Newspaper Page Text
Wm, T. Hkviix, Editor and Proprietor
rou (liovijnoKoi uuouutx.
Hu >jc tto ritffjkatwn by </i
vkmovra 7 w coxvEyTToy.
Ja. If. Cam.awav * prominent and u
cellcnt cililfeM of Atlanta is dead.
Belknap's tiial will Ise [*.•' pot.ed, it la
thought until next winter.
Tin; lieumfirat ic convention to numiiali;
eauiildftU: for il. ptesldeiity tistembha
lit Hi. Louis next TilMnfny.
Tiny now Uit.mnlc that Blaine'* lU'ifia*
was feigned, ha being unwilling to have
lh#ln*etij/iiiig committee examine far
liter Into hi* c.tao Ufore tin* fkiicionaii
convention tie t, the proof ag-.ui -.1 him Ic
corning stronger each .Jay and mote dlfll
cult Ui meet. Well, hemissed the nomirn.
tlon a Irt’ller and slri rig r utftO gelling the
Tht? (hTlnTTrhnTi KcnJiitU <-j •< wuh m
tCnlly postponed a coup eol week a. Kcfc
dlick's lawyers nlle-big that Ihey hud •
airy ilili! lie I tig t< c.t.m<my agailwt Hiv,
Hindi. T'lU it liur-ucs have some Hiillen
to |he Columbus pftjn r that Ihey WOtdd
not u-llify 4* the Thwycii hid taU they
Would Till CBMI Bg 111 -I heniliielc scent*
lm~4#fk and damning against Kendrick c
'Jill! Me. I writ.e. Vlltl.KAloH 111.* le.r’
eil the name o| llor 11 ham Wstne lor
Governor ol Georgia. Itcviil should not
have done IhKbreathe Judge Winner Inn
lint linn: Hi nlight Imm the Im-mcli and g ■
oil n ftllimi trig la inlet, j New nan llhnle
Tl* not the lime dial 1* winded we tlonld
the Judge'* Incllmillon to „tinnpihe stall- He
liar* liven wtii known to the people long
While, 'Old II Ihey deal' e till 111 Id. t", Hey
can make thelt (‘eel e* kft >wn without a
"•lumping hinder ' on lit* pm'
The Mat if lift Jon in a I thinks we derive
l loi **laurel" on account ol our local Hem
coiiccriilug Alt. ('rutvilei’a Kn'l l rs P- Why.
Ijjv dear htolln r, thn rtoiy I* vour lied lot
M n over turn title tty th* mot lelo.hSe
par tie*, it you don’t think It _J.toej!!lL
travel down here end put your lent In that
little (rap and *ue if you can't walk off
with It-
Not a I’i si;. We don't Iniyutfile lhat
OUT btuM.or ol the Journal I* a iniok, an
Ofl nr addicted to prowling round hen
run*t* W ffko to l>e precite elncn 'he
ConeUtutton seenwu *** of lmteilug At-
The Meriwether Vtmllcainf nom'nnle*
Judge Hiram Warner lor Governor, tod
lon to Hie ratification ol the Dehmcratle
convention, and ptihllahoa a long eompli
rnentary silicic shunt him, every word of
which lijtitlly deaeired. Mil* purl of Iho
Blftto c.oul I n>t he heller pleaaed Ilian to
have Iliratn Warner nominated,—| La-
Grange Hoporler.
Wedtiintrttw perrydo ot ttm entire slate
**ronld not he better pUmved than to Imve
Ilham Warner nominated." Ill* long, fa
miliar ecqnelnttmce with the iHdtt ol the
•late, hi* well known alii'Uy nnd notioim
cj economy and intmato knowledge ol the
wanla o| lire stale lire qaallHcationa lhat
the people would delight to know were
po*Bfcsed py the r’cr npant ol lha gnhvrea
loiini chair. To the discharge ol the ditlie
of Iho high olflro no man in the stain can
bring giealer expeiiinco hi public service,
while he i* the par of any hi Iho oilier ner
ewary qnal'flrnlion*. I* (lu re, teally, any
good reason why he tbould not Ik: nomina
ted r
Hr klnml Ills* Teal,
Bt nte lime trgtt, Mr. Kerr, democratic
ipcaher ol Ihe national House ol Koprr
•entnlive*. wa# accused of ofTWI l btibery
similar to that practiced try Blaioe, Hel
knap and other rallies!*. A committee ol
li’rraMgetion was appointed, which, alter
yfis lho evidence,
rile AoiMiiialiou.
