Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County Vindicator
VOL 4.
ri'nmilK!) T VKUV FHIO'V.
BY wr,i T. R-2 7ILL,.
A I s■’.'! I l*ldil ANNUM. IN A:>\ AMI
<*.. • >eah ' l -i lV>' L r!!':
ot V'lvcnftin;,
S ace i 1 . :,c (1 t Vcc
1 liirli |I On and .')■! 1 Y.S r• > I • > 1
2 t<* ' l Y-r— —*** "■•-fc.—Tr-S-r- r
-3 indie* 20 j s • 5 jV‘ * '’ * •" •
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\H\ ... .1 ... 'V Hcp 1 V
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JI.W 1111 i AN I * J ’( ) (<>i ’I ;
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tw tJOLU uml .-U.Vi.Ji Wat, l,** J.:
.i.rj Kry-*i fc '-ik.< i li • i tf,' ’i J <
► , 1.1 !>l *r <J ft ll vi f w-„i( (t -j ;
<*t n r ■ */<-*, niw m */! prif!*
IP i ■ bolder#; ©eld
hi i VP*-A Vli-I ! -*|.ni-l m* ,*
Silrei P7ut; Ware
‘ . of kin k hi, ! M;tea,
TaliJc uil'-rv. AH:,/or*
hr 4, ie v*ry renown* ! maker* 10-hIV
UONt-EitK •[,*] OLONOK WOl-'lhM
] Mr, US. I : Hiiinz si! £?•'•'?'< in my Hr*
T mer.y lir'r.e -1 * f m/ v’
joining cour.tlek l ave tested my *> - k t'
* ir % w* r'i from nr r. t*. 11** * 1 >.r *
ter nl it, ! wil! however warrer.i %'J my
vv.ilk, if rroperlr used. H* I ha*' - *>-
rt'iW’, and reape* tp* , i a k yonUr 1 *•* <• *
1 * j ii'n : I I v* (( ;•.ed from n.-.
ncttU *?r
ALKI.T r.n.'MA."
—. . - . „
r l'lfK PA'fKf'NAOK ol lie tr.erv '
-L a, ~j K'-riwdLrr fuM.'j .-r ' j
til .flip i* .‘j *ol.Gted by tie •:
{wigt i \ ; t of the 6**'e t, ■
ir.' |fi>id. P< -ite and a'lemive w
r cxf-rUtD' e.>ta laiy rota*** :
c<! beat* ire *p*u*-Q'. moderate 1
. r ' j * - e • j,<7 '.j; Give atrial.
' * If
TiMt ii < k onj.
r bt K y.isr;
A . J > •.-*
It. id A- >rn -i.; j I!;i 1 U:>.l -T C
Ka .i. i Tr-cTT* s i'ii .l r, i oj
L k iA.iy 1 :wt\ '
A ' '.oVil :• :■ l'A i u'iC I
• -v> i i i- H i *>!* .* ‘*o i tiU i liH^!
L ■■ik i a ' 0 . k asniV !
- > i ■ \ *". \ t- ‘.u Hiid,e and,
F i l. *Smi u S . :i‘<■ '
Or; 1.l Jo i‘s Sidi' i ll >t 111 ! .V.Ol !\
Aii iv>* k aiui \ tvi{ir I’ji ica.
V : ' ' • • . ' Mil
\ l! \*. ' a r : ! li ■ "A at .ci -
L*. ■: ii '> a> ! 0 *v ,t) :> f.* OtiiMin'
... 8.4 m TiaUn
L ••-■- 4'U) ! M <k H A’lj !
I’li .'.r. b-lla* ui to \ H lor ;.Kn, Oi
\\ i.l-I\* .4* i I it VfliUt* iv'oo v r*i,
S ii yj: 7 ainl i lmu t j •
1 . aA'ilV. I t_iLj.V- -A.. !
1, • ■'- •. *1 c*Ut.iv I.* t.i; pi'. i J'ocki’li.
A lip auii a*v• > itk*s rtK'n.. fi
l*i A iA •> ! 4o< k HW) !
•fill,: ■ ! ru'.iii to V ‘!r t. ,ii ’ten, ’si
{ t tTfa• ,1 : U • A
i ... iiut f< ,!' ii' *>a*' a A
, i . ; A\\ a V ' • t\ :. \t , \
I’lii’K hi v ' teiMi t n >i;! IV .lid UK) >*!y' ;
b iii h t o ! noU, t-.t i too: a*t>*. iy
l. • > :i •' a * ' o • k io,i\
‘ I '? I O.r-.'O: l- V lo io i i’.ki Nl, it.
