Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County Vindicator
VOL 4.
U2*'o tWmt'i tt lo r>l the CVnrt House
Kwr*** ot Adveriistna*
Pr**.-#* f1 v L 4k# 4 run I f* mo t v#**r
1 '.iirh t i>>. 2 .Vt ; 150 ; 7 00 1 li? 00
8 if.,".**' t 50 I 5 00 1 it so 110 1*0; 15 iH>
3 inches 200 -00 ' 10.00 : 15 oo 25 00
4 col I5 Oo 10 00 t *Bo.oo 2500i 35 00
1 col I I <*<* 15 O•;25 00 . ;;5 OO ,60 ■ O
I CO) 110 A! •2 t 00; 515.00 <6O 04* ’ SIOO
A norhal lit* 7 * -let i. m I*l At It* to liiOs**
advertising 1• V the month or vear.
conN r / <J FfVoER3.
ORDINARY Jas. W. Harming
CLERK S, C A. 1 Hinton.
T V X RECEIVER.... ,SV. T 'Vim* Vs*
TA X t < H.I.EC I'OU. . ...'VC, Tost
SURVEY * U O F. Mathews
Tl A. Chans, Aaron mi dev,
J. Rtcvcs. .1 K. Buchanan,
Allen 11. Wa'&ou.
Jdin H . i'nrk, -W . .1. Ban es,
Med t.: 1 ii >, 11. A. Father,
A. 11. Fireman, Sec.
EKNATOIi ildtii F strict, tl. h Peavy.
ukphldentatiy kb.
OhadiaH Warner " T Krviß
.! '
_/\ liREKNVII t K, (iH
\V LI prictp *■ in Mt 1 w ether lUut the ttd
oiiiing coiiuuca.
<, UtlhGh 1 lEA\ V,
J \ Hint UN VU,I.K,<iA.
\ I l uRNf-Y AT 1A W
_/ \ < , 1,1, H A.
All bualt'we eotmsle.l to to* * me alUUid
>,T topi 7 uijill* and faithfully
—Ssili.N t: lit) 1,1.1.1.’CA,
Oh! r.tVVU,! h, (I*.
' ViV: m the J 7 :Ftirrs’ nnd (Inti
, I 7 u'let e* Mei i*• id n*-r, aid ill.*
t ujsnu! t onus ill tin ceiuuln ti i.oii.
ti. ( ov> eta 111 I’ll
\\ r ( (INTI ■> l K the piarlt** o!
\V JsSe, 1 1, ifie 111 Greenville nod the
Country a..j***Pt A I Cull# UR **t the 111Ip-.
Hlolu • i I,*J II t itei.l I I tn|>(l) liter: aril to
lilt 1, It AM liON i .
(\FK 1 lit" t's Fi ut* ii \ ires to the
' /c 1‘ i/M.s ■ f ( 1 1 r< i \ ! t and S tel lllty.
<*!! . >, o. J. Ant..'ny A ' Drug
R in aejdO
lon It F HAM.,
TTailhj iUTI4. dT* ■ • prnnmrTTtty
| J :■> Cni i * 1* !.< ei 1,1- |>i ole** iotni)
art >n e. l* i (hnl It i/i i-> * I 'hr i • w n slid ml
I „:,t i;,-*.|f ;n 1• V Ol : I II till- N'llUl
hi<;i id .:.* la.n,,i mi.lull'.
I 11 h
oi-iji jKwi.utv hi: ' i'ani v ' umi
HA’ NOW. ht i v ,il !•*•;> alw&y* l
j*v hut oi i Hand KuJil iiU o!
UR; pbi/lk -i 4; '<i Utl'J
vv tu vkj tt”j rn pi • > f ; or
JinVirLl!’. ANI > lAM y UOOijH
(‘'•riMhUnfr, >1 part, ot
HTUOLI) hiid Whtcli.iß,jjfe?
