Newspaper Page Text
___ - _jm M m ■ iWiiTr \ ' i T t- t~wlrlF —j - ■ -••••-—-
The Meriwether County Vindicator.
VOL 4.
Suhth *<4 •! th Court HotJ*
Rrx of Ad vert Wm*.
|1 wk '4 *H,IS me'fl motl veer
1 oc'i i 1 (VI 2501430.7 00 ‘li W>
a iut Ucs! 1 sol 5 00 1 6 so' lo oo |l3 00
3 ucUe* *OO 800 1 10 00 jls 00 35 00
i col IS 00 10 00 20 (hi 25 00 !S3 00
Ll TOO 15 00 1 2.5 001! 00,60 <0
1 col | 10-00: *0 00 (85 <lO (60 00 #IOO
fff- \ liUeru! deduction mad* to tlioae
kJartl*ing bv the month Of rear.
ordinary J* w. Running
sheriff w - K ll F * v * f
GI KRK 8 o. . A. J. Hinton.
SURVEYOR O *■ Matbaw*
K A. Churn. Awo Sit.l.
C. J. R.evest. J. E Buchanan,
Allen B> Wa3.
BOARD OF EDUCATION. W. I**4*, W-J.-Baruea, _
Il&d ii’u ltpf *fs, H. A. 1 *ik?r,
A. H Freeman, Sec.
SENATOR Mih District, 0. L. Heavy. -
Obad Salt Warner VV.T RevfiT
- . - - ------ r-W
OaKfchvD.i.K. Ga.
Willpractice in Merfvelhei and the ad
joining couutie*.
c (juran,ta.<tA
Attorney at i aw
£ llawimi.i.a, tli- -
All buaiti-a antnitle l to hit erne oltand
*4 to tf-ativ and laithfully.
Okkknvim k, Ga.
Will prankein the Jt-hW ad OrUi
•ty a C.HIII* of Mnlwrllier, am! tha
Baparht C'HIII* of the .oUtill*a cotnjtusltig
tba liuwat* tTreult.
"TtTTLL CONTINI B the practice at
V\ MedMna In Orcnvtl!e and the
eootilry eni. Ad call* left atlhaDtug
filer* or Id* rr*ld-ric# 1 r< -inptly aHer ded to
kIT anti ion y.
OFFER *-ftla Pmlraafonal art vice* to the
ciiirl# 91 Oreanvtti* and vicinity
tar Oflloi • O. J. Anthony A <V* Drug
* ae;>lO
- L >*. RF. 11ALL.
•1 I aviiif derided to locale patmaneetl)
IT In UreooTtlie tender- hU piwfr* lanal
aKt*i<ee to (ho citiitens'd Hi* tu*u and ui
rounding country. Ufka no the North
•Id* oil 'lie i>"Wlc arua;*.. .
Ol * I arrange, o<*>igi*.
nAK NOW. ud *lll ke;p always on
ban') at his obi aland East aide oi
Ui public square, a food and
wbll ttci.iccreo rroca or
Consisting, u oart, ot
KT*OLU am) HILVCH Watches, _ffij
IMrm and Kev-wmoers.of tbe ieatroak*
fcpleudid OoW and bitrer Watch, Chair
of all six**, makers and prhre
Cold I’eu* am! all kin da ol holders; Cold
Bilver A steel Speda< les Jk Eye-Glasse*.
Silver, Plat Ware
of all kind* and atyiaq
racket. Table Cailen, ARaian
by the vry renowned maker*, JOBtPh
I un ■Oil repairing >ll good* la my line
Too many citizens of Meriwether an/ ad
i oiniog counties bare tested my work to
reooire a word from me as to the charac
ter of it. I will, bowerer warrant ail my
work. If properly used, u I bare always
done, and r-specttollj ask a continuance m
be patronage 1 bare rcceired from mr
riands in Meriwether
THE PATRONAGE tba many citl
seM of Meriwether county rttitrsg
Gri# ia respectfully solicited by tbe un
dersigned, proprietor ot tbe sbo’e We)t
known RoteL Poihe and atteatira arr-
TBCtSa n nctHcm table, tidy rtmsi end
V** **• "• Prices moderate
aad to sou the timer. Giro me a trial
410 k>* i. A. BTALET.
