Newspaper Page Text
' OBcs iwsth viie fth Own Home
at AdvrrtKlHi;.
gagca flwk I A wk* j 3 mod fi mo , 1 Yew
1 hick 1 1 OO 1 3-V 450 7 00* 19 0"
HBptr®X'T® ! o.stifTiin; ir> M
S inch*-: 3 00 ; a-00 ]looojl *. 00 1 15 10 j
J owl i5 9v 10 00 !300035 00 35 }<C j
4 cal 700 13 00. 35 on :;.3(>o tk> •0 I
t cot 110 00 30 00 ( 33.00 (10 tK> 1 SIOO I
tSf" A iiberi! deduction mad* lo thus ;
*d*H4Vsittg lv !B.BUUIII Of Jritr,
The l .i- '■t'g ctiit (.'imrch Directory .•
Sieeuvide scr IF75’
*’ 3d 11 and 4‘k Saou.ih? ib oca month.
Pwuu !• . W A Bin Ms
■M Sabbath in each month.
Pastor Hev. f>. P, Callaway
Ist Sabbath in od month.
1 's!sr Hv. Jinx done-
M — ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■■
yoiit i: to rm: i*hii.m,
Aftai this .!■!*. ill leeai gdvwUsen eU
ini tin! county <>t Meriwether, will be | el* •
itshed 11 life M h.fits* I*. t’.H f ft l ol 'N t V ViMH
ci lou. JAS. W .BANNING.
TV K kAVKti. HI, a iff.
J*n lrt\,4*W. t’lrrV -Soy,*r <'*nrir
UltiO-.N VII.i.K, FRIDAY Api 11 14 IK7(1
, . „ .. - -■•_ ■*
m T~ *“
,-yf t ol iee,iOf dfn l* >i inline Ra W'-meiu
.-Specl Pi liv them p.lidi.lnel' l ula- -
J.',!ih mien they w ill also b* 1 oliiTg 1
lo the wad* 1 :,*kel I out* Sill t* ** <'•
ceptiu ■ to (!•** aboverub*. •
. |. ( i i-mi il,in i k’h.l I lie ..vii|s*inm'
in tbi i'lip* i ol •eutii* an i J p'*n I'l l'.
JI-I4IC lead ii C-ioW-d Jo! them U"|'-
—la rtg|*iit oW"*f Ity till tJTiB rhejr *tt- it;
deed n jp <i‘'o4iii tn the H ti'ii 4
Pay or; i>nr nr. i r >t ur
|U'—V .I * V !,*■ 11l I I.iil fiaU A*
hc* I'll" vf* ' ■ 1 i-vi r> pun's bn.-iiii Ifni)
t> b _
Aden II Wat-on Ini* tan*. iiimn:i on
i'd i . rtiih*-' of l ie ( 'jUOiy n Hir.l o( llu*d*
' ' : 1(> I . , a
*1 Inr ■ K ittin/ >f lilni' • ivrrttv'd (l*o
Uni Ik fill! In bn o i* - >•( tiuj Ijtn*>t iwv*-n
( n* of(b* i ritil'iO(t tbe t*fwing Mu
cbiin* i ~1,1,,,...
AniUui lt'>bin*>n, hi ffjV w Hot in
■u p Jk fitullier, left Inst Tuesday to pur
i*harv m goods, H‘‘ will ni d'Mibl la
lurtii our ivuilci* ni lijn lilji when be l
Mr il■ i• l<>:i ii.l ,mm u* Hint fill) mm
fioiiM:. I*** ci'**. i' *!.' ■ ' •. i!•'•!• p!s, (i : l tpolion dm kl O' 1 '••vo <i,v.iM
mrf •,* vs I>rr TS'' i r ■tn :t:: •
ni Mi rtwl|i< r H'ljwiui < .i. < T un>
nl crfmint* wetter in not ii'chutcd lo She
above iepurt 1; Ujrrittv I.vk-
DFATTI M tf IT' I ;.onogi>'
daughter "f Mr •!•) M> 'i n I ut)i'“,
died fit ii <,i ij> af. a fa*! i'litiay rlxuri ni.g
alts! Mi . a -I *l. v * It. Ill' .It Ih *. 'I i.e L
iKivir/) V*> ( H J")J||! ■.f the wntsr Hti
>i* !i-ar* willin,; tkiti' r > bet amiabitf
fjr am] love y t’liai i< l*r. tine ken ciowi
tu the m** 1 meg J Hiii fast an lli< wwld
•earned muet S' **tsly and beautiful, Ui
de.pb, thou*!. In *Ollll- lime anticipated.
lK< l*'!t mmy *j row-tug fn.■ lin lief la< f
t irr is ul J i ,n; u lolrvaa and ampeUiiZ-u*
friand*. Tn l ■ !<ii-,%ij family, i .|ecial
If li'f lil' l> • i mother, 111** nympuih ei ol
lit whole cnwwonity have len given.—A ft *-t <1 tame in ti e ofTx
G—*-oiet t)-y and -told ttmi tre —wtrr
rw * r>l tir‘„ %*v ~** >■ lit* i/|er ano
handing Chsrles' Iwo dollar* bad* him g>*
Ji , r e a'j ] tri! *.i,n editor U> ~*tft down. a*
tie deeded t© thranii bun, U|i come Chat
ley, when Mrs. 1C intercepted the ca*h and
told Ibe proprietor to go right along an 1
Me the man. You j ebe think* on'y
of ike mb#ertp*lo, vt uf the patron* the
cross offends or the drubbing* the editor
may reroute.
