The Meriwether County vindicator. (Greenville, Meriwether County, Ga.) 1872-1885, April 14, 1876, Image 4

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wutblimlon *i • ■iibrOundlrr.
fitprirrgflcld BopubHeoa.]
A few month* since * letter *u publish -
*1 In the Republican giving *n account
rrt*rrrrrrn*nrmfn>ro CEIeT 7u>iw* Oliver
Ellsworth l General Washington, then in
Usrtford, m <iln with him *t bis reoidrnc*
la Win loom*, and which Mot sod <\t
tigered by Judge Kllawor tb’s ton, Martin,
then a lad, wilb much tear am) trembling.
Interest is sl*o renewed ie thevMl by the
exhibition at vour late Washington tea
party "f setrersl al lb* *rticb*s oed wt that
ooeaaim l> rring that viait Geo. Waali
iogton af|>c*i<: 1 in a nnrel and into real in;-
scene. Eubtring the nuraery, where war*
two twiii boyrt, two year* ohl (aflsrward
the Late Goveroor K.lawortb and the Firm, i
Honry L Wlawoith), lie took on* on ouch
kno* and anng to thorn tlii* aong, often re
peated In after year* by the govsrunr with
mneti r-e*t:
tub (baubt) ham.
A* I wm going 19 Derby,
Upon a market day,
I npled lha|bigg#t, ram air,
That ever wo* led upon bay.
Tow da row da row,
Tow da row de da.
He had lour fl to walk, air,
lie had lour leet to aland,
Aud every foot ha had, air,
(jittered an act* of land,
Tow, etc.
Tba wool upon hi* back, air,
It reacLsd Ur the aky,
And eagles built tln-ir neat* tbsf'r,
Kur i haanl their young one* cry.
Tow, etc.
The wool upon hi* fell. air,
I beard the weaver* aay.
Made Hire* tbttuaand yard* of cloth,
Ear he wove U all in a day.
Tow, etc.
The but cl er that etit his throat, lr,
Wa* dfOWheiTin fheTtlaod,
And the little boy that be)<i the tiow!
Wa* carriail away In tba flitod.
Tow, etc
An hialiinan wu Inuught bebne a Ju*
tlce of tba peace on a charge ol vagrancy,
end wm tbu* questioned,: What trade
•re you *lr f Bhnrn, now, your honor, uu'
I’m a tailor.
You are a muttering nun! 1 question
**Uellisr you hnva ever Ixmn lo sen In your
life. Him in, now, hii' due* your honor
think I cum*) over Irom Irol a■ < 1 In a wag
in t
• ' ■' ■ ——— —I I
A PaiM vrrliii Author. ,
home lorty your* ago, |i I* said, a loily
callod U|ion Mr. Icmguian, head of the
publishing Arm In Patcrnnstar I tow, and
pleaded : Ultra me ilia aubject or a bonk
far which the wornl has a need, and 1 will
write it for you.
Mr. Longman aakod : Are you an au
thor f
lam a poet, waa the reply, hut the
world done not want poems.
The pnblleher remarked, a little dublmis
ly, We want a good caokery book.
Then, aald the lady, you adriae me to
write a cookery Imok f
Cautiously the publlahar rejoined, I
should adUe yo*t to do so tf t were confi
dent •( your ablltiy to write a good • one.
Wall, year* went by, and during tli ■
yeara oooka and epic urea and housewives
la all parts of Rpgland were besieged for
recipes to be lerwarded to the address of a
certain lady. The lady’s own flittering
tottere or persuasive speech elicited from
the cooks themselves the Information re
quired, o r enlisted the cooks’ masters and
mistresses on liar aide; and tha result of
her eiortiom, carried on for many years
with equal resoluteness and good temper,
wae the “Modern Cookery In all its
Branches," published In 1841, which con
tinues to bold lla placa in the esteem 0|
housewives, Its author waa If lit Acton,
who derived, from her oue great work, aa
adequate provision for the remainder ol
her life.
