Newspaper Page Text
JOißfe Sontti st.le ai the Court Hniise
of Mmrilnti.
Hose* It wfc H wks' mw 1 C ran t. vest i
t .n,-h !t oo •* so' 4to roo v: no
2 1 t.-he* 150 i 500 It 50'10 00 15 CM i
S io!.e* i SKI Soo|lo On , 1.5 00 .15 oi> |
j c .,i | 5 Oil 10 00 *SW.iiO WOO I 5.1 00
_l. C,.| |_ iioJ-15 Itn j AA-tm.AA-lk)—LtU m .
t col ! HVOO 20 00 :IK) OO 00 1 f’.OO
.\ lil-eriri ilcducticm made t j tho** 1
* IvertLing hv llic month or year " •
Itrligions >Alice.
The follow leg i'the Church Direct cry r>
• :rein ie tot IS? 1 ':
' SO sot 4th Sabbath* n cacti month.
Pastor R.v U A A1.5 M<>NS
‘,l Babbnlh in ea.-h fii.'ti 1 it
Pastor Rev 8 P. Callaway
Ist Sub)‘Sill ill f.-uli niiM’.th.
pastor Rev Jito .lone?
HtffHE TO THI I*l HI <
Aft ei fl..> .h,t*\ a!! ! eja) j*,lverti#i'i cut’
tor the cob an o) Meriwether, w.H l*e imh
IRWri+n the Wkhiwf.thsh Cocnt v \isui
catou. JAB. SV. 11 ANNING.
uft . >
55 R PAVER Shi !
a .i it in roN,
Jar> |th, !;!). folk Siip’r C lit
a-..- I ■ 1 -r-t
hit) IN 5 I 1.1. y. FIG P 5 5 T n<- - l". 11
local topics
Ml-- * fl w-
CJjjf t oi/i r, .1 1. 11l I'llll'V Cl.I
, 1 hi IS W I It' ill Oil hi Hi siclcr lUt.i 11 If I
novl to l.nvw tin in I'ohilM c:l' I I 'c-.'
IV C.i ulm. tit, i CUlillM ih
r.. ihit waste tuiskcl. t hen will he no n
j■. •. 0.. it mmb • !
At : I.< ii lnij.'g V 111 li IHI I Csl* t*tt >ltii clii r
h, , *;. hyv ihc nh;< i oT'll.e ViniiKA
ToH (•')
Huv J Ti" fi.iM-.. preach at the
Rut, !,ai i lo.ii h nt at Bihbath
Ilrv Mr. Jco ohi |.i< i“ h ui l i.i Pro
li■ i. n . i * ! • 1 .•* < >*'
ami Rtirday i. Jo) 5. * ; IIOn on n <* ■ >
nr: Syimlns. .-
Mai.Ml! i Non G■" * c< >■ Wadi .
(ho, rveco - lI.S I*’ **l May M I * II
(httoeoMlx I ll' l ' -H i 111* I l)V the It' V W
A hliniiiolif Aloi/OM Fnen :,n E "|. t>
>1 * A i.i a H Mi-hui, 4-'.|tt.>rn| t - fate
!>v V. i D Martin.
I--it 1. i <i< 'h* hi:t ) * 'f|
Illgl* N'eat ’he Wnm SpiWed
liwsdSv the . ' May .*•! It Vlilemai,
„i it i.i . i n-idy !tve y. . • .'I h ■.. ea
rC, vieii i. now u l*v lii-h Yunh Horn , WiM I.
no inhei i.f < ii. j m.y H h '' Ml I r ;;.m '
kill! •* H t i.'U .i** l h : M* Vt' ll
i, -l Llii:
, | Y ea hi* i) 1 i ■ ,Iw •
'|,il* n revel.,' (he eric ill’, c* •*
ii, rr.e iirviri l„ ih am <i" ur ir:-icH--tia m-
Httli loliit
'I <>(>(,( (toj. v*i.l (( iiMi 'v *< a no.*
C*CT .oil 1 r,t ' \5 ( 5 h , M.e .• ! to ie
.e it j>y Mr iirtrurr.-o* rn a-iiiiitr <*f <■■■’
ayfifiilttira: Irlend* 'fi on l *. OiH <>i then
Wo ii.vy O KVI Oil : i r
10)1! (Oil ' . '
Death Mia. Mary Turnei died a’ lo r
lend*nee car Tmnty in tin lljlrd ilwinot
U*t Morolay The ')< I h,J l.*eJ In
tlo eonety over lorty ymrt, and • < tie ni
Hie piot.eera of lb" Meltwwlot Church in
Miriwethci. Sha wa, wc leuni ci;'lily
two year* M. :
'Die j ajer* re making yi*at b >!m
over the announcement that the u"rn o
rlaau >t J.Ht-rariKe Kemal*: thi *V" n
uraduata in eVico tbia year. This I- not
iriK new. for Mr*. Refill’* <iaM graddate')
hi the same ui'Ku'ioii flfte n year* afo
wearing a i*'o *’ie ! *m * o*i4([ V* the
fv;t that the yo’Jii* grailuate alterwaflt I
n rrie! a m wj*|ier man .the ha* worn!
