Newspaper Page Text
;OSr South lle at ti> Coart Ehh
K'in of Alvrrtistns-
Scsca jlwk I'4 wks jSmoJ6 mo j l year
l inch j 1 00 ! 2 Ml 4 50; 700 1 10 GO
* inches .150 j 500 > 5O jIOOO :15 00
5 inches ! % 00 j 0 001 10.001 15.00 1 25 00
rct r s ft* ’■ ?t* oo ***o*> l saw: *5 w
t cal 7 <*o 1 11 00 I ‘35 (Hi I 115.00 . 60 !<0
10l 110-00 !2000 1 55.00 16000 1 SIOO
TW A liberal deduction mad* to those
advertising by the mouth or year.
Udiiiiuui Aotii r.
The Mlowing it the Church Directory of
• revuviile for 11*76: , f,,
Id Hal 4th Sabbaths in eacn month.
Pastor R.v. W A SIMMONS
3d Sabbath in each mouth.
Pastor Ilev. S. P. Callaway
Ist Sabbath in each mouth.
Pastor Rev Jno. Jones
ARi this date, all legal advertisements
far the county ot Meriwether, will l>a pub
l!hed iu the Xkriwktrrr County Vitnu-
TV. It FAY Ell, Sheriff.
Jan. 4tb, 1373. Clerk Bup’r Court
ua i m tmmt
■— .■!".■ I ■' - im - . , ........
gfT ( in )T|!orii-v,t* irtirlmp u nnntrtr
taxations written on both side* need not
aspect to have them published. Euless
plainly written they nil also l*> consigned
l* lb* Laslie There w ill bn ub -cx
caption to U| above rule*. 1
To Fiauk j one', whose uitt: gar. eu we
tt.euUoecd last wiek. wear® Indebted for
u bucket of Hi-- i os r. stliel |ies*.
Took h' (Mf. —' VI bu b lit 1 you ratbet
do, stop my-paper or Itkc >tl that tiroes t"
asked a uli jli ef yes'ee-tav "lialhwi
lake off the cross," sal 1 we taking In* two
dd'lary. No cfiwstsol any kind * * trust
rtr* in store tor those who paid u* their
lU>* tilit W.-efe
Tin Oi rijo' During the wu*k we
hu*< mi'ii u good rnmiy <i| tin* leading i ili
M> 'll Oir County, It 11 ft wbuul la>k gl<HUi*
ily of the future. ‘I lit* lat spring nod
it <1 livt ra u* have i< uriied uni lat>i
ut U.r (mill bill i atiMi i Ili clop* In tic tiu
usually backward. Wheal and oat* look
well, but f*-m are •■nlcrlii'>l of dam*g>-
frtm Hie ii M, which has made ite appuat
ao;e in several loodiiiea.
C'ofMr I hka uut&u • Wti team that lit.
il. J. Anthony lut tM--fi a; t>olnUid county
treasurer to till the twiik* <*c< askmed by
the dealh of Sir Adorns. This appoint
ment cuutinua a uuUt an election is held
An I'iniutn \*sil he utdered lu J r
IV C'andidatca till the place iu have Ilnur
UJUfIM announced IdtOUiU out columns at
hall tbe regular ra'*. Kami in your imiuct,
gentlemen, II you want the people to know
you are a can Udate. .
If thee tisMte aie wi’ling that ‘U‘ town
SbeuH g.v cmnpietoty down let them atitl
eideavot l<> run It wiUio it a Motel. A
gbod school, a first t'axs paper and an a*.
<: xnod ilmg laail nd aie necessary to the
Xtowth and prosper tjr ot gvejy town ; tlie
achoei and paper we have; let the hotel be
npei ml. VS about It ehail grow email
by decrees and beautifully fees, until apme
nrpre euterpriwny town will abvvib the
little that i left of u*. The eubjort la out
of genera! Interest and should receive the
thoughtful attention of att.
