The Meriwether County vindicator. (Greenville, Meriwether County, Ga.) 1872-1885, April 14, 1876, Image 2
TIIK VINDICATOR VVw. T. Ttirviu, Bdiwr au-4 i'f"pr.< 11. KKIUiV Apt.l h IS7> “a. T. the. New V' mere latit priiux an 1 riii.irmhire, is 'toad. 'I r B<*<!?.< it >■ >-* " " 4 uik.: aL- f,r K 7 ' l " i i;; 'j’j i Jj**)i*i te* miidi"** i* th { *i S-, h* wti’ |,iie* 15 rt Hill *>u I ■i- w if, filit.ot If HI |J>*' L/l.hll i'f ■' -jifftm; <iae iifoiw tM W jut i>K* and. A l‘. Ho ml write woitl. aim l t<• .* in, 1 cjml <Miar*; he tefttca t<" -• (l+'fcu. Kvtn'tb ii !i> . **•’<* 'I HI ■ ■■'■ 1 |,a fwlti 4 Vi <il*'* 1 ft IB m;ai *• 1 ‘-o' ,l (HljiUlftO U Hulc.y, the <■*•. rl* *‘l .* Ullillg The l.iCikm-e y* *.*•*'■ *4-e vena done the I ridge* In Trump >V Hi* Ifttf; l**.*Mt. Wn4 PohM waa.yaujprt-i aed tjVfiia iiiivi(/ii'w) the *ll'i 1 nhi Vniv.ii. fwrf rflit-rri) j dm-i me* had n iiatit in tf )91l ttVCtdi'U.hiis I"*' w**k kill* *4 tk otJ.' i itb i <■'•> l iron <*•* ba>u. Toiler lilodgll mw bet arrcaied a .•! brut fla to All.Jiil; Ji lie “ill mih rU'Ct IP tnd Hit >l If know* "I tl' >“ calttlcu if 15 ill.-. r< ip n_W wiil grant iiim lull i U f"i *r:'oll< IK W. when ** ale uii.lullo4 ji'ivw imr. From it letter al mi abet eil will b*> t,rn llit govanmr tiirihh jwiuvly iha Lm-s to tow * candidate I' r tlm < fli Mlu. He could imvfl nturad tho p<>lUpii, n • i ■ • , but it l* auld h | reion. H ii it di (> wj’i'n* (Kj.’lWr kuy, ft h*iMi'd detixxu'tt. <■' ■> TcUnOMXi, 111 id oft ftpoerh 111 Hi*: U'ltM Bute* Hcuuiu tli tv Uyf *go in !**••> * sending wwuwUUSO to iliwUiiffil to !u Yeidightr, allegr*! dionnii ftl h II t'ld* *‘i the h.u guugo (iI ft ti'iti* I ab<ilit!(,|.ut **e trtial llr IcgiftUtuic hi 'lcmiiiihi villi !t Mr Hftnnttir Key llda 111 ll.■ f.i *1 ‘ •|. li iil-ler .( M '* "If fol I 1 ,looi county d*lrr lii I’rJmiUyo Uu|*tlxt wUi rrn to Uiiow llial lm ia lint the MhiMlinlia nlmlit whom Hie lute fnlnnoa l.nnmaUvi i tlerialoU vynu limile. Me ml ts Hi it lit! i -tl#A lelalcd to Hint Hhnmmn, bHii|* ol it diflricut fninlly of Hltnmmiee. The Time* uy* n I'm rid! Jury ullei ten liduraldc (l*llber i'luii lu*t week t: .n i l ip til* following verdirl ‘ We, thi ) ny, ut'ice to illauHtee. The juilti lined Ihein d’> < ,i h Ini Ihtir yerdh t. They wilt ague not to dimigrcfl next iltne, The AHaiila CJmiMitullnO feays "Hie > "• ril l-o Hint- !* " l ist I"U’ In Hie eye*t ol tur Ihw •• Hmt "I Hie gii'MeM in tun tßldat." Will,msyte w>, hot Joe euu he iietter ejiftre-! Hum any darky we kn of anywhere. Isw * r no l*V' Fiom a show tu in tin? Newnau Herald, Judge llliaui Waruci aoenn to be *h Choice of * large mnjoiity of the jifluplf of Cowoift cmiuly fr tins olllftt u) gfrvertmij. Wart) bn nominntrd we think be would get every veto in Meriwether, lot hi* old neighbor* think ho wtuiUl make a be'.ler governor than any oilier man in the §tato. Mr. Jamea, candidate lor novel nor, Hindis tlir late hornertesd dtcMoti ft godreud to tbe ronntry. Row, this