Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County Vindicate c,
VOL. 1
rmusnsi* wtery fkiuay,
ul.'t s..uih l,e •! eh* Court Houae
K HiH of A4vt nwl£.
S •!.' Ifwk | 4 wks Slnio'dm",! vest
l own . i oq; a so! * sfr, r tv <o;
incite* .150 | 500 i 5O : 10f ;15 06
S mene- S o'! 8 001 10(101 t.VOO 35 00
j. cot 15 0O 10 00 >SH OO 1 35 (XI iBS (Hlj
i col I 7 tk' 1.5 00135 00 !as (X! 00 1(1]
1 ro! 110-00 30 ix> i 35700 00 00 1 fdtXi!
; A liberal iltiUu iioß Uni.!# to that*
advertising bv Hit* month or vr*r.
cdu mr r urricEßs.
trRDIN Ain Js. W. Banning
( LKIIK , t! A. .1 Hinton.
TAX RECEIVER W. I*. W limbs*
’VAX t ml LIXTOU W.O. Post
TKKA-'l HEH L M Adams
St it V K\ 0R.......T. . . ..0 K. Mathew t
X. A (burn, Aaron Mbiev,
C. J. Rievos, J. K Buchanan,
AitetrlL Wa’fein.
.n-tir W. frk, W. J Ramos,
,\tsfl soil Reeve*. tt. A. Parker,
A. 11. Freeman, Bee.
I OEN AToU SiUL. DitlrirC O 1. Heavy.
Ohaditih Warner 55 T Revllt
JOHN W. 1* A UK,
I \ ~ (inFKSTt? t *-.-<* ;
i'! j*r*-t e ‘o Meriwether and
t.IoRt-E I.„ I’KAV 5 ,
j\ vn,nt,o*.
A 'l T.Hi NT 5 A I JAW
(mu \vit.l t . (Ia .
A 3 Ii si ness entiuste t* * 1.-* cate a 1 tend
tl t> Motnpllv ami la Mi fully
(Inn nth i it, fi*
f> ", prarllra in (be re' Mi l Ordi-
Inn a Ci.uMa <0 Ment'.iei J Hie
wr.i t ('t urn > f (lie ..jiimres rtnp"*"'S
la* ( iivtli ‘ In nil
lilt J Kti I EltliKi.L
•\\ r i!L C(iNT IN lIC (be j-1 •*-( ol
\\ Mi lilie (I (.1 ami tlir
Ci tul t t si’jairut A!l < sti* lelt at Ibul It it,
I* in ail Ii li mi iine | (■ lli|d I* Ri let . lei lln
;;:; : t . > .< <• < > n y,
{ vl FJTiX In. I'f olevsiiMial ee. tu ** ia Hie
* *i run i1 G lernvdl* m J • icmiiy
OT Ufluc nG. J. An* ’“J 1 ~r
Shore ,
Du. U r. HALL,
I / it n{ If ii •! VS frest* permanent')
f I II) I ilri-nVK.c triit rn> Hm pint*!- K#Uh!
Mll litt IO tilU I |tl/* li Ol III* lOWM •till Sill
t• • 111!i]i g rniiiitiy Office on tha North
t:ue oil rha pultik ju*te.
01.1) JJ.Wi'MJV aud FANCY f-'iOKK
Ol I Cnot-tsv.
ij A?* N< I’V, an 1 will keep always on
I band ut hi* <>l>! stand hast tide <jt
iiiit public square. mxm mg
wet,i. set rjTr.n rrtxor
Cotitn.ilrif, it nan, ot
tW~ QOI.I) and BJI.VDH Welches, J£]
Bletn an<l Key-winocrx, of the bestwaka.
bplendid Gold anti hover Walth, (.ball.
of all Mrs**, makers snd price#
Gold Pensand nil kin-1* -t bolder*; Goid
Bi.'vcr A tut! Hpecttu-lc* & Lye-G lasses.