The Radical coovvut Um *i Ciccintitli
io>t week, paaaing by Hlsme, Mortou,
Conk'ii g a id Hristow, nominated GoTtr
nnr Jl*y ta ol <>kio, lur pn.aident and
i WhLtlvrxd Vorft Pf tier president
Haye* if at preneo*., goreroor of Ohio aa i
W heeler i* a member of Cougresa from
New Voik. tt >tb are among the be*
men id tl.e ;>ar‘y sod Ihe lieket ia a very
strong one. It the noonase* can ca:r
--i heir re*per.'lve t Pea t:*ir election U aure
: f-x acc-iri; New Ynrx fir me a
pojMilar man from that Mate atned i he tak
! co. fil len Ib'Kigli he ini u;>i> iU;./n fro n
his own jnity i* Hkety to he *ht candidate
of ihe |*rty, a.ili , wedoru mao tor th
vice cri-silettcy,
Tile Iditl.
(Jur leader* will remember that the Vin
on a ion was ehti'g.ol recently with laMog
i aructe* liom 'he Aliaid > CuUßlitutioii
I out eied.i. Wo denied the fihaige and CH
l ed lor the proof The ljutUu!ion r lit *r
say they hare none and add, * We quash
the indh trnenl,’ do*,eg with tl.e Dvujniini
muut injunction to u* Pi *>o and la no
more-'* That parli> g naiule w regard a
the fiooiel "biftst'* of the enUie rflair, after,
nrltn tling that It had no pi oof to auatgin
Hi • li.rp' It hid* u not to am ai-am Weil,
the eihloia ol the t,.'on*i'tuUou *'c Isettc-i
than J'ilate; he loutid no laolt ,o one wiong
fuliy ai-cusej, hut idle, wa'da signed the
watfart for lit* efociiixion; Juda*. liowerec
lepeul.iog ol Id* wrong, hange<l houv-ii
We tiut our i**iclient eotemporary wi)'
noi j,,, inti* .1 i.iiiii, lor rome s-*y ~he-J*ax a
devil liom the h’-gining.
(iuiiri itniottiTl:
tiov ioM-Oot* has Written w hrhT hr
wliuli lie says he die* riot desire the oft) .
of Governor bttt w'H seci'l't the nomtna
lion it lemlood.
(.in tint i to) Wlliidr i* t from the i ;j>ivis*
although In* had r ondderab i atrrngitt ami
Blood a good ejiance * a cornpiimilsn Can
did t<*.
,f,l/jp. W ht rnoat 'aroratily—Rpnusu
of in ddoient |kii I ton* of tlie state o and w
|,oj.e to 'O' httn noinliiati I
Cotipiltt, Hardeman and James s> em eon
ndcul null lire oi tvety canVa-siliC.
A (ifiirral l fiiiriinlnh
~.~fHint resohibm, oi, tl.e— tt,c
ci tileii’d i! In ihe aefi r*k-Counties or
towns l*''
Itg KMolTl l lIV the seHftte Slid hni|e [ f
represi ntallve of the I’nited H’a'ei o'
America in mantes* **> •ntiled That n
tic soil I* hereby meonimeii lid t,y thasm
ftttiaml hou of rcpreieutallvea to ‘be. pe ( >
pin id ttif! several State* that they ftsaotuhv
In thrir several muntleaif | i on theap
pi oacht’ig ceidimntal Rnuivor*.iry of nation -
si indeiwßiteucn, and that tbnv iit'tw P.
have delivered, on such day an bintoricd
sketch of said oonnty or fciwn front (la ior
■nallon ami that • cany of *.i I sk'ouli May
bo filled In pilot or manuscript, in th#
ctetk'a offle# of sahl ciwmly, and an add)
tlonl copy, In print or mainfcripr, Iw ftled
In the oftlc# of lha llbratiau ol con .ri***, t ,
tha Intent that a isiriip'ele n onl mo tliu*
h# obtained ol the progress id our in-lHn
lions dming llie hist cenU:ie to 1 of their
existence. a ,
Approved, M'Tch Ift. iKTIi,
A TttUt hiHg mnl Hi nnlttnl Trny
Yesterday we wore handed * prayi r
written by Mini f,iMi- Harrison, who rm!
lat tier tile hut MomUv. Him wrote Hint
Irft it at the house of a friend Tlie com
position In neftUl'ttil. fit! Ol lulelligciiue amt
pathos. In it I* the “lone rock by the set,'*
Hit etprossinn which she so often a Mil
The tone of the whole I* touching and
was wurely promi*!**! by n Cniistis'i spirit
Tliott h>i*l commanded to come unto
Thee. O, Lamb ol God, t come—it tremb
ling repentant sinner. I come to kneel at
Thy ciosi. Oh ! givo me rest, mat, eternal
teat—rest for the mind, body and aoul !
