Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether Ceuiitv Vindicator,
VOL 4.
ri’IM.SMIEB ZYE-iV. tfKU'.iY,
A.T s'.’.oo FEU ANM M. IN AD\ A-N' ; j
OffeA* MkiUt‘l s U *f r*.s Oou:t
of A4Vtili*UJ j.
I! wV -i " M * n *° i ?r '
1 ;noh j ! <V -V! 4 ->0 7 K - |
5 in< he* ■ 1 .VA! 5 <■•'* nv> to >*• ’-* ‘
3 n. u.- a f* - •*•
I C rt! ; 7 *K* •.• ( .’*•> 'o' Cl'' ■
\ ,><>; : j.M > jaw,) -Ye© i<w v)0 f'•
fjr A Loci'il liedtKuiorv himl t
-1 t’-V l*u Of >•<’•
co uk r y of Eu:i as.
oK'MN M;Y Js. W. :io'.o-.jf
i l F.HK s: * A. -i
TAX Kli' EtVK.t. . . \V. I*. Wl:"
TAX oM.lT'Ci'iiK ■ o 1 <i>'
VHKA-l ! !KH ... ' - M A' .m
SCllVEVoli " t -tiMt.'t*-.
lt A ( : AArv-. -• *•*.
i . JrKrttOi,
A!)f> 11. .*•-•
Irthn VV !’:.rk, W I IWoes,
' — 7*—A—. to',—
A, 11. i'rt.cnr-i'i, A- ,£ \ 4
b E N A . ft f" t. C. L.
. :tl i-;.!. ; >1 A Ii V !>
Obadiah VV„' Vi'
A I I oHN; A AT I V A,
/ \ 1 •\ : 1 <. *
—WHyisr t —-4**-+--a—l ::,i -ad_
Jaiain* ' • >£*: ■ i 1
t, I< 1 1 ( L 1 I' j XV V ,
* IT"KN KV At 1A A.
A T!' .'!) N! X AT : W,
(.1 if! Wit,! O'
Ai! lit it- 1--* et: tr -o' e I U it* * tiff 1 ’* -
•and in j ' v sml faJhittily
jiilfN T. no 1 FIT on, z
Ari"lC'i;i A 1,1 VW. .
.... t-hti-iiavi: i-u, i ■ *•- —
tV •! | r*- '‘ * -i - . ' ■ • •' ' '
tlt*'# I , !, it VI >" f ,
HopriTot •*<!•* 1 1 'in * ■ 'ii't'.ie 1 • '!'[>*i!>
tbß < ' .W •.! 'l'l
I)!t J E o TK'EhSI.L
*ll rut, toyiiM 11 it--'
\ V i Un- in f• r#-|j yj]l4) ! t J.*-
< otinU T *■ O'"-'.i' Aiti • ', *• *<" 4
>,j btt <f i*i- 'tiij.t.jt *ac; 5* 0
tH h. U. ANTI'oN V.
Of JTHB h" Ef *' • 1 '*! *>i'll'
, , of'Oift! vi w it > .' tv
CIT Of! <;&;<. JA: • - <’■ * " 1,1U S
*>>,! -
IJu. u ! IIAI
n.rtr j; .V. M-.l I'. •> j ■ rr,"v
■~nr -trrri-,;T--M *.;■:■?. fa-.; -—-r^rr-lvt-hr
*•(*, if t* It * ,*/ ’* ' ' B ''t 1 1 B 1 ■ ■■*
■<N • " '
♦ p f ’* •' O?vt t“-
OLD JEW! I-UV " ! O' V ! OHS
O I.uOk. 4 ., C,.. ; ~
HA •* W o-1 ■> !•;■< ■ -
|-> VF'.ufr, o r\” •; and
If ’r I. b.T ! T I iU> h ; (,( ; C 7
(t'<t '.tulirif, it vait, <**
Of* OOLD *U BiLVJJt VVaV I.* ". .'Ai?
Htßitri *r.: K<f*witx'ert,of tb Uilu > <.
o(,im m h. ui Wiitu., <.
c! ikt. luj'tT' si,J ,;rtr
<•<!■] Ift, - mi * !,f i.'tldfn*; OoNJ
b;;vfr and; (•!.'; ;,i . . A
bOLJD ML' £ i Aiiui: VYAHJS
Silvcf Flak Ware
’ of all kit-rlt and njtcj
I’ofhft, T .ilttf f mlirv,
t r t! <*-v< ry rtf.iiwi.*-: raaker?,JONEFi)
f :-C. •• ■ tur in my ’ . t
Tf." '••*. /xn of ?
