Newspaper Page Text
tub yrypTOATOK
W tt: T Kevili Editor #nd Proprietor
|>rl<'K<itn Jn u Georgia W •*’
||,-Ml nc
- <ll, .
at I. A HOB.
J. ' ..mill, <I M i^*':,
J’ 11. foxier, ol Chatham,
i liT: H.7i,e>, ol It.- !•-*- 1.
J. W. Wort ird, id Birlow.
uismcr iusi.ko*D.
J, C Nichol*, ol Plcrcc-
J. J. June*, ol Burke,
II O. Tomer, ••ni O 'lfl.
K C 11-ire;r, ot DiOsUr,
Alien Kurt, of Sooner.
W. T. Me Aiihor,of Mon'-gowery
O Worrier, of Muriwistbor.
M II BUnfor l, ol M itcoge*.
J l H ill, ot Spalding.
U I' H iwell, f Fulton.
J. W. Preatou, let J**. er.
J. it Pace, ot No*ton.
W, M. Payne, olCaiooia.
W. V. Johnson, ol Oglethorpe.
Che*. H. Dilßoec, of Hancock.
11. II ( 'arlwn, of Clark.
II P. Bull of Foraylh.
When Bclki.#i/*<:** is dhgiowit of .i
othri Impeachment trial hi probable Ihla
lime II U the poll!Iw printer ; lie ia u rdi-
Cal of mirw,
Foalui Blodgett i* il I to p*c** a tin
bog lull ol Inti nr* Iroiu pinmlucut 1
<r.l In Gem gig, these Ictief* being wriUnl)
during Ituiloi k i ivli' liiUtr ill u and *uppue
ed to contain overture* to Blodgett In or
(jar co gain office ti rmuti ho* Influence
with Bolloek, Wturnover Blodgett- ll
threatened with proaec, itinn In show* b'
llltln box, an 1 straightway all Hi' *'
writing democrat* wtilper It tibout 'hat
JBlelgett ha* done nothing wortlir "I (iron
•Cullen. By all moan i lut the prosecution
bo vlgnfnualy f*u*UM ( #• t'i* til* *"*l# -of
that ho* may he loosed nml the letter* and
thotr author* given to tho public. W
Blodgett’* democratic friend* he dowdy
Orn. Grant lias *iwni qiMmt g'KHI.WW lu
prekootlng alec Ikon fruida, hut Ida agent*
oay the mnnev wa* efponded In demtKrat
lc loculi lie*, the radical majorltia* hnlng
al way* f*h ly obtained. Tho ox c*e be
twenn the farmer and lawyer mentioned lu
the aiwlllng book will readily tuggwt It;
aeli to the minds of all.
CluiiriMun ml llaev ftrorglu Drlc-
Bpoaklngof ttie dwiogallon selected last
week to repmiMt Georgia lit ilia presi
dential coo tent lon at Bt. Loula a IM of
whom appear* In Uiia Issue, tl# Atlanta
CoMlituUon say# they all belong to a
younger nUn ol politicians except Judgo
Obftdrah Warner. As Judge Warner It
the ntCu\or member of the delegation In
age. and aa ho was a member of tit# nat
ional democratic convention held el Balti
more, will oh nominated Franklin Fierce
for praaident lu 1853, twenty four year*
ago, we auggeit that the Judge be raid*
chairman ot the tieorgla delegation at Bt.
The honor would be Well and
worthily bestowed.
The Washington correspondent of the
Clnclnnn'l Otaette, a republican organ,
claims to him high democratic authority
for the statement that the liouae “will not
allow an adjournment before November,
unloes the republican* agrrn that all the in
vestigation committees. Which desire to
continue, may eit during the recese—oth
erwise, they propose to hold congress and
and keep their coromltteea going through
out the entire campaign, with '.he Inten
tion of keeping the republican candidates,
aa wall as Ibe administration generally, un
der fl'e from first to last." And he should
have added that the repubticaaa do not
teem to enjoy the situation.