Direct my Ini ter inti footsteps; support me
by Thy loving nrnt ; let my weary hea l
aink to rent on Thy bosom, tvotl aenil Thy
holy anuria m guide me in the pn'ha ol tigh
teoasßta I T*acb nr• to r.'i' iy with gout,
lode the loving kindness of my bieuds,
O help me, my Blessed Father I help me
to lilt my thoughts from thin cold anil ctuel
world to brighter realm? of light above.
And when 1 at last ntuc illoj to du.—when
tho tannin el mino enemier are forever
hushed by the presence of death (that king
who visits alike the palace and cottage, tire
||||flhM|MUof gay leslivities slid tlie
rock by the
0717 A WEEK guaranteed to Agent*
| | Malfi and Female ia their owa
\h.ciiity. Term* and OUTFIT FHKK
'ATiTTfv** TTO.TICXE ft V * CV„ AuguiU.
' Maine.
1C) I) rdar* • day at home. Ageau want
L) fi<i Outfit an J terms free. TBUE
JE CO , Augusta, M iine.
A GREAT OFPER! 2r u ? a %t
vdl iii>(KWs id 100 new nu/l*iid-hao'l
c'i A N't f-ait. * Ht- * \S-iof nr-t-daa* Makers,
'"flint nti WAl'Klts’.iifwwnjjr 1..-MSW Uiiil
net bcicue aAnd. New T I* * 1 -
fur ISW IP.J*,) Slid Shipped, 'fVr>oo
cah mnl SIU monthly untti pfud. New 5
tyctave i rsu/p tirgau* 4 t.JA. ‘Z?r,k cbeo-u
nrud st/rel war ran led fur g|i g)—own
uwt %u laooiUly 'ui it i/iul fitns.rft'e.i
t.ataliq{iic- m.uU;i Agent* 'Want
ed. JIOKACE WA I i-aGh. *7s
4dt I trirad way. N X
'i 7 hr i< . > / | l‘ef day at Icnrse. Sam
s~)' J 'j) /pies Wioth |i free. Ad
dies* TI >.*>ON Jr CO., Port Uni Marne.
I‘rue, JiCerUj/ Fw (JtiJu
I fOM.
Curitamiog complete list of aii the
Urn to- in the United Hiatts, U.e Ttnipoie
ml the ttommwm ot Canada, having s
le.pu'sU'.n greater than IfA') .ucirding b>
U>e l-i, i --*}s, luge*her wuh the HBTitnrfif
if,e (.cwsjrapeT* baring the dyrge s*>
i irculattoo n ■ 11 ul t‘e pis- n n.a- t_
~A *o, a; of t.ewtp-ip';* * u ! 1 ,> j
o' omuii .i led *0 ftitviii*(* as. gtvmg
gTrateat rafan in [nopfom..,. V- p<•* ■
• lis , ge,t Alao, all news.paptr* m la, 1. ,
iad'TAisua-ftmt. i Uoftdr ptiettog *rvrr Y'f-rt -
o.pi, * fc'-.b issoe A I*o, a t the Itsngi'/ >n
Huy nilttfftl, " c.t it-. ** I, He, m *1
M -liti.i, Vlisr.ic, I~- i,,0- Ki - 1 ■*
f omoteriTa;, Jnxurai.i c, lt--*I UJta'i If •
•(Mrrtlug, Musical, F*htoi, Aft<l olos • j
speciat claae Jouma* *. very com - ■ j
Tngcihei Wi ti a iaripl#te list o' 1 *i <ar
wan p|-en> ti. ’-.ted In tua liniui t
/Also, i. <:*ay ujko advail, i .....y l*
hb>* ol ifttea, showing the ciott 4 .**,.■
o.g -i r*'iin uew*(ai>*r. •'.ou efaiytih.g
wh.cli a ia *dv' rlislog srs.i i lU<
l<> know A id's**
or.o p. itowici co u p* *4 jtow,
■Nsw Vuk
1 n. i,ptw. Hal of Ami-riian N-'w[.i)k ■
n iiilKiimg m .ro Slmn oght th-a.Miid, wit., i
a (1 -,to*r of all ti> towns and in I
whlc.ii l.i.ry n'c puirilshod ; HUtorkftl aa i I
Statistii ai Hkstoh'-A of 11. Ureal Mi-wspa
l#-r Eatabilabmeota ; TiToatr if wl with tium
nrmts ei.gravings of th* principal Nm*i a
per f5 Hoott IIW
Isanod, Mftlteil, postpaid, t. any a.h’-i s
fur ill rents. Apply (inclosing twice) to
Htn-ear; 1 r*-:t*N *o r ias Nrvsr.ttva Pa
tnt.ton, t •ntennltl Ground*, Phi's lelplua,
irr Amciktfto Newra Ho, New I’or*
Family Knittiag Machine!
