Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County Vindicator,
VOL 4.
A I M-flfl£SS ANNS M. IN V.'VAM )
t>t&oa South • 4e ( las Court House
(;<•<** n( AdvriilKluy.
}..*<* It wk 1 wks ;t mn t! ran i1 Vi
1 ’ -H-h 1 X 00 2•> 450 7 (XI 1 12 A
Ji-.i-.' 1 s<>|-5 001 r, .VI 10.00 15 I*
3 a #t>: * i ui.oo ivoo 2a <
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• c.'.i 7 00 15 00 :25 00 :jvoo, 60 •
I col no 00 29 W 0-5.1 K); 60.00* $U>
cr A tibc. %: ded-i.-thm m<l* to Ultra*
-1 ve. t!->, eg ?iv list, m. ■ \ l l l ~r veur
c3tJ Nr ¥ OF .fi '2 fits.
OR MS VUY J**. w. SauuUi*
t i.KRK <5- A. J lliuton
7 \ X EECKIV Eli sV.l* Whccles*
■i \\ < oLLF.OTOI? . !) **"•••'
TDK \-l IB.U I-
Ul\| lev , iH ° I- W*
t >t NTY 4 iMMIS"*igN LG:*,
1’ V <i. ■ MI, * - ' ' ’
C. J.TUvw*. ~ 2. '*■ tfuiliaauii,
AMi U i'i. :
>hlAitl) tu- £PU< ’ i H >Nv
—J \Y. i : 0( — ‘IF-,.
Mud x-u Reeves, .1 • A tWhci,
?£!TATt"iIi ' i, To- : ii,t, O L. r. <vy.
t rha T \\h I A TB •
\ T'>:iNi.\ A l LAW.
f\ t,. ■ v t tj ", lb
vt ii: .' . IM. and UlejtA
. . ... ,n* :i *
t.LUtit. L ! . I 1.. K I,
4 ITi HN !.* Ii ■ 1 .
/V 1 • i ‘
A 11 t'LLi.U.YN,
. a i I m Y.'Af I
Al. bmnrter ■ rail.rt -ted I.‘ mr . aßcud.
\l> • -if. j 1: 1 . tad: .' ■ .
Jolfvl i0 ■ I'll
\II• • I •
\ - . , w n 1,1
IVi~T r^; n*'-*"1, M., j '.(■■> M
1. is , , , .'M :><(•'* ■■■ M •*’ 1 Mi
4Mt| ,* ,4 iJKTi.,.., a f ft,,*-
ti < tv. vt * n • M
M. J.!. <•. I . L
\\ ' il.l, in mi : '’■< i ! •( 1 •
\ \ V , I , I'll * 1,(1' 'i ,
r . ‘. I>.* 1 I■ ' ; I.A Mil w t ',l 1 ,, ',l l
• 11. l ril h. - : >: J I * . , (lO ' I t')
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< .. 1 I it 'tm 1 I,i
l H ILVi.ll A'aft-t—
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Via O C
rv -, lltU I * ' t , l't
< I ' t’i I • ;!' • U .
; i|,vl j * it. , vv.vH,
Silvm I'liit* V. ;u f,
I.‘ !’ IS I. M 1 H , X •;
I'n iii t, *in ;• i., li t;.i/1.1.
tv i • iiy in. .ui' i i.ri*.JOrhf')i
i; -ii ' <.j.g;;g l wo. i ; ;;
u-1. M.-r
i ui’Ai in i\a
| ff t< y •t.
•■ ■ •
{ c ,17,' '.,v - r y work lr
,< f ,f r V . r' ’ *'• ?l,; €j a? f
- S*"ftT fJ •' I ’ J
•1 Hi V. if 1-ry.M'l. • J : • ■ ; *
, . '!•;- ' . • . - ’ ' "* I
jc i ;:iTM T 7i' 1 1 t..--yc no-fTCo lr*".. *, v
iiui '.i ... M'.;. ..c*‘ cr
a;;;; : r :; i:ma>
’ j/o Tix
L O-l hif Xnirndiil'l i '.I !\- l:*i'llii
■■ r. :• re? : •i' :v ./ .*r : y ii.<- o„-
• I r-j.r ifor of it r .-•- ,
■ -Hi H * . I' ,r -i . i. r
j ■ ■ ■ f- : xLJ , -4. j- X 4 .--f
• ‘ - I
■ * i r v
Dr. Jh. Bradfield's
'Vill on tb* Menses when they h-we
tot twtm h 1 m u they “TiTivel
trn t to.ti lroio unnatura! cause*
>Vil] and
ii; haoK mvl w n*u. W'W cure IVtiutu'/
'lenstr i itKn, an i fe’u ve the hr .!, (>uck
tod loins ot tiu*e Ci ;>treysmir pa ns am!
eho*. Wiii chtck tueuorrha<ist or execs
ive flow Will cut ‘Whites’ and tailing
i the womb, w nets it is the result oi relax
: uua >r bad health.