deponent la not a candidate for governor, nltkciigh ho w. uM serve if rleetsd, y*t, U* b g i hwve to nay there is Bp meid. bread, money, clothing of •ny other good thing In that name highly 1 minded doriaiutL Labor, hard labor, and close ceot only nr the only tm ;ms n hereby wc .may bo ■ftv*d. I.i ablation end imirt deciriena rnay Inspire hope In the minds <>! j many, but the*)u id prove -4*4Hf4oHiw4 • • ani>re. Tbe ViitnicvroH admits tho dr- 1 cislon of the Supreme Court to be a moat righteous one, but it ia not n sovereign balm for all the evils that afflict the slate. Remember this, ye hard pleased sons of toll, and labor pb and faint not and your reward i* sure, though il may lie distant. fmpormiit information. For the lnforinati<ut of our reader* w* give below a lew iu'pirtwit changes made lty the lasi legislature, In reference to cer tain laws, which it will do well lor all in terested to observe; Jud'icee of the peace have no longer the right by law 40 award costs against the ac cused or the proMcutor, nt discretion Triito—ln ail cases ol lordhle qn:ry ntid detainer trfeiloy justice of the peace, a jury i required to be drawn from all the per sona In the district subject to jury duty. Tax receive;* ate required hereafter to enter on their digests the first name in lull of In x payers. Let no fellow got wearied new ;or having to give his full name. Mji.tga.oks—Tb* law now requires nioMi -geson real snd pereonal property tot.. recorded in thirty days i.fciead ol thru I.months. Mortgages on personalty U vt*t lie recorded iu tlie county when the y.r. , Iby at the time ol the execution otthe n v C is out of the crunty ot the ti.q I*. jors residence, also in tha county ol ! v- r science. 1 ; iioss.—The law requires aii auu* in or • * , !• bear date fifteen days before the tin oi ihe trial of the cause if the amount 4s hdiare or under r and hear date twenty days before trial, when the amount i.w ally dollar*, and to be served upon the and. ■ in'ant, by giving him a copy, or * copy at ills usual and most not-.- IUtM ; „tui icidccvc, hast tea days ■jw.vrr be trial .l.iticr l ii!i i;i. .YiCZ-vtA, <it , Aprh 7, LG*, -j—M-i- > I: ti tXlrr,--,. w !,. Ksi ie l i y f J-/i** IX. M-ti-.ii* VT. J., LUr X ic*i ' a/.ii £. I llv'. $, C iuuiW, Of Mr lit.a.n r ifts : I h v tte )vu ,r t> u(-i> !nirl(la<; U*i refiijit </t your lavor • 1 j tl.e ! Ji!i u ttmo n*V. n<* nr,*! o * l‘w my ii me to lx: proen! IV> the ff l<y i imi tor ill* iiffirti ot tgorefaof ol ’7i / i. - 1 *i- gt*|ty ol !le rptr'lioti, ■■ *. | ; rM*!it (J ol i Ira-*. <x* ■' i: '.[loo k - JHi leij! rewti for ki y oelar in ! i Ui yotif sstse ~ei, o tum ik i ui ti. j it i Uiow't to jc nix men, at reii ,m V. olUef |ii-*o* -o .i-,tiTrf*T>Tt J-Sf U of tfi j 1 i are not <ie*re<i a i* oioc i ;to '.!> 111'* 1 ow Void. H i htr at my o* u i iMtuiubi la: Hoy* at* f m'-etne<i l tavi rnktie *>tt;r< lrl my ii'ot.itoa v ret re hi titt; f*|iiraiton ol my j t term It tor a 'i‘- 1 • * lull pakl i i* ve '.