Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County Vindicator,
VOL 1.
'Office *„o*n- #H f the Cftnrt Hone*
Ueire of AfvcrtUlnf.
Bma.-a |lwk i 4 |3mo 1 0 H* 1 re*’
i inch !I no aSO 450 r no; 12 no
3 inches 1 I 50 ! 500 1 fi 50 ilO 00 15 00
3 :ache* 3 00 j 8 00 jHO.VM 15 00 05 t*>
1f,.! I5 ao H> 00! 30.00 05 00 i S : > 00
t col . 7 (Hi 1 15 00 !25 (KV S5 00 60 00
1 col Iloooi2oooilW Oojoo 00 1 |IOO
— (3g~ A iinefn- deduction made to Gitw*
a Ivarllxing hv the month or year.
SHERIFF ... W, B, F*ver
CLERKS C. A. .T lllntnn.
BtfRVKYOR O F Mathews
U. A. Churn. Aamn Sihly,
C. J. Rreves. X K mtcUauan.
AHeti H. WVw;
John W Park. W J. Borne*,
H<r*un Heave*, R A Parker,
A. H. Freeman, Bee. .
(SENATOR atli District, G L. Heavy.
Ohadiah Warner W, T. RerlU
/\ Guicvk' ii i k, Ga
\¥i I prse-the :r. Meriwether and the ad
1“ irmtf counties.
(.1 01-K 1. I’KA VV,
Attorney At law,
oiiKifXTi! i ►.<;*
A 11. FKKk.MA N,
Attorney at i aw
(tKtrIYII.I r, G*
/ I! botlne-s rn!ru*t*<‘ lo Ittr ( hip Atlctid*
sd lo pr< ftiprir •ml faithfully
J \ 41 lit- I NTH I t- <! 4
Will in the .1 ;ro' mid Or,!i
(mi ■ iMiOt f M' •d' *i, mid ilo
lApppiuo fiMiiU "I Mi* ( mtill*-* C'ini|-iiiig
tb Oihhli 1 ’lnml.
-Itrill, roNTINI It *l. at
\\ M< Lcinr *n Gieenvill# mid lll*'
( ninlf a- laitH 1 AO *-a*H*• i*-H hI the Drug
Un it ilia i< t <>i*( p I i"i"i •!J mipf ded In
lilt. K. K ANi l ION V
(. ITOrc* Id* l'ro(*ei* "l ter *i' *■* Hip
/. iitarr t ul Gresnvills ■•••! % i* OOtv
tar oflii* *i 0. J. Anthony A *• * Drug
#*.*.+ - SHE --
I). It I HAW*,
II i< t,| droid,-.1 In I*>C*f# p*Mi)tir"’!'
Jin u u-nn a< li* **i.l r lit*
te:r:rtr:n * lin ntizrc*iStte-tcora ar.d sur
rct o nny .mini 4<tt* r a llu N‘*rtb
i-4* -U*
fJI LuOrarg*. Georgia
T lAA NOW. and ill k**p slwsy*- phi
.1 1 hand at Id* nb! lUnd Laud sule ol
u>* puLUt k* urt, a g*d and
WELL *Rl.K<Trr> <*T< K nr
<>c*itinp, ii nmri. id
IV GOLD and HLVWi WaUlirt.^fln
H'rin and Key-winners, of the beat make
Ipleiidid G*dd and buyer Wsteb, Chair
r.f aI7 sizes, maker? and ; rlrr
On!d I’en* and aH kinds *d holders; Geld
Sliver A. sloe) Spectacle* A' Eye-Glsarea.
Silver Plat* Ware
of all kinds and styles;'
porfcrt, Table fnllerr. ARaz.ora
by the very renowned makers, JO HKPL
f ?m still repairing all %<*'.* in my Hr.*
Too many citizen* ol Meriwether mi it
Juicing counties have tested my work to
require a word from me a* tr> the charac
ter of it, I will, however warrant all my
work, if properly ned, a* 1 Lave always
done, and respectfully ask a continuance of
lie patronage I bare received from n,
Tiend* in Meriwether
T HR PATRONAGE o| the many citi
zen* of Meriwether county visiting
Griffin i* reaped folly solicited by the un
dersigned. proprietor of the *be>*e welf
knowD Hotel. Polite and atfeotire ser
var.t*. an excellent table, tidy rooms and
good beds are a apccla ty. Price* moderate
u<: to enfc the time*. Give me a trial.
clfiCjk* J. A. STALEY.