It is a? sure cure itvaM the above dis
t x‘> A* Quinine i>. in C'liiUs and Kever.
Ladle? tan euHf UK'iust <>* ail the
hlniye di&east'ft without it vetoing their
coiaplaiiU* to any person, \vh ,!i is always
uMi\(y\ug U> tneu orkte am* nuHlosty.
It is* recoup mended and used by the best
ph \ sic”:a.iis In their ptiva'c practa'o.
Fir rt'htst >t> oi the al \e diseases,
cert.iii'a'e- of its ii 1 oitos and
i/’irecti*the rvceler is re'eir\! b> the
► wrapper around the in Hie Mauu/uylUf
I c>! aiid sold bv
Li.HA id FI ELI) CO Atl iot Oa
aut Of !! lint Filer Jl.*>()
: - - - ~. -
Vlu Ihukh ior of Kru/M -t Bun.
Ui-r iiiil TLumimnl.
i 1 tsU'.n C\ 'uait ia iut n.ulii t, . j
lee trtrrtnr tvh > [r:\r vUnrjrr r-f ~Hnnkvr
Hd V. -numetit, an i, ;n.g ai ab ml halt pa*l
: \ : i' . id*y mea n.i.fc oioiir;) Ih-*- jH‘* 4
.IN .! Mil •. g* . • .! U; < ):,C: . ti
j a 1 u’ a) Ift'tlecd inm•!• ..U Si a?, Kbh
ing t 11* y vuii iv‘a-1 i* : ~ Hi' i. I'.u .!.
\ * . \ , ... i *
t. ut> ii ('et his hand)
due s.Jinper prtednead (ae rn ■e v a 1
( ilitj tUb! unUaked 11:* i a ,t:ni tuth
j nottr t--e:Uit ::e'i‘ :u.r; c:g rr
p; I*ud !i! I * -; rem} nft. i.
i.'l* . to i,.* i u :t.f u *( *. .* ' -LIL
1 VOUV t li; .> , tT', iiu'f eh, k Willi .!'i -t
| *js;l < I .! ili r v. v‘. i tie t t'tfpfi.
; \ nr. * Whv ;:o f:L< ad, V. " H,it Up 'id
yt-ii j*l hr the top.
| The v - Iwr so and compatn u■: ! : > they
ueft tin;, nul m ho i tiii. i hsif ufi h*u l ri
, i 'li.,,' U e in I : i!, i! 'pal.l i ’Oiiic V •- \V li'lM
| t • SUtne •, >d ’ i pvliiili l lv*y
j i*?t d Were •ytitt\ Sy -vrn !;r4ig aa ay wisen tliry
II >MI , J i"t V 5 ! ,t } OfU iiaiUU Itj thiS 1)0, •!:,
m>t v fi’t i\i thu fmnjututjfil
i l*n lh ii 1 l*U a u* i* .
I *,! , •ennttd rum • iauphe-l m
i a.d • i.iiitK ,u• and lhe t w.> dcpai t<tl.
' * . * * • iiitii * i vc, ha<k ed :it the. !>♦< ik r
j*• r * 'ti.* h -urt nttc i wuidn a a e'eettifh*
i*, iMu .{ li>r i.Pl‘*Si ‘ft ti e M'-nuteetd
\ f ii rr'. * w win - ehui hi luini' in, a i
u. ti * ir.wd a*;eid* I nuo'iiei, when
; 1 > 1 ’.i t-'.n :■< r ! liliU l, j.ftd
[ i ,< • 1 ftll, V .V' 1 1* e If’
II . i ... . i . ... , \e . , ;
Hi i | '*< h !;•'•• ’ * V iii , <I !
t *i • ' . • v. -it*’i 'it bo- ii. V\ ii it !■ -
; : 1 ———
A .If. M it' l \,.f ' hi in -
* I < _** I~• <H’ ;f \ i> ■ ■; f. w ;i' i
.i- if- 1 j v* ; j; ; <•; If*- ;M■ ht.i.mj i/1
rr~ •r;;s4-^u.:: .*•
. 1 ♦ fro ! u i : j*i ’ i
. ■XX 1.1 • I.M '< Ml. , Til Hi. It (tit.) .
.Ii ;tti t Hi ' . I .! ‘ >' U'l‘l.' , M ;.t
| .; !I ; '•! .. <■ A•• 1..< *IJ ' V 11'
y !‘ ' j■ • i ... it "I 1 ! *1
if .iI II ' if urn! 1 ii l Jin
j. .*i .1 in ■ ... 1 :it ■'' >r i SI .1 mii.lni
I ■■ ' 1 ' ■ -'ll.' '.ill it W • ' ll!
t. / .1 ■ li. I ill 111 V. :!,t (ill , 11. if 1; .licitl
, | tin i j’ :i 'I A ! ' i.\ I Wit
. ' • • <
... 11l ,t I' .Jf <.f ' ■M-fi V. Ull'l I.'
' “ • . ... K ' ' ’ '’l * - '• ' ’I*I <p .