Dr. J. Bradfield’a
\Vi’l bring on the Menses when they bfige
nut been estab’irhad. *l*o when they have
hecu suppt rased trout unnalunil rauneit
Will cure Rheumatism and Neuralgia of
the bach and womb. Will cure Paiutnl
Menstruation, and relieve the head, back
and loins ol iboae distressing |*ais and
aches. Will check liter,orrbsigl. or ‘exces
sive flow.’ Will cure‘Whites’and falling
of the womb, when it ia the result ol relax
*air>n ,>t bad health.
It is aa sure a cure in all the above dis
ases as Quinina Is in Chilis and Fever.
Ladies can cure themsalvea of all the
bote diseases without levealing the,
complaints to any person, which is nlway
mortifying to their pride and modesty.
li is recommended amt used by lha best
physicians in their pi iva‘.e practice.
For a hislory of the above diseases,
ceruticates ol iu wonderlul cures and
directions, the reader is referred to the
wrapjier around the bottle. Mauufactur
ed am! aold bv _
RRA DFI ELD * CO Atlanta, (la.
gold by all DruggtatA Price $1.60
Not t'K to Be lAisacd.
~— TrYSStinaiwHi.
•‘What ail* p*i>a, Motherf anid a sweet
little girl,
Her bright laugh revealing bar taath white
as peart ;
1 love hint, ami kiaa him, and sit ou Ms
hut the kue don’t auudl god when he
kisses IMS I
“Uni mamma" -bin aye* opaued wide aa
ahe e|teko —
' Do you lika nasty klsaaa i>{ ‘hacco and
amoke t
They might do tor hoys, but lor ladit* and
1 don’t think them nice, and aha tossed bar
bright curl*.
Dnu'i usbody'a umuls nice snd
class t—— *—
With kisau* lias yours, luauims-that's
what i raasn ;
1 waul lo kis* |>a|ta, I lov* him at wall,
Hut kia-at don't hulv good thal liuvu such
a smell I
It'* nasty to auioka, sud eat 'hacco, sml
And Ih# kiasiw ils't good, sud siu’t *w*et
not a hit I
And her bluesum ttkr face wore a loo* of
At the gav# out bar verdi,.t, so earns*! end
'Yaji little daiting 1 your wisdom baa
That klave* lor daughter* and wive* should
be clean ;
For kiaaes lose sewattiing of nectar and
From mom ha ihat are atslnad and unfit lor
a ki.’
■■■■■•■ e—M a — l —
Huni'ht man.
Mi. Brown, you said tin defendant ws*
br.nrsl and InU-liigeiit. What make* you
ihink wf Ara ysu srqiHinlcrl with him t
N j sir, I liars ni.vei *esn him.
Why, then, da you eomc to inch a con
clusion 7
Uecauoe ha l.ka lon newapspers aad
pay* for them in advance
Verdict for dfendat
A learned la*yc> gtv* this threw,] *■(.
flee to a pupil : Wheo the facia ate In
your laror, but the law opposed to you
C'itne out airoug on tiie facta ; aad wbau
the law la In your favor and tha facta op
poe<l to you, come out strong on the law.
But, inquired the student, when the law
aad the facte are both againet 'me, what
eliall I do 7 Why tliea, laid the lawyer,
talk amend it.
When the million waa made to call Mr*.
Belknap before the oomrnittoe, one of the
mem here significantly eeked : “Hare any
of you ever beard ber when the get* a fair
atari 7 The mover quickly acute fa an ef
fort to aay something, and finally with
drew the motion.
Tasx EnnspUaii*.
W* call attention to tbe fact shat the tax
act passed by the last general assembly ma
terially redoes* tbe list of exemptions. All
property Is now subject to tax at ion with
some few exceptions, such aa church aad
school property, public buildings, me.
The $75 exemption of household furniture,
plantation aad mechanical tools of last
year, baa been repealed, and nothing oi
this kind is exempt All ouilon, core, an
nual crops and provision* held for sale oa
tbe first of April are also l*labia. Returns
will be made at heretofore, with tae addi
tional information. Tbe farm products of
laetyesr—aomber and weight ef hales of
cotton, bathe* of corn, potatoes, oat*, etc.,
and ail other articles produced oa the farm
are to be carefully an I separately return
ad. AU tbe acreage in the vnrtoaa crop*
planted this year, will be required. Far
mers will save much time and trouble by
preparing an itemized sfaleaaent as per
above, before Ibetimeef makljg their re
turns.—[Griffin New*.
