The Meriwether County vindicator. (Greenville, Meriwether County, Ga.) 1872-1885, May 05, 1876, Image 4

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    Uncle lira's Biiftht llevivai
BY hdtoit AKntmrrduu T iniie a.
Bin'* rooster's crowed, Ole M Aster’/ rlz
II: slecplu' line ia (.' ;
Wake up ttu ! zr
b-yt ghtdg in <fe genu.
l>cy t m-'gh'Pg In >fe grant , grant,
D< y t mijltUly in d' gnu*.
Ole M-iliuer'a blow*! darn -min' born,
tin's bhrwed a powerful bias';
0 i! |iUb’, come, come hoe <l* corn,
>W mightily in d* grant, tic
Uu Meib’dia' team's doue hitched , O
I) day's a breakln’ lea’,
G*r np 'let lean ole Bapti*' mule
D*tf* mightily In dr grim, tie,
I)e workmen's few an' monVrou* alow,
lie cotton'* *heddlu' la.';
Whoop !ok, Jr#' look *t flaplia' row
Hit t thightUy in itt yruti, tic.
lie Jaybird erpieal to tie mod*l bird
"Stop 1
UoV gimme none o'/o' i;
(lifter slug one for de liaptU’ crop, ,
— ltry't mightily in <’ gratr," etc,
Au' de oia now r-*k ; ‘ ‘lki'a’ work, no
Uni do fWM*ik -ray : “Yssa, >naa.
An’ I eptc’ you mighty glut), you deb
bush crow.
/)ut dr. Jhijiltttit't m it / grant," tie.
Lord, llraudei ua up to *ln plowin' match,
M, peerten <lc h* fdn’ In*’;
Yra, Lord, hah thUsay on de ffaptls’
— lhy't mightily in dr graft, grau.
J)ry't mightily in <1 grant
Frojje mi li hiie),
Twenty fr<>KU'* wont to school
Down b#id* a rtuliy |*h>l t
Twenty little noil* ui green,
Twenty vrt* nil white end clean,
“W meet be 111 time,’’ said they ;
"First we ktudy, then we play ■„
'Flint It how to keep the rule
Wlwtr W4itrefllfteefet<> echeol."
Heeler llullirog, jrrtivc ami (tern,
Called the clesaea In their turn}
Tiumlit llitm how to nobly strife,
Like* le how to letp and dive ;
From hie eat upon the log,
Bhowed them how to say "Ker-diag P'
Also lioW to dodge • blow
Fioni the (ticks which bnd hoy* throw
Twenty (toggle* grew up ftui ;
Bullfrog* they became at Inal;
Not one donee among the lot,
Not one leaeou they (ergot i
Polished la a high degree,
Ae each doggie enght to be ,
Now they ell on other logs,
Teaching other little frogs.
Lcland (Stanford, the Ban Francisco mil
llonalm, he* Jutt built for hluisolf a private
residence In that city at a cost of $1 ,OtW
-000. The hall of this
feat long and 80 feet wide, and ttiVemount
of mahogttjh Mack walnut velvet carpet
ing, gorgeous gliding and frescoing l <pilte
fabulous. Lelaad'* sleeping apartment Is
hung with gold wail paper, with Freucu
panel* in blue floe* velvet. The furniture
I* mad* of costly woods. The Sen Francis
co paper* assert that Jay Cooks's residence
near Philadelphia la a mere shell compared
With Blanford's house. It Is to he hoped
that Stanford will own hit magnificent af
fair longer than Jay Cooke owned his mar.
ble halls. A strvige fatality stems to at
tend them architectural freak* of our mil
lionaires lo these day*. They wine and
dlna (heir triend* a year er two and then
get short, shut up their palaces, and go into
bopeleA bankruptcy. It require# a for
tuna to build sucb bouses and another for
tune to keep them In foil Mast Ralston
tried It, like Jny Cooke, and failed.
Whwplii| Up the Hyena.
Bi*clal to the Cincinnati Enquirer.]
The scene In the House in the debate
on Mr. Hurd'e kubot* /vrput resolution was
thrilling and electrifying. When Tucker
(Virginiapbad nearly completed his speech
Blaine look a position Just in front of the
Speaker, and began lo his usual style oi
bullying trying to proyoke Tucker once
more into some State rights utterance.