Dr. J. Bradfield'a
Will bring on the Menses when they hate
not been oslab defied, also when they have
teen suppiessed from nnnatnraf causes.
Will i tire Rheumatism and v eurateis of
Hie hack and womb. Will cure Painful
Menstruation, and relieve the bead, back
and loins of'those distressing pains and
sches. Will check menorrhagia or ‘exces
sive flow.’ Will cure‘Whites’and falling
•f the womb, when it i* the result of relax
•akm or liad health.
It is as sure a cure iu all the above dis-.
aae* as Quinine tn ChhC and Fever.
Ladies can cure tlientm Ive* of all tha
Ixvvr diseases without revealing thei
complainta to ahv person, wliieh is a!way
mortify mg to tlirir pride and modesty.
It is recommended and used by the best
physicians in their piivif.e practica.
For a history of the above disease*,
eel titicates of its wonderful cures and
directions, the reader is re'erred to the
wrapper aroipui the bottle. Manufuctwi
ed and sold tiv
BRAD FI ELD A CO Atlanta, G.
Sold by ull Drugglats. Price f! 50
An Boy.
1 Tno (tdly and waste rd pre'ending to
t*cii ry.ritli i.g In the pnh it schools,
and the rrsu'ting multifarious,
air happily exhibited, w ith seme exsgger
ation ptulupa. by Mrs Margaret F. Bulii
van in the National Teachers’ Monthly :
A bey of sixteen is graduated from a
high school, amt sticks cmphiymeu'. lie
a aka the c-un-wU .4 a-lim-lv twin I, amt
this colloipry is likely to rioiit:
t)ld Practical Well, whul tan you d>,
John f
Conceited John—Oh, ahiiast anything, i
?*tl rpt rer.
O. i’ It I what can you do f
Biirpile.t John Why, I can do
Aml lie tl.llers hl nscll that his limits
lioli is ccUamiy a mistake fins he not
lietn to scliool evi rsi n lie iva six yens
old * Did he not "learn everything ?"
Wua he not a smart boy Has he not Ids
diploma ol giaduallon from the high
O I’—-What have yon lieeti studying
ihr last tew \ ears v
Coiiiplaisuni .1 tin (.reek, Latin, (Jet
man, Kirni li
<• !'. Ail light You must go to col
oige mid be a lawyer, or a dm tor, or n
monster. Would you iikff to be a mum
1 Ifo’ieat John No, sir. FaUini is dead,
and niothet can’t " • m • ’
most go to work rigiit away and earn
tnunc ft l needed af In me.
O I’. Very well. Tint tjarr yon ned
it. I u know German and Freni h. Mr.
Lam mte, an importer, wants a coirwpnn clerk to read ami write letter* la
thorn languages. That w ill Ire a nice
place for you, -
Perplexed John—Oil no, air. I only
know a little of eaedi. 1 can read them in
print pretty well, in the Imoka we need,
null cannot aftewk Utstaw vn.le them.
I) P Well, wlint else did you learn?
J-4rO —Coteette'gr.
O P That will do. Tha druggist on
lire corner want* n young man who tlndei
stands the proper ti*st, of chemical* and the
manufacture of drugs, and your know!
cdfta <*( medl'ine i* Jnat the thine—
beared J in* ■’ lh no, * ir. I don’t R riotv
avylblng el suit cbeniiatry only a little-- |
■uaimi of the definition* and pretty t-xperi
mints W* had not much lime for clieui
O.l'.- I I'm Yon ate <ytally well ol!
in geology, mdionomy, mineralogy, bots
ny, zoology, optica, physiology, and ail the
other thing*, are you ?
Char i h a 1 John —
O. J' —Well, never mind. You studied
geometry and It ,gnom*-try ? Yea, of
conr**. A Iriend of puna, a surveyor,
a*keij me to find him a capable aaaie'ant,
and he would pay him good taagea —
/’ Unliappy John—Oh u*, air. J couhl not
do that. You ee* we had not much time
for geometry. I o*n demon at rate some of
the proposition* in the boon, by the letters
that's all.
