The Meriwether County vindicator. (Greenville, Meriwether County, Ga.) 1872-1885, June 02, 1876, Image 4
DO JR'l’lt V If Nrvcr Fny>. It nwr pays to (ret and grtr*! Wll'll fortune :<3tllS 'l‘lt lor Tho*;: bri-d will Irtish ahead, —A lot stria* Hi- brssTirr nrmr 7 For lu< k >’ work. An'S Oi-’V; ivtin li rk b|j!)tll*S it'll lament iLotr d-.otr,, iitit yield th ' dy, ' Ami ( c-.r tin: way, 'l uut tnTUer liui'i '-'.ii! It ii< r (my* ti foil : ji. <!u And MpntU'lcr wealth :n ttlinv, Fur tneii'la Unis won are twite to ,i . ■ 1 i till,*** i/I WlJJlt ot VI ‘A 'V4l‘; uu'iii ri worth VI nil the earth Ac: irattts of m i.• liiaid, A ii'l co.o-i:ienai Clear, A It'rti ... tmi.S I* if, A ini hand without a it.ui). It fi':vi r;i ip. i thi: In •... In ill ti'ljji ii,( .Sti rt;ii ii , Ami bo fa tori wim th.:... < ti> it if . ; J* • anii. pairt- A limn life I'it, A 0.11 y cut Mum templed ff-f Inn;;' , For staffon Ii i*i 'l'liat wealth wii) boy Ti t lift ColilcllUM'lit Ill'll n il never (lay* f A blunt retrain Well Worthy <i! i iota:' , Fur abound youth m.i I burn tl< truth 'Clint no: lung (iiija iInUY n i ;; The good mm! pure AiOllf IIMI null' Ti living prolonged r.M i' > , CS While wtitt* U. right 111 Itr'.'iTwii*! tngm "7 .... I I* sfwsy* III?*" Don't lid It. OlilWlii(( in Ib'i tmint Mil£M< flu! . set !h it Jftwsnan purfoiiti, il limy ii i '!•> i.nyhin ■ iKfcjiiinitly I* i* b.i friou ;ii tu| i min l'i be grinding thorn on n plug ~( ii' i . II i oiiii’t Ini oxjmi iiul t" 'ln any lii'it"). Tlui - HWfttrm, tlu)ir£TT7sllvi at tin;/e.m, m I ,li tliC.iiiotl'iiin uf iiiim. Tin) va st in.']"• il v ■.! males “■ haw," Mini r j younger lunt.lrtt* Bje, ll*iVV going "Ii gum Ull'J I"-i-1 !f lI" I ny lo neo tlmn work tvuy hi it Hum Ilium the imition i* • j>ilek a* thn motions ©I *u outline |'l*t'in, mtiviui; at Ihfi rule "I thirty tulle* an hour, urttl then it h n more niodoriiio speed liillowod l*y a iniiiliy ii- k • Tlroy try the ir In at hut they mir'l manage ii Han men tin ih wood. I hoy aro quick or xml more jniky, mi l dm'! expectorate Wfilth a coni. They got hone "I tiro calm *ml ipilct noutoin plat inn which a "Chur*” proJucot—hone of tlial b'iaafill miroatfo ■< of mat and pcson "f tlmw With uhm "< and Virgloia" Ii a fayurlto. The gif’' lako thoir Hum and r*ln as a htwiiioa*. It In tnat Tohnts hoar Iniij; (hey can kf*j> "p th** f >- 1 ' inrremrut. Not long sliuo, no nod m whoro or when, wo wuv two inhh im, in id ly Bllirud, with awuoi poullng lll***, *ml faooi lim. Inin ! (ni'ily uaiiir llowaro in May Alas I they elm wed gniii, and did •> for woll a little under forty wiles- Ldle, duu’t ehoiv gum in (tublir. Tho halilt had iiolter oe*eo altogotlior The papets n "id wvorat t r.e* so IntKiaar IrtMU the iH#t*'oi, an t any day when rd Hlni <dt ymyr gnm you—may Imcotm* speed duos hircver. Tho bnnlnose is too guin-my.