It la generally understood tlint the Crook
ad Joyce receives a pretty good Mlery for
contenting himself with prison quarters at
Jaflaraon City. In other words, sundry Bt.
Loafs distillers, who were implicated, raise
• porn al SBO,OOO to prerent hi* squealing
on them. lU* term being three years, this
amount is per annum. With such
a salary be may become a candidate tor a
second and seen a third term.
Ur. Mctcall, of Pittsburg, a manufactur
er of cutlery, said to the Ways and Means
Commitee on Thursday, that the ores of
northern Georgia and Alabama, had tumsd
out equally as raluabla for Iks Afsnufsc-'
tare of fine cutlery as the Swedish ere t
hitherto exclusively usel. This is very,'
strong testimony and means a great deal,'
so far as the future of iron manufacture in
the South is Concerned.
The exempt ion from taxation in Ala
bama includes all public property, ceme
teries,churclia charity schools, agricultural
association buildings, literary and scientific
institutions, and libraries except those o( a
prolesslenal character, all family portraits,
household and kitchen luruiture to the val
ue ol $l3O, farming tools to the value of
$?3, and mechanical implements to the val
uo of ffiS.
Recently the local ptper at Grass Val
ley said: ‘The prettiest girl doesn’t carry
h*-raalt straight enough when promenading.
Fur a week alter, all the girls stalked by
Tee so many beanpoles aad every
girl aaid. 'Thai horrid paper! Ma don't
1 walk straight?'
' Ataulliug (lie kiiprrntc Court
The recent deciaioa ol the Supreme
Court, virtually annulling the Enforcement
art am) rebuking hr the sternest manner
the partisan legislation wbicii bat paralys
ed tire Southern States. it the hardest blow
.lha Iteputdicsn party faaayet received from
that tribunal.
Wbetr tbeae eutr&geoti* law* were rush
ed through Cong rear, without any Ollier
reason to justify them excejit tba do*ire to
consolidate the negro Vote ol the Mouth
and In bold that section a* a political satra
py, they were known to In- anconal .let inn
*l. lint the C<io*f|fei [ 5a *a stamped or
der foot by the revolutionary leader*,
whose only drwire wa* to aecore the po*-
I eewiiofi of pw*f, The •caudal* which to
! day provoke *o much indignation and
, Inieg ike name and luatUubou* el this
; country ito disrepute are the natural re
! *uil* of the** exes*#*:*. Coirupliort became
: s nec amity of party, and It pan et rated cv
; ery department of the public service
If those desperate men h ui now the con
trol over legislation, worth they haul *
few years ago. U.ure would bn an hesita
tion to ciippling the Supreme Court, a*
lhey then repeatedly tareateaed to do, wa
tll ttnmsc* and oassuit effected the object
which they deslreii at tbo time, lie Judg
menu are re*|rf-cled by tfieru when they
conform to the deuiaud* of laetten, au-J dio
regard the obligation* of tbe written char
ter. eftnet lh* (W.ivloo ha produced am
Ihe mlnif* of Ailinirdalrathoi leader* may
be Inferred from expression* in the Hmate,
which though subdued in term* lor effect
leave no doubt of the rnaltgnarit spirit
which animated the apeakera* Mr, Mor~
Inn as id :
“'firs Senator baa refer rod t tb* deci
aloua id tire Hopreuie tj.mrt on Monday.
I ahail be frank asy that / rty irU
thntu tUrUum* >U uulurluwU’-, but it t* no!
my bualnena or duly here to criticito them
or endeavor to caplain them.
“I do riot know whether the Supreme
Cowt enld ffrnt | refer ring br TTPT'7Bitruf *
linn glvsn to tli Fourteenth Amendment),
hut If they did, *<. I*r ** 1 am coucamsd,
/ rejiuiltiilvt it utlnly."