O. I*.—Yon can draw ? I'ou can earn
- umallong in an srLU< cl’s ofllce f Yon
can heip the draughtsman over in tire lo
comotfve work*? Thai’* a g'.od busi
Laughing John—Oh, no, sir! I can’t
draw 1 I had no taste lor it. but went
tbiougii rhe forms with tbe feat of the
class, became we ail Had tr> Rut 1 acarce
y know a straight line (root a curved one.
Mother always eld l bad no “eye" for
drawing or anything like tbat-
O I'.—You are rather a neat and pleas
ant led—fond of mueic ? You studied tht
in school ever ainee you were e tittle fal
low ?Of court* Weil, I can get you a
place is a music store
Miserab’e John—Oh, no, tir 1 I don’t
anew one note Horn another. Wc studi
ed music in a sort of way, because we were
marked” on it, but I never could learn it
Mother knows I have no “ear.”
q p. _ol course you osn keep books ?
Downcast .bibn —Oh, no, sir. I wouldn’t
dare to try. We bad a class once, in sin
gle entry, but we were eo busy with oor
Latin. Greek tod Geoiogy—and all the
other things, ’bat we did not pay mtch at
trition to l hat.
q p.—Anyhow, you learned grammar
nd rhetoric, lam sure. Tnat Mr. Kopp,
who has an insurance agency, told me
lutweek, he would like to get a nice,
smart young saau, who could prepare cor
rect statements out of bis books, write oat
bit reports -and so on. You are the very
lad kr Kopp—
Trembling John—Oh, no, sir. I can't"
do anything like that. Why, I haven’t
looked inaide a grammar for yeara; we
don’t learn English grammar in the bigti
achool. sir. Grammar is only taught in
thelnwir grades, and then I was too
young to understand it. Mother had to
correct for me. I can’t parse—l never
could. And we only a fide compositions
now and then, and I always teased my
sister into writing mine. Boys don’t like
compositions ss well at girls, sir.
O. P.—l guess we ll have to fall heck
on your arithmetic.* hand-writing,
I ace, is nt very goo 1, but you can im
prove that if you try. You learned nil about
percentage, and intercat, ami foreign ex
change in your arithmetic. I will give
you a note to one o( the lianks—
Overwhelmed J*diu—Oh, no, sir! W*
did not study atithmeilc tn the high
School T.And I uevei un-iersb'svd percen
tage —it is tile hardest tiling in the hook
1 was only s little boy when wo were in
percentage, amt I c-uld not get it through
my head. Decimals alwai s pn/./,led me -
O. P.—You have been in school ever
since you were a little fellow aide to go.
A our mother has kept you there, at great
inconvenience, ealeiilrtti ng that you would
be abbs to support your brothers umi sis
(era until they glow up. You have "stud
ied everything"—lncluding Latin and
Gtsek, and nil tin* "obigtes," and Drawing
and Music 1 guess you ran now cam
titty cents a week ns s parcel hoy.
Urorgt* >\ a*liingti>M
Geoigc WfiiitriTigtdn was a convpicuous
and lieautilnl instance of a m*n who mio
did Ids ow n tmalner* Sup|sse Hint an in
tclligent poison living in on of the Eure
pi an centers ol vib/,*lion had lii-en askoil
about tho year 1770, what man then tei
thirty seven years ot age was must likely
to lie the typhia! groat and good IJiill el
the modern wor-d I Would he have singled
old tlie Virginia militia ofll r r, al that time
busying hiuiMiif with the care of Id* plan
tattou on 'he Potomac, and whatever so
cial diltiev and or wlmtevet polite
politics wen* convcnienl nud approprir.te ?