Hero hfjij Kwinners, of fli< heslri aki
Hj Icodii] <>< Id m and hnvi-i Whtib, (.1,ii. 1
' • ifi dsec, maker* ><l price*
0' 1 l’< •If ’ 'ill 1 1 Is of li'.'Jcr*; Cold
<l. hi. .cr & ■ ••' !- -V Lye. Ola**e.
r Silver Plate
of hi) kind* hi,(l ftjlfh;
Poi Uh, TiiMi' liiliTT. A)tnMr<
t v ti n very rM 'l'.ii i-i! makers, JOh EPb
f nm Ml:’ rfi-wt'ne. '.II v<*<•'■• in my line
T< o f it;/.' • < ! Xer inf! **•
}(*ißing c-HUilits V;-iCil my work to
i &*• r! from m>‘ >i to ’i.e M *n,e~
U:t oj it, Iv. • vi-r warrsr t nil my
work, if j.rf.:<riy ’ ‘ l. m 1 L*t<- ,*ay
r.l'.ii*', nr •! rej*<tiul!> ak ti cor:tin tmet<l
J.C f n'TfF.r>sje J .ut/.t'! :ii ui\
Hen 1-. Mc: : A' •: ''
'A' ”
Dr. J. Braifiald's
Will bring on the Meuse# when they have
not heeu <stah'isheil, also when they havi
been >u(ipiftssed !rv>iii unnatural eauaes
Will cure Rheumatism and Neuralgia o’
ttn hack and womb. Witt rure Tamtu
Me-istruHtioo, and relieve the head, liaei.
and loir.s n! those distressing pains an.
aches. Will check menorrhagia or ‘e\oe#
aivc liu*.’ Will cure ‘ Whites' and I ill in
ot the womb, when it is the result of relax
taian >r bad heailb.
It is as sure a cure is; ai! the a' ve dis
eases ns Q i nine is in Chills and Ft vcr.
l.adie* can core theinselvee ol all the
above dtaiases wftiiout levealing their
conipTaints to any person, which i# always
uioriilying to their pride and modesty.
It ts r< lomunuced and used by the best
phynieian* in their jwiyate practice.
Pm a history of the above dHeases,
I eeilitU alts ot its Weiiidi rl'd one. iihd
| direction*, the reader is reVrred to tho
w!.*|iptn- around the bottle. Manttfiu'tur
rd and dd tiy
S Id tij all IhiU'B't* Trhv ft 55
*% hill Is Hu* U*Ce
\\ hat is the use of trtmtaißg a lamp
11 vuti never intend to light It 1
\V eat : Ills n#e ot- a wf-oiijj
it you never intend to tight n ?
What i* the ns* ot retrieving your list
1 you do not in?arid to tatty 1 j
" I,at is the use oi wooing a niahlj
it you lift* r iutond to tnariy ? |
What i> the ii*o ot buying a coat i
if you never intend to wnat it?
What is the use ot a home lor tv:o
Jl you never intend to abate it? .
What'is H e ue i,( gatheiing gold
jl yon navy, iiitan.l to Uni ji it f '
Wh*l is Ilia Use * I planting a fteld.
It >*,.i do Hid intend to reap it?j
Hon a- 1 . Un; i mliv It
improve tills tardy dtottr, 4
And hti//A<a ml around the point I
With e.etil *l)h;;h< Vic pt wer.
W . I* *is .*: he Ii 7 and hi ■ :.l .. j
W ith rate c .to on's i,,s turrkt, i
All'! lavs Up honey all tt,* day,
Ami hide* the Imltotn tax.