cwMtej have UsU-; wy w<.rk C 1
Tfji<ire t wt-riilroiL 1:.. m to ‘he ehßfae
ter (•111, I * ill, he warrant sL! ray ;
k, il projierly used, ?f I b.e *lwy j
done, and re® fctiullj <wk a cf ctiatiscee • 1 j
he i'3irt>‘ I Lsre iret rej 'rein bj ;
riecuit ;c Jitiiwetuer
THE PATTN-NAOKef the r/ ir y r ,:i
/erti rf >l<riTtber r-'mtity
Cr f'-c ie reay 'lnhy aoSc *rJ hr list crt
pro* .'fit; 0} tfce f.i/ff w <-'•!- !
kft-twn Hour.- F-tfite il a'i,!.Te scr-j
U •• are a pfitra -redtr ” t
BC-- * vs 'be t<r,rt*f. me a•• .*
CIO 9m* 3. A. STALEY
Dr. J. BraddalcTat
r^Trt~T:'rGT— u-. :hr'MT- r Ty%VT--Tvthr>" -hgrr-;
m'{ r.u't e?tsh also w i oil they how |
s,;pri*.; ; vf-; from i:*i' v l‘il! FulrdS I
j'V i • .-•;•• pV. • 'MI; n v ■’ r M't of j
' lM • My\ \h i rdvc |
l*n ; i \ ns >t tiv\ a .u iHTins niJ
Vi \\ : it ■ t* *\Vpi t - A>ti! f
'I Htf Wtntih, H rt-rt T-r; isr-frHr > gli; X - -
au4 •r 1 >;\‘\ 'n .\ 1...
It ft* mrv *i ••t*e hi h'4 h*** nh-eVv tiw
its Quhr.ue j* r ‘t v' 1 i i' vi i
Lh :K’o t. :i 4 j curt* t‘rrm.w!vss* t> ! . ftU I‘:h
:o\r tiibr tj*t> a .thoiit n vFa) jug th \
Ci’ut;'’Hints ip •.!;\ pti -v i v wiih fi &'vyay
ll 4.s re FiUtutMFHol 4u! ‘ ' > Ur* bt*;
physicinna iu 1 1< r jhWu'o prat lu*c.
F r tiibGiry of th<* b >vt* diseases,
ce; ufhates el its Uuufrri it idles rtitd
dirt a i ion s, Ute . is J< lerrist t.o the
wiajipcr *r-u l;' Uh* U .? Muuufactur
fd aad t and i_L,y
HU \OFHU.D iV CO Atiiuita, Uft.
Itu* ||:ie%( tl iii vVI( fay n
i M .ert: 1 • r*dt ;> •4iuiy,
llt'i aii 4d old f CfOt'-l pally,
Ctided the bent's* “’-au a hu jm>.- ,
iC- _ ttio l<•i 1 <:d ir.wie* a
! VO i V - -F- •ii • -\e,
i\cr j v-• un tlie y; ■ ; i *-• -> w•>' l ba.i m st.y :-v.vutij e •
i_ii Ilf and V " Jid* V"-)fd Of l*o
• I .* * fmrnl as K'O J at ifOl.T , ~—
i , ■
i Nut :t ti'f.t |.< fVttr fi, . 1
1 ;t (ft ;.rrj' r,di" "''-t
it;i inf f.f n i >: u*- I,
imi u • "udg-oi! >r .1 .mi .i
Att'i IYu ■ ' 'i.' ' v
I,' Vf* if Ili'l • i-l "Hi, '• I
. By Hit- __
Vt , . .
j \ ~.! u * IjoMtfMt i nn All" pay 5
Air I. ■:* it - - K ift,
For i*e th h to heip Ue v• : y
\\ t;T*n lT" H:r:t—• *t t-e- P tif-j. •• hti r l
-j—r F'. 'i tin- I .{• k |ii -idv Mit,
I h(;i iy i< ' dm.dy Ual,
A iti'H.icl
j .>l,l tl,llivt,u 'ill, | '‘ f• f •! Btrt.B.*,
1 -'</ (iie-.iy ••• bet !"!*Hy dt* •••.
A U mnij'li'd I
jit m,'l a: 1 ! !.(>." ill lull* I i:.s tutte,
•, .1 t the ohl MiV. jtcrUas<*t H'ttnc,
ft 1,6 n Id tut!.,
I j.F.nlw-it up' fcdiu wu’t; ic44*?'-rl •
•T#!> l.'tf Ihr ltj'l >ritts4 of inn tsh'rt -
fear COllld It' I I
T it* JJlrtl*. m !fi Mod
• r. ini* Li • * j
j We witno ' u it- 1 • i ’lt and ’ *■> t*lf*i? "Dlit
; K l<v Ctj i. ’ t '-' ; -■ 1 uti.
i t,.f Null!. I. ‘ ' <-
; Lct.Lni_A3 LL p-Lrh >i t
t • ouili*. hiui . • t.