caiHXi dr*v* * ever riser, and j r -t/& "anew
calico higher ti an a ft ft!. av< roie belle doe*
h' r fir eat ri! K C',' 00 fadeed. why the
gin* ioetead <>f boarieg of graduating in
calico, shoo'd le- g!a! U. get die***-* olTun h
handsome maUrial J,*t it not only be
caiico dreaee* at the Commet cement tint
ca.tcr *Trrt*bru and ah the t;nre. 0)
i romoie the wnulDsf of >vh drewe* we
j rotniae to s- nd the Vi;-l r- ai h one year
to'be first laly marrying in CwHoo who
*ho send n* a |'ic-re o! l>er wedtfrng cahe
; aiiiihg Uini half dollars. A fig. say •
we. for e> t*oi*C'i if we can [ rera l on
*l.e yooof to get up a rrfirin in
fi.s,iS. <>l Cw|*t J. If- L*wr
7i* gerdiernfth, otter ft ' ; ftuti pftioio
onfnemeat, 'Vz! at I o’cloc* Wednftsiifty
iftftt, ft’ b*a ret. eucc on lima-d *&y,
this city. Cap* Low *■ ft“ If-a*e
inrth, an'* tor many yean a re*fc.rmg
a, Laving sees service from cait;a Ley
the eonuftiip! of a v*-**e! Hu ne* tb,
■■ jr to }.i* extreme old ftce, L*d tcn
dM&JT declining 1-jT ■ jeftr past, and
. y terminated fci> been anted, fit
< a erne of refuted great we*iUi owning
uMe property in this city, in Macon
1 Favsccab, bftlda beng ft lame ab/ck
ter is tbe Central Road. H: remains
a enclosed in a metallic ca?ket and for-
Jed to Nivsnaab for interment, by the
p. rr train yea'erday.—fQrifEft tftwt
r tain Low, If -vs intake not resided
r t mbf" >! j ta:j m '.,L 'outi!>' n< a ’
M . *
Our Book Table'.
CJontv --Again Wc advise our lady ’end- ]
e: tu caamJne !hc menu >il hi udryU I.i j
dies Book befne subscribing for a fashion
or literary inagui: ue. The June uumUr i>
before us and is. as usual, filled with en
tertaining readiug matter and such tnfor
matior. hi the fashion defiartuwul and do -
mortis aJuiri i* every lady would like to
r 'fc'*
Sr >iiF, iji*. —Thecb.ldven’a delight.
S \ tiolak fo lane .has heei
ami ir ag, ill Oj its hold. We lac never
seen anything in its line tan. so pleoes the
ittle one*. The riMiTing mat'er contained i
m its i j.r* .< iustiuctive an I contains i
nothing tb*t warjw or injures the tender
initni .
So.I bn kh —Scribner's Monthly Tor Jane
;is an inijirovement even ii|a>n its prede
oessors Tuis is one that in
creases in i .lores! iho mare it is known
ami read We shoo Id -U* glad to know it
had a Ur re iisl ul snbaenbers in M. ruveth
er; we art- tore our triends wool l be pleas
ed with it
Trikf mi i -iirnry R Hants ot the
sro. id ..tsti'Kd sand* us the following pm
tit ulur*
One’night last week the family wore
■ —.-mm; al*--.r 4-w.* (,• ,*cl*, ■ arr.t -11* in v
Mnhfti* that thi man who drotre hi* •*
Imm his hi !a*t fall had paid him anothei
v: it *rnt hr* i*cti t'l-aiiry fo the hd.afol *td
eh ad ...! •• barrel hrr.vily loaded When
ni the Lain Chat vs dl‘e iv ted so.lit*
. hmg tnova.g, and ra sing *ld Uetny he
..ii led down ou the night walker. The gun
w,nt. ft. t:hailey scat down, while a wild
(t and ueul up tioin the hul,!( a marauder
. o Imi ne (piidt a'.oug the lines As soon
! .0,1 haiicy had rtf -viped In in the kick old
Hi t \ gave him, Ii ran to the house si
repot Ted jhut 1> ■•iid h. I been spilled, wim i.