Iv; - •' in i! Uiiii . \ t- oi wiin!i
ill-.,. !V •■ n "t t ; i ■ -i; ’ l it.i ■ K w.' !<* I
L >ii *•.iV ’ i k.. A ;cy !
i-. . I . . * • .11 .I *’
4 olt: .1 rr . r. •;, ii • ,5. s’ No ■ ui 7 n i
l. U- a o.m ’ : k i \a> I
< * 1 '' I till- tli to \I A ; I■ t* 1 . i!l 11, t’li
IS' I* Mil,- I 1.4..-* |
>*rniilXi iilrfn, i.
A>. v 1 •■ > I. I- ~i h; tin !•„ i
■ uiu U ;• H. 4 * • t \ i■:!t " • y iii;>l y• I In !
to, to,. \ i ; 1• i < \ ; , • n*t i I adiiiiu,
mi! .* i. !.• :i i.l'-,') 1' i • u>• ;
• ' r I H.\V:.4i!io;i>, !
I■ l ■ •*. ii. i I,J( i i,ii
•-r ~, .l N ..t V •. M ,fdi 11. IHiU . j
- , ■,■l !, ■ i'l< „■ .f \ \l' -*. IMi !l I |
i . < 1l t : Y 1 C M.m ■ * ‘ x/I'.i
‘1 . .! 1 Ki t i'.i.i ,•< * h. Ih*i
w. , I M., a tt Jell !I , ri!'.| .
A . on A U - o 1 . in, ol XI o - -it huSetls,
Meet] !. 'si , H.idimm II M -low, of
and < ! vrrt, I. XI M nid
• s Mlaio Sol A~: J dot U H, iedleld,
. -J , . .11, ~ .. .1 .and: 1 , .1 dpi A
llL. a 1 r;..
\\ . tin W L’ • *; •, '*( I-v♦, 4 ) in'ii r i K
V .* A laK ' I 1 ) , M.l ‘ J' I
. J|>TU I( . 1111. ‘ 1 1 ., *II *l Ili Ji V -4: i*4
\.T . *■■> 1 tl
M, , .J. 1.. U.
■ r
"r ■. ■ t ... . . V, ' ft.. f’O.
'.. — -i ,-e M it- , o:(, *lNiiy Ji r -'y, Jon*
■ < • l i' n "1 till) 1 uti l it'r .1 '<l i I >
( *.? O M.v<i: \ 1 f'♦ , f< t• jf!1 l ii
• ;t b■■ *f*) >; 1 • ‘ i. i,Jo 10 , 7* • r.. u
1 . < !,:*. , c;f , -I
! 1
i v. <i n< f;l John A ( h m*. < 1
1 M i-iln': 1 Mnrrh *\ IHVji ; .!*•.** W
* ’ ■ .1 / 7 ■JH/4 ; 41 h
' • ,|rw< \• f < i < <f \t u h‘ <f.lnh 1,
71 r / . r. ! J h v H, I*7o *l\v iwrf, of In
> ir -
.• * >< y <>* t rrn RtwnfZrr ! llonr,
I **! .< i ■. 5. , An.'** *1
(.1 ,lunj HJ, T'VJ'j ,
(Ji trjf H. W '\ <f o I'tfO}}, !)< or ,/■ r
M I*7l ; EJw r-l* I'inriipont, of New
j*, M iv i"i, I*7-1, A'; .horii'o Tuft, cJ
Oi.jr, M ) 1 *7O ’’
'H ' h.ive twent}-floHi
>4 #, vei -‘.’r’uJ to
h * f nit in u’gr>ut •'▼ery thr
*f of.'ii-, ;uj 1 ; thii aihnh:} Irativoj <!
j.if * f iti>' gf. jii a cor:
♦>? **r*
.r.ftl *t■jjmtv Jojj, W lo f h Wo'lhl be j
| to filly loertahkllv Concern ill t .*•
'nuntrv F r w i.nt reputable merchant
torn oat * cl* rk every three QUHitlJi
i ,r even years on u i retch t
In Hi> at.fl other particular* bide;*end
ei,> ■ 1 *:.<• far. k *>l pc* "iniary i'tegrity which
eharar ten-4* - d the sr*frji*i, -Ira.: < o ol
naii-mi! sf'-ura, the ter/- of lire Amcitcan
Government ba been an ae.dly let do an
and demur a ! and, = tint the pride *.| the
Am*: * ariji /pie ebonf in turaliy revolt at
H *- degra ai.nn an*! in* ■ t upon a total
■a , -ir* a: if*: ft <m • Irma tke party
jn:* h ha? rni.i Seated eo i "It- dignity, ili--
ere- r, a.,d prar.• ica v*.tsdora>b tba dir*c
tii'ii ol p'li/.ic all .Hi.