• v' 1 bit ii, t ~tt •!. t. . : In t ; ■ Wb. i'
jwr were m i]*t tli" I 'r,fi’
- .84-WIV -iif-t tC-'-’i'J. b-i Tj —
-ft —f-tj fr 11 u,"; i, ■*-i. i■ i—... 1:„ ~-4 ' ' tiny
m■ ‘ !iw V l*-Jr O
I .•!■ /.i ll ■ I !I i te ■ “f df !ti;'
•ttronad lr Hn <■ . * n! iw L<
■.! Uititjt. ievb • I t("i petty ra'iuut
wj. .it Wt.i v,. , !"I ■ 1 to bold out
■ i „jf fit -fi* We o,mait‘i'l still f<>r to>
' :ti .. 1 < * iteit tlt'. *,i 1. ~ , ‘i' ... at the
: (jo -f. liew tip i out itaii.'! ’ t-il-i.'.-.I thf
I, , , H |, |„ o,| (I. t itutl
MiSied, n.i (Y'ttid pot iiL;> in.leriof tbe
tit! —rr- Vtrrr 'T". ■■ ••' —n '• r tretrt-'h*** .•***•*. ■
bind* bad bM.ii < I. but were Uni'
ii;;.' .evt ,f . t.(' r and art o! litis 1*
‘‘Y- _ ■ : < •
Tub <>tiu, or T Pekfo -bee wore
; I, .1 ft ■ ’.at !)[.,', tii<; b .£ of her bo. 1 Hkti
j Fi.} m;fn c <,l t> s;.: 'F, to wlm# her iww j
| i 'ft o of kttttir'd,
!,< r tf'Suxj war cloae-'l’t-ng -iulwl, I
i draw;. tialH about waiet, Uk i!;!: |
of Toun? '< nder true. Jl*-r ucanl ihiit,
j e ] tight ie fier i soar to bow l.rr form,
a.l •>.! back tc‘(': riH't'd fjcklud in a
aUott, fan Hke tail, ! : k lUu ti.l of a met
in- J. ,e ,*u it, i tuOjJ on tjiioca ;*n
, '//<} !ii f,r fact- - :id*-e>!„ only bai
lot* to b*Te V'; jiuuiO'la.tou to
tliem; and ll.e bttls under tb ii.atei
t Bed ter forward aua wjin; irtd tbe grace
< I : ,r carnage. Wka ah* walked abe]
put (town cacti .:’.C* f*;t alter the other a
if ecb leg weie &* fc.aalic au an bon rod. |
Jt was gr*at p enure to i* her hopping ;
along, a tufog of perfect fe.-aut y, Jik* some
n! the drawii.y* of aetse tuylbulogica!
by *ne <1 the o!J ruarVerg. [ flart
ord Ti.'rtte.
Lit ‘.o' I, ( ji you *. ,*r bate a got tic
man stop a l'h you l** ,re f Are you a gen
tiouiaa t Yw, i Then 1 terar had one
ttop *. lb me '
Meas: Ke* amj Leo.*' nr
Hiatt-; r.-roFt it to enter Ua fiior* that
, o it ; rrieanoesaa, or that it d* TANARUS, fre
,et-j. v;.;. It t* ce w.<o saras wLo can jtl
foTtS to give , aau sotting is meiu which
la u ,;,e*t, cd which g'ue* toeitabliah one’s
A Ciiiiigo man who wa* knr>ckei r-?t.'
an aah-birrel lor caumg a h. Louie gir! a
“da: z d.tck,” got up and Luutbiy cx
‘ pIiTSeTT it.- iris meant endeing
y ■ it, r y . t'-fej. r.r. to 'he aiapt
!“' 'ff.‘ o
f tiuiiit, .Tltiktt ilaem for Vour
II ictof) .1 tun,*! 1
A tnUn. r miii v.itx :nt'itL' it t?c *.h f■ I re
ecu y n ini' a.> ..>i B tston, which
it at Dan ibe merit o! tvedy am! is n•!
. t Ain < the p wti.' ekun ",t. \ jn‘*n.p>r t|
tereii ahe c oar, an.l 'v is'"t| 11 :iy seated
in n citiier wlin a lady 'v.tu a Urigttt ey*l
firm girt •: th'. .’ yea,',.ealfiari „n ! t t>i a
•e it nest to Uau. The child, to
v.,i. , ihr “t etis sigTits, .vs,tK>] >t;' belstat i
the two Mt. A, ai>t.kii>y that the child
was i'.btyf.i:,
and al iuii.;Ui rw u irk.... 1, as the ear paeae 1
aiouivd a i live, '•;) tit', tail, baby, p ij'tV
" vi. v.’ 1 d'tß.- lady's lace, winch
nad warn rattier a smiling cxpiaminit,
change 1 at once, bul bct.vrn he i ecovercil
iii- season, seeing the /. /r i!s he had
made, little girl c.\clatnic.vl, -Pap:,’*
vleat ” Uito poviiitiu was emb in is,ing,
but he tumed the cnvci ati in by a turn
t'd her b at: ever up ■ t in a, saUi in the
| ;a::: t. arttcurarnrrrcr. “Y jz airy iitt! cgirisr ’ *
‘N ,” replied the goalie i*n, “l bad n little
, oUie, tut she nn l her in ithet art both
dca ' The uiulUor of tbo ciuid wu nmv
uurrai tauToaoit than nvci', but istiaii her
f. , mot three ol ilie gentlen) in I here was a
‘ympatin tie ciprcwu i puriteptlhl*.