- [Culnmluix B.upiirer. SBOPiurt Dicnr*. —Many a man Ims lean-oil to Ida sorrow tho truth o! the fol lowing exlrnet ; My neighbor comes to tno holding eut * note for me to sign, Haying, l wish you would Just wnto your name on the back of tide l 1 need tin* ijmney very murli. it will ho a great accommodation to me, aud you will only have to wiitc your name. My friend, do yon really understand what my condition would be before tlie world and the law It I were to do this ff should instantly proclaim that front complete in dependence, and tor no coum lantion what ever, except friendship, 1 have agreed to take upon myself lint ilsk ot your ousincßS, but with the difference against tne that it you lose 1 hue, and it you gain 1 do not t share in your losses but m t in yen prof its. But not only' this : i should ntilnn be fore the public that you are responsible, when iea|iy I know nothing ot your ifr cnmstanccs, and ia so far help you to de ceive ediers. I give you credit. In short, I do that which no in neat man, true to himaoll and to his family, can do and be blameless. Will any right minded, teal itienil, with this view of the case ask of me ■ueb a passible sacrifice ? A stalwart coun'rymau offered a one dol lar bill for hiuiseit and wife at the Centen nial exhibition cn Wednesday, and was told like thousands of other visitors that j be must briottwo fifty cents notes, lie ; expostuUtcdJa little while with no eScct | bat to irr )W/ the gate keeper. Then he ! roared in avoice of thunder. “Take the ] money and let us in or I’ll knock you down " The affrighted official broke the rule and allowed the couple to pass in, The Columbus Enquirer pertinently re marks : It is the current belief ia Geergia that Hi Kimball shared in all tlie pickings of Bullock, yet be occupies position of honor and trust in Atlanta. Bullock is brought back. Wealthy men at once be come his security. Are they also juurtncrsf —Where does Atlanta draw the line of re spectability— simply the pn6seei*n of mon ey? It certainly looks strange, yet not • tingle paper of Atlanta has a woid of com ment. A Itiili- itiuf lltti'Mil %Vrk Doth IVixy*. '* ' K'.r * MiO*i mar. y j ear* the Vailtsi Hiatea w&': inciJr exetoised over the "nc . ight ‘joed policy of the f.'iiii'.tti. in t-xedid rrg lonogriCH Ti <-e rli'ul-sightcd 1 .-*rlari u; .a jfii&uiiig out tt* it'd *,it .wares, shot our * **. tin: hei.lg-'i tod',*:.v i:* ■.! ■ iv >•' va At ft 1!. bn*bi*'*i li :• '* <{i'o fh< ' ! *,V<; t /<: : to. I .>l. VVI. ,< (: ! ]in the t"' l list: ii ;i i ''. ol ■-. ;t "it ' j , ti. . i ■ • r,\ , Uivtl’ ! o< ■. w• ,■) 1 1 v W. jo n■! I'l toe ! I ...!• 1.1 . lb': h-*n pi. ! j lit m.t * -m x ‘ ' “ ’ ; a ..... „ ■ ' r-v-v . < ...ou : ' in* lailM' i- ■ ~t .. )■ y-1 i.i'Jd 1 1< c,,?.." it,, o :\o :> If ■> n ; Ip,;,i.d C'.U fJ,.ii jo*, "1 • ,r f I Unti l t arc. Paoi iioi'y to .* itiy Wj s w-i>-1 mi y‘ t\ * pht.'fjt lii'- u^r, J ij..-t t ease, ropucO too pater*male child. . Wilt ii< Mil ')•* •' ' ! > ' 1 '•••* y*j‘i r.tqdy !< ’Vei, i.4i tn<; !*.(:.f*i, UioJii.r ater. I dnrdr csrr, —he ereicr id* on . fi. '1 . .w tioy i are n u the right **ot "I • i- / il, Mii.l hi* pMttor I I'tn‘l tun- h- snwee.l, toniUq; on iua t. 1 1 ft* -I't'. V* to t-l'l’C *'l. 1 hl fr.'M I v,My. f . f.'i ■ ' • , Wl ' hi- *i ft. '! ' A if./ y*/- i(i h-'Mf in: * '<% Vj 'lt ■ tlruiikftfd, pJtJj/ It,-// iy *.yy i *il •! i:* if in t U tt!'y < -n • • • hU, tj! < min ihoiit Mp<* , I run* w ii *fit l . , M * ’ I f! I Of f.O'ik <> ! i } f t M ho, U— -i Li—lt: Lj it ?