• i ‘ ‘ ' .* v% ->r ii ;.[*; # lt
• . r • <. f t?i< *i • i♦ l till* { ' f f<
j >■*•■, —r t ‘ t* U '
Wm. l t( b? 'fm('fc t?
i ’i <.w \u i *.• ’'f .> •'.<t‘*y ilmt .‘/j-r-o to j#i <>•
• . t filial .... ; .'A. tl .. i OIMMI
‘1 •' I; - .11/i .1 till* W ill'
..Vl-nlHif (Hi! Ilf ;; >.j . ' | i.K*•, . -l i.
•i U' ct ii.. I I M'. ’ri ive A!• f ‘ i ’
I ——hc4t,.ii V\i>.ifMir na’ii"
! .ini.t v.itii :.ii:i '(. fi.iiiiv,ing ur'iliciii
' ; . :■. I"l I . mo 111 H| wlliu
:.-i.iii f) m i ; .a/ <i'y that 11.** 1 i.arnr it
it, (Vint i < ;m, .I. wltuiii U.t'f . ii'.
t’ltii' lit .. :t1 t > iilj. ii r r'.ii! (•'!
1 )|| I, :. k , t it 111. * ill (1..1:I
1'•• 1J I. ' .. > ' Uu'iJ 11 mu t.‘> '■
({!.. IJ' noliii; si’.Mlwt*; of 1"*
lilt, lb : lift l.iiii. llik k<iUW U.t>
M..f *to! i!• if il I.m 2, !l!.l) 111; Mlsl.l* t'>
• n.t l.cM lu'tli y iititi of i to. nln.'i -.or
fi.MSs kit I'll 2'- i-a it! ti.e '4 ti i. n nt“
a kpir.t Ifi'n-ji*/ctl*!!y aiTurlf tki-ki'l ■ :
tL‘ i.:c*i iou ?Jo onJtM m-civetl fur j;ro
' t
fl-.w i ,< iiy ti.e i:w M.1.0i/1 law o( New
y.,fi; > -.I • • ;.',ff ', ■<!. lie u ! i-l.i.wn ii.
a ft-f.-tfit . '>i IftHi .tin! tiljr. A fpr/ik t
u. v '* * li*!*' •• .. iti/aniJ waa to*M
n.i,‘i ‘ '■ v'i Ijini up or her a'.nj i
tji.j "VVi.u! tii-i ■-’.f; icm. •• f.'iin ii' ? fill*'
■ -*r Tt*!!'* *o a T .icy ;.-aii#.,j
.-.,t J or, six dotiir* * a week,
oil lieiit
,ai=—ir e rti,... . , < f In.-r larolngo— to
!i.ii,, ft ;;•*! ' tie winter
very c-afortoii T. *’ e "-i '- 1) hi* Kiaf.
i’ij-r Ut'ir n ■ hi? than tfoowiaf:
ti.e ;.i.Ot- iciii ' ’J, '-r. :‘.c • /.<! r r.<. l
’ . ‘ x. . - . ' *1 ■ 'I. fit fl xf .. .
t v :„iy. . >Yi:uci*o !•}' o r.j;
. ' ; ; ■' ' ..: woior r, 1
a aivMd in i' neuoixr..
An liuidriK of 1771*.
Try on k coming ! Tqtaa. ia.cianii.’jt 1 wv.
Uk- i-iy tbAt blanched many chfek in
Ciinuoi licut iu the innath ot July. 177'.).
This ui'irs lira! ;freuil like wild tiff
About the towns ol K.iiifloKl nuJ Ni'rwalK
was well ealcuiuHhi to incite alarm iu pa breasts, for Tryou a morcile-a in
r*Jer, aul wUerever lie wont the torcb
corup.eted bis work ol dealt notion. In tin
m>Uilb of >\?bni: yOf liic year just written
he had ravaged li.ingabrid.tte and ll ttse
Nerk, and now, lor the socottd liuio, had
entered the Mato.
The soldiers committed, under his vory
eye, atroeitius ot the most alio, king deterlp-
lion ; tuey plnu leroil without dlsliiutlloii ;
old and ynunsr, ricn and poor tclt like th
■nerciits* hands ot the king's man. N >r
w jch, I'airljnld and' N n walk waro rnliwtl
wit i* iliAuiautvl noU ul korltat'OUd
cruelty cte oot ;■<’tsted on the fmmelttsa
I'aulets. A becc gulltcjeul to check the
.dVunce .and the iav nler could put bo raised
tn- the —istate. t-'oiinect ivait's tilde bodt"d
pstii ds were absent m the army, and their
...... were as dj le . m llu lion's
whelps pTTetiTi me avv.iy in
Mtltch ot 100 I.
