Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County Vindicator.
VOL 4.
Gfltoe Souta •i-W o( the tVm t khowe
R *<’*• of 14VM1ilHV r .
Specs jlwk I 4 wkj H mo' fi mo i 1 vear
1 inch It no a -V); 4 50, 700 1 13 00
2 inches , 1 50 1 5 001 0 50 jIOOO j 15 00
S inches 1 300 j BOn j 10.001 ! AOO 35 00
i col Ison 1 10<0 I 30.00 1 35001 S5 00
i col !700!15 00 I 35.00185 00.00 <M)
1 col 110-00 |3OOO j 35.00 . 0.00 1 SIOO
iy A liberal deduction to those
advertising bv the mouth or year.
ORDINARY" JiU’- W. Banning
♦ 'LEHK H. <’ A. J. Hinton
TAX RECEIVER W. t’. Wliwtosa
SURVEYOR ...OF. ttatbews
S. A. Chins is, Aaron MWev,
C. J. Reave*. J E- Buchanan.
Alien II Wa'*on
J..U V*. Park, W J Barnes,
Mad son Reeve*, R A Darker,
A. 11. Freeman, Sec.
SENATOR Kill District, (1.1. Peavy.
Obadiah Warner W. T
— H ii .... "
UtitKMvn.l>R, On
If ill praetic* in Meriwether au.t the (Mi
Joining counties.
Attorney at law
GlUtM*lt.ia, (>*
All iHMlneea sritrunSed to his ftaic attend
*<l U> promptly anil fnithfully.
O uh.*. vunt, (L
Will | >*■•■' lea )• Ihe J nut lew’ ami Grill
t lit, ami Uni
H-penor ( mi*l# .0 the eosmur* onmporu'g
tua < i.wrla *'ireoll
■\ I rill. tONTINUIC the piai'k-v ol
>V M..lien 1 'll (ireels* i r an.l in
> .i.n,ii jr a .a. <ul A*l ealla hit KtthePiug
r,.. i* . i Mia it Sihletnv promptly uilnrdrd to
< FKiiHM hi* l i -teaei-.iialtauviee* In the
/isillteoi of O i nsn > lit* and VMiMiily
gfljrofHe# at fj. J 7 Anthony A Co' Drug
Stole. *|tlo
T I sviny decided to toasts permanent!)
j 1 in Greenville tender* hi* pnU-*-unis)
**tvices u? Ui l , rit./.. iiiol she ujwij unvt am
nwaillng i-ntitiPy Oft<e on the North
•i je of ',h public Vpiate
Of' L*G/aa*f, Georyht.
"T TAH NOW, w)) win ken> always nv
I L hand m In* old stand East side ©I
ik public square,a good usd
w*ll titi.recTED rr<>rß or
Cod rts ting; li fVfcrt, ol
4Hf* WILD and HJLVEH Witches, jfcj
i Htew and IDy-wmaer*, of the bestmakp
Kplendkl Gold snd Hiivt Wstrh, Chair
*f *1! sfaest malm end prlc'*
Gold Pen*ari<] all kinds of holder*; (fold
biiver ,t steel Spectacle* 3r Eyc-Olsese*. •
Silm Plate Ware
ol ill kind* at,'l *t r
Pocket, Talilf (Mlcrr, Alt rotors
by the very renowned, JQHKI’h
rep Amin a
I am ‘.tffl rcpaitiag all In my lit)*
T>xi man; citizens of Meriwether sag *d
joining counties bate tested my work to
require a word baa we as to tba chnrae
ler ol H, I will, however warrant all my
wurk, tf profieriy used. aa 1 bars always
done, aad reaped taft> aak a curttonaace at
be patror age 1 base n tetrad (ita nay
itaada to Meriwether
f 1 "'HE PATKONAGE ot the many citi-
X sens of Meriwether coenty visiting
Griffin a respectfully aoitcited by Uie m,-
tkniptil, proprietor ot the shove weU
known Hole.. Polite soil attentive aer
vanta, an eiolitnt tab.*, tidy reocn ana
i>jlU art a specialty. Prices moderate
aad to *ou the Umee. Give me a triaL
o*s sa* J. 4. STA^VT
Dr. J. Brad field’s
Will bring on the Menses when they have
not been estah iehej, also when they have
iweti snppi tweed troiu unnatural causes.
