wined a
beauty of person, and a* a in ltier of con fre
quence her baud was the coveted prize of
iiioi® than one young man lu the liuighbor-
To the blsndishmects ol the sterner tea,
however Susan turned a dial ear. Tue
young Staiibopea loved her father’* trrorul
Hi res hh well as they,did hi# daughter, who
wtih the ipili'k InatiheU ol a woman, jhmiw
tratoil the shallowness ol their proleMaliona
ol love. lUsiJea there wea a young law
yei who had enterod suit lor her heart
arid w.on his rae, while leaching acbm.l it
short time previoua to Ins aduiiseioh to the
her. It would uol have l*eeu II
the daughter of otwtliiem l.swsuu had
not been eipially obstinate in the cnustancy
ol bn i!>ciiuh lot It fury CoTcrdale, the
young attorney.
U| hut Siiii. biueril, however, daddy I,aw
sou was hliaffolly ignorant, lie had neyoi
seen young tloyetdalt, and that young
gentleman being aware ol the antipathic*
ol bis con letup', abed lallicrin-law bjwaril
school ineslei s amt Uielr Uk. prudeotiy rc
-11 ,instil limn visltmg Buaan at her homo.
li, ai counuodatiana ol the house ol ame
lei nut aunt ol Busan's Willi vout lnaled
them, her uncle, the hainesa maker, ratlin
liking than otherwise their clarvleatioe via
]>.*. In Ibis way the, lover* managed to
keep the lire oil the altar ol moil he.nts
iahued to A' bright fDme. The luipiitlonl
Coverdaie dealMni to hrnig his suit to au
issue, but Hie dutilsl Biiaan would not tom
sentb, an fToi.*mttfc With the Uno ul.
modify bag k;t sire'a viuwa on the subject
ol erlucstlon, ahe had iiiHoducnJ the lliame,
vsjo’i tin: Huciess recorded ebove.
That nighi, alter lamlly prayors, <pilUi
na animaled colloijuy took place between
Biisari'a paieula. The door of Bu uili’b
chauibci being ajar, sho la;euiue au lubo
rest listener U> the con vernal km, which, a
it concerned herself alone, ployed rather
inter eating. Mother Lawson was in Bosan’a
secret, and layered it with ull In r might.
Now, old man, said she, a* that function
ary was covering uptiijrllia iaat thing tie
fore going to basJ, 'lia dow I.right lumn in
you ni op|Mise Musan's ijee* aliout laming.
I’m #>t not U> hev any ignorant soaUwog
rooting round alter my dartor.
11l iulc this roost, respondod daddy Law
son. * —--
And I’ll make the roost for you, rejoined
the ilauie. Time* ain’t now what they waa
when w■> youngsters. Toil think of
marrying Husnu Pi Mat Awl; or yet to
/Jbtis Gabby, who ha* about aa much of
an ijee of book* as a bog baa of mestiu.”
•'] here * no tnita ol uae argulyin’ about
it, old woman; I’m sot."
“Aitd so aru 1," replied the irate -lame ;
"sad we’ll aen who'll ait to ibe moat pur
po*e. If Suaau can’t marry the kind of a
man the wauta to, she can Uy at home,
and that’* the end of II."
With tkia clincher Mother Lawton turn
ed her face to the wall, and refused to say
another word.
In the meantime Henry Coverdal* waa
graduly winning his way to eminence. The
resulta also began to flow In upon him Iu a
golden at ream. Yet be remained a bache
lor, though many wondered. Bull there
was no sigua of eld Mr. Lawson relaxing
tn tbedeast from bis view* on education.
However, thing* were destined to euape
themselves entirely diflerent to what a
marc observer might reasonably expect.
Tbi* grew out of Coverdale's love for
Buao which now assumed the cast of im
One day a young man in ho me* pin
garb presented himself at Ike house of old
Mr. Lawaon and inquired if he wanted to
hire a hand on the farm.
The old farmer eyed him for tome mo
ment* aaJ. finding him remarkably well
favored and knit together, aaid:
Where are you from ?
I live at Monroe when at borne, replied
the young mao.
Raised on a farm?
Yea, air.
About bow moth d* you want a month *
tul LAW-smr.
Whatever you think right.