* Governor Cry on knew that lio wnhld
ftiml C'onueciit'ut eoinph ti ly at hi-, tnetcy,
' ind con’lat.i .tied lihnseif on thecasy c n
1 i j in-- 1 tint invited him to her shores. Hit
in’i'i doll in his errand ol “tevaslal ton, ami
Io no non to his slip,,' i.,t s willi viot try in
: ins hand, lint he made his name odious
deli I t N irtll A llH'll,'l. and hiv Ittcil)-
f .it, eve.ruble to every pafrir.t i". the ltnid.
i N tlo bum .Norwalk stood Hie p iiin
.. 'i. i. li.o bat i Id Mu k, win iso Iv it stia nit
iv,. r.n a'tdlcTtst and ttn.lrr Kitov.
-In „ tie a !at go Mum t:. >1 Woman, whoso
sill'll:'! .1 Wav |i < Ih'.loit" , it had iponud
'ol ho, tin) sioatdai i-oii!,i li | act id ‘Mis,
: Uvionb'-,' a tt-'c ,| w!u, It site was ii.tlici
,•> nid than, i•• llu Icaluti a wem
latlici ioi.ltn ii t., cii:ii,:mn<, and a idiisc
idiv logi.i.iniil tt, ti! .1 Mtivn comth'disl Unit
tin i\ tv a 1 • It'll l.dif.i I in Ini' vi 111,. As
In- i. .and no oh'ddrcu, 'ln' was th—aolii oc
iiii I mnt .-I ncl 1.0-i alol In t t.i a I." t neigh -
; . t tv as a v uni. woman named II ivctt,
I who had I : t iRr hiis'.iat.d at 11. batt c <>l
! line: t II I k
j Mis. lui'-oli, who sc.ilom exchanged
i visits With the joint;; w idow, vv.i, l|ol
aivai.' ol Try.>n’e *c, otul invaiioti until lilt
jlt'g.n t" ; on -:o ■, ,‘v iv. a 1 k,
li. 1 1>■ i* llll m. n.k'iy nl 'vln iu Vo'ir
■i*i c .ii'iiM |; U.iir i-iiin. % iM'n'liilnti J Iter
‘ wiili il.cili .n .i c- 'fill-nl ..f!.ili“, m 1 tier
ilf. ,!' nlll I! til Ml. .-II tl.|i I'V til
Ili|. r .itrvi :
V, m iM.i imi ,i t . - -1■ , In l l iwo lii
i M M lin ll'.. I!■ ‘.-i I .1 11 t Ml, t .1,1
I 11,1 I,
1 tiifin !i ’ lii in- ! II !!..' r, 1 i:n.iti I nmm
, ..Ml 111) Tl I l ' MI 11 I 11
f-LM.Vi 1 1 '—r ''
M■,l i t.',n .m.i , ,l.i Ji M' .''-I l* ‘ Ilf,
,t *: ~i ,n i IIT 11. 1 1 ll |>l*' 11 * I lllnl il* !l li I * a m u"li'l -v 11ii mjH
1 Ihr ki'i'lthl ol ilic iiifinlii'i!
n W mi .m ■ j,i of
. * ,1 v\ Will l ? ><♦*# tk f IM-W *4f*
~ < i ~ 1 ' i ~ i'.l • : 1\ . t I. *
. |.t •... i .1 u . ; Jjij ilUl ii"t i veil
: in, !. . !• >• i in,i . i , Ii u In,
: 1,., i,t tlii- i-erl'iirtnnri: ul l<* r lioiiM-lmiil
i , - J 5 .1 ai! I In: I in,' !In rif 'Van an ii.
; .in ■ i r> In i •■, i• . an I mom limn
mill I I ,;’:imii! a' lln 'i. I *
•.. ■ ,i| i* i|* ~,,n inl i•-! an linn
I vv iv mini tlii li-• ,r of ii">mi min Ml*liy
|. ./i-. .111 ) I’.ii'riri I*!'!l.i,i k, :.'i ,11
i* im, tin: , ijMi in* i' ion' I. I J ri-|iui
| if. I, .i • i!i- I,IIV u lioav V I'l'i!) U-|i.
i l i In *i ) * lr ,m ll,*' vli an -1 'nt ulf 111
. 'i, it 111 li'! i I.Ci * . aln I.i lii'M a
.ti, i 111, ii '!'l i- , iii#- .I in . 11,
i'.i * I 111 4 - i.i il I* ; m Ci. i |ii ti.i* IviMl,
tin.- M .' ij':w*li'nm . i nnllnlnl lllul I.i
or of lolly rank.
A n-i.i-r j. fill . Sir • It. r: . ns 1 In. c nil
■ arjili-il, , . a l.anirn'y Inin ,
i■ .1 fill' 1 , l.t ?!. C cut Ill'll, |*litll!J)t lii-j
■a. . nn tie Li..' ill l.m tworij, an .( 0
j liijniu-n i.M
hln n...ijijt ni l. Vi y Of, .-I.i hiowiy r'.fie
to her Ii ct.
Who :11c you, rir ?
1 inti a man iiiiTill'lily well known lien
*W't, ami 1 i! *- e xay il.a! (In rehiflr Mill
.i. t ri.i |m eel nn ' Sly itauiii iv I Iyol, !