Will cure Rheumatism ami Neuralgia of
the back and womb. Will cure Paintnl
Menstruation, ami relieve (he head, bach
an i loin* ot those distressing pain* and
aches. Will check menorrhari >or vtcev
aivc flow .' Will cure • Whiles’ and falling
ot the womb, when it is the result ot relax
taion >r bad health.
li is a- sure a cure in a'l the above dis
eases as (juiu'.ue is in Chills and Fever.
Ladies can curs tbcmsclviw of all the
abrive diseases without revealing their
complaints to auy jw rsou, which is always
uinrlily iiig to their pride amt modesty.
It is recommended and used by the beat
physicians in their ]* irate practice.
For * history of 1 tin* aU.vt diseases,
oertiticalcs ot its wonderlul cures ami
direct i nis, Uie reader is re'erred to tlio
wrapper arouud the bottle. Mauufaclur
ed and sold bv
Bold by all Druggists. Price
Tlic .Mei cluunS t arter,
**Tre aud Uet
Gross and uet
Hui and hogshead, dry and wet
Heady made.
Of >ery grade,
Wholesale, retail, will you trade?
Gooda tor sale,
Hod or tutlc,
K'l in quarter, yard or uail
Evuiy dye,
Will you buy f
None can sell as cheap a* 11
Thus each day
*wsy, :
Aml hta hair is turniag gray
O’er Ida fKtoha
lie nightly looks
Couuis hie game nud iKilts his locks.
By and by
He wilt die,—
Bui tbe ledger tjook <m high
Mhali unfold
lJow he sold,
Ftew lie got and uerxl hie gold I"
\\ ly it Hugged u
Moitirly Girl.
A maple from the country canto to the
city yesterday, procured, h license, and
Wore luai lied in due tom. They left on
the afternoon tiain tor home They al
traclod tin attcillou ol every piuiaougur tiy
their lavish display oi allcctlou Thu
youttp mail kept Ids aim tight around the
o |e' w r ill, II !,e Wis ntriiM she would
vatiish Is iui he km >• it, > >i *••'t
seetu to flare if he hogged her right along
lor half a day Bhe was so temWy home
ly that everybody vvouUcted how h ivitrid
!ov<) her, and, by the by, seemed to think
thnt an sjilaoulton would be in outer
lie bd'rowed a chew’ til tobacco ol a man
near tbe door ar.d remarked :
1 nni going p> hug rh&t girl all the way
ii-'ine, tleHigli 1 ke.iiw she tair’i putty
1 woulan't, briefly lepjKsl thu man.
And that’s where, you fool yourself, <eu
ttlined the young mau. When I'm bug
gtng a hmnlftel ttere* of ch-uiu, men laud,
w ith torfy bead ol stock nti it, I euu make
Che bmmiilctu gnl .a liit world look liku
an angel to me.- i Providence Journal.
ll'a h Boy.
One evening recently tue friend* of a
iiiurnrd cxiipl* 1 op in Cbilllcotho deter
mi! ed to give lljctn a surprise party. To
tlii* will, twelve couple* of jour* ladies
and g eutlumr it, y. Hh *ll filled baskets,
made 'heir appearance bef.ue the house
about nine o'clock. A a liiey ctliil up' to
the door they law the gentleman stand
ing In the alleyway with hi* ofercoat on,
auioking a cigar, and the parlor wa* all
lighted op. il/h •track them a* rather
a logo lor, but the leader grabbed the d<>or
kuob, and they i other) UiUtriotKiy In. Tba
gas was ‘/UTniSg brightly, and six dlgnl
fi*d old ladh-a wc'e sitting around Uie
■Vive, looking aa aolauin aa grand UKjulai
Oh, mr 1 where’* Mattie t ehouted one
eiul* rset young lady, setting her basket
on the piano.
She’-, up etaira, aahl an old lady, looking
over her eiwctoc’ea with aolema ecriuto
i*et'a bare ber down, arreamed half a
dot** girls iu cbortss, aa made a
break lor tba ball.
Here, girl*. girls, don't go op there f and
lb* old ladies made a baaty atieiup t to
check the proponed raid
Wby, what on aarth's tbe matter hare,
anybow ? inquired tbe impatient darlings.
Weil, I believe it’* a boy.
Oh, let's go!