You’ll pever get along in the world un
less you drive a better bargain than that,
replied slr. Lawson. Y->u shall work a
monlh for ttttren dollars, and after (hat, it
we suit ooe another, we’ll bargain lor a
Agreed, said the young man, and waa
forthwith installed as a hired hatd.
As the reader gm-saes, the hand was
none other than Harry Cevcrdale, who
had commenced to put into operation a
plau lo gain the olj man's cousoul lo his
union with Susan.
Time wagged along. Old Lawson was
mightily pleased with 111* hired hand, and
often praised him to the werami tolks. In
deed, lie looked with a degree of compla
cency on his attentions to Susan, which be
gan to be marked, and CoverJula was ou
the point of popping the q-ioalloa, wkeu a
circumstance caused him to postpone it for
a short eenaon.
The farm oi Mr. Lawson was a part
of a tract the title ol which had formerly
la-oil In dispute, though it was in deed aud
in equity hit. Just at this time one ol
those laud sharks that infest the country
raked tw a worihUx claim, and entered
suit for poswion,
Thit yrocoediug was so obviously sh
anrd ana rascslly that Mr. Lawson merely
laughed at it, although at the advice of
hts hired hand ho appeared at court to re
fute the claim, supposing, however, that
Ids bare word would he all-suOlcient to
di*|K>*c of the rascal of a land-shark. His
hired baud ulso concluded to lose the day
ami go whh him, in order, ho said, “lo sue
what a Judge ami court were like.”
Old Mr*. Lawson and Husan irccompn
uled them liirTTiXpuip.-ir of nuking Home
ptm-hsMS, as they could get better bargain*
in town.
The c<*iverrvtlon ol the lamlly had pine
od Henry Cloverdalo In lull poseesslim ol
tho facts In the case, and lie had iiiimilested
uucli ail Interns! in the ailalr, and appeared
to lie so anxious ns to the result, that the
old mau was lot Uhtonislicd at soclug lihn
enter the bm aiol take a seal by Ins side. Tie
uolicod that abo Ins dame and Susan worn
among the spectators in tho court room.
TMV case wm called, and tho lawyer lor
tha plaintlfl arose ami made mu so plaual
bio a ataiemmt that It enraged the old
man dreadfully, so much ho that he ceuld
scarcely coutaiu hluiacll, until the lawyer
cone udtxl.
The moment ho ant down the old man
sprang to his lent.
Hen here, he exclaimed. Mere are deeds,
and every man in Hilt courtroom knows
me well enough to know that 1 never got
them by lascsdty, or claimed morn ihsn
vf HI J’Mftly im*.
All this limy be true, replied tho judge,
but the court demands legal proof, relative
to Hie points at issue. I picsiimeyou have
uu attorney, Mr. Lawson.
Never a single one. I never thought it
worth while, said tho old man, perfectly
agbist at the turn matters were taking.
At this Stage Lawson's lib ed hand rose
to Ills feet.
May It pleaae tho court, I will under
take the case for Mr. Lawson, said lie.,
A pretty case you' II make ol it, nald the
old man. You can plow com a wonder
ful sight dieHen —
1 assure lit- Lawson that Mr. Covei
dale in pcrlectly competent the task, said
the Judge, who was well Acquainted with
Hie young lawyer, and who, though igno
rant ol the proveiu relations, lauciwd he
smelt a Joke in the action* of the parties.
Melibc yer honor’s right, said Mr. Law
son ; but plague tako rrto If you don't find
him a likely night better farm-hand than
lawyer. 7
A general litter ran around the bar.
Tire suit proceeded. The young attor
ney having previously mastered the whole
ground, entered into the merit with *ucb
force iuid c.learnea* as astonished even 'lt o
court. But how shall we print lira sur
prise of old Mr Lawarrn ! it took him by
storm. At every word of the young law
yer lie seemed to distend-with astonish
merit, until hie amazement waa aomething
to ridiculously appalling aa to convulse the
entire audience with laughter. Peal after
jreal rewondod, and even the fat aide* of
the Judge, forgetting tlielr'gravity, eeemed
ready to shake to piece* with merriment.
Wtnsreyou? at last grasped tire old
Bit down, Mr. Lawson, laid Coverdai*.