AmoiiT. Akrrinan wwlti* reputed au
thor <if Bollock’s election law In 1870, said
law, It will Imj remembered, providing that
but onu voter should approach nearer than
fifteen feet or the ballot box, |nd that the
radicals sbauhl be protected in all efforts
to control the election by the Yankee sol
diere stationed at the difteront county
towns throughout the state. This same
Am#* T. Akorman has been before an in
investigating committee *t Washington to
acconut for the enormous expenditure of
United States funds while he filled the of
fice of Attorney General. Antos s* ys the
the money was spent to preserve the purl,
ty of the ballot box. What richness I Amos
T. Akennsa spending moßey to preserve
the purity of the elective Iranchiae I We
should ae soon have expected to hear that
the devil had turned preacher as to have
expected that Mr. Akorman was engaged
1b the work of political purification.
A committee of the Senate has repotted
adversely upon the joiut resolution of Sen
ator Morton re-establishing suffrage in the
District of Columbia. The ms la objec
tion to it was the large negro element in
Washington- The truly loyal gentlemen
who object to negro voting in that city
are, however, strongly in favor of perpetu
•ting black suffrage in the Southern State.-.
Wfcat 1* good in one place ought certainly
to be good in another
Tke Mmi( Ihreiwaiuf -A reat
lmiuai peri ot Admintora
tion forrupiUon.
The tUl* lit the biVtotlgatiug CtunUMt-
I tit* descend and deepen (fl aorobreo***
and gloom every day. They alrilui new
: sink* of irrtrprity wßh every adraaoe, emd
: the aia* of liuf i and solid ground bee one
: lean iiuil fe*e The prospect* are thal
; they mml hrtnjr trrnt -*-* to ♦ l*---turnlist ..
ma* ol irre Jee-.oahlc public disorder and
It Ihe/.der’* statement In tho Bunday
dupatcha* i true, then we *appo* there
cart he not lung *1 a I reliable )B any <d the
tiiimetal record* ol the gorer.uftieot Xl
will he onp'>ii*i'oi'r to tell, -with any !"-
j,roach to accuracy, what the government
own* ; what circulation U ost*Uadiog, ami
now muck ol government pajier recorded j
■■ dentoyed t* still outu'audoig ami U
eirculatnm. All the Treasury Departineut
fly ore are a lie, aejit The more they mr
Mm)ie / i the more will they mlalciil.
Tin; while concert) U a Ureat fiuirta!
Hwaiup, of uulaihottiable, black corruption
an t none eeem u> have touche 1 the pule
lie money*, and credit* but of
disorder and to eteal. The turn Prcnder
la a terrible fal oie w lot# liauiigod of
unlmwl iliet'Uft aod Coiilasi /u it he U
not Hilrrejnewiited. We hope he l—we
trait he rrannot proro all the !M; Lotfl*
Time* y* he cart. It wlii hs pro*log
ijuitc 100 much, fcreu tho (Areat Dioraal
-Haramp hoa'tt r>f oo w hard ataudmg
ground, a id in the worn! pvt ot K one east
lake * tree. I! it tUrre'i flu hard groun-J
arid bo lotty umhrageinii tiene upon which
INiblh: honmty can < ill a hilt or gam a
iOomeutary repu, it Prender rtatea the
tael* All i rnoraOa—ai! I* rolteii.—(Ma
<:;i Tt lograhli.
.'I lie Mliivca of Tlie llm
Foiter Blodgett *y* l,a la cmtsin ot Us
log cii->ird on trial ot every chtrg* .*g!n*t
lilit. lie *ny* Ini drma not |tud to tsll
who were the IliiinocraU now high In vi
Umrity, who who wrote t • him *tid akd
him lor *<il*tttos da aexm leg hnnaUyo tnn
ploymnot under JlulltK.k‘v * , liSiitWJtl | )ii,
iinloMa iicrs*- uiion lor .<’Tliifn 1o do *O. Ho
these Democrats In tbalr mUfortane
guilty of king h>r wotk t Wl|, dear Foe
ter, I* It n vulgar crime to a man m *u
thuf/ly for Ciup7'>ym*iit ? Aflrf when they
naked yotf lor hfCnd, dear Fwater, ivhat did
you do ? lid y<ti give them a atone f Or t
■till you go on trading with the bogus, Bull
Bona 'Tennessee Car Cempany,* maklngthe
iwople of Georgia pay lot* car* that were
nttvnr received? 7ut o long a* thews
Democrat* Wanted honeel work aud ilhin’t
•leal iinylhlog, we don't think your retela
tlon nee<l to lei diva,led tiy thorn. —Mattel’
ta Joursnl.