f'mrdidy irlt tn- and ‘ rimtgh mi
n‘d h* 1 ’.W’tl ex h t‘l;'ed bet verf t
! ii fai l that tf.r- mu' was ft wididv an 4 tin
Plbcr win, a widower w.n kn>>*.i t >1) ttli.
1 i,c Us-iikble iatpiersiou crealu ! was in t
tuai, lt>r a e'rvm o mrc'.litg ft low days alter
Tii availed id by the yeiitlema t to odor
a,.j, a'v (or what might b. consider*l
4.amuentv., . —.— ui—apr.ahtug T Ui. lilt.
it 1-| I, nn It !.l !v -r.• 1 ,i" i ill t lIC f*r
• stiid.n <d ber iftti* i'irl led to itimrirpuln'
It in : whie a "id ina.le.v wcuks, if report
pt tile . r.M'l.t ii an all. dna! A llii'lt
w i .. n .ie Id ■• ne,. ,;rr a 1v a lid U ft mart
c\ ■ h tit husband iiiF 1.1 et father, who
bald, iu hoitafab.e p t.iyi)n ia wustorn
. ty. :
litt' < III'C lot <> i"lp.
U. at 1.. the cure lot gttkHip V Pimply,
rtiHviu Tne.e is a y. at ,rai ot gosgi)>
'dial I.HS no iiiitilgutty In It. Oixist-natHied
; . .[.,e talk fttj.tUt tie if UO.glilKirS IlCOftUte,
ami only but'ftiuc, Uie.y bale nothing eltu
to ttalk about. ‘A* we wiiw, there comes
to in tin j.'.tdure of 1, faiinly of young la
fit \\ • bin, -fin tlioni at homo, we
i tve inf it|. in • gni'.uries i| art, w hav*
tuad'l f lit• I' 1 -. ■ ol them going ftom a
loi e'liitt or ltbr.irv, with alr ,!: Vo'.UiU#
! ..t ihulr liaud: Wku wc ntcut them, they
."' tub al wltftl they Itavu tOHIU aid UallL*
I i'i > y are biiinm’iig wild <| loaflons One
‘ . ji. or i onve -until i* dropped only te
j : j-i‘ p:co Ui uriathcr in whltm Uicy ar*
J iiiLn. t. ted. Wo have if • tin 01, ftlfor ft
i .luiightliil boar, almiuliV.'.d ft jJ r '(rraiicd , j
{ am] dtiiifot tin! whole feeit ut ft lteigh.tors J
| „ , ... rTI whs anile I by nt ut *'• ns ft touch !
j | ;,.-y fin.’! soinetlilng lo l!k about, ’l'lmy J
j -„T:rxr- aniiirtiuug, -itiitl —swd —ba —km*¥-
;.,ore. Ttiev ,<1 altl list*at us "nil ft* limy
>■ i id tuik. f . apeitii iicoiy nl u U' lglibOi 'w
| ie. i and be' iiiging* woull have wsemctl
r .'.i,.! '.Of ' t.i f: i til mid, of e ttr-e am
opi r.... They It < ! no 'etiip 'i on -f
. . bcCadTO lira ,b*tftg* <4 t.beo llotgh*
. 0- r loons'* ' subject viry much Inss in
!nie*iiug Hum i!,()• e wlncfi grew out of
tiioir knowledge and their culiur*.
Aud tlii* t'lie the whole story The
eonflitj.rd go-.'ip is ft! vi ays either irittbcaon*
int ignorant The one variety itced* a
hftn;;'. ef beat!, .-.u I the ottuo a eoaoge of
diastole Gossip hud tyity.l a prraoiiHl con
!’■•**.',on. either ol iti*!i'f or ii-PeuFfity, and
afße you tg siiouid not otry *lian it, tint by
th.- tboroti/li culture rellero tlieiu
-e ve . (tom ah te npialitm to indulgo iu it.
It is a low, frivolous, and often dirty
buVnt 15.I 5 . are country naigllbpr
boo 1* m wb.'fi ft fftgei like u
Gfuir'ia' -am aji! tin pi<ia-1 ty i: Neigli
sus at., made e eiitiei by If lor life. In
many pergon* .1 dwgcugrn’c* Into n chron
ic iliM-i**, wh.h m praclr ally iticarable.
