Newspaper Page Text
W*. T. ItcyiLb. Editor ittii Vi'Ji-i el* ;
The senate by >•. icsjniiiy ■ ( c it Db' 8
jui lfe<ii<t!'in ill ti'* Belknap im; e
CM I **, IWO ileil.lK lit' .* V</llli|.' .ii i't J'lri
Tin.'-"( •li i .1). lit.viliy :< 11.
_ |< k v i —t—nrr
Wbiskoin, Ui<; Mi • I/-- ; •*;* ;.i- ■ mt's #i *i
li!<■ grayish |nn ! •, " <•. ** S .vm >• New* i •
Ui'ivi; ito iml 1 •u-'i ■•, ,
Wi: lru*. Hi 'i-! ' i.' pant ! ”■ - :
thoidy )>o climij'i . in I :■*.-■ i , ’"<■
r-.ild>i'*ti rtrijir * soil ■! {ir .iti. - - y
ji s ill - nin >| cub.
Tiiniiiiiii ’< f, * <-l Jin l*i< . •
lilllt J'llllt-11, U ( I." Illtlfl? <’■ ■ '< lit"
Hi Vt-r Idling till fipjHtrt'inltjr p •- "I I'lk'i'l/
tin Hi Sing/ •<! i Sima**.*. In Vii'
ia- it It Ul<! Mil) 11-U.I Journal 8* ft
—Tiiiii A lexanib a linulii; 1-n- ‘V'-nt < li I!,
JiH-k’l 1/Oiitl ill 'n-h* / tn oi.c'i'i*liiin to
■tain! trial Wi liii ii. ,U i. . . i
suit of iti{K*
'I In* i ity j, mj ’'* M;■ if. I——'i*ili:i
liSh 1/1 111 ntltcitll in;'.! .1 UiE A
- i.ollon fniK.iy. An Un i"* k ** > not in i
(it*'f IJn yi hr*ri lt;r rjrrtinii trrt * fit- w *
li'it li (IHldliii'i In! 'l.e ; miHloii *•( I <•.•*•
iilm i.JiI fi poo','.; n *li ■ • ~to that l*i*il and •
re|ion*itit<* i 1 iH'hi
A H ;itly b*>lnt* l.mgri'-. |i|i>|i<i . i lo
permit a ij;sr Mini mi* mi ml upnii li.*: 11..
Wnlian Islands, it bit/" L'r"U|i "I Hit- l'..< tl* j
ocean, to In* lirongitt int< 11 lit 1 nHi 1 Si it* *
lira o( fluty. Tin; Snot li, lin:'■ Ini.-; ■<■ i
(Tally lipiwavl .1 t liilt In jI r ..('•• t i-• I"
t rynitf nut again .1 Ilia j>r< i|i> n** In <i‘ y
npenthe ground Unit It will nun i,i i
gWIWIIIg ’ll I>| '• t t*t rrTrrl
augur rail tlig In !I ; i- “ a nrn inr
■nytlit.'ig tti'il will rvl'i'i Hi" j :ii i oFTTv .
lug In • mir li.iiuliy m l h Ilb . I i pin
trill Ito I ill i It' la a Mini, bn V -v !' ngLoj it
li M|l*ftlif Hi'i ,! for ftonlli <ln I •.! ill i
Could lli MjUrlln nf tin NnMilli r 1.1 I
list lu iiturat strnub! llto IVn|i'!!'i ' talu
Join In m-nißinlt) favoring nn hnpoidtinii nl
ihilii'n In ft ml 11 H' ii Im * i-mi nf i■'• l
IVlnl' Until tli *.i' < lit ii nnr, minlU-il,
liTT rnlgll. and nl lit. /' Itllll of In - |"iw i In- j
mint I tin ('Tli, If u ■ I,
Inr fUO.OtOiliiniij'A". Tlii*nll w t" l'mur;lit
tiiiniiM' t)i (lotfai lint loti luiil Imn s"mi; vl
UullockV vllln'nti'i 'i nn<! i barni'.litlwil Ii)
nftU ilil mßdtli'y In cuvi m term- N"< ;
Hint lii I'ovina Ivn licti' y Im 1 li< * b mroM .