Tucker understood Blaine’s mice and
manner, and gave the Republican leader a
doe* of his own medicine; Blaine attemp
ted lo break the lores by intarterrlng, but
Tucker skinned him completely. He aeid
Instead of (pending hie time as a legislator
in examining the lawe ot his country
Blame seamed to delight in hunting pri
vate reoords to taunt and fling at members
In debates. Tucker was frequently inter
rupted bv applause and Blaine Anally re
tired to hia corner, like n whipped dog.
This is Ike worst skinning Blains has ever
received in Congress. Foster, of Ohio,
eaia: **l knew Blaiue would get his neck
broke when he waul down there, and be
It is reported that Senator Thurman
lb ink* the St. Louis nomination for tko
P.etideecy Use between him. Senator Bay
ard, and General Hancock. Count the last
oot, Senator. General Hancock hot.on
the shoulder straps and knows jus* where
they belong; but we mart have for the
next president some other than a max on
horseback —pf- Y. Sou.
Tl* tfvroral ef DauMclea,
There eeema to be ft fiaatal mteaeiaew l .
to um tie mldalat ph.*e. pervading mil
dmaaee ef the people. A dreed of impend
ing ril—a of come eomiog
diasater, undefined hut ne leee peril/zing
—la banging orer thia sorely aufcken n*.
ttun. Like the a word of Da mode*, sus
pended h/ e tingle heir, it threaten* each
moment to do It t deadly work. Ttai* la am
mere idle ft icy. We with it was. We
| wish that hope and con3 Jeace red lotring
j iruet atiil held a fir n place ia.tbe heart* of
'h jMtople. lint It M not an. The skeleton
li* in emery Cfosat There ia cant orer ft'*
most every hearthstone a ah ado W of (>-
iwoeehiiig danger—danger of ma unfathom
i sb> nature—danger to our homes, oar for
ttmee, wr fiberth*—danger to mil we lave
and worship, snd hold dear, and all that
’ makes life worth haring and worth fight-
ing for.
la this not ao * Are ;hea* gloomy vntici
natiuua only the outer epptf{ of a lew die
ordered minds, or are they “as h ood end
general aa the e**i*rg alt * h~t os took the
Met* squarely In ihe face. Jwrt tbnre be no
Ur.ii-niiog with troth, no ignmtng of atern
rcalitlw*. Ootd rise* and fall*, rihratieg
like the reflleci hiorcmeut* of a pendulum;
stock* iptirer and tremhie, and fortunes are
tirade end lost to a single day. H -thing I*
stall e, or reliable, or <an tain, but (he dreary
dread of Ihe ominous future. The heae
ephlU who cilug tauaci-usly to the dark
demtirry of the present corrupt a-f rtlnistra
linn, tee the shadow of a fearful Nemesis
falling upon their pathway. The [*>r man
wh> labors for hisrially irraa-l think* with
horror of tba dismal future a* Uo look a up
on ids acantily clothed and hail-fed ,ehil
dreo, dinging to his aide tor lielp and loud,
und, a* he gathers hfa iittle brood around
him, rtn only turn to If ms “who (*<•<!* the
ravens'' lor strength and comfort In hr
hour of trial.
And yet In the midst of all this woe a>l
misery ilia gy and gnldy i rewd whirls On
Tlkce* of amusement are crammed ; tit*-
street* are line! with recklc** tlir >*gt ;
gaudy dresses and costly ttpilpagr* flaunt
In Hie siinal.Tnn , and the pensioned prers
hired In do It*present work, and laltld-ii
ly performing Its loalheome duty, telia tire
world that we, as a people, are happy and
pr#a|>crniia. lint Ihere can lie no true hap
I Inn** when llie neensariee of life ere wan'
Itig Ttiera ran In-, no real prosperity
wkeu the necessaries ol Ilf* are wanting.