Mr. Used, who wae arrested and to iged
In Jail lut February and eaca|>ed from
prison aonetlrue in Maych, rarne In lasi
Wednesday and delivered buneaif to the
The contract for repairing the jail aecor
(ling to the apeoificstioua publisheJ has
lieen taken by Mr. Willie Norrie at one
hundred and thirty-seven dollars.
The iliffl -nlty between two old neigh
• bore near Juutt' M.ila has been compro
mise*! and * ili not go before tlie court.'
H. D. ADAIR announces himself a can
didate tor County Treasurer, g.-e h e
card. „
Thp. Coscxht.—The large aurlienee in
attendance npt,n tfre Cooeer: Wednesday
evening seemed highly pleased with exer
c ses Mra Ii D Render, Mu. Bimmona asd
Mias Anna Martin randerej severs! ii.f’ru
mental pieces charmingly; tbe yeuog la
des snd yoong gentlemen de’fgbted tbe an
diene* with several beantifni doe*e, <piar-
tettca and cbm uses, while the little girls
od boy* brought down the boos* with
their cr-mie tang*. Diaio^ue, cbxrade*
•<id tableaus were interspersed end so we)
rendered *to please everybody. Several
piece* written ep-iily for the occasion
contained suras ot the best humor suJ wit
to which we here listened iu • long time.
West ot time eed space prerenu more
extended notice, eii doing M well tiiet the
mention of one would compel the naming
oi every pertormer thet appeared on the
itjge. The writer wee to delighted thet
he wishes we coaid here similar per
formance every week.
Effort* that were meet* to compromise
the Porter—Cheney Chalybeate Springs
case hXTiog felled, the cese will he tried
the second week in June.
superior court. j"~
The spring term of Mori wether Superioi
Court opened last Monday morning
Judge Bucirauau ptsiding.
On Mouday considerable f-rogr®* vu
made in dispatchieg business, but Tuesday
wse consumed in the trial of two cases in
voiving hut small amounts, the eeidence
laiing lengthy lit both cases -
The erimina! ■'docket was taken up
A edjtesday morning. Russell, colored, charged with
breaking open J asms Rowe’s house, in the
seventu district, plead guilty an 1 will go
to the jHHiiteuuary. As we write—Wednes
day —a jury is being iuipanneled tu tin
case x*t tto State vs, Reed, eftarged tv it
Vr'tffV| K '’i*
The Grand Jury, we understand, wil
ask the Judge, il he can do ao, to adjou
coart at the end of the week, as the farm
ers are quite busy, s well ns beliiod hand
in Uiejr farming oJHJiatioaa. A nuuiboi oi
. rue bids have been found.
Anvicit We a-e always thankful to
our friends lor advice respecting
the management of our
paper. We have listened pstieutly to
precept after precept of this kind but have
hare generally foi n I that w* e,V go**
farther lowarda paying piietleg bills than
the counsels so treaty imparted. P.easo,
then, back up up v.rer advice w- oh a little
of the filthy lucre, gentlemen,.
Per Con tua —Occasiouaity wo hear of
some cotnplaiiiingly and oraC daily assert
ing that advertising is an unnecessary ;*-
peiise, and t.iat some of our Urouuville pa
lions are loolialily extravagant in that way.
As *ur Greenville frieuds>>u old euougli
10 manage their- mu business wo shall not
-pmewd to say a word to Oterr dHenr;-
That advertising pays Atlanta mcrclianta
is proven by Um expeiisnev of a firm in
that said fir m wnLligua ll Week
as billows ; "Our card in your column* lias
brought u* neatly a dozen oust mi era that
we should never have obtaiucJ without it,
tor all of them Uld u* they had always tra
ibJ eUcwhtic but ciuia to u* because we
patroniz.'-l you." We commend the above
to the aiteuiiou ot aome complaining till
TO Till: VOTHKN u mi:ui
-4% I B licit € OCX I V.
