The Meriwether County vindicator. (Greenville, Meriwether County, Ga.) 1872-1885, June 23, 1876, Image 3
THE VINDICATOR. PI’BT.IsnEa KVKJIV FRIDAY, 81 1 WM T. REVILL, #9.00 PER ANN’PJT, IK ADVANCE OBk) Sc.atli Jle f the Court Houae of Advertising, Spuce 11 wk ; 4 wks I 3 mo; Bmo , 1 year 1 inch I 1 00, 250 4 50 700 1 12 00 2 inches 150 5 (X) (i 50110 00 1 15 00 3 iaches i 2 00 j 800 I 10.00 i 15.00 1 3.5 QQ tO il J 5 dffjltl 00'20.00 25 00 1 3-5 no i on| 7 00 ! 15 00 35.00 |3500 . 00 i<o 1 col 110-00 i2O 00) 35.00,00 00 5 #IOO ty A liberal deduction ma le to those advertising bv the mouth or tear. , _ * ' Keligians Nuliee. TLeJ-*t!bwiog i-Ulie Church Directory of <J)u\ lie for H 76: M KTHGDIS T 9 1 ai <1 4tb S.iooath* tn each month. Pastor ... H. r. W A SIMMONS baptist 3d Sabbath in each mouth Pastor Rev. S. P. Callaway. PHESRY TKRIAN Ist Sabbath in rarh month. Pastor Rt v. Jno. Jones 30 Tit K TO Till: I*l . Aflei this date, all advertisement lor the county *ff Mer! wether, wltt he j>Tit> l>*he.| hi ih Mkkiwkthkm County Viniu c*Tfm. JAS. W. HAN X! NO, Old 111 W R. KAVER, Sheriff. A. J tftNToN, dan. llh. IS'.l. Clerk Sllp’r Court. GREEN YlI.t.K. Kill DAY. .1 mio 23 1876 LOCAL TOPICS ■■■*■—■ ""— 1 "* 1 "' Coins,'* Ui'ouis siiiJtnc us commit M i llions written on l*>4h vide- un 4 not r\|i i I to hum (hem published. I bi-- plainly written they will also !■ consigned to tin- VI V- O' hnski-t. There will ta no r\ coptum to the atioveiuk**, f A Ift* i> buy gy s''l hHiuess for m ! e <ln tip h'l (ash by tin i iitol it the ViM.Hi A on. t* I M )• r 1 ‘.1 1 5 i \ pei uto .i.. v i t. ohm rovs Itii the t ertennial.* Kuo-are *e ! uug hi Gr i-ouvil at eight n III* per dozen. VV • *.l mi.i;i tel.i ijiniii l> ,y us a guitar hi egg* f Th • si \'*.iii| an 11 t* *ti Iti ti# f uni ri{ oi ls of crop* from n’i ptMla of On t’f'Uity mp m*s< tin’*mi*• .*ii:■/ Whi'ctbr wtirat ctnp in not t Ift-rlitnjr owt ait nil llii-r to wit' :ia mho kill ii ipati and we funk tlu-le n tut y tlilii iuuttlta cl a crop tjindi w ■ til vm,<- yuaiil I• t ,i■ 1 .wing u in :i O.i' k lit M ■ r .'l'imnl horn lilt -1 yeni’e wheal? \V* h vi I r|* nUwlly *:*!• 1 li nn krai Artv that llw J viJUii ii n(i la u (Juiml our Will *>'t v ~h nnr v vi- no an oppmluuil) <l lent t k 'in t'titn "I nut naitwin > Ti ua hni dollar* *o*th , w f wi'l credit jmu' at i mini In tlmt * nil nit Tt r r, utm s a- m r till, Mi' ll I' ihh Mi.' !:*.-**U in If mi)'tl4 % Imt'i'i i> -ju that oln* dm* nnt mml mrl a pnort j>H 1 11 1 our i m tr ou* (an *t nlil In Un it heart a jni, l*ul, pun ml ibr whole lit aim m planed fl >l nil |" ml 1h If Kft.*tnS. d.sM trh sttrt nr ka-: wnke ) oil * polllor) ol the p l>eiH an ' i ler I li|i[rf ni'.l Dial wi: i wild tt I innm ,, y remt I] in,l i win- not a’ 4 to m-t a fit" *>•*■* >n aH no* ptriMfi'- Wi hail wriitrn iff ahem a jhird f our nub** ll|> imi l wlic i the bttak down or. rutted m.ij mu !