Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County Vindicator.
VOL 4.
i :> rve:i'> 1 SIB vT,
•rj rrr- ITT MT 'T‘~ ff~ r* %? fT ▼.
A i -fr* ,v> HKH- A N XFM. IN A-DA'A XCE
. .mil t If f in* '• >.•: I’ -aw
(if Ailvrrll‘>lsi:'.
ft, i-v: I Unit I 4 wits ] 8 nan 1 fi too j 1 V* M
i .. i , t .*; a m 4 r,r>- :m; vj >.*
'■ ,1 . ‘ .",0 .A!*i ! |i ft') I '.O !• ), Ti ft!
3 mi j st 1J la <K 31 (V)
j , i>! ! U* ft' * WJH CM oi£s 0®
, c ' O') ’ T> <> '41.00 ba.lHt, fit) >“■■■
> . . At I *•> ■ a ;>1!, 64 VI ‘ fil'd
. pr* \ jr era’ ati . md Ca '
sir >- V - at'. ■ v v;>t
6rji r* u? f • ;i£R'C'“
oft > 1 : \ \'■ V - Vs. 'V SaimiXiC
SHERIFF 'V. H fnvftf
? V’ll it < ‘ ......... —a 4t i" wr
TA X UK- fiver .... . .IV. r. )) vV
T.VX ii iUJ.t'TO!!.... 1
TUFA-1 ill-lit f M. Adams
t- ta ii * 1 i" ■■ ■' c ''
to) .X i V ii ‘ MMI ii' N r.ii’V
)4. i,,,! U, A V"'l Midey,
J. llttiVlA, •* *■■ F.l hi.lnll,
.V. c; li. T\ u' -, ■ .i.
noAFD < 77*fggTA I ION.
.tobn \V I‘ark, W. J- IVjr-;- .
Mud ru -ti 1 .eevrsa, 1 \. I,
■ ‘ “ ,\. t: T l l < r.TTTfTT - T'tTi 7
FFN AS (’H iliitii I.l* i esv v.
;;(■ i'HK -ext.- ; iV-sa
(dbacmsh IV s-nm W. i Av! .*
SSs" * ; AF.DS
Ji.iH N \V. FARE,
4 i! tun ftoat law,
/ \ <( UtllrSV I:.' d*.
V. . - m M--fiwetlM-r ft*.' 1 I list ts.:-
4L-n i> H X y. )' A f 4tA-W.
J\ <.. Unlit*’• I! ! I ' A
A.. 1! I'l.i.i :IA N,
A '• 1 • • ) •)!' > ■'•*' ~ 4
\ t,1,1.1 . .-'.i ; (■ .• 'tj
/.!: ! ■ : i'- ■: ■■■ >i. V u ‘ : ■ n • -■i• <-K
td to n ■!..>•) tv *i ! t. ill.! •
,(■!!> L I-OHh K i * *;>,
A Vl* *i<NKY AT,! A\\ .
J-Y_ < •
W . , • 'in? ’!.( 4•• 'Fyr> • *'' ■ Of.’.i
f-1. t'to * • •'t "■ n\ ..•■* vm !!•<■-, t ••• li.c
f*uj < •r < ' .*• l liiJ ?u*m" -ii
1,4. •• .-*& :rr 1.
I 1, i. > T ' (1,1 = 1,
•u,rii:i. < <-i> 11 i l ini. i
\ \ M! 1. I . < . . 11l ■ tin
K- • • . I -H Si )..* 1 <!*:
f ■ • . • r ■ • , '. iV" i ‘I l< •
) I . : c . .
I i ‘ ll itf ’ ’•’< " ' : ! " ,: -
" ‘t /.I ' I (111. 1.1 i w lint lull lljf.
Cy; tn;, ta O. uy • • ! r%>
ft'., tl
! i., it. K FA!.!.,
ft •*..- :t!{' *;! 1| <1 t|;r ldW!i ui.<3 tH
ft-. 4-- ■• . >. ' l /’.h* H
--r.-ti■ Hast-**?. ■*.' ———
'l'll K ■ —
DLL) 1L Wtit.At-y- t- 7 -FA N *r¥ Ff OFF
i. : try , r
Ha -t 'loW, hi. I itS keep always on
l,*u<J ♦ lila old Mend J■ i Biijf oi
*. ,■ .! i. t i'-ate, u joed auri
r.-rr.i. rj r.n n or
< * w>tt, o)
ttr gold *wi .-n/\.n ’.v • b.r:
and K v-w inner*, of tl c m -to : '
C*.n M h.,vir Wktoh, I 1 •-.}
of si/,<s. maker* and j rs<y
rioj'f r 1 • **.<! r iif if ‘<i i.<,:•■)< r•,
biiver ij.o,;, <
Silver Ware
Tl ett Mr<s an t.j .tv,
ro'jfcrt, Tub!*’ ( tnl' rv, AHr:/.cre
by the very r'e r m ■’maker*. H>: DPI.