—_ ->
it tier - . Li-iconi. only *' ruvmg a**o of
tne late i‘ - cn ! hiFrfvu, an*l V, A-
Hire.•*>:), hit tw -i:.> -five y-arr the la* -
• si* r a.-.d bv- :r "ft:'rod of Mr laiiCiiln,
b”* iiUi-'*r :n I iiiois iin tiie ;
‘tuij.p t'T Ti: i* n and 11* B Jri'.lw and re- I
loim. Tne po.. oc' l ouUo-k to llliruds ife
very taroraUe. Tho Owum.* boid tbe
bslsnc <t <>l power in that sUtc, and ibey
.r m.f Hf . .•.-..iJili.liLi idolifl pile
T.e pnitv was t > Irom ti ct bin a!
f Vse ijttth!i, ss has ij >me i. four uiiKvs trout
>!,! >• s )0; (%, ou A sour o! tlit* U .io Kl Ipc
lint j*its ou* fio!u ;ie uortiiifiat bu alary
". j Ii: .0 -M tl' MU ii W
p ace is ii barren tiaot ki)*nvn u. II iitlesnake
;.i L r '- Sutitb Sul throe fritui la,
K:t‘Kie>. iinld IL tuple* an l I!ohu Kndy
,\ Uc stlie O Ktt Wio le;4ilc r .
!e >*t r.w b'Uta.l >*‘\ to >ter % with a
i 'i* <!'vef o l with Hhort, bl'ick wltikdcs<
IV ;l,iHi others are wo v vet
f liU tut- and tout of adventure 'Phev
.*• i o t > biM-l ito lai l iving o slnui.'ur ii
i ' •.e par v.
The pfDl.y tci arl v ve.teriUv, The
leMp* terulie \ t v !ju*s were smnhod Tin tit
• IT never f .trret rrtv first rvvh t ft Bna k
’ *n tl e** * parts,” m:,| S nith ; it was j list
across riiiilcr, a huminul vanls. I
wont am] |a>t alius-1 .t u!* I aiw a
' s-hsit r t nnt Tttocn !wont t \
i. ill, bit oiiM'dpnv 'Ain k T and in a aecmnK
tt.r } \ ' ]
itia'jb '*! in<* bv the ar.o ftmt tield Ins'. H *
lore I coub! I bin!; <f w'iT \v is* .K du : this
lofTi* r* *r ibbod the ' -mUc, u ] shook the
litu iiul-iii 4t- Time laid tn fttu* HtT
tten’v, *b*.iil tw o vtens now, p*it hls mouth
to 'ov bjiie arm, m and die v *verv bit ol the
; n "out of -i They tied -n<* up, pul .in
a leaf or tw--, n- and I ne\.o felt it. afterward
Su.itl, wentuiway. and alter tin h id be< n
' 4h !au hour he c-e id up from the
I* eks. and we went to hbn. It stoo l
‘mm o - arid t-xehtbu and. "Here** an early
b r Tout i!| u ” O r tin* ro<*k, and
pnoied liT'*{ to a f rkr-d s*;ck, wiithed n
nt| * id.i p t o to* \ ni length. J ike
'in i 1 K t h"!d rtu* jo'ivn-f down. 'Pak
VA* "i.r ii > mill vial from his vnat pocket
!•' Milnr and. and a ttl of tf ek " aiding w ith
f! I l !i;U>.* it rni'HM <l. If • i|if***l the
waitdini* on a *ti k, and then put it int*
the m ' d'aiiuuitii Jf n| eii t* and like 111 ay
I**. Tim snaUeN ti *dv dropped Uftt on the
i ock
T!iM , ;i *lo, hiiM Ttikii Tftko tb pron i
of! Mr'** tb.wtl fif<" ft flunih.
lili*ti ' !• L! lb" -Mikca HuiT
Hint lh Mil if Wollbj it “'iron- Mli
?n !• i; uiimii" . T'lh’ rfj'lilfr lift-i hU fully
o|ii T raff V— T'l ( • s* \v n* <mil off
I'li* Umi 111iimti li i ! :.i ai i'iy nUpftod be*
f* i- 1 l.r *i’iv*-l If in flii'Oftt <• m
inr"*'i *l > a bfli/, liih * yr* |* i *ll rU> 1 *'•! * Mild
Jit * i" • 1 - bill fill* |!t|l!l*| Wfiril
Hr triril to hlinL* in** o, mid fhon • ink hi'*
Iih;". Nr . I hi** b*dv ftf'iin aixl iijrui'i,
ft"ili* and iif Tu* iu ikib, *!ii?d uppeuijolly
* f jiht did that fi !f \on know !im\v
mad a • i’tbr when hi* is dipped,*’
lid .lai •. A i*i ** lbmv bi'ii* *hf bnid* 'd
hi- tr • 'i'h i > V\' ! th.oN fl“* wiiy tl#*v 1)
t*i!. T hat piiai-'i; I 1 liJWi id KU i* h‘d
-).,*< -iv licit.nd Hi 4I I'l'i/ loutli h a
.n, di hr* 1 hat I vvil f.h'*sv vti af!*r ti
. . , |* i Ul'i lof *i iU Hb iut half ftm
-hrrr- rrr-ir trm hi tirr'-tft-tfrr p-rrs.-rn*. Whrri n
| T l * HI td, lit! Tj'jMl !"( ?* li!