Horn* ;t>ron don’t get triad on account
ol the cro* mark for we have eo Ijiern
a dozen t*m*s i ; nte we Itegan crossing
them and they have not raid a word about
ft, Our grmd lady any a she rather they
voald mer.tloe St. f*he is not aftaid.
Homiciml.—John liailey anti Abe Gates,
■pointed, have fiSco living in i!f| *n* cab
in on the Id Marlin Galea place Lear thr
Sulphur Spring* Though firing together
•erwai qaatade nava oonored l<*t w*wr>
them ard John ha* been ••pealedSy beard
to tbrealm to take A be’a life. Last Saturday
rnenung, after day 'it bsfota sun/iae, legh
words were . heard in tbe
cabin of the twain followed by a
noise, aa if the two were engaged in a
hand to band oonte-t ia eianitiiatton
showed that >u Cue melee Abe had stabbed
John in three or lour p aces, tbe latter dy
ing in a lew minute*. Ale claim* that the
tutting was done ia sell-deltnce, a* John
hat aatauited him with an iron poker and
fcad him down swearing that he would
kill him. *
| Abe Gales u committed S o jail iajt
Moa lav and will probably have gu trial
jb & few Keek*.
h Good Hrjrnwa—A young freeiraac
Brett out gnrcir.g tbe ether day ac i rt
■roed * itb two setting turkey bent He
bkl be Ausibi they were riU. f
Tke atteDtion ot our readers m dirt uid
appear* in tlii# issue, of I\k>i.k & Hr NT,
tlx widely known k’cuaders and Maeiiia
i.4i of Bi tiuiore, AI Sereml Uiomind
mills tiiroaghout (be United Stiles have
been equipped by tins fum, .v.ld their V\A
ter Wheels, Steam Etigtec*, MM! ti •aiing,
Presses, A:., , are know a and ap
oweigtej :a aim •*( trery sertiaa nr -rbr
\Vi*tisni Hetnispberr When ytni ueri
t cnytiiing in tiitir but, fivv tlicna a tiui,
| will no: bo di anpnintod.
Fisnino -W* navo not i>cca a il'iiinir
lirtwentv years, aw and anglei
aer to tn leat'U US (he. *rt a* soi uas he
nets time. He end two ol bis eli l lron
went out tl is Week ami dti ti e the day
eaught tin •area', uuuu •ws-'AMi. how
we long tit exchange the jtcu tor the tisi
-1 ing rod. ■ "
Not tj v tso. —W e nolle a vuiu tanners
hn planted cotton tail vest, wi en s-iHi
inp their v agoi.s to tlie railroad, as they
say, in! tioaiio, haw llutu loaded willi
.orr twitch men air a!tuns t.mud out,
though Ibcy may atlenij t la eot tyal the
I,.it ll.t tlwy aie '*<■ rn I ucerf."
tiliitt poked hu In'ut lioai under till
lied dollies ionff i‘U.ugh to ask at. .t uas
he news ftnt: 15-n net in ut, aid llien stak
ed and cuddled down aga u Ju'ia, wl"
can e int.o tire room after " .'lid, tiiv'.iglil id
lever vas iiicher
President trrmrt bad a sefoe and sud
den attack el ilibees recently. Colle.spoa
<1,1,1, sy t‘.e 'ate ug‘y diseoTei tea u tug
Ids calnnet otllcers, iutiiuale liio.ids anil
ki. ato k have had a remai kalily tiepo astng
effect ii |)• TV.the | lesi.lent, llti is leportud
a, lieaitdy tiled ot . tli- o on! li es given up
all idea .t .•! thut! toriu He may list as
s’lr.d tlut Ui twrlrwrrlTi^trrfT~tiT rd tit
him atni h:r par* v . and It-t”* I** ' ,f * ml id
In 111 alt I the I Hi til o! M ei li m it.
A \\ UKjffts* U \o H. • Nc4
\>l iv 1 *3-4 r* 111 if k flllii 11)1; 1.4 fit , > > ;
Ml* lll.iT 111 I t clllifti I(.
•! .v <->*! i i*4 r- *i
tiitfi ><f h- i' l j: U.f 11 ylo idl'l t;u
iliovit nn'iit v! Mh'f'kb'l!. I<i\ + \ 111* Mr^'l^cl
■i i t> ( ivi Tin.t < !iif He t tuifi, rnr
, }*>ji t *.Li n t lit-iiu* ti n 11.