|t( i t • •* < t.jiy t . ■ liereni | I ;1i..0 f. ton tin! r.(.i*n..ey .-!<*•> ait'i f aufto'im.ei, it is. .0 W -• quell' o n! a >:u Li na ic on uty ualmiiiUtr# , tt'.n, kii-l. it <t rt-r.t.y tVro*>nl. in*, uj on Uie ; leg.oatun: t*>l tilt: '!eia*v,ratic ftsfly Ifi lift Htfcte. t' U tint h*m-> -ar / in ,'ix .** tin: f • wlntii mj Ite.l !: • ■ I.' . ftjrihil t,; layOfrH' ll.'fy .yao-o-otim*.:. a , in n.y )ii'!jrtit*tit, tiak'te it [ rojin !>r uim trr R*pcn<t my BrM Ti.trntimr; ,ii t: ■ r Tniy •ell in (V |t|oti in nh **r ray * Him la lias [ifiy iuigiit tniitlt lU-tn lay <[. ort me. It t iKtyr mirrTutt, V'lft vr, f. > n.y injury rfstilti' f limit Use 1 *: ' Jrinrtul Hi kit tl# tl| t.n ( t.i.i te in tr. lltey W‘it, t'.eyjfi e 4 to rvifrei**, wltei'i* I 111- /lafailiinl . Ot*. • } hit •ll[t|*‘ it:. til* I o tlrra ol .iia fi tilUaJ t omla j) *H i i.i.y, m J*et tv nil nmiiin..” 'I m ft.n|i!*rtinn 'otn ;< lrt 'o m tUlti In my t.lj, :tj I [ tsiltr, ** ktitl Arilite . 1 to Jt tiinf, it I t<o *■ ilo, x flu .t i **; to iiMit: my ■ tiflti j’it t' lt ft! • Utf. *l' 4 .r -to ititiy gulf fit Oi i ttii t ‘Hii uU>in.lni 1 1 MMnumUou 1 tin,|,*t rt'.ir liftf Utti <: iiatf.Ufiu r . .yytliilt'.i let tfi ii, t Iltti K to y< u I.r tl - U* I lei Util Vtius In il'it ll y'i't at* jMi-vt I to X;:rtf yryjr Ir;r ~,l; j :r;t“tt iff TOT. I tif-ll'*, to tuske my |r-uhifitl a- ■*>* - '/■ iiMlitH ' } the )t• ,[.t* *,l iit *ll4l Wi, '■ it I: 'll Un ritt'd ‘,t 11 1 they Iyn m lorr ; * me, ami lot 110 j.- t 1 |.|ir,r t tl.t y Un m Hoi n-- 1 11 A t'l’ l *1" .i i,i'ii' t!erJ.ii-j gri.jiL Iliad t * iilliit .mV ham!y Wh*n *- ft I nil the i ltiWtlu r ’litn In- wliit'it We ! ■: . rstty it t- j. .1 - r 11, I if Hu gi.fpi ui!,.':, I 1 1- 7 !. ami i t.nirtn lit ■ |th • • r j.iteert fB-ae* fui and hafi v nindi'em, l bail find w* ah Iluyt- i hUihi lot i:t*l,i iltiiulinu. Hill n hi" del'l lini hifn im t l nneit, and ih* InO ffai Bli ills liitW rugwiv-Ky J'lid ; while o f hot),l* lie I*,-day i* < 1 111 h P'vr in lh glint ttmllra (-1 I id* I hir *imal.!ii nl ayaiem lit* luen ehnhlv'.r I mi a ttdil ItMimiahitii ; mir vwried r*w<ea urn h* ',< lft|iit!ly am! syetem vif * ly th yrtoiied; sud uui jiiiliuaiv. lm ll•'•■ , '/ - 1 umthy. i* ie: mi i tn none in tim euti r l ulnn, I tan only Hiilt thai Hit |iim|:cinu en rvu u|>op wliieh * n liuvc i iitefod m iy aid lor nn i hov'i . ami .l vt let'll iu mu ,-t•'*.* in tl hVdt mi it uiioi,*, we may ujoy inr many yum a;ioim ta r uic, ttie iil"it,i.uj—ol prut o mill libeitv. f am, gat Hbohm, your liioinl and oli't aaiy't, .1 i’im M Smith iti f anfttii nrr In firaiit i tio taldwifc K' ‘ s "tiioi Ili’iuler.itai, in his, before the lnve‘),;ving CoinfnlPfe O' Tuesday, do* lined to npress any cjinion ns to 111* onU’C id h r di nos’d '.fir position of pro venting attorney in tbe Hnlieoi'k rn*f, and wm geuernliy Yioy'ie served in answering only the diirrt <p es llon of tho mminittce. lit w*s evidently a reluotint witness He, !i