HOIM-EKS pud bLOIVA, WOci..3
t -.ns *’*i rvpa • rub grsd in my Hr *
T'Otf.f) Mer w ither *<' a*s
jniidi ■ ■ • avc t*--> 1 ray * irk t"
it*; )i*c- fri ate u lajftl * harae-
If.j .} Itt i.:, ii' werer warrant a!I icy
▼...ik, if: ;*!'>• • • '3. t.* I t*o-t *?ay*
du#j an > . ti'.j ik a £•*’ :n*-- ''• ■■ f
l,t j*. * o I me •*>) L" m n. '
ricci!lu jfti.•:
/Zir & VES ’ HO TEL
I 1 'LiD PAT Iff >NACK 0 '.i e many cdi-|
J. /• i- < f Mc;:><t,'r county aj* i' rt *
i.i • v *• < Krai' y '.4- un- (
•Uraif3 f i rc*j ft- r * } ti e tbo*** •?*!(- I
Vr- *!■ ll* t. I'* iite awd aflef ’l’.t t*r
\aiite, - viit table, ti'ly ror,its air!
-r-a-t-ti- Rraa-a|>fcia.!v. P:i.'c i.—■
•on i>i , ..i fse ‘uiit-t. Ove ice !*.•. '
■Pdfr..- - T A— -ITAIJ.y
Dr? J. BralSall’g
r£fIALS RraiTL \tosl
'). t-'M-t-y ft Hr.-T r Hi; FNI ), JJ
: ■ V • - they hut
met an r>faW-s!m?, STf • whit: IT ->y In,,
It. a ttij !;ie*sc-.i Inna uaaaliint) can&ii*
'Vittc*ca ii .■ aiu aud >cum!‘da n
it-- -•> -V'.l '• ' M, 11 i I'Aifilttl
Mm si mdli.o, ua i r; r ive t!.o lie.i.t, t-mk
• ! lt : a!i .)! h"*i’ -Ti'-yni: ;. ls mid j V. ti. . ’:t , k ;. rFt ,i. or ‘n, . [
*.v. t*3 l.' Will curt (Vtalcs' and failing ]
> f iheti ;ut', ni- ':. r. ,s tiuToultof rcias 1
Itiou >r !•.,,! !,t
It Is '1!.• , s'! !"ie a’l-ivrt ,
I'K't ■> us i/ ;■ i' .. I In"- ; > r"i r
i4l',‘i mi C.t V : :.i ,1-ti vs i.f til thei
a re .tt'iiM* .1 it v. ai’. tft tin'll
. ' mV v I'.ic-'i * t \v i>v
u . i .v. ifi.; in Uir i'f l.'V iti 1 in: xtiV.y,
It is rtxiuiuiut.iuc l u.K-ii ti) Ure ( cat 1
iiliVsH ~ta* 14 j 1 1 . i | tract it's.
ct 1; J v ites ot its ,t .mJ.'i til cures uni;
.lit 1 i 1 5.1 n, il, ici.ii-r > tc . ri'tsl tit it..
sviJifct .11 u,i . Uit; Ini' M.ti.ulSciUt
Ci! tiu ’ s iM ' ,
iUA')F KU) 1. CO Atlanta, (tu.
[ t<'. !in i> .1 ii './at.-ia, i’ri.'i' fl.ftp
A is r ii, { act i.'uj>,
1 ! :tl lit .4 n.v .! or ,! !c to iicru a,, ain't j
Vr :
j t., yn.iii ’ I!,.: very it". L't' liccu hank
triu 1 n't.-r mi it long Utxm. I h.v you i*!i
I■‘ 1 1 r from t!:< ,i ,a y,nn t. . lit t the be t
1 .at yaiu 11 ", t ii, afi’ 1 dua l ki'i r tehi) ku-ittc
~, Ic! y.u, !•-: y s-i, tvv'i! !> 'M .! i-i the
1) v 1 a; nl tat’iMdik, i. j*!. .![>'■ nia 1.
. 111 ;..i i:i'-y ti.t-riaug, Fa !t tii| t 1 ,*t\-
,1.1 . a ■ n sum'.it h, ii. ; .Kiih cit tm.t
, 1 ,ii.' ti..t *a tin,’ ! i.. if; like
.1 .1 ti'; 1s . tv t. .1.
\V II il a'.ij ii.' !aSi . . a4i, li.i ai
.' "v.’. 1 ■ .!■" set
j—i-.~i 1 1
-. .. )) !i4 ijit.hal') r
j i< , hi iiUj ii it. i >.r i.f ; f'iCf 1:1 lt<* f
\1 a UiAy ile | ! 1 iju)q. *♦, 1 jTI y:!-,i
■ " ■ . •
*“ I itl. • ft’ V\ ;.U '-M' 11 • -..iV { hi', - iti j
- • ' ¥ll6 U •
j-W y i ; h* * hut } t-- ki i.i taroi t lo <\h
j VV F-U ti .n 1 t ; i.ii.v1.1.1 iuyvt;.t £■;; ,v:i
■>* " C ! *4 I'l V, : lit 1 i -iti i *.* r.; ; 1 ‘A
la t s" -j t\ yt-.-.u .*t s •
I\oh II ; .■ ii* •*>*■*, (HI v kit )Ut j Mtit l|!‘ •• 1; i‘> MU
t liji ) .it u > h ; ><
i 1 I M.l>i Tlj iV- f i iu' .i' ’e Uitt/ v\tiui‘l
V 4 f.l•' sour ;i!tT tlifckl,
i*• •< u*i<a \t ,lh oti rm! Ih S !
o.d dvl iy ImoluT bawitd Out tv- 't-c i JIV
it-iir all |K;oplc* n&i iti |r.I l 1 ,1c iy
:'Vy t>Ti#*Vrl’J J' lA\ * 1 1 rJ; niuv
(' ' r * * ? v¥P, \.lu) r<>uH iin, v/u>
•jk i i>y . grm Qgr* •<t >* sim** , Berr?, nn-l
--i ly fcOlllv*! hi l u d'l'trt**’.