Gov riior Trynn, the 11, iti'h the
wan win. I.'.to* ho. <■ oyer wi'iowa’ neii'ii
.ml robk !i.i m:.'h: of !i,< eUttUi J li ynn
aie (n.v. Tryoi . 1 know you lor lie
•• wi.ian that e-vei nod New Jh.i,;
and kol! •
Tijon' !.' ”i'w e'imv.ri, I,mi, nr.'.iii- \
i-.rnu la i s'*, i ■ l.iiikl into a erne! law/,, j
V-.u are jiie.t the vixeji 1 In aid von;
were' lie * lie i.niifh. They :••!! vo i Mr
1 ' |
llerciilee throuirl.irit U.ia leeloh, ami I \
mut iy yon re-eirnhle-the vluhit :ja;.in" 1
li‘nl in l/uih 1 . Win re iv your hualiaicl ? ,
L t.iler the flag that w..u Mfu yon
as a 'J'lcinn'r' llie leoly. -V
ile „ a reljtl, tiieu ? said TijfM! wi'ii u
Ijke ins wi i. ! line a aoM'er, toy, an i
not house ‘.nn er
Mi Uerei.'.le*, l 'iiseover that my el'm it* ,'.t rro"ii ay 1 1 y the |ico)>l* of tm,
,v : -, <od that uiy king s In-art id t.oj jK,
e-3 to oontrjn g oj. Why, toy dear
*.r .an, ti.e fa single bon; on
■he c-just is u. raotiornkQt of Kiot; Ocraje'i
■ • • j ...; j il-Jf we Will dikeukk
-.::kjxo* at the t:he. 1 have ridden w ver
... Z . * t'ti; V*;*U aW> 1
man of whom 1 have heard much, ami
sides, I *m hungry. That meat looks pal
it vmefl’t cooked tor a Rrltiat general t
exel.iiit'fd the tnkrlcaa rvointtn with tlasli
,uc eywt, and the •.cvl. tuiouio she removed
the meat and thrust it into her rude cup
b >ard, U> the consternation oi lira govern
Come, come, he said, I do not want to
it down to n cold dinrer.
Them go s*>iUßV?here else nnd get your
tinier f There *ro suoakmg lories about
Norwalk who’WouhTivjoieo to tickle your
totiifO with Urn best they have iu the
The ltriton’s anger rose ai'niii.
1 command that moat to be replaced tin
on the table 1 he said, drawing his sword.
Your accursed hisolcnco is not becoming
to one ut your atx ; and l will U'.kr it no
longer, v
row’s situ wl *kme upon a ifcap of ashes
instead ot iJiiiT'bT bed b! rebellion. N-ov
hill,tie abnit an , net tho last dinner you
will ever set Im.ote a guest beunath this
You prefer t Warmaliiioer Y Mrs. lli.l
laeU teplhfd, in n tone hall Interrogative’
A. warm dinjer, of course! answered
Tryon. A UfUbli prnetal does not sit
down to cold meat and pot itoen.
The strimg-mhided wom-m did not re
ply ; but slap lie.) toward the fireplace, on
whoso smoke-bt'gt 1 turned eraira hung n
large Iron kettle. .' voluinn of steam that
rent Iron the water in the kettle sfrtwrcd
that it w .s boil 111 g, and tiro ltiuish -itllpnr
-lid not ilivhur iuv inleut'on not even
when In' saw her s, i,-. • a youril from
tEfTwuli sunT Uirnsl it into the lu.l ealdrou.
Von i.luill he lf< tied lo win in dinner In
oho minute if yau a- lit bill! my hoU“e I
cried Barbara, -.vlii i 1 :!:- t- Id.-nly upon
the renegade (hivi iior It \iiu do not hi
- hint ly make yw r o.jioUs t-( !l ictree, I'll
scald you 1
Tryon'a ct'.eok* ir'i w pale wlo ;i ho saw
I lie sluiiil I lull He-- bon tie- ",; .pr. which
the patrlnt wtnfiati ha 1 nulileiity j.-i1.e.l
Irinn the kettle, 11, a itv by In i Uiyfiioy.
i:yc tbit-ntur wnnhi c*irv STrr-rtrrm tut-r
i.idion, and b ,- an y tow
ard tin) do-,r.
Get along, shn eri- I, i Ivane'ttir with her
novel wI Ip ,11. I v. olid, r a aal doho
Wf-uld say il ait Am w- that tin.' inlaiiloUH
Tl-yon had oulfr.-d ettr lions.. 'Paid
take it week’s scrubiiing t > ei aso your loot
prints Irotn lira floor.