Isi the yooug cur® it while they may -
[Dr. J- <i. llollaoJ, la Bcrilynsr * lor ian
My sun, said an old mars, beware id prrj
udreev. They are like rafa, and mvn’i
mind are ike traji* ; pu jadlc* get hi eas
ily, lm; it is doubtful it they ever get out.
Politeness never hurt* anyiccly. Bmali
pox wib not attack you if yon allow it to
take your arm.
The Deaton Pont nay* Orani’s race track
i# one of the ‘Tracks" he forgot to caver
Marriage, aaid an unfortunate husband
i* tbe rburchyatd of love. AnJ you* men,
rep ..d hi* wife, art tbe grave digger*
abe had him.
—- - iii> ii*m
• People wfi bilk of what run* in their
heard*.” The ‘iriCle Hew* complains oi
lice in wheat. —Macon Telegraph.
Tbe Centennial restaurant fiends have
been warned to rower tteir tariffs. Tbe
tpiritof'Tfi revolts ef the idea of being
charged Slty cecis for Uie oi kok
mg ’.hroagb a strswbery dump lip* ia
■4-- '■ clifty'il 1 i-i'.-Ttrsvrvrrrlt
AiTeiuiAiimr li:s|wfric-v.
Parker has been out, iti California lor
nearly thirty ycni-s; but but vvioler lie
caPMghti or i,i ft vi.-,l t ' hi • old
home. Among other at ipiaiul uu's t>.
f unwi days lic met M.. Me .osm, and Mt
Met Joins tnciitioiHHl that f,e ,vys sarv ir
wife was out c{ town hs ho would like
Psrkei ’e sec her. t
Ami how is slie ik,t' Pule. 1 re
ir.i mbw her M.-if, Mary ,!o; ■. du- wnt,
‘veto e yms icivrievl her. fApfeutltd " iiinrut t
And hot, u alui, snvb uv ?
I am forty to say Mary is dead ; ftycu
dea l mare Mein twenty yeirs,
Ui, 1I mg pard ia, Kind Parker. Ktaise
lia foi jtifi ng Up pivl grleta, how is
yotii acevWd wifef Fine looking woman,
I‘l‘ bet. McGotin, you are always the aw
tuDst man at falling in lovo w ith pretty
women ! over aiw What ia ai,c r limn.tie
1 vonUm to say. Ain’t you gumg to in
froltuv a.) toiior t
H : .jut—not a pleasant aui.jnct to dis
ntsa-'blU but—my second wile naia itvi,!
away latlie gravn mtne titan fiite.'.i years
You don't aav T Oh, l know, of courac ,
Morgfil about it.’Did 1 -uay vmr
wile* I y.iui Killd i iHt-a 1 oi your
HcCond. how ia site ? Mtlitmii, 1
must know Hutt 'v eiinn. ImriUtuce me
will yon G.. . • 'ti snty.ia town
till 1 know her.
rim' will 'to imp-. Fiic, M l’l.lvfr,
My third vvilc has lie ii aa uri.ptt itim-c
Well, now 1 I,.dare, it* i-.o bad. 1 had
no idea -of t'ourso i I idu’t mran auy tiling,
Lfit*a,.£‘-'..i, Jia-U:mycftra - Unib, Hi-Pt-dtf
I 'df, J‘ s Well, now, old lud-tw, you'll
loryiv; nif.* for tcarieg tip your icoliugi
that aay, but I’ll nittke it ail i tglil by a-1,
iug how in ilio Uiumlcr t your prert-n
wife —yum liliii v
Mr Pnikt'l you a", iuifkcn again. 1
hava no iHii. , i ia. l
WHI, Ibc.-i ,yt til mxUi- 'I"W is she f
Pardon I.!", old hoy, J.-| nr'ing —trnf —ymr
luve Itt'll I- i,-g It, : U WIVI.-1 ill lliiity
years, amt Jmru Km not tu-.nied y. i N-tu,
hadaMrvaMx.ti y,,, tit
Mr. Parker, Tin- lady with whom l live
*t present ia my lotulli WiF I t|ft not. lilt-,
tho !n;i in wltit h you apeak ol this sun
Oh, you don't, don't you ! Well, when
a hf.'.u it!.- yes fhati, tmdt r the ground like
jrof th), ilO oilglp t't to talk about hi' iveuni"
I don't eaie buff yotii wiln if.
Iltthg your unliie. family !