■ -red t i tend only tin. ouliide page* In iln remaii 'll rol our pn trnti*. Air er i lden'* ill happen ivm n. ll,*Ufct textile ed <fl|ia • tiuel om Inriiilx will p*r<!nn <nt almrt coming* ol laa.t wok, we pronining In ilo ail ill Off (lower In prevent a •K.nrjil breaking down Tn*MMi*H WMk mi bt ‘H. ' n- ilntioj- I nr iHrjftm o; |u W*p*jW>? lilt that Ivin feted wiiii Hit Interim of eur ruUcnUr fK*nt lorgel 'tic nil tire of tin; demm rat k. iih utive totrinili|ii- l< morrow. Tlt ('/’or ini; n pi ut ii rucri loinprnig ll,i COTnrrilUr* O. Warm, J W I’aik, J. I, Holtcriaotj, >| H'lv#-, ft. A Hoard, A 11. Fro man, I! I) Ibwte', W T Knvill, J I! Itoper, V .1. William*, I!. Y Tiirmr, W. I! la ridge, J"I S-n ,1. J. Milam, W, \S tihatm. J. A. Uoe, W. A J Philip*.' Wa*n t Invited. -'A tniiaineM mat n< - coiud * genl'itman frr m the n.ut r r itn-r day, tayirg * .“Why don'' with tut **’ •’ Ik--aii*,” ta I • '*}•! iifcTc r-irer it. tew) dj Vo 'Jo *o Irm j ery w**k, an.! I K oly,. p!ff tt:!.' I iberttfore, I go'"j cit eye to arr] b Jutlge Hiram Warner reached home last Saturday after a five weeks sojourn North, ‘•*ong visited WarhingtourTattictgTphta. New Yosfc, Albany and Niagara Falls. I he Judge is locking remarkably well J>e tag in eicollent health. On the floor o the uatioual House ot Representatives at VVasking lon Jud ft e Warner met only two men who were uicfnbcrs ol that body wkeu he w . s-L iaise if a member, twenty years .igct* These, were ftn;.k*, of lUu i tin elts. and Faulkner, of Virginia; Banks . being spenker tu 183 ft. The great exposi tion at Philadelphia Judge Warner regard ed us iraiy a wdendid display, which it would.tWc a month to examine projwrlj. ! From ob.-n vsiinns made Net. ih he thought | die dcn.ociats must nominate their strong : est man and conduct the campaign not on ly zealously but with gre.ft jiadeiice to beat the republican eandidales. Many ot he people North honest y team 1 that the return of the democracy to power would be signaha-.l bv another war. Jud,u Warner was accompanied by his grandson, Warner Hill, who stems to have bien delighted with the trip (omiil kuhtiiiiiie, Mil Em ton : ft apjtetfs iroin a little article m your last paper dual the Indies Hi the email) find it dilll li t t-i prncf'o slun ks to suliiub their floors wilur. ft drey will lakes corn or guano an k and run it Ibtoii-li the holes in tin 1 moo a go" I substiti! 1 . |i>i shuck i* discovered l monbon t its as sik-U sicks rm Irr-iiauni in large mini'll*-* on —tmrry .every farm in the county. My com elites i and shuck bouses being a 'mg. rougi oil, un ! wile accidentally in nie the Jiseoveiy ab vi givi a and 1 h ire no'. Seen a shuck in hei j mop sTno Truly yours. Cori’.'N lb tvfßit ColtN Ihilii!) lO' billowing note II I) II | .tn industrious (armor but uiiShfcesstni j whi st giowtn hrs bcec hanik'J Us foi pub licaiiott : '■ I b M. I I MVV 1 am sorry to say deal sweetfn-ail ,bai wo (a.mot lilt ry ill's ::ill, s~ )on w l ti'ii-eul lo eit corn a port ion ol the yi w My acre ol grouiij made .only eleven and t hall hush els ol wheat bit my cun crop is bully , you might 11 be beiu U w ilk lloougU it with invalid mt tbti ilgbluing tnl ’ s bull their Ina'i* against linl large shoils m i liioati ilayhglU 1 le' 1 yoil it wib make *lit cm n hreavi. Lot