There can tie no reel prosperity when tl
, tel gatherer atalks abroad eating up lire
substance of the pc'jjde, and when fraud
and )M uiatlon and crime run riot through
the country. To *ay that we are happy
and prosperous la a wicked falsehood We
are nut Imppy. Wo are net pro|>roua
Ami Ulysses Drtnt, In his most Jovial mo
menta, knows and feels thla just as keenly
and truly a* doe* hie meanest satellite
And when slntll ml let comet Not while
the present corrupt end lufameu* admin
lalratlon Is In powe-. It must come from
It}* ballot box, from other meeantee. Tim
people must see to It Ihetn-telve*. Tlmy
must be waichlul ami alrepleae In llteir
vigilance. They must organise thorough
ly and prom)itiy sad energetically. They
must not be paralysed with present (bar*,
but look and Wink lor tulure safety. Tkny
must vole, too, as they look ami work, ut
terly regardless of old party tie*, and be as
independent lu tfcuqght an 4 action a* they
would bo treejtttol Chippy. They must
•trike from faithless public
servant, no mettit what may b# hit pall-
Ustw, and advance to piaoee ol trust ami
honor "men who their duties know," and
who will cemo to their dlackarge "in eoul
appsrated lor the office." Hy doing ao
they may happily proven! the snapping ol
the thread and the falling of tho Impend
ing sword of Damocles.—(Baltimore Cla
ret t*.
Tint Hilvkii CuttßKNcT.—General A. O.
Edwards, AMietant Treasurer at me United
State* at St. Louis, received last week s
wagon load of brand new ten cent silver
piece*, fresh from the mint at Cereou City,
Nevada, eraountlng lo $33 000. He elto
received during the past mootb $304,000
lu half dollars, $76,000 in quarters, SIOO,-
000 In twenty cent pieces, and, including
tho $53,000 above meuiiaocd, $175,000 iu
ten cent pieces.
Avety has been senteocad to two years
in the |ienitentiary and te pay a On* of one
thousand dollar*. McDonald has been
sentenced to throe years and to pay a fine
of five thousand dollar#. The Urn* does
not make much difference, for the Preei
dent will let them out next March. At
least Avery says so, anj he aught to be
good authority.
The Whole Stout.— A. World Wash
ington special says strange storiee are cir
culating about the President- A prominent
Member of Congress, who speaks opou
good authority, says that President Grant
baa determined, when summoned before
the Investigating Committee, te tell every
thing he knows, regardless ot consequences
and to the chargee made against him, hav
ing no chance-ter rrnominatioc, he bad
rather sacrifice the party than be sacrific
ed. himself. He claims to bare made Ais
appointments with honorablt intent, but
admits that he has been deceived by his
friends. Some time ago the President
mortgaged hie bouse at Long Branch.
Lately the mortgage was paid. The money
with which it was paid was the result of
the sale of a cnneidenbU amount o t Big
Bonansa mining stock, which Grant, with
extraordinary honor, declined to bold after
the passage ei the silver biß. l__ — :
roach more new to look forward to, for the
character at bfi li'e la y—watty Axed by
that time. Idle protaeioa, hie home, his
occupations, will be for the meet part
what they are bow. He will make lew
new acquaintance*—*o new Mead* It
1* the Boleoin though! c-mnetted with
miudle age, that lile’a last business ia be
gun in earues! ; ami H ie then mi-1 way be
tween u,t Cradle and the grave, the* a
man b-gins to look back and urn vel wiih
* kin*] of remorseful feetiag thst be let Ihe
•lays of yrnitlr go by ao hall enjoved. It Is
the yeneive autuu.n lari mg—it is the sail su
tler of Lalf sadness that e szuemnoe
when the tong-wt day of the year 1# [*st,
sad every day that follows ia shorter, sivi
the lights f*i ,ier, and the feebler aha tows
tell that nature la haateoieg ith gigsr tie
lootatcpe P< her winter erave. 8o il*>
man lock back upoa bW yocth, W *en the
fir.t gray baira beeome sieible- when the
MdSie truth fhatese ftaelf u<-m the
mind, that a mania no longer going up the
hill, brat down, end that (be tun la abea y
re*Urlng, he look* back on things bekiud
Now, mi* hi an -tarsi taeling, h*d la it the
high Cltrlaiian lone of feeling V We may
assuredly an*ear—No. W* wh*r has* an
mheriUttce i neon up tibia and o-<’- f t
snd that la-letb not away, what Usv* wa to
in With tilings paat I Wbefl we were chil
dren, we thougM ae chndfwu But now,
there Has before ua manhood with it* earn
cat work ; arid then old age, end then the
grave, and then home
■ nr r -g>~ t mm n
A USOWttlain of super t-r whit# chalk baa
leen d:#cjvrred to Idaho, and now. it a
neser falling apiag la In eb>a* jtroiluilty,
an snlerprialng man might shot a dairy
there without investing in a single Cow.