IV. 1 : ’!■ YL N fcV UA 1• J V ’ tl >-Hld l l b<
ui n s*i* I>*‘• 'ln<. \V f iloii‘l jrl* i tf
lomucti |i;iitiotf/g*i‘ui irfomi\ti.>u, Iml wi*
bf'* v >i m il !V t .li.i; plilo ‘>i ** Ut;U'(
I.- \l,i I’hi la'SeijiUtn t onterm Ml that il lit*
cu i llin i y will t.oiili ti- l.linai'll ill idly to
lemon i".|, he Woii’r tiny* any li I OH' •‘[■e*
lii t.i-uio’, 1.. [lit 'ol'.lyu A'j'.llr
It laa tarn tree known liy j varlelv ill
eaiiien, hut the While Honan lenn i "ye
lloiiira. f,tit,i.,i|ii,." tv,..- i.i .. i
haiiliog wai lto t Irani* or lat.ning hide*
at iialihih, liiaa.urjili* Ihti.iletl thoio.en* ol
Uiote v.JJaget, tai l'd them “pelloilutal
■ltmi it a." lint the i tuie* |nira hungftl iUI-1
e; itll tht'lu.llle II l lim~tl. Illlt Ilf dl lelf I t lil*
il 11 'il (li* 1 1 i oked i j ivl m hi I under
the new Ohinr in ll*c old. .
In *ii' of the l ioti'l.
W<- ||f>i a | i .<••: | "I the b 'v wli" fatnoii
on tin ton'l ng 1 i'-. *, ’ hut who ha* heard
ol tl.e hoy Unit to in Ij .■ i to ,M Ii ill
In a dciugod mi ! lion e There i* auch n
t.oy and he Initi't peii hi.
at;i i.i van ak;i I'.oolt
have a youth in th<r employment at then
mill on T nit iivei who'C duty II in to aa
■el lto miller an I alsi j. in the m il I.oUM'
l night In guard jt. Hr Inn a nie; loth;
room ami everything comfortable It 1
the oil):c n! the mlil, an I deviled a le*
In i above t|e level ol (In: II .or nl tin mill
alone* un<l leipj '.re. On H'lmlnv everting
the gram, j] jr un i men.' ->u Ure ttuor *a*
elevated upon the w/wi floor where it
was cbusidej•>] om ol reach of high ws
tpr, 'I he walera were tt*ea hoamiog and
seething in a prjfcct i*ki all arouii'l the
mi l, and then was no access to or fro ex
c*pt try bateaux, The mill it coni lured
impregnable from flood*, and bo danger
wm apprehended. The young man went
*• bed a* n*ua! Hon lay night, auj wu#
awakened Monday morning try a M rml
ruahir.g wind ol waten. lie ajiranj; out lied
and found the water rapidly rOiftg hi the
mill Louie. It oni inv‘ule'l hi* ro rn and
"athering bis do hnig haaliiy be ii-.d P,
tbe opjter elory. Tbe ii rod increased raj
idly an! >*xni the wate. wee over the top
of the j ol ms ln-detead. Had lie re
mained, h would have had a good tiiance
for drowning. In the upper atwry be had
a sale rental as long a* the rniii stool and
thei*- Ixe staid arc 1 hj - g on to that mill uu 1
did hit lien' to k.-.p it horn wash mg array
Mcanli&e too .-.Pi-er, Hoc Bo"iV*n and
others arrived *i ilia risrgln of ite water,
hut the bateau* were washed away, and no
comment* as.ou Cos Jhi Ire had with the boy
mpl late if /ii lay evening, w hen he war
retried Irotn tbe deluged mill, and raiuof
vays be was hungriest boy ever v-eu,in tht
ninth district of Pike county. When asked
bow be left he said be Un very empty and
after lone*-me, tut he knew the mill
would *ty the**, and ever: if it washed
away he thought he could reach dry land.
Ail h& cioUit ig, eyoept what. u bad 00,
and bis !*ed clothing took a regular soaking
for over twenty-four hours. lie begins to
feel very mucu like a sea faring man and
,watts to leern tbe mug,
"A lira on ta oesao wa *•
Tbe awae of tbe very saddea rise early
Moousy m< rnirrg u tbe breaking of the
dam* of Yarbrough’s mil! and Blanton’s
m iil a few mile* above. Fur some time tbe
water rose a loot every half hour,— fOr.’fii.
tn theermrae afAdcajthy dil liosr in A'.-
. btnia-uu-4'w-k-aud Clcdtt Mr d~ A. tstW
art aftid:
lluying on time, man w.i risk ton much,
and the result w, they r ui'l pay. ‘
In the abscac* of elliciuut laws to regn
de credit the rented* scams lo be: Sell
n.afniy for cash. Buy cheaply no t se’
cheeply for cash, ttnd don'i try t > get riel,
lag. To the oumimart' wpTST.I soy .