uui hear Pont 301.1 n in., t call, you swf-i lln „l. y-oi I.IH too s inu llcug and | .vlife y-'nir ii’iiii ficliitnus so dial nob dy. j wul know wlio we ale Yam 11 ne lover, P. W J. ! The 101 l mm/ 1111,1 o.vcihle.n tliol is I rum ! die (inffl 1 N* ws. Is'gietihHS win recited Mi B*e| In 11, dyj'ig in)- .1.0 in the lu*t HsftiM) Willi 11 ! vs w n| dch ailng 1 lav • oiivculioii lull m cdii'l -hod uiy mutt louts lAt lie Ain: is well ' 1 nt,;h to la’k iiboill ale elect hot lo Con | >’' •* Ao'nlvr Inin k I louse, ‘'oveiul u'em la 1 • ha i a tiHirow CKca|#o iroin a /crloiis in . 1 Vl.t ill till House Oil batunluv 1 till 111 ,' I u heavy ill liver, u part of oils ol the heavy • li.d,i* m the ceding till in flu 1 ti'un wMi 1 isrrtfe't crash, mtrtowly tnlcshig n Mmip of ll.rnil.trt• vi Im wile la lli ng ill I I ..ii tin; fTnni. I:,I III' nil’ll' "null- pni.ltiv tin- j/hhh w.i* Irfnlimi tiy un ru.plnye who iviri vrijiiinr it Knpr.ier Fklio i poiltiri; It ii n t To preveat imr tuore auclt an;'. •iirtife an sssia- fepHEtdiug rny. w ink nh IV’the hall dminp lie* aei**iona_ f ilFt St!, r-irrin- a - it Td >Tnr‘trHT>n-+y Itli alnuv y naan of tltmiiler, • anei| a .1- in! 'a,ii ' (hal do tin Jirtg had Ihth ►t m k liy nnlltllin;' Heflaloi Sherman ia ermfUeiJ with thc-in lefillon ol oiuoil n ing a hill pi rinai? thn (Hot ipij on ;i -w*pap'i a, to lonr cent* a A < llna would be foto limn tlur p ni o! In i,;!it. augo-i-|i, the avroige ilif tamo id till* dolivny ol llio iiewrpa|>er ol the i.ounlry, it would lie a uio*t un'eatonit hh; and iji ,Hui tin Hut on the diawml'iii inn of pI mieili ; ;nro. {Savannah N‘n h*‘ atMi iiiK, I’M'* ok IVtctr., —lt it rn rnoretl in Now Yotk, end genorally b<!iov mi, t.h it a troety ol poiev h i- lietm (tatohe J op belwiun tiie Tani rimy end anti Tent for foilm. tin; off el of which will In; to .olnjily the vote* ol the Now York de'.r , >. it for Gor< rnor Tiloen rei, tuner.t, i , ol :> tin ' Uatlin forti B. Hayes, tlic tlmli cal VauitneC far Preshleut, In or eoitJnirrs Wilt be to rtnd a report of the I?,vlic*i Convention at Cincinnati, by which it wiii tie seen that Gov. Hcihcrlord H. Hayes, of Ohio, was nominated ior President on the seventh oaliot, tlie vote stamihig 384 tor Haves and 351 lor Blaine Tliia tesult, which is *t once a surprise to the. f omit! y" an J a sore disappouflinctft U> his more prominent rivals, is attributable lather to (he personal jealousies and un compromising antagonism existing tn - iween the leaders of the Radi cal party than to any olleinenls of popular ity or political strength in the ch iracter of UovetnorH ryes. O aside of the State of Ohio Uovcruor I)ayes is little known ex cept as a member of the Radical pail). The prominence which tlio fortunate chances of a dav have given him will make a brief sketch oi liis public services and politic ti record, w hich we tied lo our hand, inter*, sluig to our leaders : Three t hues elected Governor and twice a Oong-osstnan, Mr liiycs Ins ucver yet c.i’iiiai either Stale or district by a heavy ■ majority. A native ot Oii 1, Mr. Hayes gained Ids ncmtamicil nducati >ll wi'hin flic liutits of that State, commanded an Ohio legiiivmt during the war, and has ■passed his entire profession))!' *ifj at the bar of the Stale. lie h now tifly tour * years old, tuviiig hern hot ,1 at ifelnwa'e, tf., October 4, 1H22. lie giadua'od ill Kenvon t.