U o-4t to lu I rod oca egy !*rg> eTg'.t
page, Literary ami Pajvr, Tu
riouvanir, w* will aeud It, on trial, si*
months l<>r only <0 cocta and to es/ b 40L
scrlber we will mall, post-paid, four alegan'
Oil CbrotfKSi t "Uttte Hai Hiding Ifood."
“The Children's Swing,""Fewk-a IW and
“Mother,* Joy." Tbeee flutor#* are not
common pruila. hut genuine Oil Chrflfho*
In *U!en color*, that ara equal in appear
ance to fine oil paintinga Jute think of li
(•or Ann chromoe and a* eaceilent liter*
ty pajicr *1 x month* for 80 reel# Try it
Make up a nlub of five subscriber* and wo
will send you an eatra chfonm No dan
gor of losing ywor money. W refer to
the post Master, Bristol, at US out fespon
nihility, (‘ash required" In alvanea No
•ample* free. Agenta wanted to lake sub
serlpliooa and sail wur One picture* From
$3 in $lO a day easily made.
*Bl4l Bristol, Teen
I would respecllully say to the Cltisens
of Meriwether and adj-lning Conodes,
that lam lerated in Orumville, end my
entira time and attention la given lu
A. n v Person
wanting any of the above
will do wall lo give me a
Work dene with NEATNESS, AND
G uaranteed.
Call on or Address.
Mrch t 6m J. H. HARRIS.
Atlanta Paper
AH aisea auul Wmighta
Address JAB. ORMOND. Proprietor.
Refer to this isue es a Specimen of hie
paper. t£
“The Lost Cause.*—A magnificent pic
ture 14 x IS Inches fa site, beaxtlfhl in de
sign and artistic in execution. It repre
sents s confederate soldier after the war
eturning to his boose, which be finds
lon !y and desolate- In front ot the min
ed cottage, telling a sad tale ef the miser
es ot war, are two graves with rode cross
es, on one of which some friendly hand
has hung a garland. To the right the calm
river and the rising moon indicate peace
and rest. The sura, seen through the
trees, represent the Southern Oean. It is
a picture that will touch every Southern
heart and should find a place in every
southern home. One copy sent by mail,
mounted on a roller and post paid, eo re
ceipl of M crate, or three for fiO cents.
Address John Burrow A Cos., Bristol
Teon. Agents wanted everywhere to sail
our cheap and popular pictures. $8 to $lO
per day seedy Bede. Mo money required
until pictures are sold. Bead stamp for
.catalogue ad tones. mrch£lt
Taylor k Farley Orgaa
Only Organ that gives Writteu Gu-aetces
Largest Organ Factory in the
S6O 1 O sl.ooot
syrr's wanted fn f'ewryla, Ala
bams. fWlit*. North and fkaulh Carolm.
and IT*. I Tewiwwasw. hv
turnkm a itiiAt'Mim.f.rti,
Whoteaals Uo->tt era Aye Us
- ml} Wf.t T KT; Tt tit, A fTauT a Oe*> !g! *
Wm. T ItEVtLL, Hmetml A grot
mart;* ly (ireeofhle, Or- 1 -
/ * VM "vr roaaaterta <mt.w.i
l 1 j I ** p yarxiit
nut east rt.a uaono
am- Par JJ*‘
... . , rI , , f*Tl*llPf. ' iiS- itO
lllß* ?f*8:!
isrttAHM r-MKHit w *sr> ro<rr*r*
; tncctiiuao rnkMit-M *m> r-w*i*aa
Our Own Fir cm da
I* a Home Jo>irril (of tire Kireet le
KtgUt large pegee, with |ll>j*tr*ilooa
Now in it* F'Wrtti Veer
Price #1 00 • year. Ten cents extra must
be sent lo |ay |>oetage.
Every *u>>arritier has rh-dre of a Premium
Hr evv Far ally should teke|
Our Own Firewido
Addreee; Our Own limlde
171 William Ht., N. t.
t W~ N. ll.—Cawvxoir.iui Wairrm -If s
ret tab!# httamew* men wttt accept the
agency T#s control r*nv***or* in this vn-rni
ly. we will put hi* name to this a<lfti.-e
irirnt -ni give htiti* to
net as our agent.