Dok.*t buy on a credit it you cm help it
It you pay caah lor what you nee 1, ym
" ill uol buy too much. It you purehas.
whet you want on credit, you ac sure t<
buy too much : and, in the end. t utr ut >l
'.plied debts Mr ill break you, or drive you
to take ahelter under bankrupt laws or
Whether we likn it or not, wo are being
torewi into the o-wh system by tire nu- e.
tainty of credit; and whoever remains
emd to the oei’essKr will fall by the way,
l egislation seldom affords any pemiauenl
relief. Ixgi-.lal iis, as a general rui', are
too caielu! of their pi'puur.ty to prescnlie
the tight remedy,
Such law<ris we have now I t thu Ool
'ectien el dues, s, cm woisa than u ttutijp
and 1 think, ought to be ab islied. Then,
ei edit a (till l teifulate Its i If,
t'onti knee in the honesty, buluslty and
prudcoic* ol a people, serum tin IU whtl
ads ant.ige tbcie E in credit, wl.n.-t abuse ot
that confidence U rub: to both dotilor and
Th# abuse ot credit has born too common.
In list it. Wisely, i, the I Juepliuu
ii t \eiy man who nteda the use ol ciedll
iviadd boriow no more Ilian bo could use
s dr!y ; or would buy no u.oie than tie
Touid pay tor f and jf ryciy map would
meet ics ugagamt iU |>r..ißj*lly, then a i and
pinspenty would set in, limiting uven cash
1 1 aim .cions e,.ny.
F i ivtnio tnwH * man strpp'ie* fur hit
liunlly, i oept lot t*s!t, keems tmrd ; yet, it
lie bus no visible means ol U|>|miil, it won and
In-equally luid lor a grocer to **a‘i bir
,* n Kobdaiieo to keep alivu tliate who
ci.m.ut, i will n t. |sy lilm
Itnm i var loth v s atmsed or nil**n.s.'d ered
.1 a.. ixUamlv a, uiphl (oliowa day. An I v
lisvagnnt man ge.lmg auppiica on a credit,
lor bis molltidying Ttants, may have a
pel mil ii. ii*,. and a show ol w i altli ; trill
lits trouble is coming, and it will overtake
Vnui i.TTAd, TieigditCd w illi dmaj'i" iutiuc T
Min 1 , em low
t o and t, an gunaritlly ith taed, i* i* iikiM
litolllhi aoaii'.e ol uhUllOgu i vuahm and ly
Kinnklln It -aiy, slid : “Lying ridaa on
Drill* hank."
A prtimian to pay i wortld'tui e lc*|.t in
in |iiiitiou to t ie ability or honu ity o! the
It a metcb*nt take* any >laU In veiling on
time an hietaafed per eentago m laid On th to malm good the lutiac* that
rutty accr'.ie ; and tint*. Ihrougli our i redlt
• 811. LUC t;in.iv .*4 **-.**• •*# |..*> ilwl.
1 ki^ T an uiuiUlm.t pH ccuUge it a'J<Ui! to
tint - oat, which tiring* lo* an I inj jry to
even lior.rsf bttj'cr* ; win icaa, I! good*
weie sold mainly lor catli, thn nutidiam'*
jiiollt eoul 1 and won I he moderate ; and
..o file ti.on t ctild indnlge in In nine* in-
fond his meai lf, end *ll would lh< n learn
habit* ol •eoiioniy and wute.hlu Itn -* e ami
tut to the e.iiduring pruspeiity o| a peoplii.
We are in the mi l*: of trouble orour own
mak I tig Wo liavn had large credit - have
• 11 ended large credit, and liavn iibuaod tin
piivihvv MercliaaU, to gj:t au Idenly rich,
have tom pled tin* people hi liny- largely
and, Ii insure heavy sale*, sold their good*
on lime.
A prominent broket ha* oil hi* oilier
door the following interesting legend : "If
you owe me and ' in lot (in 1 me, employ
someone who want* to owe me, a* he can
find toe in thirty uii-mtcs."
“Ii i* true,'' any* a Radical paper, i'
“might have been wore *uti*la<lory If Gen
eral tirant Invl plv;ed limn in oHI *■ wliow
capu' i'y wa* un louliUxL" Hut Ibon you
know that would have forced '.hem to go
otltrfd* Hi'; farni y circle.
lu nemorlum.
At the regular meeting of Oroeuvltle
(JouncH, U. H. TANARUS., lire following twilationa
were oflered and adopted.
Wiiert-sa, it baa ph-atwd Almighty lin
bis utoH wi*e, and rnj sterious provi'lerit*
to remove IrtWn otir midst our beloved Mis
ter, Mite Ross K. Turner.