-oiicge, Gatnbitw, ‘V, ami ob talncd his protession.'l tiJaicaVion at the Cambridge I,aw Silioo'. The piacliro ol his piofussutit itegaTi in Cianmi ill lit his ill" ly I.>u 1 .Ii > car, when lie reoerved ilia timt ••llkuai positinrr as City 8 ilkltor wliicii lie held ti'l the war Inokn out in 1801. Very near its ipcidiig iw cnlUteued 1 the T.a inity-thir I O no Vo) an tears, and served with the regiment till lie received the com.iinnd ol linpole in 1804i His li st appouilniQiit was as Major, Iris, first pro,notion canwi within le3s than a year, and in fckmuuuhw ol 13tki tie hol.i a com i)|ss|mi as I nt'iitiumip Colonel and wts in isuntnatiil—4-fals regi ncut, wliich lie led into the battle ot .South Mountain. The I weni) thud Megiimmt lormcd it tbe lime a part ol Gtuieiai itjun a division - its eo.numiiJ devolving upon General Onx, who iftci wanls prince.b-1 Oeiiural lliyer as Governor, after the dcatii ol ticaeial lb'il*i iii action -un I.l'nig as the light wing iff the Army ot the Potomac. I>) l ing the •wikm Colonel Hay a a seve r wnottri Hi Hie arm, but luinumnd i “i !i Ins legiiiHint to the last, mid was the li. l either whose coininand eatablislied a poiuduii at South Mmnituiti Two year* laid he-had become Itrlgadiin Ocneiul llnyes, wliO.j lie icieived till) Itspublleiin 110111 jimi ion 111 the BcCOlld Ohio J> I all'll.). a pri't 01 Hamllbiii county, and received, home and army vote together, 3 Odd rnajoi 11 y ohm Joseph C. lisitU r, lliff IKinuxuaitU: Am u m*fnber <>( tin? Tliifty*n {, itU Con Mr }!uyß lii' term In tom p .iftt vi nlwiiuirlty Hi; M*rve*l on tl> Com initifT fiiviiii* fi<tnd Claim* on iliw Ci lir.%. y p'lrt-inl tlui tc*i#aion will* no gr* U r duiinctlm W;wi a vatc givtni uniformly uo<i <>u uli tun: itious ion i|o moat tUniud of tlio mim iULd wliu’U tvail |)toaoiilel m (hi# ('ouktua* by M Htovon tin? resolution to atloin* y on(!m -Mr. v >\u wan n or I?'i in Un? v*. In the hnyM : H ;oi><! time utiliruaei for h<U, rmininK i. Aihiai Tiiilv>doie (Jiiuk, vvuh eU cUid by u vonrHiial mimller tint)->t ily lltoti *i*ro y iir* hi lor The Kotlett had, bow ever, ln;!<l but oue movoou vvlmmi Mi. win noinio-ite l o* (ioveinnr hy the lli'jml* liervn mid, Jiec<?|>i eie, llie * ■ *vdHa(uMj, jaa eln'e'l over Aden ii. Jhn*in.u) hy H niy of 2 y .■'> in h lo*.d vo'e of l * eio-e noil rurow ,v c ipe from defeat, whi< Ii Mr ICtyr* w m * ( ivndi lat* fm ri der tiori aI. Ihe cbr*e of bis t* cm of eflb t‘. fK nrtober norn n< e mii jr• f rri*4, toid it w:yt fiirt t**l Vh'.l'.l I but lie w:ti Hecnod Ume plmrd nt the iir.el ol the K<'i*‘iidiein ticket 01 Ohio. nvvlide. He hu ie*| boriM?M m nrrf rrrftdr by vrt* tre-ito* one ut iriMt i* Irutwl n n pil>JKlfd lei. ter fiom M* f at urnl Kicbnid .Smi’fj, two gentlemen who have not of !