The Marietta Journal dow not *tfttn the
cane exactly oe it ahould lie staled. It lelif
the truth, hut not the whole truth. As we
| nodcretaud the Interview had w/th Mr.
Blodgett by a reporter ol the Atlanta Cfen
ytitution, the former etatml that he had let
tela from Democrats now high in authority
asking Ids "astiatloco In securing lucrative
employment under Bullock's ailmintsira'
lion,* ami pjornWHf th*t admintatrwldtm-
their support In return, ll I* not a vulgar
crime to ask a min In amhorlty for em
ployment. Tlioro is nothing wrong In a
poor miii'i ashing f>r empioymeut But
the statement of Mr Blodgett makes a very
djflerrnt case. It was well knewn ot
men in Georgi*. and out ot t tcorgla, that
the government ol Bullock, Blodgett 36
Cu. wa* corrupt, had government, which
wa* disgracing the H'ste and impoverish
tng tho pcoplo. If, ttierefore, any lemo-
crats now high In authority solicited Mr.
Blodgett to use his infl tenet to get them
an appolntmsnt trom Bullock, and promis
ed in return to support that dishonest ad
ministration, they were not seeking honest
the tv, tun were doing that which They know
to be wrong, dishonest and dishonerabls-
Tkesa are thu men who fear Blodgett, and
arc anxious that he should not be brought
to trial. These are the men who say that,
it is impolitic and inexpedient to bring him
to Justice. These arc the men who syrups
thixe with Inna in bis misfortune. These are
the men who say Uiat hit trial will entail a
needless expense u|*ou th* filiate. In a wor t
these ineu are the Waves of the Box.—
[Uhru cle and Sentinel.
The efforts of senators to make their
.families a privileged class fn the galleries
during the impeachment trial is tiie subject
ut much fun and satire throughout the
country. Mr. Hamlin of course originated
the movement. The country docs not
seem to agiee with hint that a congress
man's wiic or ton or daughter has differ
ent claims to the use of the common pro
perty than any other respectable lady or
The march of progress threatens to inter
fere seriously with lbs time honored prac.
tice ol snuff dipping at the Sooth. The
Hopkinsville (Ky.) Democrat has taken np
the cudge's against tue habit, which it cher
acteriz *s as more vicious than opium -ea
ting or whisky-drinking. The picture it
draws of the confirmed “dipper” ought o*
jtstlf to he sufficient to tum the ri-lag gen
teration from the reductive fascia dion of
the habit Here it is: “Lips that one 6 *
looked like ripe cherries, and tor one kiss
from which a man would almost give his
fight arm, now look more like dried apples
than any thing else we can think of. The
cheek once full an (J rosy is now mk?u
The chTn which looks To#'
get uovr, glories in a brocse colored stripe
which teaches down to the throat."
{A Paiitteai oirwi* i* &**&*.
