Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County Vindicator
• .■** • t‘\*‘ ; . va! / i *1 . rrl; ‘"A \ ' '' * '■> y* *' ' "Mr"*"! - r 4-
VOL 4.
. rtrmjMKP nvsaax nn>av,
gflrtn Tn'*' M M thOHrtHw
Kwf Miuil*it.
•poo* twhi4wk*|o • **? i ',4*51
j 10-001 to 00i15.00ie0.00 1 |IOO
r * Mfrssnl dodocOon ai4itt
aivarttsiatf bv Ik* monlfre* 1 ffj ' .
ordinary ......Jnn.
c'lekk4 c. ; • wVwhw2#**
• *2cE 00 “^~^ :
A- B. Freaman, Sea
BHATOB Mtb District, G. L P**vy-
OMWiVtm. w. T. Rctill
_i M 1..." lll’T
WIU pr*t*k'* in llmwetb** ned tk* *ff-
a. n. rKEMAN,
Attorvei AT uw
Qummui, U*.
All beMw*** irntrurted to hi* car* *U*tui
•4 to promptly and ia>th fully.
OxunriUA Ol
Will proto™ t* lb# JuUc**' and Ordl
m*ry'* O-crt. of Mwloelber, and U>*
•ißoporWr Oku of Ike eouuuo* oan>t*in
fe.Cowte <lmen.
WHX (4*NTIM! the P—cllo* •!
MedKio* to tilOOMTtlt* W) t Ul'
country adlac—i. A>l cell* left t 4ta Drug
|IH ur i>M reetdenor prr*nptly*ltended to
ia anthohy. *
S-\mtUA hi* Froiaertoasl-rrtatototto
* /eftlMM ol Ortwiittb ii>4 *Wb|.
trO4 el O. J. Anthony A Cos •‘"*B
-t io
u*. n r. hall,
TTavlng decided to Wwe
J 1 iti CjrwwivUletoodrr* bio pvalrorieoel
eeivkws to tbortltcW ol ib# tow* ml * ur
(Mtillnf VUMCUft o#*< *• tb* Ho'Ui
aid* vtt the (White square.
OftLati*eea, Oeargta.
HkA NOW, ud will keep tloijra ot>
bond el bb old stood Kwt sul* ot
U*o public square,a good u 4
t * SiV .1, £
Co—ifiog. u. port at
M-did OaU —4 MU—r WoMb, Ctoi •
of all oteLaMkram4 prfo't
oMtf Amul ah klodo-ol boMert; Md
bid tot A wool Spectacle* A BywOl—es*.
812ta 'Plat* Ware
*4 ab Medo and 0(7 mo;
Pooka, TIMO Coniwrr, Muon
by Um rory roaow—d maker*, JOBYPB
iam at ID HfiWd all goads la mj kae
Too tcaay dtmeoi of Meriwether ad
leioiig ooastiaa tot* tosttd ■; w**k to
reqaira a wort bow me aa to the efcarae
toroflt, 1 arQi, however warrant aH lay
work. It prvpsffty rated, M 1 kata alwayi
4om, sad -nrmtaifr aak a cqatianjaet m
k patronage I bare ncaired from aa*
Heads to Meriwether
f pg* PATBOIfAOI <X (Its many citt-
OrtHa is respectfully sofidtedMb^tto'oa?
*• ■"* Gbwmaelriai.
*“•* J A. STALED.
Dr. J. Bradfield's
Wilt bring on the Menw* when they ha**
MX bees ertabflahod, also when lh*y har*
been anppresaad from unnatural cause*.
Will core HbeamalWm and .Neorelsi* of
the bock and womb. Will cot* Palatal
Manatroalkta, and relieve Iho head; back
and lota* <d lhoe* dtsbmeiag pains ami
Will check meaorvhegte or ‘excee
ds* flow.* Will era * Whiter and foiling
of the womb, when h ia lb* feaoh of relax
es ion or bad haalih.
It la aa aore a cure in all the a bora dte
aa*a at Qetnlrw la la Chill* and Favor.
JCadto* wa oar* themselves of all Iba
hove diram* without leveolWg MwJ
complaint* V* Shy person, which t* alwy
—..-iHrA.. |a Sir urid* and rnodmty-
It A leootnmendod and amd by Iba best
id nliinm hi their private practice.