Itcccti lul J lines, j
Jii:t nun ,loins ;# deiibetaline jwlictliet
it would l ol la* better lor him t*i in ve on
and tiy If!*' 11l ai ew place He npirtied a
lir ti Widow' who was still _ wi aiin;; tin
garb ol woe Mis ,I'itins is a s'tong mind
il woman, Hhd aln plays on hit ovvti.d"
!i * - ,r L* a'tb the i oh; e( a virtnou* but rx
a* tl ; and joaloUS s|iuc. Joi.ns Hoped
> .s* i tea to I her. T *: i tier Mont in# ho
starti. I away from the h<iux*' eatiy, >ying
tPa'. he was going to Visit Ida Allot H'dlifl
son, ( Boentliig * ft* hood, Alts Jones
* *!li 1 at about six in the evenvti;* on A mil
Robinson, and found he* Suspicion v*u *fl* 3
M J i I,' * Ilh'l licit sveu )n •* 11 tIII' II’ Hi;
lUr'iV V'.W tg Vl * fI'HIII I*, Mr;, .bum* I*
IllHf't 11 1 Ijl r ill ■ ill'll health, Htl'l ihcfS
nwhrtcJ 1 1- : rdtimi MitUffi tii* -dinner ■'*
spoiling In tlii In'' lien- =°
.1 • 1- t In t hjiiM'iin-il, nfbctiug tl.r bon
ml s.iiipln hill 1/1 a man will), a lint it
1 1;, !* ii* iglltid !1 fl I I*i111-• 1 f
. mi- tf.iT?■ Ttrrtnjr:*fj& of mr>n*r~h
Ifijt.f. . g-fiv 5,v.1T TT>f fttirtty, tr" mniml
Titli-C T vT,\a MA "*■ TANARUS; ■, .1 imi, with Itif. fTTmr
t|i t; ol gsll ft 1 / front4i*r lips ii-i re
• rr.; <i, r J..r iV il . IWbor* and bit'!*-. .Ip*
nl 111' 1 liny, whirl. he/.ad < eluted for h*f
s->ke ; l/>it flern )<wk tail';'] lii* I*' '• l*.
the < srpet „
I),ia la Amt P. J>\o%u:i 1 sh* W irnluhy
j uskf.d. /
My dear, J I, tirn not been there, noli)
Jones, fading /)n4 lie ai a lot man
I';-,,.' jttin ■4 . ii * / A "nt It/ 1 i.iinn I J've lia'l
‘■oruel I’ l g <, C I''llnkb’nk ' 1 J>-is f ha I ha;
! {ini'iii ' ’ ' l*j Hi irnlnir, I wet ft r,r*sengct
with a ifliif lif/iii poor H nl'b, fimllb, tel
Png n.e !*'• v. ii iu b'd, vid begging nu
to fcnrne s**if pass an haul w ith him. Y"ti
knew fr/w be Ic, deftr, to lrrii>ly MtUMtftii
ti e * ,(tLti *t thiii|{ h!' 'itt him Jhe rein
aal nf hi* picture by the Acs letny baa
tnrj ei] hi-, heel. I think, an-J lljire be b
'n bit bock. Once there I con ne t pet
away. Eve'y time I got up t, h<>, be beg
get] me toll p a little longer, ek/ing tba 1
my being wi>b him ilbl ietni a world ot
piejf]. V. bat ciiubETdo ? Of course I k'&y
(and. Ili ;jdt think ilia ia very ret i
one; empty an udair vl two or three
Lh•.armed by this eipianftlioir, Ain,
Jo' '•* a grrudotiiiy the kr**ol ;*eai.‘
and the c'/upie o*t down hrnicably to Cit<
Ltr. That rneik w#a Juat over when an
old friend tilled, and, ul’cr an hour's vivrt,
he aoid , wmlt up b;s hat to and
•lv t'.e by, have you heard uhojt pior
Smith f
Vi bat aVmt him t sUrarntred Jones.
1i e ir'ior f'llow is -taj. Ho <• ‘
ttrVay iw* •
Poetry as ttu Educator,
Many nation* owe vary much to poetry
■is a civtihter. It was * mighty ageal ia
that direction in the early stages of their
T.erarjr history. One reason why this is
*3, that the early form of poetry Is usn
d!v the ballad, and ths ballad usually em
io lies some grains ol history—suruething
vhich tends to instruct the mind as well
.# move ths heart. Indeed, originally, the
balled was strictly narrative, and often
embodied all the leafing facts In retrd to
daring ami heroic dead*, which tho peiplo
had the ni'ians of posssssiug. Minstrela
were secular missionaries in Ksgland,
Bcotiand and some other countries at a cer
tain period. That was the primary end of
their vocation, according to ttie dciiva
lion ot the word ; lor some writer, perhaps
Max Mei er, says in substance, that as
minstrelsy and miuistry a-e derived frotu
the same root, a minstrel ia a secular min
ister. ,
lieinre hooks were knaw:i, cx.i.cpt in
maBUSCTtpr, ballad slugorn went town
to t.iwn, wafting historical treasure on tho
wings ot song They wsni tlio pioneer
M;h'*o!.masters, scatlaiing their leaves of
luiowleee—the Liternuners, II not tlie her
ilds, of thedorgy, MnutroU served also
a patriotic turn. They quickened tho
memory in regard to the heroic deed* of
the toil lathers,end kept the lovu of coun
try warm in the heart. At one period
they were S'pa. tof the outfit ot a baron'#
cuttle. A Norman could hardly ha re
garded a# a nobleman unless lie kept a
bi:tad*siiig(>r. Though these barons usu
ally gevn their tidnstisU a stipulated sum,
■they wore f,Unwed tttt-ti iiimriimnesTfiTit”
perform in order to swell their exchequer.