>*• yeum parloernldp, Hdd*e wt •• ' tiier? / \f * • • tbo following is an extract: I cannot al'ow my name t. lie uses) Againat Judge Ta't. He beca no a candi date titer t dooliaed. II la a pure man and a sound Republican. 1 will not accept a nomination otffaiued witb conleat againct him. The pith and point of the voluntary en dorsement which Mr. Hayes gives to Judge T ilt, lies in Vie tact that the contest of the conveutiou turned on an energetic rtlort to placalf.t the Li bc *il Republican party by his nommatiou. The attempt tailed, anp Mr. H lyes Iffe ime a candidate, aecepthig the nomination by telegraph the same dav. In ttie' bit lor and hard fought c.iuv isr which fulloWtid, Mr Hives vvis sncvosslul, receiving a mijorhy ol $5,51l over Mr. Allen. - - " Mil Hon, John || .liiiucN. The friend* of Mr James claim- (Lot his chance* lor gubernatorial are biiglft as the following extract from liio Commonwealth show* : Dlttit Bm-l know that yov. are supporting Gen. Cohputt for tho Gu bernatorial nomination, and do not liesi late to confess ihat yom pretcrmire is an elegant, Clu Uti m genlloinan, worthy ol the Invor ol every honest Gcor gimi. But will you not accord to a liioml ol the Hon. Jam 11. iimci tli-i privilege ot expressing hi* tie lief, through t’m medium of your excellent paper, that liy reason nt his emieut hnwneial ah),kies lie is Hm man .vliom the poo pie lira I, uni whom they should elect to the Executive otlh:i lor tho next term ? Whin the Ihianci tl mud lie ol the Slate shall have la'cu cleared up, we may call lor *mn i one of tho rivals of Mr. J aim's; and the writer would suitor no .me to surpass him in the ardor of his devotion l< your favorite. Until this is done, the hard tolling masses would do well to on/ gage the, services ol i man ivh i Is eminent iy tilted to attend to I lie gr> atest mleiesta of the people. Mr. .1 uliei*liicTids lire rpiiof, till tfndr miii.e is *'Legion'” as will appear at the propel time. A bill providing i list n i man shall act ID I Juryman uu!c s he can road and iviilc the English language has passo<i ilia Te.xa* kenuto with tint live dissepring vot*is. Tim Wmlnugbui St ir is of the opiui n Unit when it is provided by |aw m every State and txrt'.tory HhM inlelligetien ah all not b • a bar in admis'ioo, on a j iiry, and when men win. read the iuuv*pat>ci'a and k<‘c| the mil ol rjuin nl > Vents iviu nil excluded mi that account, our piesenl jury system will be greatly improved. - (.Savannah New.*. M'. Stephen* continues to gain strmig'h, but will n t hi* able lo take Ids sdt dofuig the pie*eiit ftession of Congress. There i every reason to believe dint lie will be able lo go on next December -JChronicle A Sentinel, The secret ol Urn mmspiiacy against Speaker Kerr la now out. The Ht. Icuii* Republican auya tile purpose tor wlii' li it was originated ia lully accomplid *d ’l*ll'' Irlunda of Mr. Blaine, who ere acerwllleif with tho all iir, bad no hope ol proving the charges, biff simply drafted lo eslabllali FW Htfelllty with Which ail hmnowffi man could lee altackiil, imul intents Imputed lo him. of wlduli lie uffglit lie en tiicly iHiconscioua. In