TTiuw Of the above diaoara
ccnlhcdha of Its wondarf'il cur** and
muT || ii th* Vender ia roferrod to lb*
the boltla Maaafhctar
CO Atlanta O*.
Add by ail I)*ogidta. FHeefiiafr
Cn There be Harm ta Khatagi
The water* kHnh* pebbly *how,
11m wiad* all kiaa lb* bill* j
Tn* aunbeami kirn lb* tnlip bod
For lb* odor 11 distills.
Tfoe dew-drop* kl* th* reet •* n*n,
11m crocu* treob at •*;
And frn and flower In circling claap
Their ruytilc beau tie* waarr.
Tbo moonbeams kiao tko cloud at night,
Tbo otor-gema kUa tbo see ;
While shadows, dreamy, soli and light.
Are Irlsotag va tbo too.
Tko orpbyn kba tbo budding pink
fbat Uouum on beauty's Up,
And ruder bio*La, though oold and chill,
It'a ruby nectar alp.
Tbo wluda, tbo waves, tbo budding flow
The laughing, worry rills,
Are ktaring all Irem morn UU era,
And clouda Ull bis* tbo hills.
Even heoToe and earth du moot to kiao
Through tear* l sparkling drw ;
In ktaring, then, con tlioro bo bans I
Wo don't think on—do you I
lltai y fur Chltdarn,
O, Father I hoip tbo Widow and orphan*!
Thou wilt sot forgot tbooo who suffer, aad
wo aro loot bot for thoo I
Tbooo won tbo worda that Hoary bawd
oo bo woko la tbo night thinking U wavld
rate j but tbo oound bo mistook for tbo
wind In tbo pluoo wo bio Bother* voice,
lie bold b* bnarb end Mo-nod, bat *JI
wao quiet now o—ogl tbo d—p to—thing
ot bfo brnthar oad stators la tbo natt room
After A— on# ory for help tbo widow woo
olloot, andouoa Henry board her go to
Ho oould not sleep. Poor mothor Ibo
thought; If I oould ogly help her Ho
know that tbo floor woo elm—t gn, and
that bio mother bad won 0 thin dreao oil
the cold winter, and bod pot the Are out
early and out the children all to bed bc
oauoo abo could not buy wood. Ho bad a;
lyrfoc* ialib to tbo Father to whom be
mother bod called, but bo waa pained to
boor her cry of dlotraao, lor bo bod never
eeea hor anything but perfectly cheerful.
Dot rieep did not linger long from W*
healthy ojwa, though they did oof do—
until a bail-let mod reeolvo bod flUed him
with hope.
la tba morning ha gavo bio tuual help to
houaabold moUera, and thoo startad lor
achool Little groapa of children mot an
the way, and one aad another tried to chat
with bi*> of ibetr ebadlah. oporto, but bo
wotked ob with bent bead hardly answer-
tog wbos opoben to*
What's the matter Afth Daddy Bot tbta
morning 1 a*kad owe.
Hi* aob— way* bad gained that nick
name for him among tbo bey*.
He’s thinking bow to moke hla fort non,
declared anotbor be—tooted boy —be
•pleaked through n puddle.
Too, that's joot what I’m doing, replied
U eery, hut mate than that to tabued lo
Wb—to came tow-that afteracan to
found Mo mother potting a patch to Mary's
bntai tab—, • <
Wbjr, Henry I ,
Taa, mother, ter. I thk* I eoald earn
t Lluls money, sad I’m old aneagfc worn to
Mproc. ’
Dm I want yea Vo gs to reboot Tar
mw> caa bs a oaaiai aan Babtafta aaa
01 Icooldttodyto the tracing ; aJ
beside*, motto*, I wist to togto Wttoka
*‘iWmottorlJiMMl kp yskkly va taa
wtolbsr kr boy raaily was ambitions a4
vk**** *• • *"***
petting manner to peresade bar to let Urn
Lelp. Oaa glance to kit bee showed bar
bit afiecUen, hot tba eoald art bear to this*
of bit tiring op ttady, at ito feared ha
would bare to do.
Toe tod better atop tad ttody Heery,
and wkea you are a maa yon app tokt earn
l me and stake ;ott krtaM too.