JSir, Ptv/krr took tlm eaily train for Cul
Jur 4 ** _ "
fJilllirn Uiuullilalv
KiODi Inc Courier Journal. |
Wti-t i * pou, Mty 2J i .it! ■.jvji ihi'munt
of Judge I'm a-pout Miulaur to L.tgh.mi,
m t tlm cabinet change), cicatcd ft ih-ul of
lailf tied poiiUt ai >tp.'t"ilao m id lliu rJapitul
to da*,. I lie ttppoiuim nks ar iitLciaulu
very well kept. ’ll i. a.h i tint buiub t-i it,.,
eubinel even del not know .viral .v-.icom
ing. Thu tjiicalion vv*f a ■■ 1 at. every
turn, Whftt 44,0001 •',.,te, 'A |,:H,t.i-'
•The reply o! the knowing bum was that it
II part of Utc A-lnirtii.i i af.i.-n jtie;oithtoTif,
rcvtilyett on | a ,t k.gtil, to matte Conldlng,
If piXMtble, the is'icce-tiior lo fiiaut, Him-ii
Cauclon gela Ilie tlfti iin-' - ip '1 111 ! , Jlf c t
ent ft'iiinUon, a m;at in tfm - udiin t lot hi*
sun Don Cimnron ; and in toi ii in: an ' lm.
political blend: "ill t-ec ti. it ihe pre*
ident’a friend, Mi. Conkling, slgpl gi t Hit
vote Of I'l.-rmsylvanift in tlio li.-puiPit;at;
NivtUtimi (Jiynv-oiti'iii Toe wltoiu putn,;,
age el tin* Wur Depart, mod will now bo
wielded iu this direction. ,Jud;;c i’itjtre
p'ml is too rich to be tempted U/ Emma
mine apeculationi, and tiie appointmeet of
Judge Taft in favorably received. Tie: po
sit ion of tin)'Aiimiiiit.trfitlo'i in favor ol
Conk ling, which 1 aUtod long aim to tie
Courier Journal, ie now a noonday fact.
Grant is willing 1 1 rerpnr iilsckmailei
Csmplrell to reioud money extol ie 1 from
Miss Mwecl, but ho will not remove him
from office, (-amplndl is under fire. Ik
levied blackmail on it woman who was fili
i’V ber dead father’* place us Pension
Agent He was guilty of wimt would be
called nietn and cowar Ify by nny siicnk
ti ie! or confldene# man in Chicago, f mii
ly, bo waft unforionst* enongli lo sufler
exjioaure ; and Grant very propel Iy re
'moires him to make resUtuii'-n. Ami why
gratify jiartisan malice and a licentious
press by removing him ? Is it nut much
that he ha* paid back the money ? ll is.
it is,—-[N. Y. Bun,
A singular spectacle waa witnessed at
Niagara Falls one duy last week. An ice
bridge formed atrons the rlvoi from shore
to store below the Kalis, something never
before known in tbe memory of man to
happen at such a Ist* day in the year, in
p aoes the ice was pit's! tip to the height
of thirty or forty feet.
Formerly lain aas unknown upon tin:
northern part ol the Red tk-a, but since lh*
building of tbe But* canal showers have
fa’len regn!ariy about oace a fortnight
The result has been to start vegetation up,
even upon the Asiatic aide, in the rnos won
derful manner. If things go on os they
have begun, tbe winds L tho Irtbraus will
be coveted whit fweeU in anoihur fifty
The TiiiliilaUphill T.MoriiviillHl*.
Uilisimig I‘. si 1
Four debar* appears t,, lie tit t*
..lifttige Jor a anom lbat .iea at
tii!,.' dotfto*, s-'tt-v Wftfc* :s lelftilcvi at fj-utat
Cents, eggs *f twenty five uadi, filly
cents for a sairdwich, uiivi Hie. same ior it
cup of t'vdiee, ftioi ui 1. olltcr price* in tit,
same .mttugetins proportion, if flu .it
rectius permit such ft tiling within ilie
gt. tttidH, the taitciprise ought t- liitl in tbe
mod • igtiftl niftlllier, ami we lu bcve it will
I void very in tlic mime of iiyliililting Ho hi
lion's piocit-B.d otigiit not Hi lie p- i toiHcii
nml it it is longer pi-united to contnon tin
Aiiu-tiCfttt people on,"Jit to juil ft Bb-p to if
by tayiu'i itTVtiy from i'llililtiulpilill
A ifi-miiilul Inriilrnt.
A nnvftl oflli’er l-cing at sea in a dual
ful Blonn, Ihb w ile Milting bt Hie cabin nea-
Ivlin, ti’led with alarm lor th? satety et tin
vessel, was so surprised -it life serenity ami
ttimpoßiirc tk vi slm ci i--d out
My dear, are you not afraid ? How is i:
possible you ctn itt> so ratin In such n
drea.Bill slonn ?
Ho rose bum Ilia elnir, dashed it to the
deck, vlu-vv Ids sword, ami pniiilmg it itl
tlic breast of lift* vvil--, • \< iuimi’d :
Are yrm mg. afraid ?