Silver,Plate Ware
f til kind* tnd styles;
Pofkfi, VHhl* Csstlwry. Alla/on
by the very rußOww-l maken, TOfiKPh
I tan Mill repairing all good* In my line
Ton many citizen* of Meriwether sal ad
) wining counties havelested my work to
repair* a word from me at to the charac
ter of it. I wiiJ. however warrant all my
work, if properly used, as I bare ml way*
done, and respectfully atk a continuanta or
be patronage I hare received from tnr
rrenJs in Meriwetlier
THE PATRONAGE of the many citi
zens of Meriwether coooty vtailiaf
Grrffln it respectfully toliclfed by the un
dersigned. proprietor of tee abo Weij
knowtt Hotel. Polite and at fenfire ser
racl*, an excellent table, tidy raoma and
gowd beds are a specialty. Pricea moderate
and to scit the time*. Gire me a trial.
CWfOaa* - i. A. STALEY.
Dr. J. BradSeli's
tVill tiring in (be HwSH WtfffO they have
not tieen eslah’ielietl, aiao when th.ev have
wtfH'refjted Item nnnatnral cause* 1
Will cure ltlwnur.aliam ami Nenuilgin ol |
Ihe Imi-k and' womb. Will cure I'ainlnl
Menstrual ion, an I relieve '.be hem), back ,
.11 1 Inina ol llioae distressing; iwtina and j
ache*. Will eher-k menorihaji. or Vices- '
iive flow. Will cure ‘Whiles' and lalllng
of ihe Vr'rvmh, when it is the nesult of reihx
euion or laid health.
It is as sure a cum in all (he above dis
ascs as Quinine is in Chills and Fever,
ladies can cure themselves of all His
hove diseases w ilhmit revealing lliei
f-on'liUiiHa in any p rva, wbu ii is alway
nu-rlilviiig In (heir pride and iimdesty,
li I® recoinuienued and used bv the best
physician* in (heir p ivn’e pracltoa.
For a history of the above diseases
cerfHleales ol its aMHulerl and cutes and
directions, Hie render is re’erred h> tire
nMiner around lire bottle. Mauufactur
ed and aobl bv
B. id bv a!! iJrugglsts. Ft ice fl 50
W hill Walto A *lntt.
A trithtu 1 . V' I '. n l ’vinfi inimt,
Full ol alhctiou lor its Umd :
A siurtt turn, ernct and tree.
I'hal ne.vvi basely bends a kiite ;
T'lial will not bear it feafbei’s weight
Ol slavery 's chains lor snntli or great ;
That truly speaks 1 1 > in tioii within; nevel n ill les a -ague " i'b sin ;
That snaps Hie lettvrs des(H>ls make.
And loves the truth tor its own sako ;
Tiiat woitbii'i God and Hun alone.
And bows’ no muie than ai ills throne ,
■ And tiemble* l Iro tyrant's nod ;
A S' ill that ieais on one htlt Go 1,
And thus esn smile at emse oi bail—
l liis is lbs soul that makes a Ilian.
v nat m*ki s a woman.
: Not etair'ly drttl l'r 1’ 1 <ait •
Not .jew ried blind, n iuji!e.\.ion lair;
Not vi a< etui ha in, m i luliy trend ;
N"1 |i.inls, nor cuds, inn splendid licit' 1
N' t|Mul iy teelii. Inn |all king nit ,
' N. ' vrrep Kat off idHH;s-!e oul.tra :
Nol Ini illb as mo cl as I'glnnline ,
j Not gaudy veins, nor fabilc* lice,
| Not all ihe Mon a of laabion's mart,
■ N''i tt hlamfal.ineiiih o! art ;
N' t one, nor all ol lliri-fl combined,
I Cn mat* one woman (me, retlurnT
I Tia rod the c w its t Hint we prize,
j liul that wbuii In Itierssket lies!
t I'ih'm' loiiwnird i liiiims w hich please the
sight a
An* naught nidr*. tin* heart I"* light.
II Mu* “I'ortniw.”
Wld* * i Tut S <• H*'U t*iJ*f.