Tho strong point about Washington was,
that tin- duty or the pleasure, llnl cerenioni
or the sc t-crilie.o that lay in Ids way, iir
enjoyed or performed w ithout shirking,
and to the very best of hi* ability. He did
not, as a vwiti* •*- - • •„
deling “what lie would t/ff wlieu lie few
up to lx* a man." When he became a man
In* showed neither imagination nor geuiu*,
tint lie h ! one ol the traits cf genius, name
ly coucentiwlroii. He pul Ins iiduil upon
in* prcseril occupation, without I diking
Inn k• r looking ahead, ile engineered,
[Ought thu ludiaus, rode horseoai it, wrote
let lei, went fox liunling, aiiemlmf cliurcli,
prr'poaed to young women, conducted
eirn|migtia, and governed the l/mted States
—i-web si -he proper intic, stnl inch with
-o reinyof puiiposo i.d askiduity. "W*
do udl hsnr f his awe.aiiug often ; hut
when In- did, it wna thnrougldy and effect
iv iy done. II lie seems nut to have been
a* auccearfil in flic uratier of matrimonial
(iropvsalk as in 01 but occupation*, we must
,ernembr that tire centonttlally revived old
wives’ tale* 01 early anil Indie reel refusal*
<il Washington by sbe said old wive* them
S'lve*, must tie taken with a few grain* of
deferential allowance
How Milingc.
It is attonlsliing, eeiil Deacon G rest),
how sensitive persona are i*i some ways
and how dull 10-other*. 1 knew a lady
.nice who went al/out in high spirit* gos
siping ami telling .tales, thereby openly
;jn*ctalniing ber**;l( a K''*‘l* sod a talc
bearer, an*’ yel she was furious when toll
that she hal not a good ear foi music ; an*l
I’ve knewu men who couhl tell a lie with
out a pang, but to h ave any one ‘doubt
•belt word’ was more than lliey could
RitUART) Poh Trm Aoed.—A lint*
thoughtful attention, bow hapj>y It makes
the old. They have outlived moat of the
friend* of their early youth. How lonely
their hours I—Often their partners in- life
have long filled aiic-ut graves ; often their
children they have followed to the tomh
They stand solitary, bending on their aulf;
waiting tii) the same call shall reach them.
How often must they tt-lnk of sbsent, la
mented faoee ; of tbe love which cherlahed
them, and the tears ol sympathy which fell
with tbeir’s, now ail gone. Why should
not tbs young cling around and comfort
them, cheeriog tbeir gloom with songs and
happy smiles.
When a young man, who baa just reach
ed lbs year* of goiughood, bu bis boots
blacked regularly twice a day, puts on a
new paper collar before each meal, trims
hit finger nail* every half boor, keep* his
threefuzz power mustache perpetually dyed
and scented, and hie hair swlemuly don* up
and elaborately parted behind, with aetni
ceeaskmal practising of graceful attitudes
and seductive smiles in tbe reflective bot
toms of new tinware, yon can bet yonr last
rag baby that some girl’s heart of his'n ie
in a state of gentle kerflummixocnt, '
A Missionary hi Hexing Gloves
The Ban Francisco Call U rosivontiblc
for Uiis :
The other day when the wind whistled
sad-touod jigs around the battery * little old
man entered a saloon, in dial vicinity, an I
asked the lrarkeejiet it he could leave some
.tract* there. ,
A whole car-load, i* you want to, wua
tho prompt reply, and the little old man
placed a package on a-beer-table, and soft
ly said :
“ There’S tio nobler cause than that of the
'bealbou. \Ve should all contribute a small
vltare of our wmhlly wealtli to shu*t the
Gospel ligl‘t across the sea.
A pair of boxing gloves were softly re
posing on a table, and the old man fell ol
them and went yitt ;
It mak* me"sad to ace such sinful ftiin;*
lying around when the coat of one glove
might save a domn souls in Africa.
Three or four ol the boys had dropped
in, and thu saloon keeper winked at them
and replied :
Do you want to emit tlyo dollar* for the
hea'heu ?
Vnily, I do.
Put on the glove* with mo mu! knock
me down, and I'll ante up codi enough to
convert a whole legiment <d Alricsn sin
The cause is noble the iuducumeulgr.tat,
mtiMud tire little old myi, as he toyed with
-the gloves.
flic boys encouraged him to gr. in, <le
siring to see him knocke I wrong end up,
and he flnallygot out ot hi* over coat with
the explanation :
It can't lie a eitt l > b-rx for tbo crusc of
the heatlu n.
Tire saloonUt meant to lift him over one
of liic tallies at tlie 11 rat blow, tmt the tilow
was warded oil very handsomely, and the
little old man sighed :
Alt—um I The heailiru walk in wicked
ness and they linvo souls to he saved '■
]*-ok out now ? ciied the siiluonist, at
Ini got u left ham Ur.