Tbata'a aaora tbaa tea road la fertasa,
rapttod Henry, aad aim ooaMdasaWy Mara
talk k was daeidtd that to itoaidgo dowa
to the sew beteMe aaa if ka coaM gat ear
thing v> do. . 7~— - rj~7
Tba Tavfltou" w* aftoetcd to a gfea
akaat a laito feats abaft Henry Head, and
aearly eight nula* from aaotbar hotel b*>
gar end more koMt though the scenery
waa floe in the glen. Ii would probably
ba merely a quiet resting-place for weary
pa**ngrrc, and a* H*ory would encaps
many ot the tempUiloaa ha might meet in
a larger plaoe. The next morning. Instead
at going to school bo walkod over to Iho
“FavtlBoo" sad asked the proprietor if he
did not want a hey,
Yea. Do yow know ef same ooef
I wowtd like memo*, air.
Yoa are 100 tmaU. How old are you t
Fourteen, sb j aad I'm aery strong.
Henry Mood np so straight and firmly
wailing though his Haoe shewed hht an titty
and dhappoiauueot. that Hr. Uresa we*
attracted to htm
What oar yoe do V
I don't know, air. I'm always lived at
bom*, hat I’ll try and do anything yon
want tt* to.
Well, that b promising. Moat boy*
woe Id bar* aabl they oould do anything. I
wNi try you a day Go around into the
kttohm and ra V they wnwl yon.
Henry felt atrang* mha want into 4h*
new kitchen with its bright pans and
many thing* he bad never assn; hut ba
thought ol bis mother, and Instantly there
wee something to do tor the conk was tak
ing great loaves of trend out ol lb* ores,
and th* the table waa lull of ether thing*
so she bad no plan* ro set them, lieary
cleared a apot, emptied a pau of dirty wa.
ter that Mood by, and, taking tba knit*
tom* on* bad dropped, went on pealing
tbo potatoes.
Well, you're mighty bandy I exclaimed
tba cook,a* ana 00 rerad the brand,
1 need to help mothor aomeUtne*. replied
Aro you a now boy f
Yea, ma'am,
Weil, wbee tbo potato— a—Andy, juet
•et the table, for 1 waal Kata to help no.
Ueory felt rattier doubtful about the
table*, but altar Kate bad showu btm bog
to aet na bo managed tba root otooty.
Before dinner wao rood/ W large stage-load
ot people at rived and Ueory w— —ot
anmul with bage and bund lee, freeb water
end cl—n towel*, miming everywhere
quickly and with such a blight face that
every one called upon btan. When the
diuner woa servod, lloary waa ——ood
to aaalat iu the waiting, Kata, Mary and
Ann could not atteud all tbo table*. Hera
again bit willing tplrit and gentle voice
end manner mode him popular; aad
Mr, Ureeo's oaly dirootlan bad boon, B—
that tba poopia up— whom you wait have
everything they waal,ln Map! hia table*
well ouppilod, earring every one quickly
—d needy.
So tbo burr —7' wane aa, wb—
night oemo Heory went to Mr. O— to
0— whether ho woo to rem ln.
Ot course you ore; we oannut got along
without you. And, Henry, you nouat a—
to tbo goto.
11m goto abut oil a road wbiuh bad bean
made with a great axpenae ao that car
riegea could drlra to ll:e Cevcade, and
Heory w— to collect the toll ll# obtain
ed permlod— to go home and tali hi*
mother bit good fortune, and coon hi*
former acbonbsetao hoard tbo new*. They
—mo over to awe bow Hoary liked bto
now Hie.
1 abouidn’t think you’d want to web
other people all the time, aeid one.
Why not f lt’a real plea—at to make
othere oomfortable ; aad, beeldaa, mother
•aye we’ll —ror hove people to help uo UU
we’re ready to baip them.
But bow do you know how to do every
thing I
I don't kaow. I want to, and tbea f eon
But thoro’o oemobody the gala-I- and
Bo it woo, day attar day.
bare aad there and everywhere; end wbee
bo w— tired he thought of bto mother who
bad worked Mr ItUwoo long, and ho never
woo dlooouraged, far hla —wdlne— —ode,
him a fevurite : and though they did not
think to opera him, every ooa w— kind to
a— Ha did not flud mock time to Andy,
but be determined to make that up la the
Tbeoammorw— nearly over, when ■
parly of gentlemen cube to tbi bo—l, —4
Henry remembered that one ot the* Wat
tbo— tba first day ha cam*. Tba f—He
mes caked Mr. Ore— about Henry, and at-
Hr to hqd beard bio hiofory, called the
toy m! sailed btaa If bo did not want lo
go to Jtdw York with bto.