A moat Useful and Wonderful Invention 1
Now attracting universal atteclinn by iu
aatoniatiing performance*. and its greit
practical value for every day family nae.
it it Simple, Durnhln and
Cheap *• easily krpt in repair, ami
It will knit every potsiillfi. Variety of j plain
and fancy work
and lar tirtlor than it can be done by ha..d
or on any other machine. All kinda of
garments are perfectly formed and shaped
bv the machine itself, requiring no cutting
aiid making up. A good opwtnior wiM
knit s man’s sock, with heel son toe com
plete, in from Hi? to ten minute*! and from
twenty to lorty pairs of socks in a day !
Evefy laroily—especially every farmer’s
family—should bare a Bickford
Knitter 1* will he found equally as
ijaelul as the Sawing Machine, aed even
jjjore profitable.
BKj ‘ perfect.
WE are old dealers and know that I) v
Goods are iower no* thau when
tad fttirk'tig "*Ckrier thru a bf rt-te.-” to
cash and Differ uade. Next we.*k aud af
ter we wsul W
Barter For 'Wheat
We waul it by the bag, by the curt and b>
:be wsioo ioid. lud me eety-uoriTs ro nsc
fset ail of Meriwether come. Let ad
mk -.far off tome, an i whi at an lof •
and any tihog g'tod Utt man or legist V,
tad. arid barter for cheap goods.
We keep the biggeat asd ihe best assort
ed stock ot g,*>,is ia Troup co-i’.ty .
lie>i te-i ail ibeae tbmgi. we art luanu
'sat O -aa'cirgs (Yai-i* -bv.h w
and t>-Jo ej,an i tbe very ie -l I'a, *
’Mr!;*'*, < tiei.ks a-id llenitua mad- to hwi
gsa, tor taeu aud b-.y* and Unoring
T i..* is a trath lhat ojt curt hisxii a"; - tij
t o ,w, a Sr ath that whi
when ■ ' ,
*• w-Mid <a on i
We think it 00 eg>rtlm V ywe it*-*,
•rt-irrtf Wit# fttl huatu : t,,
weigiit and la** a t,y g, k.jrjt a
, ;e,.„ i.orivmtiaa <)• iK!t
Wn Isis retMM’.u of g*-I>^:.a •
• iea No do:- r, , *as.h>dt ftfty if .-,
KOiU .ilftjpi, t.M.i.IL X K'l
Jam 10 45,
Ufa •!.%i (kfettMt *¥r< I'.ctALU-.i U* fl <
—— ——-*
a V'>in i :i>; t<m ist.\ I* *.
f I Mi* Ktsn tK V r \-h fi{M ill
I Jit tM>N ( UHIM SVs ft by j
tj < < -*} cl of Uf*: Krt ' tk y IA ' fr-Mfvifr 1
f*vr f.s r,eM.efi? I ILr f't lU (( r< ft* }
i-< M.vt ■.,( j
ftgr tr ** *vi *tt*ud 1* ix f*.£ vii M I** '
Ham., j'l Ijr < |>Y *.l K> n*. 1, !( v-
TTTTn>TTftY7 AtJiTl il 'j\ o
* h tit t tfi t/j !h*f Ml liulthv * Ii 1U
Hf i- ti tVMdff# ib *iitA (>i
>,< X X >.