At oaft time ti.l u<(;!>i:i,i wm wont iii
it vmu* tiu*', bn i M \ ! h v->, UOT j*
liif i-ina that U l.i <u< • ]lt Wd4 doubted, te-’tld*
lluiAb i* Uy m il!, IWiry Vou Itk,* i
•'ll!* |f? y f 11 in, 13 riy, h foi ' rtuo. j
Ih-Jiy, Vnir latl.c , tbo < M<*; M< 11 y, vvuuT* : J
, *i< t 11a<• * f*<i! ii a iS 1 * * H'-ny It
yiui r.t n J .>t ’<i"h m *.IiLiCLA {"i i 1
["•i7.;'T7*fr • I tri w , Ti in $t jrvy
v till ( '. • •* ma-, lo •y. •
l ..I: !ii'tvs "*l* i i iii itt'.win Wwviuy WfiUv
[_*_?! tni tn iVcariv^n^-t*' ■—
r ■ •
iti ,>i_ t?a. [ .:t -.ti \x ■ •Tnir tv Tq v * 1 V*
' *
h an t tii<* Ul vr ar nf H<it>yl, u i j
<J t'-jiioc Jvrohonx, of N’m bt. 'I *. •
pH ut.haig Is HUo p.t'
U. iil'iou, *6 * r-ij-; fr.p!. ' ■ ’
r.iiy ff?r t foftf btr; g.|r:-g tt t inoMtfttlitni I
v\ t ' : f t '* irj/ tm nuUT.it6 But tin !
'! it riUfiUf uo u!<| iirilili*, I? l.kf b :
.'-d p uiftt-t, ftytiuK %f^ r y i.u 11i •* j
■ " |
‘Ahv th*y h! 4Myn hV* i' HW‘l li6l j
•• /’ Mi- u,f v\y b i : man uvb r
; f 'l'fl/ 'I have V*'. i;ri jp but llift < (iln
\ > t; * s, (tfi’ t mci n.'tn ikCf’q f ••>
w 1 I"* U type kud I;' UiH tfk, ( .\
CLul'ii* \*y lukkif g ii uwl, ‘ M*jy a!
vfit/i oii and ji' uit )',
i\ The ••l , ouriH l.ctatf.”
Afl*';i. , :,Uy J*'.!•, b'7',
j J>] ttof VV ate if mar , Haring obs* iv>*t in
! atx nunt* ct the pro* otdiogii *.| the Fie.
| < , ,v* ilioc e.t oavai.'i*it, and f •> ::>ire,
| if', f. !;>reeeai ' f uilh L - 1 * '’ u ~-d w.t
j:f.r* ,' U- ' Prana," !WO lb) l)e gr*'ttl.
! > *.bl lif you Wo .1 I lufr. -ii the render*
nai a clear -ii ‘ xp*, tati .u ol th- o;
g.ti in*! application of lh term. VViabing
lb* Yf XUX aian ail \ t in futur*.
I Rta, very ; t -tfully,
tr* regnrt our icabiiity to giyy a "■ t-:,-
and l*>c* * tip.ahttioo" on ao f.hurt a r*oti*<
out our UDderatarui'Qg <d the u.u'.o r ii,
that, according Ut the Eu.;M<U idea the
Covernma ,t i r utrustad to three ey'.ete-;
I fhe King. The L'.r'is Tem.eira! an *
1.0/Ua -pui'.Ual. 2. The C'MUtnosa, T •
rott.o;r.saon k Known and ts :
* . t’Ji* o. : reo.rn n f)j
impofiaal c .ca .m, L irJ Drorgbain we it ww.—at bit event*, o:n; Ui'.Uu
gnidoti Dr liek atr.te*ui*n, re-ftri *t , the
;owir>.ft..e Fret*, tow&tiiiiid it *•*•,*•
Fourth ii uu ” it lirock the piptilar fan
cy i fcib.y, and In K .g and amt t.Li coun
try the Prc** baa a'moe been recognized a*
•he Po,r:h Eitatc.”
We do not give khu-a* an autboritative
expotitioa, but it i our recoi ee’ion of the
oniric of the pbtaMc 11 wrong, we trust
. r< " < '.r r %--'Xim2:r'aa act rigbt
' Watthman ■
A Kci'itiitsmKf.
The estrset Ur'.ow na take tf.i:n (ho Ms
cmu -Tahvraj'h *ti 1 i Ii un Hk> pan of Cos!.
•, *rs ui “il' aii.'iii.s .it .il .y ycai -
Ag-t," nrost bank.
