Newspaper Page Text
TiUv- y Ut: A 44441
Wa T. Ukviim, Editor end lVojrrkt or
OBKK.NV JI.LIv Killfi.v j .iy i-. 1-.*.
ti'ihjt ft hj '/ font > if
. DEMb(I AM //'• (<Mi /. * //'/ V
'I liu <lct. j ; #<;* *4< * <; ii ; /-$ -*. #4 v! < > /1 ii
aa-cm'/l .*! x* \V r ‘**Jn'• i% /
tiii| Utai . . dia Al 4' I>4l - '
|i .iiU'-n ti> * *. li'itn tijr \f ,
Jl 4 **'iu;* iU‘ bat ma'li; 4 i/a i. x.t.
A W*# Aii ft t-* It <:u I< , n ; 1 i / i .
j>t i f.*rm •*.'■<*, a , • i'-.'i
N 144 r 4 l.t-u.
N 11. ll if lt *, wlt / !/ 1 <i-K of
tin: u[x rlur r mil o. If tf.ii . 1 .*y
forty year ,*t ft ir <;U >u
* : ——
/.!l>l ;rd*X*t4 ttfiiyl t hi- jfi*t
•ie <or IT iiwt < • l*•,j. lo nylurni'O
IXltllll 111 |*>.f tiuiic I*! it I lift' I/I .1,1 .
'I i . At 'ui ii.'i (10 1 I.m- 1 (*!■ 1 ii.i i*.l}
Hint jMl] Hl'/ftii, Hie liidwifi Ct. M-t, hi m ti
Ol Klmt ICiVi-r 11 ..*i 'Hi t .'t <;.!*• Ihi1 hi
elms lie *¥imJ|vi-4 nt him*, if. ** j ■
ta<ki<l lUld >1 ill
'I 111 A lilt'll I .llA' iUii rt u*t I
Inti* llittt i/iir |ri-g.i" . ; .1 ! . ,! id •.*
YVitiintr, but Hu-, 1 1. ■ - •,!
to vm l*t til n uh; 1.1 .i k at il't in
No, tint Htyi 1, *•■ *!'■'M 1,1 .i' 1 111< 1 ,
il*lpgnUi* win 1 1 ■ in. u J 1 1 v"<" I*-1
♦l' 11, t’ll •f. Tim ii 11.1 t iji in "11 Wo
tln *•,
'l'lllt him I* i| li 11 (.'iiifiii. ,ii i|i'iii l'i
WlWlil Otw WiilrtiM I'nl 11 nr ji iimii
(nr iHiilinr Until llm mi'wii. H" .1 ■. 1.1 fin
17 li|i|iiinl ling 111- 111 < IrU'irn fur 1 hr. fill
*< liugis oil Urn l<i liit ImI.UI In ki l.
It Id Uy II ■ I if..t , m i> ‘r:
in propitiate G i -ml loi liW i!i . 11 *i > ii lll iii•' ll i
Hi not wt'aililii/ lhliii f i ill, I >> ! . ; |i 1 ,
Utitoe *••••■> ml
mnk hii<l piy at ({l'm ml now lo Ii by n-i
man, giving ouu lo Gmul Thixmib win .
will lnli"i willi oil till (kiwi'i Inf
the ulecll'in of Hayes uml Wheeler,
Tim radicals mil laicorning il l 11 v flight
emit in riff'll'l lo llm J>| HI. li-1 11111 ■'< ■ linn.
In 111 lin nn lln v ii v- i'i l"ni in I ■ I !i i if
rn iri llm nppr "'hi r.; ..{'linn ii T> mi im lent
Hint lli"V uli' i' ii o-i !-.!i i‘' 11 ;• "io |■ t'(• f.
ty of hiking ilowii lliulr rnih hiii' and
hunliiiK tip 'I lie*v iii.iii lii'limri u tin
Stale ill Which ll'idlich- rmiili * I'm lit
mocriuy North nn Ii luynnl an I cnthuslii*.
Tin roconl t'liiimiTiceiimnl rxnu'ii • oi
Emory college appear to luivr lirrn iiiiiwu
ally interesting thi-> yr it l'-.r nm pro
feasor* trufo chosen, one nn Instructor in
vocal mudo. This Is a step In Uin light
direction. The alumni nritioi by Rev Jqd,
W containc Inti riwiiMul 11 j*".ii in
frien Is ol the C'litv P> enmr for AMI t t •
its liili.