l/*’ll fib f hi ••i 11 * ft h-d U id pnjMin Mild
f’.i ndi v ! fli** f't > J I II" for’li an* hoi
•i-'• ' • •'
•■ r. ' ; i ' 1 < pot on w*"f
t - ____! I-
j, wV:ii tins tttcUL
I 11• 11 lilnd'l ”
'I r I"! n ’k Ilk v*' ‘ !'• Mil'] llio Sltnill
Vl>' I <l U> t*l<( 101 l rHVft, Wi Kl'ltiHß
~ oiliiii- Kik-Ii mti *h |>rol'l< il with
oit|l |i‘r ku'y ;ti It. with ii p")";’ lit the
i i,it. Kn li iii f< ' l filtibcr
1,, 'I. tiik IIIH'I - O'p o( H'l |>ll I’liv-k. I*l uriluf
to y\ ovi-r t!m wl'iiout oink lux h
Kuril t-ivik ii i'iil irmit dintiillon,
vi.• *. iiii, noil' • -'on'!ny 1' i' Wliny !i<i'i!'l
.| 1 11 :i*il .. kjirii.;', 1 'V') liiil*;4 on r I be' bil',
ii* nui’ti ,
■y nil,V,,ii with in'-, •aid lake, wliinlllnir
for the d**|f. and the hunter* lermtH-ted.
T 1 v vrere I rovided with wlirill whiatle*,
v ,| ji via* HinM.islly mideiit'eM thM they
i -I ooM at uo lime IHi sei.nnted nm'irift the
i,, f-yr ni a iliktsnn beyond I i ni* ir|f , o >bst
| T t pr.ever one nduhl want iiofp lb* - others
eriutd e*mi” to !,i asaiaUOQO without loainx
in’nil time. .
We (jenerally find ’em laying stretched
on the r*H:ks. They’re ns'-ir-tly Isisv, and
they taka to tla son lit* dnclw la water.
Tin y don’t do much but s'* - *i>. On these
ho* roc*, they In * ome lull of poiiOfl Look
•lie-e HI Ilia* 'lor ’ will you?
• Msj" stood on a lt:h<o of fel ow rock
*eu', filly yards fruit where we were. Mis'
liO iy wa* silent as a 'ststue. end hi* tail
warded wit - * the rejriilsrity of a twridulMrn.
We u|i|irieu.he*] silently, and when We
were within five feet of the roc* the dor
left his pout and got behind his master. Jake
pointed ahead, and tleere lay a rattlesnake
seven le- tin length sleep*ny in the sun. ii
ay slreehed out. The hunter walked up
■ inf j v.-p. Kcnd ii**; pole to piaitkis, ami
in a tvinkui.g it deaceudc on the <h; ol
tbe reptile, mukiny it a prisoner. It t*ek
all Ibo strength of llwtt l/fawny man at first
to k*ep the snake fast on tins rock. Halt c
snakes do not curl as oliiet anakc* do.
When pinaed down, liiey sirufdy lash tfie
jrroimd or me rock with ttieir bodies.
-stand back,” ssid Jake: let him lam
thatuntil he geta tired.
'fUc liorny chain on the stake’s Ui! ret
I'ed, liut th* pr*mg was mo small for him
to >lip*hu iiuail or lrody thr*eigh- It pinch
cd just enough to niuddeo him. In tluec.
minute*he soernei lugged out, when Jake
was unab'ed to iosA him and .ay him out.
Tim body was bcauttlul in gold, dark
bio va and black stii.rca ')a the back
■ hero wert* spots. J.lcj took out vha |>oi
s->i sack, whivli look el vary much Uk,3 a
ivalcr bli-ltr on imina i Hash.
Thai Sturt in 1m veins of iweniv ne n
would kill every one ~i m *,,<5 j.a.
S.,ue people w. | ~v this Mlow w t
eleven ye U bid, ... t bug to lus r„utw, I
believe i-. 11ei .ve iht-ee mi .k-a :
eui mold than once a year when ihev are
younji. Wheu they're old it may bo ,ti!
fdieut. l'nia skin ttiu't W9i,|t much, bet
wo’ll lain it aluug any way.