w e* ii Ident trout tla I . ; !i fa. c lie ti .ro
A ia)t;..v i.s..itation dr. ..h .1 -t .ttudu ui
jt ■ await the iluwu ot ilav 1.. t i< ho'.'i.ig
an it i|!frst, alt J Utils lUiUU'tS I cut 111 lied II:
/■(/■. yuu in.til m0i1.;.,; I .oly in the n • n.-
u g Inc daikoys i it the pis i "ill! I. id that
roll e one h;.,j heel, shot at '..( liatn dlirm;'
tie light, lien at. there was li joking
■::>ui:;. t lie .h“ ecu hurts cl Ham, ■ rurt that
thin whs os* Ini er**, hut at the prospect
.floiiled <I ii holiday by the timctal they
(V[t,t: ' t(. taki p:u ( A I*l (tell Wat 11l-
IttMtd, the putty lnt dtreotciiujf 111
i. i;<r hr it j, dei ltd to w . .p a* as to
-rev !: i- 1 ’ 1 r ■ - 1.. M r -p- ( ?*iw,t! n -y.e:l
t 1.i.: Would i.cvv (loin < led,l I" u w iid < a
I inaui lm: yvae heatd from lid Ila. lUr
.. . ; tid.< a*' ; i*iiil ced at a lO*piU'JU
| -i1.,1 iicai a ((Tin a cotnei of the lot
a 1 .,! r er v. cli filled -nth dog fell
ii i m wi . ti H*. mi* fluid would be k irid
’ln- . 1 (■: 11 1 k...(, j' < ii 11 ]( high ' llllddl'tcd
a! ilu tie oi ih (cl Min i. near tlie
bn n(( 1.1n.n t the! liny woll'd lll*
yli *1 every time tin y Inn left egg* or (hi*
let listi hi !, while the oiiiei Aftiestik u(
hum il they, eouh.l nevei go in th it limn ul
ti l mi.doe II aguill. i'ertl.-g the wemU,
11, lit) ,tu hi. oil ll Mil |11 r , louud his fuv o|
.-* 1-.* ho*■ IK 1 ",-i. 11. 1 llp|U-l hall ot IllC
IlM'i l.iani. • t a: , .' >• ad 1,, a' h e level
Um** wind Jim bin 'J i.liii, ( to Charley
111 nty said "you have di m. it,” hill Chat
■■■•ry . -.r- wm; ttTrsf-f*ry-rtmiTg*. IH**
ad. In .li vt it | Bit (and I. a fin I cuuil: 111 UirllUl
: i ’ tha 1a * .>( i I I It .n.i’s I lead
Tin < * ■ li llll , <r; w e dt!i ol .51 hi la is one ,>l
! ' i dfllxd S te*l c" y arid
rroTnirrv uiirler ilia lr .di.nipp id —rr,..r rrht
rdiwit oft! * pr>" - ( W fi'TTOS, 'll') 111 —
(otof- m e of Ihu k[i:< I*l l pa|.era in tin
tutr \Ye gladly |'ho ullinot t• *< hangi
it now turns out that politi, * had noth
in;. v, nntevei te with tl.e recent trouhh i
in Mirs The rolfivfim was provok
( ( by sumo negroes who fi ed into a nhn
iff'* yw**' .Prominent ' pUuft m<it arc win,
•11. '.'fli' (:'■ ti-~. -; 1 ■ ' iciri to al'sv nil excite
ment. Tn> New York Mem Id arid I'fii
deij.l a T uras, hi view of these fact*, had
as < " Mane fiiutr |||<(l ns 1 ditorials, and
l*)! the truth about a ti.vter wbhh they
liavc no greatly dirt'.rted and magnified.
New Y'.rk lISI lx!*u a Deiurx.ratic Btat'-
sin* e the l ose il lliu war period, exovj* in
l“7f, wlirft the State w;xs lott in cone
o*iti'* of tin: tra ids in New York city,
sod in 1’)72, when tin: ehrtion went by ,lr
IsuM. On a square contest for tin- vlndiea
Hod end nupreuuc y of Democrat c |,rinci
pica Near ynrk is reliable and true. As
the Republicans admit (bat Iheir”cause H
hopejexj without New York, they praetc
; ca'ty concede th* elect ion of a iJeiiKrcratic
Pr*i '*rif.
Owl Uncle Ecu Greer, age'l one 1,11 mi red
arid thirteen years, was married, about two
weeks ago, in Mar shad county, Ohio, l
il ary Harrncm, aged fifty seven years
Unc e lies was t"rn (according lo the sale
Dili found among the irraperty of ins old
master, Junes Gteer, d< c i■'• !,) in 170 J
lie was a servant in H.e ytarMSlJ under
Gen. Jacks-m. The oid man cam cut aad
spilt one hundred rails a day.
Ti.c jti\ y R 'es',n, accorifir.g >• tlie
H stuii Herald, added rapidly to bis pri
vatc bsx-k accooct after be entered thee*fi
ne* I' sr:" m rn’.h he depaaitad as much
as |bft.OOff—showing that the [x/sition of
dietary of the Nsvy at 98.W0 salary, i*
or;* of the moet profitable emph/ymentr
known to mankind. That Robeson ehouk)
be “j'.ily 1 under tatse thriving c rcum -
glances is not strange. * -
bbex/ting rcflecticni by Hie Brooklyn Ar
gss : Tac last vr.r.igea of the old Botton
cl m s:e gone, but Benkcr hi.l mopumect
n Adju-f Dmi!y Pill r ryive. 4
Til* Crnps in Reorgla Corn ami
Cotton I) dug U'cll'-Maßi*
Supplies at Home—Plen
ty of Tertlli*i*T—Cioosl
CLronic’c snd Sentinel.]