Verily I wilt, and 1 will give llieq ono In
return -for the heathen.
lie struck a Staggctiog hlovv, nml the sn
hioulst didn't fe*-t cpiite an enthuainatic na
on the atari. He took thu defensive, and
lie soon had all.the work ho could do.
That's auetlier for tin; ignorant minds on
ifje lui -oil shore I sighed the little old man
a* he knocked the saloon Is l against the
w *nierr witan’i any “science” anom ....,
hut he struck kill, nn-l III* arm* wore
flying around like tho e|Mkua of u wagon
Don’t crowd a feller, called out tho an
loeaist, as h* wa* being driven back, mid
he got mad and pdt in hi* hardosl lit k*.
lie meant to stimuli the, Uttlo old mail’s
nose a fl it a* a window gkn‘, bill heOOUld
not do it. ID got iu two tii three lair hit*
tod was beginning to regain In* courage.,
when ths aged sUangsr sorrowfully re
matket! :
My friend, the hesllicu call, and I can
hot tarry much longer. Take this one,
ami it may broaden your views on the
lies then iprevunu. Receive lids one in the
spirit tendered, ami you may bu sum the
five dollars shall be a beacon light as far
as It will go.
He delivered two sloJcc-bammer hi >w
light and 1011, and the. sainoniel gut the
last on the ear ■)t ilrelgr'-l *hu flrvt. ile
went over tn brno*rh*l, slvle, mi l tin tic
slowly regained In# lest he fell in his vest
pocket lor the wager.
II you’ll come around here to-night and
do that again I’ll double the moti ay Ij he
giowled oe he paid the wogef.
My road point* to wards Hosting, softly
replied the man, und i cannot tarry. L't
us part friendly, hu I only Ixrxed thee, for
the heathen’s sake. I gave to then. Hum
ba*t given to lire hcatlrsu, and now fart
well |
A guo<L!ookmg Una will sell qul' kcr,
s(f*l at a b'-ttor pries tliau a bS'Hu'.king
farm- Ornsnieutal Uois, vinos shrill**, and
leucns may not. yield any money to tin*
owner while lie liar them in his p-jssossion,
but th-y will tiring many times tlmir cost
when tbe lsrm comes into market.
One sera of land, well piepared, manured
and cultivated, will produce more tliau two
acres with only tbe same amount of ma
uure and labor expended on one.
.. .
tins cow, horse, mule, sheep, or hug,
well led, I* more profitable than two kept
on tbe amount of lood necessary Vo keep
on* well.
A Dskumbk or Lahok Feist,—A Phila
delphia lady writes to tbe New York
Graphic: 1 protest against all this talk
about small feet- aa if they were a sign of
beauty. Ia the first place, this D not '.rue.
No lady who is of average height and
weighs ISO ought not to wear a smaller
shoe than N*. B 11. A smaller loot than
that—at any rate a shorter foot—heremes
s personal blemish. Moreover al 1 Ibis
talk is demoralising. When Gabriel blow*
bis hern you newspaper men will have a
heap of sins to answer for. Your descrip
tions of fashionable parties, and your
praise of Mias bosndao and Xme. Bociia
oneas ‘the beautiful,’ the bewitching’—
all tends Vo make fool# of sensible young
women. Tbe old-fashioned eulogies of
wasp waist* have passed away, and the
‘waist oi the period 1 is more natural than
that of the preceeding generation, Lt
os hope that tii tbl sHly talk about the
necessity of having microscopic feet will
soon pass assay- p
A Vntunll Talrlr
We advise our readers to cut out tin* ta
ble and preserve it. It givus the weight
of a bushel ol the various articles named,
a* established by the Legislature in isf.'i.
We copied it from limit published aerts ami
it may he neceptod tt* c nrect.
Wheat. (( lb*.
S'lelled corn ftet “
Corn in ear 7p •<
Peas no *•
Uye,.. ..... 55 ••
f)ls .52 “
Harley. .4? “
Irish Potatoes.... ....60 “
ißvvcut “ 55 •-
While beans oo ••
(Hover seed 00 *•
rimutliy .swU (j
FTSi set*!,. , '*
Itauip *oci 44 o
litre Ora** 14 ■
Ibiakwiioat . 4. -*
Dried Panrhsi. trti(wiait. .. :ts •
'* ** p*sla<t ~. . ■*.* *■
" Aypl.. *4 ••
Dntnn* . ( .. 57 *
Stuns e-t.I ... os “
tJnsiaeked I .Into mu
Turnips ... 55 -
Corn Meal 4a "
tVlnrst Itrsn so ••
Cotton read stl •• |ras V 5 - *
I‘lssteiine Hair * *•
Tire Air-niiiiolt- 1 aialnaaiw.