Til ami I rnliglit lim it In dmigln, wa ‘ tln I j
Junk lor Ilia < '"n'llinlivn l/J pl*tlt in vn;.
nrnimly in liilnylng Ilf Inrinp'- rmemy In
JnutU-r Wbm Vrri'-i, n Jtnm in nflli il,
Jikil man ili'wly I'linult’inl Mmily, )ui>'|.-i
found n clnf|t,inl nilvooiit’ in Inraro
i,.w ti'., tT’i-nnga w* nrrnlgnail (>■
opi'iraxi'll Rsgntimor nl Iml ill, limLi n
ecllail all former Kngllali fn'i'imi'' nl >rti in
■Ui Mi|illi g In t'i‘in|'“a lint cnnvtrlii'n n.
the gram cillnimit: May w not axi'dl
Ilia CoiieUlulinn In jilsy thn role nn-avail
glng Mi mmiH in the < ao e( 'ln alnl" nl <b ni
gin nfnliiel Kulr lliillnth. Though thn |lin>
” den r mny"TTuTc hgn] j unhTo rnl hr the
ititi'iiuhy nl the laayi'ia, we triiat the On
MHutloli whl, liy t*| nßiiinna nl hi iwnali i
lit". |i|i'T4' In Ihe |f ( |"f nl ife s'ale 'hill
littllM.k tkaeind Iho cunvuit’s.itr!(■■#*. Ii :
ie true ttiii j at er. fiuhl Khcd ut the en|iit*i I
ol Urn etali' aid ftr‘mirg rn tic the erpumfl
the tleDiocrntlc j-tirty nl cur gtaml nhi
OOtUtUimwctlUi, ha* lint yet oj rued 111 ' nl
telle*,tint wo teg cur 'ileni'v in he paiienl,
ilia only pra|iling In n eain|ailgii that
ilmll be “ebarji nrni uu i k.” Thn ViMit
catou w ill give Ihc t onvtilutioi) full rieilit
for nil ot •flulkuk uitu les we may a; pm
piialc Yea, Verily.
C'l. llurrls' SptctTi.
We give on our Hint page a eyunpais • f the
great apcocli delivered liy the Itepresoiila
liven! this district, mi iho i’vnl InUant
Thte yno|i*j* tails, as any one-would, to
give n fair idea ot the speech, amt wo sc
rtmi*ly regret that It is 100 long to be pub
lished in lull. The synepei* serves, how
ever, to give an idea of Hio general true;
of (lie addresa, and any ol roiuloia who
want coinpleto copies can doiibllesj be
supplied by applion 1 ion to Col. Harris, as
we understand a very large number have
been printed for general cirmiatimi.
This district has cause to be pro'.i 1 o! in
representative. Ho has always had credit
lor being very (ailhfu! to the interests ol Ids
constituency, and lor remarkably clone at
tendance on Congress—not h iving missed, j
we believe, a roll-cill or a vote. But this !
•pooch presents him in anew aspect. It i
wins for him laurels as a financier uu 1 po- !
litical economist, and nukes for him a rep
uUtien in fields which hitherto he bus .not !
The policy advocated by the speech, ■no
lmr commended and endorsed on all sides.
Col- Harris speaks as the representative of
a class who Lave too few representatives in
government—the tanners. The tanners
have borne a large part of the burdens of
our government, but have received fe.v of
ill benefits. Laws arc constantly passed
for the benefit of other branches el indus
try, but agriculture has received few favors
—aotwithsundiug that it is the foundation,
cd our nations’ prosperity, (.'el. Harris
makes a bold aud stroug appeal in behali
ol this alighted indusUy, and for his able
and manly effort he will doubtless receive
the thanks of fain crsund other producer*
I n on.
We Jo not know whether or uct C<d.
Harris will go In f>r the couvcntieu lor rr
noniinaiieu to t'outness ; c have heard l
nothing directly m iudiuc'it in tn him tc I
ho subject, but :t bed is. this last ape
wHlim i.o Lite tv L.s strength.—
bijarge Kepottc; ” " t
Wiolilnguri) (orr'*(M;niteni:i'
X Wb>'iif iritm , , /
Miy ibV) {
/>;./>// Yiitduj-fi}' .
\ I bay*; *i ''-w 'e‘i*.irc m<>rm n\M aod am
’.it -i </ . jipi Ujr l h*ft
r.i to }-' .•)</•• a iU'/jl i >f U'^
' O:. Vic ■'> ; a •
•.' v 1 i.' i > :■ ' * *Ur U r ' t
br f, nii-fs', vrt n> vt.' I H*e
• ; * ;/?* li r l £■*
; J ;> ih, ±UL\I~ O/. m . ’li j.L±....Lj-L-
Ot T|e * *i?*l {; ,'i,4 ti >i, fi t. y • It ir
A /•-' fit, 1 <• / zfr '
!.* t , y ..n ,t ' .e Ct ■■'.!<) ■■ ’• '■’*'* v
* . fit, intr. 1 1, a >. - a fJ> >Af .*
; hfilf ti\L J, /•* \*t r"t li nun
a t'l,a li*/’. ; ;• .• vl.* 'i ■ ’* t - 'i*
(. J>'. {* ■ i -v t: f; ( • He '• ; -
. i hf. y, u t ,. i-,. i J/M Mr. < ••> ‘ •
Y‘/rlf, >ii • t. ; ' <* b, li'.iO ’ ! • >;
! itltWhl ‘I : if ' <”tr\ •/{ i t.‘ -t, ; -
ft .; v .ti ( i f -if .: * ' f iv *<•? '
tif >f ot tfu ll(T&m •t : ■ ■ • ; *
; Ut*i T* ‘ ■■■ ■ *‘-j ' ;- •n‘-
I ttily / ■ . ■t4* .;'
• l yitxW.'.y /y '<*, ■ i ■(* * ': ‘ •>'
UM&'uUwi vtt: .*■* w-. .