▲ltd that osoptay of nice yonog bmq
and mam in moved away like a eoap bob-
Mein a barrieaae, and tbe girls never
mopped to beaus or baskets. Mm at*3*d
tkair hamtosrtbicls to tbeir month* to
Mid tbeir breath down until they were
safe behind their owa doer*, and not a girl
to tbe Fourth Ward knows where Mettle
A late Texas statute knee a mao $lO tor
swearing within tbe bear tog of the inmate*
of a dwelling bouse, and now tba net ire*
arc bowling aga nst immigration. They
don't want any neighbors utiaar to them
i T>? site Ttii-- a-Ler.
A Dtstorjf oi' The six Trlnii Tlmt
Have Preceded Gone rial
Wueliinv’ton C,>r. of Hiichestor Ttomocrat.
There haw been seven triala 1 1 r iunHiacU
mecl, tocluding that ol Geu. lhtlkmip, and
it is • little singular that three of the im
peached ollkials have been ciliacua ol Ten
nessee. The first was that of William
Blount, of Tennessee, who was a native of
North Carolina, and de.egato from that
stale to the contiueutal congress, and one
of the signers ot the federal constitution in
1757. In 1730 he was appointed goyem >r
ot Uie te<ritory south of the Ohio, uud alter
the formation trmn the territory ol the
*U!u ofTeuneasoe in 17tW, ho was dueled
one ot i' first senators to the national con
gress. In 1797 ho was impeached by the
house Oi representative* lor having intrig
ued, when governor of the turrit.try, to
iranaier Now Orloans and the neighboring
districts—thou heionging To Hpain— to
G. vat Hii'aiu, by means of a joint expedi
tion of Eiigiish and Indians. lie was ex
(Hilled from the senate, and the process
was then dropped in the li.mae. The pro
ceedings agalusi him tncreasod his pipu -
laiity with his ooiistituculk|, by whom hr
was elecieil to Lhu statu seuatc. ol which be
became president. Hu died iu KnosyiPu,
.March 10, ItiJO The eeuuud ofllciat who
passed through Ui ordeal ol iuijniachateat
who wan a district judge in ilial stale, and
wlio Wsa iui|H)ac.hed iu IflOU, and removed
Irom his 011 l.s by a vote of 30 yrms to C
uava, 11s waai charge. 1 with a willful sac
rifles ol the rights of thu United states in a
certain levrnus case irlod before him, and
also, generally, with drunkenness and pro
fanity on Ibe beuch. The Judge did uet
appear, but his son (truaenled s petition,
setting forth that his lalhor waa Ineere, and
prayed to be heard by counsel. Thla was
granted, and several deposiUmib were pul
In, gmug to saublish the led of insauliy.
The reply waa that
If insanity did extat it had
been occasioned by habitual drunkenness,
and the impeachment was sustained. Fol
lowing close U|ma this trial was that ol
which created ilia greatest excitement, on
account ol iliu hitch reputation ol the to
tpoiidon'. lb: war* a native ol Maryland,
*>no ol the signer* of the declaration ol in
depeudauce, end wa> uoied ua an eloquent
advoedu and accomplished lawyer. He
ua nmi'ii* the mo*l vehement In resisting
alutu)> vt, atai ’**m* lawMMß# lv* lvi wl
(he b lend* o! Il’wrty In ht* state. The
Maryland Convention aeut him aa one ol
live i.ntogatcc to tho oontfveutal con great
ol 1774, and lie uenlhiucd a nieiulmi ol suo
*#iye laiugrunaet until the ch>l i of 17111. !u
17'J>j lie went to England aa com masiomir
lioui Maryland, to recover hinds inverted
pieviovaly to the war, in Uio Jiunk of Eng
land. Alter a year’* energetic latarr ha
succeeded In pulling the claim ao tar on
the way ol adjustment that the mi* ol
ItVfO.UOU wa* aub*c<ieally paid to bla
state, in 1791 lie waa invented with the
olhce ol iHe Chief Justice ol the General
court ot Maryland, and t7W> Washington
apieri tiled him an'associate Justine ol Hie
Supreme Court. In ifjtM the iiouaa of rep
resentatives at the instance of John Han
dolpb impeached him lor misdemeanor in
ilienoinluct of several politic*! trials,
par'hurlarly those of Frias and
<Jo lender convicted of aedHtoiM libel* five
year* before. The sea ato discharged him
March 3, IHOS, a majority being in his la
vor on Eve of the eight charges, and a mi
Jorliy being against him on the residue.