Tint special cotnmlßee on nftaim
at Washington who hnvo been tan hilly
Investigating His n tin y KobnsnM'a conduct
ircommcml that cllicial's impem hliicnt
Me Inis only tost, or appropriated ft 17i,0; M•,
(Kkl ami sold ol loil sevnnly-oni slops Well
may Mayes | roinise iil"itn "it elected ’’
Hi'f.xkino ot a candid ite Ini State Semi
tor Irooi the district eompose.l of tin conn
ties of Marlou, Muscogee mil ( huttalmo
dice, the present senator being Imm Co
lumbus, the Columbus Times -avs
The principle ol Mutation does not seem
to be to defined as representad. U cannot
lie discovered who ma le the agreement, il
it wa*ycr mado. The people desini the
teat ol merit apt lioil to the candidat s (nun
the whole Distilet, and not tie giving it
ITrat to one county and then ant liter The
ablest matt from ail the counties should be
selected as the nominee.
The Columbus Enquirer complains that
Col?. Harris nn-1 Illouut, democratic cm
grossmen Irom Ooorgii, urn at homo while
Congress is in session. Thu Enquirer weil
knows 1 hat this is the first time Col. Har
ris has been absent from bis post since hi*
election four years ago. The Enquirer has
furthermore been informed through it* ex
changes that Cot. Marti* was culled home
this tithe by the serious illness nt Mrs. Har
ris, ami that no proposed, us soon u* he
could leave lus wile, t* return to Wash
ington. Surely, our cotemporary, whea lie
recalls the above facts, will acknowledge
that his representative his t lead beer
punctual in his attendance upon the ses
sions of the House. Except when absent
at West Point military Academy, whither
he was *ut by the Mouse as a com iiittec
man, Mr. Harris, we think, bis never be
lore missed a roll cull or a vote. In view
ol his former punctuSlity. cant l ie Enquir
er excuse Col. Harris* present attendance
at the bedside of Ids *ick wife ?
Il is hinted as not at all uulike’y that
the Judiciary Committee of the House w ill
find ample evide: ce upon, which ty Imse
articles ol impeachment against that artlul
corruptiouist, George M. Robeson, Secreta
ry ot the Nhw. In that event, the Senate,
it is said, will not adjourn, but procoed at with the'consideration ol the case.
The | !■-■* of I hi: State an* * ire.vjy advji
ii‘H 1..' J4ypi<r in n-vard U> the lAtvtHHi ol
lui ui'H ik '.<> it im;xl L fiislntnos.
'I m: I/!.lf. S A- ■ 'll.:' lull is 'ill
iij.Jiiva i . g H III ti W‘:'wi!l t/> *i:j In li>/, v
atfOwl If. hi a|> 1 -at* 1: Una ■ n-p; (:ii.;ol 11-
I I 1 <: 111 a'. Li:/li;at Ih': OH'. Inf.! IbtlM
’ii i' a ..j i ii'it !wi huti, ►./til ot
t/y a . /■' .11 .< r'.;,i'*u.l/hr. num
Vi i- /• .lit tin ■■ .'il !/j j/ij t..ire . j.
v : -•
■ 1:. ill, . I*Hi lin.l .| .;t liu aii It
If 1 .4 lia |-I':lil; ? 11l- If I I .ft-.. ■;{ 111! l/11l '
a iif.ttii :fi/i,.i' of fiiniss Aun.-.rr
iii.jiiiii /i fj.illt':i Vt't linjt •- C'.t it In tli
*•••* Hi! I'lV'if i*|J!i l 4 j Vide is lid II ITf'in.e
If': Iff ‘i.fijf '4 a l.i'i.-.'i iiljniiitt I iiuyi lUlff).
Jill hit'' t ... la- /■ f.
| 'yjl J/i f" f '.l.*' :.| -'flu' r> ;j|. i* ;# I/... ,
OMi but in ii< f -. 11 1 •: •< tf ;iy * ‘iu ; n,i
.fi in <i,f 1 111.f it .n: h-i.-Ual Ui tint {.whiJf
mlrn tt / 'i 1 m i.n.if i A'-i-'U. ll 1* a
>1 v an lif ’■■jittk, liiiifijjfli !. i-ji uur ( 'jhiic
ii.- .'v- in httf.i;) fa. ‘f- ifiiiii. iijif tat
. rt . *iUi .7 yfti "in-/jfiiti.-r* l.ifCfgii
, !’f '.f i|. ' .1 '1 11 JJij-.ln f.<: itj *A 'i'C
1 "ifii.*n ) it. - JiJLi ■ ' .1. . 1 lit I. 11 111 ill y * I >l..