Rile, immediately nnivveit'd, No
VV Ii y T said tlm ollijor
lU-.-a-iS", repliotl iliu wife, 1 know tlm'
nwrrnf i ,: in the hau lt of my hu ibftnd, ftiul
lit- ioyt a me too "ell o butt me
Tltcit, said he, 1 know in whom 1 lie
Hove, and that He who holds the w iml iii
Ves, 111- I tmal llci
On a Woodward inonno cai ytslimlay
wns ,* man who had I fttke-l 14*111 imp a
ft-er one glaas ti.o mnclt 11-s eyes wi re
h-td cinsc-t, nod his head bolihc-l right ami
loft UH tin- I.'ir lmli;;t.'tl litong. Opposite
him ftftt * woman >v if It a baity In ho
-arms—Thechli-d touli'. l un 1111-i aniiled,
ami lie fund nn liter flinched its ciieek and
a-ketl :
Doe* ilat Hng ic-ve me V
Tim toper Btiaiglitem ! up, got bin g-it'/.i
to ftcar on the woman ami in 11 muurulttl
voice citiluvl out
Mi your tlal ting f I > m o 1 !ov you * YuU
j(I/. 'u your la*' dollar i .to !
AiivnutTo Tin; ( 110 not esti
mate t ho Worth of a young mini by fils abti
ity to.lft'k iioiim'iimi, nor liy Hi" length 1 !
itis mustucUc.
Do not iuuiglngc that nn < tra riVihon,
lletl iitvuut Die neck, can remedy 1.110 ih
fuoi oi 11 sodutl oolin 01 un *tmmy dicks.
If youf iiuiltl* mo brownnl liy labor, tit
1101 envy tlm lily fhigura of ,Mint Fuss itih)
Fe:iltiers whose mother w rkH in the
kilclicii .vhile the duiiglitell loti: i; in the
il h ibindy, with 11 cigar bt’lwcn Lii fin
gms, I'-kn yiu If trunking ia.idlcr.ftiva.-di.'--
you, led him, cmpiintlcftily, Yo<*. The
habit should he, even tuoiigli the odor la
Do not not waate VOUr tcara.ou tfifl bn
“;-• t-v .v- ol Afunr.o or Mrlisa, nor
-■•lm 1.-nil* ol Hit: diiimumvct licroimn. Heel;
~,ih<i to dlcvi.vic tlin woes of tlm sufleriiig
oil" , on imrth.
H your ibcaa i? bicinvenioiilly long, mid
a g'-u'.l email i tepsupoii it, don't be atigty
hut n.i'cMy beg Ii iu pardon, a? you ought.
Ai ways ehorifth 11 parli'dlty lor the vinell of
vllftUW v'er it i.rtnmo roii'lu.:iVuluJi< ailli.
.■imi |,r Ic iH expensive Hun *'llr "pioi, of
Lden.” -
MI'TIIAt. ToLKHATIoN. -ThO house will
always l><: well kept in turmoil where there
is no toleration 01 lenity shown I 1 oacli
other's failing*, no weak submission to in
juri' s, no soft auswers lo (mn away wrath
II you lay a single stick of wood in lie
guile and apply fire to it, It will go out ;
put on another stick and they will burn;
hall a dozen and you will have an cTI'-ctive
blaze. There ft") other fires subject to tlm
same condition. II one member ol u larni
iy guts into a passion and is left ahum, I <1
will cool down and possibly be ashamed
and repent, lint oppose temper to temper
let one liarsli answer be followed bv smith
or sod there will soon lai a blaze which
will enwrap all In Its burning beat
I’m * I’btladelpbl* A'dormanps eaid a
stout. |*mipous liit'cr man, as be appioacli
ed tbe turnsUle on tlm opening day fib,
that's uo matter, answered the gate kr*|
or, tbat don’t eselnde you. Fay your fifty
ceute, hiid you can go in just tii* same a
the rest.
The VV ayciosu Jles>ll'ght toys that a I*'im
ilivc Rapt til preacher, bring up the Brun
wick &AI lift' l y Rsllroa-l, is Ui* father of
thirty mice children, twenty seven of
whom are now iiviov, si! near Hi* old g< n
t'ernan. Bisteen <>t them go to school u'
on* lime.
B*(CiAt, ftcos. -It is not gi4t crimes,
sncli as ratilxuy arid murder, which dcs
Ucy the pence of *, :i'y. The village
gossip, family rjuarrels, jeaiousita acd
bickerings between neighbor*, mixMle
somcness, arid tattling, are the worms
which cat into ail so< ia! happineos
A father bent on lastructing h:i three
year-old son said: Ii you bvj three ap
ple* am! should give me one, bow many
would you have left ? I wouldn’t do it,
pa wu tbe piompt rep.y
Tae Le.-esl mid 11 mil •••! Lderuy I'i
]tm in A me. it *
Brilliant AttnoHUoainout'i
JO,. - >pi-:nt.VN.\s Flint
9 J ?11 K. following new dmies "ill s>-on bat
I comment',,d. Slid wilt lie lt‘ rt Most ill
tensely I uniting of any It •mmc> M ' yetpuh
.tsltial tii aii Atiiei'ft an Journal.