From all tho information w hjtvc been
able to gather llinre are about three Inin
died of these Indiai ain tho southern pin t
ol ttin Stale. Their In Igos an- erected on
tite irtandrin the EvulgtadS*, on which
they also cultivate corn, |sms, pumpkin*,
et c, with sufßcio it bananas and orange
lieoa lor their own vtanls. Tho lodged me
covuiej with palmetto tlmlcli, and arc
uflst ami cleanly. 'f’lie wsrriois
over tlio country, often accompanied by
their sipuws, in search of gititn* Tlie
-*Uiiis ol tlie doer they tan and sell at shout
♦l 50 |ier pound. 'Tuis furnishes them
with tho mesne ol purchasing ammuift
lion and tobacco, the only lliiugs they
really stand iu need 01, except sumo little
clothing, only autllcivut In decuney. Mmy
ol ttiem are armed with excellent rifles,
i hey also gather wild bonny, which they
Carry in skins to the trading station*, and
exchange for goods. Me M. A. William*,
who spent 11111111 time among them in
firm* 11* that they 410 peaceable and innf
deal, and fohiiiiif ii great liiaudship tor old
Tigcrbdl, wlio Is no longer tlialr chief, but
much respected us it counselor. Polygamy
i* allowed, old Tigoitail himself having
two wives, but is seldom practiced. Mi.
Williams can give no liiforn.utlou about
limit religious buliuf, u subject no w
they arc very diSUleut, Udl iia* Si ever
been able to wiiuess thuir burld servicn,
which is conducted iu a secret manner.
The men, lie says, lire tall, rind well torui
cd. and they ute all very liiullhy; fever .L
acl-tom known among thorn. Mr. Wil
limns win accompanied by several assist
ant*, and spent several months surveying
m that part ol llm Slate. Tiiey lined tlie
water horn tie Everglade* continually,
and found it very wholesome. U had a
strange t.ste, which, alter a time, they did
not dislike. Game abounde 1 all over thu
country, oud they ware never In want ol
inrat. It is a mistaken Idea that the Kv
i-iglades aie a vast oimsit -'i’liure la a grrst
amount ol land which can be brought iu
to r ollivatlon, well adapted to the pioduc
lion of tropical plants.—) Kroada Agl kul
Living I liroisgli ills? Twirx Agislss,
Scribner’s Monthly )
In h certain farm-house tweny yevr* ago
n great blank Imok was kept and labelled
••Home Journal.” Every night somebody
made an enty In it. Father set down the
sale ol tbe calves, or mother Uic cutting of
the baby’s eye tooth ; or perhaps Jenny
wrote a lull account ol tbe sleighing party
last night: or Roll tbo proceedings of tbs
Phi Uela Glob, or Tom scrawled “Tried
my now gun. Ilnl'y. Wmt into the fence
and Johnson’s old cat.” On Inwards the
middle of tbe book there was an entry of
Jenny's marriage, and one ol the younger
girls bad added a description f brides
maids’ dresses, and king afterward there
was written, "This day father died,” in
Rob's trembling hand. Thera was a blank
to many monihn alter that. Hut nothing
could have serred better lo bind that fami
ly of headstrong boys and girl* together
than the keeping of this book They come
track to the old homestead now, men and
women with grizzled hair, to see tbeir
mother, who is still living and turning
over iu pages reverently, with many a
hearty laugh or tho tear* coming into their
eyer. It is their childhood come (rack
again in visible abafte.
Industry will make a man a purre eud
frugality will find strings for ib Neither
tb* purse nor the strings will cost anything,
lie who has it should draw the elrlnge aa
frugality direct, and he will be sura alweys
to find a useful peony at the bottom of it.
The servants of industry are known by
their livery ;R ia always whole sod whole
some- Idleness travel* leisurely, and pov
erty soon overtakes him. Look at the rag
ged slave* of idleness, sod j a dga which is
the best to terve, industry or idleness.