♦tevilved That our Council bat lost a
usetul arid consistent member, one wliostt
example in all the paths of life was ever
admirable showing the beauty uf Holiness,
and that we, bor Sisters ef tbe Council, do
ebch and all ddeire t irr,itaU)#the purity
and brvUiM-se of charac tr, wiacb
light of ber hotuc, the cot)oialior, of her
Mother and pride of bc-r whole family.
It*-wo!red. That we deeply deplore our
loss, and eftineatly sympathize with the
bereaved family, kincwely trusting tha!
Uieir stricken pearls may b*tw in humble
reatgcali- uto the Urvice will, and that
those who are not in tbe iold of Cbriat may
soon be gathered in, and again meet tbe
itl/tvud one in the upper and better
Keaotve*!. That aui Council wear tbe
uauai badge ol motirniug for thirty days
and as a token of sympathy and respect a
copy of these resolutions be presented to
tbe family.
It*solve!, That these resolutwns be pub
iafced in tbe Menw ether VismcAToa
Halite Husaey i
Aliie A Jam * > Coaimitlee.
y l i> v iiniii )
Tribute of Ke pert.
Died near Ureonvillo on the morning ot
i)e 7ti> imx., Koaa Turner, aged 17 year*.
Truly, “Death lies ou her like an untime
ly front up*y.i one ot the aweotest (lowers
of all the Held.”
Nature was lavish in the bealowment
••! her gifts to the departel, giving bur
‘vmiiiy t pwen, amiability of disposition.
genUe msa ot ui viuei* and wt)ted aeusiaii
ities. To all of thou Ix antiful traits ot
character a id chriaiiau graces, had bee 1 ’
elded atiuo an I di-aji toned piety, * liicli.
U'osn early childhood, raukernd her moat
tttractivc ta all with whom she came in
conlae’l, and hence she was a general fa
Asa daughter tier devotion eeented to
know tu> libittids, her love lor her mother
eUnost amounted to idolatry,her last whis
pered accents tiling weep not.”
Asa sister she was gentle and lev mg.
Her fidelity to the Sihbalh fiehool 1
have never seen surpassed, site having
been a pupil almost from mfancy. Her
teacher tosiifles that her scat was lardy
ever vucaui, unless from providential
causoe, .May her associates follow her
.pare tXail.i.U as she lollpwed the Saviour.
Her ntUctioua wore protracted but six
bore them w ith the most remarkable pa
tleuce, inaidiTrsUng at all tin)us a ohrlatian
resigusti'in. Ilor autleriugs, I think, were
uever very tmeusa, as ‘Must by leal tdie
roses fall,” so, Hu who uever “willingly at
tlicUS,” godly sevorrd, link by link, thu si I
vsr tlneads ol bur bcautilu! life, bearing
htrr tenderly down to thu margin ot tin
**B*‘a#li|u! lliveiitutil in the quint uarly
dawn-light ot tli 7th., lbs angal of -Death
come m with stoahUy steps whoa all was
huahai to suit stjllueis, and lovingiy fold
lug hU wings aieuiui bur putt), uuoutlicu
spirit dgam4ti tie tW eWimal wv-abl ol —gbn jr
“fjighl dews tall not luoiu gently, Bor
weary, winds uvj'i.e so so t"
thuiipaiub'r t ) a blighted lily severed
trom its frail stun was tho dnalti ot or
young mend, but \v ted at* iiihl that t be
illy luu lux u Iran* .bulled lo a fairer clime,
in it* 44 eotl belter adapted to il< Inr 1 1 ua
tuie, where no ehilllng Irosts i vet cutiir to
mar iu puii y, where it will Ini pur nulled
TO frtnnm tor ever in pnriintai bcatityi
fc-lslria, be faithful au,l meet tier where
renra at and afflictions ste Unkuowu.
Ii mil hn .tin i*. who untie I puled an 1 gi 0< •
it).-d hut every want, impyivlo meat bet
where Uieie ate no wants uic.uppUod.
I'aitmtn, whom loved willi such d<
VOtion, weep not lor her, she is now * be,!.-
con "light in Hi** window'* ol Heaven lor
you. Huinembei that 'lie “Good Pliep
In,id” Above lias folded Ilia loving arm*
mound your "piecloua Ihiii i" and she Is
now safely housed within the heavenly
fold where she wait* to welconiv tlie loetl
vnei as they enU-r the "pearly Kates."
"But no, t. l* But il*.i, l her run.i
Llluav liy Uin guldsu gl . how liua.fiilr fair,
oi’j,u...i in thraii!*no #r 0.. u i,n WuU,
U'tght wGhe •vrs.'tnni I list miosis ttwn."