wrver, ni' ted that be was all Hin Way through m-p clou* of l ie President and tbe Attorney OenafV. Tbe only persona Jn Washington that be had ernttdeuce In were Ihi. tow and Bbtlonl Wilson, with whom be ivaa in roirtar.t communication. In rr- gnrd to this c<irre|>onduni f Mr 11-n Jer-o n ass not t-v-immn! ot) T.itrulay. He, row ever, said that ftff*tbr Viters whiclt ) asvisl between himself mid the Secretary and So Hoi'or began with “coiifldrntlftV ned Oivu eluded atul endrl with ‘ lluni when read.’’ "If,” sail Mr. Herufereoii, "this correspoiute’ieo printed now il would iiiiise a commotion. I hnve no oijectlon," he e ntinned, "lo tell yon that it. substance tt showed that boih Bristow and Wilson lacked ror fldencc in the Preideid atid the rest of the Cabinet. They did not Eel that they were 1 properly supported in this war npon cor ruption, i>nd in this I agreed with them." Btfkuip stys, an i probably with some how ol truth, llyit the initial steps in the Fort Sill post business w are U ken by members of bis family without bis kuowiedge. If this be so, the nsc 0! the rresident is mp:s! y worse tlrui that ot ’.lie Secretary ~f war, tor tire tornm In: 11:the 1 his brother Orvil with the in format ion nec essary to enable him to tucks money by peddling out post traJurehips, the Presi dent knowing the rue his brother was to make ot information. By the by, when the Republicans were eiusgcd in impeaching Andrew Johusofl, how they would have rejoiced to find facts iu regard to Johnson sod a member of his lamilv like tlu>ee hr-nigiit out belore Clymer’s cocnniUeeconcerning the Grants.—[N Y. Sun. It is the optnlou of prominent lawyers iu Atlanta that tinder the late Supreme Court decision, the only instrument neces sary to bind the pu.tlaser is a common note of hand, with a couditicu attached, waiving the homestead.. _ • *• . -i Q i A -tasi- t. *ii*tf ut;on : Wi,u uutlt C-wi.r.: v* ae a*, lutjjie iu; itinlei tie l .l-oari ig taetalnte fit yx latt i'lt. l on-rk," v,:.0 if, temiUs the Ti.irJ Owyg:* tfrMni-t : < a reeent ilty a email e[t(.ro : f r the V/ul.ifiglon mocuaiem aui C[i iitfort UrC Hvut , anti tiie:i L, t>*t:,e hu. tt ,e f. Cook vouM lani'-y htr it.< {UI <.':>u:*t:‘u mi B diogtaf', a ui4 <*• ’ I*, it t • ; •■:!.*. irolii M.tfsattiwui,tr o j.LlLsj-W 111 ff ItV r%U- i kill* A ot* o-, -Me | It;art- ; (*' I: I < ilk, 1 trunk Jot lof j your ti. A or.e Itxu the rS -uiu wo ~ . c 1 ■ '1i.1.1. ■; i-kiicti a i*ia :e unfe -• I jy: r*il. jwit .0 tiiia |iklfi*,itc l t-‘ , jet .; ti y lelft- tll'U4 If-we! !*::* v, ljui & itt* if) t a .£tkif ,-i uit eye the ~ro**i ton lUioimyg tirta t;r tau;:; 1 t ■. * II ; iy ; -,.t tai. ,i- :tl t ) S A at a. , fit, tM'. a*. * I‘, Pit, Mr , Buft! 4- Lurt. hy ——.air, 1 tenet *0 Vs* t> vti t jle.t i ktitj • , ay: . ■f ; A |*a> t 1 | ler/'i.o-ei the-ai./, an-1 S(<se*rf Lit: j htwi U< ll.i'CSTf -TTTf ffonyTSinrii.* '•■l3 v jof ’he s ifia* |t ; H < ' *:.