Mr. Keir'a pliyaic at Condßum aaya the Republican, ouch a plot mu simply lnfam<>ua, His wlmh' life u a U tat)wnt-4o- bin (loom , nod and Ilea aoundalniM lie altould hasten bis death Ilia bioiwl wall in a gii-d degree He ul the door ol tii<...i< Aai'ni'isc*. It will not whiu wash Sir. Blaine, oh her. Tim eu-ei are '• ulin ly rwilike, and lot Ihe suite of the gen eial tepid,• it a >ti iff leiv public moo lo high pl.iei *, we wish we could loot us aallsflorl "I die eoinpaTuttvo iououenco al-Mr lilmne a* wdo ol (lie euiiio purity ol Mr, Kerr. AoiljJds apart trmn any peisomd or p. i ideal fee bug. Blade; When a rn*a plavs Governor in Georgia and gels die State inlo aoeli a deplorable cotnlltlen Into I fojeli ion ol bank It**' ix loicofPto Inn f le'* 1 Robinson &, Bro’s I’iUCK CntllKNT. OiMtieS'Vir.'.K, (Tv . Y hoc 2;frJ, 187fti y Best Frinta. 8 cts OraniteviHe Br.ivfn lff illhig, 10 „ Bleach DVtlling 13j „ Brown Hxnmwpon ....8 to 10 „ Bleached Homes pun,,...... '.'go 17 ,ts S-a Islnnd HNnnrapun 710 11 „ Ohockerl (JSnaburg* 15 eta Sniped Oanaburgs It „ Georgia Check* l-'i.. Oottton Yarns :....#I.’JT) bun. Coat*’ Spool Thread 7-scts d*ia Hickory Stripes 12 j els Brogan* #1.95 to 1.50 Women's Kip Shoes $t.35 Genuine I). 11. Scovil Hoes No. 1 70 cl* No 2 75 ~ Scovil I’atleni llocs—No. 1....ti0 „ t) '*'ll %* **• l| H ,y Nalls—AH stees ; 3 Ames I. H. Shovels.... $1.25 Best Rio Codec .... 25 cl* Gi anulated Sugar. 12 j ~ Yellow 0. Sugar ti „ Choice Nmv Orleans Syrup 75 „ Fair New Orleans Syrup 70 „ Sugar House Molasses 10 ~ Best Vinegsr .40 „ Best English Soda S „ Black Pepper 25 „ Matches.... .33 „ do* Wc have in store, a full line ol Notions and Fancy Goods, Bools and Shoos, Hats (lor i.adies and G nils,) Crockery, Hind ware, Wood and Willow Ware, Groceries Tobacco,etc, ail of we will sell Ve<y Cheap HOIIINSDN A BUG. LOOK AJSm YOV WILL BUY. In u tire and arriving daily, §5.000 Worth' Of GOODS Ol HU KiiuW ami lieu ialliy -Bought it “NEW YORK’ Ai\d other cities since the decline In Goods. —II it* Iroin 50" TO $4 00, (Jalicoe* from 6to 8 cents, Bleaelied and Biown llonissp*ns from 0 to 15 cent* Oortfetl White and <toloreil Mimlini, ft) to 20 eta. ALL KINDS of GOODS .SO CUKAr ilint, you will certainly purcha>e when you xee them. Also a flue fait ol Cmileetinu ciies, —Oranges, Lemons, Jellies, Camlli 8 Jfcc. Come 111 and see me and Bring the. C*ti JAM W. BANNING. Preferred Locals ROBINSON' ifc URO. wiij. f i a Kg: WIIKAT IM kXr.’iIANOB for GOODS. "a ba*iT(Tain7 111 inch Bxvrcp lor $1 10 17 “ ” •* #UO 30 •• *' “ f 1.00 MYRON ELLIS, It. N ELLIS Robinson 6c. Bro have just rv eeived another supply of Nexv Goods. Give them n call II you want Ini'gains Notice. The Public Schools lor list |wi sent year writ oprrrrm the first M.infttty tn duty ttrrd' ' •01111)110 fin three mouths enxuhiff Tirai Ii era can lie examined lot license try calling at my ii® oat any time. Blank cnatrueN lot iftslrlbudoriori baud w Iff eh can Imi ob lained by calling or writing fbr iliein. June flit 1876. A li. FREEMAN, ji) 4r G. H C. M.G. lieiirl 'l' Ilia* e If yon want good Meal an t a bo ip of Send your corn to G J. REEVES’MiI' will 2a LEG A L AI) VET [SEME NTS. —~ 5 r i ■ . .ii . ,iSe ShriffSalo*i. 