' 1. . .. . Itt 1 ■ . j 1(4
jTttiint* liiii . I: I fij.; linn r .11, tin; < a, f..
tj-H ifi-ii. -* - K'fi tyflsrr iprrwi "I
| giiii mi i'ii uri:i'ir'Jtiii i-.iin n. 1
■ lima 1 iii if 1 i'i- ;k. , a a l .fijvfi
,i)i ...! . '■: J/, 1 - '.V< I/,-.-/ rl/'L <i ,ij a
in 1 i*c. tenth . ..
1,, '. . /! I' 111- I / (•>:/ tin: SCI ' 1
nil j 'ltie I ~11.,i JI I'lff*
i* iv-ii)Bttk,.N'.w i (.ui nt liu i) .. t
lllltt hm i. Inal., fi If A fi.tlllg ini .• i . taf'' •
limit "■ l li ill i -t.. itti f.rf ifir f • A>.
trt irt ii' -i.f.-1 tu .sii'iW iii ... :.i- i ! m'.i
it If l''fi. I". . t.i I Mili■ i .it; In . .; ■' i .
A< it fflit I If * 1:1 r ’Vi 1 !.. .
iii'i inf: i.r a fil'd. f*t- ini iff is . ... ■. if .
"TT.rTf .1 iij 11* .... i, fif; ..! 'i . .ii :
o'■ 111 i Mr i; w o ■ ■
I’i tie. iv K'.lm [UI ' '! ;i -on
Ij <' SO lip-a ;il -1 Vale 111, ill 1 . H I " 'i. -1 I'l
j I'll! eel lull il; 0, it an- Mi ; i at o I*-
Iwot lo .the !,cg.l*t,|li* Weoli.i . ~, ’■ i
a a i'i l-i r \ ol Ii WehJ lint v ’. r to.’
islstio e, it f, (mi mail i : hi- ■ f t h u
■Now, We liiii.U t<> lua'ler h v, lo ' l , y u
man h'ls Is *ii 1| iimli'.l by i,tm I'*';*,
though In may have biior l‘nn mi a. ■ ; uy
Men*hif lull * ti, v* ‘ ! t..
lii'dm a 1 Ih.i i.. 1..i-.,i.... t . . ,-■ , t , r " " 17;.
It- ill g>l I'l 1 1.141 ioUMI. 11l a t til' W) 'll; '.
•Vi IK services lo the |M)Op'.o *t|. i t.. y 11 !
litem ml i*.ii| |.r We ... i *o •
li.i'll 111 nor If at 1 .cgUUlO'", 41dll at > I'-
ll*! belli I ill (tie Plate, .10.1 h >]'• th.i
IhrilU.’lnmi the Mla.e uiftto. uaii 1 t'rl
ty will bo put for Ward Uy la*- I.* ti <. -• i*
|> irty, as w noed ni-.o leg i a thin to ;m*
die Mtiiiii i tie more on ■* *onmf thiim >al j
Oasis no i sis tile ici* I loi III" peeoiii if * "
llm 1/otd-oa "I ‘ln ohm |r,i uol u- -
.men dimply for i ev* ' .•or po ia• i•/ in
ui-ikiriy nornl oitioiM, but a hri up ii ot
ul id nod eaperhiiiea, who "Id know
lloW h. iv tin VI ip ms lv < i id not iu men
!y loll" A.os o! s ..mpm '* tm
MilUeigeyille I nino and li rir I VV . >
stand* in tlf way f W.ooe do . ouveno
lljlf* jjl'l kl’led : V. 1 " —T-T:
ale 1 I ,*l Itie [le oplp ft lit igii .moi’.d
■Orly see to lh"U n#'V Senator * Tielity
two are I > lie m'until de l la ' dv. a id A
gll ILai |i• 1 1 i ,i ' >
ip::- do it arous;. and V •■■■'. TTnur new
spillar, 13 O'. ov r ti:di:''n, llaoia sow wdt ht-
■i iouii.'riTrnrrTmr"a' . i'.* •uii.’m We
may cPt? t 1) O' -t II >•' e of K■'nfe-ei■
live* In the w uhl, Opt ii is alm v ill! if
die Atlnn ll r ug,.or nov other nag, cm
buy up secretly three- ,• |,mr ti’dlor Se >
loin. That is eiHMgli to-spoil my toil (or
convention. I’m 'viiole H bat* -a tut.