| ohi' i ill yo>Vf ■1 '■ ■ .■ ‘ .r* 1 ; Always t tro, C/aro 1 , \ > r giu, an i i :,ro in " you 1 vo dot wl I*,iy ranii'S’ir Hid ‘,">l may r>--v=r io-e yuor until l'Mrw u c< •; i > rplrit and '! d'n 1 cate ’’ and hft d*'|-,y In i lui-i. v liitiitf-TTrTitTM fi'i’y .lootui In wild I." li.tytj liii'a finite ! liy t.’u ddlh idly ul rinding n inetallie ago *'mi tmnngli to In ltd tho glint (n-vyer At hi ! thin hofl heuu fiillilli, JWtS tlill! til Ulf st'.x k I . uni mtya: Tim v: TetiUoo in on' only ;mf f) I tod, I>i I Hi* detii ua hum hl’"tl ; .OYi and" I for, 90 Unit o -v a!| Hist i*i t* ( ured is a few days to art align lor n a*-ria rd tests, not exprrimunts, which wilt sati-dy tin world that the Keeiy mnt r in what jt i 1 tints t" I'- the in out mnm lions ganei * (uf id fnn o ever invmtr.d Tho sntmt pnr "in predi' fa (hat tho hour i Inst approach log islteii the name if Kwdy.wiil tie soon tied in Irmtip'd Inrtos thronuliout 'he uyil i7,cd world, .Na t toN at. On it r von VVaMimoToa's lIKSTII -Ueorgtl Tick nor thee dee r'las tho .way In whieh the non of- Washing ton's tie .th was ri eeivcd: Ito to never wfts a moro rlriking or npouUneous *rHr titi; pai lto man before in IS sin than when thn newt canio of Wnt'iintj',.nt'a death (1709). 1' wap a littdo hcWe noon, mid 1 often hear I pm • ..a say at the dimo lh*t otto cotifll hmr fir the new* had spread by the closlhg at Uro idtops Knoh novo wimndtc bcf.-t .Ui*t \S tuhmg ton WHS de-id, shut hi*, tts ft msltt t of .-e.nric, wtttiTectToi(riir’,ttpv'i,- atid~~frr~tTm hour* all Im I'u'ps .was doji} e l My. fa'her name homo an 1 could not uptfik, he wa: so oTorcome ,my mother wart ahirraerl to see him in such a stale, UU he recovered enough to tell the sad nowr. For soma time-every one, even children, wore crape ou tho arm ; nobody could go into tlte stiert without il. I wo;e if, though only eight year* old. Wo advise visitors to the Centennial ox position to take as little hagyage as possi ble and to carry it with thsin. Passengers who It-ft this city at uoon on Tvm lav las* did not get their trunks in Philadelphia until noon on Wednesday, and then they were delivered in condition so dilspidal and as to suggest tiio idea that they lmd traveled at least once around the world All previous baggage smashing was gen tleness itself compared to the ordeal through which they had passed One con* sequence ol the delay referred to was that many of tlie most distinguished ladies oj the Seott rnotuUi lrom till* city appesred at the opening ceremonies in traveling cos turn*.—lN. Y. Sun. Tho original Declaration of Indepen dence has been scut to the Centennial e x hlbition. It is still Iresh looking, engross ed in a fair hand on parchment, and hears We characteristic signatures ol the immor tal rets®!