who law teccr.tly been k At
lonia and who** boareto ol eoajpiMiion ore
in yeomtag commolieo wear the
bard f*t of the
neyroe* of Georgia, oaye tlidr poHtlcfcl
situation i* rnertly keenly dcjdorflfl. to
a polltirwl sense the writer thioka wi-ul 1
hare been ahite a* we I tee them tfjßn#war
hail uewrxmned lordly or* praoth* n.y
*s far from the ballot bE now ai the*
were in the <l*y* ol el a very. He hai cou
vernation* with several Intel ligeot Wack
men and *m ***ured by i hem all that U>ey
were not allowed my v*e ra tfaer Bhi*=,
Governmenc One wefl-mtormed yoeog
fellow, a waiter In the hotel iu At'*uu,
•aid that (jfjeauae of this t*i* of*
| thouiand* of hi* people ware eojigralieg '-<■
B<mti Carolina and fviuitiana, where th- y
knew they would Ini pcr,l< 5 to **ru m
ttJfif poilUC4* tqjait-
The writer conider this ie a moet grief
ou* eUte of aftaira and fully JaaUffe* hi
yriung trlend, the waiter In the hotel, and
hi* people iu their determiailhm to m
-grate from a BUU that d<e* trot allow
them a kbare is tke control of yoremmect
dent would be Pi *ay that a-.t-wcuodw y tor
tUcifltelve* ami ttiv white* the ne gram in
Georgia haee mm* “voka > (he
tbsycriiiueai" tl*n they have in Sew York
They cast mute yoto* her* than they #o m
flew York, ami they hold ofttcee here 'h*t have never been fwwmitted In bold to
Sew York. When the people ot New
York turn their Bute ot municipal go**'a
meat over to'the Waiter* in their ho'aU,
whPe or black, it w|ti tie t hto M<ctgh tor
the Time* corretpoAiiaai to bowl hie Jre
miad* over 16* fUtwa cnudttien of the ne
gro* ot Georgia. The people of New Y<h
h> not look U Um waiter* In their hotel*,
jer <b>vttH>rii and legWab/fi, *h4 “Whtiid
herd!/ Wru limlr ISuta Geverument over
u> that da** 1 c-iliMu* even a* an Ww
mest-le them U“t to ctnigraU •{ 'avaamb
< vly IflrcfleM,
The SB4,<W futH to Daveepwrt foe hl*
superhuman efl irt* to pr*erve the yMrlty
of election* In Now York, bo* nuw wof
ten Ur an aggregate of $150,000, and “***
*i ward* not heard from." It wa* very
ucccuai jr to drfSSl Huff fttn In U7t% al
though thsl result wa* not *eccnpfWt*d,
nud tu elect Grant in 1*73, *d Imle Julin
ny sr*a pttilotk! enough to give hi* time
and latent to these greet isfereaU. He at*-,
oovered groat fraud* la N*w Ycrk/eity
and hosts*) o.l to fn# Branch W eoovnu
utcat* hi# knowledge to th Freatdeal. *ud
also to aliow how these fraud* nmitd be
prerentel end an honest vote given for
tyrant. The IWdent wo* impreaesJ.
Money Wa no nbjaot, and the regular op
propriatiou hviu* iuvuf&uleni, ao lUbgal
draught was tit* In on another fua4ef*J n
1974 the Marshal was paid $95,070, There
wrra $13,0<)0 for extraordinary expend!
tursa, to which thu Judge* of the court! r*
In>d to ccrlliy. Then there were $lB,-
0<) mere lor Davenport a* Chief Huper
viior, and S33,tWU from the secret *etrice
fund —au aggregate ol $150,000. In tha ex
traordinary expenditures were SSOO for
the rent of a reton at the Fifth Aveon* H>-
,tol, a mere political head<juarter*. The
Cttninge hire, nacmwaey to protect tlie-suL
rage, coat another S‘JO, an t sundry Item*
not disconnocteil with "crook lug the el
bow’’ cost $1,500 more.
One ot the best assorted and largest
stock ot I, ulies. Mi wo*. Children, aa.l
Gents Shoes, of all Style* and grades now
being received, and a* uuheard-of i->w
PRICES, also a large bran new lot olj
Style Prints including the Celebrated
“Martha Washington,” Cetnennlal Brand,”
and a nice assortment of Cottouades, Cash
raerettee, Linens, Casiuiarcs. Kerseva, Ac.
Also a beaotifu’. st-<k ot READY-MADE
Spring and Summer Clothing and llata ol
all Btv!e* and Color*.
Th# bast ami CHEAPEST lot ol Tobac
co, and Cigars lu Town. Sole meat and
[IAMB, and FAMILY Groceries generally-
Cali examine and price for yourself.
By mutual consent the firm of Ellis A
Moore no longer exists, dissolatioo dating
from April, Ist 1870. I all liaNli
ties cf firm. All amounts due them will
be collected by my father or myself at our
old place of business.