ourjtweihy three is a m• j- ot *•
aud in il conniPMi ruu of wo. k about iiim
itaai is u majority present. Timae twenty
Ihi ee, t>r lea* a I. ire ii.jui v ■ue mi*
lers ol Ueorgia . u.‘t‘do p i.** bid*, bit to
prevent pnsaaae, .V ,1 dm people ei i nei
er get oilotUu ir present ('o iai '.ulioti it
diriw or lour Senators mi Ire bough', up by
.VtUuta, or soy other |fo'r, seoretiy, to
vote giiu*l cuiven ion. The iwsi!.',.. hive
ii is ilely, no ptyMv." in, lor a* (he Senuto
iin' districts ot throe counties oua c and
choose Beiibir* from en ii of three eou and t
in tutu, tin* Senator elcctiel this yisyr, lts'fl.
will not be respomihle at lire Ini',lot li-x
until -the end of twelve years. Tins i* n
res|)oiisiliiiity ii nil. No Sen it r eleete i
this year will ever boa c.iudidale
years hence. In twelve years they will fie
all done, gmie, rutnel or retired tor young
er mini. Then ra,th die torn, no reap l mat*
billty to peopl" by a corrupt, bbac l,
traitor Senator, and the who e (>eople ft
Georgia, now anil forover, are at the mer
cy of three or four Senators—Just enough
to turn the scale, and kill a coaveuiiou bill.
The ouly salety of the |>e >p!e is in the elec
tion this year. 1376, of pledged Senatms,
and in held mg them to petloim tteir
pleiige, or take a popular penalty if they
betray the people. Wuen the tamous
Yazoo traud act of January 7, 1795, was
passed, the people ol Warren county, it is
related, hung their itepresenlalive the day
he got home trom the Legislature. The
l.*ople of Oglethorpe county assembled at
Lexington for the same ptr-pnae, and o’d
Mi. Levi Jeuninga, of Grose I* rad, one of
those noble old Virginia patri us and gen
tlemen, who settled the Broad river valley
of that county, carried a r ipe in It s pocket
twenty mi'es to hang the RipresenUtlve as
1 soon as he reached the court house. But
the people were diaappoiated ; the member
of the Legislature dil not came home, and
has never got back horn j, yet in eighty
one yeyrs. Let the people ot Georgia see
to tiicir new nominees tor tuc Senate, and
m ike these twenty-two men walk straight
or pay the penalty. Wo have no other
Sifcguard. i
Tfn: Ohio hi rwant *r Tildi u
am Hi
N*: American j
A priviiie ItlU;! Wta a jajir.i/.lt an!
ir.9>iciui (imtt pi> Os. -
The n jrii (jU*Mi of Gtv lien lor liit
1‘ e.itidfiity a received :e and : 1
N- .r*.;ii:ti. Uliio wiiii gre/U (bOfU-m by
l'i* <iefDi'i-.a.'u.s4Mi ijitff dt Id V UT-,
and a jf! a' -rjdunt in f 'Jit'!•*{'’ 0 lu
'iriniu i-i U*er *d ♦* *-•"*
l-'trl K ii irx i ton*H conn! ai- • t -. a
i irjt. ru t gnaid ttmm/ tut •im-.n Am i
iin i . i/e it of till* i/f any itf par' ' '
hU!*.. Iu !.v !, hi: : t t ii. c li
. oie • a .ii !cr. Here :- i ■ i’. :
•1 i lj*tffi ; i! by ,'i -
iifol (jerii.a . A n-i. . •h- * ... •
i,-1 .a*l ■i r (or 11 tv*-' |.fi in ' r <
!. !I n I :i Ki ■> /. < 4 1
a . 'in! li'***,:.j< To if . ,:1< l 3 '
itl iyiliai O 'n* \nif i* - -• !■
, ILrer 'iui! 1 n! a i.'i'u v* *1 I-if H)e*
ill Ute la* A atn vie* 'f and; si .| / Mr**
•*f 'hi: <., A .ii tiieiu y i'l 3 :
lilt ,*f o V J -.l;',tf ’ll ; . . i, • ’< ■
y* iUi ! ii iff,' o I Bit ;ljr tt."
J.* ul . i . ■!
! bf , Vlf’i-lj iij f t „ ii !
1* c IflH'iiT j--i'-*i;. • i.fl Til . §■■ :; r ,
!-ii t ilafi* :n tie i*. i. r . 6 •'*
! iifij iii; y.ln t<il*, dut. ii l 'I ltf it li
, i ill ' < in difleieii' **n
.)/ ((•/•) iy.fJ 'iii.. lUi -iiks in
. iro, i • y .