*. Il bos hung for years ia tho Patent Otßce at Washington, and is there fore in the keeping of the Department of the Interior. It U gratifying to know says the Baltimore Oaxette, that il will not be stolen by the Indian Bureau paeple for six months at least. The Valdosta Times keenly puts the sit uat on in the tollowing style: “Oideo times ; He is the man tor the office —give hint your voles. Modern times: lam the man fcr the office—give me you r votes.” Ila row ol columns is a colenade, isn’t row ofleraous a lemonacc t A Georgian living out on the Pacific coast, in Washiugkn territory, write* to the Dahlonega Signal: Twenty years have passed we Is ft the laud of our nativity- Twenty years el peculiarly vary ends ol the earth, conscientiously affirm we have never seen a lovelier country that; old Lumpkin tiuprovt-messt tu tlse kinrol I>iv etplise, The World ?ays we must go abroad for the r.ews from h<vtiie, aul we hasten tbere lotv, U> iidoria our readcra, on rh*: noth': i :,y ol a London journal, of a ptau wb < h KcHe wa* lately Mgg ; al here fur kt-cd ! mg order in the sclenria by of elec* j iihmy. —Thitr recssneahte invent*e *- tee-, fti'lgwcd Ir the pn* I/*" .of CM,".' Viy* ,t the pc*r-*ice of “jug/ I'.-; ■ ; i'i -c ioo : la Uie at - I v- j • TO .'li ' i'.l ?3 (" i:" '! a H'liM.l ' • '". ..c I . ! V ' >,..•;*■ -•:**:■! by * 0.0 with a j.' i fv* !'r ry j.ia" I W*" ii *!*e ’< 6 re.)' . iltc ■)*.';<: .a:r :> corui f< • ■ ! ’M , ■ ' . r (ev * A’ ‘ ' bfcvf* fj . : * ins C-.liliCCp' ! W.'l. *• ; . Vfistu i lay a; : * ’.-s ' • I ; ,i t tt. ' hitliiell ".j >i,M if - .** is, ol ■o.r-,r IJ I'N/ae .•:</. •* ! s the ■i •' i c pbiie, atr l.thougi, ii )-. i' i .* ' .-J '. !J te: fber-.'/y ip- r ■ , ■■/f’ 9e* * W 5,- eli .- , .' ' i'i*y i>:it|t,’. -. him to "j ,'c ■ • t.",n 1,-* forth iris hand eomiptibo.'. y f * ! ). , neighbor The c # tit*, tneu are frigiit.‘u‘. The niooieM that !.*• <,.v* a* his intea*k*i vktrus'tno gMtao" . ir< t is a hi the h-i wi. tt ha* tin a* Is th a mT jib i**.taide gr*p' 'funded* of • onteMporasshoz i/yun, g*. - ocb ,bi *he ”}, •;gi*j” and the “] *.* < n t rig 0.-,); aid a. 1 ■ * - ' I • ■t * ,'v >• ... lee;, fi"/ ii/ :.V- . ”■ ■*' at ' to poo.* '. it 'he e tx ifiru , rjg," ins ‘ fe* she the * )•■*-•.', ,i'i I t i< .• Jin > a** n lea**-1 'T' lini'VV IS in Ilutlursf, and , i''.ess !,a<l <rve-i win* ,f •:,* in . r -;.:.: i.'a. a-;..! ;,sji —cut e. .— ll. "iv wars wiMi-te.t'i rm% *bot * .ft ff "et one 40.1 Ml Fort Ikinai-l*oft ms. i ~*!,*! !!, "i-'O i! ‘do f .tstll Willl o * ' • t* .i-l ■ '4. i.y, clerk r*. :".o:r . *. . llo.i, i* >U,|. o ,th. ” T ol < ■ *"r.< *• t"ip ' stop !“ (nterr spie l tii - y, tgr ei-rHi::ert) WT!i> ofn";, : iS<:. .c; ! */ . Ill" Wl! 14 will h'lld 9(1 i , .. .and wtti-n lie ! **■.*!, " •'Hoof J*mer.' if:"iir.| t|,n . Wit, etnekly. “thn w. - -o.M-"' mitt.l ” ''l i. oi let fi.sit ii ii ap !.,s U-0 ti*n | ■ "l! y.4H (nMMte will rex-M,.. on; !(,'■ eit'i, a hn a.i left lie.el rritl, t. If -*a.i l .ii inof..r!,oii.i to l.xee 'T.‘ a '■> ( ha'to. ' l'e(h"i;.*t the r'**flt by ' o'* le*t hit of Inform iton tm hri-tg ti.e j i !/ i!*>wu ffmn Id* height of i(.< .lei-, r !, i li*r re--k*ml without hie krai ‘The i*l !i in to hold op his right tg A wifM-n oniinot Ini sworn to thUemt't wtthoht li'.bf Itlg up enmethlng ' H.iorr* *> ! •:! of you! This court knows the lew, end will mam* ".in it.-* I wtines* wn ew<*ru ou rru Mr I fere 1* the wvy t <iwnjiC’ *l# eg**** t<* Kf f.util* I. l l fan In reply It* * rq ist w 1" U !!t* .i>i:*e*t etplaio* ; Your fivuf *■ f the Kith, asking me to express my preference l*<r !