- 1 “ *\
A Champion T’tiittlng Pree* given for a
cluh of 10 shbaxriben. Semi 3c. atatnp lor
,s>iai|tle p(<er. Addieso,
“ •
Our Own Fireside
No. 17# Wiiiuuu. .-rC, N. T*
ttIIAMPION | Tf.a Ibwt Presses Mad*
For HPlmpreaerou com
PRINTERS, up true, even and Brm
MU SIN ESa Men and cannot apnug a par
AND tide.
AMATEURS. Do the beet of Work.
IWLerger Siaea, Sell-Inking.
Job Typo for Amateur*
Of Every Description.
Serd Ten cents for pamphlet.
Address ML. BUMP A CO
76 William Street N T
12 Chromot and
“Our Own Fireside''
For One Tear For $3.90
; FOR |9.00 A TEAR I
FOR flaw A YEAR 1
FOB s2.o® A TEAR 1
Subscribers of Out Own Flreeide, deainat
a Cbromo with every peper, will receive
the same upon the payment of $3.00, in
stand of sl.lO.
These Chromes are larger and nf a baiter
c sss than those used by other publishers
and every one worth more then the sub
eeriptiou pries;
Sample somber of the paper with cample
Chn mo, seat to any address a poa rec*ip
of 30 cents. Address,
17$ William 6t, M. I.
__ -Vy gift- •’ C - T?~ TANARUS" ' \
. ■e- ■ ■ ■ -
. —aOBESSSs ~
a.o. ft;W an. r.;c it w >cii, wat rywiLL.
Lv Jvriro all tala tk! av a Hill
II I) WA B L), \V O Obi cO -
. nuJ.t-ALi: DKALXK...I.I
Allunta; - - Oeoririrs
T 1 did AdK til Wl2 I'd 112 Li
Fi) U R T n VI) J, U MBS
/*. ’ " -
irmw to i is ci rums of
M i; It I \V i; T II F, It t'O u N T Y
*' *•’ * ' oeUeuaaoeof the lltwvaipeirvorga wjstshlba* he**; ivseJ*4(to tee
First ' r hr©o Volumes
During tb next year the fM-pHetor w*l! dwote hleemlre tin.* a* t ,rrr.tlnn to iha
teper sod will let enabled to render it worthy >l the lotrcatcd |mU<maga which II te
k>j.| it will receive. Home new feature* will lie introduced wtilrb wfl! add greelly te
he uitrrrt ol the
N*w m ■ it,. *1 la-J B the v’SicA.U uji t—re w t-rrre, wliieU erlTi Tmptere (he
Aaei.lanre hw.lwen prrmti**.! (root leading friend* of.literary>erit, who will dellgh
am nee arol Instruct our reader*. With our increased inaß faeditie* we ahall be able tw
give the latest news up to tJ>e time of going to pree*. The legal advertisements of the
county win continue to be published in the VINDICATOR, ** well as an accoaat of
important sveota tranepirlng in the coon’y. Many kiod friends have encouraged as th
last year ; will they lend * helping ban ivt Oae beginning §f the prnaaut voluma Tha
VINDICATOR is established ujtoafa firm basis,
to wicceed if the people of Meriwether county will only so stain it The price of sub
scription will be as heretofore, 760 LOLLARfc per ennem IN ADVANCE
Tb circulation of the paper is far In advance of wbat it was late year ; will not eaeh
Get us One more Subscriber^
with this we shall be satisfied The attention of those trading with our peopl*
called to the advantages oflered by the VINDICATOR aa an advertising medium,
Thompson Cole & Cos.
Nswxah Ga^
Desire the people Kvxpt wsrita to
knew that they are selling
Cheaper than ever. If the citizens of Mer
iwether doubt this statement we only ask
an examination of our Fuksttueu and
We also keep on band, at very low fig
Baby Carriages
of every hind and order for ail sorts of Ba
bies- except vgty cat*. Send us your or
Darwin Ot. Jones,
>1 BROAD STREET Atlanta On
Wfciis Wtea Vlasear CUar Vtsassr *. VMS
Oder. M its stare <rn ill **• *•