As long as llioy kept themsolve# "uirrp-*t'
led from the woil.lus loir; as they wore
(ilgh-t*niod*cducators and pure smusement
uiakcrs, these singers ami lrup*rs worn
popular, ami had great tri e loin. Their
very profession, however, ha t tho tenden
-rr-t-r-rfmv the i alible ln ttrotr waKi' ; aaJ
s Hiiciati 'ti leads, hi the end to assimu
luhoii, these wamt* ring miiutreis hecainu
at I It*ill, sadly mixed up with rows and
riots. They sank •< !•*.v, after a long time
llial 'bur ro athm hec.nne dittgracefnl,
■itnl, by the aid ol tlio cleigy, was finally
brought to uu Ctrl.
All honor to the early ballad makers
- English, t'e teh, Bcamliiiavian, Teiit'iu
ic— who gathered up the loose threads ol
mythological and vurilahlc history, and
wove tl era into songs which, lor genera
Umie, h* ped to lessen the muntal usked
nitae ol Hi*! people.
If ballads arc the cra<lto hymns ot a na
tioti, mid aid in Its intellectual develop
ment, other kinds of poetry are also help
ef in the same extent. Bongs ato almost
omnipotent In their influence on the pas
sinus and in molding character, There is
sinking truth In the leaf irk aldruave! to
Flctdier, <>f Ballou'i, Scotland, by a friend
~1 iii -. “it s man were permitted toHMtfca
■di tho halht Is, ho lined nut cam win*
should mako the laws ol a uatidu.” “Isiili
h'dlnro," a s< tig pnhllslnd during the
reign ol tit* Htuarfs, and rang by oivlHaus
and S'li.iirn* ad over England, is said to
nve tletit**.m-<l It.***** kings.
Thrc epics rmr natmn, tn its chttdfiood
rpei rally, are partial mlucnlota. I hey
li e t the min 1 but are not, like l.h hiilad
, daily l eid. They are rcftei vod br certain
oi;i;alooi great foist day* Tuey are the
m:wt"il oxen to wbioli tho mart eft am In
vitrd, now and then, and over which they
hold their literary jubllectt, 'liii# it as
true ol the oi l German and Hpauuh epics,
tho Nome Etldaa and Hagas, es of the
grand master piece* ol firedan poetic art
I hr- epic pnetn*, atrictly natlona), arn lieu
ally Uii- grandest einhodiiiieut ol logeudary
and hUtorical inlfcuturea, anrl rjuickeo
thought and *tlr tiie pa.riulio heart as few
otln r things can.
l’oetry of r.i-arly ail kitiilft, In pad time,
han bCcri aa educator, an ] is 6> lay. It*
'{>i •< >rj M no i;t lo jrrStfnet the mind than
to soften and feline the foci (rigs ami purl
fytUnbiarL Jlla tlir great refiner, and
that is a noble |mtt ol orlo’s edumslion lie
iniiwion is grand —uekl to that ol the I)i
vine JteOner. Jt cannot purge away all
dros , hut it can lend a helping hand, ft
ciuri ,t take the soul to Heaven, hut it can
lilt it Irorn the rjuagnilrea, and keep it cir
ciing on aspiling wings.
I <ll upon you, said a |ioui;oue cons/!
ior, to slate distinctly upon what authority
you ate prepared to swear to the uiart’e
L'pon wirat sutiiorrly f said the bos’.ier,
Voi-are to reply, and not to rejicat •
'{tie*! ion put to you.