j m'4 li; ■ ;i.i h■■ ' ■■4\a Hh• , ]
I fi j bfTVI: M4?fi bcfc. \
i .♦%a+^r-- T --tf?' * ' i! , 1
! !fi4U Vi Ua-t I t t_* *.jUa4+“*r I r -
and iffni*! /.>■'' * ; . H fififft of ;•
_T TTr r r T -♦ •• u rr. x v** *■ . T r >T T. **
if Hiiry l^v * nriv r..' * i.< u. - oi . . i'i .
—*?r- —H**j’f*: ;T*"*
f hnlfliKl ’ V/.ifcil Hi* f> I t T '* ’
.<:*• .t f ' I lf i l|. |rft f (<l *i. : r :
tiiij fib i lj_rit* •** fn'fv f Hr*t t* v ' *
in i!;* Hal: a.-u•! ifr < -t.-ic f-f * i • *
Wfrff 11 fi / *l, !<'■. .* .• a- r. V* i *v ) v* y
ifiH'Usnt 1/0/ to Hi". Hfi'! f *n y li ilam t s :
pel t .> . With *• •> •* i.ann-i. ".e < '.'nit >i
I, bn/ I '".it 11 it i ’i-i 'b" ! ; "'n Iti w t 1.1 -t ~..u I. r * * 1 r
ny 1 ,t: l| tftli .t) ol ' I if- 1 ■ —-U—
--i’.t . t.ilj. ,ttt(**'..t bmr.t.! t
1 Iti-b'g tnf '< .*;;*! tbiy's Mlldt.'t ' 1
j It;t 1 Hte. IfttSf llit tit 1.1 (III; "flpitilt, bt
I'liVirrr Ity V'Tih.b l.ltt Itililtj il'g b b" i' t.! I
- i!t and, 1 ,vs ; nth.r u■ ■ i Hut 1 /"//./ t • < '
p||,! .wit" 11‘pi t'l )••-’ • ci" .1 '
i I nil ltll*, ll*t no I ip;lit bit -t [i .w i "
r III" I" pi Opt 1 111* *'! .lit. Ill;" bo-t* p ' ‘ 1
being Ol.Hl ptittnda t .Ifc*--1 t.-o I*) i
litlnnle. Ih" I" 1 "1s 1 by. '• •
II Kpy tinl l if'/' t 1 ' it 1 /* i. ti' ;' bo pi-1
fill lii ton oo> it<M . A V-it In
) Ilf (Updo!, li ■ ’si -f 1 "
Ini-' tni'i fi: im .vi-iit - bt f i
view i>l lit I’ltlrnnai' II '<! wdh
steam ami mu! host. Ai t" 'im tie*** . ,
'lie ilislantc I'lmltl I." ; ‘ II A' i o'on, Hi"
p , .re hjence of Otneral l.e-
Null! luy HIIIVI * I lISVI V -ill 1 Ho
KliiHh-uniso liiHtilule, rtsvy Yntd, Tiea*
ttry llcp'iiliu< 111. H" dl< rr Il'O'ie an ' nib
Illness id Ki ire-l t inn ruin:.* wi I ran
nut now give your res H r
Kln.i("- *•• * •> "I'*' "*imutm. .
I '-nil" ’, to ; .>* mir ri’.pn t* in Ci I’r i
dm?, htil hi - ' .
let .i *< hud f'; 'ad sioiie liios billin' si ■■
were pi i nil'll ! to si-e hi* u-c! nu v, ran.:
whbe waitiuo expelien e I what i uienut
bv "entiling y#Ur lo" '.< in griat I mn'i
Hiile-r'siio.” After wntlino nbm lon* we
rxc. uaucr. d.*u.S—!d"l Hte Hue: lea
win lintii Ids in k*, aermel in "in i"v
| mint'd guild lienllh Afl c 'liveisint; .