'GEORGIA Yfcriwether County. A kTII.L tie sol'd befnrs the Court Housw VV door iir flier town of (keenvilla Goorgin, witliiu tlm Ing if hours of sale .n Lhu drat Tuesday bt July n*x4,Dot of brnT N". 15H in tlm eight district ol Meiiwether Coiinrv, Georgia, contiiuimg 3iy*j acre* morctir less; levivd on as Ciie proiwjrty of ihe estate of A. Foully, deceased. In thu hands of .V J Hinton and Wm. .f Barnes, administrator* of *irt,| Findlev, deceased 1 , to ie athninfsltereil, so'.l hy vittiie of a ti tl 1 ro'n fusliees Court tilth G. M., in Invor of Obadiah Ward vs. said I Pinion and Barnes as admsnithnlors of said A. Foully decea* ed. Levy maijb by ,P. Vf. Florence, C< it*- stable, and- retiwnoV to me. W. P. Find y itmv hi posaessiorr c*t said tin 1. May 31*i 1378 W. B. FAVERx S. M. C. ALSO* At ihe some li'nvr and' jfface will l sold ttie rnglit •, holler. stirnp-iirilT, shutting;, helUnt,pwnww, to ils, piping an I aerll; oln machinery nsnit by John Cross A Co,* o r the “WilUe* Mine” in Meriwether county,. Georgia; sold tn satisfy a lien 11 la in favor nt William IU Giddelm vv. John Cross xte- Cm June 7* J. VV. FULLKIf. n. s. m. c. OrJitttiry's OfUftiv. —— r GEORGIA Mori wether C nutty. J. M. Brooks and Psi bell a Hooks A.lmr, and As I mrx. ot Ihe estate of If. 11. Brooks r i Iceeased, represent to I lit! court that they have hilly administered raid estate, and po titft >n lor dismission Ironv sahf trustl. This is iheteloro t.) cllo and' admonish' all concerned to tlb* their object long, it any .they have, on or tiefoio tlm Ist Monday in* July next. Given under mv lian.f ami olTloUlaijaa tute. This Aptil 3rd 1878. >U J. W HANNING, a M. C. GEORGIA Mcriwitlnr Comity f)n thu HrstJJoiidiiy ill July next f will apply to-the Honorable Court of Otdinary in and ior odd rounty Tor leave Uv sell uH the hunts belonging to tho ornate of John W. Redding deceased. This June sth 1876. ALLEN II WATSON. Admr. Ac. GEORGIA, Meriwether County'. Win. J. Ramos, aa Ryecntor of tho es late ot .bndun Ikn ucs, decea ed, reprosai ts lo tin* Comt rlmt be h<t* fully admlulstereiV on said estate and applies for Letter* of Dismission Iroin said trust. Tjiis is tlicrcmru to lw and adim nish* all conrcrtKkl to allow cause if any they hove on or before the first Monday in Hyp leinhnr next why aaid leiltersol iffsmUalOts slionl I not lie gi lined as applied for. Givoo under my linnd and olllclal sigim tme Till* Jmi .Till 18ft). J VV. HANNING,). M. C. WiJVICK. Com m la* loner* fUutvt. i March htli 1870. ( ft ii Oltfereif that C. C. Worth* lll. Janies A. Rowe ami l)r .fames W. Tiylor be amt they nre hereby appointed as Gerunds-inn ir* to Inapect ami lay off anew Distiici !• be bduni oil of the N. E. comer of Hie lilts and N. W corner ol KMh Districi, and' inalte n i'bit ol the same and make return') ihereof at' Hie m<t n erilng of Itiiil Br aid l J E. HLCHA.fAN. Git am mam. Rl P' ItT OF TIM! CoMIIIS.COMItH". The undersigned Comir.lssioner* nppob - •*’ •• •- #..i • -