J deean’t cmS'det a man 1
isrr a question
in li,* m ' '
"Ike nuagot it
‘ls my hat done V inquired % coLllAoklug
lady at n Oiiicage laillbna'y othabsslnnont ~
one plesaant day this week.
‘Yes, ma'am, 1 politely responded the shop
woman,‘it will ba hero in a moment.’
An assistant #o<vi brought up tho bomot t
end vlklf the customer ws.a duly Inspect
ing it, tho atore proprtolresa vesttured to in
quire :
•JJow do yon like it, ma'am?’
It's simply horrid I was the reply.
'B at &'* Jnt as you ordered it,' pleaded
the maker of the head wear.
‘Yes, meth ! ng a J ordered it,’ was the
short al* 1 snesri'ig answer,
•I’m Hally sorry, but—’
Well, never mind, broke in the buyer,
with set dps ; what's the expense ?
A-b- MI-t Seven dollars, I guess, said the
shop woman, timidly.
The money was paid over and tho bon
not orde-ed up to tho house, when the pur
chaser out upon the street ami im
mediately exclaimed to an accompanying
'ady friend.
Isn’t it perli ctly lorrly f
Ye#, replied tho friend ; it’s ravishing.
But how could you talk so to that woman?
Talk so ? aXolalued she of the now bon
net ; why, If 1 had Ist her known how
much I Id mi the hat, the woman would
certainly ravo charged me fifteen dollars,
hut now yon see, 1 have got it lor seven I
The irthet' woman said that she had nev
er thought ot that, but would prollt by her
friend’s ilpo exp* lienee, and never like an
a*tide ngain until she had bought It.
Alninxf 100 Dutch lo Molu ve.
A Yankt. Whilo footing it lownrdH out
Woat got ve . ititid up, and was cudgelling
Ids hi ulna I sM ll*)W he could mako a
raiie of a Rule money. Finally ho mot a
.Jutchmau * ' o was lollowod by a great
ugly, coward y dog, bo entered into cou
veißailou With him.
Nice Joig'i you've got there, eai I he.
Tuw, he pees a vcry floe log,
i’ll !,; you a dollar that I can ted what
his nsmf is.
W hut lab dot ? And you nalor sco dot
tog pel's • I
No, oi course not, hut I'll bet a dollar I
.an tell you what liia name is.
i’y Uni, 1 (lakes dot pel, said the Dutch
man, Cftijer lo make an honest dollar,
Well, call him up, here and lot mo hare
a look at him, said Yank.
Hero, Frltay 1 Fntay I Oomo bora and
andt make 1110 vou tollar, said tho Dutch
man csHlug kl- dog.
The Vanity, patted him on tha head,
looked turn isViS ay* *nd dnslly forced
o|*eu bin nioutli and looked down bis
Hi* name is Kriif.y, said ho with deliber
Hondo- andt UlJten I exclaimed the
Dutclinii.n, with open eyes and mouth.
Am I rot light ?
Yaw, />y lam, said he, handing over the
wager, ,"y Jink-.. I Jutqtar dot uty log car
i v lo can! town his droid, I <:hp*t choke
Ids lam neck for him, and nWay ll matcli
od trying t** get n kicit at B<t poor dog
whose mini! he had given hjuixill.
A ic, .1 intuit. 1- We beaiil h lj lluu
nr, .1 t-ge Otb*on, tri Tusnwlay tellsm*—ao
iiiimaitiK *t or y <J f Hie way a Juror went fur
a Conviction, Ho say* be Was trying
murder case ft lew yeais ago down in one
of lire wir'•-grant counties, and exporieiu
ed great rlilllculty In getting a J'fy. TJmt
eleven Jwror* had lieen sworn 111, anil In
Hi* next pattel that was brought in wan a
small j lean, lank, cadaverous looking M
low who bad on ouo shoe; Ills pants worn
neatly alsrvc bis knee, his shirt open both
Iront and hack, and the albrymbl trousers
were held up by a single gallows. The bo
lie I tor proceeded to ask the usual (pier
lions Jurtjch tu*cs an follows
Have you, from having seen Ibo crime
committed, 01 beard any ol tin: testimony
delivered under oath, formed and express
ed sriy opinion, us to the guilt or luno
1 ern e ol Uie prisoner at the her f
Ho with the ‘slugle gall us’ fellow In a
clear and distinct yroico, answered, 'Mot
2d Question.—Have you any prijudiec
or bi*B resting on you mind lor or against
the piisoner at the bar t
Answrr. —I liaiu't-
Shi Question. —Is your mind ja-.rlectly
Impartial l**tw'M:n lliu Hlate and the at
cosed 7
Answer. —Jiit air
4th f> .cation. Arc you '
or 1- '
PracUcal Ohjectlwna to Tele*
j graph Pole*.