I’m attending to the caae. Then stopping,
lie whispered In blx ear, I’m trying to earu
Bhu'a yours, shouted the old man. re
gardless of the bystanders, or the court,
which having now *m inkling of the
matter, gave loose rein to their jubilant
How Susan felt, however, can be lietter
imagined than described. She blushed'
like one of her mother’a peonies, ami hasti
ly hid her £*ce in her velL
When the merriment had subsided and
old Lawson had secured hi* cqullibihim,
the happy attorney proceeded, and finally
made so clear a case for hi* voluntary cli
ent, aa caused the judge to dismiss the
Tb* old man left the court in triumph,
and with his hired hand preceded at once
to the ordinary's office where a license was
procured. The judge gave the court a re
cess, and united the happy pair in tb*
bonds of wedlock.
Since that event Mr. Lawton has chang
ed hi* view* on educational matter*.
Boll—Ait (incnlli.t for Excite
Hen. iLbeock and Mr. Imckoy were tin
der various title* the private secret-tries el
the l‘resident of the United State*.
Gen. Babcock was indicted at Si. Louie
lor complicity in certain whiskoy frauds.
One O. S'. Hell, a well-known detective,
and formerly a Union scotß, en) lying, cer
tainly until quite recently, the confidence
ol Gen, Grant, testilie* before the Congres
sional oommitlee ol investigation that pre
vious lo Babcock's trial, Babcock and
Luckcv proposed to him to steal the evl
dance ot the prosecution from the ofll ws ol
Mr, District Attorney llyor, at Bt. Louis.
And the whole country is ablaao with ex
citement and discussion ovor the matter.
It appears to ns that this agitation would
all bo calmed down by a liltle wail rrflecj
lion. It seems to be entirely forgotten that,
since hi* trial at Rt. Louis, Balicock has
boon ignominiously dismissed from the
While House, by the President of the Uni
ted Stales, for having stolon or alistracted
t tetter from among the President’s papers
Under such circumstances, of what conse
qaence is it whether tin made this proposi
tion lo Bell or not F lfainsu is iu Ststu
prison for stealing a liorse, what liools it
whether he once proposed to another per
son to make oIT with a team of mule* ?
As for Lucky, he now only holds it clerk
ship in the Interior Department. Let us
consider it lortunate tor the country that
he lias not tieen made a Judge ol the Court
of Claims I—N. Y. Bun.
Wmcle Agnlnst Bruliin.
When Jackson was moving on to stiike
McClellan's flank, on the ('nlokalwuhiy,
he came to a stream that had no bridge,
and could not he crooned wltlnmt one. The
Ueneral had hrmight with him Irom the
Valley, a rough uneducated man, full of
energy, who had served him In emergen
cies, and In whom lie had the utmost con
fidence. lie called this man and told him
that tho stream must he bridged Immedi
ately; the regular engineers were advised
of Iho fact. In 11 short lime the rough oar
punter ami tho polished iaim of science
were at tho stream, the fbrmnr had his
plan, Iho latter Ilmira; he wished to go at
tho work at ouco without drawing*, hut
they objected until they could polled the
plans on paper. The engineers retired to
their tent to’perfoct a paper bridge ; the
carpenter took his men and wont to wmk
to inadu a real on*, lu u very short lime
lio appeared at tho General's lent and rc
ported briefly, tints ; '•General, that bridge
Is dona, hut iliam pictures ain't coin* yet.”
A Hmaih Bor. —"1 hoard sumnthlng a
moment ag.., • >itv .. correspondent In a
Southern city, “which I will give yon the
skeleton of.—lt made nan laugh not a little
for it struck me, that It disclosed a transfer
of "Yanko* tricks’ to this side of tho At
lantic. It would appoar, that a traveller
stopiwd al Hiuasels, in a post chains, and
leliig sharp set, ho was anxious to buy a
piece ol cherry-pie, before his vehicle shoo! I
net out; but he was afraid to leave the pub
lic lest It might drive ol! and
leave him. Ho, calling a lad to him, Irom
the otliar side ol the street, hf gave him a
piece of money, and requeue 1 him to go to
a restaurant or confectionery , in the near
vicinity, and purchaae pastry ; and thou to
‘make assurance doubly sure" he gave him
another piece of money and tolil him to
buy some lor himself ut Hie same time. The
lad went off on a run, and in a little while
came back, oatlng a piece of pie, an I look
ing very complacent and happy. Walkiug
Up to the window ol the pest-chaise he
said, with the most perfect nnne/vihtrvjt,
returning at the same time one of the pieces
ol money which bad boon given him by
the gentleman,''The restaurant had only
one piece of plo left, and (hat I bou girl q
with my money, that you gave me P”
Honesty ut n IBseeuiU.