I tea your corrasponderts—“S-nneUwai"
nd ae ..I KUiiulo:)—are a ;xious aa t.) Uie
■ ngin an ! apnikau.iu of iiiu uimu tico to
asaisi. o;ec int dogs, ii ij a proper usiuu
aaJ , r; |K-riy appinvl, boca,UM i( WUiurv’Ui
or a: me iviicieot las memory of man run *
in j uat tu '.a contrary, and thereto) e nt
. hit unto the tiftiac. Ti<>ujrli 1 il< no*
•> iis qrtgjn, 1 iistn-ti ylyiil tueuymy of
I. -indie .tioa mm i ouj oe\"i'toii, it iv
! >'i*g ago, *i.d j mny havn luiyoiteii d.atei.
tit I atn ecrUin ot the im idrnt. U iHicur
red in the Hon -c o: Uepresentstivoa ol the
rtiv.e LoyisUtUis. J.4in AUsirriHiiiiu', at
i (Uncock county, w Speaker ot the
i ton**, n.ul Wllasm (.1. Dawson, (,'!• r’a. A
; hill tor the cn. ; ni/,ntioii „f a n,: * coon'o
; tss tin it# tlmd rosdtug. A blank had to
I tilled with a uaiue. Almrcrfnntiio was do
.-ireus ot giving to ilta i.i:t:jy iho nsiao oi
Uutu. Its called lo the cl.air IJuroeides,
ot <' ■■'uiiFiia-ctvmty, who, the nv, <*,
i the inch- ot tivner*i Dunisidw, ot Chita
j il.-I pliia, and aas a ;erwnt',l.. killed in a du
j.l by <! • >!ge \7. t'.a vtor-t, uhsi'<piruUy
Govei it or ul Ce.'r *l l. Daw.on was pr
iiCitt . iSficiaer ae a 11! .-I- t ii-. !i A!kt
cfoTiTlneTifiu a Tump tiuu', tluftl'ides slid
.!auc,e l’ -iiiid wine lkarivo iii 'ii, and woiti
iiiviuiuaiit in l.Uair pai tv ahd ia liin Slate.
; I'La.ii inai.e ih'-.a tiiite.l'al to A!tt
. tomiiii, :,o il o was amo .t honest Ua'.in.
: !n t.'avii'g the r J |Hiakei'a oiiair, lie proceed -
j and t ,ami tons Mini ot HiiuiiiU'g, directly
; if.a uli el IkiMiit], who tins a very
j Hindi ii ..u. Am reiumli o wvi fl*o Itet
I o.iiii uieiu'ii iliciv way and weighed a
,i;e ii -ia t.iau linn iiiin,Ji,i,| pounds, aiiu
Ilguie -i ii in ..t . tcMpin. To a troy,
ii heliiiid Ill'll, las lietl'l ScOliiCil, Il'.oin Dm
- iiMtiu v.i ot ii" Deck, t i v- ,0 wilt ut l,i
i'-i -to non Indore him, to ipiin*
I> - oii hi; !ia< s His nmi stood out like
ii.i fl , i ni #of till' Wii lie , in t ten Wat
euoi oions, so vve.ij liin cym, uiul very
I ti ruiiiii t.
1 nf. -on rend liin liill to tint tdaiik,
w in :*ti’i>iiiiig, hi! said "tlmri' ia a blank to
I-. 411- iii i**A a uanti | ail lit idiall tl t,o V
Vliu.: oinbiu, who was on tin gm vine
and iimj had mi disposal) till Unwield)}
im'k US rpllekly to mi Ids log", rose hur
in-Jlj and awkwardly, tittering to u loud
ytih-e, “Mr. Ohairumn, I man t* (111 that
I oik with the name nt Hulls, in honor <,),
to perpetuate the name of Captain
Hulls, <>t IlaiMMck County, who foil at the
battle tg Cnhdrmt, *n Uicialo-war.- ilu aiu.
lin .it tij" co'inty* nliicii 1 hao ih't Uou
iti re wit itjmn till ll'-ior. I Icnuiv
'it, li, I' "a liln cmlli lie aai brave
bi forc bi; Ootilil walk. JIo w*n my lrwn.l.
"m X l>irM )"M> *iy*n i* i*n naHt n IIU fiiiiil,
"iimffbit ; tlie lean e '*a>t”*ij ilovvii 111*
KH'at lt <‘lu ik, umt Lila imini!ti*e blue
i yin nvlrii'ibti' In tlip !>■ .in' Itou l, and Jii
n iio'r frume tremblin'; with i qmlioit. lit
• ...*•■ rrt *, i ir, went bib) tin- tinny it cu;
'inn, r“*T-;rnptriii;r tr.'l re; -If -a- yultant n;*'nv i.i'.ili! yimtli ne ■ y.-r It It tlie
in>|n i. ol |>atr.uiiaui, oi bole amm in
ll.iii county'll detent,t In tin) terrible
biitlii ii! 0 iifb'.a. will.:.' ua'iy, t.o’v cujoy
tbe biinat a-iB mu-ifcaimjia c,l i.fftt&t,
’ten- • - nktiitt i ldln|{ l*tited tr*n> and
4 ni. Li-, ►r, arobo-tolut/
ln men, arid, drly.iijj tUo enemy wat
ii"t llirou*;!! tbc lx lly and ilieil, by Ood
" a I'.fnrit.’i Tli!:, cMimv't jir. Im ad
a oi laT,; It tor tlif'i tbc I'a’.l ilia
i rot. ~i|ije , i ni, lii: tnioiiou, **itb tbc
i in, !• o ol Unt laat word*, ware tiilnii>
iOH ; it.' 'in' ejttrtnn: J'ljlJilH JaUiflnd
alou 1. Tin, norif ted /. In irrt,mbit*, wlm
;.i, :n- .ii.. .a at—ln* poet
a bn look ■ (I down mi I’.diii l,i;d in tv rath
fX'.'luiirind aloud. my —-■ foot, you
latuntHj 'fa 1 Tllk ejii i*du bat lnuvi *. l
Mni m.rtii, timing which ilmmtid' .i faptied
•-■ i/'.y '.vd it )j! •■. j* i y mid aat".'* '""l to
On Inniirrfiie mtfia carried aid the bid
tn'>V The (juration oil tlie ino’.ioil war
never put to tin; vote ol the liouao. and
tiiore iw no motion lor Ine |Kiu*.ig ol lUv
bid Alia: Cl'ii.'ibi • leaumn.l tll'J HiiCaker'a
01. or a ) tuo Jfi isC adj .uinod. Dawdii
re: n .<S ali Un- d'-fecU upno l!i<; Journal,
iierfe* i.ntf tiu bid ai it now ij. Kiotu tlnd
t ies to lUi* day 1 bare uovtf bear l the
Jeitn fi/Jt., tbai tl.ia fmeue if not b*!uro me,
nod i la > di anew over tlie memory,
l’ ior Aben rouibie I bia <>al, in propoi*
lon vrti *rge a* )>• Tidy A more frank,
uor.e *i, or k ind-hearted man never lived.