Sitddun'y vra* !i -arj thn alit ill whUila m
ouu Ot Uta llwu nh ..It two pn.i.ife l vat.S
oeuc tljd to, Vs. I'iio ,i..4 jiiiCliS I 1.-.i 1
loreOHW. 1m bis effort to e'et a * y mi a bui*
ry■ .lake a biea-’i. au.l sa 1,, t'ome
on. but to crefill. A tiuiiinr*’ s ~ht wn*
t'.n *>', it a birth of |u rs|Uiaiioo, lio.Jmy
.low'll a vnnkti tbil secure I as
as the oao tve had ju.-t captured. Tire do*-
was cdeit away.
! wurtflils lelUnv alive, said Body, and
lake, tsk'l bold ol this U'llil 1 rust up to
la a sho.t IC id/- rciiirreM- *<-ort n
ioap boi hue 1 iv,tu loath.if. I’hd.itl was 1
lU.IO ail ol hesvy wire. Il set
:it<! ti.rv down, Toi l then hold 01 The
prong. Idle snrik-i was iiicn main to s*\ai
low a wiuldlng ivid, and when it was nn
der its influence it was easily ttuo
Ihe hox, fill 1 the lid la leu'd a Ith slap es,
fin*Jflalti! lue.i-u,ed ui'i* led ia Umpph.
Atmtlior start was luad**, an 1 u almoi
an hour and a hall live 1 snakes
were kill*!, AH ol tiie party wore o-r tuna
al U e app, inti* I ;>i iee ..1 ineo oi.f
teen sii ikes had Ira ni eaptui jd.
Ijisl yotr thesis In. in -n klllul
simki in litre 1 ill rills, and I hey intend 1 >
es eed that lumber litis year.
f niso snakes we ,>ol here, said Holy,
nie the worst kind ol rnUlara. They live
0.1 unco and turds. I'nere Is no snetr llrin;
in my tuind as eharinlnjf a bird My opm
mil is that the snake conies on to the lord
so suddenly ilia' ll gels seated lo death. 1
tionT iKiileye hall the snake stone., 1 hum
nowaday*. Hit tills Imi givens as lad ;
Hast auminer Hijuiie KtUn’s hoy eootniene
e.I to behave slrange. He'd go oil |Uu
wo at* and slay all and iy. 'ti l w ir.-n Uu jot ■ 1 *1 ti Vu vuty llitio to *ay. ■ 1 inn day
that boy Was followed Ho silt down on a
I ig, and ton minutes alter he got ineio a
leg iattl#*i)tku oiawlud up on a slmi
ahoul Hvlive lul l 10. n n hen: the boy sai
I'lie yo mg tellow watched the snake, and
never look Ins eyes oil him. \Vu got tired
w alelimg that sol I ol thing, an I we w allied
up slowly iel lulled Ilia reptile. I'm- hoy
II e l W* lad him l>aek home. He got it
„y;t me- ***. .. o, a. * t ... ...... j.
I'nim > i4"' Ho was not clmnnud , In,
was oolj f.islisll enough lo go t id's ail
RaUltamikc* never hurt anybody unless
they aru first mola*led. They live to Is
ti It ri. - 1 yi*i'il I miyliow, ■ilt.'i m. h I Ii ,yi
seen ty-tity lligll „r ill .1.1 in on - lad
-.j jN. 7, M)n
■low !tl>mi H milil l|i. Iliiyi %'
ISmvW'kjttlj I'liws Kit.nil.- |]< -
ri'iltiiiry. 0
Mr. f lyi'ft In pJedtjeiJ, nlein'l-y uml ipiiiiih
I'lkkipl jp}ft Jjtti*!, i! tJ.v'-U'vi Ibtj ,i Inut, to iti
V'iJij HIUUe *tl'lllltl<nil |iuiviir y<;.i Uiil in
*4*- h. *-rt -4* hi irvrrrt p'-mi'nirnr
ilk- it ulHue. Hi: wmil'l liuvu it |. i
X'l'iii lif Wiwi ctfUtnt'tMil In illn Ilium
Hint l.opiHtiio tun utmost to btmjj tint
ttboulJ *L
(llvti)ipncebolile'r <*( thin roiinti'y a
teiniinp tßtk ie|nciivo <• ior lib .
nn lit v'*HtU" fti't Oil tool to luilki: I.(ij ji:k
liitritilunry i/Voil iiuit mi ••. ii-a
null iIH Air.!)'’ prilHOiit yilopnMl.t lotto
v ili-ni. ft.
Ilin.oJln m i 'it tliut winiii it m,iti iv
min Id Jiiflyor or King tar n U>, tio; il:.-!
Iliinx I tjp!lkn 01, the hint lliinif lit mi
liiiinM'lUi' ii, ii to itiHke tint kiv i imion n
cure tiuita b* ir.