1 wastebaefeheyMkapoe to toy of
few. I Mill at>4 /a a to a good school it
Keren mg, tad pot yoo to (fta way of to
a proaparaaa taafabast wJMB y
Baary took tba gsttaaiaa MM bit
aaotkar, tad altar sack consideration tka
Matter was tattled.
Tow fortune it tapde, Baary, aaW Mr.
Oman, whoa M bade bka good-by a.
TbOw ua bat made • bkaaaif, aaid kb
■ea# krtaad, by dahag wot wha* ha toned
do da. .... r . < „
Heagr b sot yet a taaa, bat ka it bow
tkraa years aider tbaa wkaa be first Kart
ad braroiy to kelp kb mother, b gaining
a good boaioaat •donation, hat Mads Uua
aaif indispensable to kb SMpiapar, aad b
nbto to aaad aoaay boas that brings many
a cemfort to tba little family living Umar—
[Sank Oaeaai.
r fcaamne aiiaaat kapnaaitoe to Sad a
aoaad spot to Oraatb AAasiabtratioo—
New York Baa.
A groat rnbteke, San, Every time aa
invettiggliug commouw it bring*
It b reported boot WmVhg ton that the
President has reßarod G*c. Custer horn hi*
Go. CusUk W* called to WaMtiagton
by a summon* ef th* Hoam of Repreeegt
*tlvm to tettlly Wore on* of Be Whmh
tom. Ot conn* Gin. Coster appeared, aa
he waa hound 1* do. And baing called up
on to teetily. h* teetiSed to th* truth. That
truth was very damaging to the War De
Oen. Osater Wa* ahonf to start on aa eg
pndltioa against the Indian*. Th* Preai
dant ha* relieved him from the command
at that expedkton. Gao. Sherman aad the
Secretary of War have both protested
against Us htlng relieved; but all In vain.
Th* oommttta* have granted leave to
Oen. Cutter 1o letsrn to his command, and
there Is ncSktng la tiM way of hit doing so
except th* oh|aktofc Of the*President.
Th* diasatMhettoa ut tk# Ptoaldeot with
Gen. Qssmt is afcifbntod enUiely to thp
flu* tksA God. fhmter** testimony espoeod
th* fronds pwvaiflng under th* Adminis
tration. Hi %l# action la thla matter Oen.
Grant h takes clear and distinct ground
In favor cfoovoriag up th* fraud* of hi* ol
tlrra It talk* first time tk* President he*
openly tofcto round tn faror of uppr**-
ing the tBMk. H* w accused of beiiMr the
author of )b* AUoru*y-rt*naral , e latter dte
ooursgiag State'* evidemw; hut ke tefk
pains to Hsclaim all respeiuibUUy far it
WgMtewiy teeee this act Km os tk*
part ofbpa Groat It ka* a Uadsaey to
atrmiglhsn tke suspicion of hi* own ootn
piioity Inborn* of the frmtdt It h* h lo
noosnt fek will do weft to think twtos bo-
Ibr* be determine* to adher* to bis decis
ion to rotter* Geo. Ouster.
It WM reported from Washington a day
or two sine* that the President wan vary
111. Possibly when thU order was glvsn he
had not frilly recovered Worn the eflsot* at
hie Musas- It Is to be hoped that the *k •
planatten of hi* *i\raoMlaary attempt to
pontekhtt honert witness Ii to he found In
n teaapfrarrderangement ofTm own y
tem. Th* Pie*id*nt may hare bee* ren
drad Irritable by the oold water tlirowa
on hi* political pro*|*cu lately. It i* mid
that Ik* curve Ilka: let bint try taking inora
internally.—{H. Y. Bun.
Tbg people ot Ooorglo in net act their
(ao— —a flint ogainet alt Independent —u
dld—lu the onmlng —mpalgn If they
wlob la perpetuate tbo rule of tbo Homoo
reoy la Georgia. They ihould Wo oruihed
Ukayoaag vipan— aaoa they make
ibk bpinrorgn With Indapondauta lit
obatiwi pf tbo Qoyaraat—l tba mi# of Mm
Radfoelo Would 0000 be r—ptrod. f—
w*%P -x4m fbo— ll Ot 0 aUkli adhoroa—
to party Us—, Implicit obod lance t parly
dladpllM, aad united —pport of party
nomine— lor overv p—ition.