Pending the winding up ot the old busi
ness, the new buaiaeas ot my father and
myself will be conducted in my name alone
We will keep an attractive stock, will sell
rigidly lot UAiH,will keep no books,and our
prices sbsdl not be undersold. April 13 *73
&14 lm. Robert N. Ellis
Ordinary's Office
J. If. Biooks and Isabella Brooks Adtnr.
and Admrx. ot the estate of It. H. Brooks,
deceased, represent to the court that they
have ‘uily administered uid estate, sod pe
Utiou for dismission from said uusk
This is Uefeh>re to cite and admonish
all concerned to file th-ft objections, if anr
they have, on or before the Ist Monday in
duly next
Given under mr hand and official signa
ture. Thi3 April Brd 1876.
74 J. W BAMBINO, O M 0.
Broad# ry yard reidt ktaty Bn,. 7/aup'a be
QrartiVysiU: henry Ttonrn lie
Tr<L rtule Hea ItUihd iTnitp’a. Oxid £P
- •* - Baler lbe
f)n' jije fy:-T /4-wf marwt ‘xaptaltd here.
Yi’J wide Bleached un 8c
“ ** ** “ fieurr lhc
“ ** “ “ tforal as Fruits lie
1 *• “ “ “ FruiP* njc
“ “ “ “Es'r . Heavy 17c
Tl,i*lost r.arue ! !*the h<**vfet ats lXcol
leached eatfva ma-iv, £ far better thea
N. Y Mduc
j WmcA*! DnUitg l*iF
hhryf .A/i/.j IV
LoualaU Oir/iAn : 17 e
Bnutt, jUuxUiuj ~, y<r a*ifa kV
tfeweW “ Zf - “
4h rthiiuimrd fVj'if* V
Eliptr Bod 1 Ph*ni* Cheekt
Itoaj. fP’A.bjry I K"Je*
“ “ ttoje iv
tU-mUfrU <’Uek U IJoeunvi/U* fur hnye Mr
Retro weight dbmkd o tvi rtr’p'ti ht -iime !v-
Thu ften mu ie the 'Met wet U ttUhio wot
krw/wiU-tge, for levtiu/t'J pottle
linen ItniUng f* terry (Jhtsep
PmMM, evtn**m tt*OeeHrfr *
**tmrwf'**f Nsteerni /vwit rs
1.* wd, ftw rent*, t U!*vm. >,*a<.o-
* Adir ikwxiawNl 1 uissiisi la
i.xwoa XMMtam *r> *t f*n *> max
mot tMorxu wauatn tey na hd.w
<Ea **t> *o. . *
futtlkl HctasOW*.
foUet qaUu *t ft VJ *l4 $3 V,
ToWe rutisu# and T >wit v#> y rhoa;,
Iflrharda ih‘ Iruti I. nrut. Tire v**r i*t
r.lncii ll tki* from f 1,00 a d< /*n up,
Cadies Ifufla " s<>j " ■* M
Italics fceva l iilcnac' letem Tie*.
Ia he* Htlk Tie* up
A eeini lent *f f'tnry Ornette ol pnne lent
tf thme /ItfiAtasr (%orU*kin hooghi pood*
ran ho oOd.
Our ItoAiee hole orul trimming* ore from
<t Urge imp-rUng hentm m Aew Tork.
Hrionth ilrhtrpper'e “ Full flnp’lrer'' KoeUry
,-a iO't ovl 40’s !fo on* *i* her* h*pt <j
frien. ; i —- - -* —
fhmtn'e Unfrrellie onU fiir.ymle ore the href
toi'V. Gtrr prim fur them nr* to*. .Men's
-lr>et ItC'fe h-t’i m, tirrw on 4 fur gt
iftSiSSWfa f",.thing in C<i*ei
jnert, A!f'ro 00-i linen <UnU l*o*mja*d
Vnprr Uotinr*. fsuiu*, (Unit an t CMdnrn't
D. AII 9ov*d hoes. Otnn *e No. I TOc
I, M J Jj;
dlrel Flow# at Factory prices.
A g# >d assortment of hardware.