I clotted hia eyea lilty on'r years ago. Hi*
• alb way a iioguiar one, and due to Dan
ay If. J/k e most Ceorgiar:*, lie v. .i fund
lof a good ry. Them w*a one known at
i tha* time a the “ wh’Kliing "tnry.” it hatt
oug gone out of memory. Ji rt'pjirvd
three pi teij and a<:t it—or eto folk, one P>
j uate, and one to ary. We tuid the aiory
: to Abercrombie si! cr lie had reti'ed P bed
!m iu own room at ob d ring
■ tier wa.oii of the Legislature ut iffis. lie
Uugbed an long a*id t<f immojerata-iy that
a fit of coaghlnir ensued, in which i.e burst
a tfioo--,vu#e! in bi iunga. Vr'e became
aforme.l, au i the fate * ui-;! Juatice Lump
kin, with Wiiiks* (J. JJawa-m, Lurried
away for Dr. D iviiu, who real iad but a
Jittie way oil., and, examining
the pu.#c arid condition ot Abercrombie,
he remarks!, “Your* is a critical condi
tion, iny oi'J friend. I know tuere i* bad
feeling between you arid Ur. Branham.
i!! i tue trcst physician ia the Slate and
* - yistian He is un-stair*—jet aw
send tordiim.” “Bend," said Abercrombie.
In a itti-ui’e Hranhsift came into ilia room .
As he m pi.Hii i.ed ti c. !-.!, he remarked,
“1 am wry to see you siiiletii i;, Mr. Atr
viit- i .
1 ott *re ? .e iwct il A'lercimuiii, them
let inn ask you tor ouea 1. v utr hto to b ■
sine, it), ui ! tu!| me Hint yon think ot
my o:\sr. iln .mis ktii'irupt • I in itiis siieech
ivpt'aM'dy 1 1 < vpeet .rata -,;.e '.".aid acuum
nUtinff ;.i li-.. tnonth. li.unliam, who w.n
sincerely a Clirisilati, t.sik no cxi-eptiona
! to these niter .lice*, but • nod, ft cling Absr
cron’i'MC's ; 11 4-nd was silent. With
Boykin lie Uit the loom to. a motuaitl, in
turned, and i '.iiii felt tint Ui; pit!ar. Ailur
i nwii.'i 1o- tie.i :,,. fni,’, . My tiuyjd ol
other ds./s, yon arc beyond the roach >(
human ti I. Yon arc living. Allow me to
aoiiise-iiint y-rt+ empl-cH- tow le-wi enoui:;inn
s.'i yurt "i lile In nukin * pence \ .tb your
t 'l. .4 til-in. frown i vm'v Moa ian over
the Itithj.fs ot A here: ou i hi.' ..a an looked
it B' sc'i..i, tiuu cxpoi tci aim;• tie blood
turiiOli upon his linik uud lope ile.l, "n.'ilv.-
I p;-.nas s-fa.oiwtr i*// Why, dumn it, I never
iv iut at vjLwrtk JUab’* U mu hia lst
•pcceil live UUllUltM L’O VVI in CO.tpsr.
()i uli tfho stood around that death bed, I
-TVtn-nc an lan. —BruTittn-rr,--tt ■-vkln. —Part' i,
Oeitmat Drown, Ihm knnn, ttid oilier'-:, i
am u)ist‘n.i’. - '.lt,)'i ..ui... Dud, wasi!n
ideal of the Lit uaiv, auii iv-aa-picaent i uiav..
s.iro wvaic th- only r- maufuiy iint*.