1 rpsprctluiiy ennotiuce nir-'H a ' ! ‘*idt
date tor County T-cimuroi U. I. , thu va
cum y c*ued by tb! dcalb ol 1.-vi M
A am* K-q., election to be bald Halurda)
the Ist .lay of July next
I promise tint ll eluded, the pople
sl.all be kept informed of the Financial
mm liiiou of the Treasury once a month
thtouglrthe con tuns of the VisntozToß.
(kITTUZVI CoHN.—W < often hem it said
that a large crop ol corn has been planted
this year iu Meriwether,l>.it In a rid* last
week from Greeuville to LaGrauge we
aw only about half a dozen com field*,
tin balance being cotton. From our oh
•novation (luring Usl ride m should In*-,
agtne oor |ieopta have again concluded to
plant lor a large crop of cotton, and have
then er and >Ul' ; ke-hows*ra a**im
where in the great Weak Good old Ben
F, an kiln aai<l tlial ex|M;ri<iOcirU'ecp* a dear
school, end t crtf eiasa, be atl.lod, are
lic&rd to Instmct ever* itt that setioof.
lion. John 11. Rojuo la foiurnan ol the
Grand Jury thie sank.
A nkw wav. — "Aie *v mil tomuiaoded
Pi take up the cross f” said a Iriend last
Tuesday VVe responded tUat*
weie *o instructed. ** Well," couliutterl Ite,
‘‘here are two dollara; veil the ViKDtCATnit
book keeper my cron* ta taken up." That
man i a gentleman said Mrs. It., when we
reported the case to tier,
Naiohtt Mam. —A moot highly es
teemed iriena end ar-cutnpiiabrd gentle
ntti sends us word that he is pained at
the editor's frequent allusions to Mrs. It.
in the columni of this pa;>er, and thinks
we do wrong iu pretending that the is to
tie held accountable ior lb* ap
lasia to delinquents to c*rne forward end
settle, lie say* such atalemeiiU are im
prdfier, and advisee u to discontinue them-
N w, as our friend is abundantly able to
acrid ue bit two dl'ars hut failed to do so,
wc respectfully, vvM re-yt-iifuUy , promise
to take hie kind suggertien, to dun upon
our own responsibility, Into consideration
when be forwards us tbe price of one
year's subscription to the V rson.ATon.
Mew. VVoader If thie will bring him.
Task it back. —Of oar expressed will
Magnets to serve ** gsvernsr of the stele il
elected the Jonesboro News says, there ere
many a* ore pet riots whs ere willing to set re
(he .late in the *ue capacity. Toe Ham
iUoD Journal kiwi sportive!y elludes to our
candor ie the Now, although we
honestly think we woald make as good a
chief magistrate as many of the would be
candidates who are Uarer.iog the stele
from I>aa to Jdeersheba seeking the gooJ
will oi the sovereigns, we withdraw from
’lie rare and positively aeaeil that we will
not accept the office ii it be tendered us.
Let the emo hundred and fifty other aspi
rants itn the chair gubernatorial fuisw the
excellent example we hare set them and
allow the people ot the slate a chanco to
here a voice in the matter.
Just es we go to press we learn the Jury
so the Keed case has brought in a verdict
oi not gulity, and had the prose euVien to be
Tom Stevens, ooiored, p ewl runty ot
steal in g bogs from J. li. Caldwell, Dear
White Sulphur Springs, and win carry his
baton to' th € penitentiary
Judge Buchanan being unable to attend
the ladies concert Wednesday night, hav
ing to remain in the court honae till almost
midnight in attempting to get through a’i
the teailmouy in the Reed, we understand,
-eol the ladies his tare and regrets that h
could not 1m present. Such conduct is
characteristic ol the man. Highly esteem
ed by tue gentlemen as an advocate and
jurist he is no lest fropular with the ladies
as a liberal accomplished and courtly gen
Dr. G. J. Anthony announces ’.iim*elf a*
i candidate lor the office ot county treaau
-er. His card appear* in'this issue.