AtUnta, On, M vy 21 -The Stale Oom
m:ssiouer ol Ague idu e ol Otorgh leport*
10 per cent, more corn planted in the S ate
than last year, and preparation 7 per cent,
bwiirr. The severe cold m March killed
coin in Southern Georgia, rot) tirinn it to
lie plaited again, Iml com is jconiisuig ill
over the Stale and stands average So
Forty five jut cent, ol rhe cotton crop is
teiUjl/ al. The acrrago of oa\s U>s, com
yvired to last year ; (HI per cent was sowed
lust tall The average condition is US, Tut
acreage of w heat is 218, coinf mod t a last
year, ant the coudithm M ry Ist was 111;
,58 |>er cent sowed ts le.rtilii! and. * The rust
on the blade is repo ted in all sections, ami
in some comities the crop is nearly ruined
with runt. There ta an increase ol BA pet
cent, in the acreage ot niidi.t and 2t) pet
ri nt. in lorsge com. Tjn' iutrodm tiou ol
Germao millet has stimulated llm planting
-rtf sprri and forage cl ups. Them is a di
ctease Of 10 nor cent, in the acreage ol cot
t.:i, hat the pio.| mill lion la 7ni retd Can
ter than hist year, and the amount ol lor
to!/.■:* used on • ottou is 1!) ja i cent, uieat
* i than latsl year. The act* age in augftr
< ace increased 25. |>or cent and sorgttuiu
LK> p**r ci id Twelve pci tent, uimc lertil
i/.era have been purchased tins year than
last, only 14 |*r ecu’, biting lor cash mid
hd pe: cent. on. time, j-i luo’jap! y lot out ton
Jai lilt, on oonta next November; |*i>ttv-
I throe pel mil. ot liie ti)iti!,/.. ri have tieerr
i ouiii;aiati:.l at home T'lte avetage Wages
..I lain laborvts is SIOO pot year with
hoard. Eilmii has hinal 12 per celt*., mote
wi, ugly till- yt ll than l ist, and is 7 pel
_ ■ out m.iio i llion id. NpuJv p.-r cent id.
f the t orn s|H>mletit.' ol ’lie )>e,>artment tt
| port a determination on llie part ot the
farmers to make i I llm faint siippllep til
homo and h‘l u tton hr ad ictly a autplu*
crop. _
Duitiig tiro doliide in Uic house on the
Irdl -i-st t(-,tret 11 1 c ij;i.p'.at ot govetnini nt
all It 111 tin* Southern states. Mo ILmitt,
ol A ah.iui.'i, ma*|e a speech, in the cmirtu
ot vvlilidilii iltew Hie loiluwiUg lompiiii
on, which we Koinmeud to a ouictul read
ii wi oriuld s.<iis ilu* slate ol Cieorgis
j tr.h ad ol Indiana, and compare it with
the slate ol I’l tinsy Ivaui i, vv* would have
tabetic! llluati at ion ul ourproposition. The
•tale ol Gaorgla lias Hvo millioin of acres
in cultivation nr excess ot lVnnevivania,
Tbn value ol ttie,isol IVniiay Iv ittia i
oval min; him tied and loitysavou mil!ions
111 excess o| those of Geotgla. I till atato
Hi • igi i has engaged in agiicullmal puf
• <ive 7h,ikw persona more than ivnn
' '■ ■■■"> win. the v.iluo oi Ilu! annual
j>ro(lucts ol agricuituie ol IVtinsylvunu is
over one lmiulied and thre,. millions in ex
!, Eolthn.i *. f Georgia The iaon why
. the J'uimsyivaid.i farmer sura eeds no much
h< Ui t than the Geoigiu larmvt Is touiul In
trhu daot That Georgia has but dt.MJJff maim
1.-u lining . slid.i 1' imit ala, wlnlu I'omiay.lioi—
nia has ovei lid.OOlt; that Georgia lias em
ployed m‘'tlie#e (iahllsliiiienti only 17 000
*2 s*.us, while I'ennaylvnnia has ovei dOO,
tKK). Georgia produce* irom h< r inattu
!•- sTimiady ~,i:y about | IK*) 0(K1,
I w i-iie FeiingyiTama itn+fisrmwr 9700,000,"
‘sr, Ttu-irnrgla tanner, Irifo the tiUtt 1
ana, M-e . a foreign market, while Rent:
syivania lurulnxhc* u niaiket loi her
Jin recent Altn.itu discoveries liave de
velop, I ifie fin t that vast mineial vvraltti
iinlirlics rbe suiloec ol th it great conli
ns it. LicuUnaut Gaineroit, who Inis just
Icl umed from liieiu, tells of . nurmoim and
ol, and iion..-Enough, 3m mvvm,
lo supply the world for untold centuries.
A Crtrisl of one liunurud sod twenty miles
In length, countering the Congo and Zato
*<-■> rivers, will o|m up tltea* deposits and
provide communication between the Indian
and Atlantic ocean*. Alieody Eugiauil
•hows, an inclination to lake possc-ssiou ol
tin* valuahle isouutry w hich was disch/*cl
Pi th, world by Lieutenant Cameron’s im
portant explorslions.
In Jisynrd vie have the only compromise
man who fill* the iriengut* of (talesman
liifi dcinsndssi by tli* tunes. He can get as
large a vote Sn New York as Tilden: u
large h vote iu Pennsylvania as Hancock;
as large a vote in Indiana as Hendricks arid
•a larger vote in Connecticut and New Jui
wy thin either of ti;e other prominent can
didate*. TheßruH. yiH be a unit in Iris
supp-irt, and with unparalleled enthusiasm.