Bxlxsap claims that he was a private
citiara of lowa when the boose impeached
him, and that as such he has right* that
(he senate should respect But this claim
is sport by the fact that be drew two frail
day’s oey to March. Ha was impeached
00 the 2nd ot that month. This i* an ug
ly fact that be can not get around.
Twelve Bale, for SSTSiev.
a 1. Have a written contract with all lar
borer# by lha month or year. &
2. Pay workingmen their wagat prompt*
ly when due.
3. Use only the bait implements bn the
lain), and keep them always in order and
well protected from lha weather.
4. Feed stock regularly, and recollect a
fat bone eat* lea* than a poor one, and
does much belter work.
3. Early planting la best, niaa year* In
tan, ibe.etcrw plant early.
6. Early cultivation secure* a good crop
—always push your worg—nevar let your
work pash you,
7. An ounce ot brain 1* worth a pound
of miracle ; therefore always think wall,
and plan before hand what Is boat to be
done, and the order iu which it should be
done —Order of is heaven’s Hist law.
&. Never sutler liiai which la made to ba
tost or Wealed; preserve it, and aoouomin*.
U la the aeviitf inure than the making that
gathered! itches.
9. Never buy what you can produce at
home equally a* chsap. la this way you
save time, espouse, and the profile of two
10. Never plant mure than you cau cul
tivate wail, for all kinds of crops abhor
uugiect, and refuse to grow well tor a laay
11. Never borrow Irom a oetekbor ex
cept in case ol neoasaity, and then return
whatever you berrow as soon as possible,
Irsi a misunderstanding arise, end good
iißiMhUo.litp be Utemby destroyed. r
-12. Prepare wall fur market whatever
you can spare Irom Ihe farm, and mil it
wheu in the best state ol preparation. The
loot by shrinkage and refatteuing is more
than s)wculali'tu iu prtno le moat farmer*
and had beat b* avoided,
Mr. John 0. B. Harrison, lha gentleman
who asya that Hi oilier lllahie got the slx
ty-four tiomwiud ilolisr* pakl by ttre Un
ion Piiclttc Railroad Company for a lot of
bond* r|HraeaUag seven ty Qve tbouaasd
dollars, lot which really were not worth,
ten ceuU on Ihe dollar 01 their face value,
U a banker living in ladir.nepolU, a polit
ical and personal friend of Henetor Mor
ton, sod a man of great independence and
lore* ot character. He pcaaesae* an ample
for tune, and ta not likely to be coerced
either by .‘rieud or foe. Mr. Harrieon atlck*
to til* story, end prefeaae* aa entire williag
nee* to tell it in alt ita detail* to a commit
tee of Congress.
Govaite You* ArreTiTea— The nearest
apprearb to a mm* that a mae saw make
ia fo become a mere creature of appetite—
a feeder or toper. Be long as he 1* well
crammed the glutton la a stupid, harm lea*
lump; but deny his hi* provender end he
become* a savage. Detain the apiretlle*
or they will become tyrants, under whose
bondage all that I* noble tn human charset
ter will be crushed out of existence. Re
sides. indulgence oftb* appetite* in time
destroy* health, and what 1* tile wttheut
health t
The organa Of tbe Kepubltcan party and
tha ao-callad Independent newepapara
wlines eympathiee ara Republican and
which will act with It la the coming cam
paign, make light of the chargee against
the President, that he ueed tbs public
load* to procure hit own election. They
that Ida action wet entirely legal. But
toy* the Haiti mo re Gazette, unfortunately
lor thla theory, It la in evidence that Wil
liams, the Atterney General, declined to
|>ay lb* money without an express order
Irani the Preeideat He has never botnt
oonaidered ovar-acrupuioua la his opera
'lone ; oo tlic contrary, his record Is worse
liien that of any Cabinet officer with tha
eiception of Belknap, and ws are oot alto
grtber certain that It I* not darker than
even his, so far a* the uee of tha public
money goer. Hie hesitation to pot hi#
hand to tha treasury lor Davenport’s bene
fit is fatal to the plea which 1* nude, that
the trau*action was an inooesut on*.