-nn -
you 111 A UI) SOUTH
A Thrilling N ttumal Uftntwncn. base l up-
on ilie A Ityiiiiislraliuns of I*.esl-lenl Liu
cohi mill Johnson Biel lit* l',\* t-.uinm oL
Mis Hut 1 all, iu 18(55 *V lit leal ly ft diß-
It htfUfialTWlll.
t iM *
TUN MIDSUilir I‘i.liDUTi
A Story ol 1 list List Narioleou’* Ifsign.
By Vt VjCAD, of 110- Micfttgvn Pres*.
, __ —-mt -
Ai.OMilM Tint WOlihll.
A llrlilianl‘tVoci- fy Beilal,now rimtimg.—
liy Mis. Mary E. Bryan, who is lu Fine
c l Bloi y Writer ol tliii \ge.
7.. -/-'.a/..*/( le/ n ffliclor,f Uu L
fly ft I 'opß Novelist. •
to-- a iiu—
('•ufedel'Aio (iOt cniiue.iL
Uv (\il IT I) UtijM-rs, (,'hlitf fllerk of Tress
my I*cprliiHint under Mr. Mouimiu
t,A’ Ihiis wilt lie a deeply Interesting <i
to !, ol f- It citLire-TYH v 1 1 m til" early trial*, di
ailvimluges, mid inaitv fttiiusi.ig iucitieil:
of 0111 j i- -pie in ll olr ollo’ts l-j eftlftblwli.m
inilei'i"! danl Goveion-fill,
{ff‘ A mimitei of imusually Illillian-
Klim l Biorit a appi ar iu earsh Issue, with *
jpi-ai vui ieiy tti Hp*iklin| Muteellam "na
MitUcr on uli Hiiltjeclß,
I',. '■; , (I )'•
(’lull* i>< 4 nuil, ** ow tm;ir
du ol **(l do 225 *l*l
Kuni FKKI2, on* year, lor • dull
ill 3 ul :< ilhUiim. Addroß*.
.1 l( NIC \ l/H, Amuitn, <ln.
t\r fa !KU I I III! r lot h tie foi 00 dajfi
\\ I,A NO ! vmi' - vultmlilo iriicirt of
fi.rn.ii. K .iiuJolmJ-iirr-Uiul iu a.lili iViu:: lUIjI
inpidly jjtii>w tt(' IVeHlitru Mlule, du mi
d,mil iu ruHi-mil*, recently eoiiHtruulrd
mil) immliMaUciii, Ilir'st* land* urn now rap
idly lisiiif/in value. They HI lie nold very
low lui I irll. A Clhiir mill l Till*
writ be liiiuiantood, nill, every. ..tract Mold,
with deeila of lull warranty Iroin responvl
lily (>imiuiM. —t'nrtrra 'trrtrm;t l> yturdmee, im mi early rise iu value, Kent KvUle
Burnt i mid 'l nidi eft Me*, will tied il to
tiieil Interet In lull Ire**
WAI. K. (ilJAII'.Kenl Kfliil* Dealer,
175 William H. N, T
J ;in. Ist; XS r 7'7 t
It I* the Lending Taper <>l Iho South,-
It,Ml hot Trenideetlu! ud ttubernatorlul
i Viipuljjna opening. Every Georgian
eiiMild lulib Hie -IHEOPLB’a PAPKW.
Heveml Henni Htuue*, by dUUtiguWuel
uulltorn, running *ll the thn*.
,ff~ The getter up ol A Gl-UIKGK 'I H
will receive the Paper Froo
Diiily, SIOOO per minimi; ♦O.IM) lor 0
irieutlm ; $2 S fur !1 tnontlu.
Mind your udi;rliilinn for till* great
ToI.ITIUAI. AND Kamii.v Jourkai.,
Published at the Capi
W, A. IIEMTKILL& CO., PoblUbcr*. *
. Atlanta, Georgi*.
Atlanta Paper
Ati.abta Gwiwha
All iiizeM and Welghtz
A5<*r JAB. OHJHOND. Proprietor.
H< ! to ilii* inane ail a Bpoclnien ®T W*’
Mes*ri BCTIAUB & 1*1:1111153. H**
a aplendWi
in Atlanta where p'eturea of *ll kind, can bw
obtained MfriwrtlMrr p>o(Je At
lanta are cordially melted to eisU Ui.i*
SCUAI B * PI UK 158.,
NO, 24.