A cftßijefroiM Hr'aloci'dcy holtilii|{ olllni
lor liloii# |et'irttiry *ritocracy, would
not Ikfi (tilt nn the chant;,) from o n
to Ike Wtiitocnu;/ of olijni;
liol]<ft '(*>■
II wdo tot Want a hereditary aristrn
neyw ttiM m tod, Is die iu<*t sum
ilia/**** Cthcludve rrptnner, to the (list
step t< purposed by Untie r
ford H Hr/. This *:,*i bo *io .*: by giv
inga very tgo tnajouly against him. —
[ N. V. -Tun
The n* appioach ol tue pas
sage of the wropriattwii litils is imlicatu 1.
Tho hunt* xle* to annul extent, but u *t
materially, he aaviug it still largo,- and
the pnneiput retreucumeul, the fact tlial
the Ucpubins uould have re luted si
peu'hluree J did uol, issftlie<l ami *1 ami*
to iJeavoct*; lack ol sjgpericuc*;, plain,
blunt, ItmiV iia, in a rough sort of way
by |>er!Us)*bor, gained a victory
The ticiau* of JMicnigan, Ohio, Wis
consin, ios liimou, M.nriesoU and oth
er nor the’ itates are going over ia"lig*
lio'Tirat U*riid*:n. Witter ChamiLr is
■laiubJoooi a* tiw no as, and constenia
lion has <d upon the noble army <*f
offise-hnkis At las t stcoutils, toys tin
Mew Yofkuu , Zuch Charmb.-r was jm.iji
iiig out tha ds of ht* wiabi on the heads
of “the itfli&l UutrJi”—* he call* the swetus lustny lual tlie cam
pslgu W‘i cost twice as much inou'.y
as was tpttcd, owin,* to this rebellion.
<• tut ill, l.itlier nmy| Aon,
l lyske* F ti. ml lias a son
I'.edi li. k tiraol It’ll;: is 1 lit' it ad .t \\ es|
1 illi al the 1 ajs-nstt ol tue |a op!e of |h.
I ailed M ale-, fsiins: he gr > hint e l he 100
tun! an e tsv time, lira! .1 yen ', inv. | 1
j Kur.'pe. ami Ileal puisuing p fit ,s H (mi.
I ker, and p. emire as a gooll. ni.tit .p Wash
j ingloii. |1 ho a.iru lie was soiimyu ily or
.leied H e-'i s nue tmio ago, ostensibly into
active sendee again t I’.- I buns. Rpi
w iu-.u ihctcccnl ucwsol In** inassaeie *i!
0111 Hoops vis 1 eceivcd myi b'l e let i li ols nine was looked toe am mg He
heio'c dea l or loriuuate living, it was na
t ill 1 lined 111 U lor Some Hen pas! he li 1 !
ae in been snicly enseoiu ed in the Kxeeu
tue Mansmli ..t Wastiingion. S une of Ilia
classmates had been ki led, tint young
limit had not lajtiu uaposeu to d.nigoi,
I to the vuiy luelsol this news ftoni the
la M.m 1 .u-.tiy, howevei, y. imo (jrml is
miiiruntod by his lather, the I‘nrsidenl, !
p olu.itinn in thu army,.just as- ii he tmu
aeilalt+etl .-win: minoj t nil luilUiy,
mot o! ol having toipi nothin ; m no.
■Now. lbjn |i|ilstia!o.s UlB ktrong h i oral
'' mil lo I to pel pet o PC po we. ill I hi ! on 11 >
whan ver amn ha-, an i. pg.i.u iui.i 11. Urnm
"■otilxl have liked ) > leoiain Tie. h-nl lor
I' 1 " " tilt* people would have initialed .inch
‘ 'bu'd- Usd they continu. 1 lo u-ulec 1
him, with his keen scent lor power he
ivould have peieeived tuat the prop e hud
giotva indilleienl lo the pitvi-dc iis ami
ti a liiioii' they ln*rl littlint0 •)ii:si rveit, amt
01 ali probability his next step would Imve
iiemlo convert l!,e lepuhl c into 101 cm
pue. I'hf crown lit) would Imvu had d—
ii < id.Jn . heii'dilary—cigmtj +- 4m —--‘--c-y
-on, l-iv lor Irk l>c* f < Ji.iiil.
bin'll Imlkrtl —by the patriotism
itid of tin* poopltt in Uii- din .*n
wiiuii wo iixipubr to him from lb** iiimlih,
HOiisi-d mtcmpi. to Ilk** ii,,* flr-t wtop low.iiij
ili* *v l ilt, I '* hr Hu kf* p> in
liift family all tin* power ho imii # by 'hr
nudr oiv*l pi'oiuntioii of hU rKli'gt son. -
IN. V. sin,.