I hhtide is |lb ihe jr* 11 • lit we hwh uur
i h nve tnucli pleaml mill "i v+dt n. the
r Wtinr T tnr-T
1 The ’ inc*r* of the ~rnni.i iv lmi|i i
' i, lu tin w e heat si. n'tl I- -b bmii’, fin no' '
appear large" than t?o pfnple w fsv" k‘ \
ways known when we ipj r.i- ' (hum, •
“'is ilislauce lends em-han'iiirnl."
(>n Motnlny we lb*nde I | r" c isiii* w .;!>
Co'. Harris at “lirant s ('in■ v**li.** ss it. is
called, where we had ; "'hrr view id i ie
I’rosidunt, who entered and marched down'
the aisle 1" lbs pew near Hie pulpit l uni
toid that h i.-';si'y entcra t n side door.
hot tiiia lime Im "took it stiiisht.'' A* t '
ilie seiinon 1 itbo k I have hcaid much
better at home, al'li. uco the I'ev, rpcabo'
liieii In impress me dillereiitlv.
The weather has tureeil cold very ?n i
ilenly hpr within th* !ft 'wo diva, over
coals leciing vciy coudurtable in the taby
part of tii* day.
Yesterday we went out to (Jcoroetoivn,
but not seeing much to inletest, wt soon
returned le the etty. IVr leave Washing
ton to-morrow for JE’hiladalphia from
which place l w ill write you ac bn
11. W It ILL.
A Cherokee county in in pul a pi f in a
bag, placed the bag on a mule, and then
mounted himself The pig squeak'l, which
caused a there of hogs to come to the res
cne, the mule humped herself (as the boys
gay), administered n parting kick, which
disabled the man, and loti him alone with
the hog# They were all preparing to take
aciiew ol him when assistance arrived.
When the party in powgr has become
hopelessly cortupt, there is nothing to Ire
done with it but to turn it out of (rower
and bring the other party in. “That," adds
the f Republican, is the uatuni
and logical and usual course ia a govera
uient bv parties. I* fosters the sense e*
party responsibility, and it secures a more
i a Heal sad total change in administration
luua can ctunmvoiy b“ got in any o:h -r
way. UU lsmibar to our people aud the
•urprisiog tiling will !>• a depattar*
it. Ibis desi"e for change, conviction rtf;
the oeccasiiv tor it, determinstioa to hi.
it, is also the dominant sentiment in let
public m;t:d ami the pivotal fact of the sit
Atlanta w lockiuc lor Ifotn i’eoio, and
; consequently his put a ties It keg ot nails
' and a box 1 1 ida p.w in the Poact
I Jc Leon uvi r-pringi. fa nit*
Bram’s f/atiHt C oup DTlial.
Very gcr.tra. astucrisanumt crca'ed
Uiram/Umt thccvouotfy by the V*. .-.'•ap;-.,
anncmrostoeiit on Monday that Rre-ide:.’
| (trait’, bad sent to the Senate No uo<u;..<-
1 .S’.",' General T Tl p
' Xuti.ii r! Knplatid, vie* Fb cr SJusmT;
j'i - '/t.’ . Heci ;tsrj( Ift for A: rney <>
i"I *.!• J Don Crime,o:; t> ib* : *v V ol
’ ar. F-tCI. aa uneajirwUitleiiKii.'* ‘‘ <
bsok ever, the jjofiticiabi iu t¥ * ■■■ ±
by and tltwb r ■ one O’.;
—r/- *', i. * * Vt tus ;euf? -j ".n p. rr; r
. * cyi!,#, bargain (if bribe, ev- n l'.* u;o-'
. ".i ...a* (.</.,. :-i . V" r.o • ■-•!.. ’■■■■■■
I aii.'ir.g' tut r.t The =,. r: t-r UtM i
~"i, t i;, If s4ems tint'. '/'A ’ - iv
S(,it(!i: I Up hi the "t.’ii T U ' '
j t tl.t ii'. S' H'fow "fa chit;-:-': -? i fi-i: i
: "((.- ' .rltini -'l' " ■ •- b •' ' e
j I :•;(. SSJ.T.f ti • it". ' ■ '
, we* s>; vif ;' Ip,*
and ; <iukhf*tg 1.- * ••. •. > • 1 '- -
,' t-fi web bit', "ij ill *1 ■ P'1"? " '
. *'u b '<ni ot It tis* ak.'ti
oat Did hi*tor C’siarnw wm- v , af '*•
' i(„..-. tl.l''.r,t>d*stil*, in t a ;
- i.-'jk his I'm i> -n, "tti.-.-l b" - * ,
it ), > j, t*i he < •" r •'
! ■,. !; fVj)"tyi*n!H l d , '"ii* l 1
1 1.. i,as let <1 •j.'.-:<-•! f'vdte 'nr < '■- j
t.p ti I'.kHem (.oukt-jii* arnksh - / • y
'l' 'n i ,spire i>. tt*d ' i.*i. t>- 1
. _!. we— < f; rfttit ' ' ■ ■
:!: t- gtl'VU ’ Hlij Üblii V* i ; - *'****>•*
,y(V! I ,! it rap! C'lt'k mg :ei himself to
v. . f ( i*t ' -i ll ii . 1 '
1 , . < -ill*- at I . l>- . . 1 *
;I; If.ii 0 .1 >•.! ii . D-1.l Cl' .