Mlto a Hi,yd w* liom in Ohestar Dia
u 11, yi .i. id**-, A|h bli lUOg. <>! hi* early
iife we are not informed, lie wa* liupnily
nisi rie l January iiOlli I’tlO to Mi*a Jmiu
DoiigUa, who still survives him
liilbSllui milled with Kishliig Greek
(I'lesbyterlm ) Ghari b, au<l remain• 1 a
w.nihy member (lii iedf until Ids removal
to Georgia In that, when ha triunlerieil
bis member hip to tha Greenville I‘iiisbv
torian Chdrih, Meriwether county. Hi*
ctmver* thm was such as beeotneth tin
gospel oi Giirist. On tha lahlot ol his hear l
wa* det-ply cogravcu tho bib deal li.jdnc
lion, “Owe no mni anytliing, but lo h.vo
oo anotlmr.” liy bis nnobtiuklve piety
huß*ty ol purpose and integrity of chat
actor, bo won llru Invo and cvull Pucu *f
nil who knew itlrn.—Hta "work </ faith
and labor ol love and Jiatiwixo ol hope’
exhibit,?!! in bi daily lit‘ and iu liUcllorls
to vxteiui ground him the kingdom nl lire
Hcdciintev, w*il liy tgc!4 ‘h ‘'tveiiasting rc
use in bran ce."
“lit* bow nboje Iq st-wngtii.'’ VV nit ths*
wii of gaaee in his heart, be kept his lamp
dimmed and luining, awaiting the mid
night cry, “Behold the bridegroom ontnelh
go ye out to meet Him.” 'f'he sumiiiuu*
did, Indeed, come suddenly, but found him
fully jirs|>ared for bis 1 1 ansition. About
mid-day ifepUlubet bOlb, 1575, wliilst *il
li ig iu Ins chair engaged in conversing
with John Douglas, bis brother-in-law.
life's silver cord was sngjipcd asunder, nud
las lausouipd spuif ba-tened back to the
God wi*o gave it, 11* came to his “grave
in a lull age, like as a shock of corn t<un
eth in bia season.’’ When lie “had seised
hit generation by the will of God, be foil
asleep.” Jln/uittcitt in
.—'■■■■■LL.l' 1 .."JUS
Preferred Locals
■ t '
A large lot of Drass i'rints,
Uciuljol ciiecked Jaconet*, ar,d iucecheck
<mJ i'lijue S'i/iit/i sud cheap. A One line ol
K'eacbed *u 1 Brown 1) nnestics, Juniper
i/uin Jtwer. In (tot, anything ImtH Cost*’
thread at 10 dn doz. to Ladies Hose at 10. U
pr., can !• bought at
Flung Bahbiko'h
IkfkiimtTln SHOES.
Genuine Kip Brogans irons 1 W> a pir, It line of Ladies and Gents fr rncli
Calf, Bergg, *ad Glove Kid Gaiter, Slip
per- and low Quartered Shoes
For anything you may want in tbe SHOE
line call at
FnsrSic Biuervo's
Robiassa &, Beyj
CUtKKNVIf-Ut, <SA , 1
April Util Id7fl (
[test Calicoes—New Styles 8 eta
Blenched Homespun--yard wide 10 eta
Brown Homespun—yard wido. .10 **
Brown 11 unoapun—Shirting 8 “
Sen Island ti.-inespnu - yd uid.e 10 "
Rr.vwu snd E|IeNCU Drilling ...US “
Hickory Stripes .. Iff 4 **
Tiiklng 134 “
tiuiaburi's 13J to 14 “
Troup Factory Yarns 'A’>
(tests' Spool Thread...... 75 pis d* v.
Cheeked Osn iTiurgs .14 to 15 ets
Utxtnria Checks 134 “
Kentucky Jeans 15 lo 50 “
Brogans.... ... .$1 33 to 1.30
Women’s Kip Shoes $1 35
Host Itio Coffee 35 eta
Omen Tea (Best #1 s<*
tVhite Sugar—Urautilaied... .134 eta
Browq Sugar .TIP “
Best Kiigltih Soda. 8 **'
MKAL 00 eta
Hiee 10 “
Choc* New Otluaii” Syrup ... tk) “
Fair New Orleans Syrup .75 *'
New Or)#ani M jlaaaest 50 “
Heat Vinegar ......40 “
Nsils—All ►i*es >5 “
Iron llound llsines .78 •*
Trace Chains....... 75—cla
Plow I,in* 50 •*
Amrs I, 11. Shov< Is $135
Hemline D. A H. Scavil Itoss
No. 1 .70 i-ts
No 3 73 **
Heovll Pattern Hoes—N<>. I ...W “
x •* • •> 'J....70 “
Notice Ta (oulnitteis.
]ty virtue of an order from Hop. BomU
of UummisMoncra fur vlo coun'y of Aidi
Will tic let mil at public outcry on llif
Hist Tuesday in May next, lo lbs lowest
bidder a contract tor repairing lit* Jail ol
Meriwether County.—Contract according
lo the following specification* :
lat. That from each of the threw win
ilows above and from Hut two below, ary
en or eiiht rock bu taken mil and doweled
together with ii*n pins, said pins to hr
(waive Inches long and on* inch thick and
tii be lat in tii tix-U six-inebt s.