>*■ i dclflal 10 Intatev with a view In I ji.i 'licaßuii in thr Now York Herald, is ai uaml. Tar itt me. i?nt_L_ aiinil. think ;■ 'rtiing ter aov !V*qttjfn ilelegate tint* t*. t’xpreae himao'f even II he had a do. s# ' prvforente. I Imv* mrtleci led f-rohr .-me. and dpnll kaaa hi this When 1 sborrM to# f f ! frgpflva'-nowiHn iron in my hand*. Myoniy pnrpn-xe ahai! f. tn SKI in Uie nomination *>* *>me #v*tlKrT iiinn wlkmc [>rincl(*!i>s are smiod and en tiroly IfemocraUc, ami who ia capable ol administering the gnvornniant ujm sttch priut iplp* My Inclitiali *>n, I think, will he for tho man who ha* used tiro least mean* to aecitre hi* rt nninatiiin and of whom tho newspapers bava 9{>oki*n tiu- I'atience w th the effort* to f.iren * particts lr man upon the' party.—fSSvaanali j News. ‘ ” * Report* from two hundred iKiuits in the great grant yrjaiug tits'es indicat*! that the prospect* for a larfa crop of wheat are unusually good In Central Indiana and Central Illinois n great dcl ol wheat was winter-killetl, hut elsewhere in tho North west the outlook is good. The acreage of spring wheat, oats arid corn will proha b'y he greater than ever before. ‘ PAINTING I would respect tally say to the Cißvens ot Meriwether and adjoining Counties, that lam located iu Ortenviilo, and my entire time and attention is given tol TAINTING HOUSES, SIGNS, BUGGIES, \Y AGUNS. FURNITURE Ac. Any Person waating.auy of tho*above WORIZ JDOJS/B , wiil do well revive arc a TRIAL Work done with NEATNESS, AND SATISFACTION" . Guaranteed. Call ou or Address. Mrcb's Ora .J, a HARRIS wV GREAT Taylor A Farley Organ ESTABLISHED 30 Years ■ Olty dr;... that g Vs Written (li •. .Ic; Largest Organ Factory in the tforli J/ICIOU i l • s6o 'J () Tunis t:\\ m;u* foc ( 17 >!,OUl\ ... . * . a- • *■> r t *•*•• • t j t If. <• I' I'i; • • ; • " Hh< c- * .-• •• Sfr W .'* ;t , V -• ‘i. b: * .< I l*i VII.b, <■ • * Ac* nui; 1 if Of**.* < >N i , V ; ; - S 5! !8a mSi f*n r,¥}’, w a * • f '-.-.r is* • r fcuii.;K t r>-.. '■■! Our Own Firemdo !* a tfr.rno J'tornal !<>r U * !' '<s m Ktgtlt in'ii' g* • w -' N I" l'i 1' . ii 'l < f I’li- *’ f i (X) e ioi; 11 o• t m*t. n. i-* | hi* • ti! !h .a, I*-: • ;f> Kvery 'ii>*i * ;Uo i.> t i. -,f i !'■ i. . j Kerry Fntniiy *fo*oM . *■ Onr Own V irnsirto "< )!l llft (u i o i s. * h;e K"ii n h k.v dll< i‘i Ait ricr,! I I'i Ht ITH M|M hM, \•; v roil it" ii<f:i¥iioi.i •; ;w* j Addrwft Onr Own'Flr.ltl. stu .v *. ; , . ; Itr N_ D. asu, ; t„ i; ii rr ■ v.if.. hrxtnrra. - mi- —ii-J *g. ti* y :•> i onp ! . • t . i-,. | ty, we will pot hi* '■■ e nuuit H' l give inn, i,-i ;... ■ * > ' act ** our agent. A Champ'!* t ■ ■?’ > *■ for a ; Club of !') . so, ./ill" **tnpie ;•( rr. Ald • ; Oui’ ou~ti rit . tt,' —j No. Ai: .. ", Y' ' i / iIiAMTi- * s' (:•’!' M > j \ i’UIN i; N ' **, .11 • I " ■ i I. 1 1 KKHs: t I m ,;.r For >. or Ici.T >■ \ *•• e* j PRINTBHH, ti; 'r:r?. tren r. i firm j IL’SlNKrte> Men nod o.:,o**t epnog ajar S AND tide. AMATEURS. Do the Scat uf Work, j iSf'Larger S*df lu!.iog, ALSO Job. Typo for Amateurs AND PRINTEIto’ FURNIBIIING ARTICLES Of r.very Description. Scrd Ten ceiit* for paeq.t. *.'