> loin W.IK y.i-.trrday mottling setting thing*
lu hit the Lutuicit* pi the day. a rill
/.ill wi'h gray li- hsnml w*- IftliM•<l look
dropped m mi l kindly asked:
Have you tiny ipiart p*rid kr* ll s*>?
Peg-ms -ketlies ' loosed—t-b*—out I
never heard of t hi*m.
W hat do you oil lliese? demanded tiro
• ii/.mi m lie uaseij around sail held up a
1 bat's ii porcelain ki tl’o, fir, Wtin lln'
reply . that's w hut you w ant, In it ?
I nat * what J want il it ia a porous ki t -
lii, tiuhl tiro f it iff).
We tall ’em porcelain, replied the
What right have you to call them au f
Why don't you i nil a dog a cat f
JJut how tan non lx; porous? humbly
it'<)Uifeo tlie oleik
Mow i in a young man tic a loo! 1 shoul
>d ti i t iti/.'n. Tt Ttti com® do B-pirtty
|iaa when u Ii iy o( j our age a'leiupt* to
teach a atnii ot my year* anything Don't
you suppose I know the dllferetic* hetweej
por' i tain and [xrroux ?
Yes, |r.
Wed, then, hen a your srven'y-five
cents lor this porous kettle, and I'd like to
hare it sent around to Lira hooae tight
The i lark hail to submit. ll* nays that
a rich rnan cri do any thing, wliila u poor
clerk i> kept down.
Ilxit TramTh -Bcdla,
[Athens Georgian.] *
Gos. Gharbormier in Ida lecture on ‘'Ven
tilation id liuildir ga” depicted the injurl
oua • fleet* of thoce petite bed chain her
prize b '/ecu. the mythical rnangers of Juve
nile renown, trundla-bed*: tLevi lcd be
ing nearly on a level with the floor, ena
bled the [Ktor little alaepers to catch tire
lowering obnoxious gas [-eimetting to a
greater or less decree the atmosphere Of all
sleeping spartmeua. The colonel’* prac
tical advice, deducted from this point, “to
burn op a 1 true die bed* or lengthen tbejlegs
thereof," wai well taken, a* carbonic add
gas whieb, in large quantities la exhaled
by human beings, is naturally heavier than
common air and consequently tend* to de
scend to b floors of the room*.
Even tb New Tork Herald cocfoasea It
self at fault, remarking : “Never was there
a more perplexing canvass fer the Presi
dency ; never a time when, with the vary
ing omens, the result was mere uncertain.
Never was the unknown man a mere inter
esting personage in our politics. He came
to the front in 1644 as (‘oik, in 16-12 as
Franklin Pierce, in 1600 as Lincoln."
That was vet j greedy of yon Tommy, to
eat your little titter’s share of the cake 1
You told me ma, I was al ways to take her
part atid Tommy, i
In Pnln lor Bluiuc..
The card of llarriton, ot IndiaDapoli*, a
government director in the Union Pacific
Railroad Company, is anollur liombshell,
which, it in a V Wsitt t*B tpitrett; wri be
icaiiy lata! to our friend Maine, ol Maine,
We cannot, if we would, avoid the moral
conviction that, after all, Blaine was ill*,
best paid Congressman of all who were
Ito ught up by the Credit Mobilicr ring, as
the moat ingenious in covering his tracks.
lie was Rpaker of the ITutise, it is true,
and it he said out at all was entitled to a
I higher price ; but be went about pockctin;
it in a way that a lesa cunning and astute
man would have never thought of. Hr had
about a him dead and Hby thousand dot*.
tin• in “Ldtie Uock and Foit Smith rail
road honda,” wortli, at that time, as aome
report, nlmot five to eight cents in tlia dol
lar, and the Credit Wnbilhr ring kindly
icok them Irom from him at about filly
ctnu in the dollar, and charged the com
pany with sixty-four thousand dollars cash
paid for the purchase ol Ihce tiondß.