I r. I*. t'-TTET, Ei C.. ti .. to Ma
ny* t,
i*m ri tvttr N" I'*hi fti nr.Mi,.n j
l.U*- l <*E t|K’l n;
O r t trt and t 'Nh t i'-f1.... | Usi.t? ?j
on* tiiaial t >o Od .... . Vi is i
r lor Of and t'aah til b ..... ? i i*?i
tli * Oland-it*h (iili . So*o
i turn irraml i wdi out ... iO.iasi,
On* (trend l a-l <* it > '**
SO Cash Oiti* ot |t irsi >•*<• t> vi,>*>
tint Cm!) ikli* ot I**l .v< . to.'ssi
UNI ( ash (flits nf Vsi s,rlj (o <*!
100 ( a!i (ilfl- >1 ;I *!. . dO.l**# I
SOO C**b Ot uOl b’. .. .>. . hi (i
(KSI ('v*!* Oil!* oi It. I*' * l>l Ot
|O,UUH t'a*h (iill* Id U < b b: < >
lotail H, lMt(iiii*. AU< *U fit '(f*J
l r lt|i KE lit kKh
W o!a lickel*. ft J rtn lv* I*. , (Jo ?*-**,
:i , fi II! k!, f!- I , t\ * I I n
tft| Tb ket, pwo . T>t liekft*. ♦l.lXsi
lUO.tXfif I m k*(* at $U each.
Il< niiUA'K v* in lw Ina l* by Rtgraa
—fee SJai-cy-oribr ---r it—
Letter, ro.adr payable to Kf STUI SV
t A-II pI“TnIIU I lufi ( OAIt’ANV
All noinimnileatioT.* uooe‘ . j *iui *h
d.stnbntiftn, tm' order* toe I <tu t*, aod
jyipur *l-o*4 and Agecf* >rr -j-‘- trrke-r*.
StiouTU lat l to
ittiN iin>3. r. rotrrr.H,
" '7Jerw>r*t Mtfr kr
.v warded the Ui4bw Ma.ia. stV.iiii-a.
E i H. T- ANTHONY * CO.,
SOt A/iouduy, Are" 1 -t
(O.'C Metfop*>iitsu Hots' i
Mnnufactnrers. Importers
and Dealers in
KUA M &a„
S tei;eosc< >1 >js &
V' I E W S:
ALBUMS, ouAruosoorm, pboto
ti HA PHs,
And k \ m!red —C€l€brili f Ac trev*
We lor everything in
the way of
Being Mannlactnrett of the
Each atyU being the best of its class in
Slides, -,;b
•‘P-iarritES don’t xnrE’
Mpiuwa) Piittfigft Still Triuopbaul f
TEl*w AY 8 SALfc- KVIPENCK uri’HtlK POPULAR. - 1 '*'•**
Cbi<-kering& Sous’ ’ -two \u "
Vi iilkns Knabe A Cos, " ''
Howsßrs. .. " *e>'M
Abut W • '■■■ 22L444.
\ Tuc also 1 e figures are txkeu Ir ar. Use Internal Kcreuue lax lveturna.
RUBENSTETN. D Gi m? tong anddifflcaltjuumcy
e , over 4;r! ,1 , ai.d in ft '* rv luclvnii 11
~ ia*r. I u.-r i v.u; 1‘ *' “• kavc he, r.
**rie ue ynur Fifti.# cxctirt.vely in uv
J mv Humirn! and K'ffe* U Comer I*, ah, I
. i pfivate with the must emiarnt *!
i-faction u,i trtol New York, May-4i It,
no.. ,eii by Kube‘.i=feili to any Plant;
Miaiiidactuit ii
_ Pray til; Mr—H'-oinifak-UutlJtk F|tlt‘ii,li.i.
LISZT. U;'light piftuo ah--tie to brrnaiit advwitsgc
It* Rt NV ri -
i*org wl.eiefiwa Ibievda-V it vj-rvod UU.ii a
toy Diigeia as 'Vi*s Orchestra, exciliug
f. ucrJ adiwiratmE. rExUacl Irmu L•.
F-nrw i.te* to th# 1 rbrated mnipwer
M,, wbikh letter, dated Wetuiet.
Ne* t .C, latt, is now tu iK.s*anou • t
iltr*tr. ,B‘x assy & N-u*.