The Largest and ll*n Dotievt Literary Pi‘
per in* Asiieriue.
Brilliant Annunnooiuoatn
k.” n/w/ ma’.yn /’•um r jH
r lIIIK folbiwing new alivrie* wilt tuon l*e*
1. eouimeiiecd.aml will he lire Most In
tensely Tiirtlhng ot any It nnauco* yel pub
1 shed in an American journal.
R I*l. LA R.OHGOrKj.
A Thrilling National Romance, *>ee.i up
on the Administration! of Peaktai Lin
Coin a 11*I Johnson and tha Execution of
Mi* Hunall, iu IStsie- .V a dia
it igni.dioil Suiesnian.
■ QK,-
777/# H IDS JO 1/1’ TUH/WB
A Stnry ol t tie 1,4*1 Napoleon'* lleigni—
By M (JUAI), ol the Michigan Preta.
a I,osms rim xroRUK
A Beiiliatii Boeii ty Soriel. now rsnaing.—
By Mi*. Maty E. Bryan, whoia the E’in:
Vat Btoly Wiilei ol the Age.
—n*r -
7>/nptab<ni.i of <* AWlery (lirU
By a l’upalar Nevelial.
—l*r 'IIIK
toHfcdcrato VorfrnmfQt.
By Col. fl Dthiprio, ("tiiefClerk of Trenai
tuv Depuiliueut umler Mr. Meintuiu
'i bis will lie a deeply Interesting *•
lies of Sketches, giving Hie early trials, all •
advantage*, und many amusing iuuideu’.
ol our poop la iu ti air e lutla to establish to-
Imlupenuaul Government,
eir a numliar of unnsiially lirilllati
Short Stories appear in each Issua, with
gient variety of Spsiklmg Miacellaneoua>
Mattel on ull atilijecis.
ffulitf rijilinn f J 00 a Yt*r
Clulm ni A ami upwards, WaacM'
ilu of 20 do 'i'ii' do
Eiiia copy FULL, one year, lor a club
ofTSf II dollars. Addre as.
J II HKALH, Atlanta, Ok.
WILVI’ERN I ulli-i lor sale lin 00 days,
LAND,! some vnluahle tracts of
Pumiiu ami Umbel hind In a llirlriug sniL
lapiiliy growing Western Stale. Oh ac
ennui oi rail iosll a, rcOeirily construe led
•mi iinintgratioii, these lands ere now rap
idly rising in value. They will be Hold very
low lr caali. A Clear ami I’erlect Tlifei
will bu Uuarniitcod, wllli every tract aobl,
witli (lccla ol full waimnty from tea)>onl
iilo grantors. I'Sitlca desiring lo puruhasa
lands, lor nn early rise ill vulm;, Real Estaln
agents ami Trading Mna, Will flud *t to
tbeir interest lo add teas
V\M. Iv (J CM I’,Heal Rslala Dealer,
176 William H. 14, T
Flowror S Vegotabl©'
are tbs boat ilia world pradbeos Tha
me planted by a million people in Atnariea,,
ami tbe result i, Ireautiful Klowcra and’
spl. n-l-d Vcgntables. A I'fioed Catalogue
w-iil Ire*- lo all wb* oncliM# lb# poatago—a
3 cent slam])-
Flower & Vegetable Garden^
is the most boautliul work of tha kind in
tbs world, U contains nearly 1W pages,
bondfeds ol tine illnstrslions. and /ear
Chroma /UUu of tfmatrt, beautifully drawn
ami colored tvoin nature. Price # eta. la
j*aper cover# ; o<*c#nl# Imtnid ia alegaat
lick * Fitral Gnidf,
•* /
Thia ir’a IjflftutUul Quarterly Joarnall
finely illustrated, and containing ■ •"
vant colored Front Uplece with tbe Ora
number. Price only 25-t;U. tor tbe year..
The first No. Ter 1710 l ieeurd. Addrena
JAMES VICE, Kocbeeter, M. Y...
opened a aplendid
O A L L £ & TT,
la Atlanta where pictures of all kind* can be
obtained. Meriwether people vu-iting Ad
lanta are cordially lovliod to tialt vbelx
NO. 23,