. Address MI,. • CM PA CO ITS'Willi*m Stiret N Y 12 Chrozaod and M Our Own Fireside* For One Year For JS.#O A CHROMO WITH EVERY NUMBER ACHROMO Willi EVERY ♦NUMBER ACUROMU WITH EVERY NIMBER : FOR ?2.b0 A YEAR ! FOR |£i.oo A V EAR ! FCR fdOC A YEAR ! Subscribers olOur Own Fireside. icsir-B* a Chrome with every paper, will receive the soma upon the payment of $3.09, m steed of sl.lO. These Cbrocms are larger and ef a better c'ass than those used by other publishers* and every one worth more than thn sub bcription price. Sample number of the paper with sample Ctrsmo, sent to any address upon recoup of go centi Address, OUR OWN FIRESIDE, l'i William St., N. Y. \ o y ■ _ ■ -m? ■ j_ * , - A tJ il W *l U, !.* !•> V. !L * & RVUI.. —— !•*. *_*! C- X diivlafj ini*' •' d F .’B .AA- is ii U W A K i). W (J()I)Ai( O- W . :A i. at. a;._. ' IN 'i't 11 ;At it :o t;it;.\iis ETt J. S j. i iltl UhllC BLiUi, !A(hm (i, * - - v C xi-Lri.-k 0 % ~ ... and .■%. >• ii ’"r"• f r l L l !•: MKKIW i: ii l Kit < - >1 .NT V ; J>H ,\V< *K UPON EKIEUtNO ON ITS KOI U T 1 1 \ CUL 11 Mld A ' \ * i■ -i . . w i 4: s< ( ? mi;ul w 1; i 111: u cur nt v i '■ f ' n .**■■ ■■ ■'* :.* ' ... •, , * .-• 1 " 1 u**' , & Vn l ' T Tur OO Volumes t; ■■■'t - -i ’' * - ■ "' r " ■* --'L j• * •-!.♦: : I.’ > f{ iC v hi* h tiQ • . • ; W , • .r J 'T ' TP '. "T T tW *, rfj ‘ W I,’' Id’if tff l A' y \ 0 iy -- MM A!. ic.i'A !;t\i \t. New meter . ’•* *iin 1 Ti- fr- • *-'••*■>’ i,wh win uuruvva * / ' Mi:CiIAJSIOA L A1 J I J EARAN(JU. A** ti - !■ ‘f. "u 1* 1 (if ti : c,f prrarv met who w I It *>•'**• vd 1: strutl ix-.r re* ,er. W r r*.:e*aeil ijm 1 laril.tise we *hall to* al.-'-r .i-f-Kr' 'r, ■■r-rr-4---~ r ' 'fit* ‘r.-Hfa:TVi-) T "-V~--Tmrf~aiT • ■ urtfy will oi.rtiM-e to le: jmi.! -'tod .a the \IN DICAT' If, <l* well ** „ii *• * .* M t #*t , iMirtiir.t ( rente tran-p:rtr.g .n ’ n u - :t, y. M u.y kind fr,* i. is l.sveetu..*,ra, ••!*• th-, >-t y. ar . will they I r.d a frclf <b m ' it *i,e h-ipoa.'-g f the pr: >: A v.,tu*i,e. I ll# VINDICATOR j* oetabiiahed n|,o a Ursa basis*, owns Momma ajmij is uoumj to Slice* ed ;f the people ol Meriwether county w.,1 on'y m=lm it The ;*r' *, 1 , script".n will Ire aa herettfore, ‘1 \t O 1 OLLAJIB j*rattn i„ IN ADVAM E The circulation of the [*a[er is far in advance < f wliat it wax hut y.-ar, will b t Get us Oiuj more Subscriber!* *' with tbia wc ahali Le aaUafiai The vacation'of those tnuHag wit i oor *pio called to the advantages ofk-red by the ViNOICAT Jll as *3 adveriisiug u^j V- ' W.T, REFILL. Ptd Thompson Colo &, Co.’ Newmas Oa., Desire the people eveetwitekb to' know that they are selling I JJRJMITVHB. Cheaper than ever. I! the citizen* of Mer iwether doubt this statement we only ask an examination of our FuaMTCBB and Prices. We also keep ca hand, at very low fig ures, 13 aby Carriages ofevtry kind and order for all aorta of Ba bies—except v.giy one*. Scad us your or ders- THOMPSON C LE A CO Darwin G-. Jones, ATLANTA VINEGAR WJUi, SI UISUA!) STttitET A!lmi Qm . 1 Whito A ;ne Viaegir. Ci ier Vinaganui ■„ *’ Site Chkr 8.-S 1 . stiaJir.l £ t>kU aaA* Warranted-