Partial showers have visit**! different
portion* of the county the past week.
Utißo vs. Rrkd.—The cae Ixtore the
court exciting most attention Una week is
that of N. M. Rood, prosecutor of his
brother, J. IL Heed for horsestealing, In
which not only brother is arrayed agaiust
brother, but mother agaiust sou and sister
n oppositidu to brother. The evide ice
tor both sides closed about eleven o’clock
WeJuesday uight. The pro*eculion is rep
resented by the Sillcltor Gcueral and
Messrs. Post and Peavy j the defendant
by A. 11. Freeman, Stewart and Willie A.
Haw kins, the distinguished America* law
Yesterday Col. Iltwkina, in the course of
‘his lelicitous speech to the Jury, speaking
ot the equality ol al I men in the eyes tot
the law said that Geo. Grant, president ol
the United Stales, was uo biter than the
poorest man in Meriwether county, pro
vided the poor man was honest. “No,"
ouaid an h.umst old democrat near us, “If
the recent disclosures in Wadiingteu ate
true, Giant is not ball so good as the
poorest honest freodman in Meriwether
( OUuty, and 1 lent that I am Insulting ti>
negro when I institute a comparison be
tween them." You m-s, that old gentle
man grew up In another generation, win n
dishonesty in high places was regarded as
a serious matter.
TO Ti.ll VO I Kits OT ffITUI*
Will'll Eli COUNTY.
1 re|M'ctfolly atiumince myself a candi
date for the office of (3 muty Traasuror to
fid lbs vacancy otuaaloinal by the dentil ol
1. Al. Adams, Kq. The election lo 1*
Li Id on Hutnrday (he first day of July
next, U. J, ANTHONY.
t Grreuv ille Lodge, F. A. M
1 April 23rd, 58
Wherfa, It bar p'oasod our Great Mas
t*r lo remove from this Lodge terrestrial to
n mansion not made with b inds, eternal in
tire heavens, the apilit ol our beloved broth
ar, I.nvi M. Adams, one of our obtest mem
ber* a* well mu* c! our trust aud most bon
ored citizens, a brother who Illustrated by
his work the principles of our or Je, wli >
practiced In every day life tlu* teaching* ot
the Master above, siptariog all hu so
il nr* by the rules ot thu biossed lUA ;
tbcrcfoiul r ,
lliuudva.l, That ns a frelir* we dejdor e
the death of our venerable and revered
brother, and as a br *lli-rliood we shall
ever venerate bis memory, rcsjiect hi* vir •
Inns and imitsto his g-ied example.
fie*.,! That lh<: J.aels o! the lo jg"
Ik- clothed in rnouririug and a paga of our
ruin'lies bt* inscribed lo Iris memory.
Resolved, That Hie ah rve prusmble and
rsaolutieii* be publMnsd In the Vixoica
tois aud a copy Ire furirt*bed the family of
our deceased bret'ier.