Mr Boiitweil w* *ll!f mors oflnrialre in
Ida utterance*, and nsuld not fi-n . hack
hlmaelf tlm liiiiil* of decency In de
iniie, m* will lis seen by Ibo frilldwing
wiir<i :
“The Hensh.r from Delaware, muter the
Hini'Hon of the tijuinutn "f the Hrjneirn Orurt
Temlern l mi Mumlny hint, looks to the lime
when the Kit Kt lit, turns of whom were
fined and others of whom te Imprisoned,
are to have their fines returned from the
Treasury of the United Mutes, and the
doors of the prison opened, that he and
Ids Irlonds may welcome them.”
Other leaders were ru"io discreet, nod
kepi their lips closed hem policy. Hut
they all regard the court will* resentment,
for having placed a Judgment on record
that brands thalr legislation ns unwarrant
ed and void. This decision Is a greet
step toward a return in constitutional
methods, and In view el the political con
struction of the court, le an eventful
achievement. There are seven Itepubtl
canslntkn court, besides Justices Davis
and Clifford.
To Mr. Justice Davis more than to any
other mcmlier of this tribunal la dua the
credit of a Judgment which practically re
vives llio proper relation jf the Htalea and
tha general (loverument: lie atruck tha
first blow alter the war la the nitmorablo
Millgan cate, for the eubordinat bm of the
military to the civil authority; and thia
last dcrlsrstlna is In the linn of completing
a series ol judgments which will respire
the Bupreme Court to Its ancient standing,
and bring back the Government to tlm
honored paths prescribed by the Conatl
tUtloi.--[M. T. Sun.
Lart.ANDKH HaotiKs at Ctioitcn.—l
want to tell you how the mammas away
up in Lapland keep tbeir habiea from dis
turbing the minister on Sunday.
Poor babies I I suppose It le growing
bad style everywhere to take them out to
church. And I suppose, too, the ministers
era privately at thankful aa they can be.
Hut the Lap mammas don’t stay at home
with their*. The Laps are a very reli
gious people. They go immense distances
te hear tbeir pastors. Every missionary is
sura to have a large audience, and an at
tentive one. He can haar a pin drop—that
is, should be cbooee to drop one bimaelf—
bis congregation wouldn't make aa much
noise ss that upon auy consideration. All
the babies are outside buried in the snow.
Aa soon as the family arrives at tbe little
wooden church, and the reindeer is secured
tbe (taps Lapp shovels a tong little bed In
tbe snow, and mamma Lapp wraps baby
snugly in skins and deposits it therein
Then papa piles the snow around it, and
the dog is left to guard it, while tbe pa
rent* go iecorously into church. Over
twenty or thirty babies lie out there in the
enow around the church, and I have nev
er heard oi one that srffocated or froze—
smoke-dried little creatures, I suppose they
are tough t
But how would our soft, tender, pretty,
pink-and-white babies like it, do yon
think f—Wide Awake.
A certain pompeue Judge fined several
lawyers flO each for contempt of court.
After they bed paid their fines, a steady
going old attorney walked gravely up to
tbe bench, and laid down a $lO bill. What
is that for ? inquired the Judge. For con
tempt, your Honor. Why, I have not flin
ed you lor contempt. I kaow that, aaid
the attorney, but I want you to understand
I cherish a secret contempt ior this court
all the time, and 1m willing te pay for
Ptritrliiiig a Practical Scruiou.
A uumtier of yean ago. Parson ,
preached ia a tows is the interior of th
SUte. A sound theologian wa* Parson
li ,os a published volume cf bis Ser
mons evince* ; hot like many clergy men
uf tbe past gbai<>aiio, li wai too much
giveo to preach wig “doctrinal sermowr,” te
the exclusion of “practical" themes :—at
least so thought one of his psrishiorien,
Mr. C .
Mr. B , said he. one day. to tbs
clergyman, we know ail about the doc
t-iues by thla time. Wlrr d-in’t yon w-roe
umes preach u a real practical discourse f
Oh, very we!!. If you wish H, 1 will do
io. Next Sunday I will preach you a
practical tennon.