* U ‘ e;' i ‘V*ah I gtV.' rir: it '! ;>i Poo lent 'irast ■• n f* * ' ** eeit*arr*r.ett on oiiit ul U!ti*.i: t t-t reti: ertit'* f * Unix U t'.* llerefttiy it* a J, i , _o.ia 1*0.4. ui hi* v e .i. iV^_ r jC it... ft * : .4! -xA y*4 ve* o t'lo- I a tie */| ota til t't'il *’*'! * l* * ; ,r •, ■ >,* t*: ,*: it 11:' *'n lli eater o t i . r • ioA i ! lulu "■ 'll***, it fimtfi ihk hi ; ; , :, -e li i / ;uto y. *U. ■ ■ o ■ * T. i). *, I,l* n HUH lira! is ■ -i ;• *' •„ii > ; ..i*.t t*!'i a fvlt e ,** * • I I , . ji,' to fißi'ilc lit .>*:! All .1 • , [t, in l l I', r*, ,* .! he eI'I; ,* ,*.l i t'l (!• J , * ,t >: ('H.ftal [<' :i :< . >,■* TliO i ” AI 4. '. * t :. 'ft je at • i.lik y lei* TtiVy iTtert * Pi*; , file in X ii- * *■ ■'> *'■■■• ~ ■ v; 1 H- ' I I.U .-:.*.'*. • j * 11' till/„ '*t lit* t ill r*|l'/ ’ T It, tl s ouuftfifi/, :r,* t •! ' ■* Atly, ; *i * I an I e,'/[ ■■ g |‘ r t i.t ,■■ r " ;,! *.v af; i'fi K'll. < f IllbMtf I I HiN j*,y 'I 'i'll ;! Ml,!' l' : ft. -it !a. * M . Ia no i-c 1r V (5 ttij't' I li M ft .ii. .id, i t Itsd: I Mann* ad lib. * -ho| hit.:, A . I*lolt'* ill IS " w, : bit I <e.J hy my father nr nip*):' n*. w ,t,.i n ->l btiamf*#. ri r.* k i" sr <jycr I’amttna: In • u 1 tg "i’ ol S'i •*■ 5 . at iica*. the iu .v h i it. ’it toy father #1 uiya- I w I I*l 'i nihieleii in ny .-vn n v. n i YVo will k< |> ii ittrorliv* Hmk, wi!i i -i ia.; j.y lor • kiep no W-Y |irnes shtihl lr’-l I*l it"b ra--h1 April 14 -A n l f I* i*e M ICt ii l kTAtlrtKAkl m^y^msfmSmSSESSEM ik WSf? f *k4fp^ijWk4AirWAiW4Ktjjja; 6^ Ktf ma f s i e ~\AywKiTi6 THK BUUi OaU MITO3HTH . Family Knitting Michiac! A nieisTT'seTut an l Wonder ui Tu.’ntion ’ Now aft cl ; n*; ”iivera! attertron by its astnnmhing perlerniaeces, and its greai unictteat vaii for ten v dav family n-i thj> Siuiplo. Dtirable and CllCUp ,v wwi-y ktet i ax.J WILL LAST A LIFE TIME, It will knit every poesibie variety of plain and farcy work WITH ALMOST MAGI- CAT SP££D and (ar btUer than it can lie done by hand, or 0.1 any other machine. All kinds of garmeuts are pcrlrctly formed and shaned by the machine itself, r' , bring no cutiing iJid making up. A good operator vn 1 knit ft man's rut, with heel and toe com plete, in from Jin to and tteut twenty to lony pairs of socks in a day ! Every laaiily—especially erery faiuiiy—should have ft Bickford lluitxer It wili lie f-.uau cqu dry as U'-iui iu* uie Sewing Machine, and ever, more ptofitable. Every Machine WARRANTED perfect, jAti tv ci >} <<e' *f 'nr.' M repnMnUd. The Ilick'orU Machine is the osi.T LE o.iTtvatE cv'i idtic* l Uniting Mtcnicu in erisiemt- AU others, not licensed by us, are clear and palpable iultingments cn our patents, raid we shall hold aii parties who muiiiftctu:c. Sell, buy or use sue t willing - ir-g machines, to a strict legal accountabili ty. " An Instruction Bo>k, containing com plete aud minute directions to the opera ted, each UIUc hIUC. No. 1, Family AUcuiuc, 1 cj.indcr, 71 needles, sot) No a. Family Machine 3 cylinder. 