... ■ ■ .. il. . f if I .. ’.. S. i. ■ 1 .. .
. il in efa I. if t i k,.r".f
f<> St li (< llt i- I uirmif <(tnt
' H—r. Z-y 15 K til *; y-*T-
Ki i y tfi. > . .* tk*t nf.Vt aii >! in t
1' I .1- 'll: ii :.:.t ll,r Hutu il ,j .. 1|
fill Jim:/ U *■ I I title ... r 1 f .
-;> ■ _ fi r niiOiil 111 lif *j,i . ,
■ * >’.* lav fi( i* iti ii* ■■>.; i.j
IHi Ilk mg I itl 4, *"f In 4e . “ .*,/ ...
.... in .iv 11. f. l| llir .aVt i., *
■.* ' -• wsf g-.l Ifd.v.rf T : '-‘
• n. >IIT' </ i Wi fi .i| l*fi-t in y. -1
*•• >l* . mil -t: .:
. lie/', ii iiff .fii|it itti n vtvi4 nut.
Jit! 1.1 !<■! 'hf vrf ji'.'idll<iif''.i I h If.*
•n *i t jfftidffM i>. t;r •, i.v >, •ii m i
.. f. .I *’ i: .ii li> IrtVmd an! <in . ’ > ■ i *’
' • •• ! t. fr/slll* tilt Lr.
”>l| I h f t (ml l:y ttliifU ttf.l I r d't 1 1 Iff I 1
••* ‘ ' ll ■ ' . i. 1 ■ pi>l< i '
j ir Uf\ ■ ,
J to i pr.f(?HG!y ft* t I \l \ 'oiiipm
in y of if'ffH**, wbO r.H
itllfMOtr MM f*t i* Nu ‘ *3 ,
; ’ H s -!••,* y*•
<k% tie- fjnntttU'** Witt lto*l I6‘
Jt'hviuv < mru of lifci M l * Jiitv*
/ •♦! in n (pj)iri J IV vU*r K•
Hiw 4 ’-t < Mi i, ri v. lhf
*i• ir*}* i sji e .* f hy two !{*{. iU.ii tli
m-uilK’ft To \ to * ’< inv 4; .
Uttof*. Wnothriiic ot * C insn/U'd'!,
iufuipjTo tuigU Jntrnvmrw.
TU* 1 **■' o I *J • < •* I* lift'd i, * ’ -
i *n Ut> *’■•> *f i t
i A-1 tr-gV --Tt ~TT fTr Il ~ h
M** n rv o‘vi* ! ; m • v# v ro*tu i UadOff i
’• int oi l in -!• kmU jt tvr |f.n k-
L'ii—JLiii. l '■ ’ f • —\,.t! i nr.
; iTfi I— fyi *h^
I Out! pr -Hit 1 • j* \ iU>i* “ I r It
| -w.• t m-\i in t> t*AUk art* iivw too 4t* p
| ‘n the * \ r t!i to In* tnifiei! wiiU profit gainst
; !<’ n!nn*la- l *? ! U • protturtft of fh* Houth
i fi\ ir, Rip;
I I < >lll* 1 St *| 1< < >1 r-i !,!
The FV.i Term >f the ‘‘Gunk*vii.i.r
'I \* mc U'trn;ia" will begin the 17to
•t Ii y. Scbiilws and teachers wi'l derive
much twuiil lr.uu ’Jio liunter BKnrwrna
Kahi.v .Vs high blanches are taugltt as
m any high -di. -il and in *.• colt ge.
< ir Irienil* wi',i In ir in mind there is more
in V'it wtu> "G- nf. OFT,” soium Macs, than
rae tule inlage to be tltnetd. Our pair ns
will liave lull bencat ol U*e ‘ I’t uuc
Ft Ml.”
Tuition very 'reasonable. Highr-t
Bh iMiiißS s.!ti per year, ttss I>illak.
contingent tee Tuhion in the lower cias
ea eheaixT in |iropo<ti m.
Itmnember this place of educatioa a’
nr d.M>r4 and tti Yock C lU.tTT. Let us.
build up a gixvi school, better than before
at home. July 14
Ye Musiok cf ’76 !
The Publishers of
Church’s Musical Visitor
Have just issued an extra
Centennial Premium Volume.