It Is well understood in Washington that
Ihn charges against Decretory Rriatow
corn* not from Democrat*, hut from Re
publicans who wish him to be ‘‘killed ott."
The Cincinnati Gazette sums up hia op
ponent# aa follow*:
“1. The Hbepherd Msullett combination,
In revenge for Muliett’s removal; 2. The
safe burglary oonspimtor, liecauae the De
em Borvice force waa reorganised ; 8. T?ie
Indian Ring, which ho|>s to save Dela
no's administration by crushing lirisiow's
reform movement; A. The men interested
in the seal-lock frauds which Bristow
checker]; fi. The olabu agent* at W*b>ng
ton, who can no longer swindle the gov
ernment with Mr. itriatow at the head of
the Treasury Department; 7. The whisky
ring* throughout the country.**
The Gazette should have added &. The
thieves and knave* generally; and then It
would have comprised the entire Radical
party. The ttiriou* part of tire business la
why any Rtpubhcsn a*|orant should
trouble himatlf about Bristow, for surely
if lie is the honest man lie is represented to
be he atanda in no Republican’* way—in
other words, hi* chance* o! being a'ruck
by lightning are Just alj-mt a* good m hia
chance of receiving the Republican nomi
nation. What uae would ueh a party as
the iovestigationa now going on iu Wash
ington have aliown the radical or Rspuh
licsn party, ao-called, to he, have fir an
Ijonsst man in (tie I'reaideutial chair. If
Bristow don’t get nd oi hia honest name
he wi.l never be nomina'ed lor President
by the Radical* —f davannab New*.
Tn# Laigest-and H*n Isomeu Literary Pa*
per in America.
Brilliant Announcements'
taT /‘rKVIMKAti FiISM ja
T pilK following new stnriea will KWh kw
Jl. c % o!iinncTil, tml will be Ihf! In*
imsely Tnrillmg ol any It -iniincoeyetpub
.ishud in au American journal.
NO IITU A NO so irru
A Thrilling National Kom.inee, 'i*sed up
on the Administrations of Pioldent Lia
coin aud Johnson and the Execution of
Mr*. Buriall, in UW3—iV rilten by a dis
tioguiahed Suienian.
A Rtory ul (be Last Napoleon’* ReigKJ—-
By M. (JUAD, ol the Michigan Press.
< >ll
A Brilliant Society tmrlel, now runoln*.— -
lty Mia Mary E. Bryan, whol* th* riw
esl Story-VVliter ot ihu Age.
Temptatitm of a Factory Uirl.
By a l’opalaf Novelist.
Confederate Government.
By Col. II I) Capers, Chief Clerk of Treas
ury Department under Mr. Meuiiniu
This will lie a deeply inteiesting eo
ilea of Hkeluhes, giving ilia early trial*, dis
advantages, and many amtisi ig lucldant*'
ol our people In tliclr ellorle to eslahlisk la l
indapamlaul Government.
toy A number of unusually Brilliant
Hlsort Stories appear ui each Issue, with A
treat variety ol Hparkiing Miscellaneous
Matter uu ull subjects.
tfuhteiiiU‘i>t ft) 00 • Tear
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do of 20 do 51 25 d<'
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their iulareHt to aiidruss
M It. Oil Ml',Heal KstaU Dealer,
170 Wllllaiw H. W, T
Flower & V'egetmblm
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JAM KB VICK, Rochester, M. T.
• Notice.
Metiers. HL'HAUB A PKRKJHB, H*v%
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n Atlanta where picture* o< all kifids can h*.
obtained Meriwether peo|de visiting At,
,ant* are cordially invited to vMt lbi>,
NO 17