imlr of W;a*'ilii|f v
Ttlf ll’ odoClft "f mi !i # u li n iyrii
fi*," lo a now melhod ol w.milling, ivl'K’li
t\; h"cn I’xtr'idvoly u lopb'ii m (l irnimiy,
in 1 i lrodiii "and inb) H/Tpum Tlin oponi
lion rouftiaU in di* two pouirU of
A'*P. li* H,i *H threo of wi*tor ai hoi
ua thi* hand :jh hour, and adding lu ihi-n
in inbloMpiloiifn! ol ttupmninr. fliui throo
•i hipiid ammonia j the mixture mintthri,
Or well alinod, and Uio )imm ftloopod in u
1 /•' (md Or th'•*<* lihiim nUay omxVlo o *v
Cl up tlie Vessel coul i'nlnd llii' ij ns nearly
heiiiie'lt-nlly a. |„> ai bin. Ti* i fp.tiles urs
allui iv tn| iv,ydie | nut and tiu wf lit tli t
usual w ay. The snap and wilier may be
iclh ale | ami lined a iee ind time, hnl In
Hull •'. hall a Is aspuniilul ol turpeniiue
and a I.lltliwpeitiifiil u, iiutiii inla must be
i 1 1 *’’ t. till|il'. i: 1 In H.lliJ to Cil IV- il t’roill
onuiuy t,i ! iit.. ._jal..n | ; i) liji i 'l‘iiLi In,#t,i
ilCCly HUircll lit ll’l, mil lIH I'.lnHll I illt tk
uml rotor nrr oioln i. Tim mum mn |
till I.iiiilme, :il Iln,i||> It limn i|- li.ii.i VII imj*lull
u Brut, bave no ln).iriiian wifm-t im it|
""••n Hint "'li' tlu- foliUm i y ipi.talt ,'
Tmmr-imo-iy, the si,.pit ot tliii ~.Utt is Haiti
til i|linippo,m Ciituily ilni i'im tm: Oi , in.; oi
till, til*' iif ~
ol A lilinuiiiii.
No Imintl:'i ;mt -In,|||'l l, vvllium* H hot
I tin ot n|ii iu nt a/ii'ti.iniH ; lor Imii.ln im
| |noim i tii!, Il H Inv/ilimlilh tor
boumlini l |iur|HMn. It u I'tmiy n, iihplul
• H Ml Ip, H*l I II- tjllCitjllll'H'* In lIIKH it in till
I**ll* 11 ol flil 1 *lll II t*T**|l'lO*lllll 111 Hi11,111,-
ina in aij • hil of Warm miHp ho'W, nip a
■ lota iii ii, mol ymir noli I paint, and
■ lio./'r*i| ally tlie Jut will UlHuppimr ;
im HOiuliblnj; will by tmociMHiy. -It wilt
I*<**n <* and hrlgtiUm tvondurlully. To IT
I pml of Iwl stniv, aj I* * luaspitunlui of llm
j spirit*, dip in your fork* mid spo-ms, or
I whalnver you have t* ch; m. pib willi i anil
brush, and then finish with u chamois
sum. Km washing wiuilowr a:i*l mirrors.
it has no npial, It will remove gieu
spot* born every labile, wilb'/nt Injuring
armonl*. l'ul on tho sinmonia clear; Iny
hir.Hi'ig paper over. Slid is < a U..t !•■>
it lor a ui'imerit a.i*u a low or ops in wu
isr will dean .o and whflen hn:* nod run*
tins bountifully. A lew drop* in n bowl <f
water ,If the sniii wiil ic.uovo all;
groaslne**! ami dUagrccublo *iil<*rs. Au*led
to a fool hath, it entirely aba *tln ail in*x
io i* amelia; au*l nolhiug ia l*cLter to re ]
move dandruff fioul tie- Imir J.’ *r e can
hair and noil bru m- h, It i* e*pially
g***,d For heart burn and dys|kipiii>i, the
aromatic spirit* of ammonia i kapecia’ly
prepared ; leu drops >1 wliicli, taken in a
wtue glass of water, will give relief. For
houae plant*, five or si drop* to every pint
of water, mice a week, will mate them
iLruriab. — It is ai - *** good to e. rin***; plniil
jar* ijo l*e r.*irn and keep a bottle of it i*i
ttie house, end have t, gist* stopper, as it
eat* away errs* —jrielecb-d.
l-*toughing in unbroken furrows ! * mile*
long ctd lei *cri in Furg *, C'ali(jrruia. Tire
■esms at iv*. m tim m <rning an J make one
t*ip ociofi* an entire towuaiiip mid back tc
-lor dinner, aud tna same in lee afternoon*
lour Uiilca Umlcl every
, hay.
liu L i M ul Htll'* in <1 h;!i‘ ll' ** 4.
(u in \uu ruwi.
' r*
Bflllh it A pt m natim > i e
f-,. - t-ri.t i.ui, \ ■< /'Wcti! .at
f j ti >ll\\ ii 14 ?H!\v Mlirii*H will s.. : \nt>
1 i "ii muu- t|, ah l will I.KS >h< I 1
um.iuly ol any U *iu.4u!tH*
ixlutvl hi am \ mum jo ti icj.