J. W, Hanning, )
W. T- Itevlll > CorrmiUee.
fi. L. I’eavy, )
Ilf our Columbus dispatch w learn that
Itcv. C. A. Kendrick, In'tinted for the se
duction of e young girl of fourteen years,
a meirrlier of his Ifiunday s< liorrf, lies been
held to'.rail in the sum of two iltousand
dollara for faia appearance before the Bn
lerior Court, and that he will give bend
to day, Those who read the r|>ort of the
eridenoe in hie case, as puhllshe I In the
Enquirer, with hie victim's confession, alto
gather presenting one ol the rttoet revolting
developments ei crime that has ever dis
graced tbe annals of tbs courts nt Oeorgfa,
wH! be surprised st the lightness of the
bood required, not lees tusn at the tact
that such a hyp'ieriticsl scoundrel
and vile wretchls able
Ut find bondsmen lo any Georgia
community. It is a mistaken lenity tlrel
would exempt toefa e wretch from punish
ment. Tire character of the church of
which he is a false member, the principles
of religion end the interest of soefety, de
mand Onttieshould Ire subjecisd to the
>-xtr*u*e rigor of the law —[Usvansab
Mr. Blaine would doubtless have made a
good lawyer if be bad devoted him**-If to
the study and practice ol law. As he did
not do so, however, he should stop trying
lo disease constitutional subjects. It is a
popular delusion to suppose that mere
cheek is ail that is needed for an argument
oa such a question aa the privilege of tbs
wrh of habeas corpus.—This was shown
clearly in llr. Blaine's failure it his en
counter with Randolph Tucker. All that
audacity and eloquence could do he sc
compliabed, but iu debating certain issue;',
a little knowledge is essential. Tucker
has been a practitioner and a professor of
law. He ie at once a powerful and ready
debater and sn accurate scholar, and may
be pronounced the most dangerous antag
onist in Congress. Alter his experience
with Lamar, Blaine should have known
enough to let law professors alone. Wrap
yonrself in tbe folds of the bloody Shin
James G., and mount the American bird.
You are a child of frtodom, and year
brighHiotne is in the setting sen.—{New
York World. *
_ Last week, dropctetali care* editorial,
we paid a hurried visit te our neighboring
little citiea ot LaUranj* and West Point
LaG range we elten visit and each trip hut
creates anew doaire te ge again. We no
ticed that bade was dull
in LaG range but tho merchants
saetned hopeful, speaking fravorably of the
people ot our oo'taly. maw *1 wham hare
been trading liberally in the city Hie ptea
ent sceson. Of course we called at the
sanctum of the jolly Waterman and li.ton
,x 1 for a while to hie sportive, good humor
ed sallies and merry witticisms. Water
man la a good templar, or something of
that aort, and therefore, "looks not upen
the wine when It is red," but ho la certain
ly like a freshly opened bottle of Cham
pagne, cparkllue and running over with a
delightful flow of goai 1 things. He says
the Reporter is flourishing and we trust il
may ever continue to do an. it deserve*
success under Us present management. To
mine host of the 81ms House, Warren
Jones, oue ot the best landlords In nny
city, we are indebted fer such tavors as
only a priuce among hotel men knows
how to bestow. We wish him and all
those live buaineo*men of LsUrange who
design pstronialngns neitt (all the largest
measure ot prosiierity, a* well as an ex
tended trade with our beat citizens.
Laving LaGraago wa ware tomt borne
to ths enterprising city of West Point so
cosily situsted or both sides ol the Chatta
hoochee. Not having visited West Point
since the war we \vcr astonished h> see ►'
utat'.y evidences ot cnlsrprise ami prosperity
on the pail ot her cilissui. Her stores on
Main street are, many ol thum, model* ol
neatness and ei-*ga*u‘, wiiib****** it <t>liaU
ly of hot puople looms equalled only by
the bsauty of her fair daughters. A com
pany is organizing, t" open the riVar for the
passage of boats as Lr as Fiatiklin, In
Heard county. Tba enterprise is hot deemed
impossible fir the cl'y when we remember
tliat she has slues Ilia war, erected, at a
cost ( f 113,000, a sti mj substantial bridge
built one female college which was des
Irnyed ly a storm ; t oeco went to work
and rebuilt an elegant and commodious
collage for the education of her daughters
at a cost ot $13,000, and 1* to day flee from
debt. No IxmJs ware issued but this large
sum of $35,000 was raised by direct taxes,
which seen* to have been cheerfully paid
by thy people. Recently, steps have been
taken to lmjtiove and beautify her ermnto
ry, which is situated on u commanding
eminence overlooking llus river. Being
present on memorial d-iy we hud the pleas
ure ol listening U tho chaste, eloquent and
appropriate address of tha youthiul orator
of the day, and wtluaasing tho Impressive
ceremonies performed over the remains ol
ilia patriot dead who pescebilly slumber
beneath tho floral mounds that are direful
ly tended by thu nsu-Ja uf the oßy'a
lovely women.