Alter bm discharge he resumed his seat on
the Supreme trench, which he retained un
til his death, June IV, Jill. The fourth
tiial was that of
rsMK m. root, •
a district luilgo of Missouri. Tbe clrcum
stances leading to bla impeachment are
these. A lawyer named Law lea* bad pub
lished a criticiam on one ol Judge Peck’s
decniimt for which the judge Imprisoned
him three days and suspended him from
practice tor eighteen inootba. Beverai
years, Monday, J**#mter 20
IWO, tbe Judge was impoacbed—tbe trial
i* now of commending internet, because of
tbt- meo who took pert m the proceeding*.
John C. Calhoun, being vice praaident was
president ol the senate, and in the senste
and bouse were eome ot tiie most remark
able meo who bare ever been members of
our congress. Among U>c senators were
Webeter, Benton, W. L. Mercy, John
McLean, afterward* aaaociato justice of tire
supreme court, llayttc of Sooth Caroline,
Felix Grundy, John Tyler, afterward pro*
idee*, and Freitogbuyaen, lather of tbe
prsaaot aenetor. Andrew Btopheueoo, of
Virginia, was epaeker ot tba bemae, and
among it* meeabera were Edward Everett,
Jem** Bechance, Richard M. Johnson,
who killed TecuoMtob, Job* Bell, Dark!
Crockett, J. BL PWk, Ceve Jobocoo, Timo
thy Cbbda of Bochmf er and William H.
Ktog, attarwardt vice preMdeaL The man
ageraon the pert of tbe hone* were Junes
Buchanan, McDuffie, of South Carolina,
Wickiifle, *f Kentucky, and Spencer and
Stem, both of Mew York. (There cm two
members from Mew York among tbe man
agers of tbe present trial which spegfri
well tor the legal talent of oar strut; Tbe
leading counsel tor the respondent was
William Wirt, act) bn concluding argu-
tncnlwss four hours long. The official ie
Wi, sarcasm, searching argument and
Impriiiivo eloifuettcc pourc.l lorth m
stresis, -ivciMg the att. utl-uv ot the
eroded stoatc-isrun and crowded gallor
re drtog that long space of time.
M, Buchaimu ivio the ometudim; ar
gunint on the part ef Hie managers, occu
|ivm(Jhu most of two days in iu delivery.
WhsilUie vote was taken, Mr. Cslhoun
called U|K' i each senturr by name and
askedtbat he should "rise from Ins scat
and iktinctly pronounce whnhor the re
g|W)udSit Is guilty or not gttliiy as charged
by tholmu.e of ro|>.oseuutUves. n Each
senatoAoso as requested and gave Ins vle
whiclrtsmllevl iu iwqulital.
Twtdsys after war I Mr. Ho ntnn —who
was eirtwerl irom voting, marie his great
sjhkt.U ip the resoiullon, Tltat the charter
o( tlio Burk of the United Slalos ought not
to be re-Awed.
lie war cocuni-eioiieu a dialiiel judge lu
18W, the duties ot tbo ol
flee untlHSfll, when lie assumed the func
tions of ot the ‘Cjnfaderato Btstes.'
For this proceeding and rmmerous other
uregularlios, be was impeached and di
vested oflkis ofUce iu 1803. John A. Bing
ham and Ueorge 11. l’oudlclou wvro the
leading maU'igmit on tlio part 51 tlio house,
and Join W. Foinev was secretary ol the
aouate. The vote wan 27 ycits to 10 uays.
The six Ur trial was that of
Slid the Ptrtisulars are still fresh in the
memory, kul a brief review will complete
the record The trouhlo began in 10(15,
by the repsstod vet.xrs ol thu prosidunl to
tha acta o( congress, which ware passed
over tho veto, “and U culminsied lu l mi In
in the removal of Bocretary BUuton, whir*
removal the—sO^tSt9 _ refustol ki gmdlorr.