VVih Bayard at the bend of Hie ticket de
feat is out of the (jaestion.- Richmond En
Drunkards who * are sober enough to
shoot a man are, 1* tire opinion of the Bu
preme Court of Georgia, eoher enough to
he considered murderers an 1 sufiei the j/e'j
alty which the law pnvidc# lor that ciasr
Tii* game authority hag decided that II
drunkards are too cri7.y to fie hung, they
are likewise too crxjr fio be at iilierty.
Mo*tok car's ij wouo.—The sword
worn by General Montgomery when b* fell
at the bailie of Quebec is now on deposit
iu tbe library of tn* Virginia Military in
stitute, at Lexington, Vs. It nas a sloe!
triade, straight aud long, with *m ivory
rifified handle, with hilt.
Dean ow lit has found on im.ta'or An
advocate of Coltnar has left one hundred
thousand fraut ea to the local mad house.
I got this rnocer, says the cati-Jid "lawyer
in his trill, oirt at ttjre who put their
live* in litigation; in fiepucathing it iff: the
■;•- 'J r.'-’iv l c'y make retj’.itui.os.
Mic Kciuructl Fngiiivr, Bil-
The New Y'ork Herald seriously de
plores the ptevailing eorrujiUon in Con
gresaand the State Governments, which
it attributes to the demoralising influence
exerted hy "great cot;>o atious,” who are
continual appitcauls , f.>r legiaiution |.,r
large subsidies and coucossi "US of land,
|.*r wiiich they are witling t pay litictally.
The 11-raid says . ‘Ex Jovian.r llullock,
•4 Gaorgis, wdiols soon to l>o t'icd on the
charges . ! , ho ning a id larceny altci trust
■my br an example ol this evil, lie j, ac
, onset! ol paying to an i.nagiici’y Ti nueasec
car Company torty thousand and dial's f.n
ciU'a that UvVi'r were delivered w hile hr
vas thivciit.,! 11,. iligld irmn Georgia in
1871, his resign diou ot his effl o, written
bom New 5 oik, mi Hie (am i xctise Unit
the politics! pursa-cuti ui to which lie was
exposed dc;nived him ol nsttniincsa to the
staic, and his e*ca|h: to t'aiuida when a
detective was sent atti r him, eregaspicimis
clrcutntunccs. Hr.' Bui lack now clsiius
that ItcJias been ready to go to G aitgia at
any time dnting the past two yearn, yet
lit* docs not explain why lie did not curlier
seek his vindication. The people ot Allan
ta seem to have confidence ill Ills
proru that Jie is lnma’cnt ol the othmscs
with which In* is eitargv t, mid it fe add
that lie could have secured bail to the
amount o! a mitll ia ot dollars. Hut vvhelli
r bo is mu latent or guilty the veiy fact
that lie iv seen-v lis a t'riiHillcalioii to lliu
Americm peopije, .For tlur tit.l timo ih
our hist >ry the Souutu is ongaged in try
tug an olli ’ct' ol tin* f’ iliino*, lor irimiimi
o! 1 ellscs m,d a lil.ttc lomt has ait ex Gov
ernor itndei am si lot baud."
It it will hr any udiul to the HermM, wc
aid assure it tnat the people oi Georgia
do not share in its feelings if mortilii'iilioii
lit the ail.ngnmeiit *if at' 0\ GuveCUOt' *'ou
the charges (,| cheating and larceny alter
iruat.” Hull ick llm ( It|a t bagger, and i-m Irom justice, who is m.vv 1 1 ((i* 1 1 . 1 ; ■
levers in Atlanta, was never legally (In*
etnot ol tnnigia, and wl.alsvi.r may have
hi oil the HUM,nut of his cheating, mviiul
ling and slealmg, ho can liarJly lie dial,,
ed w ith laiccny alter trust, as the people
ot Geetgni ui..\ ei mposed any trust m him.
Iftavamtdi New,’ •
Snake story in Hu l.a.vre ic.evlllo Herald.
During last fi ai, there lived upon tilts plan
lalimi ol Mr. A A l iihlii a luiuily ot nu
gnus, the youngest, H iditid about three
ytaiis old, had lanisit u king snake, and it
hieuina so warmly atiaehed to the child
that it woul 1 meet ll eyety day not fir Irom
the house, and near a efnvpon, (<> bn led.
Thu child would londle it as and it had lisen
* kitten. The parunts, when they (list saw
the child with the snake, weur alarmed,
hillnf ora while laauoue salistksd there was
no danger, and paid no atumlhm to it. At
the clone ol last year the family moved
ovur tu Mr. iioud'saome tivo oi three miles,
and the child grieved about the analte until
it lec a lliu slide liming ft* slcknoas, when
any poison would come oyer from Trible's
lie: ilrild W'Htlil invailaidy ask lot iU'nake'
and ws eoiitiilu ally lulling for it Altera
white n got butter, and Hie faintly wmil
hack to Tiible's on a visit one isimdny, tak
sug the ththl ah.trg. As a,am as-it gn tin
its old iiolne His eliil.l slipped oft, Imt find
lug it was waUliod, came hack, and getting
another op|mrlunity it started ayaiti lor the
*ow.a n iin , time they mtu mure cun.
fill in Vfatching, Shi the child, supp.. :u ; il
waa nut ai en, went to an uid Is.ire i■?w am.