A Cur* ror Mcurlet Pertrrr.
Oolonel A. Heudrioke, on old oil!ten ot
PelaakJ oauaty, who Uu aeon It tried in a
millibar of —*oo, olwo/f with ouocoeo, giv—
ue tbi* remedy for Um o—riot lever ; Hoeot
la a Wet linen cloth, a lot ot onion*, un
peeled, until they ere tborobgfaiy dun, then
maab them aad apply —a poultice to the
neck aed hroeat af Abe patient. Tbio lo a
•luiptb remedy, abd—ally Iffodabd if U
b— tba oOcaay that Ooia—l Headrick*
data—for U, It would hove bean a 0d
tend for btm to Uo— giv— Ho the beuofli
af It a—uer.
la; tba impeachment prou—ding* at
Weobisgtaa, iMkaap aay* kio wile took
Aba m *<aay end tboref—a ka ought to go
ft—. Aa attempt to P—too— tba trial un
til newt foil w— —tad down- Hatha*/*
oowerdly altompf to pWtt tbo raopoaUblll
ty on bta wife nb—fld pddt* tba contempt
of oil men of a—fj AV* .4* n ° l b **
llovo nay —dfoal nagro in tba South, hod
babe—lo BeLkoop'o piece, would he—
vW.-HMmu t „ : „, ....
Tka Madboa Majaa Journal lalia tbb :
A Morgan aouoty*Krtner, who oould ao l
My prortdoaa on tiaaa. ibt gaaoo aa arad
♦ wkhnat aby tronkla, told It tor caab at a
radaaaf artok tad nfw (kb torfiar la tou
tod ba kaa Maeltpafa change yet as
hand ,
' • a, a'l'n “
' TMXtw TorbSda aaytt Tie Otoata
aati THaaa dbcattar aa laegik. aad with
natural taraaataaas. tbt qatattoa Wkstbrr
a Inryar aaa ba* A toaly good ntob. Aaia
gardatowyata, thb aaMka b atttatoiy to
ordat; bat it eaaaorka ratoad wapatoiag
Wtuifi i'** • i
AIA qtttar'dnaa of
oooMtfed Ik ladtaaa,* Btaw wkaro tba la
ctfttfaa o< dtodroa afetotch tbal daa would
ibiflk that a toava igtaatßiat ta many
woa[d aa* kg ffrfrft pObatratd. Ayoaag
man pat engaged tp ajonng wotaaa. Bbt
dtaaaadadtkatbafaMUito- promba. Tub
ba was totb to madia dtaptb aamak
tsd tdidda Tka young wwaaa at oaae
isaai bated haagtfel mad tba totontfty of
tkadirtodpotoioa by fetogiag a elaka lot
daangaa agatoal tkaaalato Ska was taa
omalni, tba ooat* koldiag that fen adaibl
tot coder tba cfnaaaitomeM waa a dellber
ats braaob of proaaba. lor wblflfc tba at
tate might ka ktod latdo. Tbasaaabrub
ad aad baobaa boat I waa matonad, aad
/at* aaaa ta ladtaaa an'
taogkt a lolama baton to the scope aad
rwt to ymdMMgdi loro.
H*W be Mtlnd Ms AUegsd De*
(hleatten Ik the Tbtrsl Andlter’i
•Ek-Offl lo” In the New York San.
I think I can give ewno definite Inform*'
regarding tke lodebtaaoss to the govern
nMStol ‘Cept. Grant* into ol .the fourth
regimmtnf Infantry," at Ibn Usee ho left
the United Stoic* army owing to ciroom-
Mance* over which he had no oontrol.