Containing a large sc-iection of the sim
ple and spirited “Music of ye iMiea Time,
elegantly bound in cloth, uniform withtho
“Song,” “Piano” and “Classic” premium
volumes. The “Cenleauial Pieuiiutn'
coutaias all of the aid and good tunes ot
>ur patriotic forefathers, and wdl be given'
away to every new subscriber to the Visi
tor.;!! the regular prioe ot subscription,
Further particulars and camp-c copy
seat OB receipt of stamp. Agents Wanted.
Address. JOHN CHURCH & and).,
! . Cinp.inn.4ts
Legal ApvERTHES4£N r rs
Sheriff Sales.
GEOHGIA Mc/iAeUiei County
UriM is*' <-n f.lie Sr*t Tuesday :l
Anirm iTpit, wrurro Tty? tik*ur
i>l hale, IL# I ourL vi
-a.i :.i>ur-'■ v t 'oe r.'lna if** vie>c-. ; jrop
ft) v* t Tiire U**uaiud jxrtifi-U a* .
•-r ;*■ •of r**il*/tJ ia ’lift i, i -i i -vv .
U 4 e tf -.1 -4k‘i h’ UMiO - >. , Uho.- u
-'j ’!.•/ fie *•; t •- a ft U * 4 - ii: f .v
b i'fir i *ji t: Ti, Uh* *Of .’fv, fi Ute H*UC
: - ..le; | i
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•‘i t. • • 4 • " t • -*'■ • ■ -a *-z : . Ky f*
■ fly m! it' T*s K i/t-a* f *. 4 v
ui y ii . -
[{ ..• 5 K .*!. Sr.. t. ■. i.-.t i ‘*a
' ..It: ll . < ; . r •■' f : coui. Tt. "■ ■ . ; o
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f U r - i- • : * : s
O l-J U .fc - * •■* +
i'• j. .-ij 4a 'f.-'i' .iy. At i— i-ar- .. a M
c- -ar*
I'jQ'+V. Ui ilit fc art: •
a • . '.LI- ->r •?♦ li ' > in tk', liil- # ti
; ' V’ - V -aki a. ;?. , >
J..i- ; >’ i'i tA* Ll * ?? i
Ordinary * Orti /*;
- ' —*• T-rt 1 t i ——?rr* r “~
4-rf ~W^T-TT—m
*n‘; *i?T-jrr*rjr 7' i ;t * ~ ' r r, ttt> : ' I
cl -- .Xfi'-j-a .t„ . a ‘ OLM f .I*- ft -4-c ■
ft *J' !■ . •'kOjl ' T' r ; i- '-I
Ihr r • ' A , i \ ( r kt
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• I * j v la 'a •; '■ > M (
Mr* .rrr y .,
V ■ls J ii. a. sifr t. 1 • *Sf
: %U dl .:• ii :b- i -■* -■ a?- cl"
‘•o v- c:! ft* ' . 1 I mfUeft -—1
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I . ■- :':rk; ii- f 1... r K\-.t
a . Irht - l* • C.I. • if |k| l-* ;
ifj v*/ Ijk f : f# i'i. ii f; - -*i) !•-* 'ia-jr
•..rriia 'iU. -k- tl Mr Lt [j,,
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J V. I \'s < , • -1
I I <l Off! I .•* Mil *
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tx * Sr; v- ’(.•• ■ r lUt' *> v• * *ii ,
U’*. f .’ft. * i I vUj ft- t -
;,/■* li4f ii.i * i‘ A. ‘
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4. I
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SV !S V • ,/dHil,
• I I ffti J.
The Creorgia Daily
!' PrillXlMKO KVHd f. if .IN i
(I ’ ( t fsi.
Ui Hit < .** jfi viauM r 1 f *i.i ui m
• ur 1
AT LA* 7 V. OK ilVil \
Ami it ••. i"i oy v_.L. Li-u W.
fti ♦ *
r M r'i to. I St n : ■
<u>%• ks% ?*, ‘ 1 * * ■
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Tlit' • m ; f - % >%;iv 6 , i - - 1* ;N - %
to iil to; O' ♦ v to 9u h{ tioje i -,>
: *rt t: trtf-crtgriLS u. *—■
S3 ft by t
s n< cjfi.’.i i ;• 6.
t Mte niOiitb, 75 ceet* , 1 *' * ifi- r ' I '..
15 , Four mouth*, id <K), Ore- }r. |*. m
PRINTING, BtNItiNG nr ; Rt '-o
■ I every kud done .-* U.c t/e*t- * r
, <*
at i writ pi ices.