9ml. One iron rack lie put ou the iimule
ol each window auJ lie bolted iu and plac
ed iu position as tho ruck uru doweled lo
krd, The north or partition wall above
<ni the ui-ldc ol IbII loom lie taken tliivru
or out Inr enough, in or.lur to lmv all tbs
loose lock luken trom lialiiml the same and
-eciuely fust mud lo lha umiu par lilluii
4th. 'J'bat au cgtru dunr he made l<> the
inside ui the partition wall, kalJ door to he
uiadu of iron bar* 3 Inc.lm* w ide and 4
limb illicit and liyrpid together at a apart*
of six inches 11 pai t. -urciue In < k and fine
get lo bo fuiiiinUcd for .id door by cun
11 actor,
6th. Thu present inner door to the room
above lie taken down, Hm middle binge
mended mid tho iron piece* 011 winch llm
binges are suspended be drilled through
the lock and In added on the outer aide.)
If. I) Ifnidri,
I*. \V. Htrr.xier. OommlMionais.
Msdmao Heeves. 1
April 4th 187 b.
A tHutto* ol ol Ladb** /fi*/itu/siiWc Dress
and Hirert Hats, nisi. Gent. Kur and Wool
Hal* hr Attractive HtyUt ut llaku Timm
I’lttcfSk at
A Hakoxin—The horse ofTsiml for; mile
by flu- editor is young, easily kept, a flint
i htsii riding and buggy borau, can h r u
plows I'hudldly natl wmU* well lu tha
wagun. H iiat bcsii uWiicl ami d>iven iy
a man now eighty year* old, for the past
laui year* and ia otiure l for ,lu only bu
cauae h| owner baa Irecpmu 100 lecble to
use him A IxdUr family and plantation
horse cannot be found lu the county. I
*ou want a Horae now is the time to vccuic
a bargain.
A vo y good buggy will ire sold with lbs
horu or separately.
Also aguod bridle arid saddle. (*f)
Rlisii A Boyd of OrilUn deahe Ut call tin.-
atfeniion of the people of Meriwether to
lbtu lurgs lot ol Uuautw u*tw an baud and
to af i ive. Our Guanos are uf the standard
brand* snd will tie-sold on good terms, fir
either money or CpHn option*. Olter’s
I’torphate and Enieka I'bosphntv in large
CJusoli'ics kept on band. \V trust ull our
Meriwether Lrieuds will give ua a c*H and
examine our Guano* and gt our pi n*.
Griffla dec 7lli. BUKA A BOYD.
Tbe easiest way to prosperity I* to sow
German Millet seed for aJu by W. C.Ouol
non loaGuugc <ia.
Vi. C. GDOLHON S Wgon Yard ia lb*
be t and cheapest place tor wagon* Uj slop
at. Stock will !>e well tabied and driver
fiuvu a good room and stove for tbetr ac -
Bend Title,
If you want gmai Ileal and 4 heap of
bejid ytiOf corn to
mil 2m
I have 4 full stock of found Plaster, Balt
and lime. Also Bradley's Dissolved Hone.
Bradley's Afid iTjoepbais. Bradley’s Hu
per I hovpliste of Lime. AH good Kerti
Ibsen* tor small grain. I am selling lb*
sis vt at teducco price*.
"-.■a.™’-—-csygr.'.jj 'i,-.a= jjaji l " •"->'
I;') D discs a day at from A A *n Os want
dJ ed. (limit and teems free. THL A .
A CU., Auguste, .Maine.
A'JKNTB WANTKD f Medals and Dij>U
mat Awaxlial lor
1 BtkkiUuslnliana. Aii'lrns* lor new em u
ln, A .) HOlw-MAN di CO., U*> JkrcU t
Slteel, Phila.
Philadelphia "”;!a?„! ! TiV.a": J i
rvior Krom iiijf pt.iiti hi U !v r*4l o( Ulii, J
fir nUkfv 9 v iMtbs (> l (.roinl*) Zf
m i1 #lO T4haU (r.*tJci#*MiM M
W fur our jmjk'f. |*h tttr***, Au Ayl>^ cmul it Af
V r<vtfiiw irv henit and t
■ To oopt of M(Mir klwh M>nd 0 ft*. Al
-j,o. T ftvhr .
<j±~7~7 A WICKK guaranteed t> Agents
fg) | | Male and Female In thoir own
o entity. Terms vi I <MJ I’FI f
Ad lies* l*. O. VItiKKHY iguaia ,
1 l*A, Kmery tVnoclr an t-Machinery.
T*' ■ —■■■——■ I; iw •
in diQA r.w day et hontw .
♦jj*/ Ternva free. Ad ,
dicss STINSON its CO , Portland Maiue.
u 1 )SYC tOMANOY, OK SODr* .