We were Informed that Urge numbers ol
(Hir fanmoe cairy thalr cotton to West
-Point and obtain the tee liter plaulstiou
stipplUa, this place being one ol the Uml
grocery uiaikuta In western Georgia
Among ttorfermer chtzans <d Mrrlwelher
wo noticed A- H Freeman, Mnar*
IJeu and Mack Tucker, I). V. HUmss ami
Out, A, P. Mooty. Mr. Bliuiy/j reside* on
the Alalratu* side of the. river i.ud is a mod
ol tanner, lieing Urge'y engaged In the cul
ture of erspes *rt fruit*.
Among the* of the town U
the Stale Line Press, edited by that finish
ed acbolat and jmlUlied writer, the Hjv. B-
P. Callaway. Having a large circulation
is troth Georgia sn<l Alabams, the Ptaae Is
one of lbs bust weeklies of Its age hi tbs
VVe might fill columns with the i npree
sSoue made by our visit to Uie little cily
by the river a id then leave more that) the
hall still untold. We look forward with
pleasure to our neit visit.
MssaasdWt - ■ “ ■>"' ■
Twenty-three tbotisend dollars have
been paid in for the erection <,t e nmou
ment In the capHol stjuare ol Hlchmmed, In
honor ol liie Illustrious .loufederePi Uriel
tain, Rober tK. Lee. It la thought llul
four thousand dollars more will Ire recelv
ed In the course ol a uroellt. Tiro propos •
sd status will certainly be erected.
Tbe plague Is uses more Ibrsatontng the
coulines of Kuro|w. The progress of the
[M-uilence lest year in tbo valley of tbs
Lower Euphrates aroused some weeks ago
tregao Ut spread to Mewrpotomi t, ami since
tbe beginning of March it baa (cached Hag
dad. Tbe near outbreak shows much of
tire old and mysteri ros fierceness before
which mt-dical sdtnce for maoy centuries
reuoiieti in despair. There is no reasoa to
••Xpert that its ravages will ire limited to
tire provinces of Turkey lu Asia. B rtb in
Egypt and In Europsan Turkey tbs condi
tions lo which the plague breeds and
spreads ars Still prevailing, with little miti
gation sines the time when Cairo and Con
stantinople were almost snnnaliy decima
ted by its attacks. Happily, titers is not
the least ground for believing that the es
sential conditions for Its reproduction in
Westers Europe any longer exist.
One el Mr. bis wart's last business acts
was tbs personal mpervMon ot aa ad ver
as* merit for the newspaper*. Us never
found he was doing as much business as he
cared to do, and never committed the folly
ot throwing awsy raooey on “circulars”
and ebetp job work, iwacbing a few hun
dreds ot persons who never read them.
lit believed in newspaper advertising, and
reader* by the thousand ; and, stlangeiy
log himself usd bin great ertablisb
ment so well known that advertising was
▲a a measure of economy liier Demo*
erau have under coastderation a proposi
tion to abolish the office of Doorkeeper of
TKA HOUSft omrepreeenlaltTes, hhff place
the dotlee now performed by that officer
uoder tho direction cf the Sergeant-at-
Arms, as I* row performed by the same
officer for the Senate. By thus "consolld a
ting the office*, the salary ot the doorkoep
er and his assistant, quite an item cau lie
saved to the government.
Mr, Glyiner denies that he ottered Bel
knap any terms of compromise based oil
the resignation ot the latter, ills denial of
Belknap’s (taiementa makes a direct issue
ot tact between himsell and Belknap, and
the Radicals don't believe the trader of
Fort Sill tradersliipe would fell a lie lo
save hi* life. Ot sooran hu wouldn't.
Preferred Locals
Ladle* Ecru Lace Tie*, ‘ tfu Utart tlylet."