t i'.ti J, ..t ’ ( t „v>- pla< < • '■ I* ' UiaC* |
f. ,t , ’ ,1 ?t .14, fl/i.l , HI".: 1
.... ' f '-1- ; . ’
.-tiVt./iiHii-‘y *it"-ii. id (
I' t ttf!. r *
A ti*- *ti f !"*t hi. ■ v It-- - 1 *. . -
tjj" li.?. ti If* •* ••••"'
*i:.b fi.. 'f-, .TT" • T 'ii-- ' • i
..-■.■ i • ..... . !
t y it-' tiy .■!■': iu It.,'* I 1 • . :
1" 1' U by '. I ’ t,< f lb- I •"* ;
.or, ,I, >ti*! M i*'itt. Krij;l*t.d. i *•
,4. *i ’ .t-.fjt P ‘’.tit - J r‘ri' 'J’ali. Wt,
,|t iji.'ir , wiiii bo ban/" ft’uii ton a
|i"j<t ii- n! 'ft 'hit nf f'i*tb:S fuU *.
tq.r(i ' Ii" IViO f•" fin I'll.elO Ii f i .1 , .
It,'. v*- y t'l* fhlt to ' •>••* .
I : s *?t H ./'-I.
' '-1 . * 1 1 "'I- '-l Im li <■ |.HI '!■ —slid i
.ui-at. iimb.'-i -fti.) ti*.ru*i. w'-’t" --ft- --
iin inn • ;r intr* f>o s rr a' u b*
i. ( . i ran m l lfi* |W* ' '
.1 , (tii- vuti ■! (I imy I Vat' lit lor tir*.‘
liv, ti . . | i a-i ! I '.*• ' > i .t k . * i
*(; <ti- pi-U lb" iiili.iaUa to ICnglim i, .1 I
•I, Ml t -' i H.V dpi rV II I
film" Sind M r|* li, k*i'<*n*-f ( WtlOii. Sf-'l j
f 'nek a rig an uiib ' *tnii ' Inc '** lnwn hi ,
n rial at tliit ill If raifi 'fft* out f<‘? |
liiauwu i,.i"tir i tl o two (if fl* J
Ttit; ,iw HtraugeitiMlt 1 waiiiitv ! '
. . : ( - < i ii i. Slid f * n
. ;:l | ' 11l
I .: V . i (j 1 [ "
... . ~. , tri-i.f "I • ' ' * l j
lil i.itirln;g r, ii a ii" .** I-* ‘ ""tl Ib" ! ' [
in a | •*. a "tllj. .'•liv'.fs In lb* I . n 1)
i altlna c wi.l 'hi limked >'i“ ii by 'b* ■*■ - -'
'fi' i a lui i ii'p-i • i,i iti>" • : . 'ivi !■•*. (' it,
uiteii", lu .? puckii!] \r*"
\| • '■-LC4TS fTie '3Vsiya A- ,*na.i--;
News It: I. 'll V •• ii cl < 'ltl*"!f.i>
— h. 1
hro fs V*(j v - ' C, I I'V '
I ;„w* "si hli ' -i'll: w*■ ks ;,, ;i mi Agci *
1.. Y.-.i.ig sc v* din D-J' vi b* * i ny* i
i with she !'• nvrr .i nl B (: .(ide T-('***-•
| Cninps'iy f"i H c 'ra-ip"i‘*t'-ti of
five hn -bed ["■> i ot, who ar** r tikt?- 1
-I'liir fi' ' I V to; o b V Tin
age r.t ailci.He ! ?b<vi Mi, Yon ni in .led to
move li * fi>r',vers into a ucr field, an i
- iraim-Crd yr'fTVd t- , r ri"
and <•'?* if N"w Mesico and A -o' l '* bUi"
I * a
Hu dc-tloi ie ot the scheme in the uc**
tt'J' {
pa|*cts tii* ig'-ut ho* written to tiie i u ronl j
i.uthnri It's !! at the project 1 to 1.-o alian - |
doned for the pro •■ it.