‘ealiod, and in a fw nunuies the snake
made its apjiesranie. iljtli svcined lejoie,
ed at tliu meeting, and it was m* until
Uiosu who were watching came iioii llmi
Hie snake would leave; jt then hid. Win n
Hie child was about leaving lor home, it
went hack ami culled its snake and i ipyicd
It home. Those who saw II sav tl was as
large a* a man's arm, liut seemed perfir.Miy
liarmleaa, nod manifested Atmng a t.e i,
mint for the child, it was aflcrwurds
The AHhi'U Constitution complain* that
we have copied one ol ID gems without
credit. It was purely an accident, and we
regret It; fin' when the eleven able editors
do put their head* together ami woik up
something wotlliy ol being Lriiuslcired !•
our columns it is our desire—nay, it is our
delight— to attach the proper credit. Tin*
*lvcn able editors ought fir lx; aware of
this. (Havannali. New*.
Commodore Vamlej'iiit's property U e
liruated at fiii.t/KJ Dk) by u newspaper cor
rependent. The Now York Sun says the
C'lutnxidort's securities are alone worth
more than that, and quotes Undo Daniel
Drew as saying that the Commodore is
worth tRXr,Dk),O99. No matter what you
pul the figure* at, lh old man has saved
ox comfortable co>Ui>tenei f<ir Iris old
Hon. W. D. Warm bur tie, brother ol Mm
Lter Wasliburuu, loecutly returned front a
sr.-vr-n irioufh* residence in Eurojic, s*y
all the A raerieaas abroud, w|v : thotu} who
“have left their country lor their couuly’s
good,” are humiliated
fiy the political revelations of the past
few month*, aud are heartily in gyuipalhy
with tho reform movement. They sltould
prove their sincerity try returning this fan
aud voliug the Democratic ticket,
only in that way they c*u aid true reform.
There >• no such thing a* reform wiUuo
ih* Radical party. You can’t make a silk
purse out ol a sow’s ear.— [Savannah
Mr. Jo**pb Reaveis will sixm make oil
Irom a soap alone quarry near Ac worth.
Oil irosa Cold* I Good!
infc tiyie*' just received r*
. Robinson & Bro’rf
a J'ltlCß Cl'ItnKNT.
(iIU- r svii.i.l?, (J* . I
June 2 id, IB7iV y
Best Rrints 8 els
G.anitcvillc lir .vvn Ditlling.... 10 „
Hlcacli Drilling . 12} ~
Drown llomcnp .n 8 u> 10 „
illoachcil I l.'iiic'.pun 7be i. cUt
Sea Island I tottu spun 7o> 11 „ '
Checked Gsicihnrgs.. .• . ~15 its
Stiiped Gsiialnirjs ... II „
Georgia ( lucks 13 J „
.■Cotton Yarns...'.. $1 35 bun.
Goals’ Spool Thread 75 *'ts do/.
Hickory Stripe* 13} . s
llrogans. . 91.25 to I i>
Women’s Rip Sh.,c ...... fit.’,
Genuine D A II S.*vil llo.s
No. 1 . . . ,li i ts
N" 2 ■. . 75 „
Scovil Ifiitiem—N ~ I ...05 —^
■ Nails—All riV.cfl .5
Auie.s I. 11 Show, Is 91 25
Best Rio l *flpt: ... . . ... .... 25 *ls
Granulated Sugar. 12} „
Yellow ft. Sugar It ~
Choice New Dil, ins Syrup ....75 „
Fair New Orleans Syrup 7(t „
Sugar Hntetc MoliisM’* ... In ~
Rest Vinegar.. •?’),,
Rest English Soda 8 „
Brack -Pepper 3,5 „
Matches I'll „ ifi 1
Wo have iu xloro, 11 fill! line ol Notion*
and Fancy Goods, Root* and Shoes, II it *
(lor 1 .allies and G nts,( tfioekery, Until
war*, \Vo*hl uu2 Willow W are, (iron li, n
I'olmcco.elc, all ol which we will sell Yciy
l" " " 1
_ . l .L'>Lvl‘lid! .bines,
gia, was indicted l ist Monil.iy by a !*'. 1 1 1 * 11
courtly grand jury, for withholding pul,lie
money, and ltd wit* arredel Tue-4iy
moriiing, his li m I luting placed at fill) 0 it)
Yesterday'h AtUuta Cm 1 lulloii ntaleil
that (,’oi. .1 mi's ha I mil perfect ;.| tiis Imud,
but liouhlless would lliat, mor iing. When
it Is rcmeiuhoivl with vv lull alacrity R;.<,|
geil, llm Stale Road llnef, Sueur,! I " Athinla
citiamts" 1,1 go on his bond, and hoiv (| tick
Ih,! luglli/e IfiiMoelt had “AHauta oil
E(!ll " to go oil Ills h'ltl 1. ( (Vt||l* III' 1 Yjin..—
*st loiusoll as being a bill to get two pages
ol imiucw it necessary ) then to see w ith
what dilttculty lliu ve.te uhh' old Georgian
John Jones, who lo ver 11 and hi - H ala as a
Lhief, sadly and * rndy experienced iu pot
feeling his ho.i.i, is such a sickening cm
trust, that thi "two thousand uudors •ol
Kimball should hang their liuad*in altihiu!