When Hitrrrison saw this Ciiarge on tba
Umka of Ui frunpaify and *avr Hie pnr
ci.are, lie i.alundly nmited to comprehend
it. The Iwnida were wortlHesi In the
'taasury, arjd yet a large sum ha.i liesn
paid lor them, lie talked a pood deal
.bout such a retnaikabl* purchase, and
.i as ciniiioiie.i to ha stitt, as “Hlsimr g-t
iliat money.” lie would not be still, hut
on the contrary, when the Credit Mobil
icr investigation came up lo Congress, hiiil
Itluine, leaving the Spanker's chair, took
the finer ol ti e Honre, demanding r'gld
mvesllpation, Harrison any, he wrote to
It on .termrrratr W t-;ta emvtt o 4 +be
investtget,voimuilUt;, r. i'Uu /*
(/HtDlioni to be linked." Rut finding that
they were not asked, he wrote again, a
monltt altei warils, “nvire fully about the
mutter,"'hut "il tiny nttention wui given to
the leiter, l was never inJormrd."
Thu* w sec cuwulaltv* evidence of the
sagacity ol ILkme lie had coveicd nil Ina
Fi mTiTuTglUl Ing the nnuicy—receiving It
without name, ami lor w hat purported to
tie valunhle conaidi ration—then, when
'tiro itonsa wan fbnsnd liy the clamor of the
newspapers into tli# pu-Unee o| an invesli
gntioii into Hie alleged brtliery of member*
t>v Hi* so-called Credit Mohllier, leaving
Ins chair nnd deman ling in thunder tones
ol iniliyoaut virtue mi InvfHtlgatlnn than
appointing a committee amenable to eou
trol, and oflh ial influence to prereut any
real li.vaMilftttion, no lar hb lie wb con*
reined, and prohahly o far ns all Olliera
were concerned wlio ha<l • {lerßoual in
crest fu defeating It
When Vice I'rcsldent Coif#*, Blaine’*
predecessor ill Hie K,.t,•?'* ohalr, leatl*
llur'ikOii'B letter, and rememhera how he
foflered, while Him lie, the real loader ol
the bribe taker*, •talki'd about like a Cato
ill the spolltuMi toga ol immaculate virtuo—
prououncad and hehevi-l to be ona of the
very lew Kwdicti) Congreßßineti wlioae gat
merits wo r# uuHUiiund,"we fancy the sarci.r
ty of Mi. Colfax wdi Ixt inipaned.
This leVv'atioM Oil Hliniii! Gaps tii cli
max. It oiin* (wiliaiw Just in tim to
save the Kadiual hi*ilierli<rd from run hka • the great aaiMiiynt, nati eoi
T uption un<d refiHn candidate, to rextore
integrity to the ■public administration.
Tin man d*<;|K*ai in lit* mire, who ha* ap
l>Hi*ully proelluWKl all the high funettonv
of ■ jieakci of the House ol K|iref(‘iitittives
to the vilest corruption, was the vtiongest
candkltte for Hi* suecemion, and boasted
to tx- an iueorru|>Hhlfl ctkiiiipluu of reform.
Wliaf next f Wlißlwreaylu auolher ar
ticie. That then can Ixi no security ex
cept in a lMnntrrnlU mi'i'itman —pure, b
■ auae it hax had neither Hour nor opportu
nity to corrupt or become corrupted. Pure
Ixh mine in warring agaiunt public vi lainy
it challenge* the *eveiet iiivestigiitiou and
m ni tiny, and bemuse it cannot walk in the
evil waya of the admioUtratiua party with
out sinking Id to meltable ■.•wntenipl. —[M-
coa '1 eiegrafih.
The terms of Tweuiy-tlx Senator* ex
pire with Grant’s administration, and of
these seventeen are Kepuliean* and nine
are Democ rats. Of the seventeen Hiatus
now rcoreaet.ted by Republicans, the New
York Hun c>limates that the following will
elect Republican Beuatoi*. viz: lowa,
Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan,
Minnesota, Nebraska, New Hampshire’
Rhode Island, South Caioliua and Wiscon
sin, while the six other* are reasonably
certain to elect Democrat#, yrz : Ajkaasa*,
Illinois, Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas and
New Jersey. The nine (states in which
the terms of Democratic Benator* expire in
March next are equally certain to return
Democrats. By this calculation the Re
publicans would have Ibirlv-eigbt Senators
and the Democrat* thirty-six, so that a loss
or one by the Republicans would produce
a lie, and if the Democrat* should elect a
Senator in Wisconsin and South Carolina
they would have a majority. In any event
it promise# to b* skate.