The Vast Pocawr*.—A young man from
one ot tb* suburban district* waa in 00a ef
our tailor shop* getting measured for a
rest the other afternoon. Married or urn
married f queried the merchant, after tak -
log down the number. Unmarried, said
the young man with a blush. Inside pock
et oo Ihe left hoed side, then, observed the
tailor, a* If to himself, making a memoran
dum to that effect. After a moments
pause,tbe young man from the suburb*
Inquired: Wbst dlfisreace does my being
married or unmarried make with the In
side pocket of the reel 7 Ab, my doer sir,
observed the tailor with a bland sail*, all
the difference, poetibie, ae you mutt tee.
Being unmarried you wsnt tbe pocket on
tb* left side, so ae to bring the young la
dy’s picture next to your been. But don’t
the married man also want ble wife’s pic
ture next to hiv heart f queried the anx
ious youth. Peeeibfy there is an instance
of that kind, said lbs tailor, arching his
eyebrows, but I never beard of it.
The following announcement appears
among the “personal*" ot the day:
“Mollie Grsnt-Sartorta wIH past the sea
son to Loodos aad ba presented at Cowl."
There seems to be a growing probability
that her father will bt "presented s’, court,"
•fee I hut we hope it will BOt be quite ae
bed as that—[M. T. Asa,
It is not gold or the diamonds about a
watch that keeps the time.
*Mttha year,
W lour and a summer appetite, depending
° tMßpafMwe md that la cold weath
mcrely In MMainiag the heat of lha body,
renhetfwliaoan aotba praaamd. In
deed, It the ooljeet weather, to supply this
thia fbeMhod M Madid, aa esthat tot the
M U thaaarae
proprtßy |a the aelectlae ot the Wed ot
adaptWiMgf our efothlng lor the earn*
peclaily urgeet tor tha ktuda,
die oltaaa butler, tat taeei, ate. In tha
spring and aumnwr thaaa are not needed,
and aimald ba atohlad, or tadulgad ia vary
vra*T Taa Dxxocutio Boon Ha*
Doaa.ii-DaHiif tba Brat tew waaka o( tha
preaaAl Oongtem, when Hyena Blaine waa
I. .r
praaa 6mb e and of the country to tha
othar was aU agrta at tba btumtara at tha
maJoriiy.Tbay wart aa uodtetpltaad motg
they bad ootaadersj they lacked tact—in
shoffi.'fhay knew aothtng about leglalation
or attytblag etas. Wall the npraaentaUyaa
or the beapfa have beau at work tome two
nvrtAlliii a*sl U laa ihs haelaidiaia thiii —.
in it wwi wymuiuu iMy wtni
net quits ao abarp a* tbair Radical oppo
wbatwa* going oa In tha goternmeot,
they have axhlbitad a wonderful aptness
for flodinj out tfelaga, sad bora brought to
tha kuowlodge of tha paople more oerrap>
tloa raaoaUty exl*t|ag Iu high places
thaa WM aver brought ha light by any pre>
osdtof Oongmea, or all tha Congrsaae*
Mom the formation of the government to-
) Bo§w A. Pryor, having aucceaaiuHy *n
ititiaand Goyenior Ames' retract from the
jaw* of I w peach meet, by way of raeigna
th„tf *** an anormut of Ms stewardship
■ a gushing letter to Baa Butler, who was
hi* reel employer. Mindful of lit* military
tenlua he la addressing, Ilia ex -Confeder
ate aay* : K tliaruugh reconuolasano* of
tha enemy's poiUhia left *o doubt ol our
cliaut’s conviction. He takes g’ory to him
self by magnifying the ebatacle* be over
uame, adding that the settlement finally el
tooted Is infinitely more aallslactoiy than I
oouoeived peseible on my arrival at Jack
son, awl conclude* by assuring the fatlier-
In-law that iiie son In-law thrnngbaut the
trying dial* bore liltuadf a* a brave and
honorable gestlemaii. We fear that long
residence North, and being mixed up In
tlas Beecher Iris), ha* hail tha cdect to dull
Roger’s me* era** of the true bearing of a
brave and honorable gentleman. It is ev
ident that evil communications corrupt
good taste aa well aa good inaenerg
Passu mo on Baucoc*. -Col. Wbluly
will, It i* stotod,'appear belora tha whisky
trials committee el an early day, con leas
himself a member of the whisky ring, and
produce letters from Babcock and others
ol the ring (list will set at rest any llngei
ing doubt* that may exist a* to Babcock’s
Mature did not intend that wan should
need • stimulant, *r springs and wells
would bubble with whisky. Blood Is suffi
cient to warm hi* body, and put* water
sufficient to invigorate bt* system. There
fore when nun drinks, ka puts that in hi*
mouth that will steal away bia brains. 11
you want to b* uateaaonable, tll-tompered,
imbedle, thee fill you hide with poisonous
liquor, and you will auoowd.