I OII.VHMINO,” How either arx
limy laaeutalc and gait, the lovo and affee
tton of imv (m’inuii they choose, Ihgtiuitly.
This art all can |SMess. fres, by mail, tor
3ff oeuta ; together with a Mariiago (Ini 10,
Egyptian Oracle, llrennta, Hints, to Ladies,
ut,. LOtKi.tHib "|J, A qyiajr l-HiK- Ad ,
dress T. WILLIAM i 'JO Pub's Fhffgdines
Ten years ago Moo*rs. <loo. I’. Howbl! _
Cos., esiahlishrif iltvir advertlting agency in ,
Now Yoi k City. Fivo years ago they air*
sorbed the business conducted by Mr. Joliq
lloopor, wlio was the that lo go into tin*
kind ol enterprise. Now tbey bakO tho
satislnciion ol jouti'oiHqgdim most exlen
sivo and o<unp!rtiJ advortiaing cptmecUon ,
which lias ever been secure 1, aud , one
which would be hardly posailils Ip any otjc
er is,untry but this. They liavs sui roe.di 1
ill workpig down a complex buaiiioss hit* ,
•o ihoroughly g systi'iuatfc method tluit no t
change iu the newaptjK'r syaterg of Araeri
lea can escape untie*, while the widest in
formation upon ail V'pib 3 lijtre*tlng l ad
verliaer* is placed teadily at tho disposal of (
lh public.
NEW YORK Tl MRS, 4 .me 14, 1875.,
SVAKKLIHL HALF |MtfC*b “and fof
C’alUloguc on the LIST PLAN. f*>t i*i
lot uiation, address
DUO. |k IfUWKLL A Cv), {’ark IfuW,
Tho introduction .y-tfirvra crop* through
out the south will enable 11a VDt keep sur
•took and till our smoke 'omtea aa cheap
ly tir it can ba dour, at the Wish. TUeOlnih|
i< planted in a ridge life ixitatOM*, yietda
<>u cmuinou laud iOU btutliuhr |H*t aert of
the richest lend* un> iptalcd ktf iaUeuWnc
hogs, [Kxillry—and cbiklren tjyie aoia wil|
fatten more hogs than ten aruesof line Iteat
corn, besides fiiruldiing grazing all aum
mar. For the truth o! tlieae claim* we ra
i.,r to U- 8. Gomiiussiom r uf Agplculiuni*
at WasliinvPiit, or lo any agricultural pa
|K.-{ hi the Bmi lb. Frioe, bv mall, |osUge
paid, 2'hc a package, 40c a pint, 7ttc a quart,
by expri a *4 a isick, $lO a bushel.
Tlie l*ea itlHy ritabllslied Its mr. K* ter
••rsi years ago, and is now in nniveraal de
mand. (1 grows upright like a eottou stalk
is imltivaUxl like cofn, a fid yield* from 180 .
la :;<W bushels an acre on ordinary land
hp'i'k ol all kinds luiiah It and IhtHre high _
ly un it williout other Iced. Alan excel
ieul lor table use (after bulling about a
frige by mail, postage paiJ, 16c %
package, hoc a pint, 58c a quart, liy ex-,
piys. $3 p -.t peck, $lO a bushel. These wnafv
ie so scarce and easily that we
make any UUcounl to w[holetale dealer* yr.
When tV'iiibeiu planters grow tbeir own
•btck-lecd and iiilteu theft own hogs wo
hear no mole of lurd limes and middle melt
lor tbi* will put au end to both. If ypu
l>*ar tu Invest largely it will coat but a trill,
fo try these aeed*, *ml unlc*a your exiri
ruoe differ* from ail othera w*J| ho for
ever tbauMul for the til if. Addrcs*,
m”l lm nashville. Tens.
“Tmk IxnrrCAOiK.”—A pic
ture 14 x IS Indus in n'7.\ tmtcUful In de
sign ami artistic hi .execution. It repre
twig* s couferlerste soldier slu r the war
uturciog to bis home, which lie Aihlii
Inutly anti desolate. l*i front ol the ruin-’
rdcotUge, tHling * and tile of Ui<> miser
•; ot war, are two graves Willi rude criws
t, on one <d which some Itieiully band
has bung a garland. To the right the calm
liver and tbe rising mum indicate peace’
and rest. Tbe stars, *een through the
trpea, represent the Haulhern Oro*.' If Is
a piclu/c that will ww*eb every Houliieru
bear 1 , and should iirj a place in every
ooqtberu bome. tbit copy sent by mail,
nmuuted on a roller gad pad paid, 011 re -
ceipt of 23 cents. r thryu for 00 cent*.
Addnsae John Rorrewßrisud
Tcun. Agent* wanted everywhere U> sell
our cheap and popular picture*, |3 to f1 o'
per day eeailySnade. Mo money required'
until pictures arc aoid. H. o.| stamp tar 4
catalogue and terms, lurch Jl <lt