—Norwich Bulletin: A couple of men
who ware shooting in Ledyard, Saturday,
brought in an article they iouud ia the
woods. It is made of leather, buckled to
gether at the ends, and measures nineteen
inches in ebeumfervnee, end they don’t
know whether it is a garter or a hone col
Why is a young lady like a bill of ex
change ? Because she ought te be settled
when she arrive* at maturity.
Scwrlrs Tltiii You Kecdw’t Be
Speaking of shooting dheks, says Dr. F„
put, me in mind of the great stortu that oc
curred when I tivrd on the island As yon
are all well aware or.r Maud was t.otr Cas
co bay ; an awful norm aiose, and was
so fierce that ik drove U the ducks in the
bay into a pond, eovci ing about an arte,
ac*r_my bouse. 11l fact, so many ducks
crowded Into that pond that I could not
see a drop ol water.
Sho, says Smith, didn't ya shoot any of
'out f
That’s what Iw as coming at i went
into the house and got my double-barreled
shot gun, and discharged both barrels right
into the aiidst ol them, but to my astonish
meut they all arose inh> the air, leaving
not a atrlitnry duck on the pond.
Gilod gracious ! You don't s*y so, said
Smith. Didn't you hev auy shot in yer
Smi, or what iu ilm thuudor was the trou
ble T
s\’*R. I was coining to that, said Dr. F
It asttmisiied me at fir st ; hut as soon as
the ducks rose a few hundred yards in tba
air, and commenced to seourate a little,
ducks began to drop, and, whether you he
dice il or not, 1 picked tip tw truly- nine
barrels ot ducks, and it was a poor seitHou
lor ducks, too. Ton see the ducks were
wedged in so Solid on the pond that when
they aio>e they carried tiro dead ones in
tire air with them, and, win n they *e pain
ted, dawß CBtrtrtlttrtwvnt) -nine barrtla ol
dead ducks
Oh, aayt BmlCli, I’m not surprised id Hint
at all, or ol tiro big lot ol ducks jer bagged,
for-ttrwns an awlui- Xtor+w. -1 r4t>etuh#i- It
well diM'.U>r. Idmd at that time a corn
barn (Oil of corn, on one aide ol the barn
whs an open window, ami on the other
side was a knot hole ; and during the
stotm the wind blew so fierce that it b!e*
every ear of that corn right through tin*
luiotrhule, and the hole I ring j* ! st the
ai/.x of a cob only, the result was that It
aficllcd every car, leaving the coni In the
my com bam half lull oTsheltcrt corn end
not a tingle cob. 1 had a curiosity to
know wbeie Ihe cob* bad gone “to; 1
went to the rear ol ilia barn ami followed
the liu* ol those cob* over eiaven miles,
aud at a distance uf about live miles a large
Ami growth pica tree stood in the track,
and darn me ii the wind hadn’t driven cobs
into that Via tiro from lop to bottom. (Hi
d-ietor, that was an awful storm.
Yea, sighs tin) doctor, "awful,"
Col. itawyor ol tiro Itoino Courier I* a
man ni great candor, ami when upon calm
rellccilou bo concludes that be baa done a
i >au ijr body of men an injustice, ku has t
OH to modify hu remnrka to anil hi* acnU
uiriits in lit* cooler moment*. His remark*
upon, and cl{aracteri*atlons of the late
Lcgtslalnre, have lieuii mch ua were well
calculated v wound the tender si-n*ihill-
Ilea of the meinlMra of that body. Hut
tlrtKrtdrrttel ow pill* UiajuaUtr iil JUCh a
light as cannot fail to heal all wound* amt
hispid all bit tern <;s* of feeling. Hear him :
“lu our strictures upon the Legislature
Hattitday wit wore unnecessarily severe
upon a lw members who stood trim at
tu ; aaamst the wild IrginUliou 11ml par
va led Hid body, Tlu**e of course do not
coon within the pcrriew of our (Dnuncn
linn, hut Hig grant majority of tbe concern
wore Just hs we cliorocterl/ied them
l)roa*i-mouthed, llop-rtared, J Miknsscs—and
tint meoilicrs ol Hie Heron*.”