Sunday morning came ; and or; unusual
ly large emiit-ttco, attracted by the report
of the premised novel!y, wsre in nUead
ance The preliminary aerator-* were pt-r
formed, a*4 the Parson anoouooed bis
text Alter opening hi* subject he *sld b*
thus Id make a practical application b* ht*
bearer*. —He then couiiaeucod *1 the Lead
ol the and* coding each member of the
congregation by name, and poiattsg out
hi* special fauiu. One was* little loclb.-
s<f *o creature comforts; another was a
terrible man at s bargain, and so on.
Whoe tu m'd volley, the door of the
church opened, sod Dec-tor Sen ter
There, went on the Parson, Is Doctor
a——, coodhg in, in tba middle of the
serviry, Just as usual, and disturbing the
whole congregation. —He doe* it )ut to
make (xsofrls that he ha* *e laige •
prof. I toe that tie can’t get time P< coin* to
church in amson, but it isn't so hs hasn'i
bee caiferf to visit * - patient <i Sandsy
morning for three rnootn*
'1 bn* went cm the worthy c'sriryman.
At last he cams to Mr C———, trim had
rerpieafer] a practical sermon.
And now. Said he, there’* Mr C —,
i>e’ s merchant,- end what dm-* he *
Why, he tUy* at borne uu h-indsy SHar
mon, sml w7i'*• feMtness fettei*. if he
gel** up from Mew Turk r,o Mai
unlay night, he goes to hr* store, ami mark*
llisrii on Hunday, so a* to have Uirui all
ready fer *at* an Monday morning That’s
how h* hsnjts the Ml'*th ; sod ht liui
■aliafled with docliiaaJ Kfiautts ; ha *ant
practh-ai ones
At lbs concfueiim ul the service.,the I’ar
•on wslk*d Up to Mr (*——•, and a*kd
him how Ira hkeu the “pfseth *! aerm- a
Mr, If— , ws* the reply, preach )’*!
what you pleoae sfier thi*. I’H nsrer *’
•srnpt Ui illrnct you again
The Monter.iiifta Weekly aays . "Mr W
W. Davis, oi this county, *tt*s it at on last
Monday night he prepared to protect a bed
nf young tobacco plant* from the savers
Hold by spreading a woolen ciotb over tlia
bed, which proved to ha the very thing
that waa needed m tha way of aa< urlty for
tbs lender plant.*’ This *lll be valuable
Information to planter* and gar letter*, aa
lhay have nothing to do but buy enough
hroadcinlh to cover over thalr plantation*
and gardens, aud hold U in raadinese to lie
spread every threatening night. (low would
tl and to conet-oct awnings of tt, say ever
each laid. It would he ao convenient, you
know, to jus* let them unroll whenever
their aarvloee ere needed.
‘Why do you use paint V asked Prof.
Tilley ol hit daughter; ’For the same ret
son that you use rosin, papa."’How is that?*
‘Why, to bolp me draw my beau.' The
Profaaaor slap pad out to procure a oorve
com poser.'
Gan Lorlng, the ex Confederate who
was the commander of tha troops o f the
Khedive ol Egypt in thalr bloody battle
with the Abyssinian* a lew dty* ago, serv
ed with distinction during the Bcmlnolt
war, fought an the side ol the Texans In
ihsir war for Independence, commanded a
regiment In the army of General Scott du
rlng the w ir, losing an arm at the taking
ol the City of Mexico, and waa in very se
lva servic e during the whole of our civil
war. He has, says the Nashville Ameri
can, a strong love lor military life, and ha*
embraced every opportunity for service in
the field, although he baa an ample pri
vate fertnne.
Tbe California Senate has passed two
bills of an extraordinary nature in regard
to the press. One requires that the signa
tures of writers shall be affixed to articles,
and tbe other that a newspaper shall re
tract any statement proven to be libelous.