73*11)0 ncutUca f-fO A tumpie Machine will be sent to auy part ol iha Unite.! Suits or Canada, tz pt** thorp* f re-pa and, oa receipt ot the price. Agents wanted in every Slate, County. Cdy aud Town, to whom very liberal tlu counls will be made. For further particulars, address Bickkokd Kjhttiso Machine Mvg. Cos Mao : 1 c’ nn “ r “ Brattlebor ',-Vi. LEGAL AIJ V L KTISEM LN T A Ordinary s Otae c; ’ J M. Brooks aa j Isabella Bfiukt A■;mi Ixi, J A 'cin. ol the estate of K. 1! Brm<k*. er tate ’, represcot to the com t that they hv.e / ah.. :., reti laid •'•. as | tit:-*o tor'dtamitt.'Wi lr *m taid li-jrt. Tt.:* .• thwt**re t > cite ar.i aimoowb ; ■!.: . '.rue! V* ric.Jitii oi j- tr:■ aui 1 *. v Lx, , ■-it •*. bcijit U.. ii*. iS ay -. v** * y i * 41. 'j'yt-i ' o-iff Tt ' *-i !••!• -t ■* {;.;■ "ire I ;.ta Arm. 3'd !*j7's. 71 " J tv BANMS'ti, OM C | -ML-lA+ArLi Mersirtsjsr Cos .’ily '•.it; X M.-r abji >ft*i,4 lor exe; . ! ■ ■ti ot i aly at.-i tttjog (<ait l. . * .ti r*t I!out ai aft*! I* : -v ■ :[* '..*: the %•t at u o', i y a. to .-ti ■ii/ ' *- iittf '.it, ••: A.r . f7t. ti m o: , i In Ajnti ’.tie 4<’ let i- J. W BANNING,. Mr. /It-C.lilA. Mtl;„ .if Cos Lit/. 'tit Ij ( i. ... SJ : lit <- I !xr’ ter* j-tir . . . lit :he -V 1 * t • iu-' He i . . i **, if an 1 a i „t , ~■ ' , * ll.t f.l j * ':■* o -i. > -tU>*rSt r i. • f .--i * Kn. 'iy 'T? T flay I.' 4' A ■ < O-L-'A * -f A-t< * —-4—* .4 Ci. fi J>". , suuii t- , ' ■<* fcia'i.t (l.i'o vfi i >_ ii-a u*i ?ir ■ < .'i ! -f j 'v iruoiN i o M 0 hhex iff Hale ii* ~ • •- -x. liiMii*A V ;!'• : * iitfi r -■ ■ j ‘A ~ t; fcf, J J Iti t iJ'i lU : *** ‘i * r I*'/*.*. Or** t, : -y r 64* •’ 1 *■" 1 . f] •*;.*: t. . :* trf s‘lr # /ii ti* f j .r ~ yHi>? A* * ■**? ' H t-.v 1 •“ : I'i > ’ t Skltilh/t -flv* tiw ‘f *; vf ee l fid t UK *Mi tail: A./| i- tl '.Ari* ‘ v li 10- * < ‘ f p 51"-.’ tr *). ricOfyU. !#y A_i-*- ’*• Mi • fin / 1* 4.i , . . '-■ Ural ’! i* 4 U •* rtsr i *•'n si T7~ z t~ ? h li (ti ifii-n, J *•> : v *r/ * *i‘* r ‘. f ' M tt.l .* r . 'h. > f :c ■ ' • y • ■ V• j M Hr - * 'V \ | h t - ' i -/jjit** •. I , (( ! , i,*V t*r via*'* ty J >* K ..l* *., t. *, atul "••*#•< *i .•* lie | ttia A l o B IfAYKH ■ PTC !*tn.ii*im ti kllrrilf HiJr, ULUABCt \ V c.-'fC I'.-ty■ \\' " * '•’ -r ■ rLiilßii. \ > • t * -4. -4**.# t • ** *n I • f •* ’ • r ( '* U-AC ii LyL—* May ** *4- Im* I ■ 1 ~ jsnitsi -f -*• * id ' !!. it M tt .* * ,'t the . ,vt .-fit ..f 'to *> i,t f1 • ti: * <* , N .. :■„(( m-1, t+t. ♦*-! temlf * • ■ .OH*:g tit-.' ■ ’i h i : ' \* u' j -T.*.,. >, , j.t. | Oft tl die po , er'r lit :: M ••> l r fre *1 a In A At. f * ••> •t tie an 1 xlMty in-at, ill.* r<' ' >-5 to ui,-t IS ,S Mi i k*. I.e* •ILy t, IMV. V_*a i'n; atu't t ftlt-l ItlU't ■ ', * lit * ' J I*. . (at -i'l.'l it. , 7, : ! •;*! W H P V K ll M 1 Not i(v Thi*. J. V/ W INI IKLD gßOoun, jpro iil IC ' I) *•vj ♦> l * •Ah C () M M 1 8. HID X M4vK( -II ANTt fo \n bro ad street. a nu<.. 'i-sirea t.> r si! *he itlf'i'.rui af win t tvea* of M* i*iw<•! 