Tlie Itsllimore OxAetlo says Hi* iiide|>cn
dent ptess, by their activity ami uneigy in
discovering nu l exposing liamln nm! nor
ruplion* In tbe government departments at
VVasiiingpiu, have iucurrud the hostiliiy of
the beads ol deparitiinui r who are casting
alxoil for soma mean* by which lo abridge
and obstruct the sources ol Inlormaltou ami
hinder the press* in ih< ir endeavor* to
aeira the public in this reaped. Tiro Bee
retary ol the Treuaury has issued an order
fnibiiidiiig clerk* and employee* on pain oi
dismissal, to furnish lor publication
letters, document*, decision* or informa
tion of any kind concerning tiro business
of the department. There could be no
be l ter evidence than this that there are
matters there which the chief official* desire
to cover up tud keep from the knowledge
ol the proa* and the public. Whether they
shall succeed in doing so remains to he
The wive* of India no longer burn them
selves to death when a husband diets Chris
Irani 1/ baa taught them that it is belter to
unti le up tbs salats and go lot au other
Over two mentha of leap year have al
ready winged their flight, and wu don’t
sup[oee one young mao in a thousand lias
received a single proposal pointing toward*
matrimony. This, perhaps, ra owing more
to the poor stock of young men on hand
than tu the timidity ol the girl*.
The Washington monument, saye Uie
Chronicle, is a standing disgrace. Then
let us consider it as in memory of the dead
duck* who fall in ahowara at every report
ol the ioveetigattog committee#.
Mrs. Harriet B- Johnson, of Elmworth
Ct, has a snnfl-box mad* of a piece ol
George Washington’s coffin. What dwe
erstion I It’s snuff to shock any
body 1
Dandies end nanny-feats never fell to
pride themselves upon their kidst
An Allegrtl AeeotWl el Ills First
liitorvlew wltlilltf Frrsidi'iit.
Fat ‘Jontrtbttlet in Hrturriry Night j
Although one of the best lawyers in lb*
cetmtry, Junpa Taft cl.**ii*t k o-v anv
thittg afiout war, lie neve • 11 ed of! a two
horse luinlx'i w.igon. lint lie ia deterinia
t*l to learn. The other day Gr oil diop
ped in nt Ilia ur oftlce and found hi- lie"
Secretary derm ammig oftlcial (locuments.
Posting yinuarlt up, Alphen-o ? said the
President, with an eiiehuraging smile.
Yes, said lll*judge erger'y, I want to
know everything pertaining to the busi
ness. 1 hare been naming over tire dis
bursemciiia of tire Department lor Hie lasi
year, to ace what was expended lor cats
I putts.
j For crila—wliatt said the President,
pausing, ns li* was about to stiiUe a match
on his bool to light a fresh cigar.
Catapult'. You have them in the army,
haven't yotiF said Hie judge, in rather an
uncurtain tuns ol voice.
The President 111111011 a little and said,
they did have a few lull over from the war,
hilt lie believed they had all been used up.
Then tiro renotary said he should certainly
order some moto made, tor he considered
the catapult one of lire most effective weap
on* in model ii warfare. They did great
execution at the siege ol Joi eaulcm, an I
mueiiih'r leading, tuusvd tiro seeietary
and it in joithllul whether Tibcrisa would
have boeu slilu to havo reduced the city
without them.