The pmsbw deficit apparent Is Grant'* so
ooont, at shown by the. book* of Ut Third
AadiMV offine Is K 441, andfrliU deficiency
bodasiatod for tweoty-thro* r**n at th*
Urn* that it wsa hrougbt to puklio notice to
Um tetter part of 1871-
In that year an old iaabinoed clerk hap
pened to unearth the antiquated charge
agaflut oor prssant ohlal roagtotrate. and
this dark, knowing that Gpoaral Grapt
had iwosntiy reoelpt of suny ce*t
ly preasnte beeidm fcavlsg a salary ot
Agfi per aannm ,t 4 perquisites naturally
thought Utaf the president, being to fan do,
would be glad oftw ftppcrtunlty to square
with his tong snflertsg creditor
and en called the attention of
hi* superior* te the Rea. It wa* at this
Urns, 1 think, that the shipwreck by wlilqb
OapUla Grant Joel hi* vuuahars was first
heard ot story to tha third auditor'*
office wjw that during th* long interval of
twenty-three year* which elapsed between
the discovery of the daflott and tin final *st
tlemant, Grant had Barer > said shipwreok
once, but, on the opntrary, ha< malktstohd
a most provoking illenee, and an httmov*-
bte indiapoaltton to dlaouaa tha mattei 1 at all
notwithstanding th* numaroui peraisteot
and pathatio appeal* from th* treasury da
p Art meet that were sent ta him from time
te ilna
It la but an act of Justica te Preaidant
Grant to say that,!! my recollection #f the
affair la correct, as soon aa the fact ol the
old deficit standing againat him wa* made
public, he paid op like a little man, while
Ike over-officiou* clerk who had dog out
the debt from tha musty record* of (b*
third auditor'* office was discharged so
quick that it mad* bis head swim.
Mlg Worda,
Big word* pa— far a— with —me
people, and eometlm— may be very auo ■
ee—fully ompie—d when nothing el— will
enowar. At when a man to greet alarm
ran to Ule mlnlotor to tall atm bo thought
tba world w— coming to aa and.
Uh doa't ka atreid, —I I tho good mini*-
talk It’a ootbbig but a phentaamof ere.
lo that mil F —ld the frighten* I mu,
—4 bo went away quite rullaved.
A v>- ■■* Ujmr in #llm4nvtoii, N-.
0., bad (be miofortuno to to— * —it for a
client who bad every raaooa to aipnot auo
Tbo cltont. a plain old farmor, wao •#-
tonmtad by the toeg btH of oo#U, oad hao*
toeing to the lawyor'o olttco —id :
I thought you told ma wo obould oor*
tatnly gain tbo cult t
Bo 1 did, anowarad tbo lawyer ( bat you
*oe when 1 brought U up before t"o Judge*
they **l4 It w— quorum non JudtM.
Well, If they —id It wo* bad that-,
rwpHed tho old farmer, 1 (100 t wonder
we loot It i end b# paid Um eetta and a
big {— be*ld without anotbor murmur.
When aloe WUI Horry Herbert.
Front tbo Chicago Tribune.]
A beautiful and baohttti young Woman
of about nineteen oumrooro -called at tb*
office of 0 lit* iMurasca agent loot week,
ond coked: How Tong will a men af 47,
and that —to pa— with hla knife, live f
According to our table madam, replied tbo
agtflt, be ebon Id, on tb* ove—ge, turvlvo
11 y—rt, 8 month* ond 18 diyo. That
—ld hi* vhltor, would be till lb* Ist of Aur
gust, 18871 Prect—ly, madottta. And bew
mcob could ! In—r* bio Kfa fort Ob, for
any amount, aay tor •#B,BBB, be a—wared
taking bp A blank form of appHOmfon,
Well, said tbs young woman, I Uriah, —an
that I'll marry hint. Ino—a him, you,
mass replied the agent H*. marry Hw;
you 1 To—rahim. TtoOAtoredAeJ,wW.
* burnt efcorjfl.tanco, Hove Herbert, and
Mr. DawMto U old wough to to my
graadlidlier. Bot Herbert I* poor, .aad J
Inal worship tha oornor lau that Mr, Dew,
hitfa todtds on. XkdHtoMn to fe rf pa-„
tbtf aay that if I will only fit a day.
ad tokltar how toagka may bare la -Web,
ha wtH to happy. ’ 'Mow, yea any Mr.
Dawklaa WiU fita fcy tto 1A of Aflgtot.
assy, bit, Mr
ay agaba fekJ’vo boon a ypa* to moocaiag.
HI toradga to naery ffmtanaa itoSadai
~ /•
Obrnnaal has haaa dbeorwrwd to to a
matador torn* 8# toyjpg .a pidto df pold
cbdremd apea %a ban* tto pato sahaktoa
totaodtotoiy. By toariag tka toatona| on
oaa boar ton waned It hoalad, aa too tone
daaaaastratodaa aarwai aoaaalnria Tha
BowKtohsMtor kit! aaldtbo aarte
aa tto aacaaloaW tto Utobaaiag afa haby
wboaa fadasr wad noaa than aaraaty year*
at age, aad who fcwd aurrtol ayonag alia.