Still I 410 aw iuv.di I, i)'il dio n disetsti,
but ii ou a fail in wiilib my buck was so
ii jured that 1 tun, wdiu in icti dilfcully
walk, i was tn.iiptcd iic* d*y M.n c to
iw.‘cout(Hny my son patch li-hing, :ini in
.iltcni|>tlng to alv 11 lioiu tin) railroad, miss
ed my lOtHiug s:. I tell he wily tig dual tlio
cud ol a lie ; th" l.i'uUa ol the nnticlo is
crorf jtolt -fortenut- i y ifrcm nre ltTi bt-dvtwt
bttnt-uL'WlK’h an ii )‘i y Woui.l !u a i,;UL tu
a ji um; inau, it ia awfully •tyonty-iix
yuifsc: 1, it in awl'dly tcvmc. Hut 1 thnil
aoou lx Ml light iigum. Adlau,
Y. M. C.
i)n)Ki Do SoiuriliiiVg,
Wo V ant hi say Jn it a word to the hoys
ui the jama Ytfe have uo saroton to doliv
cr, no It fture—jusl a !>am siigycitllon * a'id
wo b"j tbit i vrrv frrri'-r' boy will Ill'll
,t. dnulng for yourselves Hus
Coutcuuisl Jfji lun time will finally
c..uie When you must look to your own ex
i rti inr a a-living. It is your wine*
■■ooise iMjl t I' luisuWiis curly lor the batik
ot ]))(. ftjlfou trout your latbor the right
to jibAt *ud oultlvuic some curtain plot ot
gioundt Fa it over to small, ilio product
rro:rt Wi-F BoKli tw yur awvt, Prapaw
it moat I! erougiily, plant It with care,
kaas i! <aH| ol Wecda, harvest tho crop
o' 4 i.kd iti ’tug tut procue-fu at a fair
•at Ot 'Mer. Ox?* whou you "bsuomo
ol ;te," you wilt bo able to oogln y'*ue
ifiiaiucM nonar ai ladspcn datil, well-to-do
cltdzics. b i|i|i<).v you o ten, or twdv<,
.-■r | .I'een year* ol ay;e. Joat ail down
and H one Up Wait Un, inert} tilde you
m<y i ni: lor yournidne till* your, at cum
-rftt-4n^.-^i| '.il ~m md to ly Die Hum
you are ' m Dlj • yeuri obit Tlion i<
you h'ld to it each year, in a |iroj>ortlon to
your tdlete icy ui I niin i-* you will bn ah
lontuhed iit the tev'i'f. !'•* '*■*) '"t* l that
yoiii j ait i' WJltTint rerruwl yoof owrywt
; lit.. Hulhi ! n "'•
..'} to rCArIK > that you 111- <■ ■ { A VO'U.C '
farmer, with v.'tiat liope - . ' I k ;,n fuluro, and
a great ambition to ca*’o'. J in*v know
that tl.e iHtufTTßine* u tlio real home ol
comfort and lia,U)iu<iae, il within it Hi t
lottiul coSUntui.i it an J Illjfb eapiraliotlA
l’li* time* ar fully conn wnc.i i.l.u lorde |
of the lOil ate til a lordi ol Uie conuliy.
Willi careful llv , n ;*•• and ndueallou ,
■witFevru lah ability, tiid Unit nnrv-mny^
IrOld any ami ait lei Kin ,ny,’vj*ffi In mam
li'.ad'e pnuie, and i- it* i.iu. 11 rf*t tbo mi
tioo, in lb: ah day al tui iupli' Ui, tn:i-t lock
tor bun uiauipio 1 nnd tihe ptU.n'itiKUi. the
l/vgiuuiiifc o! ali tin'; lotui - i.idtUnt career
i* de|iendenl upon early aeif-.'Certioii luotc*
than upojf ali odier Ili ani Wbellter your
jiarf-fiU am ricli or poor Joe not matter ;
it m indlfiduahty that wini. ftyrivo to nave
and Pf be aouielbiii>*, white tbo bright non
ofyoalii light* the way.- (Piuiriu f armer.
Plain loo.— Yosleiday lorouoou a boy
ahtllil nJaVcU year* old blood lor ft long
bait hour iu lr/Ut ol a Uvtroit saloon in
• peeUog the display of bottler in l* lil#*
window. Hi saw round, flat and Other
kind* of pint and quart bottle*, some with
silver plated cap* aud oilier* With gold
lairci*, and ire bad become deeply inter cut
! <*dwlien another boy lounged up and iu
bee anything lucre tbutrcmlndA you ol
borne t
..awtbmg, wu tbo solemn answer,
Uou't liriuk. whiskey at your lioune elr ?
Bad doe*, ao*reJ lire boy, alter wait
ing to apeil out another but be keep*
ber iu a plain jug. and ad the priming be
baa <j& it ay* ‘Uood lor rat* T- [Pw*.
Tub lir.Aijra Imbroglio.—Tiro Iriend*
ol some ol tbo other ilepubiican candidate#
lor the PicAklency eoiaplaiu mat tbo *ub-
CMn'.ilUee now Hive*ligating Air. Li't
liotid transaction* are not pursuing with
any rigor live arrarcea ol ir.f .r.uat.ou ac
coetitiie to them. They say that the Uc.u
ocral* do not want suy thing to come out
on Jilarne juat now, in ‘.be hope tiiat Lt
will be cots mated at Cincinnati, and that
then they will allow matter* to come out
the knowledge ol which will be *uilkw.-ui
to defcit bun
“The Pity ol It-Oh the |N:y ol
It is a pamfnl tart that the orproo I r >
ruptiiina ot the | o a.'no r
tmt-hip hura nut i.mdn the si.iiliin Lupij,
si. n upon the pui’.ic iinud and lie ui that
suvh infnmic* *io.ih| have ii.i'ie. l.\ ..