Ladies Swiss CollaTett* and double Ruff,
“Cream CMor.” Silk aud Linen Parosoh,
Chinese Fans, (sonvthiny aeei.) just receiv
ed at ROBINSON A UllO’S.
Hats T Mata f T
For Ladle* and Mlmcl, THwuuxl arui
For Gents and Buys— F)ir, I'unttm.i and
titrate, at ROB! 4MON A BRO S
Lndlrs Uixtor and side Ucnd-kid and
Serge Gaiter. Ladies Slippers, Misses
anti Children fill fits ol Kvkrv Duaciiir
Trow—English Tim and boxtoe Gaiter* for
Gent* and Boys at
_ Go to ROBINSON A BUO’B ir you
want Bargain.
C. 11. BIDES, **" _
Just received at
Wo willjopen an sllracllve stock ol
SprlnK Goodn.
within ten days, bought In Nsw Yoik mar
ket. I’hicbs win, HK 1,(1 WKU THAN
ll N. ELLIS.
A large lot, tune tli/Um ; Ikml brands at
fiefs, Just ruealred at
K KU' <BENE OIL, 10 cut par gallon at
Jt. N. KLLIB’.
A large lot 01, lfatultnme Dr ass Print*,
Iknuliful checked Jaconets, nr.d lace check
ed Pique tili/lith and rJit-up. A fine line of
H rocked mid Brown Domeatloa, rhenpet
t/uen Aver. In fact, anything from Coats’
thruad at IU chi dox, to Ladles Hum at lOcts
can Ih) bought at
KitAWt Bambmui’s
Genuine Kip Brogans Ironi 1.21 a pair, hi
llurulttune line of i.adlrs and flouts Frsnch
Call, B-rg*, und (Hove Ksl Ositor, Blip
per* swd low quartered Bhocs]
For anything you insy waul in tbe BUCK
line call at
Fra?!* UANBiKa's
Pliifd end Lace striped Piques, Plsfd Nan
•ook, Figured Muslins and Lawnw, just
oooivad at RDIMNBON it HHO B .
Head Tina,
If yon want good Meal arid a bsap ol It
Bend your corn to
O.J. REBVKB’ Mill.
üBl 2m
A Baboain—The horse offered for rale
by tbe editor is young, easily kept, a flrat
claaa riding and buggy horse, carries a
pows splendidly sod works wstl to the
wagon. He has Ixwd owned and driven by
a man now eighty year* old, lor the past
four years and Is offered for sale only be
cause bis owner has become too feeble to
use him. A better family and plantation
blorse cannot be found in the county. I
) ou want a Horse now is the tffne to aocure
a bargain.
A v#y good buggy will be sold with tbe
horse or separately.
Also a good bridle and saddle. (tf )
A Uhoim lot ot Ladles FathionaU* Dress
and Street Hats, alar, Gents Pur sod;Wool
Hots hi AtFoett sr aglet at Habd Tiw
PWlj r
quick sales awd bitort pikirm
u otoi Mono. ROBINSON & BUG.
NEW ADV 8 ims KM SNTd.
- i~ - —— - .
-j {"VD illzra % il iy at h i ne. AjaaU want
J ed. Outfit anj term* free. TRUE
A CO>., Augusta, Maine.
AGENTS WANTED ! Melalaant Diplo
mo* Awarded lor
1 800 illnati'i fn is A l-lraas fur nn-v ciro
lars, V 1. HOLMAN A C )., !0 Arc
Street, Pi dim
mar. From any point In 11. fC ut of Ukth. M
AVxWoU H Tuhot r.lAboad- B
fm rVUiUn VVI mti to i‘ii*ntni limaotla) M
m aul #lO <Moah Ail*jr mm*al> *-tmod ounsatu
rn formu |t*iH’r,pMitr a,.tn Anyl wVy rn id ) it,
W l’iri!>nlr fr* h**nl •< ** <*n inmuloatvl a|3F
■ Toreeoivr oo ot <f i**t**r aIo. w*ni # ct*. Ad
tdroar*. Thu ii.irriT Want
\ No* ll Df bt,, Wow York.