Ou February Slat, lIM ,Mr. Burnton was
again iutomaJ of his removal and at tbs
appointment tfOwMrtl Lcrsaso Tbomss
a* secretary sf War, art interim \ bat lbs
senate passed a rssalnttoa that tbs presi
dent had no power to remove tha Moratory
of war, aud Mr. Stanton refbaed la toarts
his office. 0 tbo fbUowtog day the boose
of ruproacutoflfos passed t rss jlutloa tbo l
the pruvldetß.be Impooohod for high crimes
and misdemeanor*. Tbo artkjieo of Ha
[luachiueut wM# agreed to by tlio house oo
March Ud and presented to tho sonata on
theft'll. Tits trial began March 394 tbs
,intud jut spjKtsrlng byoounaat. Ou May
is li ihe senate voted upon tbo artlclo* lu
retorwuco to coutoißpt ol oorigrcM and hid *
dranco of its Mstt, and on tbo Mtb Nipon
that la lefsraaco to tbo ramovol of Mr.
Bunion. In Wb case the Vote Mood,
guuiy, oo a ...a *tt*j. id .. so tbs prosUlsnt
wo* forn.flWt acquiUed. Tho seventh tm
pssehment trisl in now In progrsis, end
tho circumstance* are *>l so exceptional
and disgraceful u character that every atop
is watched with tho deepest lutcrest. Tho
litgli standing ol the opposing counsel Inn
caused tlmir arguments t*i bJ carefully
weighed mid measured, and liiere has
Ikii a hulllo royal lor every inch *ii van
tag tfiouiid, Only Hm** can toll upon
whose haunore will tho oagle ol victory
descend. ____
Irish Wit
Alter the capture of Tbctddcnt Davis hy
Wilson’s cnv.ilrv. In M**v, LAI, he was
brought to Macon in an anihtllniicc, winch
slopped in bout of tha Lauiei House, the
headquarter* ol General Wilson, mil s
crowil isirrounde*! the vehicle to tak<* a
look at tlie tl'Ustrloua eaplife. Among
this crowd wore many gicy jacket! Who
sadly and aorruwlully viewed their captive
chief. T#iu Icellugs of triumph, ayuipatn y
and curiosity had stilled the voicus ol Hu,
crowd of gasicis and a period quid rustisl
on the multitude, witch wa* broken by an
Iriahouildlu. one ol l'rosideul ilavi*’ guard,
wh<i spying a countryman clad in gioy,
aei*i to him irtum{>UaulJy ;
Jle gown, Pat we’ve got yet President.
Hail luck hr ye, mud the likes ol ye, said
the (Jonfederate Irishman, berry am 1 m vr
the goiid glutlemau m tho bauds ol such
hlackguarus ae yc aie, hut by the bone* ol
Ht. Patrick, wo have some consolation,
tba IJerll got your* three weeks since.
The hit was ao good and so appropriate,
that not one ol Wilton's tierce latders rais
ed Ida hand to strike dow a the hold and
Impudent soldier who thus impiously spoke
ol ikeir late lamented
Can’t Rpurc tlse Tronps,
The Indians are slaughtering the miner*
in Dakota, and now the Washington dis
patches represeut that the I'resideut, bar
ing been asked lor troop* to protect some
si the frontier aeUieuients, lisa respoudod
that there are no soldier* available lor
the purpose, “as they are ail now on tb *
march'’ in the column* moving against
the host! is biotix. But tho troth is, ssy*
the Mobile iiegietei, that of Uie whole
army tore* of 30,000 men, not more than a
fifth are engaged in tb* Hiuux campaign.
Foor-ftltha ot the remainder are not engag
ed in any aerviee ef honor or profit to the
country, and if they cannot be need for the
defense of the people where defense l*
ueeded, the supplies that keep them In the
employment of toe government, where
they ere neither useful nor ornamental,
ought to be peremptorily stopped.
These uoepa now needed on the plains
are dowbtleee bald in hand through ou t the
Hoothern Btatee to control the November
election. Let the frontier remain unguard
ed, iei Uie scalping knife alone, far Ala
bama must be kept in the hands of Bpeo
cer t The life of a white cam, the protec
lection of white women and children upon
the plain* is nothing to the vote of a black
mao lor Blame or Coskiiog.— {Burumah
Nr. Potts Looking For is Ughi.
Groer. Af.nuitjiu Frocmwn ]
Guo night during the lucent troubles In
tho lVa nsylvauiu coal region# J'udgs I'otts
brother, Thom is waa round t
niaoting ol She inmu owuers, and alter tin
sdjoorumsnt ho stopped Kilo tlio Uvern.