why It u iuii!;i not prouiu.l to uvv, Imt we
aie lorecil to com lu.lo that 'he op -a! sciwi
ot the people has nol ynl Ihv'i t.'uish'li'..ith
arocseil by the He!kuu|! crime i ■ pin
the ta-m!Us which all good and laic im
look lor an I desire. In the (Sermtu ot tl.c
United btattm tt.TO is p ing oti t>-dnj a
petty and tin liyiiit sd s.pnvbtiln over its ) i
nsdiction to pttaiiib ft contested criinitla l ,
HiiMity Miuply liom tho four that, lot coin
plate and thorough exposure would sen il
ly injure tho chances ot t4r llepub’lcoi
etuatitstii tor tho I'roTlitenry. Ai gutnonn
h.tvu hccu made iti that tavily by grave and
.1 i)iuitteil Senators which would diagram
the lips ot any putt Hugging law v.-r it. tin.
country, uiul tho Inwesl purtism a) peals
have been uiudo lo pravcul tbo ltn)icicii
luent o) a o.riupt C.dduct oifti ia) w m
<imvtitiou it iliea.ltsl ni.nil Jim i ilia (iini.
of which he bhiinls lU’ UM’d. And it is
Mill tnnnj huweutahic that no outcry from
the hraisen throat* ot tho partisan pre** - Tu
raised against lliia alnvneliss |iro*t,iution
ol jsiwai'. Ho;>ubiinaii jmiruala winy wwar
-Uonpaiiy collui we mile i'iu silent as the
grave, or unhltiahing'y Jelei.d llilm Hrnato
rial enormity. !'o tbOHe, In the Annate nod
out of It, who mo bravely tlgliiieiJ this
great haUiu on tlis sid i ol lirlit am! jusliee
the hlghnsl meed of praise and honor
will he awarded by the itiili!|itmdei)t ken
turn of tuft nation; wldlo those who are
loiniiviiiif at e.ilmeto serve a patty end
and are helping a criminal to nv nlu j i -1 u ■
Hioidertliut a coirupt party may '.m
tiuuo in power, arc hourly earning lor
themselves the scorching i- bukii one nt
tiled by the (.J; inker p.iill of Aii'.esbiiiy ;
' I lien pay the reverence ol o il days
1 > their dead tame ;
Walk backward with averted gu/.o
And htdu tho shame I"
—[Hakinioru Gazette.
Alritiait ISoyult)'.
The ,)iirua! do I’ai.U coat tins a felTer
Inna an eyo wituisi, giving tin followin-}
paiticulara ol Utu atrocities coukullDd on
the oceaelou of Hie luneral ol Kutnrnsl,
lihigol Ouny iro, iu Ouulj il Africa. An
turnicniw gtavos'ir pit, capable ot bolding
seveial hundred people, had been dug, at
liin bottom ol Which tllO wiyca ot the (1
lunet K ng had berm placed in the form of
a ring, to lie in readiness to reeelvo upon
their kuous the corps* of tliuir lata tyrsn
ideal an j Ijurbarout master. B-iVeral rg -
menu ol tho royal guard had lft>n *'>n*- 0,1
tli4>f4>4>Ulug Wight to ailrmtly surrom.A
soino of tb ualghboriug ylllag*** Tbo
tlrst human being, bo it mw, worn an or
ehUd, that made its not tron Uie eurreti a
ded UuU was foiolb'y euheod aurj imrrxd
oil, trad thft < sptire* Krii-appod in tuhm*a
pjr conduct'kl toward* tho pH prp4wi
for the funeral. Iloro there commenced
the must horrible seen*. The limbs of
tiieau poor creatures, ai a . a’l I !i;s, were
brukeu by the aoldiers. i'lic lamviilatiou,
and cues of dosjiair “I the victims inlur
milnglod with the 11--lltl"fT of ttra hmattca!
crowd, as ono by ono llioy worn thrown
into the gaping gull below Thun com
menced the boating ol drums, the flourish
'.-) iruiajxt, Out pkb lagooutiJ urtbo wiiis
lift und pi|ft*, whloll, lo.'.etli*) with Ilia vie
trrrt yiluVtßlilllonS of th# WOW-4. ilr..wau4
the cries of H e victim*'. The soil dug oj|
of the Jilt the previous day ws tlren
lliiowii back lulo il i iimfutfir gtavs The
lat.A'i'-‘d Kjiftcta'prA of the dismal d'alili, a
stem as it Was filled up, CoiU'Uuc#d to
dance on tho summit of tlm grjvvo, s'unp
lug lip' soil down with all their might, n>
as lo infill a hard, cnuip.mL layir übov
those imlp-d a ive. All tire luinentalionk
having ocaKnd, noiliitig vm ieh Ut*'
thr ceremony of the ateiutlnalilo atijiultme,
tbo itoUv oi Ilia iuatiuuinhtu had iowm
ai<), and the aem'flMvd erow*t letued, eat
lulled Wrtth Ihemaeiyeß, and ulmning lb
gf aUier* cl tlio King wU tau M met il
.nuadod tiucb aaci
li* Poor i’litiiic.