The cortesjHVident of the New Y rk
Tribune has taken csrefol sounding* *
Wnshiag'' i, rind comes to the cmclusion
that Grant rallied to Cooking's support
,im late; that, in fact, the Cabinet teorgiai -
will do N§w York's favor tc >tt
more harm thau good And such seems
to t the gsucral judgment ct the press,
Ucpuhlscao, Dsmocratk and In lt*;>ea*len t
—tho immediate organs of the AdauaisUa
tkm being almost the only exceptions.
LOOK 'yo v
lu ami arr.viag di!y.
85.000 "Worth
of UOODB <f Al i Ivtuils and Be?t Quality
—Bought in
And other cities since the iu Goods.
—H itsiroui
50° TO 8-100,
Calicoes from sto Jv cents. B eat ho,l an i
I Browr. II unespsns front 0 to lo cent*
■/.fU t tr ; u/s and ‘zclirtd JUuMtnt, 10 to dd
cis. *
that you wi". curtain ~ purchase v*hnn you
ec them. Also a fine Lot of fjonlvctioa -
eric*.—lhanre?, Lemon#, Jellies. Lanwcs
—Come In isd .-e :v c and iirmg tAt (Milt
Awarded the Highest Medal at Vienna.
E i H. T* ANTHONY a C 9.,
501 Jfwvbrit 3 e>r Y ->L.
;0 /j U.'i ii'* **
Maiiufacttirfcrs, Importers
end Dualers iii
1 H\<'l '< ?< )rLCOj >?(Sl
Y !K \\ -.
i a u: c MU, oiufuo.coi;:.'.
hi', u-u
---, An 4 r.i.:b..ui £ . b —A
, < C
: i. > HGX£)GiLif , ;i;c M it. ma- -
i We II ilq i.
?He A ;a, >A
VI hi' .Kup M- viU LA A
i r+l , A4 ,
p f - j; t Mm t*. *'* ■ /
! ’ 'ii’.Le/ /A r oi-l ik-v ■
1 > ; Vftic- IJPtl J Pt •■/ s.t
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Phi jt i, u& ■if h /
h (Cii *) '■ "■L. B. -J-- - U ,i.-r
--i iifX - *-<.i
* -py 'ft.. ,le . sITTHT- -*'
If ‘ . -
A • * *.i y - • -
■< *;. i.
—- 1 :
; J*: nt ;li<* *< - •' i-1 -
J Vl zs * ■> r. * • f.
, ‘ ? I . i ... ■
•- i Gi ■* i .*•’-. '**'* ; . i 't lisirv :i. i..
k f *.. ' lK*f iu ‘y- l A C P p. r
lii-.** 2.'•••- t. ' ff 4 * l>
it f. i;i I’** A ♦ *.; - J:i V £.<**-• *" 5 ‘ ' '**'
1 * -
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. it j.. ♦*• ■ . ■ p ’
% w *•
.1 i''-'., i. .
t# <
LI UAL Any K-i I Iv.'TiY'i f
W. ---Ar—
Sh*;( llf K.t 1" .
*- • ‘
*-r ' - i.-M *.? r
u ' ' < i;. . I* - < t n l .
\ V • *’ • ‘ -e. . '1 t # -
<*vf ~ t W•! ’ i> ! !'• >s' A I L -r* f #'v
f l g fi . ? T'i" >y *'* Lly r' t? * *•' U! i
N• t* *r# i !.#• *>•Hi * ? i** 1 1* '* f y•f •* *i *' j
l- *i -i) <** >f,:i i f '** >.l ni J- *■
**" r •* '' r '* *’ i 1 • •‘ i
ft * -f,<( f \ ! i 4 * 1 ’
ft ui A J IHnutfi *nt Wm J tUrr. j
(k,K,Mia'r*tC;fl K*: J T I
* S‘ . ! > '
! J I , f 'V'*'# <.• > r . "
l fTar’i'*!, 'VnflJ if 1 ’ | Ii ;1* ll HJOI IldfftiL
■ t a' f" ■. * * • • •f \ U t
•a, r ir/ .f \V i <
1 ti,iif. f i*fi4 'i if t *•!' 'V ’ I' i
'i' l # i ♦ t.. *ti > U s I M, # ;; {.< * •
t ,! i •'■*.* * *j|
J y • ! t: IP- Ni'rti fi I l ' i'- \*■
• i*l ;• r* |(. * • • •- *.# r...,. ■ * •\t ?! • •
t a uHy *!l ’< |yi!t *t 4* u,
A•? i • r i) *, *?n ; •! •
IMr i** I. r* i** t * ft* v ",
!*' a"' 1 ' TT- r** M • M
Wr * FFTt
U'VTV nt T *rT—-* — T P V*~" '
! *r I n** A ;*i i; '.l I J** * *
J \Y HAN * O M U. •
t'lj'im:* • iin (1 •* ' f
M ,ii ' ! -I (
It •* tinier* 1 .! that C I "i'i),"tn. .fsm*-*
V. !•>** ami Dr .limev 'Y, T'v,, r h* a
■ >rl • ((I'M bv-tt!-—!r*rd- tit *t ': ■ ■.! -i H
■•r to iii*. ie' iav <•?! au> llk t 1"
f . -rn . f t* 'h* N f -m *' -f Iftll
and N W c**r ipr nl 1 1 *r I> tn , a
uia ." a F,at <>t the sint and iiiUj tetnrna
ihcnwf st t?:n next n-acting it this it *ar’d
( ;! - ?