MARIE KREBS Alter thoroug*.ly trsliiw y>.nr Piano*.
b iu pr vao and 1,1 pot, c, 1 can oi>t
a< say that the sfeiuwaV Pianoft
t, *o| cr r to" all AlUer* an and Ktro)M-ittv
it, k :u Pi uie, (New
My 17th, fclC'Jd
DE MEYER 'D* U‘ff tT lf 11'* H Dl4'4
fr• ) rf it* 1 *.t.-V2J*7U to Hit? F*a
ska** >’! u ii.r v*tifi-i ttiifiWiicl UtKrr Hi
►, -!.:• !,; ptS¥SU, !M i fit Vt* lotliMl
fk< itikSfudni>i viliU’D with y*ut>
1 tfi'i.' ( S —. Match ii ?*l, t
- *' Y<c{|f icTW■ v.vt l I*, iuscnbuj Hi
Js'Uc> (U file y ul J*lufiO itH<U
iJ r * tA!m ? iht i tK; ul Wli• f*
lii¥r *4= isf>r ' v 4#*ilfY*tf
I'm* •* a i*r lnw lf*nttrt n itH'utf||)Nt i*
h • V\ iil ft--Mr. iliM :i4g n 'hi it UN** !V\ J 4 ; k t
!• - id 41 *.u i‘it% tj:ii;i!) ’ Ajwil J Vlh
•r jiic A
. ' Ihiniff tuy l"np> hh#4
•* • L • ?i | t,*v* ff.i y* ill, fiitki.y fin* K.U
If *"•* <1 a\ ffM U 4tJ K>e*r*u l/tll
fs* Ullti U(hlf* Kf>t'U '|f ftfl.t |KNIf) trl
-f <, t ffy (.1 hrfit |j ill <*W V*
l ill/11 c l t f_tU 1* tt | ‘ui tn* |fit 4f ( I-: *( )%
tly*li tlryrr n yt i*f c* U (>rnlti f*..<siu
k Lick/ 4 *%• w Y< t k, JU*iy T>, sf*^j
WI. V'LW.M !V < .IV Uk*-Win, .tu, < Uf.OKN tf.erc an &
‘ '.■* ! . V f *4 Y*rfU t * ~ * Ut if MfTl ‘'d!ut 111 ... at ti • j f 1 !?•#, |'% rft }ij t
* - fs> - f-.f4 VI ” H;* if. ftA •**••>* I Wtu Ui*u l L'aftMM, U* I lUiU*. Wul*b
u * \ thtsk- Iddif4k4
if RIM * A (M-•* f-t
AN I'ArTliav.*** •
AI.VMIIi H V9A*9. **
A rs
WIMhVt-m |/ ( .* V ~ M r -yw !/,11„
TflLMlh-Hf rffutl \
i H %* m nii
V w iHitiji.
Wlf flt fi IUI 1 11 *4 f 1 it Jf It i*sr J t- W-s’r# _
- * M W A*W UM w W hob .V, (*!*; V. i ~-*' a ,i tAhftti u*i I.qOMPMI to mtiU Ht
♦%* fv 4, ylAfty >4 t*t I •*-- •.. | ( • -
nrva U%t !%kr H rrrf y tr ,(! VI 4 ,yhf*fv*'r thtjt
ixm FinxxA m ii-at-tcira .n-i atteai P*-t* f> ndun ffii wi,, I, ~l*.,
I'lamwatthc UKAUof f4r. WOJU.U
Af,wri Ma'h.Hl.ii, llaTtmso, Ifaue* Hr,.-. And uLlur ibaww,
Wbatevsr i w..r.ud .r,‘ !o : t iao vgp; ,y 4 V.wnH rftts sanl st shot t
nof t 4*. sa.
, BtiilSr ftlwiTW WT*.rwt two . Ab.-PIrTCHU XWd F CaV-.V 1 Eat Tel
TO W fi. rhalf Nt. Allan'a (feijrgk,.
w 1 * T L. Ap* r 1 Gff< r*! 1 >(ia.
Not ito r r!ii.s.
GKor&n, pro
(iuCO iJtTlltJ-L*
c- • 0
lesirtw to call tbc attention of the !c;l ens
trading in Atlanta, o hr* siperi >r FicrL-
Tiits for 'applying them with
Everything inihis line at
The Lowest PRICES
In ALL CASKS and the articles are not
what they are reprew nied to be they can
be monied at MT exiiunse.
•' AND CRlil MiUS.
■t :xr;ns k rntiAir;
fdo.? \ vlim
(i ran and TalS fa C
hygienic iNsnrjre
Corner Loyd awl Will street,
f'asvmyr i erx-f, Atlanta. Oa.'
The tuth is t’<e most laumy
m<l freest Curative m l Pmvalire o
■iivaw err i tlior.ver*.l.
Beeitks the lxi!i L ‘>se, srhco nr-ceam*
Cnr', m 1 all tlte 'Watrv
ti.f ii
of He' •