Tba smoothest hair pins in loan
The be*' Bt’k Siik ThPd " '*
Coat* spool cotton, per down 75c
Columbia Work# Hip Gore Corset# 40c
Woven Corsets, “Beauties" 80c
Model Shape Corsets $1.40
Tb beat Corset rttacls in town
20 lb* mill, iff tbei, ftr $1.(10
11 “ Dt-tfn Sugar for 1 00
8 “ */ WktU “ 1 00
4 14 Rfo CfM •• 1.00
Super Boute Single Oailm 4if
“ " 5 Gal. lot* 43c
Choice fftvr Orleiuet Syrup 80e
“ “ “ 5 Gal lot* Tie
Keromu OS ■ 40e
Salt* pr a 10
lUcJerai Su'-glur " 10e
A friend in New York, Mr. Silt;, noli
tied us ot “ad tivx" on many goods by a
ending New York hoove, ot which we
hare taken advantage, and propose to give
the benefit of it to our customers. Will
give goods for
or even for paper money, bat positively
■woe lor CaiDir.
*Wi will wot be Under, n-b"
•2S lm.
Sleiawav Pianos Still Triumphant!
osiow £i, Uailt POT'.: 1-Alt.IY.
Ch.ckerinc & iie' SBB2 KW
• VU L:i. Km: * A Cos, 583511
ilainee Urea 2k. 051
ft lifsasu P. Km< loon 2ifci,793
Aibeti Welter, 2Bl 4t
Tct elicit figures or.- taken Ik/ta the aaauaTTiPe-sal"Kcreitne tu Retarea.
RUBENSTEIN Daring all my lorg and diffl.u!t Jnoraar
a!) over America, and m a very iacletnea
eesvni, I u>cd youi p.auoa, and hare Uaen
sMe V) nSeyocr Pratioa exclusively is toy
Two iiuedred end Fifteen Concerto, and
also ia private, wkh the most eminent al
lerarttoiv swd New Y ork, May 84it*
1873. (The altuve ia the only tratiohouial
avci given by Kuhcuateiu to any porno
Pr*y tell Air. Stebiway that hin apleudid
LISZT. lr right thoue to brilliant odvantAga
te U, krtv*l j* ri.iruiaßce* at the Wrt~
burg wtiere last and oeadsy it aervet uuder
my CHgrrsm *Vtc# Orchestra," exciting
vmrr.T aduilratioA. (Kxtrai t trow Dr.
Fiau* Lir.t lu the reietrcaied compsaer,
Mi'xhni, which letter, d*ied Weimer.
>ti *n Blema ay A fauns.
KB.EBB Alter thornflghtji testiug your Piano*,
i ——< bosk ta private emt io IKllittc, I ran coc
m m ei*uos<y e:t) thal Ute Btalnwav Ptanes
ai> n, t so Amrnnsn end’Korojtean
iustruments k>nan Ui me. (New Yoik,
M.v JM., ttsii )
nil MEYER "Durhig my sitistii rameg of more lh*u
li ttjr ye,os, I usd to u.m- Ifle the
w* , ! the woild left, wtiel Insker* in
gut. e *i>4 private, tnll I have nevei tw iiid
r. n ineu .Mjeut wht< h cepares with your
pi, - (N. 1., March gut, leee.y
JAILL. *'Y on r ni!ie deeer ve* te he inw rtlMKl in
eoutMi ■ 'to 1 fle tiiuwy i* I'hmi mek
nf i. A u i r *,!. the i umet ol • lik h
>.o basts o datgc.r cut Uuhuu'l lour
j’ ~ • e ;< f J >• | | H Is.Ulft H, ill,J t?l 11* TANARUS
i 'vt i,■,i t. ~, iti ijigtii-hel ten#' What
I . . tiui’.ng * isit'y t (Paris, Aj>nl 17lb
“During (i.y hog career *■> Artist and
A BT. t‘- u., < i, 1 i,ve met i, jU; many flue ku
loju-an a <| Aillc '* •> Foltes, but
o that oont i,e gi..-. in and jsmtry of
t ,tr, eiatnr y of tnioh t;i abort, oey
thing that reader* a Pmeo twninct. t j well
e hyb *ogtt a y ir ttlal,rated Puirr
A ru*.” (N- York, July 6, 167*)
WK ALWAYS OIV p DATEB WITH AM, ItfDKN HALd. a* there are aohie
"old,” yta. vi,t oiji cedat>t* ot Irmn r . Irreut i,• ’rUd A<l *U g *en ly them
nil t#* Mw Wtelnway Ato era ni msiii n t .id I'ittUM, ai,T srtlir.r*,, g efuCe
tlMr kwt Kiel Ihes *at>4al ioetruMDeot*.