ltsc ter ■ r rur. Co:Mt*to*Kns.
The under, gncl c uumi'ii ner* "e ~,ii,
ted by y >ur B -’y t c< . nine and define
the lines f rri New District, respectfully
tender t.i*.s tl-Ti: repo-'t togetlicr v>Uh the
scccni; any kg ‘ I’ at” of sail new Dis re i..
The Lues to-'wein at the N K cortnir
Isn.l (N N- 5, nt ie 1t! Dc ct at the
iCoweu C" ’in.-, tnd ran due s > tli aiiq
‘land U:iW.di the ? K e.-r-*er of lot No.
V>, to
fire ranges of laodluts 1 > t ,e orig n i! i'k.
and 11th District Hies at tie;- a. W. corec
f land lot N*. Id! Uienee uorti ra in < *
the said cr giua! DGtrie* !i >• to Hie N. E
corner of I uni lot No. SI aim 3. W. corner
cf lainl lot No. fo, t ience west e'eve*.
ranges to. 3. W. comer of lot N > TO, th -
being the Troup one, t.icn"e the county t>> cow eta countv, thence eat with
Goivctalme '-•> startiagjwiint-
RespcciiuLy s.b u Usd, A rd ,1 G 1 -
C. 0. Wmelrem. ). ■ -
.and. W. Taylor. p
Com nr, Ltipners G*~ u *, j
Merit-c*).or ('"‘J tv. *
April 3rd, H 7. )
It it orde e! that .above report be a 1 >;>t
ed, and the District be allowed, lines nf
same t j be as a'jnve rccommcn !•* 1
Ice thy that tbe above is a 'me fitrac
rcti ’.he lair.'htc s
e c c,
1 . -^*
g r J* ]•: J NW A Y.
“Fjmn; i;s don't j,itt*
’ "
’-tyiurtd) PiaßOs Still TriamjfhdQt J
■,- r - -vl s- y . tv j. rtiSi); ■ la;;. rV t .to
t ' v > A*g4Ckt-
— —: ■ ■ *1 *
I • Ull ,
V,' I- : •- asj.Ttis*
JA.V + , ■'.* a ./if, h- t 1;... * - L ' “!*• t ivrlur&S.
i- BYsy r= l'~*-"~*' ju* *' •**
* r
y- ♦
V. ! A I -V \\ * u\ VI n> ) f ■ ’>VJ I'M Al.(, I , ( :i. .i' A<, t* SI **" St- Ml
LL ’J, ‘ '■ *f-’9 !J''* -f -T-4 *• •-< f if*-Ht *• v :/* *t .<** |;*VfR f,y ‘ ? it,
r *' • * -rr M * t‘l ♦;!>. and -*:
• f '• -B - • • 5 !. rlr.r) < , t*. . ~
- i ,i •
1 ] *
•Vi V” . _ii_
*'*•! f *? M’*f
‘ * * -f* * ij |> • • xj* i * ,*..!.• V- tV >e f i •
i * i, > •
U \ h i.
- - ■ * ■■■'. ' ,/■
" '.I (\ 1 ■;
' ’ - ‘ * • I.- ■. •.'(<!
> • ■ •••;,' ' ii, f. .
v V- _>■ •. 1 i• ■l -u v--*— ~ ■■ ..
■ ’ ' ..... - . r . - - , •
■ -•- • • . ■ i- .< f
’■'l-NIP; A ) ft.M MI U,KH Wb •(• H...,:,#■>. a c -tc.
O \\ '<•' * A( .( a I •(-
a%>34 1y Wr T RFY II L, F, + i | A?ei i „(i^
Xot ice * ' i'l ti s.
3 ,Z\V W INF JET )
G Roger, mo
<luoe J>*ai< r
=. -A.NU-
C O M M IS S I () N
NO. t 2 P-HOAD STREET, 'Allan:* Gx
to call the alte r. ou of ti/eo*
in ];-ig in A'inLi, !■> bn I ipcri <r F ice.