t i II
In the practice of taming card corners
the apper left band corner denote* “vlsite,"
and i* used for an ordinary call; tb* upper
right hand; corner turned down means
“felicitation," aud I* tor a vUit of cougrab
ula liens; the lower left hand ooraer,
“eongo,” represents a tkrswell call, and the
lower right comer, “condolence,” expresses
a desire to sympathize with bereavement
The rule most generally understood is the
taming ef an* end of the card, which de
notes e desire to see the ladies oi the fami
Ax'/nut am Sraium <lhabob Aoausst
Gansu at. Hcasacs. —A member of the
House Commutes on For alga Affairs says
the commutes have evidence betore it go
ing to show that while Scbrack was Chair
man of tb* Ways and Means Committee
he received $5,09$ and stock for hie servi
ces in got ling a bill passed by tb* House
for the benefit of c Colorado immigration
aad land acheme Tb# proof is understood
to consist of docomcutorjr evidence alleged
to be over Bebenck’s owa signature..
It looks, says the Mffw York, Son as it
Brother Blaine muePepcedUy go to that po
litical bourne fro n which no traveler ever
return lb. His supporters may aa well at
once order limit crap*.
Mr fflafaii Mfad to Explain
po>aa-7.. : P‘ - ■*. -
a,thmaao eg thalfoieh. ahaest wttboe'. Atattac
IllSi IJI paitl. Il lelXaa as UOlni tnThitl-Ttr him
~Mt}owo'tbi M**eta tstaatatcuw watoa ■ u**
iw*Skr><i adi agaiss* his aouvstg. th
Maw Yedt **ah)g Itxl (Rvsq*-i) Is *twmi
o*Aparslsteailatit dastsaU fv an espliattion.
Who* “Is e aaa way Mr. BWa* or his mad<
iiegM talaeajiMMfhiespMniaath* Unloa P
It* Iwheia OetaaF* tmaMtloeta hoods ol
Os* ( Mils Uos* sad Past timtta aoi*e*dCom*tay.
•ft* srblsh Xr. Maths's naaas has baaa assodstsd
It tsaataasoab togwtnl otrUa ahewtac that ths
havtMt • tkiwagh wheat Uw alkwad fae was mads
■ iai kaaw at sit Mr. BMo* ta ths bnaiaass.
Xetktag Mea arth aarvetkaa aliawtac wbaa* thay
aid kaaw ao4 s* a4 h> wheu ta* W*a waa tain
sllw os.Ao TMII—IM hg A itßg' thtfttf U>4o
Il woM he ** adwctaal U>la. whytsttaotdmtt
That tha Data* Pastas did maks atoaa *(
area tnwU-in 61 MO Uttle Hock sad For
OmHkkoe**, aad that Unas bands war* worth os
ly Sheet twaoty ear osotoa or that* t*oa vslas, or
SU,eM. I* aitmlWo*. That this was aa erdtaary
ha stores tioamotl on aeaaot be prsvootod. That
Q waalaAmdei to bsaclt sons peraoa bp * sub
itaailelMAif owih> U> Mmeaaod dUare I* e
resaaeatle Mkwoot. Whola ths yor-oo t"
Mr. Htale* gave lha boat sxyhuiaMeo that It ft
la hit pewtr to giro to thaaa maltsrs taa month*
aua, aadl tt It traal Ho* tha Post to ba ptakiag at
feim sow. DM mot Mr.'Blaine maretlMsly daocunss
aaiknaa Davis so tha Aaor oTCsnarsa# f Did ha
ait as Ml* tha bona# of th* 4*ad soldiers of Aadsc
•onvilla n> tha son of tha loyal peopls of tha
Moath t DM ha sat provs to tba world that JsOer
ana Davisand si!