C< hMMi 'A'A v i LTii P( HI -
COMPANY, Allan' . G-. .rg
AwarJeil ii.t Highest M*.* at \ ienna
*>9l />’ W’o'j, Anr l’rrk.
• >,■[ Mtri'p iiitan il oe- )
MaaufactTn*< , vß, Importers
and Dealers in
S toi> *< >sf;oi)ps
alh ums, GUAPUoscor&x riForo
\nd kiutlxed Aclre^
e*. etc.
We are Headquarters lor everything in
the * o(
Being Maontaeturers of the
PKOi’Lii. 8 LAM I
Each slil being the bcjt of its class in
the market.
Catalogues of Lanterns and Slides, with
directions tor using, sent on .application.
Any enterprising man cao maae money
with a Magic Lantern.
jy Visitors to the ten Uncial Exposi
tion lil do wisely to deter purcha--iog
goods to our line until they come to our
store la New York, where they will find
greater variety and more moderate piicea,
and can select more at] their leisure. But
we have a concession to sell some styles oi
our good iin the building of the Depart
meat of Public Couiiort, and ta*>e not
coming to New York are i jyite-i to call on
our representation there.
£2T A lull stock ot Views of the Ejtposi
ion Buildings and their contents.
tST Cut cut this adTiitiietneut fjr ret
Steinwa) I’iauo' Still Triiißiphanl
■S . . . •- * Of I’HEiK PIdTLARirV 1 3' ' ■
, s. p*n 4**3
; :.Sfil}
-j , _ . Inleruai Uevocut til lialurus.
J A E l. E.
vv i * ; , .;\i i•s?k♦ v> fi ?, ?u < ; ;K! *k% n.M. * tt n.*.- * r , >, n .
- •= ** - ? •■*4, ■ * ’t;t • . * tii *t:i;f *l A g <TI i*y
# -V ■ . t. , i • * o, | i
f •.*.•••<* I** 4*: ', *-*■ ■■*-**■ itt
A Laa . fck ■ *- I# ~* *f
f to : u *•* - T ■ ,r- ♦* .
* M*’H*: ?* il rH*i
♦ * m f * •* a % i
*; r \ *' ‘ r - *’ • *+*‘ r at-* ♦ y -y, to ■ .j .voov,. ..Hul—
*" t>- -c E TE
i n < • ? ■ k> ■. t ii_ t\. a ■ 1 -,v v-f‘ to *o h
- ? v '• t, ii * ,■> r, S 'lift >.: I- *;£*“’•
V and r .-0 IHI - *, * *
'—X ~v. M-.iiiaisawia *tadaj; sThti ri i 1 . - i' .'.-.h Thirr~
i —: lijj. Tulmku—i —■ : * 'h —
i'—- * ii r, ii • nrr ;; ; •
Ida ii Br -* i.ii,i' R-si'iis.
A ■' ■ ’ • ..... <: can supply ' ■ ,!n e ' at ,l
Oh.: '■
Re "C '• ' y <> .At„F ■r* -i. X. am! 8 Carotin*, wr and K*< T•*?<* •
I I : i*. RRA i *i CLLF.K, Wholesale hrmthern Agee's,
bu Wi.'H -all St. a i;i> -a
in i.• r Ijr W m t R\ II I, *ll i Ageni Gh mi *
r> wo?i
dPKRM.y -
. PtnimAqpH/nfefwj
i .Addret,, POOLE & HUNT.
l6ok arid you
La Stare nnd arriving daily.
So • 000 W ort 11
of GOODS of JU Kinds Dd Be-t Qnail'.y
—1 mght in
And other ci’i& *:r>ce the decline in Gf.>ds.
Hats trom
50° TO 54.00,
Cod e *O6 from 5 *.o cents, KcaeUe<l and
11. own llooiesptias from 0 to 1> cent*
C*fifed lEUfc uad (rtMfed M ■•s Jji t, 10 W* 20
that you will certainly purchase when you
see them. Also a fiat- Ut of Confettion
Onwges, Lrunoua, Jel wrs, Candies
Pome in and see me and Hriug Oi* Ctui.
f ii c a
-*rtuasri —Arr.rr ,rg a in! /I !1 I* TV .->:t i
ft** . 1 u?soi ; T siti'O. an . iittit- >r* n
a |< i -* J l*.i , > t.i;:.,‘:i|-y in n ,
I•• llm u.l a Kdleeu i .merits, a; 1
a i-." Ti 1 , {■; is ' n i)■ lit' l s‘!S. ijrtil Md
r .a, Si tt,-, * Mi u y rh. Jlny -l ..