Giant looked at Ids now secretary
Through l% rtgir amnkn a few momenta;
and tbwu told him il he orderod any cata
pults lie bud I letter have them "rill and”
with an adjustable imr/./.!ii loading bayo
net, and the secn taiy mudo a memoran
dum lo that effect,
I sec Ilmt consider able 'amount of money
lias been spent in axperlment ing with tor
pedoes, Cuiitincd the secretary, looking
over Urn disbursements. "That seems to
n'U , -tt -xiuniill HjM'fl *
tiad habit anioug childrvn. Herlnus ac
cidrnl* 1 1 iivtv fierpirntiy rrstiltrd Ir an Htll<
hoys Ihrowing torpedoes tindoi horve*’ Icet
on tin* KourtU ol July, and it ought to ho
The President allowed Hint the torpedo
wnsn'f a thing to fool with, and the rtoerc
tury read on. Htiddenly lie jumped lo his
feet, while the hot, Indignant blood lU*b
oil to bis very temple* as lie exclaimed :
“Bo wonder the country I* Impoverished,
and the tux payar groaning beneath Ills
burden. Hero, while trade hingiiirlro* and
ilia wlrorl* ol industry *ro clogged all over
Hie laud, my ptudveuasor liai been aliip
pitig iuxiirioiit dollcucla* lo tlie garrison ol
our forts, thinly concealed under Uui term
‘shall.’ VVlint doe* hIioII utM'in f Hliell oy
sters, of course I Tluii's vvhal It means.
Hut they dou't gel any sliell while 1 uni
dei iatary. I'll settle that.
That's rigiit, said The l’r‘idenf. Ifthey
get any oysteis innko ‘llieni shall out' lot
tin in themselves; ami 1 lieu lie added, in
hii asnie to hims'lf. they would have to if
they bought them ol ona of iiciknap * post
Yn, continued Ilia Secretary, llxik *t the
quantity ol grape on iiaml, clamed amang
munition* of war. What does grape me.iri,
mid vs Ii at i* >1 lot ?
II is lo wash down the shell oyster*
with, I suppose, said OnoH, with a merry
twinkle In his eye which the ju Igu didn't
That's it, exactly, die I the judge; Keep
ing the soldi®!!) on wins sin! oysters, while
thousands ol pa -pic mo wandering around
tu a hopeless hcrcli lor a free lunch. 1
|Cll you, 'lij ssis, lid* la H undalnii vl
fiir I’raxi lent, ax lie arose to go, said In;
was glad he bad * Hecretary of War, uil
length, who was determined lo look into
thing* and reform abuses, mid, cam inning
!du. not lo lorget lo have tlmee catapults
itiled, ha returned to the Wlute, House
with a hroailcr grin on Id* face than any
body bad ever seen there before.
A mew lislcrpictullon to (lout*
well’s Specili,
The recent violent speech ol Hcnator
Bo Jtwell against the H iiilh amd Koulhern
men is now understod to have ha-1 a deep
er meaning than was at first attached to it.
Mr. Boutwell said: The North will do
well to take heed that It trust no man
who was brought up under the Influence
of slaveiy, controlled by the influence of
of s'avery, controlled by its spirits and
dominated by its power, which is not yot
extinct. Bscrctary Bristow is ills only
Kouthern man who ha* been sjrohen of for
President as the candidate of either party,
and thin expression of Mr. Boutwell I* now
understood to have been leveled at him,
and to be a distinct notica that the North
wid never consent to the elevation of a
Bout hern man to the Presidency. I this
defiant notice Mr. Boutwell has, it is al
leged. laid down the ultimatum of the Re
publican party ol the Noitb, and since he
made his qieecb mtny Northern member*
vl both Houses who have never Indulged
in the vielent public utterance* which
come frombiin have asserted without hesi
tation that in this respect he ccbooa the un
doubted opinion of the mase of the jieople
of the Nertb.
P. B. Bbiilaber ,Mr*. Partington, is 77
ha* white hair. He ia in California Cor hia
health. He aays be studied the character
of “Ike" from hii own ion. The old man
is still Jolly,
Toe Hugest and Han Iso nett L.'rv try P\.
jrer lu America.