\ Mnii, it, l Journal.
Rreforrod liOCals
*——— ■ ■ - - -1,, 1
Sry rmc Rt,aim's at
Jt If N. KM.H'.
ICiukl Tins,
If you want good M vvl an 1 a hotp il
Bend your corn to
C. J. REEVES’ Mill
' mJi am
Cotton Uaos, Wool, ami I!ict.-*wax
•H R N I; 1,1,1"*;
l<> 111 17 VUI Ihlk HI f*lßitl
wmrui;ic nii i\rv.
1 res|)tcUully su'iouncn mysell a candi
dnls loi the olllco of County 'l'niusiiriir to
(111 tliw vsi nncy <n;'ivsio led by th ddalll o
E. M Adams, 1C up, The election to be
held on Balurday the first .lay of July
nvxf. U.J. ANTIIONV.
to mi: VHiiiiify 01 mi:ici*
I re*pclfully announce my sol Ia esndi
dale for County Treasurer to fill tl,c vit
caticy canoed by llio death of Ifvi M.
Adams K*<|., election to behold Balurday
the Ist day of July next
1 promise Hist if elected, the pvopli
shall Ixi kept Informed ol the Kins.n ml
condition of lliu Treasury once a month
thtouglilhe columns of the Vinhicvtok.
Kiamimi change of prices in opr ndvui
Uaemant. We guarani**) that any lull ol
goods bought ol um cannot ho hmigfil
cheaper, ami uv ihul/t tnhcUufr out. be b/uy/tl
an cheap eieew/tere.
MYRON 1.1,1,18 . U N. E/.1.18
Not ler,
A* I have neatly rawed up sll lire tim
ber in resell of tin; present locution ol my
•mill and as several parties I,rive cxpiesscd
a desire to have me locale in their neigh
borhoods, I hereby givu notnsi that I will
go where il pays best, and inn willing to
take iu consideration pro|x>sal fr*ni whom
it may concern. Mv mill is in good run
ning older, machinery perfect, saws sharp
and from long experience in the business
1 fiailci myself Hist i urn givu satisfaction.
, Add/ess me at Green vi 10.
Jlupau Pen* : Demiibiou New :
SIOO Uiivlirls lo (lie Acre.
This i'e* grows in tbe form of a bush.
Three to five feet high, yielding from one
quart Vo a haif gallon of peaa per hush.
Fine for tshie use, and excellent for stock
In order to introduce this new, valuable
and wonderful |iea in every c.uuty
throughout the United Bubai, we off r
them In small quantities at half our regular
price, thus affording 1 very person a
to try them at a small cost. 1 psekajg, 20
wnts prepaid UyH
with circulars giving lull directions fi-r
y' anting, cultlvoti’ig, Ate. Addicss l/*meni
t Go., jMi|X<ne/, Grower* sin! ijin iei* i,.
New ai.d itar*. b< •<:, Oi v< sn<.*, i*
t hTjl~&TJisrr'
Tho events ot the Presidential cam
paign will lie > faithfully and fully illustrv
ted m THE NEW YO.tlv BUN us to com
mend it t' candid men ol all parties ! W*
Will send TIIK VVKtCKI.Y KIVtTI in (eight
pagm) post paid, Irom fill election f > r
-,n , l"; 'The HUN ti \ V K.; i; >v, semr .vixe, at
the a mo prices ; or the uxn v, lour page*
fin fitiK) ' A filrcs*
THE BI N, New York City.
r-* " ■- ,-,1 ■ ■
| I hits a day at home. Agents want-,
! >d t)uUll :iu;| terms free. TRUE
A G<) ~\ 11 '( 1; t v, Maine.
1 \ isiiing (’.irds, wilb vour n oil" fin,,
)' Tv punted -.‘tit for 25-. Wo lisv,i
30U "tvle*. Adit" iVsnted. ti .smnles sent’
1 u “amp A. II FULLER AGO , Brock
-1.1.1, M i-c
IN 18155.
. fis, S -I lii i A .iM.| S ;iin ui ol W \ K *l ISOt
on! and l"i *1• -ii lifnn. 'l’liin | m m
••l *it I• (Iv'scrun h ami ill .*( di.^hofioruMy
•Is li t. li vvou.itl* d } iiijiirrd, oi havu
niu it’ll',| ft,.y ,|ini ,isn up|>ly ul one**
lln Ml (tn Ucm ll led, (Ji tMI inHllbnr* <’ij
1 il'.cd to an mcn iicd rut< . mid ftp
ply TuUUfitTftTT’-tt Ail Soldifiß ami Sa
f 119* 11 "I ilu* WAI{ ol JSJ-i who Htirvcd for
mv pi iind, limn wr *h<rt, wliHlmr <liHit
•lid 01 liol, Mint >|t| njdow.i o| iu>l
iot\ tin ilu- lVn>!,Mrf sIIm, am r(pitHiftl to
G iid mu Ilioir inldics* jil om,
lb hi NTY:
h'.Ul lant .i an- cut lleil. Bend your dis
, bulges ami have tliein cx imiiil'd Rust
uci.H hi-fiito the FA I ENT 1 iFKII 17 Holic
iid t tflicci a nu urns ami uncouits set
tled, tin t .ill j i ,t cl inns prose.nig. l,
A 1 m ilc no cling,! Hides* huccchsliil,
1 re,pic -1 all to iiielostr,two stamp* tor ic
i'R "U I ret urn el papur*. GEORGE E.