No-ncnd of sefubbing, luii-hl'it I hiss. ,I
Tiyon, utigtrly, I’m x,'" il t" burn them
“>* , >
Then y-u lavemu tvoik, retnrto l
lt-i.l li ala ; lull move uloi >; f my wider Is
• ’ii • i io!, and iniglil not hint your Inn
/ ■ ’ < !ir k \.
ill f. 11l ! - I. • ■ outh,
. i I .ill IM 111- ll l'il -i I ! ’ < harkiitem, tem
| the Aunt/, hi Ihs aehoii i hen -ad tin
i m i-nv tar H nt.iiia a iM, Illy <ti'n|>|,i l t'n
i "lii'M . ..himL■Jib. Hlaainihit—LximtenU a.:.1
j I :/■ *1 llilll ll). linl i It;.' 1
I'll Ini. U:.u your let'ial, y I tillwrnli!.-
'!. ■ ' she <v, !.nnie I. I*'* i a rhiiiini; f t
vllii Ite yntii hones into ll I,• nt - , mat inn.'
Um'wt BfSB 1 mi team Hhr? IfnOr, m ih
t / : * ‘, T .... . r.M oI In:]
if.nihi not :i(i|)tfcif'.te the iudii ronsn* a ; of
of Ids Mluution. 11m was mail ’.vn mu.l
with |a>aion, mill il wait "ell lor his tin
my thut tier Inild was mu nre.
Htic lioio him loivfMil (In; .1 .or, and all
at .e del. l In'll " Ini .14; l' in l ini I life" I*
aid' into the yiud wliete ho had lull Inr.
Inn ve.
There 1 It ii tlm lM:*t-reeption I can five-
I l!'il'h S'l.'iier (1 ! :,iit; liootnd, wln.-'l T'.V
■ n Inc! < l,oi iiC".| lii i.oiiim'. No.V s;'l Inn I
1 I yi.ilf l|oii. Iminriii, an I send them I.ale
c ij nifl'.ly i* posaitilo. I’vi g. t a mm !et
m vhe iiOUM), and u y.oodly ci|.;,!y ot hall.
And inind you, tud-coai Trymi, keep ;n.n
lI.tHI, M I
hun.lirrg rieai the Heed wliieh lucl w,t
n-eiiil Ilia iiiastri'.. ifigluiioua exit from
llnilmr.'i’r. iloihieile, tin; so.veiin.r lirlMred
t. the last threat. 1 dare any i.'mt in vei
'.■ lore hail lie hoen so angry, lie hit Ins
'■vh len* I doe till they hied, and the hand
widish he had lilted lonchod the hill', of
'in pisloi in the li sister.
I'm homing l/iek ' he said, und 111 llio
tile that loriKinicH your houvu my men
f.inill i*. ok thoh aU[)|n:rs.
Hit they will not eni .y them an you
ive enjoyed your dinner I kind Haitian^
*A: * fl-tii .*.t I)-.
I in: "over,, it di 1 not answer, hut
or .nf into Lho saddle aud gathered (ip
the i i-i in*.
Good bye, Mrie Hercules I lie- said, will;
mock ifc-attiry.
(J .'(ii; again when you are hungry ! she
shouted alUsf him, as he put spurs to his
home, and galloped away toward Nor
He b:-sippeared in a minute, and I;arha
ia llidlkck reentered her house with a
:-,mdii '-I tnumph on her face
1 allow Uiat he will not aeon lor get me
she said A hersiil, and Uic-u nuietly rc
touted a diaemssti n oi the rc-f-ast which the
l.a ,i.'y Union hinl Interrupted
Ailtr diimei she gathered up a lew art
clus wiiicti she called valuatilc, und dr
troyid vihera which she irioughV might hi
c-klieif j.riae* by plumiering soldiery.
Having -lone it sue left the house to tin;
micy of the i'e, aud satisfied with her
vi'-iory over Try on, koutiht aafety in f..gtit
the height of 10l y, lor she knew that Tiy
03 would carry liii i#g< U t"': n ;•.
A! out sundown ft rompmy of tho gov
ornoi’s triMips swooped ilmvu ii|K>n the
house like so many destroying eagles, and
jurying ntuiseked it burn cellar m ..aitu-.
applied lira invu-ler’i torch. Tryon vv i
not tin 'tig the destroyers ; Ira feared Ih,
giantess who had given Idm such a warm
reeeptiou and kor last llu eat a.lraonishe.l
him to keep his pi t s.m Kmrf
Mr. liidhiCk lived to help her lnisquid
build h new iiottße over lira ruins ol the
old one. Mid to icetuint t ' mnte-od listen
ers, long niter the war, her story ol Gov
enrol Tryon’s reception
A Talr of Two liiimilles,
An offleer started to the Aiicliorago Lit
untie Asylum from Glasgow yesterday,
having i". charge two lunatics, one a phys
eiau and the other a female. Both had
been adjudged to ln ly l unsound mind and
otdeted to the asylum named. Tit if (imtair
went willliig'y but the moiiical man sir
peeled the g nd ttilngß pt omised him wrre
naver to be ri*ali*.>d. The sheriff d< t'ctc-l
liis restlessness, and fearing trouble would
result TioVint, resolved upon an evperi
merit ol atratesy.
t Amte, Doctor, said lie, 1 wish to consult
with yoti.