Tary Uka. aald a aatkkaf lady ; taU aad
otA a tooth to to bead. i
' * J ; ' {
y ■ f ‘ * * _J —-
The Largest and ilandaoraeit L‘t* r *ry P*
per to America.
BriaUmmt Aiuwmaeaiaaati
DT Apxci!(iui 3 FRMM .fit
THE folh-'wtov new F*
comnMMCN, .end wHtkn tboM-et
tensely Thrilling ot an' v Eiutntii j*> -**'
-Ithed In na AoMriet*>K.'' r nn w
A Thrilling National Homanoe, beard .'{{-
on th* Admtnietmtleos of PiW*td*ni IK#
coin and Johnson aad the. JUaou i
- Surratt, fa 186#—^Written by ' d.-
ti tgubhod 6talesman. *
WRITTEN (j( 4tAOQO| [.
THSMIDafoStT N.M899 ' ‘
A Story of th* Last Mamtenn's H n.-
By A. QUAD, si ike Mlokiann F-m*.
A Brilliant fiaoity Itertal,raw moalng •
By Mia. Mary I. Bryan, who Is M F i
oat Bu*ry- Writer of th* Ago.
—on— *
Tkinpliiff*** tf EsteffiK <
By nPopalar NovefisA A' ?4u' ■* v
—on van— . . .
Ctafalertte fitrercHwl.
By 001. Q D Copera, Chief Clark af ’f'rc—
ury Depertm— t under Hr. Menuu.u
ger, *"
BT Thie will boa douply lot*—atteg
ri— of Bkotohas, giving tboa—ljr tr|ala,di*-
od—ntagoo, and Buny amuofog luid r i.u
of our pwqde In II MtaflortTM oatabiUk *e
Independent Uo—i um—l - J
oi'ifl IHi #-• ir.,' . 3
nr A number of m—uetiy HrHMent
Bbort bturtas appear In each leoua, miut *
* u ~ lC w~.
• 1- .-t
<folewfob-#8 800 r— •*
a SVW , *“'df*
.(fr.sxiP* “vswr *
J 0 BXAU, AdoodA fl*.
laTKUN I oflor tor tola tot #B.f*v *
LAND t wkb* Toluabla trad! i ot
uruiing and timber land in j wHvinr.tii.l
ruiddly growing jF-tarn fltata. W*c
count 01 railroad*, fooontiy ooastrtp'i .1
end Unulgratioq, theOu land* are ridwh.,.
idly rtabig in vtU MwII be
tow for <-rwh, A Clear ana rtrfHt
will b Uuarant—d, wßll b—fy tract
with d*udo of foil warranty (mm HHiim
bta grantor*. l‘riic* <(e*irtng’to pCmu ■
land*, for an e*rly rise la vol—. Heallf u.
aguoto ood Tredfita Men,, Will M l t*
Uiuir Inter—l to jddroM ' 1 ■
,f * .
Flower c VegAta^A
SEEDS , , *
art tka basic tha world "fa r
eta plan tad by a million gyipltia'AMari ,
and tka rwuft k beauwfftf FloWtoO- an t
.plondld TWa. APrtatd ltoitor—
itto lrea. to ab wha aaalaia the gtotogf •*
) cant stamp, , . • -
-- ’ .* .'i 'j *
J " *:• tj e Hl* f /M
• • VICK'S
“• “<> itn tu:’ atutl V *r
Flomr ATtPUUt Ctafea
•riijfti'ii *, r?*
ft (Ua Moat htoMltat votor af tto ktod to
tto mandril assistsi aaa4> MB.jPr*-
, ■*—>- til, tel am li< mi MQfi
( '■ rTrr#>
Ckrwma JMsaaTJetton. WwcOloUf ‘
k * *•' toUCV, '■■a^ila
r> •-I-■ llßk BBNfM
,r, ; * |j. T . (IO
■m mi MMIH.IJIL rf l T n
Nt)tio6t or AW
. -orr
. Manas. SCHAUi)
* r '
U•' -T . *.*►> t < . , r#
lotto T *btT t A*)
S AciUw*mfiMs.