While Umro he met some trlends; and in
: the covirsc of an hour o r two he got v. r*
nloxicalo.l t>i hi* way homo he lost his
hat, and a miner, who knew him, (soling
compassion for him, clapped ou his head a
miner's hut; and, in oidku i<> make the dark
'sii'oet look brighter, ho li”lilod the lsiu(i in
iruut ot tlio hal Wlicu Units roached tho
house Iris wile had gone to laxl, and Hr*
lights were out but Foils toll certain tlio
lamp was burning in Ihe Bill, toil li could
uol lor the iite of him tell wltern it wax.
llu looked si the regular lamp and it
*emed to bn oui; ihea hnnlnd m every di
rectlou for the light, hut he was niiahlu lu
itnd it, although it seemed loekuie bright
ly wherever he went. Presently ho Invp
licne.l to stop Hr front ol tho mirror hi the
hat rack, aud then lie auw precisely wbmu
the light wa*. Allor a brief objurgation
U(H>U Mr*. I’utU lor leaving a light iu such
a place, ho wont up to the mirror slid tried
to blow 11 out. tin blew and -blow, but
somehow the Uaute burned u* steadily us
be lure. I—■.
"That," saiil I’otts, “is the most oitraor’
nary lamp's ever been my unatorUmo I'ou
Then ho look oil his coat, ami holding
it up in front ol him crept cautiously up to
the miner, aud Irlod to crush the coat ovei
tho lump, which still burned brightly. He
said ;
“That’s certainty very extraordinary!
M,o' stouishlu’ oircumstans ever come
un’sr my obssmttoß- Jvu’o how to codut
lot ’RF
It ooouirel to him that perhaps lie might
“If* h Uuu P *Q ostthrolla. Seirtug
till weapon, ha went to the hat, tod, aun
lag a terrible blow t the light, he brought
the aabitUa down. Ho utiaaed and sinaah
od bit Sunday hat Into ehaoe. lie took aim
again, audbaughl the umbrella in the lamp
ovar the band, bringing it down with a
otaah. Then ba triad a third lima, and
plunged Uw taruleofthe umbrella through
ihatakror, mMaf it to aroma. He Mi
exultaot tor a moment, aa the light dieap
pearod from bU vision, but ha waa perplex
ed to And there wae another light some
where, ho did not know osaotly whore Bo
ha eat down on the staira and remarked i
"Mot” atonUhln otroumauuia ever come
un'or my obaarvatUm. Wbalaa tbundw
don it amen anyhow! Llghfe goor, an'
yat'a ahinin'l PorfeMly laonmprtbeealblel
Wirt) m trraclous Mrs. Potte'd wtluwp no*
‘tf.ialnH. Darn l l know what Iliad bet
tor dof”
Theu Potts took off hie hat to scrateb
lil* bead, in the hope that he might scare
up an idea, and tba truth dashed upon him.
he suddenly eiu.Mhed It duwa on the ttoor
In a rage, and, extinguished It afior
coverlsg two yaid* of carpet wlih grease.
Than ho went to bed, and in the morning
Mrn. Pulls In formed him that some of llioOc
hoirihle minors had broken into Hie house
tlm night before, amt let! one ol tlivlf hata
with a lamp. Pott* turned over in bed ao
that she could not see hie face, and said if
the stern bund of the law wasa’t laid U|K>n
those rutitan* soon, nobody ’ide would be
Tit lor Tut.
Among the annoyed amd irirf ,lf K l'dee
Irian* who sought the aid of a Urxml Hivcr
street csr ycsierdsy to iiulp shorten the
way home wo a man with gray locks and
an Old iuid with beau catcher* and false
tuclh. They neumod to hate each other at
first sight, for lie wee hardly sealed beside
her when ho growled :
II you women didn’t wear hustles lljeiu’d
Ik twice as much room in street cars.
If moo didn’t sft cross- logged tlicru’d Imj
thruc llmea as much room! she suappod in
If 1 waa n woman I wouldn’t Ik gadding
around with the rain iiouring down in this
way, ho romatkod.
Ye* you wouhh If you wore a woman
you’d want to go nut nod sfmw those feet I
He drew his No. It’s unuor the seat,
flushed up a little and growlod :
They are uot false, like some folk’s
teeth I
No, end tlwy don’t turn up ifilui ae
much a* some peoples’ nose ! she answer
lie waa silenced for a time, hut present
ly recovered himself and wool eu
Thirty yeas* ago women got skmg with
out |mlnt f [iowder, bustles, strajsi, bock!**
and sach oonsrneicai fixing*.