\Vlint's ftiliug you If gtullly responded
Thi< woman you se> with me, nnswerud
he tin riff, is a little .H ; that is to say, site
is slightly demented, and lias bean ordered
to an asylum by a j tiy
How does tletl. < mo? iiitcirnpte.l
tho doctet
—lu Ui'W- way, sir, said llm whet ill’; you tile,
a learned jpa.hml', 1 an ignotanl ntlieor ol
the law. Your U ill will enalile you to
iUktJ chaigo Ol that woman butler Until 1
can You understand human tiatntr ; I
don't so woil. Taka Imr, doctor lit nl
ways on tho alert, end you ahull have a
hund nnttr lee.
The device ot lira sheriff succeeded It' 1 ,
■ nilubly Ifts lltliery so worked iipou Urn
■ 'utu' iili'd doctoi ai to eater Idol to forge'
.... [, ness nnd |t 'on an idj '>l < olj"
Hoi-tteu as only onu whuThiuks he can de
sometliing can wear. Both ItinatiCH weir
si|r.y jnear 'crated, and doobtlesa, the do,'
hino v I kinks lie 1 1 it, e .urge of tin' a ;: >
trim. | Nation tl (!.<’) Itepiilillt'iui.
Tic. Cowkii mV Mil-ic, Tin', cihf'.riitvd
piiMichni, It'iiird.iloiie, had a liuhil id pr<
paiin-ii hlmm-lf tor tlm pulpit with a lid
del Ho was lo punch on a flood Friday
and the proper "flleer l ame I" him
to As tho nllh'cr’inhd the
vlnlrs lie heard the Bound til a violin, mid
as (Inf door a littio |i*r, lie kit'.*
limiidiloile in his Miner.wit, placing it live
ly liiiiu, mill dancing to It about his . tody.
!( 1 ‘.oii'di! !’u* ri ven-i.d man isvnn* mad.
lie knocked gently mi the door. Tho la
ihcr throw down hl u llddle, liumed mi ins
sown, mid a\,proachod him, Haying
~T7h, ml y,,tr, sir r Ti, |"f and have fffff
kr-pi ymr wailing. I mil irv#iln tea.iy to ut
) **.
•IMin u.Mtcrr, iih i!j y Vv'f it *l'wn Htnii'i,
.. j i;ut iitrlp Mt! f I*4 Im*4 tuu ji ta; ul
wli :he had |. -• J.-eeri. 11./iirditlnini
I:in"hrij-rrr4 Mrel : •
Ill" whole ol tlm is this; in
ttlinkliefover lie "'i!')"c* ,‘d the day, I
|.,„,,d my spri'ilH 100 much dnpresaod I"
|,i uk as I nn and '■ lo do, ho I had rcciiuim: to
my n autl method ol music and ft li'li"
it n-ti ha-l us elliuit. lam <|Ulte
ma proper temper,; mid go now with
|,l< ic'ur lo Wiial. i su / ltd. uUu have gone
to in puiii.
Xm ic WJv/ry town *>[ any pro
IllusionH uuiiU * newspaper, mid Hhoiild
l.e wilt ,ng t • suftlitin it A now; paper run
not^'ive without pulnitruge, cttimn'. thrivr
a, and tp> ell, i.tivu lor lie cmninon good il
' m p. jmtmli'ge i Millie 1 mid given grildg
lii-,;■/. An editor iriuy wrim up hiv town
k alici; week and ext*.i it to tin: okiuri
;,e may tell his rcvluni at a d'r.tarmo ol
flie liner <il eutcurl mu ol its ci'!*cri"! he
If,ay do ail lu<4rlhllig, hut Mide.ei his ml
via living c.olumns show tnc husiiu-as bill ol
iu merchants and tlm tradesmen, Unit pa
[aji’a mil icr.t# cannot bu m cln aviiilahlc
As wo Imvo said lies; mivi.-ill- in< c“l'imus
ol a local paper is the true m lex of the
hubiue-M spirit ol the town.
With a good paorr and live mid thrifty
huames* men no town can long remain in
oh'scuiily. U will rise in spile ol hard
times and pros,*, r even though ail around
may ire financially pressed. Ho iwys U.e
(Jaileruville express.
An old gentium an who wa* elected hj
the negroes to this district >XJ GoUgi'ffS,
mils how they were brought into uuu lo
Meriwether. IU in compiniy with a negro
jMihtieian, went to this county on u lection
eering tool He found tiio DomocraU I,ml
been at work an i the negroes won! J hardly
aptthK U. 1 raliCkh An ippmrilim-ut w'
made, howeyer, for all the darkey* lo rued
at a church near fT/eenlkie • Tie meeting
asset night JUuy hundred* of darker s
were there. Our candidate, islthougii s
home a very profane man, *imf provi ie-t
birnnelf w i’.h a hymu book tnd on rising
he aiiiiounte'i the -neeting would he open
witli prayer, alter which l.e caiiieJ u|an
his essist oit who olfern] up. a powerfu
prtyer for the rtucoeas of the meeting and
the p’ly It wan then an t isy in..tier to
convert tire au-lnwicc from their backslid-
Jen con.rt .g TTii< met-fing wi l ja.,h*|e,
. laic ’in fealty "t the regro to party.