KLLt* A. tio SUO K ;
- -O't -
no urn .1 v o sou ru
A l'lll illl'*; N ll liu.uicr*, 'MiHO I * t||)r*
•ui flic A l'ui.uiHtmU*Urt **l L*r<jnl |< ut Lj*i
t''lu iiu l .bib m I Hie I'.v.iu i* *:
MSin 1 ill, m 18Ga) tViiiLwU by .* *bx
li iSU-o-.iii.4il.
Win IT MM IN l)lj 000,
niic midm 'Sir rt,KoK
A S*uy t tin* Lisi N-i "ih'OuN
Uy M. A1 >, *if Uu: l'ii .
A IV'iili.iiii Snri* iv Srri if, uu.v riiiioi.i f
Hv 'li -v Mai) K. H > am, who i.i lii Kn|r
c >i WTiuj. *l Utit A,41!.
—t>u -
•>(' ,1 b\u lonj UtrL
My ;i I k ti 111 r Nov oTial.
/*/ ttmwtrtmsm
-UK I 41JC
ronlVdcratf ixoverumeot.
Ily toil II I) Capers, Chief Olerli of Ti via.
t*iy I>cpuitiiimit under .Mr. Memmiu,
tif~ This will lie a deeply inlorostl ig -c
lies of Skelelies, giving the early I rials, dt *
advantages, and many aniusi ig inch].' 1
oi out people in their effoi'ts ij uataliiisu 1 1
mde-j'nnuant < hnefuimmL.
A numher nl uiiuxuallyv Iteilll m
Mill 111 Ht'irieit nppeiu ill each Issuo. witu ~
great vaile.ty ul Hpalkliitg ,>ln :etlw.i :•* '*
Mattel uu all " iiltjcels.
HnlHteni'li>n # l*b't n}V te
Clubs i>' * mid upwards, . $i 50 teg hi
( iiu of no t„ a a.) 'is
I.'xtnt -<Mjy l-'HHH, <t a- yew, fur a club
"( n ill I) dull.u . \ I'll ess.
I IIMBM.S Atlanta,
W r ISHTKKN I ollnf lor miln Ibrllll
JiANH ! Homo viiliiahii, irnci < ot
liHiiihu m 'l inulmr l.jinl in a Uutviim ami
Vn|ili|lyV:l'biV'n;; Wi'iliTO Ml Illn. Oi n*
count ol lull!',nl.a, it'i'mi 1 1 y ion-ill mhi
ami imiiHirration, i|mim liiml** nru uoiv r ip
i l l y iiatox iu vitlnti. I’lmy will Ih: Hold vry
low lot * nil. A C!w and lAlft'Wt TlltW
Qfl In Uiiiintnli i:il. wiU, nyory ‘i-ml aofcf,. 'lt * *l. "I lull wiiiiaii*., limn M Hpmi i
lilt* pranlnrH. I'n'li'-, d,'virin;j lo pnrcll It:
Tniii'i:., (oi uii.uai'Ty 11.5*-. m v-iinn, U,. t! Ko.ito
HRmita and I'radi i j Vtnn, will Had .t to
llml, IrllMi-ll to IlddrPHH
VV M 1,. UUMi'.Kcitl Kami a Ihtiilnr,
J 7 William S. N, V
() NlO lx ILL ALi
whiJHiiH tav,srrfi]r().\
rJiui. .1. .51 / IH7T*
I* is t'.m L'suling I’npur of the Houtlu,
Kihl hot I’maide itia! aud <lulier*ial<iiuU:
?iaiiipMlgiis opening Kvnry (l.ior'iari
iilmuhl take the "T'MOl’LJ'i’A I*AI’H *.
vi veral fkliiU Htunea, by ui e niguunud
autiiOiH, running ull tin: time.
' .-#?* The geller il|> ol A (Jl.Ud OF TLN
1 1 g l .* n ftl
Dally, f per auntim ; I lid . lor U,
ne.ilthk , ('! if'i fir 11 inoiitlu,
bend yo'ir xuliK.-ilotion for till* gre it
f’ -ni i* \ i, am* Kamii.v Ji/Uunalh
Publiahod at tho Capi
W. X lII'.MI’IIILL tV, CO., ,I'jblisltcnr,
Atlanta, Geoiglo,
All Size:* aud ‘Wt.iglitH *-
Avldfllfss JAH. f*U dtfMD. i’ropiictor.
IPilcr to Lliia issue a b,H;chncn ui h
paper. U.
Me*rs. KCIIAUU & PIJ litr
opencj a sph ndid *
in Atlanta where picUms of'nli kind* esn he
obtained. Meriwether people vmti g At
I *u! i urn <yjr*Jialiy mvl'ud to visit ty i