. ■ ■ —■ ■ nr
GUI-rrr a WEEK guaranteed to Agent a
Gj) j i Male and Female b* ibeU <*wa
ocality. Terms ail OllWf FRjJHk
Address F. O. VIOKKRY A UO , A iju.Ua
r p hf. tan it k 00. s rno u os turn •J,
_L PA., EmerjuWhecL mil Machinery.
AM to (£*: )/ 5 Per day at home
380 tpjU Terms free. Ad
dies* STINSON A CO., Portland Maine.
1 CHARMING." How either wx
nmy I melinite fttnl gait, the love and ath-c
Ron of any person they choose, instantly.-
This an all can poe*a, free, by mail, for
2ft cents ; togethrr willi a Marilage Golds,
Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies,
etc. 1,000 000 sold. A queer bonk. Ad
dross T. WILLIAM A CO Pub's Plil'adola.
Ten year* ago Meesr*. Geo. P. Iloweli A
Cos., established tliuir ailvrli*lng agency iu
New York City. Five yours ego they nb'
a**rb*nV tho UualaeM conduclsd by Mr. John
Hooper, who was the first lo go into this
kind ‘il enterprise. Now they have the
satisfaction of controlling tha moat exten
sive and complete advertising connection
which lias ever linen secured, and one
which wouhLbe hardly possible in any oth
er country jjit this. They have succeeded
In working down a complex business into’
so thoroughly a Mystcmsiiu method that uo
change in the ncwspa|Mir system of Ameri
lea cau escape uotice, while thu wide-l in
formation upon all topic* interesting to art'
vert liter* 1* placed ruadily at the disposal of
the public.
NEW YOUR TIMES, Jane 14,1873.
(Jsttelognn on *.be LIST FLAN. For to
formntlon, ml (Irena
GKO. P. ROWELL AC Park Hoar,
Family Emitting Machintl
A most Dsolul and Wonderful Invention l!
Now attracting universal attention by its
astonishing iHnfuruinoces, and its grsst
practical value for every day family use.
His Simple. Durable cadi
C/lleap. n. eusny kept in repair, and
'lt Will knit every pr.rmiLtle Variety of plain
and fancy woik
and far beltar than it CAU be done by lined*
or on any other machine. All kinds o
garments ere perfectly formed and shaped,
by tbe machine itself, requiring no cutting
and making up. A good operator will
knit a mans sock, with tuwl and toe com
plete, infrtmJlM to tort minute*l and rren
twenty to forty pair* of socks in s dey I
Every iaiiiily—*|*ciully every farmer’s
family—should have a Bkkfnrd
Knitter 1* ** found equally MS
•isi tut as .he Sewing Machine, and even
more pi oil table- _
Kveiy Maciiine WARRANTED perfect.
anti to do juet tefiat ft represent/d.
'I be Bickford Machine is the ojvlt LB
utimatk cylindrical Kuiung Machine In
existence. All others, uoi IkenamL by ■,.
arc clear and palpable luftiogmenuon our
patents, and wc shall held all parties who
manuMciure. sell, boy or use sueli Infring
iiigmscbiues, to a strict legal accountabili
An Instruct’on Book, containing oom
pieie aud minute direction* to tbe opera
tor, accompan'ex each machine.
H. 1, family Machine, 1 cylinder,
72 needles, sjjq
No a, family Machine * Cylinder,
72a ltM needirs * g p)
A sample Nothin* will lie sent to any
pwrt ot the Unite j Sts tea or (Jsaada, <r-e
--yr*m duurgut yrejtaid, on receipt ol the
h Aoents wanted in every Btate, County,
City and Town, to whom very liberal dis
count* will be mods.
Por further |*rli£ulara. address
Uirarono Kai rrmo Mach i* a Mro. Cos
4fJ Sole iUnulacturcrs, JJriUloboru.Vr