Alva tairaoiil f'orn
e n vtff.Ut. reefshrvte* r ‘mr^ r wet.
. M ca rriaoa ••
Ai.rHUtr H r*a* on
fl *i>U4.vii*i n••
fV 'MB tVlkatl* W k< Pireaer of Uw •tea*eretrr e( Masu t Heew.e. HttoiA.
ritartreittv ni'uf **
< HV* at WKKf,,
■ i p um|, .. .
W, ’ •tl It PXF l-a- M t. IT H n 'C- r>n,fn ,/ Wits*
E B w A *aifftt(, Satis, to Vi wam. eml err retort ( ust*er* toe taetsroe* te laenWea
a*-tt* for < .Ul*K*ire v, i m*e you a t| 4
S < , way** P snoghave taken ivtry P te an 1 MmJil wherever their P7* no* have
I**!'n plsoed to i ■ ■■!,' t, . ... o o:_. i,. Parii lbtlZ. Is .. lull ISCd, ai.,1.., t.ixsee that*
Pmto! itEiDsrTdPS WcGtloD
AT3Q ilar dman, no ev R--t gag oOreVPtolsoa.
Whatever l tainted in the M §i*l hue tti-in un;ny at iua*et rale, an ] at Tin rl
ISehable sgenta weewd in Oo , At* ,P • r I*. K. *Wi h *at no, and Eaet Trv ,by
TLTINEII & mtAl MUU.F.H. Wr’boleeale Hrmthero Agnt*.
W Whfenali m. Atlahui Georgia.
maritiy —* ffa T. HEVTLL,Bjedd Agent Qtteeevitle Oa,
Notice This.
<luco Dealer
NO. S n BROAD 3TRF.ET,''iIkiU Ga ,
desires to exit the attention f the citizens
trading in Atlanta, to hts superior FtciL
ties for supplying them with
Everything in hi* line at
The Lowest PRICE3
In ALL CASKS if the articles are not
what they are represented to be they caa
be returned at MY expense.
and Family Supplies ot every dtecripHun
always on hand. The editor of the Vin
Die at ?R has been one of my customer* for
over a year and to him l refer, offering to
submit to his
Verdi c t
my character for honesty and fair dcaiiag
—Remember the place.—No 83 Bro*u
- * * A f'mli .
Tirm, atnmta
fetT Call on me when In the ;!ty, Or
dera respecunliy solicited.
3ui mck 3* J .W. WINFIELD .
. ~m - m m- 'Mwpw tan cktsi MHU
P, o T Wilhou' P -'.<• in >
■kn -■. .jfcr.rgnraEriuiT r \vs:^
:r asnfTg JKfcMt a r
iCKgrit WATER wEtt too 1 ) i.
itjtr. res oMryisr : imriMOiif :et> .
Grand Tn i ki b h
Comer Leyd and Wall street, Opposite
Passenger Deset, At'an fa. Or,
Tlx; bath is the most delightful Inxury
and greatest Cor stive and Preventive of
disease ever discover* 1
Besides the bath I use. Then necesary
Electricity !'.
the * Movement Cure, and all Uia ‘Water
Ours Processes ar*4tbe Hygienic Remedies
No one Should Despair of Belief until Try
ling these, for the effects sra truly Waader
Open from Tin, to P a Ladies
Tuesdays and Friday*, 10 to 13 a m.
Hjgjcoic Board—Direction# for treat
men*, at Home.
No charge for office cowaHstion.
The Kennesaw Gazette
Devoted to RaUraadiatareits Literature
Wit and Humor, Rftr Cents pm Year
CiiROMO to every sttfaaeriber.
Atlanta Ga