Many are atill building their hopes on
cotton. They muon *;very ahullow fotin
datioit, The area of *cr*>; lias atieady
been completed by eaietul etatiatit ians,
The total allows U,slb,odb, against 0 i VldlOO
iu 1875 and 8 03.1 lk>J in 1H74. '1 hi* siit.w*
a total .iiiuatii of about (W-100 per cent
over last year, how, iu the s< iwori of 1875
4—. the piencut one—fully 4,1ff,000 bales of
cotton were made, ami more liar been plan
led Mile year by 07-160 per rent, over U*t
year. II tbehoasoir be good, the yield will
bo cnorrnou*. Tlie crop ol the present sea
son i* the largest ever produced by the
United Btale*. Texaa iia Increwd bet av
erage 3} pu cebt, and ili*aisii|ipi 3 7 10
These are among Uni largest producing
season*. A pound of coUou will not buy a
pound ol bacon. Wh it will it 'bring next
tail II seasons pr Vo propitious-shout 35
million 1/aU-s. Talk about tua unreiiahiii
ty ol labor. Why it has produced the
prevent season tire largest crop ever known,
fluiri stare* any farmer square in the lace
who expect* to buy corn an t meat next
winter. The be*’, cotton* must link to unit
helium {/flee* Bight now it is not much
1 Kilter considering the dillerctice. These
acreage figure* open tiro eye* of planters
Can they make cotton at six and sight cent*
or lower ? II not thousand* ur* in a bad
fix uuTeistTiey change their policy at once
“Tatu cannot Ik: gcr'eir around. - IColunr —
bn* Euqairrr.
-■* -
t a: | r (t:i !•** n<‘-U I/H** 'f I Sr
I,’v L’s tut AtmounoiJinT'V
• ./if i: v.w MiEU ....,
r | MI H following ne-r stories will - • >•'
I !■ ai,and will Ift) tli" H* ■ 1
ten-utlv T'lirllkug oi any R 'mance..
.1 m an Amurii a" journal
l; l 1.1. A IlltoOOhr
A VDiSOf Tit
A Thrilling National Romanes *'
on the A liuiniatnrtions ot I nal
(mb) and .Irthwgwft ami Vtiw a ‘-j ‘‘ * 1
Mrs ft mi nil. in IHIk.-- .V rilUiy uj * 1 ’
ti igttisbcd blamsinan.
Wb'irrENlN W.OOH;
THE umMint ttT PTiElkll
- ;v,,i v ..I tliu TmM Nan.'iron's I. mo
Hy 4V IJI'AD, ol die Michigan i
ALOXK IX Tfttt irOti/M
\ Uiiiliiint Soci.ay Mtiial, u<w r
Jty Mrs. M irv E. Itrywn, wlio is tn •
~.'l St uy-Writer ol itio rVgu.
till -
Tt iupUitinMof Ws btrg (lit’l
15y a Fopulur Novelist.
I'onftMlcrate liftYrrnrar. i
lly Col. 11 D Caper*, Chief Clerk o' 1 1
utv DuftartuteuV under Mr. .'' " " 1
l LffT Thia will be n deeply, jnim 1 ’;. ’
iiis of Sketches, giving the narly+r-h >
ndvantnges, aud uniuy amuMJg I ' l
ot our people in t! oir OllotU 10 Cfi. ' i''-'" ' *
HitlopCUxirtUl GoVU'Ulll‘lH,
*- A iiitmher of -nnnsimUy rtrliU-tu
Short Blorlcs appear In earth issue. *■' '
groat variety ol Sparkling AUsc- •" *
Mattor ou all sulijncta.
BubwiytUmWl 00 o Year
Cl till* ol 4 and upward*, %'i M ' w
du ol HO do '*! *" ‘
Ekira copy FUttE* on* yW(*Jt a clt^
tit twin 4 nJ‘l Utntiiir lund * IIT v
I nativity glowing Weatern Htnlc. '
count oi mllroatla, reconUy
and limnl.irratiot', tbrwn' ianda aro '
nhy rising in Tlu, TTiey }>’"",* 1
low lor chsli. A Clear and Icm ' - 1 '
will uo Uiwranicod, wltU overy Utu
w iiii doudrttil lull nan nitty (rum n ■ n
blc graiitora. I'artlca deatrilof toL I'!".' ,
Iniiil", tor an eariy run iavtiluia luiil !
a... .n nnd I r vlniff Men, Will
.lieu u. ideal 1 1 . 1 yH Ida!ala H I
VV '’ ’ ]j “ ’ 174 William H.A. I
,)a... Ist -iSW-
Ii 1* tbo I,hading I’aitur ol tlm Sou'll.'
Ked hot I'reHldunliat a*'d OulXtrnatol'i I
Cnmpaipn* opening. Every Ouorghm
elp,ni l take the “I'lSOlHat'A PAI'K •.
.Several Helial St'WlM, ty (llalloguUbta.
uotlmre, rutiaiug all tlio time.
,4f* Tb gellar up ol A OI<UH OP 'I I'*.’
will receive the Papor Fre -lt\
Daily, $lO 00 pur annum } lor tl*
m'udha ; $V< IJS for inouihr.
Pend your liei|lSon tr this great
I'oi.rnceh ami Kami/.t JounNAi.,
Published at the Capi
tV. A. IIKMI’HILL A* CO:,' I'ulilDliera,
Atiaut*, l icorgia.
Atlanta owokota.
All ciaes and Weight*
Addr< mi .lAM. OBMOND. I'ruprktor.
IP i. r to an* iwue lift a b|eoimcn of hi*
paper. If.
IS T otice
.Messrs. HCIIAUJ A i'KIIKLXS, Have
Ojicrrod a splendid
in Atlanta wln-re pictures ol'all kinds can bn
obtained. Mvriwether peojde vuitirg At*.
Innlit are cordially invited to visit Urol/ •
ND. 25-