1 i(‘r trading ,n Atlanta, lo Uis sip* 'n . Fn . t Tt:;i 'or supplying tiiern wi h Evorytbjnc in’bis line’ at The Lowest PJIICLJS In AU. CABBB and the t-’ic’e are rc-t what th y are* ii..d t< o*i v... jr Care tv •• turned .it MY eipetis.,. UAilB LARD . CORN FLOUR aid Family Fupp’.ie" ol every dr scrioUnn atwavM on ban t. Tie editor of tbe \is DtCAT k his Keen me of my envtomers for over a year and to him I refer,- offering t subuiit to Lis V" n v chsracter f >t honesty and fair draiing —Keiueoibertiie place.—No W Broad •Street,'a. jjf Cai! me when in the city, Or dew respectfully solicited. SiumchS* I tV. WINFIELD. PAINTING I wontd respectfully sav to tue Citizens of Meriwether and adjoining Counties, that 1 am louiiea in Grtenvii o, aud my enlire Ume ami attention is g vea .o I*AIMING fIuUSES, SIGN^, BUGGIEB. WAGON a, - FURNITURE Ac. .A. n y P © 1* s o 11 wanting any of the abovv WORK. -DOJyR, wili do wall to cive me a TRIAL Work done '.h NEATNESS, AND SATISFACTION Gr uaraateed. Cali on or Address. Mrefe3 6iß '■ >1 HARRIS. S T Tc T N W A Y. -*-— ; ' . . iiffi “IPIO UlffclS DON’T LIE” !, Sttiiißaj PiaooN Sflll Trhiwphaat \ -r: - - -...- Hr:- " A.. A : fl'Kir* AY'S •‘4LE? L',ii/iit i "t :oh . 'l* L V't, !' Y, *: ,Al9,* Cb-.-.e- ■ ' e- , n . k- , 4C-, sNihu ?{. m:o?u *■' :.i m I-. . . ‘ " HXi x 'X* A")'TtHf r, th’l Ilf ! a-i V-. ,-n ir un trom ti< . ittetvn ifaMjßHttfTa* Katuri g. dCRKKSTKIN- I' jring a:: mv Im p and diffl- u!t Journey I s : over fwwfw, iGiji very Tuclemeßt trjvii:, I i:m l >■■ tl: I’.anns, and have lieea v '* eV> it*- Lovil J* at a exciitaAc yiu luy i m Uuud ct! and Pi!te<-n Atnnt-eru, aa'l * T a, iu pm if, huli iin moat e>xinant aki •ui. ultilrtt. ftot York, May 24- n ]>;* ! ,e :i*‘oye is tile only lesliuiou!*. tor hv, , by Itubcua'f'* 1 *- *,iT i'iauti ■<, . juanula*'*** w -1 !'• y Od' K' SliiinsKAT i!;jU it* ; W!tri*|ltl 1* at o -lifivt! V* brhUutie li* at it li-ttij pel :.rnt:u i-es it the Wrt> 1 rg fit hei* iar'. I'ftiday it sererd UUtit, i y tt !■ a a • V’u a On liertra,” etdting t-ei ti t. odiLt rAt;• (Ks'.rm t irom lir i a: t L-At lit I • e.lKHlad COrtiiiaewr, Mt /■ < ft, hli elt i list, ti:t 1 Weimar, y-aj i -'I, 1 e7d, |a ho* in jmeatoaitja el : :f* "lr TI u li) A '■V fit — 7 WAf?TI? KREBS A.l ti -:, u l; ¥ ttatiu< ytr P, .no*, *. r rfttr r-; ! pttbHc, I Ti 7 '. f-*, 4 , v • >''*•' t‘v 'H. .1 '• n \ }'iti O M' H!f -f i• 54 i apt] KuiU t l€&U !:.l. : AUtv \ '.ltk y>+y 1 7 til, li*<* } Ol MLYEH. "U .-mg u v nttl.-Mi ui reef f more than lolly i cola, iit cm LAiiLALoit U. fat . lit, Ptu • ■ *... ! piiyaUi, but I ift*t tiiyei 1 *utsd at. .ua.iu.ot/il HliieU uuli!|**r with ytjur i I .** iN. Y , ilarclt iiirt, IHthd J ELI,. Yfiiur name dew i\o* \m lie ion tibed ,a . t •,:. i *•:.:._ti lie Lf'hiv ot—l*iaun m>a '•* .it,- mA u 'i ,o*,lo Ull i uipiyy' Mtul ol * Inch * u iae alyt \ t ..l Utl.-uted X'Mr r, t ’ i. t,; ui'ih , i :'t *ulaii* and l*nl \\ oat 1,*., ttUk.og tjT—oy l id'ai.