Brilliant AnmaaoaaiTn 1 ,:
IW* fil'KUniKA’S FIIKZ .Ml
r J 51 1 K, follow ing new stories "ill •••on bet
1. ci'inintuiocd, and will lie I hi; M ’St In
tensely ThriUtlig Ol any It m inces yelp d>*
.islicd in an American jtj'irnni.
R 1 LL A Rt)B 0 O K ;
A Thrilling National Romance, 'used up
on the Administrations ol President IJii
coin and Johnson and ilia Kxecuuo i of,
Mrs. burrntt, in 18H.5 —vVrlllfU by a dia
ti ignished Statesman.
A Story ul ihe Last Napoleon's Reign.—
Itv M QUAD, ol the SUclngttii Pres.
zi i.o.\iii /.y rim worn. n.
A Hijiliiinl Bot icly Burial, now ruuuinf. —
lly Mrs. Mary K, Rryan, who is tli Fine
cat Story-Writer oi the Aige.
Templattonn of a Factory (JirL.
lly a Popular Novelist.
Tnnwni ist ijtx&sa
—(K IUK —
Confdderate Uovcrnmeiit.
By Col. II D Capers, Chief Clerk of Trese
iny Dapartuiciil under Mr. Minminu*
l'4f- Tld* will lie a deeply interesting sc
ries ot Hkutcltes, Hiving ilia early H'iuix. dh>-
a-lvnnlmp-i. and in IM y ainui >g liiculents
ot our people in their effort* to cal at dish su
liuiepuuJam < lovei'niueut.
tfT A. nnmtwr of unuxtmily Hrilllaut
Bliorl Blurle appear m each iaaua, with a
great variety ol Hparkllng Miacullmicoua
Matter on all aulijucts.
Rulin')-ti>tion fit 00 True
Cllilis o( A ami upwards, f'i brt naelr.
do ol ¥0 do 2 do
Kxtra copy KIIBJC, one year, Lr a club
of O'at U dollar*. Addrass.
J II tiiSALB, A.tiuiita, Oa.
\\J KbTKKN I oiler tot sale lid UO day s
Vv liAND I some valdalno tracts <0
f lining and tbub'i land ..In. a tldiving sml
rapidly growing Western Htatc. ffn no
count ni railroads, recently lonstiuctr.l
ami iinmlgratkm, tlreiK' laud* ale now rap
idly rising in valnc. I'liey will t> anhl very
low lot cash. A Clem mid Perfect Title
will be tiuarautced, with every tract sold,
with deeds 1 lull warrantyteiHa raapousi
tile grantor*. I’.oties deeli mg. to p.upl)ao
lunils, lot an CJ'ly rise "• value, Heal Kslutu
agent* ami Tiadiug Men, will Hud .1 to
their interest to uddreM
WM. K. tiUMP.lfeaf Kslate Dealer,
Tid Ar illmot ft. M, Y
Flower Su
arc lb* best the wo.ld produces _ Vtof
are plaoled by * million people m
and tha renuli is, beautilnl Flower* an I
■ plciidbl Vegelablrs A I'.Kred
sent Iree to ad whe encluu lliu |tag®—*
2 caiiiauiiifit
Flower & Vegetatla Garden
is the most beaidtml work of
the world. U contains nearly f*r ‘
hundreds ol tine illustluUim# ao-1 four
Vhromo I'luirs of Vloeeeri, heaulHullJr drawn
-a,,,] colored ]:*“ 1 ‘j** ’ , 1 ’!
,mper covers ; r * cents bound ia elegant -
oloth. f—
* “ ——
Vick'* Floral Guide.
llTlil* I* e lieautrtul Quarterly -fount* H
finely illuatraiwl, and containing '
gant oolunsl Fronlbplece wiU Ui# flrsv
uuratier. Price only 20ct*. for tlia year ■
The first No. ter FbOiusl issued. A-htrew*
JAHKI VloK, Koclrestcr. . v.
Mcssrs. SUHAUB & PERKIN 6, - Haver
opened a splendid <
in Atlanta where pictures mt ad kinds can be
obtained. Meriwether people viutiog AA
ianta are cordially lovtted to vWt tbeu