TIK or
Everythin*; in his lino at
11 ALL C. 1. c 4" -1 Ho anil are n-M
i.a: lie y arj rr(>-<cnu>i to S; t!i< y c-it
f* -Im k i Mil" ci iciiK’.
r 1! 'E*
%n.i Fami’y S.i;i; in io! every .ir;p<e>n
aiwaya on ban i. IV lit >r f ttie Vis
Dlu-iT' it nae Imn ar •( my ct-mer# ir
iTer >i year at.j to uun I rel.r, t )
cutmiil In his .
V erdie t
irv character f->r iionM'y itui fair ' r.£
UfiueLLtc: Pie ;• ace.—Ni> D3 Broad
Sfeet, Al.mta.
ar Call <-u me wU'n.ia.lte.aljv Or
.{.m rcspectfuily Sdiicitetl.
5m mrh ?* ; W. VIMJHI
i) . h.. .: ... i . .11 '.rnev
n t > t *. very itit eni^u
. • , j -*• . t -s i ’ -:: ii *vti IwftV
H l _JL JbR-w-u* ft:?
T\* ' ■ : •'
. - XI, ? -U'* •A. G. ; * , r * •.,*' t NUI.
*t * . i.- t i=‘ >(D. i Mur 24' [i
.;•• vf Hit c-*n:>* fr^nii;**uijkl
t .••* . L il iiHC i.4.-* . Ia
n * r > _
f l I
f' L :t it.; %
i,• i ... (, it ii. . j-s - ■ -il •-'*♦*• ■ f'3 d* • 1 1* VVtiri
• -Cjgf •:■- - ... L - v • r*-i v* i uti(irr
* a- “", y Of* '* •*, i XlTU)|[
t'-i <. !
N <ij /1. !*.r- it ■ ' o(ft‘ OAiJf >M*f |
>l. /. . * ii** VV euiu*r,
'*♦•■' l • -* du tti
£1 l N-* K, At-. . y X *** L ?
A t V■ .r I‘i iLt*st4 #
f- I '. . V .•• ; tiuLlii.; 1 p ..a I Dll
T“* ~. ‘ r V v *. *** 1 ist ifll
,r. r t -ii *- - : * A r~prrT
- ,-f * • *jv 1 . •••' * . v- A \.it k t
y. .
' i- 1; y ; A-■ *‘<‘l d| id x I h vi'
f- Ay \| MJ,. |1: : **• • UM ; ILL l*r*
8 •, . ii it.i-r-i i
l> - ii • j - r..,* i **(. f* n ItHniJ
G* '*s ' .-( ■- Vk / ■Gilai.-slt ; y.-rf
4 1‘ !*. Y , M;i< i. ; >l, 1 ISO A ■
) ft ' ' r ; *■ •? vh* t
Jt* r . ' •• ) (I JI * * Iff UK
< <v . -O', it( ! .It I. ?:-?•**-> **HJ .r* .'!■ W tii* II
\* A Y
♦ - — 4 *r -<• *— *—ii ——-rrrrira:'
* ' • • _y\ i•. f
t ti l l . : 'ill
* Cl, J * ,
i**f’ l ; !
< . iff! . <* !',••I ' " * ’ k f ..f
r ! i I
,t* 1 ; 4 v if
. < ■:. V .- I . rvcfjr
!• ‘ : 'f II A *1- I. * l ‘ . t - tli
• ‘ * ■■■’.' f 1 iJ
O ' -•• ’ y tl • 4 li, •:*' * J, ;= V :
%%; ■ v;nrem
Him' -.?/] i iovnufl
Grand Ijikiah
BAT / I.
_■ : v.
Corn r I/ l in it
PaC-e*i?T 1)1, V. V 1 i. *ii.
Tirt-tnOi 0i r • sWfnt lua-iry 1 v
i'i 'yr • e • i . .i | P. -ry, ntira (
■li-e-if ever !i rr> 1
Bi !.l Ibc Uatli I ■-*, * ;iC in ■ •- r y
Eloctrioitv !
to *Si f(l .• V' ■ ftp ‘-e •tVater
' A'lirc Pi'jfiec’a-' '■ it 11. jji' iiie [(n.
Ni i> ! B'nn.r of Urii. . ..n i. y‘
; tg Ui-'i. I ) the e,i ! I' " l'y W>s <c •
0-n fr-m 7i ", to 9 p m. i.n<licb
T□**>'! and Pri ii. s <1 Di 1J a in.
M fgicsi .■ > i " > : ,•i ;■: ’ A
rißiT 'TTltA'iie: — ——
N>i ilarge i>r • c 'n-ultati ci.