T-*‘A fi v a'.-vt *'id v trvttm uni
* * .. in Ki .. -:s .* i ■ am ih.ii. ■
ids-’ ttrcT. )
L'i tt a Mr Si* • *%nv >jicij ti l
rri r:"r.* n* ft bri r lmfit h- v*i.l.4a <j
. : fn .a re* ut i.r V\ j*M -
I* ; fj. whr r i-.*' I athiiav li t l’. *J* r
I' \ £I 1 * it* • A / W if It Id," t 4l ( * ! 4
r'hi'i: *♦!;•:.‘atm?? iiAirsrt . tr*m\
tliih l I* J*a' .• l tIHUI! I•• Si,? .I’
M /Aril, .tilt!, li.* tfi]
Sv;--T L’7, iSI.!s Lx | * .
i a. Mr .v. v\ay A. ns
A -ai U*‘'n ugi- v y* i Mafia*,.
ttfell: rti plXvalCilYl IF| pntitTC, ! ran v
.y'U i, ‘i' sarty t !><<• sf/irtwuy i‘..i *
Mi eu{-< ! i--r l a .Uuti .oi u ’ Ki!iir. rt /
f U Uiiu ..Is/k *** a li> lie (*Si *% \ n ,
m > ft id,;4 ,
*{> £tr y < xft< * <.f ftinf* ijj v r
i'M’ t t tf, ) i.Lii ’fX -AiOlt In UM. Ui* )’:
*-■ • *-l a aittXefs t
> aU<i t>m i liavt ; e vt-f ft* a*
H- Vk ia. li * ‘rtiipMrs H ;U* )mi
I l- - ~A \ , Alar* it- 1 , }
4 * U<‘ *“■ .> ' 4 ; ■ '
'• ■ * k r/L * f I Wt■ ■
V ‘ -wyt alf’t'.y i .s.,!>i v *xt >
ft 1 ■ i !*s* ;*< il (Ik loofllpnitt
A o*’ U-t*Kt\ ii )>• t t*/.v '
‘ ‘ Hifx •> t'al k A*’.-
Vmi / f
1 > r;; fiv i h’ * %rt t r nn Ailt n I
I 1 nsi W .Ut iia.iv in.a 1..
4- • Ariiift .* * / , lit. i
k*Hiji* ; k .iU/iiii iT-i.*ii'ii fc-. * jx/efrj "i
rr • * !•'.< u- i :; ►!/ . , r\* i >
1 - f (Vi?~.*J /' 1 , i. I I Ml|ll{, tl ■ : .
•} * '.' * ‘ il v ' hf' t . I' |,*>
1 m; U N‘ v > ' ft, } j, UTv } •
MO R E N K tV GOtT) H !
wv.fta v*. i'i* p ahr " y.Yr >*; i t.-r i
\\ ” E 'if hd df*i* r ait! know that It
\, O'lfMls ate ii er u>w lhn wittt
( <,"U'>o was five rent* We are veiling at
awt vtick'ng "Viwer tbm a brother’^do
j i-ai.i and but r bade. Next waek and at
| ter we want to
Barter For Wheat-
I We want it bv the bag, by the car and by
'tie waron l*ad. Let tbe neiglibur* coum.
j Let ati of Mi'tiwHhtr c**cre L"t a . tbak
jre afar off cmne. and be ir *g wheit au i own
i tad anyUiing good to man or beaut to
'■a' art 1 tmnei t >r cheap g“> Is.
tt - keep the tugger and ttie V-; aasort
'?d st/jck ol g i*d* .a Trrti f> county.
1 -ides %u these things, we are m *nu
j t*et O-raburgs, Cotton Yarn*, both wbde
a' ii - nredj anil tie ve“y le-*l Pa.
m ru <*-. k hecks sad made in G- "r
--g.ij h-r men and u>ys and iatx*t:ug
Th:* i a truth that i>or ciwinmert already
ka.-w, a uuth that ail!
j whea
‘ world is (in—
f IRE. ”
We tbiikk it oo egotism to *ay *ve dell
tqmartUf wiilaall Betfikiu J. Give tuvueat
weight and taea-ure, and try to kep a
cier eon v. mute. Or tiers .■uvtr&lly filed.
Will Ufce reran mis of goto cotton at ail
'itaes. No dor-tail wanted at any price.
June 16 -U.