*, Apiil j*u 1W.7 ) •ll .io-g ioy k*ttg <4teff 3 Artil •m] All i. 1 M|iijt*..t i, 1 iuaya met lUi maof (; ja K f I *lean a 1 Aiunii tn ibano Ftrte, Imt i—nr that roiLit fie g ramie it r uni tee-tty of ii • i-.y ol t- ut h in elt-nl, every t ui g tout imdtfa a I’lant* |**rly?t, V- auc U F : <i*i> dvgivi a youi ia*lbrte<l P.atto „ i • IV*. iNn Ymk, duty 0, 1872 ) A 1 ' V*,"i ' -IV' 'i\ T. - Villi M . tilt. IJJNT! Al. t. aa them are mmta ‘ , n WII , ~ r , . ‘-,m l,'hniil f. Ifbf el-ft A' UU, J{l yen t,y l.Tem a.e* . . -t’l '!* r • yen i . . '* 5 i'taaor, an i otoeif, Uclire ... ... f ..- '—aotale': ! -rjtr:t*. A o ‘e-e rfl—f-t i fotm ‘ II Hi * •••< - ’ -fr,.; *-‘y j > i'AnL**j a.K h< n *i i-ns* ** l: JfnU E *lU<* t “ •* ♦ ••*.' li /!/ f • ■>) . • # t (~?• %*. h hh{{ *• W. ){i(E < • t|* ( I*■ tl .Mi •%* • tn II Si 4 *>* fit* /s.i'Wklafl - 'i * -f ■•'. *i - •• ’ -I ipy yj* ! / a*' l' ii H i fit* aV-sf •% iE* Vid 7, "* -tT- *7 V-“f i 1 ; *ft’ , !SVrf Hxrif ' • ii: f i—linhi. .Ahk. HkrtVtr jdaresi tiiesr la. m ,; i. >-1 *<; I ■>& it Ai b Si. -i ■ ■ in :o:n. liv -s ||' A•.to' .i- INer-o*. V’- -V. i , t,...0 •. * !• jat lre.' ratea' an I at h>n It- i’i r i i - . . <*— \ K ,i, C. aroJ *, i,- . mm Las* Teon, by 1 v .Lit ■ Jri*A f, * i *K?{. VV . t.r .'vnUicrn Ajy* rHu, ■Aj VVuie AUMiA ( i^>rgUa ™ ' * 7 Wm T HEYILI., ty,-** i 1 An*ul <ire*t*iila la. jL OLD iLWKI.KV hu.: Fancy ~ I Oi (f a. ALBERT LEHMAN n.\d Ntdf, 1)1 will beep %j araya on at •>!. S'S”*j Hwef o'. mu poildic * gowd eat j . 4b WT.T I. STrrf'K *>? JLWELRY AND FAN' Y bO-iU* en*ling. u ••art. et iw OOI.D and gILVIK VT.tchw. J& Stem and Key-win 'era,of tb ivitrr.aae. Splendid Guid and Suver Watch, jCb . r CLOCKS . n f all s !m, masers and pr*ce (told I’onsandall kinds of holders; Wf Silver A Bpectarle* * Eye-G;#es. SOLID SILVER TACoK WARS Silver Plate Ware ©f ail kinds and nyies-. Porket, iVible faderv. *lta/r by the very renowned makers, TOSEPb RODGBR3 and GEORGE WOSTEN OLHd REPAIRING I am still repairing all goods in my bee Too many citizens of Meriwether sni ad joining connliet have tested u>y work tr> require a word from me as to the charac ter of it. I will, however warrant all my work, if properly used, as I have always done, and respecttullj ask a continuance er he patronage I have received from my nerd* in Meriwether ALBERT LEn MAN -YR+rHrb WISHING to uso BRADLY’S as3 O U A MO JliS a he Friiaoulscissob ' fX UK :> IVI’LI ED AT W O. Ghol39a's LaGKANGK GA. TUK FOLLOWING are HIE TERMS and PUithb fur winch they vy.R !>* . AmmpniaM, ii jjj iO L l Pi |J| Time .Prioo with frersbt t*if a auraace SGbOJ cotton option IS eta u P*r Phosphate of Liine l ime I’rica $60.00 i-oUori optiun I3cu. A i rtwplut* tart 40.0) in LaGrarrge Time—lreful Mt arirraace i&uo £io upUian Notes Xteo aired Wlren (iaarv-as are deliver*). iMucel luue figures witbuot tAuu op b-‘a- J REMEMBER , 8 Tnesc arc first cliss^fcrtiliZTri 100 Tons S*ld by me last ae -son and cheerfully p-4. for. REFERENCE? Munroc Dividsn and A F Hill of Xsri* ther Crusty, who hare used the n.