A* Senator O'Oonnor truly remarked, no
signature law baa aver been heard of before
ia any State of the American Union, In
England, Ireland or Scotland, or any En
glish-speaking St*:* or nation. The two
enactments am aa absurd aa they arc un
“Member from Laurens,” in contri bu'ing
to Ibe Irw inton Sontheraor and Appeal a
defense of the General Assembly, says
“Tbe last Legislature nnlooeed the taloos
of Wall street bankers from the clutch they
held upon eight millions ol fraudulent
bonds, and threw the burden from tbe
shoulders of our honest, hard working tax
payers." Assuming this to be the case,
what has become ef the fraudulent bonds *
Have they fallen into other talons, or have
they bsen destroyed ? And what burden
was thrown from the shoulders of tbe peo
ple f Also how ? Somehow or ether we
have been under the impression that the
bogus bond question could only be finally
settled by aa amendment to the Constitu
tion.- [Sav. News
Tayfor A Farley Organ
Only Organ fjtat given Writien tin. —i*.
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Out Own*Tireid
Is a 11-.nw Journal for the Etreauie.
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ty, we will put bn name in Jim adygftit*
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club ol 10 subscribers. Bend ;y. usu.p tor
sample paper. Address,,
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BUSINESS Men aud cannot spring a par
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Seed Ten cents for pamphlet.
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12 Chromoa aad
. “Oar Own Fireside’’
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FOR $2 00 A YEAR 1
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Subscriber* of Oar Own Firwide, denriet
a Chromo with every paper, will receive
the same upon the payment of SB.OO, ia
stead of sl.lO. .
These Chromoa are larger and ef a better
e sse than those used by other publisher*
aad every one worth more than the sab
script km price.
Sample number of the paptr with sample
Chromo, swt to any address upon receip
ef $$ cents. Address,
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te WL -J# ,
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II O W, A It D, I O Q 1) & D O.
A-tlniita, - - Geortria
r VI IJB \U Ail\VKTllKli
Fur a (owbaoaue#of the liberal pwlrvnrga whkhihas keen; sxleade<i to tha
First ’ r hre©
During Use next year the f roprieior will deverts his emirs titus sad sttenties te Iks
i|w> h 4 srBI be wuhled to render it worthy of th In rented patrons?* which It M
hr>i-*d it wii rare iff. H-iirie 0. w realurea will tie intro li* ■*! * il‘ add greatly la
Us interest of tha
miff?;■ **-♦ \*> Uif tr*r3i übsß Ux Um, wlaefe will tk#
Assistance ha* been promised (nun leading blends of bterary merit, who will del igk
•muse and Instruct rnir rcailera With our inr.r*ed mail fv ililica we shall b* able to
give the laud news up to Ui* time of g-ung p. pre*. The legal advertlMwnent* of the
connty will conlioue P. be published m the YINfiICAT’tR, a* well a* an accouat ef
mporlant arenU transpiring in the <ouoty. Many kind friends have encouraged u* th
last yar , Will they lend a helping hand at the beginning of tha present voiuru* The
VINDICATOR is established upon|a firm baste,
u wus iw o tmiim o Aivn io nouni>
' \ , --
to succeed if tbe people of Meriwether county will only sustain it The priee of snb
eription will be m heretofore, TWO DOLLAItH per annum IN ADVANCE.
Tbe circulation of tbe paper ia far ia advance of wbat it was last year ; will not sack
Gret us Ono mbro Subscriber^
with Ibis we siiall tje satisfied Tbe attention of those trading with our people
called to the advantages oflered by the VINDICATOR as an advertising medium,
Darwin Oh Jones,
11 BROAD STREET, Atlanta Oa
- o
Ttb Wins VlnacaigrUcr Vtnefw us waits
Cider. Its t iisadssS gwb u 4 lowest prise
W trotted
The Kennesaw Gazette
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Wit and Hnmor. Fiftv Cents per Year
CHROMO to every subscriber.
Attests Ga