-HJenivt I.atnp.
T i5 anil I LiL-*i ai y I
l**tr mi ,\mnu'4
Brilliant Ann tti;j t ini' 'it
JO," ,*./■/:,7 W/J.VN FIUiV Jt.\
I I 411 E loUo.vmg in a iloriw will ".sin ~,!
! coaiitieue d.and will ha lira Most. In
sriy T.irllfmg ol any H 'mancaayctpub
istied in an American Journal.
A ThHlUni* National Romance, baso.i tt|>
0,1 the Admmistrutions of Krcddmu Lm
e-nht and Juloisou luid the Eu'CtUion
Mrs. .Surratt, iu 130. x -vVrittan Gy a dts
ti i*4u**lhhl
Tllh' MlDNluiiT VLKDdR
A Bbu yol the Last Napoleon's Reign,
lly il. til AD, ol lira Mlehlgutl lb'ess.
A RriUlnul Society Set ml, now rtmitinr. -
By Mis. Maty K. lit van; who it tua FlU*
c.lStoij Witter ol tho Ago.
-nit -
"t 'i /'■(''fer'V Uti't.
By tvTopalar Noven.r.
—ot. - liti;
ronff'diTiitfl (iovcriuiifMt.
fjyC,,i. II I> (’Mpcr**, i"i < tOUiU <J 'l*rrn“
uiy Dip' lll.meiit iiMflt i Mr. M
j jjy * Till* will lf* a *W i lll nrr^ii' v[ ho
lies ol KKi tclfeA, yiving ttiW ertrly tnttD. di ‘
advanlagna, auil-maley.. .UiiLU. li': inei.lan
ot titli (Itijpbi_itl li till: ejbjiu lo I...uutuh HI
t>3(4iflllki Gov* I III.HMIL
'iff- A number ~! mnisnally Bt.dlan
tsflbi'l Hlorica appeal in en It bsue, with .
;o it vainly ol Dpukllug Miscellamotit
Mctlol on all subjecte.
,V.(/.sm/ifA 00 a Terr
(Tirfis o' * slid upwards, of) Oftcll 1
<io ..I ‘.mi .to
|.; ,I, 1 copy l.'UKl'i, Olio year, Im a Olilh
~| , ,ii dolliilal, AltdWWfi
.111 In Vf.H, A Mania, 'm
WlhVl'KltN I i .Hi i lot alo Im HU da> "
I,ATI) 1 one viilil.blu tiuels of
im ftfriii (tRTtu ■"*
iupidty'glownig Wc tern Slam. On a"
oi, riu-nnlly conaliiieli I
and immigiuHnn, ilicm* lands .fro now rap
1.1. y 11aing 111 vahm. Tin y w ill b. sold v ,!, y
1.,4 Im ca-lf. A ‘ ma. and I'd e-d I! o
will In- i.n nailin' 'I, " i'n '>' 1 > ll,k ' 1 ” •
a■in m.. ai k: wunanty leoni " ‘! l,l “' < i
l.m gih,cm . l-.iiti. c, inngto pnrots-v
--luuKjiit uii *tl ly IM'' 1“ 1 ' •
Hjrmitu nttH I ;!♦ * wit* * *•
Hit'll in Mil Uhl. tI litllMlbH
vV .M . is. < i L .M i*,H< ui ICslitl** I,
17<’ VVtlliiom K N, i
on S i>‘ >;.
slmu. 1H77-
Uii the Leading "I l '‘ii Hoiiih,
1P,,1 |„,l liflde .tla! and Oulremalm I d'MW openm/ ' F.very Gcorgir.'i
• lin'd I take the ••I'KOn.l/-' I'AI’KU.
fiovoral Hnlai Htorlc-. by di.iitu'.nsbcfl
authors, rmuiiug all the time .....
|f- pin- potior up "I A 01. Lid Ok I-■
wid ri c* ive tin Paper Frotv .25
Hally, SIO.OO per uriinmi; V'lod UH
ml.nllis ; ♦'! f. U>r II inonlhv.
Hcnd your auh*<:'i.'ti''ii for ttiia great
I'oi.nicu, abii Family Juijunal,
Publi/ihod at tho Capi
W A. IlIiMlMUIds fc o<)., I’uhll'lmrs,
Atlanta, Georgia.
Ik 4 .
A-tlm if 11- T itTKjr
A fi-juA G go no ia.
All HIXC.H and Weights-
A/lc'reHM JAH. HkLjIGNU. Ibopuelor.
Itiilcr to tins b[s;ciuieu ol i i
Ifer. "•
Mei"rs. HtJIIAUU & I’EItKINH, Have
opened a nplen lid
ill Atlanta where pictrirew <tf all kinds can t**-
Iviila are cordially uivl'pd to vi-.fl i.i* ir'ety.
sol V i'll A I’U.NINM.
NO, 28