Thirty years ago, el*e promirtly replied,
it wa* a rare thing to see a iuao come out
of a saloon wiping hh mouth on his
thumb f
Ue didn’t say aoytlikig men, hot he won
dered U site wasn't looking out of the win
dow whan be signaled the ear.
Yoor virtu leontnd use of the growth of
a successful newspaper, mM Uncle Jahea,
loaaiog hie chin on bht can* and glancing
at William Henry, who was tweet on An
Why not inquired William Henry.
Well they commenced on e weekly, grew
to a trl-weehly, aad have now become a
daily, with a Bundsy supplement.
Yee, ssdd William ileory, Iwacing up,
and alter we are married w* will issue an
Hh—h, said Angelica, and then they went
,oct for a stroll,—[N- O. Tuner.
The rnogeHl and Ifamlsnmekt fulerary F
l*er in Ameilea.
Brilliutut An.ntnnoomnt*
7 If W.V.S I'UJtU Jtt
r llllK following now xtoric* wdt *
l coaunencnF, am? will l*e the k®o*t In
Uuiwly 'nn illmK <>l any l#-nances yet pub*
nnhe.l in an American pmrnsl.
Ull< I* A HO BOOK i
NirtiTU AXtrMKmi
A ThvWtog National Romance, ’ja-wv? 'M
on the Asrlminiatratien* *T |seldant j*
colli and Johnson and the Kxeo.u.lon
Mr*. Hurrau, in- IBttto- WriUwvby a dis
B'lgntolMMt BUieauwtu.
witrrr hn fN m.ooD;
A Sfory ot the l*aal Naiv.toou * Reign, j
By M. QU A I>, ol the Mrchigao He**.
a i.oy hi /.v nm vtohux
A Britirant Boetoly rn "“* n *l
By Mia. Mary E. Bryan, who w the bus*-
o*t Buvy-Wi iUM of the Age-
" 'l'f twjtOUutM of a, Mrcfury (in l.
lly a L’miulur NvolixL
—ov Tint—
M&4erato CW>* .^.~
Dy Obk H B Okpere, OUlef Olrtk
ury Department under Mr. Metnurtw
Sr TM* will bn deeply latarejUMi ro
rtJaof BhetahnsygivingU>a*g
ihMrrttorti to-ertabhehin
OT * number of uniwtolly
Matter oa • nnlßooto.
W n
- " 2l
“*T hH I
Extraempy FlfKß,on* jriKPr* '****
of 8 at 8 dwllarr Aaidroen
BEALa Attant^Oo.
WKHTERN I niter b>r sale fcrffidayn
LAND I wiinu valuable trocta ot
tiirming and tlurtior laud In a thriving ana
rapidly growing Western Htate. On •.
count pt rail loud*, roooutly constructea
and liiW’iilgratlim, tho Iw'l* r " r *t >
idly rlHtng lu value. They wUI lie w'Ui very
low lor cash. A (’lour und I ertect Tijlu
will be Guaranteed, with every tract wild,
wifiti dents of full warrunly from reaponsi
hie g sun tors. Partin# desiring to.
lauus, lot aw early ri*<i lu value, Itoal Eabtlo
agents mid Trailing Me*, will find It to
their interost l mldnsw
Wkl. K UUM.P,lteal Et*U IMaler,
m wn , l|im N. 1
eja* 11* lßt l-STT*
Uls ills fiauding l*kper of tlm South,
Had hot Piesldoullai wid Gubernatorial
Campaign* opening. Kvury Georgian
should take tho “ITSOPLCd PAPBH.
He rural Hurlat Htorles, liy dUtUiguiahed
auilrora, running all tho lime.
Jff" Tlie getter up of A CLUB fHP rEN
win rucetvo the Paper Free- -MJ
Dni'y, SIO.OO pur auuum; $4.00 lor fi
meniliH ; $14.05 for l inonlli*.
Herid your for tlila greaA
PubUshed at thA Capi
W. A. II EMI’HILL <fe CO., PuWlabm.
Atlanta, Georgia.
yVtlanta l*ax>ex*
All iliea and Welchtg
Address JAM. OUMOND. Proprietor,
ltetef to tbia tome aa a Specimen of hi
P * P * r ’ U
epeoed a apteadld
In Atlanta where pictorea of all kind* can be.
obui oed. Meriwether people vitlling a*
lanta are cordially invited to visit tbuix
NO, 2<>.