maaaodshUdrao. wars barbarians, traitors and
stardoms, who on*hi to ba hung, draws sod <tnr
taredl DM ha aetdsooonsatha praaaot Uongtsas
as * OooMsrats Ooegraa* t Did be oat, only ihe
ethar day, agtln pilch Into ihe rshal South I Did
ha not rapsatsdly thank hi* llod ,th*t ha wa* not
bon* and bred among lha houtharn rabal* I Wusl
hettaraaawa* dost ihs Poet want ta Ui* ehsrga* or
aorrwpttao tad nsad that have bun usds, ay*,
prnvsd saatnal Mr. Blslne t Thina* ara coulag to
s praMy pas* tadsad, when loyally and pimy Ilka
Jtaß Blaln*'* to sat a aaWelsni oartlAoato ot oliar
eatar Is lha ay a* of tba Amsrlnas peopls.
Evils f rat us Tea Drinking.
S The Rational Food and Fuel Reformer,
(EoglUh) Alacoyar* a boat of evila that sitae
from tea drlaktug:
It is ea women—the mother* ef our race
—that tha evil eft onto of ta* drluking fall
with Use groateat weight. Uow many wo
men, who think they can not “get along" a
single day without tea, owe to tt their cold
feat and hands, thalr to frequent
00 Ula, their peculiar difflculluM, aapccially
tbair waakaiting ogea, and Oteir habitus I
lam ot appatit#, rauderlng tha m a prey t*
'dinner pill*,"l or th* abaurdiUoa termed
ttrengtfMitlng madiolne,” so long I*
Togo* I No woader that tea drtnkera are,
to frequently small eaksit, whan their tea.
baa gradually destroyed their appetite Ac
cording tu Dr. William Aloett, one cause
o| a scrofulous constitution, by inheritance,
la to be found In the use of lea by ances
tors, and he reason* out the mailer en
sound physiological principle*,! observing
that whatever weakens the uerv**—espe
cially tbo** of the etniDech—tn a mother,
is suie to entail a tendency to disease no
her eUapring, which will not .infrequently
proved Pi Imi scrofula, o# (hat dismal mid
universal disrate, lubercvtoue consump
tion. There is also reason to Inter that
much ol our motion eye Uleeatea mil ear
disease# la caused by the toe-ilrtuking hab
its ot our |iojula<iou. 11 la equally certain
that the sudden heating produced Jtiy lea,
m mpldly folhiwad by lefrlgemllon or
chill, cau not tail to be a perpetual cause of
the affection in question—so often the pre
cursor of consumption.
A country lawyer came Into town laal
week to argue a case. 11* had evidently
studied it a food deni, lot he waa well
equipped wiili authorities. * When ha got
about half through hi* brief, fb* court
l*rrupled him to ask the name of the
Judge who dtllvmad oua of tha opinions
which ha had| cited. The lawyer tum
bled among the booki on the table in front
of hint, secur*J the volume he wan tail
turned to the place, and, alter examining
the report a few second a, obaeived :
If your honor pleat*, I guest the Judge
basu’t signed this by bis real name. He’s
used a nondy-plume.
A neat <U plume / repeated tha court
with some surprise.
Yea, yeur Honor, a neniy plume, and it
’pear* to bars base a pretty popular sue,
Wbal is it 7 atkaJ tha court.
IW Curiam, anaseerad the lawyer. But
he wen bia case-—[Brooklyn Argue.
Unilrwtsd Fare* to the Ccntcn.
There is xeucJe awn plain! to the north
ern paper* because the railroads ot tha
country propose only to make a reduction
of twenty-11 v# per cent in their rates el
fare to the Philadelphia Centennial. Tbe
demand la that tb* road* shall charge only
half far*. This seams to us to be demand
ing rather too much of the roads while the
managers of the exhibition charge doable
the usual price el admission, and the ho
tels ot Philadelphia are said to have In
creased rather than abated their chargee.