- 4 -s*rn- pr_ _
A merchant going home elevated, stag
gered against a telegraph polo.
Dag your pardon, said he. I hope n<>
offense. It’s rather dark and the streets U
very narrow, you see.
In a few minutes lie came in contact
with another pole.
Couldn't help it air, said he, lifting his
hat. I never saw such crooked lanes as we
have hero iu this city.
Again ho ran afoul of a pole, this time
with a force that sent him back to tho
Look ham, neighbor,"yon needn't push
a lellow down bocxitxo lie happens In torch
you ; tho roait Is ss much mine as yours,
sod 1 have as much tight hers as you hare
old stlck-ia-lho-mud.
Picked bimselt up and made another ef
fort to reach home, hut hasoou caiuo plump
agatuT auother pole.
bhau't mako any “more apologies, eaid
lie ; If you get Into tho urtddlo ot the streets
and stand in my way, that's your look out,
not mine.
Proceeding on hlsjoutney again and be
coming angry aud diazy, ha aeomo I lo l*c
entangled ja an inextricable labyrinth of
telegraph pules, which led him to mako a
Gentlemen, you do not give n
man a lair dunce. You run from one
side of the street to Hie other, right iu my
Just then lie met u friend, and talcing
him by the, hand lie said :
Tiiure’a a procession going along this
streot, and evory man is drunk ; they have
been running against me all the way from
the ciuhy 1 knmrked one ol the Icllows
down, and oiio of the fellows knocked uic
down, and then a lot of them got around
me, and I believe thoy would have licked
mu within an inch of my Tile il you ha I
not come to the tenons. Let tta go out of
this street before tho procession Mim*-a back
for they are all drunk. [(Jalllornia Bpirll
ol the I'imes.
Dow 110 Herewcil linnlli.
JaCka iu (Mlhß ) t*llot: |
Jut. has been working m tlie coiiutry,
and, on coming to town, was regaling his
trlands with hi* experiencu on the comer.
••You know do man what 1 went to
work wld ? Well, you see, ho told mo he
would do better by me dan any of hi* nelgh
l*>rs was doin’ by her bans ; he would give
tie third of do crap, and 1 find myeeil. Well,
you eee, 1 wont to church and gila ‘quamt
ud wld de neighbor'*bans. Dsr’s Mr. Wash
'ngtou, h* I* workin 1 on young Billy HmKb’*
place, ami he’* glttln’ do fourth, and find
hlssoir, mid dr* Mr. Llnkutn, b.o’e work
In’on old inau Jones’place, and I* gitton’
do filth, and i* found beside*. Well, yor
see, when l glu home, and was awnrkm'
in de crap, 1 gut t-> studyln', and do more I
Ktudied du more I come to do conclusion
,Ut and third wasn't gwine to do mo. Ho 1
goes to do boss and says I—f Hays, •you
t lbf me you was ngwi te to no hotter by mo
dan any de neighbors was liy doro ham,’
lie say* li,n been talk’rt'to' mn, and dat
In; was, und I Hnvs dat I'so liemi bavin
tti/iue t.'/usUnaUoii wld dn neighhora’ liana
inysnll. Hit Hull lbs band was gllliu’ d<
,nd found, and 1 wacil’t gwine to eland no
third. Ho he says li would ro*lngc do ole
one’ and nuke a nrw enntrack, and we b I
cornu to town ‘for* ‘Hipilre lloblnson and
made It ; line’* do paper now, and dais dc
way I tcrctirA him up to ilo fourth . I
you wbat’s do (get; Imy*. you can’t tiul
one ol dent white bilk*." And Jim mount
ed hi* mule and rode "If.