1.1. MON, I, ,cl, Ri\ 17, Wastiiiiglou, 1).
I ti'< iiiiiikiiiil I'ip'aiti iih nu hull
L? ‘iiii'j'i. : , • 1 ii uni|{ri'H.<inn>il I Putrid
■ i h'luxs, lute Mij CJmii’i U, Vola.
t 1 • 'i* ii>U mention niiiiui ii| Uni |m| <•!
A WKHK K.mniiiteed to Agents
f iP i I Mule and Female in iheir own
ovality. Tnmi nil OUTFIT FHKB. 4
'dlreas I*. o VICUKUY VUO.. Augu.iU,
M um .
sljrt l " Ci •) I v For day at home. Bm.
f iP'* f „"* _/' *|)'(* woiiii fit tree. Ail
in <n STINfcUN A *-P , I'nmmii. Muinur
u IN l UiIOMA NCV. (> { HOUf/
I UUAKMINH.” How i'lllici ne*
limy fiiHelimle .uni gain till) lovti nml alloc
Hon of any person Ihoy ctioona, instantly.
Tin* art nil cun poi-eas, liui, by until, tor
'■l't cents ; togefhii with n Mnrtiigu Outdo,
Knyiitimi < uncle, DruniUx, Hint* to I,adit*,
eli*. I ooO.nOO mil l, A oncer hook. Ail-
Mum) '1 WIIXLAM A <JO Fub’a PJil’mtolw
till lit,
will dhliowt ol 11)1) new mul m corn! hand
PIA NO i A. OK*;.\NS ir/llml claua maker%
inrl'iJ ni/ WATKItH’ at lower price* than
ever tn 'iirc client ) New 7 Octavo Piano*
/lie T-dO II ved mul Hblppd, 'forma, S*IU
.iii-li nwl iyl4mooiltly iuUU jhu*l. New Ir
tteiavi t iMnji Oi'KriH with lunik cloud*
mul i.lool Warranted for ijl 100*~ f lit) cuoll
mul J. 5 monthly until puut. Illustrated
''“''‘hi in*! AjtoutnWant
(t<|, DOHA rti WAI r,ttn it HUfAei.
•IHt llloulwny, N y.
Family Knitting Machinal
A mo*t lawful tin l Wo-nl'-rfUl Invention f
{'♦tv itUruiilvrrgfil hlUmilio i ly lU
Ufeicili "thing pi i fill ;im ,<;<•, Ml,| jlq t;r it
plU(lu;ni value? f*#r ••vim'v l,iy family him*.
IL u Slmplti, Durublo anil
Cheap * •t mi oiy kept in ic|iiir, uiel
It will Unit every p<<ai!rlo rmiety of |iliiin
mul fancy work
and (at hell or than it can Ire done hy lined
or on any other machine. AH kfrnH of
if iron rits nre perlcetly formed runt hnt-d
try tier machine !Uulf, requiring no cut'inir
oid making up. A coo I operator wi'l
knit a mail'll mm 1., w ith licei amt toe com
plete, in from fine. (o ten minute* ! anil Pom
twenty to torly pain of *<rek* in a day !
Kvery Inmily ea|e-cltlly i-very farmer's
family—•tioiild have h Bickford
Knitter it win he fonmt npmiy
onelul ub . loi rtewinjj Muchiua, urul even
more |i(iditnhlc.
Kvery Miictiine WAKKANTKO jarrlect.
unit to ilo juft ml,ut i* reprffentrd.
The liicUford M u trine la the om.r I.K
-ciriMATk cyliudiieitl Knit'lux Mncuine iu
eiiatem:e k All o'Kera, not In eii"i lhyUr ,•
me clear and palpalrhr ifif.jrjucoierilurm our
pnletilj, uml we tliall lur'd all |iartie wtin
•uauuiaetiire, adl, troy or uue aiieh iiilruiK
it> IS much imm, Ur a alrict l Kl •corunlidrill-
An Jnxtiiictioi) Jiook, cofttaii.iiig com—
|ileto an.i minute direction* to Hit iijHira
lor, niooicpninc-> nu ll nintiln'.
N>. i, Fa nny At*;ui.uj, 1 cylinder,
need ie, (PAt
No <i, Family Mm lHt.e 2 cylinder,
72*100 need It a (10
A tumple .Vnehitu w ill be sent to any
part of the touted Stales or Canada, uc~-
j/rtu* prepaid, on receipt ot lbs
A'.l.tTa tr iii!id in arery Rule, County ...
vdljr au:l *iV .vn, to whom Muy IjlnTat die*
oHwb witl be made.
For further particular*, addicts
ifr.xr jrru Knirrmo Mutatiti: .Mpu Cop
•i.' 1 8 d< Mat! i’-e • rr. bto Vft