The preeeut indication* aw that many
houaendt will be deterred by the strln
tgeocy ol the lime* frern visiting the great
Philadelphia show. Half fare oe the rail
road# would somewhat lighten the ex
panes; but with the prospect of exorbi
tant charge* foe aocommedaUoot in Phila
delphia, and with bo mesne of computing
to a satisfactory sleety the incidental ex
peaat-s ot the trip, there are many who wit;
seek at home time inoie economical taebu
od of giving espreeet'Mi to thefr patriotic
eotonafsam. The truth is, {he time: aru
net propitious for Gcotetiural with radrui.
tares at any figure.
T.ia Lirgavt sij II *n lot njt Litcmry P*
pet in A meric*.
Brilliaut Anna a ao am oat >
Ph’’ fiPKVIM/S.VS FHKM ,g|
TITHE following new atnrlea will *.>on be
X., snd will bo the Must In
tensely Thrilling ot any It 'Niancesystpub
.l*h<"! ui an Amoricsn Journal.
ironrit AND SOUTH
A Thrilling National liontance, ‘ysae,! flp-<
on Ihe Administrations of PresUent Lis
coin snd Johnson snJ Ihe Executtou ot
Mrs Bnirntt, is 1808— iVrittea by a dis
tinguished rttvesinsn,
1 &°VI “(J. I **. Hapoleou’e Reign.—
By M. QUAD, ol th* Michigan Pres*.
* „ ,^ L 0 H B!I!i TI,M WORLD.
k. BrlllUm Booiolw HrUI. oow r bum inf.—*
lly Mis. Mary E. llrysn, who it the Fla
eet Bioty-Writer nt tbn Ag*.
... , _
T*mpUitiant of • Factory QirL
By s Popalsr NwveHet.
—or TUB—
('•■federate fiirerunt,
By Gol H D Capers, Chief Clerk of Tree*
uiy Depeitiueui under Mr. Memuln*
. tw“ This win lie s deeply Interesting te
rle# of Hketche*, giving tba early trials, dis
advantages, and many amusing incklentu
ol our |>eo|ile In their etlortt to establish an
iodepeudaul Uovsrumeul.
m OT A number of omniMlTy BrfHlsa<
Short Stories appear la each issue, with a
uest variety of Sparkling MiaoelUateuß
Matter ou ell subjects.
BiAurfytbn |8 00 0 JW
0I c ,> " ,nd “P w " d, i ••
do oi ao io 9aa do
kxtra copy FUSE, oaa year, for a club
of & at # dollars. Addrasa
J II 9EALB, Atlanta, Go.
WKHTKItN 1 oiler lor sale forUOdayr
LAND I some valuable tract* ot
farming and limber laud in a tlwlvlng ami
rapidly growing Western tha to. Ota sc
count of railroads, recently constructed'
and immigration, these lands ara now rap
idly rising iu vein*. They wHI be sold very
low lor cash. A Clear anil Perfect Titto
will be Guaranteed, Willi every tract sold,
with deed* oi full warranty Irirm re*|Kmi
ble grantors. Psrlias desiring to purchasa
lands, lot an e.rly rise iu value, Heal Estate
agents aud Trading Mea, will find It to
their Interest to address
W M>,K. (JUMP,KeeI Kata I* Dealer,
Flower It Vegetable
V J C H i>
ara the beat Hi* world produces Thsy
are planted by a million people in America,
and (lie result Is, lieautlfitl Flowers and
splendbl Vegetable* A Priced Catalogs*
sent tree to all who enclose the postage—*
2 cent stamp.
Flower fc Vegetable Garden 1
is tbe most Imautllul work of tbe 1t!od ia
paper corers v toosut# bound * ele**
rura rural GUM*.
i This ia a beautiful Quarterly Journal
finely llluetrsted, and cootaiolo* aa 4e
gant colored rioatkyleoa with tba firs
Somber. Price only fecte. tor tbe year.
Tbe first He. ter 18? lost aeoed. Addreeb
JAMES VIUK, Hoc better, M. Y^_
Notice-. -
Messrs. SCHAVB <fc PERKINS, fHsr*
opened a splendid {
O A L‘le B R Y
to Atlsnts where pictures of si) kind* can b
obtaiact' Meriwether people vtMtlig At
lnt? are cor.lUiiy wvt'e.l to suit tbir
NO 20