A Bit ol IJvjiei'l fhifki,
Oood-nalured ediilng, say* some wise
man, spoils hall th# paper* in the United
HU'***. Yea, verily. Will you please pub
liah Hie poetry I solid 1 say*one; il i* my
first effort J and Tunnr cnidij Ituft'i gO in to
eucourfigo budding genius
Oni ebutch is in great peril, ssys anolli
.•r ; wilt you publish our appeal and a long
dolorous plea Is inserted.
-My latinfr took your paper lor twenty
' I wars, write* snotlier ; 1 tliluk you ought
to publish the resolution passed by the ses
t i'iris of the Jbg Drake church w hen ho
died , and In goes resolution* ol no inter
e .t to a majority ol the reader*.
1 am paiucnutly anxious th*'. U <• • • •■
I present should go to ,-- -
week. Out
Tli* I/urgiet end Handsomest Literary Pa
per in America.
Brilliant Annoauootuonts
r+r Ai'hX'isfuys push jtx
rpilE following now -*tnrloa will ml '*<*
JL coßinmint-jd. and will ba the M >(• In
tensely TnrUliug ot any R .niances yet pnl
ishud 111 an American journal.
A Thrilling National Roman.hi, based Up
on the A. I ministrations of P.'eaMeut Lin
coin and Johnson an 1 tins Etucntloo of
Mra Surratt, Iu IStJj *Vriilen by a die
littgitiahed Blaieentaa.
- '
Tim uwNiuiiT rrmnars
A Story of tho Last Napoleon's Uelgß. ,
By M. QL’AI), ot tha Michigan Press.
A LON HI IN Tim T 70111,0.
A Brilliant Boetoty Serial, now running,—
By Mr*. M try 'K. Bryan, who is lua Pin
eal Story-Writer ot the Age.
—OK -
T*in}iliiUon .// a l'\tcU>ry OirL
By a i’opalur Novelist.
, —or Tinfi—
t oo federate tiovernuieat.
By Col. HD Capers, Chief Clerk of Treat*
in y Department under Mr. Metumln*
JIT" This will ho a deeply IntoreMing so
lira (if SUeleTies, iTivtng tti early trials, dl#
advantages, and many amusing hidden
ol our pc ipi** In H olr otlorts to establish an
Independent Government.
fiff A number of ntmninlly Brllllan
Hliort Bt irica appear in eaeh issue, with a
great xrertoty ol Sparkling Mtsoullaucpua
Miitlur on all subjecte.
Bu.literiptv>n fd 00 n Ytdt
Olidm <it 4 snd upwards, $9 M mbli ,
tt *r ‘ to 4* •> *>il uA
Kxira < o|y FfIKK, on* year, for ■ club
of 5 at 0 dollar*. Address.
.1 II HR \ EH, Atlanta, <Ja.
WKHTRUN 1 "Her lor *alu lor 00 days
JiANlflsotno valuable tract* of
tunning and timber land In a thriving and
rapidly growing Western Htale. 'hi ae
count oi railroad*, recently conslrucicd
mi/t-iinmixrallull, lhcscJaildlAht. " - ' w ra i’
idly limug in vull.c. They will lie sol I very
lmvl n A (Hear and Herleel lltle
will be Ousiantcod, wllli i very tract so'd,
witli deed* ol lull warranty lioin reapon*!
Irlu grantor*, r.irtlea desiring to purchase
laud*, im an rally ime m value, Ileal IvilnUi
agents and binding M< a, will find .t to
W Al. h. <ft MR,Heal Katat* TKalwr,
I7 William K N, Y
ej.'liu Ist tHTT*
Il I* the Evading I’aper ol llic Boulbp
Itud hut I'reshlnaUai and Oulienialorlal
(htnipaigns opening. Kvery Oeorgiau
wh.rnld take the “i'ROl'l'K’A PMMfill.
S.) iai Hiurlcs, by dlstoigmsiiud
author*, running all tbe time.
I lie gellsr up ol A UI*UD Off I RM*
will ri oclve the Papor Frv
liahy, *lb<* l* r annum; IT3O lor •
montlis , fa.fW f*r •! months.
Hcfid your imlrscrlptiou for this great
I*OJ.! J M AN f> KaMILY .loL’flNA I*,
Published at tho Capi-
NO, 27